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Module 1: Fundamentals of Research

Lesson 2:
Characteristics, Strengths,
and Weaknesses of
Quantitative Research

Excellence and Relevance

Lesson 2: Characteristics of Quantitative Research

• Quantitative research is characterized by a set of

distinct features that distinguish it as a systematic and
structured approach to inquiry.
• These characteristics contribute to its reliability,
objectivity, and ability to uncover patterns and
relationships between variables.
• Key attributes of quantitative research include using
numerical data, statistical analysis, deductive
reasoning, and a focus on generalizability.
• By employing rigorous methods and statistical
procedures, quantitative research aims to provide
objective and replicable findings, enhancing our
understanding of phenomena and informing evidence-
based decision-making.

Excellence and Relevance

Lesson 2: Characteristics of Quantitative Research

According to Spalding University (2020), as cited in Ryan Bernido Network (2022):

1. The data is usually gathered using structured 2. The results are based on larger sample sizes
research instruments. that are representative of the population.

• In quantitative research, structured research • Quantitative research often involves larger sample
instruments are commonly used to gather data. sizes that aim to represent the population being
These instruments can include surveys, studied. By including a substantial number of
questionnaires, or experimental protocols that participants, researchers seek to increase the
provide standardized procedures for data generalizability of their findings.
• For example, in a study exploring student satisfaction with • For instance, when investigating the academic performance of
online learning platforms, researchers may design a college students, a researcher might collect data from a
questionnaire with specific Likert-scale questions to collect diverse and sizable sample of students across different majors,
structured data on various aspects of the platform's years of study, and demographic backgrounds to ensure that
usability and effectiveness. the results are more applicable to the larger student

Excellence and Relevance

Lesson 2: Characteristics of Quantitative Research

According to Spalding University (2020), as cited in Ryan Bernido Network (2022):

3. Given its high reliability, the research study can 4. The researcher has a clearly defined research
usually be replicated or repeated. question to which objective answers are sought.

• The replicability of quantitative research is a

crucial characteristic that enhances its reliability. • In quantitative research, the researcher typically
Given its structured nature, other researchers can begins with a clearly defined research question
replicate or repeat quantitative studies using the that seeks objective answers.
same or similar methods and procedures. • The research question guides the entire study,
• This allows for the verification of results and the influencing the choice of variables, data collection
establishment of greater confidence in the findings. methods, and data analysis techniques.

• For instance, if a study examines the impact of a specific • For example, a researcher might have the research question:
teaching method on student achievement, another researcher "Does sleep duration affect academic performance in high
can replicate the study by implementing the same teaching school students?" This question provides a specific focus and
method with a new group of students to determine if similar direction for the study, facilitating the formulation of
results are obtained. hypotheses and the subsequent investigation.

Excellence and Relevance

Lesson 2: Characteristics of Quantitative Research

According to Spalding University (2020), as cited in Ryan Bernido Network (2022):

5. Data are in the form of numbers and statistics, 6. The project can be used to generalize concepts
often arranged in tables, charts, figures, or other more widely, predict future results, or
non-textual forms. investigate causal relationships.
• Quantitative research aims to generalize concepts
• Quantitative research primarily deals with data in more widely, predict future results, or investigate
the form of numbers and statistics. The collected causal relationships. By collecting and analyzing
data are often organized and presented in tables, numerical data, researchers can identify patterns
charts, figures, or other non-textual forms for and trends that can inform broader implications
easier analysis and comprehension. beyond the specific sample studied.

• For instance, a study examining the relationship • For example, a study investigating the impact of parental
between studying hours and exam scores may present involvement on students' academic achievement may use
the data in a bar graph, visually demonstrating the quantitative methods to establish a correlation between the
trends and patterns between the two variables. two variables and make predictions about how increasing
parental involvement may positively influence academic
outcomes for a larger population of students.

Excellence and Relevance

Lesson 2: Characteristics of Quantitative Research

According to Spalding University (2020), as cited in Ryan Bernido Network (2022):

7. Researchers use tools like questionnaires or

computer software to collect numerical data.
• Quantitative researchers employ various tools, such as
questionnaires or computer software, to collect
numerical data efficiently and effectively. These tools
allow for standardized data collection and often
provide statistical analysis capabilities.

• For instance, a researcher studying the dietary habits of college

students may use an online survey tool to administer a
questionnaire that collects data on the frequency and types of foods
consumed. The collected responses can then be exported to
statistical software for analysis and interpretation.

Excellence and Relevance

Lesson 2: Strengths and Weaknesses of
a Quantitative Research

1. The researcher may replicate or repeat the study in 1. The research cannot provide in-depth information for
other contexts for validation. describing and explaining a phenomenon.

2. The findings are generalizable to a large population.

2. The research cannot provide a comprehensive textual
description of human experience.
3. The process of gathering the data is generally less 3. Responses of participants are strictly limited to what
demanding. has been asked.
4. The researcher can use software for easier data 4. The study design is inflexible due to the rigidity and
analysis. robustness of the instrumentation.
5. The validity and reliability of the results can be 5. Self-reported data may be inaccurate due to
measured, which will lessen the degree of subjectivity. overestimating or underestimating their skills during the

Excellence and Relevance

Lesson 2: Characteristics, Strengths, and Weaknesses of
Quantitative Research

End of Lesson 2.
Thank You!
Mapúa Malayan Colleges Mindanao

Excellence and Relevance

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