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A Summer Internship Project Report



Submitted By – Vivekanand Choudhary

Exam Roll: 22230RLM021
Guided by: Rashmi Chaurasia


I Mr. Vivekanand Choudhary do hereby declare that the

project entitled “A study on Consumer Behavior in
Decathlon, DSI Cyberhub” is the original work done by me
and submitted to Department of Arts, BANARAS HINDU
UNIVERSITY , is a record of original work done by me under
the supervision of Rashmi Chaurasia.

Vivekanand Choudhary

(Name of the Student)



I am using this opportunity to express my gratitude to everyone who

supported me throughout the course of this Summer Internship.

I am thankful for their aspiring guidance, invaluably constructive criticism

and friendly advice during the training period. I am sincerely grateful to
them for sharing their truthful and illuminating views on a number of
issues related to the project.
I feel it great pleasure to work under the guidance of Mr. Ramesh
Sankapi (Store Leader), Mr. Sachin (Operation Manager) and Mr.
Rewant Panwar (Layout Coach) for their support and guidance at
Decathlon for their whole-hearted and invaluable guidance throughout
my internship, without their sustained and sincere effort, this project
would not have taken place.
I am extremely thankful to Prof. Vivek Mishra, Faculty of Retail and
logistics Management Studies, Banaras Hindu University and Prof.
Rashmi Chaurasiya, Faculty of Retail and logistics Management
Studies, Banaras Hindu University and Prof. Ashish Kumar Gautam,
Faculty of retail and logistics management studies, Banaras Hindu
University for providing an excellent academic climate in the institute
which helped me making this project a grand success.


1 Theoretical Background of Study

2 Industrial Profile and Company Profile

3 Research Methodology

4 Data Analysis & Interpretation

5 Learning experience –, suggestions and Conclusion

6 Bibliography

7 Gallery




Indian consumers towards the international brands has become pertinent. After
liberalization, as the economy opened up to the international market, imported goods
gradually gained traction among Indian buyers. The impact is, today the market is
almost flooded with goods from international market. Together with foreign origin
brands, Indian brands ran through significant improvement becoming successful to
pose a stiff competition against their foreign counterparts.

The progress of Indian economy and markets has given birth to a new series of
Customers who is inclined towards the purchase of braded and quality products.
Particularly the apparels as the youth of the country are now exposed to numerous
Business and professional situations. The working-class people segment has developed
since the economic growth and it has promoted middle class and upper middle-class

It was found that the quality of foreign brands was supposed to be generally higher and
greater to local brands. Most consumers also related greater availability of foreign
brands in the Indian market with better quality at lower prices.

In spite of high levels of nationalism and preference for original manufacture, as

demonstrated in high factor ratings on an ethnocentrism scale, which might specify a
positive bias towards local brands, Indian consumers were not biased against foreign
brand names. In fact, they appraised them higher on technology, quality, status and
esteem than Indian brands, and attributed higher reliability to those countries‐of‐
Ever wonder what the psychology is behind consumerism? Or simply, why we
purchase specific products and brands? Consumer consciousness is a growing niche

area that studies how one’s thoughts, beliefs, feelings and awareness influence how and when
people purchase certain products. Consumer sensibility plays a big role in how retailers
market their goods. From their window displays to their discount codes, retailers are
continuously working to persuade you to pull out your credit cards and buy what they are
selling. In fact, big brand retail stores put a great amount of thought and attention towards the
consumer experience.

Consumers are individuals or associations that buy products or services. The term also
refers to recruiting products and services. They are humans or other economic things
that use a good or service. Furthermore, they do not sell on that item that they
purchased. They are the last user in the distribution chain of goods and services.
In fact, there is a possibility that sometimes the consumer might not be the buyer.

A customer is a person or company that obtains, consumes or purchases a product or
service and can choose between different goods and suppliers.
The aim of all commercial enterprises is to attract customers or customer, and make
them buy what they have on sale. They also try to inspire them to keep coming back. The
core of marketing is having a good understanding of what are the customer’s needs and

Difference between consumer and customer:


Meaning The consumer of goods or The end user of goods or

services is known as the services is known as a
Customer. Consumer.
Resell YES No

Purchase of Yes Not necessary

Purpose Resale or Consumption Consumption

Price of product May not be paid by the

Paid by the customer consumer
or service

Person Individual or Individual, Family or Group

of people

As a consumer we are on the whole special and this uniqueness is reflected in the
utilization example and procedure of procurement. The study of consumer behavior gives
us reasons why consumers contrast from each other in purchasing using products and
services. We get boosts from nature and the points of interest of the Marketing
procedures of goods and services, and reacts to these improvements as far as either
purchasing or not purchasing item. In the middle of the phase of getting the
improvements and reacting to it, the shopper experiences the way toward settling on his
choice. For any association, it is basic to know their consumer and for that it is essential
to analyses the behavior of consumer.

Consumer behavior

Consumer behavior is the study of individuals and organizations also, how they select
and use products and services. It is mainly concerned with psychology, motivations, and
behavior. Consumer behavior is the study of consumers and the procedures they use to
pick, use (expend), and discard items and administrations, including customers'
enthusiastic, mental, and social reactions. Consumer behavior fuses thoughts from
several sciences including psychology, biology, chemistry, and economics.

The study of Consumer Behavior includes:

• How consumer consider various other options (brands, items,

administrations, and retailers).

• How buyers reason and select between various other options.

• The behavior of consumers while researching and shopping.

• How consumer behavior is affected by their condition (peers, culture, media).

• How marketing campaigns can be adjusted and improved to all the more
successfully impact the customer.

Benefits of Consumer Behavior

Studying consumer behavior is important because with this technique marketer can
understand what affects consumers’ buying decisions. By understanding how consumers
choose on a product they can fill in the gap in the market and recognize the products that
are needed and the products that are outmoded. Studying consumer behavior also helps
marketers decide how to present their products in a way that produces maximum impact
on consumers. Understanding consumer buying behavior is the key secret to
accomplishing and appealing your customer, and convinces them to purchase from you.

A consumer behavior analysis should reveal:

• What consumers look at and how they feel about various alternatives (brands,
products, etc.);

• What affects consumers to choose between numerous options;

• Consumers’ behavior though researching and shopping;

• How consumers’ environment (friends, family, media, etc.) influences their behavior.

Consumer behavior is often affected by different factors. Marketers should study

consumer purchase patterns and analyses buyer trends. In most of the cases, brands
affects consumer behavior only with the things they can control; like how IKEA seems to
compel you to spend more than what you planned to every time you walk into the store.

So the question is -what are the factors that influence consumers to say yes?
There are three categories of factors that influence consumer behavior:

1. Personal factors: an individual’s interests and opinions that can be affected

by demographics (age, gender, culture, etc.).

2. Psychological factors: an individual’s feedback to a marketing message will

depend on their insights and attitudes.

3. Social factors: family, friends, education level, social media, income, they all
influence consumers’ behavior.

Types of consumer Behavior

There are four main types of consumer behavior:

1. Complex buying behavior

This sort of conduct is experienced when shoppers are purchasing a costly,

inconsistently purchased item. They are exceptionally associated with the buy
procedure and shoppers' examination before resolving to contribute. Envision
purchasing a house or a vehicle; these are a case of a mind boggling purchasing

2. Dissonance-reducing buying behavior

The customer is exceptionally engaged with the buy procedure however
experiences issues deciding the contrasts between brands. 'Disharmony' can
happen when the buyer stresses that they will lament their decision.
Envision you are purchasing a lawnmower. You will pick one dependent on cost
and comfort, yet after the buy you will look for affirmation that you've settled on
the correct decision.

3. Habitual buying behavior

Constant buys are portrayed by the way that the customer has almost no
association in the item or brand class. Envision shopping for food: you go to the
store and purchase your favored kind of bread. You are displaying an ongoing
example, not solid brand unwaveringness.

4. Variety seeking behavior

In this circumstance, a consumer buys an alternate item not on the grounds that

weren't happy with the past one, but since they look for assortment. Like when
you are evaluating new shower gel aromas.

What affects consumer behavior?

Many things can affect consumer behavior, but the most frequent factors
influencing consumer behavior are:

1. Marketing campaigns
Marketing campaigns impact buying choices a great deal. Whenever done right
and routinely, with the correct marketing message, they can even convince
customers to change marks or pick progressively costly other options. Marketing
efforts can even be utilized as updates for items/benefits that should be purchased
normally yet are not really on customer' top of brain (like protection for instance).
A decent promoting message can impact drive buys.

2. Economic conditions
For costly items particularly (like houses or vehicles) monetary conditions have a
major influence. A constructive monetary condition is known to make buyers
progressively sure and ready to enjoy buys regardless of their own money related
liabilities. Customers settle on choices in a more extended timeframe for costly
buys and the purchasing procedure can be impacted by increasingly close to
home factors simultaneously.

3. Personal preferences
Consumer behavior can also be impacted by close to home variables, likes, detests,
needs, ethics, and qualities. In enterprises like design or nourishment sincere
beliefs are particularly incredible. Ad can, obviously, help yet toward the day's end
consumers' decisions are significantly affected by their inclinations. In case you're
vegetarian, it doesn't make a difference what number of burger joint
advertisements you see, you're presumably not going to begin eating meat thus.

4. Group influence
Friend pressure also impacts Consumer behavior. What our relatives,
schoolmates, close family members, neighbors, and associates think or do can
assume a huge job in our choices. Social brain research impacts buyer conduct.
Picking inexpensive food over home-prepared dinners, for instance, is only one of
such circumstances. Training levels and social variables can have an effect.

5. Purchasing power
To wrap things up, our buying strategic maneuvers a huge job in impacting our
conduct. Except if you are an extremely rich person, you will think about your
spending limit before settling on a buy choice. The item might be phenomenal, the
Marketing could be on point, however in the event that you don't have the cash
for it, you won't get it. Fragmenting shoppers dependent on their purchasing limit
will assist advertisers with deciding qualified customers and accomplish better

Collecting consumer behavior data

As the inspirations that impact Consumer behavior are so wide, an exploration blend
including an assortment of information will be the most strong. Some are more
financially savvy than others.

• Customer Reviews – Reading consumer audits can feature regular issues or wishes.

• Q&A sites – These destinations can give you a thought of the inquiries and
worries that individuals have according to your image, administration or item.

• Overviews – Online reviews can be effortlessly set up with locales like Survey
Monkey and permit you to pose explicit inquiries.

• Focus groups – Bring a gathering of customers together and ask them

inquiries legitimate

• Keyword research – A pillar of SEO, catchphrase research can mention to you

what consumers are keen on and the general degree of intrigue. It additionally
assists with uncovering the language they are utilizing.

• Google Analytics – Analytics can be utilized to disclose to you where your traffic
is coming from. The Audience tab shows topography, interests, and a scope of

• Competitor analysis – This can give helpful data about consumers that are
shopping in your vertical yet don't purchase from your image. Peruse our post on
the top contender examination apparatuses.

• Blog comments – Comments on your blog can be a decent method for finding
any inquiries your crowd may have.

• Twitter Insiders – Twitter recently launched Insiders, a 12,000 strong focus

group of US & UK Twitter users.
• Google trends – Google Trends can assist you with understanding if a theme is
turning out to be pretty much mainstream.

• Government data – Government data is accessible for nothing and can assist
you with understanding a gathering, and a few different sources can also be gotten
to without charge.

• Social media – Millions of individuals mirror their lives via web-based

networking media, so data that can enhance a few strands of Consumer behavior
can be revealed with the correct instruments.

Presently we are going to learn about shopper purchasing conduct in retail advertise.

Retail Sector and Changing Consumer Behavior

The Indian retail part is still overwhelmingly disorderly. In any case, composed retail
units are quick developing and turning into the favored selection of shoppers,
particularly in urban zones. This improvement is ascribed to various components. Right
off the bat, financial advancement has encouraged the section of multinationals into the
money and-convey business and single brand retailing. Worldwide organizations are
additionally exploiting India's minimal effort work and crude materials to make India a
sourcing center point, just as a business opportunity for their items.

Furthermore, expanding salary levels and a developing feeling of brand cognizance

among India's center and higher pay bunches have prompted expanded notoriety of
sorted out retail units. The changing Consumer behavior is progressively molding
composed retailing and is, thusly, developing with freshly discovered choices and
openings. On the sociocultural side, the developing number of family units, general
improvement in training levels and, in particular, nonstop ascent in ladies' financial
autonomy through employments, just as business, has made ladies assume an
increasingly proactive job in looking for the family.

This has prompted an expanding number of customer profiting of comfort alternatives,

for example, grocery stores, where the greater part of the looking for every day
necessities should be possible under one rooftop. Changing salary levels and occupation
have brought about an adjustment in the shopper's purchasing conduct. Progressively
urban ladies are looking for work bringing about double pay families.
These outcomes in progressively extra cash that thusly brings forth commercialization.
Also, in families with working ladies there is more prominent work pressure and
expanded driving time bringing about changes being made to the nourishment
propensities (cooking versus prepared to eat) just as garments. The center movements to
accommodation and solace. The size and synthesis of the shopping bushel has changed
after some time. The present buyers are searching for shopping accommodation and
need to have every one of their necessities less than one rooftop, combined with speed in
the retail location activities.

Because of time imperatives, families are currently searching for shoppertainment

consolidating shopping with amusement. This is one of the reasons for expanded
footfalls at shopping centers with multiplexes. As India moves into current retailing with
a few changes as to its business sectors, groups and shoppers there are one of kind
difficulties that a worldwide organization entering India needs to modify with, regardless
of whether it is a quick moving buyer merchandise (FMCG) organization or a global
retail chain like Tesco or Wal-Mart. There are interesting retailing perspectives that
should be concentrated in detail by these organizations. While the world over the retail
thickness (number of shops per 1000 shoppers) is on the decay, the retail thickness in
India is on the expansion.

Definition of Consumer Buying Behavior:

Consumer Buying Behavior alludes to the activities taken (both on and disconnected) by shoppers
before purchasing an item or administration. This procedure may incorporate counseling web
crawlers, drawing in with web-based life posts, or an assortment of different activities. It is
significant for organizations to comprehend this procedure since it assists organizations with
bettering tailor their marketing activities to the Marketing endeavors that have effectively
impacted buyers to purchase previously.

We have all accomplished the second when we stroll into a store and see something that we
simply must have. Retailers burn through billions of dollars consistently attempting to create that
feeling in their customer. Web battles, video and print advertisements, web-based social
networking efforts, and marking appear to combine as the shopper at long last feels an association
with an item and makes a buy. So what drives that conduct? What's more, how would you catch
and afterward reproduce that lightning-in-a-bottle second when a potential consumer transforms
into a consumer?

What are the major factors that influence consumer buyer

An assortment of variables goes into the consumer conduct process, however here we
offer only a couple. Taken independently, they may not bring about a buy. At the point
when assembled in any number of mixes, the probability expands that somebody will
associate with a brand and makes a buy. Four components affecting shopper purchasing
conduct are:

• Cultural Factors - Culture isn't constantly characterized by an individual's

nationality. It can also be characterized by their affiliations, their strict
convictions or even their area.
• Social Factors - Elements in an individual's domain that sway the manner in
which they see items.
• Personal Factors - These may incorporate somebody's age, conjugal status,
spending plan, individual convictions, qualities, and ethics.
• Psychological Factors - An individual's perspective when they are drawn
nearer with an item will frequently decide how they feel about the thing itself as
well as the brand all in all.

Retail Marketing Mix: The Four Ps of Retail Marketing

Retailers utilize different promoting and specialized apparatuses to develop mindfulness
and contemplations with future customer. Finding the correct Marketing blend can prompt
a beneficial development and a better yield on speculation. By considering the correct
promoting system retailers can convince consumers to decide to work with their retail
image. The central methodology utilized my cutting edge retailers in marketing their items
is the Four Ps of Retail Marketing.
1. Product: There are two essential sorts of product. Hard or strong merchandise
like apparatuses, hardware, and sporting gear. What's more, delicate merchandise
like attire, family unit things, beauty cares products, and paper items. A few
retailers convey a scope of hard and delicate things like a general store or a
significant retail chain while numerous littler retailers just convey one
classifica tion of merchandise, similar to a boutique dress store.

2. Price: Pricing is a key component to any retail methodology. The retail value
needs to take care of the expense of products just as extra overhead expenses.
There are four essential valuing methodologies utilized by retailers:
• Everyday low evaluating: The retailer works in slim edges and pulls in
customer keen on the most reduced conceivable cost. This system is
utilized by large box retailers like Wal-Mart and Target.
• High/low evaluating: The retailer begins with a significant expense and
later decreases the cost when the thing's ubiquity blurs. This system is
chiefly utilized by little to moderate sized retailers.
• Competitive evaluating: The retailer puts together the cost with respect
to what their opposition is charging. This methodology is frequently
utilized after the retailer has depleted the higher evaluating system
(high/low estimating).
• Psychological evaluating: The retailer sets the cost of things with odd
numbers that shoppers see as being lower than they really may be. For
instance, a rundown cost of $1.95 is related with burning through $1
instead of $2 in the customer mind. This procedure is additionally
called estimating consummation or appeal evaluating.

3. Place: The spot is the place the retailer conducts business with its customer. The
spot can be a physical retail store or a non-physical space like a list organization or
an e-store. While most retailers are little, freely claimed activities (over 90%), over
half of retail deals are created by significant retailers regularly called "huge box
retailers" (see the rundown of the main 20 major box retailers underneath).

4. Promotion: Promotion is the last Marketing blends components. Advancements

incorporate individual selling, publicizing, deals advancement, direct Marketing,
and exposure. A limited time blend determines how much consideration regarding
pay to every strategy, and how much cash to spending plan for each. Advancement
can have a wide scope of targets, including expanding deals, new item
acknowledgment, production of brand value, situating, serious counters, or the
making of a corporate picture.

Retail Store
A retailer or retail store is a business undertaking whose essential wellspring of selling
originates from retailing. Retailing incorporates all the exercises engaged with selling of
merchandise or administrations straightforwardly to definite shopper for individual,
non-business use.
Retailers might be ordered into three classes to be specific,

• Store retailers.
• Non-store retailers and
• Retail associations.

Different types of Retail Stores:

Today, consumer can search for merchandise and enterprises in a wide assortment of stores.
The significant kinds of retail locations are:
1. Specialty store
2. Department store
3. Super market
4. Convenience store
5. Discount store
6. Off-value retailer
7. Superstore
8. Hypermarket; and
9. Catalogue showroom.

1. Specialty store
Specialty stores convey exceptionally restricted product offerings with profound
combination. They offer a wide decision as far as models, size, style, shading and other
significant traits in the arrangement conveyed

2. Department store
A departmental store is a huge retail outlet that handles a wide assortment of lines of
item. It has a wide grouping in each line and is sorted out into isolated divisions for

motivations behind purchasing, advancement, administrations and control. It is here and

there called mass promoting departmental store e.g., military containers.

3. Super markets
A super market is intended to serve the all-out requirements for nourishment, clothing
and family support items. It is generally huge in size. Its activity is minimal effort, low
edge, high volume and self-assistance in nature.

4. Convenience store
A convenience store is situated close to neighborhood. It is generally little. It is saved
open for extended periods of time. Restricted lines of accommodation items are offered
available to be purchased. The costs charged are marginally higher.

5. Hyper Markets
Hyper markets started in France. Hyper markets consolidate forte stores, constrained line
stores in a solitary level store. Item combination goes past routinely bought products. It
incorporates furniture, huge and little machines, dress things, and so forth.
Mass showcase and least taking care of by store work force are different highlights
present in the hyper markets. Markdown is offered to customers who are eager to convey
substantial machines and furniture out of the store.

6. Catalogue showroom
Customer request products from an index in the showroom. At that point, they get these
products at a product pickup region in the store.
The organization that we have taken for the investigation is Decathlon Sports which is a
Hyper Market.

As examined above, hyper advertise is a kind of retail location which has a huge assortment of
specific items and the organization has a place with sports industry and has all the sorts of item. In
this manner we are going to concentrate how consumer conduct influences the organization

Sport industry is a market in which people,
activities, business, and organizations involved in
producing, facilitating, promoting, or organizing any
activity, experience, or business enterprise focused on
sports. It is the market in which the businesses are
products offered to its buyers are sports related and may be
goods, services, people, places, or ideas.

The donning and athletic products fabricating industry involves foundations basically
occupied with assembling wearing and athletic merchandise, aside from attire and
We've quite recently observed one of the greatest development time frames throughout
the entire existence of the business, with development averaging at 4.3% since 2014. The
sports business arrived at an estimation of almost US$488.5 billion of every 2018, is
presently evaluated to be worth over $500 billion.
What is the $500 billion sports industry included, and what are the greatest development
parts? The sports business is unbelievably assorted, enveloping any movement that
gets salary from sports, including anything from TV appropriation, wellness, ticketing,
wagering and promoting to sponsorship or product.

The Business Research Company has quite recently discharged a broad research paper,
investigating sports industry development from 2014 to now, and anticipating patterns for
the coming two years.
For their exploration, they separated the business into two fundamental parts, as per
kind of commitment:
• Participatory (wellness and amusement focus, network sports, donning offices, for
example, neighborhood golf clubs, marinas, exercise centers, individual preparing,
and so forth.)
• Spectator (clubs and sports groups, occasion income, media rights, sponsorship
and promoting)

Of these, the participatory division has the greatest portion of the sports advertise at
roughly 56%. Of all the various sorts of organizations inside that division, wellness and
amusement focuses command, claiming around 40% of the entire participatory sports
The onlooker sports area is required to be the quickest developing segment of the two, at
a future development pace of 5.9%. The income produced by media rights had the biggest
portion of this division in 2018 at 23.7%, and the promoting market is required to be
the quickest developing into the future, at a pace of 7%.

The Sports with Biggest Financial Market Share:

As we've just called attention to, the all-out worth of the sports business is assessed to be
around US$500 billion. Simply under portion of this turnover is produced by the
observer sports area. In this way, serious sports and all the business around it, makes
generally US$250 billion in turnover every year.
Each sports order has a specific rate piece of the overall industry of that $250 billion of
pro athletics turnover. Nothing unexpected, affiliation football (soccer) comes in at
number one, with a major dominant part. Any individual who follows monster 'super
clubs resembles Real Madrid

will realize that football pulls in a great deal of speculation, and tremendous worldwide crowds.

• Association Football/Soccer (43%)

• American Football (13%)
• Baseball (12%)
• Formula 1 (7%)
• Basketball (6%)
• Hockey (4%)
• Tennis (4%)
• Golf (3%)

The sports business is required to keep on developing, arriving at an estimation of $614.1

billion by 2022. Specifically, a couple of key patterns are relied upon to drive
development forward, and present new chances to organizations:

• Development and development of advanced innovation, including new

gushing administrations, portable review, and computer-generated reality, and so
• The extension of computerized wagering and betting, implies that the sports
wagering industry is set to develop.
• European (football) or soccer is developing in prominence in the American market.
• Esports is developing in prominence, and is relied upon to keep on developing
with the advancement of increasingly complex VR innovation.

The North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) code for this industry is
33992— sporting and Athletic Goods Manufacturing. The business incorporates the
accompanying items and exercises.
• Sports hardware (baseball, b-ball, billiards, angling, football, golf, tumbling,
hockey, pool, and racquet sports), producing.
• Specific hardware (sailboards, skates (ice and roller), practice machines,
snowshoes, skis, pools, and play area gear), fabricating.

Economic overview

The sporting and athletic goods manufacturing industry displayed sound growth in shipments,
fueled by enlarged domestic and export demand. Shipments expanded at a normal yearly
pace of 7.3% since 2011, to a sum of $1.1 billion of every 2015. In a similar period,
complete fares and evident household showcase expanded at normal yearly paces of 5.8%
and 8.3% separately.
Imports developed at yearly normal pace of 8.2% somewhere in the range of 2011 and
2015, surpassing change in sends out and bringing about an expanding negative
exchange equalization of $1.4 billion of every 2015. Somewhere in the range of 2010 and
2014, the complete number of foundations shrunk by around 9% or 27 foundations.

Statistics and facts on the Sporting Goods Industry

The market for outdoor supplies in the United States has an anticipated estimation of
right around 65 billion U.S. dollars in 2015. This consider brings with account the
customer acquisition of various item types, for example, athletic footwear, gym
equipment, authorized sports stock athletic clothing however does exclude recreational
transportation things, for example, bikes, delight pontoons, RVs and snowmobiles. The
recreational vehicle and the gear classification represent 25 to 30 billion U.S. dollars in
consumer buys.

Around one fourth of outdoor supplies hardware deals in the U.S. is taken care of by
outdoor supplies stores like Dick's Sporting Goods, Bass Pro Shop, Cabala’s or The Sports
Authority. Altogether, outdoor supplies stores deal in the U.S. surpassed 44.6 billion U.S.
dollars in 2019. One of the most well-known outdoor supplies retailers is Dick's Sporting
Goods as right around 45 percent of respondents in an ongoing Statist overview said that
they buy sports clothing, sports shoes and athletic gear or apparatus there.
The greatest outdoor supplies retailer as far as income, notwithstanding, is Wal-Mart,
with 9.6 billion U.S. dollars in income from outdoor supplies deals in 2014. Around 14
percent of outdoor supplies gear is sold through online channels/over the web; the
appropriation channel with the most noteworthy development in piece of the pie.
Regardless of the development in online deals, around 105 million individuals looked for
outdoor supplies at an outdoor supplies store in 2019 as indicated by Scarborough
Scarborough additionally reports that in 2019, very nearly 93 million individuals in the
U.S. purchased athletic shoes. Around 20 percent of the complete footwear deals in the
U.S., which added up to an expected aggregate of 21 billion U.S. dollars in 2019, are
owing to outdoor supplies stores. Running and running shoes, for instance, sold for a
normal measure of 68 U.S. dollars at the retail level. The main organizations in the
footwear section are Nike and Adidas with incomes of 18.3 and 9.1 billion U.S. dollars
individually in 2020.
Nike and Adidas are additionally the market heads among outdoor supplies makers with
30.6 and 18.5 billion U.S. dollars in overall income individually. Other major outdoor
supplies producers with at any rate 1.5 billion U.S. dollars in income are VF Corp., Puma,

Asics, Jarden, New Balance, Amer Sports and Under Armor.

The sports advertise in North America was worth $60.5 billion of every 2019. It is relied
upon to reach $73.5 billion by 2019. The main motivation for such development is

anticipated increments in income got from media rights bargains, which is anticipated
to outperform entryway incomes as the sports business' biggest section.
Sports media rights are anticipated to go from $14.6 billion of every 2015 to $20.6 billion
by 2019, representing a compound yearly rate increment of 7.2%. Over 35% of current
nearby TV rights manages the National Basketball Association, National Hockey League
and Major League Baseball are set to lapse by 2019, which will add to the general
development in the part dependent on accepted worthwhile new arrangements, yet
national rights bargains really drive the development around there.

Competitors of Decathlon

1. Kitbag.
2. Early winters.

1. Kitbag Retail Sport Industry

Kitbag Ltd. is a United Kingdom sports retailer. The organization was bought by
Fanatics Inc from Findel PLC in February 2016 for £11.5M, beforehand the organization
was bought by Findel PLC in October 2006 from European Home Retail plc. Kitbag
Limited has the selective rights to work the authority online stores of Manchester United,
Chelsea, Real Madrid, Everton, Celtic, Manchester City, Borussia Dortmund, British
Lions (rugby), RFU (rugby), Le Tour, Wimbledon, Roland Garros, NBA, NFL, NHL,
McLaren Motorsports, Formula 1 Store, Official TeamGB Olympic Store, Solheim Cup,
Open Tour and European Golf Store. Kitbag runs a few retail locations in urban areas
over the UK and UAE.
Notwithstanding these on the web and retail locations, Kitbag runs the on the web and
disconnected direct mailings/indexes, call focus tasks, and pick pack and dispatch

package circulation and warehousing for sports organizations.

It has also involvement with running the official web retail destinations for different
accomplices, for example, Nike, Reebok, Umbro, FIFA and UEFA through product

Kitbag Ltd runs its own online sports store, with more than 10,000 sports items. The site
is an authorized affiliate of football shirts, football boots and different sports clothing
and hardware.

2. Early Winters
Early Winters, Ltd. of Seattle, Washington, United States was established in 1972 by
William S. Nicolai, who framed the organization subsequent to making a tent called the
Omnipotent. Early Winters was the main organization to make and sell a buyer item
made with Gore-Tex overlays created by W. L. Violence and Associates in Elkton,
Maryland. The principal item made with Gore-Tex texture appeared in 1976 and was a
smoothed out, two-man tent called The Light Dimension. The tent was made by Nicolai
and William H. Edwards and was advertised by Ron Zimmerman.

In 1975, Gore sales rep Joe Tanner acquainted Early Winters with the texture item, which
around then was still without a name. Over a two-year time, frame, Tanner had made
various deals calls and had been turned somewhere near organizations, for example, REI,
Eddie Bauer, and The North Face. Early winters were the main organization to
understand the criticalness of Gore-Tex textures for outside applications. Actually, the
planning of Tanner's visit was happy since Early Winters had a lightweight, single-walled
tent structure for which they were looking for a waterproof and breathable texture
When Tanner indicated Early Winters the item test, the Early Winters staff gave it a shot
by utilizing an elastic band to make sure about an example of the texture over an
espresso mug loaded up with bubbling water. This permitted obvious steam to go
through the Gore-Tex texture, however when the cup was turned over, no fluid was
professed to come through.

3. JD Sports
JD Sports Fashion plc, all the more normally known as just JD (adapted as JD), is a
sports style retail organization situated in Bury, Greater Manchester, England with shops

all through the United Kingdom, and now has 25 stores in Ireland, subsequent to
assuming control over Irish sports retailer Champion Sports, in January 2011.
Since October 1996, it has been recorded on the London Stock Exchange, and is a
constituent of the FTSE 250 Index. JD Sports Fashion Plc is also an auxiliary of the
Pentland Group.

• Type: - Public constrained organization

• Traded as: - LSE: JD.
• Industry: - Retail
• Founded: - 1981
• Headquarters: - Bury, Greater Manchester
• Key individuals: - Peter Cowgill Chairman) Peter Cowgill (CEO)
• Products: - Clothing, Sportswear Accessories
• Revenue: - £1,821.7 million (2019)
• Operating salary: - £133.4 million (2020)
• Net salary: - £100.6 million (2019)
• Owner: - 1. Pentland Group (58%)
2. Sports Direct (6%)
3. Abe forth Partners (10%)
4. Fidelity Management (5%)
5. Peter Cowgill (CEO) (1%)
6. Other Minor Shareholders (20%)

Decathlon (French articulation:
[dekatlc˜]) is one of the world's biggest outdoor supplies retailers. Decathlon began with a
store in Lille, France in 1976, established by Michel Leclercq. It began to extend abroad 10
years after the fact, to Germany in 1986, Spain in 1992, Italy in 1998, Portugal, the United
Kingdom in 1999, India in 2003, India in 2009 and Southeast Asia in 2012.
Today, there are in excess of 850 stores in 22 nations. The organization utilizes in excess
of 60,000 staff from 80 distinct nationalities.

As of late in India, the brandishing business has seen an intense move as far as being a
one sports country to a multi-sport seeing country. The upsurge in interest and
commitment has driven brands to carry out their specialty in a few pieces of the nation
and develop their business in sheer speed. India is the seventh biggest economy on the
Sports as a business are experiencing an enormous pattern of progress, which is going
towards a positive way. The beginning business which is sprouting at a consistent rate
has prompted a lot of development as far as training; wellbeing joined by wellness and in
particular, works.
Among the different exercises occurring around sports, the matter of sports also sections
into various branches. Out of which, one of the most common divisions is Sports
Merchandising. It is charming to realize that in an ongoing review directed by the Global
Licensing Industry Survey, the Indian sports permitting market for Licensed Retail deals
was esteemed at an incredible $18 million USD in 2016. Presently in India, because of
the powerful interest, the all-out utilization use in promoting is required to develop
significantly and arrive at a sign of $3600 Billion USD by 2020 from $1824 Billion USD
in 2017. Shockingly, the figures represent around 8% of work age in India. Additionally,
India is the world's fifth-biggest worldwide goal in retail space.
Among the different rivals in the sports retail advertise, Decathlon, a French-based
organization, who altogether overwhelm the market around the world, has seen a
consistent development in India. Let us investigate their initiation and progress.

The Firm Origin of Decathlon -

Decathlon is today one of the world’s leading sporting goods retailers, with over
1,400 stores in more than 40 countries. Founded in 1976 in Lille, France, Decathlon
today sells products catering to more than 100 sports. The company’s unique value
proposition is rooted in its capacity to design, manufacture and sell its own products
belonging to more than 20 Decathlon brands dedicated to specific sports, including
Quechua and BTWIN. Innovation is central to Decathlon’s continuous drive to improve
the experience of enthusiasts’ around the world and make sports accessible for all.
The decathlon was started back in 1976 in the beautiful city of Lille, France by Michel
Leclercq. They eventually started expanding overseas after a decade by opening their
franchises in Germany, Spain, Portugal, Italy, UK, China, India and other nations.
Astonishingly, they have 1500+ stores in 49 countries currently. The company employs
more than 87000 staffs from 80 different nationalities. They own 20 brands under their
belt which offers products in all variety of sports. Furthermore, Decathlon is the largest
sports goods retailer in the world.

Decathlon in India

Decathlon initially settled their establishment in 2009 in Bengaluru. It was the principal
substance to fuse a major configuration specialty retail chain in India. They before long
extended their stores in Mumbai, Hyderabad, and Chandigarh which had an
extraordinary reaction. It required some investment to equal the initial investment in
India. As of late, Decathlon intend to contribute a thundering 700 Crores INR to
extend its business in India. Ex Decathlon Sports India CEO, Steve Dykes said in a
meeting, "India is a need nation. We dream to open 100 stores in India in five years."
Also, the organization considers India to be a key market to extend their business as they
named India to be their top worldwide market as far as stores. For the most part,
Decathlon stores are immense rambling over at any rate 4000 square feet. In
examination, different sports merchandise shops are modest in size. Not just has
Decathlon opened vocation open doors for the sports aficionados in the nation, yet it has
also assisted with molding a donning environment in the nation. Decathlon as an
association stresses item quality and they have 20 brands which spread 70 sports.
The expense of the items is very

conservative also. In India, individuals are

famished for diversion past motion pictures, cafés, and shopping centers. Decathlon can
possibly give end of the week diversion options as they offer to rehearse indoor sports in
their gigantic showrooms.

Values -
Decathlon has a committed group for Research and Development of sporting gear and
products. With a committed item improvement and configuration group, they
experience different models of tests and build up the most recent creative structures,
enrolling up to 40 licenses for each year. Each brand speaks to an alternate sport or
gathering of sports. Decathlon's fundamental strategic to make sport open to each
individual on the planet as they accept, the sports has the ability to change the globe. As
an organization, they foresee to help, rouse and control through fluctuated wearing
The retailer stocks a wide scope of outdoor supplies, from tennis rackets to cutting edge
scuba plunging gear, for the most part in enormous superstores which are measured at a
normal of 4,000m². Decathlon Group also possesses 20 brands, with innovative work
offices all over France to build up the most recent inventive structures, enrolling up to 40
licenses for every year. Each brand speaks to an alternate sport or gathering of sports,
with a devoted item advancement and configuration group.
With the productive joining to Decathlon data frameworks and new advances like RFID,
portable installments, and the utilization of Open bravo Web POS in Decathlon stores
truly helps our staff as far as registration process proficiency and lessens time spent on
staff preparing. On account of its B/S engineering, it makes numerous chances to
reconsider the registration procedure in stores. We accept this inventive arrangement
will assist us with the advanced change of our business.
As of January 2020, there are 1,647 Decathlon stores worldwide in about 1,000 urban
communities of 57 countries. Online conveyance has been presented in Taiwan, Belgium,
Bulgaria, France, Netherlands, Poland, Czech Republic, Hungary, United Kingdom,
Germany, Turkey, Hong Kong, India, Japan, Italy, Singapore, Spain, Brazil, Portugal,
Romania, Ireland, Mexico, Australia, and as of late, Malaysia, Egypt, Vietnam and

In India, Decathlon items can be purchased legitimately through their stores resulting to
change in India's FDI strategy and endorsement for Decathlon in February 2013. also,
Decathlon items are additionally accessible online through their online affiliates.

In late 2019, an online just conveyance administration was presented in Tunisia in

arrangement of the opening in Tunis of its first store. The principal store opened in
November 2020 in Tunis City business focus in Tunis. A subsequent area opened in April
2008 in the nation arranged in La Marsa.
In February 2009, they opened the primary store in Bogota, Colombia in the shopping
center Parque La Colina. In July 2020, Decathlon had made its ways for the Filipino
individuals situated at Festival Mall in Filinvest Corporate City, Alabang, Muntinlupa,
and in Tiendesitas, Pasig City, Philippines. Their first Australian store opened in Tempe,
Sydney, NSW, in December 2019. After two years in the Australian market, the
reasonability of the Australian business is under inquiry in the wake of posting an
exchanging loss of $19,563,819 aud in only 2 years of exchanging
In August 2018, the organization reported it would open its first Canadian store in
Brossard, Quebec throughout the spring of 2018.

In April 2018, the organization declared it would open its first store in Kiev, Ukraine in
the primary long periods of 2019.
In January 2019, the organization reported it would open 9 stores in Ireland, beginning
in Ballymun, north Dublin with highlights will incorporate a rollerblading track, bicycle
circuit and astroturf pitch.
In April 2019, the organization opened its first store in Hanoi, Vietnam. Another store
was opened in Ho Chi Minh city in May 2019.
In October 2019, the retail mammoth opened its first store in Qormi, Malta.
In December 2019, "Decathlon" showed up in Serbia opening its first store in Belgrade.

Product Ranges
The retailer develops and sells its own brands, which the company characterizes as
"passion brands". Each sport or group of sports has a separate brand name:

 Aptonia - Nutrition, Healthcare and Triathlon

 Artengo - Tennis
 B'Twin - Cycling and Workshop
 Caperlan - Fishing
 Domyos - Fitness, Gym, Yoga, Dance,
 Forclaz - Trekking
 Fouganza - Horse Riding
 FLX - Cricket
 Geologic - Target Sports such as Archery, Darts and Pétanque
 Geonaute - Sports Electronics

 Inesis - Golf
 Itiwit - paddle sports

 Kalenji - Running
 Kipsta - Team Sports
 KOROK - Hockey
 Kuikma - Padel (sport)
 Nabaiji - Swimming
 Newfeel - Sport Walking

 Offload - Rugby
 Olaian - Surfing and Boardwalking
 Opfeel - Squash
 Orao - Eyewear and Optical Accessories
 Outshock - Combat Sports
 Oxelo - Rollersports, Skating and Scooters

 Perfly - Badminton
 Quechua - Hiking, Camping and Outdoor Gear
 Rockrider - Cycling (Mountain Bike)
 Sandever - Beach Tennis
 Simond - Mountaineering
 Solognac - Hunting
 Subea - Diving
 Tarmak - Basketball
 Triban - Cycling (Comfort-Oriented)

 Tribord - Sailing
 Van Rysel - Cycling (Performance/Racing-Oriented)
 Wed'Ze - Skiing and Snowboarding

Brands providing technical support for the products for the company's passion brands:

 Equarea - Clothing designed for the active removal of sweat

 Essensole - Shoe soles and insoles

 Novadry - Waterproof and breathable clothes

 Stratermic - Warm and light clothes
 Strenfit - Light and Robust Synthetic fabrics (non-garment)
 Supportiv - Support and compression

Decathlon is a network of innovative retail chain and brands providing enjoyment for all
sports people. At Decathlon, 70,000 of us live our common Purpose on a daily
basis: ―to make the pleasure and benefits of sport accessible to all‖. In every country
where we are present, we share a strong and unique company culture, reinforced by our
two values: Vitality and Responsibility.

At Decathlon, we place advancement at the core of our exercises: from research to retail,
including plan, creation and coordination. Our twenty Passion Brand groups direct the
entirety of their vitality in to creating specialized, gorgeous and basic items, consistently
at the most reduced potential costs.
These items are focused on all sports lovers, from fledglings to specialists, and are sold
solely at Decathlon.

Decathlon is located in different country that is:-

France, India, Spain, Italy, Russia, IndiaPoland,GermanyPortuga,Belgium,UnitedKingdom,

ia,Slovakia,Mexico,Singapore,Sweden,Ivory Coast, Malaysia, Slovenia
All- o u t a l l - a r o u n d decathlon have 1176 store So by these figure they become
the one of the greatest retailer on the planet who make sports accessible to all.

Two binding values of the company

Everywhere throughout the world, we share a solid and exceptional organization

culture, strengthened by our two qualities:
 Vitality
Essentialness is Life, serious movement, vitality, drive and life. Our workers are
loaded with imperativeness as they have, above all else, an uplifting attitude and
are overflowing with vitality. They are energetic, they love making and developing,
and steadily endeavor to improve and make things around them change.

 Responsibility
Being capable is tied in with settling on choices and ensuring they are followed up
on. Our representatives are completely answerable for their choices, both as far as
their group and their customer. Duty is also about foreseeing the difficulties
confronting society and situating our activities towards supportable turn of events.
What's more, it is also our obligation to ensure the wellbeing of our customer and
representatives everywhere throughout the world.

SWOT investigation is an examination attempted by an association to distinguish its
inside qualities and shortcomings, just as its outside circumstances and dangers.
• Strengths: attributes of the business or undertaking that give it a bit of leeway over
• Weaknesses: attributes that place the business or venture off guard
comparative with others.
• Opportunities: components that the business or undertaking could adventure to
further its potential benefit.
• Threats: components in the condition that could mess up the business or undertaking


• Targeted toward athletes (global).

• Product is not the same as the other companies (i . e . our specialization in the
market of marathons and bicycles)
• We have a reasonable vital course.
• More than 800 retailers everywhere throughout the world.
• Wide assortment of items.
• Affordable costs


• Not sufficiently enhanced.

• Currently make athletic footwear as it were.
• Current picture rating is not as much as contenders.
• Wholesale region and lost income.
• Increasing efficiency.
• Being progressively proficient.
• Fewer spotlights on consumer loyalty.
• Decathlon centers on retail deals.

• Untapped universal areas.
• Target an occasion/field (Triathlons/cycle).
• Market a shoe explicitly for an occasion.
• Making gear for all zones of exercise (i.e. Athletic wear).
• The showcase has such huge numbers of dimensions, in Americans, Europe and Asia.
• Open more stores in the Netherlands.
• Focus on the interest of web-based retailing.


• Competitive markets-elective brands (EIRA has a developing business sector.

• Consumers searching for bargains.
• Limited advertise.
• Currency contrasts in various nations/advertise vacillations and volatility (i.e.
cash or political).
• High rivalry from worldwide and residential players.
• High swelling.
• Being incapable to foresee to changing economic situations


As we realized the development pace of the decathlon is practically close to 25%. In the
event that we look in this money related year in Bangalore itself there been opened 2 new
stores. Furthermore, till now the fundamental focal point of the decathlon was Bangalore
yet for coming monetary year they will concentrate on the Chennai. By and by decathlons
have 3 stores in the Chennai which will be expanded by 7 to 9 in coming money related



This study will help to find out the customers need, the study will help us to know what the
users are looking for and as we know the decathlon is providing the online service and many of
them are not satisfied with the service because they don’t have the delivery of the entire


• To understand the concept of consumer behavior.

• To study the awareness level of the consumers towards the brands of decathlon.

• To examine the factors affecting the curiosity quotient of the consumers.

• To study the attitude of customers towards brand of decathlon.

• To study how customers perceive the products of decathlon.


Sources of Data

Data collection is one of the important tasks in research of the basis of collected data
analysis is done upon which take effective decision. Data can be collected in two ways,
primary data and secondary data.

Primary Data: -To obtain primary data through descriptive research which is also
called survey method.i.e. to carry out sample survey of existing and prospective

Secondary Data: -It is the data that have been collected by someone else for some
other purpose but being utilized by the investigator for another purpose. The
secondary data method includes Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Search Engine
Marketing (SEM).

Here both primary data and secondary data had collected. Both data are useful in the

Primary data is being collected by using personal interview, mail interview,

questionnaire etc. and secondary data is collected from magazines, journals etc.

Sampling design: The sampling technique adopted for the study is simple
random sampling.

Sampling size: For the purpose of the study 400 samples were selected from the

Sampling tool: Tool used for the study is percentage analysis, chi-square etc.

Research Approach: Survey method

Research Method: Descriptive method

Data Collection Approach:

A) Primary Data: Survey with questionnaire

& personal
B) Secondary Data: Literature review, websites,
blogs etc.
Area of research: Bhubaneswar

Research Instrument: Questionnaire

Sampling Method: Simple Random Sampling.

Sample Size: 400

Review of Literature
1. Bryan Clay 2008: I intrigued to perceive what kind of examination could be
applied to these sports, which even concedes doesn't get a lot of regard. I chose to
put forth a valiant effort to redress the issue by doing my own examination on the
aptitude of decathletes.

2. Lebrun, 2006: Decathlon Group is unique in relation to its fundamental rivals;

for example, inter sport and Go Sport which have not decided to plan and
production their own imaginative and solid sub-brands. The las t has many own

brands; however, they are not based on qualities identified with specialized
execution or advancement.

3. Michel & Salha, 2005: Decathlon Group follows the methodology of a major
organization ready to expand its piece of the pie by trying to enter high edge
sections in spite of the fact that it was somewhat compelled to do as such.
Undoubtedly, the arrangement of sports particular superstores – created by
Decathlon and fruitful either in France or in Europe - is a disappointment in
nations where buyer designs are unique. Also that, on certain business sectors,
especially in the United States, there are circumstances of semi syndication in the
interest of neighborhood retailers (hindrance at the passage) which drop any idea
of extension of a newcomer, even a major one.

4. According to the possibilities of Akrich, Callon&Latour (1988) to gain ground

in the specialty of overseeing advancements: understanding the instruments by
which advancements succeed or neglect to create rules that fill in as manual for
activity. All things considered, the achievement of the Decathlon Group
advancements and "enthusiasm brands" depends, most importantly, on a superb
comprehension and coordination between the different parts of the organization
in question, yet in addition on atypical imaginative undertakings the executive’s

5. Irwin Wouts: According to him, advancement of the Decathlon Group "energy

brands", strategy, not extremely mandate, appeared to be progressively adjusted
to an official new to increasingly refined strategies.

6. Métais, 1997: The idea of assets or vital resources gets from the craving to
precisely portray the maximum capacity of an organization. It permits us to
distinguish the fundamental substances which make up the inventive capability of
a firm.

7. Achrol (1991): Focusing on the impact of expanding ecological disturbance on

Marketing association, contends that a more significant level of hierarchical
adaptability is required and proposes two perfect structures that he alludes to as
the promoting trade organization and the Marketing alliance organization.

8. Webster (1992): examines changes in Marketing's job inside the firm and
contends that "overseeing vital organizations and situating the firm among sellers

and customer in the worth chain" (p. 1) will turn into the focal point of

Zarnowski,2001: In decathlon, even before trying to perform during every

occasion ,the absolute first point is to finished each of the 10 occasions therefore,
decathletes need to confront their own capacity to perform and score focuses at
every occasion.

9. Kadrovik since 2007: Until as of late, the framework was utilized for HR
records and reports the executives, hierarchical prototyping and time track, and
the finance was done by a redistributing organization in its own program. Trade of
information between the two frameworks for finance purposes had various huge

10. According to Lucintel: The showcase is gauge to arrive at an expected $266

billion out of 2017 with a CAGR of 4%over the following six years (2012–2017).

11. Leibniz (seventeenth century) and Diderot (eighteenth century) were at

that point grumbling about data over-burden. The "ghastly mass of books" they
alluded to may have spoken to just a minor segment of what we know today,
however quite a bit of what we realize today will be similarly inconsequential to
people in the future.

12. Tomas Chommaro 2019: CQ is commonly increasingly lenient of uncertainty.

This nuanced, refined, unpretentious reasoning style characterizes the very
substance of multifaceted nature. Second, CQ prompts more significant levels of
scholarly speculation and information obtaining after some time, particularly in
formal areas of training, for example, science and craftsmanship (note: this is
obviously not quite the same as IQ's estimation of crude scholarly pull).
Information and aptitude, much like understanding, make an interpretation of
complex circumstances into recognizable ones, so CQ is a definitive apparatus to
deliver basic answers for complex issues.

13. Prezumic 1989: contends that CQ is similarly as significant while overseeing

intricacy in two significant manners: expanded resistance for vagueness and a
higher venture after some time in information and ability securing which prompts
a nuanced, modern perspective after some time.

14. Cari E. Guittard: CQ is a definitive apparatus," he contends, "to deliver


straightforward answers for complex issues." And as Thomas Friedman noted in

his article from a year ago It'sthe ability required for each not too bad
employment is ascending just like the need of long lasting learning... those with
more P.Q. (energy remainder) and C.Q. (interest remainder) to use all the new
advanced instruments to get a new line of work, yet to develop one or rehash one,
and to learn as well as to relearn for a lifetime."

Limitations of Study

The major limitations that were faced by us in the course of carrying out this study are
delay in getting data from the various respondents. Most respondent may reluctant in
filling questionnaire administered to them due to their busy schedules and the
nature of their work. The researcher found it difficult to collect responses from the
various respondents, and this almost hampered the success of this study, and another
problem is that to complete the study within the given time bound.

Marketing is absolute arrangement of business exercises intended to design, cost,
advance, and disseminate need fulfilling items to target showcases so as to
accomplish authoritative goals. This is characterized have two critical ramifications:

o Center: the whole arrangement of business exercises ought to be consumer

situated consumer's needs should be perceived and fulfilled.

o Span: promoting should begin with the thought regarding the need fulfilling item
and ought not to end until consumer needs are totally fulfilled, which might be at
some point after the trade is made.

• DEFINITION BY PHILIP KOTLER – Social and managerial process by which

individuals and groups obtain what they need and want through creating and
exchanging products and value with others

• DEFINITION BY AMA – Marketing is an organizational function and a set of

processes for creating, communicating, and delivering value to customers and for
managing relationships in ways that benefit the organization and its stakeholders.
There are 5 competing concepts under which organizations conduct marketing

activities are:
• Production concept.
• Product concept.
• Selling concept.
• Marketing concept

i. Societal concept

• Production idea: This idea holds the view that shoppers will like, produce that
are generally accessible and cheap. Those chiefs working underway situated
business will focus on accomplishing high creation. Minimal effort and mass

• Product idea: This idea holds the view that customer will support those items
that offer the most quality; execution. c h i e f in these associations put forth
attempts to improve quality additional time. They accept that the customer appreciate
very much made item. The issue or disadvantage of this idea is that director's gets bug
down with the item as opposed to acknowledging "what markets need". The organizations
which are item situated will have almost no contribution from the customer. They won't
sibling to contemplate the contender's item. They accept that designing division can
deliver an excellent item.

• Selling idea: This idea expect that customer whenever left alone will
conventionally not purchase enough of association items. The association must, in
this way embrace forceful selling and advancement endeavors. This idea expect
that consumers that shoppers normally demonstrate protection from purchase
and accordingly should be cajoled into purchasing. It also accepts that the
organization has a battery of successful offering apparatuses to invigorate all the
more purchasing.

• Marketing idea: This idea accept that, the way to accomplish authoritative
objective comprises of the organization being more viable than rivals in making,
conveying and imparting, consumer incentive to its picked target markets. The
Marketing ideas can be communicated from various perspectives:

Marketing Orientations
How does an organization pick their deals and Marketing theory? An organization will
choose their way of thinking by settling on the best way to outfit their inside qualities to
arrive at their buyers. What some portion of their arms stockpile will they use?
Organizations embrace one of four methods of reasoning when choosing how to make an
authoritative Marketing process. The four methods of reasoning are creation, deals, item,
Marketing, cultural Marketing directions and comprehensive promoting directions.

Production Orientation
The primary way of thinking we will examine is creation direction. A simple method to
comprehend this term is to reference Henry Ford, the first producer of American
vehicles. Creation direction is a way of thinking that centers on the inside abilities of the
firm as opposed to on the wants and needs of the commercial center. Passage made one
kind of vehicle and expressed that the

Customer could have it in any shading as long as it was dark! Firms that utilization this
way of thinking accept that they are using their association's qualities in the most
ideal manner. They look inside and choose how to continue contingent on their own
capacities. The one issue with this kind of reasoning is that it doesn't think about
whether their item or administration really addresses the issues of the shopper and
Marketing Orientation

Marketing direction is the third way of thinking and the first that considers the
significance of the consumer's needs. Promoting direction is the way of thinking that a
firm exists to fulfill shopper's needs and needs and furthermore gives investor and
corporate advantage. Promoting direction additionally consolidates the conviction of
long haul consumer relationship constructing; the procedure of a joined business
exertion to fulfill customer and truly exploring consumer needs and needs.
Organizations that are known for following this way of thinking are Apple, Disney, and
Coca-Cola. They watch out for their customer consistently.

Elements of Marketing Management

1. Functions of Exchange:

• Buying Function: A producer is required to purchase crude


material for creation purposes also a distributer needs to purchase

great from maker for offering it to retailer. A retailer offers the
merchandise to the consumer. The capacity of purchasing must be
done at different levels. Purchasing includes move of possession
from merchant to consumer.

• Assembly work: Goods bought from different sources and

amassed at one spot, to suit the prerequisite of the consumer.

• Selling capacities: Selling capacity includes, offer of merchandise

from vender to consumer. Selling capacity is critical to all
association because of the reality the selling must be done against
extreme rivalry.

2. Function of Physical Distribution:

Transportation: This incorporates method of transport,

choice of transporter or bearer, cargo harmonize proportion like
cargo paid or to pay.

• Inventory management: These incorporate momentary for

throwing, item, size and area of distribution center, in the nick of
time and push or pull procedure received.

• Warehousing: The accompanying capacities are incorporated like

space prerequisite, reasonableness of area, format structure and
physical sports plan.

• Material handling: This incorporates hardware determination,

gear substitution, stockpiling techniques and receipts and issues.

Marketing evolution
Marketing has changed throughout the hundreds of years, decades and years. The
creation focused framework deliberately changed into relationship time of today and
over the period; the specializations have developed, for example, deals as opposed to
Marketing and publicizing as opposed to retailing. The general advancement of

promoting has offered ascend to the idea of business improvement. Marketing has taken
the cutting-edge shape subsequent to experiencing different stages since last the finish of
nineteenth century. The Production situated act of Marketing before the twentieth
century was moderate and hidebound by dependable guidelines and absence of data.
Science and innovation advancements and uncommonly the improvement of data
innovation have now changed the manner in which individuals live, the manner in which
individuals work together and the manner in which individuals sell and buy.

Marketing in the 21st Century

Marketing in the 21st century is altogether different from its initial beginnings. The
present advertisers have more options as far as help, media openings, and
correspondences. They additionally have more rivalry from changed sources, particularly
as the Internet has made it workable for organizations around the world to contend

• More Communication Choices-The 21st century offers numerous decisions

for promoting interchanges. Organizations despite everything approach
instruments, for example, papers, radio, and TV, yet additionally have a wide
scope of online apparatuses, including internet-based life. More decisions are
something to be thankful for; they present chances to interface with more
individuals in unexpected manners in comparison to any other time in recent
memory. More decisions additionally speak to difficulties, be that as it may.
Keeping steady over the numerous choices accessible can be tedious and some of
the time expensive.

• More Creative Options- Technology has offered more choices for sharing
Marketing messages, yet more choices for making these messages also. The
present Marketing faculty can utilize a scope of devices to upgrade
correspondences through illustrations, sound, and development. Economical
camcorders mean advertisers can make do-it- without anyone else's help media
that sets aside both time and cash. Be cautious, as the nature of made materials
should be predictable with the ideal brand picture.

• More Consumer Choices- More consumer’s decisions in the 21st century

implies more rivalry for organizations from numerous sources. The Internet,
specifically, presently permits even the littlest association to set up a local,
national, or even universal nearness. Rivalry presently comes from the business
over the road, yet additionally from over the world.

• Social Media Streamlines Word-of-Mouth-Word-of-mouth has consistently

been a significant factor in effective promoting endeavors, yet online life makes
this technique much all the more a factor. Shoppers can collaborate with a great
many individuals in the 21st century, in sharp complexity to the days when data
was shared over the terrace fence.

• Tried and True Marketing Techniques Still Work-Despite the numerous

new open doors accessible to advertisers in the 21st century, dependable
Marketing systems despite everything work. Eventually, effective promoting is
tied in with distinguishing an objective market, understanding its needs, and
imparting the business' convincing messages through different channels. These
promoting messages all pass on how shopper needs can be met by the business'
items and administrations.

Factors affecting marketing

Before you start building up another Marketing plan, consider how every one of these
outside powers impacts your decision of promoting bearing and media.

• Demographics: How will the piece of your market change and what openings or
obstacles will this make? By what means will populace and lodging request

• Current and projected economic conditions: How will swelling, business,

charges, and other monetary variables influence supply, request, and evaluating?

• Size, growth potential, and prosperity of the market: Will the size of your
market keep on supporting current business as well as permit the open door for
business development? What are the development choices for lodging accessibility
in your market? Is there empty land accessible? Are there geographic

impediments on development (a mountain go) Are there zoning, use expenses,

and different limitations that may fuel or breaking point development?

• Market potential: Strengths and shortcoming of significant contenders. How

might you gain by a contender's shortcoming?

• Market share: What level of current exchanges in your market is taken care of
by your organization and what variables could change that rate either decidedly or

• Present consumer arrangement: How do factors such training, purchasing

recurrence, age, salary level, occupations and diversions influence the degree of
future interest among existing customer.

Customer orientation
The customer direction is present day marketing theory that controls the rehearsing
chiefs to complete promoting endeavor in a way that outcome into most extreme shopper
fulfillment. The shopper direction underscores.

Customer relationship management:

Customer relationship management (CRM) is not just the application of technology,

but is a strategy to learn more about customers’ needs and behaviors in order to
develop stronger relationships with them. As such it is more of a business philosophy
than a technical solution to assist in dealing with customers effectively and efficiently.
Nevertheless, successful CRM relies on the use of technology. This guide outlines the
business benefits and the potential drawbacks of implementing CRM. It also offers
help on the types of solution you could choose and how to implement them.

What is CRM?
In the commercial world the importance of recollecting existing customers and
expanding business is paramount. The costs associated with finding new customers
mean that every existing customer could be important. Customer relationship
management (CRM) helps businesses to gain an insight into the behavior of their
customers and modify their business operations to ensure that customers are served in

the best possible way. In essence, CRM helps a business to recognize the value of its
customers and to capitalize on improved customer relations. The better you
understand your customers, the more responsive you can be to their needs.

CRM can be achieved by:

• Finding out about your customers purchasing habits, opinions and preferences

Changing the way you operate to improve customer service and marketing

• Benefiting from CRM is not just a question of buying the right software. You
must also adapt your business to the needs of your customers.


The Indian Retail Industry is the fifth greatest on earth. Including sifted through and
jumbled sections, Indian retail industry are one of the speediest creating organizations in
India, especially all through the latest couple of years. Regardless of the way that from
the start the retail business in India was generally turbulent, anyway with the difference
in taste and tendencies of consumers, the Industry is getting more standard these days
and setting everything straight as well. The Indian Retail Industry is depended upon to
create from US$330 billion out of 2010 to US$940 billion by 2020.

In these we can undoubtedly expect that tool a great part of the individuals know about
the outside brands and that will assist the remote organization with promoting
themselves .But here on account of decathlon we have seen that they don't spent a lot of
cash on any sort of the advancement. They simply use to advance the item inside the
three store as it were. Be that as it may, the best part is the they have the best group for
each sports to disclose to the customer. What's more, that is just the principle idea which
they are following.

Indian commercialization is growing rapidly. The nation's shoppers have moved from
value thought to a longing for structure and quality. That is, they currently have a
readiness to explore different avenues regarding standard design (Biswas, 2006). This

development of industrialism is prompting an interest for extravagance merchandise,

cosmopolitan styles, and worldwide brands. The developing salary and request of Indian
consumers is additionally prompting an expansion in buyer utilization. India's urban
populace will arrive at 85 million throughout the following 10 years, getting second just
to china.

Indian Retail Industry

India's Retailing Boom has increased further vitality, dynamism and energy with overall
players testing in the Indian business part and the country's present mammoths figuring
out how to enchant the buyer. Meanwhile, the early competitors are reconsidering their
frameworks to remain centered and suit the new market scene. It was discovered that
the nature of outside brands was seen to be commonly higher and better than
neighborhood brands. Most buyers additionally related more noteworthy availability of
outside brands in the Indian market with better quality at lower costs. Regardless of
significant levels of patriotism and inclination for indigenous production, as prove in
high factor appraisals on an ethnocentrism scale, which may show a positive
predisposition towards nearby brands, Indian buyers were not preferential against
remote brand names. Actually, they assessed them higher on innovation, quality, status
and regard than Indian brands, and ascribed higher validity to those countries‐of‐origin.

Awareness of the brand

On the off chance that we find in India now a days the individuals are getting information
on decathlon and their brands. In the event that we see in other hand the brands of
decathlon item are truly inexhaustible and great in term of value and that it is
particularly emotional in term of other remote brands. Since here we a showing signs of
improvement item in a low cost and the organization itself give the rule to that item with
the goal that we can know about the use of the item
The best piece of these organization is the consumer connection and the administration
that are been given to the consumer is amazing. In the event that we see that the
consumer fulfillment of the most recent year in 89% which is quite acceptable as contrast
with the well-known brand of a similar area.

The Four Ps Model

• Product – The first of the Four Ps of Marketing is item. An item can be either a
substantial decent or an immaterial assistance that satisfies a need or need of
customers. Regardless of whether you sell custom beds and wood items or give
extravagance lodging, it's basic that you have an away from of precisely what your
item is and what makes it one of a kind before you can effectively showcase it.

• Price – Once a solid comprehension of the item offering is set up we can begin
settling on some evaluating choices. Value judgments will affect overall
revenues, supply, request and Marketing technique. Maybe comparable (in idea)
items and brands ought to be situated contrastingly dependent on fluctuating
value focuses, while value versatility contemplations may impact our next two Ps.
• Promotion – We have an item and a value currently it's a great opportunity to
advance it. Advancement takes a gander at the numerous ways promoting
organizations disperse important item data to buyers and separate a specific item
or administration.
Advancement incorporates components like: publicizing, advertising, online
networking promoting, email Marketing, web index marketing, video Marketing
and the sky is the limit from there. Each touch point must be upheld by a very
much situated brand to really boost rate of return.

• Place – Often you will hear advertisers saying that promoting is tied in with
putting the correct item, at the correct cost, at the ideal spot, at the opportune
time. It's basic at that point, to assess what the perfect areas are to change over
potential customers into real customers. Today, even in circumstances where the
real exchange doesn't occur on the web, the underlying spot potential customers
are locked in and changed over is on the web.

The five phase’s system stays a decent method to assess the consumer's purchasing procedure

1. Problem/need acknowledgment
This is regularly recognized as the first and most significant advance in the
consumer's choice procedure. A buy can't happen without the acknowledgment of
the need. The need may have been activated by interior improvements, (for

example, appetite or thirst) or outside upgrades, (for example, promoting or


2. Information inquiry
Having perceived an issue or need, the following stage a consumer may take is the
data search stage, so as to discover what they feel is the best arrangement. This is
the consumer's push to look through interior and outside business situations, so
as to recognize and assess data sources identified with the focal purchasing
choice. Your consumer may depend on print, visual, online media or verbal
exchange for acquiring data.

3. Evaluation of options
As you would expect, people will assess various items or brands at this phase
based on elective item properties – those which can convey the advantages the
consumer is looking for. A factor that intensely impacts this stage is the
consumer's demeanor.

Inclusion is another factor that impacts the assessment procedure. For instance,
in the event that the consumer's mentality is sure and inclusion is high, at that
point they will assess various organizations or brands; however, on the off chance
that it is low, just one organization or brand will be assessed.

4. Purchase choice
The penultimate stage is the place the buy happens. Philip Kotler (2009) states
that the last buy choice might be 'disturbed' by two components: negative
criticism from different customer and the degree of inspiration to acknowledge the
For instance, having experienced the past three phases, a consumer decides to
purchase another telescope. Be that as it may, in light of the fact that his generally
excellent companion, a sharp space expert, gives him negative criticism, he will at
that point will undoubtedly change his inclination. Moreover, the choice might be
upset because of unexpected circumstances, for example, an abrupt activity
misfortune or migration.

5. Post-buy conduct

In a word, customer will contrast items and their past desires and will be either
fulfilled or disappointed. Consequently, these stages are basic in holding
customer. This can extraordinarily influence the choice procedure for comparative
buys from a similar organization later on, having a thump on impact at the data
search stage and assessment of choices stage. On the off chance that your
consumer is fulfilled, this will bring about brand unwaveringness, and the
Information search and Evaluation of elective stages will frequently be optimized
or skipped by and large.


Figure showing does customer know Decathlon:


Table showing customer practice any sports:


Chart showing how is customer experience of shopping through




Highly Satis Mode Dis-satisfied

Chart showing is customer go for Hiking:


Table showing, where they hike?

Home town, Bhubaneswar 16
Hiking near Dehradun mountain, Living root 2
bridge Assam
Some Wild life sanctuary, Similipal 5
some Hill top 1
In my local areas in Kalahandi 4
Mountain hiking 2
nature hiking 5
Nayagarh 6
Sambalpur 5
Dhenkanal, 3
Cuttack, 9
Mountain trekking 4

Chart showing with whom customer use to go for Hike.


Chart Showing Which brand do the costumer use?

Chart showing, why they use these Brands?


Chart Showing, How Many Customers Are Aware Of The Given

Decathlon’s Brands


After doing this survey or the study we have got many suggestion and feedback
from our customers and we have observed that many of the consumers are
aware of the decathlon. But they are not aware of the brands which the company
have so the company has to take steps towards the brand awareness of the
product they have.
 The can put all of their available products on their mobile application.
 They can become partners with E- Commerce Company.
 During weekends there is a huge rush in the store and no customer wants to
wait for the assistance, therefore management can increase the number of
staffs as per the requirement.
 There should be proper contact between the stores within the city.
 Since, Decathlon has grown very fast and almost has a store in every outlet
in the city. Therefore, they should update their website more frequently so
that the customers do not have to travel more than required.

 Decathlon main research & development happens in France, due to which

local sports like kabbadi doesn’t have any products. As, my location is in
bhubaneswar there were a lot of Kabbadi players and each time they have to
go back unsatisfied. So, at least Brand should have basic products.

 Decathlon should also introduce more indoor games as right now it has
limited indoor games. During my period of internship 20-25 customers
asked to me about Chess and every time I have to reply “sorry sir, sorry

 The Customers ought to be instructed with respect to mark and the sub-
brands at Decathlon. This will empower the clients to distinguish what the
item is and the proposed reason for the item, along these lines decreasing
the quantity of profits because of wrong item recognizable proof and

 According to the item arrangement, those items falling under ‘5/40’


territory ought to be kept in more stock as when contrasted with the items
falling under ‘80/20’. This will guarantee there exists insignificant SLT with
respect to the items, along these lines lessening expense to the organization.

 Hiring of more employees as awareness of Brand is increasing which is

leading to more customer walk-ins, therefore more human should be
available in layout.

 As decathlon provides minimum 2year warranty on its products. The terms

& conditions should be specified to Users clearly during the purchase.

 Decathlon believes that all customers comes to its store are sport users and
company trusts them, due to which they don’t have RFID scanners at exit
points and don’t even have CCTV cameras in all LAYOUT.

 People take advantage of it and there has been many cases of theft which is
costing company 0.025% of its turnover. There should be proper RFID
scanners and CCTV cameras to monitor and reduce thefts from the store.

 In Odisha, only one decathlon store is present, and it has customers from
all over the Odisha. In summer time the heat waves go on and even the
temperature lies above 40oC. So to give the comfort zone and to satisfy the
customers the company should install AC inside the store. Because of the
AC the passers-by will also come to visit the store

 Advice to focus on producing casual and more designer in some segment of

the clothing and Footwear.

 Implement: Buy in-store, return pickup from app

 More products are available in online rather than offline shopping. They
should keep more varieties in offline too.

 Company should manufacture its product in India so that our people can
get some opportunities for their jobs.

 Need more in digital marketing



We can easily assume that how much of the people are aware of the foreign brands and
that will help the foreign company to promote themselves. But here in the case of
decathlon we have seen that they do not spent much money on any kind of the
promotion. They just use to promote the product inside their store only. But the best
part is that they have the best team for each sport to explain to the users.

If we see in India now a days the people are getting knowledge of decathlon and their
brands. If we see in other hand the brands of decathlon product are very renewable and
good in term of quality and that it is very much affective in term of other foreign brands.
Because here we a getting better product in a low price and the company itself provide
the guide line for that product so that we can be aware of the usage of the product

The best part of these company is the customer relation and the service that are been
provided to the customer is awesome. But in other hand we have seen that they are not
talking steps to promote their brands but they are coming with some new concept which
is highly confidential.



|Decathlon Cyber Hub, (Outside View)

|Mountain Sports Layout |Cricket Layout

|Sports like Badminton, Football, Tennis,

Cycling layout Basketball etc. Layout

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