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World History Mr.

Kassube Room #5

WORLD History – Rome, the Roman Republic, Cicero & Punic Wars

Some of the most fundamental values and institutions of Western civilization began in the
Roman Republic. While the great civilization of Greece was in decline, a new city to the west
was developing and increasing its power. Rome grew from a small settlement to a mighty
civilization that eventually conquered the Mediterranean world. In time, Rome would build one
of the most famous and influential empires in history. Use information from the class discussion,
video and textbook (pages 155-159)

1) Where is Rome located?

2) Create a comic strip that depicts and explains the legendary tale of how Rome was
founded (6 points)
3) What in Michigan is named after the legendary tale of Rome’s formation?
4) Rome was originally a Monarchy, which means what?
5) Rome eventually became a Republic, which is what?
6) In the early Republic, different groups of Romans struggled for power. One group was
The Patricians. Provide some facts about them
7) The other group of Romans who struggled for power were The Plebeians. Provide some
facts about this group
8) When comparing the Patricians against the Plebeians, which was more likely to be
educated? Is there a reason for this?
9) In the early years of the Roman Republic, what were Tribunes?
10) What were the Twelve Tables?
11) Both Ancient Rome and modern-day United States of America has a republic. What
similarities do you see in the governments of the Roman Republic and the United States?
12) Between the United States of America and Ancient Rome, which government seems more
democratic? Explain
13) Why were only boys taught history and rhetoric in school?
World History Mr. Kassube Room #5

14) In the early years of Rome, were they monotheistic or polytheistic? Does this eventually
change? Explain
15) What was the role of the consuls?
16) Within Rome’s government, which branch would be considered the aristocrats (someone
whose family has high social rank, especially someone who has a title)? What was their
job and how were they chosen?
17) The concept of checks and balances, separation of powers, a republic, the rule of law are
all key elements of ________________ which are found not only in the United States,
but throughout the world, were inspired by the Roman Republic.
18) Form of government where power is held by the people, not an emperor, king, queen or
military leader is an example of what?
19) In ancient Rome, being a good public speaker (orator) could make a person what?
20) This person was elected Consul (the highest office in Roman government at the time) and
known as Father of the Country. Who am I?
21) Growing number of dictators were trying to turn the Roman Republic into the Roman
__________. It was __________ who fought to prevent this from happening.
22) Some of Cicero’s biggest opposition came from what two men?
23) What happens to Cicero and why? How do you feel about this?
24) “Right of the people” to “life” and “liberty” to govern themselves – free from rule by the
“absolute Tyranny” of the “King of Great Britain.” Are words inspired by Cicero and
used in the ____________________ which influenced both John Adams and
25) As a republic, how did Rome try expanding its territories?
26) Did Rome’s power stay in Rome or expand? Explain.
27) Romans placed great value on their military. Their soldiers were organized into large
military units called, __________________. They were a key factor in Rome’s rise to
28) What were the Punic Wars and why do you think they were important?
29) Who was Hannibal? Explain whether or not he would be considered good or bad and
support your answer with evidence
30) As result of the Punic Wars what happened?

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