Homework 4 - CALUSAC - Kevin Medina - Curso 12

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Name: Kevin Alexander Medina Monterroso Cui: 2982495450108

Carne: 2100020391 Level: CURSO 12

Teacher: Wendy Aguilar R

Date 27/05/2023

A. Complete each statement with the correct answer.

1. Mrs. Beatty usually travels to major cities in .
a. Asia b. Australia c. Europe
2. She wants to travel to someplace .
a. away from the city b. in the city c. close to her home
3. Mrs. Beatty is afraid of .
a. flying b. traveling alone c. natural disasters
4. She thinks the places Mr. Evans suggests are .
a. boring b. not safe c. too far
5. At the end of the video episode, Mrs. Beatty chooses to travel to .
a. Iceland b. Switzerland c. Finland

B. Check the places Mr. Evans recommends to Mrs. Beatty.

❏ California ❏ Alaska ❏ Thailand ❏ Bahamas
Copyright © 2015 by Pearson Education, Inc. Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use.

❏ Australia ❏ New Zealand ❏ Jamaica ❏ South Africa

❏ India ❏ Hawaii ❏ Korea ❏ Finland

C. First, complete the statements with the places Mrs. Beatty doesn’t
want to travel to. Then write her reasons for not wanting to travel to
these places.
1. She doesn’t want to go to California because has a lot of earthquakes .
2. She doesn’t want to go to Thailand because there is a monsoon in Thailand. .
3. She doesn’t want to go to Australia because she heard they have tornadoes. .
4. She doesn’t want to go to South Africa because she heard they have floods. .
5. She doesn’t want to go to Jamaica because she has heard they have hurricanes. .
6. She doesn’t want to go to Hawaii because she heard they have landslides. .

Top Notch TV 3, Third Edition Activity Worksheet 5

14 sentences with verbs followed by and
OBJECT before an Infinitive

1. I advised my friend to seek professional help.

2. The teacher allowed the students to use calculators during the
3. The storm caused the power outage to disrupt the entire
4. She convinced her parents to let her travel abroad for a year.
5. The coach encouraged the team to give their best effort in the
6. We invited our neighbors to join us for a barbecue in the backyard.
7. The security guard permitted the visitors to enter the building after
thorough screening.
8. The salesman persuaded the customer to purchase the latest
model of the smartphone.
9. The alarm clock reminded me to take my medication.
10. She requested her colleague to proofread her report before
submitting it.
11. The university requires all students to complete a certain number
of community service hours.
12. He told his sister to clean her room before their parents returned
13. The doctor urged his patient to adopt a healthier lifestyle to
improve their overall well-being.
14. The cozy fireplace warmed the room, creating a comfortable
Write 15 sentences with verbs that cannot be followed by
an object. (Followed directly by an Infinitive)

1. I agree with your decision to pursue higher education.

2. She appears exhausted after a long day at work.
3. They can't afford to buy a new car at the moment.
4. I can't wait to go on vacation and relax on the beach.
5. We decided to take a different route to avoid traffic.
6. He deserves recognition for his outstanding achievements.
7. I hope to see you at the party tonight.
8. They need to learn how to play the guitar.
9. She managed to finish the project ahead of schedule.
10. We need to save money for a down payment on a house.
11. They offered to help with the preparations for the event.
12. We planned to visit the museum over the weekend.
13. He pretended not to know the answer to the question.
14. They refused to apologize for their behavior.
15. It seems like the sun is about to set.

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