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Earth Science
Quarter 1 Week 1

Ma'am Jane A. Regalario

September 09, 2022
Today's Lesson
Lesson 1 Lesson 2
of Earth that Earth's
are Subsystems
Necessary to
Support Life
Today's Lesson
Lesson 1
Characteristics of
Earth that are
Necessary to Support
I.Characteristics of Earth that are
Necessary to Support Life

1. identify 2. describe 3. explain

the the how these
different characteris characteri
factors stic
tics of
necessary to affect life
support life Earth
necessary on Earth
in a planet
to support
On your answer sheet, list down five important
biological factors that you need in order to live. From
your list, select the top three most important factors
for you. Explain your answer.
4 Pics 1 Word is a
guessing game
which presents
four pictures.
Earth has been existing 4.543
CHARACTERIS billion years.
TICS OF In its early formation, life was
EARTH not possible because the
NECESSARY environment did not permit it.
However, as time went by, life
flourished from microorganisms
into a more complex organism.
The presence of life on Earth
was made possible due to the
following factors:
1. Temperature.
It influences how quickly atoms, molecules or
organisms move.
Low temperature slows down chemical reaction
and produces ice that makes liquid water
High temperature can cause breakdown of
important biological molecules.
In Earth’s condition, temperature is just right
to support life.
2. Water
It is one of the important ingredients in the different
biological processes.
Absence of this will interfere reactions necessary
for life.
However, solid form of this will also hinder living
organisms to use it.
Water on Earth has different forms. It is solid (ice) in
the two poles and liquid along the equator which
allows living organisms to consume it.
3. Atmosphere.
It provides significant insulation or shielding from the
sun and impact of small to medium size meteorites.
Greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4) trap heat
and protects our planet from freezing.
Moreover, ozone (O3) layer shields the Earth’ssurface from harmful UV
Atmosphere also provides chemicals needed for life, such as nitrogen and
carbon dioxide.
The size of the planet and its distance from the sun affects its ability
to hold significant amount of atmosphere.
Earth has a right size anddistance from the sun that permits it to have a
right amount ofatmosphere. The presence of gravity also helps in
sustaining its atmosphere.
4. Energy.
Earth has available energy- rich sunlight to support
Livingorganisms like plants and photosynthetic
bacteria use light as the source of their energy.
Some chemosynthetic organisms rely onchemical
energy to support various biological processes.
Earth is at right position from the sun that
enables it to harness
enough amount of sunlight.
5. Nutrients.
It is an essential factor used to build and maintain
organism’s body structure.
Insufficient or absence of nutrients can
impede synthesis of the different biological molecules.
In our planet, there are processes that recycle nutrients.
carbon and oxygen, phosphate and nitrogen cycles are some of
examples. Volcanism also helps in cycling the nutrients.
Write T if the statement is correct but if it is false, change the
underlined word or group of words to make the whole statement true.
________________1. Low temperature slows down
chemical reactions among living organisms.
_____ __________ 2. Atmosphere provides chemicals needed
for life.
________________3. Gravity does not affect the
Earth’s atmosphere.
________________4. Water traps heat from the sun.
_______________ 5. Size and distance from the sun affect
the planet’s ability tohold atmosphere.
_________________ 6. Absence of water interferes
reactions necessary for life.
_________________ 7. Earth cannot provide enough amount
of sunlight as source ofenergy of most organisms.
_________________ 8. Insufficient or absence of nutrients
can hinder different biological processes.
_________________ 9. Volcanism helps in nutrient recycling.
________________ 10. Atmosphere protects Earth
small to medium size eteorite impacts.
Write T if the statement is correct but if it is false, change the
underlined word or group of words to make the whole statement true.
_________T________1. Low temperature slows down chemical reactions
among livingorganisms.
_________T________ 2. Atmosphere provides chemicals needed for life.
________AFFECTs___ 3. Gravity does not affect the
Earth’s atmosphere. Greenhouse gases,
heat from the sun is impportant
in different biological processes
__________ 4. Water traps heat from the sun.
_________T________ 5. Size and distance from the sun affect the
ability to hold atmosphere.
Write T if the statement is correct but if it is false, change the
underlined word or group of words to make the whole statement true.
_________T________1. Low temperature slows down chemical reactions
among livingorganisms.
_________T________ 2. Atmosphere provides chemicals needed for life.
________AFFECTs___ 3. Gravity does not affect the Earth’s atmosphere.
Greenhouse gases, heat from the sun is impportant in different biological processes
__________ 4. Water traps heat from the sun.
_________T________ 5. Size and distance from the sun affect the planet’s
ability to hold atmosphere.
__________T_______ 6. Absence of water interferes reactions necessary for life.
_____can provide____ 7. Earth cannot provide enough amount of sunlight as
source of energy of most organisms.
_________T________ 8. Insufficient or absence of nutrients can hinder different
biological processes.
_________T________ 9. Volcanism helps in nutrient recycling.
_________T_______ 10. Atmosphere protects Earth from small to medium size
meteorite impacts.
Today's Lesson
Lesson 2

2.Subsystems of the Earth

1. identify
2. 3. explain
distinguish 4. trace
the four how
the the flow of
subsystems matter
characteri matter and
of the and energy
stics of energy in
earth; each flow in the
subsystem; subsystems
Subsystems of the Earth
Earth is the third planet from the sun and considered as
haven for many life forms.
As a closed system, it serves as harbor of life for billions
of yearsand still continue to comfort innumerable life
Thus, Earth itself different systems that interact with
other to provide all the necessitiesin order for life to
continue to prosper.
Analyze the given
illustration and answer
the following questions.

Guide questions:
1.What are the components of the
2.Give the functions of each
component in the terrarium that
enable life
to sustain on it.
3.How can you compare the
terrarium to an Earth system
Earth’s Subsystems and the Flow of Matter and
Earth is a complex system of interrelating
physical, chemical, and
biological processes. It is a system in which sets of
interconnected components are
interacting to form a unified whole.
Earth is comprised of four major smaller
systems known as subsystems.
These are also called as spheres of the Earth.
These are the atmosphere, geosphere,
hydrosphere, and biosphere.
serves as the Earth’s blanket. Its name rooted from the Greek
word atmos which means gas and sphaira which means globe or ball.
It iscomposed of gases in varying amount and its relative abundance is also
crucial indifferent parts of the earth.
The air in the atmosphere is generally composed of78% nitrogen, 21% oxygen,
0.9% argon and the remaining 0.10% is made up of
different trace gases and vapor.
It serves as the Earth’s protection form harmful
UV rays and keeps the planet warm through greenhouse gasses.
Atmosphere is affected by the Earth’s gravity, so this is the reason why as the
altitude increases the amount of gases in the atmosphere decreases. It is
composed of layers namely: troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere,
thermosphere, and exosphere.
comes from the Greek word geos meaning ground.
1. It pertains to the solid part of the earth.
It is divided in to three layers suchas the crust, mantle, and the
It is composed of naturally occurring solidaggregate of minerals,
organic material or natural glass called rocks.
It is alsocomposed of loose particles of rocks that enveloped the
surface of Earth called regolith.
It contains all the soil, rocks, and minerals present in the crust
to the coreof the Earth. It comprises the geologic landforms
such as mountains and hills.
Hydro is a Greek word which means water.
Hydrosphere is composed of all the water on Earth in any form.
This includes ice, water vapor and liquid water.
The permanently frozen part of this subsystem is called
Earth is the only planet in the solar system that are known to
contain water in all three phases.
Water on Earth is constantly and consistently moving because of
temperature and salinity.
It also plays an important role in absorption and redistribution of
solar radiation.
Biosphere came from the Greek word bios meaning life.
It is composed ofall living things and the areas where they are
found. It includes all animals,
microbes, and plants. It extends to the upper areas of the
atmosphere where insects and birds can be found.
It also extends to the deep parts of the oceanswhere marine
organisms can still survive.
It is also in this zone that the interaction
between the different subsystems is most dynamic. In biosphere,
each organismplays an important role to the food web
. If one is lost the others will be affected.
Matter and energy flows and cycle between the four subsystems to
sustainand make life on Earth possible.
Both of it can flow across the boundaries between each subsystem.
The geosphere is where the rocky part of the earth is in contact
with water, air, and life.
1. It is also generally where the spheres intersect and affect
each other.
The processes that move matter and energy from one sphere to another
is called as sphere interactions.
Changes in any sphere greatly affect the other
spheres as well since all the spheres are interconnected system.
The four subsystems are closely linked through the biogeochemical
cycles which involves biological, geochemical, and chemical factors.
These cycles are ways by which substances move through biotic
which is the biosphere and abiotic which is the geosphere,
atmosphere and hydrosphere, components of Earth.
It allows the circulation of important nutrients that form and
support life like carbon,oxygen, nitrogen, phosphorus, calcium, and
It also maintains the balance ofsubstances in the different
subsystem of the Earth.
Any interference and disturbances in the flow of matter and energy
may cause damage to any of thesubsystems and its components.
Fill in the blanks with the correct word or phrase to complete the discussion of
the carbon and oxygen cycle in which matter and energy flows from one
subsystem to another. Choose your answer from the word pool below.
Plants Animals Digestion Metabolism Inhale
Photosynthesis Respiration Mining Element Exhale
In the process of (1) ____________________, atmospheric carbon is absorbed
by plants. This carbon is transferred from (2) ____________________ to the
(3) ____________________ feeding on them, and further moves up the food chain.
(4) ____________________, (5) ______________________, and (6) ____________________ of
plants and animals result in some transfer of carbon back to the atmosphere. Some
of these living beings buried millions of years ago have been converted to fossil fuels.
(7) ______________________ and burning fossil fuels can cause this carbon to move
from the lithosphere to the atmosphere. Some of this atmospheric carbon gets
dissolved in the oceans and thus, completes the cycle.
Oxygen is naturally occurring in the air. Oxygen is also considered as the
most common (8) _____________________ of the human body. It plays a vital role in life
forms. This also serves as an essential element in different biomolecules. All aerobic
organisms use free oxygen for respiration. They (9) __________________ oxygen from
the environment and use it in the process of respiration while (10)
____________________ carbon dioxide. All green plants use carbon dioxide during the
process of (11) ___________________ and release oxygen back into the atmosphere as
a by-product . Animals exhale carbon dioxide back into the atmosphere which is
again used by the plants during photosynthesis. Now oxygen is released back to the
Fill in the blanks with the correct word or phrase to complete the discussion of
the carbon and oxygen cycle in which matter and energy flows from one
subsystem to another. Choose your answer from the word pool below.
Plants Animals Digestion Metabolism Inhale
Photosynthesis Respiration Mining Element Exhale
In the process of (1) _Photosynthesis, atmospheric carbon is absorbed
by plants. This carbon is transferred from (2) Plants to the
(3) Animals_feeding on them, and further moves up the food chain.
(4) Respiration_, (5) Digestion , and (6) Metabolism of
plants and animals result in some transfer of carbon back to the atmosphere. Some
of these living beings buried millions of years ago have been converted to fossil fuels.
(7) _Mining and burning fossil fuels can cause this carbon to move
from the lithosphere to the atmosphere. Some of this atmospheric carbon gets
dissolved in the oceans and thus, completes the cycle.
Oxygen is naturally occurring in the air. Oxygen is also considered as the
most common (8) Element of the human body. It plays a vital role in life
forms. This also serves as an essential element in different biomolecules. All aerobic
organisms use free oxygen for respiration. They (9) _Inhale oxygen from
the environment and use it in the process of respiration while (10)
exhale carbon dioxide. All green plants use carbon dioxide during the
process of (11) Photosynthesis_and release oxygen back into the atmosphere as
a by-product . Animals exhale carbon dioxide back into the atmosphere which is
again used by the plants during photosynthesis. Now oxygen is released back to the
Make a roleplay on how the four
subsystems are connected.
Earth Science
Quarter 1 Week 1

Ma'am Jane A. Regalario

September 09, 2022

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