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Light - Notes

1. Properties of Light
a. Light travels in ____________________________ lines.
b. Light travels very ___________________________! Its speed is around 300,000 km per
i. At this rate, it can travel around the Earth ________ times in 1 second!
c. Light travels much faster than ________________________.
i. For example, lightning and thunder happen at the same time, but we
_________________________ lightning before we hear thunder.
ii. When a starting pistol is fired, we ___________________________ the smoke first
and then hear the bang.
d. We are able to see things because they ___________________________ into our eyes!
2. Luminous vs. Non-Luminous Objects
a. A _____________________________ object is one that produces light.
b. A _____________________________ object is one that reflects light.
Luminous Objects

Non-Luminous Objects

3. Shadows
a. Shadows are places where light is “__________________________.”
4. Properties of Light Summary
a. Light travels in __________________________ ________________________.
b. Light travels much ____________________________ than sound.
c. We see things because they __________________________ into our eyes.
d. Shadows are formed when light is _________________________ by an object.
5. Reflection
a. Draw the diagram of how objects reflect from a mirror:
b. The Law of Reflection
i. The ___________________________ of __________________________ = The
___________________________ of ___________________________
1. Which means, light is reflected from a surface at the same
__________________________ at which it hits it.
6. Colors
a. White light is not a single color, it is made up of the colors of the _____________________.
b. We can demonstrate this by splitting light with a _________________________.
c. How are rainbows formed? ___________________________________________________
d. Seeing Colors
i. The color of an object depends upon the colors of the ________________________
it reflects.
ii. A red book appears red because it reflects ______________________ light!
iii. All other colors are _________________________ by the object.
iv. Purple pants would reflect ______________________ and __________________,
but absorb __________________________, ___________________________,
____________________________, _______________________________, and

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