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This poster gives us the feeling that the show will be a drama, however it could also be a
comedy. The man is holding a mask of himself smiling while he looks drained. This could
mean two things: the smiling, confident version of himself is the face he puts on in public
and the black and white version of him is the real version, or the mask is him in the past
and the black and white version is him now.

The poster uses a technique called split lighting, obscuring half of the man’s face. This
could be a way to subtly tell us that the character is hiding something, or he’s not to be

Judging from the character’s smart attire, the show will most likely follow someone who
works a job such as a businessman or lawyer. The weighing scales in the logo confirm
it’s probably a lawyer.
The positioning of the two characters make it clear that this film will be an action
movie. The helicopter and flames in the background paired with the fact that one of
them is holding a gun further this point. Ryan Gosling and Chris Evans facing away
from each other tell us that these two characters might be against each other, or
just simply taking seperate paths.

The three names listed above the title tell us that they will be the main characters of
the movie.
We can tell from the serious expression on the character’s faces that this
film will be a dramatic/intense film. From the poster, we can gather that this
film will have something to do with America and most likely American
Politics. The gun shows us that there will be conflict in the film, most likely
ending in death. The two characters hugging shows us that there will be an
emotional moment, maybe as a result of the conflict.

Judging from the character’s attire, the film is most likely set in the early
1940s to late 1950s. The fancy suits paired with the fedora hats show us this.
Robert De Niro’s character is showcasing direct mode of address by
maintaining eye contact with the viewer.

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