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Cultural Discoveries - Social Science

Andrew, Aleviyah, Isabella, Janessa


Name of Documentary: The Shades of Spain - Cultural Discoveries

Beliefs, Values, and/or Virtues Important to the Culture (Belly):

Did you know that Spain is one of the most religious countries in Europe? 95% of Spaniards are
Catholic and 5% are Islamic. Multiple cities and towns in Spain are named after Saints such as
Santa Eulalia the co-patron saint of Barcelona and San Fulgencio which is known for its coastal
festivities. Spanish people value family, community, and tradition. Integrity and compassion are
also important in Spanish culture.,to%20name%20but%20a

Language (Belly):
In Spain 74% of the Spanish population speak Spanish, 17% speak Catalan, 7% speak Galician,
and 2% speak Basque.

Gender Roles (AndQ): In Spain, women are expected to have children, stay at home, and cook,
providing for the domestic role of raising children. If women do ever work, it is commonly a
part-time job, nothing more. Men do most of the work and bring in the income. This has always
been the case in Spain. The only difference between history and now would be gender equality.
At least 50 years ago, a woman had to ask for permission from their father or husband if they
wanted to work, and abuse against women was tolerated too. However, things changed since
then, and women can now choose when to work and abuse of any kind isn’t acceptable.,prevails

Ceremonies and Rituals (AndQ):

- Semana Santa: This is a religious ceremony, which is also known as Holy Week. This is
celebrated a week before Easter to worship the passion of Catholic and Christian culture.
Parades fill the streets and festivities regarding this ceremony, and everyone gathers to
celebrate the joy of Jesus Christ.
- Carnival: Celebrated in February, specifically in Santa Cruz of Tenerife, colourful
colours, dancers, and loud music flood the streets, making it one of the biggest
celebrations in the world.

- La Tomatina: On the last Wednesday of August, those in the Valencian town of Buñol
take tomatoes, squash them (to prevent injury), and then throw them by the people. This
messy tradition began in 1945, was banned in the 1950s, and then brought back in 1957.
This is regulated annually, and the citric acid in the tomatoes gives everything an extra
clean once they are washed away by firefighter hoses.

Marriage (Alive): Their weddings normally don’t have groomsmen or bridesmaids. The
groom's mother walks him down the aisle. The groom gives the bride 13 coins; the coins are
normally carried by the flower girl. The godfather plays the role of a best man for the groom.
They do orange blossoms for their flower arrangements.

Art (Alive): Spain is known for their art styles in Cubism and Surrealism. Madrid is the capital
of art in Spain.'s%20contribution%20to%2020th%2Dcentury,characterized%20by%20single

Food (Janessy): Some country-wide staple dishes common throughout Spain include croquetas
also known as croquettes. Paella - a rice dish from the Valencian community. Ensaladilla rusa,
also known as the local name for Olivier salad. Croquettes came to Spain from France, Paella
originated from Valencia, they have one of the best rice-producing areas in Spain.
Ensaladilla rusa actually originated from Russia. The name comes from the fact that it's a take on
Russian Olivier Salad.

(Script might not be 100% accurate compared to the video)

Sources - Google

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