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Brazilian, 27 years old (10/01/96)

Maycon Gustavo Maia da Silva CPF (BRA) 174.250.567-80

Adress:Rua josé pinto coelho Nº 18,
Resende, Rio de Janeiro– Brasil
Zip code: 27537010
Driver license: AB(Car and motorcicle)
Tel :(24) 988274756 (11)958321091


 Effective communication
 Identifying best practices
 Managing multiple projects
 Time management


 Student of business administration: (6º period of the course.)

 Office: PowerPoint, Excel, Word and network maintenance.


 English advanced (Brasas Resende-RJ)

 Spanish: intermediary

Profissional Experience:
 Bank Mercantil do Brasil
Position: Clerk
Period : 14/04/2019 – 29/02/2021
Attending people and selling financial products .

 Night club R6
Position: Barman

Period: 02/06/2021 – 20/09/2022

Attending people preparing drinks and cleaning the bar.

 Complementary activities
volunteer intership to mexico (During: 7 weeks.)

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