CRJ1027 - M1 - Evidence Worksheet Key

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CRJ1027 M1 Assignment 2: Class vs.

Individual Evidence
Worksheet Submission Key
(25 Points possible)

Description Individual or Class?

1. Brown hair with follicle Individual

2. Tire tread marks Class
3. Fingerprint Individual
4. New shoe impression Class
5. Blood typing (Blood type A, B, AB, O) Class
6. Fibers Class

Key Instructions (for Faculty):

 Check that the student has accurately follow the instructions, such as using the correct file
naming format, and submitted in the correct file format as listed. (1 point)
 This assignment is worth 25 points, with each correctly identified item worth 4 points each,
(24 points) and (1 point*) for accurately following the instructions.

1 wrong = 21 84% (or -1*) 20 80%

2 wrong = 17 68% (or -1*) 16 64%
More than 2 wrong = Failing Grade

*at instructor’s discretion.

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