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Report coordinator: Philipp Bothe (PSE)

Research directors: Lucas Chancel (Sciences
Po & PSE) and Tancrède Voituriez (CIRAD & Id-
dri Sciences Po)

We thank our colleagues who provided feed-

back on preliminary versions of this report:
Stéphane Hallegatte (World Bank), Thomas
Piketty (PSE & EHESS) and colleagues at the
World Inequality Lab. We also thank col-
leagues at the Norad, in particular Heidi
Bade, Hilde Dahl, Lisa Kirkengen, Lars Andreas
Lunde, Stig Traavik, Ragnhild Valstad, and Ve-
mund Vikjord, Håvard Nygård and Bård Solh-
jell, as well as Heriberto Tapia and Pedro Con-
ceiçao at the UNDP.

Cover design: Emilie Poggi

Copy editing: Kathleen Weekly

This report benefited from the support of the

NORAD and the United Nations Development

Please cite this report as:

Chancel, L., Bothe, P., Voituriez, T. (2023) Cli-
mate Inequality Report 2023, World Inequality
Lab Study 2023/1
Creative Commons Licence CC BY 4.0


Executive summary 4

Introduction 13

1 Unequal contributions to climate change 17

1.1 Why do inequalities in emissions matter? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
1.2 Within-country carbon inequality explains the bulk of global carbon emis-
sions inequality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
1.3 Contrasted carbon inequality profiles in low and middle income countries. 25
1.4 Consumption and investment patterns drive unequal contributions to
climate change . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
1.5 Ending global poverty need not overshoot global carbon budgets . . . 39

2 Unequal impacts of climate change 46

2.1 Unequal exposure to extreme weather events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
2.2 Unequal exposure to rising sea levels and floods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
2.3 Unequal exposure to diseases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
2.4 GDP losses: climate change aggravates between-country inequality . . 66
2.5 Exposure, vulnerability and resilience: the distribution of climate damage 72

3 Tackling climate inequalities 87

3.1 Taking stock of mitigation & financial efforts to curb climate inequalities . 88
3.2 Progressive taxes to fill the climate funding gap . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
3.3 Earning more, but also spending better . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118
3.4 Towards an ecological welfare state . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124
3.5 Summary: An inequality check for climate & development policies . . . 126

Summary recommendations 129

Appendix 132

References 139

Climate Inequality Report 2023: Executive Summary

Executive Summary


All individuals contribute to emissions,

The climate crisis has begun to disrupt hu-
but not in the same way. The top 10%
man societies by severely affecting the
of global carbon emitters generate al-
very foundations of human livelihood and
most half of all greenhouse gas emissions.
social organisation. Climate impacts are
Thus, in addition to an obvious equity con-
not equally distributed across the world:
cern, there appears to be an efficiency
on average, low- and middle-income
question at stake. The marginal effort re-
countries suffer greater impacts than their
quired to achieve the same emission re-
richer counterparts. At the same time,
ductions might be significantly lower for
the climate crisis is also marked by signifi-
high-emitting groups, thereby creating a
cant inequalities within countries. Recent
strong incentive for policies targeted at
research reveals a high concentration of
this group. The comparison of the global
global greenhouse gas emissions among
bottom 50%, middle 40% and top 10% in
a relatively small fraction of the popula-
terms of losses, emissions and capacity
tion, living in emerging and rich countries.
to finance global climate action provides
In addition, vulnerability to numerous cli-
a striking snapshot of climate inequalities
mate impacts is strongly linked to income
and a reasonable guide to identify the
and wealth, not just between countries
key contributors to the funding of climate
but also within them.
inequality reduction policies (Figure A).

The aim of this report is twofold. It en-

deavours first to shed light on these vari- Better understanding how groups may win
ous dimensions of climate inequality in a and lose from the energy transition is key
systematic and detailed analysis, focus- to accelerating it. It is also necessary to
ing on low- and middle-income countries draw policy conclusions from the fact that
in particular. It then builds on these in- the top emitters are likely to be relatively
sights, together with additional empirical well protected from the adverse con-
work and interviews with experts, to sug- sequences of climate change. Hence,
gest pathways to development cooper- their incentives to reduce emissions are
ation, and tax and social policies that not necessarily aligned with the damage
tackle climate inequalities at their core.

Climate Inequality Report 2023: Executive Summary

those emissions cause. This holds at the poverty alleviation on overall emissions
international level, as well as within coun- can be further reduced.
tries. Quantifying inequalities in carbon
emissions and exposure to damages al- Climate change contributes to economic
lows to be more explicit about these issues and material deprivation in myriad ways,
and can help facilitate effective climate now well documented. It aggravates low
policies, as well as public debate on these agricultural productivity in poorer coun-
important matters. tries, as well as water scarcity and secu-
rity. Heat waves have significant impacts
on mortality, particularly in vulnerable ur-
Carbon inequalities within countries now ban centres. Tropical cyclones and floods
appear to be greater than carbon in- will continue to displace millions of peo-
equalities between countries. The con- ple, mostly in low-income countries, and
sumption and investment patterns of a rising sea levels will make large swaths
relatively small group of the population of coastal land inhabitable. While such
directly or indirectly contribute dispropor- events will affect regions as a whole, stud-
tionately to greenhouse gases. While ies point to a strong socio-economic re-
cross-country emission inequalities remain lationship between exposure (and espe-
sizeable, overall inequality in global emis- cially vulnerability) and current living con-
sions is now mostly explained by within- ditions, whereby the worst off are more
country inequalities by some indicators. affected than the rest. The wide set of
already visible climate change impacts
reveal that, when it comes to mitigation,
Ending global poverty need not overshoot every fraction of a degree matters. It fol-
global carbon budgets. Recent research lows that every tonne of carbon matters
contradicts the idea that ending global as much as every dollar of adaptation
poverty would eat up most of the remain- funding.
ing global carbon budget to meet the
Paris targets. Lifting large numbers of peo- As a direct consequence, all govern-
ple out of poverty need not have a large ments need to reconsider their mitiga-
negative effect on climate change miti- tion targets, and especially the historical
gation. The carbon budgets required to emitters, the list of which should include
eradicate poverty remain relatively lim- large emerging economies, as emissions
ited compared with global top emitters’ continue to rise.
footprints. With well designed redistribu-
tion and climate policies, the impacts of

Climate Inequality Report 2023: Executive Summary

OUR RECOMMENDATIONS FOR DONORS an overhaul of multinational taxa-

AND GOVERNMENTS tion. It has been found that LMICs
would not benefit much from the re-
1. Significant resources should be in- cently proposed multinational taxa-
vested in the production and collection tion rules (discussed under the aegis
of climate inequality statistics in all coun- of the OECD). Yet, global profits that
tries. The current state of public statistics are currently undertaxed could be-
on the matter remains very incomplete come a sustainable revenue source
and lags behind the publication of other for LMICs (Figure F).
economic indicators.
• Increase the progressivity of na-
tional tax systems in particular in
2. Step-up efforts to honour climate fi-
LMICs. Many countries still lack
nance pledges and further increase in-
progressive capital income taxes,
ternational development aid. The de-
top inheritance taxes or progressive
cision made at Sharm el-Sheikh COP 27
wealth taxes, which could generate
to create a Loss and Damage Fund is a
significant revenues to support vul-
step in the right direction. Yet the timeline
nerable groups without hurting eco-
for operationalising the fund is quite short
nomic growth or the middle class.
(COP28), and politically sensitive ques-
Greater efforts, including more fund-
tions remain on who benefits and who
ing from donors and national gov-
pays. Adaptation funding flows still pale
ernments, should be made to help
in comparison with adaptation funding
low and middle income countries
needs, making new funding mechanisms
modernise their tax systems (for rich
such as a "1.5 percent-for-1.5 degree"
countries, these efforts often start at
wealth tax necessary (Figure E).

• Harvest the low-hanging fruit. Cer-

3. International transfers will not be suffi- tain measures (e.g. taxes on ex-
cient to address climate inequalities how- cess profits) within relatively easy
ever. Profound transformations of inter- reach could help to fund adapta-
national and national tax regimes will be tion and mitigation without hurting
necessary to increase the overall pro- low- and middle-income groups dis-
gressivity and returns of taxes and ensure proportionately.
that mitigation and adaptation efforts are
shared equitably across the population.
4. Earning more, but also spending better
• Strengthen the position of LMICs in by learning from successful experiences

Climate Inequality Report 2023: Executive Summary

abroad. The gradual removal of fossil

fuel subsidies in a country like Indonesia
suggests that when accompanied by di-
rected social reforms for the population
as a whole (e.g. health insurance) and
specific assistance to low-income house-
holds, potential fuel price hikes do not
necessarily result in welfare losses for the
poor. Targeted cash transfers are another
example of a robust instrument for reduc-
ing inequalities in the immediate impacts
of climate-related disasters. They have
also been shown to be an effective mea-
sure for climate-resilient development.

5. Systematically investigate both in-

tended and unintended consequences of
climate and development policy across
income and wealth groups. This report
provides an inequality-check matrix for
development cooperation and national
policies (Figure G), which can help policy-
makers, project developers or civil society
actors to formulate their own distributional
impact indicators and evaluate policies.

Climate Inequality Report 2023: Executive Summary

Figure A: Global climate inequality: relative losses, emissions and capacity to finance
Notes: Relative income losses due to climate change, vs. greenhouse gases emissions vs. wealth
ownership. See Figure 29 for methodological details and how to read this graph.

Figure B: Change in GDP per capita by 2100 attributable to climate change

Notes: See Figure 23. Sources: Burke, Hsiang, and Miguel (2015).

Climate Inequality Report 2023: Executive Summary

Inequality in Contributions Inequality in Impacts

• The accelerating climate crisis is • Poverty and vulnerability to climate

largely fuelled by the polluting ac- hazards are correlated and mutu-
tivities of a fraction of the world ally enforce each other. Many low-
population. The global top 10% are income regions are facing agri-
responsible for almost half of global cultural productivity losses of 30%
carbon emissions and the global and more due to climate change
top 1% of emitters are responsible which aggravates poverty and
for more emissions than the entire food insecurity.
bottom half of the world’s popula-
• Over 780 million people globally
are currently exposed to the com-
• Within-country inequality is a criti- bined risk of poverty and seri-
cal dimension of the global emis- ous flooding, mostly in developing
sions distribution. It is found that countries.
within-country carbon inequality
• Many countries in the Global South
now makes up the bulk of global
are significantly poorer today than
emissions inequality, i.e. about
they would have been in the ab-
two thirds of the total, an almost
sence of climate change. This
complete reversal as compared to
trend is set to continue and result
in income losses of more than 80%
• The carbon budgets needed to for many tropical and subtropical
eradicate poverty below the US$ countries by the end of the century.
5.50/day poverty line are equal
• Within countries, the poor suffer
to roughly one third of the cur-
stronger losses from climate im-
rent emissions attributable to the
pacts than more affluent popula-
top 10% of global emitters. Reduc-
tion groups. The income losses
ing carbon consumption at the top
from climate hazards of the bot-
can thus free up the required bud-
tom 40% are estimated to be 70%
gets to lift people out of poverty.
larger than the average in low- and
middle-income countries.

Climate Inequality Report 2023: Executive Summary

Figure C: Carbon budget of poverty alleviation and emissions from the global top 1%
Notes: Lifting one third of the world population over the $3.2/day poverty line would increase global
emissions by 5% (blue bar). Global top 1% emissions are close to 15% (red bar) according to Bruckner
et al. (2022). See Figure 9 for more information.

Figure D: Global inequality of individual emissions: between vs. within country inequality, 1990-
Notes: A relatively modest progressive wealth tax on global centimillionaires could fill the adaptation
funding gap. See Figure Chancel, 2022 for more information.

Climate Inequality Report 2023: Executive Summary

Figure E: Filling the adaptation funding gap in developing countries

Notes: A relatively modest progressive wealth tax on global centimillionaires could fill the adaptation
funding gap. See Figure 38 for more information.

Figure F: New tax revenues from multinationals taxation: OECD proposal vs. climate risk
Notes: Projected revenues from the OECD "Pillar 1" proposal mainly go to high income countries.
Alternative options can be envisaged to better integrate climate risk inequality. See Figure 35.

Climate Inequality Report 2023: Executive Summary

What kind of climate policy?

Decarbonize energy- Increase decarbonized Switch in energy end-uses
supply energy access (building, transport, industry)

Industrial policy: Public Develop public transport systems:

Public investments in low-
investment in renewables low-carbon BRT, rail, car-sharing
carbon energy access
Bottom (on or off-grid); Social strategies; energy retrofitting in
(e.g. clean cookstoves,
50% protection: increased social housing; cash-transfer to
zero-carbon social
transfers to workers compensate increase in fossil
affected by the transition energy prices

Same as above + Financial Subsidies for new housing Same as above; stricker
Which social incentives to encourage construction; buildings regulations and taxes on polluting
group is middle-class investments in energy regulation; purchases (SUVs, air tickets);
targetted? low-carbon energy. Bans penalty/bans on sales of subsidies on low-carbon
on new fossil investments. inefficient housing alternatives (elec. vehicles).

Wealth or corporate taxes Strict regulation on polluting

with pollution top-up to Wealth or corporate taxes purchases (SUVs, air tickets);
Top 10% & finance the above & with pollution top-up (see wealth or corporate taxes with
Top 1% accelerate divestment from left); fossil fuel subsidy pollution top-up (see left); carbon
fossils; Bans on new fossils removal cards to track & cap high personal
investments carbon footprints

Figure G: Inequality check for climate policies

Notes: See Figure 40. Sources: Authors, inspired by Rodrik and Stantcheva (2021).

Climate Inequality Report 2023: Introduction


"The climate crisis is a case study in moral and economic injustice."

Secretary General A. Guterres

UN General Assembly, Sept. 2022

To date, calls for a sustainable, post- in global production processes (Interna-

pandemic recovery seem largely to have tional Energy Agency, 2021). Almost si-
gone unanswered. The years 2022-2021 multaneously, the 6th IPCC assessment re-
saw economic activity bounce back port warned that irreversible climate over-
sharply after the global recession in- shoot will be inevitable if global carbon
duced by the Covid-19 pandemic in emissions do not peak and then begin
2020. Global GDP quickly recovered, a persistent reduction between 2020 and
growing by almost 6% in 2021, thereby 2025 (IPCC, 2022). Meanwhile, the year
reaching pre-pandemic levels. Strikingly, 2022 brought about another significant in-
global greenhouse gas emissions exhib- crease in carbon emissions.1 With rising
ited almost the exact same movement. In gas-to-coal switching, driven by the war
2020, global emissions of CO2 and other in Ukraine, the required reversal in carbon
greenhouse gases decreased by 5.2% emissions will remain a serious challenge
only to attain an all-time high in 2021 in the in the near future. In the years since the
largest annual surge in carbon emissions signing of the Paris accord in 2015, global
ever observed. The strong comovement carbon emissions have grown by an aver-
of global GDP and carbon emissions (re- age of 0.8% per year. In contrast, the rate
spective growth rates of 5.9% and 6% be- of change necessary to stay below 1.5◦ C
tween 2020 and 2021) shows that eco- (with a probability of 67%) is estimated at
nomic output and greenhouse gas emis- -8% per year (Liu et al., 2022).
sions remain far from being decoupled

Data at: (Accessed 28.11.2022)

Climate Inequality Report 2023: Introduction

At the same time, the year 2022 bru- south (Bezner Kerr et al., 2022). Approxi-
tally uncovered the reality of destabi- mately half of the worlds population is cur-
lizing climatic conditions. The mega- rently exposed to acute water scarcity for
floods that hit Pakistan in August 2022 at least some moments in the year. More
were preceded by a severe heat wave than one quarter of the world’s popula-
and drought which reduced the capac- tion currently does not have access to
ity of the soils to absorb the excess rain- safe drinking water at home (World Health
fall and melt-water from the countrys dis- Organization and UNICEF, 2021).
appearing glaciers. Hence, the disas-
trous events that affected over 30 mil- Climate change contributes to economic
lion people and ended in a death toll and material deprivations in myriad ways,
of more than 1,700 were caused by a now very well documented. It aggravates
combination of climate-related events water scarcity and creates water insecu-
(National Disaster Management Author- rity (Caretta et al., 2022). Extreme heat
ity Pakistan, 2022; Waqas, 2022). That has had significant effects on mortality,
same month, Europe experienced one of causing tens of thousands of additional
its worst droughts in 500 years, drying up deaths every year. These deaths occur
some of the continent’s largest rivers and mostly in tropical and subtropical regions.
causing severe agricultural yield losses. Threats from extreme heat are particularly
menacing in urban areas and pose seri-
There is no doubt that the climate crisis ous threats to infrastructure in those areas
has begun to materialize. Even if we can (e.g. sanitation and energy systems).
limit global warming to 1.5◦ C, there will be
sustained consequences for eco-systems These risks are predicted to rise rapidly in
and socio-economic systems. These in- the medium term as an increasing share
clude reduced food and water security in of the global population concentrates in
many regions of the world due to more vulnerable urban centres (Dodman et al.,
frequent and intense extreme weather 2022). Risks to both physical and men-
events. Reduced agricultural output con- tal health are very likely to increase as
tributes to increased food price volatility, climate change unfolds. Mental health
thereby putting low-income households challenges, such as climate-related anx-
at serious risk of food insecurity. Effects iety, have been shown to be particularly
on agriculture have been most severe in strong among children/adolescents and
mid- and low-latitude regions so far, and people with underlying health conditions.
are projected to significantly aggravate Infectious diseases such as dengue fever
malnutrition in many areas of the global and malaria will spread more rapidly as

Climate Inequality Report 2023: Introduction

climatic conditions for their transmission tion, the inequality is apparent at the
improve (Cissé et al., 2022). Tropical cy- country level, with the Global South dis-
clones, floods, and droughts have forcibly proportionately affected by temperature
displaced millions of people, mostly in change and its impact on soils, by ex-
low-income countries. Such climate- treme weather events, and by the spread
induced migration is predicted to in- of disease. This pattern also holds within
crease significantly and expand within each country, in the Global South and
certain regions in the coming years (Cissé the Global North: individuals contribute
et al., 2022). Several eco-systems have differently to carbon emissions, and are
been damaged irreversibly with poten- not equally equipped to tackle its effects.
tially devastating consequences for com- The link between heat-wave deaths and
munities that directly depend on them for socio-economic conditions is strong, as is
their livelihoods. Continually rising sea lev- the link between individual incomes and
els will render large swaths of coastal land overall contributions to emissions. While
inhabitable and pose serious dangers for the connection between inequality and
the provision of safe drinking water in climate change contributions and im-
many areas of the world. The value of pacts has been well researched (Chan-
global assets in areas subject to significant cel, 2022; Hallegatte, Bangalore, et al.,
flood risk (1-in-100-year flood) is estimated 2016; IPCC, 2022) policies to tackle cli-
to increase to US$ 12.7 trillion in 2100 mate change do not always place dis-
under RCP4.5 (upper bound estimate), tributional concerns at their core. Yet
which is equivalent to approximately 15% beyond the inherent ethical considera-
of global GDP in 2020 (Glavovic et al., tions, a failure to do so could be par-
2022). The broad range of already visible ticularly deleterious for the political and
climate change impacts demonstrates economic effectiveness of climate poli-
that, when it comes to mitigation, every cies. It is therefore necessary to better
fraction of a degree matters. It follows understand climate change inequalities
that every tonne of carbon matters. (and in particular those occurring within
countries) and what they imply for pub-
lic policies. The aim of this report is to do
Humanity as a whole is facing the climate
just that, by reviewing the latest research
crisis and humanity as a whole must act
on the distributional consequences of cli-
against it. It is clear, however, that hu-
mate change and climate change poli-
mans neither contribute nor are affected
cies, and discussing options for the bet-
in the same way by climate change. As
ter integration of social justice into the
the latest IPCC report has shown, summa-
very design of climate policies - a dimen-
rizing decades of research on the ques-

Climate Inequality Report 2023: Introduction

sion still largely missing from current policy

thinking. This report is based on a synthe-
sis of the latest research into these ques-
tions, complemented by novel empirical
work and a set of interviews with climate
and development policy experts across
the world.

The rest of this report is organized as fol-

lows: Section 1 presents the latest re-
search findings on inequality in green-
house gas emissions between and within
countries. Section 2 reviews recent re-
search on the inequality of impacts, while
Section 3 discusses options to integrate in-
equality into the heart of climate policy

Climate Inequality Report 2023: Unequal Contributions to Climate Change

1. Unequal contributions to climate change

1.1. Why do inequalities in emis- sions will eventually have to be cut com-
pletely, the pathway to get there will mat-
sions matter?
ter for political, economic or efficiency
reasons. Who must bring down their emis-
sions, at what pace and when? Know-
Environmental policy needs to incorpo-
ing the current emission levels of differ-
rate inequality considerations. Many
ent social groups is paramount to provid-
well-known environmental policy instru-
ing an equitable answer to such ques-
ments are based on the observation
tions. It seems likely that the same ab-
that greenhouse gases are global pollu-
solute reduction in emissions is relatively
tants and hence, where and by whom
easier to achieve for high-income individ-
they are emitted does not matter for cli-
uals (or firms) than for low-income and
mate change mitigation per se. This
low-emitting groups whose carbon emis-
is the rationale behind emission trading
sions are linked to essential needs such
schemes, for instance, considered by
as domestic heating or commuting and
many economists to be the most effi-
who have little economic resources to af-
cient mechanism for emission reductions.
ford change. Thus, in addition to an ob-
Such policy instruments do not require in-
vious equity concern, there appears to
formation about the distribution of emis-
be an efficiency question at stake. The
sions across a population (i.e. who emits
"marginal effort" required to achieve the
what)2 , but supposedly ensure that re-
same level of emission reduction might
ductions occur where they can be re-
be significantly lower for high-emitting
alized at the lowest cost. Similarly, one
groups, which creates an incentive for
might argue that global emissions must
policies that target this group. Further-
reach net zero by 2050. Thus, if all car-
more, it may be that strong inequalities
bon emissions must be cut regardless of
in emission levels impede effective miti-
where they originate from, what is to be
gation. For instance, the consumption
gained from additional information about
patterns of the top emitters who own
their current distribution across population
larger dwellings, drive larger cars, con-
sume more goods, frequently undertake
long-distance travel, may create what
All individuals contribute to emissions, but sociologists have termed Veblen effects:
not in the same way. While carbon emis-
Aside from information about the emissions of regulated facilities

Climate Inequality Report 2023: Unequal Contributions to Climate Change

by associating their consumption levels lic debate around these important ques-
with social status, the top emitters may tions. The point is not to delay action by
induce higher levels of carbon intensive blaming some groups (i.e. the rich) and
consumption among the middle classes absolving others (i.e. the poor) from act-
than in a more equal scenario3 . Finally, re-ing: the objective is rather to better under-
sponsibility for emissions is not only about stand the potentially conflictual nature of
the consumption of goods and services the energy transition, the various possi-
that produce carbon, but also about indi- ble coalitions of winners and losers asso-
vidual investments in more or less carbon- ciated with certain climate policies (or to
intensive activities. Here again, inequal- the pursuit of business as usual) in order
ity matters a lot as it is well established to accelerate change.Political history in-
that investment decisions, and private deed reveals that major social changes
capital ownership, are very unequally dis- rarely occur without a certain degree of
tributed in our contemporary economic conflictuality within a given society. The
systems: in most countries (both rich and key question is how to organise disagree-
poor), one half of the population owns ments between social groups in a peace-
around just 5% of everything there is to ful, democratic manner. Monitoring in-
own (Chancel, Piketty, et al., 2022). equalities in emissions and in mitigation
efforts between groups of emitters can
Better understanding how groups may win help to go in this direction.
and lose from the energy transition is key
to accelerating it.4 It is also necessary to
draw policy conclusions from the fact that
the top emitters are likely to be relatively
1.2. Within-country carbon in-
well protected from the adverse conse- equality explains the bulk of
quences of climate change. The incen- global carbon emissions in-
tives to reduce their emissions do not nec-
essarily match the damage those emis-
sions cause. Again, this can be true be-
tween countries as well as within them. There are vast historical inequalities in
Quantifying inequalities in carbon emis- emissions between regions. The 2015
sions allows us to be more explicit about Paris Agreement acknowledges that the
these issues and can help to facilitate ef- historical contributions to anthropogenic
fective mitigation policies as well as pub- global warming are extremely hetero-
See Veblen (1898) and Chancel, 2020 for a broader discussion of these issues.
On these issues, see the work carried out by the UNDP over the past years and upon which this report also
draws (UNDP, 2020, 2022a,b,c).

Climate Inequality Report 2023: Unequal Contributions to Climate Change

geneous across countries and world re- bon emissions across world regions are
gions. Virtually all low-income countries strikingly unequal. This pattern of in-
have emitted negligible shares of car- equality implies differentiated responsibil-
bon throughout the past century com- ities for climate change mitigation. Thus,
pared with the rich countries. For in- while the remaining carbon budget that
stance, North America and Europe cre- can be emitted before reaching 1.5◦ C of
ated half of all accumulated global GHG global warming is small compared with
emissions since 1850. Thus these two con- the historical volume of emissions, an eq-
tinents have contributed as much to an- uitable mitigation path should take these
thropogenic climate change as all the unequal contributions into account.
other countries put together, despite hav-
ing but a small fraction of the global pop-
ulation (see Figure 1). This pattern of The argument of differentiated responsi-
unequal carbon emissions across regions bilities becomes even more compelling
and countries extends into the present. when comparing current emission levels
with the hypothetical per capita bud-
Current inter-regional inequalities in aver- gets that would be in accordance with
age emissions remain large. the targets agreed upon in the Paris
Today, the carbon footprint of the aver- accord. These levels are obtained by
age US American is almost ten times as equally dividing the CO2e left to be emit-
great as that of the average Indian. This ted until 2050 in order to stay below
ratio is even more extreme for many coun- the 1.5◦ C threshold among the projected
tries in Southern and Eastern Africa, which world population. This budget (global
typically have the lowest per capita car- equally split carbon budget) amounts to
bon emissions in the world. If emissions 1.9 tCO2e per capita each year until 2050
were equally distributed across countries if the climate targets are to be reached
today, the average citizen of the Demo- with a probability of 83% (IPCC, 2021).
cratic Republic of Congo, for example,
would see their emission levels increase Figure 2 compares these budgets with
ten-fold while Europeans and North Amer- 2019 emission levels by region. The cur-
icans would experience a drop in their rent global per capita average exceeds
emissions levels of almost 40% and over the budget compatible with the 1.5◦ C
70% respectively. Hence, despite rapidly target by about four tonnes of CO2e
increasing emissions in some emerging per year (Chancel, 2022). In some re-
countries such as China, both the his- gions, however, current per capita emis-
torical and current distribution of car- sions are in line with the Paris targets,

Climate Inequality Report 2023: Unequal Contributions to Climate Change

Figure 1: Accumulated historical CO2 emissions vs remaining carbon budgets in 2020

Notes: The remaining carbon budgets to meet the Paris targets are small compared with the amount
of greenhouse gases already emitted. Together, North America and Europe account for half of all
historical emissions. Sources: Chancel (2022)

Climate Inequality Report 2023: Unequal Contributions to Climate Change

Figure 2: tCO2e/cap per year by region vs remaining budgets for 1.5◦ C, 2019

Notes: Emission levels in most high- and middle-income regions exceed equally split budgets by several
orders of magnitude. On the contrary, average emissions in some regions of the Global South are in
line or very close to the budgets compatible with a just 1.5◦ C scenario. Values include emissions em-
bedded in international trade but exclude land use, land use change, and forestry. Source: Sources:
Chancel, 2022.

Climate Inequality Report 2023: Unequal Contributions to Climate Change

and Sub-Saharan Africa is the only region dle 40%, the top 10% and the top 1% of
where average per capita emissions cur- global carbon emitters are shown in Fig-
rently meet the 1.5◦ C target. Indeed, an- ure 3. These numbers are constructed
nual per capita emissions in Sub-Saharan by linking data on the carbon emissions
Africa could increase by almost 20% and of different sectors obtained from envi-
still be in line with the 1.5◦ C target. All ronmentally extended input-output anal-
other regions overshoot the target con- ysis with information about the income
siderably. South and South-East Asia and and wealth distribution (see Technical Box
Latin America, with per capita emissions for more details). The carbon emissions
of 2.6 and 4.8t CO2e respectively in 2019 are then distributed across the population
exceed the budget but remain within based on national data and modeling
reach of the Paris targets. North America on the link between carbon emissions, in-
is a noticeable outlier with emission lev- come and wealth, respectively, obtained
els exceeding the 1.5◦ C budget by a fac- from micro-level data.
tor of more than ten. Combining the evi- Let us stress at the onset that these num-
dence on historical and current emissions, bers remain highly perfectible, given the
it seems safe to say that the current cli- relatively limited data available at the
mate crisis is largely attributable to exces- country level to properly track inequality
sive emissions in some parts of the world in emissions. Let us also note that there are
while the contributions of others are neg- various methodological ways to measure
ligible. carbon footprints and none is perfect.
Nevertheless, the methodology mobilized
There are significant inequalities between here is useful as it allows for the attribution
individuals both within regions and at the from nearly all emissions in the world, while
global level. Sizeable differences in the avoiding double-counting and differen-
average per capita levels of carbon emis- tiating between emissions from individ-
sions can be observed across countries ual consumption and those that can be
and regions. At the same time, compar- associated with individual investments.
ing country-level averages can mask the While much remains to be learned about
underlying contributions of different pop- the measurement of emissions inequality,
ulation groups. Recent research has put these numbers already provide useful or-
a particular focus on the distribution of ders of magnitude to help frame debates
greenhouse gas emissions among differ- on the energy transition.
ent emitter groups across but also within
countries. Per capita emissions of green- At the global level, it appears that emis-
house gases for the bottom 50%, the mid- sions are strongly concentrated within a

Climate Inequality Report 2023: Unequal Contributions to Climate Change

relatively small group of the global popu- tom half of the global population is con-
lation. The top 10% of emitters are respon- firmed by both studies as well as other re-
sible for almost half of all global carbon cent work.5
emissions, as has also been shown by pre-
vious studies (Bruckner et al., 2022; Chan- The strong concentration of global car-
cel and Piketty, 2015; Kartha et al., 2020). bon emissions within a relatively small
In other words, the emissions caused by population group reflects two important
the bottom 90% of the global popula- dimensions of carbon inequality. On the
tion are only marginally larger than those one hand, it is driven by the large differ-
generated by the top 10%. According ences in emission levels across countries
to Chancel (2022), the top 1% group cre- and the fact that most of the top emit-
ates more than one sixth of global emis- ters live in the countries with the highest
sions with per capita emission levels more aggregate carbon emissions. The second
than 16 times above the global average dimension is linked to the distribution of
in 2019. These numbers imply that total CO2e emissions within countries and re-
carbon emissions by the top 1% largely ex- gions. Figure 4 shows the carbon foot-
ceed emissions by the entire bottom half prints of the bottom 50%, the middle 40%
of the global population - or to put it more and the top 10% across regions of the
drastically, the consumption and invest- world. The general pattern is unambigu-
ment choices of a fraction of the popu- ous in all regions - there are large inequal-
lation are causing significantly more eco- ities in emissions within regions as well as
logical harm than the entire bottom half at the global level.
of the world’s population combined.

In East Asia, the top 10% emit 40t CO2e

Bruckner et al. (2022) also analyze the per year and per person, a larger foot-
contributions of different groups to global print than that of the top 10% in Eu-
emissions based on data from expendi- rope. In contrast, average emissions of
ture surveys, and propose an alternative the bottom half of the East Asian pop-
methodological approach which gives ulation (2.9t/year) are much lower than
slightly different results in absolute terms, those of the European or North Ameri-
at the global level, as compared to Chan- can bottom 50%. Average emission lev-
cel (2022). The overall pattern i.e. a els of the bottom half of the population in
strong concentration of emissions at the North America are comparable to those
top of the distribution and negligible con- of the European middle 40% and the top
tributions to overall emissions of the bot- 10% in South and South-East Asia, and
The analog of Figure 3 based on the data in Bruckner et al., 2022 is reported in the Appendix for comparison.

Climate Inequality Report 2023: Unequal Contributions to Climate Change

Figure 3: Emissions by global emitter group and shares in world total, 2019

Notes: The distribution of carbon emissions across the global population is very unequal. The current
acceleration of anthropogenic climate change is largely driven by emission levels at the top of the
distribution. Modelled estimates based on the systematic combination of household surveys, tax data,
and environmental input-output tables. Emissions include footprints associated with consumption and
investments. Values also take into account the carbon embedded in international trade. Sources:
Chancel (2022)

Climate Inequality Report 2023: Unequal Contributions to Climate Change

even considerably exceed the footprint split target (e.g. South and South-East
of the top 10% of the population in Sub- Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa). By con-
Saharan Africa. The carbon footprint of trast, nowhere in the world do the emis-
the top 10% in North America is by far sions of the top 10% meet the Paris targets,
the largest in the world, exceeding that although there are marked differences
of the next largest top 10% footprint (East across regions. This clearly illustrates the
Asia) by more than 70%. The distribution importance of emission inequalities within
of emissions in the MENA region and Rus- countries and regions for the overall pic-
sia and Central Asia is roughly compara- ture of carbon inequality. Chancel (2022)
ble to that in Europe, albeit with larger estimates that while in 1990 a little less
footprints for the top 10%. In fact, the than two thirds of global carbon inequal-
ratio of the emissions of the bottom half ity was due to between-country inequal-
to the top 10% of the population is high- ities, in 2019 global carbon inequality is
est in the MENA region, where the top mostly driven by differences in the emis-
10% emit over 15 times more CO2e than sion levels of different population groups
the bottom 50%. This is closely followed within countries (accounting for close to
by Sub-Saharan Africa with a similar ratio. two thirds of the difference).
The carbon footprint of the bottom half
of the population in SSA is the smallest in
the world by a wide margin, while that of
1.3. Contrasted carbon inequal-
the top 10% is in the same range as the
middle 40% in the MENA region and East ity profiles in low and middle
Asia. It is also noteworthy that the top 10% income countries.
of the population in Sub-Saharan Africa
Figure A.3 in the Appendix illustrates this
emit less CO2e than the bottom half of
national dimension of carbon inequality
the North American population.
by showing per capita carbon emissions
estimates by income group for a sample
Current emissions of low-income groups of four low- and middle-income countries.
often near per capita targets set by rich In the Democratic Republic of Congo,
countries for 2030 the poorest of the four displayed coun-
The emissions of the bottom half of the tries, the poorer half of the population
population are close to or in line with the emits roughly 0.25t CO2e per year. This
1.5◦ C target in all regions but North Amer- pattern is repeated in many low-income
ica and Europe. In certain countries and countries in Central and Eastern Africa,
regions, emissions of the middle 40% are where the carbon footprint of the poorest
also in line or close to the 1.5◦ C equally half of the population is barely noticeable

Climate Inequality Report 2023: Unequal Contributions to Climate Change

Figure 4: Carbon footprints by group across the world 2019

Notes: This graph shows that carbon inequality is not just an issue of high- vs. low-emitting countries.
Intra-regional inequalities in carbon emissions are also very pronounced. Modelled estimates based
on the systematic combination of household surveys, tax data, and environmental input-output ta-
bles. Emissions include footprints associated with consumption and investments. Values also take into
account the carbon embedded in international trade. Sources: Chancel (2022).

Climate Inequality Report 2023: Unequal Contributions to Climate Change

against the global picture. While rela- dia and Colombia do exhibit a significant
tive inequalities are nonnegligible in these degree of carbon inequality, driven by
countries, even the per capita emissions a high concentration of income, wealth,
of the top 10% groups are typically close and carbon intensive activities in a rel-
to the carbon budgets that would accrue atively small population group. On the
to them in an evenly distributed 1.5◦ C sce- other side of the coin, the average car-
nario. bon footprint of the majority of the pop-
ulation in these countries remains below
the footprint they would be allocated in
The conclusion is slightly different for the
an equally distributed 1.5◦ C scenario. In
remaining three countries shown in Figure
very poor countries such as the Demo-
A.3. The carbon footprints of the bottom
cratic Republic of Congo this often ap-
90% in Nigeria and India are strikingly sim-
plies to almost the entire population.
ilar, and compatible with the 1.5◦ C goal
in both countries. There are significant dif-
ferences, however, among the top emit-
ters. While the per capita emissions of the Distribution of emissions in emerging and
top 10% Nigerians exceed those of the high-income countries. Figure A.4 shows
bottom half by a factor of roughly five, the same distribution of per capita emis-
this ratio is more than twice as great in sions across income groups for China and
India where the top 10% emit almost 10t the US. Average emissions in both coun-
CO2e per year, and is thus range in a re- tries are significantly above the thresholds
gion comparable to the European middle that would be in line with the 1.5◦ C goal.
class or groups above. The main effect at In order to meet the Paris targets for 2030,
play here is the higher level of income and both countries would have to substan-
wealth inequalities in India as compared tially reduce their aggregate emissions.
to Nigeria. The higher emission levels in all Nonetheless, there are large differences
population groups in Colombia are reflec- in the degree of overshoot, particularly
tive of the higher relative income levels when factoring in responsibilities associ-
compared to the other countries. The top ated with individuals’ savings and invest-
Colombian emitters are found to be re- ments. The top 10% of emitters in China
sponsible for roughly 14t CO2e per capita are directly or indirectly responsible for al-
and year, which is approximately 1.5 times most 38t CO2e per capita, which largely
the size of the biggest Indian footprints. exceeds the emissions of the top emitters
It appears, then, that although the car- in many high-income countries. At the
bon footprints in most low-income coun- same time, the bottom 50% of the Chi-
tries are relatively low, countries such as In- nese population have a carbon footprint

Climate Inequality Report 2023: Unequal Contributions to Climate Change

of less than 3t CO2e. This means that of per capita emissions between 1990
the poorer half of the Chinese population and 2019 by percentile rank in the global
only generates 17% of total carbon emis- emitter distribution. The bottom 75% of
sions in China while the top emitters are global emitters have seen a relatively uni-
responsible for almost half of them. This form growth in their per capita emissions
share is comparable to that of the top over the past 30 years, which can be at-
10% emitters globally and thus represents tributed mainly to rising incomes and con-
an enormous level of carbon inequality sumption in developing and emerging
within China. countries. However, because this group
started with comparatively low emission
While average emissions in the US already levels, their growth represents only a mod-
exceed the footprints of the top emitters erate contribution to overall emissions
in many developing countries with nearly growth. Precisely, the increase in per-
21t CO2e per capita, the richest 10% of US capita emissions of the bottom 50% of
Americans are found to be responsible for global emitters accounts for 16% of emis-
about 70t CO2e per capita. They would sions growth between 1990 and 2019 at
thus have to cut their emissions by more the global level. Strikingly, those be-
than 80% in order to reach levels implied tween the 75th and the 95th percentile
by US official 2030 pledges, when these of the emissions distribution have seen
pledges are expressed in per-capita terms their per capita emission levels drop over
(about 10t CO2e per person per year by the past 30 years by rates of up to 15%.
2030). The bottom half of the US popula- This group overlaps largely with the low-
tion is found to be near the 2030 pledged income and middle classes in rich coun-
target for 2030. To be clear: no group in tries, who have seen their income shares
the US is in line with equally split global stagnate or even decrease in the past 30
carbon budgets and all groups will need years (Alvaredo et al., 2018). This contrasts
to see their emissions brought down to strongly with the groups at the top of the
zero, but all groups do not have the same pollution distribution whose per capita
mitigation efforts to make to get there. emissions increased rapidly. This is partic-
ularly true for the top 1% of global emit-
ters, who are responsible for 23% of the to-
Unequal dynamics of global carbon in-
tal growth in emissions between 1990 and
equality since 1990. As discussed in the
2019. Hence, the top 1% of global emit-
introduction to this report, global green-
ters have contributed more to the growth
house gas emissions continue to rise de-
of carbon emissions in recent decades
spite the urgent need for drastic emis-
than the entire bottom half of the world
sion cuts. Figure 5 plots the growth rate

Climate Inequality Report 2023: Unequal Contributions to Climate Change

Figure 5: Per capita emissions growth by percentile of global emissions distribution, 1990-2019

Notes: The top 1% of global emitters are found to be responsible for almost one fourth of the growth
in greenhouse gas emissions since 1990. This contribution to emissions growth during the observed pe-
riod significantly exceeds that of the entire bottom half of the global population. Lower and middle
classes in high-income countries reduced their per capita footprints. Modelled estimates based on
the systematic combination of household surveys, tax data, and environmental input-output tables.
Emissions include footprints associated with consumption and investments. Values also take into ac-
count the carbon embedded in international trade. Sources: Chancel (2022).

Climate Inequality Report 2023: Unequal Contributions to Climate Change

population. The most high-polluting indi- or rural areas, whether they live alone or in
viduals have almost doubled their carbon a family, whether they use fuel or firewood
footprints since 1990. for heating, or live in insulated homes
Between 1990 and 2019, it is also found or energy-inefficient dwellings, matters
that the role of within country carbon a lot in determining their carbon foot-
emissions inequality rose significantly. In prints. That said however, despite po-
1990, about 62% of the global inequality tentially large variations within each in-
in individual carbon emissions was due to come group, emissions associated with
average emissions differences between direct energy consumption tend to in-
countries. In 2019, the situation has been crease with income levels in most coun-
reversed: 64% of the global inequality in tries.
emissions is now due to differences within
countries, as presented on Figure 6. This correlation becomes even more ap-
parent when we factor in emissions as-
sociated with individual consumption of
goods and services. These are emissions
1.4. Consumption and invest- associated with the production, distribu-
ment patterns drive un- tion and sale of goods that people buy,
equal contributions to cli- and are also known as "embedded emis-
sions". When we take these into account,
mate change
the link between income and emissions
becomes even stronger (although varia-
Inequalities in carbon footprints stem from tions still occur within income groups). A
inequalities in the consumption and in- further dimension one may want to look
vestment patterns of different income at is emissions associated with individual
groups savings or investments. It is not easy to
take these two categories into account
What drives the large inequalities in car- and doing so raises important method-
bon emissions discussed in the previous ological questions which are not yet fully
section? Let us first stress that all stud- solved, but going in this direction is use-
ies on this question show that there can ful. If individuals are attributed some re-
be large variations in direct energy con- sponsibility for their consumption choices,
sumption (energy associated to car use, then it is reasonable also to take account
or to heating purposes) within a given of choices such as investing in a given
income group in a country (see Pottier company and owning shares in that com-
(2022)). Whether individuals live in urban pany.

Climate Inequality Report 2023: Unequal Contributions to Climate Change

Figure 6: Global inequality of carbon emissions: between- vs. within-country, 1990-2019

Notes: In 1990, about 62% of the global inequality in individual carbon emissions was due to aver-
age emissions differences between countries. In 2019, the situation has reversed: 64% of the global
inequality in emissions is now due to differences within countries. Results show a decomposition of
global inequality as per the Theil index. Modelled estimates based on the systematic combination
of household surveys, tax data, and environmental input-output tables. Emissions include footprints
associated with consumption and investments. Values also take into account the carbon embedded
in international trade. Sources: Chancel (2022).

Climate Inequality Report 2023: Unequal Contributions to Climate Change

Technical Box: Income, elasticity, and emissions

It is important here to distinguish ply due to the fact that richer house-
between the carbon intensity of a holds spend a smaller share of their
given consumption good and an income on consumption. Hence, a
overall level of consumption of that smaller fraction of a marginal unit of
good. A recent survey of the litera- income given to high-income house-
ture on the link between income, ex- hold goes into consumption goods
penditure, and emissions associated whose embodied emissions can be
with consumption finds that when accounted for. This effect is cleared
income and expenditure increase, away when considering the expen-
emissions associated with consump- diture elasticity, as this measure only
tion also increase, in all countries accounts for money actually spent
(Pottier, 2022). More precisely, in- on consumption. Hence, the volume
creasing household income (or ex- effect is relatively straightforward. As
penditure) by 1% will lead to a posi- income increases, households spend
tive, though smaller, relative increase more money on consumption in ab-
in greenhouse gas emissions embod- solute terms and thus are responsi-
ied in household consumption. This ble for more carbon emissions, either
implies that while a marginal unit of through direct energy consumption
expenditure is less carbon intensive (e.g. the burning of petrol when driv-
for the rich than for the poor, emis- ing) or through indirect emissions em-
sions still strictly increase with over- bedded in consumer goods. Given
all expenditure (or income), but at these results and the strong concen-
a slower rate. It is also worth not- tration of income, it is not surprising
ing that expenditure elasticities of that strong carbon inequalities per-
carbon emissions tend to be higher sist.
than income elasticities. This is sim-

Climate Inequality Report 2023: Unequal Contributions to Climate Change

It is crucial not to misunderstand a classification of different types of

the implications of an income elas- consumption goods by their energy
ticity with respect to emissions less intensity and the income elasticity of
than unity. It certainly does not demand. It is important here not to
imply that consumption becomes confuse the different elasticities and
"clean" when income or consump- to maintain a firm grasp on the im-
tion increases. In fact, some of plications of the results. The income
the most energy-intensive goods are elasticity of demand measures how
consumed almost exclusively by the sensitive demand for a certain good
rich according to available house- is to income changes of the con-
hold consumption surveys (Oswald, sumers. A value larger than one
Owen, and Steinberger, 2020). Ex- implies that the relative change in
amples of such goods are vehicle fu- demand is stronger than the rela-
els and package holidays, the con- tive income change. These goods
sumption of which are almost entirely are represented in the two upper
attributable to high-income individu- quadrants of Figure 5 and referred to
als. At the same time, there are other as luxury goods by Oswald, Owen,
luxury goods with relatively low en- and Steinberger, 2020, as they are
ergy intensity including communica- only consumed in sizeable quanti-
tion and recreational items such as ties at comparatively high income
musical instruments. levels. The opposite is true for the
goods in the two lower quadrants of
Since the energy requirements and the graph. Their consumption is rel-
hence carbon footprints of these lat- atively inelastic to income, meaning
ter goods are relatively small, their that the consumption of these goods
increasing share in the consump- changes relatively little when income
tion basket of high-income house- changes. This is typically the case for
holds attenuates the effect of the basic goods such as food and heat-
more polluting luxury goods, at least ing that need to be consumed al-
to some extent.a Figure 8 provides most regardless of current income.

Climate Inequality Report 2023: Unequal Contributions to Climate Change

Figure 8 further distinguishes the con- crease at the bottom of the distribu-
sumption categories by the energy tion. However, it is important to bear
intensity of their consumption (below in mind that the consumption of all
or above median intensity). This in- goods is strictly increasing in income
cludes emissions generated by their (albeit at varying rates). This brings
direct use, such as the burning of us back to a simple argument made
fuel (Scope 1), emissions from en- above: being richer results in higher
ergy combustion used in their pro- aggregate consumption levels and
duction (Scope 2), and indirect emis- therefore induces a volume effect
sions generated along the supply that brings about large inequalities
chain (Scope 3). The key insight from in energy footprints. Oswald, Owen,
Figure 8 is that almost all consump- and Steinberger, 2020 estimate that
tion categories with high energy in- the global top 10% of energy con-
tensity are located in the upper right sumers account for 39% of global en-
quadrant of the graph, i.e. their con- ergy consumption in 2011 which is
sumption is associated with higher in- just marginally less than the entire
comes, with the notable exception bottom 80%. While the relation be-
of heat and electricity. At the same tween energy consumption and car-
time, a significant fraction of luxury bon emissions depends on the car-
goods are relatively less energy in- bon intensity of energy production,
tensive (upper left quadrant of Fig- they are nonetheless strongly linked
ure 7). Because the consumption of across the globe (R. Jackson et al.,
these goods also rises with income, 2018). Hence, consumption profiles
a marginal increase in income and may partially explain the concen-
thus overall consumption results in tration of emissions among relatively
a smaller increase in energy con- small (typically high-income) popu-
sumption than a marginal income in- lation brackets.
Note that Oswald, Owen, and Steinberger, 2020 focus on the energy intensity of different con-
sumption categories rather than the carbon footprint. However, when the composition of energy
sources does not vary substantially across income groups, the two measures are almost proportional.

Climate Inequality Report 2023: Unequal Contributions to Climate Change

Figure 7: Income elasticity and energy intensity of consumption for different consumption
categories in 2011

Notes: The demand for the most energy-intensive consumption goods tends to rise disproportionately
with income. This means that on average, a high-income household consumes more energy-intensive
goods such as vehicle fuel than a poorer household. Sources: Illustration based on data from Oswald,
Owen, and Steinberger (2020).

Let us now turn to emissions associated concentrated among the wealthy, it is to

with savings and investments of individ- be expected that the embodied green-
uals, rather than to their consumption. house gases do not play a major role in
When looking at investment-related emis- the emissions of the bottom groups. As for
sions, it is unsurprising that these emis- the top emitters, investment-related emis-
sions play a negligible role for the bot- sions represent a significant part of their
tom half of emitters within countries, since total carbon emissions, the question is by
this group largely coincides with the poor- how much? There is no perfect method-
est half of the population which barely ology to account for this given little avail-
owns any wealth at all, and represent just able data. According to Chancel (2022)
a tiny fraction of aggregate savings. Put emissions associated with individuals’ in-
differently, since investments are highly vestments in capital formation (i.e. the

Climate Inequality Report 2023: Unequal Contributions to Climate Change

construction of machines, factory build- share of the related CO2 equivalents in

ings, etc.) account for at least as much as their total emissions. Here again, we stress
consumption-related emissions within the that there can be different ways to mon-
global top 1% of emitters. itor wealth-related emissions inequalities
It is also found that there has been a rise and we call for more work on the topic to
in this share for the top 10% and the top improve existing estimates. Whatever the
1% of global emitters in recent decades, methodology chosen however, given the
which can be traced back to increasing extreme concentration of wealth own-
wealth inequalities during the same pe- ership within countries and across the
riod and a rising overall share of emissions globe, investment-related emissions es-
from investments. As wealth becomes timates are also very concentrated, at
more concentrated within a small group least significantly more than household
of the global population, this group of the consumption-related emissions which al-
population also concentrates more emis- ready exhibit notable levels of inequali-
sions associated with wealth ownership ties.
and investments, thereby increasing the

Climate Inequality Report 2023: Unequal Contributions to Climate Change

Focus: Emissions of multinationals

What are the emissions of large multi- eign affiliates originating in the EU to-
national companies? Several stud- talled around 2.1Gt, followed by the
ies have tried to look into this ques- US (1.3Gt) and Hong Kong (1Gt). The
tion. The Carbon Major Project, for footprint of certain large multination-
instance, has looked at emissions of als can be compared to that of some
oil majors since the industrial revo- countries: it has been found, for
lution. The project finds that 100 instance, that Coca-Cola’s carbon
firms account for 71% of global in- footprint is almost equivalent to Chi-
dustrial GHG emissions since the in- nese emissions created by the whole
dustrial revolution (Griffin and Heede, food sector (which feeds about 1.3
2017). In this view, however, abso- billion individuals). Walmart’s emis-
lutely all emissions associated with sions are higher than the emissions of
the fossil fuels extracted by those firms Germanys entire retail sector (Zhang
are attributed to them. While this pro- et al., 2020). Here again, such results
vides an interesting and useful per- can help structure public debates on
spective on emissions responsibility, emissions responsibilities; they shed
the attribution standard also raises light, for example, on the role of
important questions: certainly, car- multinational supply chains in driv-
bon majors play a large role in cli- ing emissions upwards or downwards.
mate change, but should we argue Obviously, MNEs have a key role to
that these firms are the only actors play in the energy transition and
responsible for it? Other method- their capacity to relocate production
ologies have looked into the car- in countries with poor environmen-
bon footprint of multinationals’ sup- tal standards can jeopardise efforts
ply chains, beyond the fossil-fuel in- made at home. In section 3 of this
dustry. Overall, carbon emissions em- report, we make some recommen-
bodied in the supply chains of for- dations for the imposition of levies on
eign affiliates of MNEs reached about multinationals operating in low- and
6Gt CO2 in 2016, that is nearly 20% of middle-income countries and the in-
the global total. That year, the car- vestment of such revenues in climate
bon footprints of multinationals for- policies of those countries.

Climate Inequality Report 2023: Unequal Contributions to Climate Change

While multinationals play a key role out human intervention: they belong
in global emissions, it is also im- to shareholders who hold the ulti-
portant to note that when carbon mate power over their strategic deci-
accounting methodologies attribute sions. Put differently, there are individ-
emissions to firms, they must not, uals behind multinationals activities,
at the same time, attribute the either as consumers or as investors.
same emissions to consumers (oth- The method developed by Chancel
erwise responsibilities are attributed (2022) seeks to provide a relatively
twice for the same tonne of carbon more balanced view of inequality in
and global carbon budgets double). emissions, taking into account indi-
While it may make sense to attribute viduals’ responsibilities as both con-
all responsibility to firm, such a view sumers and investors (in multinational
also has its limitations. Consumers or other firms) to promote dialogue
are not entirely powerless in the en- between those approaches who fo-
ergy transition: they can change cus solely on consumers and those
certain production patterns of firms, who hold producers responsible for
by shifting from a product to an- all emissions instead. The bottom
other, for example. In addition, it line is that it is important to look at
should be noted that firms are not all available estimates critically given
autonomous entities operating with- the variety of possible approaches.

Climate Inequality Report 2023: Unequal Contributions to Climate Change

1.5. Ending global poverty need carbon budgets, by showing that lifting
large numbers of people out of poverty
not overshoot global carbon
need not have a large negative effect
budgets on climate change mitigation. Kikstra et
al. (2021) show that current energy con-
sumption in all areas of the world is sig-
Recent advances in climate inequality re-
nificantly greater than the energy that
search paint a relatively clear picture of
would be required to provide decent liv-
the global distribution of carbon emis-
ing standards for the entire global popu-
sions. The lifestyles of a relatively small
lation. The authors estimate the amount
group of the global population directly or
of energy that would be needed to pro-
indirectly cause the lion’s share of global
vide a decent living for everyone in terms
greenhouse gases and are thus largely re-
of nutrition, shelter, health, mobility and
sponsible for the degree of global warm-
socialisation in 2050, based on country-
ing we see today. While cross-country
specific requirements for 193 countries.6
emission inequalities remain sizeable, this
Their results suggest that current global
pattern of unequal emission shares across
energy consumption is almost three times
population groups is mostly driven by
higher than the energy that would be
within-country inequalities in emissions.
required to meet such basic needs for
These results naturally raise questions with
all (see Figure 8). Yet, in most regions
regard to equity and global justice. The
of the world, energy use does not pri-
fact that income and emissions are rela-
marily serve the purpose of satisfying ba-
tively strongly correlated has fuelled argu-
sic needs. Only in North America and
ments claiming that economic develop-
Western Europe is the current energy de-
ment and poverty eradication efforts put
ployed for the provision of decent living
further pressure on the remaining carbon
standards theoretically sufficient to meet
budgets by increasing the consumption
the basic needs of the entire population.
of the poor.
In all other regions, insufficient energy is
currently used to provide for basic needs.
Restructuring current energy use could
This is particularly true for low-income re-
significantly alleviate multidimensional
gions such as Sub-Saharan Africa where
poverty. Recent research contradicts the
the lack of energy provision for decent
idea that ending global poverty would
living goes hand in hand with extremely
eat up most of the remaining global
Decent living standards are derived from various sources for each category. For nutrition, for instance, the
authors use minimum dietary energy requirements from the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United
Nations and then translate these into the energy needed for the production, preparation and storage of the
minimum number of calories depending on the local conditions in each country.

Climate Inequality Report 2023: Unequal Contributions to Climate Change

low overall energy use. By contrast, in

other regions, overall energy use is signif-
icantly above the level required to pro-
vide decent living standards, but only a
small fraction of total energy is used to
this end. This is even more true from
a global perspective, since merely one
fourth of current energy is used for ba-
sic needs provision at the global level.
Kikstra et al. (2021) project that in 2050,
the energy required for the provision of
decent living standards will represent be-
tween 23% and 28% of global energy
consumption (based on energy projec-
tions under SSP2). In other words, their
results suggest that eradicating multidi-
mensional poverty does not necessarily
require a massive expansion of global en-
ergy consumption. Instead, considerable
progress could be achieved by restructur-
ing current energy use and curbing de-
mand at the top of the distribution.

Climate Inequality Report 2023: Unequal Contributions to Climate Change

Figure 8: Current total energy and share of this energy used for DLS provision vs projected
energy needs for universal DLS in 2050

Notes: Current energy consumption in most world regions exceeds the amount of energy theoretically
required to provide universal decent living standards to all. This is true in particular for high-income
regions. However, the share of total energy actually deployed for the provision of decent living stan-
dards is small in most regions. Therefore, redistributing energy use would make it possible to increase
living standards for large population segments without increasing total energy consumption. Sources:
Figure based on Fig. 4a from Kikstra et al. (2021).

Climate Inequality Report 2023: Unequal Contributions to Climate Change

Poverty alleviation and climate change ply redistributing from no more than 0.1%
mitigation efforts can be combined of the world population. For more am-
through redistribution. Another recent bitious poverty definitions, the share of
study by Oswald, Steinberger, et al. (2021) top incomes that would have to be re-
also finds that lifting billions of people out distributed increases but never exceeds
of energy poverty need not put a large 11.6% given the model’s assumptions.
strain on the remaining carbon budget. Hence, the general conclusion that con-
The authors start from the observation siderably reducing energy poverty would
that energy use and income are strongly not necessarily entail a large increase in
linked, and then analyse the effects of carbon emissions if it were accompanied
reducing income inequality on energy by redistributive policies appears robust.
consumption using a simplified model of
the global income distribution. Their re-
sults suggest that considerably reducing
Carbon budgets required for poverty
the share of people in energy poverty
eradication are small compared with top
(from currently 60% to 10%) would only
emitter footprints. Bruckner et al. (2022)
moderately increase global energy con-
explicitly estimate the effect of different
sumption by 6.7%. In their model, this
poverty eradication scenarios on global
sizeable reduction of energy poverty is
carbon emissions using 2011 World Bank
achieved through a significant redistribu-
expenditure survey data for 116 coun-
tion of income on the global scale. They
tries. Based on disaggregated informa-
find that the share of people in energy
tion on the expenditure patterns of dif-
poverty is strictly increasing in the degree
ferent income groups in different regions,
of economic inequality as measured by
they model a range of scenarios where
the spread of the global income distribu-
the poorest population groups are shifted
tion. Energy poverty begins to drop sig-
into higher expenditure bins above vary-
nificantly at a standard deviation of ap-
ing national or international poverty lines.
proximately US$10,000 which is also the
Their results suggest that lifting the whole
level where no mega-consumers (whose
world’s population above the poverty line
consumption is defined as equal to that
of US$3.20 a day would increase global
of the top 20% of US Americans in 2011)
carbon emissions by less than 5%. These
exist. The model results further suggest
estimates are based on the assumption
that, to achieve poverty eradication at
that the observed expenditure patterns
US$1.9 through redistribution from the top,
would remain the same within expen-
top global incomes would need to be cut
diture groups under the counterfactual
at US$467,000 per year which would im-
poverty alleviation scenarios. While it is

Climate Inequality Report 2023: Unequal Contributions to Climate Change

probable that such large-scale interven- top emitters were to make their fair share
tions would induce some broader gen- of climate change mitigation efforts, and
eral equilibrium effects that might result emissions were significantly cut at the
in changing consumption and expendi- top, sufficient carbon budgets would be
ture patterns, the estimates provide an freed up to lift the entire world population
idea of the order of magnitude of the car- above a poverty threshold of US$5.50 a
bon effect of tackling global poverty. The day. Let us stress that eradicating global
authors further estimate that eradicating poverty does not directly translate into the
global poverty below US$5.50 would en- creation of an affluent middle class: at
tail an increase in carbon emissions of ap- US$5.5 per day, individuals are not well-
proximately 18%. Such an effort would of by global standards. In that sense, the
be synonymous with significant improve- development of an affluent global middle
ments in living standards for almost half class within planetary boundaries will not
of the global population. While an in- be possible simply via the redistribution of
crease in carbon emissions of 18% may "carbon space" from the global top 10%
appear sizeable, it is crucial to put these to the rest of the global population. Such
numbers into perspective. Bruckner et al. a redistribution will help a lot but aggres-
(2022) estimate that the top 1% of global sive mitigation policies in low and middle
emitters are responsible for 15% of global income countries, coupled with the de-
emissions and thus only marginally smaller velopment of a new model of low-carbon
than the amount of carbon required to middle-class prosperity in these countries,
shift everyone above the poverty line. In is also paramount.
other words, the extra carbon budget
required to eradicate global poverty at
Reducing multi-dimensional poverty and
US$5.50 and improve the livelihoods of
providing decent living standards for all
more than three billion people is com-
while remaining within ecological limits
parable to the emissions currently gener-
raises significant distributional questions
ated by the global top 1%. Focusing on
but is not an unattainable goal per se. Vo-
the top 10% of global carbon emitters,
gel et al. (2021) investigate which institu-
the required carbon budget for ambitious
tional conditions can facilitate the satis-
poverty alleviation comprises roughly a
faction of human needs at low energy re-
third of their current emissions. The impli-
quirements. They leverage data on the
cations of these results are clear: global
level of satisfaction of six basic needs
poverty alleviation is difficult, but is nei-
(health, nutrition, drinking water and sani-
ther out of reach nor heavily constrained
tation access, education, and minimum
by climate change mitigation. If global
income) and energy use for 106 coun-

Climate Inequality Report 2023: Unequal Contributions to Climate Change

Figure 9: Additional carbon emissions of different poverty alleviation scenarios vs. emission
from global top 1% according to Bruckner et al. (2022)

Notes: Eradicating global poverty would not entail a large increase in carbon emissions. Lifting the
entire global population above the poverty line of US$3.20 a day would increase current carbon emis-
sions by less than 5%. A more ambitious poverty eradication scenario of shifting everyone above the
US$5.50 poverty line would increase emissions by 18%. That is, the carbon budgets required for global
poverty eradication are broadly comparable to those consumed by the top 1% globally. Note that the
top 1% share estimate is similar but not exactly equal to the value reported in Figure 3, due to different
methodologies mobilized. Sources: Figure based on data from Fig. 5 in Bruckner et al. (2022).

Climate Inequality Report 2023: Unequal Contributions to Climate Change

tries in order to identify socio-economic sights into the most promising institutional
arrangements that would allow a high structures for sustainable development.
level of needs satisfaction at compara-
tively low energy use. They show that Bringing together the results of all the
countries with comparatively high-quality studies cited here, it seems that climate
public services and infrastructure, high in- change mitigation and the universal sat-
come equality, and universal access to isfaction of human needs are far from be-
electricity are most successful at meeting ing mutually exclusive goals. As the re-
the needs of their population at relatively mainder of this report shows, they are in
low levels of energy use. While these are fact two sides of the same coin for an
complex relationships and the estimates inclusive and sustainable development
provided by the authors do not identify agenda.
causal effects, they provide important in-

Climate Inequality Report 2023: Unequal impacts of climate change

2. Unequal impacts of climate change

2.1. Unequal exposure to extreme with a 15% rise in temperature variability

by the end of the century in regions such
weather events
as Amazonia and Southern Africa. Bathi-
any et al. (2018) show that poor countries,
Global warming has begun to notice- which bear little responsibility for global
ably influence the frequency and severity warming will face the strongest changes
of extreme weather events including ex- in temperature variability. In other words,
treme heatwaves and droughts, as well as low income countries will see themselves
extended periods of extreme precipita- exposed to more volatile temperatures
tion and flooding. However, these effects and more frequent temperature anoma-
do not materialize in the same way or to lies with potentially devastating effects on
the same extent around the world. While agricultural output, while regions with the
temperature variability tends to decrease highest responsibility for climate change
in high latitudes, a 1◦ C increase in the may experience reduced temperature
global mean temperature is associated volatility.

Climate Inequality Report 2023: Unequal impacts of climate change

Figure 10: Predicted change in temperature variability until end of century vs emissions per
capita between 1990 and 2013

Notes: There is a negative correlation between predicted changes in temperature variability and
greenhouse gas emissions. On average, countries with comparatively low per capita emissions will
experience stronger changes in temperature variability. Those countries that bear the highest respon-
sibility for observed climate change tend to face moderate changes or variability reductions. Sources:
Authors based on Fig 5b. from Bathiany et al. (2018)

Climate Inequality Report 2023: Unequal impacts of climate change

Technical box: Compound Events

Many climate hazards are not inde- water insecurity thereby increasing
pendent from each other but of- the pressure on public health authori-
ten share common climatic drivers. ties through malnutrition and disease
This means that certain hazards are caused by lack of safe water ac-
more likely to occur simultaneously cess. Adding to this, the heat wave
in time and space than if they were led to excess heat-related mortal-
independent events. Such a com- ity. At the same time, the drought
bined occurrence of multiple cli- caused power cuts in many south-
mate drivers and hazards whose in- ern African countries due to outages
teraction aggravates their impacts in hydro-power generation which lim-
on social and environmental systems ited the capacity of public infrastruc-
is referred to as compound event ture to respond to the crisis. Food
(Zscheischler et al., 2018). Such and water insecurity further triggered
events can form complex and cas- migration and displacement in some
cading risks and render adaptation regions, which further complicated
significantly more challenging. Such the containment of the pandemic,
complex events are also likely to af- thus adding to the public health bur-
fect and exacerbate existing chal- den (Phillips et al., 2020). This ex-
lenges in human systems. Zimbabwe, ample shows how compound events
for example, was hit by a severe can pose multifaceted challenges
drought and heatwave in the sum- to human systems and illustrates the
mer of 2020 while trying to contain need for a better understanding of
the spread of Covid-19 in the coun- such events in order to develop suit-
try. The drought immediately put mil- able policy responses and adapta-
lions of people at risk of food and tion strategies.

Changing climatic conditions pose a seri- climate conditions in many areas of the
ous risk to food security. What does the in- world. Anthropogenic climate change
creased occurrence of extreme weather has already put a significant strain on the
events mean for the affected populations world’s agricultural production: recent es-
and their livelihoods? Food security is a timates based on global data suggest
major concern in the face of aggravating that current total factor productivity (that

Climate Inequality Report 2023: Unequal impacts of climate change

is, the overall productivity of a sector, or slow-onset mean changes in temperature

how much is produced relative to the re- and precipitation, but also to destruction
sources it uses) in the agricultural sector is of crops by extreme weather events and
approximately 20% lower than in a coun- disasters. In 2010, a large flood in Pak-
terfactual scenario of no climate change istan caused yield losses of US$4.5 billion
(Ortiz-Bobea et al., 2021). While this con- by directly destroying crops and delaying
stitutes a considerable average produc- the planting of new ones. High-income
tivity impact at the global level, there is regions in the Global North are not im-
also considerable regional heterogene- mune to significant agricultural losses ei-
ity in the effects of climate change on ther. Brás et al. (2021) estimate that crop
agricultural production. Figure 11 illus- losses due to combined heatwaves and
trates this by showing the disaggregated droughts have tripled during the last five
effects across continents and countries. decades in Europe. Figure 12 summa-
It is clear from the graph that some re- rizes the results of more than 150 studies
gions have incurred much stronger neg- on the observed effects of changing cli-
ative impacts than the global average. matic conditions on agricultural produc-
In Africa, for instance, average agricul- tivity and crop yield around the world.
tural productivity is estimated to be al- The first column confirms the results by
most 35% below its potential value in Ortiz-Bobea et al. (2021) and shows that
the absence of climate change. While climate change has led agricultural to-
some countries, such as Canada or Rus- tal factor productivity to drop in virtu-
sia, have even seen their agricultural pro- ally all regions of the world. The follow-
ductivity increase as a consequence of ing columns show the breakdown of cli-
climate change, the most extreme ad- mate impacts on crop yields for differ-
verse effects have materialized in trop- ent crop species and categories, and the
ical and subtropical countries in Africa last column shows the aggregate effect
and Latin America, such as Mali, Niger, for all crops. The overall picture is unam-
Sudan, Nicaragua, and Guatemala with biguous: climate change has negative
productivity losses up to 40% due to an- effects on the yields for the majority of
thropogenic climate change. crops in most regions. Apart from Cen-
tral Asia, the only area where aggregate
yields have increased as a consequence
Chapter five of the current IPCC report
of changing climatic conditions, the ef-
provides a comprehensive overview of
fects are either mixed or unambiguously
climate change impacts on agriculture
negative. Eleven of 14 regions have al-
and food systems (Bezner Kerr et al., 2022).
ready seen negative impacts on aggre-
These impacts are partly attributable to

Climate Inequality Report 2023: Unequal impacts of climate change

Figure 11: Observed regional effects of climate change on agricultural productivity across
the world (1961-2015)

Notes: Some world regions have already incurred agricultural productivity losses of more than 30% due
to climate change since 1961 (relative to a world without climate change). These losses are strongest in
areas that have contributed little to historical emissions and thus reinforce existing inequalities. Sources:
Fig. 5 from Ortiz-Bobea et al. (2021).

Climate Inequality Report 2023: Unequal impacts of climate change

gate crop yields. Sub-Saharan Africa, for climate-induced shift in temperature

instance, has had to cope with significant distributions across the globe will di-
yield losses for all crop categories in the re- rectly affect temperature-related mortal-
cent past. Given that it is also the world re- ity. Again, tail events are what matters
gion with the highest poverty headcounts most in this context. The overall relation-
and rates of food insecurity, these re- ship between mortality and temperature
duced crop yields aggravate hunger for follows an inverse U-shaped trajectory.
large numbers of people who depend di- Populations in relatively cold regions will
rectly on agricultural incomes or are vul- see their mortality risk decrease as climate
nerable to highly volatile food prices. change shifts the temperature towards
higher levels and thus reduces the occur-
Wiebe et al. (2015) estimate that, out of 53 rence of extreme cold-weather events.
countries that exhibited concerning levels Conversely, temperature-related mortal-
of food security in 2008, climate change ity is predicted to increase in already
has already negatively affected consum- warm regions, which intersects with a pat-
able calories in 27 countries, thereby seri- tern of country-level income inequality.
ously aggravating food insecurity. These The aggregate results suggest that a sin-
impacts are projected to worsen signifi- gle day at 35◦ C increases heat-related
cantly by 2050, as climatic conditions be- mortality by 10.1 deaths per 100,000 in-
come less and less favourable to the cul- habitants (relative to the minimum mor-
tivation of an increasing number of crops. tality temperature, which is dependent
The resulting effect here is twofold. First, on the region). By 2100, these impacts will
it directly affects food accessibility on the translate into heat-related mortality rates
demand side and sufficient calorie intake comparable in magnitude to the mortal-
through price shocks. Second, a large ity effects of all types of cancer today
fraction of the worlds poor depends on (under RCP8.5). This mortality effect al-
income from agricultural production for most exclusively materializes among peo-
their livelihoods. Crop failures and yield ple aged 64 and older. Hence, countries
losses due to climate change thus directly with relatively high shares of population in
affect the capacity of many people in this group are likely to encounter higher
low-income regions to sustain themselves mortality rates. Within a given region, in-
and their families (Hallegatte, Bangalore, come is a protective factor against the
et al., 2016). mortality effects of heat because it in-
creases adaptive capacity, e.g. through
A single day at 35◦ C increases heat-
air conditioning etc. which implies that
related mortality in sizeable proportions
excess mortality will be most pronounced
Aside from agricultural effects, the

Climate Inequality Report 2023: Unequal impacts of climate change

Figure 12: Overview of estimated impacts on crop yield and agricultural productivity from
over 150 studies

Notes: There is strong scientific consensus regarding the observed impacts of climate change on agri-
culture. Overall, the effects are negative for most regions and crops. This is especially true in tropical
and subtropical regions. Sources: see Fig. 5.3 IPCC (2022)

Climate Inequality Report 2023: Unequal impacts of climate change

Figure 13: Spatial distribution of predicted heat-related mortality impacts across the world in

Notes: Many regions in the Global South will suffer heavy heat-related mortality increases by 2100.
Many high-income countries in the North will experience positive mortality effects due to the reduced
occurrence of extreme cold temperatures. Sources: Fig. 4 from Carleton et al. (2022).

Climate Inequality Report 2023: Unequal impacts of climate change

among low-income groups (Carleton et At the global level, poor people are dis-
al., 2022). Detailed mortality data by proportionately exposed to rising sea lev-
country can be accessed on the UNDP els. Rentschler, Salhab, and Jafino (2022)
Human Climate Horizons platform (UNDP, estimate that globally, 1.8 billion people
2022a), along with data on other forms of are exposed to serious flood risk (all types
climate impacts. of flooding, i.e. including fluvial and plu-
vial) and would face inundation depths
of 0.15m or more in the case of a 1-in-
100-year flood event. This corresponds to
2.2. Unequal exposure to rising roughly 23% of the world population be-
sea levels and floods ing at considerable risk of flooding. In
absolute terms, China and India have
the highest headcounts of flood expo-
Between 1902 and 2015, the mean global
sure due to their large population size and
sea level rose by 0.16m. This rise was
long coastlines. Nine of the ten coun-
mostly driven by the melting of land ice
tries most exposed to significant risk of
and ice sheets, and to a lesser extent
flooding (see Figure 14) are low-income
by thermal expansion of ocean water.
or middle-income countries. The tenth,
The current pace of change is unprece-
the Netherlands, has the highest share of
dented over the last century. The rate of
population at risk, but it benefits from pro-
increase from 2006 to 2015 was 2.5 times
tection systems equipped to cope with
faster than the rise observed from 1901 to
more severe disasters than 1-in-100-year
1990. This acceleration is driven by the in-
flooding events. This is not the case for
creasingly rapid loss of ice mass from the
the other countries listed here. At a sub-
Antarctic and Greenland sheets, which
national level (ADM-1), the share of pop-
is taking place at an unforeseen pace.
ulation at risk increases to over 80% in
Ice-mass loss from the Antarctic sheet was
certain regions (e.g. in the Pool region
three times faster between 2007 and 2016
in the DRC and the Red River Delta in
than in the preceding decade. It is criti-
Vietnam). The regions exposed to seri-
cal to note that a mean sea-level rise of
ous flood risk account for US$9.8 trillion of
0.16m at the global level translates into
economic activity, which is equivalent to
strongly heterogeneous effects in different
roughly 12% of global GDP (in 2020) be-
coastal areas and can lead to extreme
ing exposed to significant flood hazards.
coastal sea levels in certain regions, de-
Of the 1.81 billion people at flood risk,
pending on various factors such as tidal
780 million live below the US$5.5 poverty
forces, wave run-up, and wind (Caretta et
line. Hence, roughly 43% of the people
al., 2022).

Climate Inequality Report 2023: Unequal impacts of climate change

Figure 14: Share of population exposed to significant flood risk, top 10 countries with the high-
est exposure share in 2020

Notes: Nine of the ten countries with the highest population share at significant flood risk are low- and
middle-income countries. In some countries, including Bangladesh, more than half of the population
is exposed to significant risk of flooding - often with insufficient protective measures. Sources: Fig. 3b
from Rentschler, Salhab, and Jafino (2022).

Climate Inequality Report 2023: Unequal impacts of climate change

at flood risk are exposed to poverty at By 2050, many small islands and coastal
the same time, which is known to seri- areas will be exposed to annual flood-
ously reduce adaptive capacity and re- ing events that were previously expected
covery after natural disasters.The overlap to occur just once in a century. The
between poverty and flood risk is largest difference in flood-related costs at the
in Sub-Saharan Africa where 28% of the end of the century between a 1.5◦ C sce-
population are exposed to both burdens nario and disastrous climate change un-
(using US$5.5/day as poverty definition). der RCP8.5 is estimated to be US$14.3 tril-
Figure 15 maps the population share ex- lion per year (Jevrejeva et al., 2018). The
posed simultaneously to significant flood greatest absolute damage is predicted to
risks and poverty at the sub-national level. occur in countries in the upper-middle in-
Sub-Saharan Africa and South East Asia come group of countries, mainly driven
clearly stand out as the two regions with by China because of its long coastline
the highest combined risks of flooding and large coastal population. The coun-
and poverty. tries with the highest relative GDP loss
due to flood damages are Kuwait (24%),
Bahrain (11%), UAE (9%) and Vietnam
(7%). As Figure 16 illustrates, effective
Even under moderate climate change,
adaptation measures have the capac-
risks of flood may exceed current levels
ity to drastically limit flood related losses.
by up to three orders of magnitude. In fu-
Conversely, failure to implement effective
ture predictions, expected long-term sea
adaptation measures rapidly, in particu-
level rise is very sensitive to the emission
lar for the most exposed and vulnerable,
scenario and likely to continue beyond
will directly cause increasing death rates
the end of the century. Under RCP8.5,
as well as billions of dollars of additional
the global mean sea level will rise by sev-
eral metres, while this could be limited to
approximately 1m under RCP2.6 (IPCC,
2022). These projections significantly ex-
ceed those made in previous IPCC re-
ports due to the increased speed of ice
mass loss from the Antarctic sheet. Even
under RCP2.6 and a comparatively mod-
erate sea level rise, flood risks will increase
significantly by the end of the century, ex-
ceeding current risks by up to three orders
of magnitude (IPCC, 2022).

Climate Inequality Report 2023: Unequal impacts of climate change

Figure 15: Population share exposed to significant flood risk and poverty (using $5.5/day
poverty line) across the world in 2020

Notes: In many low-income regions, sizeable fractions of the population are exposed to the multi-
faceted risks of poverty and flooding simultaneously. Poverty reduces the capacity to adapt and
react to natural disasters thus making the overlap between poverty and flood risk a major threat for
the most affected regions. Sources: Illustration based on Rentschler, Salhab, and Jafino (2022).

Climate Inequality Report 2023: Unequal impacts of climate change

Figure 16: Annual flood cost/GDP ratio with and without additional adaptation under differ-
ent climate scenarios (Projected impacts in 2100)

Notes: Without additional mitigation and adaptive measures, recurring floods will cause damage
worth more than 5% of GDP in some regions every year. High- and upper middle-income coun-
tries have the capacity to reduce damages significantly through adaptation programs, whereas low-
income countries will incur high annual losses even with additional adaptation. Bars represent World
Bank country income categories. Sources: see Fig. 6 Jevrejeva et al. (2018).

Climate Inequality Report 2023: Unequal impacts of climate change

2.3. Unequal exposure to dis- same time, changing climatic conditions

have made certain regions not previously
affected by malaria suitable to its trans-
mission. That is, a geographical expan-
In poor countries, the risk of malaria sion of malaria has been observed on top
has increased significantly due to climate of the increased prevalence in already
change.The transmissibility of many infec- endemic areas (Cissé et al., 2022).
tious diseases is sensitive to climate con-
ditions. Global warming has led to in-
creased propagation of climate-sensitive
diseases in many parts of the world. The
spread of illnesses such as dengue fever
and the zika virus has already increased
significantly due to changing climatic
conditions. Romanello et al. (2021) es-
timate that the R0 of diseases7 such as
dengue and zika was 7%-13% higher in
the period 2010-2019 than in the baseline
period 1950-54. Similarly, increasing aver-
age temperatures have made conditions
more favourable to malaria transmission.
This has induced a temporal and spatial
expansion of malaria infections. Figure
17 shows that the number of months in
a year conducive to malaria transmission
has significantly increased in the group of
low HDI countries, which is mostly linked
to the geographical location of most of
the countries in this group. No changes
were observed in the countries with high
and very high HDI, which suggests that
malaria prevention and eradication will
become increasingly difficult and put an
additional strain on public health in the
most deprived regions of the world. At the
The R0 is the average number of cases of an infectious disease arising by transmission from a single infected

Climate Inequality Report 2023: Unequal impacts of climate change

Figure 17: Average number of months suitable for malaria transmission 1950-2020 by country

Notes: Changing climatic conditions have put a strain on malaria eradication efforts by increasing the
number of months conducive to its spread in the group of countries low on the Human Development
Index. Climate change thus increases the disease burden and public health challenges in the most
affected regions. Sources: see Fig 8b Romanello et al. (2021).

Climate Inequality Report 2023: Unequal impacts of climate change

Figure 18: Predicted number of people at risk of dengue globally by climate pathways

Notes: The number of people at future risk of contracting dengue is highly sensitive to climate con-
ditions. Under escalating climate change, dengue prevalence will increase significantly in already
endemic areas and spread geographically to currently unaffected regions, thereby potentially affect-
ing billions more people. Sources: see Fig. 2c Messina, Brady, and Golding (2019).

Climate Inequality Report 2023: Unequal impacts of climate change

Tropical diseases will continue to spread Rising sea surface temperatures and
in low-income regions of the world more frequent flooding also contribute to
Projections suggest that the trend of in- an increase in the prevalence of water-
creased incidence of climate-sensitive borne diseases such as cholera. While
diseases will continue to aggravate in the conditions for the transmissibility of water-
decades to come, but the severity and borne diseases differ around the world,
extent of increased disease occurrence cholera is transmitted through food or
strongly depends on the emissions sce- water contaminated with specific bac-
nario. Messina, Brady, and Golding (2019) teria (Caminade, Mcintyre, and Jones,
predict that an additional 2.25 billion peo- 2019). Hence, sanitation and access to
ple may be at significant risk of contract- safe drinking water are key to limiting out-
ing dengue in 2080 compared to 2015 breaks following natural disasters (Jutla,
(under RCP 6.0 and SSP2). This is due to Khan, and Colwell, 2017). Therefore, low-
improving living conditions for the vectors income regions with poor sanitation infras-
of the disease (mainly so-called Aedes tructure are at increased risk of cholera
mosquitos) under ongoing global warm- outbreaks as a consequence of climatic
ing. The increased propagation is mainly hazards. This relationship also illustrates
driven by an intensification in areas where the interplay of different climate impacts.
dengue occurrence is already relatively As changes in temperature and precipi-
high today, and to a lesser extent by geo- tation affect water safety and availability,
graphical spread. Since the incidence is the capacity to react to natural disasters
high today mostly in tropical/subtropical and to contain outbreaks of water-borne
regions, the extra health burden will fall diseases is severely impeded.
on these areas, coinciding with currently
comparatively low incomes and low pub-
lic health expenditure. Figure 18 shows
the predicted number of additional peo-
ple affected as a function of climate sce-
narios. While the outlook is grim for high-
emissions scenarios, there is a chance of
limiting the spread to much more moder-
ate levels if more ambitious mitigation ac-
tions are undertaken.

Poverty multiplies the effect of climate

change on diseases like cholera

Climate Inequality Report 2023: Unequal impacts of climate change

Suicide rates likely to increase with cli- losses will be borne by low-income groups
mate change, in particular among the among the affected population.
worst off

Climate change has also been shown to Obradovich et al., 2018 compare a gen-
have negative effects on mental health. eral indicator of mental health of US citi-
These include direct effects such as post zens who were affected by Hurricane Ka-
traumatic stress disorder in people ex- trina in 2005 with those who were not
posed to natural disasters and extreme affected. Their estimates suggest that
weather events, indirect effects, such the probability of reporting mental health
as mental health problems caused by problems increased by roughly 4% for in-
climate-related malnutrition, and vicari- dividuals affected by the hurricane. In
ous effects such as depression and anxi- addition to the direct effects of an ex-
ety about future climate risks (Helm et al., treme event like Katrina, the authors also
2018; Hock et al., 2018; Obradovich et al., investigate the mental health effect of
2018). Burke, González, et al. (2018) esti- gradual changes such as temperature
mate that a 1◦ C increase in monthly aver- increases. Their estimates suggest that
age temperatures increases suicide rates average maximum temperatures above
by 0.7% in the US and by 2.1% in Mex- 30◦ C lead to a significant increase in re-
ico. Figure 19 extrapolates this relation- ported mental health issues of more than
ship to predict the number of excess sui- one percentage point relative to tem-
cides that will be exclusively attributable peratures at 10◦ C - 15◦ C. These effects
to mean temperature changes in the US are not homogenous across population
in 2050 under the RCP8.5 scenario. The groups but affect low-income individu-
median projection for the US amounts to als and women more strongly, as these
roughly 14,000 additional suicides caused groups tend to have reduced capacity
by changes in mean monthly tempera- to protect themselves from the adverse
ture. These estimates do not include the impacts of extreme temperatures. Re-
effects of rapid-onset events such as natu- search on the mental health impacts of
ral disasters, which can have dramatic im- climate change is relatively limited for
mediate effects on mental health among low-income countries, but a review of
the affected populations. Given that 17 studies for South American and Asian
access to air cooling and other protec- countries found an increased prevalence
tion against heat-waves is also known to of PTSD, anxiety and depressive disor-
be correlated with social status, it is very der following extreme weather events in
likely that a disproportionate toll of these all countries with some events inducing

Climate Inequality Report 2023: Unequal impacts of climate change

Figure 19: Projected excess suicides due to temperature change in the US by 2050

Notes: Climate change is likely to cause a substantial increase in suicide rates in the US. If unmitigated,
changing temperatures are likely to be responsible for more than 10,000 additional suicides in the US
by 2050. Sources: Authors based on Fig. 5 Burke, González, et al. (2018).

Climate Inequality Report 2023: Unequal impacts of climate change

Figure 20: The climate-income-gender inequality nexus: unequal effects of heat exposure on
mental health in the US

Notes: The mental health effects of extreme temperatures are heterogeneous across gender and in-
come groups. Women and poor people tend to suffer more from mental health effects than men and
more affluent individuals on average. Bars represent the marginal effect of heat exposure (>30◦ C) on
the probability of reporting mental health issues (in percentage points).Sources: see Fig. 2 Obradovich
et al. (2018)

Climate Inequality Report 2023: Unequal impacts of climate change

dramatic surges of more than 40% in pogenic climate change in terms of his-
PTSD prevalence Rataj, Kunzweiler, and torical output gains, while low-latitude
Garthus-Niegel (2016). countries, i.e. largely those with mean
temperatures above the optimum (see
below for an explanation) have already
incurred significant losses. In other words,
2.4. GDP losses: climate change
many low-income countries of the Global
aggravates between-country South are significantly poorer today than
inequality they would be in the absence of anthro-
pogenic climate change to which most
of them have contributed very little. At
The relationship between temperature
the same time, many rich countries in the
and GDP seems to be inverse U-shaped.
Global North that bear the largest respon-
Hence, relatively cold/temperate coun-
sibility for climate change have even ben-
tries (typically high-income today) may
efited in income terms. This pattern is il-
profit to some extent from climate
lustrated in Figure 21 which shows the dif-
change while low-income countries in
ferences in GDP between the hypotheti-
warm regions will incur significant and in-
cal scenario without climate change and
creasing losses.
the observed reality. Many poor countries
with negligible historical emission shares
Climate change has already exacer-
would be significantly better off today
bated inequalities between countries.
had the economic elites in the Global
What do its impacts on economic pro-
North abstained from the extractive pro-
duction mean for between-country in-
cesses of production and wealth gen-
equality? Diffenbaugh and Burke (2019)
eration based on fossil fuels that largely
provide an answer to this question by con-
persist today. Consequently, the current
structing a counterfactual income path,
level of inequality between countries is
i.e. an estimate of national GDP per
also higher than in the counterfactual
capita levels that would be realized to-
scenario of no climate change. Diffen-
day had climate change not affected
baugh and Burke (2019) estimate that the
the economic system. These income esti-
income ratio of the countries at the 90th
mates are based on climate model pro-
and the 10th percentile of global GDP
jections and represent hypothetical in-
distribution is 45% greater today than it
come levels, but can be used to quantify
would have been in the absence of cli-
the economic effects of climate change.
mate change. In short, anthropogenic
The general pattern is that high-latitude
climate change has already aggravated
countries have benefited from anthro-

Climate Inequality Report 2023: Unequal impacts of climate change

Figure 21: GDP change relative to no climate change scenario 1991-2010

Notes: Climate change has increased between-country economic inequality by negatively affecting
economic development in tropical and subtropical areas. As countries in these latitudes are already
relatively poorer than most countries in higher latitudes, who bear the most responsibility for historical
emissions, climate change has increased the income gaps between rich and poor countries. Sources:
Authors based on Fig. 2AB Diffenbaugh and Burke (2019)

Climate Inequality Report 2023: Unequal impacts of climate change

global inequality and remains a serious sence. The spread in income levels is
impediment to equitable development considerably wider in the presence of
and a global convergence of living stan- climate change, an effect that we can
dards. trace back to the GDP-temperature rela-
tionship described above. As some tem-
perate countries see their productivity in-
In the future, subtropical and tropical
crease under global warming, so do their
countries will experience large GDP
GDP levels, while many subtropical and
losses thereby increasing between-
tropical countries face significant out-
country inequalities. The negative effects
put losses due to global warming. For
of climate change on global inequality
an in-depth discussion of the impacts of
will extend into the future and will exac-
climate change on inequality between
erbate existing development challenges.
countries, and of the impact of modelling
Burke, Hsiang, and Miguel (2015) find the
assumptions on these results, interested
relationship between economic output
readers may refer to Taconet, Méjean,
and temperature to be inverse U-shaped
and Guivarch, 2020.
in a sample of 166 countries for the pe-
riod between 1960 and 2010. The opti-
mal temperature for maximizing income The effects of increased rainfall on growth
is estimated to be around 13◦ C annual are non-linear. The two aforementioned
mean temperature. This suggests that studies focus on the effects of tempera-
for countries that have mean temper- ture on economic production. Kotz, Lev-
atures below this level, climate change ermann, and Wenz (2022) complement
may be beneficial for GDP growth to these insights by estimating the impacts
some extent, while countries that exhibit of rainfall changes on economic growth
higher mean temperatures are already rates for a sample of 77 countries sub-
incurring significant losses. As most coun- divided into 1,554 regions. They com-
tries above the turning point are low- bine information on GDP growth rates at
income or low- to middle-income, un- the sub-national level with rainfall data
folding global warming is likely to further for the period 1979-2019 to assess the im-
aggravate existing inequalities. Figure pacts of changes in different precipita-
22 shows this by comparing projected tion measures on output growth. They
income levels with and without climate find a positive but decreasing effect of
change in 2100. The left-hand side shows total annual rainfall on average output
the national GDP estimates in the pres- growth. In other words, increased precip-
ence of climate change while the right- itation leads to higher growth rates, es-
hand side shows the projections in its ab- pecially when total annual rainfall is low,

Climate Inequality Report 2023: Unequal impacts of climate change

Figure 22: GDP projections by 2100 across the world with and without climate change

Notes: The impacts of climate change on production will further increase income inequality between
countries this century (right-hand side of the graph) as compared to future without climate change
(left-hand side). Sources: see Fig. 3 Burke, Hsiang, and Miguel (2015).

Figure 23: Change in GDP per capita by 2100 attributable to climate change

Notes: Projected GDP impacts by 2100 attributable to climate change are mostly concentrated in low
and middle income countries. Sources: based on data from Burke, Hsiang, and Miguel (2015).

Climate Inequality Report 2023: Unequal impacts of climate change

but has little effect at higher levels of an-

nual rainfall. Interestingly, the relationship
between monthly rainfall deviations and
income growth is inverse U-shaped but
asymmetric. Negative deviations from
the historical mean of monthly rainfall (i.e.
droughts) have strong negative effects on
economic growth, while positive devia-
tions have insignificant effects. This is il-
lustrated in Figure 24. It can be seen that
strong negative deviations from the long-
term mean can significantly hinder eco-
nomic growth. Some of the dry periods
observed in the data are associated with
a drop in output growth rates of more
than two percentage points. The results
further suggest that the frequency and
intensity of extreme rainfall have strong
negative effects on growth. The esti-
mated effects are relatively symmetrical
for low- and high-income countries but
strong precipitation changes are much
more likely to occur at lower latitudes so
that the effects materialize more heavily
in those regions. Indeed, rainfall variabil-
ity is highest in Central Africa in the data
that Kotz, Levermann, and Wenz (2022)
use, so the cumulative effects on growth
rates are also likely to be strongest here.
Hence, it appears that, like the effects
of temperature on economic production,
low-income countries are not necessarily
more sensitive to changing climatic con-
ditions per se but face more severe im-
pacts on growth due to higher exposure
to climate hazards.

Climate Inequality Report 2023: Unequal impacts of climate change

Figure 24: Effect of monthly rainfall deviation on economic growth based on data from 77
countries (1901-2014)

Notes: Negative rainfall shocks (droughts) have strong negative effects on economic growth rates.
As severe droughts are most likely to occur in low income regions, this mechanism will also aggravate
between-country inequality. Sources: see Fig. 2b Kotz, Levermann, and Wenz (2022).

Climate Inequality Report 2023: Unequal impacts of climate change

2.5. Exposure, vulnerability and ing pace. Therefore, a growing number

of people will experience climate haz-
resilience: the distribution of
ards more and more frequently in com-
climate damage ing years. Previous sections of this chap-
ter have demonstrated that exposure to
The impact of climate hazards on well-
such hazards is extremely unequally dis-
being critically depend on the vulner-
tributed across the world. Often, this is
ability and resilience of individuals and
also the case within countries, where poor
communities. The previous sections have
populations live in more exposed areas
mainly discussed inequalities and the ef-
(e.g. in poorly protected coastal regions)
fects of climate change at the interna-
or are likely to work in jobs associated
tional level. While these differences re-
with higher exposure (e.g. agricultural
flect an important dimension of climate
work is often linked to greater heat stress).
injustice around the world, there are ad-
These differences in exposure constitute
ditional layers of inequality, within coun-
the second dimension in determining the
tries and regions. Within any given coun-
well-being losses from climate hazards.
try or geographical area that is exposed
Third, different population groups exhibit
to climate change impacts, such as ex-
differing degrees of vulnerability when ex-
treme weather events, not all people are
posed to hazards. The reasons for this are
equally exposed and equally vulnerable
manifold. For instance, low-income hous-
to the effects of these events.
ing tends to be of poorer quality and thus
Figure 25 illustrates a framework devel- more prone to storm and flood damage.
oped by the World Bank for conceptualiz- The poor also typically hold more material
ing losses from climate impacts, which fo- and spatially concentrated assets (e.g.
cuses on climate-related well-being losses livestock) than the non-poor. This means
(Hallegatte, Vogt-Schilb, et al., 2017).8 that even when exposed to the same haz-
These losses are determined by several ard, different income groups will not in-
factors. The first and most evident is the cur the same damage. The final dimen-
nature and severity of the hazard, for ex- sion used to determine well-being losses,
ample, the intensity and duration of a by Hallegatte, Vogt-Schilb, et al. (2017),
heatwave. The introduction of this re- is called socio-economic resilience and
port stressed that both the frequency and refers to the capacity of households to
intensity of climate-related hazards are cope with the damage incurred. This ca-
already increasing in many regions and pacity is determined by the interplay of
will continue to do so at an accelerat-
For an overview of the different conceptual approaches to analyze environmental inequalities, see also (Lau-
rent, 2020; Martinez-Alier, 2003) among (many) others.

Climate Inequality Report 2023: Unequal impacts of climate change

Figure 25: A well-being-centred concept of climate losses

Notes: Losses in well-being caused by climate hazards are a function of exposure to the hazard, vul-
nerability to its impacts, and capacity to adapt to and recover from it (socio-economic resilience). This
last dimension distinguishes a well-being-centred concept of climate losses from a purely asset-based
approach. Sources: Fig. 0.1 Hallegatte, Vogt-Schilb, et al. (2017).

numerous variables. To what extent does proach contrasts with the usual estima-
a household’s livelihood depend on the tion of disaster-related asset losses. A
assets affected by the disaster? How di- simple quantification of total asset losses
rectly is their consumption linked to in-
cannot take into account differences in
come sources affected? Do they have capacity to cope with shocks. By incor-
savings, insurance policies, financial as-
porating a dimension of socio-economic
sets, or other forms of wealth that can resilience into the framework, it may thus
buffer the impact of the shock? How well be possible to obtain a more comprehen-
are they covered by social security and sive picture of the damage caused by cli-
other social safety nets? Here, too, in-mate hazards. The following section in-
equalities exist, and they are key to under-
vestigates inequalities in each of the di-
standing the resilience of people when hit
mensions that determine well-being losses
by a disaster. separately in order to understand better
how and why different income groups in
Taken together, the four dimensions ex- the same regions do not face the same
plained above form a complex mecha- climate-related threats.
nism that determines the impact of cli-
mate hazards on well-being. This ap- 85% of the population from a large sam-

Climate Inequality Report 2023: Unequal impacts of climate change

ple of countries live in places where poor and informal housing during the hottest
people are overexposed to droughts. The months of the year 2016 in Ahmedabad,
previous sections have outlined unequal India. They find the average temperature
exposure to different types of hazards difference between formal and informal
across countries. Regarding the within- housing during the summer months to be
country dimension of exposure inequality, 7.6◦ C. This can be attributed to poor ven-
Hallegatte, Bangalore, et al. (2016) inves- tilation and commonly used corrugated
tigate whether poor people are overex- iron roofs of informal housing as well as
posed to three types of climate change high residential density in areas with a
hazards (droughts, floods and heat stress) high proportion of informal housing. While
by estimating a poverty exposure bias de- the study does not explicitly distinguish
fined as the ratio of the poor’s exposure between income levels, there is no doubt
to the exposure of the overall popula- that low-income groups are more likely to
tion, in 52 countries. Their results suggest live in informal dwellings so that the tem-
that in most cases, poor households tend perature differential for housing types is
to be more exposed to climate change likely to translate into differential exposure
effects than the non-poor. This bias is of income groups. Furthermore, informal
particularly strong for droughts. Of the dwellings often lack access to safe drink-
population analysed, 85% lived in places ing water, which can significantly aggra-
where poor people are overexposed to vate the health consequences of heat
drought events. Regarding extreme tem- exposure. Such inequality in exposure to
peratures, the poverty exposure bias was extreme temperatures is robustly linked to
found to be particularly strong in coun- a higher number of heat-related deaths
tries that already exhibit comparatively among low-income groups. Carleton et
hot temperatures. In other words, their al. (2022) estimate that compared with a
estimates suggest that overexposure of day at 20◦ C, a day at 35◦ C causes 4.7
poor people is most pronounced pre- extra deaths per 100,000 people at the
cisely where temperature impacts are global average among those aged 64
likely to be most severe. In a study of and older. The disproportionate expo-
a 2014 heatwave in Portland, Oregon sure of deprived households to the most
Voelkel et al. (2018) also find that low- extreme temperatures means that they
income and non-white households were bear the greatest share of this mortality
more likely to live in neighbourhoods that burden.
suffered from the most extreme temper-
Low-income households are typically
atures. Mahadevia et al. (2020) studied
more exposed than high-income house-
temperature differences between formal
holds. Overexposure of low-income

Climate Inequality Report 2023: Unequal impacts of climate change

groups to environmental risks has also strongly than others. Low-income popu-
been documented for other types of haz- lations are not only more exposed to cli-
ards. Narloch and Bangalore (2018) anal-mate change hazards but also tend to
yse the association between household be more severely affected when hit by
consumption and exposure to eight dif- them. Patankar (2019) analyses extreme
ferent environmental hazards, including precipitation events in Mumbai, Chen-
floods, temperature and rainfall variabil-
nai, and Puri District in India between
ity, and droughts, in Vietnam. They find 2005 and 2015. Mumbai experienced un-
that for most environmental hazards, low-
precedented extreme precipitation and
income households face higher risks and a subsequent flood disaster on 26 July
exposure than more affluent households. 2005, with estimated losses of up to US$5
The authors also find that households in billion. While almost the entire city in-
areas with higher precipitation variability
curred heavy losses caused by the floods,
have significantly lower consumption lev-Patankar (2019) shows that the burden
els on average. This is particularly true
was not equally distributed among socio-
for rural households. Their panel estimates
economic groups and that the poor were
also suggest that increased rainfall vari-
more vulnerable. In her sample of 1,168
ability has a significant negative effect on
households surveyed after this disaster,
the consumption levels of the poor, which
the estimated repair and replacement
illustrates a vicious circle associated with
costs exceeded the monthly income of
exposure inequalities. The disproportion-
the most deprived group by a factor
ate exposure of low-income populations of almost 15. In comparison, the cost
to environmental hazards as such is a ma-
incurred by the higher-medium income
jor challenge for equitable development,group was roughly equal to one monthly
but it also perpetuates the economic sit-
income. The extreme events in Chennai
uation of the most affected and thus ag- and Puri District had similar devastating
gravates existing inequalities by locking or
consequences. These variations in rela-
pushing people into poverty. In summary,tive damage are of course partially at-
there is thus little doubt that there is an
tributable to low incomes in the denom-
association between exposure to climaticinator of such ratios for the poor, but this is
hazards and income, and that the over- not the whole picture. Deprived popula-
exposure of the poor poses major risks to
tions also live in poor-quality housing and
their lives and livelihoods in many cases.
therefore incur greater relative damage
to their dwellings when struck by floods.
Also, the assets held by the poor are often
When hit by severe weather events, low-
material and thus more prone to be af-
income populations are affected more

Climate Inequality Report 2023: Unequal impacts of climate change

fected by natural disasters. High-income (2017) use household surveys from 92 de-
groups on the contrary often hold spa- veloping countries to estimate the distri-
tially dispersed or intangible assets, which bution of climate-related income losses
provide a buffer against severe income by 2030. Figure 26 plots the predicted
losses. These groups derive smaller shares average income losses for different sce-
of their livelihoods from assets or activities narios in all 92 countries against the esti-
that are directly and physically affected, mated income losses of the bottom 40%.
thus the structure of their incomes and If there were no vulnerability difference
wealth means that they are typically bet- between low-income households and the
ter protected from the worst economic average, the fitted line should be close to
consequences of climate hazards than the 45◦ line which represents equal losses.
lower income groups. A slope parameter larger than unity, as
estimated here, indicates that the rel-
Income sources and consumption bas-
ative losses faced by the poor exceed
kets explain why poor people are the first
the average losses within a given coun-
losers from climate events in the devel-
try. Precisely, the results presented by
oping world. Poor people also tend to
Hallegatte and Rozenberg (2017) suggest
rely to a larger extent on agricultural in-
that overall, the relative income losses
comes and ecosystem services for their
of the poorest 40% will be 70% greater
livelihoods and are thus more prone to
than those of the average population.
climate-induced income shocks that af-
This increased vulnerability of the poor
fect these income sources. High-income
also threatens poverty alleviation efforts
households on the contrary are less likely
as climate-induced income losses may
to derive labour income from sectors im-
push millions of additional people into ex-
minently affected by natural disasters,
treme poverty, mostly due to higher food
generally relying less on labour income
prices, agricultural output losses, and ad-
for their livelihoods. Similarly, poor people
verse health effects.
spend a much larger fraction of their in-
come on food and other basic necessi-
ties and are thus more severely affected
by food and energy price shocks follow-
ing natural disasters. Thus, while abso-
lute losses in incomes and assets are larger
among more wealthy households, due
simply to the higher value of their as-
sets, poor households suffer larger rela-
tive losses. Hallegatte and Rozenberg

Climate Inequality Report 2023: Unequal impacts of climate change

Figure 26: Climate-induced income loss for poorest 40% vs average loss based on household
surveys from 92 countries

Notes: When affected by climate hazards, the bottom 40% in the national income distribution tend to
incur losses that are 70% higher than the population average. Climate change thus also aggravates
within-country inequality through this channel. Sources: Fig. 5 from Hallegatte and Rozenberg (2017)

Climate Inequality Report 2023: Unequal impacts of climate change

Low-income groups in high-income re- health conditions making them more vul-
gions also disproportionately affected. nerable to heat stress, and they rarely
have in place adaptation measures such
The pattern of increased vulnerability of
as air conditioning. In practical terms,
low-income groups also appears to hold
the results imply that with each recur-
for climate-related disasters in higher in-
ring heatwave, there is an income gra-
come regions. A recent World Bank re-
dient in heat-related mortality. On av-
port points out that the relative consump-
erage, low-income households are more
tion losses from earthquakes and flooding
likely to face severe health effects and
also strictly decrease with income levels
death than affluent households. These ex-
in Europe and Central Asia (World Bank,
amples show that even in developed re-
2021). In a country like Greece, for in-
gions, deprived populations will face se-
stance, the average loss in consumption
vere risks as climate-related disasters in-
from flooding (and earthquakes) for the
crease in frequency and severity.
poorest part of the population exceeds
the loss incurred by the middle class by
approximately a factor of 4. Hence, even Capacity to react and adapt to climate
in relatively wealthy countries, the distri- impacts depends on financial resources.
bution of climate impacts and their sever- Finally, the capacity to adapt to climate
ity are strongly related to income. This related disasters at the household level is
is also the conclusion reached by Os- strongly linked to savings or wealth. Since
berghaus and Abeling (2022) about the savings are less affected by disasters,
vulnerability of low-income households to households with higher financial wealth
heat stress in Germany. Based on a sam- tend to incur lower consumption and well-
ple of more than 10,000 households they being losses when hit by environmental
analyse whether economically deprived disasters (Hallegatte, Vogt-Schilb, et al.,
households (defined as having equival- 2017). Hence, financial inclusion can
ized household income below 60% of the serve as a buffer against climate-related
median) are more exposed and sensitive income losses. The losses that could be
to heat stress. While there appears to be avoided through universal access to fi-
no exposure gap, i.e. low-income house- nancial institutions are sizeable, exceed-
holds do not live in areas where heat stress ing US$1 billion per year in absolute terms
is particularly pronounced, such as urban for countries such as Peru or China. The
heat islands, there exist significant differ- financial inclusion and household wealth
ences in terms of vulnerability. For in- of the poorest and thus most exposed
stance, members of low-income house- and vulnerable remain low, however, thus
holds are more likely to have underlying hindering effective adaptation. Figure

Climate Inequality Report 2023: Unequal impacts of climate change

27 shows the net personal wealth share

of the bottom 50% of the population by
country in 2021. It appears that bottom
50% wealth shares are very low in all coun-
tries in the world, meaning that the poor-
est half of the population will struggle to
adapt everywhere without public policy
support. It also appears that the bot-
tom 50% wealth shares are lowest in some
of the countries where a strong adaptive
capacity among the poor would yield
the largest benefits in the face of ag-
gravating climate change effects. Many
countries in Southern Africa, for exam-
ple, have some of the lowest bottom 50%
wealth shares among all countries while
being exposed to severe impacts in terms
of droughts and extreme weather that
threaten the livelihoods of large shares of
the population.

Climate Inequality Report 2023: Unequal impacts of climate change

Figure 27: Net personal wealth share of the bottom 50% across the world, 2021

Notes: Net personal wealth shares of the bottom 50% are negligible across the world, and even more
so in countries which are more likely to be affected by climate change. This has dramatic implications
for the resilience and adaptive capacity of the poor in the most affected regions. Sources: Authors
based on data from

Climate Inequality Report 2023: Unequal impacts of climate change

Successful programs show it is possible to fers and public works to almost eight
reduce inequalities of exposure and vul- million people with the aim of reduc-
nerability. Given that financial inclusion ing food insecurity and poverty. By es-
and personal wealth remain low in many tablishing public works projects in infras-
areas that currently face the most severe tructure, community asset building, and
climate hazards, social security and pub- environmental protection and conserva-
lic transfers can play a key role in protect- tion, the program represents an inte-
ing the poor from the most adverse im- grated poverty alleviation and climate
pacts. So-called social safety nets (SSN) adaptation effort (Woolf, Solomon, and
have been recognized and adopted as Lehmann, 2018). However, it also illus-
a protective measure against income trates the challenges associated with tar-
shocks in general and climate-related im- geting such large-scale programs, as re-
pacts in particular in recent years. Aimed cent studies have found that the pro-
at increasing the resilience to shocks of gram has not significantly improved nu-
the most vulnerable, and providing im- tritional outcomes or dietary diversity for
mediate and well-targeted relief after dis- children despite a general increase in
asters occur, safety net programs can meal frequency (Bahru et al., 2020; Ge-
take many forms, including cash trans- brehiwot and Castilla, 2019) Nonetheless,
fers, public works programs, and pub- the World Bank estimates that globally,
lic feeding programs (World Bank, 2018). transfers from social safety nets have re-
For instance, Ethiopias Productive Safety duced extreme poverty (at US$1.90 per
Net Program (PSNP), provides cash trans- day) by 36% (World Bank, 2018).

Climate Inequality Report 2023: Unequal impacts of climate change

Focus: Gendered Vulnerability

There exist strong gender differen- creases the risk of suffering sexual
tials in the vulnerability to climate im- and gender-based violence (Schip-
pacts. For instance, migration in re- per, Revi, et al., 2022).
sponse to climate-related disasters is In most low-income countries, land
highly gendered - women are of- ownership is heavily male domi-
ten more severely affected by the nated. This reduces women’s ca-
shocks, and their labour burden of- pacity to react to output losses from
ten increases because they are less climate shocks as land ownership
likely to migrate following exposure to is linked to financial inclusion and
disasters. Consequently, they often credit access. Access to financial
face a bigger burden of agricultural markets can in turn protect against
work or other low-paid and often risky temporary output losses and facili-
activities in informal sectors on top of tate adaptive investment - a chan-
their existing domestic and commu- nel from which women are often ex-
nity duties, which can lead to time cluded.
Reduced water security and poor Furthermore, agency in climate ne-
sanitation often force women and gotiations and climate-development
girls to walk long distances to collect projects is heavily skewed and
water, which reduces access to ed- male dominated, which can make
ucation for girls and can lead to in- such projects gender blind and
creased exposure to other hazards. aggravate gendered vulnerabilities
Lack of safe sanitation at home in- (Pearse, 2017).

The Indian National Rural Employment from poor monsoon rainfall, by providing
Guarantee Act, which provides a max- an alternative source of income for al-
imum of 100 days of public work per most 50 million households in years pre-
year at minimum wage has been rec- ceded by comparatively low monsoon
ognized as an example of a successful rains. In particular, the program insures
safety net program. Fetzer (2020) shows poor rural households against agricultural
that the program has served as signif- income losses, thereby significantly weak-
icant protection against income losses ening the link between reduced mon-

Climate Inequality Report 2023: Unequal impacts of climate change

soon rainfall and violent conflict in India

(see e.g. Vanden Eynde (2018)). The pro-
gram is administered at the village level
and chiefly involves public works in the ar-
eas of drought-proofing, micro-irrigation,
sanitation, and road construction (Fetzer,
2020). By directing public works in spe-
cific areas, the program not only provides
social security but also increases pub-
lic good provision and climate resilience
at the village level (Godfrey-Wood and
Flower, 2018).

Social security and safety nets protect

only a small fraction of the poor in low-
income countries. At the same time, it is
evident that safety nets can only be ef-
fective if coverage is sufficient and mea-
sures are efficiently targeted to the most
disadvantaged but this is not the case in
most low-income countries today. Figure
28 shows the coverage rate of the poor-
est quintile of the population for different
types of social security and public trans-
fers such as school meals and cash trans-
fers. The average coverage of the poor in
the low-income group of countries is con-
sistently below 10% for all types of trans-
fers. In comparison, more than half of the
poorest quintile in the high-income group
receive unconditional cash transfers. This
highlights an additional gap in the ca-
pacity to adapt to and cope with climate
hazards between the most deprived and
the well-off, which also exacerbates the
existing international adaptation gap.

Climate Inequality Report 2023: Unequal impacts of climate change

Figure 28: Coverage rates of the poor for different types of social security by country income

Notes: Social safety nets and other social security measures are key to providing relief and to buffering
the impacts of climate-related disasters. However, the poor in LMICs are insufficiently covered by these
measures, which adds to the general picture of low resilience. CCT = conditional cash transfer; SSN =
social safety net; UCT = unconditional cash transfer. Sources: Fig 5.3 from Hallegatte, Bangalore, et al.

Climate Inequality Report 2023: Unequal impacts of climate change

Summary: inequality in climate Figure 29 summarizes the many facets of

global carbon inequality from the point of
losses and inequality in impacts
view of the inequality of economic losses,
Before turning to the final section of this of contributions to climate change and
report, we now try to summarise some of of economic resilience to climate events.
the key findings from earlier sections. Our More precisely, the graph shows the distri-
review of the recent literature revealed bution of climate-change induced eco-
that there are large inequalities in green- nomic losses, along with the distribution
house gas emissions between countries of personal carbon footprints, and the
and within them. On top of these in- distribution of personal wealth ownership
equalities, research also highlights large across the world. The graph shows that
inequalities in exposure and vulnerabil- the bottom 50% of the world population
ity to climate change impacts, between contributes to 12% of global emissions but
countries and within them. This inequal- is exposed to 75% of relative income losses
ity in impacts is due to the fact that low- due to climate change. Conversely, the
income groups and countries tend to be top 10% of the world population, is respon-
more exposed to climate-related shocks, sible for close to half of all emissions, but
and are more vulnerable to them, be- faces just 3% of relative income losses. The
cause of a lack of socio-economic re- graphs also highlights that the top 10% of
sources to face them and, in particu- the world population owns about three
lar, a lack of capital. We should stress quarters of total personal wealth world-
that these relationships between socio- wide, while the poorest 50% owns just 2%
economic groups and exposure to cli- of it. In other words, those who pollute
mate impacts are never perfect: all indi- less face more relative losses, but also
viduals face risks associated with climate have less resources to adapt. We provide
change, wherever they live and indepen- methodological details on Figure 29 in the
dently of their socio-economic status. Appendix.

Climate Inequality Report 2023: Unequal impacts of climate change

Figure 29: Global carbon inequality: losses vs. emissions vs. capacity to finance

Notes: The graph shows that the bottom 50% of the world population contributes to 12% of global
emissions but is exposed to 75% of relative income losses due to climate change. Emissions inequality
data based on the World Inequality Database for 2019. Losses can be measured in many different
ways. In this simple representation, we use country-level GDP losses (in 2030 and relative to a world
without climate change) from Burke, Hsiang, and Miguel, 2015. We attribute, to each emitter group
within each country, a per capita percentage income loss score. We assume that the bottom 40%
of the distribution is 20% more exposed to losses than the average population in a given country, a
conservative estimate based on recent studies (see Hallegatte and Rozenberg, 2017 for eg.). The sum
of these loss scores, weighted by population, gives a total global relative income loss burden, which is
distributed across groups of emitters. These estimates of the global inequality in income losses should
be interpreted with great care given the stylized approach taken to construct them. They nonetheless
provide a useful representation of the large global inequality in climate change impacts found in the
literature. Sources: Authors based on World Inequality Database and own calculations.

Climate Inequality Report 2023: Tackling Climate Inequalities

3. Tackling climate inequalities

The increase or persistence of climate in- pledged for developing countries

equalities is not inevitable. By targeting and where adaptation remains
the key drivers of climate inequality and vastly underfunded, several options
using tools already available to tackle could be explored to generate new
them, governments, businesses, and civil government resources. Progressive
society can reverse the observed trends. wealth taxes on top-wealth hold-
ers could generate substantial re-
We outline in this section possible ways sources, without asking more finan-
to reduce climate inequalities. We view cial efforts from 99.9% of the popu-
global warming as one of the greatest lation in rich and developing coun-
market failures in history and therefore tries. Individual-based levies such as
mainly discuss the role of public policies air passenger taxes and progressive
below. Our main recommendations are wealth taxes, or taxes on specific,
the following: polluting economic sectors of the
economy can also be mobilized.
The removal of fossil fuel subsidies
• On the mitigation side, all govern-
can also save significant amounts
ments need to reconsider their tar-
of funding, but careful design and
gets. Additional efforts are particu-
timing are critical.
larly but not exclusively required from
the large historical emitters. Climate
• Whatever the options chosen, the
action remains the best recipe for
bottom line is that the climate fi-
tackling climate inequality. Acceler-
nance agenda is intrinsically linked
ating mitigation programs may dis-
to national tax capacity building
proportionately increase economic
and the advent of an "ecological
stress on certain segments of the
welfare state", capable of ensuring
population within countries. In such
a just transition towards the objec-
cases, it will be crucial to offer gen-
tive of the Paris Agreement over the
erous support mechanisms to vulner-
entire course of the 21st century.
able actors (whether households or
Against this long-term and quite am-
bitious view, we attempt to provide
• Where climate finance provided policymakers with a grid or matrix
and mobilized by developed coun- to figure out the intended and unin-
tries falls short of the amounts tended distributionial effects of their

Climate Inequality Report 2023: Tackling Climate Inequalities

climate policies. nizing that this would significantly reduce

the risks and impacts of climate change;

3.1. Taking stock of mitigation & (b) Increasing the ability to adapt to the
adverse impacts of climate change and
financial efforts to curb cli-
foster climate resilience and low green-
mate inequalities house gas emissions development, in a
manner that does not threaten food pro-
The reduction of climate inequalities be- duction; and
tween countries is essential to the United (c) Making finance flows consistent with
Nations Framework Convention on Cli- a pathway towards low greenhouse gas
mate Change (UNFCCC, or Convention) emissions and climate-resilient develop-
and the history of climate negotiations. ment."
In 1992, the UNFCCC gave legal form
to principle of equity, inter alia through Article 3 draws the list of areas where "am-
the common but differentiated responsi- bitious efforts" (enshrined in the nationally
bility and respective capabilities (CBDR- determined contributions) should be un-
RC) principle (Art 3). In the run-up to the dertaken and communicated while rec-
Paris Agreement, developing countries ognizing the need to support developing
defended the distinction between devel- country Parties for its effective implemen-
oped and developing countries, which tation. These policy and cooperation ar-
was retained in the main, although weak- eas are mitigation, adaptation, finance,
ened in some areas. technology development and transfer,
capacity building, and a transparency
Article 2.1 of the Paris Agreement en- framework for action and support. Al-
hances implementation of the Conven- though the Paris Agreement scrupulously
tion, strengthening the global response to avoids any reference to the idea of bur-
the threat of climate change in the con- den sharing, it does state that developed
text of sustainable development and ef- countries should take the lead in mitiga-
forts to eradicate poverty. Parties agreed tion and finance.
that this would include:
"(a) Holding the increase in the global Article 4 on mitigation recognizes that
average temperature to well below 2 ◦ C developed country Parties "should con-
above pre-industrial levels and pursuing tinue taking the lead" 9 and that peaking
efforts to limit the temperature increase to of greenhouse gases will take longer for
1.5 ◦ C above pre-industrial levels, recog- developing countries, implicitly acknowl-
"shall" was replaced at the last minute by "should"

Climate Inequality Report 2023: Tackling Climate Inequalities

edging the principle of common but dif- added to it, and the Agreement eventu-
ferentiated responsibilities (CBDR). ally included no mention of ODA.

Article 9 on climate finance asserts that The policy levers likely to curb climate in-
"developed country Parties should con- equalities beetween countries are also to
tinue to take the lead in mobilizing climate be found in various initiatives triggered
finance from a wide variety of sources, in- by the regular occurrence of the Con-
struments and channels, noting the sig- ference of the parties (COP). This is the
nificant role of public funds, through a case of the US$100 billion pledge, which
variety of actions, including supporting dates back to the 15th Conference of
country-driven strategies". The landmark the Parties (COP15) of the UNFCCC in
figure of US$ 100 billion per year as a floor Copenhagen in 2009. Renewed com-
was not included in the Agreement be- mitments were made at COP26 in Glas-
cause of fierce opposition from key de- gow in 2021, including a promise by de-
veloped countries. Instead, paragraph veloped country Parties to double their
53 of the accompanying COP21 decision adaptation finance by 2025 to US$40 bil-
states that: lion per year compared to 2019. In the
same vein, some public development
"(. . .) developed countries intend to con- banks and development finance institu-
tinue their existing collective mobiliza- tions have started to align their portfo-
tion goal through 2025 in the context of lio with the objectives of the Paris Agree-
meaningful mitigation actions and trans- ment.
parency on implementation; prior to 2025
the Conference of the Parties (...) shall set All governments should reconsider their
a new collective quantified goal from a mitigation targets, and chief among
floor of US$100 billion per year, taking into these, historical emitters.
account the needs and priorities of devel-
oping countries." The "ratchet mechanism" of the Paris
Agreement, committing Parties to in-
Interestingly, high-income countries crease efforts over time, seems to func-
sought to integrate climate considera- tion quite well, yet without delivering the
tions into international development assis- magnitude of the expected emission cuts
tance (ODA), yet this was strongly resisted by any deadline so far. Countries all
by developing countries, who feared that over the world have submitted nationally-
climate support would substitute for de- determined contribution (NDCs). As of
velopment assistance instead of being 12 October 2021, 166 Parties had sub-

Climate Inequality Report 2023: Tackling Climate Inequalities

mitted their new or updated NDCs. Yet countries is impossible because countries’
these contributions only marginally ad- initial NDCs were not all equally ambitious,
dress the emissions gap. According to it remains true that the countries pledg-
estimates from the World Resource Insti- ing the deepest 2030 emissions reductions
tute (Franzen, 2021), the current round of relative to their previous NDCs are mostly
updated NDCs is on track to shave off to be found among LICs and MICs, with
about 10% of the emissions gap - adding Mauritania, Burundi, and Togo in the lead.
to the 10% prior reduction that the first
round of NDCs has led to. The remain- Climate finance falls short of mobiliz-
ing gap by 2030 to be on track with the ing the amounts pledged for developing
2◦ C scenario is about 12 Gt CO2e, which countries.
is twice as big as the effect of initial, new
and updated NDCs. The remaining gap
It is estimated that high-income coun-
in the 1.5◦ C scenario (which is fairer) is 4
tries mobilised US$83.3 billion for climate
Gt CO2e further away. The new and up-
action in developing countries by 2020
dated targets at COP26 would at most,
(OECD, 2022). This means that the ag-
limit global warming to 2.4◦ C, almost a
gregate level of such financing remained
full degree above the Paris temperature
US$16.7 billion short of the flagship US$100
limit according to estimates by the Cli-
billion goal (Figure 31). Most of the money
mate Action Tracker. Glasgow sectoral
came from public grants and loans, trans-
initiatives would close the 2030 emissions
ferred either bilaterally, from one coun-
gap by a further 9%. Yet even with all new
try to another directly, or from multilateral
Glasgow pledges for 2030, global GHG
development banks (MDBs). A smaller
emissions will be roughly twice as much in
amount - between 17% and 24% depend-
2030 as required for a 1.5◦ C increase.
ing on the year - was private finance that
the public money is said to have mobi-
As a direct consequence, all govern- lized, such as loan guarantees and loans
ments need to reconsider their targets. granted alongside public funds (Timper-
This is particularly the case for large histor- ley, 2021).
ical emitters, the list of which will include
large emerging economies, as emissions Although adaptation finance rose by
continue to rise and to delay the emis- US$8.3 billion between 2019 and 2020, mit-
sions peak date because their mitigation igation represented most (58%) of the to-
efforts are too little or late. It is worth tal funding provided in 2020 (Figure 31).
noting that although comparing efforts Middle-income countries captured the
made by one NDC to another across lion’s share of the finance mobilized by

Climate Inequality Report 2023: Tackling Climate Inequalities

Figure 30: Total additional climate funding needs for developing countries by 2030
Notes: The figure shows the total volume of climate finance provided and mobilized by rich countries
in 2020 vs. additional climate funding needs by 2030 on mitigation adaptation and losses. Sources:
Authors based on OECD, 2022 and Songwe, Stern, and Bhattacharya, 2022.

OECD countries, at 70%, dwarfing low- development aid (ODA), including grants
income countries, which received just 8% and concessional loans, might be better
of the estimated climate finance flows. suited to such countries, yet the evolution
of ODA in relation to climate objectives
shows a similar pattern to climate finance.
Between 2016 and 2020, the 40 Small
According to the OECD Development As-
Island Developing States (SIDS), the 46
sistance Committee (DAC), the trend in
Least Developed Countries (LDCs), and
bilateral climate-related ODA has been
57 fragile states respectively represented
quite flat both in proportion to total ODA
2%, 17% and 22% of total climate fi-
and in absolute terms since the signing
nance, with huge per capita discrep-
of the Paris Agreement. The OECD esti-
ancies among them. The annual per
mates that only one third of such aid has
capita median was US$81 for SIDS; US$14
adaptation or mitigation as its principal
for LDCs, and US$11 for fragile states. Pro-
(primary) objective. Two thirds of the aid
vided largely through loans (71%) and to
include them as significant (secondary)
a lesser extent through grants (26%), cli-
objectives, i.e. adaptation or mitigation
mate finance faces absorption capacity
considerations are included in broader
problems and debt sustainability thresh-
projects with multiple development ob-
olds in poor and fragile countries. Official

Climate Inequality Report 2023: Tackling Climate Inequalities

Figure 31: Climate finance mobilized by developed countries for developing countries in 2016-
2020 (USD Billion)

Notes: The figure shows the total volume of climate finance provided and mobilized by developed
countries for developing countries between 2016 and 2020 and the split between mitigation, adapta-
tion and cross-cutting activities. In 2020, USD 29 billion were mobilised for adaptation. Sources: Authors
based on OECD (2022).

Climate Inequality Report 2023: Tackling Climate Inequalities

Figure 32: Adaptation funding needs in developing countries vs. adaptation finance
Notes: The figure shows the total volume of adaptation finance provided and mobilized by rich coun-
tries in 2020 vs. total adaptation finance needs by 2030 according to UNEP. Sources: Authors based
on OECD, 2022 and UNEP, 2022.

jectives. Moreover, the share of climate- and 2020 under a road-map presented to
related ODA called "significant" has been COP 22 in 2016 - and reiterated between
growing only moderately since 2015. Cli- 2019 and 2025 following COP 26.
mate change adaptation ODA is more of-
ten marked "significant" than mitigation- The most important sources of approved
related ODA, which is consistent with the funding for adaptation projects are cur-
weight of adaptation financing needs in rently the Green Climate Fund (GCF), the
poor and vulnerable countries. Least Developed Countries Fund (LDCF)
administered by the Global Environmen-
Adaptation remains vastly underfunded tal Facility (GEF), the Pilot Program for
Climate Resilience (PPCR) of the World
The costs of adapting to climate change Bank Climate Investment Funds (CIFs) and
in developing countries are indeed sub- the Adaptation Fund (AF). Data from Cli-
stantial and rich countries have commit- mate Funds Update (CFU) however shows
ted to scale up support for adaptation in that developed countries contributions to
developing countries, particularly in LDCs these funds remain low compared with
and SIDS. Promises were made to dou- their contributions to mitigation funds.
ble adaptation finance between 2014 Adaptation remains underfunded. This

Climate Inequality Report 2023: Tackling Climate Inequalities

is true when it comes to pledges but veloping countries alone (UNEP, 2021),
even more striking in relation to actual but does not take into account the es-
disbursements. The transformation ratio timated costs of loss and damage, which
of pledges into deposits and approvals is by 2030 in developing countries will add
low: overall, just 21% of pledged funds are another US$290 billion to 580 billion to the
actually approved (see Figure 33). bill (Markandya and González-Eguino,

The GCF, which is set to devote 50% of Adaptation is underfunded, increasing

its fund-raising to adaptation, with half of the amount of humanitarian funding re-
that going to the SIDS, LDCs and African quired for climate disaster relief what is
states, is the largest provider of such fi- referred to as "Loss and Damage" in UN-
nance on paper, but the ratio of ap- FCCC terminology, and "losses and dam-
proved spending to pledges is the low- ages" in IPCC reports. Carty and Walsh
est among the major climate funds be- (2022) estimates that the money needed
tween 2003 and 2020. This low ratio partly for UN humanitarian appeals at times of
reflects the increasing volume of pledges extreme weather events are eight times
made for the first replenishment (2020- higher today than they were 20 years
2023) while spending approvals are still ago, and that since 2017, about half (54%)
pending. of all UN appeals for climate disaster re-
lief after droughts and floods have gone
unanswered. For every US$2 a country
The cumulative finance approved for
asks for to deal with extreme weather
adaptation from key climate funds
problems, they receive only around $1 a
tracked by the CFU grew to US$5.8 bil-
shortfall of up to US$33 billion (id.).
lion in 2020. This figure is much lower than
OECD climate adaptation finance esti-
mates (Figure 31), but it reflects actual dis- Funding requirements beyond adaptation
bursements more accurately. It refers to
approvals rather than deposits, and ac-
cording to the explicit mandate given to The Climate Policy Initiative finds that
the climate funds considered, accounts global climate finance needs (for all
mainly for spending on targeted adap- countries including investment and
tation objectives. The total amount is al- spending for mitigation, adaptation, loss
most negligible compared with what will and damage) will amount to $6300 billion
be required by 2030 (Figure 32), which worldwide in 2030 (Naran et al., 2022),
amounts to US$140 to 300 billion for de- and should be about $4200bn in 2021.

Climate Inequality Report 2023: Tackling Climate Inequalities

Pledged Deposited Approved Approved /

(USD million) Pledged (%)
Green Climate Fund 20 320 10 179 1 620 8%
Least Developed Countries Fund 1 686 1 584 1 266 75%
Pilot Progam for Climate Resilience 1 145 1 145 987 86%
Adaptation Fund 1 039 978 777 75%
Global Climate Change Alliance 1 333 1 333 381 29%
Adaptation for Smallholder Agriculture Program 407 332 293 72%
Special Climate Change Fund 380 373 284 75%
Global Environment Facility Trust Fund 701 700 132 19%
Total 27 010 16 624 5 740 21%

Figure 33: Multilateral funds supporting adaptation: pledged vs. approved

Notes: The figure shows the size (in USD millions) of funds supporting adaptation, as well as the ratio
between pledged and approved projects, which remains very low (21% overall). Sources: Authors
based on Watson, Schalatek, and Evéquoz (2022).

In 2021, total climate finance actually would be about $1800 billion per year in
amounted to $850bn – giving a sense 2030 for low and middle income countries
of the magnitude of the overall chal- excluding China (Figure 30). Out of this to-
lenge. Songwe, Stern, and Bhattacharya, tal, adaptation is found to represent just
2022 find that total climate finance in low about a tenth of the total. Loss and dam-
and middle income countries (excluding age represent another 15% of needs, and
China) amount to $2000-2800 billion per the rest is related to mitigation. 10 Put dif-
year in 2030. A part of the total invest- ferently, total incremental climate finance
ment and spending needs in developing needs in developing countries could be
countries is already covered by existing around ten times higher than the volumes
and planned investments, such that the required for adaptation only.
remaining additional investments needs
See Table 3.1 and Figure 3.1 from Songwe, Stern, and Bhattacharya (2022). We estimate the share of
incremental adaptation needs out of total incremental climate finance needs, based on the share of adaptation
in total investment requirements.

Climate Inequality Report 2023: Tackling Climate Inequalities

Focus: Towards A Loss and Damage Fund

SIDS and LDCs have been calling long-term future. Most notably,
for innovative measures to mobi- the assessment brings together sci-
lize climate finance for over three entific work on adaptation limits
decades. Vanuatu and the Al- and the residual risks that result in
liance of Small Island States first pro- losses and damages. The con-
posed financing for climate change- cept is defined as ". . .adverse ob-
induced losses and damages in 1991. served impacts and/ or projected
Despite numerous SIDS and LDC pro- risks and can be economic and/or
posals, discussions among states, in- non-economic" (IPCC, 2022), and is
dustry and academics, and the es- deliberately distinguished from the
tablishment of the Warsaw Inter- term Loss and Damage (L&D) used in
national Mechanism for Loss and Article 8 of the Paris Agreement and
Damage Associated with Climate UNFCCC negotiations. Both terms re-
Change Impacts (in 2013 at COP fer to the irreversible impacts caused
19), actual funds for climate losses by anthropogenic climate change
and damages have yet to material- in the light of the considerable ad-
ize. Despite 30 years of discussions, vances in attribution science since
funds transfers from wealthy states to the IPCC AR5 (Otto, James, and
less wealthy ones for loss and dam- Myles, 2019). Particularly alarming in
ages have been minuscule. the AR6 are projections showing that
The 6th Assessment Report (AR6) of severe climate risks, including irre-
the Intergovernmental Panel on Cli- versible impacts, are expected even
mate Change (IPCC) by the Work- in scenarios of ambitious emissions re-
ing Group II (Impacts, Adaptation ductions (in line with the 1.5◦ C - 2◦ C
and Vulnerability) presents an alarm- target), while the latest climate up-
ing assessment of climate change date by the World Meteorological Or-
risks, drawing attention to irreversible ganization shows that the 1.5◦ C limit
and permanent effects now and may be imminent.
expected in the foreseeable and

Climate Inequality Report 2023: Tackling Climate Inequalities

COP26 in Glasgow delivered a mixed ing countries demands for the cre-
bag of successes and shortcom- ation of a loss and damage fund,
ings; in particular, the outcomes one of the key outcomes of Sharm
of Loss and Damage finance were el-Sheikh COP 27. Though the time-
widely seen by climate-vulnerable line for operationalisation of the fund
developing countries as unsatisfac- is quite short (COP28), politically sen-
tory (Bauer, 2021, Vallejo, 2021). The sitive questions remain on who ben-
European Union (EU) amongst oth- efits and who pays. The target ben-
ers, faced strong criticism from G77 eficiaries of the Loss and Damage
countries for opposing the proposal Fund are developing countries that
to establish a finance facility for Loss are particularly vulnerable to the ad-
and Damage under the UNFCCC. verse effects of climate change but
COP26 closed with the Glasgow Cli- this deliberate vague formulation is
mate Pact and the launch of the too broad to tell who is in who is out.
two-year Glasgow Dialogue to look Who pays to such a fund is an even
at funding arrangements for activ- more contentious question: the Euro-
ities that can avert, minimise, and pean block and the United States are
address Loss and Damage. Vulner- clearly the largest historical emitters,
able developing countries empha- but the US has a poor track record of
sise major gaps in the latter, associ- delivering on climate finance. Other
ated with occurring and projected high-income and upper-middle in-
residual risks, as distinguished from ef- come countries with high emissions
forts in mitigation and adaptation. like China, Russia and Saudi Arabia
(Boyd and Keene, 2021, Anisimov et are wary of any expectation that
al., 2022.) In a spectacular diplo- they might be called upon to foot
matic move, the EU was the first ma- some of the bill.
jor block to concede on develop-

Climate Inequality Report 2023: Tackling Climate Inequalities

Though it is uncertain whether such 2022). Other options could include

a fund could mobilise funding to the revenues from a carbon border ad-
scale and pace required, its cre- justment, a measure currently being
ation lends by itself a new-found le- discussed in the European Union. This
gitimacy to the old idea of an in- option could make a lot of sense
ternational levy on maritime, avia- as the tax would, in part, be a tax
tion or fossil fuels to finance adap- on pollution activities in developing
tation to climate change. This countries. At this stage, however, it is
was publicly envisaged by the vice- likely that these new revenues will be
president of the Euorpean Commis- used to increase the EU’s "own" (i.e.
sion, Frans Timmermans, in Sharm-el- federal) resources. In other words,
Sheikh, as it sidesteps the question the question of how to finance the
of which country pays, to focus on climate funding gap remains mostly
carbon-intensive products (Vallejo, unanswered.

Climate Inequality Report 2023: Tackling Climate Inequalities

3.2. Progressive taxes to fill the climate funding gap

According to Carty and Walsh (2022), es- perature increase. Estimates have been
timated loss and damage costs could refined on the predictable adaptation
increase to between US$290 billion and funding gap and ideas have emerged
US$580 billion a year by 2030, and reach about possible sources of additional fund-
the trillions by 2050. Much of this will ing.
be shouldered by developing countries
themselves, those most vulnerable to the A levy on aviation and shipping
effects of climate change.
A levy on aviation and shipping has been
Last but not least, current adaptation fi- proposed on several occasions at the UN-
nance pledges might be overestimated, FCCC and other international fora as a
if we take into account the rebrand- way to fund climate change actions in
ing of existing development programs as developing countries. In 2008, the Mal-
adaptation projects. As Schipper, Erik- dives, on behalf of the LDCs, submit-
sen, et al. (2021) note, adaptation finance ted a proposal to establish an Interna-
(as defined and measured by OECD) of- tional Air Passenger Adaptation Levy (IA-
ten ends up funding existing develop- PAL) based on the model of the French
ment activities that tick the adaptation "Leading Group" solidarity levy to combat
box simply because they address climate- HIV/AIDS, and researchers fine-tuned the
sensitive sectors or livelihoods. If this idea (Van Beukering, Brouwer, and Bran-
"retrofitting" of adaptation into develop- der, 2007, Chambwera and Müller, 2008,
ment assistance (Eriksen et al., 2021) were Hepburn and Müller, 2010). The UN Eco-
true then estimates of current adaptation nomic Commission for Africa took up the
finance flows, already small, would be idea of an air travel adaptation levy in
even smaller. 2011 (Nations, 2011).

The adaptation/loss and damage fund- Although it explicitly aims to limit global
ing gap could be bridged in many ways warming to well below 2◦ C, and prefer-
through existing funding channels, or with ably to 1.5◦ C compared with pre-
the creation of ad hoc facilities (El-Said, industrial temperatures (which means
2022). It was clear after the COP13 keeping adaptation costs to their lowest
in Bali and the COP15 in Copenhagen reasonable minimum), the Paris Agree-
that adaptation financing needs would ment did not allay fears among poor and
rise along with the then-projected tem- vulnerable countries of a temperature in-

Climate Inequality Report 2023: Tackling Climate Inequalities

crease beyond 2◦ C. Neither did it silence that could not have been written about
the call for more adaptation funding, inter five years earlier because of a lack of
alia through earmarked resources levied data and a conservative approach to cli-
on individual activities such as air travel mate responsibilities that focused exclu-
and maritime shipping levies (Chancel sively on the nation-state.
and Piketty, 2015, Boyd and Keene, 2021).
In its simplest form, the air travel levy is an The Special Rapporteur’s briefing gives a
international impost earmarked for help- sense of how much could be collected
ing the most vulnerable to cope with the for Loss and Damage and adaptation
damaging impacts of the activity be- without impairing the air and maritime
ing levied. It is imposed not on states transport businesses. The proposed ship-
but on individuals. Its prime objective ping levy is based on the 2021 proposal
is to raise funds for adaptation projects, by the Marshall Islands and Solomon Is-
which means that it is not aimed at af- lands to the Marine Environment Protec-
fecting behaviour or reducing the size of tion Committee of the IMO.11 The pro-
the levy-base over time by discouraging posed air passenger levy is similar to the
international air travel, particularly long- above-mentioned 2008 international air
haul flights. It can be implemented either passenger adaptation levy advanced by
as a (progressive) percentage tax on the the Maldives (IAPAL).12
ticket price, or as a (differentiated) poll
levy. The original IAPAL was based on the
Two scenarios are considered. In the
latter simply because it is easier to monitor
first best-case scenario all countries par-
and collect.
ticipate and apply both levies, and the
frequency of air passenger travel returns
Ahead of the COP26 in Glasgow, the call to 2019 levels (4.486 billion commercial
to make polluters pay for climate loss, air passengers per year, rounded down
damages, and adaptation grew louder. to 4 billion). In the second worst-case
The UN Special Rapporteur on Human scenario only half of the countries in-
Rights and the Environment relayed this troduce the levy policies, and commer-
call, pointing at the individual responsi- cial air travel continues at 2020 levels
bility of "wealthy individuals" - something (approximately 1.787 billion passengers,
Republic of the Marshall Islands and the Solomon Islands, Reduction of GHG Emissions from Ships: Pro-
posal for IMO to Establish a Universal Mandatory Greenhouse Gas Levy, March 10, 2021, MEPC76/7/xxl; and
Anastassios Adamopoulos, Lloyds List, "Marshall Islands Demands $100 Tax on Shipping Emissions", March 11,
Republic of the Maldives, International Air Passenger Adaptation Levy: A Proposal by The Maldives on
Behalf of the Group of Least Developed Countries (LDCs) within the Framework of the Bali Action Plan,
December 12, 2008.

Climate Inequality Report 2023: Tackling Climate Inequalities

rounded up to 2 billion passengers), when change (Carty and Walsh, 2022). How-
the COVID-19 pandemic reduced the fre- ever, few concrete proposals have been
quency of commercial air travel by ap- made for the allocation of such funds to
proximately 60 percent. In both scenar- developing countries adaptation needs.
ios, calculations assume that the maritime In the US, in the context of the Inflation
shipping CO2e emissions rate remains at Reduction Act of 2022, the Biden admin-
2018 levels (919 million tons of CO2 per istration passed a new tax on large cor-
year), as reported by the IMO. porations to finance its national climate
investment policies. One of the justifica-
If all 195 state signatories to the Paris tions for this new tax, according to the
Agreement imposed both levies and air government, was the need to finance US
passenger travel returns to pre-pandemic mitigation and adaptation efforts. The link
levels, then the levies proposed by the with adaptation finance for the develop-
Special Rapporteur would generate be- ing world was absent from the discussion.
tween US$132 and US$392 billion annually This case illustrates the state of the de-
to support SIDS and LDC responses to cli- bate in other rich countries relatively well:
mate change-induced losses, damages, progressive income and wealth taxes are
and adaptation, with the possibility of increasingly advocated by civil society
some funds being allocated to research, and certain governments, sometimes to
development, and deployment of sus- finance local climate efforts, but very sel-
tainable fuel and emissions-free technolo- dom are they invoked as a way to con-
gies. tribute to bridging the climate funding
gap for the countries most in need.

If only half of the targeted countries par-

ticipate and commercial air travel re- Raising macroeconomic tax rates in low-
mains at the low 2020 levels, then the and middle- income countries to combat
levies would generate between US$56 climate change
and US$121 billion of revenue each year,
an amount of funding still deemed "sig- This report has highlighted some of the
nificant to address climate damages and reasons why rich countries should play a
vulnerabilities that are already substantialbigger role in funding adaptation mea-
andare rapidly increasing" (id.). sures in LMICS in the coming years. The
global adaptation funding landmark ob-
Beyond air passenger levies, there have jective of US$100 billion per year was sup-
been calls over the past few years for pro- posed to be a floor, not a ceiling, and
gressive wealth taxes to tackle climate to date not even that has been met.

Climate Inequality Report 2023: Tackling Climate Inequalities

More generally, let us also note that over- 50% macroeconomic tax rate observed in
all development assistance, which cur- high-income countries should be seen not
rently accounts for around 0.2% of global as an absolute maximum target for LMICs
GDP, remains particularly limited com- but rather as a threshold to be reached in
pared with actual requirements in the order to fund well-functioning societies.
Global South. High-income countries
must do more to close this gap and to in-
crease aid transfers. However, the over- How to increase tax capacity in low and
all adaptation funding gap and develop- middle-income countries? There is no
ment finance needs will not only be met easy answer to this question and it is a wel-
by more finance from high-income coun- come development that the issue has re-
tries; climate action financing will also re- cently been put on the agenda of sev-
quire domestic resource mobilization, i.e. eral donor countries and, more impor-
increases in national tax capacities for tantly, of LMIC governments themselves.
adaptation and development purposes. For donors and development agencies,
a key lesson learnt, as cited earlier in this
report, is that programs that strengthen
Figure 34 shows tax revenues as a share
domestic resource mobilization in LMICs
of gross national income (GNI, a mea-
should not be treated separately from
sure close to GDP) in Sub-Saharan African
adaptation funding programs: one dollar
and South and South-East Asian coun-
of aid in tax capacity building may be just
tries compared to Europe. The overall
as important for adaptation as one dol-
macroeconomic tax rate in these coun-
lar of aid invested directly in the develop-
tries is on average just over 15%. Spending
ment of climate resilient infrastructure.
on healthcare is around 2-3% of national
income, and similar for education. This
graph illustrates the necessity to increase Increasing macroeconomic tax revenues
tax revenues and social spending overall via more progressive taxes
in low- and middle-income countries, par-
ticularly in Sub-Saharan Africa and South Focusing on ways to increase macroeco-
and South-East Asia. In comparison, rich nomic tax rates in order to finance pub-
countries have a macroeconomic tax lic investments and spending, it is useful
rate of 30-50% of their national income to recall that the rise of taxation in high-
and yet, in many cases, they struggle to income countries occurred in tight con-
finance solutions to new problems such nection with highly progressive tax sched-
as ageing populations and adaptation to ules in the mid 20th century and high GDP
climate change. In other words, the 30- growth (Piketty, 2017). There is no mystery

Climate Inequality Report 2023: Tackling Climate Inequalities

Figure 34: Tax revenues and spending in Europe vs. Sub-Saharan Africa and South and South-
East Asia, 2010-2020

Notes: The figure shows that overall tax revenues remain very low in low-income countries, as com-
pared to European countries (47% vs. 17%). European countries spend 6-9% on education and health-
care vs. 2-3% in Sub Saharan Africa and South and South East Asia. European countries are represented
by the average of France, Germany, the UK and Sweden. Sources: Authors, based World Inequality
Report 2022, chapter 10

Climate Inequality Report 2023: Tackling Climate Inequalities

here: to reduce the burden on low- and rates are typically missing from the tax
middle-income groups, high-income and equation in LMICs. Let us note here that
high-wealth economic actors are asked improving tax and statistical administra-
to contribute a significant share of the tions typically go hand in hand: without
new taxes. There is an economic as much good data, it is impossible to tax in a fair
as a political argument at stake: eco- way, and without progressive taxation, it
nomically, there are many very good rea- is hard to obtain good data on who owns
sons to limit extreme inequality and taxes
what (Chancel, Piketty, et al., 2022). To be
are useful instruments for doing just that
clear, developing fair and modern tax sys-
(Diamond and Saez, 2011). Politically, tems is no easy undertaking. But the real-
leaders of high-income countries have ity is that programs seeking to improve tax
also found it is easier to increase overall
and statistical apparatuses remain limited
tax revenue by demanding greater con- in both scope and funding. The Addis
tributions from those at the top of the dis-
Tax Initiative, launched in 2015 as a multi-
tribution (Zucman and Saez, 2019). In stakeholder partnership to support do-
2022, tax progressivity is very low in LMICs,
mestic revenue mobilization, was a wel-
where taxes are indirect and are often come development. However, the 2019
largely imposed on consumption (Chan- review of this initiative suggested that the
momentum created at its launch was not
cel, Piketty, et al., 2022; Martorano, 2018).
sustained and ambitions for the program
Taxes on large wealth holders and large remain limited (see Focus on Addis Tax
inheritances, and progressive income tax Initiative).

Climate Inequality Report 2023: Tackling Climate Inequalities

Focus: Mobilising domestic revenues through the Addis Tax


The Addis Tax Initiative (ATI) was ini- data shows that the ATI target was
tiated in 2015 during the Third Inter- reached by 2018. The aggregate fig-
national Conference on Financing ures remain low, however, compared
for Development in Addis Ababa to with the funding required to drive
support the implementation of the and monitor the transition towards
Addis Ababa Action Agenda on Fi- the sustainable development goals.
nancing for Development. Since On average, 0.2% of all ODA was tar-
then, more than 60 developing coun- geted to DRM projects between 2015
tries, providers of development co- and 2020, totalling about US$400 mil-
operation and supporting organisa- lion per year. The ratio is slightly
tions have joined the ATI. Among higher for Sub-Saharan African coun-
other objectives, the ATI aimed to tries, which were recipients of be-
double existing support for techni- tween 25% and 60% of ODA for do-
cal cooperation in taxation by 2020. mestic revenue raising purposes over
The objective is quite modest given the same period. There are posi-
that the ATI started with a very low tive lessons to draw from ATI. Setting
base. About US$200 million, or 11% goals, even modest ones, triggers
of ODA, was earmarked for domestic measurement efforts, and spurs co-
revenue mobilisation (DRM) projects operation and action. The launch of
in 2015 according to the OECDa . the ATI was a key driver in forming the
DRM-specific code in the OECD CRS.
Until 2015, there was no standard This in turn has helped to increase
OECD Development Assistance the amount of ODA for DRM, which
Committee (DAC) code against was previously based solely on word-
which to report tax projectsb . DAC search methodsc .
OECD Creditor Reporting System (code 15114) See this hyperlink (click)
The list of OECD DAC Creditor Reporting System (CRS) code includes "Domestic revenue
mobilisation" (code 15114), which is the sum of three categories: Tax collection (15116), Tax policy
and administration support (15155) and Other non-tax revenue mobilisation (15156). The OECD
CRS database provides data for DRM (15114), without details of its subparts.
Development Initiative (2018). ODA for domestic revenue mobilisation: progress, prospects and
opportunities for effective support. Discussion paper at this hyperlink (click).

Climate Inequality Report 2023: Tackling Climate Inequalities

Early estimates show that ATI signa- equality. As a starting point, the
tory countries have increased their need to tackle economic inequali-
DRM-ODA (donor countries) and tax- ties through the tax system with, in-
to-GDP ratio (recipient countries) rel- ter alia, a progressive income tax,
atively more than countries who a greater focus on wealth taxation,
have not joined the initiativea . In the and sector-specific taxes addressing
wake of the ATI, key donors (Australia, climate change, is now widely ac-
France, Japan, Luxembourg, Nor- cepted in the donor communityc .
way, Switzerland, United Kingdom) On their side, signatories to the ATI
consolidated their partnership under have issued a new 2025 Declara-
the Global Tax Program with US$80 tiond , adding a qualitative dimension
million secured to date within a ded- to both revenue collection in devel-
icated facility hosted by the World oping countries and the provision of
Bankb . There is little doubt that an DRM support by donors. Beyond rev-
initiative such as the ATI, created enue generation, the new declara-
within the SDG framework, has given tion emphasises the need to reduce
a much higher profile to tax collec- inequalities and to protect the envi-
tion than it would have had other- ronment, while involving stakeholders
wise, setting a new agenda for coop- (e.g. civil society organisations) to
eration and development agencies. enhance government accountabil-
Connecting the ATI with global tax ity in revenue collection and spend-
initiatives and domestic climate in- ing. The political traction of a sustain-
equality reduction policies would be able development agenda headed
a logical next step. Global taxes help by the goal of reducing inequality
to reduce inequalities and to gen- seems thus quite clear, leaving am-
erate global public revenues which, ple room to scale up efforts and to
once channelled to DRM support ac- test new ideas to reverse the rising
tivities in developing countries, lead trend in climate inequalities.
to further reductions in climate in-
See this link
See this link
See for instance IBRD/IDA Board Briefing on DRM, June 2021 at this link
See this link

Climate Inequality Report 2023: Tackling Climate Inequalities

Increasing LMIC’s taxing rights on multi- Given this situation, high-income coun-
nationals’ profits tries serious about their calls for the devel-
While the strengthening of tax capaci- opment of climate finance funds could
ties in LMICs ultimately depends on these legislate to better regulate the activities of
countries, there is much that the interna- multinationals based or operating in their
tional community can do to foster the jurisdictions (here, the disclosure require-
process. First, it is important for donor ments imposed by the EU on multination-
agencies to better map the economic als go in the right direction, although they
imbalances associated with international remain too limited, they do not take into
aid and climate finance flows. In most account developing countries enough,
countries that receive development or and should incorporate more criteria re-
adaptation aid, money outflows in the lated to environmental protection).
form of multinational profits from high-
income countries are often superior to Second, rich countries aid programs
public or NGO aid. Indeed, capital in- should support and strengthen the nego-
come flowing from African countries to tiating positions of LMICs in international
the rest of the world represents on aver- discussions about new taxation regimes,
age three times the amount of interna- in particular taxes to be imposed on multi-
tional aid that went into them between national companies. Developing coun-
1970 and 2012, and the situation does not tries lose about US$200 billion a year
seem to have significantly changed since (compared with US$400 billion per year
then. In addition to licit capital outflows, in high-income countries) through profits
multinational companies also organize il- shifted to low-tax jurisdictions (IMF, 2015)14 .
licit flows out of low-income countries. Current discussions on the apportionment
Africa loses nearly US$89 billion a year in of multinationals profits, occurring un-
illicit financial flows, equivalent to more der the auspices of the OECD, could
than 3.5% of the continent’s GDP, which is lead to additional government revenues
also more than it receives in development of the order of US$110-160 billion (under
aid. Put differently, while certain high- so-called Pillars 1 and 2) for both high-
income countries provide generous aid income and low-income countries. In the
support programs to LMICs, these transfers best-case scenario for developing coun-
can be nullified by the actions of multina- tries, the deal may mean that LMICs can
tionals based in those same high-income reform their tax systems with more aggres-
countries.13 sive anti-shifting measures, removing in-
In these discussions, the question of developing countries’ sovereign debt must not be forgotten, as excessive
debt servicing places further financial strain on developing countries’ government budgets.

Climate Inequality Report 2023: Tackling Climate Inequalities

centives, and introducing minimum tax Carthy, 2022).

In the light of this, the Independent Com-
However, these proposals have been crit- mission for the Reform of International
icized by developing countries and some Corporate Taxation (ICRICT) stresses that
experts for allocating relatively few tax-global minimum tax "proposals as cur-
ing rights to LMICs. It should be noted rently formulated are fundamentally in-
that LMICs are in general more reliant on equitable, in that they give the prior right
corporate taxes than high-income coun- to apply a top-up tax (to the agreed
tries: corporate taxes account for 15% of global minimum) to undertaxed profits
tax revenues in Africa and Latin Amer- to the home countries of MNEs, while
ica, compared with 9% in OECD coun- host countries would have only a sec-
tries. Strengthening corporate tax rates, ondary, back-up right. This would be a
rather than reducing corporate tax rev- direct transfer of revenue from develop-
enues, therefore seems to be a priority toing countries, which are generally only
hosts to foreign MNEs, to the rich home
raise overall tax revenues in LMICs. Devel-
oping country concerns include: (i) tax- countries." (ICRICT, 2020). G7 coun-
tries alone, representing 10% of the world
ing rights under Pillar 2 (i.e. a global min-
imum tax) implying that most revenues population, would take more than 60%
will accrue to MNE headquarter coun- of Pillar 2 gains (from a global minimum
tax) (TJN, 2021). Low-income countries,
tries, (ii) the limited share of residual prof-
which lose a higher share of their theo-
its available for reallocation under Pillar 1
retical tax revenues to corporate tax eva-
(i.e. a set of rules to allocate taxing rights
sion, would gain disproportionately little
over currently untaxed profits), (iii) the lim-
ited scope of companies included, (iv) from the minimum tax proposed. Such
the mandatory removal of digital taxes, views have been voiced by developing
which would mean that certain devel- countries themselves, and some, includ-
oping countries that have already imple- ing Kenya, Nigeria, Pakistan and Sri Lanka,
mented such taxes, may be net losers have refused to sign on. As of May 2022,
under the deal, (iv) the reliance on ex- only 23 African countries were among the
pensive private sector arbitration in case137 countries and jurisdictions set to im-
of disputes, which in the past has often plement this global deal, representing less
been to the disadvantage of developing than half of all countries and jurisdictions
countries, (v) the lack of transparency inof the continent (McCarthy, 2022).
the negotiation process, and limited ca-
pacities to participate in the dealing (Mc- Alternative rules can be designed to en-

Climate Inequality Report 2023: Tackling Climate Inequalities

sure a fairer allocation of new tax rev- not at all favourable to developing coun-
enues among rich and developing coun- tries. Using recent data from the Euro-
tries. The Tax Justice Network, for in- pean Tax Observatory (Barake and Le
stance, proposes a "Minimum Effective Pouhaer, 2022), we find that low-income
Tax Rate" which in the most conserva- and lower middle-income countries are
tive scenario would involve the same un- clear losers from the tax deal as currently
dertaxed profits as in the OECD Pillar 2 envisaged. More precisely, low-income
(minimum tax) deal, with two variations. countries do not receive any additional
First, profits would be considered made in tax revenues overall (some gain a little
the countries where the MNE’s real eco- while others lose a little). Lower-middle in-
nomic activity takes place (with no dis- come countries appear to lose slightly in
tinction between headquarters and host terms of tax revenues. This major concern
countries), and second, it would be pos- about the tax deal could be addressed
sible to tax the profits at the statutory rate by introducing alternative apportionment
(statutory rates are those announced by rules. Currently based on purely eco-
countries, which are typically higher than nomic indicators such as sales, taxable
the rates effectively paid by firms after ex- profits falling under so-called Pillar 1 could
emptions are applied): this would mean be allocated to countries on the basis of
higher additional revenues overall and a social justice principles, or a combination
fairer global distribution of them. Under of economic indicators currently envis-
this proposal and even with the relatively agef and social justice principles. Factor-
low rate currently proposed by the deal ing in climate risk would for instance signif-
(that is 15%), low and lower-middle in- icantly change the allocation of new tax
come countries would gain US$26bn in- revenues, as we show on Figure 35. While
stead of US$9bn under the current pro- low-income and lower-middle countries
posal (as of 2021), according to Picciotto do not make any gains from new tax
(2021). In particular, India would gain revenues in the OECD agreement, they
US$13 billion instead of the US$4 billion would make 62% gains in an alternative
it could expect under the OECD Globe and illustrative approach which would be
rules. Sub-Saharan African national rev- based on countries’ share in vulnerability
enues would rise from US$2 billion to US$6 to climate change risk.

There is obviously no straightforward for-

Regarding Pillar 1 (allocation of tax rights mula to allocate undertaxed profits eq-
based on an apportionment formula), it uitably across countries and we certainly
also appears that the current rules are do not pretend that adopting alternative

Climate Inequality Report 2023: Tackling Climate Inequalities

apportionment formulas is going to be tax rules however, but this group remains
easy. However, current approaches un- very limited in size. Shareholders of multi-
der discussion in official negociations do nationals would indeed see their profits re-
not appear to be based on justice princi- duced as corporate tax rates rise. This is a
ples, nor on sound economic principles, group that has disproportionately bene-
as stressed by Nobel laureate Stiglitz.15 fited from economic growth over the past
Alternative approaches could factor in 40 years and has disproportionately con-
countries’ exposure to climate change tributed, in part via the capital they own,
alongside other variables currently taken to global carbon emissions. From this per-
into account in the OECD deal. spective, demanding a higher contribu-
tion from these groups to the reduction
In these discussions, developing coun- of global climate inequalities may seem
tries are usually not well represented at only logical.
the negotiation table. While the OECD
has developed an "inclusive framework" While it is not the main role of donor agen-
to discuss tax matters in which over 130 cies to intervene in such debates in their
countries are in principle represented, the home country, supporting the strength-
ICRICT has noted, with other organiza- ening of LMIC tax capacity may actu-
tions, that the LMICs remain poorly repre- ally start at home, in working to change
sented. To ensure better representation of rich countries’ national positions on inter-
all countries, the creation of a global tax national tax matters. Currently, via their
body under UN aegis has been proposed, position on international tax reform at the
which could serve as a novel international OECD, rich countries continue to defend
norm-setting body , with democratic le- a new global tax environment that actu-
gitimacy. ally undermines the position of LMICs and
does not properly integrate a perspective
Currently, it is unclear for most people on climate responsibility. The amount of
in high-income countries how much ex- aid they devote to enhancing tax collec-
tra tax revenue will be generated by the tion capacity in the Global South does
new taxing rights environment. In other not absolve them either. There is a consis-
words, adopting a taxing rights formula tency circle to close: international tax re-
more favourable to LMICs may not yet form that more closely matches develop-
necessarily appear as a loss to taxpayers ing countries’ fiscal needs and domestic
in rich countries. Certain groups of indi- resource mobilization support will provide
viduals will inevitably lose from these new the much-awaited boost to adaptation fi-
See ICRICT’s September 2022 conference at the Paris School of Economics at this link.

Climate Inequality Report 2023: Tackling Climate Inequalities

Figure 35: Allocation of new multinational tax revenues: OECD vs climate risk approaches

Notes: The left pie chart shows the allocation of new tax revenues from OECD Pillar 1, based on esti-
mates from the EU Tax Observatory. Total new tax revenues amount to $17 billion. Low middle income
countries are net losers (-2% of total gains, not shown here). The right pie chart shows an alternative
breakdown, based on a measure of national exposure to climate change. In this scenario, we weight
climate according to the INFORM CC Risk database by national population. Sources: Authors, using
data from Barake and Le Pouhaer, 2022 and INFORM.

Climate Inequality Report 2023: Tackling Climate Inequalities

nance. us stress that at these levels of wealth,

the per adult net wealth growth observed
Taxing extreme wealth to fund climate
over the past two decades has been
around 7-9% per year (Chancel, Piketty,
We now turn to the critical question of et al., 2022), meaning that a wealth tax
personal wealth taxation. Given the of 1.5% per year would do little to limit ex-
important financing needs for low- and treme capital concentration at the top of
middle-income countries in the coming the global distribution. A 3% rate as we
decades, and given the very large and propose above US$100 billion would have
rising concentration of wealth among a a little more effect, although it would very
few top holders at the global level, it can likely not have been sufficient to limit the
easily be argued that the case of pro- snowballing effect of capital accumula-
gressive wealth taxation has never been tion by itself if it had been applied ten
so important. How much would a global years ago. Indeed, all other things being
wealth tax on multimillionaires raise? In Ta- equal, a wealth base growing at 9% be-
ble 36, we present global wealth tax es- fore tax, would still grow at 6% per year
timates, based on the latest data from with a 3% tax rate. Nonetheless, such
the World Inequality Database. We find tax rates, if they were implemented suc-
that a global wealth tax on the world’s cessfully (although even after factoring
centimillionaires (i.e. individuals own- some capital depreciation and tax eva-
ing more than 100 million dollars net of sion) would raise about US$300 billion ev-
debt), would raise substantial amounts ery year. While it is unlikely that a global
of money, even when the tax rates are deal on a tax on extreme wealth to fund
relatively low.16 This tax would apply to climate change adaptation and mitiga-
the world’s 65,000 richest adult individu- tion will be obtained in the very near fu-
als, a group representing just a little more ture, such a measure can be initiated by
than 0.001% of the global adult popu- a subset of countries without the need for
lation. We consider a relatively modest consensus at Conferences of Parties. For
"1.5% wealth tax for 1.5řC". It would be de- instance, if the US and European coun-
signed as follows: net assets owned be- tries were to implement such a tax, they
tween US$100 million and US$1 billion are would raise about US$175 billion each
taxed at 1.5%, net assets between US$1 year, i.e. a substantial amount of money
billion and US$10 billion at 2%, assets be- that could fully or partly be redistributed
tween US$10 billion and US$100bn at 2.5% to a global climate fund, at no cost to
and assets above US$100bn at 3%. Let
Our estimates also take into account potential depreciation of capital due to taxation, as well as tax evasion.
See Chancel, Piketty, et al., 2022, chapter 7 for a longer discussion.

Climate Inequality Report 2023: Tackling Climate Inequalities

Total Tax Total annual

Wealth group wealth rate tax revenues
of adults
($ bn) (%) ($bn)

All above $100m 65 130 28 141 - 295

$100m-1bn 62 380 15 295 1.5% 109

$1bn-10bn 2 584 8 292 2% 109

$10bn-100b 155 3 181 2.5% 52

11 1 374 3% 26
Above $100bn
Figure 36: Revenues from a global tax on extreme wealth

Notes: The table shows revenues from a global progressive wealth tax centimillionaires. Net wealth
between $100m and $1b is taxed at 1.5% per year, net wealth between $1b and $10b is tax at 2%, net
wealth between $10bn and $100bn is taxed at 2% and wealth above $100bn at 3%. Sources: Authors,
based on World Inequality Database (

99.99% of the population of these coun- Starting the 1.5% wealth tax at a lower
tries. It would indeed be preferable that threshold would yield higher revenues. For
low- and middle-income countries also instance, starting at US$5 million instead
tax centimillionaires living in their own juris- of US$100 million, would approximately
dictions to fund a global climate scheme. correspond to the world top 0.1% richest
Our tax proposal would, for instance, raise individuals (instead of the top 0.001%). 17
US$121 billion in the US and US$56 bil- We find that a more progressive wealth
lion in Europe. It would also raise US$71 tax starting at this threshold would raise
billion in East Asia, US$20 billion in South about US$1100bn worldwide, that is ap-
and South-East Asia, US$11 billion in Latin proximately 1.1% of global income today
America and, US$8 billion in the Middle (see Figure A.5). This amount of revenues
East North Africa, US$8 billion in Russia and is more consistent with total annual cli-
Central Asia and US$1 billion in Sub Saha- mate finance for low and middle income
ran Africa. countries excluding China. These are esti-

Under this scenario, we consider a 1.5% marginal net wealth tax rate between US$5m-$10m, 2% between
US$10m-$50m, 2.5% between US$50m-$100m, 3% between US$100m-$500m, 3.5% between US$500m-1bn, 4%
between US$1bn-$10bn, 4.5% between US$10bn-$100bn and 5% above US$100bn. Assumed depreciation of 10%
following wealth tax, and evasion assumed at 20%.

Climate Inequality Report 2023: Tackling Climate Inequalities

mated at US$1800bn by 2030 as previously the investments generate: national gov-

discussed. A part of this gap can indeed ernments, local governments, the private
also be closed by the private sector, but sector, or public-private partnerships?
clearly not all of it (Songwe, Stern, and
According to the Climate Policy Initiative
Bhattacharya, 2022).
(Naran et al., 2022), climate finance flows
amounted to over US$850bn in 2021, with
The main conclusion here is that, given public finance contributing to about 50%
the extreme levels of wealth concen- of the total, the rest being private sector
tration in the world today, even mod- finance.18 In 2011, public sector climate
est tax rates on top wealth holders can finance amounted to 40% of total flows
yield substantial tax revenues. For a (see Figure 38). Public sector finance
broader discussion on the rationale be- therefore rose faster than the private sec-
hind wealth taxes, their effects on eco- tor and contributed a greater share to
nomic activity, we encourage readers to closing the climate finance gap over the
refer to the World Inequality Report 2022, past decade. Development finance in-
chapter 7 (Chancel, Piketty, et al., 2022). stitutions represented the bulk of public fi-
Readers can also design alternative tax nance, while corporations and commer-
schemes for their own regions, playing on cial financial institutions provided about
tax schedules, and checking the impact 80% of private climate finance (Songwe,
of tax evasion and capital depreciation Stern, and Bhattacharya, 2022). Private
on our online global wealth tax simulator finance largely dominates finance flows
available at towards rich countries, while the situa-
simulator/. tion is often reversed in low and middle
income countries, where public finance
Who will own low-carbon capital? dominates.

Capital ownership is not neutral from the How to structure climate finance in the
point of view of inequality. Combating cli- decades to come in order to close the
mate change will require myriad invest- huge climate finance gap (in both de-
ments in infrastructure in high-, middle- veloping and rich countries)? Which
and low-income countries (see discussion sector should contribute the lion’s share
on total finance needs in section 3.1). of additional investments and spending
Which actors should make these invest- needed? There is no easy answer to
ments and ultimately control the capital these questions and each country must
The $850bn figure is provisional according to Naran et al., 2022 and here we estimate the 2021 split based
on 2020 values.

Climate Inequality Report 2023: Tackling Climate Inequalities

Figure 37: Adaptation funding gap in developing countries vs. 1.5% wealth tax on global cen-

Notes: Adaptation finance flows to developing countries reached US$29bn. Finance needs amount to
about $200bn. A wealth tax on centimillionaires could generate US$295bn per year, enough to close
the gap and generate additional revenues. Finance needs based on UNEP Adaptation Gap Report
2022 ( Table 3.3). Annual wealth tax revenues for 2021, from the World Inequality Database. Wealth
tax rates according to Figure 36. Sources: Authors based on and UNEP 2022.

Climate Inequality Report 2023: Tackling Climate Inequalities

Figure 38: Global climate finance flows: public vs. private sector (2011-2020)

Notes: Global climate finance amounted to $665bn in 2020 and was equally split between public and
private institutions. The public sector share has been rising since 2011. The 2021 value is provisional and
the split is estimated based the 2020 breakdown. Sources: Authors based on Naran et al., 2022.

Climate Inequality Report 2023: Tackling Climate Inequalities

decide on the basis of the specific tech- transition could contribute to reinvigorate
nical, economic, and political considera- the position of the public sector, but could
tions. From the point of view of inequality, also contribute to exacerbate trends ob-
the question of finance and ownership of served over the past decades. When an-
the capital it supports is never totally neu- alyzing such trends and anticipating the
tral. Capital owners can dictate condi- future, it is important to bear in mind that
tions of access to infrastructures, and gov- government legislation and policies can
ernments may be better placed to en- determine the relative value of different
sure cheap, and universal access to low- forms of capital ownership over the com-
carbon transportation, sanitation and en- ing decades.
ergy infrastructure than the private sector.
It can be argued that private investors
This means that governments and donor
should benefit from the low-carbon in-
agencies should be particularly careful
vestments they will make, but that there
when making decisions about infrastruc-
is a limit to the gains they’re able to ex-
ture ownership, as they may determine
tract from the transition given the im-
access to infrastructure and capital own-
portant role of public actors to ensure
ership for the next few decades.
that the transition actually happens. The
role of governments will also be key
Richer countries, poorer governments? here to ensure that market gains are not
Over the past 40 years, an important overly concentrated in a handful of ac-
decline in net public wealth position in tors. In previous historical transition pro-
high-income countries has been docu- cesses, huge monopolistic actors have
mented. By public wealth, we mean all sometimes emerged, causing issues that
assets owned by governments (financial took decades for governments to come
and non-financial), net of debts. In LMICs, to terms with. An infamous example is that
data is scarcer, but a decline also seems of Standard Oil in the US, a trust that grew
to be observed over the past 10-15 years, so large that it had to be broken up with
while private wealth has typically tended Antitrust laws in 1911 as a result of the law-
to increase. In other words, countries suit brought against it by the U.S. govern-
have become richer, but governments of- ment in 1906 under the Sherman Antitrust
ten have become poorer overall. Act of 1890. In post-WWII Europe, gov-
The multiple investments that will be ernments nationalized energy, infrastruc-
made in the context of the transition will ture, and transport companies to avoid
not be neutral from the the point of view such situations, to ensure better planning
of the relative position of public wealth of reconstruction efforts, and to limit in-
and private wealth in the economy. The equalities in societies that had been torn

Climate Inequality Report 2023: Tackling Climate Inequalities

apart by the war. In other words, there considerations from a broad perspective:
are many different possible finance and Who will own the infrastructure and how
ownership models for the energy sectors will owners use their property rights in de-
that will emerge in the coming decades, termining prices? Are governments let-
and it is important that the choices about ting monopolistic private actors develop?
who is going to own what are debated Have they thought about how to pre-
and made explicit. vent future rent seeking in their adapta-
tion strategies? Via what mechanisms?
Some governments will choose private Again, there are no easy or straightfor-
sector finance and ownership of key en- ward answers to these questions, but it
ergy sectors over the public sector. In is likely that the issues will become more
which case, taxation can be used to re- and more important as more finance is di-
distribute some of the profits made by rected towards the low-carbon sector. In-
firms. The rationale behind taxation and deed, it has been shown that inequalities
redistribution here is that firms will ben- of capital ownership are always more pro-
efit from government intervention in the nounced than income and consumption
economy to create a sound environment inequalities, and large capital ownership
for their low-carbon energy business to inequalities today typically mean large in-
thrive. However, recent research finds come inequalities tomorrow. The matri-
that ex-post policies such as taxation are ces at the end of this report are presented
not sufficient to limit extreme inequalities to help policymakers to assess the impact
in income and wealth ownership and the on inequality of their climate policies (see
fast development of low-carbon tech- Figures 40 and 41).
nologies can hardly be a legitimate rea-
son for extreme wealth concentration.
3.3. Earning more, but also
Limiting wealth inequalities ex-ante (via
regulations, antitrust laws, public control
spending better
of certain firms, etc.) is also key. From such
a standpoint, favouring public finance Learning from attempts to phase out fossil
and ownership of capital over the private fuel subsidies
sector might make sense.
The political sensitivity of removing fos-
How to conduct such discussions in prac- sil fuel subsidies (FFS) and the difficulties
tice? When developing new climate- of sustaining and completing them have
related infrastructure, impact evaluation focused scholarly attention on the hur-
should take into account distributional dles and drivers of reforms. Over the last

Climate Inequality Report 2023: Tackling Climate Inequalities

five years, qualitative case studies have Nigeria proved much less successful in its
multiplied that can explain why subsidy numerous attempts to remove fuel sub-
reforms "stick" (Atansah et al., 2017, In- sidies. A striking example occurred on
chauste and D. G. Victor, 2017, Whitley 1 January 2012, when the federal gov-
and Van Der Burg, 2015). This research ernment led by President Jonathan more
identifies a series of factors that inhibit the than doubled the fuel price from NGN 65
removal of FFS, and also some drivers of to NGN 145 (US$0.41 to US$0.91) per litre
success. The latest contributions focus in a bid to completely remove the sub-
on the factors preventing reforming gov- sidy on refined petroleum products. This
ernments from backsliding. We summa- led to widespread protests and a ten-day
rize the policy outcomes of these different national strike which only ended when
lines of research in Figure 39. the government partially reversed the in-
crease, reducing the price to NGN 97
(US$0.61) per litre. In May 2016, the price
of gasoline was increased to NGN 145
Indonesia and Nigeria provide an exam-
(US$0.72) per litre, then to NGN 165 (com-
ple of contrasting experiences. Using the
pared with a global average price of
opportunity offered by declining world oil
gasoline of about NGN 600). The last ad-
prices, the Indonesian government man-
justment occurred in July 2022, to NGN
aged to cut annual fuel subsidies from
179 per litre in a context of a protracted
US$13.6 billion in 2014 to US$1.6 billion in
fuel shortage.
the 2015 state budget. Support from (part
of) the public and compensation pro-
grams proved critical to the success of the In the literature, there is no single pa-
reform. Unconditional and conditional per disputing the fact that the sub-
cash transfers, on the top of pre-existing sidy regime has created economic inef-
social assistance programs largely appre- ficiency, exacerbated negative environ-
ciated by the general population, con- mental and health externalities, and wors-
tributed to building trust and eased the re- ened macroeconomic stability. Evidence
form process. In the space of a decade, shows that it has not achieved its de-
the government introduced poverty alle- sired social benefits, because the subsi-
viation programs and social safety nets to dies are regressive. Nonetheless, the sub-
help people to cope with energy price sidy regime enjoys widespread popularity
increases. Beyond their original man- in Nigeria as a tangible means by which to
date, they "represent the building blocks redistribute natural resource wealth - the
of a comprehensive social welfare sys- lack of any other visible wealth redistribu-
tem" (MEMRI, 2019). tion explains the popularity of petrol sub-

Climate Inequality Report 2023: Tackling Climate Inequalities

Figure 39: Factors that inhibit, trigger, or sustain Fossil Fuel Subsidy removal

Notes: The table shows the various factors that may inhibit (e.g. lack of transparent information) fossil
fuel subsidy removal, as well as trigger it (e.g. careful policy design) and sustain such reforms (e.g.
linking reforms to wider progressive tax reforms). Sources: Sources: Atansah et al. (2017), Clements
(2013), Inchauste and D. G. Victor (2017), Sivaram and Harris (2016), Araar and Verme (2017), Whitley
and Van Der Burg (2015).

Climate Inequality Report 2023: Tackling Climate Inequalities

sidy. Against the evidence, the fuel sub- drafted a National Social Protection Pol-
icy (NSPP) - the first in the history of the 4th
sidy is considered fair in the sense that it is
the only way for Nigerians (especially the republic - and sustained its commitment
poor) to benefit from the countrys natu- to it throughout its mandate through bud-
ral resource endowment. Another key ar- get inclusion for social protection worth
gument that has been made repeatedly NGN 500 billion (US.5 billion) per annum.
is that Nigerians were not against the re- This includes funding for conditional cash
moval of the subsidy, but that successive transfers, youth employment, school food
governments had not used the additional programs, micro-credit, and education
revenues in ways that were beneficial to vouchers. About NGN 70 billion (US$345
large parts of the population (Beaton et million) has been allocated for targeted
al., 2016). cash transfers (TCTs) per annum. TCTs
hence amounted to roughly US$4 per
To address these concerns, the Jonathan poor person per year.
government launched the Subsidy Rein- In December 2021, in the midst of rising
vestment and Empowerment Program food prices and shrinking oil-driven state
(SURE-P) in February 2012, to cushion the revenues, the Nigerian government was
increase in the official petroleum price. granted a $800 million credit by the World
The objective of SURE-P was to provide Bank International Development Associ-
support to various strata of the popula- ation (IDA) to scale up the national so-
tion through a range of programs, includ- cial safety net. The credit line is set up to
ing the financing of infrastructure and fund targeted, time-limited, cash transfers
job creation for unemployed young peo- to 8.2 million poor people, and vulnera-
ple. Yet implementation is incomplete ble beneficiaries and their families, identi-
and unpredictable, due to lack of fund- fied by the National Social Registry in rural
ing, poor targeting, undefined eligibility areas and the Rapid Response Registry in
criteria, lack of monitoring and evalua- urban areas - registries without which the
tion (M&E) systems, and absence of a idea of targeted cash transfers and social
management information system (Bertoni protection in a broader sense could not
et al., 2016). Cash transfers are primarily materialize.
implemented at the state level, with low
overall reach and limited results from eval- International cooperation around fossil fu-
uations. els subsidy removal can follow different
paths, from awareness raising, and ex-
The Buhari government that took power perience sharing to budget support. An
following the 2015 presidential election initiative worth mentioning is the inclu-

Climate Inequality Report 2023: Tackling Climate Inequalities

sion of fossil fuel subsidy reform in an mate Change has eliminated their con-
ad hoc trade and sustainability agree- cerns, so that adaptation has become a
ment. Launched in 2019 at the ini- core component of developing countries
tiative of New Zealand, the Agreement climate strategies, as reflected by their
on Climate Change, Trade and Sustain- nationally-determined contributions.
ability (ACCTS) aims at, inter alia, using
trade rules to phase out fossil fuel subsi-
An inherent difficulty in adaptation fund-
dies among the parties to the agreement, ing is the issue of uncertainty. As re-
namely New Zealand, Costa Rica, Fiji, Ice-called by R. G. Wood (2011) "Not only is
land, Norway, and Switzerland. It com- there uncertainty due to the complexity
plements another initiative launched by of the climate system and challenges in
New Zealand a few years earlier, when modelling it, impacts will depend heav-
it established an informal "Friends" groupily on their interactions with highly com-
of non-G20 countries to encourage G20 plex ecological and socio-economic sys-
and APEC leaders to act on their com- tems". In the case of smallholder farm-
mitments to phase out inefficient fossil fuel
ers, Wood warns, the impacts of climate
subsidies as soon as possible. Current change are extremely difficult to predict.
members of the Friends of Fossil Fuel Sub-The supply of market-based insurance ser-
sidy Reform (FFFSR) are Costa Rica, Den- vices is all but unlikely, due to this un-
mark, Ethiopia, Finland, New Zealand, certainty. On the demand side, those
Norway, Uruguay, Sweden, and Switzer- most vulnerable to climate change are
land. Broadening the country member- invariably threatened by a whole range
ship of ACCTS and FFSR to include other of problems, including immediate ones
developing countries would be a step in such as hunger, disease, conflict, and
the right (low-carbon) direction. price fluctuations, that overshadow con-
siderations about the longer-term issues of
Building adaptive social protection sys- adaptation, and eventually depress their
tems willingness to pay for adaption services.
This is the classic situation of a market fail-
In the face of the looming climate cri- ure.
sis and delayed collective action, UN-
FCCC parties strengthened the adapta- In developing countries, uncertainty
tion agenda in the early 2010s, regard- about long-term climate impacts is but
ing as plausible scenarios of tempera- one of the many uncertainties that poor
ture increases exceeding 2◦ C during this people face in a context where market
century. The Paris Agreement on Cli- incompleteness is more the rule than the

Climate Inequality Report 2023: Tackling Climate Inequalities

exception. R. G. Wood (2011): "Climate cilitating changes in economic activities

change presents social policy with a dual by relaxing liquidity constraints, improv-
challenge.[...] Building and extending ing natural resource management, and
safety nets in areas which currently lack building local economies. The question is
them and where climate change is likely no longer "Are cash transfers good for the
to increase stresses, whilst simultaneously poor?" but "Is there a role for cash transfers
promoting transformative interventions in building resilience to climate change?"
which reduce the marginalization of the and the answers in the literature seem to
most vulnerable and increase their long- lean towards "yes".
term adaptive capacity".

Most social protection programs de-

Cash transfers rank among the means signed to address the impacts of climate
most favoured by governments and change are found in South Asia and East
donors to address the multiple causes of Africa (Asfaw, Davis, et al. (2014), Asfaw,
vulnerability. Although the exact contri- Carraro, et al. (2017))). In Sub-Saharan
bution of cash transfers to poverty reduc- Africa, the exceptions are Zambia and
tion or livelihood transformation depends Ethiopia. In Ethiopia, climate risk adap-
on the local and institutional settings, tation and social protection have been
and hence remains an empirical ques- combined through the national Produc-
tion, it seems positive across the projects tive Safety Net Program (PSNP), which has
examined to date (Asfaw, Davis, et al., increased the food calorie intake of ben-
2014, Bastagli et al., 2016, Daidone et al. eficiaries to almost 30% more than non-
(2015)). beneficiary households (Id.). In Zambia,
Lawlor, Handa, and Seidenfeld (2015)
Cash transfers are a privileged option investigated whether cash transfers al-
for what is now labelled "adaptive so- low households facing climate and other
cial protection" (ASP) to cope with cri- negative shocks to avoid negative cop-
sis and build resilience against a wide ing strategies that lead to a poverty
range of uncertainties. ASP goes one trap. Using a randomized roll-out of
step further than classical social protec- the Zambian Child Grant Program and
tion programs by helping to ensure that 2,515 households to estimate the impact,
the latter’s crucial human capital invest- they found that in the event of shocks,
ments are not undermined by crisis or cash payments increase the resilience
shock (World Bank, 2018, Rutkowski, 2018). of poor households. Giving credence
ASP can help build resilience to climate to these findings, Asfaw, Carraro, et al.
change by increasing human capital, fa- (2017) also present significant evidence

Climate Inequality Report 2023: Tackling Climate Inequalities

that cash transfers in Zambia have mit- accumulation model. Meadowcroft de-
igated the negative impacts of climate fines the eco-state as "government pro-
events. This all suggests that cash trans- grams dedicated to controlling environ-
fers are an effective policy option for pro- mental impacts and adjusting patterns
moting climate-resilient development. In of socio/ecological interaction to avoid
Nigeria, humanitarian and development ecological risks and enhance ecological
organizations intervening in the poorest values" (Meadowcroft, 2005).
and most vulnerable states of the fed-
eration have developed incomparable
The rationale for transforming the welfare
knowledge on cash transfer programs via
state into an eco-state lies in the need
vouchers, direct cash, and mobile money
to manage the environmental risks com-
(ICRC (2018), Sossouvi (2018)). Global
ing on top of the inter-temporal unin-
warming could affect the efficacy and
surable risks and other market failures
magnitude of these programs in states
that are mitigated by welfare states pro-
prone to humanitarian crises. Put another
grams. As Koch and Fritz (2014) argue,
way, development programs and policies
"not only will social policies need to ad-
targeting the SDGs could learn much from
dress the inequalities and conflicts that
the humanitarian aid community for the
are likely to emerge in the transition to-
design of resilient social transfer programs
wards more sustainable production and
and registries in the context of uncon-
consumption patterns, it will also be in-
trolled global warming.
creasingly necessary to formulate them
in ways that create synergy with envi-
ronmental goals and that are accept-
3.4. Towards an ecological wel- able to the electorate". They deduce
that welfare states, and particularly so-
fare state
cial democratic welfare states, follow-
ing the typology proposed by Esping-
The contrasting cases of Indonesia and Andersen (1990), are promising candi-
Nigeria are telling about the challenges dates because of their track records
of crafting and reforming welfare state on social risk-management mechanisms,
regimes to address climate change in- conflict resolution, and fair income and
equalities. Debate on the emergence of wealth distributions. Hence, Gough et
a green welfare state or "eco-state" dates al. (2008) argue that "social democratic
back to the late 1980s, with the con- welfare states have been pioneers in de-
flation of rising environmental alarm and veloping comprehensive environmental
the crisis of the welfare state and Fordist policies, including climate change miti-

Climate Inequality Report 2023: Tackling Climate Inequalities

gation", judging that this edge could be fare regimes in developing countries
sustained. Gough et al. (2008) arrive to include climate inequality variables.
at the provisional conclusion that "social- Through a cluster analysis (i.e. a statistical
democratic welfare states (. . .) are bettermethod to identify similarities and differ-
placed to handle the intersection of so- ences between elements of a set), eco-
cial policy and climate change than the states are classified along three dimen-
more liberal market economies with more sions: public spending on health and ed-
rudimentary welfare states". ucation as a share of GDP, the top 10%
to bottom 50% income ratio, and the en-
Two theoretical arguments underpin the vironment protection index (EPI). Draw-
hypothesis of a synergy between social- ing on data from 84 developing countries,
democratic welfare regimes and eco- four groups emerge.
states. The first is that the changing cli-
• A first group of countries displays
mate, adaptive responses to it, and mit-
high state expenditure on health
igation efforts create winners and losers,
and education, a high degree of
so that "an array of policy measures may
inequality, and high environmental
be needed to cushion shocks imposed on
performance. This first group out-
specific societal sectors" (Meadowcroft,
performs the others on the environ-
2005). Second, in countries with lower in-
ment criterion. This group is labelled
come inequalities and energy poverty, it
as "Unequal Eco-states" for their high
should be easier to tax and curb energy
level of inequality.
consumption because of less regressive
and perverse distributive effects. • A second group comprises coun-
tries with low state expenditure on
The synergy hypothesis lacks empirical health and education, high income
grounding however. The possibility of inequality, and medium-high envi-
competition, clashes and conflicts is em- ronment protection. Income in-
phasized by environmental economists equality in this group far exceeds in-
such as P. Victor and Rosenbluth (2009), come inequality in the other groups.
T. Jackson (2016), and Bailey (2015). The This group is labelled as "Super Un-
literature suggests that there is no "auto- equal Eco-states".
matic" emergence of the eco-state out of • A third group of countries is charac-
existing welfare institutions. terized by low-to-medium state ex-
penditure on health and education,
Voituriez (2020) expands G. Wood and low income inequality, and medium
Gough (2006) pioneer typology on wel- environmental performance. This

Climate Inequality Report 2023: Tackling Climate Inequalities

is the group with the lowest in- ing economies into emerging eco-states
come inequality. This group is la- will be critical for the global achievement
belled as "Balanced Eco-states" for of sustainability goals and the Paris Agree-
their medium performance across ment on Climate change.
the whole set of criteria.

• A fourth group comprises countries

with the lowest state expenditure on 3.5. Summary: An inequality
health and education, the lowest check for climate & devel-
EPI, and medium inequality level.
opment policies
The poor performance on the so-
cial and environmental criteria mer-
its this group the label "Insecure Eco- At a domestic level, the need to take into
states", with reference to Wood and account the distributive effects (intended
Gough’s (2006) typology (Appendix or unintended) of climate or climate-
Figure A.2). related policies has been documented
for mitigation and adaptation measures
over the last two decades. On the miti-
Insecure eco-states differ strikingly from gation side, research has particularly fo-
"insecure" country regimes in G. Wood cused on the carbon tax and its pos-
and Gough (2006). Their category of sible negative effects among those at
insecure welfare regimes encompassed the bottom of the income distribution -
Sub-Saharan African countries almost ex- comparing the isolated successful case
clusively, while here, Sub-Saharan African of Sweden with other countries, in partic-
countries and low-income countries more ular large ones where the carbon tax was
broadly are spread across the four groups. a decided failure (Andersen, 2019, Criqui,
Large emerging economies are to be Jaccard, and Sterner, 2019, Sénit, 2012,
found in the Insecure Eco-states group: Sterner, 2020). One of the general con-
Bangladesh, India, Indonesia, Nigeria, clusions in this research is that any carbon
Pakistan, the Philippines. Most of the tax should be embedded in a wider set
world’s poor live in these middle-income of policies that includes reform of the in-
countries, which face the daunting task come tax system and of environmentally
of reducing inequality at the bottom of harmful subsidies, so that citizens regain
the distribution while mitigating environ- trust in fiscal justice. The removal of fos-
mental risks associated with growth-led sil fuel subsidies is another form of "carbon
poverty reduction strategies. Whether taxation", and the evidence is mounting
they succeed in transforming from emerg- that compensating the losers, and a cer-

Climate Inequality Report 2023: Tackling Climate Inequalities

tain degree of trust in the governments the different components of a given de-
capacity to redistribute fairly the amounts velopment policy in the columns of the
saved, are crucial to its success. Lessons matrix (supply, access, scale-up), and in
were learned as much from the isolated the rows (the target groups or beneficia-
success cases as from the failures. ries, either intended or unintended).
We use the classifications bottom 50%,
On the adaptation side, the literature fo- middle 40%, top 10% and top 1% as an
cuses on the unintended consequences example. Others can be envisaged, de-
of policies and projects, on both cli- pending on the particular objective of
mate and social accounts - the con- the policy or project and available data.
cept of "maladaptation" has become a
widespread way to describe these un- One possible virtue of these matrices is
intended consequences (Eriksen et al., that they could spark awareness of some
2021, Magnan et al., 2016). inequality effects that would have been
ignored otherwise, as it covers the full
spectrum of the income distribution. Thus,
A case-by-case approach seems in-
empty cells would reveal as much as
evitable, as the inequality dimensions of
full ones, pinpointing some unknowns in
mitigation and adaptation policies and
the distributional consequences of cli-
projects are context-dependent and vary
mate action. A second virtue is that it
from country to country. However, this
could be used as a framework to structure
does not prevent investigation of the dis-
and compare experience among donors
tributional consequences of climate ac-
across different countries and sector/poli-
tion and sustainable development poli-
cies, facilitating the process of learning-
cies. Providing answers to a question such
as "who are the target beneficiaries?" for
a given policy, and splitting these benefi-
ciaries among income groups, is becom-
ing easier as the quality and availability of
data on economic inequalities increases.

To illustrate, we provide possible answers

to this question in the case of an imag-
inary sustainable energy program (Fig-
ure 40) and food policy (Figure 41).
The "inequality-check matrix" displayed in
these two tables enables us to distinguish

Climate Inequality Report 2023: Tackling Climate Inequalities

What kind of climate policy?

Decarbonize energy- Increase decarbonized Switch in energy end-uses
supply energy access (building, transport, industry)

Industrial policy: Public Develop public transport systems:

Public investments in low-
investment in renewables low-carbon BRT, rail, car-sharing
carbon energy access
Bottom (on or off-grid); Social strategies; energy retrofitting in
(e.g. clean cookstoves,
50% protection: increased social housing; cash-transfer to
zero-carbon social
transfers to workers compensate increase in fossil
affected by the transition energy prices

Same as above + Financial Subsidies for new housing Same as above; stricker
Which social incentives to encourage construction; buildings regulations and taxes on polluting
group is middle-class investments in energy regulation; purchases (SUVs, air tickets);
targetted? low-carbon energy. Bans penalty/bans on sales of subsidies on low-carbon
on new fossil investments. inefficient housing alternatives (elec. vehicles).

Wealth or corporate taxes Strict regulation on polluting

with pollution top-up to Wealth or corporate taxes purchases (SUVs, air tickets);
Top 10% & finance the above & with pollution top-up (see wealth or corporate taxes with
Top 1% accelerate divestment from left); fossil fuel subsidy pollution top-up (see left); carbon
fossils; Bans on new fossils removal cards to track & cap high personal
investments carbon footprints

Figure 40: Inequality check for climate policies

Notes: Authors, inspired by Rodrik and Stantcheva (2021).

What kind of food policy in a context of rising and volatile prices?

Increase access to Scale-up & stabilize supply and
Climate-proof food supply
sustainable food access

Cash transfers
Public investment in rural transport, irrigation and Establish disaster risks and early
water management systems warning mechanisms
Self-targeted food-for-work
Agriculture public development banks to provide Protect strategic seeds reserves
Bottom loans to the most in need Support water harvesting and
Food aid
50% Price support for agro-ecological practices conservation
Targeted consumer subsidies
Self-targeted input subsidies Develop indicators and evidence-based
(short term)
Warehouse receipt financing early action triggers
Strategic reserves
Managing transboundary animal and plant diseases

Import tariff cut

Which social Same as above + first loss in climate-proofed VAT cut Same as above + Support farm and off-
group is blended finance vehicles; incentives to invest in Consumer subsidy farm diversification (benefit also the
targetted? climate-resilient agriculture (benefit also the above, but not above but not targeted to them)
targeted to them)

Market-based risk management systems

Increase insurance cover against extreme events Permanent excess profit tax,
Top 10% & Wealth or corporate taxes with pollution
(benefit also the above but not targeted to them) windfall profit tax to finance the
Top 1% top-up to finance the above
Wealth or corporate taxes with pollution top-up to above
finance the above

Figure 41: Inequality check for food and agricultural policies

Notes: Authors, inspired by Rodrik and Stantcheva, 2021.

Climate Inequality Report 2023: Tackling Climate Inequalities

economic inequality as well as GHG

Summary recommendations
pollution, impacts and exposure.
Current public statistics on the mat-
This report has discussed a set of policies ter remain incomplete and lag be-
intended to boost the adaptive capac- hind the publication of other eco-
ity of the most affected and vulnerable nomic indicators. Significant re-
populations (through funding and direct sources should be invested in the
interventions in particular in LMICs), delin- production of distributional environ-
eate equitable mitigation strategies, and mental statistics in all countries.
facilitate the construction of ecological
welfare states. In this light, the following
policy interventions appear to be promis- Inequality and policy design
ing points of departure for future develop-
ment: • Based on recent policy proposals
and developments, the report has
Inequality, measurement, and evaluation shown that climate change inequal-
ities can already be reduced via
• The first main take-away of this re- good policy design, i.e. design that
port is the need to further main- explicitly focuses on distributional im-
stream distributional analysis in cli- pacts. The removal of fossil fuel sub-
mate adaptation and mitigation sidies, for example, has been largely
policies, finance programs around debated and supported over the
the world (in low, middle and high- past decade but a lot of work re-
income countries). The report pro- mains in this domain. It could free up
vides an inequality-check matrix for considerable resources for more so-
climate policies, which can help cially targeted adaptive measures.
project developers and policymak- Successful examples, such as the
ers develop their own distributional gradual removal of fossil subsidies
impact indicators and evaluate their in Indonesia, show that when ac-
policies. companied by directed social re-
forms and assistance to low-income
• To better integrate inequality con- households, possible fuel price hikes
cerns and adaptation and mitiga- do not necessarily result in welfare
tion policies, better distributional losses for the poor.
data is paramount. This report
provides some evidence about • In addition, the report shows that
the interactions between socio- targeted cash transfers appear to

Climate Inequality Report 2023: Tackling Climate Inequalities

be one of the most robust instru- actors who benefit most from eco-
ments for reducing climate-related nomic exchanges contribute a sig-
inequalities immediately following nificant share of taxes.
climate disasters, but have also
• To this end, we show that relatively
been shown to be an effective
modest progressive taxes on wealth
measure for climate-resilient devel-
ownership could yield hundreds of
billions of dollars of tax revenues ev-
• More generally, ensuring universal ery year given the very high level
access to clean energy, health care, of wealth concentration. High in-
and education must be unambigu- come countries willing to contribute
ous objectives of any green devel- to global "Loss and Damage" funds
opment agenda. In other words, as well as global adaptation or mit-
combating climate inequalities nec- igation funds should start from such
essarily goes through development taxes. A "1.5% for 1.5řC" progres-
and strengthening of the social state sive tax on extreme wealth (indi-
(in rich and poor countries). viduals owning over US$100 million
would raise about US$295 billion per
year, more than enough to fill the
current adaptation gap as reported
Inequality and financing by the United Nations Environmental
• Financing the cash transfers and
public investments needed to • Strengthening the position of LMICs
strengthen social policies requires in the context of the overhaul of
additional tax resources for govern- multinational taxation also seems
ments. To this end, high-income necessary. The report shows that
countries must live up to their LMICs will not benefit much from
pledges and further raise interna- the recently proposed multinational
tional development aid. taxation rules (discussed under the
aegis of the OECD). But currently un-
• International aid will not be suffi-
dertaxed global multinational prof-
cient to foster the development of
its could become a sustainable rev-
ecological social states, however.
enue source for LMICs should alter-
Profound transformations of interna-
native profit allocation rules be dis-
tional and national tax regimes will
cussed and implemented.
be necessary to increase the overall
progressivity of taxes and ensure that • In addition to an overhaul of the in-

Climate Inequality Report 2023: Tackling Climate Inequalities

ternational tax regime, national tax class.

systems in LMICs and high-income
• Finally, more sectoral measures are
countries should also be modern-
indeed possible to fund adaptation
ized. Many countries still lack pro-
and mitigation without hurting low-
gressive capital income taxes, top
and middle-income groups dispro-
inheritance taxes and progressive
portionately. These include the ex-
wealth taxes which could generate
cess profit taxes currently being de-
significant revenues to accompany
bated, as well as proposals in favour
vulnerable groups, without hurting
of levies on air passenger travel and
economic growth or the middle
commercial maritime transport.

Climate Inequality Report 2023: Appendix


Figure A.1: Carbon Footprint by Emitter Groups based on Bruckner et al. (2022)

Notes: Although based on a different methodology, the results put forward by Bruckner et al. (2022)
confirm the general picture shown in Figure 3, i.e. a strong concentration of carbon emissions at the
top of the distribution and a comparatively small carbon footprint for the bottom half of the global
population. Sources: Bruckner et al. (2022)

Climate Inequality Report 2023: Appendix

Figure A.2: Typology of Ecostates

Note: Multivariate analysis, k-means clustering, 98 developing countries

Notes: A k-means cluster analysis of 98 developing countries identifies four broad types of ecostates
based on the degree of economic inequality, public spending on health and education and environ-
mental performance according to the environmental protection index (EPI). Sources: Voituriez (2020).

Climate Inequality Report 2023: Appendix

Figure A.3: Per capita emissions of tCO2e/year by population group in developing countries

Notes: The patterns of carbon inequality vary across LMICs. While in some of the poorest countries
almost the entire population emits negligible amounts of greenhouse gases, the elites in countries such
as India or Colombia make significant carbon footprints. Modelled estimates based on the systematic
combination of household surveys, tax data, and environmental input-output tables. Emissions include
footprints associated with consumption and investments. Values also take into account the carbon
embedded in international trade. Sources: Chancel (2022).

Climate Inequality Report 2023: Appendix

Figure A.4: Per capita emissions of tCO2e by population group in China and the US, 2019

Notes: Inequality patterns also vary across high-emitting countries such as China and the US. In China,
high average emissions are largely driven by the top 10% of income earners while the poorer half of the
population has a negligible carbon footprint. In the US, the entire population exhibits comparatively
high per capita emissions by global standards, yet, the top 10% stand out as having the largest carbon
footprint in the world by a wide margin. Modelled estimates based on the systematic combination
of household surveys, tax data, and environmental input-output tables. Emissions include footprints
associated to consumption and investments. Values also take into account the carbon embedded in
international trade. Sources: Chancel, 2022.

Climate Inequality Report 2023: Appendix

Appendix notes to figure 29 that these estimates try to avoid one of

the many caveats of studies measuring
In this figure, we use country-level GDP the cost of climate change. In particu-
losses (in 2030 and relative to a world with- lar, studies often measure costs in abso-
out climate change) from Burke, Hsiang, lute monetary terms, and end-up giving
and Miguel, 2015. We attribute, to each much more weight to losses occurring in
emitter group within each country, a per the Global North. In the graph presented
capita percentage income loss score. To here, what matters is the relative loss (in %)
take into account within-country inequal- as compared to individuals’ income with-
ity, we assume that the bottom 40% of out climate change, so we try to net out
the distribution is 20% more exposed to this effect.
losses than the average population in a It should also be noted that the global
given country. We view this assumption groups presented on the graph are the
as a conservative estimate based on re- same when looking at losses and emis-
cent studies (see Hallegatte and Rozen- sions (more precisely: the bottom 50% of
berg, 2017 in Figure 26, who find that the distribution of losses is constructed in
the bottom 40% is 70% more exposed a way that it is exactly the same group as
than the average). The sum of these the bottom 50% of emitters). This is not the
loss scores, weighted by population, gives case for the distribution of wealth hold-
a total global relative income loss bur- ers (more precisely: the bottom 50% of
den, which is distributed across groups this group is not exactly the same as the
of emitters within each country, making bottom 50% of emitters and loss bearers).
it possible to recover a global distribu- Although work needs to be done to fully
tion of relative income losses. These es- reconcile this kind of datasets, the levels
timates of the global inequality in income of inequality observed will be very simi-
losses should be interpreted with great lar. We can assert, with a high degree of
care given the stylized approach taken confidence, that top 10% emitters, are re-
to construct them. They nonetheless pro- sponsible for a disproportionate share of
vide a useful representation of the large emissions and at the same time hold an
global inequality in climate change im- even higher share of global wealth.
pacts found in the literature. We stress

Climate Inequality Report 2023: Appendix

Figure A.5: Total climate funding needs in developing countries by 2030 vs. current finance
flows and wealth tax revenues

Notes: The graph shows total annual additional climate funding needs in Low and Middle income
countries excluding China by 2030, vs. revenues from a global progressive wealth tax on the top 0.1%
(starting at a 1.5% marginal tax rate on net wealth over $5m and up to 5% on net wealth owned over
$100bn). Sources: Authors based on, Songwe, Stern, and Bhattacharya (2022) and OECD

Climate Inequality Report 2023: Appendix

Figure A.6: Annual climate funding needs

Notes: The graph shows annual climate finance needs across different categories. % of world GDP
figures based on current world GDP. Sources: Authors based on Songwe, Stern, and Bhattacharya
(2022), OECD (2022) and Naran et al. (2022).

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