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Chapter 1
Other instances that illustrate quasi-contracts:
1156. Obligations, a juridical necessity to give, to do or not During a calamity, property is saved from destruction by
to do. another person. Owner must pay for the savior’s efforts for
just compensation.
Elements of an Obligation:
1. Active Subject (CR;obligee) 1161. Crimes - are governed by Penal Laws.
2. Passive Subject (DR;obligor) - Article further explains the civil liabilities for
3. Object/Prestation obligations that arise from crimes.
4. Efficient Cause (vinculum/juridical tie - why)
[General Rule:]
Kinds of Obligations: Person who is criminally liable is also civilly liable.
1. Civil (perfect) - Commission of crime causes moral evil & material

2. Natural damages.
3. Moral (Imperfect) If without material damages, civil liability can’t
4. Real - to give be enforced.
5. Personal - to do/not to do
6. Unilateral How criminal action can be brought forth:
7. Bilateral (Reciprocal or Non-reciprocal) 1. Criminal + Civil = combo
(general rule, implied together)
1157. Obligations arise from: Law, Contracts, 2. Criminal & Civil = separate actions
Quasi-Contracts, Crimes (Felonies), Quasi
Delicts(Negligence). ★ Accused may be sued civilly (guilty/acquitted),
victim can only recover damages from ONE case
1158. Law - aren’t presumed. only.
Those expressed in the Code/Special Laws are ★ Instance exempted from criminal liability. Guardian
demandable. may be sued civilly if negligent in their care. If w/o
guardian, property of the insane can be made
[NOTE:] liable.
If there is conflict between the Code & Special Laws:
Code < Special Law (prevails) Civil Liability from a crime:
● Restitution - return
1159. Contracts - have the force of law. ● Reparation - repair
- Law > Contract ● Indemnification - compensation
- Contract must not be against the law first and
foremost to be valid. ★ Death of offender pending trial:
- Parties may stipulate conditions as long as not Action may be taken to the admin of the estate,
against the law. esp if civil action is independent (material
- Parties are bound to the terms of the contract damages can be determined separately from
even before involving the court. (must be valid criminal intent, e.g. physical injuries).
first, ofc)
[NOTE]: If civil liability exists despite death, prior to final
★ Repudiation of an agreement validly entered into judgment (will NOT extinguish the civil liability).
can’t be made without justifiable reason.
Evidence Needed:

★ Contracts - Obligations ★ Civil Action = preponderance of evidence (higher
(Meeting of the minds expressed/implied quantity & quality)
★ Criminal Action = proof beyond reasonable doubt
★ Obligation - Contract - Obligation
- Not all obligations come from contracts alone. 1162. Quasi-delicts, tort, culpa aquiliana = Negligence
- Fault/negligent act (omission of care) which
Innominate Contracts (Unclassified) causes damage to another.
1. Do ut des - I give that you may give - No pre-existing contractual relations. Criminal in
2. Do ut facias - I give that you may do character but was committed negligently.
3. Facio ut des - I do that you may give
4. Facio ut facias - I do that you may do Requirements to be held liable of Tort:
1. Fault/negligence is attributable to the person
1160. Quasi-contracts charged.
- Juridical relation that results from lawful, voluntary 2. There must be damage/injury.
and unilateral acts. 3. Proximate Cause (cause and effect) connects

- No meeting of the minds (expressed/implied) fault and damage.
★ No one shall be unjustly enriched at the expense ★ Damage w/o injury (Special Cases)
of another. A carefully driven car causes damage to a pedestrian
because the driver was suddenly struck by lightning.

a. Negotiorum Gestio (Unauthorized Mgmt.) - Fortuitous Event

b. Solutio Indebiti (Undue Payment) - unduly ● Fault =

delivered by mistake. ● Damage = Pedestrian
● Proximate Cause =
Refers to legal wrong (e.g. negligent driver - driver sample ★ Specific/Determinate - particular designation
was diligently careful though which is why there is no fault - This car - Car owned by A on 12/14/2006
attributed) - Particular
Chapter 2 ★ Indeterminate/Generic - refers to a class, genus
Nature and Effect of Obligations and can’t be pointed out w/ particularity.
- A car - A sum of 5k - A kg. of sugar
1163. Person obliged to give is also obliged to take care of - A 1971 Impala automobile model
it with diligence of a good father of a family. Unless
law/stipulations require another standard of care Remedies for CR if DR fails to comply w/ their
(prevails). obli:
- Demand compliance + damages
[NOTE:] Unless diligence is exercised, there is danger that - Demand rescission + damages
property will be lost/destroyed. It would render obligation - Damages (only)
related as illusory (not real).
★ Specific - extinguished by fortuitous event
1164. CR has (personal) right to the fruits of the thing from ★ Generic - can’t be extinguished by a fortuitous
the time the obligation to deliver it arises. However, “real” event because by its nature, they’re replaceable.
rights shall be acquired when actually/constructively
delivered to them. Delay VS Default
★ Delay - non-performance at stipulated time.
Not delivered = personal right (demandable) ★ Default (Legal Delay) - non-fulfillment of obligation
Delivered = real right ➔ Placed into default when demand is
made (judicial/extrajudicial) but is still
★ Personal Right not complied with.
- jus in personam/jus in ad rem
- power to demand to give, do or not to do. 1166. The obligation to give a specific thing includes
★ Real Right delivery of all its accessions and accessories although
- jus in re unmentioned. Unless stipulated otherwise.
- power over specific thing (e.g. ownership) and is
binding on the whole world. ★ Accessories - joined; principal + accessories for
better use/perfection/enjoyment by the latter. (e.g.
Kinds of Delivery: keys to a house).
1. Actual (Tradition) - physical, exchange of hands. ★ Accessions - additional improvements upon a
2. Constructive - physical transfer is implied. thing (e.g. building/crops on a land, windows to a
a. Traditio Simbolica (symbolical tradition): building)
Keys to the bodega are given.
b. Tradition Longa Manu 1167. Contravention of tenor &/or failure to do what is
(by consent/pointing of object): obliged will be executed at their cost and what is poorly
Pointing at a car which is the object of done be undone.
c. Traditio Brevi Manu (shorthand; - Defines rules for positive personal (to do)
possessor becomes owner) obligations
Tenant buys the house they’re renting.
d. Traditio Constitutum Possessorium Remedies for CR if DR fails to do:
(opposite of brevi manu; owner retains 1. Have obligation performed by themself/another @
possession at a different capacity). expense of DR.
Owner sells their building and becomes a 2. Plus damages (dmg can’t substitute performance
tenant thereof. if CR can do it themself. If purely personal: special
e. Traditio by execution of legal forms and painting done by a reputed artist - only damages
solemnities can be recovered unless substitute is permitted)
Execution of a public instrument to sell
land. [NOTE:] Specific performance for personal obligations
may amount to involuntary servitude!
[NOTE:] A sale simulated/genuine one, when there is “no
delivery”, it doesn’t transfer ownership When a thing ordered be undone:
- If poorly made = performance at another + dmg
When does the obligation to deliver arise? - If obli is negative, provided undoing is possible.
1. W/O terms/condition = from perfection of the
contract (meeting of the minds) 1168. When obli consists of “not” doing and DR does
2. W/ terms/condition = term arrives/condition what’s forbidden, it shall also be undone at their expense.
- Defines for negative personal (to not do)
1165. obligations.
Determinate - CR has personal right to compel/demand - Undoing of prohibited + dmg
DR to deliver.
Indeterminate - may compel at the expense of DR. 1169. Provisions on when default may incur, other from
demand of CR:
If DR committed delay/fraud prior, they aren’t exempted in ★ Law expresses
cases of fortuitous events. ★ Terms of the obligation expresses so
★ Nature/circumstances when delivery was motive 1170. Guilty of fraud, negligence, delay and/or

to establish contract (time’s of the essence) contravention of tenor are also liable to damages.

expressed ★ Fraud (dolo) - intentional evasion of fulfillment
implied ★ Negligence (quasi-delict/culpa)
★ When demand is useless, DR rendered it beyond ★ Default (mora)
their power to perform ★ Violation (violatio) - of terms of obli
★ In reciprocal obligations - when the first person
fulfills their end, it automatically queues the other FF doesn’t excuse fulfillment:
person to fulfill theirs too! a. Inflation (increase @ cost of performance)
★ When DR acknowledges default b. Poverty
c. War (Position of country is neutral to war)
❖ Default = Mora [NOTE to c:] Substantial compliance can still be done.

[General Rule:] Kinds of Damages:

No demand, no delay! 1. Moral - mental & physical anguish.
- If not “maliciously” done unto, e.g.
Kinds of Mora: anxiety of a defendant - doesn’t count!
1. Mora Solvendi (default on part of DR) ★ Damages must be proved in order to recover.
- Ex re (real obligations) 2. Exemplary - corrective, to set an example
- Ex persona (personal obligations) 3. Nominal - to vindicate a right
Requisites: 4. Temperate - exact amount of damages can’t be
a. Obligation must be due, enforceable, already determined.
liquidated (determinate in amount) 5. Actual - actual losses/unrealized profit
b. There is non-performance 6. Liquidated - predetermined by agreement
c. There must be demand, unless demand is no “beforehand”.
longer required (Art. 1169.). - Proof of demand ★ Damages in Monetary Obligation:
must be shown by the CR. In monetary obligations, indemnity for damages
d. Demand must be for the obligation that is due. consist of the following
Effects of Mora Solvendi: a. Agreed upon
a. DR in default may be liable for dmgs. b. Without agreement (legal rate of int, 6%
per annum).
➢ In purchase installments, Acceleration Clause
may be provided. Default in one payment makes 1171. Responsibility from fraud is demandable in all
the whole amount due immediately. Default here obligations. Any waiver for “future fraud” is VOID.
is only attributable to “current” delayed payment

✨ ✨
and not to the whole amount of the installment. Commission of Fraud may be for:
2. Mora Accipiendi (default on part of CR) Past Fraud Future Fraud
- CR unjustifiably refuses to accept - May be waived - Void for waiver
payment/performance. L__waiver in terms of related liability_____l

Effects of Mora Accipiendi
- May make the CR liable to loss when obli arises Kinds of Fraud: More grievous
from a crime or even when there is a fortuitous 1. Casual Fraud - Fraud in obtaining consent.
event. - Coercion to agree
- Exempts DR from shouldering dmgs due to 2. Incidental Fraud - Fraud in performing contract.
unjustifiable refusal of CR. - Evasion

What should a Criminal (DR) do if CR is in Mora 1172. Responsibility from negligence is also demandable.
Accipiendi? Liability may be regulated by the courts according to
a. Consign to court - expense to CR circumstances.
b. Keep to himself - still obligated tho to pay/perform. - Waiver of action for future torts (negligence) in a
Only not liable for loss/dmgs. certain sense may be allowed.

✅may be excused/mitigated
➢ Reciprocal Obligations - if performance is not Gross negligence:
set on diff dates, either by law, contract or custom, Simple negligence:
it is understood that performance must be
simultaneous. Kinds of Culpa:
- One party can’t demand from the other till 1. Culpa Contractual
they themselves perform their part. - Negligence related to contracts.
- Damages are presumed.
3. Compensatio Morae - Main focus is the evidence of a contract (e.g.
- Default on part of both passenger injured while in carrier - commute)
- “It is as if no one is in default.” ★ Has contractual relation prior negligence
➢ When dmg/int may be lost: (p.114) 2. Culpa Aquiliana
★ Prescription - Negligence here is direct, substantive &
★ Condonation independent.
- Victim is burdened to prove
[NOTE:] DR liable due to delay/default is liable to ★ No pre-existing relations/contract before culpa.
damages + interest. ★ Broader in term.
★ Mainly identifies private matters, involving civil Receipt of latter installment presumes finished payment of
liability that has negligence. previous installments.
3. Culpa Criminal
- Negligence that arises from criminal acts. ★ Interest precedes in payment, before principal
- Involves the Penal Code and aims to correct (according to the Civil Code)
crimes ★
- Involves public interest/safety 1177. CR may bring/exercise their rights against DR
- Negligence here is direct, substantive & except those inherent to DR.
- Victim (prosecuted) is burdened to prove CR may also rescind contracts that were used by DR in
negligence of accused, attempt or truly done to defraud the prior (CR).
★ No pre-existing relations/contract before culpa.
(e.g.) Reckless Imprudence Rights of CR:
a. Exact payment
Effects of victim’s own negligence &/ contributory b. Exhaust DR’s properties
negligence: c. Accion Subrogatoria (Subrogatory Action) -
- If the victim's own negligence is immediate & is exercise all rights except those inherent to DR’s
the proximate cause of their injury - they can’t person.
recover damages. d. Accion Pauliana - rescission of defrauding
1173. Negligence of DR is the omission of diligence
required in whatever circumstances they’re in. Rights inherent to persons:
1. Rights to existence (receiving support)
Good father of the family (type of diligence) is required if 2. Relations of a public character (positions in the
without stipulations from law/contracts. gov)
3. Honorary character (degrees in education)
a. Culpa lata - grave negligence 4. Affairs of home
b. Culpa levis - ordinary negligence 5. Granted by law (Revocation of donation)
c. Culpa levissima - slight negligence 6. Appear in court proceedings (settlement of estate)

Required diligence = Negligence that will give to liability: Properties exempted in execution:
1. Slight diligence = Grave negligence 1. Family home: home/land used
2. Ordinary diligence = Ordinary negligence 2. Tools and implements necessary, used for
3. Grave diligence = Slight negligence trade/employment
3. Beasts of burden (e.g. cow, horse)
Kinds of Diligence in Civil Code: 4. Necessary clothing for him & their family
1. Agreed upon by the parties 5. Household furniture/utensils
2. Law 6. Provisions for individual or family - sufficient for 3
3. W/o stipulations from prev. 2 = Good father of a mos.
family. 7. Professional libraries
8. Fishing boat/net - anything that is related to their
1174. No liability for fortuitous event except: livelihood is a NO)
a. Bad faith 9. Lettered gravestones
b. Expressly declared/stipulated in contract 10. All monetary benefits arising from insurance
c. Nature of obligation requires the assumption of 11. Copyrights/other properties exempted by law.
risk (e.g. delivery of dynamites)
[NOTE:] Some, DR may select with certain values as
Characteristics of a Fortuitous Event: expressed by the Civil Code in order to keep.
1. Cause must be independent from the will of the
DR. When family home is not exempted:
2. Impossibility of foreseeing/avoiding even if
Judicial Extrajudicial
3. Occurrence renders impossibility of fulfillment - Unpaid taxes - Unpaid taxes
- Judgment of debt - Debts incurred b4 declaration in
Fortuitous Event vs. Negligence secured by mortgage Registry of Property
1. Fortuitous Event: Proximate Cause = Extinguish - Debts secured by mortgage
2. Negligence: Proximate Cause = Liability holds - Debts to laborers/professionals
who rendered service/furnished
material to home’s construction
1175. Usurious Transactions are governed by special
★ Usury - exaction of excessive interests. Extent of DR’s Liability
- All their property, present & future to fulfill their
Kinds of Interest: obligation is subject to the exemptions by law.
1. Compensation for use of money (e.g. int on loan)
2. Way of dmgs (e.g. additional fees caused by ★ The Court's judgment applies to properties
default) indisputably owned by DR.

1176. Receipt of principal by CR, presumes that int has 1178. All rights acquired in virtue of an obligation are
been paid. transmissible unless stipulated.
[General Rule:] Rights are transmissible ★ Mixed - VALID

Exemptions: Potestative/Facultative Conditions:

- Law provides otherwise ● Potestative on DR
- Contract provides otherwise If also suspensive - VOID

- Obligations is purely personal (I’ll give you 10,000 next month if I live)
If also resolutory - VALID
Chapter 3 (I’ll employ you now but for any reason the
Different Kinds of Obligations machine I ordered wouldn’t arrive - including my

own will to cancel it if I wish, our contract will end)
Section 1: Pure & Conditional ● Potestative on CR - VALID

(I’ll give you my pen, if you wish)
1179. Pure obli without conditions are demandable asap. ● Mixed/Casual - VALID
Resolutory conditions are the only conditions demandable
asap too. 1183. Impossible/illegal conditions shall annul related
obligations dependent on them.

★ Pure - provided w/o absurdity If divisible, lawful potion that is not affected by the
- Pure obligations that don’t depend on a impossible/illegal condition remains VALID .
condition/past event unknown to parties is Condition to not do an impossible thing, shall be
demandable at once. considered as not being agreed upon.

Other examples: ★ Impossible - physically/illogical

a. I’ll pay you 1,000 on demand ★ Illegal
- No need for “instant” action (absurd)
b. OG terms were cancelled by both parties (CR & ● Impossible/Illegal = VOID condition
DR). = VOID obligation
● Not to do impossible = VOID condition
★ Conditional - with condition = VALID obligation
a. Suspensive - awaited results (e.g. I’ll sell you my land if you can’t make a circle
(I’ll give you a car if you pass the Bar exams) and a square at the same time.)
b. Resolutory - ends in failure ● Not to do the illegal = VALID condition
(I’ll give you my land now, should you fail the = VALID obligation
exams, your ownership will cease)
1184. On positive conditions - with determinate time when
➢ Condition - an uncertain event which wields said period expires, it will extinguish the obligation. The
influence on a legal relationship. same will happen if it becomes indubitable that that
➢ Term/Period - must come despite unknowingly condition will not take place.
‘when’ (e.g. death)
➢ Past Event Unknown - future knowledge of a past ★ If period is not fixed: court should consider parties’
event (essentially a condition: if parties learn of intentions to determine “period” intended.
history of property - a condition itself)
[CASE:] A sold B land. Price to be paid as soon after B
1. Divisible - capable of partial performance pays off other debts of the estate. After some time, B is
2. Indivisible - not capable of partial performance not yet finished. A would like to rescind.
HELD: Sale won’t be cancelled. No time was
➢ Conjunctive - all conditions must be performed stipulated + good faith of DR
➢ Alternative - only few of the conditions have to be
performed. 1185. On negative conditions - with a set period.
Obligation will be effective after the period has
Classifications of Conditions: lapsed/when it becomes evident it would not occur.
1. Potestative - depends on the will of the DR.
(I’ll sell you my car if I like - VOID) Without fixed time, condition is deemed fulfilled as
2. Casual - depends on hazard/chance or will of a contemplated on the nature of the obligation.
3rd party
(I’ll pay if I win sweepstakes) 1186. Condition is deemed fulfilled when DR voluntarily
3. Mixed - depends on will of one of the parties & prevents its fulfillment.
partly on chance/3rd parties’ will.
(“If I pass the Bar exams) - One must not profit by their own fault!

1180. DR binds themselves when their means permit them 1187. Effects of conditional obli to give - once fulfilled,
is deemed one with a period. shall retroact to the constitution of the obli.

★ CR should ask the court to fix the terms. ➢ Prescription - expiration of period

1181. Rights acquired, extinguished or lost in conditional ★ Retroactivity - constitution date of obligation.
obligations will depend on the happening of the event. ★ NO Retroactivity
- to fruits/interest
1182. Provisions for casual/mixed conditions: - period of prescription. Effect/s of prescription can
★ Potestative (Facultative) - VOID only be enforced on its date. (Kung sano ma
★ Casual - VALID
sugod count expiration period of delivery of
condition). ★ Usufruct - right to the enjoyment of the use and
the fruits of a thing.
(e.g. Entitlement to land effects to retroactivity. ★ Refer to Art 579. (Usufructs)
Consensual Contracts (SALE) only) - NO RIGHT TO BE INDEMNIFIED
- May remove improvements made by DR
No retroactivity to Fruits/Interest: for as long as it doesn’t damage the
● Unilateral: DR’s fruits/int unless expressed property.
intentions in contract
● Reciprocal: Deemed to mutually compensate Effects of Partial Loss:
(even when truly unequal). - If loss is important enough, it may be considered
(e.g. In 1971, A agreed to sell B their land. B as complete loss.
agreed to pay if C passed their exams of 1972. C - If the loss is not as important, it may be
passed. A must now give the land and B must considered as partial loss.
The fruits of the land for the one year period will 1190. CR’s power to rescind reciprocal obligations, if not
remain with A and B will keep the legal interest on “complied” with - CR may choose between the following:
his money.) ➔ Rescission + damages
➔ Fulfillment + damages

[NOTE:] Court declares rescission claimed/period fixed

Kinds of Fruits: (there should be just cause for the fixing of the period).
1. Natural - spontaneous products of the (e.g. Fulfillment becomes impossible it then becomes
soil/animals. rescissible)
2. Industrial - produced by lands of any kind through
cultivation or labor. ★ The reciprocal obligation should arise from the
3. Civil - rents of buildings, the price of leases of same contract.
lands and other property and the amount of [RMBR:] Reciprocal obligations - the performance of one
perpetual or life annuities or other similar income. is conditioned on the simultaneous fulfillment of the other.
★ Rescind = Resolve
1188. Rights of CR to act in order to preserve their rights. ★ In reciprocal obligations without a period - there
DR may also recover what they paid by mistake in case of is the RIGHT TO RESCIND!
suspensive condition. ★ One the parties must be capable of complying.
Demandable if one is ready, willing and able.
Appropriate Actions:
- Ask for security if DR is about to be insolvent. When rescission is NOT absolute:
- Ask the court to prevent alienation/concealment a. Trivial causes
b. If just cause to fix the period is present
[NOTE:] DR has claims on fruits/int if DR is in Bad Faith. c. If property is in the hands of an innocent 3rd
1189. Rules to observe in case of loss, deterioration or

improvement during pendency of the condition: [NOTE:] if substantial cause, it can lead to an end of the
contract. (Art. 1191 applies)
Article applies if:
1. Suspensive condition is fulfilled. ➔ Ground of the case must be established!
2. Specific object ➔ Right to rescind is implied - needn’t expressly
Loss of Specific Object ➔ Right to rescind may be waived. (e.g. acceptance
of delayed installments)
DR’s Fault w/o DR’s fault
➔ Rescission/fulfillment aren’t conjunctive (can’t be
Pays damages Extinguished done together - ONLY ONE)
➔ In some cases however, partial fulfillment &
★ Loss Defined:
partial rescission is allowed.
➔ Perishes - goes out of commerce.
➔ Disappears & location becomes unknown.
[General Rule:] Resolution cancels all its parts.
➔ Can’t be recovered.
● Damages must be sought from corresponding
Deterioration of Specific Object
action, otherwise it’s considered as waived.
DR’s Fault w/o DR’s fault
★ Right of innocent 3rd persons > Right to rescind
CR may choose between CR bears deterioration
fulfillment + dmg or
rescission + dmg Judicial Approval
When needed When NOT needed
Improvement of Specific Object
When delivery was made W/o any deliveries made
By nature/time @ exp of DR

CR benefits Usufructuary [NOTE:] In absence of a provision in law/contract in

regards to rescission, judicial action is needed.
➔ Improvement here should not alter the substance
of the object.
1192. When both parties “breach” a contract: - Can’t be compelled to accept premature
➔ First violator shall be dealt by the courts. payment of DR.
➔ When both attempted/truly violated at the
same time - contract is extinguished and Indicators for whom benefit is for:
each will bear their respective dmgs. ● In favor for both (DR/CR)
- Interest is stipulated. (CR is interested in the
Section 2: Obligations with a Period interests earned while DR is interested in the time
given for them to pay).
1193. Obligations w/ fixed periods are demandable when - CR wants safety from in/de-flation (making DR
the period arrives. akin to depositary).
● In favor of DR
Obligations with fixed, resolutory periods take effect at - Loan is without int. (Not absolute though)
once but terminate on the arrival of the “a day certain”. - When payment is to be made “within” a certain
★ A day certain/period - must come although ● In favor of CR
undetermined “when”. - No payment should be made until after term.
★ Condition - future, uncertain (e.g. If uncertainty is
based on whether/if the day will come - it is [NOTE:] Acceptance of partial payment is a waiver of the
conditional) right to “Refuse” payment BEFORE END OF SAID
PERIOD (if in favor of CR).
Kinds of Terms/Periods:
1. Definite 1197. When courts should fix a period for oblis:
2. Indefinite a. w/o stipulated period but parties inferred intention
3. Legal - granted under lawful provisions for a term.
4. Conventional/Voluntary - agreed upon by parties b. When it depends on the will of DR.
(to be stipulated). c. Any other circumstance contemplated by parties.
5. Judicial - period is fixed by the courts
6. Ex die - period with suspensive effect. ★ Once fixed by the courts, it can’t be changed.
(I’ll support you beginning the first day of next year [NOTE:] w/o period, CR can’t enforce obligation because
- demandable on the first day of next year, Jan 1) not demandable.
7. In diem - period with resolutory effect.
(I’ll support you until Jan 1 of next year. Ends after When courts no longer need to fix a period:
Jan 1) - When parties did not intend for a period
(demandable asap).
★ A contract with a fixed period & deemed - When obli is payable upon demand.

❌ ✅
conditional without indication - the contract - [CASE:] A typewriter was returned by the
is not regarded as conditional, only one repairman w/o any work done. By doing so they
with the term. lose their right for the fixing of a term w/ the
courts. In addition, the owner had it repaired by
1194. In case of loss, deterioration or improvement before someone else instead. Court held that the
the period - Refer to art 1189. repairman needed to indemnify the owner of the
1195. DR can recover principal with fruits/interest if they - When specific periods provided by law (e.g. in
pay before the arrival of the term (may be out of mistake). employment contracts, if the were was no agreed
If DR is aware and knows of the period, they can’t recover. upon period, the time of employment depends on
the time for the payment of the salary)
➔ DR must be unaware of the period.
➔ DR must have believed that obli became 1198. DR loses every right to make use of the period:
due/demadable. a. After contracting of obli, DR becomes insolvent -
unless they give a security/guaranty to their debt.
When recovery should be made: b. If DR can’t furnish CR their promised
● Before maturity securities/guaranties.
● 5 years after premature payment c. By DR’s own acts, they impair their
security/guaranty and when they lose it through a
[NOTE:] Basis of 1195 is on the awareness of the DR fortuitous event. - unless they immediately give
whether the CR is in good/bad faith. new ones with equal value.
d. When DR violates any undertaking.
1196. Agreed upon term presumes it is to benefit both CR e. When DR intends/attempts to abscond (flee).
& Dr. Unless tenor/other circumstances expressly/implies
favor one of the parties more. ➔ The above effects to the extinguishment of the
term and the immediate demandability of the obli.
[General Rule:] Term is for the benefit of both parties.
[NOTE:] If given time is indefinite, it shouldn’t exceed 10
Right to the favor of DR/CR: yrs (redemption).
● DR’s favor
- Required to pay only @ the end but may pay ★ In computing a period, exclude the first day and
before. Ainclude the last day.
- May resist premature demand.
● CR’s favor Section 3: Alternative Obligations
- May demand premature payment.
1199. DR bound alternatively shall completely perform [SPECIAL CASE:] DR with their choice can give objects 1,
one of them. CR can’t be compelled to receive in part of 2 or 3 to CR. DR lost objects 1 & 2 by their fault. Object 3
one and in part of another. was later lost in a fortuitous event. Is DR liable?

★ Alternative/Facultative Obligations - two or more Held: No, DR had the choice to not choose objects 1 & 2
prestations, only one is due. which allows him to voluntarily destroy or lose them.
➔ Alternative - options to render (generally Object 3 was lost in a fortuitous event which generally
DR has the right to choose). extinguishes any liability.
➔ Facultative - agreed upon and DR has the
option to render another in substitution. 1205. When choice in an alt obli is given to CR expressly:
As soon as the choice is communicated to DR, the alt obli
1200. DR has the right of choice (what they will give) in becomes a simple one.
absence of a stipulation. Unless expressly granted to CR. - In case of a fortuitous event and choice is w/ CR,
DR must allow CR to choose from the remaining
DR can’t choose prestations that are impossible, unlawful objects or must deliver the only remaining
or unrelated to the object of the prestation. prestation left.
- If loss is through DR’s fault, CR can select from
1201. Choice shall produce “no effect” except from the what remains or at the price of any that was lost
time it is communicated. + dmgs.
★ Damage = deprived of their (CR) right to select.
★ Communication - oral, written, expressed or ★ If CR delays in choosing:
implied. - Can’t hold DR in default.
★ When choice is made, alt. obli then becomes a - Remedy for DR here is a petition in court
simple one - just do/deliver after. to compel the CR to accept.
★ DR who made the choice is then bound and isn’t
permitted to renounce/change their choice. 1206. Loss/deterioration of substitute doesn’t make DR
liable. If substitution is already made/established, DR
is liable for its loss on acct of their delay, culpa or fraud.
Requisites of making a choice:
1. Made properly so that the CR/agent knows. ➔ Makes the facultative obligation a simple one
2. Made w/ full knowledge that a selection is being already when the substitution is established.
made (lack thereof impairs consent & choice can
later be annulled). - This is on facultative obligations.
3. Made voluntarily/freely - Facultative obligations - an obligation wherein one
4. Made in due time (before or upon maturity) prestation has been agreed upon but the DR can
- CR can otherwise sue for alternative relief render another in substitution.
- a judicial relief which is to give “this or (e.g. D promised to give C his diamond ring but it
that” depending on your choice. was stipulated that D could give his Buick car as a
5. Made to all proper persons. substitute.)
6. Made w/o conditions unless agreed upon by CR.
7. May be waived (expressed/implied).
Alternative Facultative

[NOTE:] All rights in general may be waived. Principal 1, 2 or 3. Principal, substitute

1202. DR loses right of choice when among prestations in Various things are due but Only principal is due but
an alternative obli, one is only practicable. one is enough substitute may be given

If one of them is illegal, If principal is VOID,

1203. If through CR’s acts, DR can’t make a choice
the others may still remain substitute is not necessary
according to the terms of the obligation - DR may rescind valid
+ damages (upon the choice of the DR). If principal is impossible,
If all are impossible except substitute is not
A promised D to teach him math or build him a house. D for one, the latter must be necessary. If vice-versa:
goes abroad and it impairs A’s right to choose. A may: given substitute is impossible,
principal must be given!
- Build a house or rescind + dmgs (if suffered any)
Right to choice may be of
➔ A can choose from the two above mentioned. the DR’s/CR’s DR has only the right to
1204. CR has right to indemnify:
a. Dmgs if prestations to alt. obli are lost by DR’s
Section 4: Joint & Solidary Obligations
acts (bcuz it renders impossibility in compliance).
b. Indemnity is fixed on the basis of the value of the
1207. Joint obligation is the usual presumption unless
last thing that disappeared/last service that
expressly stated by the obligation or when law or nature of
became impossible.
the obli requires solidarity.
c. Other dmgs other than lost thing/impossible
service may also be awarded.
Joint Soliday
➔ Art. applies when:
● Right of choice was DR’s To each of their own One for all, all for one
● Loss/impossibility happened before a
“Mancomunada” “Joint & Several”
selection was made. “Mancomunada Simple” “Separadamente/In Solidum”
“Proportionate” “Individually & collectively”
“Pro-rata” “Mancomunada Solidaria” LIABILITIES OF:
“We promise” (2+ sgd.) “Juntos” a. Agents: Joint unless otherwise agreed on.
“Each will pay the whole value” b. Co-principals (Agency): Solidary
“I promise” (2+ sgd.) c. Husband & Wife (Conjugal): Joint
d. Violators of Human Relations of Civil Code:
When law imposes solidary liability: Solidary
- Oblis arising from tort (negligence) e. Employee & Employer for Latter’s Tort Act:
- Oblis arising from quasi-contracts - Solidary if Employer is primarily liable
- Liability of principals, accomplices & accessories - Joint if Employer is subsidiarily liable
of felonies/crime.
- Legal provisions on oblis of devisees & legatees. 1209. Joint obli with indivisible prestation. CR must
- Bailees in commodatum demand from DRs altogether to enforce obli. If one of the
DR is insolvent - others are not liable for their (insolvent
DR) share.

May the obli be joint on side of CR & solidary for the DR,
vice-versa? YES
★ CR should go against all DR for compliance to be
A & B are joint DRs to C, D & E who are solidary CRs. If complete and therefore possible.
the due amt is 1k, how much can C collect from A? 500 ★ In compliance, it must be proportionately done to
only. all CRs. Unless that one is specifically
authorized by the others.
A & B are solidary DRs to C, D, E & F who are joint CRs. If ★ Join CR has the right to renounce their credit.
due amt is 1k, how much can C collect from A? 250 only. ➢ Penalties are usually solidary.
➢ Damages are solidary to DRs who default.
Special Cases in Law:
A & B were both responsible in causing injury to C by a 1210. Indivisibility doesn’t automatically give rise to
tort (negligence). They are solidary DRs, each is liable as solidarity, vice-versa.
principals to the same extent. ★ Indivisibility = prestation
★ Solidarity = tie between parties
[NOTE:] Joint & solidarity are concerned w/ the plurality
of the subjects (DRs/CRs). Kinds of Solidarity:
1. Active - CRs’ part
❌ DR & their assignee 2. Passive - DRs’ part
3. Mixed - CR/DRs’ part
- Assignee is only an extension of the DR. 4. Conventional - agreed on by parties
- Assignee doesn’t represent an interest completely 5. Legal - imposed by law
distinct & separate from their DR which makes
them but an extension of the latter’s personality. 1211. Solidarity may exist even if parties (CRs/DRs)
aren’t bound in the same manner - condition/period.
1208. Presuming to be joint, credit/debit will also be
presumed to be divided into many equal shares as there How DRs may be bound:
are CRs/DRs. Each credit/debit is considered distinct & is a. Uniform
subject to the Rules of Court of the municipality. b. Otherwise - DR are liable to the same prestation
yet aren't subject to the same secondary
★ Distinct shares - better to sue all necessary stipulations/clauses.
parties at the same time.
★ Contract prevail in determining whether Remedy for CR: CR may claim the portion of the obli
joint/solidary. that’s “PURE” - term/condition has already
Mom & son loaned. They briefly and unwittingly matured/happened.
said they’re solidarily liable. Does this convert
supposed joint liability into a solidary one? NO - 1212. Solidary CRs may do what is beneficial to others but
determination of kind of liability is on contract. nothing prejudicial.

A loans from B. C & D become sureties & assumed Examples:

solidary liability with A. On default, judgment from court ★ Beneficial: Demand to interrupt running
charged A, C & D. Is their liability on default & compliance prescription.
joint or solidary in nature? ★ Prejudicial: (Have damaging effects)
- Remission/condonation to solidary CR is allowed.
Held: It is joint in nature - implicit in judgment. Because To remit + extinguishment of obli w/o prejudice to
joint is generally presumed unless stipulated otherwise the liabilities of the other CRs.
and the judgment did not express itself to be solidary as in
comparison to the liability of the first obligation. 1213. Solidary CR can’t assign their rights without the
consent of the others.
Liabilities of Partners:
1. Arises out of a contract (pro-rata liability unless - Article protects the rights of the co-CRs.
stipulated otherwise)
★ Reason of Law: Solidary oblis imply “mutual
[EXEMPTION:] Dependents claim compensation for the agency and confidence”, Other CRs’ rights are
death of an employee in line of duty = SOLIDARY endangered if assignee absconds right after
LIABILITY receiving payment.
★ Solidary credit by contract, confidence between ➔ Condones = Forget about the whole thing
co-CRs are established into existence.
★ Law - imposes solidarity to some obligations. a. Total Remission
A & B (solidary DRs) owe X & Y (solidary CRs). X
Effect if CR assigns their rights + misfeasance of told A that he waives the whole obli. It

assignee: CR is subsidiarily liable extinguishes it.

(Misfeasance - Engaging in action/duty but failing to Y collects their share of credit from X
perform/fulfill it correctly. It is unintentional) B doesn’t have to pay A because it was a
gratuitous act - did not to give anything to CRs.
1214. DR may pay any of the CRs. But if any demand
(judicial/extra), DR must specifically pay to them. b. Partial Remission
A, B & C (solidary DRs) owe X 3k. X demanded

A & B (solidary DRs) owe C, D & E (solidary CRs). C from A 2k and remitted A’s share of 1k.
demands from A but B pays the whole amt to E. Is B A can only recover 1k from B & C each.
allowed to do that and does it extinguish the obligation?
Held: yes. A was the only one bound to C’s demand. B’s [NOTE:] Partial remission benefits all because it
payment is valid because no one demanded from B diminished the “whole” solidary debt. If X
allowing them to pay to any of the CRs. demanded from C with A’s share being remitted -
2k is still all they would have to pay. Although it
1215. Novation, compensation, confusion or remission of doesn't lessen the actual, individual share of the
the debt made by a solidary DR & solidary CR DRs.
extinguishes the obli, w/o prejudice to 1219.
1216. CR may proceed against any of the solidary DRs
CR who executes/collects from any of the above (some/all simultaneously).
mentioned acts are liable for the other CRs’ shares of their
corresponding obligation. Demand against one won’t be a hindrance to the others.
Effects: It doesn’t waive against the others who were not
★ Novation - modification of obli (change of proceeded against - as long as debt is not fully collected.
principal, prestation, stipulations) They may be sought after later on.

A & B (solidary DRs) are bound to pay 8k to C & D [Illustrated Case:] A, B and C were solidary DRs to a
(solidary CRs). A & C agreed that instead of promissory note. B wasn’t sued because he died before
paying 8k, A will paint C’s house. the suit began. The DR asked the estate of B to be
- If B didn’t consent to novation, they aren’t included in the suit. Is the request for the inclusion of the

bound to C & D in any way. They aren’t estate valid?
also obliged to give anything to A except The estate doesn’t have to be sued because 1216
insofar B was benefitted. allows the CR to su ANY of the solidary DRs (A & C).
- C will have to reimburse D’s share. - This article applies to passive (DR)/mixed
★ Compensation - A (DR) owes B (CR). B in return ★ Due process is still required, solidarity doesn’t
owes A. make one DR an indispensable party in a suit
- This may be total/partial. filed by the CR.

a. Total Compensation - extinguishes entire obli ● Whole amt isn’t fully collected - no need to sue
if the CR receives completely what is owed to
A & B (solidary DRs) owe C & D (solidary them.
CRs) 4k. On a different transaction, C owes A 4k. ______________________________________________

This extinguishes the obligation completely.
B should reimburse A his 2k share of the
Passive (DR) Solidarity Suretyship

D should receive his 2k share from the credit of - Indebted by own share - Indebted to their
C. - Indebted for others (too) principal’s (a DR) share.
- Can demand for - Can demand
b. Partial Compensation reimbursement from other reimbursement for the
DRs (minus their own whole amt.
share of the whole debit) - If extension is given to
A & B (solidary DRs) owe C 2k. On a different
- There can be an principal DR & surety
transaction, C owes A 500. 1.5k subsists of the exemption for the one doesn’t accept/give
obli. given an extension to. consent - surety is
Others are still liable for released.
★ Confusion/Merger - characters of DR & CR are their portion that is valid
merged into one person. and due.

A & B are solidary DRs. A made a promissory ★ Guarantor - binds themselves to principal DR
note to C & D (solidary CRs). C & D endorsed the subsidiarily only.

note to E, E to F and F to A. ★ Surety - a guarantor who solidarily binds
B is indebted to A for their (B’s) share of the themselves to principal DR.
debt. - CR can proceed to surety ASAP, without
first exhausting properties of principal DR.
★ Remission (Waiver) - a liberal act wherein the CR
condones (excuses) obli of DR to them.
A & B are soliday DRs to X & Y. X sued A for 4k but only Partial Defense - personal to others (p. 290)

recovered 3.5k. May X sue B for the 500?
Yes, because debt has not been fully satisfied yet. 1218. Payment by solidary Dr shall not entitle him to
reimbursement from co-DR if such was paid after the obli
A & B are solidary DRs to X & Y. X sues, A wins suit has prescribed/become illegal.

because subject was illegal - can Y sue B?
No, aside from the subject being illegal, A & X [CASE:] A & B are solidary DRs of C to the amount of 1k.
correspondingly represented them due to their characters The debt prescribed but A voluntarily paid nevertheless
(solidary). because A felt morally obliged. Can A recover from C what
they voluntarily paid?
1217. Payment by one of the solidary DRs extinguishes Held: No, bcuz it was ‘voluntarily’ given that ‘A knew the
the obli. If two or more offer to pay, CR may decide from prescription’.
who to accept.
★ Solidary DR who pays may ask for reimbursement [NOTE:] Law: when a right to sue upon a civil obli has
from co-DRs the share that corresponds to each + lapsed by prescription, Dr can’t recover what they
interest. rendered.
★ Intervening Period - may be demanded. - If A didn’t know about the prescription of the debt.
A can recover from C due to solutio indebiti.
If one of the DRs is insolvent, such share shall be borne - A can’t get reimbursement. Backread, same
by ALL their co-DRs in proportion to the debt of each reasons + expressed by Art. 1218.
(towards DR who mainly paid).
1219. Remission by CR of share which affects one of the
- Basically to properly reimburse DR who paid. solidary DRs doesn’t release the latter from their
responsibility to their co-DRs. In case debt has been
[CASE:] totally paid by anyone “before remission’s” effectivity.
1. A, B & C are subsidiarily liable to D. A & B offered - Article is designed to prevent fraud
to pay. D demanded from C though. - Payment extinguishes obli, nothing more to remit.
Held: Technically, D can proceed to any of the
solidary DRs, supposedly. But it will be foolish of 1220. Remission of “whole” obli by one of the solidary
CR to accept payment from one who offers it. DRs doesn’t entitle them to reimbursement.
- Gratuitous

● Nature of Liability for Reimbursement
Debt DR = CR to Co-DRS [CASE:] A & B are solidary DRs to C. A offered to pay
Paid becomes CR for reimbursement (remitted ‘whole’ obli. A didn’t pay anything to C, A isn’t
(liability becomes joint for reimbursement of co-DRs) entitled to reimbursement from B).

In nature, insolvency of one must be shouldered by other 1221. Object of prestation becomes lost/impossible w/o
co-DRs. Nature of liability of reimbursements. fault of solidary DRs - extinguishes the obligation.

[CASE:] A, B, C, D, E & F are solidary DRs to G. G Fault on any one of them makes them all liable to CR w/o
partially remitted debt to B, C, D, E & F only. G demanded prejudice against guilty/negligent DR.
from A & they paid the whole amt of the first price of the
debt. How much can A reimburse from co-DRs?
Held: In respect to their remitted share of the lessened ★ A & B solidary DRs to C. A lost the car for
debt. A may still recover for the intervening period. payment. C may ask for compliance + damages
from B. B may recover ‘whole’ reimbursement. A
1st: 253,445.42 x ⅙ = 42,240.9033 was at fault.
Partial remission: 225,000 x ⅙ = 37.5k (B, C, D, E & F)
★ A paid for to CR (G) Default incurred by one of solidary DRs before a
★ What A may reimburse from each co-DR + fortuitous event shall apply Art. 1147.
interest (intervening period).
CR has the right to the exact price of the car from
Substitution of Parties: ‘any’ of them. DRs have the right to recover from
A, B & C are solidary DRs to X. X sues them. Pendency of co-DR who incurred default.
case A pays X, A can be changed to the position of X in
the suit. To enable A to collect reimbursement of 1222. Solidary DRs defenses are derived from the nature
contribution shares of B & C to the debt. of obli & those that are ‘personal’ to him. Those that
belong to others, he may avail themself regarded to “that,
[CASE:] A, B & C are DRs to D. D granted extension to C . part” of the debt for which the others’ are responsible for
D demanded from A/B. (1148).
★ A/B should pay the obli minus C’s share (partial
defense) Defenses in Actions Field:
★ If they paid ALL they should wait for the end of - Applicable to filing of CR.
term (extension for C) to compel/receive
reimbursement. Kinds of Defenses:
1. Lack of consideration/Cause
Complete Defenses - derived from nature. 2. Absolute Simulation (fictitious)
- Personal to DR sued. 3. Illegal Consideration
● Non-fulfillment, term, condition - partial defense 4. Extinguishment of obli (payment, remittance,
5. Non-fulfillment suspensive condition - if made on
‘whole’ object/DRs. 4. When intended by 4. Obligation can be
6. Fraud parties involved. accomplished partially.
7. All DRs were incapacitated to give consent
(minors, insance, hypnotic spells)
[NOTE:] Character of prestation will determine
8. Vices of consent (vitiated) on “ALL” parts of the
in/divisibility of an obligation of “not to do” (negative
9. Vitiated Consent (forced)
10. Incapacity to give consent (personal to DR when
In the case of divisible obligation if illegal aspects can be
sure - a complete defense)
separated from legal ones, the latter can be enforced.
11. Non-fulfillment of condition - partial defense
12. Unarrived of term - partial defense
Reminder divisibility can apply to contract, obligation (e.g.
delivery) and/or recovery of damage. (TAKE NOTE!)
Section 5: Divisible & Indivisible Obligations

Section 6: Obligations with Penal Clause

1223. Divisibility/Indivisibility when there’s only one CR/DR
don’t modify Chapter 2 provisions:
1126. Obligations with Penal Clause:
★ Divisible - can be performed partially
★ W/o stipulation: penalty substitutes indemnity for
★ Indivisible - can’t be performed partially
damage & interest (non-compliance).
Kinds of Divisibility/Indivisibility:
Damages still need to be paid if DR refuses to pay the
Divisibility Indivisibility penalty/guilty of fraud in fulfillment of obligations.

1. Conventional 1. Quantitative Penalty may be enforced when demandable according to

- agreed upon (e.g. 10 chairs to be divided
to 2 brothers)
2. Natural/Absolute
- nature of 2. Qualitative ★ Penal Clause:
object/undertaking (e.g. (e.g. one heir - land, 2nd - Coercive means to obtain compliance from DR.
trip to Manila, delivery of heir - cash) - Insuring accessory undertaking to assume greater
a ring) liability in case of beach. Helps insure compliance
3. Intellectual/Moral
of obligation.
3. Legal - exists in mind only. (e.g.
- provided by law My brother and I own a
car). Kinds of Penal Clause:
First Classification:
a. Legal - by law
1224. When DR fails to comply with their “joint indivisible”
b. Conventional - agreed upon by parties
obli they are charged for indemnities. Only DR who failed
Second Classification:
to comply!
a. Subsidiary - only penalty can be asked.
b. Joint - both principal contract + penal clause can
Effect of Non-compliance - obli is converted into
be demanded.

(e.g.) M & L are bound to give 10k worth of car to J.

Because M gambles, they’ve become insolvent and can’t
acquire the car. L must pay their 5k share instead to J & L
Penalty vs Condition
isn’t liable to M’s non-compliance.
Penalty Condition
1225. To give “definite things” & can’t be partially done is
indivisible. Obligations that can be done in days, metrical Constitutes obligation No obligation
(although accessory)
units or different degrees (analogous) in nature that CAN Mere condition
BE partial are divisible. Demandable (alone/joint)
NOT demandable
If provided by law that an obligation is indivisible even
when capable of partial performance - law prevails. In to
[NOTE:] Breach of obligation without Fraud (Dolo) cannot
“not to do obligations” divisibility/indivisibility is determined
constitute exceptions (last:fraud = penalty &
by character of prestation in each case.

Indivisible Divisible 1127. DR must perform obligation & pay a penalty. He can
only pay a penalty without compliance of obligation if right
1. Give definite things 1. Object of obligation can was expressly reserved (accessory, not facultative).
(e.g. give a car) be executed for a certain
number of days of work.
2. Not susceptible to (e.g. hired for 10 days) CR in turn, can’t demand fulfillment of both obligation &
partial performance penalty at the same time unless right to do so was granted
(e.g. conduct orchestra ina 2. Obligation is done by to them (i.e. tenor). Penalty may be enforced if CR
single rendition) metrical units. requires obligation to be fulfilled but it becomes impossible
(e.g. construct 3m wide, to do without CR’s fault.
3. Provided by law as 50m long street)
indivisible even when
physically divisible. 3. Pay in installments
1128. Penalty may be demanded even without proof of
b. Resolutory condition
actual damages suffered by CR. b. Substitution to - Merger/confusion
performance - In personal obli; death of
★ Actual Damage - compensation for pecuniary loss. - Compensation a party.
- Actual losses/unrealized profit. - Novation - Change of civil status
- Dacion en pago (datio in (family relations change)
✅Evidence of violations is enough to enforce penalty solutum)
c. Reason of the object
c. Agreement to release - Impossibility of
1. Subsequent to obli performance
1129. Judge equitably reduces penalty when principal - Unilateral waiver - Loss of thing
obligation has been partly/irregularly complied with by DR. - Natural waiver
Even without compliance/performance, if the penalty is - Remission
unreasonably, courts may reduce it. - Mutual dissent
- Compromise
[CASE:] 5/20 rifles were recovered, supposedly by the 2. Simultaneous w/ creation
defendant but were actually done by someone else. of obli
- Resolutory term/extinctive
Should the penalty clause attached to obligation be period
reduced even when defendants with responsibility of - Resolutory
recovering weapons didn’t do it? condition/condition
Held: Yes, it should be proportionately reduced w/ what
was recovered regardless.
★ Subsequent - coming after.
Penalty clause can’t be enforced if:
- CR is @ fault of breach. Additional Notes: other causes
- Fortuitous event, unless DR expressly agreed on their 1. Death of a party
liability regardless of a fortuitous event. 2. Resolutory term
- DR is not yet in default. 3. Change of civil status
4. Compromises
[NOTE:] Art. 1229 reduction of penalty can’t be 5. Mutual dissent (both parties to a contract refuse to
enforced/doesn’t apply to a final/executory judgment. go ahead with the contract)

✅Agreement on penalty “apart” from interest is allowed

6. Impossibility of fulfillment
7. Fortuitous event
by the Civil Code
Section 1: Payment/Performance
- If there is such an agreement, the penalty &
interest is distinct from one another & may be 1232. Payment - delivery of money & performance in any
demanded separately. Stipulation about payment other manner of an obligation.
of additional rate is part of the very “nature of a ★ A person pays for a “pre-existing” obligation. If w/o
penalty clause”. pre-existing obligation. Strictly speaking there is
no payment.
1230. If the penal clause is null, it doesn;t carry the
principal obligation is null, it carries the penal clause as [CASE:] A was given the option to buy a car or not within 1
null too. week. A has no duty to buy.
- A decides to buy, an obli is created and therefore
they must pay.
- Payment made because of a reserved right/option
privilege is not governed by Arts 1232-1262
because such “payment” cannot be demanded by
Extinguishment of Obligations the CR.
Chapter 4
★ Payment needs to be accepted by CR
1231. Obligations are extinguished: (General provisions) expressly/implicity to properly exist. Payment for
1. Payment/performance proper reason may be properly rejected.
2. Loss of the thing due ★ Effect of payment under void judgment:
3. Condonation/remission of debt - Payment to null judgment makes the payment
4. 4. Confusion/merger of rights of DR & CR itself as null/void too.
5. Compensation
6. Novation 1223. For a ‘debt’ to be deemed as ‘paid’ thing/service
due to obligation should be ‘completely
Other causes of extinguishment 9e.g. Annulment, rendered/delivered.’
recession, fulfillment of resolutory condition & prescription)
are governed elsewhere in this code. [NOTE:]
★ Indebtedness - unconditional & legally enforceable
Classifications: obligation for the payment of money.
➔ If monetary obligation - full amount must be paid
Voluntary Involuntary
unless otherwise stipulated in contract.
a. Performance a. Failure to bring action.
- Payment/performance (e.g. prescription) Burden of Proof:
- Consignation - CR needs to prove that a debt exists.
- When debt is proven to exist in turn, DR needs to
prove they already paid. A owes B 10k w/ C as their guarantor. A paid 4k & against

the will of A. D paid their debt for 10k.
[NOTE:] If the promissory note is w/ CR, it is presumed it 1. Can D claim reimbursement from A? YES
has “not” yet been paid. 2. How much can he claim back? 6,000

3. If A can’t pay, can D proceed against the
1234. If obligation is substantially complied with and in guarantor? No, they don’t have the right of
good faith, DR may recover as if it had been a “strict and A’s CR.
complete” fulfillment, less damages suffered by CR.
➔ Affords just compensation for the relative breach ★ If DR gives consent for another to pay on their
committed by DR. behalf, payor is entitled to: (supported by Art.
1235. When CR accepts irregular/substantial (incomplete) - Subrogation
performance “w/o” expressing objection/protest - - Full reimbursement
obligation is deemed fully complied with!
[NOTE:] Suppose CR voluntarily agrees to subrogate
★ Qualified Acceptance - of substantial/irregular payor, is this alright?
payment. - In the context of law, NO.
Subrogation can take place only if the payment
1236. CR is not bound to accept payment/performance by was made with the knowledge and will of the DR.
3rd person who has NO interest in the fulfillment of the (Refer to Art. 1237)
obligation unless there is a stipulation to the contrary
whoever pays for another (DR) may demand 1238. Payment by 3rd person, not intending to be
reimbursement. Except, if they paid w/o the knowledge/will reimbursed by DR is considered a DONATION - requiring
of the DR. They can only then recover only insofar as the DR’s consent. Its payment is Valid if CR accepts it.
payment has been beneficial to the DR.
[General Law:] No one should be compelled to accept the
Right of CR to refuse payment from stranger UNLESS generosity of another.
- There’s a stipulation allowing it.
- If 3rd person has an interest in the fulfillment of the A owes B 1,000. C pays B 1,000 even when against A’s
obligation (co-DR, guarantor joint DR). consent. B still accepts C’s payment.
a. Is A’s obligation to B extinguished? YES
Beneficial Reimbursement (e.g.): b. May C recover from A? Yes, because it wasn’t a
X pays for Y’s transportation fare without Y’s donation without A’s consent. If C chooses to
knowledge/will. Later X discovers that Y was entitled to claim against A later on.
HALF-FARE. X can only recover half-fare and not the
whole amount. 1239. In real obligations, payment of one who doesn’t
have the free disposal of the thing due and capacity to
[CASE:] of beneficial reimbursement alienate it - not valid
● CR recover from not DR whom one pays for ★ Payment of Incapacitated Person:
- Debt prescribed 1. Payment - invalid - if accepted
- Debt was remitted completely 2. CR can’t even be compelled to accept
- Debt was already paid 3. Even remedy of consignation is not proper
- When legal compensation had already
taken place. Exemption:
Minor (18-21 yrs old) entered into contract w/o consent of
1237. Who pays on behalf of DR w/o the guardian voluntarily pays/delivers thing ‘due’ to fulfill
knowledge/against the will of DR is not “entitled to obligation - THERE’S NO RIGHT TO RECOVER the same
subrogation” of CR’s rights - arising from mortgage, from CR who consumed it in good faith.
guaranty or penalty.
A (19 yrs old) entered into a contract w/o the consent of
★ Subrogation - act of putting someone in the shoes their parents. In the contract, A was supposed to pay B
of the CR. Enabling them to experience all rights 1,000. B didn’t know about A’s minority. A voluntarily paid
& actions CR can act on. & B accepted it. B later spent 800. A’s parents found out
➔ Because payor on behalf of DR can recover from about the transaction & brought an action to recover the
CR. 1,000.
1. How much can A’s parents recover from B?
Rights subrogated person as CR can exercise: 200 only since the 800 was used in good faith
a. Mortgage by B.
b. Guaranty
c. Penalty (penal clause) [NOTE:] 1239 - refers to payment BY incapacitated
(e.g. A loaned 10k from B. W/o the knowledge of A. C paid
their debt - 10k. The loan was secured by a mortgage of 1240. Payment shall be delivered to CR, their successor in
A’s land. interest or any person authorized (by law/agreement) to

receive it.
1. May C claim reimbursement from A? YES
2. If so, how much? 10,000 [NOTE:] If money is paid to the wrong party in good faith,

3. If A can’t pay, may C foreclose the mortgage on debt is not extinguished. Obligation carries interest which
A’s land? No, C doesn’t have that right. will continue to run.
● Preliminary Injunction - prohibiting order during
1241. Payment to incapacitated person is valid if: PENDENCY of certain proceedings.
a. Incapacitated person keeps the thing
b. Payment is beneficial to them 1244. DR can’t compel CR to receive a different thing
(even when the substitute is more valuable than what’s
Payment to 3rd person is valid if: due). An act of forbearance can’t be substituted by
1. It contributes to the benefit of the CR. another act of forbearance against CR’s will.

When benefit is presumed its based on the following, no ★ Forbearance - to suspend enforcement of a legal
longer needing to be proven if: right (especially in payments of debts)
a. After payment, 3rd person acquires CR’s ★ Exemptions of 1244:
(incapacitated person’s) rights. a. Facultative obli
b. CR consents (ratifies) payment to 3rd person. b. Dation of money
c. By CR’s conduct, DR is led to believe that 3rd c. Novation (change in prestation, primary

person has authority to receive payment. terms)
d. If CR waives (express/implied )
A owes B 1,000. A pays debt to B. B is already insane. A
swindler convinces B to exchange 1,000 with a P50 worth 1245. Dation in payment shall be governed by law of
of ring. sales.
Is A’s payment to B valid? Only to the amt of 50 ★ Dation in payment - mode of extinguishing an
Who has the burden of proving that the payment benefits obligation whereby DR alienates in favor of CR -
incapacitated CR? One who made the payment (DR) property for the satisfaction of a monetary debt.
★ Alienation - process wherein an owner voluntarily
[NOTE:] 1241 is payment to incapacitated person. gives/sells title of their property to another party.

If indeed, w/o benefit, what remedies are there? [NOTE:] Less freedom in determining the price in dation in
- Payment is not VALID. Legal representative of payment compared to a usual sale.
incapacitated person can “demand new
payment” on behalf of their ward (incapacitated Conditions when dation in payment is valid:
person). 1. CR consents, presupposes sale (consent of both
- If the ward themself regains capacity, they’re parties)
allowed to claim new payment too! 2. Doesn’t prejudice other CRs.
(Imposter agent was given by Meralco the usual 3. DR isn’t judicially declared as insolvent. If so, their
uniform for their collectors property should be administered by the assignee.

1242. Payment in good faith to any person in possession [NOTE:] Dation in payment doesn’t always necessarily
of the credit shall release the DR (Another instance mean that all of DR’s property will be given to satisfy the
wherein payment is valid). credit.

Requisites: 1246. The delivery of a “generic” thing whose

- Payor must be in good faith (Payee may either be quality/circumstances “have not been stated”, CR can’t
in good/bad faith). demand one w/ superior quality and DR can’t deliver one
- Payee must be “in possession” of credit itself and w/ inferior quality.
not only the receipt/document evidencing the
credit. ★ Waiver:
a. CR may demand/accept one of inferior quality if
1243. Payment to CR by DR - one that was judicially they desire.
ordered to retain - NOT VALID! b. DR may deliver one of superior quality if they
Judicial orders retaining payment may arise from:
1. Garnishment - DR’s DR is judicially ordered not to [NOTE:] When kind and quantity can’t be determined w/o
pay their CR (1st DR) and unsteady pay their need of a new agreement, contract is void.
CR’s CR.
2. Interpleader - person in possession of a thing has Object to every contract must be determinate to its kind.
‘conflicting claimants’ over their possession. Quantity on the other hand can be determined without the
Possessor wants them to settle between need of a new contract.
themselves first.
1247. Extrajudicial expenses required by the payment
A has merch that is to be that is to be delivered to a shall be shouldered by DR. Unless otherwise stipulated.
person who presents the proper receipt. B & C claim to be
“supposed receivers” with identical proper receipts. A Judicial costs shall be governed by Rules of Court.
doesn’t know who to deliver to so he files an action in
court for them to settle their rights. [General Rule:] To why DR shoulders extrajudicial costs
- The order was judicially declared to prevent A - Because they benefit from the extinguishment of
from delivering to either. Regardless, A pays B their obligation/debt.
(brother of A’s lover) Invalid by law.
How judicial costs are determined:
3. Injunction - order to refrain someone from doing - Are usually given to the winning party.
something. ➔ Still subject to the court though.
- No costs against the government (Republic of the ★ Basis of payment - value at time obli was incurred.
Philippines) unless provided by law otherwise. ★ Article applies to CONTRACTS

1248. CR can’t be compelled to receive partial prestations. (e.g. Expropriation of property by the government arises
Dr can’t be required to make partial payments. Unless from LAW. Due to the nature of properties, value may
there’s express stipulation. If debt is partially liquidated & inflate. Basis will be on value when the government
the other is not (unliquidated) CR may demand Dr expropriated the property in determining the
payment for the liquidated portion without waiting for the compensation.
other portion that isn’t.
1251. Payment will be delivered at designated place of the
★ Recap 1233 - an obligation shall be understood to obligation without express stipulation and if what is due is
have been paid when fully delivered/rendered. a determinate thing - it will be delivered where determinate
★ Exemptions: thing might be at the moment the obligation was
- Express stipulation otherwise constituted. Any other case, at DR’s domicile (state). If DR
- Different prestations are subject to different changes domicile in bad faith/after incurring delay -
conditions/terms. additional expenses are borne by them.
- Debt partially liquidated
Where to deliver payment?
D owes C 300 damages. Even when the whole amount of ● W/ stipulation - designated place
damages is not yet ascertained, the 300 is already known, ● W/o stipulation
therefore demandable. - Determinate - where the thing was when
- Joint Dr pays their share. the obli was contracted. If to be shipped,
- Solidary DR pays part that is demandable (subject to the domicile of the DR
to different conditions, etc.) - Generic - domicile of the DR
- Compensation - when one debt is larger than the
other & leaves a remaining balance. ★ Domicile - country that one treats as their
- When work is to be done in parts. permanent residence.

1249. Monetary debts shall be paid in currency stipulated. Application of Payments:

If not possible to deliver stipulated currency, pay according
to legal tender in the Philippines. 1252. DR who has various debts (of the same kind) to the
same CR - may declare application of payment when
Payable to order notes, checks, or other mercantile delivered. Unless stipulated otherwise, application of
documents shall effect payment when CASHED or if CR payment is made by party (for whose benefit the term has
has fault that said docs are impaired. been constituted).

★ Conversion (exchange rates) - will be used at the ❌Invalid application - debts not yet due. DR accepts
time the payment/satisfaction of the judgment was receipt from CR and it states the application of the
made. (If time is DISPUTED, court will determine payment - DR can’t complain.
★ Checks, notes are not legal tender. CR can’t be Unless: there’s a clause invalidating the contract.
compelled to accept payment through their
means. Which is why payment by documents will 4 forms of payment:
be considered as satisfied when cashed! a. Application (Imputation)
b. Dation
When negotiable documents should be accepted: c. Assignment in favor of CR
a. Estoppel (on CR) - going back on their word (e.g. d. Tender of payment and consignation
previously promised to accept a check then
wouldn’t) Requisites for application of payment
b. Check lost value w/ CR’s fault. - 2/+ debts (same kind)
c. Right of conventional redemption - subrogation on - Owed to the same CR
terms of a contract. - All debts must be due, unless stipulated
(e.g. Clerk of court deposits check to the bank. Buyer - Payment is not enough to end ALL debts.
(maker of the check) petitioned the court that they’re

allowed to withdraw the amount in deposit. Rule when debts aren’t yet due, may there be
application? Yes, if parties stipulated the application
1250. In case of extraordinary in/deflation after made by party who benefits the term constituted.
contraction, the value of currency at the time of
establishing the obligation will be the basis of payment. Preferential right of DR
Unless agreed otherwise. By law, Dr has right to choose which debt they’re paying
★ Currency stipulated (1250) - other than Ph legal (not absolute)
tender. (e.g.
★ Doesn’t include Ph money itself in case of 1. Valid, prior contrary agreement
in/deflation 2. Can’t pay part of the principal ahead of the int.
Unless CR consents)
[NOTE:] Extraordinary in/deflation - decrease/increase
couldn’t be reasonably foreseen/beyond contemplation of
the parties at the time of contraction of the obligation.
How application of payment is made:
a. DR designates [NOTE:] DR makes application payments that should be
b. If not, CR designates by issuing a receipt. Unless credited to the “first debt”. If on the “second debt” -
there’s a cause for invalidating the contract. considered partial payment.
c. Operation by law - if CR/Dr doesn’t designate and
if application is not valid. Dues of debts first contracted are likely to be due first too!

Application by CR: ❌No partial payment - not completely satisfied (RMBR!).

- If CR issues receipt w/o knowledge/consent of DR
- deemed as INVALID. [CASE:] A owes B two debts. One secured by a mortgage,
the other isn’t. Both are due & A pays to B making its

Revocation of application: application on the second debt. B refuses - saying debt

Not allowed! with mortgage is more burdensome. Is he correct?
Unless: both parties agree. If 3rd persons are No. Although true, second debt is more onerous.
prejudiced. Preference of DR (that is a right) should be followed.

Application must be made at the time payment by DR Determination of Onerous Debt
is delivered. Not afterwards! If can’t be determined which debt is more onerous, equal
(pro-rata) application to all
w/o protest from DR - accepts receipt, DR
waives/renounces their right of choice. Payment of Cession

[Case:] Partner - DR ( C )
Dation en Pago Cession
A owes C personally and owes their (C & B’s) partnership (Dation in Payment)

too. A pays, how will the application apply?

Apply to both credit, pro-rata in amounts. - Doesn’t affect ALL - Affects ALL properties
If C chooses to apply & prioritize liability in partnership - properties. - 1+ CR’s consent is
payment of A should be applied to it solely. - Concerned w/ CR’s consent required
(required) - Full/partial insolvency of
- Ownership on delivery DR
Surety guarantees DR’s debt of 535,428.44 for 53,643 -
which they’re (DR) still liable for. If DR pays 10k for
principal, surety’s applies to the unsecured portion of the
Act of novation (new
agreement) ❌
- Assignment


1255. DR may give up (cede)/assign properties to CRs for

1253. If debt produces interest - payment of principal is
their debts. Cession will release DR from responsibility
not deemed to be paid until interests are covered FIRST.
stipulated. Agreement in effect of cession is governed by
special laws.
● Unless: CR agrees that the principal portion will
first be paid instead of interests.
● Cession/Assignment - CR is entitled to right to sell
● Interest - due and on future installments.
property assigned by DR but THEY’RE NOT THE
Effect of payment credited to interest:
Decreases principal’s total and total interest collectible.
Kinds of Assignments:
1. Legal (majority of CRs must agree)
RMBR: Interest is paid for fair compensation - way of
2. Voluntary (all CRs must agree)
damages to default (law makes no distinction).

Requisites of voluntary agreement:

1254. If payment can’t be applied/concluded with previous
- 1+ debts
article &/or other circumstances on basis - Most onerous
- 1+ CRs
debt to DR that is due shall be considered as the one
- Complete/partial insolvency of DR
satisfied from the payment
- Abandonment of all DR’s property for execution -
unless this exemption is to be waived by DR.
● If debts due are the same in nature & burden -
payment will be pro-rata applied to all.
Effect of voluntary assignment:
1. CR are assignees (not owners)
● Most onerous - different nature of debts.
- w/ authority to sell
● Proportionately - same debts.
- Datio in Solutum - ownership transferred.
2. DR released up to the amount of net proceeds of
Samples of Onerous Debts:
sale - unless contrary stipulation.
1. Older debts in running accounts
> Balance remains (net proceeds - amount of debt
2. Interest bearing debts (> non interest bearing)
= remaining balance) is collectible.
3. Debt secured by mortgage/pledge
3. CR will collect credits in order of preference
4. Debts with penalty clause
agreed upon or if with agreement - order of
5. Advance for subsidence > cash advance
preference by law.
6. DR is in mora
7. Exclusive (solo-ish) debt > solidary debt
Some properties should not be assigned:
- Family home
● Subsistence - maintenance
- Amount needed by DR to support themselves &
(e.g.) Subsistence allowance - new employee to buy
others required by law to support.
necessities while awaiting first pay.
Not a debt:
(If not reserved:cession is reducible) a. Option
b. Redemption (legal/conventional)
Tender of Payment of Consignation c. Prescribed debt
d. Illegal cause
Introduction: e. If conditional & said conditions are unfulfilled.
1. Tender of Payment - offering to CR what is due to
them + demand for them (CR) to accept the same. 2nd Requisite: Valid prior tender unless tender is excused.
★ Object of Notice Prior Consignation - give CR the
chance to reconsider their refusal (to avoid 3rd Requisite: Prior notice of consignation (before deposit)
litigation and consignation) - If notice had been made, it gives CR a chance to
withdraw money consigned.
[NOTE:] If refusal of tender is justifiable, consignment is - Exemption: Attempt to notify was useless (e.g. CR
void/null. couldn’t be located - was traveling)
- Without notice - consignment is VOID.
Object of notice after consignation: - Allows interested parties to reconsider and avoid
- Enable CR to withdraw money/goods deposited litigation.
with (in company of) judicial authorities. ● Notice of consignation - shows intention of DR to
take the case in court in event that tender is
Consignation - depositing the thing due with court/judicial refused.
authorities when CR can’t refuse to accept payment. - In itself a consignation!
Generally, require prior tender of payment. ★ What to state in the first notice:
1. Tender was made (unless excused) on a

Process: specified date.

Cause for consignment 2. Tender was unjustifiably refused.

Tender of Payment (extrajudicial, preparatory) 3. Depositing in court is contemplated.
Consignment (judicial)
[NOTE:] Notice is not essential if the sum deposited is the
1256. CR who receives tender of payment, refuses without very sum due from a final judgment.
just reason to accept - DR is released by consignation of
things due. ● Consignation presupposes the existence of a suit.
Without a suit, no consignation too!
Consignation (alone) gives effect to:
1. CR absent/unknown/doesn’t appear at place of 4th Requisite: Actual Deposit to Proper Judicial Authorities
payment. 1. File complaint first in court then consign after.
2. CR incapacitated to receive at time due. 2. Consignation
3. Without just cause, CR refuses to give a receipt - Deposit the thing/s due.
4. 2/+ persons claim the same right to collect. - With proper judicial authority in certain
5. Title of obligation has been lost. cases (e.g. sheriff)
- With proof of tender unless excused &
● Consignation - goes after debts. first notice of consignation was sent.
● Tender of Redemption - No need to consign if
refused (e.g. repurchased case) [NOTE:] Judicial deposit due from a final judgment doesn’t
require a notice to CRs/interested person.
When CR is justified in refusing tender of payment.
1. If tender of payment is INVALID Effects of consignation:
- “In custodia legis” state of property
Requisites of a Valid Tender: ➔ Exempted in execution/attachment.
a. Legal tender (lawful currency, doesn’t include - If property is “perishable” by nature, the court may
checks) order for its sale.
- If check is accepted to reappeal via tender of - Consigning DR makes themself the agent/receiver
payment; defect in legal tender requisite is of the court. If particularly for some reason said
CURED. property can’t actually be placed in the hands of
b. Includes interest due the court.
c. Generally must be unconditional. ➔ True if involved is real property.
- If with conditions & CR doesn't protest in regards ➔ Remedy: Ask the court for receivership.
to it (condition) can’t be estoppelled later on and ● If real property and without
try to prescribe terms for validity for CR’s remedy, obligation is still in force
acceptance which they already made. because ‘no’ payment.
d. Obligation must be due.
[CASE:] Court decision - balance of a purchase price is
Consignation without Tender - possible with equitable due within 60 days from the receipt thereof. DR needs to
conditions/circumstances. pay the amount in reasonable time after the decision, not
from when the judgment becomes final.
1257. For consignation to release DR, it must first be
announced to persons interested in obligations’ fulfillment. - If CR refuses, consign the thing with court (also
Consignation doesn’t have effect if it doesn’t follow within the 60 day period).
provisions that regulate payment. - DR’s attempt to reach an agreement with CR
doesn’t affect the finality of the judgment.
1st Requisite: Existence of a debt
5th Requisite: Subsequent notice of consignation. - Object perishes (physically destroyed)
- Mandatory or else the consignation is void. - Out of commerce
- Disappears - existence becomes unknown, can’t be
★ Final Judgment Due Thing - doesn’t require recovered.

➔ Refers to contractual debt. Impossibility of Performance:
Not decreed by court. - Physical Impossibility
- Legal Impossibility
Form: Issue formal notice or file complaint, service of ➔ Direct - prohibited by law.
summons of CR & copy of complaint. ➔ Indirect - DR enters military draft.
- Moral Impossibility (Impracticable)
1258. Requisites of consignation should be done/given to
the proper authorities. 1262. Obligation to deliver a specific thing for as long as
without fault of the DR & before they incur delay is
1259. Expenses of consignation when properly made will extinguished in a fortuitous event.
be charged to the CR.
Obligation to deliver specific thing even with fortuitous
Why? CR’s fault for refusal. Judicial intervention may events remains if: law/stipulation provides so. Obligation
have been avoided if they accepted. referred here is converted into monetary obligation
(damages). Same rules apply if the nature of obligation
If not proper consignation: DR shoulders expenses. requires the assumption of risk on part of the DR.

1260. DR may ask the judge to order cancellation of [NOTE:] Loss must be AFTER obligation was incurred.
obligation when consignation was duly made. DR may - If mortgaged property is lost, the owner of the
also withdraw deposited sum/thing before the acceptance mortgage bears loss. They still have to pay
of the CR or judicial declaration that consignation was because the mortgage is monetary in nature.
properly made.
When claim of loss must be made:
Effects of Proper Consignation: [CASE:] Claim of loss/dmg (to goods carried by vessel)
- DR may ask the judge to cancel the obligation. must be made only AFTER the date of discharge of the
- Running interest is suspended. last package.
- Will a claim BEFORE such date of discharge be

[NOTE:] Obligation remains in force before CR regarded as premature & speculative?

accepts/judge declares proper consignation. If made without basis
Claim is proper if prior info/discovery of
Effects of Improper Consignation shortage/dmg to the goods.
- Obligation remains.
- Invalid/improper consignation at time due, DR is in Instances when the law requires liability even with a
default. fortuitous event:

❌No effect.
- DR is at default
★ Dismissed case (with consignation) - - DR promised to deliver the SAME thing to
two/more persons with different interests.
[NOTE:] DR may ask for cancellation of obligation - When obligation arises from a crime.
DESPITE lack of important requisites of consignation. If - Borrower (of a thing) has lent the thing to another
CR doesn’t object, they waive & allow DR to cancel so. who’s not a member of their household.

If DR withdraws what they consigned it should be: 1263. Obligation to deliver a GENERIC thing,

Before CR accepts loss/destruction doesn’t extinguish the obligation.
Before judge declares proper consignation
- DR bears expenses if anything. Remember, the Exemption: Fixed boundaries/limit

preferential right of DR, they still own it by then. - If generic thing is DELIMITED (50kg of sugar from
After proper consignation and with CR’s consent that my 1958 harvest)
DR may withdraw the sum/thing. - Generic thing is segregated/set aside - making it
in nature SPECIFIC rather.
1261. When properly consigned & CR authorizes DR to
withdraw the same, CR loses every preference they have In case of Monetary Obligations:
over the sum/thing to DRs, guarantors & sureties are - Loss of specific, mortgaged property due to a
released. fortuitous event doesn’t extinguish the monetary
(generic) obligation.
Effects: Obligation remains
:CR loses every preference 1264. Courts shall determine under certain circumstances
:Co-DR (solidary), guarantors, sureties are the materiality (whole/partial) of loss. If enough, it
released. extinguishes the obligation.
➔ Co-DR, not their own, individual shares but what
they do with their other co-DRs. Released from (e.g. Loss of a cover of a specific fountain pain -
solidarity. considered as a complete loss)

Section 2: Loss of Thing Due 1265. When thing is lost while in the possession of a DR -
Introduction: presumed to be lost due to DR’s fault. Unless proof of the
● Loss - impossibility of performance.
contrary. Presumption doesn’t apply in the case of a
natural calamity. Requisites to apply article 1267:
- Service must become so difficult it was beyond
1266. DR is released from the obligation in case of contemplation of BOTH parties & the difficulty that they
PERSONAL obligations wherein they become couldn’t possibly have anticipated/foresee it.
legally/physically impossible without DR’s fault. - One of the parties must ask for relief.
- Object must be a future service with future unusual
★ Impossibility - must incur AFTER constitution of change in conditions. (Aleatory contract/dependent on
the obligation. CHANCE in view of the risks being foreseen don’t come
- If impossibility was the nature of the under the scope of 1267.)
obligation since the beginning - VOID.
1268. Debt which proceeds from crimes doesn’t exempt
[CASE:] A sold half-interest in his motorboat to B. Agreed the DR from the obligation even with a fortuitous event
upon was that the price to be paid by B will be used in (loss). Unless CR refuses DR’s offer without justification.
installing a motor on the vessel. Later, the vessel was
destroyed due to a fortuitous event. Is B free? Effect of Loss in Criminal Cases:

✅No. To pay is a real obligation & involves a thing that is

Obligation is not extinguished even with a fortuitous event.

generic (money). B’s obligation to pay isn’t extinguished. Exemption: CR is in Mora Accipiendi.
Delivery of the supposed motorboat AFTER paying has
become impossible. 1269. Obligation is extinguished by the loss of the thing
due, CR shall have all the rights of action which the DR
Effect of Subject’s Impossibility: may have against third persons related to the reason of
- Subject impossible (for DR) but object possible (for all the loss.

others), is the obligation extinguished?
Depends, obligation usually subsists unless personal Transfer of Rights from DR to CR (in case of loss):
considerations are involved (e.g. only a particular S is obligated to deliver this car to B but X destroys the
company is prohibited by law to furnish work on a certain car. B has the right to sue X. S might unduly profit from the
day). damages of the case.

Effect of Loss on a Reciprocal Obligation: ★ Rights of Action - includes insurance indemnity

[General Rule:] Obligation not extinguished by a that may have been received.
fortuitous event remains. (Building was sold yet was
destroyed by lightning, Buyer must still pay. Buyer bears [CASE:] Two vessels collided with the first vessel at fault.
the loss even when the building has not yet been First vessel later sank. Its owner collected insurance. Is
delivered.) the insurance money liable for the damages sustained by

the second vessel?
Exemptions: Yes, insurance money substitutes the first, sunken
1. Lease - if object is destroyed = lease and vessel and must be used as far as necessary to the
obligation to rent is extinguished. judgment rendered in the case.
2. Contracts for a piece of work (worker/contractor
can’t ask for price if the thing is lost by a fortuitous Section 3: Condonation/Remission of the Debt
event prior to delivery).
★ Condonation - voluntary overlook/pardo of an
1267. DR may be released from obligation partially/wholly offense (express/implied).
when service is so difficult as to be manifestly beyond the ★ Remission - CR discharges DR from their
contemplation of the parties. obligation (express/implied).
- Court decides whether whole/partial.
- Personal obligations ONLY! 1270. Condonation/Remission requires the acceptance of
the DR. May be expressed/implied.
★ Aleatory - dependent on an uncertain event.
Both are subject to the rules that govern inofficious an
Effect of difficulty beyond the parties’ contemplation: effect of depriving descendants of the shares of a
- Refers to moral impossibility/impracticability due succession to which they are entitled by law) donations.

to change of certain conditions.
A treaty/agreement remains VALID if the same ★ Express condonation will comply with the form of
conditions prevailing at time of contracting donations.
continue to exist at the time of the performance. ★ Remission/Condonation - gratuitous
abandonment by the CR of their right/s.
(AKA = frustration of commercial object/frustration of an
enterprise) Requisites for Remission:
a. Must have an agreement (since acceptance of the
Moral impossibility samples: offer is required).
Duty to construct a railroad - construction was possible b. Parties must be capacitated and need to consent
but very dangerous to life & property is excused by the (beyond the powers of court: e.g. condone interest
law. unless CR consents).
c. Must have a subject matter (otherwise nothing to
● Mere inconveniences, unexpected impediments, condone).
inflation aren’t enough to release a DR from their
d. Cause of consideration must be liberality [CASE 1:] Bella made a promissory note to Ruben at
(otherwise act may be: dation in 1,000. Later, Ruben voluntarily delivered said promissory

payment/novation/compromise). note to Bella without collection.
e. Obligation remitted must have been demandable ➔ Presumption here is DISPUTABLE. Not
at the time of remission (otherwise remission is conclusive.
useless). ➔ Return of instrument for examination/collection.
f. Remission must not be INOFFICIOUS.
(Otherwise, reducible so that it won’t impair ★ Implied Remission (e.g.)
compulsory heirs). CR voluntarily destroyed the private instrument.
★ Other grounds of donation (i.e. revocation of ● Omission of debt/name of DR may be an
donation such as ingratitude): ERROR. Not an implied remission.

g. Remission is essentially a donation despite the DR & heirs may prove the document was for the payment

exclusive mention of inofficious of a debt = Only WHEN there was INDEED a payment.
h. Formalities of donation are required in the case of Otherwise, immoral/falsehood - Not allowed, illegal.
express remission.
(e.g. Remission of an obligation to give land must Conflict of Presumption:
be through a public instrument to be valid) Presumption of Remission > Presumption of Payment

[Query:] Can an express remission, defective in form, be 1272. When a private document )where debt appears) is
considered an implied remission? in the possession of the DR, the presumption is: CR

✅NO, provision of law to requisites of express remission

delivered it VOLUNTARILY unless proved otherwise.

render it useless. Instrument of Credit is still with CR:

Evidence debt is not yet paid.
- Express remission not due in form must be Rebuttal: receipt of payment must be presented.
withdrawn in due time to not affect the CR.
Confirmation of waiver ensues after. If they’re Presumption in Joint/Solidary Obligation
unable to withdraw the remission the rest may be (e.g.) A & B owed C 1,000 evidenced by a private
implied. document.
- Waivers/remission aren’t presumed (generally).
Must be clearly/convincingly be shown: express a. If the document is in the possession of A, who is a

stipulations/acts admitting no other reasonable joint DR? What is the presumption?
explanation. Only A’s debt is remitted (500).

b. Same scenario but A is a solidary DR.
★ Classes of remission: Whole obligation of 1,000 is remitted.

c. In both scenarios (A & B), can they be remitted?
1. Effect/Extent YES, with superior contrary evidence.
- Total
- Partial (by portion/refers to the accessory 1273. Renunciation of the principal debt shall extinguish
obligation). the accessory obligation but waiver of the latter shall keep
the former (principal) in force regardless.
2. Date of effectivity
- Inter vivos (during life) (e.g.) Penalty (accessory obligation) condoned will not
- Mortis causa (after death) extinguish principal obligation. Yet if principal obligation is
➔ Must have formalities of a will and condoned, penalty follows the same.
needs to be probated.
1274. Presumption: Accessory obligation (pledge) is
3. Form remitted after its delivery to CR is found in the possession
- Implied/Tacit - requires NO formality, of the DR/3rd person who OWNS the thing.
conduct is sufficient.
- Express/Formal - requires formalities. Accessory Obligation of a Pledge
- Presumed to be remitted (1274).
1271. Delivery of “private document” evidencing credit - Principal obligation of debt is still in force though.
(return of e.g. promissory note) by CR to DR implies ➔ Disputable if DR/3rd person is in
remission of the action which the former had against the possession of pledge by theft, sent for
latter. repairs/similar causes.

(remits right to collect from DR because obligation was Reason for Presumption
already finished before) = “presumption Pledge must be delivered to CR/3rd person by common
agreement if pledge is to be used.
★ Inofficious - not official
3rd Person must OWN it
To nullify waiver, it should be claimed as inofficious. DR & Stranger may have it for safe-keeping purposes only if
heirs may prove the delivery of the document (Remittance they don’t own it.
of CR’s action to DR, because already completed prior)
was made in virtue of a paid debt. Section 4: Confusion/Merger of Rights

1275. Merger of rights of CR & DR shall extinguish

● Origin/Cause: Legal, Conventional (by agreement
Requisites for a Valid Merger of parties involved), Judicial, Facultative (choice to
a. Should take place between the principal DRs & claim/oppose).
CRs (Confusion between CR & guarantor only ➔ A owes B 1,000 due on Jan 31. B has the
extinguishes the accessory obligation without choice of compensation to pay his own
guarantee but not with principal obligation). debt due Jan 31 or B can oppose A from
b. Merger must be clear and definitive. compensation because they (B) can’t be
c. Obligation involved must be the same - identical made (demanded) to pay until Jan 31.
from the point of view of the DR & CR.
Case, No Compensation:
Effect of Transfer of Rights: James owns shares of a bank. Later, James loaned from
Transfer of RIGHTS ONLY! the same bank with interest per annum. His obligation to
➔ Not credited against debt = NOT A MERGER the bank to have an acceleration clause and he defaulted
➔ Rights of both CR & DR to a 3rd person several installments. James pleaded compensation with

➔ E.g. assignment, safeguard only. Not a merger. his shares. Can he?
NO, because he is the DR of the bank (CR) but bank
Extinction of Real Rights has no obligation to him (wherein bank is DR of
Real right (e.g. usufruct) may be extinguished if the naked James-CR)
owner becomes the usufructuary. ➔ Both need to be reciprocal by CR and D - to one
Aka Consolidation of ownership (FULL OWNERSHIP)
[CASE:] Jack owns shares in a corporation. Jack pays a
● Naked Owner - real, true owner little over his credit to the corporation. He is CR of the
corporation to the amount of his excess pay prior. That
(e.g.) Lucy gave usufructuary rights to daughter, Leonel. portion he may compensate if he is indebted to the
Lucy dies and Leonel is her heir. Making him the naked corporation in return.
owner after Lucy’s death. Usufructuary rights are
extinguished yet the right to enjoy/use fruits (usufruct) of 1279. Requisites for proper compensation:
property is still a right of an owner. a. Each obligors (DRs) are principally bound while
being CRs of one another.
Revocability of Merger b. Prestation: sum of money, consumable things, be
Confusion ceases, revived obligation. of the same kind and quality.
c. Both debts are due.
1277. Merger between person (DR/CR) with guarantors d. Both must be liquidated and demandable.
extinguishes accessory (guaranty) obligation. Principal e. Neither have retention/controversy by 3rd
obligation remains! Unless merger between principal persons, communicated to DR in due time
CR/DR themselves.
Last Requisite:
★ Confusion doesn’t extinguish joint obligation - E.g. court litigation, waiver, etc.
except the share corresponding CR/DR, whom the
2 characters concur to. Legal Compensation
- Requisites of 1279
[CASE:] A & B jointly owes C 1,000. C assigns entire
credit to A. Obligation is extinguished. B’s obligation to A Voluntary Compensation
(500) still remains though! NO requisites for as long as voluntary and validly entered
1276. Merger benefits guarantors. Confusion with other
parties apart from the principal CRs/DRs - doesn’t 1280. Notwithstanding the previous article, guarantor may
extinguish the obligation. use what CR has against principal DR.

Section 5: Compensation (e.g.) A owes B 2,000 with C as guarantor. B owes A 500.

If A can’t pay, how much is C liable for?
1278. Compensation is when two persons are CR & DR of 1,500. C can set up the 500 compensation that B owed
each other. A.

Compensation vs Payment [CASE:] A owes B 5,0000 with C as guarantor. B owes C

- Compensation may partially extinguish. 5,000.

- Operated by law. A can’t compensate because they aren’t a CR to B.
- Payment - complete, indivisible & involves If B goes after C because they’re the guarantor to A,
action/delivery. there can be compensation (up to the amount applicable
in what B owes C) - 5,000
Compensation vs Counterclaim
- Effective by operation of law. 1281. Compensation can be total/partial.
- Must be pleaded to take effect.
- Extinguishes both (2) obligations when both exist 1282. Compensation for debts NOT YET DUE may be
simultaneously to the amount of respective sums. agreed upon.

Kinds of Compensation ★ Refers to Voluntary Compensation

● Effect/Extent: Total, Partial
[NOTE:] 1279 doesn’t apply here because it was for legal ✅A can’t set up on the 150 because they already knew of
compensation. the assignment.

- Parties must simply give consent to have legal Reason for the Article: To prevent fraud (deprivation of
capacity. total/partial compensation benefits).

1283. If there are damages, it may be proved by one who 1286. Compensation occurs by operation of law. Even
has right to it before legal compensation can take place when debts are payable at different places. But there shall
further. be an indemnity for expenses of exchange/transportation
to the place of payment.
1284. If one/both debts are rescissible/voidable, they may
be compensated against each other before being judicially Indemnity for expenses of exchange - refers to
rescinded/avoided. monetary exchange, (in case debts are monetary).

★ Rescissible/Voidable debts are VALID until [CASE:] A owes B 1,000 payable at Manila. B owes A

rescinded/voided properly - thus compensation is 1,000, payable in England.
allowed. Whoever claims compensation must pay for the
exchange rate of currency.
Prevention of Unfairness:
To avoid later recission/annulment, than what court 1287. Compensation is not proper when one of the debts
decreed, NO compensation took place. Decree is arises from:
retroactive. a. Depositum
b. Obligation of a depositary
[CASE:] A owes B 1,000. A forced B to sign a note in A’s c. Bailee in commodatum

favor indebting B to A according to the note. Neither compensation can be set up against a CR who

First debt is VALID has a “claim for support due by a gratuitous title” without
Second debt, forcing of B by A is VOIDABLE. prejudice to provisions of paragraph 2, Article 301.

If requisites for legal compensation are valid, both debts a. Depositum - loan deposit

are extinguished but not the case. Unfair to annul first Depositary can’t claim compensation
debt. Compensation before that took place is canceled Depositor may claim though
when one debt is annulled.
b. Debt arising from obligation of a depositary
1285. DR who consents to assignment of right by CR in Same reason of previous one (prevent breach of

favor of a 3rd person can’t set up compensation to trust/confidence)

assignee (3rd person) unless assignor (CR) was notified Depositor allowed
by DR their reservation of their right to compensation. Depositary NOT allowed.
c. Debt arises from an obligation of a bailee in
If CR told DR about cession but without or against the will commodatum (borrower of property who pays
of the latter, may set up compensation to debts previous to nothing for the loan).

cession (NOT subsequent ones!). Prevent breach of trust/confidence.

Lender may claim compensation.
If assignment was done without the knowledge of the DR, Borrower can’t claim for compensation
they may set up compensation to all debts maturing
BEFORE DR’s knowledge to the assignment. ★ Depositary - someone /thing lodged in trust.
★ Lodged - leave money/valuable with
3 Cases Covered by the Article: someone/thing for safekeeping.
- Assignment with consent of the DR
- Assignment without the consent of the DR In summary of 3 Instances Prior:
- Assignment with knowledge of DR Depositor/lender have an option to claim or not claim
➔ With consent of DR compensation
May not set up compensation to 3rd
person (assignee). d. Debt arising because of claim for support due to

Unless - reserved right to compensate. gratuitous title.
➔ Without consent/against the will of DR Future support - NO COMPENSATION
(but with knowledge of intention to
assign) ★ Facultative Compensation - one party may
Compensation can be set up to debt - claim/use compensation (depositor/lender) but not
PREVIOUS TO CESSION (mature!) the other.

[CASE:] A owes B 1,000. B owes A 200. Both debts are [CASES:] A has 10,000 savings in a bank. A borrowed
due. B assigns 1,000 to C without knowledge of A (July 1). 2,000 from the bank. Without asking A, the bank
On July 15, a 250 debt of B in favor of A matured. A subtracted this from A’s savings. Is the bank’s action

learned of the assignment on August 1. proper?
YES, compensation is allowed.
On August 23, a 150 debt of B to A matured. Lantern C

asks A to pay his debt. How much can C collect? A asked B to keep their 100 for him. A becomes indebted
550, A can set up partial compensation to the 200 and to B for 40, A asks for their money to be returned, B only
250 debts maturing before A learned of the assignment gives 60. Is B proper?
(1k - 200 - 250 = 550).
❌NO, B holds the 100 as a depositary which is not b. Substituting third person with rights of CR
subject to compensation. (may be conventional - by agreement or
legal - operation of law).
Obligation of Depositary (For further understanding)
Depositary must keep things safely and return it when b. According to Form/Constitution
required to: depositor, their heirs/successors, designated 1. Express
contact. 2. Implied (2 obligations are incompatible with one
Unless with stipulation in contract, the depositary can’t
deposit with a 3rd person. c. According to its Extent/Effect
1. Extinctive/Total - old obligation is completely
If deposit with a 3rd person is allowed, the depositary will extinguished.
be liable for loss/damages if they deposit the thing to a 3rd 2. Modifactory/Partial - old obligation is in force,
person who is manifestly careless/unfit. merely modified.

Depositary is responsible for negligence of their [NOTE:] Should there be any doubt as to whether
employees. novation is tota/partial, it will be presumed to be
Depositary can’t make use of things deposited without
express permission from the depositor. They become Requisites for Novation (General)

liable otherwise. a. Existence of a VALID old obligation.
VOID/Non existent - nothing to novate.
For preservation of things - it requires to be used, - If voidable, novation is possible for as
depository may use it but only for the purpose of its long as obligation is not yet annulled.
preservation. b. Intent to extinguish/modify old obligations with a
substantial difference.
1288. No compensation debts that consist of civil liability c. Capacity and consent of ALL parties (except in
arising from penal offenses. case of expromission - old DR doesn’t participate.

✅Victim may claim compensation. [NOTE:] No novation if without consent of CR!

➔ Another instance of facultative compensation (Art

1288). d. Validity of new obligation
Subject to suspensive condition.
1289. If a person has several debts susceptible to (e.g.) Obtaining signature and doesn’t materialize

compensation - rules on application of payments will apply - NO NOVATION.
to order of compensation. If contemplated, new obligation is on mere
draft, unsigned - not consented to - NO
1290. Present requisites in 1279, compensation is made NOVATION.
into effect by operation of law and extinguishes both debts
concurrent (simultaneous) amount even without ❖ Delegacion - DR offers and CR accepts a third
awareness of DR/CR of compensation. person to take the place of the original DR.
❖ Subrogating - put in place of another - substitute.
Automatic Compensation ❖ Substantial - considerable importance/worth/ size
If all requisites are present: (Refer to 1279) - Concerning the essentials of something.
❖ Expromission - type of substitution
Section 6: Novation - Third person with initiative, takes a role in
the obligation even without
1291. Obligations may be modified by: consent/against the will of the original DR
a. Changing object/principal conditions. but with the consent of the CR.
b. Substituting person of the DR.
c. Substituting a third person in right of CR. 1292. Obligation extinguished and substituted by another
must be declared in unequivocal terms (leave no doubt)
★ Novation - substitution/change of an obligation by that the old and new obligations are incompatible in every
another which extinguishes/modifies the first. point.
- In order to extinguish an obligation by
creation, extinguishment must clearly Express/Implied Novation:
appear. ● Express - declared in unequivocal terms.
- Has a dual function - extinguish & create. ● Implied - complete/substantial incompatibility

★ Imperfect Novation - partial modifactory. Modifies How Implied Novation May Be - done by making
old obligation. substantial changes.
★ Perfect/True Novation - extinguishes old a. Object/subject matter of the contract 9e.g.
obligations and creates a new one completely. Delivery of a car instead of a ring).
b. Cause/consideration of contract (e.g. upward
Kinds of Novation change in price).
a. According to Object/Purpose:
1. Real/Objective - changing of object/principal [NOTE:] Reduction in price implies a remission.
conditions of the obligation.
2. Personal/Subjective (change of persons) c. Principal terms/conditions
a. Substituting the person of DR (e.g.)
1. Obligation with condition and removal of the judgment but provides a different method to extinguish
condition. it.
2. Reducing the period originally stipulated.
3. Without consent of some subscribers, stock [NOTE:] Expressly state intention to extinguish former
capital is increased - unconsenting subscribers obligation with a new one.
are released.
★ Nery needs to sell. If successful, she receives a
[CASES:] commission. Nery did not return both rings/cash
A owed C 500 and 3,000 evidenced by two notes value to Federia, leading Federia to sue Nery
(promissory). Later a 300 loan was obtained. By express (estafa). Pending the case, Nery executed a
agreement, the three debts were consolidated into one, compromise, promising to pay the money in
single note of 3,800 (3k + 500 + 300). The last note was to installments. After making one payment, she did
take the place of the three separate ones. Was there a not fulfill the ones after. Now, Nery contends to be

novation? acquitted due to acceptance of CR of DR’s
Yes, in view of changes made. payment. Novating original relationship between
- If with no proof of the last note substituting all - no parties.
inconsistencies with different notes with different
amounts. Held: Renunciation of criminal responsibility can only be
- If without novation, ‘all ‘ (3) obligations will done by the State.
continue to subsist.
● Novation - may apply if CR accepted the payment
Instances when the court held NO Extinctive before suing for estafa - changing the parties’
Novation: (only modifactory effect - not total) relationship into a mere DR - CR one.
a. Slight alterations only. ● Acceptance of partial satisfaction doesn’t annul
b. New contract merely contains supplementary criminal liability that is fully mature while in the
agreement process of judgment.
c. Additional interest agreed upon ● Read pp 455-457 for more case samples.
d. Additional security is given
e. After final judgment, a new contract was entered 1293. Novation with substituting a DR with a new one can
to, precisely provide a method of payment other be made even with a new one can be made even without
than that stated in the judgment. knowledge/against the will of the latter but with the
consent of the CR.
[NOTE:] Object of new contract is to settle judgment:
reducing amount stipulating atty. 's fees (incase of non - No consent from CR - NOT ALLOWED!
payment) and by inserting penalty clause - judgment is
novated. (not the contract). Obligation related is also 1236 - with consent 1237 - without consent
★ Personal/Subject Novation
f. Guarantor enters agreement with CR that 1. Change of DR (passive)
guarantor will also become a principal DR (along 2. Change of CR (active)
with original DR). ★ A substitution of DR without consent of CR is not
g. CR in the meantime refrains suing DR or extends binding to CR, only to DR and intended substitute.
term/period. (Because period affects performance
- not creating an obligation). (a) Substitute of DR
1293 - speaks of passive subject novation (DR
[NOTE:] Unconsenting guarantors to extension of term are substitute) which may be in the form of
released from their guaranty obligation by express expromission or delegacion.
provision of law.
Expromission - initiative if from the third person.
h. Place of payment is changed/there is a variation. - It is essential that the original DR is released from
i. Public instrument is executed to confirm a valid the obligation, otherwise, no expromission and no
contract, whether oral/private instrument. novation (agreed upon of release).
j. Payment of purchase price for certain trucks is
made by the execution of a promissory note for (e.g.) D owes C 1,000. F, a friend of D, approaches C and
the said price. Here, no novation of contract of tells them “I’ll pay you what D owes you. Consider me as
sale. your new DR and not D”. D is excused - do you agree?

[CASES:] In a final judgment, Z was declared as DR to O. ✅Yes, if F does not pay C, D is no longer liable.
Later, Z and O agreed that the judgment was to be
extinguished by payment in monthly installments with Requisites for Expromission:
stipulation. In case Z defaults - O may sue Z. a. Initiative is from a third person.
b. New DR and CR must consent.
Later, Z defaults and O obtained execution of the final c. Old DR must be excused/released from their initial
judgment to have Z’s properties to be levied. Z now, obligation.
instituted for damages on the ground that the execution
was improper. Judgment was extinguished by novation Delegacion - replacement of old DR by a new DR who
according to Z. (old) DR proposed to CR to which CR and new DR agreed
Held: Contract did not expressly extinguish the obligation - Initiative is from the old DR themself.
in the judgment. Contract still acknowledges obligation in
- Old DR must be released from the obligation -
otherwise, no delegacion. 1296. Accessory obligations may only subsist insofar as
they may benefit third persons who didn’t give their
[NOTE:] Insolvency of new DR was already existing/public consent.
knowledge/known to old DR - makes old DR liable again
due to obvious BAD FAITH. - (Art. 1296 doesn’t apply to novation by
subrogating CR).
Parties to a Delegacion: - Applies in particular to modifactory novations. Are
a. Delegante - original DR guarantors/sureties released if novation was made
b. Delegatorio - CR without their consent?
c. Delegado - new CR ➔ If more onerous, they’re only liable to
original obligation.
Requisites for Delegacion: ➔ If less onerous, they’re still responsible as
a. Initiative is from old DR. is.
b. ALL parties must consent/agree.
★ May it be agreed that accessory obligation would

[NOTE:] Consent of CR still remain to new obligation?
1. Given in any form (express/implied_ from their Yes, DR of said accessory obligation give their
acts. BUT NOT from mere acceptance of payment consent.
by a third party (no true transfer of debt).
2. May be before/after new DR’s consent is given. ★ May it be agreed that accessory obligations would

3. May be conditional (condition must be fulfilled still remain to the new obligation?
through for delegacion to take effect). Yes, DR of said accessory obligation give their
Rights of New DR:
Refer to 1236 and 1247: beneficial reimbursement if ★ Rule of 1296:
payment was made without knowledge/against the will of - Accessory obligations made in favor of
the old DR. Reimburse and subrogation - if made with old third persons remain unless third person
DR’s consent. consents to novation. (Their rights to the
accessory obligation are distinct and
1294. Substitution without knowledge/against the will of shouldn’t be prejudiced without their
DR, new DR’s insolvency or non fulfillment of obligation consent).
shall not give rise to any liabilities to original DR.
➔ Expromission 1297. If the new obligation is VOID, original obligation will
subsist unless parties intended that the former relation be
Reason: Initiative is of third person and not of the original extinguished.
- If a new obligation is void - no novation.
1295. Can’t revive action (CR to original DR) in case of - If a new obligation is conditional and doesn’t
non-fulfillment of DR (new) unless insolvency was already materialize - old obligation subsists.
known by original DR before they were delegated of their
debt - DELEGACION! [CASE:] New obligation was intended but new contract
was “never” perfected for lack of consent (necessary), old
- Initiative is by the original DR. obligation continues.
- For insolvency only - exemption applies to.
Rule if new obligation is voidable:
Requisites to hold original DR liable: a. Old obligation novated. Voidable obligation is valid
a. Insolvency already existing and of public until annulled.
knowledge at the time of delegacion. b. Once the new obligation is annulled, old obligation
b. Known by the original DR, new DR’s insolvency at subsists.
time of delegacion.
★ Void obligation - no novation into the new
[NOTE:] If insolvency is after of delegacion - original DR is obligation.
not liable. ★ Exemption - if parties intended that the original
obligation be extinguished in any event.
[CASE:] Delegacion but CR finds out of new DR’s
insolvency. Their insolvency was existing but not of public 1298. Old obligation was void, effects:

knowledge and neither was it known to the original DR. 1. Old obligation is void = no novation
Original DR is still not liable to insolvency of new DR. 2. Old obligation is voidable + already annulled =
No more obligation = no novation (VOID)

★ When Art. 1295 doesn’t apply if:
NO extinctive novation ★ Exemption: Old obligation was voidable.
- Third person (agent, messenger, employee of
original DR). 1. Only the DR can claim annulment.
- Third person (guarantor, surety) (e.g.) A was coerced to sign a note of 1,000 to B. Later,
- Third person agreed to be solidarily liable for the both (A & B) voluntarily agreed to change the subject
obligation only. matter into a precious stone.
- New DR agreed to be jointly/partially liable of ➔ First obligation is voidable.

obligation (delegacion here is only with reference ➔ Second obligation is valid and okay.
to joint/proportionate share). First contract, only DR can claim an annulment.
1. Total
2. Ratification validates voidable acts. 2. Partial - should have two or more CRs.
➔ Ratification - giving of formal consent.
(e.g. An agent without authority from their principal buys 1301. Conventional subrogation of third person requires
merchandise from a company. Later, the principal learns of consent of the original parties and the third person
the agent's act and tells the seller to deliver another kind themself.
of merchandise completely different from the first. ★ Legal/conventional subrogation - requires consent

Ratification of the principal cured the defects. of ALL parties.
Second contract is valid = delivery of a different kind of 1. DR - because they’re liable under the new
merchandise. obligation and because the old obligation
If old obligation was entered by a loss: 2. CR (old) - their credit is affected.
May old obligation extinguished by a loss, be novated? 3. CRR (new) - becomes a party of a new
● Depends: obligation.
a. Loss (purely due to a fortuitous event, without
fault of DR) - no novation because no obligation [NOTE:] DR loses right to set defenses to new DR which
to novate. they could’ve used on old CR.
b. Loss with liability of DR, existing monetary
obligation to compensate may be subject to ● Advantageous: Assignment of credit vs
novation. conventional subrogation
● Less advantageous: Conventional subrogation

May prescribed obligation be subject to novation? ● For cases: read pp n vs. assignment of credit.

No - Unless defense of prescription is made by DR -
Assignment of credit Conventional subrogation
obligation continues. Failure to address by the CR can
amount to a waiver. Mere transfer of “same” Extinguishes old obligation
credit. and creates a new one.
[NOTE:] Prescribed debt may be cause of consideration of
new obligation to pay thereof. Doesn’t require DR’s Requires the DR’s consent.
consent - notification is
sufficient here. Defect of old obligation may
Effects of a voidable obligation of novation by
be cured if new obligation
expromission: Defect in credit is not becomes entirely VALID.
- DR is released, substitution was not done by their cured - DR can still set (No right to present against
(DR’s) initiative. defense against this. new CR which DR would;be
- If new DR sues old DR for reimbursement, old DR used against old CR).
can set up defenses against the CR.
1302. Presumed legal subrogation when:
1299. If original obligation was subject to a a. CR pays another CR (preferred) even without
suspensive/resolutory condition, condition subsists to new DR’s knowledge.
obligation unless stipulated otherwise. b. Third person, not interested in obligation pays with
express/tacit approval of DR.
Condition must be fulfilled from the original obligation. ● Tacit - understood/implied without being
Otherwise, obligation in case of suspensive condition did stated.
not materialize, it DID NOT GIVE RISE TO THE c. When even without knowledge of DR, a person
ORIGINAL OBLIGATION. In the first place, what is there interested in the fulfillment of the obligation pays
to novate? without prejudice to the effects of confusion to the
latter's share (refer 1210).
★ Novation applies to a valid and effective ➔ For cases, read pp. 473 - 476
[CASE:] A promises B a car if B passes the bar exams. 1. A has 2 CRs: B & C. B for 15k and C for 6k. B,
Later they changed the subject matter into a diamond ring. without A’s knowledge, paid C for 6k. B will be
Nothing was mentioned in the new contract in regards to subrogated with rights of C. They’re now both a

the condition - is the new obligation subject to it? CR for 15k and 6k altogether.
Yes, unless stipulated otherwise in the new contract. (A assumes C’s CR rights)
The delivery will only be due once B passes the exams. 2. E owes L 10k with security of a mortgage. B a
classmate of E, without any connection to the
1300. Subrogation of third person in all rights of CR is contract, paid L what E owed them (with E’s
either: legal/conventional. Former isn’t presumed - clearly

consent). Is B subrogated in L’s place?
established (must) to take effect. Yes, automatically - legal subrogation.
3. Example of interested persons:
Except for cases mentioned in this Code. - Guarantor
- Owner of the mortgaged property as a
Kinds of Subrogation: security for the DR’s debt.
1. Conventional/Voluntary
- Requires consent and agreement of (e.g.) D owes C 10k with mortgaged security owned by G.
original partners (DRs and CRs). G pays C 10k even without knowledge of D, G is
2. Legal - takes place by operation of law. subrogated in place of C as CR. Guaranty by then is
To extent of subrogation:
➔ What the law means when there is legal 3. Accidental Elements - are various particular
subrogation without prejudice to effects of stipulations that may be agreed upon by
confusions to payor’s (DR) share in obligation. contracting parties.
“Accidental” - may be present/absent depending

★ Is solidary DR in the scope of interested persons? on parties' agreement.
NO, when solidary DR pays for the whole debt, ● Stipulation to pay credit/inteset,
what remains is the solidary obligation between designation of particular place for
the initial DRs. delivery/payment.
➔ They don’t step into the shoes of the CR,
in that sense. Classification of Contracts:
➔ In a looser sense - yes but they can’t 1. Consensual - perfected by mere consent (e.g.
collect the whole amount. sale).
2. Real - perfected by delivery (e.g. depositum,
1303. Subrogation transfers to a person subrogated the pledge, commodatum).
credit with all rights against the DR and third persons 3. Formal - special formalities are solemn. Essential
(guarantors, possessors of mortgages) subject to before the perfection of the contract (e.g. real
stipulations in conventional subrogation. property requires a public instrument to be valid).
Credit with rights to it transferred - implies obligation 4. Onerous - interchange of equivalent valuable
subsists and not yet extinguished. considerations.
(e.g.) D owes C 1k with G as a guarantor. S, a stranger 5. Gratuitous/Lucrative - FREE, one party receives
paid the 1k debt with the consent of D and C. S now is NO equivalence (prestation).
subrogated in the place of a CR. If D can’t pay 1k back, S 6. Remunerative - one prestation is given for a
may proceed against G - the guarantor. benefit/service that was “previously” rendered
(utang na loob).
In case of suspensive condition - no collection if without —--------------------------------------------------------------
materialization of condition. 7. Principal - contract may stand alone (e.g. sale,
1304. CR to whom partial payment is made to may 8. Accessory - existence relies on another contract
exercise their right for the remainder and will be preferred (principal) (e.g. mortgage of loan).
to a person subrogated in their (CR initial/old) place in 9. Preparatory - parties consider a preparation which
virtue of the partial payment. future transaction contracts may be made. It is not
exactly an end by itself (e.g. agency, partnership).
Partial Subrogation: 2 CRs 10. Unilateral - only one party has an obligation (e.g.
1. Old CR - remains as CR to remaining balance. commodatum, borrowing of a bike).
2. New CR - CR to the extent of what he paid the old ● Commodatum - “Gratuitous” loan, to be returned
CR. by borrower.
11. Bilateral/Syntagmatic - reciprocal restations (e.g.
[CASE:] A owes B 5,000. With consent of both, C pays B sale).
2,500. Now, both B and C are CRs to A of 2,500. If A had —--------------------------------------------------------------

2,500 available, who is preferred? 12. Nominate - contract is given a particular name
Old CR - grated by law - the preference. (e.g. commodatum, partnership sale, agency,
CONTRACTS 13. Innominate/Contractus Innominados - without
Chapter 1 name.
Life of a Contract: 14. Commutative - parties contemplate a real
1. Preparation/Conception/Generation - beginning of fulfillment (delivery). Equivalent values are given
negotiation. (e.g. sale, lease).
2. Perfection/Birth of the Contract - agreement of the 15. Aleatory - fulfillment relies on chance. Values vary
essentials. due to risk/chance (e.g. insurance contract).
3. Consummation/Death/Termination of the Contract —--------------------------------------------------------------
- Fulfillment of the obligations of the contract. 16. Executed - completed (consummated) at time
contract was entered into (e.g. transaction of sale
1305. Contract - meeting of minds. Binding one with in a department store - payment and delivery are
respect to another to give something/render service. simultaneous).
17. Executory - prestations to be compiled in the
★ Contractus (Latin) - agreement for the purpose of future.
creating, modifying, extinguishing a judicial ● Sale that is perfected, property not yet
relation between them. delivered and price was not yet given.
There’s only a “chose in action” - a thing
Elements of a Contract: which a person has not the present
1. Essential Elements - without them, contracts can’t enjoyment , but merely a right to to sue to
exist (e.g. consent, subject matter, recover it (if withheld) by commencing an
cause/consideration). action, and protected by the law.
2. Natural Elements - found in “certain”” contracts, —----------------------------------------------------------------
presumed to exist unless stipulated otherwise 18. Contracts involving things (e.g. sale).
(e.g. warranty against eviction, hidden defects in 19. Contract rights/credits (provided transmissible)
contract of sales). (e.g. usufruct, assignment of credits).
20. Contract services (e.g. agency, lease of services, a. Freedom to stipulate
contract of common carriage). b. Obligatory force and compliance in good faith
—---------------------------------------------------------------- c. Perfection by mere consent (consensuality)
21. Ordinary - (e.g. Sale - the law regards it as an d. Both parties are mutually bound
ordinary contract). e. Relativity - binding to parties, their heirs and
22. Institutional - invoidable social institution - law assigns (unless stipulated otherwise, provided by
(e.g. Marriage). law or due to the nature of the contract).
● Invoidable - never to be known.
—---------------------------------------------------------------- 1306. Contracting parties’ right to establish stipulations
Requiring of Evidence: they deem convenient for as long as not contrary to laws,
23. Mere oral/parol evidence - any agreement made morals, good customs, public order/policy.
“outside” of contract that is invalid in court unless - Stresses the principle of freedom.
fraud, duress (threats, violence, constraints that
force one against their will of better judgment) or a ● Moral - right and wrong, with human conscience.
mutual mistake. ● Good customs - Received for a period of time,
● Oral Contract - binding unless. Form is practical and social confirmation.
essential for validity/enforceability. ● Public order - deals with public weal and involves
● Employee’s offer to pay separation pay is public safety.
a PERFECTED CONTRACT. ❖ Public weal - public good.
24. Written proof - Every contract affecting public interest
—---------------------------------------------------------------- contains an “implied reservation of the
Number of persons entering contracts: police power”.
25. Ordinary - 2 parties, represented separately (e.g. ➔ Power provided may be used at any time
Sale). to change the terms/provisions of
26. Auto-contracts - one person represents two contract/revoke it entirely for
opposite parties, in different capacities. promotion/protection of the general
● Agent representing the principal, sells a welfare.
car to himself, a buyer. ● Public policy - public, social and legal interest in
● Exemption: Agent is authorized to lend private law.
money from their principal. They can’t - A contract is contrary to public policy if it
borrow it themself unless has a tendency to injure the
empowered/authorized by their principal. public/contravenes established interest of
—---------------------------------------------------------------- society. Inconsistent with policies/good
Number of persons participating in contract’s morals/undermines the security of
drafting: individual rights.
27. Ordinary (e.g. Sale). ★ Pari Delicto - the law will not aid either party to an
28. Contract of Adhesion - prepared by real estate. illegal agreement.
Buyer will simply sign consent in order to enter the ★ Contract entered by a domestic corporation with a
contract. foreign corporation to make and sell the latter’s
● Note: read similar/more samples on pp. products is illegal if the latter is not licensed to do
485-489. business in the Philippines. If the domestic
● Contract of adhesion must be construed corporation can’t ask the courts to stop the foreign
and interpreted “against” the party who corporation from terminating the contract.
drafted it. Negotiating with it and transferring its license to
—---------------------------------------------------------------- produce and distribute its products to third
Nature of Contract: persons.
29. Personal (e.g. Insurance) - upon death for
insured, contract ends. Samples of Stipulations Declared VALID:
30. Impersonal - if at the time of “supposed” 1. Stipulating limit of liability of a guarantor/surety for
perfection, one of the parties died - NO MEETING only one year or as longer time than the period
OF THE MINDS = NO CONTRACT! fixed for principal DR.
● Contract effects to contracting parties, 2. Fire insurance policy, when action comes along, it
their heirs and assigns except when should be brought at a reasonable time.
rights and obligations arising from the 3. Interest on loans should be compounded.
contract are not transmissible by their 4. Employee is to be dismissed at any time when
nature, stipulation or provision of law. services are no longer needed/employee leaves
● Parity must really show that they have a employer without previous notice.
real interest, affected thereby in order to 5. Pay a debt incurred during the Japanese
sue/be sued. occupation in Philippine currency.
★ Plaintiff - legal right. 6. In contract of lease - tenant may retain rents of
★ Defendant - legal obligation. house for repairs and taxes.

[General Rule:] Every action must be brought in the name Designation of the Name of a Contract:
of the infringed. a. May agree on any contract - the name they give
shouldn’t be controlling. Contract is what parties
● Injured person by common carriage. Parents of intend it to be (not what they call it).
the injured aren’t real parties in interest of breach b. Contract must be judged by its character, nature
of contract. and legal qualifications. Court will base more in its
substance and not the transaction.
Basic Characteristics/Principles of a Contract:
1307. Unclassified (innominate) contracts will be regulated
by stipulations of parties and provisions of Titles 1 and 2 of ★ Strangers to contracts shouldn’t have favor.
the Civil Code, by rules of the most analogous nominate ★ Read p. 509
contracts and costumes of the place. ★ Interest of one in a contract, determines the right
1308. Contract must bind both contracting parties. Its of a party obligated principally/subsidiarily to
validity and compliance can’t be left to the will of one of enable them to enforce action/nullify.
them. (e.g.)
● Mutual binding of both parties emphasizes the 1. Contract of partnership/agency. Death of partner,
principle of equality. principal or of agents ENDS the contract and heir
do not step into shoes of the deceased.
Consequences of Mutuality: ★ Money debts are not chargeable to heirs.
- Party can’t revoke a contract without the consent It should be claimed at the estate/intestate
of the other. Nor can it be set on the ground that proceedings.
they made a bad bargain.
- When fulfillment of the condition depends on the Requisites:
sole will of the DR, conditional obligation is VOID - 1. Stipulation in favor of a third person.

if suspensive. 2. Contracting parties must clearly and deliberately
Resolutory is valid though, will of DR. confer a favor to a third person.
➔ It’s valid to expressly give one party to 3. Incidental benefit/interest is insufficient.
cancel the same. It truly follows and fulfills 4. Stipulation must be part of the contract.
the stipulations of the contract. 5. Third person accepts and lets DR know before its
- When cancelled, both parties are released. revocation - of contract/stipulation by original
- Rule that obligation of contracts should not be partners.
impaired, is not absolute. ★ Acceptance - may be in the form of a
1309. Determination of the performance may be left to a 6. No relation of agency between either parties and
third person whose decision will not be binding until it has third person.
been made KNOWN to both contracting parties. ★ Pour Autrui - stipulation is in favor of a
third person conferring a clear and
1310. Determination is not obligatory if it's evidently deliberate favor upon him and upon him
inequitable. Courts will decide what’s equitable under the and which stipulation is merely part of a
circumstances. contract entered into by the parties,
neither of whom acted as agent to third.
1311. Relativity of contracts (heir, assigns - unless
contract isn’t transmissible by law/nature of the contract). ★ Requisites of Pour Autrui:
Heir/s is/are liable only up to the value of the property a. Stipulation is in favor of third person/party.
received from their ancestors. b. Stipulation must be part of a contract (not whole).
c. Contracting parties must clearly and deliberately
If a contract has stipulations in favor of a third person, they confer favor and not a mere incidental
may demand its fulfillment provided they communicated benefit/interest.
their acceptance to DR before revocation. d. Third accepts and communicates their acceptance
to DR before its revocation by both parties.
Incidental benefit/interest of a person is insufficient. e. Neither party bears the legal
Contracting parties must clearly and deliberately confer a representation/authorization of a third
favor on a third person. person/party.
(e.g.) D buys C land for 10,000. It was agreed that
★ Relativity - contracts are generally: 8,000 would be given to C and 2,000 would be
1. Effective to parties, their heirs and assigns. paid to X - a CR of C. If X accepts and
communicates it to D, X can demand its
Exemptions of Relativity: fulfillment.
a. Not transmissible - form/nature of contract, law or ★ Read pp. 517-521
b. There’s the stipulation of Pour Autrui - in favor of f. Third persons are adversely affected by a contract
a third person. they did not participate in.
c. Third person induces another to violate their - Evident in collective contracts.
contract. = Majority > Minority
d. Third persons may be adversely affected by a ● (e.g.) Bargaining collective contracts by labor
contract they didn’t participate in. organizations.
● Adversely - in a way that prevents ● Negotiorum Gestio
success/development; ● Read p. 521-522 for more samples.
harmful/unfavorable. g. Law authorizes CR to sue a contract entered by
e. Law authorizes CR to sue contracts entered into their DR.
by their DR. ● Lessor (CR) doesn’t have to respect a sub-lease.
(e.g.) Sublessee (DR’s DR) is subsidiarily liable to
1. Revocation of deed of sale is not conclusive on lessor for any rent due from lessee (DR). Without
individuals who aren’t parties. prejudice to their obligation to sub-lessor (original
● If I promised Mr. B’s land and they in DR), sublessee is bound to lessor (original CR) for
return, promised to sell me the same, my all acts that refer to the use and preservation of
friend J can’t insist that the contract be the thing leased in the manner stipulated between
performed. the lessor (CR) and lessee (original DR).
d. Delivery
1312. An exemption to the general rule contract binds only ★ Future Real Contracts as Consensual Contracts:
the parties. Contracts with real rights also bind third
persons who acquire the object of the contract. Subject to To make a deposit/pledge/commodatum - is a consensual
the provisions of the Mortgage Law and Land Registration contract.
★ Reason: A real right binds property over which it is After delivery, it becomes a real contract.
- B purchased an apartment house from the owner 1317. No one may contract in the name of another unless
but there’s a lease on it. B should respect the authorized by the latter/by law - has the right to represent
lease if the same is registered in the Registry of them. A contract entered into without authority/legal

Property. If B has actual knowledge of the representation/acted beyond their powers.
existence/duration of the lease. Similarly, a Is unforceable unless ratified expressly or implied by
purchaser of land must respect a mortgage on it. person on behalf its executed before revoked by other
1313. CR are protected in cases of contracts that intend
to defraud them. ★ Death of principal doesn’t render an act of agent
● A gratuitously gives B land. A has no unenforceable if the latter had no knowledge of
property/cash left to satisfy his CR. A may ask to such extinguishment (death) of the agency.
rescind the contract to the extent they’re
prejudiced. Effect of the Ratification: has a retroactive effect,
cleanses defects.
1314. Any third person who induces another to violate
their contract shall be liable for damages to the other ★ There can be no ratification if already revoked by
contracting party. the other party.
- Whoever is injured may sue for damages. ★ When an unauthorized person doesn’t really need
● S, is a movie actress and has a one year contract authorization.
with XYZ studios. F, a friend of S, without

justifiable cause, induced S to break the contract. - Lawyer without authority of a client, signs a
XYZ can sue F. S will still have higher damages “compromise” contract due to legal provisions
than F still though. F’s liability at most would be involved.
solidary with that of S’.
Chapter 2: Requisites of Contracts
1315. Contracts are perfected by mere consent. From that
point, parties are bound to fulfill what’s expressly 1318. No contract unless following requisites concur:
stipulated and to the consequences which according to (1) Consent of contracting parties
their nature may be in keeping with good faith, usage and (2) Object certain (subject matter of contract).
law. (3) Cause of obligation (cause of consideration)
- Article, stresses “consensuality” of contracts.
Real Contracts: a last requisite
● Deposit (4) Delivery
● Pledge - security for the fulfillment of a
contract/payment of a debt and is liable to the Solemn/Formal Contracts: a last requisite
forfeiture in event of failure. (4) Compliance with formalities required by law.
● Commodatum - gratuitous loan of movable
property to be used and returned by the borrower. ★ Consent presupposes legal capacity and
fulfillment of conditions (if there are any).

How Contracts are Perfected: ★ Effect of No-Consent

1. Consensual Contracts - mere consent No Contract/Voidable (e.g. fraud)
➔ General Rule (e.g. Sale) VOID (i.e. fraud, vitiated consent)
2. Real Contracts 0 by delivery (e.g. Deposit and
Pledge). Section 1: Consent
3. Formal/Solemn Contracts - Special form is
required for perfection. 1319. Consent is manifested by meeting of offer and
● Donation - needs a public instrument to acceptance over the object of contract.
be valid and perfected. ● Offer - must be certain.
● Acceptance - must be absolute
★ To be a written contract - all its terms must be in ➔ By letter/telegram - will bind the offerer
writing in order for a contract that’s partly in from the time it came to their knowledge.
writing/oral to have legal effect (an oral contract). ➔ Presumed to have entered into the place,
★ Perfection by consent - agreed on subject matter an offer was made.
and cause of consideration.
★ Consent - meeting of minds on subject matter and
1316. Real contracts: deposit, pledge and commodatum cause of consideration when neither has been
are perfected by delivery of the object of the obligation. delivered yet.
- Meeting of offer and acceptance.
★ Real Contracts Require:
a. Consent A offered to sell B a particular car for 7,000. By B could
b. Subject Matter consent, A withdraws the offer - was A allowed to do so?
c. Cause of Consideration
✅Yes, no meeting of the minds yet. No perfection, no - Contract is presumed to be entered where
contract. the offer is made.
- Knowledge may be actual/constructive (as
when the letter of acceptance has been
Requisites of Consent: received in the home of offerer by person
a) 2+ parties - one person may represent. with reasonable discernment).
2/+ parties unless contradictory to prejudicial ★ Actual Knowledge – requires proof (almost
interest. impossible). Even with letter of answer was
b) Parties must be capacitated and capable (i.e. one opened and read. Offerer can claim their mind
party’s insane - voidable contract) wandered and didn’t know the contents of the
c) No vitiation of consent (i.e. fraud, intimidation – answer.
voidable contract) [CASE:]
d) No conflict on what’s expressly declared and 2/5/1919, A wrote an offer to L. On 4/6/1919. L wrote a
what’s intended. Otherwise, it needs complete acceptance that A received the same noon. The
“reformation” or else VOID contract. morning of that same day, though. A withdrew his offer.

➔ Considered as fictitious, absolutely Was there a contract?
simulated. No. Prior to receipt of the letter of acceptance, the offer
e) Intent be declared properly (if legal formalities are was already withdrawn. Doesn’t matter if the withdrawn
required - they must be met). letter was accepted at a later time than the receipt of

acceptance letter of offerer.
★ Conformity to an original contract generally Important: Withdrawal made prior knowledge of
presupposes conformity to subsequent contract acceptance.
executed to cure defects in the original contract ● S is indebted to government with 184,000 tax
(e.g. failure to state cause of consideration). liabilities. Unable to pay, offered a compromise
payment of 70,000 in cash, 10,000 payable in 30
Requisites for Meeting of the Minds: days. Secretary approved and informed S’
a) Offer must be certain - not vague/misleading. attorney on September 9. Apparently, unaware of
b) Acceptance must be unqualified and absolute. the acceptance, the attorney withdrew the offer on
- If acceptance is qualified by a condition September 24. The secretary, in turn, made use of
(e.g. merely a counter-offer). an acceleration clause. Was there a meeting of
the minds?
1. Certain - Not vague, misleading nor made as a ➔ In compromise (contract as considered by
joke. the Code, an acceleration clause is part of

❌ ✅ ✅
- “Their intention to enter a contract.” it).
Offer Certain No, contract was not perfected and therefore,
● If the offer is withdrawn before accepted, no unbinding. The attorney revoked the offer before
meeting of the minds, no contract. knowledge of the acceptance.
● Two contracts are offered (separate contracts) –
acceptance of one doesn’t imply acceptance of ★ Letter of Acceptance may be Withdrawn:
the other. - May be withdrawn.
● Two contracts that depend on one another (e.g. - Depends: Manresa - as long as there’s a
loan, security of a mortgage). revocation before acceptance is received.
- Needs the acceptance of BOTH
transactions otherwise no meeting of 1320. Acceptance may be expressed/implied:
minds. a. Express

❌ ❌
2. Acceptance that’s unqualified and absolute b. Implied (e.g. conduct)
No acceptance Rejected expressly c. Presumed (law)
● If one acts (surety/agent) for another’s
obligation, they don’t answer for the ● Implied Rejection - e.g. failure to act on offer of
latter’s obligation. compromise before the final judgment.
● A counter-offer extinguishes the offer.
● Read pp. 538-542 for more samples. 1321. Person making offer may fix the time, place, and
manner of acceptance must be complied with.
★ Unqualified Acceptance - complete acceptance of - Any act contrary to the term constitute a
an offer with terms made by offerer. counter-offer.
★ Qualified Acceptance - subject to condition,
counter-offer. 1322. Offer made through an agent is accepted from the
time acceptance is communicated to him.
[NOTE:] - Article applies to both offer/acceptance made
Wherein a party accepts payment in a contract of sale, through an agent.
said party who accepts and has given their consent to the
contract. 1323. Offer is ineffective upon death, civil interdiction,
insanity, insolvency of either parties before acceptance is
Contract in the case above is VALID even if one of the conveyed.
parties states that they entered into it against their better ● Read p. 548.
judgment. ● Other Instance Wherein Offer is Ineffective:
a. Express/Implied rejection
● Acceptance by Correspondence b. Counter-offer
- “By letter or telegram doesn’t bind offerer c. Before acceptance is communicated,
from the time it came to their knowledge.” subject matter becomes illegal/impossible.
d. The period of time for offeree to signify - Enter to contract is approved by their
acceptance has lapsed. guardian (guardian should be approved
e. Offer revoked in due time (before by the court too).
acceptance). - Involves insurance in favor of parents,
1324. May prescribe period of time to signify acceptance - siblings and/or spouse.
may be withdrawn by communicating intention to withdraw [Note:] Both parties are minors, contract is
before acceptance. Except when option is founded on a unenforceable.
consideration as something paid/promised.
2. Insane/Demented Persons
[CASE:] A offered to sell a lot for 10K to B, who’s ● Reason: People must know what they’re entering
interested in buying the same. A gave B one month to into.
decide. One week before the due of period to decide, A
told B that they’re no longer willing to sell unless the price No proper declaration of insanity is required. As long as, at

is increased to 15K. May B compel A to accept the 10K? the time of the contract, the person was truly insane.
No, cause/consideration is distinct from the selling ➔ Applies even with proper declaration of insanity, it
price. doesn’t mean they were at the time of contracting.
● Unilateral Promise - to be binding, it must be
supported by cause/consideration distinct from ★ Unless at a lucid interval.
price. ● Presumption – contract was made before
● Option - a distinct, separate contract. Must have declaration of insanity, they were still sane at that
its own cause/consideration! May be an option to time.

be bought or not. - Who alleges insanity of another at time of

Within a period set and at an agreed price. contract is burdened to prove it,
May also be of pure liberality – donation with otherwise, presumption applies.
no strings attached completely.

3. Deaf-mutes who don’t know how to read
★ Perfection of an Option - meeting of minds on Are capacitated for as long as they are able to read.
option because it’s a contract that’s distinct. Even when they can’t write.

(Refer to previous case:) 4. Married women on conjugal partnership without

If S offered B a week’s time and if B gave P20, may S still husband’s consent.

withdraw before B accepts?
Yes, option of giving P20 doesn’t exist yet. 5. People specifically disqualified - are void transactions
➔ No meeting of the minds here, yet. because the right itself is restricted.
- Spouses can’t sell to each other nor donate.
● Acceptance of offer of option = contract of option. - Insolvents before discharged.
● Acceptance of lot (object to be sold). - Fiduciary relations (e.g., guardians aren’t allowed
➔ Are separate kinds of acceptance. to buy property of ward).
★ Option without cause - offer of sale only.
1328. Contracts entered during lucid interval are valid.
1325. Unless appearing otherwise, ads of things for sale Contracts entered in a state of drunkenness/hypnotic
aren’t definite offers. These are only invitations to make an spells are voidable.
offer. ★ Lucid Interval - when insanity was already declare
before, lucid interval must be proved.
★ Definite offer in ads - contains specific details. ★ Insanity on some things, sanity in others may still
★ Indefinite offers - important details are left out apply for validity/voidability.
(mere invite to make an offer).
1329. Art. 1327 is subject to modifications according to
1326. Ads for bidders are invites for proposals. Advertisers law. Understood to be without bias o special
are not bound to accept highest/lowest bidder unless it disqualification established in the laws (not the important
appears contrary. fr).
★ Acceptance of Bid - determination of which bid to ● Incompetents by law:
be accepted must be communicated to the bidder. - Those under civil interdiction.

❌ Bidder submits conditions - anyone participating in a

- Lepers (hospitalized)
- Prodigal (spendthrifts)
public auction is understood to have submitted themselves - Illiterate (Unable to read & write)
to all conditions set at such sale. - Unsound mind/health – truly unable to
manage property.
1327. The following can’t give consent to contract.
Unemancipated minors and insane/demented persons 1330. Contract wherein consent is given by mistake,
and deaf-mutes who don’t know how to write. violence, intimidation, undue influence/fraud is voidable.
➔ Voidable if so. These contracts with them are valid ★ Voidable Contract – binding and valid unless
contracts until annulled and when annulment is annulled by action in court. May be ratified before
ratified. annulment.
★ Proof for vitiated consent must be “clear and
★ Incapacitated Persons to Consent: convincing”.
1. Unemancipated minors - generally, contracts they
enter are voidable unless: 1331. Mistake (kinds) that vitiates:
- They ratify consent when they reach of Consent: error must be substantial regarding to:
age. 1. Object of the contract
2. Conditions - principally caused parties to contract Reformation:
3. Identity/Qualifications – principal cause A & B agreed on a sale but the document shows a

supposedly. mortgage.
● Error must be excusable (not by culpa). Meeting of minds.
● Error must be a mistake of fact, not law. ● Instrument doesn’t show intention
➔ Reformation
Error in Object - person signs contract of sale, thinking it Application of 1334: (Refers to its legal effect)
was only a contract of loan. Both A & B agreed to the sale, document shows the same.
Parties erroneously thought it had the same effect as a

Conditions (Principally induced contraction) - Mistake in mortgage.
knowledge about true boundaries of land offered for sale. No meeting of the minds.
➔ Annuls because it vitiates consent.
Error to personal motive, doesn’t vitiate consent - man
buys a ring in false belief that his partner loves him. 1335. Violence = physical coercion.
—-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Intimidation = moral coercion.
2. Conditions - principal cause, its 2 kinds:
a. Quality 1. Requisites, Violence Vitiates Consent
b. Quantity a. Employment of serious/irresistible force.
b. Must be the reason of entering the contract.
Error in Quality - Person buys a fountain pen, thinking it
was completely made out of solid gold but was only gold 2. Requisites, Intimidation Vitiates Consent
plated. a. Reasonable, well-grounded fear.
b. Imminent/grave evil.
Error in Quantity - Person wants to buy land without 100 c. Threatening of a person coerced, property,
hectares when it actually has only 60. network of people.
- Mistake in computation may be corrected easily. d. Must be of an unjust act. Which is why,
★ A bought 10 books for P5.20 each. The contract intimidation through competent authority will not
was mistakenly presented P5.50 instead of P5.20. vitiate consent.
➔ Mere error in computation (corrected). e. Must be the reason of entering the contract.
➔ If seller sold them for P5.5 and thought he
would receive it – a true substantial error 1336. Violence/intimidation annuls obligation, even when
in quantity. delivered by a third person.

Error in Account Error in Quantity 1337. When Undue Influences Vitiates Consent:
a. Improper advantage (e.g., roles)
1332. If one of the parties can’t read or if the contract is in b. Power offer will of another (e.g., a superior
a language not understood by him and mistake/fraud is bargaining power).
alleged – the person enforcing the contract must show the c. Deprivation of latter’s will (reasonable freedom of
terms thereof to have been fully explained to the former. choice).

★ General Presumption: One always acts with due Circumstances considered:

diligence and signs with full knowledge of all - Confidential, familial, spiritual /other relations
continents of a document. For as long as he knew between parties.
what they were doing. - Mental weaknesses
➔ Article 1332 states what breaks the - Ignorance
general presumption. - Financial distress

● Illiterate - includes the blind. ★ Influence must be UNDUE.

★ Contracts of adhesion must be interpreted against
1333. If the party alleging the contract knew and was the company. Signor is usually helpless to bargain
aware of doubt, contingency, or risk affecting the object – for better terms. (i.e., insurance companies,
THERE’S NO MISTAKE! ready-made contracts are adhesion contracts).

- A bought a pen that was advertised to be capable 1338. Fraud – insidious words/schemes of one of the
of writing even underwater. A knew it was contracting parties leads to the inducement of the other to
questionable but pushed with purchasing it. contract. Without prior, they would have never otherwise
● Inexcusable Negligence - doesn’t annul entered into.
the contract.
Kinds of fraud:
1334. Mutual error to legal effect of an agreement, 1. Casual - Voidable
different from the real purpose of the parties – MAY Incidental - Valid, fraud was at the end, different terms
VITIATE CONSENT. would have been agreed upon if without fraud.
/_________ Fraud in celebration of contract __________/
- Mistake of parties in understanding the effect of
the law (is a mistake of fact on basis of their 2. Fraud in Performance
doubt/misunderstanding. The law itself is not Vinegar was ordered, diluted vinegar was delivered.
wrong, but rather the understanding to it is
erroneous). ● Injured Party Contributed to Fault
➔ Filed action won’t prosper.
➔ Entry to ridiculous contracts

Man has well mental faculties but had wrong judgement.

Will the court grant annulment?
No, man’s fault.

1339. Fraud - failure to disclose fact when there’s a duty to

reveal them and when parties are bound by confidential
relations (constitutes fraud).
● Concealment – No disclosure.
● There’s a duty to reveal facts if parties are bound
by confidential relations.

1340. Usual exaggerations in trade, when other party had

the opportunity to know the facts – aren’t fraudulent in

1341. Mere expression of opinion ➡️

NOT a fraud. Unless

made by an expert and other party relied on the former’s
specialized knowledge FRAUDULENT and therefore is
VOIDABLE on the ground of fraud.

1342. Misinterpretation by a third person, doesn’t vitiate

consent. Unless:
➔ If made a substantial mistake.
➔ Mutual mistake

➡️ On the ground of mistake, not principally on the ground

of fraud.

1343. Misinterpretation in good faith.

May constitute error

1334. For fraud to make a contract voidable, it should be:

● Serious
● Not employed by both contracting parties.

Incidental fraud only obliges the person who employed it

to pay damages.

1345. Simulation of contract

● Simulation - intentionally deceiving others by
producing the appearance of a contract that really
doesn't exist.

Requisites of a Simulation:
- Outward declaration, different from the intention of
the parties.
- False appearance intended by mutual agreement.
- Its purpose is to deceive third persons.

Absolute Simulation Relative Simulation

No intention to be bound Parties conceal their true

at all. agreement.

1346. Absolute simulation of a contract is VOID.

Relative simulation of a contract, without prejudice to third
persons and not against the law, binds the parties to
their real agreement.

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