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Goal visualization counseling session


- What is goal visualization?

- It is a technique that you can use to paint a mental picture of the goals and

accomplishments that you want to achieve in your future

- By physically taking time to envision your goals, you are more likely to succeed

in achieving them

- Think of a time when people have told you to not picture yourself making a mistake, and

to erase that from your mind?

- This is because it can increase the likelihood that that mistake will happen

- So, the opposite is also true, envisioning positive outcomes, you might be able to

increase the likelihood that it will happen

- Two types of visualization:

- Involves all of your senses in order to create a full mental picture

- Outcome visualization

- Imagining the endpoint goal in your future

- Process visualization

- Imagining the steps that it takes to meet a goal

- These two types of visualization are especially useful when paired together

- When you are visualizing you are using selective attention

- Which is a process that allows you to select one thing and put all of your focus

into that input for further processing, while also suppressing other distractions and


- The idea of visualization can even be backed up by cognitive theories that believe that

thought precedes action.

- Why use visualization?

- Visualizing outcomes that you want can increase your confidence. "Seeing"

yourself succeed helps you believe that it can – and will – happen. It can also

reduce some amount of anxiety after building this confidence, you know the steps

to take to achieve your goal.

- Visualization helps you "practice" success. When you imagine every step of an

event or activity going well, you get your mind and body ready to take those steps

in real life. You can kind of view this as a rehearsal

- Anyone can benefit from visualization. You don't have to be a life coach or

personal development expert to use visualization to achieve your goals.

- It is difficult to progress towards your goals if you don't take the time to think about

them, so that is why visualization can be so beneficial



- The first activity is a ground activity that will help everyone free up their minds and be

fully present

- Now that we are feeling a bit more present, everyone will create SMART goals

- Specific

- Measurable

- Attainable

- Realistic

- Time based

- An important aspect of goal setting is to be clear about what exactly it takes to

meet these goals

- On a piece of paper or on your computer, everyone will imagine one specific goal that

they would like to achieve

- This can be something that you want to achieve in the next week, one year, 5

years. Any goal of your choosing.

- Write down some notes on what the specific goal is

- What do I want to accomplish?

- Why is this goal important?

- Who is involved?

- Where is it located?

- Which resources or limits are involved?

- Next write down how it will be measurable

- How much?

- How many?

- How will I know when it is accomplished?

- Next, write down how this goal will be attainable


- How can I accomplish this goal?

- How realistic is the goal,

- Consider possible constraints

- Write down how realistic this goal is

- Does this seem worthwhile?

- Is this the right time?

- Does this match your other efforts/needs?

- Am I the right person to reach this goal?

- Is it applicable in the current socio-economic environment?

- And finally, write down how your goal will be time-based

- When?

- What can I do six months from now?

- What can I do six weeks from now?

- What can I do today?

- Share their goals and steps

- What is the value of setting a goal, and visualizing every step and aspect to that goal?

- Discussion


- Visualization is a great way to spend time thinking about the goals you want to achieve.

It's like a lot of other things, where the more you practice, the stronger it becomes

- Hopefully this activity provides you with some clarity about a specific goal that you

have, and gives you all the steps and motivation you need to achieve it.

Pre- and Post-Test

Scale of 1-5, where 1 represents “Needs Improvement and 5 represents “Excellent.

1.) I prioritize my tasks based on their importance and urgency

2.) I set realistic goals and establish deadlines for my tasks.

3.) I effectively manage distractions and avoid time-wasting activities.

4.) I maintain a healthy work-life balance and make time for self-care.

5.) I regularly review and adjust my schedule to accommodate changing priorities.

6.) I communicate my time constraints and boundaries to others clearly and assertively.

7.) I take regular breaks to recharge and maintain focus.

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