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Form Import Soal Pilihan Ganda berdasarkan Topik yang dipilih

Jawaban diisi dengan angka 1 untuk jawaban benar, 0 untuk jawaban salah
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Question 1 to 4
“How to Make Easy French Toast”

To make French Toast, you need:

1. 1 spoon of sugar
2. 2 eggs
3. 4 pcs of bread
4. ¼ cup of milk
5. Butter
6. Pan
7. Fork
8. Plate
9. Bowl


1. Break the eggs, then pour the milk in the bowl.

2. Add a spoon of sugar.
3. Mix the sugar, milk, and eggs.
4. Next, put 1 piece of bread in the bowl with eggs, milk, and sugar.
Then, turn it over.
5. Put butter on the pan and heat.
6. After the pan is hot, take out the bread from the bowl and put it
in the pan.
7. Flip the bread after you cook one side, to the other side.
8. After finishing the bread, cook the other 3 pieces of bread with
the same steps.
9. Now, serve the bread on the plate.

SOAL What is the purpose of the text about french toast?

describing french toast
1 JAWABAN entertaining the reader with french toast 0
JAWABAN persuading the reader to cook french toast 0
JAWABAN explaining about french toast 0
JAWABAN telling the reader how to make french toast 0
“To make French Toast, you need:”

SOAL The expression in the text above belongs to …

JAWABAN Materials 0
2 JAWABAN Purpose 0
JAWABAN Methods 0
JAWABAN events 0
SOAL The text above is better addressed to …
JAWABAN Girl who is good at cooking 0
3 JAWABAN A chef 0
JAWABAN A mother at home 0
JAWABAN A student learning at home 0
JAWABAN A husband alone at home 0
“Then, boil the noodles on low heat …”

SOAL The best adverb to complete instruction is….

JAWABAN When finish 0
4 JAWABAN When serving 0
JAWABAN Until blended 0
JAWABAN Over the whole oven 0
JAWABAN For ten minutes 0

Plain flour
Egg whites
Chocolate powder

SOAL We can find the ingredients above in the …

JAWABAN Lemon tea recipe 0
5 JAWABAN Chocolate cake recipe 0
JAWABAN Strawberry pudding recipe 0
JAWABAN Pudding recipe 0
JAWABAN Bolognese pasta recipe 0
Question 6 to 10
1 egg, 50 g cheese, 1 cup milk, 3 tablespoons cooking oil, a pinch of salt and pepper.
Frying pan, fork, spatula, cheese-grater, bowl, and plate.
1. • Crack the egg into a bowl
2. • Whisk the egg with a fork until it’s smooth
3. • Add milk and whisk well
4. • Grate the cheese into the bowl and stir
5. • Heat the oil in frying pan
6. • Turn the omelet with spatula and cook both sides
7. • Place on a plate, season with salt and pepper

SOAL 6. The text above belongs to……

JAWABAN Narrative text 0
6 JAWABAN Procedure text 0
JAWABAN News item 0
JAWABAN spoof 0
JAWABAN Recount text 0
SOAL The text tells us about……
JAWABAN how long to make any kind of food 0
7 JAWABAN ingredients of making omelet 0
JAWABAN utensils of making omelet 0
JAWABAN methods of making omelet 0
JAWABAN how to eat a cheese omelet 0
SOAL The followings are methods of making a cheese omelet, except…..
JAWABAN cracking the egg 0
8 JAWABAN whisking the egg 0
JAWABAN adding milk 0
JAWABAN cheese-grater 0
JAWABAN heating the oil 0
SOAL How much cheese do we need to make a cheese omelet?
JAWABAN one gram 0
9 JAWABAN Three grams 0
JAWABAN Five grams 0
JAWABAN Fifteen 0
JAWABAN Fifty grams 0
SOAL ……is a tool with a flat flexible blade used for mixing and spreading.
10 JAWABAN fork 0
JAWABAN spatula 0
JAWABAN plate 0
JAWABAN Cheese grater 0
SOAL Which the following procedures is true ?
JAWABAN We need 2 small chicken 0
11 JAWABAN we need 3 cups fresh coconut milk 0
JAWABAN we need 5 egg 0
JAWABAN We need 50 grams cheese 0
JAWABAN Turn to low heat until it is tender after adding the spices into the boiled chicken 0
Question 12 to 16
Selectin the parten fish for breeding aquarium fish

Onces males and females have been distinguished, a suitable pair or spawning group
should be choosen. There are several important traits to seek in choosing the parent fish

1. choose fish that display good markings and color, that should produce attractive young
2. only use mature, healthy fish for spawning because unhealty fish, if they will spawn, may
produce unhealty or deformed young
3. be sure that the pair is compatible. Many species cannot be put together in a breeding
tank and expected to get along and produce young. In fact with many cichilds, pairs form
only after a group has been raised together for months if not years. In certain species, one
partner will bully the other to death if there is not compatibility
4. avoid crossing different strains or color forms because the young are often unattractive
5. Make sure that the pair are both of the same species because hybrids are sterile with
some cichild and killfish, females of different species look similar

SOAL What must you do before a suitable pair or spawning groupd should be chosen?
JAWABAN Choosing fish that display good markings and color 0
12 JAWABAN Avoiding crossing different strains or color forms 0
JAWABAN Distinguishing males and females fishes 0
JAWABAN Deciding the same species of the fishes 0
JAWABAN Deciding the same colors of the fishes 0
SOAL Why cant we use unhealty fish for spawning?
JAWABAN Because it is so expensive 0
13 JAWABAN Because it is so dirty 0
JAWABAN because it may produce less eggs 0
JAWABAN Because it may produce unhealty or deformed young 0
JAWABAN Because it will spread disease 0
SOAL What is not true about the breeding spawning
JAWABAN We must to avoid crossing different strains or color forms of fish 0
14 JAWABAN We are prohibited to use mature fish for spawning 0
JAWABAN The pair are in the same species 0
JAWABAN Choosing fish that display good markings and colo 0
JAWABAN If there is not compatibility, one partner will be bullied by the other 0
“.... that should produce attractive young” . what is the similar meaning of the underlined
SOAL word..
JAWABAN Interesting 0
15 JAWABAN Plain 0
JAWABAN Sapless 0
“ Many species cannot be put together in a breeding tank and....” what does the
SOAL underlined word mean?
JAWABAN the action or process of making a copy of something 0
16 JAWABAN The mass of eggs deposited by fishes 0
JAWABAN The mating and production of offspring by animals 0
JAWABAN To bring into existence of the eggs 0
To maintain (something, such as an embryo or a chemically active system) under
JAWABAN conditions favorable for hatching
Question 17- 21
Good skin care and healty lifestyle choices can help delaying the natural aging process and
prevent various skin problems. Here are the following tips are needed, as follows

1. Protect yourself from the sun

One of the most important wys to take care of your skin is to protect it from the sun. A
lifetime of sun exposure can cause wrinkles, age spots, and other skin problems. As well as
increase the risk of skin cancer

2. treat your skin gently

Limiting your bath time will keep your skin gentle. Hot water and long showers remove oils
from your skin. Use warm rather than hot water. To protect and lubricat your skin, apply
shaving cream lotion or gel before shaving.

3. Eat a healty diet

A healty diet can help you look and feel good. Eat plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole
grains, and lean protein. Some research that rich diet in vitamin C and low in unhealty fat
might promote younger looking skin

4. Manage stress
Uncontrolled stress can make your skin more sensitive and trigger acne breakouts and
other skin problems. To encourage healthy skin and a healthy state of min, take some steps
to manage your stress, set reasonable limits, scale back your to do list, and make time to
do the things you enjoy.

5. dont smoke
Smoking ma kes your skin look older and contributes to wrinkles. It narrows the tiny blood
vessels in the outermost layers of skin, which decreases blood flow. It also his depltes
oxygen and nutrients of the skin.

SOAL Which of the following statements is true according to the text above?
JAWABAN To protect and lubricate your skin, use skin soap before shaving 0
Uncontrolled stress can increase the level of your skin sensitivity and stimulate acne
17 0
JAWABAN breakouts
JAWABAN Good skin care healty lifestyle can stop the natural aging process 0
JAWABAN A lifetime of sun exposure can help delaying wrinkles, age spots, and other skin problems 0
Smoking narrows the tiny blood vessels in the outermost layers of skin, which increases
JAWABAN blood flow
SOAL What does the text above tell us about?
JAWABAN Tips to maintain your healthy skin 0
18 JAWABAN Tips to prevnet various ksin problems 0
JAWABAN Tips to get healthy skin 0
JAWABAN Tips to have gentle younger looking skin 0
JAWABAN Tips to healthy lifestyle 0
“on eof the most important ways to take care of your skin is to protect it form the sun”
SOAL what does the underlined word mean?
JAWABAN Keep from happening or arising, make impossible 0
19 JAWABAN Stop from doing something or being in certain state 0
JAWABAN Shield from danger, injury, destruction, or damage 0
JAWABAN Prevent being ruined, destroyed lost or harmed 0
JAWABAN Prefer or look forward to doing something 0
“ To encourage healthy skin and a healthy state of mind take some steps to manage your
stress” what does the underlined word mean?
JAWABAN Dismiss 0
20 JAWABAN Ignorane 0
JAWABAN Handle 0
SOAL What will remove oils from your skin?
JAWABAN Sun exposures and unhealthy diet 0
21 JAWABAN Shaving cream and lotion 0
JAWABAN Hot wter and limited bath time 0
JAWABAN Long showers and hot water 0
JAWABAN Warm water and limited bath time 0
Porter : Let me carry your lagguage mam
Mrs lena : thankyou, here is your tip
Porter : Thank you mam. Have a nice day

The underline word express ...

JAWABAN Giving opinion 0
22 JAWABAN Offering help 0
JAWABAN Giving suggestion 0
JAWABAN Expressing feeling 0
JAWABAN Expression of intention 0
Waiter : Good evening, how can i help you?
Man : i’d like a table for two, please
Waiter :This way, please sir
Man : Thank you

The underline word express..

JAWABAN Giving opinion 0
23 JAWABAN Asking the offer 0
JAWABAN Compliment 0
JAWABAN Suggestion 0
JAWABAN Offering help 0
SOAL From the expression below, which is the expression is not asking for help …
JAWABAN Could you help me for a second? 0
24 JAWABAN Shall i help you? 0
JAWABAN Can i ask you a favor? 0
JAWABAN Thank you i would 0
JAWABAN Would you like me to? 0
Anita : There is a vacancy in today’s daily
Dina : what job is offered?
Anita : a part time of cheff in a chinese restaurant in Jakarta Hotel
Dina : I would aply for the job
Anita: there is another vacancy : a waitress in an italian restaurant
Dina : i see. Thank you for the information

SOAL What job would dina apply for ?

JAWABAN A teacher 0
25 JAWABAN A chef 0
JAWABAN A waiter 0
JAWABAN A hotel manager 0
JAWABAN A restaurant manager 0

26 Bowo : I feel tired and i dizzy .

Dinda : I think ... dont leave the bed if it is not necessary.
SOAL Fill in the blank above with right expression ....
JAWABAN You must sleep early 0
JAWABAN I must take a rest, too 0
JAWABAN You can see the doctor tonight 0
JAWABAN I will take you to the hospital 0
JAWABAN You Should lie down and have some rest. 0
27 SOAL “Can i help you to teach you after class finished?
JAWABAN Greeting 0
JAWABAN Giving suggestion 0
JAWABAN Asking opinion 0
JAWABAN Offering help 0
JAWABAN Offering suggestion 0
28 SOAL Waiter : Good evening, how can i help you?
Man : i’d like a table for two, please
Waiter :This way, please sir
Man : Thank you
The underline word express..
JAWABAN Giving opinion 0
JAWABAN Asking th eoffer 0
JAWABAN Compliment 0
JAWABAN Suggestion 0
JAWABAN Offering help 0
29 SOAL From the expression below, which is the expression is not asking for help …
JAWABAN Could you help me for a second? 0
JAWABAN Shall i help you? 0
JAWABAN Can i ask you a favor? 0
JAWABAN Thank you i would 0
JAWABAN Would you like me to? 0
30 SOAL Hayati hutabarat says that she has downright satisfaction from her position in the
company . but what about some other things in life. There are still important for many
woman to have things like marriage and children. Does hayati regret for not having time
for these things?

What things are still important to many women?

JAWABAN Satisfaction in career 0
JAWABAN Position in the company 0
JAWABAN Having time for children 0
JAWABAN Career in the company 0
JAWABAN Marriage and children 0
31 SOAL Farmer in lampung and west java are likely to face difficulties with rice harvest in the next
two month because hundreds of thousands of hectare rice field have been under threat
from a long drought . therefore , the government has started worrying the two provinces

What is the text about?

JAWABAN The next rice harvest 0
JAWABAN Farmers in lampung 0
JAWABAN Rice fields 0
JAWABAN Possible failure in the next harvest 0
JAWABAN Farmers in west java 0
32 SOAL Cindy : “Mom, I’ve got the scholarship”.
Mother : “Congratulations! ….”
JAWABAN Im so proud of you 0
JAWABAN That’s a pity 0
JAWABAN Happy birthday 0
JAWABAN That’s so sweett 0
JAWABAN That’s awful 0
33 SOAL My sister is not only beautiful, but also has some good characters, which are
JAWABAN Lazy and sensitive 0
JAWABAN Stupid and lazy 0
JAWABAN Friendly and cheerful 0
JAWABAN Lazy and shy 0
JAWABAN Careless and sensitive 0
34 SOAL What is the following expression is asking suggestion ......
JAWABAN You are beautiful 0
JAWABAN What do you think of ? 0
JAWABAN What’s your problem 0
JAWABAN Good Morning 0
JAWABAN No, i cant. 0
35 SOAL What is the Following expression is not giving suggestion.....
JAWABAN In my opinion 0
JAWABAN I believe that 0
JAWABAN It seems that 0
JAWABAN As i see it 0
JAWABAN What do you think about? 0
36 SOAL What is the following expression is giving suggestion ....
JAWABAN What do you think of ? 0
JAWABAN Do you think ? 0
JAWABAN How do you like? 0
JAWABAN What is your opinion? 0
JAWABAN I personally believe 0
37 SOAL What is the following responses below is positive responses ....
JAWABAN Yes, that’s good idea 0
JAWABAN No, idont think so 0
JAWABAN I dont think i can 0
JAWABAN Im affraid i disagree 0
JAWABAN I dont agree with you 0
38 SOAL What is the following expressions is asking opinion
JAWABAN I personally believe 0
JAWABAN I personally consider 0
JAWABAN Well, personally 0
JAWABAN If i had my view, i would 0
JAWABAN Do you have any idea ? 0
39 SOAL What is the following experssions is giving opinion .....
JAWABAN Have you got any comments on ? 0
JAWABAN Do you have any idea? 0
JAWABAN I personally believe... 0
JAWABAN What is your opinion about ... ? 0
JAWABAN Please give your frank opinion ? 0
40 SOAL From the expr ession below, what is the expressions is informal giving opinion
JAWABAN I personally believe... 0
JAWABAN I hold the opinion 0
JAWABAN I personally think 0
JAWABAN Well, personally 0
JAWABAN I dont like it 0
41 SOAL From the expression below, what is the expressions is asking opinion (Formal)
JAWABAN Do you have any idea ? 0
JAWABAN What do you think of ? 0
JAWABAN What is your opinion ? 0
JAWABAN How was the trip ? 0
JAWABAN How do you like ? 0
42 SOAL Bowo : I feel tired and i dizzy .
Dinda : I think ... dont leave the bed if it is not necessary.
Fill in the blank above with right expression ....
JAWABAN You must sleep early 0
JAWABAN I must take a rest, too 0
JAWABAN You can see the doctor tonight 0
JAWABAN I will take you to the hospital 0
43 SOAL "Chocolate cheese cake"
A. Ingredient
Here are some ingredient to make chocolate cheese cake, as follow
1.16 ounces cream cheese, to package softened
2.1/2 cup sugar
3.1/2 teaspoon vanilla
4.2 large egg
5.4 ounces semi sweet chocolate chips
6. 1 prepare graham crackers crust

B. Step
Here are some step to make chocolate cheese cake as follow
1. Beat cream cheese, sugar and vanilla at medium speed until well blended
2. Blend in 2 eggs
3. Stir in chocolate chips then pour batter into graham crackers. ( you may springkle 1/4
cup mini semi sweet chocolate chips on top if you desire)
4. Bake at 35 °C for 40 minutes cool
5. for base results refrigerate for 3 hour
6. Yield: 6 servings

The goal of the text above is to tell about...

JAWABAN A. How to bake chocolate cheese and cake 0
JAWABAN B. How make chocolate cheese cake 0
JAWABAN C. How to make an omelet 0
JAWABAN D. How to beat cream cheese 0
JAWABAN E. How to blend sugar and vanilla 0
44 Soal What should we do before blend in 2 eggs?
JAWABAN A. Beat cream cheese, sugar and vanilla at medium speed until well blended 0
JAWABAN B. Refrigerate chocolate cheese for three hour 0
JAWABAN C. Stir in chocolate chips 0
JAWABAN D. Pour batter into graham crackers 0
JAWABAN E. Bake chocolate chips at 35 °C for 45 minutes 0
45 Soal How many people is the cake for?

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