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Page 1 of 7 Quiz 1 - Grade 11


1- Complete the sentences below with one of the following terms in word bank
that best fits and describes each sentence. (5 marks).

1 Reference group – 2 Industrial Society – 3 Internal Society

4 Social categories – 5 Bureaucracy – 6 informal group – 7 Out group

8 Horticultural society – 9 Pastoral Society– 10 Primary Group

A. ( ) Preindustrial Culture that used “slash and burn” technique for fertilization
purposes, used garden plot for a couple of seasons then changes the residence spot.

B. ( ) Any group to which a person does not belong or identify himself with.

C. ( ) Considered a Fundamental unit in forming the social nature and it is ideal for
the individual, formed in small groups that interacts over a long period of time on a
personal basis noting that the entire self of a member is involved and important

D. ( ) A group with whom an individual identifies himself with and whose attitudes
and values are adopted.

E. ( ) It is a ranked authority hierarchy that operates according to specific rules and

procedures and got set goals to operate.
Page 2 of 7 Quiz 1 - Grade 11

2- Choose the correct answer for each sentence from the choices below it.(10 marks).

______ 1. Several of Dean’s closest friends surprised him with a large birthday party.
This group of friends is an example of a

a. Formal Group
b. Primary Group
c. Secondary Group
d. Reference Group

_____2. Fruits and vegetables are main source of food in which of the following society?

a. Agricultural.
b. Pastoral
c. Industrial society
d. Horticultural society.

______ 3. Being a high school graduate is a/an

a. Ascribed status.
b. Achieved status.
c. Great status.
d. Active status.
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______ 4. When a person has difficulty meeting the role expectations of a single status

a. Role stress
b. Role conflict.
c. Role set.
d. Role strain.

______ 5. "You scratch my back, I scratch yours", most accurately defined as

a. Accommodation.
b. Compassion.
c. Social Interaction.
d. Reciprocity.

______ 6. Applauding to a good student could be best described as a form of

a. Declaration.
b. Formal sanction.
c. Deflation action
d. Informal sanction

______ 7. A positive goal of the bureaucracy would be:

a. Dominate and control

b. Create oligarchy.
c. To make sure paper work is finished.
d. Coordinate large number of people on large scale
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______ 8. The people in this image are an example of:

a. Social Aggregate
b. Detained group
c. Primary Group
d. Secondary Group

______ 9. The term of “Alienation” means simply:

a. Workers Segregate their job aiming for better results and encouraged by management.
b. The Iron law of Oligarchy and simplicity.
c. The Workers feel disconnected from their job.
d. Protecting your workplace from “UFOs” and potential ariel threats.

______ 10. Which of the following is NOT one of the 5 types of social interaction?
Page 5 of 7 Quiz 1 - Grade 11
a. Conflict
b. Cooperation
c. Social Exchange
d. Social Sanctions

2- Read the below statements, mark TRUE or FALSE and correct the FALSE
statement. (5 marks).

______ 1. The United states of America is an example of Post-industrial societies.


______ 2. Hunter-gathers societies relied on domesticated animals.


______ 3. Role Conflict occurs when fulfilling the role expectations of

one status interferes with a second status.

______ 4. The difference between the horticultural and agricultural society is that
the last eats more meat.

______ 5. Arbitration is the deliberate attempt to control a person by force, to

oppose someone, or to harm another person or to defeat the opponent.

Answer the following questions: (10Marks)

1- Briefly explain the “five” common forms of social interaction (3 Marks)

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2- Differentiate between the Gemeinschaft and the Gesellschaft Culture

in all its important aspects? (2 Marks)


3- what are the 5 characteristics of Max weber’s model of bureaucracy?

(3 Marks)

4- Compare and contrast between formal and informal sanctions, provide an

example for each (2 Marks)
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End of Quiz
Best of Luck

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