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Sect 1. Have Chi Gong and Falun Gong anything related to religion ?
The answer is "Yes". Let me explain to you step by step. In my Chinese version I explained Chi Gong and Falun Gong here and there. In this English version I put them together. First of all, what is Chi or Qi ? Chi means breathing, breath, air. Air is easy to understand. We breathe air into our lung and breathe out used air. If you take a deep breath, you will feel something moving deep into abdomen, below your navel. This move is the move of Chi not air. Air stops at the lung and air will not go below the navel. The area below navel is the reservoir of Chi. When Chi is on the move we say it is breathing, breath, air or wind sometimes. When Chi stay in your body, it is life and energy. The question is why breathing or breath will related to life and energy ? Let us turn to Bible. In Genesis 2:7 (KJV), "....God breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and man became a living soul." Here God's breath in human body becomes a living soul. What is living soul ? It is a human being with soul, not just human being as some version of Bible said, because this saying missed an important ingredient of human being. In English proverb "Keep body and soul together". This means a living person is a combination of body and soul. When body and soul separated, then it is a dead person. Soul is from God's breath of life or God's Chi. Our medical science studies the body only, Bible teaches us something about our soul. Our body exists in visible world or physical world, but our soul exists in invisible world or spiritual world. The soul means life and energy and soul can influence our health and mind.. In Chinese medicine, if somebody is weak in strength, the herb doctor would say "you are short of Chi and needs some tonic like Ginseng to produce more Chi" When Ginseng works, the patient will have more Chi or energy and becomes vigorous in mind. There is another way to get more Chi. That is called Chi Gong. Sometimes people say it is a way to have better health free of cost, This Gong in Chi Gong means special practice, such as transcendental meditation, to achieve something like more Chi. In fact, by practising Chi Gong for long time, your mind can reach out to the universe and draw universe energy into your body and further more your soul can get out of your body and wander in spiritual world and contact the spiritual body in the universe. At this stage you will have supernatural power such as seeing something in next door. By finger touching a book, you can tell what this book is all about. But be carefull, some problems will happen. First of all, sometimes as you practise Chi Gong, the Chi in your body will go wildly out of control, leaving the practiser rolling over ground painfully crying for help.

Even you are well guided by Chi Gong master and get more Chi and become healthier or even disease cured or even tumour disappeared. You will have a special heavy feeling at the center of your bossom. The more practice you made, the more heavy you would feel at the center of the bossom. As the feeling continues to a certain degree, another strange feeling will come over you, the Chi in your body will go through into your arms and legs from the center of your bossom. If the Chi in arms and legs is activated by the spiritual body in the universe, your arms and legs can not be controlled by your mind, but by the strange strength in all your arms and legs. The result is very terrible, the practiser will do anything beyond the control of his mind. Chances are the practiser will kill himself or somebody else. Somebody may ask what is the spiritual body he contacted. In Ephesians 6:12 "For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms." In John 14:30 just before Jesus was crusified, He said "... for the ruler of this world is coming, and he has nothing in Me".When Jesus was in the world, Satan could not rule the world. When Jesus left the world, Satan became the ruler of this dark world until Jesus second coming. When the soul of the Chi Gong practiser leaves his body and enters the spiritual world, it is a sinful soul. The sinful demon of Satan will come to contact the Chi Gong practiser and gave him demon's power by entering into his body. The first stop for the demon's power is at the center of his bossom, then the demon's power will expand into his arms and legs. Even though the demon's power does not do wild things, this evil spirit will remain in his body. If the Chi Gong practiser is a Christian, then he will distance himself gradually from God. If the Chi Gong practiser is not a Christian, then he will have the resistance to Gospel. It is very difficult to convert him. This ensures the soul of Chi Gong practiser going to Satan after his death. If Satan wants the soul sooner, then the demon's spiritual power in the practiser will start doing violent things like killing. Therefore practising Chi Gong is good for health only for a shor time. In the long run, practisung Chi Gong gives Satan a leverage to get your soul. It is not a way to have better health free of cost. Maybe you don't believe what I said. Here is a true testimony from a young Chi Gong practiser in China. His book was first published in Taiwan in 1999.

Sect 2. Disclose the Secret of Chi Gong

There are numerous Chi Gong books in the market, telling people how wonderful Chi Gong can do to improve health. But it is very rare to have a Chi Gong book telling people the dark side of Chi Gong. Because China is a country dominated by Satan for many centuries. Only in recent decades, after Gospel reaching far into China, people began to realize the dark side of Chi Gong and overcame strong resistance to speak out. This is a summary of the book wrtten by Shau Kwan. He was graduated from a high school. Because his sick parents got recovered by practising Chi Gong, so Shau Kwan started to follow. He became very devoted to practise and study Chi Gong. After a few years Shau Kwan got achievement. Shau Kwan could emit Chi from his body and inject into a patient and cure disease, even in distance. He got some special functions, with his mind power he could stop taperecorder from playing, turn off a lightening electric lamp. He could have his soul leave his body and go up. From above he could see himself lying on bed. He became well known for his Chi Gong achievement. But at the same time he became more and more weird in behaviour. Before Shau Kwan practised Chi Gong, he was a friendly person. After practising Chi Gong for several years Shau Kwan became self-closing, arrogant, hottempered, revengeful, even killing. One day he felt the Chi in his body was activated and began to do wild movements. Shau Kwan did his best to control the Chi in his body but he failed. He was driven by his Chi and ran towards the window, trying to jump out. Fortunately his friends around stopped him and saved his life. He said he felt very clearly there was another himself inside his body doing that terrible attempt. Shau Kwan could not understand why this would happen, so he was in a very bitter situation. One day, at a business occasion, Shau Kwan met one of his friends. He asked this friend if he knew anything about Chi Gong. The friend answered yes, but it was very dangerous. Shau Kwan was started as hearing this. It was just like a flash in dark. Shau Kwan continued to ask for the reason and visited him at his home. Once when Shau Kwan went to his friend's home, he heard a wonderful music. Shau Kwan said he felt this music was very powerful. He asked his friend what music this was. His friend said it was Hymn. His friend was a Christian. Shau Kwan told him his terrible experience with Chi Gong. As he talked, he burst into

tears. His friend introduced Jesus salvation to him and Shau Kwan accepted Jesus as his personal saviour. Shau Kwan began to pray and study Bible. He began to understand the Truth. Once Shau Kwan went to this friend's home. His friend and his wife both pray for him. Shau Kwan lay on floor with his eyes closed. As the pray went on, something mysterious happened. Shau Kwan's body started to jerk, then turned into convulsion. Shau Kwan said he could feel a strong strength inside the body trying to leave his body. This strength made Shau Kwan's head and feet lift up. This strange strength kept ramming inside the body left and right, and bulging the skin. Shau Kwan said he finally felt several branches of strength merged into an image of a human being. This image filled his bossom, twisted his upper body and stretched his lower body. His body was twisted like an arch. All of sudden this image broke through his body and made escape. At this time, Shau Kwan felt fresh and soft all over his body, just like having a bath. He realized after practising Chi Gong for seven years he invited a powerful demon's spirit into his body. With God's supernatural power this demon's spirit was driven out. There are many cases like this, but very few got published. Once I attended a Chi Gong seminar in Vancouver. This seminar was sponsored by a group of Chi Gong masters from China. Their purpose was to promote Chi Gong abroad. The leader was a chief secretary of China Chi Gong Association. During the meeting the leader said he could not understand that when practising Chi Gong to a high degree, there would be an adherent body come over the practiser. Once the adherent body came over, the Chi Gong practiser lost his control of his mind. He had to obey whatever the adherent body asked for. It was a very bitterly suffering. Among the audience there were some Christians, who were at one time also Chi Gong masters, told him it was Satan's evil spirit. A quarrel broke out, because these Chi Gong masters never heard Gospel. From the mid decade of 1980 China started to reform their economy system, and people realized their old Communist vision collapsed. They eagerly searched for new vision. Gospel spread very fast during that time. Many people deserted their traditional religion and converted to Jesus Christ. This was a bad news for Satan, because he lost souls to Christ. Satan trained quite a few Chi Gong masters appearing to the public and showing their special functions with a purpose to distract people from Christ. One day a Chi Gong flyer came to my office. I picked up and read. This flyer was written by a Chi Gong master from China. It reads like this Chi Gong is not created by human being on the earth, but a gift given by a universal highly intellegent living being. He was the one taught by this universal highly intellegent living being and created a special Chi Gong. The flyer said in the early stage of Chi Gong the practiser can have better health and get rid of diseases. In the high stage the practiser can contact this universal high intelligent living being.

In fact many Chi Gong practisers do not have so much time to practise Chi Gong. They just practise a little bit and are contented with a better health. These people can still be converted to Christ, because the Satan's evil spirit in their body is not strong enough to resist the Holy Spirit. Once I preached to a Chinese student in Vancouver. As I entered his room, he showed me a cushion and said "I practise Chi Gong every night on this cushion". He is very curious about all spiritual things. After two hours talk, he received Jesus Christ as his saviour. I asked him to knell down with me and follow me to say the entry prayer. He did. That night about ten he called me saying his mind reeling and dizzy. He felt distraught. He has no way to study. I realized this is the struggle between Holy Spirit and Satan's evil spirit. I told him "don't panic I pray for you". But he refused and cancelled all what happened that afternoon. I don't know if this student will be saved at end. But one thing is sure, Chi Gong is not a sure way to prevent people from believing Jesus Christ. That is why Falun Gong comes to this world at the year of 1992. This is a more powerful way to prevent people from believing Jesus Christ.

Sect 3. What is Falun Gong ?

In short, Falun Gong is automatic Chi Gong. As mentioned before, practising Chi Gong needs time, practising every day without interuption. While you practise Chi Gong, Satan's evil spirit gradually steals into your body and you can feel heavy at the center of your bossom. After a period of time you will feel better health or some diseases cured, you will not notice heavy feeling at the center of your bossom. Even you have the feeling, you don't mind. Most people stopped at that stage. But Satan wants more his spirit into your body, so he can totally control you. Satan invented Falun Gong, which was a breakthrough at this point and was first used in 1992. Falun means a magic wheel, which is not a visible physical wheel, because it itself is a spiritual one and exists only in invisible spiritual world. It takes the shape of a swastika, It is intelligent to know what it is doing. In Bible there were similar things happened, one of which was in 2 King 6:17 "Prophet Elisha prayed to Lord to open a young man's eyes, so he may see the hills full of horses and chariots of fire all arouns Elisha." These horses and chariots of fire are not visible in physical world, but in spiritual world which is not visible. The magic wheel of swastika is also a spiritual one. Only Falun Gong masters can see this magic wheel and were able to inject this magic wheel into Falun Gong learner's abdomen below the navel. Once this magic wheel was injected into your body, it will permanently live there, no way to remove it by yourself. Moreover this magic wheel can automatically

rotate 24 hours a day 7 days a week, never stop. You will not notice at all. If the magic wheel rotates clockwise, it can pump the universe enery into your body, if anti-clockwise, it can pump your Chi out of your body without your notice. The so called universe energy is Satan's evil spirit as mentioned before. Your Chi is ultimately from God, so you have normal reasoning ability with your mind. After a period of time your body is full of Satan's evil spirit and your normal Chi are all gone. You are not of yourself anymore, but totally controlled by Satan's evil spirit, though it will cure some of your diseases, yet you have paid your soul as a price to Satan. Therefore Falun Gong is not a free medical insurance as somebody glorified. It is a bait from Satan to capture your soul. Once you are injected with the Falun or the magic wheel, you are unconsciously practising Chi Gong day and night. At the same time a small magnetic field is created around you by Satan: This magnetic field has power, it can influence people near you, such as confusing their mind. The more people gather together practise Falun Gong, the more powerful the magnetic field is and more people's mind can get influenced. That is why the Falun Gong learners always practise Falun Gong in public area and in group. So keep away from the Falun Gong group. If a Falun Gong learner obey all the rules set up by his master, then he may be ok. But if any one who wants to leave Falun Gong and believe in Jesus Christ, then he will soon be killed by Satan's evil spirit already inside his body. In China Gospel spreads very fast in recent decades, thousands and thousands people believed in Jesus Christ. It was reported in 2003, about 1500 to 1600 Falun Gong practisers were killed mysteriously. That is why the Chinese government banned Falun Gong as evil religion. Gospel is desperately needed in China, after the ten years of Culture Revolution. All people in China realized their old vision of Communism was collapsed, people were searching new vision. On the other hand, the moral standards are drastically declined. Many people have no fear as long as they can make money. They corrupt, bribe, make false drink and medicine, make illegal copy of anything. Even after being put in jail they keep doing what is illegal. Under this circumstance, no other teaching can correct them, except Jesus Salvation. So preaching Gospel is the only way to put China into right track. Therefore, Falun Gong is the worst enemy. It must be totally banned, zero tolerance. In western countries, the situation is to the contrary. Jesus Salvation was taught in school and preached to public for many centuries. With the Holy Spirit in their hearts, most people became honest. Honest people is the basis to build a democratic social system. What is democracy ? In one word, one person one vote to elect their leaders. So, honest public elected honest leaders. In return, honest leaders gave people freedom and human rights. This freedom and human rights were within the Bible teaching. Human rights subject to God's right brought in God's blessing. That is why all western countries became rich, honest and powerful.

When the people in western countries became rich, honest and powerful, they started to be self-determining and arrogant. They don't like Bible teachings, as to what to do or not. They wanted to do whatever they like. They gradually left God and God also left them, then Satan crept in. Satan made them indulging in sex freedom, which constantly expands and seems to be unlimited. When this freedom was legalized, it became unrectricted human rights. These kind freedom and human rights are all sinful. They wanted their human rights above God's rights. This is the situation for today's western people. They deserted Bible and were looking for new teaching. In 2 Timothy 4:3 "For the time will come when men will not endure sound doctrine, but after their own lust, they will gather around them a great number teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear." So, Chi Gong and Falun Gong greatly intrigued them and became their new masters. Under this circumstance, Satan likes them practising Falun Gong longer and longer, so as to attract more and more people to follow. That is why in western countries, for the time being, there was no killing instance happened with practising Falun Gong.

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