Intestinal Malrotation in Adults and Lad

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v. 3, n.

7, 2023

International MALROTATION
Journal of IN ADULTS AND



Jade Lima Mello de Queiroz Campos

General Surgery and Trauma Service:
Dr. Matheus Rangel (Hospital Municipal
Lourenço Jorge)
Rio de Janeiro/RJ

Paulo Guilherme Antunes Correa

General Surgery Service of: Hospital da Força
Aérea do Galeão
Rio de Janeiro/RJ

Juliana Marinho Bastos

General Surgery and Trauma Service:
Dr. Matheus Rangel (Hospital Municipal
Lourenço Jorge)
Rio de Janeiro/RJ

Priscila Paiva dos Santos

General Surgery and Trauma Service:
Dr. Matheus Rangel (Hospital Municipal
Lourenço Jorge)
Rio de Janeiro/RJ

Rodrigo Andrade Vaz de Melo

General Surgery and Trauma Service:
Dr. Matheus Rangel (Hospital Municipal
Lourenço Jorge)
Rio de Janeiro/RJ
All content in this magazine is
licensed under a Creative Com-
mons Attribution License. Attri-
Derivatives 4.0 International (CC
BY-NC-ND 4.0).

International Journal of Health Science ISSN 2764-0159 DOI 10.22533/at.ed.159372321019

Abstract: Intestinal malrotation consists CASE REPORT
of a congenital alteration resulting from Female patient, 26 years old, born in Rio
failure during the return of the intestine de Janeiro, who was referred on November
to the abdominal cavity after its formation 20, 2022 to the Lourenço Jorge Municipal
during embryogenesis. Rare are the cases Hospital, by CER Barra, for an evaluation
of intestinal malrotation that are diagnosed by the General Surgery team because of
in adult life, and it must be considered diffuse abdominal pain that had worsened
as an important differential diagnosis for for 3 days, more intense in the right iliac
intestinal obstruction in non-pediatric fossa, associated with nausea, vomiting and
patients, given its potential for complications unmeasured fever.
due to the diagnostic difficulty. This paper She reports a similar condition 4 years ago,
deals with the case of a 26-year-old patient with hospitalization and discharge improved
with an acute obstructive abdomen who without a defined diagnosis.
underwent the Ladd procedure for the Upon admission, she had a depressed
treatment of intestinal malrotation, with abdomen, diffuse abdominal pain, no signs
good postoperative evolution, as well as a of peritoneal irritation, present peristalsis,
review of the current literature. and no palpable masses. Laboratory with
Keywords: Volvo, obstruction, ladd, bad hemoglobin of 11.5, no leukocytosis or
rotation. deviation, no changes in coagulogram or renal
function, PCR of 58.
INTRODUCTION A CT scan of the abdomen/pelvis was
Between the eighth and tenth week of performed without contrast and evaluated by
embryonic development, the midgut returns to the unit’s radiologist, which showed diffuse
the abdominal cavity, rotating approximately distension of the small bowel loops, without
270° counterclockwise around the superior visualization of the “stop” point, without free
mesenteric artery.⁶ fluid or pneumoperitoneum.
In the same period, the duodenojejunal After passing a nasogastric tube, a flow
segment first returns to the cavity, rotating rate of 300 ml was determined, and the
below and to the right of the artery and device was removed by the patient herself,
attaching itself to the left upper quadrant even before 24 hours of admission, on the
through the ligament of Treitz.⁶ grounds of discomfort.
The cecocolic segment will be positioned Within the first 24 hours of admission,
in the lower right quadrant, its final position still without a conclusive diagnosis, she had
at the end of the twelfth week of development, two episodes of large amounts of diarrhea
the process being complete when the colon is associated with maintenance of abdominal
fixed to the retroperitoneum.⁶ pain.
In this case report, we bring the failure Radiological control with double contrast
of stages of this development process, a case (oral and venous) was then chosen, which
of intestinal malrotation, leading to chronic showed partial improvement in the distention
intestinal subocclusion caused by peritoneal of small bowel loops, “whirlpool sign” and gas
bands (Ladd’s bands), diagnosed only in adult in the rectum.

International Journal of Health Science ISSN 2764-0159 DOI 10.22533/at.ed.159372321019

Images provided by the General Surgery Service of:Hospital Municipal Lourenço Jorge.

International Journal of Health Science ISSN 2764-0159 DOI 10.22533/at.ed.159372321019

Images provided by the General Surgery Service of: Hospital Municipal Lourenço Jorge.


On November 23, 2022, she underwent Incomplete rotation or no rotation
an exploratory laparotomy, which showed of the primitive gut around the superior
intestinal malrotation causing small bowel mesenteric artery during the 8th to 10th week
volvulus). of embryonic development causes intestinal
Patient with good postoperative evolution, malrotation.
started diet on the third day, with partial Generally, the symptomatology triggered
acceptance. She had an emetic episode on the by these alterations appears in the first year of
first day of the diet. life (up to 90% of diagnoses are made in this
On postoperative D4, no nausea and better period), and its presentation in adult life is
diet acceptance, present evacuation, innocent rare, with an estimated incidence of 0.2%. ²,4
abdomen, pain compatible with postoperative Its symptoms vary, depending on the
period. Laboratory without noteworthy obstruction mechanism. In the case above,
changes. the absence of rotation of the duodenojejunal
On November 29, 2022, six days after component followed by normal rotation
surgery, the patient had no complaints, was and fixation of the colic cecum component
oriented in lay terms and was discharged from resulted in an intestinal obstruction by
the hospital with outpatient follow-up. abnormal mesenteric bands, Ladd’s bands,
which extended from the colon anteriorly to
the duodenum. ³,7

International Journal of Health Science ISSN 2764-0159 DOI 10.22533/at.ed.159372321019

The picture can vary from acute to chronic, The indicated procedure is Ladd’s surgery,
from weight loss, vomiting and abdominal which consists of eviscerating the intestine
pain/other abdominal complaints to upper and inspecting the root of the mesentery,
intestinal obstruction with potential evolution followed by counterclockwise rotation of
to intestinal volvulus, ischemia, necrosis and the volvulus, positioning heated compresses
peritonitis. ²,4 on the loops and observing their integrity,
The double contrast exam is considered resection of necrotic segments (if necessary),
the gold standard, showing the “Whirlpool lysis of Ladd’s bands and appendectomy by
Sign”, which describes a rotation and/or chance due to later diagnostic difficulty given
engorgement of the mesenteric vessels and that the cecum will be positioned in the lower
intestine along the superior mesenteric left quadrant and the small intestine in the
artery⁴, as well as complications such right. ⁷’³
as ischemia, necrosis, pneumatosis, This procedure can be performed
pneumoperitoneum and signs of perfusion laparoscopically or laparotomy, and studies
alterations. ²,4 have shown that laparoscopy is related to
Often, as in our case, the malrotation is shorter hospital stays and fewer complications
evidenced during the surgical act, performed regarding the surgical wound. However, there
for the treatment of an intestinal subocclusion is no evidence of advantages regarding the
that does not resolve with clinical treatment. reduction of intraoperative complications,

³CORAN, Arnaldo G; ADZICK, N Scott. Pediatric Surgery. Philadelphia: Elsevier, 2006. 1731 p.

International Journal of Health Science ISSN 2764-0159 DOI 10.22533/at.ed.159372321019

resolution of symptoms or prevention of already had previous episodes requiring
future complications. ⁵ hospitalization, but with resolution of
Complications and death are usually symptoms after conservative treatment,
associated with peritonitis derived from leading to non-diagnosis promptly,
extensive intestinal necrosis due to intestinal generating margin for the emergence of a
volvulus, complications due to nutrition, new subocclusion process 4 years later.
catheter-related sepsis (mainly in patients It can be said that the patient had more
older than 1 year). The mortality rate can reach chronic symptoms, exacerbated in the
65% when more than 75% of the intestine is context of hospitalization for suocclusion,
necrotic. ³ since she was diagnosed only at the age of 26,
The most common surgical complication with nonspecific symptoms, such as diffuse
after the Ladd procedure is small bowel abdominal pain and vomiting, without signs
obstruction by bands. Recurrence of volvulus of severity as the peritoneal irritation.
after the procedure is rare, accounting for Diagnosis delay often occurs because it is
around 0.7% of cases. ² not a common factor among adults, the final
Studies show that patients with recurrence diagnosis being made intraoperatively as
of symptoms will have radiological findings. in our case, in which the patient underwent
And, in most cases, findings on abdominal surgery since she remained symptomatic
X-ray combined with the clinic are enough to despite the conservative measures instituted
indicate a new surgical intervention. ² for treatment. of subocclusion.

There are few cases of intestinal
malrotation diagnosed in adulthood, such
as the case presented above. The patient’s
diagnosis was delayed since she had

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International Journal of Health Science ISSN 2764-0159 DOI 10.22533/at.ed.159372321019


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