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survey at the same and well-known point. The most common error in traversing is Local
Attraction error, which occurs when the magnetic needle is disturbed from its normal position
due to external forces. We must calculate the required data using the given Face Left and
Face Right. It is also given in the table from total station to prism reflector placement. To
calculate final bearing, we take seconds in the mean bearing at the previous station. WNe
divided the seconds into 5 because there are 5 stations in total.


Our team was required to conduct a traverse survey during this fieldwork, and we completed
this project successfully with a Class D1 result. This type of fieldwork necessitates a great
deal of determination and teamwork among team members. Fortunately, all members of this
group put forth their greatest effort and tolerance to complete this project on time. This is
difficult fieldwork, and there are several challenges when conducting a traverse survey.
Measurement accuracy is critical during this project. Each team member adjusts the levelling
foot screw to centre the survey point through the optical plummet reticle. We also make
certain that the bubble is centred in the circular level by adjusting the tripod legs and bubble
with levelling screws. While adjusting the telescope to the target, parallax error may occur,
resulting in an inaccurate result. However, parallax error can be reduced by precisely
focusing the instruments on a distant target or by focusing the eyepiece for a clear view of
the crosshairs. The surveyor adjusted the measurements of the distance from one point to
another point by computations and took readings repeatedly to minimise accidental errors
that resulted in better results. Our team minimised errors by setting an angle to zero degrees
and taking a reading of an angle from left to right based on our basic knowledge and skills.
Finally, it is critical that we adhere to the Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) to ensure
that our survey runs smoothly. Through this fieldwork, our team learned a lot about
surveying firsthand. This project taught us how to conduct experiments and how to use
equipment such as theodolites and reflectors to obtain detailed results. Furthermore, we
learned how to measure horizontal and vertical angles and were able to accurately describe
the closed traverse survey. Finally, we can determine the final bearing and correctly sketch
the traverse. Overall, our traversing fieldwork is satisfactory, and our team is pleased with
the outcomes because they meet our expectations.

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