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Anatomy of the EAR

Q:1: The auricle or pinna is developed from a series of six tubercles that form around the
margins of which branchial cleft?
Ans: First branchial cleft.
Q:2: How many layers there are of tympanic membrane and from what they are derived
Ans: All the three germinal layers make the three layers of tympanic membrane.
1. The Outer epithelial layer: Developed from Ectoderm of the first branchial layer.
2. The middle fibrous layer: Developed from Mesoderm between the first branchial cleft and
the tubo-tympanic recess.
3. Inner mucosal layer: Developed from Endoderm of the tubo-tympanic recess.
Q:3: Eustachian tube and the tympanic cavity are developed from?
Ans: Endoderm of the tubo-tympanic recess between first and second pharyngeal arches.
Q:4: During which intrauterine month, the mastoid antrum appears as dorsal expansion of
the middle ear cavity?
Ans: Sixth intauterine month.
Q:5: Malleus and incus are derived from?
Ans: MESODERM of the first pharyngeal arch.
Q:6: The head, neck and the two crura of stapes are derived from?
Ans: MESODERM of the second pharyngeal arch.
Q:7: The footplate of stapes is derived from?
Ans: Otic capsule: Which is derived from the MESODERM surrounding the membranous
Q:8: How membranous labyrinth is formed?
Ans: The Surface ECTODERM invaginates to form auditory pit, which is later converted to
auditory vesicle and Membranous labyrinth is formed from this auditory vesicle.
Q:9: How Bony labyrinth is formed?
Ans: It is formed from Cartilaginous Otic capsule that ossifies later.
Q:10: By the end of which intrauterine month, the inner ear reaches it's full adult form and
Ans: By the end of fourth intrauterine month.
Q:11: The auricle or pinna has framework of YELLOW ELASTIC CARTILAGE except in
which part of external ear and that part is composed of?
Ans: Lobule: Composed of fat and fibroalveolar tissue only.
Q:12: Pinna or auricle is supplied by which two branches of External carotid artery?
Ans: External carotid artery branches mnemonics: She Always likes friends over papa,
mama, and sister.
She = Superior Thyroid artery.
Always = Ascending pharyngeal artery.
Likes = Lingual artery.
Friends = Facial artery.
Over = Occipital artery.
Papa = Posterior auricular artery. = Supplies Pinna.
Mama = Maxillary artery.
Sister = Superficial temporal artery. = Supplies Pinna.
Only PAPA And Sister supplies the Pinna.
Q:13: What is the lymphatic drainage of the pinna?
Ans: 1. Preauricular(parotid lymph nodes).
2. Postauricular(Mastoid lymph nodes).
3. Infraauricular(Superficial cervical along external jugular vein)
Q:14: Cutaneous nerve supply of the pinna is from which three nerves?
Ans: 1. Auriculo-temporal nerve(Trigeminal).
2. Greater auricular nerve(Cervical plexus: C2 and C3).
3. Lesser occipital nerve(Cervical plexus: C2).
Q:15: Cutaneous nerve supply of medial surface of pinna?
Ans: Upper 1/3rd = Lesser occipital nerve.
Lower 2/3rd = Greater auricular nerve.
Q:16: Cutaneous nerve supply of lateral surface of pinna?
Ans: Upper 2/3rd = Auriculo-temporal nerve.
Lower 1/3rd = Greater auricular nerve.
Q:17: What is the length of External auditory canal and how much part is cartilaginous and
how much part is bony?
Ans: 1inch is the length. Outer cartilaginous part is 1/3rd. Inner bony part is 2/3rd.
Q:18: Why inferior wall is longer than superior wall?
Ans: Because the tympanic membrane is placed obliquely at medial end. Due to which a
recess is formed called inferior meatal recess and it is difficult to examine and clean debris
from this recess.
Q:19: Where are the two constrictions of the external auditory canal?
Ans: One at the junction between cartilaginous and bony part and second at 5mm from
the tympanic membrane in the bony part called ISTHMUS. ISTHMUS is the narrowest
part of the canal.
Q:20: The blood supply of External auditory canal is?
Ans: Same as Pinna that is PAPA(Posterior auricular artery) and SISTER(Superficial
temporal artery). + One extra that is Deep auricular branch of maxillary artery.
Q:21: The nerve supply of External auditory canal?
Ans: Anterior : Auriculo-temporal nerve.
Posterior : Auricular branch of vagus nerve.
Q:22: What are the two parts of tympanic membrane?
Ans: 1. Pars flaccida (Shrapnel's membrane). 2. Pars tensa.
Q:23: What is UMBO in tympanic membrane?
Ans: The centre part of tympanic membrane is called UMBO.
Q:24: What is cone of light in tympanic membrane?
Ans: Extending from the UMBO, downwards and forwards is bright triangular area called
Cone of light.
Q:25: What is annulus tympanicus?
Ans: The pars tensa is thickened peripherally into a fibrocartilaginous annulus called
Q:26: What is Notch of Rivinus?
Ans: The annulus is deficient superiorly in the pars flaccida and is called Notch of Rivinus.
Q:27: What is the blood supply of Tympanic membrane?
Ans: Maxillary artery. Outer surface: Deep auricular branch of Maxillary artery.
Inner surface: Tympanic branch of Maxillary artery.
Q:28: What is the nerve supply of Tympanic membrane?
Ans: Outer surface: Similar to External auditory meatus that is anterior half: auriculo-
temporal branch of Trigeminal nerve and posterior: by auricular branch of vagus nerve.

Inner surface: Tympanic branch of glossopharyngeal nerve.

Q:29: What is the length of Eustachian tube in adults?
Ans: 36mm.
Q:30: Where is the lower opening of Eustachian tube?
Ans: Lateral wall of nasopharynx.
Q:31: Where is the upper opening of Eustachian tube?
Ans: Anterior wall of Tympanic cavity.
Q:32: What is the direction of Eustachian tube from it's lower opening to upper opening?
Ans: Upwards, backwards and outwards.
Q:33: Which part of Eustachian tubes are bony and cartilaginous?
Ans: Upper 1/3rd = Bony.
Lower 2/3rd = Cartilaginous.
Q:34: The Eustachian tube is normally closed at rest, but is opened on yawning or
swallowing by the action of which muscle?
Ans: Tensor palati muscle.
Q:35: What is the blood supply of Eustachian tube?
Ans: 1. "Always" from the mnemonic of External carotid artery branches is: Ascending
pharyngeal artery, smallest branch of External carotid artery. 2. Two branches of Maxillary
artery: Middle meningeal artery and Artery of pterygoid canal.
Q:36: Where is the venous drainage of Eustachian tube?
Ans: Pterygoid venous plexus.
Q:37: What is the nerve supply of Eustachian tube?
Ans: Nervus intermedius: sensory and parasympathetic division of the facial nerve.
Q:38: What is the shape of tympanic cavity?
Ans: It has the form of a biconcave disc having six sides.
Q:39: What are the measurements of tympanic cavity/Middle ear cavity?
Ans: Vertical diameter: 15mm.
Anteroposterior diameter: 13mm to 15mm.
Transverse diameter at upper end: 6mm.
Transverse diameter in center: 2mm.(Narrowest point).
Transverse diameter at lower end: 4mm.
Q:40: The part of the tympanic cavity extending above the tympanic membrane is?
Ans: Attic or Epitympanum.
Q:41: The part of the tympanic cavity lying medial to tympanic membrane is?
Ans: Mesotympanum.
Q:42: The part of tympanic cavity extending below the level of floor of external auditory
canal is?
Ans: Hypotympanum.
Q:43: What is in the lateral wall of tympanic cavity?
Ans: Tympanic membrane.
Q:44: What is in the medial wall of tympanic cavity?
Ans: Inner ear. The most obvious feature is the promontory. Promontory: A smooth rounded
bony bulge formed by the basal turn of cochlea.

Canal for tensor tympani


Tympanic orifice for

Eustachian tube.
Q:45: What is the structure above and behind the promontory in medial wall of tympanic
Ans: Oval window, closed by footplate of stapes and annular ligament.
Q:46: What is the structure below and behind the promontory in medial wall of tympanic
Ans: Round window, closed by secondary tympanic membrane.
Q:47: What are the two prominences above oval window in the medial wall of tympanic
Ans: 1. Prominence of facial canal. 2. Prominence of lateral semicirucular canal(just above
the facial canal).
Q:48: What forms the anterior wall of tympanic cavity, and what structure is separated by it
and which orifice and canal lies in this wall?
Ans: It is formed by thin plate of bone. In it's lower part it separates the cavity from the
internal carotid artery. Above it is the tympanic orifice of the eustachian tube. Superiorly lies
the canal for the tensor tympani muscle.
Q:49: Which opening is present in the posterior wall of the tympanic cavity in it's upper part
and where it leads to?
Ans: Aditus ad antrum, which leads backwards from the epitympanum(attic) into mastoid
Q:50: Below the aditus is the pyramid, a conical projection, through it exits the tendon of
which muscle?
Ans: Stapedius muscle, which is then inserted into stapes.
Q:51: The roof of middle ear is formed by? and posteriorly it is continuous with?
Ans: Thin plate of bone(tegmen tympani) which seperates the cavity from middle cranial
fossa. Tegmen tympani is continuous with Tegmen antrii(roof of the mastoid antrum).
Q:52: The floor of middle ear is formed by? and which nerve enters the tympanic cavity
through this wall?
Ans: Thin plate of bone which seperates the cavity from the bulb of internal jugular vein.
The tympanic branch of Glossopharyngeal nerve.
Q:53: What are the two intratympanic muscles? and what's their function?
Ans: 1. Stapedius muscle. 2. Tensor tympani muscles. : Main function of the these
muscles is to protect the hearing apparatus when exposed to loud sounds.
Q:54: Stapedius muscle is supplied by which nerve?
Ans: Branch of facial nerve(Nerve to stapedius).
Q:55: Tensor tympani muscle is supplied by which nerve?
Ans: Motor division of trigeminal nerve through Otic ganglion.
Q:56: In adults, mastoid antrum is about how many mm deep from the surface?
Ans: 15mm.
Q:57: What is the bony surface landmark in adult for mastoid antrum?
Ans: Suprameatal triangle or MacEwen's triangle.
Q:58: What is the importance of suprameatal triangle?
Ans: Since it covers the lateral wall of the mastoid air system, the suprameatal triangle is of
importance to otologic surgeons during mastoidectomy.
Q:59: What are the boundaries of suprameatal triangle?
Ans: or temporal line

or posterosuperior margin of external auditory

Q:60: The medial wall of mastoid antrum is related to which semicircular canals?
Ans: Posterior and Horizontal(lateral) semicircular canals.
Q:61: What is the colour of tympanic membrane?
Ans: Pearly white in colour.
Q:62: Fluid between bony labyrinth and membranous labyrinth is called?
Ans: Perilymph.
Q:63: Membranous labyrinth contains which fluid?
Ans: Endolymph.
Q:64: Cochlea has how many turns in human being and it's central axis is called?
Ans: Two and half turns. It's central axis is called Modiolus.
Q:65: Cochlear duct is also called?
Ans: Membranous cochlea or scala media.
Q:66: The bony cochlea is divided into scala vestibuli and scala tympani by?
Ans: Scala media.
Q:67: Floor of scala media is formed by?
Ans: Basilar membrane: Seperates the scala tympani from scala media.
Q:68: Organ of corti lies on the which membrane?
Ans: Basilar membrane.
Q:69: Roof of scala media is formed by?
Ans: Reissner's membrane: Seperates scala media from scala vestibuli.
Q:70: Lateral wall of scala media is formed by?
Ans: Stria Vascularis: Forms endolymph.
Q:71: The narrowest part of cochlea is connected to saccule by fine duct called?
Ans: Ductus Reuniens.
Q:72: Structure of Organ of corti?
Q:73: How tunnel of corti is formed, and which fluid is present in it?
Ans: Two rods of corti forms triangle with Basilar membrane and cortilymph is present in it.
Q:74: How many rows of inner and outer hair cells are there in organ of corti?
Ans: Single row of inner hair cell and three to four rows of outer hair cells.
Q:75: How many hair cells are there in human ear and how many cell bodies in spiral
Ans: 12,000 hair cells and 25,000 to 30,000 cell bodies in the spiral ganglion.
Q:76: Ampula of semicircular canals contains neuroepithelium called?
Ans: Crista ampularis.
Q:77: Crista ampularis contains hair cells, having long filaments which project into a mass
of gelatinous material called?
Ans: Cupula.
Q:78: How utricle and saccule are communicated with eachother?
Ans: Indirectly through Endolymphatic duct.
Q:79: What is the specialized neuroepithelium of utricle and saccule?
Ans: Macula.
Q:80: What is the blood supply of labyrinth?
Ans:Internal auditory artery(labyrinthine artery) that is branch of anterior inferior cerebellar
artery(branch of basilar artery) or sometimes internal auditory artery directly arise from
basillar artery.
Q:81: Auditory pathway?


(Medial Geniculate body)

Physiology of the EAR
Q:1: What is the velocity of sound in air at normal temperature and pressure?
Ans: 344m/s approximately 770 m.p.h.

Q:2: For physiological purpose the ear is divided into which two parts?
Ans: 1. Conducting apparatus: Consists of external ear, tympanic membrane, chain of
ossicles, Eustachian tubes and labyrinthine fluids.
2. Perceiving or sensorineural apparatus: Organ of corti, auditory nerve and their central

Q:3: Sound can be transmitted to the inner ear by which three mechanisms?
Ans: 1. Through the ossicular chain from vibrating tympanic membrane.
2. By bone conduction where the sound energy is transmitted to the inner ear through skull
3. Directly across the middle ear. When a large perforation is present in tympanic
membrane sound energy can strike the round window directly.

Q:4: The phenomenon in which the conducting apparatus serves to match the acoustic
resistance of air to that of the labyrinthine fluid is called?
Ans: Impedance matching.
Q:5: What are the two mechanisms through which conducting apparatus causes impedance
Ans: 1. Sound energy collected by the larger area of tympanic membrane is applied through
the ossicles to the smaller area of stapes footplate.
2. Ossicles have lever mechanism.
By these two mechanisms force exerted by stapes footplate upon the labyrinthine fluid is
increased 18 times more.
Q:6: The balance and equilibrium of the body is maintained by coordination of information
from which three sources?
Ans: 1. Vestibular system. 2. Eyes. 3. Proprioceptive sensations from joints and muscles.
Q:7: What three semicircular canals responds to?
Ans: Angular acceleration.
Other important Questions
Q:1: Normal hearing is upto how many decibles(dB)?
Ans: Upto 25dB.
Q:2: Profound/stone deaf person occurs when the person hears at how many decibles?
Ans: >91dB.
Q:3: What are the four types of deafness?
Ans: 1. Conductive. 2. Sensorineural. 3. Mixed: Conductive and Sensorineural.
4. Non-organic. E.g: Malingering, hysterical.

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