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Passage 3-1


Question 01 ~ 02 of 30 HIDE TIME 00:54:00

01 According to paragraph 1, which of the Plant Evolution

following is NOT true of the green algae?
A They boasted sophisticated multicolor 1 The genetic exploration executed to study
body designs.
when land plants and fungi first appeared
B They had structures containing cellulose on the Earth has manifested a conceivable &
© They were similar in
biological cause for major climate events such
makeup to primary
plants. as the Cambrian Explosion, which is the period
D They could store necessary nutrients in when a majority of categories of animals
their bodies. living today arose. The appearance of many
major species of animals during the Cambrian
02 The word flourish in the passage iS closest in
period is called the Cambrian Explosion. This
meaning to
is when scientists believe simple life forms
A compose
began to evolve as the ancestors of all life
forms. Meanwhile the progression of physical
D prosper modifications specifies the evolutionary
journey of plants, starting with the sunlight-
powered single-celled organisms that are
close in makeup to modern-day algae. The
ancestors of today's plants are speculated
to have lacked many of the indispensable
functions and qualities that characterize
plants today. The green algae we know today
appears to have the closest DNA makeup to
the earliest plants of the world, making them
their closest relatives. There are many different
pieces of evidence that support this theory,
such as similar color schemes (due to similar

kinds of chlorophyll used). This is unlike the

red and brown algae of today. Furthermore,
green algae are similar to terrestrial plants in
terms of containing cellulose-based cell walls,

along with similar nutrient storing systems.

However, brown and red algae are very
different from land plants.

2 The green algae have adapted and

branched out into other environments,
such as land, due to decreasing supplies of

freshwater. In order for early freshwater green

organisms to survive in a new environment,
they must have developed survival strategies
that allowed them to flourish in a great

variance of temperature and aridity. At first,

the specialized structures to absorb water and
nutrients were of little use for the earliest land
plants that evolved from green algae. Many

HIDE TIME 00:49:30
Question 03~ 05 of 30

03 According to paragraph 2, the green algae of the earliest land plants did not possess
moved to other places because true root systems, but rather possessed
a rhizome, and
A they developed various
mechanisms in modified stem, referred to as
their structures rhizoids, which
root-like structures known as
B they the soil.
were limited from absorbing water functioned to secure the plants onto
and nutrients plants to
The evolution from primitive land
© they were deprived
of water supply by angiosperms
D they had trouble modern flora was dominated
with fertility
and gymnosperms. It can be seen in many
Paragraph is
marked with an arrow [>].
ways as progression towards more
sophisticated structures to survive, such
as a
04 The word advent in the passage is closest in
meaning to a vasculature
more refined root system and
A adaptation thatmore efficiently transports necessities,
B arrival
such as water and nutrients, from the soil to
© establishment
the canopy. Using these features, they may
D prosperity in marine
have been able to survive not only
05 According to paragraph 3, which of the environments but also in terrestrial areas.
following does NOT describe the state of land
masses at the time of plant migration to land? 3 Land was, at first, not able to sustain
A There were large amounts of sunlight most life, but it now serves as the ultimate
available for photosynthesis.
territory for plants, with vast amounts of light
B There was an adequate amount of carbon and carbon dioxide, and no predators to eat
them. The terrestrial areas of today's Earth are
© There were
predators to encourage
natural selection.
radically different from those of earlier Earth,
D The land was void of any form of life. as the land was largely empty before the
advent of plants. Very dense concentrations
Paragraph 3 is marked with an arrow [>].
of the essential ingredients needed in
photosynthesis, such as carbon dioxide and
sunlight, allowed plants to flourish on land
after natural selection had created the proper
adaptions necessary for survival.
4 > Features that
are seen in almost all plants
today, such as roots, wax materials that cover
the plant restricting the evaporation of water,
and pores that
open and close based on the
level of
surrounding moisture,thereby saving
water, are results of
evolutionary adaptation
to land. Many obstacles had to be overcome
by plants when they moved onto land, such as
lack of aquatic buoyancy,the shortage of

essential vitamins surrounding the plant, and

thetendency of airto dry the outer surfaces
of the
plant. In order to survive in such an
environment, structures that store water and
support the elevation of the body, along with
mechanisms that ferry water to all areas of

38 171 TOEFL Actual Test Reading


Question 06 - 08 of 30 HIDE TIME 00:45:00

06 In paragraph 4, which of the following is NOT the plant, were favored during the evolution
mentioned as a restriction or obstacle that process. Some plants devised adaptations
ancient plants had to overcome?
that are not seen among all plants. One such
A The inclination to lose moisture
example is conducting vessels that move
B The ineptitude in restricting solar water and minerals up and down the plant &
to create a balance of nutrients gained from
© The inability of plants to float on water
D The inadequacy of indispensable water absorption and photosynthesis. Lignin,
nutrients around the plant body a plant body hardening substance that allows

Paragraph 4 is marked with an arrow [>]. greater sunlight exposure by erecting the
plant's body, is another example of non-
07 In paragraph 4, why does the author mention
ubiquitous adaptation among plants.
A To explain the mechanisms of water flow 5 biological changes such as these
B To explain absorption of sunlight and allowed plants to survive within terrestrial
photosynthesis environments, reproduction methods also
© To demonstrate one of the adaptations of
had to be revised in order to keep the species
thriving. Land plants could no longer depend
D To exemplify one of the minerals needed
by plants
on wave and wind to transport their sperm
to eggs as they could underwater, so land
08 In paragraph 5, which of the following can be plants had to find alternative methods. If the
inferred about the new reproduction methods
pollinating propagules (a plant part, such as
of land plants?
a bud, that becomes detached from the rest
A Procreative methods were newly evolved
of the plant and grows into a new plant) are
by plants to be used in both terrestrial
relatively ephemeral, the colonizing plants
and aquatic environments.
must produce them in vast amounts unless
B There was not a multitude of unique
reproductive methods after moving onto
the plants have an adequate method of
land. distribution to sufficient habitats. Some plants
C Seed dependent on wind dispersal have adopted alternate methods in dispersing
became the most prolific
among the the propagules, such as producing larger but
different types of breeding methods. fewer seeds that are distributed to habitable
D Plants that produce weightier seeds could locations by animals like birds or small
not fertilize easily without the assistance
mammals. The animals have compensated
of animals.
for the inability of wind to transport the
Paragraph 5 is marked with an arrow [>].
relatively heavier propagules and have helped
fertilization. Some plants also produce long
lasting, durable seeds. In forest environments,
a number of plants seem to have adopted the
latter method, disseminating a large number
of viable seeds on the forest floors. _The
method that led to the better survival rate
of plant species is the style of spreading out
already fertilized eggs that were strong enough
to survive on their own. Thus, egg dispersal
and safeguarded embryos were achieved,
leading to the introduction of seeds and pollen
into the various natural environments. -

HIDE TIME 00:40:30
Question 09 - 10 of 30

could be added to the

09 Look at the four squares [m that indicate where the following sentence

see in the world

Later, flowers and fruits would follow to complete the evolutionary innovations we

Where would the sentence best fit?

the passage.
Click on a square [m] to add the sentence to

10 Directions: An introductory sentence for a brief summary of the passage is provided below.
Complete the summary by selecting the THREE answer choices that express the most important
ideas in the passage. Some sentences do not belong in the summary because they express ideas
that are not presented in the passage or are minor ideas in the passage. This question is worth 2

Drag your answer choices to the spaces where

they belong.
To remove an answer choice, click on it. To
review the passage, click on View Text.

In moving from water to land, ancestral plants overcame many obstacles in order to survive.

Answer Choices
A Plants required a way of procreating
without water to infiltrate new terrestrial D By developing internal features that
habitats. allowed them to keep their bodies
B The volatility of freshwater environments upright, prevent moisture loss, and have
resulted in need for marine algae to mechanisms that ferry water, plants were
evolve mechanisms to survive their able to flourish on land.
E Due to
difficult surroundings. unique color schemes, it is
An important development for our planet unlikely that red
and brown algae are the
was the result of the advancement onto earliest plant forms
land by plants. As soon as plants had jumped the
inherent in life on land, they
by becoming more uniform.

40 9E!7I TOEFL Actual Test Reading

Passage 3-2

Question 11 ~ 12 of 30 HIDE TIME 00:36:00

11 According to paragraph 1 , which of the The Development of Photography &

following is true about how painting in the
1800s was affected by photography? 1 Photography is a method of recording the
A The world which was viewed through
image of an object through the action of light,
photography was not greatly altered by or related radiation, on a material sensitive
B The still shots created by photography
to light. The word, derived from the Greek
lessened the value of art made by "photos" (light) and "graphein" (to write),
painters at that time. was first used in the 1800s. The introduction
© Photography had an especially strong of photography to the world had a dramatic
effect on certain painters that focused
effect on the artistic scene, particularly in
more natural and real world art.
the realm of painting. A special facet of the
D Photography inspired the painters who
focused on natural or realistic elements painting community that focused on natural or
and raised realism. other realistic elements was the most affected

Paragraph is marked with an arrow [>]. by thechanges brought about by this new
technology. The painters took photography
12 In paragraph 2, the author mentions Aristotle,
and considered it as both a tool and learning
in ancient Greece in order to
A emphasize the time the camera obscura
principle was first documented
B illustrate the exact date at which the
2 > There were other forms of projecting
camera obscura principle began to be images onto flat surfaces before the advent
used of modern photography. One example is
© discuss the difficulties in identifying the the "camera obscura," made famous by an
exact time at which the camera obscura
Italian painter named Giovanni Canaletto.
principle may have appeared
It was a precursor to the modern camera.
D contrast the times at which a modern
The name "camera obscura" comes from
camera and an archetype of the camera
were invented the Latin words meaning "darkened room"
The principle of the camera obscura was first
Paragraph 2 is marked with an arrow [>].
recorded by Aristotle, in Ancient Greece, when
he observed an image that was produced by
the light passing through a small hole into a
darkened room during an eclipse of the sun.
Some even suggest that people in the Stone

Age may have utilized the principle to produce

cave drawings. A camera obscura projects
images onto glass or paper sheets through a
small hole in a box or a lens. These devices
were already widely known and celebrated
but the projected images could not remain.
t was not until Louis Daguerre created his
"daguerreotype" in the late 1830s that images
could be fixed onto metal sheets.

Louis Daguerre, a French physicist, made
further advancements that made photography


HIDE TIME 00:31:30

Question 13 . 15 of 30

13 According to paragraph 3, which of the more accessible to the public. However, many
following is true about the invention of Louis found the device awkward, so it was only
by photography fanatics. While the invention
A It was the most widely used technology of the daguerreotype and its worldwide
by artists. the number
introduction were able to spike
B It heightened the popularity of
photography. of people using cameras, the real
© It allowed people to consider photography occurred when celluloid film was created. The
with great objectivity.
advent of the celluloid camera caused a drastic
D It enabled people to spend their leisure
increase in the number of people taking
time with photography. being
photographs, with the most famous one
Paragraph 3 is marked with an arrow [].
the Kodak camera. In the 1850s, there were
14 In
paragraph 3, what can be inferred about the 30,000 Parisians with careers in photography
1850s? or in other allied areas. As the knowledge
A Photography had become relatively of photography spread, people took up this
activity in their leisure time.
B The Kodak camera was the most widely
used celluloid camera.
4 > In the early 1840s, an inventor by the
© The popularity of the Kodak camera
name of William Henry Talbot invented a
D Photography originated from Paris and new method named the 'calotype." It was
gained popularity since then. more highly favored by amateurs, artists,
and scientists, who adopted it widely. The
15 The word it in the passage refers to
pioneer photographer Hippolyte Bayard
A experiment
preferred it to his own inventions and adopted
& calotype
© pioneer it, beginning experiments with the calotype
photography process that would lead to the development
of albumen paper prints. This is what all
future photography is based on as it made
use of the very first
method. This new process used paper which
had been saturated in chemicals that made
areas that had been exposed to light darker,
making a negative image. Many positive
images could be printed
on a different piece of
chemically activated paper with the use of this
negative sheet. The results of the two forms
photography were vastly different. The
was generally softer looking with less
hard edges and could also be copied while the
daguerreotype was very
detailed, captured
only the image right in front of the camera,
and could not be copied.

With photography, a direct

representation of nature could be made with

42 TE7I TOEFL Actual Test Reading


Question 16 - 18 of 30 HIDE TIME 00:27:00

16 The word obsolete in the passage is closest in almost no interference from the medium.
meaning to This concept of purity was one of the main
A deserted attributes that fascinated the earliest artists of
B outdated
photography. I n effect, photography allowed
C dispersed
a closer look at the natural world,
D cardinal
fascinated artists. However, as it could also
17 According to paragraph 6, which of the render artists' jobs obsolete, they were also
following is true about the influence of
fearful of the technology.
A The advent of photography brought 6 Portraiture fell victim to this new
about a reduction in the cost of paintings
due to
technological advancement because,
natural economic competition.
while only the wealthy used to be able to
B In contrast to paintings, photographs
were attainable even for ordinary and afford the high quality of artists capable
less prosperous consumers.
of painting portraits, personal portraits by
© Photography had an effect on every style
photography became affordable to all later.
of painting.
The daguerreotype replaced the hand-painted
D Photography was not as favored as the
painted portraits. portraits, allowing common people to own
their portraits in photographs. Although many
Paragraph 6 is marked with an arrow [ >].
believed photography would replace fine
18 Which of the sentences below best expresses art, the overall impact proved to be much
the essential information in the highlighted
more complicated. Due to photography's
sentence in the passage? Incorrect choices
reproducible nature, numerous copies of
change the meaning in important ways or
leave out essential information. photographs could be cheaply produced

A Paintings were not displaced by and therefore society did not consider it a
photography, as the general populace fine art. In fact, many artists who relied on
perceived it to be less desirable. photography for their art were hesitant to say
B Portraiture was affected by photography
so, fearing that their professional image might
since portraits could be available to be tarnished.
ordinary people inexpensively in contrast
to the past.
© The low cost of photography led to the
mass production of paintings, which
allowed the poorer populace to be able to
afford fine art.
Photography quickly took over the
position of fine art as photography was
made at a very low cost.


ouestion 19 - 20 of 30 00:22:3

be added to the
following sentence could
19 Look at the four squares _ that indicate where the

Talbot was one of the artists who published a book based on this concept.
Where would the sentence best fit?

sentence to the passage.

Click on a square [] to add the

Directions: An introductory sentence for a brief summary of the passage is provided below.
Complete the summary by selecting the THREE answer choices that express the most important
ideas in the passage. Some sentences do not belong in the summary because they express ideas
that are not presented in the passage or are minor ideas in the passage. This question is worth 2

Drag your answer choices to the spaces where they belong.

remove an answer choice, click on it. To review the passage, click on View Text.

The invention
of photography had a significant impact on the art of painting.

Answer Choices

After the introduction of photography, D There

painters avoided doing works based were a variety of inventions,
on realistic and
natural elements, as including the daguerreotype, the celluloid
they would have to directly contest camera, and
the calotype, which had an
photography. impact on the
art of painting.
Several inventors created photography A phase before the advent of
systems that allowed people to capture photography was the camera obscura
the world in different fashions and gained which could project images onto glass or
popularity. paper plates.
© Although photography enjoyed success. Photography became known as both art
provide images to
it was able to and sciencebecause
of the calotype.
large population at a low cost, this in
resulted in photography being viewed as
less than a fine art.

44 9E17I TOEFL Actual Test Reading

Passage 3-3

Question 21 - 23 of 30 HIDE TIME 00:18:00

21 The word undergo in the passage is closest in Origin of Life

meaning to
A experience 1 How life originated on Earth is a

® follow question that people have pondered for ages.

belles anw sabl
© ensue
Explanations range from theories based on
D counter
religious doctrine to the ones based on purely
22 According to paragraph 2, which of the scientific reason. It was not until the beginning
following is true of Oparin's theory? of the 19th century that the world believed
A Organic molecules could create an that life came out of inorganic, or non-

atmosphere with little oxygen through

living, matter. This was called spontaneous
the activity of sunlight.

B Building blocks of life could come from

generation and it was believed that without

the reaction of sunlight in the sky. spores, bacteria, or viruses, living matter

© Organic molecules could affect the could grow in sterile environment. In a letter
sunlight in the atmosphere. to Joseph Dalton Hooker on 1st February 1871,
D Organic molecules are not the primary Charles Darwin proposed a natural process
building blocks for the evolution of life. for the origin of life. He suggested that the
Paragraph 2 is marked with an arrow [>]. original catalyst of life might have begun in a

warm little pond. There a protein compound

23 According to paragraph 2, which of the
followingiS true about Oparin and Haldane? chemically formed, ready to undergo even
A Haldane replaced Oparin's theory with more complex changes. He explained that "at
the assertion that life originated from "hot the present day such matter would be instantly
dilute soup. devoured or absorbed, which would not have
B Oparin and Haldane both cooperated in
been the case before living creatures were
devising the theory.
© Haldane developed the theory
independently of Oparin.
because > It was not until 1924 that Alexander Oparin
Oparin opposed Haldane's theory
the former theory had flaws. reasoned atmospheric oxygen prevented
the synthesis of organic molecules. Organic
molecules are necessary building blocks
for the evolution of life. In his The Origin of
Life, Oparin argued that a "primordial soup"
of organic molecules could be created in a
lower-oxygen atmosphere through the action
of sunlight. These would combine in more

complex fashions, until they formed droplets.

These would grow by fusion with others
and reproduce its daughter droplets through
fission. Therefore, they would have primitive
metabolism which promoted the survival of
these droplets, and in result, they would not

become extinct. Around the same time, J.B.S.

Haldane separately theorized that prebiotic

oceans were very different from the oceans
today and the previous oceans were devoid of

HIDE TIME 00:13:30
of 30
Question 24 ~ 26
"hot dilute
and would have acted as
24 Based on the information in paragraph 2, the
soup, organic
compounds, the
term "biopoiesis" can best be explained as soup!" In this
A a process in which organic molecules building blocks of life, could have formed. This
are limited to building blocks for the idea was called "biopoiesis' the process
evolution of life
of living
matter evolving from
B a process which droplets grow and Haldane claimed
molecules. Both Oparin and
reproduce by fusion with other droplets
a process in which organisms arise in
that gases that contained hydrogen reacted
lower-oxygen atmosphere with each other, forming organic compounds
sources such
D a process in which living organisms are with the help of external energy
thought to develop from nonliving matter as lightning and sunlight. This Oparin-Haldane
25 In paragraph 2, what can be inferred about the theory was praised for its ingenuity and some
Oparin-Haldane theory? parts appear to be a complete blueprint for the
A The theory is the complete theory ideas still held today. The theory is praised as
believed by modern scientists. "an exact extrapolation going far beyond the
B Many modern theories of the origin of life
limits" by scientists, since in 1929 there had
take the theory as a preliminary point.
© Before the theory, many contradictory not been adequate biochemical knowledge

theories about the origin of life were of the previous chapters. However, due to
provided because the evidence had not its extremely progressive nature, the theory
yet been discovered.
raised some questions amongst the scholars
D Before the theory, people did not
and undoubtedly contributed to its general
emphasize the origin of life because little
information of interest was available. disregard during the time.

26 Which of the following accurately describe the 3 Some researchers remain skeptical
relationship between paragraphs 2 and 3? about the idea that these complex organic
A Paragraph 3 provides information about

the way some scientists supported the

compounds could have been initiated to take
theory described in paragraph 2. shape in Earth's oceans. It is hard to believe
B Paragraph 3 exhibits an alternative theory that there was an adequate concentration
to the one mentioned in paragraph of
the constitutional building blocks of life
© Paragraph 3 explains why some scientists
to enable further reactions. Also, with the
have doubts on the theory described in
hindrance of photochemical and thermal
paragraph 2.
reactions, the
D Paragraph provides additional complex organic compounds
information that reinforces the theory that were just formed would not have survived
introduced in paragraph 2. long in the surface-ocean environment.
Paragraph 3 is marked with an arrow []. This led the
researchers to seek alternate
justification for the formation of complex
organic compounds.

Aninteresting opinion is that organic

compounds may have originated from outer
space, being delivered to Earth through
comets and asteroids in
tiny dust particles.
This is
supported by the presence of the
from Earth's
dust particles retrieved
stratosphere. The particles are

46 9E17I TOEFL Actual Test Reading


Question 27 ~ 28 of 30 HIDE TIME •00:09:00

27 The word adequate in the passage is closest microscopic particles that are known to be
in meaning to
extraterrestrial. Through a series of research
A proper
endeavors, scientists have discovered that
B sufficient
© comparable original compounds, which included amino
acids, existed within the dust as well as in
D dormant
some meteorites. In other words, scientists
28 According to paragraph 3, all of following
the have identified the existence of various
are considerations that made scientists view
the earlier theories with
complex organic compounds and amino
skepticism EXCEPT
acids in the interstellar dust clouds. The
A whether there was a sufficient
concentration of the building blocks of speculation is that the reactions between
life to enable further reactions or not charged particles and neutral molecules
B the fact that the interference of formulate these compounds. Although it is
photochemical and thermal reactions hard to believe that organic chemical reactions
can occur in such an interstellar environment,
© whether the complex organic compounds
it is the exceptionally low temperatures that
that were just formed could withstand
photochemical reaction or not keep the complex organic molecules from
D the fact that the survival time of the decomposing, resulting in the persistence
complex organic compounds would be of these complex organic molecules. It is
short in the surface-ocean environment believed that parts of molecules originating
from the interstellar environment would
have been incorporated into solid materials
that condensed out of the nebula. I t would
then have formed asteroids and comets after
surviving the collapse of solar nebula.
Such asteroids and comets could have been

transported to Earth in massive amounts

between 3.8 and 4.5 billion years ago.

The controversy concerning the varying

environment in the formation of life is likely to
linger on. The dispute exists among the most
ancient of questions. What are the origins
of life on Earth? Now, new experiments

simulating conditions in deep space reveal

that the complex building blocks of life could
have been created in the freezing environment

outside Earth and delivered to the planet.


HIDE TIME 00:04:30

Question 29 - 30 of 30

following sentence could be added to the

29 Look at the four squares Im] that indicate where the

As the modern study of a meteorite that crashed in western Canada has revealed, even today,
organic compounds continuously arrive on Earth in this way.

Where would the sentence best fit?

Click on a square .] to add the sentence to the passage.

30 Directions: An introductory sentence for a brief summary of the passage is provided below.
Complete the summary by selecting the THREE answer choices that express the most important
ideas in the passage. Some sentences do not
belong in the summary because they express ideas
that are not presented in the passage or are minor ideas in the passage. This question is worth 2

Drag your answer choices to the spaces where they belong.

To remove an answer
choice, click on it. To review the passage, click on View Text.

The origin of
life on Earth has long been the subject ofscientific study, and several theories
were developed to clarify it.

Answer Choices

A The Oparin-Haldane theory is concerned D

with the origin of life, explaining the One theory concluded that organic
relationship between early atmosphere compounds might have originated from
and chemical reactions. extraterrestrial material that had been
B All of the theories on the origin of life delivered to Earth through comets and
have been disproved, and it seems
€ A modern
impossible to devise better hypotheses. hypothesis suggested that life
© The Oparin-Haldane theory had may have come from chemical reactions,
finally replaced the theory based on but some
scientists doubt the theory of
extraterrestrial dust. chemicalreactions.
• Studiess weakened the
significance of
Interplanetary dust particles retrieved
from Earth'sstratosphere.

48 @EI7I TOEFL Actual Test Reading

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