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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education


Oct. 5, 2023 (Thursday)
Agenda/Topic Suggestions Agreement
1.Teacher’s Day 2023 It was planned to have a Pursuant to Presidential Proclamation NO. 242, s.
program at CNHS, October 5, 2011 titled Declaring the Period from Sept. 5 to October 5 of
2023(Thursday) in celebration every year as National Teachers’ Month and Republic Act No.
of the Women’s Month
10743 titled An Act Declaring the Fifth Day of October of Every
Year as the National Teachers’ Day, thus Culion National High
Person’s Responsible: School will celebrate Teachers’ Day on Oct. 5, @ 7:30am, at Dr.
A. PAE Covered Court, with the theme Together 4 Teachers,
1.Mr. John Edward M. where 4 represents the 4As of Gratitude: appreciation,
Wabe,TIC admiration, approval, and attention.
2. Mr. Darwin T. Alcantara,
Bookkeeper This one-day activity (Oct. 5, 2023, from 7:30am –
3. GAD Committee, headed 5pm), will showcase, acknowledge and give emphasis on the
by its Focal Person/GAD crucial role, loyal service, and dedicated commitment of
Coordinator, Mr. Raldmarson teachers in developing globally minded citizens, nurturing
N. Aying
families, strengthening communities, and building nation.
4. SSLG Officers
5. STEP Officers It also highlights effective and promising policy
6. YES-O Officers
responses, and aim to establish the steps that need to be taken
to ensure that teaching personnel develop their full potential.

This year, CNHS will held this activity on Oct. 5, 2023, to

celebrate with all the teachers around the Globe. This will set
benchmarks regarding the rights and responsibilities of each
teachers, and standards for their initial preparation and further
education, recruitment employment, and teaching and
learning conditions.

During Teachers’ Day, the services of teachers and their

contributions to education are acknowledged and their role
and importance for the development of students and society
are appreciated.

Teachers’ Day is an occasion that pays tribute to the

teachers and tends to resolve some of the issues regarding
their profession and hence tries to attract the brightest young
minds towards this profession.

The Objectives of the said Teachers Day Celebration are the


a) To honor those who are in the teaching profession.

b) Revitalize the image of and respect for teaching as a

vocation by increasing public awareness on the value of the

Teachers in the Philippine Society

c) Take the occasion as an opportunity in building the image of

teaching as an attractive and fulfilling profession.

This year 2023, CNHS GAD Focal Person worked

hand-in-hand with all the committee members, and all the
Faculty and Staff of CNHS, in planning the CNHS Teacher’s
Day Celebration 2023.
It was agreed that CNHS Teacher’s Day Celebration
will be celebrated on October 5, 2023 @ Dr. PAE Covered
Court, from 8:00am-12:00 noon.
This year’s theme is “Together 4 Teachers”, where 4
represents the 4As of Gratitude: appreciation, admiration,
approval, and attention.
This theme recognizes teachers especially all their
tireless efforts.
This special day is dedicated to all CNHS Teachers, so
that every effort is acknowledged and appreciated.
Last October 5, 2023 (Thursday), CNHS celebrated
Teacher’s Day Celebration, via Registration First, then
motorcade of all the participants at the venue (Dr. PAE
Covered Court – 9am).
After the motorcade, a program followed.
During the program, there are several presentations
presented. There is a showcase of talents per grade level.
After the presentations, there is a lunch then in the
afternoon, there are games.
This kind of activity set benchmarks regarding the
teachers’ fundamental value that should be reflected in
development choices and contends that teachers are active
agents of development, not just passive recipients of
It was a successful event afterall, with the help and
guidance of the ever supportive Teacher-In-Charge, Mr. John
Edward M. Wabe.

The activity ended at 5 pm.

Prepared by:


Attested by:

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