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Ministry of Education

Secondary Engagement Programme

September 2020
Week 15 Lesson one
Subject: English A Grade: Seven
Topic: Impromptu Speech
Objective: With the use of given guidelines, students will fluently practice public speaking by
giving short impromptu speeches.

Concept: Impromptu speaking is a relatively simple formal speaking exercise of a limited

duration of time and with limited formal preparation that allows students to improve their skills
in public speaking.

The impromptu speech is an unprepared speech that one gives with freedom. It is often done
when the speaker draws a topic--sometimes a silly one--and gives the speech off the top of his or
her head.
A speaker may prepare an impromptu speech by following the basic three-point speaker outline:
Introduction, Body, and Conclusion.
Notes on the Introduction

The introduction may be an attention-getting statement, joke, or anecdote. It is always a good

idea for speakers to learn famous or well-known quotations, since these make great
introductions. It is also possible to present a simple incident in a dramatic or storytelling format.

Example: A young child rummages through the garbage behind a grocery store. She pulls her
thin jacket around her frail body and shivers against the cold. For her, this subject--hunger in
America--is a harsh reality.
This introduction has accomplished several goals:

 gotten the attention of the listener

 personalized the subject
 created sympathy for a presented need
 provided an organizational tool to restate the need and develop a conclusion.

Notes on the Conclusion
When presenting a conclusion, refer back to the introduction.

Example: Feeding the hungry may hold little interest for the comfortable, but, to the child
rummaging through garbage for provisions, it is of immediate interest today--and has an even
graver impact on her tomorrows.

Choose a speech topic from the list below.

Give yourself a strictly monitored preparation time of no more than one minute in which to note
an opening, a couple of main points with examples and a conclusion.
Deliver your speech while timing and if possible, recording it. Aim for at least two minutes.

When you play it back, listen for fluency, structure and content. Each of those combine to create
the overall impact of your speech.

1. My biggest concern for the future is...

2. Real wealth is never measured in money or possessions.
3. Conservation is survival.
4. Real love is not the stuff of pop songs.
5. If I were an animal, I'd be a...
6. Plants have feelings too.
7. Junk food's popularity relies on marketing.
8. To err is human. To forgive is divine. Discuss.
9. The world is a smaller place these days.
10. The more we communicate, the less we really say.

Answer Sheet
Answers will vary according to students’ recorded speeches.


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