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LAB#2: Email&Online Communication with Gmail

 Learn how to send an email.
 Understand the different fields in an email message.
 Learn how to use the reply, reply all, and forward buttons.
 Learn how to create and use custom folders.
 Learn how to create and use a signature.
 Learn how to create and use filters.
 Learn how to search for emails in your inbox and other folders.

I. Start Sending E-mail

To send an email, you should follow these steps

1. Log in to your email account.
2. Click the "Compose" button to create a new email.
3. Enter the email address(es) of recipient(s)
4. Write a clear and concise subject line
5. Enter a Subject of what your email is about.
6. Type your message in the body of the email.
7. Attach any files if needed.
8. Click the "Send" button.

1. Create a group of 5 students

2. Each group member should send themselves three emails:
a. An email with themselves in the To field.
b. An email with themselves in the CC field.
c. An email with themselves in the BCC field.
3. Group members must talk about the results of their experiment with the recipient fields
using chat or a video meeting.
4. Assign the roles P1, P2, P3, P4 and P4 to the group members

5. P1 must send an email to P2 and send a copy to P3, along with a blind copy to P4 and P5.
The email should include an attachment of a local file.
6. Each recipient should reply to all recipients involved in the email.
7. Based on your exchange, complete the following table in a new file called GXX_SGYY
(XX is your group ID and YY is the ID of your sub group given by your TD instructor)

From P1 P2 P3 P4 P5

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LAB#2: Email&Online Communication with Gmail

8. After making the necessary updates to the table, P1 should send it to the TD instructor for
review. Mention in the following table the content of each email field

From To CC BCC Subject Body Attachment

9. P1

Based on the response of your TD instructor, correct your table saved in your file
10. Each group member should prepare a draft email that includes the forwarded email version
of P1’s Email.
11. Where is the prepared email stored?

12. Once group member (let’s call them Pi), must send the prepared email (called also the
_____) to their gmail/outlook account
13. What are the ways that Pi can share the email they received in Gmail/Outlook with the other
group members?

14. Analyze the fields of the email and complete the following table
Local attachment

15. Each group member should schedule an email to be sent to P1 in 2 minutes.

16. Wait 3 minutes and then check your sent folder.
17. What is your interpretation of these instructions?
18. P2 should delete P1’s email
19. P2 should share the folder containing the deleted email with the other group members.
20. P3, P4 and P5 should check the folder where the email sent by P1 is stored.

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LAB#2: Email&Online Communication with Gmail

II. Creating Custom Folder

To create a custom forlder, you should follow these steps

1. Click the Settings gear icon in the top right corner of the page.
2. Select See all settings.
3. Click the Labels tab.
4. Click Create new label.
5. Enter a name for your new folder in the Label name field.
6. Click Create.

21. Create a BWEB folder with three subfolders Lectures-TD (color green), Hint-SOLTD (color
Orange) and Project (color blue).
22. Rename the folder Hint-SOLTD Solutions
23. Move the email sent by Soumia Benkrid that contains the lecture materials to the folder
called Hint-SOLTD.
24. Move the email sent by Soumia Benkrid that contains the solution of the TD to the folder
called Lectures-TD.
25. Move the email sent by Soumia Benkrid to the folder called Project
26. Unlabed the emails about the lecture from the label Project
27. Remove the folder Project. What do you understand? _______________________________

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LAB#2: Email&Online Communication with Gmail

III. Signature

To create a signature, you should follow these steps

1. Click the Settings gear icon in the top right corner of the page.
2. Select See all settings.
3. Click the General tab.
4. Scroll down to the Signature section.
5. Enter your signature text in the box.
6. Click Save changes.

28. Create two signatures

Signature 1 :
[Your Full Name]
[University Name]
[Group ID]
Signature 2
[Your Full Name]
First-Year Computer Science Student
[University Name]
[Your Phone Number]
[Link to your personal website or LinkedIn profile, if applicable]

29. Create two email drafts, each using one of the created signature

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LAB#2: Email&Online Communication with Gmail

IV. Filters and search

Gmail offers accurate and fast email search. By default, you can search emails by typing
keywords in the search bar at the top of the Gmail page. However, if the search results are too
large, so it is recommended to use (or combine) smart search operators to refine your search
significantly and precisely. To search for messages in Gmail:
1. Type the search terms in the Gmail search field.
2. Press Enter or click the magnifying glass button.
3. Gmail search options.
4. To specify search criteria to limit the results in your Gmail search,
5. click the downward arrow.

30. Complete the following table:

Search Description
Search for emails sent by a specific person.
Search for emails sent to a specific person.
Search for emails to which you have been CC'd.
Search for emails to which you have been BCC'd.
Search for emails with a specific subject line.
Search for emails containing specific keywords or phrases.
Search for emails with attachments.
Search for emails sent or received within a specific date range.
Search for emails with a specific label.

31. Automatically place emails received from your TD instructor to the label titled Lecture-TD
32. Ask your TD instructor to send you and email
33. Check your if your filter works correctly
34. Delete or disable the filter
35. Ask your TD to send your again another email
36. Check the emplacement of the received email

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LAB#2: Email&Online Communication with Gmail

A Gmail filter is a set of criteria or rules that you can create to automatically sort, organize,
categorize, or take specific actions on incoming emails incoming into different folders or
labels. By using filters, you can manage your email more efficiently by automating tasks like
labeling, archiving, forwarding, or deleting messages based on certain conditions.

To create a Gmail filter and manage existing filters, follow these steps:

1. Click the Settings gear icon in the top right corner of the page.
2. Select See all settings.
3. Click the Filters and Blocked Addresses tab.
4. Click the Create a new filter button.
5. Enter your filter criteria. You can filter by sender, recipient, subject, body, and more.
6. Click the Create filter button.
7. Once you have created a filter, you can choose the actions (automatically apply a label,
archive, delete, or forward the messages) that match the filter criteria.

To create a filter, you can any enter your rules on the search bar, and then click on create
filter. Once you have created a filter, you can choose the actions (automatically apply a label,
archive, delete, or forward the messages) that match the filter criteria.

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