Lecture 05

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LECTURE 01& Inversion)
(Noun in Details)

Raihan Sir || fb.me/raihansirbd

Raihan Borhan
Teachers’ Trainer, UCC
Fomer Faculty, BCS Confidence
Raihan Borhan
Advocate, Dhaka Judges’ Court
www.raihansir.com || Copyright by Raihan Borhan

 Adjective ev Adverb Kx gvÎvq cÖKvwkZ n‡”Q, Zv †evSv‡bvi Rb¨ Adjective ev Adverb ¸‡jvi †h Zzjbv Kiv nq Zv-B
Comparison of Adjective ev Adverb.
wb‡Pi evK¨¸‡jv jÿ¨ Kiæb:
1. Bob is a poor man (ee GKRb Mwie †jvK)
2. John is poorer than Bob (Rb e‡ei †P‡q Mwie)
3. Tom is the poorest of all (†Uvg mevi †P‡q Mwie)
 j¶¨ Kiæb, Dc‡ii evK¨¸‡jv‡Z poor, poorer Ges poorest wZbwUB adjective. G‡`i g‡a¨ cÖ_g ev‡K¨ poor adjective wU
mvaviY fv‡e e‡m‡Q, wØZxq ev‡K¨ poorer adjective-wU `yÕR‡bi g‡a¨ Zzjbv †evSv‡”Q Ges Z…Zxq ev‡K¨ poorest adjective-
wU `yB‡qi †ewk †jv‡Ki g‡a¨ Zzjbv †evSv‡”Q|
 GBfv‡e simple adjective †_‡K `yB‡qi g‡a¨ Zzjbv Ges `yB‡qi ‡ewki g‡a¨ Zzjbv †evSv‡Z adjective-Gi †h iƒc nq, ZvB
‘Degree of comparison’.
 Adjective-Gi wZbwU form ev degree n‡jv-
Positive Degree
 Adjective/Adverb er, est ev more, most mn bv e‡m Base form (g•j form ‡hgb: good) Zv Positive Degree wb‡`©k
Hafiz is as ferocious as a tiger.
Comparative Degree
 Adjective/Adverb Gi Zzjbv GKRb‡K Qvwo‡q †M‡j (A_©¨vr er hy³ Adjective/Adverb ev more mn Adjective/
Adverb)| †hgb:-
Hasan's mango is sweeter than Towhid's.
Superlative Degree
 Adjective/Adverb Gi gvÎv m‡e©v”P ch©vq ev mevB‡K/me¸‡jv‡K Qvwo‡q †M‡j (A_©vr est hy³ Adjective/Adverb ev
most mn Adjective/Adverb)| | †hgb:-
Mamun is the strongest in the class.

For 2 entities-comparative.
A_v©r ,
For 3 or more – superlative.

1. There is much to be said on both sides. (Dfq c¶ ‡_‡KB A‡bK wKQz ejvi Av‡Q|) [RU Marketing 06-07]
A. Positive B. Comparative C. Superlative D. None .Ans: D.

1. GK Syllable wewkó Adjective/Positive Gi mv‡_ er Ges est ‡hvM K‡i Comparative I Superlative Kiv nq|
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Positive Comparative Superlative

Small Smaller Smallest
Cold Colder Coldest
Old Older / elder Oldest / eldest
Few Fewer Fewest
Sweet Sweeter Sweetest
Weak Weaker Weakest
Great Greater Greatest
Poor Poorer Poorest
Rich Richer Richest

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Positive Comparative Superlative
Strong Stronger Strongest
Tall Taller Tallest
High Higher Highest
Long Longer Longest
Clever Cleverer Cleverest
Young Younger Youngest
Thick Thicker Thickest
Cool Cooler Coolest
2. Positive word Gi †k‡l GKwU consonant Ges Gi Av‡M GKwU vowel _vK‡j †k‡li consonant wU wظY nq Ges er
I est ‡hvM Kiv nq|
Positive Comparative Superlative
Big Bigger Biggest
Hot Hotter Hottest
Thin Thinner Thinnest
Fat Fatter Fattest
Mad Madder Maddest
3. Positive word Gi †k‡l e _vK‡j r Ges st hy³ K‡i comparative I superlative Kiv nq|
Positive Comparative Superlative
Large Larger Largest
Wise Wiser Wisest
Able Abler Ablest
Noble Nobler Noblest
Fine Finer Finest
Brave Braver Bravest
4. Positive word Gi †k‡l y _vK‡j Ges y Gi Av‡M consonant _vK‡j y D‡V wM‡q ier Ges iest hy³ K‡i comparative I
superlative Kiv nq|
Positive Comparative Superlative
Easy Easier Easiest
Happy Happier Happiest
Heavy Heavier Heaviest
Holy Holier Holiest
Mighty Mightier Mightiest
Busy Busier Busiest
Ugly Uglier Ugliest
Wealthy Wealthier Wealthiest
5. Positive word Gi †k‡l y _vK‡j Ges y Gi Av‡M vowel _vK‡j y bv D‡V wM‡q er Ges est hy³ K‡i comparative
I superlative Kiv nq|
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Positive Comparative Superlative

Gay Gayer Gayest
Grey Grayer Grayest
6. `yB ev Z‡ZvwaK Syllable wewkó Adjective/Positive Gi Av‡M †ewk eySv‡Z more Ges most Avi Kg eySv‡Z less
Ges least ‡hvM K‡i Comparative I Superlative Kiv nq|
Positive Comparative Superlative
Careful More/less careful Most/least careful
Expensive More/less expensive Most/least expensive
Difficult More/less difficult Most/least difficult
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Famous More/less famous Most/least famous
Intelligent More/less intelligent Most/least intelligent
Important More/less important Most/least important
Beautiful More/less beautiful Most/least beautiful
7. wKQy Positive word Av‡Q †h¸‡jv‡K Comparative I Superlative Kivi †Kvb wbqg †bB|
Positive Comparative Superlative
Little Less Least
Bad Worse Worst
Near Nearer Nearest, Next
Much More Most
Good Better Best
1. The blue whale is ......known animal, reaching a length of more than one hundred feet.
A. the large B. the larger C. the largest D. most largest .Ans: C.
Choose the incorrect word or phrase and correct it.
𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒊𝒔 𝒆𝒇𝒇𝒊𝒄𝒊𝒆𝒏𝒕 𝒃𝒆𝒄𝒂𝒖𝒔𝒆
2. The diesel engine runs on oil than most other engines it converts more of
the useful energy stored up in the fuel. .Ans: C.
𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝒎𝒐𝒓𝒆 𝒊𝒔 𝒕𝒉𝒆
3. 𝑨 𝑩
important theorem of all in plane geometry 𝑪 𝑫
Pythagorean Theorem. .Ans: B.

A b yk xj b c e ©- 0 1

1. Superlative degree of ‘Happy’ is- [DU C-Unit 96-97]

A. Happiest B. Most happy C. Happier D. More happy .Ans: A.
2. The word ‘difficult’ in its superlative form- [cÖv_wgK I MYwk¶v Awa`߇ii mnKvix cwiPvjK 2001]
A. most difficult B. very difficult C. difficulties D. very very difficult .Ans: A.
3. Superlative degree of ‘careful’ is- [IU F-Unit 04-05]
A. carefully B. very careful C. most careful D. more careful .Ans: C.
4. Superlative form of the word ‘able’ is- [RU Accounting 06-07]
A. abler B. most able C. able most D. ablest .Ans: D.
5. Which one is the example of comparative degree? [RU A-Unit 07-08]
A. Easy B. Most famous C. Beautiful D. More obedient .Ans: D.
6. The adjective ‘most beautiful’ is: [CU H-Unit 07-08, 08-09]
A. Positive B. Negative C. Comparative
D. Superlative E. None .Ans: D.
7. The superlative degree of ‘easy’ is- [RU C-Unit 09-10]
A. easier B. easiest C. easy D. none .Ans: B.
8. Dhaka is larger than any other city in Bangladesh. Here ‘larger’ is a degree of- [IU C-Unit 10-11]
A. positive B. comparative C. superlative D. none .Ans: B.
9. What is the superlative degree of ‘costly’? [RU A3-Unit (Even) 12-13, F-Unit 15-16]
Raihan Sir || fb.me/raihansirbd

A. costlier B. costly C. costliest D. costlyest .Ans: C.

 Full, less Ges ly hy³ †h †Kvb Adjective/Adverb (wm‡jej msL¨v hv-B †nvK bv †Kb) †K Comparative Ki‡Z more
Ges Superlative Ki‡Z most hy³ nq|
 wb‡æv³ Adjective/Adverb ¸‡jvi mv‡_ er/est hy³ K‡i ev c‡e© more / most ewm‡q Comparative/Superlative Kiv
hv‡e| †hgb:-
Polite, Cruel, Simple, Common, Feeble,
Handsome, Gentle, Pleasant, Narrow, Stupid.
 Adverbs of frequency, Degree Ges time †K Degree change Kiv hvq bv| †hgb:-
early, very, twice, Now, then, where, there. BZ¨vw`|
 wb‡æv³ Adjective/Adverb ¸‡jvi Double form j¶¨bxq| G‡`i spelling Abyhvqx Meaning Ges Use g‡b ivL‡Z n‡e|
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Adjective or Adverb Comparative Superlative
farther  farthest
far    
further  furthest 
litter less least
much 
  more most
many 
good 
  better best
 well 
 bad 
badly  worse worst
 
older  oldest
old   eldest
 elder 
 later  latest 
late    
latter   last 
out outer utmost, utter-most
up upper upper-most
in inner inmost, inner-most

01. Choose the correct answer:
...... apples are grown in Washington State.
A. Best B. The most good C. The best D. The better .Ans: C.
02. Choose the incorrect word or phrase and correct it.
𝑩𝒆𝒄𝒂𝒖𝒔𝒆 𝒎𝒐𝒓𝒆 𝒃𝒂𝒅 𝒎𝒐𝒓𝒆 𝒔𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒓𝒆
a felony is 𝑩
than a misdemeanor, the punishment is 𝑪
, and often includes
𝒂𝒔 𝒘𝒆𝒍𝒍 𝒂𝒔
a jail sentence 𝑫
a fine. .Ans: B.


wKQz wKQz WordAv‡Q hviv mvaviYZ Positive Degree iƒ‡c e¨eüZ nq bv KviY Zviv cÖK…Z c‡ÿ Adjective/Adverb bq| Z‡e
Irregular Form-G Giv Comparative ev Superlative cv‡i| K‡qKwU Most Important D`vniY jÿ¨ Kwi:
Positive Comparative Superlative Positive Comparative Superlative
Raihan Sir || fb.me/raihansirbd

in inner most beautiful

inmost, innermost most beautiful
outmost, outermost,
out outer, utter
up upper uppermost, upmost outmost, uttermost
Eastern, Northern, Southern, Western, Top, Down, Head BZ¨vw` Adjective¸‡jv PositiveI Superlative
Form-G e¨eüZ n‡jI G‡`i †Kvb Comparative Form †bB wKš‘ Superlative Ki‡Z n‡j G‡`i c‡i Most †hvM Ki‡Z nq|
Example: Top-Topmost, Eastern - Easternmost BZ¨vw`|
01. Select the correct adjective having no comparative degree form. [RU Philosophy 08-09]

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A. good B. happy C. top D. little .Ans: C.
Note: Good Gi Comparative Degree n‡”Q h_vµ‡g Better; happy-i happier I little-Gi less|
02. Superlative degree of ‘up’ is- [IU B-Unit (1st Shift) 09-10]
A. More up B. Most up C. Uppermost D. upper .Ans: C.

Absolute, almighty, annual, chief, complete, daily, dead, earthen, empty, entire, eternal, excellent, extreme,
full, golden, huge, ideal, infinite, perfect, round, square, supreme, universal, unique BZ¨vw` Adjective ¸‡jv wb‡RB
Superlative Gi A_© cÖ`vb K‡i| ZvB G‡`i c~‡e© more, most, very ev Ab¨ †Kvb Qualifier-I e‡m bv|
Incorrect: This is the more perfect./ This is the most perfect.
Correct: This is perfect.


Older Ges Oldest e¨w³ ev e¯‘ Df‡qi †ÿ‡Î em‡jI Elder Ges Eldest ïaygvÎ e¨w³i †ÿ‡Î e‡m| Older I Oldest-
Comparison of age Indicate K‡i Ges Elder I Eldest- eq‡mi wePv‡i Position of Person Indicate K‡i|
NOTE: Comparative Degree ‡Z KLbB Elder e‡m bv| A_©vr H evK¨wU‡Z than _vK‡e bv ev †Kvb `yB R‡bi g‡a¨ Zzjbv
eySv‡e bv| eis elder kãwU mvaviY GKwU Adjective wn‡m‡e em‡e| Example: He is my elder brother. He is elder
than I. (Incorrect Sentence) ZvB Ab¨fv‡e ejv hvq than Gi c~‡e© elder em‡e bv|
NOTE: Superlative Degree ‡Z i‡³i m¤úK© _vK‡j Eldest e‡m, Avi i‡³i m¤úK© bv _vK‡j Oldest e‡m|
 This boy is older than that one (boy).  My elder brother is called John.
 He is the eldest of the three brothers.  He is the oldest man in the village.
03. John is ......than Rahim. [RU C-Unit 06-07]
A. elderly B. senior C. older D. more aged .Ans: C.
Note: Senior n‡e bv KviY Senior Gi c‡i to e‡m| Elderly kãwU Positive Degree, than _vKvq Aek¨B
Comparative n‡e| More aged bv n‡q older kãwUB e¨eüZ nq|
04. Mr. Amin has got three daughters. Jasmine is the ...... one. [NU Business Studies 13-14]
A. oldest B. older C. elder D. eldest .Ans: D.


Farther gv‡b More distance (A‡bK `~iZ¡/ Zzjbvg~jK †ekx `~i), Avi Further gv‡b Additional (AwZwi³/ Av‡iv GKevi/ Av‡iv GKUz)|
 New York is farther than London. (`~iZ¡)
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 I shall get further information.(AwZwi³/A‡bK)


Later e‡m Time ‡K Refer Kivi Rb¨ Avi Latter e‡m ZvwjKvq Position ‡K Refer Kivi Rb¨|
 She came to school later than I.
 Alexandria and Cairo are large cities, the latter (c‡iiwU) has a population of over a million.

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Last I Latter `ywUB Position wb‡`©k K‡i| hLb `ywU wRwb‡mi g‡a¨ wØZxqwUi Position eySvq ZLb Latter e‡m| Avi `yB‡qi
†ekx wRwb‡mi g‡a¨ me©‡kl Position eySv‡Z Last e‡m|
 Scott and Dickens are both excellent writers, but I prefer the latter.
 He presented three solutions. The last seems the best.
01. We will do our work..... (Avgiv Avgv‡`i KvR c‡i Kie|- mg‡qi †cÖÿvc‡U c‡i) [The Caring Bank 2005]
A. latter B. later C. longer D. after .Ans: B.
02. The ........part of this book is interesting (GB eB‡qi c‡ii AskwU Avb›``vqK|)[KU Arts & Humanities School 07-
A. latter B. later C. late D. leter .Ans: A.
A b yk xj b c e ©- 0 2

01. Which sentence is correct?[28th BCS, RU C-Unit 09-10, KU Biology School11-12, Ruapli Bank (Senior Officer) 2013, IU
H-Unit (Law) 15-16]
A. This is an unique case. B. This is a unique case.
C. This is a very unique case. D. This is the most unique case. .Ans: B.
Note: U Gi D”Pvib ÕBDÕ n‡j Gi c~‡e© a e‡m| evK¨wUi evsjv: GwU GKwU Abb¨/ AwØZxq NUbv| Unique- Abb¨/ AwØZxq/
GKgvÎ Ggb| Gi Comparative/ Superlative nq bv GgbwK Gi c~‡e© very-I e‡m bv|
02. Which of the following sentences is correct? [wZwb GKRb wbLv`/DrK…ó f`ª‡jvK|] [gva¨wgK cÖavb wk¶K wb‡qvM
2003, _vbv mnKvix wk¶v Awdmvi 2005]
A. He is the most perfect gentleman. B. He is one of the most perfect gentlemen.
C. He is a perfect gentleman. D. He is more perfect than any other gentleman. .Ans: C.
03. Which one is the correct sentence? [wZwb GKRb wbLuyZ/DrK…ó wePviK|][SUST C-Unit 03-04, RU C-Unit 05-06, 09-10]
A.He is a most perfect judge. B.He is the most perfect judge.
C.He is a very perfect judge. D.He is a perfect judge. .Ans: D.
04. Which one of the following is not correct? [DU B-Unit 05-06, A-Unit 14-15, RU F-Unit 09-10, ‡mvbvjx e¨vsK K¨vk Awdmvi 2014]
A. tallest B. hugest C. largest D. biggest .Ans: B.
Note: Huge (cÖKvÛ/wekvj, me‡P‡q eo, extremely large)-kãwU wb‡RB Superlative-Gi A_© cÖ`vb K‡i e‡j Gi
Superlative nq bv|
05. Which of the following sentence is correct? [Zvi m‡e©v”P/cig/cviwgK ÿgZv Av‡Q|] [IU B-Unit 09-10]
A. He has the most supreme power B. He has the supreme power.
C. He has supreme power. D. He has most supreme power. .Ans: C.
06. Which of the following sentence is correct? [GwU GKwU Abb¨/AwØZxq my‡hvM|][IU B-Unit 09-10]
A. This is a uniquest opportunity. B.This is a most unique opportunity.
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C. This is most unique opportunity. D.This is a unique opportunity. .Ans: D.

07. Which one is correct? [wZwb P~ovšÍ/ me©‡kl mxgvq †cuŠQ‡jb|] [RU H-Unit 13-14]
A. He reached most extreme point. B. He reached the most extreme point.
C.He reached the extreme point. D. He reached the more extreme point. .Ans: C.
08. Which one is the superlative degree of ‘bad’?[IU G-Unit 04-05, RU C-Unit 09-10, A4-Unit 12-13, cÖavbgš¿xi Kvh©vj‡qi
mn. cwiPvjK (NSI) 2015]
A. evil B. worse C. worst D. none .Ans: C.
09. The comparative form of ‘ill’ is – [RU Accounting 05-06]
A. iller B. worse C. more ill D. worser .Ans: B.
10. Which is the comparative degree of ‘Far’? [RU Management 05-06]

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A. Further B. Farther C. Farthest D. more farther .Ans: B.

cÖ w Z‡hvwMZvg~ j K cixÿv¸‡jv‡Z Comparison Gi †h †h Topic AZ¨šÍ ¸iæZ¡ c ~ Y © wb‡P

avivevwnKfv‡e Zv Dc¯’ v cb Kiv nj
`ywU entity †K mgvbfv‡e cÖKvk Kivi Rb¨ Avgiv as ..............as Ges so ................as use Kwi| wKš‘ cÖkœ n‡jv KLb as
.............as Ges KLb so ............as use Ki‡ev| mvaviYZ ... Gi gZ ........ (Affirmative sentence, ) ev Gi gZ ........ bq
(Negative sentence) Ggb A_©/Expression cÖKvk Ki‡Z ‘as ...... as’(Affirmative sentence-G) ev ‘so ...... as’
(Negative sentence-G)e¨envi Kiv nq |
The apples of Bangladesh is not as delicious as those Australia. (Negative sentence)
His Girl friend is as intelligent as he. (Affirmative sentence )
Negative meaning cÖKvk Ki‡Z (†hgb:- Zvbnv kxívi g‡Zv GZ †gavex bq| Ggb A_© cÖKvk Ki‡Z)so .... as’ e¨eüZ
nq| †hgb- Shorab is not so meritorious as Josn.
Your tea is not so cold as mine.
N.B. 'as …as' Negative ev affirmative Dfq Sentence G e¨eüZ n‡jI so…as ïay gvÎ Negative Sentence G
e¨eüZ n‡e|
SPECIAL NOTE: as high as Ges as soon as ‡K Equal Comparatives Gi gZ g‡b n‡jI Giv Adverbial Idioms|
as high as D”PZv ev g~‡j¨i m‡e©v”P mxgv cÖKvk K‡i| as high as nj How high? (KZUzKz DuPz?) A_ev How much
money? (KZ UvKv?) cª‡kœi DËi| as soon as mg‡qi mxgv cÖKvk K‡i| as soon as nj When? (KLb?) Gi DËi|
as high as
The price of haircut runs as high as fifty dollars.

Sub. will VB as soon as (When?) Sub. V(Present)

He will go home as soon as he graduates.
as high as Avi as soon as- idiomatic expression nIqvq c‡ii as Gi cwie‡Z© to ‡`Iqv hv‡e bv| as soon as Gi c‡i
KLbB Future Tense n‡e bv, Present Indefinite n‡e|

A b yk xj b c e ©- 0 3
01. Prices for bicycles can run .... Tk. 2000.00. [18th BCS, evsjv‡`k †Uwjwfkb (cÖ‡KŠkjx) 2004]
A. as high as B. so high as C. as high to D. as high for .Ans: A.
Note: m‡e©v”P ev me©vwaK (Maximum Range) A_© cÖKv‡k as high as/ as many as/ as much e¨eüZ nq| G‡ÿ‡Î so
high as KLbB e¨eüZ nq bv| as high as- g~j¨ I D”PZv cÖKvk K‡i, as many as- Countable Noun Gi msL¨v cÖKvk
K‡i Ges as much as- Uncountable Noun Gi cwigvY cÖKvk K‡i|
02. She is beautiful but she is ......... her mother. [‡m my›`ix wKš‘ †m Zvi gv‡qi gZ my›`ix bq|] [24th BCS Cancelled]
A. most beautiful B. less beautiful C. as beautiful D. not so beautiful as .Ans: D.
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03. Choose the correct sentence. / ‡Kvb evK¨wU ï×? [cÖv_wgK cÖavb wk¶K 1994, HSTU D-Unit 14-15]
A. Rahim is as tall as mine. B. Rahim is as tall as I.
C. Rahim tall as mine. D. Rahim is as tall as me. .Ans: B.
04. Correct the underlined portion of the following sentence: [DU C-Unit 01-02]
A survey of over 100 people conducted by a marketing firm determined that people over the age
of 40 do not like Cherry Coke as well as people under the age of 20.
A. well as people under the age of 20 B. much as people under the age of 20
C. many people under the age of 20 do D. well than people under the age of 20 do
E. much as people under the age of 20 do .Ans: E.

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Note: GKwU wecYb cÖwZôvb Øviv 100 Rb †jv‡Ki Dci cwiPvwjZ GKUv Rwic wba©viY K‡iwQj †h, 20 Gi Kg eq‡mi †jv‡Kiv
†Pix †KvK hZUv cQ›` K‡i 40 Gi †ekx eq‡mi †jv‡Kiv ZZUv cQ›` K‡i bv| †h‡nZz cQ›` Kivi cwigvY wb‡q Zzjbv n‡”Q †m‡nZz
Uncountable n‡e ZvB much n‡e Ges Dfq cv‡k A_© m½wZ iÿvi Rb¨ Aek¨B Verb w`‡Z n‡e| Verb GKB nIqvq (as
much as Gi Av‡M Ges c‡i Verb-like) c‡ii †ÿ‡Î do ‡jLv hvq| mwVK DËi E|
05. Albert Einstein’s contributions to scientific theory were.....those of Galileo and Newton.[CU E-Unit
A. important than B. more important C. the most important D. as important as .Ans: D.
Note: Option A I B fzj KviY more important than nIqvi K_v| evK¨wU‡Z ˆeÁvwbK Z‡Ë¡ AvBb÷vB‡bi Ae`vb¸‡jvi
mv‡_ M¨vwjwjI I wbDU‡bi Ae`vb ¸‡jvi Zzjbv Kiv n‡q‡Q| ZvB Superlative nIqvi my‡hvM †bB- Option C fzj| mwVK DËi


Adjective ev Adverb meaning cÖKv‡k Zzjbv cÖKvk Ki‡j Zv-B unequal comparison. GB Zzjbv `yB ai‡Yi n‡Z cv‡i|
1. Comparative Degree Ges 2. Superlative Degree.
Unequal Comparison msµvšÍ wb‡æv³ Z_¨vewj g‡b ivL‡e :
 than-Gi ci Aek¨B subject form n‡e| (†Kvb †Kvb grammarian objective formI e¨envi K‡ib) †hgb:-
Sabnam can speak more fluently than him.  Incorrect.
Sabnam can speak more fluently than he.  Correct.
He speaks Spanish more fluently than me.  Incorrect.
He speaks Spanish more fluently than I.  Correct.
John's grades are higher than his sister's.
This chair is more comfortable than the other.
A b yk xj b c e ©- 0 4
01. Complete the sentence with the appropriate word: Rahim’s luck could not have been ....than
Abed’s.[DU B-Unit 97-98]
A. worse B. worser C. worst D. worsed .Ans: A.
02. Your performance is ....... than it was a month ago, I’m sorry to say. [CU E-Unit 03-04]
A. bad B. worse C. the worst D. worst .Ans: B.
03. The situation is .....than ever. [DU A-Unit 04-05]
A. aggravate B. graver C. grave D. worst .Ans: B.
04. My daughter is ....... than both of you. [RU Law 05-06]
A. weaker B. strong C. so weak D. tolerably weak .Ans: A.
05. My friend said that no car could go ........ [cwiKíbv Ges cÖevmx Kj¨vY I ˆe‡`wkK
Kg©ms¯’vb gš¿Yvjq mn. cwiPvjK 2006]
A. so fast like his car B. as fast like his car
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C. as fast as his car D. as fast as the car of him .Ans: C.

06. The chain was ....... than we thought. [JnU C-Unit 06-07]
A. strongest B. strong C. stronger D. much strong .Ans: C.
07. Choose the correct sentence. [JnU B-Unit 08-09 Elective English]
A. I have more mistakes than him. B. I have most mistakes than him.
C. I have more mistakes than he. D. I have more mistakes than his. .Ans: C.
08. Choose the correct sentence: [CU A-Unit 08-09]
A. He is most prosperous of the twins. B. He is most prosperous twins.
C. He is most prosperous of twins. D. He is more prosperous of the twins. .Ans: D.
E. He is more prosperous of twins.

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mvaviYZ Comparative Gi c‡i Than e‡m| Z‡e wKQz Comparative Av‡Q hv‡`i c‡i than bv e‡m to e‡m| wKQy wKQz -or hy³
Word i‡q‡Q hv‡`i w`‡q †Kvb fv‡eB GKwU Comparative Structure (Comp. +than+...) Gi Sentence MVb Kiv hvq bv, to
w`‡q MVb Ki‡Z nq| GiKg wKQz Word
nj: Junior, Senior, Inferior, Superior, Prefer, Interior, Exterior, Ulterior, Posterior, Major, Minor
we‡kl `ªóe¨: Prefer `ywU wel‡qi g‡a¨ GKwUi †P‡q Av‡iKwU †ekx cQ›`bxq Ggb A_© †`q| Prefer Gi c‡i hw` GKwU Verb e‡m
Z‡e Infinitive n‡e wKš‘ hw` `ywU Verb Zzjbv Kiv nq ZLb Verb ¸wji -ing Form n‡e Avi Zv‡`i gv‡S to em‡e| Prefer
Gi c‡i †Kvb Clause Avm‡jI Prefer + Vinge‡m| *[Av‡iv we¯ÍvwiZ Non-finite Verb Chapter G Av‡jvwPZ n‡e|]
 I prefer to write a letter.
 I prefer writing to reading.

A b yk xj b c e ©- 0 5
01. Choose the correct sentence: [DU C-Unit 03-04]
A. Rahim preferred reading to writing. B. Rahim prefers to read but not to write.
C. Rahim preferred to read than to write. D. Rahim preferred to reading than writing. .Ans: D.
02. Choose the proper option to fill in the blank spaces. I prefer ...... what I like even though it .......
not having much money. [DU B-Unit 05-06]
A. to doing, mean B. doing, means C. to do, may D. doing, mean
Note: ‡h‡nZz prefer Gi c‡i Clause- what I like ....Av‡Q ZvB doing n‡e, Avevi it _vKvq means n‡e| Option C
fzj KviY 2q k~b¨¯’v‡b may _vKvq not have nIqvi K_v wKš‘ cÖ‡kœ having ‡`Iqv Av‡Q| .Ans: B.
03. He is superior ...... me. [†m Avgvi †P‡q †kªôZi|] [wimvP© Awdmvi 2006, mnKvix cwiPvjK (gv`K) I Kviv ZË¡veavqK 2006]
A. than B. to C. with D. of .Ans: B.
04. Choose the correct sentence. [CU A-Unit 07-08]
A. Death is preferable than dishonour. B. Death is more preferable than dishonour.
C. Death is more preferable than dishonour. D. Death is preferable to dishonour.
E. Death is more better than dishonour. .Ans: D.
Note: Preferable ‡K Comparative – more preferable Kiv hvq bv| Avi Prefer/ Preferable Gi †ÿ‡Î hv‡`i g‡a¨
Zjbv nq Zv‡`i gv‡S to e‡m than e‡m bv| Am¤§vv‡bi †P‡q g„Zz¨ †kÖq|
05. He prefers flying to ...... by train. [DU A-Unit 08-09]
A. travel B. traveling C. travelled D. travels .Ans: B.
06. My sister is junior......me.......four years. [Avgvi †evb Avgvi †P‡q Pvi eQ‡ii †QvU|] [SUST A-Unit 08-09]
A. in, by B. to, by C. to, of D. than, by .Ans: B.
07. This pen is inferior......your pen. [¯^ivóª gš¿Yvj‡qi Aaxb Avbmvi I wfwWwc Awa`߇ii mv‡K©j A¨vWRyU¨v›U 2010]
A. than B. that C. from D. to .Ans: D.
08. He is superior ....... me in all respects. [mew`K ‡_‡K wZwb Avgvi †P‡q †kªôZi|] [NU Humanities 11-12]
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A. with B. to C. after D. of .Ans: B.

09. You are junior ....... me ...... ten years.[Zzwg Avgvi †P‡q `k eQ‡ii †QvU|] [RU G-Unit 11-12]
A. of, in B. to, by C. to, for D. from, of .Ans: B.
10. Choose the right sentence. [JnU D-Unit 11-12]
A. He is senior than me. B. He senior from me.
C. He is senior to me. D. He is senior of me .Ans: C.
11. Which one is the correct sentence? [8g cÖfvlK wbeÜb 2012]
A. I am more senior to Rahim. B. I am senior than Rahim.
C. I am senior to Rahim. D. I am more senior than Rahim. .Ans: C.

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ÔhZ ---- ZZÕ A_© eySv‡Z double comparative e¨envi Kiv nq| G‡¶‡Î sentence-G `ywU Ask _v‡K Ges `ywU As‡kB the hy³
comparative e‡m| ÷ªvKPviwU n‡e wb¤œiƒc:
The + Comparative Degree + Subject + Verb, The + Comparative Degree + Subject + Verb
G‡ÿ‡Î, cÖ_g Comparative Øviv KviY Ges wØZxq Comparative djvdj †evSvq| The -Gi GiKg e¨envi †K instrumental
the e‡j| j¶¨ ivL‡e The -Gi c‡ii word wU †Kvbµ‡gB Positive ev Superlative n‡e bv| Aek¨B Comparative n‡e|
†hgb:- The higher you reach, the lightest you feel. Incorrect.
The highest you reach, the lighter you feel. Incorrect.
The higher you reach, the lighter you feel. Correct.
The more you review, the easier the patterns. Correct.
Gradual Increase ev µgvš^‡q e„w× eySv‡Z `ywU Comparative Adjective/ Adverb ev‡K¨ and Øviv hy³ Ae¯’vq e‡m|
evK¨wU GB Ae¯’vq Simple nq| Example: The summer is becoming warmer and warmer.-MÖx®§Kvj Dò †_‡K
DòZi n‡”Q| [MÖx®§ Kvj µgvš^‡q Dò n‡”Q|]
Q.1. Day by day, Ronty is getting........ .
A. old and old B. old and older C. older and older D. elder and elder .Ans: C.
A b yk xj b c e ©- 0 6
01. The greater the demand, ....... the price. [Pvwn`v hZ †ewk n‡e, `vg ZZ †ewk n‡e|] [Medical College Admission 93-
94, RU B-Unit 03-04, 07-08, DU B-Unit 05-06, BRUR A-Unit 09-10, _vbv wk¶v Kg©KZ©v 2010]
A. the higher B. high C. the highest D. the high .Ans: A.
02. Choose the correct sentence. [hZB cwo‡e, ZZB wkwL‡e|] [cÖv_wgK I MYwk¶v Awa`߇ii mnvKix cwiPvjK 2001]
A. More you read, more you learn. B. The more you read, more you learn.
C. More you read, the more you learn. D. The more you read, the more you learn. .Ans: D.
03. Choose the correct sentence: [†m hZ †ekx cvq, ZZ †ekx Pvq|] [DU A-Unit 04-05, SUST A-Unit 09-10, cÖv_wgK mnKvix
wk¶K (eywoM½v) 2013]
A. More he gets, more he wants. B. The more he gets, the more he wants.
C. The more he gets, more he wants, D. More he gets, the more he wants. .Ans: B.
04. The higher is the content of carbon dioxide in the air, ...... . [CU E-Unit 04-05]
A. more heat it retains B. than it retains more heat
C. it retains more heat D. the more heat it retains .Ans: D.
Note: evK¨wUi evsjv: evZv‡m Kve©b WvB A·vB‡Wi cwigvY hZ †ekx n‡e, ZZ ‡ekx Zvc Bnv a‡i ivL‡e| hZ....ZZ _vKvq the +
Comparative n‡e| ZvB Comma (,)-i c‡i the + Comparative ïay Option D ‡Z _vKvq mwVK DËi D|
05. The greater the number of bacteria attacking the system,........ [CU B-Unit 06-07]
[AvµgYKvix e¨K‡Uwiqvi msL¨v hZ †ekx n‡e, ZZ `ªæZ wPwKrmv ïiæ Ki‡Z n‡e|]
A. sooner must begin treatment B. begin treatment as soon as possible
C. must begin treatment sooner D. begin treatment soon
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E. the sooner treatment must begin .Ans: E.

06. The more you practice speaking, ...... [hZ †ewk ejvi Af¨vm Ki‡e, ZZ fvj Zzwg GUv Ki‡Z cvi‡e|][evsjv‡`k †ijI‡q
mnKvix Kgv‡Û›U 2007]
A. you will do it better B. do it better
C. the better you will do it D. better you will do it .Ans: C.
07. The more expensive the hotel, ...... the service. [‡nv‡Uj hZ †ewk e¨qeûj n‡e, †mev ZZ fv‡jv n‡e|] [CU B-Unit 07-08]
A. the better B. the good C. the best D. the well .Ans: A.
08. The richer he gets,........[†m hZ †ewk abx nq, Zvi ZZ †ewk eÜz nq|] [CU B-Unit 08-09]
A. the more friends he has B. more friends he has
C. more friends has he D. more and more friends he has
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E. may more friends he has .Ans: A.


mvaviYfv‡e Superlative Form Gi c~‡e© Article ‘the’ e‡m Avi Comparative Form-Gi c~‡e© the em‡Z cv‡i bv| Z‡e wbw`©ó
`yR‡bi g‡a¨ Compare Kiv n‡”Q hw` Ggb †evSv‡bv nq (‡hgb: of the two/ of the pair _v‡K) Zvn‡j Comparative Form
Gi c~‡e© Article ‘the e‡m|’
A b yk xj b c e ©- 0 7
01. Select the correct sentence: [mgevq `߇ii wØZxq †kªYxi †M‡R‡UW Awdmvi 1997, PSC-2004]
A. This is the wisest plan among the two. B. This is the wiser plan of the two.
C. This is the wisest plan of the two. D. This is the wiser plan between the two. .Ans: B.
02. Rasel is the smaller...... the two boys. [Dc‡Rjv/_vbv wk¶v Awdmvi 1999, IU F-Unit 05-06]
A. of B. as C. before D. than .Ans: A.
03. Point out the degree of comparison of the underlined words. Of the two evils, choose the less.
[RU A-Unit 06-07]
A. Positive B. Comparative C. Superlative D. None .Ans: B.
04. He is.......of the two. [RU B-Unit 09-10]
A. better B. as good as C. the better D. best .Ans: C.
05. You will have to choose....the two evils. [CU C-Unit 09-10]
A. the less of B. as good as C. the less than D. best .Ans: A.
Note: mwVK phrase wU nIqv DwPZ the lesser of two evils. [Ref: Oxford, Cambridge, Longman dictionary
of contemporary English].
06. Of ....... two girls she is the better. [Rb¯^v¯’¨ cÖ‡KŠkj Awa`߇ii K¨vwkqvi 2011]
A. a B. an C. the D. No article .Ans: C.
07. Although Lima is younger than her sister, Lima is the ...... of the two. [KU Biology School 11-12]
A. tallest B. taller C. most tall D. more taller .Ans: B.
08. Choose the correct use of article: This is .....better of ...... two. [mgvR‡mev Awa`߇ii cÖ‡ekb Awdmvi 2013]
A. a, an B. a, a C. the, the D. x, the .Ans: C.
09. Of the two boys, Latif is ...... intelligent. [DU B-Unit 13-14, IU H-Unit 14-15]
A. more B. most C. as D. far .Ans: A.


msL¨vevPK Zzjbv †evSv‡j t Avcbv‡K Aek¨B wb‡æi structure wU follow Ki‡Z n‡e| bZzev fzj n‡e| Structure- wU nj t
noun 
Sub + verb + msL¨vevPK + as + much/many + Noun/Adj/Adv. + as+   n‡e|
pronoun 

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Four times
Million times
She has two times much money than I. Incorrect
She has twice as much money as I. Correct
She is thrice as much meritorious as I.
Shafiq has ten-times as many cars as I.
This encyclopedia costs twice as much as the other one.
At the clambake last week, Shohel ate three times as manyoystersas Barney.
Manik has half as manyrecords now as I had last year.
N.B: twice more than, thrice more than ev four times much as G iKg Expression e¨envi Ki‡j fzj n‡e|

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Comparative Estimates- As many as, More than & Less than: ‡Kvb wbw`©ó msL¨v †`Iqv _vK‡j Zvi Av‡M as many as
e‡m Ggb cwigvc cÖKvk K‡i hv H msL¨vi †P‡q †ekx bq| Example: We should have as many as five hundred
applications. A_©vr Avgv‡`i cuvPki g‡Zv Av‡e`b _vKv DwPZ (cuvPki †ekx bq)| Uncountable cwigvc †hgb: Height,
distance ev Money Gi ‡ÿ‡Î as much as e‡m| Example: as much as ten pounds, as much as two miles, as
much as twenty dollars. Z‡e wbw`©ó msL¨vi c~‡e© more than ev less than e‡mI cwigvc cÖKvk Ki‡Z cv‡i hv H msL¨vwUi
†P‡q mvgvb¨ †ekx Kg wb‡`©k K‡i| Example: Steve has more than a thousand coins in his collection [w÷‡fi
msMÖ‡n GK nvRv‡ii wKQz †ekx K‡qb Av‡Q|]. Andy has less than a dozen coins in his pocket [A¨vwÛi c‡K‡U GK
WR‡bi wKQz Kg K‡qb Av‡Q|].
A b yk xj b c e ©- 0 8
01. Staying in a hotel costs.........renting room in a dormitory for a week. [CU B/B1-Unit 08-09,10-11,12-13]
A. twice more than B. twice as much as C. as much twice as
D. as much as three E. two times more than
Note: g‡b ivL‡Z n‡e: UvKv w`‡q cwi‡kva Kiv nq Ggb Word ¸wj Non-Count A_© †`q| ‡hgb: Cost, Price, Rent,
Profit, loss, Salary, Earn, Spend BZ¨vw`| ZvB Avgv‡`i DËi B| .Ans: B.
02. Last year, Matin earned .....his brother, who has a better position. [CU D-Unit 12-13]
Last year Mr. Mahmud earned.....his brother, who has a better position. [CU B1 -Unit 13-14]
A. twice as much as B. twice more than
C. twice as many as D. twice as more as .Ans: A.
𝒔𝒄𝒐𝒓𝒆𝒅 𝒇𝒊𝒗𝒆 𝒂𝒔 𝒎𝒖𝒄𝒉 𝒕𝒊𝒎𝒆𝒔 𝒂𝒔 𝒐𝒏 𝒑𝒓𝒆𝒗𝒊𝒐𝒖𝒔𝒍𝒚
03. She has up to Tomiz that exam . [CU B1-Unit 14-15]
Note: ‡h‡nZz Option B ‡Z five ‡`Iqv Av‡Q ZvB as much as bv n‡q as many as nIqv DwPZ| .Ans: B.
04. We expect ......... thirty people to come.
A. approximate B. more C. as many as
D. more E. as much as .Ans: C.
05. There are........ fifty students attending summer school.
A. approximate B. more C. as much as
D. until E. as many as .Ans: E.
06. The children can see .....baby animals in the nursery at the zoo.
A. more B. as much more C. as many as
D. approximate E. until .Ans: C.
07. .....planes have sat in line waiting to take off.
A. As many as B. Approximate C. More
D. Until E. As much as .Ans: A.
08. State University offers.... major fields of study.
A. as much as B. approximate
C. as many as D. Until E. more .Ans: C.
09. Bob found a job that paid twice .....he made working at the library.
A. so much as B. as much as C. as many as
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D. more than E. as much that .Ans: B.

10. The price was very reasonable; I would gladly have paid three times.....he asked.
A. so much as B. as much as C. as many as
D. more than E. as much that .Ans: B.
11. We didn't buy the car because they wanted twice.....it was worth.
A. so much as B. as much as C. as many as
D. more than E. as much that .Ans: B.
12. Last year, Matt earned..... his brother, who has better position.
A. twice as much as B. twice more than C. twice as many as D. twice as more as .Ans: A.
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 Comparison ev Zzjbv Kivi mgq hv‡`i g‡a¨ Zzjbv nq Zviv GKB ai‡bi n‡Z nq| wfbœ ai‡bi wel‡qi gv‡S †Kvb cÖKvi
Comparison n‡j Zv Illogical Comparison nq Ges evK¨wU fzj n‡q hvq| ZvB Avgv‡`i jÿ¨ ivL‡Z nq Comparison ‡hb
Logical ev †hŠw³K nq| A_©vr hv‡K Zzjbv Kiv n‡jv Ges hvi mv‡_ Zzjbv Kiv n‡jv Giv Aek¨B GKB welq/e¯‘ n‡e ev m½wZcY©
The salary of a teacher is higher than a driver. Incorrect (KviY Teacher Gi salary-i mv‡_ driver-Gi
salary-i Zzjbv Kiv †h‡Z cv‡i wKš‘ ïay driver †K Zzjbv Kiv hv‡e bv|
The salary of a teacher is higher than that of a driver. Correct
Or, The salary of a teacher is higher than a driver's. Correct
 The buildings of Barisal are finer than Dhaka. Incorrect (KviY ewikv‡ji Building ¸‡jv‡K XvKvi kn‡ii mv‡_
Zzjbv Kiv hv‡e bv, XvKvi kn‡ii Building ¸‡jvi mv‡_ Zzjbv Kiv hv‡e|)
The buildings of Barisal are finer than those of Dhaka. Correct
 ZvQvov,
The Jute of Bangladesh is different from that in other countries.
The rules are different from those of soccer.

A b yk xj b c e ©- 0 9
01. One’s finger prints are .... .[Medical Admission Test 93-94, PSC-Gi mnKvix cwiPvjK 2006, Rbkw³
Kg©ms¯’vb I cÖwk¶Y ey¨‡ivi Dc cwiPvjK 2007, KU Biology School 10-11]
A. different from those of any other person B. different from any other person
C. different than any other person D. differs from another person .Ans: A.
02. Which one is correct? [RU Anthropology 04-05]
A. The rice of Dinajpur is better than that of Dhaka
B. The rice of Dinajpur is better than Dhaka.
C. The rice of Dinajpur are better than Dhaka.
D. Dinajpur’s rice is better than Dhaka. .Ans: A.
03. The climate of Dinajpur is like......... of Rangpur. Fill in the blank. [RU Law 05-06]
A. the B. that C. as D. exactly .Ans: A.
04. Choose the correct sentence. [Lv`¨ I `y‡h©vM gš¿Yvj‡qi Aax‡b ÎvY I c~Yve©vmb Awa`ßi cÖKí ev¯Íevqb Kg©KZ©v 2006]
A. The houses of our village is better than yours.
B. The houses of our village is good than yours.
C. The houses of our village are good than those of yours.
D. The houses of our village are better than those of yours. .Ans: D.
05. Which one is correct? [RU F-Unit 07-08]
A. The streets of Dhaka are cleaner than Rajshahi.
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B. The streets of Dhaka are cleaner than those of Rajshahi.

C. The streets of Dhaka are more cleaner than Rajshahi.
D. The streets of Dhaka are more clean than Rajshahi. .Ans: B.
06. The facilities of the older hospital.... [CU E-Unit 07-08]
A. is as good or better than the new hospital
B. are as good or better than the new hospital
C. are as good as or better than the new hospital
D. are as good as or better than those of the new hospital
E. are as good as or the best of all hospitals .Ans: D.
07. The roads of Chittagong are wider....... [CU D-Unit 10-11]
A. than that of Dhaka B. then those of Dhaka C. than those of Dhaka
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D. then Dhaka’s E. than Dhaka .Ans: C.
English Language G wKQz wKQz Word ev Group of Words e¨eüZ nq hviv Comparative Degree of
Adjective bv n‡jI `ywU e¨w³ ev e¯‘ A_ev `yB `j e¨w³ ev e¯‘i g‡a¨ Zzjbv cÖKvk Ki‡Z cv‡i| wb‡P G ¸wj Av‡jvwPZ nj:


‘The same as’†h `ywU Noun ‡K Compare (Zzjbv) Kiv n‡”Q Zv‡`i gv‡SGes ‘the same’†h `ywU Noun Gi Zyjbv Kiv n‡”Q Zv‡`i
†k‡l e‡m| SentenceG ‘the same as’ GB ai‡bi Structure Gi †ÿ‡Î the same Gi c‡i †Kvb wKQz em‡j †mUv Aek¨B
Nounn‡e; †Kvb Ae¯’v‡ZB Adjective n‡Z cvi‡e bv| Example: This coat is the same as that one. This coat and that
coat are the same. These coats are the same.
we‡kl `ªóe¨t The same Ges as Gi ci †Kvb Ae¯’v‡ZB to, than, like e¨envi Kiv hv‡e bv|

A b yk xj b c e ©- 1 1
1. The car is almost......mine.
A. the same B. the same as C. alike D. as .Ans: B.
2. My briefcase is exactly.....yours.
A. as B. similar C. the same as D. the same .Ans: C.
3. Are your book and mine.....?
A. the same as B. the same C. similar to D. like .Ans: B.
4. Are the picture and the one on your desk....?
A.the same B. the same as C. like D. similar to .Ans: A.
5. The teacher gave Martha a failing grade on her composition because it was..... a composition he
had already read.
A. alike B. similar C. the same D. the same as .Ans: D.


g‡b ivL‡eb, mywbw`©ó characteristics (ˆewkó¨)-Gi g‡a¨ Zzjbv Ki‡Z Quality Noun Ges Quality Adjective e¨eüZ nq|
Z‡e Zv‡`i Structure wfbœ| Quality Noun Gi mv‡_ the same…as Ges Quality Adjective Gi mv‡_ as…as
Structure e¨eüZ nq|
wb‡Pi nouns ¸‡jv quality nouns wn‡m‡e e¨eüZ nq:
age price
color size
height style
length weight
Structure:noun + V + the same + quality noun + as + noun
Example: She is the same age as Joy.
Incorrect: This is not the same big as the rest of the flats.
Correct: This is not the same sizeas the rest of the flats.
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wb‡Pi nouns ¸‡jv quantity nouns wn‡m‡e e¨eüZ nq:

big large
cheap light
clear little
cold long
easy old
expensive short
hard small
heavy tall
hot young
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Structure: noun + V + as + quality adjective + as + noun
Example: She is as old as Joy.
Incorrect: Mary worked as hard than Bill did.
Correct: Mary worked as hard as Bill did.
Part A: Choose the correct answer:
Some retirement communities will not sell property to new residents unless they are about
.......the rest of the residents.
A. the same age B. the same old C. the same age as D. the same old as .Ans: C.
Part B: Choose the incorrect word or phrase and correct it.
𝒄𝒐𝒍𝒅−𝒃𝒍𝒐𝒐𝒅𝒆𝒅 𝒂𝒏𝒊𝒎𝒂𝒍𝒔 𝒉𝒂𝒗𝒆 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒔𝒂𝒎𝒆 𝒕𝒆𝒎𝒑𝒆𝒓𝒂𝒕𝒖𝒓𝒆
The bodies of 𝑨 𝑩 𝑪
their surroundings, but those of warm-
𝒅𝒐 𝒏𝒐𝒕
blooded animals .


Sentence G ‘Different from’ Gi Position n‡”Q †h `ywU Noun ‡K Compare (Zzjbv) Kiv n‡”Q Zv‡`i gv‡S, Ges
‘Different’Gi Position nj †h `ywU NounGi Zyjbv Kiv n‡”Q Zv‡`i †k‡l/c‡i| “Different” Gi c‡i KLbB than e¨envi
Kiv hvq bv| Aek¨B from e¨envi Ki‡Z nq| Different- Adjective Avi Differ- Verb| Example: This coat is
different from that one. This coat and that coat are different. These coats are different. [D`vnib ¸wj‡Z
is different Gi ¯’v‡b differs Avi are different Gi ¯’v‡b differ ‡`Iqv hv‡e|- This coat differs from that one.]
A b yk xj b c e ©- 1 2
1. The food in my country is very...... that in our country.
A. different B. different than
C. different from D. differ E. differ from .Ans: C.
2. The classes at Dhaka University are ........ at State University.
A. different B. different from C. different from those
D. different than E. different than those .Ans: C.
3. The time in Dhaka city.....three minutes from that of Khulna city.
A. different B. differs C. different from
D. differs from E. different than .Ans: B.
4. The works of Picasso were quite ....... during various periods of his artistic life.
A. different B. different than C. different from
D. differ E. differ from .Ans: C.
5. Your complaint is no different from the last customer who expected a refund.
A. no different from B. no different from that of C. similar to
D. no different than that of E. the same as .Ans: B.
6. Today this is a totally different world than we have seen in the last decade.
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A. than we have seen B. from what we have seen

C. from what we seen D. than what weseen .Ans: B.
𝒂𝒑𝒑𝒍𝒊𝒆𝒅 𝒔𝒖𝒄𝒄𝒆𝒔𝒔𝒇𝒖𝒍𝒍𝒚 𝒇𝒂𝒓𝒎𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒅𝒊𝒇𝒇𝒆𝒓𝒆𝒏𝒕
7. Although business practices have been 𝑨 𝑩
to agriculture, 𝑪
is 𝑫
industries. .Ans: D.
8. A nursery school ......... a day care center.
A. different from B. differs C. different D. differs from .Ans: D.
9. Although they are both weekly magazines, Time and Newsweek ......in several ways.
A. differ B. differ from C. different
D. different from E. A+D .Ans: A.

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Like Ges Alike w`‡q `ywU e¨w³, e¯‘ ev cÖvYxi g‡a¨ mv`„k¨ †evSv‡bv nq| Sentence G ‘Like’ Gi Position n‡”Q †h `ywU Noun
Compare (Zzjbv) Kiv n‡”Q Zv‡`i gv‡S, Ges ‘Alike’ Gi Position nj †h `ywU Noun Gi Zyjbv Kiv n‡”Q Zv‡`i †k‡l|
“Like” Gi c‡i Aek¨B Noun/Noun Phrase e‡m Z‡e Alike Gi c‡i KLbB Noun/ Noun Phrase emv‡bv hvq bv|
Like/ Alike Gi A_© ÒgZÓ/ ÒGKBiƒcÓ Giv Preposition| Like Gi wecixZ kã Unlike| wKš‘ hLb Like gv‡b ÒcQ›` KivÓ
A_©vr Verb nq ZLb Gi wecixZ kã nq Dislike| Example: This coat is like that one. This coat and that one
are alike. These coats are alike.

A b yk xj b c e ©- 1 3
1. Although they are smaller, chipmunks (KvVweovj RvZxq cÖvYx) are....most other ground squirrels
(KvVweovj). [JU IBA 11-12]
A. like to B. like as C. like D. alike .Ans: C.
2. The first living structures to appear on earth thousands of years ago were......viruses.
A. as B. like C. alike D. the same .Ans: B.
3. Your recipe for chicken is.....a recipe that my mother has.
A. alike B. the same C. similar D. like .Ans: D.
4. The shoes I want to buy and the shoes I have on are ........
A. alike B. the same as C. like D. similar to .Ans: A.
5. Anthony and his brother don’t look......
A. like B. similar to C. alike D. the same as .Ans: C.
6. The weather feels as spring.
A. as spring B. like spring C. as like as spring D. alike spring .Ans: B.
7. These suits are..... that one.
A. as B. like C. alike D. the same .Ans: B.

‡h `ywU Noun Gi mv‡_ Compare Kiv nq, ‘Similar to’ Zv‡`i gv‡S e‡m| Avi ‘Similar’ H `ywU Noun Gi †k‡l/ c‡i
e‡m| Example: This coat is similar to that one. This coat and that one are similar. These coats are
A b yk xj b c e ©- 1 4
1. The English that is spoken in Canada is.......the United States.
A. similar B. similar to C. similar to the
D. similar to that of E. similar to those of .Ans: D.
2. The vegetation in temperate zones all around the world is......
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A. similar B. like C. same D. as .Ans: A.

3. The medical problems of parents and their children tend to be very...... because of the
hereditary nature of many diseases
A. like B. similar to C. similar D. the same as .Ans: C.
4. I would really like to have a stereo that is.....the one on display.
A. alike B. the same C. similar D. similar to .Ans: D.
5. My roommate’s values and mine are ........in spite of our being from different countries.
A. like B. similar to C. similar D. the same as .Ans: C.
6. That joke is ........a joke that I heard.
A. alike B. the same C. similar D. similar to .Ans: D.
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`yB‡qi †ekx e¨w³, e¯‘ ev wel‡qi g‡a¨ Zzjbvq Adjective/Adverb Gi Superlative Degree e¨eüZ nq|
Superlative Degree Gi mv‡_ Related Rule ¸wj wb‡P Av‡jvwPZ nj:
Superlative Degree-Gi c~‡e© the e‡m| †Kvb ¯’vb, Group ev Class Gi Member eySv‡Z in e‡m; of e‡m bv|
Example: He has invited the most brilliant students in the class. [of the class n‡e bv|]
Exception!!: He has invited most of the students.  most-GKwU Adjective wn‡m‡e em‡Z cv‡i| ZLb Gi c~‡e© the
e‡m bv| most hLb Superlative Degree-‡Z e‡m ZLb Gi c‡i GKwU Di/Tri/ Poly Syllable wewkó Adjective/Adverb
_v‡K| ïay most Aek¨B Superlative bq eis Positive| ZvB ïay most Gi c~‡e© the e‡m bv|
A b yk xj b c e ©- 1 5
01. Nature is the........physician. (cÖK…wZ n‡jv me©‡kªô wPwKrmK|) [gva¨wgK mnKvix wk¶K 1996, IU B-Unit 10-11]
A. good B. better C. best D. excellent .Ans: C.
02. I thought that ....was the last one. [24th BCS Cancelled]
A. the most prettiest of all B. prettiest one of all
C. the prettiest one from all D. the prettiest one of all .Ans: D.
03. His wife is ........cook in the world. (Zvi ¯¿x c„w_exi me‡P‡q Lvivc ivaybx|) [CU C-Unit 03-04]
A. the very bad B. the worst C. worst D. the most worse .Ans: B.
04. Which one is the superlative degree? (me dz‡ji g‡a¨ †Mvjvc me‡P‡q my›`i|) [IU Law 04-05]
A. Rose is the finest of all flowers. B. The rose is the finest of all flowers.
C. The rose is finest of all flowers. D. The rose is the finest of all flower. .Ans: B.
Note: ‡h‡nZz GLv‡b mgMÖ †Mvjvc RvwZ‡K wb‡`©k Kiv n‡q‡Q ZvB The rose n‡e| Superlative degreeGi c~‡e© the e‡m
ZvB the finest n‡e| All Gi c‡i Countable Noun Gi Plural Form nq|
05. He is ...... in the class. (†m K¬v‡mi g‡a¨ me‡P‡q j¤^v|) [RU A-Unit 05-06]
A. tall B. taller C. tallest D. the tallest .Ans: D.
𝒊𝒏𝒅𝒊𝒄𝒂𝒕𝒆 𝒂𝒕 𝒍𝒆𝒔𝒔 𝒕𝒉𝒐𝒖𝒔𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒚𝒆𝒂𝒓𝒔 𝒐𝒍𝒅
06. Ancient drawings that the skill of juggling (Rv`y †`Lv‡bv) is three .
[CU B-Unit 10-11]
Note: At least nj GKUv Phrase Gi A_© Kgc‡ÿ| At less e‡j †Kvb wKQz †bB| .Ans: B.
07. These shoes are the.....expensive of all. [CU H-Unit 12-13]
A. last B. least C. less D. lesser E. lattest .Ans: B.
08. Which one is correct? (bxjb` Avwd«Kv gnv‡`‡ki `xN©Zg/me‡P‡q eo b`x)[17th BCS, gva¨wgK I D”P gva¨wgK wk¶v Awa`߇ii
Aax‡b cÖ`k©K wb‡qvM 2004, IU B-Unit 12-13, RU B-Unit 06-07, Ruplai Bank 2013]
A. The Nile is longest river in Africa. B. The Nile is longest river in the Africa.
C. Nile is longest river in Africa. D. The Nile is the longest river in Africa. .Ans: D.
Note: b`xi bv‡gi c~‡e© the e‡m wKš‘ gnv‡`‡ki bv‡gi c~‡e© the e‡m bv (we¯ÍvwiZ Article Chapter G)| Superlative
Degree- longest Gi c~‡e© the n‡e|
09. Of the four books, the green one is the ....... . [CU B7-Unit 14-15]
A. cheap B. cheaper C. cheapest D. more cheaper .Ans: C.
10. The bus is the.......expensive way to get around. [mve‡iwR÷ªvi 2016]
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A. less B. lesser C. least D. more .Ans: C.


Comparison of Individual Characteristics A_© ¯^Zš¿ ˆewk‡ói Zzjbv A_©vr GKB e¨w³i `ywU ¸‡Yi g‡a¨ Zzjbv| ¯^Zš¿
ˆewkó¨ eySv‡Z mKj †ÿ‡Î more e‡m| mivmwi Kv‡iv mv‡_ Zzjbv bq eis Kv‡iv `ywU ¸‡Yi Zzjbvq me©`v more e¨envi K‡i
Comparative Ki‡Z nq| A_©vr `ywU Adjective Gi Zzjbv eySv‡j Comparative Gmore e¨eüZ nq, er ev r ‡hvM K‡i
Comparative Kiv hv‡e bv|
Incorrect: Rice is cheaper than good.
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Correct: Rice is more cheap than good.
1. Which one is the correct sentence? [gva¨wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wk¶K 2000]
A. He is better than bad B. He is more good than bad
C. He is much well than bad D. He is most better than bad .Ans: B.


Very + Positive Degree/ Present Participle Ges Much + Comparative Degree/ Past Participle :
 I am very happy now.  I am much better today.
 It is very interesting.  I was much interested.

A b yk xj b c e ©- 1 7

01. Honey is ...... sweet. [29th BCS, JU F-Unit 09-10]

A. very B. too much C. much too D. extensive (e¨vcK) .Ans: A.
02. The book is ....... better. [eBUv A‡bK †ekx fv‡jv|] [RU C-Unit 07-08]
A. more B. very C. much D. far .Ans: C.
03. My house is ...... comfortable than my father's. [DU A-Unit 09-10]
A. very B. much C. to D. much more .Ans: D.
Note: cÖ_gZ ev‡K¨ than _vKvq Comparative n‡e ZvB more w`‡Z n‡e Avi Comparative Gi c~‡e© much n‡e ZvB
much more n‡e|
04. Choose the correct sentence. [RU G-Unit 09-10]
A. The patient is very better today. B. The patient is much better today.
C. The patient is more better today. D. The patient is more good today. .Ans: B.
Note: Comparative DegreeGi c~‡e©muche‡m ZvB Option A‡ZveryGi cwie‡Z© muchem‡e|
Bs‡iRx‡Z`ywUComparativecvkvcvwk e‡m bv| Option C ‡Zmoren‡e bv| Option C‡Z bettern‡e| KviY,goodGi
Comparative Form Av‡Q- better ZvB Gi c~‡e©moree¨eüZ n‡e bv| mwVK DËi B n‡e|
05. I feel......now. [BU B-Unit 13-14]
A. more happier B. much happy C. much happier D. more happy .Ans: C.
06. The weather is ....... gloomier today than it was yesterday. [DU B-Unit 14-15]
A. more B. more than C. very D. much .Ans: D.
07. The sum is very ...... easier. [HSTU F-Unit 14-15]
A. very B. more C. much D. the most easier .Ans: C.

A b yk xj b c e © (Real Exam Questions)

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01. 'We were no more surprised than Rahman.' [32th BCS]
A. We were less surprised than Rahman. B. We were all surprised
C. Rahman was less surprised than us. D. We were as surprised as Rahman. .Ans: D.
02. Dhaka is becoming one of the –––– cities in Asia. [28th BCS]
A. more busy B. busy C. busiest D. most busiest .Ans: C.
03. I thought that –––––– was the last one. [24th BCS]
A. the most prettiest of all B. prettiest one of all
C. the prettiest one from all D. the prettiest one of all .Ans: D.
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04. She is beautiful but she is ––––– her mother. [24th BCS]
A. most beautiful B. less beautiful C. as beautiful D. not so beautiful as .Ans: D.
cvewjK mvwf©m Kwgkb (PSC) -Gi Ab¨vb¨ wb‡qvM cixÿvi cÖkœvejx
01. Khadija prefers mutton ––––––––– beef. [evsjv‡`k cwimsL¨vb ey¨‡ivi wb‡qvM cixÿv- 2020]
A. to B. of C. on D. by .Ans: A.
02. The roads of Dhaka are wider than ––––– Rajbari. [ms¯‹…wZ wlqK gš¿Yvj‡qi Dc-mnKvix cÖ‡KŠkjx (wmwfj) 2019]
A. that of B. those of C. this of D. are .Ans: B.
03. The word 'least' is the superlative degree of –––– [Z_¨ gš¿Yvj‡qi Aaxb Pjw”PÎ I cÖKvkbv Awa`߇ii K¨v‡givg¨vb 2019]
A. little B. less C. none D. lesser .Ans: A.
04. What is the superlative degree of the word ' shy'? [Z_¨ gš¿Yvj‡qi Aaxb Pjw”PÎ I cÖKvkbv Awa`߇ii K¨v‡givg¨vb 2019]
A. shy B. shyer C. shyesle D. shiest .Ans: D.
05. Superlative form of the world late is: [evsjv‡`k cÖwZ‡hvwMZv Kwgk‡bi wewfbœ c‡` 2019]
A. Lattest B. Last C. Later D. Latest .Ans: D.
06. Which one is superlative degree? [XvKv cvwb mieivn I cqtwb®‹vkb KZ…©cÿ Gi Dc-mn. cÖ‡KŠkjx (wmwfj) 2019]
A. Worst B. Better C. Farther D. Less .Ans: A.
07. The roads of Rajshahi are wider ––––– [15Zg wkÿK wbeÜb I cÖZ¨qb cixÿv (¯‹zj/mgch©vq) 2019]
A. than those of Dhaka B. than Dhaka
C. than that of Dhaka D. than Dhaka's roads .Ans: A.
08. He was one of the worst men in the world. (Make Positive) [15Zg wkÿK wbeÜb I cÖZ¨qb cixÿv (¯‹zj/mgch©vq) 2019]
A. Very few men in the world were so bad as he
B. Very few man in the owrld was so as he
C. Very few men in the world was so bad so he
D. Very few man in the world were as bad as he .Ans: A.
09. It is more than honesty . (Make it Positive) [15Zg wkÿK wbeÜb I cÖZ¨qb cixÿv (¯‹zj/mgch©vq) 2019]
A. Honestry is not as much as it B. Honesty are not as much as it
C. Honestry is as much as it D. Honestry is less much as it .Ans: A.
10. Price for bicycles can run –––––– Tk. 2,000. [15Zg wkÿK wbeÜb I cÖZ¨qb cixÿv (¯‹zj/mgch©vq) 2019]
A. as high as B. so high as C. as high to D. as high for .Ans: A.
11. Of the four books, the red one is the –––– [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK (cÖ_g avc) 2019]
A. more cheaper B. cheapest C. cheap D. cheaper .Ans: B.
12. Rajshahi is ––––– sugar growing areas in Bangladesh? [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK (cÖ_g avc) 2019]
A. one of the larger B. one of largest C. one of the largest D. largest .Ans: C.
13. Which one is an example of a positive degree? [wewfbœ gš¿Yvj‡q/wefv‡Mi cÖkvmwbK Kg©KZ©v 2019]
A. less B. more C. little D. worse .Ans: C.
14. Which one is example of a positive degree? [wewfbœ gš¿Yvj‡q/wefv‡Mi cÖkvmwbK Kg©KZ©v 2019]
A. more B. much C. less D. last .Ans: B.
15. The superlative degree of the world 'bad' is –––– [R¡vjvwb I LwbR m¤ú` gš¿Yvj‡qi wbivcËv Kg©KZ©v 2019]
A. most bad B. the mos bad C. baddest D. worst .Ans: D.
16. The greater the demand, –––––– the price.
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[R¡vjvwb I LwbR m¤ú` gš¿Yvj‡qi wbivcËv Kg©KZ©v 2019]
A. higher B. the higher C. the highest D. high .Ans: B.
17. Which one of the following is an example of suprlative degree? [ciivóª gš¿Yvj‡qi mycvwib‡Ub‡W›U 2019]
A. much B. least C. less D. worse .Ans: B.
18. There were------- guests than I expected. [cwievi cwiKíbv Awa`߇ii cwievi Kj¨vY cwi`wk©Kv 2018]
A. less B. lesser C. few D. fewer .Ans: D.
19. The chain was ––––––– than we thought. [cÖv_wgK wkÿK 2018 (¯’wMZ 2014) 15 †Rjv]
A. strognger B. much C. strongest D. strong .Ans: A.
20. The roads of Dhaka are wider ––––––– [cÖv_wgK wkÿK 2018 (¯’wMZ 2014) 12 †Rjv]
A. then Sylhet's B. than Sylhet
C. then those of Sylhet D. Than those of Sylhet .Ans: D.
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21. The word 'worse' is the comparative form of the adjective --- [MYc~Z© Awa`߇ii DcmnKvix cÖ‡KŠkjx (wmwfj) 2017]
A. good B. bad C. far D. little .Ans: B.
22. 'Iron is the most useful metal.' The positive form of the sentence is [Z_¨ gš¿Yvj‡qi Aax‡b wewUwfi mnKvix cÖ‡KŠkjx
(wmwfj) 2017]
A. Very few metals are as useful as iron B. Iron is as useful as many other metals.
C. No metal is as useful as iron. D. Iron is more useful than many other metals. .Ans: C.
23. Dhaka is becoming one of the –––––– cities in Asia. [evsjv‡`k †ijI‡qi DcmnKvix cÖ‡KŠkjx (wmwfj) 2016]
A. more busy B. busy C. busiest D. mos busiest .Ans: C.
24. Of the two boys, Latif is ––––– intelligent. [WvK Awa`߇ii &c‡Rjv †cv÷ gv÷vi 2016]
A. most B. more C. as D. far .Ans: B.
25. No animal is so big ––––– the blue whale. [evsjv‡`k WvK wefvM ( †g‡UªvcwjUb mv‡K©i) cwi`k©K 2016]
A. than B. from C. but D. as .Ans: D.
26. The weather is ––––– gloomier today than it was yesterday. [evsjv‡`k WvK wefvM ( †g‡UªvcwjUb mv‡K©i) cwi`k©K 2016]
A. more B. more than C. very D. much .Ans: D.
27. Which one is not an example of comparative degree? [¯^v¯’¨ gš¿Yvj‡qi mnKvix cÖ‡KŠkjx 2016]
A. upper B. less C. worst D. higher .Ans: C.
28. Choose the correct one: The more you practice speaking- [cÖwZiÿv gš¿Yvj‡qi Dc mnKvix cwiPvjK 2016]
A. you will do it better B. do it better
C. the better you will do it D. better you will do it .Ans: C.
29. Fill in the gap: John is as cunning as–––––. [RbcÖkvmb gš¿Yvj‡qi Aax‡b wcGmwmÕi mnKvix cwiPvjK 2016]
A. lion B. fox C. hare D. tiger .Ans: B.
30. It was ––––– expensive than I thought. [cwimsL¨vb ey¨‡ivi WvU Gw›Uª Acv‡iUi 2016]
A. much B. more C. high D. higher .Ans: B.
31. She is ––––– than her brother. [K…wl m¤úªmviY Awa`߇ii mnKvix K…wl Kg©KZ©v 2016]
A. elder B. older C. eldest D. oldest .Ans: A.
32. He is taller than -------- [K…wl m¤úªmviY Awa`߇ii mnKvix K…wl Kg©KZ©v 2016]
A. me B. myself C. I D. am I .Ans: C.
33. The bus is the –––– expensive way to get around. [AvBb, wePvi I msm` welqK gš¿Yvj‡qi mve †iwRóªvi 2016]
A. less B. lesser C. least D. more .Ans: C.
miKvix Ges †emiKvix e¨vsK wb‡qvM cixÿvi cÖkœvejx
01. Computer has revolutionized office procedures more than any machine of modern time. [BSC
Senior Officer (3 Banks) 2018; Probashi Kallyan Bank Senior Executive Officer (Cash) 2018]
A. has any machine B. any other machine C. other machine D. none of these .Ans: B.
02. There were –––– guests than I expected. [IFIC Bank Ltd Trainee Assistant Officer (TAO) 2018]
A. less B. lesser C. fewer D. few .Ans: C.
03. The superlative degree of the word 'able' is- [Bangladesh Developent Bank LTd. Senior Officer 2017]
A. most able B. ablest C. best able D. abler .Ans: B.
miKvix wek¦we`¨vjq Ges †gwW‡Kj fwZ© cixÿvi cÖkœvejx
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01. Salman is one of the richest person in the town. What does the sentence inply? [Xvwe M 2019-20]
A. No other man is as rich as Salman in this town.
B. No one in this town is rich.
C. Very few persons in the town are as rich as Salman.
D. Salman is very rich but others are also rich. .Ans: C.
02. It is the –––– city of the country. [Xvwe N 2019-20]
A. most populous B. more populous C. most people D. most population .Ans: A.
03. Africa is hotter ––––– Europe. [Pwe L-1 2019-20]
A. than B. then C. that D. as .Ans: A.

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 Sentence Gi ¯^vfvweK structure subject + verb + object nIqvi ¯^‡Ë¡I †Kvb& †Kvb& †ÿ‡Î GB structure wU inverse
A_©vr verb + subject + object n‡q hvq| Zv‡K-B inversion e‡j| wb‡¤œv³ Situation ¸‡jv‡Z inversion nq| †hgb-
 Using the negative adverbs:

Hardly Rarely Scarcely

Seldom Nowhere Never
Not once Not only No sooner
Not until At no time By no means
GB negative Adverb ¸‡jv sentence Gi ïiæ‡Z em‡j auxiliary verb subject Gi c~‡e© wjL‡Z n‡e| auxiliary verb
bv _vK‡j do, did, does em‡e| †hgb-
i. Rarely she had presented her inner views Incorrect.
Rarely had she presented her inner views Correct.
ii. Seldom they listened to me Incorrect.
Seldom did they listen to me Correct.
iii. Only rarely wins the same major league baseball team the World Series two years in a row.
Only rarely does the same major league baseball team win the World Series two years in a row. Correct
iv. Never I have gone to Dhaka with my elder brother. Incorrect
Never have I gone to Dhaka with my elder brother. Correct
 Only Gi mv‡_ wewfbœ preposition ev adverb ‡hgb
A. Only in B. Only at C. Only once D. Only on
E. Only by F. Only recently
Sentence Gi ïiæ‡Z em‡j H sentence wU‡Z Inversions n‡e †hgb-
i. Only in an emergency you should use this exit.  Incorrect
Only in an emergency should you use this exit.  Correct
ii. Only recently she returned from abroad  Incorrect
Only recently did she return from abroad Correct
iii. Only by asking questions you can learn. Incorrect
Only by asking questions can you learn. Correct
 A. Only if B. Only when C. Only because
D. Only after E. Only until
Dc‡iv³ expression ¸‡jv sentence Gi ïiæ‡Z em‡j H sentence Gi second clause G inversion n‡e| †hgb-
i. Only if you have a serious problem you should call Mr. Franklin at home.Incorrect
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Only if you have a serious problem should you call Mr. Franklin at home.Correct
ii. Only if you have a grandiose party you should invite me. Incorrect
Only if you have a grandiose party should you invite me. Correct
iii. Only when you are satisfied the sale is considered final.Incorrect
Only when you are satisfied is the sale considered final.Correct
 so + adjective ev so+ participle sentence Gi ïiæ‡Z em‡j H sentence wU‡Z inversion n‡e| †hgb-
i. So rare this coin is that it belongs in a museum. Incorrect
So rare is this coin that it belongs in a museum. Correct
ii. So confusing the map was that we had to ask a police officer for directions. Incorrect

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So confusing was the map that we had to ask a police officer for directions. Correct
 Adverbs of place ev Adverbs of order Sentence Gi ïiæ‡Z em‡j, H Sentence wU‡Z auxiliary verb GgbwK
main verb (auxiliary verb bv _vK‡j) Subject Gi c~‡e© P‡j Avm‡e| †hgb-
i. In front of the museum a statue is. Incorrect
In front of the museum is a statue.Correct
ii. Off the coast of California the Channel Islands lie. Incorrect
Off the coast of California lie the Channel Islands.Correct
iii. First a police car came, and then came an ambulance. Incorrect
First came a police car, and then came an ambulance. Correct
A b yk xj b c e ©- 0 1

01. Today ------ major new products navigate without conducting elaborate market research.
A. corporations hardly introduce ever B. hardly ever corporations introduce
C. hardly ever introduce corporations D. corporations hardly ever introduce
02. Across the Chesapeake Bay from the rest of the state ------, whose farms produce beans,
tomatoes, and other garden vegetables.
A. there lies Maryland's Eastern Shore B. lies Maryland's Eastern Shore
C. Maryland's Eastern Shore lies there D. Maryland's Eastern Shore lies
03. Most southern states -had set up primary school systems by the late eighteenth century, but only
in New England ------ and open to all students.
A. primary schools were free B. were primary schools free
C. free were primary schools D. were free primary schools

A b yk xj b c e © (Real Exam Questions)

01. 'Not once has our neighbour invited us into his house''- means [32th BCS]
A. Our neighbour has invited us into his house not once but many times
B. Our neighbour has never invited us into his house
C. Occasionally our neighbour has invited us into his house
D. Our neighbour has not always invited us into his house .Ans: B.
Note: Not once, never, Rarely, Only after, Never before, Not until, Hardly, Seldom _vK‡j Auxiliary
verb + subject e‡m| A_© Avgv‡`i cÖwZ‡ekx KLbB Avgv‡`i‡K Zv‡`i evwo‡Z Avgš¿Y Rvbvqwb|
02. Only after I ––––– home, did I remember my doctor's appointment. [28th BCS]
A. going B. go C. went D. gone .Ans: C.
cvewjK mvwf©m Kwgkb (PSC) -Gi Ab¨vb¨ wb‡qvM cixÿvi cÖkœvejx
Raihan Sir || fb.me/raihansirbd

01. Never –––––– such a heinous crime. [‡cvó gv÷vi †Rbv‡ij (c~e©vÂj, PÆMÖvg)- Gi Kvh©vj‡qi †cvóvj Acv‡iUi 2016]
A. he has committed B. has he done C. he had done D. has he committed .Ans: D.
02. ––––––– stay in that hotel. [ †ijI‡q mnKvix Kgv‡W›U- 07]
A. Never again will they B. Never again they will
C. Again never they will D. Again they will never .Ans: A.
miKvix Ges †emiKvix e¨vsK wb‡qvM cixÿvi cÖkœvejx
01. Not often ––––– fatal today, but immediate medical attention is essential. [One bank ltd. Special cadre officer (SCO) 2018]
A. a rattlesnake bit's B. by a rattlesnake's bite
C. a rattlesnake bit is D. is a rattlesnake bite .Ans: D.

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Note: Not often, not only, rarely BZ¨vw` negative adverb + auxiliary + subject e‡m|
02. ––––– so many people been out of work as today. [ ivRkvnx K…wl Dbœqb e¨vsK ( †Kvlva¨ÿ)- 15]
A. More than ever before B. Never before have
C. In the past, there never have D. Formerly, there never were .Ans: B.
03. ––––– received law degree as today. [ †mvbvjx e¨AsK-10 ,ewe 12-13, ivwe 05-06]
A. Never so many women have B. Never have so many women
C. The women aren't ever D. Women who have never .Ans: B.
miKvix wek¦we`¨vjq Ges †gwW‡Kj fwZ© cixÿvi cÖkœvejx
04. Hardly ––––– I shut the door when the telephone rang. [CU D 19-20]
A. have B. did C. could D. had .Ans: D.
05. Choose the correct sentence from below. [BSMRSTU D 19-20]
A. Never I have understands less than men. B. Never have I understood less than men
C. Never having I understood less than men. D. I have never understanding less than men. .Ans: B.
06. I hardly understand him. The underlined words is –––– [ivwe M 2019-20]
A. a noun B. a verb C. an adjective D. an adverb .Ans: D.
07. Only after entering the bedroom ––––. [Pwe L-1 2019-20]
A. he was the strange figure B. he has seen the strange figure
C. did he saw the strange figure D. did he find the stranger .Ans: D.
08. Hardly ––––– I shut the door when the telephone rang. [Pwe wW 2019-20]
A. have B. did C. could D. had .Ans: D.
09. 'he hardly works' –––– in this statement 'hardly' means – [hwecÖwe F 2019-20]
A. rarely B. rather C. perhaps D. very hard .Ans: A.
10. –––– this is a serious issue that deserves further study. [Xvwe N 2018-19]
A. Rarely B. Clearly C. Usually D. pomptly .Ans: B.
11. Only then –––– what she meant. [Kzwe wm 2018-19]
A. I understand B. did I understand C. I was understood D. I had understood .Ans: B.
12. Seldom –––– understand her fault while talking to others. [Rvwe L 2018-19]
A. she could B. could she C. had she D. she had .Ans: B.
13. –––––– did Sekandar realize that there was danger. [Pwe we1- 15-16]
A. Upon entering the store B. When he entered the store
C. After he had entered store D. Only after entering the stores .Ans: D.
14. ––––– does Jamal forget to listen to the news. [Pwe 15-16]
A. Rarely B. Scarce C. Severally D. Even .Ans: A.
15. Only after doing M.B.A-------. [Pwe 14-15]
A. Mina qualified for the B.C.S exam B. did Mina qualify for the B.C.S Exam
C. Had mina qualify for the B.C.S Exam D. didn't Mina qualify for the B.C.S Exam
E. Has Mina qualify for the B.C.S Exam .Ans: B.
Raihan Sir || fb.me/raihansirbd

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