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Supply the missing parts in the following dialogue :

1- Magid and Emad who attended Ali's birthday party.
Magid : Did you attend Ali's birthday party ?
Emad : ……………....(1)…………………
Magid : ………………(2)…………………?
Emad : Many of our school friends and a few of his relations.
Magid : How did you spend the evening ?
Emad : ………………(3)…………………
Magid : ………………(4)………………… ?
Emad : Yes, I offered him a watch.

2- Jana talks with Abeer about the dress she herself made.
Abeer : Who made this dress for you ?
Jana : ………………(1)………………….
Abeer : Oh! You are so clever. I wish I could make my own dresses.
Jana : That's easy. I know a lady who gives lessons in dressmaking.
Abeer : ………………(2)………………….?
Jana : Not very long. I learnt it in three months.
Abeer : ………………(3)…………………..?
Jana : Yes, I'd be glad to do that. When can we start that ?
Abeer : ………………(4)…………………..

3- Dalia is visiting her friend Jana in their new apartment.

Dalia : It's a nice apartment. Why did you leave your old flat ?
Jana : ………………(1)……………………..
Dalia : What does your new apartment consist of ?
Jana : ………………(2)……………………..
Dalia : What is it near to ?
Jana : ………………(3)………………………
Dalia : Why do you prefer your new apartment ?
Jana : ………………(4)………………………

4- You and your friend are talking about the holiday plans.
You : ………………..(1)………………………?
Friend : I'm going to learn how to drive.
You : ………………..(2)………………………?
Friend : My elder brother will do so.
You : ………………..(3)………………………. ?
Friend : Yes, of course. He has a driving licence. …………(4)………. ?
You : I'm going to visit my brother. He lives in America.

5- Youssef went to the post office to buy some stamps.

Youssef : Good morning.
Official : Good morning. ……………(1)…………… ?
Youssef : I would like some stamps, please.
Official : ………………………(2)………………… ?
Youssef : A stamp for an air mail letter to England.
Official : Here it is.
Youssef : Can I have 5 postage stamps ?
Official : ………………………(3)…………………
Youssef : ………………………(4)…………………?
Official : Four pounds and fifty piasters in all.
6- Adel who is ringing up a hotel to book a room and the hotel receptionist.
Receptionist : Hilton Hotel. Good morning. Can I help you ?
Adel : ………………….(1)……………………..
Receptionist : Certainly …………….(2)……………… ?
Adel : Four nights.
Receptionist : ………………….(3)…………………… ?
Adel : Single, please …………….(4)…………. ?
Receptionist : For bed and breakfast, that's 40 pounds a night.
Adel : Right. Ok, I'd like to book the room, Thank you.
Receptionist : You're welcome.
7- Finish the following dialogue :
Hady : We are planning a picnic for tomorrow ………….(1)……. ?
Alaa : I'd love to …………….(2)…………… ?
Hady : To Ras El Bar.
Alaa : I have never been there before.
Hady : …………………….(3)………………….. ?
Alaa : The forecast says that the weather will be fine for the next two days.
Hady : We hope we'll enjoy a happy time together.
Alaa : …………………….(4)…………………. ?
Hady : It takes two hours to go there.
8- Finish the following dialogue :
Ashraf : Shall we study history together tomorrow ?
Adham : ………………..(1)………………………
Ashraf : Why won't you be able to come ?
Adham : ………………..(2)………………………
Ashraf : A picnic! ……………(3)………………. ?
Adham : With my cousins.
Ashraf : …………………(4)……………………. ?
Adham : Next Monday if it suits you.
Ashraf : Ok.

9- Finish the following dialogue :

Policeman : What were you doing when the car knocked you down ?
The boy : ………………..(1)…………………….
Policeman : Did the driver sound his born ?
The boy : Yes, I think he did.
Policeman : Then why didn't you stop ?
The boy : ………………..(2)…………………….
Policeman : I see. So if he had been driving slowly ……….(3)……….
The boy : Certainly.
Policeman : Did you see the car before you crossed the street ?
The boy : ………………..(4)……………………..
Policeman : So, it is your mistake.
10- Finish the following dialogue :
Samir : Hello, Zaki, Did you do well in the exam ?
Zaki : Rather well. …………….(1)…………… ?
Samir : I did it very well.
Zaki : Then you will join the college you like.
Samir : …(2)…, I hope you will be able to follow up your higher education.
Zaki : ……………..(3)…………………
Samir : I wish you the best of luck.
Zaki : ……………...(4)…………………
11- Finish the following dialogue :
Adel : Hello, Farid. I haven't seen you for a long time.
Farid : Oh. I ……………..(1)…………….
Adel : So, you've enjoyed yourself at the see-shore. Did you like Alexandria ?
Farid : Yes. ………………..(2)……………..
Adel : I would like to have a chat with you. When can I see you ?
Farid : Well. Please call on Friday at 6 o'clock. I shall be waiting for you. How are your
parents ?
Adel : ……………………(3)………………….
Farid : I am sorry to hear that. But did they get better ?
Adel : Their health improved a little.
Farid : ……………………(4)…………………..
Adel : Thank you very much.
12- Finish the following dialogue :
Hany : What is the matter ?
Omar : I forgot my wallet .
Hany : ………………….(1)……………… ?
Omar : I have to go back to get it.
Hany : ………………….(2)……………… ?
Omar : Of course. I'm sure it is at home.
Hany : I think there is no problem. ……………(3)……………
Omar : Thanks, I don't like borrowing.
Hany : …………..(4)…………. for the show.
Omar : I can go and return quickly.
13- Finish the following dialogue :
Policeman : You look lost, …………….(1)………….. ?
Stranger : Yes, can you direct me ?
Policeman : ……………….(2)………………..
Stranger : To the Egyptian Museum. …………..(3)…………. ?
Policeman : No, it is ten minutes from here.
Stranger : ……………….(4)……………..
Policeman : Go straight along this street and you'll find it on the left.
Stranger : Thank you very much.
14- Finish the following dialogue :
Ali : I think I'd rather not go out tonight.
Nabil : ………………(1)……………….?
Ali : I have a lot of homework to do.
Nabil : ………………(2)………………. ?
Ali : I don't know how long it will take.
Nabil : ………………(3)………………. ?
Ali : No, thank you. I can do it myself.
Nabil : ………………(4)………………. ?
Ali : Yes, it is.
15- Finish the following dialogue :
Driver : Yes, sir. ………….(1)………….. ?
Pupil : I need a lift in your car.
Driver : Oh! I can give you a lift if you wish to travel to Alexandria.
Pupil : Really ! …………..(2)……………
Driver : So, you're on my way.
Pupil : ………………….(3)……………….. ?
Driver : Well. It takes us four hours to reach Alexandria.
Driver : All right. Get into the car.
Pupil : Thank you very much.
Driver : …………………(4)……………….
16- Finish the following dialogue between Tom, the chemist and his friend William in London :
William : Where will you go next week ?
Tom : ……………….(1)…………………..
William : Oh ! it's very nice place to visit. You will visit many historic places, ……..(2)
………. ?
Tom : Yes, of course, especially the Pyramids.
William : Are you going for a tour only ?
Tom : No, but also for business.
William : ………………..(3)……………… ?
Tom : I want to buy some medical herbs from Aswan.
William : ………………..(4)……………….. ?
Tom : Three weeks.
William : I wish you a safe journey and a happy stay there.
Tom : Thank you.
17- Finish the following dialogue :
Guide : Hello, Sir. You are welcome to Egypt.
Tourist : Thank you. ………..(1)……….. ?
Guide : I think the Sheraton Hotel is the best thing for you.
Tourist : That is right. …………..(2)…………. ?
Guide : Oh, our pyramids and Sphinx.
Tourist : Oh! They are famous. They're in Giza I think.
Guide : Certainly. You'll ………..(3)……………
Tourist : I've heard that your country has changed much in the last ten years.
Guide : Oh ……….(4)…………….
Tourist : I have observed these changes in the splendid buildings I see everywhere.
18- Finish the following dialogue :
You have recently bought a radio but there was something wrong with it. You took it to the
electrician :
Electrician : Can I help you ?
You : …………..(1)…………..
Electrician : …………..(2)…………..?
You : When I plugged it in, it didn't work.
Electrician : Ok let me have a look at it. Yes, I see, It's the lead ……(3)……
You : Sure, but how much will it cost ?
Electrician : Not too much.
You : ………………..(4)…………….. ?
Electrician : Just a couple of days. Can you come back on Monday ?
You : Certainly. Thanks a lot.
19- Finish the following dialogue :
Kamal wants his brother, Nagy, to lend him a sum of money to buy a present for his friend, Ali,
on the occasion of his birthday.
Kamal : …………..(1)………………..?
Nagy : Why do you need it ?
Kamal : …………..(2)……………….
Nagy : …………..(3)………………. ?
Kamal : If possible 40 pounds.
Nagy : I hope …………..(4)………….
Kamal : Be sure of that.

Mr Ihab Abdul Rahman

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