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LANGUAGE FORMS AND FUNCTION Language forms are the statements we make in our daily conversations to express our thoughts and feelings. Each language form or statement usually has a function or purpose. Language forms and functions are tested in Paper 1 of the PMR Bahasa Inggeris examination. Two situations are given and each situation contains three questions. The type of questions in Situation A is different from the type of questions in Situation B. Situation A requiresa pupil to identify the language forms of given functions while Situation B requiresa pupil to identify themeanings of language forms. FUNCTIONS To greet —Hello, everyone. = Good morning, Miss Shanti. To welcome ~ Please come in. — Welcome to the camp. To wish ~ Merry Christmas, everyone! — Happy holidays, children! Enjoy yourselves! To introduce oneself — I'm Gin Lee, your new neighbour. = Hello, my name is Shahbaz. To introduce others — Joe, I would like you to meet Samad. —Mrs Tan, this is my father, Mr Hong. To identify ~ If I'm not mistaken, you're Karpal’s brother, aren‘t you? ~ Aren't you Murad’s cousin? To interrupt ~ Excuse me, there's a phone call for you = I'm sorry to interrupt but someone is waiting for you in the reception room. To take leave ~ I'm afraid Ihave to go now. ~ Please excuse me. I've gota meeting toattend. To say goodbye ~ Bye! Till we meet again! — Goodbye and I hope to see you again soon. FUNCTIONS vaiey To invite To request To enquire To interrogate To seek permission arene) To announce To daim To confirm To clarify Would you like to join me for dinner? Please drop by at my house when you're free. Please lend me five ringgit. Could you kindly explain this lesson to me? Are oil free on Thursday? How are you feeling now? Who sold you this stolen necklace? What were you doing in my room? May we leave now? Could I borrow your car? The winner ofthe first prize is Alan! iHention, please. We are closing in five minutes’ time, I found the money first. Noone told me about the new rules. Yes, the exhibition is still on. That's right. The train leaves at noon. The letters are with me and not Mr Wong. I told you to use margarine and not butter. To inform To describe To explain To report To instruct To direct Givarens The membership fee is twenty ringgit. i Your mother is looking for you. There are three rooms on the ‘ground floor and two more on the first floor. He was tall and good-looking with curly dark hair. 1 scolded her because she oes rude to me, A fish does not have lungs but gills and that is why it cannot Tive on land. Mr Jacob was not happy with our service. Sir, the workers are going on strike. Wash the vegetables before you cut them. After you have drawn the Picture, cut it out and paste it on the cardboard. Turn left and walk straight down. Just go down the corridor and ‘you will see the library on the right. We are fond of spicy food. Tam veryattached to my pets. Going to the dentist is not something that I enjoy. The coffee isa little too sweet for my liking. ayy Nai ey To express happiness / pleasure To express sorrow To express hatred/ resentment To express satisfaction To express dissatisfaction To express concern To express indifference To express interest To express boredom Lam feeling on top of the world. Getting the job really made my day. This must be the worst day of my life Why did such an awful thing hhappen to me? The sight of her made me lose ‘my appetite. Isimply detest people who talk bbad about others behind their backs. That was a superb meal I've never had better service. The chicken pie is cold and tasteless. Your performance is below my expectations. Areyousureyouareall right? I'm quite troubled by what he told me about his iliness. You can do what you like. It doesn’t matter. I'm not bothered by what he said. Tell me about your project. I want to learn more about photography. If his speech lasts another five minutes I will probably doze off. Tam so fed up with staying at hhome all the time. To express ignorance To express surprise To express disappointment To express admiration To express disgust To show appreciation/ gratitude To express respect To express hope To express a wish/desire To express preference Tdon‘t know anything about that. Is that so? It’s news to me. You really did that? Inever realized that you were a child actor! Twas looking forward to the trip but my parents won't let me go I’ve never been so let down before. That's a lovely hat you have on. What a beautiful painting! Ugh! That really puts me off. Yeechs! He spat on my shoes! Tam truly thankful for your help. What you did means a lot to me. We look up to him for advice and guidance. HockEng isa very responsible class monitor. Have faith that everything will work out in the end. All is not lost. There is still time to put things right. ‘My dream is to travel around the world on a motorbike Twish to be an astronaut. I would rather go by air than by road Ifthad achoice, I would dress casually instead of wearing a suit. aie To express relief To express shock To express sympathy To express condolence To express regret To express pity To express dismay To express anxiety /worry To express fear Thank goodness the examination is over. Phewo! For a moment, I thought Iwas in deep trouble. Heis dead? But Ispoke to him only yesterday! Oh, no, the house is on fire! know how bad you feel now. We understand how much it hurts. I'm sorry to hear that your grandfather has passed wy, Please accept my deepest condolences. We shouldn't have lied to you. Twouldn’t have failed my examination if [had taken your advice to study hard. Poor Eng Hong! What terrible luck he has had. Tean't bear to watch him suffering. Oh, no! We're out of petrol. Oh, my goodness! How can you back out at the last minute? What am I going to do if she doesn't turn up? Oh, dear, could something have happened to him? Nothing will make me go near asnake. Help! I... I just saw a ghost! Tater To express doubt/disbelief To express reluctance To express envy To express anger rainy To approve To disapprove To compare — Are you sure she said that? — He couldn't have done a thing like that. — I'm not too keen on helping that man. — Wedon't think we want to get involved. — You're so lucky that your parents bought you a new ‘motorcycle. ~ TwishtTcould live ina beautiful house like yours. ~ Get out of my sight now! = Who do you think you are to call me a cheat? = That was an impressive performance. — All the children behaved well at the gathering. — Idon't think the play is suitable for children. — Acchild should not be rude to his parents, — The book was better than the movie ~ Going byairis,asterbut going by bus is cheaper. aie) To support To object To praise To complain To criticize To condemn irae) To congratulate To compliment To thank To offer Everyone is in favour of this proposal. We will vote for Eileen to be the Treasurer. Itis nota good idea to raise the fees. Asking people to pay a hundred ringgit is unreasonable. That was a fantastic display. The exhibit deserves a prize! The shop assistant was very rude to me. The new radio is not working properly. ‘Mona's essay is worse than that of a ten-year-old’ Thekitewas very poorly made. Your piece of artis fit for the rubbish bin. The man should be sentenced to life imprisonment for abusing his child. Congratulations on your ‘success! Bravo! You did it! All of you sang very well You look very smart in your uniform. Thank you for your compliment. Thanks for ail you've done. Could I give you a lift? Ifyou like, Ican carry the boxes for you. Nay To accept To decline/ reject To agree To disagree Toallow/ consent To refuse To encourage To discourage To urge To remind To promise Yes, ' come to your party. I'd love to. No, thank you. Ican manage. Tappreciate yourkindness but Ian handle it myself. Yes, you're absolutely right I couldn't think of a better idea myself. No, I don't think it’s a good idea I don't agree with your plan. You may join another team. All right, I will give you a ‘couple of days to decide. I'm sorry but Ican't give you the key. No, I'm afraid weare not able toallow you to pay by cheque. Come on, give it a try. You can do it if you put in more effort I wouldn't go if Iwere you. We don't think it is wise to quit school. Doi now or you will never get a second chance. You've got to make. decision now or it will be too late. Don't forget to bring your torchlight. Remember to lock the door. We'll never be late again. I give you my word that I'll never tell anyone your secret. To volunteer To advise To suggest To bargain To persuade/ beg/appeal/ plead To convince To compel To command To protest To accuse To blame Tl stay back to clean up. Let me do the washing up. You should tell the truth IfIwere you would apologize to him. Why don’ twefind somewhere to stop for lunch? Let's go to the zoo. Tl take it if you're willing to come down to ten ringgit. 50 ringgit is too high. How about 45 ringgit? Do come with us. It wouldn't be the same without you. Please reconsider yourdecision. If Tcan climb the hill, surely so can you. We can't do it without an expert like you. You're the only one with experience Do it! You don’t have much choice now. Thisis the chanceofalifetime. Act now! You are to stay in your hostel until dawn. No one must enter the room without my permission No, Iwill not take part in your latest scheme! That's not fair! You stole my watch Johan punched me. It was Aini who encouraged me to cheat It’sall your fault! To threaten To scold To calm To defend To console/ comfort To confess/ admit To deny To apologize To forgive If you are late again you will be dismissed. Be careful when you are using the acid. It will burn your fingers if you spill it. Pay the ransom money orelse! Surrender or I will shoot! You naughty boy! T've told you a dozen times not to do that but you never listen Take it ensy. Don't be so mad. She was only protecting her sister. Heis not the type of person to steal and cheat. I'm sure everything will work out fine. Don't worry. Things will get better. It was my fault Tons the one who broke the ase. No, I never said that. You must be mistaken. didn’t doit. I'm sorry I blamed you. Please forgive me oraccusing you. No hard feelings - you're forgiven. It'sall right. 've already forgotten about it

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