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APL 653 650 ‘The Owner/Operator The Manufacturer Responsibility | For in-service tank Use for tank max T = 90 deg C (not for tank D > 200 ft) | L-foot method (not for tank D > 200") Tank Shell | 1S uni - 2.6(H US units) | 2H UDG pvice shett course | ta= 254 —LOG 4 Design shell thick SE Se Use tha Su Locally thinned area | ¢ Ban Hydrotest shell thickness Use tart ca S | S: use smaller of | O.8Y or 0.4297 — 1" & 2" shell course Find Sz & S; from Table 3-2, if not listed, use: O.88Y or 0.472T — other shell courses 5 Y &T Table +1 7 Y = 30000 psi, T = 53000 psi (if unknown | similarly for SL units below For riveted tank shell, tq a8 above formula Variable design point method except § = 21000 psi & E= 1.0 (for plate | (for tank D > 200’) 6” or more away from rivets, \4 L=3.7 Wt: (critical length) |S? b=vene L not > 40” (Hoop stress averaged) | Des tank tiamatee () D = tank Din (f) = 1* course shell thickness (in) {2 = min thickness (in) Criteria for continued operations TankD Plate, Ut< tain | te 2 tain 2 06 tain =15m 5mm Referto | Any ca till next, be added — tye OF O.6ty | 15-36m 6mm ASME VIII Div2App4 | Widely scattered pit can ignore if Shell plate Ulimited 10 45 mm tren > Yitmin & E(LrH 27 in 8°L | 1 > 45 mm — normalize, Q-T. killed & fine- BS 2654 | D 0.3 m method (not for tank > 60 m) {nn = Fy5p 98G(H 03 )+ P}+ca | Use greater of = ty or f below | D = nominal diameter (m) | 3)DG 64 Design sell hick H = liquid height | specifie gravity of the product P= design vapour pressure (mbar) 4.9(H 03 )D Tank Shell | § = max allowable stress (N/mm?) | = SESEAS Hotes shel thickness | (SLunits) use smaller of 0.80Y (Y=215 Nimm* if unknown) E =0.85 (if unknown) a= corrosion allowance L=33.85 WDinin (critical length) L not > Im (Hoop stress avera D = tank diameter (m) faiy = min thickness (nvm) Prepared by Steven Quek {API | 653 650. / ] = Ste. 1 Ente shell course 26D | Hydrotest Locally thinned area Height S: use smaller of O.88Y or 04727 — 1" & 2" shell course O9Y or O.S19T other shell courses | Hydrotest held for 24 hrs is reqd for: of shell a) Reconstructed tank av: 1) Major repaie [fil the design gud H and 50 mm above the | ¢) Increasing severity: higher SG, lower T | _shell-to-roof weld | 2) If water is not available: b) install nozzle > 12 NPS Apply highly penetrating oil onto all weld joints | remove, replace or add shell plate LH | inside and apply vacuum on either sides. remove, replace or add vert welds add new bottom | Hydrotest. jacking tank shell | | | Hydrotest is not required if: | | 2) Approved by tank engineer | | 'b) Authorized by owner/operator | | | Measure settlement during hydrotest When tank is empty: N = DI10 | N28 max space 32” | When tank is 100% full: if settled — stop i | If 1 <0.09°7100 in” shall be replaced Roof plate thom = Vig (5 mm) min | (¢< 2.3 mm/254 mm*) ‘Structural member thom = 0.17” (4.3 mm) min Frangible roof if roof-to-shell fails first & if: Roof | ‘Tank D 2 50 ft (15.25 m) | Roof slope not > 2 in 12 Fillet weld throat t < 3/16" (5 mm) Prepared by Steven Quek [API 653 650 Plumibness: 1/100 (max 5” at top) Peaking not > 14” (36” sweep board) Banding not > 1” (36” sweep board) Roundness: Tank D< 40’ R14” lumbness: top shell to bottom shell not > Tame Peaking: not > 13 mm (Horiz sweep board 900 mm Banding: not > 13 mm (Vert sweep board 900 mm) Roundness as 653 Cut (sitting) existing horizontal weld 12” beyond new vert weld, weld horiz last. Repair within critical zone: a) Plate tax = 6mm ) If patch plate within 6” of shell -> use tombstone shape Dimensional | “Tolerance | (Radii taken 1’ T bottom shall not > 3x | Table 10-3) | Misalignment | Vert joint fort > Lmm — not > 3mm or 10% fort $ 16mm — not > 1.5mm | Horiz joint = not > 3mm or 20% fort < 8mm _—> max 1.Smm Reconstructed tanks Weld max ule - Vert weld “os in Weld max we ~ Vert weld "Vos in Horiz weld 'so in Horiz weld '/2 in Fillet weld size: | Welds Plate t =5 mm (full fillet weld) | Plate 1> 5 mm (fillet weld > 51) | Shell-to-Bottom fillet weld: | Plate 1 12.5 mm (fillet weld not > 12.5 mm) Basis > API 650 | Dimension min 12” or 12t (rounded com) | For replacing new pl (insert), min spacing | between vert weld — new pl > 6” (t= 4) & 10" or 8t(t> 4) Repair & Reconstructed tanks UTM be taken within 6 mths prior to relocation, use tas follows to find Hix AAH=03)PG 64 Design thick Find $, (650 Table 3-2), if not listed use: */5Y or 77 (use lesser one) 4.9(H~0.3 )D Ss: Find §, (650 Table 3-2), if not listed use: AY or hT (use lesser one) Hydretest thick Prepared by Steven Quek API [ 653 650 Radiograph Follow 650 requirements & additional: | RT not required for: Roof plate welds, bottom plate welds, roof-to-shell, shell-to-bottom, nozzle and manway necks. Vert welds Vert welds New repl shell pl — new shell pl (no addn) New repl shell pl —existing pl (add RT) |ts10mm_— ~ 1 spot 13m (with welder name) Repair joint plate — existing pl (1 add RT) 1 add spot in each 30 m (no welder) | 25 % at intersect Horiz welds (intersects) -w repl shell pl - new shell pl (no addn) | t > 10-25mm - as above + all intersects -w repl shell pl ~ existing pl (RT) 2 spots in vert joint in 1* course Repair joint plate ~ existing pl (RT) t> 25mm ~ all vert joints + all intersects Reconstructed tanks | Annular plate (RT) Horiz- welds Intersects ~ 5% RT Call) ~ 1 spot 13 m +1 add spot in each 60m (no welder name) All RT film cover min 150mm weld length [At intersect, cover 75mm vert Weld length & SOmm | either side of weld | Annular plate etbte mcs 1 sor 10 satin | Single butt weld w/back bar — 1 spot 50% radial jts | Acceptance - ASME VIILUW-S1 (b) Vacuum test New weld on shell-to-bottom requi ‘A partial vacuum — 6”-10” Hg or 1) Right-angle vacuum box, or 16-20" Hg (for very small leak) 2) Light diesel oil —4 hours (or overnight) | Metal Temperature: 452°C Settlement | "Botton bul |Ba=037R By R nax bulge (in) | radius of bulge area (ft) | Bo peo > Bo ai ceptable) Prepared by Steven Quek API 653 650 Bottom plate By measurements MRT = (RTyc of RTip) ~ OXSIP, + UP,) {oun em at end of O, interval nie Tem fr Soil side comr after repair RT jy = tun fem fr prod side corr aftr repair StP, = max CR on prod side not repaired (if coated) max CR on soil side = 0 (if cathodic protected) UP, Min thom = 6 mm (exclude CA) Tin > 0.10" (for Strength requirement) Table 6-1 no mean of leak detection tuneutar > Table 3-1 (650) 1" shell course < 190MPa_| ts 19mm ‘6mm ue Min tuys = 0.10" For product SG < 1.0 Table 4-4 (653) | Radial width = 600 mm (shell inside to lap-weld) For product SG > 1.0 Table 3-1 (650) | Radial width = 50 mm (shell outside) External Routine in-service -once a month min External by Al ~5 yearly or RL (“/ex) uM CR not known ~ 5 year max CR is known ~ 15 years or @RL (ca) Inspection | Internal To check — a) Bottom conditions ») Bottom plate thickness ©) Settlement, if any Not > 20 years (bottom plate) Not > 10 years (if CR not known, & Similar service not found) ‘All shell plates & botiom plates mustbe | Shell pl S 45mm (1%) max limit identified, if not —> chemical analysis. | Shell pl > 40mm be normalized, Q-T, fine-grain Materials | For known material + meet 650 standards Welding electrode for: Material strength < 80 ksi ~> use AWS E60-E70xx 80-85 ksi —> use AWS F80xx 3 types inspection records 1) Construction records Records | 2) Inspection history 3) Repair/ Alteration history Prepared by Steven Quek ls API | 653 650 | Brittle fracture occurs: | D After erection during hydrotesting 2) 1" filling in cold water | 3) After changed to lower T service | If it passes above 3 tests, B.F. is minimal | Ifa tank changed to more sever | service - to a lower T or bis! Brittle then consider a hydrotest fracture If tank shell t $0.5” > B.F is minimal If shell T2 16°C — BF. is minimal | Test shown shell pl needs 7000 psi to BLF. | | Af tank needs re-rating | Restrict H (liquid height) T dncrease T) | G Reduce G) Hot tap Min spaing: VRT (betwn any nozzle-HT) tank radius (in) shell thick (in) Shell plate of known toughness: | a) ts 12mm & | b) Shell metal T at or above curve | Shell opening | Fig 5-2 > Table 9-1 (nozzle size) | Shell plate of un a)t> 2mm & | b) Shell metal T below curve in Fig 5-2 | 1 Nozzle size limit to 4 NPS 2 Shell T > MDMT | 3 Nozzle to reinforced plate 4 Max HT HT during hot tap < 7000 psi Min H7 HT during hot tap = Im ‘nown toughness ‘Opening > NPS 2 (be reinforced) See fig 3-22 for spacing If shell material Group TIL ILA Opening > NPS 12 wr" If shell material Group IV IVA V VI De The above needs stress relieve 600-650 °C (ahefiny Prepared by Steven Quek

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