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Unit 4.4 Reading – Feeding the 5000, SB p.

CURRY  a dish, originally from South Asia,
of meat or vegetables cooked in
a spicy sauce
 a dry mixture of spices used to flavour
APPLE PULP  a soft mass of vegetable matter (as of
apples) from which most of the water
has been extracted by pressure
 In fruit or vegetables, the pulp is the soft
part inside the skin
LEFTOVER the part that has not been used or eaten
when the other parts have been
INGREDIENT food that is used with other foods in the
preparation of a particular dish

RISOTTO a dish of rice cooked together

with vegetables, meat

LOAF (PLURAL: LOAVES) A loaf of bread is bread which has been

shaped and baked in one piece
CRUST a hard outer covering of something

FILLING the layer of food inside a sandwich, cake,


DISH food prepared in a particular way as

part of a meal
a round, flat container with a raised
edge, used for serving or holding food
all the plates, glasses, knives, forks, etc.
that have been used during a meal
EDIBLE suitable or safe for eating

CHEF a skilled and trained cook who works in

a hotel or restaurant, especially the
most important cook

WONKY (of fruit or vegetables) not of

a regular shape, or different in shape to
what is usual

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