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NOMBRES: ______________________________________________________________________

FECHA: ___/_____/______ TERCERO: ___ PROFESSIONS INGLÉS #2

1. Complete the sentences and choose the correct answer.
Dentist - nurse - hair dresser - bus driver - teacher - policeman - firefighter - pilot - doctor
I'm a _____________I I'm a _______________ I I'm a ______________I

a) drive a bus a) drive a taxi a) teach English

b) type letters b) fly airplanes b) fight fires
c) fix teeth c) take care of you c) serve food
I'm a ______________ I I'm a _______________I I'm a ______________I

a) fix teeth a) teach at school a) drive a bus

b) drive a bus b) cut hair b fix teeth
c) take care of animals c) put out fires c) fly airplanes
I'm a _______________I I'm a _______________l I'm a doctor.......I

a) teach at school a) cut hair a) fix teeth

b) drive a bus b) drive a bus b) help sick people
c) cut hair c)catch bad people c) serve food

2. White the missing letters in the boxes to complete the occupations vocabulary.

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