MUS 201 Mid-Term (Ch. 7, 8, 9, 10 and Others) Study Guide Fall 2023

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MUS 201 Music History and Literature I (Fall 2023)

Mid Term (30% of your total grade)

Terminology List for chapters 7, 8, 9, & 10 and others
Most of these vocabulary words can be found in the Glossary of “History of Western Music”
Chapter 7 Guillaume Du Fay (ca. 1397-1474)
Music and the Renaissance honorary appointment to chapel of Duke Philip the
Renaissance period (1400-1600) Good
The meaning of “Renaissance” - Se la face ay pale (NAWM 37/38a)
Humanism - Blend of 3 national traditions
Painters’ techniques - Perspective and
chiaroscuro Cantus-firmus mass or tenor mass
Music parallels - Perspective and chiaroscuro Example:
Court Chapels - Missa Se la face ay pale (1450s)
Johannes Tinctoris (ca. 1435-1511) - Augmentation
- Liber de arte contrapuncti (A Book on the Four-Voice Texture
Art of Counterpoint, 1477)
Gioseffo Zarlino (1517-1590) Chapter 9
- Le istitutioni harmoniche (The Harmonic Franco-Flemish Composers (1450-1520)
Foundations, 1558) Josquin des Prez (ca. 1450-1521)
New compositional methods and textures Motet
- Equality of voices - Ave Maria . . . virgo serena (NAWM 44/44)
- Imitative counterpoint and homophony - music crafted to fit words
Words and music - constantly changing texture
- Emotion and expression - words drawn from three different texts, all
Chromaticism addressed to Virgin Mary
Music printing
Reformation movement 1517 Masses
- Martin Luther - Missa Pange lingua (NAWM 45/45)
- Catholic response: Counter Reformation – - Paraphrase mass
Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina (1525–1594)

Chapter 8
England and Burgundy in the 15th Century
Contenance angloise “English quality” from Martin
Le Franc

John Dunstable (ca. 1390-1453)
Cantus firmus
Paraphrase technique
Equality of voices - Quam pulchra es (NAWN
Durchy of Burgundy
- Philip the Bold (r. 1363–1404)
- Philip the Good
Chapter 10 Anglican music : 1) Service – Great Service &
Sacred Music in the Era of the Reformation Short Service
2) Anthem – Full Anthem & Verse Anthem – show
The Reformation example for each type of anthems
Martin Luther (1483–1546)
Deudsche Messe (German Mass) If ye love me, by ThomasTallis (NAWM 60/48)
Chorale William Byrd (ca. 1540–1623)
- four main sources of chorales
- Contrafactum
Catholic Church Music – Counter-Reformation
Church Music in England
Edward VI - 1549 Book of Common Prayer Council of Trent (1545–63)
Thomas Tallis (ca. 1505–1585)
Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina (1525/1526–1594)
- Pope Marcellus Mass (NAWM 63/51b),
Agnus Dei
- Palestrina’s composition style
- text declamation

Questions from previous tests:

1) From the music excerpt below, please label and or define the meaning of each notation. (Read
Instructions for Solesmes Chant Notation, Anthology vol. 1, p. 9/8 or text book p. 37-38)
2) Transcribe neumes from a manuscript
Listening List for chapter 7, 8, 9, & 10
Chapter 8 Chapter 10
England and Burgundy in the 15th Century Sacred Music in the Era of the Reformation
John Dunstable: Quam pulchra es (NAWN 33/34,
motet or cantilena) #58/46
a) Veni redemptor gentium
Guillaume Du Fay: Se la face ay pale (NAWN b) Nun komm, der Heiden Heiland by Martin Luther
37/38a, ballade) c) Ein feste Burg by Martin Luther

Guillaume Du Fay: Se la face ay pale (NAWN O Welt, ich muss dich lassen (O world, I must leave
37/38b, cantus firmus mass: Gloria) you) by Heinrich Isacc
Chapter 9
Franco-Flemish Composers (1450-1520) # 60/48 If ye love me by Thomas Tallis
Ave Maria (Sequence)
#61/49 Sing joyfully unto God by William Byrd
Josquin de Prez (ca. 1450-1521)
#44 Ave Maria . . . virgo serena Rejoice in the Lord always by Henry Purcell

Pange lingua chant #63/51 Pope Marcellus Mass by Giovanni Pierluigi

#45/45 Missa Pange lingua da Palestrina
- a) Kyrie, NAWM 45a/42a - Credo
- b) Credo excerpt: Et incarnatus est - Agnus Dei

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