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SumoBot Failure Analysis

SumoBot Failure Analysis Report

Sumo Group: 27

Robot Name: Scrappy

Competition Date : October 4, 2023

Group Members: Richard Manguluz & James Nguyen

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Discussion of Weaknesses

During the SumoBot competition, our robot exhibited several weaknesses that contributed to its

failure. We have identified the following root causes of these weaknesses:

1. Reason number one: Inadequate Sensor Calibration

Because the infrared sensors were improperly calibrated, the readings were erratic and

imprecise. Our robot's ability to precisely detect the opponent's presence was hampered

by this flaw.

2. Reason number two: Lack of Adaptability in Programming

The programming of the robot relied on a set strategy and was unable to change in

response to the opponent's activities. Our SumoBot was predictable and vulnerable to

opponent tactics due to its lack of adaptability.

3. Reason number three: Mechanical Instability

The chassis and wheelbase of the SumoBot did not offer enough stability during intense

motions. Due to this flaw in its design, the robot was easily knocked down and exposed

to assaults from opponents.

4. Reason number four: Limited Strategic Decision-Making

The robot's algorithm for making decisions was basic and lacked complex strategic

planning. It did not use sophisticated tactics or predict opponent actions, which led to not

ideal match navigating.

5. Reason number five: Lack of pre-match test runs

Lack of adequate pre-match test runs was one of the major flaws in our SumoBot's

performance that was noticed. We did not do thorough test runs that replicated match

conditions due to scheduling restrictions or oversight. Our robot was not equipped to

manage the unique difficulties and dynamics of the competition arena due to a lack of
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testing. We could not fine-tune the robot's behavior, find and fix possible problems, or

verify the success of our adjustments without pre-match test runs. The SumoBot failed

because of its inability to successfully adapt to the real competition situation.

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Discussion of Opportunities for Improvements

1. Improvement number one: Sensor Calibration Improvement

Spending time on precise sensor calibration to guarantee that the infrared sensors deliver

trustworthy and consistent data. The development process should include regular testing and

calibration procedures.

2. Improvement number two: Adaptive Programming Strategy

Programming for the SumoBot should be improved to include adaptive tactics that react to the

opponent's movements and techniques. To achieve a competitive advantage, use decision-making

algorithms that can instantly change the robot's behavior..

3. Improvement number three: Mechanical Stability Enhancement

To enhance stability throughout bouts, redesign the chassis and arrangement of the wheels on the

SumoBot. This could mean increasing the wheelbase, lowering the center of gravity, or adding

stabilizing components to prevent tipping..

4. Improvement number four: Advanced Strategic Algorithm Development

To predict and counteract opponent movements, take advantage of a more complicated decision-

making algorithm that integrates machine learning or advanced artificial intelligence approaches.

The SumoBot should be able to devise and carry out a more complex strategy during matches

thanks to this algorithm, giving it a competitive advantage..

5. Improvement number five: Implementation of Pre-Match Test Runs:

We should create a structured testing process that closely mimics competitive conditions to solve

the lack of pre-match test runs. To check the robot's performance, confirm the success of the

modifications, and make sure the SumoBot can adapt to the competition setting, these test runs

should be carried out on a regular basis. Pre-match test runs will help us identify and resolve any

unforeseen problems or difficulties, ultimately enhancing the performance of our robot in real

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