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ENSC220 – Remote Lab OPAMP Black-Box Test

Experiment and Record

This is a remote version of OPAMP Black-Box test. If you complete this lab test, submit the record before midnight of June 20th, 2022
and if your results are correct, I will use the marks of this test to give you bonus marks. How much bonus will be determined later.

Our lab engineer Fred has wired an opamp circuit and connected to AD2 units. The circuit is shown below, same as the Lab-Test1.

The circuit is an inverting amplifier with three unknown resistors (R1, R2 and R3). The circuit also has two precision 1K resistors. One of
the precision 1K resistors is shown in the circuit above. The other precision 1K resistor will be shown later in the document. The input
to this circuit is from the waveform generator of AD2. Using the pattern generator, you can set four different measurement conditions.
Follow the instructions below and make those 4 measurements and record the values. From those values you should be able to
calculate the values of R1, R2 and R3.
This experiment is set in three PCs Lab1A-07, Lab1A-09 and Lab1A-10. You may use one of the three to conduct your experiment.

Name: Syed Irvin SFU ID# 301475527

Which Lab1A computer did you use for this experiment? 10

1. Remote log into your chosen computer. Open the Waveforms App and invoke, Scope, WaveGen, Voltmeter,
PatternGenerator and PowerSupplies. The screen shot shown below can be used as a guide-template:

2. Set the Positive Supply to 5V
Enable the Positive Supply and turn ON the Master Enable
This will enable a special circuit and power the
OPAMP with ±12V DC.

3. Add four control parameters in the Pattern Generator. Add DIO-0, DIO-1, DIO-2 and DIO-3. Set the output to PP and Run the
Pattern Generator.

4. The control logic of the PatternGenerator Parameters are as follows:

State-1 State-2 State-3 State-4

DIO 0 0 0 1 0
DIO 1 0 0 1 1
DIO 2 1 0 0 0
DIO 3 0 1 0 0
CH1 of scope measures the
CH1 of scope measures the input voltage across the input 1K
Voltmeter CH2 Voltmeter CH2
from the WaveGen and CH2 of the resistor and the CH2 of scope
Measures VCC Measures VEE
scope measures the output measures the voltage across
(DC Value of CH2) (DC Value of CH2)
(See Figure 2) output 1K resistor.
(See Figure 3)

5. Enable the Voltmeter measurement by pressing RUN of the Voltmeter. Set the control to measure VCC and record that Value
below: (State-1 and 2 of the control)
VCC 12.49 Volts

6. Set control to measure VEE and record that value below: Make sure the VCC and VEE are around ±12V
VEE -12.504 Volts

7. Set the Wavegen to Sine, 1kHz Frequency and 1V Amplitude and press RUN:

8. Press Run for the scope. Set the Pattern generator to State-3. This will now show two sine
waveforms on the scope display. The waveforms will be 180° phase shifted due to the
inverting amplifier configuration. Using the Time setting, average the scope display for 100
This setting is measuring the input and output waveforms for the circuit configuration shown
below in Figure 2.

CH1 of scope CH2 of scope

measures between measures between
node A and Gnd node C and Gnd
Figure 2

Adjust the Range of the CH1 and CH2 of the scope until you get clean sinusoidal waveforms. Using Y-Cursor measure the
peak to peak amplitude of the CH1 and CH2 and record below: Note the units carefully and record the values as precisely as possible.

CH1 Pk_Pk 2.0061 Volts

CH2 Pk_Pk 1.2705 Volts

9. Now set the pattern generator control to State-4. This will adjust the measurement circuit as shown in the below. A second
precision 1K resistor will be added to the output of the circuit. The CH1 of scope measurement will also be adjusted. See
Figure 3.

CH2 of scope
CH1 of scope measures between
measures between node C and Gnd
nodes A and B

Figure 3

Adjust the Range of the CH1 and CH2 of the scope until you get clean sinusoidal waveforms. Using Y-Cursor measure the
peak to peak amplitude of the CH1 and CH2 and record below: Note the units carefully and record the values as precisely as possible.

CH1 Pk_Pk 0.72951 Volts

CH2 Pk_Pk 0.46115 Volts

With the two sets of scope voltage measurements, you should be able to determine the unknown resistors R1, R2 and R3.

R1 1.7 k
R2 1.7 k
R3 1.7 k
If you wish you may write a brief description on how you determined the three resistor values: Methodology, formula and
brief calculation steps.
Description, formula, methodology etc (Optional)

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