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Child sexual violence is a global issue that negatively impacts the well-being and

development of countless boys and girls. In Ecuador, there is evidence of such cases of
violence within educational institutions. To overcome this problematic, "Guardians of
Childhood" was proposed, a serious game prototype designed with the purpose of
preventing and early detecting child sexual violence in first-grade students at the Dr. Ángel
Felicísimo Rojas Municipal School, located in the province of Loja during the year 2023. For
this project, three crucial stages were structured. In the first phase, a detailed description of
the traditional process for diagnosing child sexual violence in institutions was carried out,
using BPMN modeling as a reference. The second phase focused on the development of the
serious game prototype, utilizing the SUM methodology and the UNITY game engine. Finally,
in the third phase, the prototype was evaluated, considering both its functionality and
usability through a rigorous sampling method. As a result, the obtained findings revealed
that "Guardians of Childhood" represents an innovative approach to preventing and early
detecting child sexual violence compared to conventional procedures. This technological tool
emerges as a fundamental resource in the fight against this issue, benefiting the well-being
of Ecuadorian children and establishing itself as a highly relevant contribution at the national

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