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Your ultimate guide to creating the

life of your dreams
Copyright © 2016 Milambo Mizinga
All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may
not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever
without the express written permission of the publisher
except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

Unless otherwise identified, all scriptures quotations are

from the New International Version and King James
Version of the Bible.

Because of the dynamic nature of the internet, any web

addresses or links contained in this book may have been
changed since publication and may no longer be valid.

ISBN: 978-9982-70-293-5

For more information visit


There are hidden errors embedded in nearly everyone

seeking to achieve success –errors which impede the very
success we seek. What most of us do not know is that
certain ‘laws of success’ govern the accomplishment of
dreams and we often unconsciously work against them.
‘30 Days to Success’ is written in simple, clear language
for anyone with an entrepreneurial spirit to understand.
By aligning yourself to these laws and habits, your
success will take off in record time.

The wisdom shared in this book is simply priceless and

anybody who wishes to leave their despondency behind
and make something of their lives can do so by following
the principles laid herein.

Milambo Mildred Mizinga, who lives in Lusaka, Zambia,

is one of the award recipients from the first Zambian
Women Writers Awards Competition. She holds a
Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration from the
Copperbelt University. Her life was average until early
2016 when she was hit with a sudden adversity which
stripped her of all she had. Penniless and broken hearted,
she began to search for a way out. Every successful
person knows that the toughest battles bring forth the
greatest victories of life. By the power of God the
sleeping giant in her was unleashed. Slowly, hidden
secrets of success where revealed to her and within a few
months her life changed dramatically. She was reinvented
into a conqueror who neither knows defeat nor barriers.
“Let others lead small lives, but NOT you. Let others
argue over small things, but NOT you. Let others cry over
small hurts, but NOT you. Let others leave their future in
someone else's hands, but NOT you.” –Jim Rohn
Everyone has a personal definition of what success is.
Whatever your definition might be, it involves the
accomplishment of a set goal. No one wishes to labour in
vain because it’s painful, frustrating and a sheer waste of
time. And indeed no one should, yet a multitude does.
Why? Not knowing the right things to do.

The good news. It ends here.

If you’ve tried time and time again and failed, cut yourself
some slack. It’s not your fault. In fact, be glad you did
because now you know where not to go and what not to

Maybe you’re working amid heartless critics (they are

everywhere). They tell you that you’re wasting your time,
effort and money, or that you won’t amount to anything.
We all face those and therefore, this book will show you
how to give them a blind eye and deaf ear and work your
way to success so you can throw it back in their faces.
Gosh, that feels good!

Going for your dream can be a pretty daunting task but if

you have a roadmap or blueprint for success, half the
work is done. So, fear no more, for you’ll soon be on your
way to your desired destination. And I mean it. Leave the
fear, discouragement and doubt –you won’t need it
Success and prosperity are not for a selected group of
people but for ANYONE with a desire to make something
out of their life. It’s neither too early nor too late. The
habits and principles in this book are so simple, they can
be mastered by anyone who wishes to leave their
dissatisfaction behind. Can you see yourself achieving
your dreams? Can you feel the joy?

“The journey of a thousand miles begins with the first

step” –Lao Tzu.

Start it here.



CHAPTER 1: Attitude of a Winner……………………1

CHAPTER 2: Goal Setting…………………………….5

CHAPTER 3: Learn the Craft………………………….8

CHAPTER 4: Shimmer with Excellence………………11

CHAPTER 5: Take Action and Kill Procrastination…..14

CHAPTER 6: Discipline……………………………….17

CHAPTER 7: Focus……………………………………20

CHAPTER 8: Self-Confidence…………………………23

CHAPTER 9: Perseverance…………………………….26

CHAPTER 10: Time Management……………………..29


CHAPTER 11: Get Over Failure Fast………………….33

CHAPTER 12: Build a Network……………………….36

CHAPTER 13: Flexibility……………………………...40

CHAPTER 14: Take Risks……………………………..43

CHAPTER 15: Follow Your Passion…………………..47

CHAPTER 16: Take Care of Yourself…………………49

CHAPTER 17: Mind Who You Take Advice


CHAPTER 18: Money Management………………......55

CHAPTER 19: Act In The Face Of Opportunity………59

CHAPTER 20: Learn To Sell…………………………..62

CHAPTER 21: The Difference between the Successful

and the Less Successful………………………………...66

CHAPTER 22: Thou Shall Complement Your Weakness


CHAPTER 23: Trust in God…..……………………….72


CHAPTER 24: Give Gladly……………………………76

CHAPTER 25: Receive Gratefully…………………….79

CHAPTER 26: The Law of Attraction…………………82

CHAPTER 27: The Law of Vibration…………….........86

CHAPTER 28: Go Big or Go Get a Job…………...... 90

CHAPTER 29: Money Is Not Evil………………….....94

CHAPTER 30: Time to Get To Work………………....99


The value of information is only realised in its

application. On its own, information does nothing to
effect the change and results that it intends to bring.
Before you get to the first chapter, get a notebook and a
pen. We shall begin this book with implementation in
mind. At the end of every chapter you read, indicate what
you will START, CONTINUE and STOP doing. This is
to turn theory into practical measures while the
information is still fresh in your mind. As you read, know
that what I wish for you is great wealth, health and

To your Success,

Milambo Mizinga
Part 1

Principles OF Success

“The principle always works if you work the

principles.” Jack canfield
Chapter 1

“Victories don’t come by accident” –War Room.

Who is a winner? What differentiates winners from

losers? What qualities do winners have? More
importantly, what attitudes do winners possess? One thing
is common for all winners. They all believe that they can.
A winner is one who believes he CAN. There are no two
ways about it. If you’re to win, if you want to win, if you
have to win; it has to be by choice, not by chance.

So, what do winners do?

They have the will to win. The first battle winners win is
against their own minds, against the little voice that says
they can’t. They squash the doubt and fear and convince
themselves that they CAN! To be a winner, it is cardinal
that you not only believe you can, but that you WILL win.
If you go on the field believing that you will win, you will
most likely win. But, if you go thinking you could lose,
you’ll surely not win. Going into an interview doubting
yourself will surely not get you the job. Go into the sales
meeting expecting to close the deal and you’ll most likely
do. Have the 'I can do it' attitude. It’s the only way to win.

Surely, you’ll need a whole lot of resources but having the

right attitude –the winner's attitude –is the starting point

for success. If you’re going to play the game –play to win.
Having the 'I can' attitude has a powerful psychological
effect on the mind. Once the brain is convinced that you
can do whatever you have set out to do, it gets into gear
taking you where you wish to go. Believe in yourself.
Tell yourself you can do it, however hard the task may
seem, and you’ll break the barrier and walk through to

"Believe it can be done. When you believe something

can be done, really believe, your mind will find the ways
to do it. Believing there is a solution paves the way to a
solution." –Dr. David Schwartz

They don’t whine, they win. Whining only serves to

magnify the problem. A person who constantly worries
and complains about their problems sends defeat signals
to their brain and it stops trying. They are at the mercy of
their environment, which is a terrible place to be. You
may not get yourself out of this trap. Focus instead on the
solution. In face of a predicament, it is more beneficial to
ask yourself what you will do about it rather than wallow
in it for weeks. The mere shift in your thinking empowers
the brain to find a solution. If you have the solution in
you, it’ll pop up any day, any time when you least expect
it –you could be in the shower or sleeping. If not, it’ll
alert you to solutions all around you, or a name of
someone who could help will pop up. Telling yourself ‘I
can do this’ or ‘I’ve got this’ trains your mind to survive
the storm and any kind of adversity.

“If you think you’re outclassed, you are,

You’ve got to think high to rise,

You’ve got to be sure of yourself before you can

ever win a prize,

Life’s battles don’t always go to the stronger or

faster man,

But soon or late the MAN WHO WINS IS THE


Think and Grow Rich Excerpt

They strive to do the very best of their ability.

Champions strive to be the very best at what they do.
Approach the task head-on with one thought in mind –to
succeed. Winners don’t go into games hoping to be
‘second best’ or ‘good enough’. They see themselves as
champions and act like champions.

They prepare for victory. Their desire to win is

combined with commitment to prepare adequately to
accomplish the task. They put in the necessary effort and
determination in preparation for the undertaking. They
don’t lay back and hope to win. They work for it with the
full understanding that victories do not come by chance.

They don’t doubt themselves. Most unsuccessful people

approach tasks with a half-hearted attitude, pumped up
with fear and alibis for failure –you know just something
to keep in the bag lest things don’t go as planned. That, in

itself, is signing up for failure. Only unsuccessful people
point fingers at everyone and everything else for their
failures. You’re fully responsible for your task. "Winners
make a habit of manufacturing their own positive
expectations in advance of the event," notes Brian Tracy.

They take responsibility for their actions. Come what

may, they are to blame. Not others, not God, not nature.
But themselves. They make decisions and take full
responsibility of the outcomes. If you know you’re
accountable, you mind what you do.
They Challenge themselves. While a healthy dose of
competitiveness is encouraged, it is much better to
compete against yourself. You don’t need to be the very
best in the world (you can if you want to) to succeed, you
just need to strive to be better than your previous best.
"The only honest measure of your success is what you are
doing compared to your true potential," says Paul J.

They have faith in their ability to succeed. Most people

work against themselves and their goals by expecting the
worst. Having faith in your ability to succeed almost
certainly guarantees success. All winners have great faith
in their ability to achieve success. What you expect is
what you’ll get. If you’re expecting to succeed, you see
failure as a temporal setback and you’ll always rise and
try again. "Picture yourself vividly as winning and that
alone will contribute immeasurably to success," Harry
Fosdic, suggests.


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