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BSB40120 – Certificate IV in Business


Section 1 – Unit Learning and Assessment Information

Unit Details
Unit Code Unit Title
BSBCRT411 Apply critical thinking to work practices

Semester NA Year 2022 Class CPBJH

Day/s Refer to Time Refer to delivery schedule No. of weeks 8
Room/s FN/Zoom Location FN/Zoom

Contact details
Name Telephone Email
Teacher Kathryn Stirling
Nathan Wilkinson 03 9919 7001
Manager Tanya Schembri 03 9919 2926

Skills Recognition
If you believe that you have evidence of prior work, training or life experience that is directly
relevant to the content of this unit talk to your teacher about Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)

Learning Support
If you experience difficulty with the learning in this cluster, talk to your teacher as early as possible.
Your teacher will help to ensure that appropriate learning support is made available.

Reasonable Adjustment
If you have a disability or health issue that may affect your learning in this unit and/or the types of
assessment tasks you can undertake, talk to your teacher or Accessibility Services about
reasonable adjustments that could be applied.

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Delivery & Assessment Schedule
Sessions Topics/Activities Assessment
No. Date (including any pre-reading/resources required)


Workshop - Overview of unit content

• Establish Role of Critical Thinking in Workplace
• Evaluate Situations in which Critical Thinking
Concepts are Applied in Work Practices
• Articulate Benefits of Applying Critical Thinking
Practices in the Workplace
• Lead Critical Thinking Process
• Analyse Existing and Proposed Work Practices
and Identify Limitations
• Work Practices
• Current and Proposed Work Practices
1. 13/10/2022 • Analysing Work Practices
• Determine Solutions for Workplace Limitations
Using Critical Thinking Concepts
• Clarity
• Accuracy
• Logicalness
• Legislative Requirements on Workplace Practices
• Present Ideas for Solutions and Justify Decision-
Making Process to Relevant Stakeholders
• Presenting and Justifying the Decision-Making
• Develop Critical Thinking Mindset
• Develop Plan for Future Process Evaluations and
Incorporate Improvements Identified

Drop-in session

• Develop a Proposal for Solutions Using a

Decision-Making Framework According to
Organisational Policies and Procedures
o The Eisenhower Matrix
2. 20/10/2022 o SPADE Decision-Making Framework
Start Assessment 1
Overview of assessment tasks

Assistance with Assessment 1

Drop-in session
Start Assessment 2
3. 27/10/2022
Assistance with Assessment 2

Drop-in session
Start Assessment 3
4. 03/11/2022 Assistance with Assessment 3
• SWOT Analysis Assessment 1 Due

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5. 10/11/2022 Assessment 2 Due
6. 17/11/2022 Assessment 3 Due
7. 24/11/2022 Resubmissions – if required
8. 01/12/2022 Resubmissions – if required

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Section 2 – Unit Assessment Information
The assessment tasks listed here are those you must complete satisfactorily to be deemed
competent for the units within this cluster.

Assessment Task Title Description of Task

1. Knowledge
11 Questions – Theory Questions 03/11/2022
This case study assessment requires you to identify and
2. Case Study (1 & 2) evaluate how critical thinking is applied in work practices 10/11/2022
at Bounce Fitness.
3. Bounce (Critical Write a Report – Make recommendations for
Thinking) Report improvement within your workplace.

Assessment for Competency

Please read the following instructions about your assessment. They will help you to achieve the
level of performance required to achieve success.

It is important that you clearly understand all the requirements of your assessments. If you are
having difficulty with the terminology or the steps to follow please speak to your teacher / instructor
prior to commencing.

The assessment criterion tables included for each assessment task provide you with clear
information about the particular skills and abilities that your assessor will be looking for in your
work. You are encouraged to self-assess your own work so that you can be confident you will
meet the stated criteria for satisfactory performance of the task.

There might be quality checkpoints highlighted throughout the assessment that you need to
observe. At these points your teacher/instructor will check your work prior to progressing.

During or following the assessment you may be asked by your teacher to explain various aspects
of work submitted or completed to test your underlying knowledge and skills.

On completion of this assessment your assessor will provide feedback. You should also take this
opportunity to discuss any concerns you had with the assessment. An opportunity for you to
record these comments into your assessment record will be provided to you.

Assessment Extensions
You are expected to submit your assessments by the date outlined in your Unit Guide and VU
Collaborate Learning Space.

In the event that you are unable to complete an assessment by the due date, you can request an
extension as outlined in the Assessment for Learning – Assessment Procedure (VET) Part F

Special Consideration

This applies to situations where you require an extension beyond 10 working days. Applications for

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special consideration must be made within three working days of the assessment due date as
outlined in the Assessment for Learning – Assessment Procedure (VET) Part F

If you do not achieve the required standard, you will be given the opportunity to be re-assessed.
Arrangements will be made on an individual basis, however you must be proactive to ensure that
an appropriate time can be found for this.

Assessment Appeals
If you disagree with the outcome of an assessment task, you have the right to request a review of
the assessment. You will be given the opportunity to record your concerns on the teacher’s record
of the assessment and again on the unit outcome record.
In the first instance, such requests will ensure that your work is reviewed by a second person
within the teaching area and you will be advised of the outcome of this review in writing, most likely
by email.

If you wish to take the matter further, a formal appeal will need to be lodged. Instructions on how
to do this can be found on the student portal.

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Assessment Task 1

Assessment Task Title: Knowledge Questions - Critical thinking

This knowledge Q&A assessment is based on the information you have studied in your classroom
activities, learning resources and research task related to critical thinking. You will be assessed on
your responses to 11 questions.

Instructions for the Student:

This assessment is an individual assessment task. It will assess the following topics:

• Critical thinking concepts and the value of applying such approaches in a work environment
• Key characteristics of critical thinking processes
• Sources of reliable information relevant to workplace practices
• Key components of decision- making frameworks
• Features and limitations of workplace practices
• Legislative requirements relating to workplace practices
• Components of self-evaluation and development.

Please complete the following questions in the Word Template provided in VU Collaborate. This
template can be downloaded in the Assessment task 1 section under ‘Downloads’. This should be
done as an individual assessment. Some class time will be allocated, however, if uncompleted,
work should be done at home.

Assessment Location:

This assessment can be taken from home, some class time will be allocated to complete however
the majority of questions must be completed in your own time.

Assessment Timing:
Please refer to the Unit Assessment information schedule in the unit guide.

Resources required for this assessment:

To complete the assessment, you will require:
• Access to VU Collaborate
• Internet connection
• Your e-learning resources for reference

Documents to submit:
Upload your responses to the questions in the Assessment Task 1 (Word Template) to the
BSBCRT411 Assessment task 1 dropbox on VU Collaborate.

Satisfactory completion of the assessment task:

To achieve a satisfactory result all 11 questions must be answered correctly.

Resubmission Attempts:
As per the Assessment for Learning – Assessment Procedure (VET) Part G Re-assessment, you
will have two attempts for this assessment task. If you first attempt is unsuccessful your teacher
will give you feedback. Review the feedback and your learning materials before resubmitting /re-

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taking the assessment. If you do not demonstrate competence in your second attempt /submission
you should speak with your teacher about the options available to you.

Assessment Task:

Log into VU Collaborate

Access Assessment Task 1 template from the Downloads area of BSBCRT411 Assessment Task
Answer all questions
Once completed, upload the completed template to BSBCRT411 - Assessment Task 1 Drobox in
VU Collaborate

Criteria for Satisfactory Performance of the Task

Your teacher will evaluate your work according to the criteria for satisfactory performance of the
task listed below. If you wish to, you may use the “self-assess” column to evaluate your own
performance against each criterion.


1. Student to provide appropriate and relevant examples of how critical thinking

is applied to workplace practices. Student must use workplace situations to
illustrate understanding with their answers to show they understand the value
of critical thinking in a work environment.
2. Students needs to demonstrate understanding of the different ‘Situations’ or
contexts in which critical thinking might be applied within the workplace. They
must provide an appropriate and relevant explanation of how the situation (or
context) can change the required approach of critical thinking in the
3. Learner must demonstrate sound understanding of the key aspects of how
they ‘Evaluate’ or analyse workplace situations – and must use appropriate
and relevant explanation to illustrate the approaches one might use (based
on different situation/or context) to analyse and ensure an appropriate critical
thinking approach is used.
4. Learner must analyses their workplace (in the context of know critical
thinking policies / procedure or approaches) they might already be aware of –
and also reflect on their limitations also providing detailed analysis to outline
their observations and understanding.
5. Students must define what a ‘Decision making Framework is’ and apply this
to the context of how an organisation might best apply critical thinking (or
solutions) towards problems that arise within the workplace – beach based
on their own factors (or situational context). The learner needs to illustrate
and explain how and why they might choose one approach or solution over
6. Learner needs to explain and illustrate (with relevant and appropriate)
examples – preferably from their workplace environment how an organisation
might present different approaches or solutions (involving critical thinking)
towards a problem, and explain how the decision making process to select
the best solution might work internally.
7. Student needs to demonstrate ‘critical thinking’ through their answer. The
learner must identify an existing or Proposed Work Practice, and analyse this
to Identify its Limitation (if any). And they must write out a detailed
observation on the features and limitations of their selected work practice)
showing their own personal critical thinking towards it.
8. Learner needs to identify relevant legislation, and their requirements relating
to how their organisation might implement or set policy & procedure in place
to meet these obligations/requirements. Student must provide detailed,
relevant and appropriate examples and provide illustrated explanation to
show understanding.

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9. Learner must explain and reason, why ‘self-evaluation’ and development is

important in the workplace. Student must use a relevant and appropriate
example to illustrate understanding. The answer must be in relation to the
learners own job role or workplace experience, showing one’s own critical
thinking and reflection to identify areas for improvement.

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Assessment Task 2
Assessment Task Title: Case Study Questions 1 & 2.

The following assessment task 2 is comprised of 2 Case Studies that are based on the information
you have studied in your classroom activities, learning resources and research task related to
critical thinking. You will be assessed on your responses to a set of questions related to each
individual case study.

Instructions for the Student:

This case study assessment requires you to identify and evaluate how critical thinking is applied in
work practices.

This assessment is divided into two tasks:

• Case Study 1: Market Values - Identify Characteristics of Critical Thinking Process
• Case Study 2: Practice Makes Perfect – Evaluate a Communication Issue and evaluate a
research Issue

This assessment includes detailed scenarios and simulated environments, providing all necessary
information required to complete relevant tasks and activities, based on the simulated business,

Bounce Fitness:

This is an individual assessment.

Assessment Location:

This assessment can be taken from home, some class time will be allocated to complete however
the majority of questions must be completed in your own time.

Assessment Timing:
Please refer to the Unit Assessment information schedule in the unit guide.

Resources required for this assessment:

To complete the assessment, you will require:
• Access to VU Collaborate
• Internet connection
• Your e-learning resources for reference

Documents to submit:
Upload your responses to the case study questions in the Assessment Task 2 (Word Template)
thought the BSBCRT411 Assessment Task 2 dropbox in VU Collaborate.

Satisfactory completion of the assessment task:

To achieve a satisfactory result all 11 questions (associated with both Case study 1 & 2 ) included
in 1, 2 & 3 must be answered correctly.

Resubmission Attempts:

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As per the Assessment for Learning – Assessment Procedure (VET) Part G Re-assessment, you
will have two attempts for this assessment task. If you first attempt is unsuccessful your teacher
will give you feedback. Review the feedback and your learning materials before resubmitting /re-
taking the assessment. If you do not demonstrate competence in your second attempt /submission
you should speak with your teacher about the options available to you.

Assessment Task:

Log into VU Collaborate

Access Assessment Task 2 template from the Downloads area of BSBCRT411 - Assessment Task
Answer all questions
Once completed, upload the completed template to BSBCRT411 - Assessment Task 2 Dropbx in
VU Collaborate

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Criteria for Satisfactory Performance of the Task

Your teacher will evaluate your work according to the criteria for satisfactory performance of the
task listed below. If you wish to, you may use the “self-assess” column to evaluate your own
performance against each criterion.

ASSESSMENT TASK 2: Case Study 1 Self-Assess

1. Learner must complete the Assessment Task 2 (Case Study 1 Template).

Students must be able to clearly identify key characteristics of critical thinking
relevant to Bounce Fitness. The learner must illustrate & explain the key
items they identify with appropriate and relevant examples. Answering all
questions in the provided template relevant to the context of the case study.

ASSESSMENT TASK 2: Case Study 2 Self-Assess

1. Learner must complete the Assessment Task 2 (Case Study 2 Template).

Students must be able to clearly evaluate the situation illustrated in the case
study ‘It’s a Sign’ (Bounce Fitness) in which critical thinking aspects have
been applied. The learner must be able to analyses the facts and details of
the situation and answer with appropriate and relevant details to evaluate the
communication issues they identify in the case study.
2. Learner must complete the Assessment Task 2 (Case Study 2 Template).
Students must be able to analyse the case study ‘Stick to Schedule’ (Bounce
Fitness) in which the learner must identify and analyse with relevant and
appropriate examples, what has, and has not worked well in relation to the
case study. Learners must articulate and outline, what they believe could be
done better in future (in order to bring solution) to this case study.

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Assessment Task 3

Assessment Task Title: Write a Report – Make recommendations for improvement for your

This report assesses your knowledge and skills in relation to:

1. Your understanding of the theory and application of critical thinking in the workplace.
2. Application of ‘Critical Thinking’ in a workplace for at least 2 (One existing, One New)
workplace limitations.

Assessment Instructions:
For this assessment you will be required to review your organisation to develop a report, which you
will submit to your manager regarding the following:
o A solution / improvement for one existing work practices you can identify, and;
o A recommendation for the implementation of one NEW proposed work practice at your

This is an individual assessment

Assessment Location:

This assessment can be taken from home, some class time will be allocated to complete however
the majority of questions must be completed in your own time.

Assessment Timing:

Please refer to the Unit Assessment information schedule in the unit guide.

Resources required for this assessment:

To complete the assessment, you will require:
• Access to VU Collaborate
• Internet connection
• Your e-learning resources for reference

Documents to submit:
Upload your responses to Assessment Task 3 (Word Template) thought the BSBCRT411
Assessment Task 3 dropbox in VU Collaborate.

Satisfactory completion of the assessment task:

To achieve a satisfactory result all 5 tasks (associated with your organisation), inclusive of writing
up your final report must be answered correctly.

Resubmission Attempts:
As per the Assessment for Learning – Assessment Procedure (VET) Part G Re-assessment, you
will have two attempts for this assessment task. If you first attempt is unsuccessful your teacher
will give you feedback. Review the feedback and your learning materials before resubmitting /re-
taking the assessment. If you do not demonstrate competence in your second attempt /submission
you should speak with your teacher about the options available to you.

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Assessment Task:

Log into VU Collaborate

Access Assessment Task 3 template from the Downloads area of BSBCRT411 - Assessment Task
Answer all questions by following the steps below:
To assist you to complete this report, you will also be required to undertake the following
o Task 1: Access your organisation Intranet / and or speak with your manager, to discuss the
‘story’ of your organisation, and their mission and vision (including all relevant policies and
procedures) relevant to daily operations.
o Task 2: Complete a SWOT Analysis (For Your Organisation)
o Note: A SWOT template will be provided.
o Task 3: Ensure that you consider and include in your report at least 2 ‘Decision-making models’
which you can use to justify your recommendations.
o Task 4: Provide evidence of your involvement with key stakeholders; both internal & external,
and how their input, views and feedback can help support your decision making.
o Note: This will include evidence such as;
 Email correspondence
 Presentation slides
 Meeting Minutes
o Task 5: Prepare your final report, including your recommendations (Based on your critical
thinking and analysis of Your Organisation/Workplace)

Once completed, upload the completed template to BSBCRT411 - Assessment Task 3 Dropbox in
VU Collaborate

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Criteria for Satisfactory Performance of the Task

Your teacher will evaluate your work according to the criteria for satisfactory performance of the
task listed below. If you wish to, you may use the “self-assess” column to evaluate your own
performance against each criterion.


1. The learner must identify at least One existing work practices at Bounce
Fitness (within the context of the case study) for Assessment Task 3. The
learner, is also asked to propose at least One new work practice that Bounce
Fitness (Melbourne Centre) can better implement. The learner must provide
detailed explanation of the chosen examples, and identify their strengths,
and limitations (providing appropriate and relevant) context to their answers.
2. The learner must be able to articulate, and describe what workplace
documents/policies and procedures help inform Bounce Fitness when
applying critical thinking to their workplace. Learners must provide
appropriate and relevant examples of proposed solutions they might apply
based on the limitations they identify and develop proposed solutions.

Note: This must be done at least Once for an ‘Existing’ Workplace Practice at
Bounce Fitness.
3. The learner must be able to articulate, and describe what workplace
documents/policies and procedures help inform Bounce Fitness when
applying critical thinking to their workplace. Learners must provide
appropriate and relevant examples of proposed solutions they might apply
based on the limitations they identify and develop proposed solutions.

Note: This must be done at least Once for a ‘NEW’ Workplace Practice at
Bounce Fitness.
4. The learner must detail the review process they have applied to the decisions
for the (Existing & New) workplace practice they have chosen. The learner
must describe and explain what decision making process they have followed,
provide examples of what feedback from relevant stakeholders they have
sought and Identify areas for improvement.

Note: Learners must reflect personally on how this applies to them / how they
would approach the context of this case study. They must provide Relevant
and Appropriate detailed explanation and illustrated examples to support
their position.
5. The learner must identify and explain how they will plan for future
evaluations. They must give detail, and use relevant and appropriate
examples to explain how this might be achieved.

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