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Open Source
Salvation or Suicide?
KMS’s electronic music game has become so hot that customers are hacking it and rivals are
pouring into the market. Should the company shore up its defenses or let the games begin?
by Scott Wilson and Ajit Kambil

ARTINA DIRWEG SUDDENLY felt almost physically sick.
Her older brother, Evan, whom she loved dearly,
could make her feel that way with a couple of well-
placed words in a phone call. Meaning no harm, he
could destabilize her plans for her company along with her sense
of well-being. It was not fair of him.
He was coming to take her to lunch, as he often did, and then
to the electronic-games trade show. Though he wasn’t part of her
company, he acted as her one-man kitchen cabinet. From her of-
fice on the top floor of KMS Corporation, maker of the astound-
ingly popular Amp Up electronic music game, she watched for
Daniel Vasconcellos

his car. He had called from the freeway, and he’d be at KMS, in
Van Nuys, very soon.

HBR’s cases, which are fictional, present common managerial

dilemmas and offer concrete solutions from experts. | April 2008 | Harvard Business Review 33

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HBR CASE STUDY | Open Source: Salvation or Suicide?

The view from her office was com- marketing in a hurry. There was even young men who seemed awed – that
forting, at least – the familiar bunga- talk of spinning off the music-software was the only word for it – to meet her.
lows on the distant ridge, the spindly, business, its former core, into a separate Some of them were clutching objects
improbable-looking palms. While star- firm. It had been quite a ride. that looked a bit like Amp Up axes. The
ing at that view in 2004, she had made Now Marty’s brother was suggesting young men were the founders of a start-
the gut decision that put the company that the ride get even wilder. up, Open Chord.
on its present path – and in its present “You ruined my day, you know,” she She was annoyed at her brother. She
dilemma. The path was that of mass said as she got into the Mercedes be- knew all about this company. These
marketer; the dilemma was what to do side Evan, still fit and handsome in his guys, who had probably begun as ob-
about the raucous, uncontrollable open- forties. sessed Amp Up players, had copied the
source software movement that was “It was nothing personal,” he said. basic idea behind the game and written
starting to pose a real threat to KMS. At the roadside diner where they their own code – which, unlike KMS’s,
It had been a heady moment four liked to eat, she thanked him for of- was open source. Anyone who wanted
years earlier. A group of programmers fering to take her to the two-day trade to use it to write applications for new
at the company, then known as Kalley show in Pomona, where KMS would games and new sounds was welcome
Music Software, had demonstrated be displaying its wares and offering to do so. She despised such infringers.
some learning tools they’d developed
between other assignments. The de-
vices were made from real electric- These guys had copied the basic idea behind the game
guitar necks and other parts, but in-
stead of strings they had an assortment
and written their own code. She despised such infringers.
of goofy buttons and touch pads and
dials. The superb embedded software
produced great-sounding music out glimpses of the next upgrade. Evan “Aren’t we suing you?” she asked one of
of even the most amateurish flailing, had parlayed a networking start-up them. They all nodded.
and users could jam from separate into a small fortune and now occupied “There’s a similar start-up right over
continents with only a computer and himself by investing in and tending to there,” Evan said, gesturing.
an internet connection. The program- other people’s tech companies. She was “Another one?” she asked.
mers had already sketched out a always grateful and impressed that he “Both companies, as it happens, came
couple of songwriting and karaoke- cared nearly as much about her busi- to me for financing.”
like video games. ness as she did. She gasped. “You didn’t – ”
A long silence had followed the pre- Then she challenged him to come “No,” he said. “I’m your loyal brother.
sentation, while everyone pondered the out with it: What could be wrong with I told them both they’d need to find an-
options that lay before the company. the company’s so-far highly successful other angel – either in my network or,
Spin off the idea? Sell it to some mass- strategy of jealously guarding its intel- preferably, in a different one. I couldn’t
market company? Marty had gazed at lectual property? Why should she open invest in a start-up that was challenging
the distant ridge. Then she said, “Let’s the software in Amp Up, as he had so my baby sister’s company.”
do it. Let’s do it ourselves.” Sometimes casually suggested on the phone? Why “Lucky for you,” she said, making
the applause still rang in her ears. should she invite the open-source com- a fist.
Amp Up was a big hit and then some. munity into the company vault, so to “But if not for the ethical issue,” he
When the band Z3 appeared onstage speak, and allow it to play with the added, “I would have put money into
with an Amp Up ax, as the device was crown jewels? one or both in a heartbeat. They’re
officially called, sales took off. The com- “You sound like a queen now, not good businesses.”
pany changed its name to KMS to avoid a CEO,” he said. “Better if I show you “How are they good businesses?”
being stereotyped as a music-software rather than tell you.” Marty asked, exasperated. “This one’s
company, and learned a lot about mass So it wasn’t until they were under being sued by us for infringement, and
the great ribbed ceiling of the Fairplex the other one is going to be sued as
Scott Wilson (, that he began his explanation. Bypass- soon as I get back to the office. Plus
based in Stamford, Connecticut, is a senior ing the extensive KMS display, he led what does it mean to build a busi-
manager at Deloitte Research, a part of her through the crowd to the end of an ness on open source? You can’t make
Deloitte Services LP. Ajit Kambil (akambil@ aisle. “I’d like you to meet a few people,” money on open-source software.”, based in Boston, is the global he said. She found herself being intro- “Marty, these guys aren’t going away.
director of Deloitte Research. duced to some decidedly geeky-looking The point is, it’s no longer just individu-

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als hacking into your hardware and passionate about the idea that the user revealing a banner he had been trying
software or making game controllers and developer communities should be to obscure. Under the Open Chord logo
of their own or writing code for them- based on open source, with develop- it said, “Fight the Power!”
selves and their friends. It’s companies ers being able to freely swap and write “That’s you,” Evan said. “You’re the
now, too. Companies with real money software to fashion applications as they power they’re fighting.”
behind them. These people are passion- see fit.” That was enough. Marty tried but
ate about the user community that you He paused.“See? Look – ” In response failed to manufacture a smile for the
created four years ago by bringing Amp to a gesture from Evan, one of the geeks as she spun away and headed for
Up into the world. And they’re just as geeky guys sheepishly stepped aside, home territory: the KMS display. | April 2008 | Harvard Business Review 35

1084 Wilson.indd 35 3/4/08 10:07:39 PM

HBR CASE STUDY | Open Source: Salvation or Suicide?

Evan was right behind her. “Your “A cheerful thought.” ucts? None of that code is tested, you
product turned millions of nonmusi- “Not to mess with your head too know. Or guaranteed. Or supported.”
cians into musicians,” he said. “It caught much,” he said, “but the irony is we’d “Generally true,” he said.
everyone’s imagination. Now it’s even probably be extending Amp Up’s life by “But the main thing is, I just don’t see
bigger than KMS. Everyone wants to going the open-source route – maybe how we can make money if everything
be part of the concept, and a lot of peo- not with the true mass market but at is free. How do we control the product
ple have the programming skills to do least with the die-hard fanatics. They space around Amp Up – the add-ons
something about it.” wouldn’t turn their backs on a product and extras that we’re planning for next
“I’ll sue them all,” she said. that they’d put their creativity into.” He year and the year after? What about the
“Open source is like a rising tide,” he got to the bottom of his pink drink, and basic idea of controlling resources for
said. “You either float with it or drown.” the straw made that sound she hated. competitive advantage? Isn’t that what
Once again she had the sick feeling “Not that I’m suggesting it,” he added. being in business is all about?”
that only his words could give her. “There are other ways to make money,”
“How Do I Keep From Drowning?” Evan said, “as any entrepreneur can tell
Enemy of the People There were angels everywhere when you. For example, there’s tech support,
Everybody at the trade show, it seemed, Marty got to her brother’s office in which you can charge for.”
was talking about the open-source Brentwood Park the following week: “Oh, our customers would love that,”
start-ups challenging KMS – even Allan angels in the lobby, angels in the el- she said sarcastically.
Schmirer. She trusted and admired her evator, angels in the hallway. This was “You’d be surprised. And you have
chief operating officer, but today, for the headquarters of the angel network valuable resources beyond IP. Allan
some reason, she was irritated that he to which he belonged and for which Schmirer, for example.”
was even thinking about those infring- he served as technical adviser. She “We should compete on the basis of
ers – and that he was sucking on an iced had come here because she couldn’t Allan Schmirer?”
strawberry drink that seemed way too get the open-source idea out of her “Allan is brilliant at dealing with
frivolous for an executive of his status. thoughts. your Chinese manufacturers. He has a
Sensing her mood, Allan offered a “So let’s say I accept that open source way of cutting through the bull – very
reassuring take on the start-ups. “They is a rising tide,” she said as she took tactfully – and getting the managers to
don’t have a viable business,” he said. the upholstered chair beside his desk. agree to his point of view. I’ve talked
“They’ll be squeezed on one side by the
free stuff that’s out there – and on
the other side by us!” “I’m just concerned that our customers are starting
“I wish I could believe you,” she said. to see us as the enemy, as the big corporate power with
He seemed shocked. “I’ve never the proprietary IP.”
heard you talk like that before.”
“I’m just concerned that our custom-
ers are starting to see us as the enemy, She picked up a filigreed handbell and to him about it, trying to learn his se-
as the big corporate power with the tapped it, setting off an ethereal chime. crets. If I could have a few Allan Schmir-
proprietary IP,” she said. “We can’t af- Evan had lots of these things from his ers to insert into my start-ups, I’d be a
ford to alienate potential users.” vagabonding days in Tibet. “How do I very successful investor.
“It doesn’t matter, as long as we also keep from drowning?” “And then there’s you. You’re unbe-
keep dazzling them.” Evan leaned back as the sound slowly lievable at marketing. When you first
“Yeah, but –” They looked at each faded. “KMS has to become the open- started working for Kalley Music Soft-
other, knowing what “Yeah, but –” source company,” he said. “It has to em- ware, you were a piano player who
meant. Inventing and executing daz- body the open-source ethic, at least in could program computers. You were
zling upgrades got harder every year. the perception of customers.” fabulous at marketing music software,
Allan shrugged. “Then again, this She rolled her eyes. “So now there’s but then you entered a completely
could be moot after next Christmas. an open-source ethic? Soon it’s going new field – gaming – and figured it all
For all we know, demand will collapse, to be a religion.” out, on instinct. Your company has a
and we’ll be scratching around for “It practically is already,” he said. lot of strengths other than its propri-
something totally new to offer our fan “And I’m supposed to embrace open- etary code.”
base. That’s life in the mass market. It’s source software, letting people have “But what about my precious pro-
not like when we used to sell to music my IP for nothing and incorporating grammers?” she asked. “I’m supposed
professionals.” random developers’ code into my prod- to open up the code they’ve sweated

36 Harvard Business Review | April 2008 |

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blood over? They’ll mutiny. They’ll “How’s the upgrade going?” she asked. probably appreciate being able to
leave.” “It’s going,” he said. use open-source code, even though
“Or they’ll thank you for making She looked again at Dixie, who also it would probably save us time and
their lives a heck of a lot easier,” Evan appeared a bit ragged. Marty wondered money in programming, even though
said. “Because then they can dip into if the programmers’ brains and bodies our hard-core customers would be
open source, too.” were reflecting too many months or thrilled if we tore down the walls, even
years of intense creativity and eye-killing though our lawsuits against the start-
An Unusual Quiet coding. She had always assumed that ups are going to be expensive and prob-
On the way in to work a few days later, the programmers took too much pride ably pointless, I just don’t think I can
Marty stopped to pick up a straw- in their products to incorporate other open up our code and let the infringers
berry concoction like the ones Allan people’s code, even if skimming the inside.
always drank. She asked the counter- cream off open source would make “I think most people don’t care
man to bag it carefully so that it would programming easier. But maybe her whether we use proprietary code or
stay cold.
At the office she went looking for her
COO. It was a fairly small headquar- “But what about my precious programmers?” she asked.
ters, considering the company’s sales “I’m supposed to open up the code they’ve sweated blood
volume. She and Allan believed that over? They’ll mutiny.”
in a mass-market industry like theirs,
which had a lot in common with the
fashion business, the low-fixed-costs ap- assumption was wrong. It was some- not. As long as we have things like
proach would protect the company in thing to think about. Z3 going for us – the best free adver-
case of a downturn. Most operational “I’m sure it’ll be another winner,” tising in the world – we can keep on
aspects of the business were therefore Marty said. doing what we’re doing and main-
outsourced – excluding, of course, the “Yep,” Jason replied. tain our great margins for our fabu-
core programming functions. lous software. On into the foreseeable
Marty wandered through the war- Name That Tune future.”
ren of programmers’ cubicles. She said She finally found Allan as he came out “You’re not going to like this,”
hello to one of her favorite people of a meeting. “Here,” she said. “I don’t Allan said.
there – Dixie, a Sri Lankan who had appreciate you enough.” “What?”
just gotten her PhD at Cal Tech. She “What’s this?” Back inside, he led her to a PC. “Take
also spoke to Saul, a 30-something “I got you your strawberry whatever,” a look,” he said. He brought up a You-
from Spain whose walls were covered she said, handing him a straw. Tube video of Z3. It was one she hadn’t
with his sketches of trees. On another It was beautiful outside, so they went seen. And what were they playing? Cer-
cubicle wall was a huge photo of the to the patio, where Allan sipped his tainly not KMS axes. These were strange-
band Z3 using an Amp Up ax at an out- drink. “I know you appreciate me,” he looking things with double necks. She
door arena. said. “Don’t worry.” realized with a start that they were
But the offices seemed unusually “My brother, who seems to be full of either handmade instruments or prod-
quiet. “Where is everybody?” Marty information like this, once told me that ucts from one of KMS’s open-source
asked. a kind of strawberry was one of the first rivals. There wasn’t an Amp Up ax to
Jason, a programmer with a gray plants to get a U.S. patent,” Marty said. be seen.
ponytail, rolled his chair backward “That’s interesting,” Allan said, teas- “Turn it up,” Marty said. “What’s that
out of his cube, a bass guitar on his ing her. song they’re playing?”
lap. “Some people are out sick,” he said. She sighed. “And where would U.S. “It’s new,” Allan said. “Actually, it’s a
“Three, in fact.” agriculture be without agricultural reworking of that old Public Enemy
That seemed a lot. She noticed patents? Where would any industry be song ‘Fight the Power.’ Remember it?”
Jason’s slumped posture. “Are you OK?” without proprietary IP?” As he finished his drink, the straw made
she asked. He offered her his drink. Reluc- that annoying sound again.
“I’m fine,” he said unconvincingly. tantly she took a sip. It wasn’t bad at
The care and feeding of her program- all, actually. Should Marty’s company embrace
mers had always been a high priority She said, “I don’t think I can do it, open-source software in its hit
for Marty. But there were dark rings un- Allan. I don’t think I can give it away. product? Four commentators offer
der Jason’s eyes. He looked weary. Even though the programmers would expert advice beginning on page 40. | April 2008 | Harvard Business Review 37

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HBR Case Commentary | Should KMS Embrace Open-Source Software?

T HE QUESTION of whether Marty Dirweg

should open Amp Up’s source code to
users and external developers or keep the
is fickle and fl eeting. Marty is already see-
ing Amp Up being replaced by new devices.
Nokia’s decision to open itself to third-party
product closed is really secondary. She and developers means that other companies can
the rest of KMS’s leaders must first decide easily create or import applications that will
how they define success. Once they’ve done appeal to users, whatever their tastes hap-
that, the path forward will become evident. pen to be this month. Nokia ends up with
Defining success is no small matter. It in- a phone platform that is globally appealing,
volves determining how big a market oppor- and the company doesn’t risk being a one-hit
tunity the company wants to go after, who the wonder.
customers are (and will be), and how revenue A company can do well with either the
Jonathan Schwartz (blogs. will be generated as the market evolves. In Apple or the Nokia model as long as it under- or jonathan. practically any industry – and even among stands the choice it is making and the path it is the nonprofits and universities – there are orga- needs to travel. But closed companies must
president and CEO of Sun nizations whose approaches to customers recognize that by virtue of their strategy deci-
Microsystems, based in
reflect fundamentally different definitions of sions, they have a smaller market opportunity
Santa Clara, California.
success. than open companies.
Take the cell phone industry. For Apple, suc- KMS has done well so far with its great
cess means, in part, being able to define what idea, but it needs to prepare for what’s next.
a great phone is, and the iPhone is a beautiful If the company decides to gamble that it will
piece of technology at a premium price. But always know what its customers want, and
Apple shipped only about 4 million iPhones in if its goal is to own just a small corner of
the market, it should continue to sell an all-
proprietary system. If it decides to aim for the
Closed companies must recognize that by virtue largest possible market opportunity, it should
of their strategy decisions, they have a smaller market probably be thinking about how to engage as
opportunity than open companies. many users as possible – and open source is
a great first step.
But there’s an additional matter. As Marty is
2007, whereas Nokia ships some 400 million learning, a company often pays a reputational
handsets a year – a staggering number. That’s price for being closed. Before Sun released its
because Nokia’s definition of success is being Solaris operating system as open source, our
the biggest phone company in the world. A competitors made a point of telling potential
company with that objective wants to sell to customers that our software was out of step
as large a market as possible. with an increasingly open-source world. For
To achieve this goal, Nokia builds its phones the most part, the demographic that contrib-
to be open for third-party developers to run utes to the open-source community is very
applications on them. Generally speaking, knowledgeable and very opinionated and
the phones are open to anyone who writes to knows how to get its word out aggressively.
Java, the platform Nokia uses. (In 2006 Sun By opening Solaris in 2005, we took the
Microsystems made Java, which it had devel- word “proprietary” out of the discussion. In
oped, open source under the General Public fact, Sun has become an entirely open-source
License.) Java technology is on more than company. If KMS does something similar, it
5.5 billion devices and has more than 5 million will no longer risk being at war with potential
developers across the world. That gives Nokia customers. At the same time, the company
a huge advantage in the event that it guesses will enable its users to make Amp Up the
Wendy Wray

wrong about consumers’ desires, because it perfect product. That would give KMS the
can continually mine a massive ecosystem for potential to go from 1 million toys a year to
innovations. We know that consumer demand 100 million.

40 Harvard Business Review | April 2008 |

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M ARTY NEEDN’T be torn between keep-

ing Amp Up closed to customer partici-
pation and letting users play with the source
of Take-Two Interactive’s Grand Theft Auto:
San Andreas off the shelves after hackers re-
vealed hidden pornography and the game was
code. A middle way offers the advantages reclassified “adults only.”
of both: Open the platform to third-party Controlling the life cycle means judiciously
companies and add features that promote spacing out big upgrades such that every
community building. Christmas there’s an improvement that users
Like video-game makers, for example, can’t wait for. Electronic Arts’ Madden NFL is
KMS could offer a development kit and li- a product whose life cycle is managed very
cense its software to firms that want to cre- well. Every year it’s updated with current foot-
ate approved applications or hardware to work ball team rosters, making users feel they must
with Amp Up. Those companies would have have the latest upgrade. KMS could similarly Eric Levin (eric@techno
to follow the guidelines and procedures laid spur sales by, say, offering annual upgrades is the execu-
down by KMS, which could approve or veto that included the hottest songs from the past tive vice president of Techno
any third-party products. Users would be able 12 months. Source, a Hong Kong–based
electronic toy and game com-
to choose from a wider variety of applications An open-source approach might impair
pany that markets both its own
and hardware, and the third-party vendors KMS’s ability to manage Amp Up’s life cycle.
brand of games and games
would be able to benefit from Amp Up’s suc- Suppose the company is planning to offer an
under license from Crayola,
cess without making large investments in upgrade for Christmas 2008 that will enable
NASCAR, Marvel Enterprises,
marketing. users to create and swap videos. What if an Sesame Workshop, and
True, monitoring other vendors entails outside developer, working with Amp Up Rubik’s.
costs, but an open-platform approach could code but not needing KMS’s approval, came
easily fund itself through royalties or fees. up with a similar video function in June. An
More important, vetting a proposed product open-platform approach would allow KMS to
costs much less than providing technical veto or delay that product. In a trend-oriented
support for customers who are snarled up in
untested user-written code. Spending, say,
$2,000 to analyze a developer’s application In a trend-oriented industry a company may have
compares favorably with the cumulative cost only three or four years to ride the popularity wave,
of tech calls at $8 to $15 each. A tech com-
so it must retain control of the product life cycle.
pany can get into nightmarish situations with
unhappy customers. What if someone com-
plains, “The software I downloaded from the industry a company may have only three or
internet crashed my Amp Up ax – and my hard four years to ride the popularity wave, so it
drive”? There’s no way to make that customer must retain control of the product life cycle.
happy short of giving him a new product and There are many features KMS could add,
a new computer. without resorting to open source, that would
Opening the platform would also allow help build community and stoke users’ pas-
KMS to maintain control in two hugely im- sions. For example, the company could al-
portant areas: brand and strategic life-cycle low customers to personalize the product
management. and share it with friends. It might set up a
Controlling the brand – perhaps a compa- website for users to display their creativity.
ny’s most valuable asset – means managing Players would gain status and enjoyment
public perception of the product. By prevent- through their engagement with the product
ing users from doing whatever they want with and the company. Such a strategy might well
the company’s software, KMS can avoid the help Amp Up solidify its position as the mar-
risk that someone will do something malicious ket leader and defy the forces of consumer
or tasteless – as has happened in the world of fickleness – and it wouldn’t entail huge costs
video games. In 2005 Wal-Mart pulled copies for technical support. | April 2008 | Harvard Business Review 41

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HBR Case Commentary | Should KMS Embrace Open-Source Software?

Before making a decision, Marty must determine how much

traction Amp Up really has in the open-source community.

A N OPEN-SOURCE strategy could create

three important competitive advantages
for KMS – and it could make a crucial change
The change in the strategic landscape would
result from the loss of proprietary software as
one of KMS’s competitive advantages. Once
in the company’s strategic landscape. Open the company could no longer compete on the
source benefits companies under very spe- basis of Amp Up’s code, it would be compet-
cific conditions, and the task of KMS manage- ing on its downstream capabilities – which
ment is to understand whether those condi- may be significant. For example, KMS may
tions are present here. have acquired world-class expertise in mar-
Gary Pisano (gpisano@hbs. First, allowing people outside the company keting and distribution over the past few years.
edu) is the Harry E. Figgie, Jr., to play with the software and create their own And it seems that Allan Schmirer has devel-
Professor of Business Admin- applications might accelerate Amp Up’s rate oped unusual competencies in dealing with
istration at Harvard Business of improvement, because KMS would have Chinese manufacturing partners. Hiring and
School in Boston.
access to the talents of many more develop- retaining good people in China, keeping manu-
ers than it could ever put on its payroll. That’s facturing on track, and improving operations
what a lot of open-source strategy comes there can provide important competitive dif-
down to: making the slope of the develop- ferentiation for a company. I doubt that Open
ment curve steeper. But in order for this to Chord or the other start-up would be able to
happen, KMS software must have a modular develop much expertise in any of these areas
architecture. My Harvard Business School col- in the short run.
league Alan MacCormack has shown that in Evan praises the COO’s ability to manage
open-source environments modular software the Chinese partners – but it’s easy for a com-
facilitates independent contributions from pany to fool itself about its own operational
external developers. expertise. Before KMS can be sure that it has
Second, opening the software might im- signifi cant competitive advantages down-
prove users’ satisfaction with Amp Up, be- stream, it must undertake a detailed, honest
cause they might get a slew of new appli- study. If KMS is wrong about its downstream
cations and compatible products from other assets, the benefits of opening up its soft-
users and third-party vendors – many more ware may be overshadowed by the risk that
products than KMS could create on its own. a powerful new competitor with global reach
Third, all this activity could reduce KMS’s will enter its market. Such a competitor, hav-
cost of developing new software. ing obtained the software for nothing, could
Of course, all three advantages would de- use its manufacturing, merchandising, and
pend on Amp Up’s attracting a lot of interest distribution clout to outmaneuver KMS.
from developers. Without such interest, there The pressure that KMS feels from open-
wouldn’t be a critical mass of improvements source advocates is reminiscent of the pres-
and products. So before making a decision, sure certain computer companies felt when
Marty must determine how much traction the Linux operating system began to prolifer-
Amp Up really has in the open-source com- ate. Indeed, the intellectual-property environ-
munity. If the answer is unclear, KMS could ment in some industries can be quite mal-
hedge by adopting a hybrid strategy: It could leable. But even if Open Chord’s founders
maintain the core software as proprietary succeeded in pressuring KMS to open Amp
for now but create add-on modules that are Up’s software, they’d still face the daunting
open source. That way the company could challenge of having to overcome the advan-
see whether developers would come up with tages an open-source environment could con-
improvements faster than the company did. fer on KMS.

42 Harvard Business Review | April 2008 |

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HBR Case Commentary | Should KMS Embrace Open-Source Software?

E MBRACING OPEN source might make

KMS’s software development much,
much easier, but at the same time, the com-
Furthermore, if KMS gives its code to a
third-party vendor to use and the software
turns out to infringe on someone’s patent,
pany would risk greater liability for intellectual- both the third-party vendor and KMS could
property infringement. be liable for damages. KMS, as the supplier of
Instead of having to create every line of the infringing software, could end up having
code on its own, KMS could use some of the to pay an amount that is based on the third-
open-source software that’s available free. party vendor’s sales.
A lot of companies are intrigued by this advan- The liability risk has become even more
tage of open source. In fact, one large con- acute with the proliferation of patent
sumer-electronics firm is currently trying to trolls – companies that buy patents for the
Michael J. Bevilacqua figure out if it can somehow use open-source sole purpose of litigating them and feeding
(michael.bevilacqua@ software to reduce its development costs. off the damage payments. Marty probably is a partner Use of open-source code, however, would has little experience dealing with trolls. For
and cochair of the Technology put KMS in a precarious position. Unlike its all she knows, a troll might be watching her
Transactions and Licensing
internally created software, which was de- company right now, waiting for her to commit
Group in the Boston office
veloped under fairly well controlled circum- to open source so that it can sue KMS – which
of the international law firm
stances by in-house programmers, open- is certainly a more attractive target than its
source code comes from an amorphous start-up competitors. That’s a risk she should
community of unknown people, and parts of think about very carefully.

Open-source code is much more likely than homegrown

software to contain parts that have been copied from
someone’s proprietary code.

it are much more likely than homegrown soft- Apart from the liability issue, Marty must
ware to have been copied from someone’s consider the loss of competitive advantage
proprietary code. Additionally, unlike software that her company would suffer if it opened
that is available for purchase, open-source up its software. KMS would be taking its pro-
code carries no guarantee that it doesn’t prietary asset, in which it has invested a lot
infringe on some third party’s intellectual- of money, and allowing other companies to
property rights. Nor do most open-source make money on the code without having
providers offer the indemnification – that is, to spend anything on development.
legal protection – that vendors of proprietary The people driving certain parts of the
software do. Thus KMS would have to fend for open-source movement are of the mind-set
itself if it were sued for patent, copyright, or that all source code should be available for
trade-secret infringement over code that went everybody to use. That is fine in the academic
into Amp Up. For example, AutoZone wasn’t world, where the money flows from grants
indemnified under a license that allowed it to and you don’t have to turn a profit. Most soft-
use the open-source Linux operating system, ware companies, however, are in business to
so the company faced the possibility of having make money, and it is very difficult to make
to pay damages when it was sued in 2004 by money on open source.
SCO Group for copyright infringement involv-
ing Linux. The suit alleged that the Linux ver- Reprint R0804A
sion in use at the auto-parts retailer contained Reprint Case only R0804X
software copyrighted by SCO. (SCO has since Reprint Commentary only R0804Z
filed for bankruptcy protection.) To order, see page 139.

44 Harvard Business Review | April 2008 |

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