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1.3 Exercises
Exercise 1.1. A mild steel column is hollow and circular in cross section
with an outside diameter of 380 mm and an inside diameter of 320 mm.
It carries a compressive axial load of 1800 kN . Determine the direct stress
in the column and the shortening of the column if its initial height is 4 m.
Assume E = 200 GP a.

Answer. σ = −54.6 N/mm2 , δL = 1.09 mm

Exercise 1.2. A bar ABC has two different cross–sectional areas and is
loaded by an axial force P as shown in Fig. 1.12. Parts AB and BC are
circular in cross-section with diameters 40 mm and 30 mm, respectively. If
the normal stress in AB is 36 M P a, what is the normal stress in BC?

Figure 1.12: Stepped bar loaded with axial force

Answer. σ = 64 M P a

Exercise 1.3. A prismatic bar is loaded in tension by axial forces. The ratio
of unit volume change to the unit change in cross sectional area is found to
be − 45 . Determine the Poisson’s ratio υ for the material.

Answer. 5/18

Exercise 1.4. A column 4 m high has a solid circular x–section and carries
an axial compressive load of 8, 000 kN . The direct stress in the column is
limited to 160 N/mm2 , Young’s modulus E = 200 GP a and Poisson’s ratio
υ = 0.3.

(a) Determine the minimum allowable diameter

(b) Calculate the shortening of the column due to this load

(c) Determine the increase in its diameter

Answer. d = 252.3 mm, δL = 3.2 mm, δd = 0.061 mm


Exercise 1.5. The steel bar ABC shown in Fig. 1.13 is of circular cross-
section and transmits an axial tensile force P such that the total change in
length is 0.5 mm. The total length of the bar is 1.5 m, AB being 900 mm
long and 20 mm diameter and BC being 600 mm long and 15 mm diameter.
Assuming Young’s modulus E = 210 GP a and Poisson’s ratio υ = 0.3,
determine for parts AB and BC;
(a) the change in length

(b) the change in diameter

Figure 1.13: Stepped bar subjected to an axial tensile load

Answer. δLAB = 2.288 × 10−4 m, δLBC = 2.712 × 10−4 m, δdAB =

1.525 × 10−6 m, δdBC = 2.034 × 10−6 m
Exercise 1.6. A steel bar, 330 mm long and 20 mm diameter, is turned
down at one end up to 16 mm diameter for a length of 100 mm and then
placed between two stops as shown in Fig. 1.14. Determine the stresses in
the two parts of the rod, when the distance between the stops is reduced by
0.15 mm. Assume Esteel = 200 GP a.

Figure 1.14: Stepped bar held between two stops

Answer. σAB = −77.67 M P a, σBC = −121.36 M P a


Exercise 1.7. The bar ABCD shown in Fig. 1.15 consists of three sections:
AB is 25 mm square and 50 mm long, BC is 20 mm diameter and 40 mm
long, and CD is 12 mm diameter and 50 mm long. Determine the stresses
set up in each section of the bar when it is subjected to an axial tensile load
of 20 kN . Determine also the total extension of the bar under this load. For
the bar material, assume E = 210 GP a.

Figure 1.15: Stepped bar held between two stops

Answer. σAB = 32 M P a, σBC = 63.7 M P a, σCD = 176.8 M P a, δL =

0.0618 mm

Exercise 1.8. The test data shown in Table 1.1 was obtained from a tensile
test of a high strength steel. The initial specimen diameter was 13 mm and
the gauge length was 50 mm. The elongation between the gauge marks at
fracture was 10.7 mm, and the minimum diameter at fracture was 9.4 mm.
Plot the nominal (Engineering) stress-strain curve for the steel and deter-

(a) Proportional limit

(b) Modulus of elasticity

(c) 0.1 percent proof stress

(d) Ultimate tensile strength

(e) Percent elongation

(f ) Percent reduction of area

(Adopted from Reference 2)

Answer. 485 M P a, 220 GP a, 520 M P a, 955 M P a, 21 percent, 48 percent.


Table 1.1: Load-extension data from a tensile test

Load (kN) Elongation (mm)

5 0.005
10 0.015
30 0.048
50 0.084
60 0.102
64.5 0.109
67.0 0.119
68.0 0.137
69.0 0.160
70.0 0.229
72.0 0.300
76.0 0.424
84.0 0.668
92.0 0.965
100.0 1.288
112.0 2.814
127.0 Fracture

Exercise 1.9. A cylinder with a sealed cover plate fastened with steel bolts
contains a gas under pressure P as shown in Fig. 1.16. The diameter of the
bolts db = 10 mm and the allowable tensile stress in the bolts is 80 M P a.
If the inside diameter D of the cylinder is 240 mm and the pressure P =
2 M P a, establish the number of bolts needed to fasten the cover.

Answer. n = 15
Exercise 1.10. A punch of diameter 22 mm is used to punch a hole in a
9 mm steel plate as shown in Fig. 1.17. A force of P = 130 kN is required.
Calculate the average shear stress in the plate and the average compressive
stress in the punch.

Answer. τaver = 209 M P a, σaver = 342 M P a

Exercise 1.11. A flat bar 50 mm wide and 6 mm thick is subjected to a load
P as shown in Fig. 1.18. A hole of diameter d is drilled through the bar to
provide for a pin support. The allowable tensile stress on the net cross section
of the bar is 145 M P a and the allowable shear stress in the pin is 85 M P a.
Determine the pin diameter d for which the load P will be a maximum.

Figure 1.16: Cylinder with sealed cover plate

Figure 1.17: Punch and steel plate

Figure 1.18: Flat bar subjected to a load P

Answer. d = 15.1 mm

Exercise 1.12. The block of aluminium shown in Fig. 1.19 has dimensions
as follows: a = 125 mm, b = 100 mm and c = 75 mm. It is subjected to
triaxial stresses σx = 75 M P a, σy = −35 M P a and σz = −10 M P a acting
on the x, y and z faces/directions, respectively. Assuming Poisson’s ratio
υ = 1/3 and elastic modulus E = 70 GP a, calculate:

(a) The changes in the dimensions of the block (δa, δb and δc)

(b) The change in volume δV .

Figure 1.19: Aluminium block subjected to tri-axial stresses

Answer. δa = 0.1607 mm, δb = −0.08095 mm, δc = −0.0250 mm, δV =

133.93 mm3

Exercise 1.13. A rectangular bar shown in Fig. 1.20 of 50 mm × 25 mm

cross–section and 125 mm long carries a tensile load of 100 kN along its
length, a compressive load of 1 M N on its 50 mm × 125 mm faces and a
tensile load of 400 kN on its 25 mm × 125 mm faces. The bar is made of
steel where E = 210 GP a and υ = 0.3. Determine:

(a) The strains εx , εy and εz in the x, y, and z directions, respectively.

(b) The change in volume of the bar.

(c) The increase required in the 1 M N load to produce no change in volume

(work from first principles)

Figure 1.20: Rectangular steel bar subjected to tri-axial stresses

Answer. εx = 4.27×10−4 , εy = −10.59×10−4 , εz = 7.24×10−4 , δV =

+14.3 mm3 , δP = 0.3 M N

Exercise 1.14. (a) A rectangular block of dimensions dx, dy and dz is

subjected to axial compressive stresses σx , σy and σz in the x, y and z
directions, respectively. Assuming that Young’s modulus for the mate-
rial is E, Poisson’s ratio is υ, the original volume is Vo and the change
in volume is δV , show that the volumetric strain is given by the Equa-

δV (1 − 2υ)
= (σx + σy + σz )
Vo E

(b) A cube of material is subjected to a compressive stress on each of its

faces. If υ = 0.3, E = 200 GP a and the volume of the cube is reduced
by 0.15 percent;

(i) Calculate the value of the stress σ

(ii) Calculate the percentage reduction in length of one of the sides

Answer. 250 M P a, 0.05 percent

Exercise 1.15. A rubber cylinder A, diameter d, is compressed inside a steel

cylinder B by a force F as shown in Fig. 1.21.

(a) Obtain a formula for the lateral pressure p between the rubber and the
steel in terms of F , d, and Poisson’s ratio υ for the rubber. Neglect any
friction between the rubber and the steel and assume the steel cylinder
is rigid.

(b) Calculate the pressure P if F = 5 kN , d = 60 mm and υ = 0.48

P = , 1.63 M P a
(1 − υ)πd2

Figure 1.21: Rectangular steel bar subjected to tri-axial stresses

Exercise 1.16. A steel column is 2.5 m high and has a hollow circular
cross–section. The external diameter is 320 mm and it carries an axial load
of 4800 kN . If the stress in the column is limited to 180 M P a and the
shortening of the column under load must not exceed 1.5 mm, calculate the
maximum allowable internal diameter. Assume E = 200 GP a.

Answer. 226.9 mm

Further Reading
1. Case, J. et al. Strength of materials and structures, 4th ed., Arnold,
London, 1999.

2. Gere, J. M. and Timoshenko, S. P. Mechanics of Materials, 3rd ed.,

Chapman & Hall, London, 1993.

3. Rajput, R. K. Strength of Materials [Mechanics of Solids], Multicolour

illustrative revised Edition, S Chand & Company Ltd., New Delhi,

4. Beer, F. P. and Johnson,Jr. E. R. Mechanics of Materials, McGraw-Hill

Book Co., Singapore, 1985.

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