Alligators Vers-WPS Office

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Alligators versus Crocodiles


•Wide, rounded snout.

•Upper jaw hides the fourth tooth in the lower jaw.

•Prefer fresh water.

•Tend to be greener.

•Mature in four to seven years.


•Longer, pointed snout.

•Fourth tooth in the lower jaw is visible even when the mouth is closed.

•Have functioning saltwater glands on their tongues.

Tend to be grayish.

•Mature in eleven years.


•Both are relics of the dinosaur age.

•Belong to families that include other species (caiman for alligators, gavial for crocodiles).

•Found in many parts of the world.

Carnivores located near water.

•Most species are similar in size, except for the saltwater crocodile.

•Cold-blooded, regulating body temperature through water or sun exposure.

•Lack sex chromosomes; sex is determined by egg incubation temperature.

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