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This study aims to determine which of the two fertilizers is more effective in terms of plant
growth and soil fertility. We chose banana due to its nutrient content especially the potassium which
is crucial for the plant growth and the development of the plant. We chose banana because it is
common in our country and is readily available and accessible.

Statement of the problem

Our study aims to answer these following questions:

1. Is it possible for the banana peel and banana sap to be used as fertilizers?
2. Which would show much work efficiency, the banana sap or the banana peel?
3. How does this help the community?
4. Does it help find another usage of the mentioned fruit waste?

To fill in the gap, we hypothesize the significant difference shown between the efficiency of
banana peel and banana sap as fertilizer. We also hypothesize the significant difference shown on the
plant growth by the amount of fertilizer applied on the plant samples. These conducted hypothesis
proves that the banana peel is more efficient when compared to the banana sap as fertilizer, the
hypothesis also finds another way of usage of the mentioned fruit wastes instead of making them as a

To test the hypothesis, we have use the experimental method. First, is we made the Banana
Sap fertilizer. We gathered the materials; water, a container with a lid and a small bucket or container
to collect the sap. Second, is to extract the Banana Sap from a mature Banana tree. Select one with a
healthy pseudostem, gently make a diagonal cut near the base of a banana leaf sheath on the
pseudostem. The sap will ooze out from the cut so the bucket should be placed under the cut to
collect the dripping sap overnight. Now, let's make the liquid fertilizer; dilute the sap with water, stir
the mixture for even distribution. Store the banana sap liquid fertilizer in a container with a tight-
fitting lid. Keep it in a cool, dark place to prevent spoilage. Use this diluted mixture to water your

Now, we are making the Banana Peel fertilizer. We gathered the materials; banana peels
from the banana fruit, water (1-2 liters), a container with a lid, a knife or a pair of scissors and blender
or food process, but this is optional. Once you have your banana peels, cut or tear them into smaller
pieces as this will decompose more easily. Put this smaller banana pieces in the container, pour
enough water to cover the banana peels completely. Close the container tightly to prevent unwanted
pests going inside. Leave the mixture to ferment for about 1-2 weeks; once fermented, strain the
liquid into another container using fine mesh or cheesecloth to remove any solid residue. Make sure
to add water to your strained liquid fertilizer to dilute it as it may be too concentrated and harm your
plants. Once diluted you are now ready to water your plants.

With the results of the experiment, we therefore conclude that banana peel liquid fertilizer is
more effective in terms of plant growth and enhance soil fertility than that of the banana sap.

We further recommend that with more experimental time and plant sample on other types
of soil, we should be able to yield more significant results on the effectiveness of banana sap and
banana peel as liquid fertilizer which is the importance of this study.

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