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UNAM FES IZTACALA Departamento de Idiomas

Student’s name: Date:

Activity name:

Your pen pal* from England has sent you a new message. He is describing his
food likes and dislikes and wants to know about yours. Read his text and write
a reply to his message. Include pictures of 3 of your favorite food and drinks.

Tu amigo por correspondencia te ha enviado un nuevo mensaje desde

Inglaterra. Tu amigo describe sus gustos alimentarios y quiere saber acerca de
los tuyos. Lee su mensaje y contéstale. Incluye imágenes de tus comidas y
bebidas favoritas para que tu amigo pueda conocerlas mejor.

TIP: Usa el modelo para escribir tu correo. Completa los enunciados de acuerdo a tus preferencias.

*pen pal: amigo por correspondencia

Your pen pal’s message

From: Gregory House
Date: January 15th, 2018 23:56
Subject: My food likes and dislikes
Hi, friend!

My favorite food is soup and my favorite drink is tea. For breakfast, I love eggs and juice, and I
like bread too. My friends love junk food for lunch, but I don’t like it. I like fruit for lunch. My
parents love coffee, but I hate it. It’s terrible!

For dinner, I like pasta and meat or chicken, and water, but no vegetables. I don’t like
vegetables. My favorite food for supper is cookies and milk. I love cookies!

What is your favorite food? And your favorite drink? What are your favorite meals?

Write soon. Take care.

Gregory H.

PS. These are pictures of my favorite food and drinks

UNAM FES IZTACALA Departamento de Idiomas

Your message
To: Gregory House
Date: January 16th, 2018 20:00
Subject: Re: My food likes and dislikes

Hi, Gregory!

My favorite food is … and my favorite drink is ...

For breakfast, ...

I … for lunch.

For dinner, I …

My favorite food for supper is…

I look forward to hearing from you. Take care.

( your name)
UNAM FES IZTACALA Departamento de Idiomas

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