DS Assignment 2

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Discrete Structures

Assignment # 2
Program: BS-SE Due Date: 04-Aug-2023 Total Marks: 10

Please read the following instructions carefully before assignment submission
1. Understanding of the problems is part of the assignments. So no query please.
2. You will not get any credit if found plagiarized i.e. from Internet or Class fellows.
3. No submission after due date.

Question 1: Marks [05]

i. From the following given directed graph, calculate the number of vertices, edge, number
of in-degree and out-degree of each vertex.

ii. Explain the concept of bipartite graph and identify which of the following is a bipartite

Question 2: Marks [05]

The roads represented by this graph are all unpaved. The lengths of the roads between pairs of
towns are represented by edge weights. Which roads should be paved so that there is a path of
paved roads between each pair of towns so that a minimum road length is paved?
(Note: These towns are in Nevada.)

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