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ALSHAIR TRADING CORPORATION ‘Aden - Aden Taiz str ‘TEL:306770 FAX:306771 Ay Aa SL dae ow ks: gs TeV: Gad PeRVVa/PeV IO sce TONY eV REE TOY te ee oe Lise! gpl daa bine Chee oe Ha Ge) he oes a a 947.560] 947.560] Pee dehen gsr] 124029] 947.560] 947.560] Ge De bs A 124030] ‘868.600 868.600] ies lake pied se] 124031 2,304 490| 2304 495] Fm Ge DE ee] 128039] 1,253.430] 7,263.43 er Ok gb) 124033 947.560] 947.560] eae Gee i] 124034] 7,333.23] 7333.230 eats] 124035] 3,262.160| 3.262.160] Sa Soe gla ae] 124036] 33,308.830] 7,060.200| 32,248 630] Gm pal pls is] 124037| 5789.474 390.411] 5,399,060] Pen Cab DET Hal] 124038] 52,631.986| 333.000] _7,192.200| 45772768) RL SS TESTI | 124039] ces) 7,722.430| 7,722430| eae- SN ED Bestel] 124040] 4.794.030] 7,106.470| 3.687. 560]e 9 Wtial 91,50 5 Stel [124041 ‘82,400.00 82,400.000| ma pe ec] 124083] 7,821.429| 1,821.429[ 3m--( Ope] 124044] 2,205 836| 1,512.050| om = Se El 124045] 555.087 ‘379.487 Penn dae speed se) 128008 “485 000| Ga Gal) eb hb] 124087] 7,726.00] pe em) TaA08 3,500.000) eo SI = eee 124089] 35,582.172] 35,532.172| Tog je sans Ee pcp | 124050] eo 6.313.000] 6.313.000] er B= TH 10-g] 128051 1,146,000] 146.000, 8-(saaa) FUSE] 1250009 sl 4.400.000] 4,400.000| Pans fe Ye 3d asians] 4250034] 6.080.000] 080.000] Gono dn Ves Fae ges) 450085 6,080.000| 6,080.000| pee det gaa) 1250030] 276,044,980) 185 263.920} 461, 308.900] Tis: eee a SH] 21110005} 448 143.515) 447, 962.620] Diss = SH POTD] 1,885 853] 774,028.325| 775,020.256| Be Ge Se) 21770079 08/10/2023 GRA at meal: AD 32/48 15:58 ALSHAIR TRADING CORPORATION ‘Aden - Aden Taiz str ‘TEL:306770 FAX:306771 Ay Aa SL dae ow ks: gs TeV: Gad PeRVVa/PeV IO sce TONY eV REE TOY te ee oe Lise! gpl daa bine Gey bene, NE pd Gallia) gine) ae ney a a 84,598.800] 1,228,324.50] 927,684.50] |385,238.750| is | Gate hes x os) S S| 21110023] 635,532.839| 544,343.939] 91,188.90] Sad Aye 4S 2] 21110028] 1,096,933.79] 609,828.230] 1,596,252.25| 110,509.765| Vs 2s J] 21110037) 348,319.212] 857.276.5811) 1,122,243.79] 83,352.00] sel lta Jose ys! S54) 21110039] 487.427] 3,601,371.01] 3,374,308.99] |227,549.450| Ne Sy sS) ol = S54! 21110062! 627 288 G49] 433,163 250] 1,050,074 99 a76974 pb aS] 24710065] 35,601.072] 709,300.656] 744,901.728] 21110070! 1,963.520] 84,967.680] 83,004. 160] DIR > pee pHi 4S 2} 21110104] 94,329.005] 695,292,191] 744,774. 196] 44,847.00] SY - launisd loans! 21110119] 715,280.100| 782,634,400} 699, 162.500] [208 662.000] Gin cE 21110128] 60,672.44] 3,608,015.95]3,537,210.69] F126,47,600 SPREOTE SS PLETE) 187,716.298] 1,278,019.96] 1,425,985.51| 39,750.75] ses Je 9S 4) 21110141 5.775.750} 5.775.750! Ne e2 a sem 5} 21110146 34700.378) 64,700.275| Baoan Sa) 21170760] 1,7 14,673.66] 1,509,037.86| 775,635.800] Die oem SA) 21110768 1,150.500] 116,216.400] 117,366.900} Ye - eS Me 5 4] 21110176] 818,254.410| 818,254.410] Ns-usle ee ee 4) 21110177 165,412,800] 165,412.800] Ye Gel eS 4] 21110188) 31,942.00] 77,990.700 109,932.700] YU Ast os S54] 21110192] “4a6 245 050) 446,245 .050| Wa iS on oS 2) 21110104 "343,020. 808| 433,724,642] 776,764.50] Wis ead Oa SH] 21110195} 189,973.00) 189,973,000] Bis SSS SH 21110201 306,752.063] 945,730.225] 1,206,049.78| 46,432.50] Ne - WA ed se 21110207| den02023 gaa oat msl) a 33748 15:58 ALSHAIR TRADING CORPORATION ‘Aden - Aden Taiz str ‘TEL:306770 FAX:306771 Ay Aa SL dae ow ks: gs TeV: Gad PeRVVa/PeV IO sce Te ge VY Sg AE OY ey ope oe ised gpl Anal pal lee heey ome Sp Gk oe ew sa ‘887,577. 135] 869,011.000] 1,756,588.13] DNs aay see SH) 21110217] 383.500] 2,027 415.95] 1,503,678.45| 1524,127.000] Sine le Se] 2111022] 464.802] T27q] 487.530 sod Hel S] 21770228) 162,792.00] 525946.050] 688,738.050| Ds eT ST ga Se] 21110282] 324 A7Al 205,746 643) 205,767 909| 303.208] Wa- Sel gees 32) 21110233} 3,901.60] 978,020.570| 647,360.745| 134, 662.525] Ti es | 21110248 1,497,966 02] 4,195,595.22|5,348,621.29] [345,941,944] Tint Sa) 21110248 “4,203.793] 226234232] 230,438.025] We Sas] 21710260] 200,132.495| [200,132,495] Tis a8 dm Se] 21770263 17.110] 2863.50] 2,646,300] e- Spas) 21110270 4.218.500] ‘66 000 4.152.500] Was oe dat ase) 21110271 “401,816.250| 401,816.250| Be nS) BHTODTA| 2,653.407| 1,304, 904.34] 1,506,080 .39| 7.487.350 Diss ee os aap] 21110275] 579,697.792] 567,240.292] 12,487.50] Wa ag ae Se) 21770283 487.045] 315,548,730] 316,035.75] s+ tsd Jal gs 84] 21110287] 131,366.480] 131,366.480| Bis- gases 2) 217710288] 42834] 35.347| 3.640.480[ 3.809.477] a= gaa e} 21170200 79,884.929| 1,249.829] 78,636.100| Ne ote sca oe 15521 21110204 626.506) 24,217.147) 23,580.579| We 38 Ie Spa] 21110287] 402,902,500) 323,891 750| 79,010.750} n= es ow Spe] 21710298 3,195 214] 5,023, 107.73) 4,497 610.12] 1528 692.823] Bae Dad aly dee pa 277710300] 70,350.65] 6750.00] 116.940] 16 983.725] Ds LOSS 21710309) 265,315,395] 229.149.008| 36.166.387| ie Ge AS] 21710311 (624,960) 264 303.325) 262,061.248 2,867.037| Bs Se | 21110313] 767.345| 12.008| 755.340] eda) 21110921 357,586.00) 6,778.00] 1348 810.000] Be eS) 21032 08102023 GRA ae GD 34148 15:58 ALSHAIR TRADING CORPORATION ‘Aden - Aden Taiz str ‘TEL:306770 FAX:306771 Ay Aa SL dae ow ks: gs TeV: Gad PeRVVa/PeV IO sce TONY eV REE TOY te ee oe Lise! gpl daa bine Gey bene, NE pd Gallia) gine) ae ney ot sa 27,058.93] 1,115,051.10] 876,387.850] [265,722,250] Ws- gies Se) 21110831 “444 -630| 276 141.268] 228, 095.500] 50,490.39] Wea ewe Se] 21110337] 5.263.499) 382,184.380| 367,446.079| '20,007.800| a= STS] 21770338 256,246 369] 816 300.086] 1,015,921 45] 56 625.000] DS Doses SSI SH] 21110840) 125,204. 159] 7,063 606.22| 1, 168,810.38) In ao ool Se) 21770345] 125 .461.910] 125,467.910] Dn GBS] 27710347] 7,150.500| 718.000] 1,132,500] Wes as Be Se 21170848] 1,013,563 .00] 809,244 949] j20a 318.069] Wee Ses maw Sf 21770349] 7.289.120] 7,181, 710.80] 1, 182,999.92] Din ass) OT035 178 951.516] 178,951 518] De gia in SH] D103ED] 125,873 406] 264 345.526) 325,405.757| 64,812,975] Din= 98 Spa] 21110359] 2,181,624] 977,795.64] 971,777.101] 2206.48 Dis- ye Gee Se) TITIOSEH 153,017,766] 185,435,040) 128,472.206| }209,980.600| Ws ale Se) 21710355 181,243,634] 2,835.624| 178, 408.010] Din ASS S A] 21770387] 361,188,000] 361, 188.000] Sse sal hs] 21770358 469,990.75] 7.353.180] [462,637.575| Bis- gs FSA) 21110359] 6.919.030] 708.250| 6610780] GU = ede SA) 21110863] '65,195.000| 1,020.00] 64,176.000] Aa Ssuias [21110365] 753.400] 358 751.680) 298,527 480] [320,271.00] Win EEG gs Seal 21110308] '84,796.200] 164,796 .200| a= sal TSA 21170369] ‘397,687. 150] 1,655, 761.50] 1,680,877.34] 166571300, Ne- SeS ASS SE] 21710379 3.516.695] 55.020] 3.461.675] B= 35855 TESS] 21110871 375.838 100| 301.923.600| 73:914.500] Da- Ss ie SA] 211103753] 151 558.280] 129,844,800) 281,413.080| De oe Ss RSE] 211710875] '435,075.972| 981,444,062] 1,304,576.16| 117,943.650] Bis eS aS 21110377 59,987.317| 1.822.915.00| 1.666,309.46| [216.586.850| We eS) 21110378 feri02023 gual ae saah Gla pa 35/48 15:56 ALSHAIR TRADING CORPORATION ‘Aden - Aden Taiz str ‘TEL:306770 FAX:306771 Ay Aa SL dae woe kir ge TeV: Gad PeRVVa/PeV IO sce TONY eV REE TOY te ee oe Lise! gpl daa bine hey Gee ULES a ua) Gilkey Gees on oa 8.893.365] 403 841.127] 265,320.742] 147.413.7509 Ses pee Ss] 21110879} 182,795 275| 776 086.375) 958, 881.650| ie Geb] 21710381 ‘92,126 750) 2,126,750] Wiss salen Sa) 211038 325,756.00] 325, 786.000] Cet AS) 21170385 389,373,902} 473,738. 102| 175,638,600] Fis GE a Se) 2iTO6R “439, 108) 290 181.995] 290, 621.103] DR SiS Re aS] 21170800) 185.998] 33,999.96) 4,249.75] 29;563.913| Se a DAS] 21770302] 376.200] 1,154,429 .83] 995,956.65] 158,097.00 Sipe ST AS] 21710399 7228 900.000} 2,400.00] 1226 500.000] Bs ge Dm SA PTOI '82,654.900] 1,915, 262.59] 1,€24,208.33| 1373,739.156| SSD Slat Lae 52] 217110398 1,901, 157.89] 905,013. 264] 2,804 874.44] 1206719 Bis CS eb SA 21710305 136,224,000] 3,344.00] |132,880.000] Hs Selo )45 54] 21110400] 784,896.91] 659,925.536] F124, 977.375] in SER Sel IOAN 2.007.147) 45 531.250) 3,182.147| 44,356 250] Was Sl Ses Se TT 10403 “44 856.504) 259,914 420] 304,770.924] Besa Fe Se] 21770404 45,443,600] 1,496,520.75} 1,387,204.15| 63,873,000] SIS SATIS AISA] 21710408] 530,136,000] 433, 134.000] [106,002,000 pT NES] 21110408] 3,666.260] 761,247.046| 656,409.644 Hot.170.944 Din et ge Se) 21170409] 345,996,000} 201,036.00] F144,960.000 De IGS SSH) 21710470] 69545.000| 43,120,000] "26 425.000] Be Be a NS) OAT 669611.400} 538,332.00] 131,279.40 We ws eS) 211042 138.019] 1,050,926.21 652,509.600] [398.277.600| Vs -S9NN Sean S52) 21110473] 129,036 .070| 908 627.580] 1,007 463.85] 30,200.00] Ta- = S DTOATA| 370,580.629| 7,274.629| 363,306.00] Ys - Sysnch si sis ye! sats 454] 21110415] T1487 612| 1,648 650.71] 1,660, 136.32] a Up ee oe Syl 2ITI04TG| (8/0023 Gada mae Sand Ga pa 36/48 15:58 ALSHAIR TRADING CORPORATION ‘Aden - Aden Taiz str ‘TEL:306770 FAX:306771 Ay Aa SL dae ow ks: gs TeV: Gad PeRVVa/PeV IO sce TONY eV REE TOY te ee oe Lise! gpl daa bine hey cee LLNS GS Gtk Gee ol a ‘494 ,032.000] 484,032,000] Se- el a S] 21070477] 30,942.314] 783,868.96] 814.811.310] JVe-Hod lyst 4S 2] 21110418) "320,573. 716| 950,465 300] 1,271 43001 Ds aad BEL) TOAD 74,074.00) 71,074.00] in sa] 27710420] '931,242.650] 1,424,313.95| 2,355, 556.60 Sis basa S| 21110421 68,130,000] 68, 130.000] Fs a ES 21110429] (652,045,440) 652,045.40] Sn I eS 2110433) 713.320] 647,117.516| 841,230,835] Wa gd Gale Se) 21770424 622.673.363| 622,673.353| Da Gis Se WAS] 21710425] ‘494 ,673.600| 494,673.600| De eal 5 EN eS 2] 21770428 1,917.50] 510,989.20] 509,074.750| Ne 58 Ss SA] 21110427] 116 941.000] 1,081,606 72] 1,208,547 72] Was sl gon a) 27110828 '1,004,572.50] 635,614.000] 1,640, 286.50] s- se S -] 27710429 55,224.00] 72.000] 5.296.000] JY s- Osis ol 4S 52] 21110430] 221,918.700| 221,918,700] Biase NSP 110481 309,555.506| 309.555.505] Sas Bos SSA 21110432] 107, 236.260) 107,236,260] De eae Fe AY DITIOATS| 30,184.100) 30,194. 100] Fig eae Ie pl] 211708554 372.216.2010} 372,216 200] Wipe Sz Spa] 21710435] ‘608 148.000] 608, 148.000] Sis- SS as SA] 27710435] '384 000.000} 384,000.00] Dis. Gls SSE aie 2] 1710437] '952,875.000| 952,875.00] Tine Se) 277170438] o7er| 493,198.700| 493,197,933] is es Fe alse] 21710439] 958.750| 73415600) 74,374.350] Biase sale So] 21110440] 46.500] 5.489.000) 69,442,600] Dips oem sees) SATO 119,108.20] 119,108.220| We eae se) 21110889] 09102023 GRA, GD 37148 15:58 ALSHAIR TRADING CORPORATION ‘Aden - Aden Taiz str ‘TEL:306770 FAX:306771 Ay Aa SL dae ow ks: gs TeV: Gad PeRVVa/PeV IO sce TONY eV REE TOY te ee oe Lise! gpl daa bine Chee oe Ha Ge) he oes a sa 54,959,385] 54,959,385] JVs: be I NAS] 21110443) 182,710.906] 182,710.905| Biss is Sef 2171044 120,898.375| 120,898.375| Ws= ed SH] 21110466] 179,933 000] 179,833 000] Was sat Bian Sa) 21710407] 47,348.928| 47,348,928] Bee pe ey 21110448) 54, 156.000] 54,156,000] Sie Sp ae Spal 21110449] “47,824.00 “47,824.00 SSeS SE] TTOABY -42,000.000) 42,000.000| Pmt sews | 2112016 '64,973.200] 7,777,000.00|6,41,973.20| [200,000.000[ diy pe ate aT a8] 2112021 em] 0.400] 291,489 000] 201,488 600] Fimwdly-ssb op ps uaa sen] 2192023] 165,916,800] 164,960.800] 956.000, gam oo EIA] 2112029] 796.000| 196.009 Fm eae Sel 2112080] "205,000.000) 205, 000-000] Paw taba ga) 22S 6,290.000| 3,587, 960.00] 3,564,250 09| Fie Be Ae aes GE ae] 2772034 1,692,500.00] 1,692,500.00] Saas ea A LSAT 2112035 34,110.00] 118,500.00] 64,390.00] poems ge] 2112035] 7160,000.000] 160,000.00] Peo te cass) 2112087 532, 104.180] 532, 104.180] Bo ome Se) 2713001 1810824 .476| 17,617, 185 6| 123805750 47,435.100] Ps ae a AT 2413002] '577,530.000] 389,496,000] 188,034 000] Ania s assem Se) 2113005 7,933,304 89) 1,643,314 89] }290,080.000| ees alsa] 2113018) 7130,965.000] 130,965.00] pager] 2178025) 147,584.000| 366,393,000] 477,957,000] Be RE 2173027] 403,303.275| 1219,881.30] 1,623, 184 57| ee cn bse] 2113033] 12,064 995] 1,657,828.10] 1, 645,763.10] Gale de aa) 2113035 hen02023 GOs a a 38/48 15:56 ALSHAIR TRADING CORPORATION Fae) Ange ‘Aden - Aden Taiz str oe ks: os ‘TEL:306770 FAX:306771 TeV: Gad PeRVVa/PeV IO sce TONY eV REE TOY te ee oe Lise! gpl daa bine hey cee LLNS GS Gtk Gee ol a '92,170.000] £2,170.000] ehlaS- Se) 2173053 8.806.194] 8848 700| 42.506] AM aS seo ese] 2113060] “42,241 500) 42,241 500| Fale s dala] 2118081 517,694.403] 611 694.493] ee al PEA 2118068] 1, 159.200] 160,360.00] 160,558,680] 7.160.320 peer] 2115068] 35,588.450| 63670) '55,602.120] ee geal] 2173067] 7.717.995] 5,488, 136.00) 5,332,236 89| 163,.617.096| pe ase] 2113069] 68, 178.000] 68, 178.000 ast el 32 J4S2) 2113070] 7,016 250| 214 842.376) 281,058 625] pacts Sup D13074 193,970.280) 193,070.20] po eae Se] 2173082] 50,996.160) 50,996. 160] Be ae SE 2113085 61516460] 67,516.460] Be Say 2773087 31,560,000) 31,560.000] eid das] 2113088) 132552000 132,582.000] Bp MEISE Se) 2113089] ‘854 965,800) 854,965.800| po eit pl sae Se) 2113000 31,350,000) 31,350,000] = Hae sceal gas S 2] 2173091 74,760.00) 71,760.00] ao tae Se] 2173009] 02.028) 112,674.32) 113,177.250] po gh cat gS] 9118003 63 088.610) _63,099.610] Bea Se] 2118094] 36 650,700) 36,669.700] ae an ESE) 2113005 °227,700.000| 227,700.00] Boge Oe] sae] 21713006] 10,750.000| 210,942,753] 208,692,753] 13,000.000] pate ed co] 2174002] 1,316,746.38) 535,480.00] [781,265.359] se -eNS ET ea Boar] 214017 {694,722.380] 2,857, 763.96] 2,700,261.17| )852,245.204| DS 2114075 478,000.00] 598,565.514] 969,904 894 106 570.620] oom NS 2174024] 124,712.00) 124,712,000] SGM ESE SSE] 2114028) ene 16,380.952| 415,619,048] 432,000.00] ae] ea EN gin Se] 2174027 Geren Gada a a 39/48 15:56 ALSHAIR TRADING CORPORATION ‘Aden - Aden Taiz str ‘TEL:306770 FAX:306771 Ay Aa SL dae ow ks: gs TeV: Gad PeRVVa/PeV IO sce TONY eV REE TOY te ee oe Lise! gpl daa bine ea ror) ae 32,449,110] 39074069] 71,523.179] 2115140] 27:069.395) _27.069.395| 2H16141 23.487 54d) 23,487 54a] See EE easy oT5Ta 9053381) 9,053.35 er gaa ge Ia AEL 2115143) 720544.342) 20,544.382| Gaal sal geil a Ui SI-| 211514] | ‘273,507 293 2,211,017 58] 2, 195,300.13] j280,134.720| soa 59d bom 5} 21460008 791602325] 791,602.325] son uke SF] 21760005] 169,614.471| 1365.390| 2,674.837| 168 294.974] Be oe] 2117008] 7.124.760] 7,124,760] Yes oR S aD GSU Dal ems [2123001 ~g| 5 685.410 GEN gop Sal ee] 2123005) ‘Sane elas "68,082.600] ‘68,082,600 “Daa 4a Bale | 2123006] ee] 5714.780] 5114780] Gen IS Sy dy Bal ew] 2173007] 4.188.500] 4.188.500] Cae a gia anal ese] 2123011 2010 - gs] 51,355.460] 51,355.460| Gon eB Belem] 2128014 29,842.710] 29,842.710 2128019 9.758.770] 9.759.770] 2123076 10,338.110] 710,333.170] 72123029 (556.230) 7,558.230| 72123021 28,078.40] 728,018.440 Fa I a a Dal el 2123022 2,332,290] 2,332.200| Ee pees Uae ee] 2128082] GFB.801 - x] 795.830] 795.830 pe ADE Dalen] 2125033] 14,289.050) 14,289,050] Gime gen aa] gama] 21230384] 10,865.40] 710,865 .440| Eo a vse 71,021,730] 71,021,730 Goan Audi BL] eae} 2123088 7144,630.320] "144 630.320 Ti dis ae ale | 21z8039 ee 08102023 GRA ae GD 40748 15:58

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