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thowswor, Name: Omar Ve Montes Lovato Date: ~ Oct , 2023 16.1. A solution of organic colloids in water is to be concentrated from 8 to 45 percent solids in a single-effect evaporator. Steam is available at a gauge pressure of 1.03 atm (120.5 °C). A pressure of 102 mm Hg ab, is to be maintained in the vapor space: this corresponds to a boiling point for water of 51.7°C. The feed rate to the evaporator is 20,000 kg/h. The overall heat -transfer coefficient can be taken as 2800 W/m?"C. The solution has a negligible elevation in boiling point and a negligible heat of dilution. Calculate the steam consumption, the economy. and the heating surface required if the temperature of the feed is (a) 51.7°C, (b) 21.1'C, (c) 93.3°C. The specific heat of the feed solution is 3.77 J/g’C, and the latent heat of vaporization of the solution may be taken equal to that of water. Radiation losses may be neglected. eae cy) Pen Thy =C vig in) ms Fy BP Boise ee 1,03 ob R= {02mg abs Dz = 2200/4, ve Covel 4 . a 4 4 ) og Thick Liporl#) valoas) erie, feed (4 + rp (Thi bavor) (098 \wng = 2.200 key 1h Te: (Area) 2) Stem \o) Econouny °) Weak cutittace yequivd a ww, | = SAF * Yeast as ae = vy 24deg - otal “A= Xu) ° po SIPS gC Bolence Cloblals yas up = ven tw We = may ew Balonee soliclay : 0,08 Wp = OSM M = 4,08 9.000 Ky |= 3585.56 lh OMS =D My = hy — Wh = 20000-3558T6 = 444 4G BMAIVCE EVERELA? EV: Sle Balone, Sten: © Oe rss Balmee Liquer: 9 B= be © Gut © 4 -Dyitey me pond LpFrovn scledaley ut presse 2 232,26 K5/ Ky Myung cvashe = inv Ms = Ay = AA Pb AO” My Ne h Ss Eauanys Wy _ 9.4.3 Ms «fuer, q=Auat A> $2 wy WIAs agons.1_ (ngsc- 517%) Sa Az 056m ee Balonee Stewm: O ee Mss Balenee Liquer: a se ansible $ Dalene ® q=tGat+ Ary MeCpAT + Atay = Mshs 5 Ms 218.010 ky i Leones» Ws = 0,824 ofwear A= 4F/uat Ce ee Ws 246 B40” Kyl * Ecowrny ¢ YOr= 1,00 sAwar pe a VAT 16.2. A solution of organic colloids is to be concentrated from 15 to 50 percent solids in a vertical- tube evaporator. The solution has a negligible elevation in boiling point, and the specific heat of the feed is 0.93. Saturated steam is available at 0.8 atm abs, and the pressure in the condenser is 100 mm Hg abs. The feed enters at 15°C. The overall coefficient is 1700 W/m”C. The evaporator must evaporate 25,000 kg of water per hour. How many square meters of surface are required, and what is the steam consumption in kilograms per hour? roe ay) (5)Steae vhy = Came tin) 22. 0004/4 as We 97s = 89H P PO, Sabos ce Do 20d FL, ema TV] g Thek bigvor (4) a feed Ct y ee nee rie ie =a Ce 420ml, {Sloviny = Te 19°C *Ce= 0,83 sue HOO Wat Overall Balenee + Colloids Balenee ousm 3 SUSU \ mM = OS vnp as “=P ins Oh > Gane o5 Me = 1500%h —25774,28 K/h es) We Mee My = 410714, 28 Ky/ ly EO eet cle XBolenee Steen’ : ee] Ns ms © * Balonce liquow : 1. = Gonth = Yepale = MCAT s At €) e Lyualo rad 23 78,2 19/kg ewe Wy GATS doy We = 25 744,08 uy]. 083 (S418) + 239823 KSIMy 18200 Vogl, LIEU br K3/Kg. G = UAAT = AL doe = 664,S2m, U(-T) 16.3. A forced-circulation evaporator is to concentrate 60,000 kg/h of 44 percent NaOH to 65 percent using steam at 3 atm pressure. The feed temperature and the condensing temperature are both 40°C. The density of the feed solution is 1450 kg/m’. If the overall heat-transfer coefficient is 2000 W/m*C, calculate (a) the steam requirement, in kilograms per hour; (b) the heat-transfer area required. Now Cv) _ (5) Thy =C vein) ws Wr 40x Paz Satin we Dee Cover al 1 ce) cet Ty Thick Lyyor C#) me fed (4) we . (Thia bavoed Qiawny = 60090 ¥g | THOT, 921160 Kym U = 2000W Jw 2 Balgnte wma yarrvol Wr on uN " NoOH Balurco ami, = 065% Wh = O44 gog00 kyl = 10615138 Hylh 0,68 ZB thy = thy vn = 1838001 he A BMINCE ENERGIA o wh Ealaloy, 93115 KS : ee is OF 4M; He = My By + He L445 KI Lboedo1 Kr Ky Ky aL & (1596 Hy)(2bon0nK ) + Crosse) (F315 . ~ (60000 sx) (34, A 65 742, )37KF “4.2 Mss : a 156,23 Kony Ms= 30432, 8B ky/h Hf = 30130, 08 Wyn , 4 =-UAAT=pA = 4 Ce Sa ee 200 « 13a. L6S- (195)89-10487)"C (0005 ee ee 3 BF

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