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The Quintessential

Dwarf II:
Advanced Tactics
Alejandro Melchor
Contents Credits
2 Introduction Line Developer
Richard Ford
4 Racial Paths
21 Multiclassed Dwarves Illustrations
Marcio Fiorito, Phil Renne,
47 The Legendary Dwarf Chad Sergesketter, Stephen Shepherd

63 Superior Tools Studio Manager

Ian Barstow
75 The Magical Dwarf
89 Tricks of the Trade Production Director
Alex Fennell
99 Dwarven Engineering
109 The Clan Patrick Hudson, Allyson Miller, Ashley Tarmin

115 Survival Tactics Playtesters

Scott Alexander, Harvey Barker, Chris Beacock,
121 Designer’s Notes Tanya Bergen, Andre Chabot, Janet Consolini,
122 Index Steve Consolini, Mark Diefenderfer, Mark Gedak,
Jeff Greiner, Robert Hall, Trevor Kerslake, Patrick
124 Character Sheet Kossman, Brian LeTendre, Joseph R. Leurin, Kent
Little, Leslie Lock, Alan Marson, Mike Moreno,
128 License Murray Perry, Mike Russo, Sam Vail, Brian D.
Weibeler, Pat Werda, Nathaniel G. Williams

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The Quintessential Dwarf II: Advanced Tactics ©2004 Mongoose Publishing. All rights reserved. Reproduction of
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Introduction 2 Quintessential Dwarf II: Advanced Tactics

The Advanced Tactics
solated from the world, the vast kingdoms of the
dwarves fight invisible battles against foes known
only to them, their fortunes waxing and waning far series
from the view of other races. They smile inwardly when The Advanced Tactics series takes an advanced look at
other races accuse them of insularism, of denying their the whole range of class and racial sourcebooks from
full support when it is requested of them. After all, they Mongoose Publishing, all designed to greatly widen a
never ask for any when facing the innumerable dangers player’s options for his character within the d20 games
of their underground homes. system. More than simple continuations, the second
series of Quintessential books fit seamlessly into any
Dwarves are monolithic in bearing and attitude to the fantasy-based campaign, providing advanced alternatives
point where many believe that they are all alike, gruff for characters of one class or race within the game,
warriors who hide behind their beards and armour. The allowing both players and Games Masters the chance to
truth, like their kingdoms, lies deep beneath the surface. give mid- and high-level characters new options without
The stone halls of the dwarves invite none and accept overpowering or unbalancing the game as a whole. The
none, being better protected than the communities of Advanced Tactics series will not necessarily allow players
any other race and having contact with the outside world to make their characters more powerful, but they will be
only through trade, adventuring or through ambassadors able to do a lot more than they ever thought possible.
who never get to see the full extent of a dwarven hold.

Dwarves are not unfriendly despite appearances. Their

The Quintessential
culture, steeped in custom and tradition, is difficult to
understand, and they do not try to explain it to outsiders,
Dwarf II: Advanced
content instead to bear their honour and pride with them Tactics
wherever they go. With the help of this sourcebook, anyone choosing to play
a dwarf character will find many alternatives and options
to expand his range of abilities. By following racial
paths, dwarves can attune themselves to an aspect of their
culture and gain special benefits from their closeness to
their own blood. Multiclassing takes a look at the various
options that a dwarf character has to assume a traditional
role by mixing the talents of different classes, and with
legendary classes, he can embark upon a road that will
take him to epic levels and beyond. Superior Tools offers
a glimpse into the way that dwarves work and how they
equip their more respected members, followed by a look
at what special magic the dwarves have devised to follow
their ethos of tradition and respect. The Tricks of the
Trade chapter expands upon the skills that dwarves learn
throughout their lives, while the Dwarven Engineering
chapter shows what these underground workers are really
capable of when they set their minds to it. Finally, The
Clan chapter pries open some of this race’s most guarded
secrets and traditions.

Dwarves are a fascinating race who follow the ideals

of order, tradition and honour, respecting their betters
and aiding those weaker than themselves with equal
ceremony and educated politeness. Short of stature but
great in spirit, dwarves leave an indelible mark upon any
adventure and The Quintessential Dwarf II: Advanced
Tactics provides all the necessary tools for any dwarven
adventurer to become a legend.
Introduction 3 Quintessential Dwarf II: Advanced Tactics

Thaine sat down in front of the fireplace, letting its warmth slowly relax him. This was a different fire from the
ones he was used to working. This was not the creative fire of the forge, nor the raging blaze of battle. No, these
gentle flames were home, even if he was really miles away from the ancestral hold of his family, staying at a
human inn with his adventuring companions, to whom he had sworn an oath of brotherhood.

‘You are deep in thought, master dwarf.’ Erian joined him in the inn’s common room. The young human looked
decidedly scrawny when outside of his armour.

‘Aye, young knight,’ the dwarf admitted as the human sat down near him. ‘Although it was a rather shallow depth
this time.’

‘I am not so young anymore.’ Erian smiled, pointing at his greying temples.

‘Hah! You will always be a child to my eyes, Erian.’ The dwarf laughed gently, a rumbling sound nonetheless.
‘You were a wee little cub when we first met, and you are still just as stubborn!’

‘Not as stubborn as you, Thaine,’ the knight countered, turning to look at the fire.

They remained silent for a while, letting their mutual laughter die down into a chuckle and then into quiet
contemplation. Thaine stood up and patted his human friend’s shoulder.

‘Everything will turn out well, you will see,’ he said, gently squeezing Erian’s lean shoulder. ‘This will not be the
first maiden we rescue from harm.’

‘Yes… but this maiden is my wife.’ Erian looked down. ‘Thank you for coming. I know how hard it is for you to
disobey the king’s edicts.’

‘Nonsense, boy.’ Thaine resumed his contemplation of the fire. ‘Your first loyalty is to your family. It is your
family that gives you strength when all other strength falters. It is your family that makes a house into a home.
Kings will rise and fall, but your family is eternal. You are my friend and brother in arms; your family is my

Erian put his own hand over his friend’s, nodding with deep gratitude.

‘Now rest.’ The dwarf gave the knight another fatherly pat. ‘We still have a full day’s march ahead of us and you
barely have any flesh around your bones as it is.’

Erian chuckled softly and stood, his eyes looking down at the veteran dwarf’s short stature, but his soul looking
up to the party’s moral support.

As the human departed, Thaine resumed his meditations, letting his eyes linger on the dancing flames. The
adventure he was undertaking for the sake of his friend was unlike others they had experienced together. Erian
was an established knight of the court, highly respected and acclaimed, with his motley crew gaining their own
accolades for their work towards securing the peace in the kingdom. Where was this support in the knight’s hour
of need, when a visiting ambassador had kidnapped his pretty wife? Lost in politics, the true duty of a liege to his
vassal overshadowed by the necessities of rule.

Thaine chuckled. In his own land, this insult would have ignited a war, and not because his clan was particularly
bellicose, but because of the rationale he had comforted Erian with: family, blood, honour. Compared to these,
what could be more important?
Racial Paths 4 Quintessential Dwarf II: Advanced Tactics

Racial Paths
warves are a stalwart race, strong of body and  One feat from that path’s advancement options.
spirit and possessed of a tremendous will and
perseverance. They have often been compared  The minimum ability requirement (if any) for that
to the mountains where they build their homes, and to path.
the stone that they know and work so well. A dwarf
who sets his mind to something will never yield There may be additional restrictions for certain Racial
physically or spiritually; giving credence to the belief Paths; these will be detailed in the Restrictions section
that stubbornness runs in his veins just as lava flows for each path. Each Racial Path also requires a specific
inside a volcano. ritual action on the character’s part; he must perform
this action each time he gains a level or else fall from
Dwarves exhibit this and other particular racial traits as the path. Again, these ritual actions will be specified in
they grow and age – that is, if they show the necessary the Restrictions section.
dedication and respect for dwarven traditions, something
that most dwarves have no problem doing. A character may follow only one path (Racial or
Career) at any time. In addition, the Racial Path he has
Racial Paths are a core concept in the Quintessential II chosen must be maintained. Every time the character
series of sourcebooks from Mongoose Publishing and advances a character level, he must do at least one of
provide a range of templates for each race that will the following:
allow a Player to plan his character’s advancement
following a given ideology. While a Racial Path focuses  Select a new feat from the career path’s advancement
on the mechanics of advancement by providing a small options (only available if his level advancement
benefit and disadvantage to the character’s abilities, it grants a feat).
also serves as a roleplaying aid to guide the character’s
progress and goals through his adventuring career,  Increase the ability listed as the minimum ability for
shortening the time spent choosing new abilities and that path (only available if his level advancement
powers during level advancement. grants an ability increase and if the path has a
minimum ability score requirement).
Any one Racial Path may be applied to a character
when he gains a new level. The listed benefits and  Increase a skill from that path’s advancement options.
disadvantages are applied, any roleplaying description The character need only spend 1 skill point in this
modified to account for the template and then the fashion.
character is ready to follow his chosen path. From
this point forth, both the Player and the Games Master When a character selects a path he gains one benefit and
should be aware of the selected Career Path and take one disadvantage from the accompanying list. He is free
steps to ensure the character is played accordingly. It to choose which advantage and disadvantage he prefers.
must be stressed that Racial Paths are a roleplaying tool, Each of these advantages and disadvantages persist as
not simply a method to gain lots of new abilities! long as the character qualifies for the path. If he ever
strays from or leaves the path, he loses both aspects.

Following a Dwarf’s Characters can abandon or lose a Racial Path either

by failing to meet requirements or by breaking one of
Racial Path the restrictions listed on the path. In either case the
When a dwarf character gains any character level he may character immediately loses both the benefits and the
choose a Racial Path that he qualifies for. The character disadvantages associated with his path. Once he lapses,
must be a dwarf to follow a dwarf’s Racial Path. In each the dwarf may restart the path the next time he gains a
path’s description, the Advancement Options section character level.
describes a number of skills, feats or other choices that
serve both as a route map and a list of prerequisites Unlike many Career Paths, a character becomes more and
for that path. The character must meet the following more powerful as he advances on his Racial Path. For
requirements: every five character levels that the character maintains his
path without failing, he gains one additional advantage
 One skill at the requisite rank from that path’s and disadvantage from the proposed list. However, if he
advancement options.
Racial Paths 5 Quintessential Dwarf II: Advanced Tactics

ever falls from his path, he must start over again at the or to escape the role that his clan expects him to fulfil.
beginning. A character may never select a new Racial Once on the road, he is fairly open-minded about the
Path if he has already abandoned another, though he is company that he might end up with, making him a good
still eligible for a Career Path (though whilst following friend and ready ally. The problem is that he will resist
a Career Path, the character will not be able to restart his any authority within a party itself, doing what he thinks
old Racial Path). is right in almost every situation.

Note that skills and feats do not change their requirements Roleplaying: As the name implies, a dwarf taking the
regarding the character. Cross-class skills do not become path of defiance is rebellious, challenging anything
class skills and he must still meet the prerequisites of a that dares stand between him and his goals. He is
feat in the advancement options list before being able to perseverant like any other dwarf, and has the will to
gain it. The Racial Path is more like a route map that resist external influences, both mundane and magical.
restricts the character’s freedom of choice in exchange This hard-headedness need not be irrational – even if
for a benefit and a clearer sense of purpose. it is a common occurrence, as a follower of the path
of defiance objects to things almost on principle. By
For example, a dwarven barbarian with Intimidate 5 giving an alternative perspective he often becomes an
ranks and the Improved Initiative feat has reached 5th inspiration for good and workable plans. Stubborn
level and decides he wants to follow the path of magma. disobedience is not uncommon in such dwarves, but
Because he meets all of that path’s requirements, he the smarter ones will mellow it with good judgement,
may start following the path. He immediately gains choosing their battles accordingly.
one advantage and one disadvantage from it. When
he reaches 6th character level he must either spend one
skill point on Intimidate, Jump, Perform or Tumble or
select his new feat from the path of magma’s options
(meeting all the normal prerequisites for that feat). If
he can hold to the path for five full character levels, he
gains a second advantage and disadvantage at 10th level.
However, he falls from the path by failing to brand his
flesh with a rune of power (which is detailed in the path’s
Restrictions section). He automatically loses both the
advantages and disadvantages he gained from the path.
If he takes up the path again at 12th level (choosing the
Power Attack feat to meet the requirements) he gains
one advantage and disadvantage of his choice.

Path of Defiance
Every society breeds its own malcontents, and
dwarves, for all their tradition and stability, are no
exception. The path of defiance exists for those
dwarves who resist the mandates of things that
are not to their liking and value their personal
freedom over the duties to clan and family. Most
of dwarven society views those who embrace
this path as rebellious troublemakers, but wise
elders know that even the misfits have their
place in dwarven culture, giving it a nudge and
a push when needed and keeping it current. On
a personal level, a dwarf who embraces the path
of defiance is ironically following up on a very
dwarven trait, and that is the ability to trudge
forward despite any obstacle.

Adventuring: A dwarf who walks the path

of defiance may set out adventuring just
to spite the expectations of his family
Racial Paths 6 Quintessential Dwarf II: Advanced Tactics

Advancement Options: A character follows the path level. Even creatures normally immune to fear are
of defiance Racial Path by choosing the following affected, as they are impressed by the dwarf’s fierce
advancement options: Disable Device 5 ranks, Escape opposition.
Artist 5 ranks, Open Lock 5 ranks, Sense Motive 5
ranks; Agile, Dodge, Diehard, Endurance, Heighten Disadvantages: The path of defiance must select one
Spell, Improved Grapple, Improved Initiative, Improved of the following disadvantages when he starts on this
Unarmed Strike, Iron Will, Nimble Fingers, Run. path. For every five character levels that he maintains
the path, he gains an additional disadvantage.
Restrictions: A dwarven defier must be of chaotic
alignment. Whenever he gains a level, a defier gets rid  Slippery (Su): The character defies any attempts to
of the old to embrace the new. He selects one piece influence him, but he sometimes outsmarts himself.
of his equipment and breaks and ruins it with his own All beneficial mind-affecting spells or special abilities
hands. The item must have a minimum value of 50 targeting him have their durations halved. This
gp multiplied by the level he just attained. The item does not affect the spell or ability itself, which acts
may never be restored by magic or repair; the character normally on other characters except for the dwarf.
destroys it with the intention of getting rid of it forever. For effects that can be maintained by the originator,
If he recovers the item by any means, he drops off the such as bardic music, the path of defiance enjoys the
path of defiance. If someone restores the item against benefits of the spell or ability intermittently, gaining
his will and gives it to him later, he is under obligation to the benefits one round, but not the next.
destroy it again and give a sound thrashing to the well-
intentioned fool.  Chaos Incarnate (Su): The character’s defiance
reaches a spiritual height that affects the way his
Benefits: The defier must select one of the following soul interacts with the rest of the world. As he is
benefits when he starts on this path. For every five a creature of chaos, a detect chaos spell can detect
character levels that he maintains the path, he gains an his presence, with an aura strength equal to half his
additional benefit. character level. He suffers a –2 penalty to saving
throws against the special attacks of lawful creatures
 Irrepressible (Su): The character is extremely as well as spells with the law descriptor.
opinionated, which gives him a supernatural
resistance to any attempt to sway his mind into  Short Fuse (Ex): The character is ready to act
thinking about anything he does not want to. When upon any attempt to curb his freedom, making him
the path of defiance is targeted by a mind-affecting overreact to certain stimuli. He must make a Will
spell or ability, he rolls two dice for his saving throw save (DC 15) whenever he is contradicted or told to
and keeps the highest result. do something, even if the order or suggestion makes
perfect sense. Failure means that the character enters
 Unstoppable (Su): Traditional dwarven stubbornness a contrary state of mind and will refuse to follow up
finds a way to express itself through the dwarven path on any plan; he cannot enjoy the benefits of the aid
of defiance, giving the character the ability to move another action nor from flanking and he refuses any
forward where others would be stopped. If he enters assistance. If he fails his save with a result of 1 or
any area that would reduce his speed in half, whether 2, he also flies into a reckless rage that imposes a
by magic or mundane means, he can instead move at –2 morale penalty on attack rolls, skill checks and
three-quarters his speed and gains a +2 bonus to any saving throws. This state of mind lasts for 1d6+1
saving throw or skill check that would allow him to rounds in a combat situation, or 1d6+1 x 10 minutes
move at full speed. if triggered during a non-combat situation.

 Unshakeable (Ex): A dwarf on the path of defiance

is not easily intimidated, and his resistance can even Path of Delving
impress others who would otherwise wish to cow The hold and mines of a dwarven community are usually
him. If the dwarf successfully resists a fear effect or dug into the ground, so that every corridor, hall and well
an Intimidate check, he gains an automatic chance to is mapped as the dwarves themselves created them.
return the favour and scare his would-be intimidator Excavations sometimes hit pre-existing caverns, full
with his defiance. He rolls d20, adding his character of unexplored corners that dwarves have no choice but
level and Charisma modifiers, targeting the creature to map out or risk being surprised. A delver dedicates
that tried to affect him. The creature must make a his life to this need to explore the deeper parts of the
Will save with a DC equal to the roll’s result and, if it dwarves’ world, becoming familiar with the ecology
fails, it is shaken for one round per half the character’s
Racial Paths 7 Quintessential Dwarf II: Advanced Tactics

of the underground realms and increasing his racial

adaptation to living miles below the surface.

Adventuring: The life of a delver is already an

adventure, and he does not need to look beyond his
borders for an opportunity to experience growth and
excitement. He likes to get lost in the endless corridors
of the underrealms, exploring caverns and passages
and surviving in the harshest terrain imaginable. He
is the logical choice to become the guide and scout of
any party that expects to travel underground, with his
knack for knowing which is where and his ability to tell
directions even when no stars can be seen.

Roleplaying: A delver can obey several inclinations,

but he is usually driven and enthusiastic when it
comes to travelling underground, especially into
holes he has never been before. He is much more
sedate when he is not exploring, looking bored
by the lack of challenges in his current situation.
However, these dwarves know how to keep quiet,
especially because their travails may take them
close to the territories of some of dwarvenkind’s
worst enemies.

Advancement Options: A character follows the path

of delving by choosing the following advancement
options: Climb 5 ranks, Jump 5 ranks, Knowledge
(dungeoneering) 5 ranks, Hide 5 ranks; Athletic, Blind-
Fight, Endurance, Enlarge Spell, Lightning Reflexes,
Self-Sufficient, Stealthy, Track.

Restrictions: Whenever he gains a level, a delver must

seek an underground location and travel aimlessly for an towards its location. He cannot keep the same
entire day’s journey (an 8-hour walk); he must then find marker for many days, but must set a new one every
his way back out, travelling for another 8 hours. This morning.
journey of self-discovery requires a simple Survival
check (DC 15). For every point that the result exceeds  Underground Forage (Ex): The underground
the DC, the character takes one less hour to find his way landscape is harsh and not very apt for survival, but the
back. delver is an expert survivor in such an environment.
He can make Survival checks (DC 10) while moving
Benefits: A dwarf on the path of delving must select one at full speed to find food and water, although this
of the following benefits when he starts on this path. For ability works only in underground environments. He
every five character levels that he maintains the path, he finds enough sustenance for one person for every 2
gains an additional benefit. points that the check result exceeds 10. Note that the
food obtained this way may be less than palatable,
 Unerring Location (Ex): Dwarves can tell yet still nutritious.
automatically just how deep they are at any point.
A delver extends this ability to know how far he has  Digger (Ex): A dwarf walking the path of delving
travelled each day. Every morning, the dwarf sets is a creature of the underground realms. With the
a mental marker on his location when travelling appropriate tools, the character gains a burrow speed
underground, and he can tell how to make his way of 10 feet per round. The Games Master can determine
back to it no matter where he ends up or how far that a particular patch of terrain is composed of hard
he travels. He knows the distance that he has rock, in which case the character’s burrowing speed
travelled from the marker, and also the direction is reduced to 5 feet in a full-round action.
Racial Paths 8 Quintessential Dwarf II: Advanced Tactics

Disadvantages: The delver must select one of the and prefers to ‘take point,’ breaking any resistance to the
following disadvantages when he starts on this path. For group’s advance with his adamantine determination.
every five character levels that he maintains the path, he
gains an additional disadvantage. Roleplaying: The follower of the path of diamond
emulates the precious stone that is his namesake in both
 Agoraphobia (Ex): The path of delving takes a dwarf act and demeanour. He is clear of purpose and relentless
deep underground to live in tight confines, and he is in effort, surprising friends and foes alike with his sharp
much more comfortable there instead of in wide open honesty. At the same time, this dwarf is not afraid to
spaces. Whenever the character is in a vast expanse show his different facets and explore each and every one
(hills, plains, city plazas, etc.) he suffers a –1 morale of them, warning companions not to cross him when he
penalty to all skill checks, attack rolls and saving is angry, for his wrath, like his other emotions, is clear
throws. The insides of buildings mitigate this effect, and pure, and will not be deterred.
but any large, mostly unpopulated hall will make the
character feel ill at ease. Advancement Options: A character follows the path
of diamond Racial Path by choosing the following
 Open Confusion (Ex): The dwarf on the path of advancement options: Minimum Wisdom 13; Bluff
delving is so used to travelling underground that he 5 ranks, Craft (gem cutting) 5 ranks, Sense Motive 5
has forgotten how to orientate himself on the surface. ranks, Spot 5 ranks; Cleave, Dodge, Greater Cleave,
All Survival checks performed above ground have Improved Critical, Improved Overrun, Improved Sunder,
their DCs increase by +5. Improved Unarmed Strike, Mobility, Power Attack,
Spell Penetration, Stunning Fist, Weapon Focus.
 Uneasy Sleep (Ex): The character develops a need
for the embrace of the earth in order to rest. He must Restrictions: A dwarven follower of the path of diamond
sleep in a hole at least 5 feet in depth, or he will not must be of lawful alignment. Whenever he gains a level
be able to get a good night’s sleep. If he fails to sleep he must meditate on a small diamond worth at least
under such conditions, he only heals half his level in 50 gp, admiring its facets and contemplating how the
hit points and suffers a –1 morale penalty to his skill diamond reflects the state of his soul. He meditates for
checks and saving throws for the following day. His one day, after which he must mount the diamond on a
bedding must be a hole in the earth; a stone niche in piece of jewellery, either commissioning it or doing it
a wall will not do. himself. He then must leave this piece of jewellery at
the temple of a lawful deity.

Path of Diamond Benefits: The follower of the path of diamond must

Dwarves are expert miners, prying treasures from the select one of the following benefits when he starts on this
earth’s bosom with precision and skill and working path. For every five character levels that he maintains
them to create objects of great beauty. In the case of the path, he gains an additional benefit.
diamonds, dwarves not only admire the splendour of
their rough form and the clear magnificence of their  Diamond Fist (Ex): The dwarf has made his body
finished, crafted shape; they also admire their hardness, emulate one of the diamond’s characteristics. The
resilience and strength. For many dwarves, diamonds critical multiplier for his unarmed attacks increases
are the epitome of what it means to be a dwarf, a soul by +1 (usually becoming x3). Once per day, he can
with a lot of raw potential that can become beautiful confer this benefit onto a weapon for which he has
and deadly with work and training. A follower of the the Weapon Focus feat, increasing the critical damage
path of diamond takes this lesson to heart and hones his multiplier by +1, but leaving other characteristics of
body and soul to match a diamond’s edge and hardness, the weapon untouched. The benefit lasts for 1 minute
embodying this precious stone’s characteristics. per character level.

Adventuring: A follower of the path of diamond sees  Adamantine Strike (Ex): The dwarf’s attacks grow
adventuring as the great jeweller that will sharpen his devastating in their accuracy and potency. Three
edge, cut away his flaws and help him achieve his true times per day plus one per Wisdom modifier, the
potential. He accepts good and bad experiences as dwarf can ignore the hardness of any object that
lessons that perfect him, and all hardships as the work he strikes. This ability also bypasses a construct’s
of providence towards making him into a better person. damage reduction.
A follower of the path of diamond makes his body into
a weapon that he offers his companions for wielding,  Diamond Strength (Su): The character has achieved a
particular bond with the properties of a diamond, so
Racial Paths 9 Quintessential Dwarf II: Advanced Tactics

that he knows where to apply damage to completely Adventuring: A follower of the path of family is not
destroy an object. Once per day, the character can very likely to leave his home for a life of reckless
make a touch attack against an object (the rules for adventuring; this would mean he is shirking his duties,
attacking a held or worn object apply); the object which is an unthinkable proposition. When a path of
struck does not suffer damage, but it must make a family leaves the familial threshold behind, it is because
Fortitude save (DC 10 + half the character’s level + his quest will bring a greater good to his relatives in the
Strength modifier) or be instantly destroyed. The long run. He hopes he will bring glory to his name or
object must be inanimate and weigh no more than additional resources for his family’s endeavours, or he
200 pounds. is defending both clan and country from a greater threat.
The character is usually a parent already when he dons
Disadvantages: The follower of the path of diamond the mantle of an adventurer, and he projects many of his
must select one of the following disadvantages when he attitudes onto his new companions, treating them like
starts on this path. For every five character levels that he children he must guide to the right and proper path.
maintains the path, he gains an additional disadvantage.
Roleplaying: The parental attitudes of a dwarf upon the
 Cuts Both Ways (Ex): The emulation of the diamond path of family can grate on the nerves of his companions
in the character’s body has its adverse effects as well. who believe they have nothing to learn from such a fussy
As the character moves, his diamond essence affects dwarf. Like any responsible parent, the follower of the
his own equipment, filing it down and damaging it path of family respects this opinion but in his heart keeps
unintentionally. One day after wearing or using any looking out for the wayward youth, who obviously does
particular piece of equipment, its hardness is reduced not know what is good for him. The dwarf’s actual
by 1. It continues to lose one point of hardness every behaviour depends on what parental role he wants to
week. A character can repair damaged objects with a assume with others; he can be strict but caring as easily
normal Craft check, restoring the item’s full hardness as he can be spoiling or even abusive.
rating. Magical equipment is not affected by this
disadvantage. Advancement Options: A character follows the
path of family Racial Path by choosing the following
 Stiff Limbs (Ex): The character’s adamantine advancement options: Minimum Wisdom 13; Bluff 5
constitution has a downside, and it is in the loss of ranks, Knowledge (history) 5 ranks, Knowledge (nobility
agility as his limbs become harder and stiffer. The and royalty) 5 ranks, Sense Motive 5 ranks; Combat
character loses one point of Dexterity for every Casting, Combat Expertise, Enlarge Spell, Improved
benefit he has from the path of diamond. Disarm, Improved Grapple, Improved Trip, Improved
Unarmed Strike, Leadership, Negotiator, Persuasive,
 Faceted Eyes (Su): The character’s eyes acquire a Shield Bash, Weapon Focus (dwarven urgrosh), Weapon
diamond-like aspect, becoming clear and slightly Focus (dwarven waraxe).
transparent. This supernatural transformation robs
the dwarf of his darkvision. Restrictions: Whenever he gains a level on the path of
family the dwarf must return to his home with presents
for his immediate family. He must be married and have
Path of Family at least one child or must alternatively be the godfather
One of the most hallowed traditions in dwarven culture is of at least three younger dwarves. The presents cannot
respect for family. Clans are formed around bloodlines be generic; the dwarf must carefully select each one to
in a grander scale, but they have the basic nuclear fit the recipient and must deliver the presents in person,
family at their core. A dwarf can turn his soul towards a for it is this simple ritual that strengthens the bonds of
complete devotion to his blood-related duties, becoming family that power his resolve.
a paragon of dwarven values and a role model for all
the young in his own family and clan. A follower of Benefits: The dwarf must select one of the following
the path of family is a dwarf with many ties to his own benefits when he starts on this path. For every five
people that go beyond mere familial bonds; he basically character levels that he maintains the path, he gains an
ties his very existence to the power of his name, and all additional benefit.
his actions reflect either honour or shame upon the rest
of his relatives. A dwarf walking the path of family does  Heirloom: The character’s family history is rich
nothing wholly for himself; he always keeps an eye out and varied, and counts a number of adventurers and
for the good of his people. master crafters in its ranks. The family deems the
character worthy of receiving one of its heirlooms,
which he receives next time he visits the family after
Racial Paths 10 Quintessential Dwarf II: Advanced Tactics

choosing this benefit. The heirloom is a magical  Homesickness (Ex): The dwarf is very close to his
item selected randomly but which must be of use to family, and separation makes his heart grow heavy.
the character. The player decides what kind of item After two months spent away from his family, the
he wants his character to receive (weapon, armour, character makes a Will save (DC 15 +1 per additional
wand, staff, wondrous item, ring or rod; potions month of separation) once each week. If he fails, he
and scrolls are too transient to be heirlooms) and suffers a –1 morale penalty on all skill checks for
the Games Master chooses one randomly from the 1d4+2 days. Even if he rolls the minimum duration
tables in Core Rulebook II. The character must be of 3 days, he need not roll for another bout of
able to use the item based on proficiency and any homesickness until a week has passed.
spellcasting requisites so the Games Master should
roll again if an unsuitable item comes up (such as a  Token (Ex): The character has a token that reminds him
druid receiving a holy avenger). The item’s caster of his family; this may be a brooch, a sketch by one
level should be equal to or lower than the character’s of his children, a scarf or any other inconsequential
own level. item that the character carries with him at all times.
If he ever loses this token, he is disheartened and
 Strength From Duty (Su): The character draws cannot draw strength from his family ties. He cannot
strength from ties to his family, from their memory activate the strength from duty benefit, and cannot
and even from their very existence. Whenever the add his Will save bonus to his Will saves (he only
character would be reduced to 0 hit points or lower adds his Wisdom modifier). The Games Master
he can concentrate on his loved ones and decide that should target the token for loss once per adventure,
it is not his time to fall yet, for his family’s sake. He and its recovery can become an adventure in and of
gains a number of temporary hit points equal to twice itself.
his Wisdom modifier. He can call upon his family’s
strength only once per day, and the temporary hit
points last until the end of the encounter where this
ability was triggered.

 Large Family: The dwarf’s family is very

widespread and has the recognition of many dwarven
communities. When the path of family encounters
another dwarf, there is a 30% chance that the other
character will have heard of his family and will react
accordingly, granting the character a +4 morale bonus
on any Charisma-based check with the dwarf who
recognised his name. There is also a 5% chance
that the encountered dwarf not only has heard
of the path of family’s name, but that he
is also related to him! Such a character
is automatically helpful and will go to
great lengths to help the path of family,
even when doing so will put him at
risk. The new found relative will not
undertake any task that is suicidal or
has immediate adverse consequences
to him, but he will do his best to lend
a hand.

Disadvantages: The follower of the

path of family must select one of the
following disadvantages when he starts
on this path. For every five character
levels that he maintains the path, he
gains an additional disadvantage.
Racial Paths 11 Quintessential Dwarf II: Advanced Tactics

 Errand (Ex): When the dwarf visits his family either Restrictions: Whenever he gains a level, a follower of
to comply with the path’s restriction or to stave off the path of granite must let his body rest for a while;
the effects of homesickness (or even just to say he must spend an entire week either resting or doing
hello), there is a 50% chance that the family elders nothing more strenuous than walking for leisure. If
will have a task for him. The dwarf should be able to he attempts any activity requiring exertion during this
perform the task in a couple of months, but while it period, he suffers a –4 on all skill checks and must make
remains unfulfilled the character is considered to be a Fortitude save (DC 20) at the end of the day; if he fails,
under the effects of a lesser geas spell in respect to he will be fatigued the next day. A day spent in exertion
the family-appointed task. will not count towards the week of rest he must spend,
regardless of the saving throw’s result.

Path of Granite Benefits: The follower of the path of granite must select
Dwarves can recognise the qualities of different types one of the following benefits when he starts on this path.
of rock, creating masterpieces by knowing which stone For every five character levels that he maintains the path,
to use for which application. Dwarves who take upon he gains an additional benefit.
themselves to walk the path of granite concentrate on
the unyielding nature of the stone, wishing to emulate  Healthy (Ex): The dwarf’s body is tough and resilient
its properties of durability and permanence. A follower and gains a +4 bonus against poison, disease, the
of the path of granite is a perennial being with an aura effects of extreme heat and cold, and for Constitution
of strength about him, and many fellow dwarves look up checks for prolonged periods of heavy exertion. This
to him to last and persevere when others would falter. bonus stacks with that of the Endurance feat and with
Even non-dwarves unaware of the cultural implications the dwarf’s racial bonus against poison.
of the dwarf’s chosen path are quick to acknowledge his
endurance and often depend on him to outlast them.  Unyielding (Ex): The dwarf that walks the path of
granite is seemingly untiring. He recovers from
Adventuring: A follower of the path of granite is made fatigue and exhaustion in half the required time if
for long journeys and for surviving in the harshest such conditions are brought about by natural causes.
conditions, standing against the landscape as a sculpted If they are the result of special attacks such as spells
visage of strength. While not particularly possessed of like waves of fatigue or any other supernatural or
wanderlust, these dwarves long to experience conditions spell-like ability, the condition lasts for a number of
that will test their mettle, and so they journey outside rounds equal to half the originator’s caster level or
their ancestral homelands to enrich their life experiences. HD.
Within an adventuring party, a follower of the path of
granite is the enduring type who keeps watch after a  Sculpted Flesh (Su): As the dwarf works his body
forced march, who takes care of others when they fall towards being as stone, he gains the supernatural
prey to weather conditions and who generally provides power to literally turn into it. The dwarf can turn
a steady anchor for the party. himself (along with any garments and equipment
worn or carried) into solid stone. In statue form,
Roleplaying: Only the most persevering can take the first the subject gains hardness 8 and retains his own hit
steps upon the path of granite, for it demands much from points. The dwarf can see, hear and smell normally,
mind and body. Such a dwarf is patient and propelled but he does not need to eat or breathe. Feeling is
by a quiet relentlessness. He can get a little exasperated limited to those sensations that can affect the granite-
at the softness of others, but he knows that not everyone hard substance of the individual’s body. Chipping
has the inner strength to become as enduring as stone. In is equal to a mere scratch but breaking off one of
extreme cases, he can be condescending towards others, the statue’s arms constitutes serious damage. The
but since he is a dwarf of guarded emotions, this attitude character can maintain this state for one hour per
is not always noticeable. character level during a single day, during which he
may return to his normal state, act and then return
Advancement Options: A character follows the instantly to the statue state (a free action) if he so
path of granite Racial Path by choosing the following desires, as long as the accumulated time spent as a
advancement options: Minimum Constitution 13; statue does not exceed the maximum duration.
Concentration 5 ranks, Knowledge (nature) 5 ranks,
Survival 5 ranks, Swim 5 ranks; Athletic, Endurance, Disadvantages: The walker on the path of granite must
Extend Spell, Great Fortitude, Improved Overrun, select one of the following disadvantages when he starts
Power Attack, Self-Sufficient, Skill Focus (survival), on this path. For every five character levels that he
Toughness, Weapon Focus. maintains the path, he gains an additional disadvantage.
Racial Paths 12 Quintessential Dwarf II: Advanced Tactics

 Disregard for Safety (Ex): The character trusts too Path of Magma
much in the resistance of his body and takes greater Dwarves prefer to build their homes in stable places, but
risks than a sensible dwarf would take. Whenever sometimes the inherent power in a volcano is too much
the character fails a skill check with a die result of 1, to resist, and they try to harness it to fuel their forges
the check is considered an automatic failure; if this and their magic. Some dwarves see the magma flowing
failure results in the character putting himself in some inside a volcano as the lifeblood of the earth, and as they
sort of danger (such as any Climb, Jump or Swim equate themselves to the mountains, so they liken their
checks, Move Silently past armed guards, Listen to blood to the molten rock. Dwarves that follow the path
an incoming ambush, etc.), any damage suffered or of magma are amongst the liveliest of their kind, with
negative consequence is doubled. The Games Master a furnace in their hearts that can melt all opposition.
adjudicates the increased negative results of a critical A dwarf on the path of magma always looks like he is
failure, such as remaining flat-footed one additional flustered, and there is a certain madness burning behind
round for a failed Listen check, or attracting double his eyes. There are accounts of smoke literally coming
the number of guards in a Move Silently check. out of their nose and ears when they become agitated.

 Chipping Flesh (Su): As the dwarf adopts Adventuring: The follower of the path of magma breeds
characteristics of stone, his skin becomes as brittle as a certain kind of individual that rubs against the grain of
it becomes hard. When he is struck by bludgeoning what dwarves consider proper, for he is restless, reckless
attacks, a critical hit will deal triple damage and also and impatient. Dwarven society tolerates him because it
deal 1 point of Constitution damage, which may be does not have to deal with him continuously: he is prone
healed normally. to go out adventuring most of the time. The dwarf likes
to go out and flex his muscles in the open, driven by his
 Slowed Reactions (Ex): Because the dwarf focuses irrepressible temper and restless spirit. Adventuring is
on building up natural resistance, a dwarf walking a natural profession for these dwarves, who are always
it will be careless with his defensive training. Upon on the brink of eruption, and most other dwarves prefer
choosing this disadvantage, a dwarf’s Reflex save that they go where the harm done is to their enemies, not
will advance in the worst track regardless of his class their property.
(use the wizard class advancement table). He loses
all previously gained bonuses as his base Reflex save Roleplaying: A dwarf walking the path of magma is
bonus conforms to its new value. In addition, if he courageous in the field and sometimes thoughtless in
fails a Reflex save that would have halved damage had his actions as his inner fire consumes him, charging past
it been successful, the damage multiplies by 1.5. If his allies in his eagerness to let loose. He is moody and
the character has the evasion ability, this disadvantage passionate, giving his all to anything he sets his mind on
cancels it but does not impose any further penalties; and erupting in laughter, rage or any other tumultuous
if the character has improved evasion, it becomes emotion with minimal provocation.
simple evasion.

‘Come on, lads and lass!’ Thaine laughed heartily as he looked back at his travelling companions. ‘Don’t tell
me that your buttocks are stiff from such a paltry little ride in the fields!’

‘Thaine…’ Erian shook his head gently with a smile. ‘We must rest now. The horses are exhausted, not to
mention ourselves.’

“Indeed!’ Larael was leaning heavily on his own mount; the elven archer looked dogged.

There were many angry looks towards the dwarf, including the usually merry Broin, their halfling wizard, and
Salestra, the half-elf priestess who had also defied her High Council in coming with them.

‘Right, right.’ Thaine waved his hand and dismounted, fresh as if he had just risen from his bed. ‘But I can’t wait
to see your faces when we have to leave the horses and walk.’
Racial Paths 13 Quintessential Dwarf II: Advanced Tactics

Advancement Options: A character follows the path character can distribute it in different uses, so long as
of magma Racial Path by choosing the following he does not accumulate a number of rounds higher
advancement options: Intimidate 5 ranks, Jump 5 ranks, than his character level.
Perform 5 ranks, Tumble 5 ranks; Acrobatic, Athletic,
Cleave, Combat Reflexes, Improved Bull Rush,  Eruption (Su): Three times per day, the path of
Improved Initiative, Improved Overrun, Maximise magma can emulate a volcano’s most distinctive
Spell, Power Attack, Quick Draw, Run. feature and spew a torrent of magma from his mouth
upon one enemy. This attack takes a standard action
Restrictions: A walker on the path of magma must be of and is a line with a range of 20 feet. The attack deals
chaotic alignment. Whenever he gains a level he must 1d8 points of damage +1 per two character levels.
show his affinity to the fire within. The ritual is rather
painful: he must literally brand himself with a hot iron Disadvantages: The dwarf must select one of the
that has been sculpted in the shape of a rune of power. following disadvantages when he starts on this path. For
Any character with 5 ranks in Knowledge (arcana) can every five character levels that he maintains the path, he
design the rune, and the brand is simple to make with gains an additional disadvantage.
Craft (metalworking). In addition, the brand must be
heated by magical fire, such as being in the middle of a
fireball or the target of heat metal. The character need
not be responsible for providing all of these, but he must
perform the ritual himself. When applying the brand,
the character suffers 2 points of Constitution damage
that he can heal normally. The scars disappear inside
the character’s body, igniting his blood with the power
of this path.

Benefits: The dwarf must select one of the following

benefits when he starts on this path. For every five
character levels that he maintains the path, he gains an
additional benefit.

 Fire Within (Su): Once per day per four character

levels, the character can ignite his soul into
a fiery rage. The character adds 15 feet to his
base speed and leaves small fiery footprints in his
wake that extinguish quickly. In addition, he gains a
+4 bonus to Dexterity, but a –2 to attack rolls as his
eruption of energy makes him a little inaccurate. A
barbarian dwarf can enter his barbarian rage and
use this benefit at the
same time.

 Inner Furnace (Su): The

dwarf walking the path of
magma has fire flowing through
his veins. His body temperature
is higher than normal, so he suffers
no inconvenience in cold weather as if
he were wearing winter clothes. In addition,
he can make a Constitution check (DC 10) as a
standard action to flare up his innards. While in this
state, his unarmed attacks deal 1d6 points of fire
damage and he is considered armed; this damage is
automatic when he is grappling. The dwarf’s blood
can burn in this way for one round per character level
per day. This duration need not be consecutive; the
Racial Paths 14 Quintessential Dwarf II: Advanced Tactics

 Heated (Ex): The character is akin to a fire creature Roleplaying: Like many dwarves, a walker on the path
as he embarks upon the path of magma; although he of mountains is quiet and reserved, but he takes these
does not gain any immunity to fire attack, he does traits further, being silent for most of the time, speaking
suffer double damage from cold attacks. only when there is something of great import to say.
Despite his lack of participation in many conversations,
 Accidental Ignition (Su): As the dwarf’s body it is impossible not to notice him, as he exudes a sense
conducts incredible heat inside, it is quite possible of permanence and quiet strength, reflected in his
that he ignites something by accident. Whenever he economical but potent gestures.
handles a flammable object, there is a 50% chance
that it will ignite. Check for the chance of ignition Advancement Options: A character follows the path
once per hour, and every time the character picks of mountains Racial Path by choosing the following
up an object for the first time. The object suffers advancement options: Minimum Strength 13, minimum
1d6 points of fire damage per round for 1d4 rounds, Constitution 13; Balance 5 ranks, Jump 5 ranks,
ignoring hardness. Depending on the substance, it Knowledge (nature) 5 ranks, Survival 5 ranks; Cleave,
may continue to burn even after the duration of the Combat Expertise, Empower Spell, Endurance, Great
character’s ignition ends. Flammable liquids inside Fortitude, Improved Critical, Improved Grapple,
flask have a 75% chance of igniting instead, which Improved Trip, Power Attack, Skill Focus (balance),
is why followers of the path of magma are never in Toughness.
charge of handling flasks of alchemist’s fire.
Restrictions: Whenever he gains a level the dwarf must
 Doused (Ex): The dwarf’s fiery spirit suffers when spend one week meditating surrounded by rock or stone,
subjected to adverse conditions. Under rain, in heavy as bare of other features as possible. He spends eight
snow, underwater and in overly humid weather, the hours per day attuning himself to the nature of rock
character feels doused, suffering a –2 penalty to and stone, pledging his soul to them. He must make a
Dexterity. small figurine out of stone representing himself (Craft

Path of Mountains
Spiritual dwarves can commune with the nature of their
mountain homes, identifying with the rock and stone
around them to the point of mimicking their properties.
When a dwarf embarks on the path of mountains, he
commits his soul to the mountains, and the mountains
answer by making him one of their own. It is easy to
recognise a dwarf on the path of mountains as his skin
is more greyish than that of his fellows, his features
are harsher and, as he grows older, they take on the
appearance of being chiselled on his face. At the end
of this path, a dwarf expects to become one with the
rock that protects his people, and legends abound of
dwarves who simply disappeared one day, melded into
the stone and watching over their people forever.

Adventuring: A follower of the path of mountains

is a very spiritual being, and sees adventures as a
chance to reflect on his nature and his bond with the
mountains, taking a part of them with him wherever
he goes. He is a steadfast friend and loyal ally,
often taking the forward position, confident that he
can take whatever lies ahead of the group and has
more chances of surviving any unexpected threat
than most of his companions. During encounters, he
is the first to engage and the last to withdraw, and
he takes the load off weaker characters so that the
group can maintain its pace.
Racial Paths 15 Quintessential Dwarf II: Advanced Tactics

(sculpting or stonemasonry check) or an untrained  Heavy (Ex): As the character’s body becomes
check used with the dwarf’s stonecunning) and, at the like stone, his weight increases to reflect this. His
end of his meditation, smash it to fine dust, scattering unencumbered weight increases by 10 pounds per
the remains to the four winds. Constitution modifier, and he suffers a –3 penalty
to Jump and Swim checks, as well as to Dexterity-
Benefits: The dwarf must select one of the following based skill checks.
benefits when he starts on this path. For every five
character levels that he maintains the path, he gains an  Aspect of Stone (Su): The character’s visage
additional benefit. resembles that of stone, his skin becoming grey and
oddly chiselled. He loses two points of Charisma for
 As the Mountain Slope (Su): The character’s skin every benefit he has from the path of mountains.
gains the consistency of stone, hardening it against
damage. The character gains a natural armour bonus
equal to his Constitution modifier. This bonus Path of the Mundane
increases by +1 each time the character selects a new The blood of dwarves is thick and does not conduct magic
benefit from this path. well, which is a famous trait of the race and the source
of their resistance to being ensorcelled against their
 Strength of the Mountain (Ex): The dwarf following will. A few dwarves concentrate on this characteristic,
the path of mountains becomes as strong as the training and developing their resistance to magic to the
mountains, capable of incredible feats of strength. His point where they become magical sinkholes, capable of
carrying capacity as well as the maximum weight he reducing magic to nothing by their will alone. Although
can lift and drag are calculated as if his Strength were unappreciated amongst the few dwarven spellcasters,
+2 higher. Once per day he can make an incredible followers of the path of the mundane are welcomed in
exertion and add his character level to his Strength any other part of the community where magic is not very
score for feats of strength that have nothing to do well thought of.
with attacking. This surge of strength lasts until the
task the character is applying it to is finished, or for a Adventuring: The adventuring life of a dwarf in this
number of rounds equal to his Constitution score. path is ironically coloured by magic. He may have
developed the racial characteristics of this path by
 Immovable (Su): The dwarf roots himself to the accident, or perhaps he actively trained for them, but in
ground, becoming an obstacle to anything that tries both cases the effect he has on the world around him
to pass through him. His racial bonus to stability is unmistakeable. When his natural resistance is fully
becomes +6 instead of +4 and, if standing on bare developed, the dwarf sets out to become the spearhead
rock or stone, he can make a Concentration check in any adventure that will confront users of magic. He
(DC 15). If the check succeeds, he becomes virtually is not fanatical in his opposition to magic, and he may
immovable, his body becoming one with the rock not be opposed to it at all, but his gift ensures that he
below. He simply cannot be moved, pushed, dragged will play a role as a countermeasure in any group of
or knocked down by any force short of a greater adventurers he finds himself in.
wyrm’s. His immovability is so complete that he
can serve as an anchor to tie a rope that supports his Roleplaying: A follower of the path of the mundane is
whole party. He can maintain this state for a number often plainspoken with a simple approach to life. He
of minutes equal to his Constitution score, at the end does not care for the complications that magic brings
of which he becomes fatigued. and is quite content with living by his own efforts. This
dwarf is extremely self-reliant, as his talent ensures that
Disadvantages: The dwarf must select one of the he cannot trust in magical aid, and so he tends to train
following disadvantages when he starts on this path. For toward making himself better on his own.
every five character levels that he maintains the path, he
gains an additional disadvantage. Advancement Options: A character follows the path
of the mundane Racial Path by choosing the following
 Slow (Ex): The character is inexorable as geological advancement options: Concentration 5 ranks, Intimidate
forces, but just as slow. Upon taking this disadvantage, 5 ranks, Spellcraft 5 ranks, Use Magic Device 5 ranks;
the character is slowed down by heavy and medium Blind-Fight, Combat Reflexes, Diehard, Endurance,
armour, and also by heavy loads, his base speed Great Fortitude, Improved Sunder, Iron Will, Lightning
becoming 15 feet when encumbered by either. Reflexes, Magical Aptitude, Power Attack, Self-
Sufficient, Toughness.
Racial Paths 16 Quintessential Dwarf II: Advanced Tactics

Restrictions: A follower of the path of the mundane  Inert Blood (Su): Just as he learns to negate magical
must be of lawful alignment. Whenever he gains a effects, the character’s body adapts by becoming
level, the dwarf must perform a ritual to strengthen more and more resistant to magic. When he acquires
his resistance to magic. He must ask a spellcaster to this disadvantage, all beneficial spells cast on him
cast a damaging spell on him, and he wilfully fails his have a chance to fail equal to 5% per character level.
saving throw, allowing his body to recognise the arcane This effect does not cancel area effects or spells that
energies and deal with them. The spell’s level must be target more than one creature; the spell simply has no
equal to at least half the dwarf’s character level. effect on him.

Benefits: The dwarf must select one of the following  Sinkhole (Su): An irony in the dwarf’s progression
benefits when he starts on this path. For every five is that the more resistant to magic he becomes, the
character levels that he maintains the path, he gains an more magic can detect him. The character can easily
additional benefit. be detected by divination magic, which registers him
as a void in the interaction of supernatural forces
 Magical Sabotage (Su): The character knows how with the world. Even if protected by spells like false
magic works on objects, and he can use his resistance vision, and even if he is effectively hidden from view,
to create a temporary suspension of a magic item’s the dwarf’s presence can be discerned by the lack of
powers. He must touch the item in question as if magic in his position. Also, detect magic and arcane
trying to disarm its owner of it, making a Use Magic sight can be used to detect his presence as he repulses
Device check with a DC equal to 10 + the item’s magic around him.
caster level. If the dwarf succeeds, the magic item
becomes inert, losing all its magical properties for  Magical Malfunction (Su): The relationship between
one round per three character levels. a follower of the path of the mundane and magic
items is reciprocal. To activate any magic item, he
 Metabolism of Negation (Su): As a standard action, must make Use Magic Device checks, even for items
the dwarf can bolster his resistance to a magic effect. with a continuous effect. The DC for these checks is
He makes a Spellcraft check, adding his character 15 + the magic item’s caster level for items that he
level as a bonus against a DC of 15 + spell level. If could use normally; for items that he would not be
the character succeeds, one spell or spell-like effect able to use without a Use Magic Device check, all the
currently active on him is suppressed for a number of normal DCs increase by +5. For continuous effects,
rounds equal to half the dwarf’s character level. The a successful Use Magic Device check activates
character selects the effect he wants to suppress. At the item’s powers for one round per one-third the
the end of this duration, the spell resumes its normal character’s level.
course, but the time it spent suppressed counts
against its total duration, so that the character may
effectively negate an effect with a short duration. Path of Protection
Despite their traditionally gruff demeanour, dwarves are
 Touch of Scepticism (Su): The character can extend very caring towards their families and friends. Living
his anti-magic characteristics to target a spellcaster. in a tradition of honour and family obligations, dwarves
The dwarf makes an unarmed attack (which may grow up with a sense of the things that are worth
provoke an attack of opportunity) against a spellcaster protecting, and some grow to be very zealous in their
or creature with spell-like abilities. If the attack self-appointed duties as protectors of those weaker than
connects, the target is forced to make a Concentration them. The path of protection attracts many dwarves who
check (DC 10 + half the dwarf’s character level + worry about the safety of their friends and allies, and its
damage inflicted) every time he wants to cast a spell abilities express the part of a dwarf’s soul devoted to that
or use a spell-like ability, wasting the spell or the use task. Many accuse the dwarves who take this path of
of the ability in the case of failure. The target suffers being martyrs without a cause, but they see themselves
this condition for one round per the dwarf’s character mostly as appointed protectors of others, not because of
level. any desire to fall in battle but out of worry that undue
harm will come to those close to them.
Disadvantages: The dwarf must select one of the
following disadvantages when he starts on this path. For Adventuring: Dwarves who take it upon themselves
every five character levels that he maintains the path, he to be protectors embark on adventures not because of
gains an additional disadvantage. some personal ambition, but because they know that
they are needed out there. They join adventuring parties
of mixed races happily, offering their assistance if the
Racial Paths 17 Quintessential Dwarf II: Advanced Tactics

group’s cause is a good one. They quickly pick the is successful, he suffers 1 point of Constitution or
weakest member of the group and adopt him as a ward, Wisdom damage (character’s choice) and he cleaves
looking out for his safety but not smothering him with the cone in two, creating an area behind him that is
any kind of attention. A weaker adventurer may realise not affected by the cone’s area. This safe area is also
he has a path of protection looking after him only when a cone that extends up to a range of 5 feet per half the
he is saved from certain death by his intervention, but dwarf’s character level, superimposed on the special
not before. attack’s cone. The dwarf and any other character in
the safe area behind him are unaffected by the cone’s
Roleplaying: It would be easy to categorise a protector effect.
as a worrywart who spends most of his time fussing
over other people, but this is just a stereotype that true  Body Shield (Ex): The protector has special training
followers of this path break all the time. A protector is that concentrates on making others safe. When
certainly concerned about his friends and allies, but he the dwarf fights adjacent to an ally’s square, he
intervenes only when it is necessary, lest he be taken for automatically provides that ally with a cover bonus
granted or cripple his friends’ development because they equal to his Dexterity modifier (minimum of 1). He
know they have the dwarf as an ace up their sleeves. He can only grant this bonus to one ally at a time, but
is a protector, not a nanny. may switch between allies at the start of his turn. If an
attack misses an ally by an amount equal to the cover
Advancement Options: A character follows the path bonus, the attack targets the dwarf protector; compare
of protection Racial Path by choosing the following the attack roll result to the dwarf’s own AC to see if
advancement options: Minimum Wisdom 13; Heal 5 the attack can hurt him.
ranks, Jump 5 ranks, Sense Motive 5 ranks, Spot 5 ranks;
Alertness, Combat Expertise, Dodge, Endurance, Great
Fortitude, Lightning Reflexes, Mobility, Self-Sufficient,
Spring Attack, Run, Widen Spell.

Restrictions: A dwarven protector must be of good

alignment. Whenever he gains a level he trains in
perfecting his defensive techniques, spending one week
of gruelling exercise to sharpen his senses as well as
his body. During this weeklong period, he is always
fatigued, and remains fatigued for three days after the
training ends.

Benefits: The protector must select

one of the following benefits when
he starts on this path. For every five
character levels that he maintains
the path, he gains an additional

 Deflection (Ex): A dwarf walking the

path of protection also learns to defend
himself. He adds his Wisdom modifier
as a deflection bonus to AC. The character
must know about incoming attacks and must also
be able to defend himself, meaning that he does
not enjoy this benefit while flat-footed or otherwise
denied his Dexterity bonus to AC.

 Bulwark (Su): The character can protect himself and

others from the energy of certain special attacks.
When he is targeted by a cone effect, he can make an
attack roll with an edged weapon against a DC equal
to 10 + the effect’s caster level or the originator’s
HD in the case of creature special abilities. If he
Racial Paths 18 Quintessential Dwarf II: Advanced Tactics

Disadvantages: The protector must select one of the of the path of shade become rogues or rangers, but
following disadvantages when he starts on this path. For anyone brave enough to face the darkness can learn to
every five character levels that he maintains the path, he use it.
gains an additional disadvantage.
Roleplaying: A dwarf who undertakes the path of shade
 Crack in the Armour (Ex): Because of the character’s is mysterious and enigmatic and also a bit sinister. He
focus on protecting others even while shielding is privy to the secrets of the dark, and he may smirk
himself, he tends to expose the weak spots of his when others huddle around the light for comfort as
defence. Enemy attacks have a greater chance to he boldly steps outside. Some dwarves of this path
threaten a critical hit on the dwarf, increasing their are reckless explorers, but others are contemplative
threshold by 1 (an attack threatening on a 20 result philosophers, depending on their personal approach to
would now do so with a 19–20 result, while a 19–20 their relationship with the dark. In any case, they are
result would threaten with a 18–20 result, etc.). loners who know that no one else has the presence of
mind or the ability to travel with them to the darkest
 Notoriety (Ex): A dwarf on the path of protection corners of the world.
makes a point of attracting attacks to himself to draw
them away from his friends and companions. He Advancement Options: A character follows the
does not enjoy the bonuses to AC from cover unless path of shade Racial Path by choosing the following
it is total cover. advancement options: Bluff 5 ranks, Hide 5 ranks,
Move Silently 5 ranks, Survival 5 ranks; Blind-Fight,
 Defence Concentration (Ex): The dwarf’s training in Improved Initiative, Mobility, Persuasive, Skill Focus
defensive techniques takes his full concentration; the (hide), Silent Spell, Spring Attack, Stealthy, Still Spell,
character attaches this disadvantage to the benefit he Track, Weapon Finesse.
is choosing at the same time, or to a benefit from this
path that he already has. The character cannot take a
move action, not even a 5-foot step, when using the
chosen benefit.

Path of Shade
Dwarves spend the greater part of their lives surrounded
by darkness. Their ability to see without any source of
light allows this, and they use torches or other sources of
illumination only when they want to appreciate colour, as
in the great halls of a clan’s leadership or the workshop
of a jeweller. Some individuals open their heart to the
darkness that dwells in the deep places of the world,
embracing it and becoming its vessels. Dwarves
mistrust those who walk the path of shade, for they
represent the threat that lies before them, but
they treat the darkness as sailors treat the sea,
with a respect born out of fear and constant

Adventuring: A follower of the path of

shade is darkness embodied. He is not its
servant, but rather an explorer who uses
the shadows as a tool. These dwarves
are trailblazers in their underground
realms, venturing forth and downward
through undiscovered passages, braving the
unlit depths where only the bravest go. They
continue to serve in this capacity when joining
adventurers of other races, exploring the corridors of
dungeons and caverns that barely hold up to the utter
dark that they are used to dealing with. Most followers
Racial Paths 19 Quintessential Dwarf II: Advanced Tactics

Restrictions: Whenever he gains a level the dwarf must  Shaded Presence (Su): The character slowly becomes
seek a place cloaked in shadow and renew his pledge to one with darkness, and his presence is sometimes
the darkness. He voluntarily suffers 3 points of Wisdom obscured. He suffers a –2 penalty to Charisma-based
and Charisma damage as the shadows strengthen in checks and there is a 50% chance that his presence
his mind. He recovers these points normally over the will be ignored even when he speaks aloud. This does
following days. not confer the character with any bonus to a Hide
or Move Silently check, but may prove dangerous
Benefits: The path of shade must select one of the when the character is wounded and asking for help,
following benefits when he starts on this path. For every or when he tries to warn his friends of immediate
five character levels that he maintains the path, he gains danger.
an additional benefit.
 Shadow Brotherhood (Su): The character has shadow
 Shadowplay (Su): The character can touch shadows essence running through his veins, which makes him
with his mind and makes them dance to his will, dangerously close to the Plane of Shadows. All
creating a confusing display of shadow tendrils shadow effects target the character as if they were
that weave around the character, forming disturbing 100% real, and creatures from the Plane of Shadows
shapes. He gains a +2 bonus to Intimidate while visiting the Material Plane gain a +2 bonus to attack
he does this, but can also distract any opponent he and damage rolls against him.
is fighting with. He gains a +1 bonus to AC as the
shadows flicker and move, making his movements
hard to discern. The dwarf can use this ability three Path of Tradition
times per day, and he can maintain it for one round Order and tradition are important to most dwarves.
per half his character level. They are the crutch they lean on when they are troubled,
the answer to their spiritual questions and the guide
 Smother Light (Su): The dwarf can manipulate and to their behaviour. A few members of their race veer
strengthen the shadows around him, which appear to off this path, while others adhere to it with unflinching
seep out of him to envelop everything around him. devotion and unshakeable faith. It is these dwarves who
This area is similar to a deeper darkness spell cast by carve their names upon the collective lore of their clans,
a cleric of the same level as the path of shade, centred becoming pillars of community and history and role
on him. He can see through this area of darkness models to new generations of dwarves.
with his darkvision as if it were normal darkness.
Adventuring: A dwarf on the path of tradition may or
 Hide in Plain Sight (Ex): A follower of the path may not become an adventurer, depending on many
of shade can use the Hide skill even while being circumstances, some of which relate to the particular
observed. As long as he is within 10 feet of some sort customs of his clan. Dwarves who consider adventuring
of shadow, the character can hide himself from view to be a rite of passage have no trouble venturing outside
in the open without anything to actually hide behind. their holds until they are old enough to settle down, while
He cannot, however, hide in his own shadow. others who value glorious deeds consider adventuring to
be a duty they must uphold for the good name of their
Disadvantages: The dwarf must select one of the brethren. Whatever the case, a dwarf who walks the
following disadvantages when he starts on this path. For path of tradition is a source of stability to any party, with
every five character levels that he maintains the path, he his unwavering faith and dedication bolstering those
gains an additional disadvantage. around him, an example of stability and steadfastness
that others can follow.
 Light Sensitivity (Ex): The character is so steeped
in his affinity to shadows that has forgotten what it Roleplaying: A traditionalist is generally calm, wise in
means to live in the light. In conditions of normal the ways of his fellows and trusting of things as they
sunlight, he suffers a –2 morale penalty to attack rolls are. He sees the comfort of order in the traditions of
and skill checks. In addition, if he is ever dazzled by his people, but also sees it reflected in the traditions
any kind of effect, the duration of his condition is of others. This dwarf is not swayed by the winds of
doubled. change, and although he does not necessarily fight them,
he does everything in his power to make change come in
an orderly manner.
Racial Paths 20 Quintessential Dwarf II: Advanced Tactics

Advancement Options: A character follows the path Disadvantages: The dwarf must select one of the
of tradition Racial Path by choosing the following following disadvantages when he starts on this path. For
advancement options: Minimum Wisdom 13; Balance every five character levels that he maintains the path, he
5 ranks, Craft (any one) 5 ranks, Knowledge (history) gains an additional disadvantage.
5 ranks, Knowledge (nobility and royalty) 5 ranks;
Combat Expertise, Endurance, Extend Spell, Improved  Steadiness of Rock (Ex): The dwarf becomes steady
Trip, Improved Turning, Iron Will, Leadership, Self- as a rock… which means he is not exactly quick to
Sufficient, Skill Focus, Toughness, Weapon Focus, react. He suffers a –2 penalty to initiative checks as
Weapon Specialisation. he rouses himself into action.

Restrictions: A dwarf on the path of tradition must  Tradition-Bound: A dwarf following the path of
be of lawful alignment. Whenever he gains a level, tradition is very set in his ways, convinced that the
the path of tradition dwarf must create a simple stone way he has learned to do things is the one and only
tablet detailing the most important laws and traditions way. When the character fails a skill check, he cannot
of his people. This does not require a skill check, and retry.
the dwarf is not required to keep the tablet; in fact, he is
encouraged to give it away to someone he thinks might  Prejudice: The character is so fixated on his values
need it or to leave it as an offering to deities of law. It and the traditional mores of his people that he can
takes the dwarf one week to craft an appropriate tablet. easily fail to consider the values of others. The
character has a –2 penalty to all Charisma-based
Benefits: The dwarf must select one of the following checks when dealing with non-lawful characters.
benefits when he starts on this path. For every five
character levels that he maintains the path, he gains an
additional benefit.

 Bulwark Against Chaos (Su): The dwarf can set

himself as a beacon of order against the rolling tide
of change. He gains a +1 bonus to saving throws
against special attacks made by chaotic creatures. In
addition, once per day, he can stomp on the ground
and gain the effects of the magic circle against chaos
spell as if cast by a sorcerer of his character level.

 Immutable Form (Su): The character holds to his

heritage tightly, focusing this devotion on his
own body. Upon gaining this benefit, all
detrimental transmutation effects cast upon
the dwarf last half of the normal time. If
the effect has a duration of permanent, the
dwarf can make additional saving throws
every hour.

 Tried and True (Ex): A dwarf upon the

path of tradition has the lore of ancient
times backing him up. Whenever he
uses a skill, a result of 19 or 20 is
considered an automatic success.
The character cannot take 10 or
20 when using this ability. He
can extend the benefit of his ancient
lore to allies and friends; if he opts to
aid another action to give a bonus to another
character’s skill check, he grants a +3 bonus
instead of a +2.
Multiclassed Dwarves 21 Quintessential Dwarf II: Advanced Tactics

D Epic Advancement
warves are raised in a culture that values
courage and honest effort, and thus it is Note that the tables presented in this chapter are not for
unsurprising that many of them join the ranks a complete character class, but a combination of two.
of the fighter class. However, dwarves do not live A character can reach epic levels once he gains his 21st
in a warrior culture and are open to exploring other level from either class and is then subject to the rules
careers, even if they do not find it as stereotypically for epic characters, although he continues gaining the
advantageous as fighter training. To fulfil many of abilities in his appropriate class table until he reaches
the roles of dwarven society, a character can choose 20th level in either class. Spellcasting dwarves continue
to multiclass, selecting one or more additional classes to gain spells per day and spells known according
that round out the abilities of his first choice, using to the normal table and may not purchase epic feats
it as a minor complement or as a balanced amalgam. that demand that they be able to cast spells from the
This chapter discusses the best ways to combine the spellcasting class’ maximum level because they have
different classes in Core Rulebook I to match particular not reached the spellcasting class’ maximum.
dwarven character concepts, with advice on which
feats and options are best when the character gains
new abilities from achieving a new level in any of his Variant Rules
classes. Each of the multiclass descriptions below has a section
called ‘Variant Abilities’. This deals with optional,
Because it is the dwarf’s favoured class, most of these specialised rules that represent how a character
combinations include many levels of fighter. In these following multiple paths can develop abilities pertinent
multiclasses, the dwarf is free to simply add a couple to both, but that are not normally represented. Some of
of levels in the other class to complement his fighter these variant rules are simply a crossing of class skills,
abilities, but in other cases he must maintain a careful enabling the dwarf to choose from a wider range.
balance so as not to incur an XP penalty for classes Others grant entirely new abilities that develop as the
that differ too much in level. two classes combine. However, there are a number of
The tables indicate a recommended advancement
rate that is by no means mandatory, but might work  All variant abilities are subject to the Games
best for a dwarf character. Given the great number of Master’s approval.
options available to meet a player’s concept of what
his character is or does, they are merely guidelines, not  Most variant rules have a prerequisite class level
a strict road map. or character level. These variant abilities take the
place of character class abilities that the character
would otherwise gain at the specified level. The
Prestige Classes ability description lists the appropriate substitution.
One of the advantages of multiclassing is that the The primary character chart also indicates when
character may meet the prerequisites of the more substitution becomes possible.
exotic prestige classes. A character can break off the
suggested progression or take a slightly different one
in order to meet the requirements for a prestige class
and then continue with his career along those lines.
Base Bonus Progression
Multiclassing can get tricky after a few levels
Many of these classes offer far greater advantages because class tables indicate a total bonus for each
than simple multiclassing as they combine different level, listing the accumulated total. To mix and
abilities into a single class level. The Games Master match this chapter’s advancement tables, use the
has the final word on which prestige classes exist in information below, which lists the amount the base
his campaign. bonus progresses at any given level, depending on
Multiclassed Dwarves 22 Quintessential Dwarf II: Advanced Tactics

Base Attack Bonus Base Save Bonus

Good (Bbn, Ftr, Average (Brd, Clr,
Level Pal, Rgr) Drd, Mnk, Rog) Bad (Sor, Wiz) Good Bad
1st +1 +0 +0 +2 +0
2nd +1 +1 +1 +1 +0
3rd +1 +1 +0 +0 +1
4th +1 +1 +1 +1 +0
5th +1 +0 +0 +0 +0
6th +1 +1 +1 +1 +1
7th +1 +1 +0 +0 +0
8th +1 +1 +1 +1 +0
9th +1 +0 +0 +0 +1
10th +1 +1 +1 +1 +0
11th +1 +1 +0 +0 +0
12th +1 +1 +1 +1 +1
13th +1 +0 +0 +0 +0
14th +1 +1 +1 +1 +0
15th +1 +1 +0 +0 +1
16th +1 +1 +1 +1 +0
17th +1 +0 +0 +0 +0
18th +1 +1 +1 +1 +1
19th +1 +1 +0 +0 +0
20th +1 +1 +1 +1 +0
 The character must have at least one level in each Strengths
class. Occasionally more levels are needed in both An artillerist gains a number of benefits from mixing
classes; this will be specified in the text. fighter and rogue levels. This combination integrates
the fighter’s combat proficiency with the rogue’s
Once a variant rule has been taken, it cannot be reversed trickery to create an effective fighting style for the
later. The ability, power or skills sacrificed to gain the tactically minded dwarf.
variant rule are lost forever.
 Base Attack Bonus: The fighter’s good attack
Artillerist bonus is diluted minimally by the rogue’s average
progression, ensuring that he will perform well in
(Fighter/Rogue) combat despite multiclassing.
Dwarves have a longstanding martial tradition, and
many of them specialise in certain roles, as is the case  Saving Throws: By mixing the good Fortitude save
of the artillerist. An expert in ranged combat capable of the fighter and the good Reflex save of the rogue,
of downing foes with deadly precision, the artillerist the artillerist protects himself from most physical
is able to support his allies in close combat with conditions.
such skill that they never need fear an errant missile.
Artillerists are proficient ranged combatants who  Skills: The rogue has the most skill points per level
practice targeting an enemy’s weak spots so that every as well as the most class skills. This complements
hit counts. They are perfectly capable of holding their the poor collection that the fighter has and gives the
own in close fights, in which case they are skilful artillerist a very good head start in the skills that
fighters who break with what most people expect of matter to him.
a dwarven fighter: heavy armour and a heavy hand.
Artillerists are a threat anywhere their ranged weapons  Feats: The fighter gains the most bonus feats of
can reach. any class, which allows the artillerist to choose
options that will optimise his performance. Even
if the addition of rogue levels decreases the
Multiclassed Dwarves 23 Quintessential Dwarf II: Advanced Tactics

character’s number of feats as opposed to a single-  Hit Points: The fighter’s good hit dice dilute when
class fighter’s, the trade-off is the rogue’s unique combined with the lower-than-average hit dice
abilities. of the rogue. This makes him less suitable as a
frontline fighter.
 Weapon Proficiency: As soon as he takes a level
of fighter, the character becomes proficient with a  Will Saving Throw: Neither of the classes has a
wide array of weapon, broadening his options for good Will save bonus; while in the end it is no worse
combat. than for a single-class character, this still leaves the
artillerist vulnerable to mind-affecting attacks.
 Evasion: The artillerist gains this ability early on,
granting him an additional defence that a regular  Light Armour: In order to enjoy the rogue’s evasion
fighter does not have. ability, the artillerist must wear light armour despite
being proficient with all types thanks to his fighter
 Uncanny Dodge: Artillerists would prefer not to class. This leaves the character with the option of a
find themselves in close combat, but when they do, good defence against some special attacks or better
the ability to retain their Dexterity bonus to AC is a protection against most normal attacks.
great help.

 Traps: This is a secondary benefit that the artillerist

Recommended Options
As the character combines fighter and rogue levels,
gains from the rogue class, which is useful in
there are some options he can take to optimise the
certain situations but not in most of those in which
mixture of both classes’ abilities.
an artillerist would find himself.
 As the table indicates, the best option for the
Weaknesses artillerist is to make the rogue his first class in order
The artillerist dilutes his combat training by taking up to get the most of his skill points. He sacrifices
rogue levels, adding the following weaknesses: the maximum hit points of the fighter, but he will
not have another chance to max out on ranks for a
desired skill.
The Artillerist
Base Attack Fort Ref Will
Level Class Bonus Save Save Save Special
1st Rog 1 +0 +0 +2 +0 Sneak attack +1d6, trapfinding, (character feat, Point Blank Shot)
2nd Rog 2 +1 +0 +3 +0 Evasion
3rd Ftr 1 +2 +2 +3 +0 Bonus feat (Far Shot), (character feat)
4th Ftr 2 +3 +3 +3 +0 Bonus feat (Precise Shot), (ability increase)
5th Rog 3 +4 +4 +3 +1 Sneak attack +2d6, trap sense +1
6th Rog 4 +5 +4 +4 +1 Uncanny dodge, (character feat)
7th Ftr 3 +6/+1 +4 +5 +2
8th Ftr 4 +7/+2 +5 +5 +2 Bonus feat, (ability increase)
9th Rog 5 +7/+2 +5 +5 +2 Sneak attack +3d6, (character feat)
10th Ftr 5 +8/+3 +5 +5 +2
11th Ftr 6 +9/+4 +6 +6 +3 Bonus feat
12th Rog 6 +10/+5 +7 +7 +4 Trap sense +2, (character feat), (ability increase)
13th Ftr 7 +11/+6/+1 +7 +7 +4
14th Ftr 8 +12/+7/+2 +8 +7 +4 Bonus feat
15th Rog 7 +13/+8/+3 +8 +7 +4 Sneak attack +4d6, (character feat)
16th Ftr 9 +14/+9/+4 +8 +8 +5 (ability increase)
17th Ftr 10 +15/+10/+5 +9 +8 +5 Bonus feat
18th Ftr 11 +16/+11/+6/+1 +9 +8 +5 (character feat)
19th Ftr 12 +17/+12/+7/+2 +10 +9 +6 Bonus feat
20th Ftr 13 +18/+13/+8/+3 +10 +9 +6 (ability increase)
Multiclassed Dwarves 24 Quintessential Dwarf II: Advanced Tactics

 The character should concentrate on having a

good Dexterity score; this is the key ability for
the rogue and does not hurt the fighter if he makes
ranged combat the focus of his advancement. He
gains a good bonus to his AC as well as to his
ranged attack rolls. Strength should come in
second place and only if the character wants to
double as a frontline combatant, or if he uses a
composite longbow.

 The Artillerist table indicates the recommended feat

progression for both the character’s fighter feats and
the ones he gains as any other character class. This
starts with Point Blank Shot and continues towards
the rest of the archery feat tree.

 The character should also work towards acquiring

Shot on the Run to complete his ranged training;
even if a dwarf is slow, the ability to move, shoot and
move again can save his life, as he can manoeuvre
behind cover before and after he shoots.

 The Artillerist table suggests basic feats for the

artillerist, but other recommended feats include
Weapon Specialisation, Weapon Focus, Greater
Weapon Focus, Rapid Shot and Improved Critical.
He should focus on his favourite ranged weapon for attack damage, he can increase his weapon’s threat
the weapon-booster feats. range by one (a weapon that threatens a critical on
a 20 would threaten on a 19–20 and so forth). This
 If the character wishes to keep the evasion ability reduction stacks with other abilities that increase
by not wearing medium or heavy armour, his next threat ranges, such as the Improved Critical feat,
best option is Dodge and Combat Expertise. the keen weapon spell and the keen magic weapon
 A character with high Strength should jump on the
first chance to get a composite longbow so he can  Power Shot (Ex): Starting at fighter level 8th, the
add his Strength bonus to his ranged damage. character can gain Power Shot as one of his fighter
feats. He must have Weapon Focus (longbow) and
Point Blank Shot to qualify for this ability; he can
Variant Rules only use Power Shot with a composite longbow.
 Bullseye (Ex): Starting at fighter level 4th, the Before making attack rolls for a round, the
character can gain Bullseye as one of his fighter artillerist may choose to subtract a number from all
feats. The character must have Point Blank Shot, ranged attack rolls and add the same number to all
Far Shot and Precise Shot as well as the sneak attack melee damage rolls. This number may not exceed
ability. When he gains this ability, the character the character’s base attack bonus. The penalty
can make sneak attacks at 60 feet instead of only 30 on attacks and bonus on damage apply until the
feet. character’s next turn. This is effectively the Power
Attack feat for ranged weapons, and the character
 Deadly Precision (Ex): Starting at fighter level 8th, can use Cleave and Greater Cleave with a ranged
the character can gain Deadly Precision as one of weapon if the secondary targets are in a line behind
his fighter feats. The artillerist must have a sneak the felled target.
attack of 2d6 before choosing this variant ability.
Whenever he makes a sneak attack he has the option
of reducing his sneak attack damage by one or more
dice. For each die he subtracts from the sneak
Multiclassed Dwarves 25 Quintessential Dwarf II: Advanced Tactics

Cavern Singer  Saving Throws: The bard and druid classes each
have two good saves, covering all three types
(Bard/Druid) of saving throw for a phenomenal total. Even if
One of the strangest aspects of dwarven culture from Will is the highest save because it repeats in both
an outsider’s point of view is their music. Whereas classes, having good Reflex and Fortitude saves as
surface dwellers are used to the soft sound of a lute well never hurt anybody.
or even the shrill voice of the bagpipes, they do little
to prepare them for the acoustic richness of cavern  Skills: The bard has a decent amount of skill
singing. The cavern singer uses echoes and resonance points per level as well as many class skills. This
to create haunting melodies, shaping the rock around complements the poor collection that the druid has
him to better accommodate his music. The cavern and gives the cavern singer a very good head start in
singer’s voice vibrates with the power of the earth, the skills that matter to him.
singing to the roots of all the things that grow above.
Wielding the magic of nature and of the soul, cavern  Bardic Music: The character gains access to bardic
singers are ambassadors between dwarven society and music early on, which can complement his later
the mountains and hills in which they dwell. druid abilities by benefiting the multiple allies he
can call through his summoning acuity.
Strengths  Wild Shape: This unique druid ability provides
A cavern singer gains a number of benefits from
the cavern singer with great versatility. He does
mixing bard and druid levels. This combination
not reach a sufficient level to be able to turn into
integrates the bard’s nature as a jack-of-all-trades
a bat, however, which is more appropriate for his
with the druid’s mastery of the wilderness, to create a
cavernous domains.
versatile spellcaster and support character.
 Magic: The cavern singer has access to both arcane
and divine magic, with the former also being

The Cavern Singer

Base Attack Fort Ref Will
Level Class Bonus Save Save Save Special
1st Brd 1 +0 +0 +2 +2 Bardic music, bardic knowledge, countersong,
fascinate, inspire courage +1, (character feat)
2nd Drd 1 +0 +2 +2 +4 Animal companion, nature sense, wild empathy
3rd Brd 2 +1 +2 +3 +5 (character feat)
4th Drd 2 +2 +3 +3 +6 Woodland stride, (ability increase)
5th Brd 3 +3 +4 +3 +6 Inspire competence
6th Drd 3 +4 +4 +4 +6 Trackless step, (character feat)
7th Brd 4 +5 +4 +5 +7
8th Drd 4 +6/+1 +5 +5 +8 Resist nature’s lure, (ability increase)
9th Brd 5 +6/+1 +5 +5 +8 (character feat)
10th Drd 5 +6/+1 +5 +5 +8 Wild shape (1/day)
11th Brd 6 +7/+2 +6 +6 +9 Suggestion
12th Drd 6 +8/+3 +7 +7 +10 Wild shape (2/day), (ability increase), (character feat)
13th Brd 7 +9/+4 +7 +7 +10
14th Drd 7 +10/+5 +7 +7 +10 Wild shape (3/day)
15th Brd 8 +11/+6/+1 +7 +8 +11 Inspire courage +2, (character feat)
16th Drd 8 +12/+7/+2 +8 +8 +12 Wild shape (Large), (ability increase)
17th Brd 9 +12/+7/+2 +9 +8 +12 Inspire greatness
18th Drd 9 +12/+7/+2 +9 +9 +12 Venom immunity, (character feat)
19th Brd 10 +13/+8/+3 +9 +10 +13
20th Drd 10 +14/+9/+4 +10 +10 +14 Wild shape (4/day), (ability increase)
Multiclassed Dwarves 26 Quintessential Dwarf II: Advanced Tactics

 Armour Proficiency: The cavern singer can wear  Hit Points: The druid’s average hit dice is further
light armour without fear of it interfering with any handicapped by the bard’s below-average gain,
of his spellcasting options, provided the armour is another reason to keep this character away from
not made of metal. combat.

 Ability Disparity: The bard depends on his

Weaknesses Charisma, while the druid depends on his Wisdom.
The cavern singer dilutes his overall progress by
The cavern singer must divide his attention between
taking up levels in two classes, adding the following
the two scores, increasing them to a minimum of
14–15 to be able to cast the higher-level spells
allowed for the multiclassed levels.
 Charisma: The bard’s magic and abilities depend
on Charisma, which is a penalised ability for the
 Spell Access: Because the character limits his
advancement to half of each class’ possibilities, he
does not gain access to the bard’s 5th and 6th level
 Non-Favoured Classes: Neither the bard nor the
spells nor the druid’s 6th through 9th level spells.
druid is a dwarf’s favoured class, which compels
him to advance in levels at a balanced pace else he
incurs an XP penalty. This forces the character to Recommended Options
limit both classes to their 10th level, forfeiting the As the character combines bard and druid levels, there
advanced options of each class. are some options he can take to optimise the mixture
of both classes’ abilities.
 Base Attack Bonus: Both bard and druid have
average progressions that combine to generate  Choosing the bard at 1st level gives the character a
slightly worse values. The cavern singer is not sizeable amount of skill points. The bard’s hit die
intended as a frontline combatant, and this only is not that different from the druid’s, so getting the
reiterates the point. hit points from the lesser of the two (6 instead of 8)
is not such a great loss.
Cavern Singer Bard Spells
Caster Spells Known Spells per Day
Level Level 0 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 0 1st 2nd 3rd 4th
1st 1st 4 — — — — 2 — — — —
2 nd
1st 4 — — — — 2 — — — —
3rd 2nd 5 21 — — — 3 0 — — —
4 th
2 nd
5 2 1
— — — 3 0 — — —
5th 3rd 6 3 — — — 3 1 — — —
6th 3rd 6 3 — — — 3 1 — — —
7 th
4 th
6 3 2 1
— — 3 2 0 — —
8th 4th 6 3 21 — — 3 2 0 — —
9 th
5 th
6 4 3 — — 3 3 1 — —
10th 5th 6 4 3 — — 3 3 1 — —
11th 6th 6 4 3 — — 3 3 2 — —
12 th
6 th
6 4 3 — — 3 3 2 — —
13th 7th 6 4 4 21 — 3 3 2 0 —
14th 7th 6 4 4 21 — 3 3 2 0 —
15 th
8 th
6 4 4 3 — 3 3 3 1 —
16th 8th 6 4 4 3 — 3 3 3 1 —
17 th
9 th
6 4 4 3 — 3 3 3 2 —
18th 9th 6 4 4 3 — 3 3 3 2 —
19th 10th 6 4 4 4 21 3 3 3 2 0
20 th
10 th
6 4 4 4 2 1
3 3 3 2 0
Provided the bard has a high enough Charisma score to have a bonus spell of this level.
Multiclassed Dwarves 27 Quintessential Dwarf II: Advanced Tactics

 Learning the different summon monster spells for Variant Rules

the bard makes the character into a summoning  Song of the Wild (Su): At bard level 6th, the
powerhouse, as the druid can cast summon nature’s character can select Song of the Wild instead of
ally spontaneously. suggestion. If he opts for this variant ability, he
is now capable of using his bardic music abilities
 Augment Summoning is a great idea for a feat, as while in druidic wild shape, using the animal form’s
it affects the creatures called by both arcane and voice as his instrument.
divine summoning magic.
 Sound Location (Su): The cavern singer can
 Another good feat is Natural Spell, which will place his own location and that of others through
allow the character to cast bard spells while in wild the use of sound, much like a bat. The character
shape. can choose this ability instead of woodland stride.
By making a Perform check (DC 15) while in an
 When selecting known spells for the bard, avoid underground environment, the character can find
healing spells. The druid already has them in his his way by listening to the echoes his voice creates.
spell list and, despite arriving at them later than The cavern singer gets a general idea of the layout
a cleric, he still gets them earlier than the bard. of the terrain for 100 feet per bard level. As a
If desired, the bard can learn one healing spell standard action, he can make a Perform check (DC
for use in emergencies, given that he can cast it 20) and gain an idea of where every creature around
spontaneously, whereas he would have to prepare him stands within 10 feet per bard level.
the spell as a druid.
 Echoes (Ex): The character is familiar with the
 Because of the wild empathy ability, it is possible acoustics of all underground locations and can use
that the character could use the bard’s suggestion this knowledge to throw his voice around. Bardic
bardic music ability to affect animals. The Games music affects its targets for double the amount of
Master is the final arbiter on this issue. rounds after the character stops singing if he is in a
closed space or underground location. The character
can choose this ability as a normal character feat.
Cavern Singer Druid Spells
Caster Spells per Day Forge Warrior
Level Level 0 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
1st 0 — — — — — — (Fighter/Evoker)
2nd 1st 3 1 — — — — In a world full of strange creatures and magical dangers
3rd 1st 3 1 — — — — the practical dwarves make do with the crafts they have
4th 2nd 4 2 — — — — inherited from their forefathers. Luckily for them, the
forging of magical weapons is included in their body of
5th 2nd 4 2 — — — —
lore. The forge warrior is often the official test subject
6th 3rd 4 2 1 — — —
for new dwarven magical craftsmanship, particularly
7th 3rd 4 2 1 — — — in the field of weapons and armour. The forge warrior
8th 4th 5 3 2 — — — can create his own magical weapons, but he prefers to
9th 4th 5 3 2 — — — test them in battle rather than be locked away in the
10th 5th 5 3 2 1 — — forge and magical laboratory. As a warrior, the dwarf
11th 5th 5 3 2 1 — — concentrates on more destructive magic, with fire
12th 6th 5 3 3 2 — — being the favoured element to reflect his dedication to
13th 6th 5 3 3 2 — — the forge.
14th 7th 6 4 3 2 1 —
15th 7th 6 4 3 2 1 — Strengths
16th 8th 6 4 3 3 2 — A forge warrior gains a number of benefits from
17th 8th 6 4 3 3 2 — mixing fighter and wizard (evoker) levels. This
18th 9th 6 4 4 3 2 1 combination integrates the fighter’s combat acumen
19th 9th 6 4 4 3 2 1 with the wizard’s magical resourcefulness to create a
20th 10th 6 4 4 3 3 2 self-sufficient character who can survive the demands
of warfare and magic.
Multiclassed Dwarves 28 Quintessential Dwarf II: Advanced Tactics

 Base Attack Bonus: The fighter has the highest him to develop a distinct fighting style that normal
base attack bonus, even if it is diluted by the wizard wizards cannot imitate.
levels the forge warrior takes. The result is slightly
better than the average cleric’s progression, which
still enables the character to act as a combatant.
The forge warrior dilutes his overall progress by
taking up levels in two classes, adding the following
 Saving Throws: By mixing the good Fortitude save
of the fighter and the good Will save of the wizard,
the forge warrior protects himself from attacks that
 Hit Points: The wizard has the worst hit dice of
target both his mind and body.
all the classes, which cuts down the fighter’s
practically by half. Fewer hit points means that the
 Weapon Proficiency: As soon as he takes a level
character is less suited to enter combat than if he
of fighter, the character becomes proficient with a
were a full fighter, or if he were multiclassing with
wide array of weapons, broadening his options for
a more combat-ready class.
mundane personal defence.
 Skills: Both the fighter and the wizard have the
 Spells: The addition of wizard levels lets the
least amount of skill points per level and also a very
character savour the advantages of spellcasting,
limited list of class skills. To make things worse,
and the forge warrior has the freedom to choose his
the respective class skills lists do not overlap except
in Craft and Profession.
 Magic Specialisation: Because the forge warrior
 Ability Disparity: The fighter depends on his
is an evoker, he casts more spells per day than the
physical abilities, while the wizard depends on
average wizard.
his Intelligence. The forge warrior must divide
his attention among the scores, ensuring that his
 Feats: The forge warrior gains a number of bonus
Intelligence is a minimum of 14 to be able to cast
feats from adding levels as a fighter; this allows
the higher-level spells allowed for the multiclassed

The Forge Warrior

Base Attack Fort Ref Will
Level Class Bonus Save Save Save Special
1st Ftr 1 +1 +2 +0 +0 Bonus feat (fighter), (character feat)
2nd Ftr 2 +2 +3 +0 +0 Bonus feat (fighter)
3rd Wiz 1 +2 +3 +0 +2 Summon familiar, Scribe Scroll, (character feat)
4th Wiz 2 +3 +3 +0 +3 (ability increase)
5th Wiz 3 +3 +4 +1 +3
6th Ftr 3 +4 +4 +2 +4 (character feat)
7th Ftr 4 +5 +5 +2 +4 Bonus feat (fighter)
8th Wiz 4 +6/+1 +5 +2 +5 (ability increase)
9th Wiz 5 +6/+1 +5 +2 +5 Bonus feat (wizard), (character feat)
10th Ftr 5 +7/+2 +5 +2 +5
11th Ftr 6 +8/+3 +6 +3 +6 Bonus feat (fighter)
12th Ftr 7 +9/+4 +6 +3 +6 (character feat), (ability increase)
13th Wiz 6 +10/+5 +7 +4 +7
14th Wiz 7 +10/+5 +7 +4 +7
15th Ftr 8 +11/+6/+1 +8 +4 +7 Bonus feat (fighter), (character feat)
16th Ftr 9 +12/+7/+2 +8 +5 +8 (ability increase)
17th Ftr 10 +13/+8/+3 +9 +5 +8 Bonus feat (fighter)
18th Ftr 11 +14/+9/+4 +9 +5 +8 (character feat)
19th Ftr 12 +15/+10/+5 +10 +6 +9 Bonus feat (fighter)
20th Ftr 13 +16/+11/+6/+1 +10 +6 +9 (ability increase)
Multiclassed Dwarves 29 Quintessential Dwarf II: Advanced Tactics

 Arcane Spell Failure: Wizards cannot cast spells

effectively when wearing armour, which cramps
the style of the forge warrior’s fighter half.

 Spell Access: As the character limits his

advancement as a wizard to a fraction of a full-
classed character’s, he does not gain access to
the wizard’s 5th through 9th level spells.

Recommended Options
As the character combines fighter and wizard (evoker)
levels, there are some options he can take to optimise
the mixture of both classes’ abilities.

 The character should begin at 1st level as a fighter;

the forge warrior’s main focus is combat and the
maximum hit points per die at 1st level allows him to
get a head start on battlefield survivability. Fighters
and wizards have the same amount of skill points,
so which one the forge warrior starts as is irrelevant
in that respect.

 Following the concept of the forge warrior, the

character should learn as many new spells with
the fire descriptor as he can. Considering his

Forge Warrior Spells +2 bonus to Spellcraft to learn spells from the

Caster Spells per Day1 evocation school, this will pose little difficulty.
Level Level 0 1st 2nd 3rd 4th
1 st
0 — — — — —  Abjuration and transmutation spells are the forge
2nd 0 — — — — — warrior’s next priority, since they provide him with
3 rd
1 st
3+1 1+1 — — — the protection and advantages that he needs.
4th 2nd 4+1 2+1 — — —
 Because of his relatively low caster level and
5th 3rd 4+1 2+1 1+1 — —
conflicts of interest when raising ability scores, the
6 th
3 rd
4+1 2+1 1+1 — —
forge warrior is better served by spells that target
7th 3rd 4+1 2+1 1+1 — — him rather than the direct damage spells common
8th 4th 4+1 3+1 2+1 — — to evocation magic. This way he does not risk
9 th
5 th
4+1 3+1 2+1 1+1 — rolling low on caster checks and offers enemies less
10th 5th 4+1 3+1 2+1 1+1 — chance for a successful save due to a relatively low
11 th
5 th
4+1 3+1 2+1 1+1 — save DC, as the forge warrior typically has a lower
12th 5th 4+1 3+1 2+1 1+1 — Intelligence than a full wizard.
13th 6th 4+1 3+1 3+1 2+1 —
14 th
7 th
4+1 4+1 3+1 2+1 1+1  Illusion and Enchantment are the best suited as
prohibited schools; the forge warrior has little
15th 7th 4+1 4+1 3+1 2+1 1+1
use for trickery when he is charging across the
16th 7th 4+1 4+1 3+1 2+1 1+1
17 th
7 th
4+1 4+1 3+1 2+1 1+1
18th 7th 4+1 4+1 3+1 2+1 1+1  To follow this concept, the character should select
19 th
7 th
4+1 4+1 3+1 2+1 1+1 Craft Magic Arms and Armour as his wizard bonus
20th 7th 4+1 4+1 3+1 2+1 1+1 feat or as a character feat. His caster level alone
The +1 spell corresponds to an extra evocation spell per only allows him to make weapons and armour with
day a +2 enchantment.
Multiclassed Dwarves 30 Quintessential Dwarf II: Advanced Tactics

 When choosing a fighting style with the fighter’s Variant Rules

bonus feats, the character is best served by  Cast on the Run (Ex): The character can choose this
concentrating on either the ranged combat tree to benefit as one of his fighter bonus feats or wizard
avoid the dangers of melee, or feats that grant him bonus feats. In either case, he must have Dodge,
greater defence. Spring Attack is a very good feat Mobility and Combat Casting as prerequisites. The
along with its prerequisites Dodge and Mobility, character is able to cast his spells on the move; he
since they allow the character to move about the can move, cast a spell and move again, provided
battlefield with greater freedom and protection. that his total movement does not exceed his base
 Since the fighter’s bonus feat covers many martial
options, the forge warrior can use his character  Improvised Forge (Sp): Starting at fighter level
feats to complement his ability as a spellcaster, 4th and wizard level 3rd, the character can gain this
choosing Spell Focus and Greater Spell Focus to ability in place of a fighter bonus feat or wizard
bolster the save DC of his spells, Combat Casting bonus feat or by failing to learn the two spells he
(recommended in the table) to perform better as a normally adds to his spellbook when gaining a new
combat spellcaster and Spell Penetration to improve wizard level. He must know the magic weapon or
his caster checks. greater magic weapon spells to gain this ability.
With the Improvised Forge ability, the character
 Metamagic feats are not as advisable for the forge can imbue a weapon with magical qualities for a
warrior as he does not have higher-level spell slots brief period of time. He selects one weapon ability
with which to power the Metamagic requirements such as shocking burst and sacrifices a prepared
of his most powerful spells. spell of a level equal to the ability’s bonus cost +1.
He can imbue any weapon within close range with
this selected ability; the weapon does not need to be
magic or even masterwork to enjoy the benefits of

The encampment was small and closed in. The party was still far from the border, so they could take certain
liberties with their fire. The five adventurers were seated around it, enjoying the rations that Broin’s skill at the
pan could turn into improvised delicacies. The moon was hiding behind the mountain peaks of the range that
separated the kingdom they once served from the lands where Erian’s wife was being held captive.

‘What are you looking at so intently, Thaine?’ Salestra asked in her gentle voice. The dwarf turned to smile at
her, noticing the faint crow’s feet around her eyes that signalled the onset of her mature years. He realised that
age was starting to mark them all. Except for the blasted elf, of course.

‘There.’ He pointed north at the peaks. ‘I was trying to hear the voice of the mountains.’

‘Oh, you’re becoming spiritual again.’ The halfling wizard chuckled. ‘You should think about becoming a hermit,

‘Oh, I have, I have.’ The dwarf veteran nodded. ‘In fact, I was thinking of one of my ancestors, Theolm Greyrock.
He had a gift, you see. Back when he was a novice at the temple he could hear the voice of the mountains much
louder than he could hear the voice of Arregar of the Forge. The priests of Arregar threatened to brand him a
heretic, but he beat them to the punch and chose to live outside on the mountain slopes instead of in its heart.
Years later, he came back, preaching the message of the stone outside as well as inside. It was hard to keep up
with him until the priests realised he was speaking some truth and finally tolerated his preaching to the outermost

‘What happened to him?’ Salestra asked.

‘Some say he turned to stone and became one with the mountain. To this day, it is a dare amongst my family to find
the statue of Theolm and bring back his medallion, which was said to be the mountains’ gift to him, symbolising
their bond.’
Multiclassed Dwarves 31 Quintessential Dwarf II: Advanced Tactics

this ability. The weapon retains the chosen ability common amongst dwarven clans. The leaders of
for a number of rounds equal to the forge warrior’s these cults are called mountain speakers because of
wizard level plus half his fighter level. their close spiritual relationship with the mountains.
Mainstream society tolerates these cults, as they also
 Firespitter (Sp): Starting at fighter level 9th and honor the dwarven soul and its relationship with the
wizard level 5th, the character can make one of his mountains. Churches and temples are mostly absent
weapons into a vessel of the forge. He can choose among the mountain speakers, who instead build small
this ability in place of a fighter bonus feat or wizard shrines above and below ground, preaching their creed
bonus feat or by failing to learn the two spells he to small crowds or simply living by themselves as
normally adds to his spellbook when gaining a hermits, defending the outer layer of a dwarven hold:
new wizard level. By sacrificing a prepared spell, its mountain slopes.
the character can make his weapon glow red hot
as if it were just out of the forge. In addition to
dealing +1d6 points of fire damage, the weapon
A mountain speaker gains a number of benefits from
can discharge its heat as a ray, requiring a ranged
mixing cleric and druid levels. This combination mixes
touch attack from the forge warrior. If it hits, the
the cleric’s divine favour with the druid’s prowess in
ray does +1d6 points of fire damage per level of
the wilderness, turning him into a messenger of the
the sacrificed spell. The weapon can discharge
power of mountains.
three such rays before cooling down and losing
this ability. The weapon also cools down after one
 Hit Points: The cleric and druid have the same hit
minute per caster level has passed.
die, which means that the character does not suffer
any setbacks in that respect when multiclassing.
Mountain Speaker
 Ability Synergy: Both classes have Wisdom as
(Cleric/Druid) their key ability, so the mountain speaker only has
Dwarves hold a particular reverence for their mountain to concentrate on a single skill for his spellcasting.
homes, giving rise to small cults that worship the
mountain spirits instead of the more organised religion

The Mountain Speaker

Base Attack Fort Ref Will
Level Class Bonus Save Save Save Special
1st Clr 1 +0 +2 +0 +2 Turn or rebuke undead, (character feat)
2nd Drd 1 +0 +4 +0 +4 Animal companion, nature sense, wild empathy
3rd Clr 2 +1 +5 +0 +5 (character feat)
4th Drd 2 +2 +6 +0 +6 Woodland stride, (ability increase)
5th Clr 3 +3 +6 +1 +6
6th Drd 3 +4 +6 +2 +6 Trackless step, (character feat)
7th Clr 4 +5 +7 +2 +7
8th Drd 4 +6/+1 +8 +2 +8 Resist nature’s lure, (ability increase)
9th Clr 5 +6/+1 +8 +2 +8 (character feat)
10th Drd 5 +6/+1 +8 +2 +8 Wild shape (1/day)
11th Clr 6 +7/+2 +9 +3 +9
12th Drd 6 +8/+3 +10 +4 +10 Wild shape (2/day), (character feat), (ability increase)
13th Clr 7 +9/+4 +10 +4 +10
14th Drd 7 +10/+5 +10 +4 +10 Wild shape (3/day)
15th Clr 8 +11/+6/+1 +11 +4 +11 (character feat)
16th Drd 8 +12/+7/+2 +12 +4 +12 Wild shape (Large), (ability increase)
17th Clr 9 +12/+7/+2 +12 +5 +12
18th Drd 9 +12/+7/+2 +12 +6 +12 Venom immunity, (character feat)
19th Clr 10 +13/+8/+3 +13 +6 +13
20th Drd 10 +14/+9/+4 +14 +6 +14 Wild shape (4/day), (ability increase)
Multiclassed Dwarves 32 Quintessential Dwarf II: Advanced Tactics

 Base Attack Bonus: Since both classes have  Turn Undead: Druids cannot turn undead, but
the same base attack bonus progression, the clerics can, rounding out the mountain speaker’s
multiclassed character suffers only slightly in this abilities as a divine envoy.
 Wild Shape: This unique druid ability gives the
 Saving Throws: Both cleric and druid have the mountain speaker great versatility. He does not
same saves, which means the mountain speaker reach a sufficient level to be able to turn into a
gets a combined boost for Fortitude and Will while bat, however, which is more appropriate for his
retaining the same Reflex save he would have as cavernous domains.
either a single-classed cleric or druid.

 Spells: Combining the two main divine spellcasting

The mountain speaker dilutes his overall progress by
classes gives the mountain speaker the ability to cast
taking up levels in two classes, adding the following
a great amount of spells per day; he also has access
to virtually all the divine spells, up the maximum
level he can cast.
 Reflex Save Bonus: Neither class has a good Reflex
save bonus; while in the end the mountain speaker’s
 Domains: Cleric levels give the mountain speaker
is no worse than a single-classed druid’s or cleric’s,
access to more spells from other lists, as well as
this still leaves him vulnerable to attacks he might
additional abilities due to the domain’s granted
have dodged.
 Skills: Both the cleric and the druid have the least
amount of skill points per level. Fortunately, their

Mountain Speaker Spells

Cleric Cleric Spells per Day1 Druid Druid Spells per Day
Caster Caster
Level Level 0 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th Level 0 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
1 st
1 st
3 1+1 — — — — 0 th
— — — — — —
2nd 1st 3 1+1 — — — — 1st 3 1 — — — —
3 rd
2 nd
4 2+1 — — — — 1 st
3 1 — — — —
4th 2nd 4 2+1 — — — — 2nd 4 2 — — — —
5 th
3 rd
4 2+1 1+1 — — — 2 nd
4 2 — — — —
6th 3rd 4 2+1 1+1 — — — 3rd 4 2 1 — — —
7th 4th 5 3+1 2+1 — — — 3rd 4 2 1 — — —
8 th
4 th
5 3+1 2+1 — — — 4 th
5 3 2 — — —
9th 5th 5 3+1 2+1 1+1 — — 4th 5 3 2 — — —
10th 5th 5 3+1 2+1 1+1 — — 5th 5 3 2 1 — —
11 th
6 th
5 3+1 3+1 2+1 — — 5 th
5 3 2 1 — —
12th 6th 5 3+1 3+1 2+1 — — 6th 5 3 3 2 — —
13 th
7 th
6 4+1 3+1 2+1 1+1 — 6 th
5 3 3 2 — —
14th 7th 6 4+1 3+1 2+1 1+1 — 7th 6 4 3 2 1 —
15th 8th 6 4+1 3+1 3+1 2+1 — 7th 6 4 3 2 1 —
16 th
8 th
6 4+1 3+1 3+1 2+1 — 8 th
6 4 3 3 2 —
17th 9th 6 4+1 4+1 3+1 2+1 1+1 8th 6 4 3 3 2 —
18th 9th 6 4+1 4+1 3+1 2+1 1+1 9th 6 4 4 3 2 1
19 th
10 th
6 4+1 4+1 3+1 3+1 2+1 9 th
6 4 4 3 2 1
20th 10th 6 4+1 4+1 3+1 3+1 2+1 10th 6 4 4 3 3 2
In addition to the stated number of spells per day for 1 through 9 level spells, a cleric gets a domain spell for each
st th

spell level, starting at 1st. The ‘+1’ in the entries on this table represents that spell. Domain spells are in addition to any
bonus spells the cleric may receive for having a high Wisdom score.
Multiclassed Dwarves 33 Quintessential Dwarf II: Advanced Tactics

class skills list overlap in several places, although  Divine Might (Su): The mountain speaker is
the druid has more class skills related to survival in capable of uniting his beliefs into a single doctrine.
the wild. Starting at character level 12th, he can forfeit all
the skill points in a level and a character feat in
 Spell Access: As the character limits his exchange for being able to use his total character
advancement to half of each class’ possibilities, he level as his caster level for both cleric and druid
does not gain access to either the druid or cleric’s spells. This combined level only affects spells; the
6th through 9th level spells. turn undead ability and the abilities of an animal
companion depend on their respective class levels.
Recommended Options  Mountain Communion: The mountain speaker
As the character combines cleric and druid levels, there
must have selected the Earth domain to be able
are some options he can take to optimise the mixture
to choose this variant ability as a character feat,
of both classes’ abilities.
starting at 9th level. With this ability, the mountain
speaker casts all his spells at +1 caster level when
 When choosing domains for the cleric, take a
he is in the mountains.
careful look at the spell listings as well as the
granted power. Since the combination of druid and
cleric gives the mountain singer access to most of Offspring of
the divine spells, domains that include a few arcane
spells help complete the character’s repertoire. Volcanoes
 Since the character will not advance as much as a (Barbarian/
cleric as if he were single-classed, the Improved
Turning feat helps him bolster his ability to turn
There is an old legend told by dwarven storytellers
and midwives, about how the son of the Forge God
descended upon the world and, where his feet
 Extra Turning and Improved Turning also affect the
touched, mountains awoke with great fury, spewing
character’s chances to turn other sorts of creatures
their fiery innards upon the world. The Forge God,
as defined by the cleric’s domains, such as the
unhappy about the destruction his son was bringing
ability to turn air elementals for clerics with the
but wishing to let him roam free, crafted a body made
Earth domain.
from adamantine, which would protect the world from
his son’s smouldering touch. The child of the Forge
 The quarterstaff is the ideal weapon for the mountain
God travelled the land in his new body, and in his
speaker; if he selects the War domain, he should
adventures he sired many a child with impressionable
pick a deity who offers this weapon as his favoured
dwarf maids. To this day, the offspring of volcanoes
one. Not only will he gain the Weapon Focus for
are born with their veins afire with the Forge God’s
it, but there are several druid spells that increase the
quarterstaff’s effectiveness as a weapon.

 The character does not need to prepare healing Strengths

spells as either a cleric or a druid if he is devoted An offspring of volcanoes gains a number of benefits
to good, for he can replace his cleric spells with from mixing barbarian and sorcerer levels. This
healing spells. If he channels negative energy combination complements the barbarian’s unstoppable
instead, he can use a combination of cleric and combat prowess with the sorcerer’s raw magical
druid prepared spells to fill his healing needs. firepower.

 Base Attack Bonus: The barbarian has a good

Variant Rules progression that becomes diluted severely with the
 Mountain Stride (Su): In place of woodland
sorcerer’s bad progression, resulting in an average
stride, the mountain speaker can select this
base attack suitable for a support fighter.
ability. Mountain Stride grants the character a +10
competence bonus to Climb checks. If the DC of
 Hit Points: The barbarian has the highest hit dice
any given Climb check is 15 or less, the character
while the sorcerer has the lowest; the combination
can move at full speed while climbing.
Multiclassed Dwarves 34 Quintessential Dwarf II: Advanced Tactics

of both classes results in a slightly above average  Uncanny Dodge: The offspring of volcanoes is a
amount of hit points that allows the offspring of very effective close-quarters fighter as he eventually
volcanoes to be a good support combatant. denies his opponents the chance to flank him.

 Saving Throws: The barbarian has good Fortitude  Spells: The addition of sorcerer levels lets the
saves and the sorcerer has good Will saves, granting character savour the advantages of spellcasting,
the offspring of volcanoes good protection against and the offspring of volcanoes has the freedom to
attacks on his mind and body. choose his spells.

 Weapon Proficiency: As soon as he takes a level

of barbarian, the character becomes proficient with
The offspring of volcanoes dilutes his overall progress
a wide array of weapons, increasing his options for
by taking up levels in two classes, adding the following
 Fast Movement: When wearing light armour or
 Charisma: The sorcerer’s magic depends on
medium armour and carrying a light load, the dwarf
Charisma, which is a penalised ability for the
is able to move at the same speed as any other
Medium creature. This poses no problem for the
non-armoured sorcerer.
 Non-Favoured Classes: Neither the barbarian
nor the sorcerer is a dwarf’s favoured class, which
 Rage: Barbarian rage increases the offspring of
compels him to advance in levels at a balanced
volcanoes’ abilities, even if it brings his AC down.
pace, else he incurs an XP penalty. This also forces
the character to limit both classes to their 10th level,
 Damage Reduction: At higher levels of barbarian,
forfeiting the advanced options of each class.
the offspring of volcanoes gains damage reduction,
further improving his combat potential.
 Ability Disparity: While the barbarian depends on
his physical abilities, the sorcerer depends on his
Charisma, forcing the character to keep both scores
The Offspring of Volcanoes
Base Attack Fort Ref Will
Level Class Bonus Save Save Save Special
1st Bbn 1 +1 +2 +0 +0 Fast movement, illiteracy, rage 1/day, (character feat)
2nd Sor 1 +1 +2 +0 +2 Summon familiar
3rd Bbn 2 +2 +3 +0 +2 Uncanny dodge, (character feat)
4th Sor 2 +3 +3 +0 +3 (ability increase)
5th Bbn 3 +4 +3 +1 +4 Trap sense +1
6th Sor 3 +4 +4 +2 +4 (character feat)
7th Bbn 4 +5 +5 +2 +4 Rage 2/day
8th Sor 4 +6/+1 +5 +2 +5 (ability increase)
9th Bbn 5 +7/+2 +5 +2 +5 Improved uncanny dodge, (character feat)
10th Sor 5 +7/+2 +5 +2 +5
11th Bbn 6 +8/+3 +6 +3 +6 Trap sense +2
12th Sor 6 +9/+4 +7 +4 +7 (character feat), (ability increase)
13th Bbn 7 +10/+5 +7 +4 +7 Damage reduction 1/—
14th Sor 7 +10/+5 +7 +4 +7
15th Bbn 8 +11/+6/+1 +8 +4 +7 Rage 3/day, (character feat)
16th Sor 8 +12/+7/+2 +8 +4 +8 (ability increase)
17th Bbn 9 +13/+8/+3 +8 +5 +9 Trap sense +3
18th Sor 9 +13/+8/+3 +9 +6 +9 (character feat)
19th Bbn 10 +14/+9/+4 +10 +6 +9 Damage reduction 2/—
20th Sor 10 +15/+10/+5 +10 +6 +10 (ability increase)
Multiclassed Dwarves 35 Quintessential Dwarf II: Advanced Tactics

relatively high, with a minimum of 15 for Charisma

if he wants to be able to cast the higher-level spells
allowed for the multiclassing sorcerer.

 Skills: Although the barbarian has a good number of

skill points, his class skills are mostly incompatible
with the sorcerer’s, who has a low number of skill
points and class skills.

 Reflex Save Bonus: Neither of the classes has a

good Reflex save bonus; while in the end it is no
worse than for a single-classed character, this still
leaves the offspring of volcanoes vulnerable to
attacks he might have been able to dodge.

 Arcane Spell Failure: Sorcerers cannot

cast spells effectively when wearing
armour, even the light armour that
barbarians tend to use, limiting the
offspring of volcanoes’ role as a

 Spell Access: Because the

character limits his advancement
as a sorcerer by half, he does not
gain access to the sorcerer’s 6th
through 9th level spells.

Offspring of Volcanoes Spells

Level Caster Level Spells Known Spells per Day
0 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 0 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
— — — — — — — — — — — — —
2nd 1 st
4 2 — — — — 3 1 — — — —
3rd 1st 4 2 — — — — 3 1 — — — —
4th 2nd 5 2 — — — — 4 2 — — — —
5th 2 nd
5 2 — — — — 4 2 — — — —
6th 3rd 5 3 — — — — 4 2 1 — — —
7th 3 rd
5 3 — — — — 4 2 1 — — —
8th 4th 6 3 1 — — — 4 3 2 — — —
9th 4th 6 3 1 — — — 4 3 2 — — —
10th 5 th
6 4 2 — — — 4 3 2 1 — —
11th 5th 6 4 2 — — — 6 3 2 1 — —
12th 6th 7 4 2 1 — — 4 3 3 2 — —
13th 6 th
7 4 2 1 — — 6 3 3 2 — —
14th 7th 7 5 3 2 — — 4 4 3 2 1 —
15th 7 th
7 5 3 2 — — 4 4 3 2 1 —
16th 8th 8 5 3 2 1 — 4 4 3 3 2 —
17th 8th 8 5 3 2 1 — 4 4 3 3 2 —
18th 9 th
8 5 4 3 2 — 4 4 4 3 2 1
19th 9th 8 5 4 3 2 — 4 4 4 3 2 1
20th 10th 9 5 4 3 2 1 4 4 4 3 3 2
Multiclassed Dwarves 36 Quintessential Dwarf II: Advanced Tactics

Recommended Options Variant Rules

As the character combines barbarian and sorcerer  Fiery Soul (Su): Instead of summoning a familiar,
levels, there are some options he can take to optimise the offspring of volcanoes can use that spiritual
the mixture of both classes’ abilities. energy to awaken the shard of the Forge God
within his heart. He becomes what amounts to a
 Mage armour is a requisite spell for the character to fire specialist; he can learn one additional spell per
learn if he is to function as both a support combatant level as long as it has the fire descriptor (spells per
and a support spellcaster. day remain unchanged) and gains a +1 bonus to
the save DC of spells with the fire descriptor. This
 If the character selects a familiar instead of taking bonus stacks with the one from Spell Focus and
the fiery soul variant rule below, it is recommended Greater Spell Focus.
that he choose one with the ability to keep out of
the way, such as any flying creature.  Overflowing (Su): Starting at character level 8th,
the character can select Overflowing instead of
 As the table indicates, it is better to start with adding one spell to the sorcerer’s list of known
barbarian levels in order to get the highest amount spells. When he enters a rage, the character’s
of hit points and starting skill points. veins pulse with heat as if magma were pouring
from his heart. The character emits an intense heat
 To maintain the concept of the offspring of that deals 2 automatic points of fire damage to all
volcanoes, the character should learn mostly fire creatures within 5 feet of him. Creatures with the
spells, a selection encouraged by the variant rules fire descriptor are immune to this effect, while
below. creatures with the cold descriptor suffer double
 The character should learn Still Spell and Eschew
Materials if he wants to be able to cast spells and  Spewing Soul (Ex): Starting at character level
hold a weapon at the same time, or alternatively 13th, the character can reduce the number of times
he should choose Quick Draw to be able to put his per day that he can enter a rage by 1 in order to
weapon away and back in his hands quickly as he choose Spewing Soul. This reduction is permanent
casts spells. and may not be reversed. With Spewing Soul the
character links the fire of his rage with the fire
 Combat Casting is a must. A dwarf’s high of his soul, so that he becomes a reflection of the
Constitution already allows the character to rely volcanoes; when he enters a rage, he is still able
on his Concentration checks to avoid attacks of to cast sorcerer spells, but he remains unable to
opportunity for spellcasting, but it never hurts to activate magic items as per the normal barbarian
add more bonuses to ensure success. rage description.

 Before flying into a rage, the offspring of volcanoes

should cast booster spells on himself and his Priest of War
allies. A raging character already stacked with
bull’s strength and bear’s endurance is almost
Warfare is an activity that suits the disciplined dwarves
unstoppable, not to mention that the latter increases
well, and they have had to develop into exceptional
the time the character can maintain his rage.
soldiers because of the various threats and enemies
lurking in the depths of the world. To uplift their
 Another good spell option is greater magic weapon
souls through incessant hardship, the dwarven armies
to make the character a more effective combatant.
count on their priests of war, clerics appointed to the
battlefield to administer aid to the wounded and join
 The character is bound to have a lower Charisma
the fight, blessing their brethren with their power and
and half the caster level of a full-fledged sorcerer,
turning the tide of battle with their prayers and combat
weakening his magic. Spell Focus and Spell
Penetration compensate for this.
Multiclassed Dwarves 37 Quintessential Dwarf II: Advanced Tactics

Strengths  Feats: The priest of war gains a number of bonus

A priest of war gains a number of benefits from feats from adding levels as a fighter. This allows
mixing cleric and fighter levels. This combination him to develop a distinct fighting style that normal
complements the cleric’s divine favour with the clerics are not able to imitate.
fighter’s combat prowess to make a paragon of the
dwarven culture of war. Weaknesses
The priest of war dilutes his overall progress by
 Hit Points: The cleric supplements his average hit taking up levels in two classes, adding the following
dice with the fighter’s good hit dice, increasing his weaknesses:
durability in battle over a normal cleric’s.
 Reflex Save Bonus: Neither of the classes has a
 Base Attack Bonus: The cleric has an average good Reflex save bonus; while in the end the priest
progression that, with the addition of a few fighter of war’s is no worse than either a single-classed
levels, increases significantly to make a more cleric’s or fighter’s, this still leaves him vulnerable
effective priest-warrior. to attacks he cannot dodge.

 Saving Throws: The cleric has good Fortitude and  Skills: Both the cleric and the fighter have the least
Will saves. The fighter’s good Fortitude save bonus amount of skill points per level, and there is little
increases the cleric’s resistance and health. overlap between the class skills for each.

 Domains: The cleric gets domain-granted powers,  Ability Disparity: The fighter depends on his
which can aid him greatly in his tasks as a priest of physical abilities, while the cleric depends on
war if he chooses wisely. his Wisdom. The priest of war must divide his
attention between both scores, ensuring that his
 Turn Undead: The cleric’s ability to turn undead Wisdom eventually reaches a minimum of 17 to be
becomes a great asset for his companions if they are able to cast the higher-level spells allowed for the
facing hordes of undead creatures. multiclassed levels.

The Priest of War

Base Attack Fort Ref Will
Level Class Bonus Save Save Save Special
1st Clr 1 +0 +2 +0 +2 Turn or rebuke undead, (character feat)
2nd Clr 2 +1 +3 +0 +3
3rd Ftr 1 +2 +5 +0 +3 Bonus feat, (character feat)
4th Clr 3 +3 +5 +1 +3 (ability increase)
5th Ftr 2 +4 +6 +1 +3 Bonus feat
6th Clr 4 +5 +7 +1 +4 (character feat)
7th Clr 5 +5 +7 +1 +4
8th Ftr 3 +6/+1 +7 +2 +5 (ability increase)
9th Ftr 4 +7/+2 +8 +2 +5 Bonus feat (Weapon Specialisation), (character feat)
10th Clr 6 +8/+3 +9 +3 +6
11th Clr 7 +9/+4 +9 +3 +6
12th Ftr 5 +10/+5 +9 +3 +6 (character feat), (ability increase)
13th Ftr 6 +11/+6/+1 +10 +4 +7 Bonus feat
14th Clr 8 +12/+7/+2 +11 +4 +8
15th Clr 9 +12/+7/+2 +11 +5 +8 (character feat)
16th Clr 10 +13/+8/+3 +12 +5 +9 (ability increase)
17th Clr 11 +14/+9/+4 +12 +5 +9
18th Clr 12 +15/+10/+5 +13 +6 +10 (character feat)
19th Clr 13 +16/+11/+6/+1 +13 +6 +10
20th Clr 14 +17/+12/+7/+2 +14 +6 +11 (ability increase)
Multiclassed Dwarves 38 Quintessential Dwarf II: Advanced Tactics

 Spell Access: Because the character dilutes his  The character should not be afraid to don the
advancement as a cleric when taking fighter levels, heaviest armour available; divine magic is not
the priest of war does not gain access to the cleric’s hindered by it and the priest of war, with fewer hit
highest-level spells. points than a fighter, should take all the protection
he can get.
Recommended Options  The Improved Unarmed Strike tree presents an
As the character combines cleric and fighter levels,
interesting possibility if the character serves an evil
there are some options he can take to optimise the
deity; for he would be able to deal damage at the
mixture of both classes’ abilities.
same time he delivers inflict spells.
 To keep with the concept and optimise the
 Combat Casting is practically a prerequisite for the
combination of cleric and fighter, one of the
priest of war, and he should get it as soon as he
domains of the priest of war should be War. If he
begins expanding his combat training with fighter
follows a deity with an exotic favoured weapon, so
much the better for the character, since he gets two
feats at once.
 Upon reaching fighter level 4th, the character should
use his fighter bonus feat to purchase Weapon
 The priest of war’s second domain should dictate
Specialisation, choosing his deity’s favoured
the character’s approach to warfare; he could focus
weapon, as the War domain already grants him
on the destruction war carries with it and take
Weapon Focus with it.
the Destruction domain, or be a follower of strict
military discipline and take the Law domain.
 Metamagic feats make a lot of sense for a priest
Priest of War Spells of war, particularly Enlarge Spell and Widen Spell,
which enable him to benefit his allies no matter
Caster Spells per Day1 where they are, and harm his enemies no matter
Level Level 0 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th how fast they run.
1st 1st 3 1+1 — — — — — —
2 nd
2nd 4 2+1 — — — — — —
3rd 2nd 4 2+1 — — — — — — Variant Rules
 Warrior’s Blessing (Su): Starting at character
4 th
3 rd
4 2+1 1+1 — — — — —
level 6th, the priest of war can choose warrior’s
5th 3rd 4 2+1 1+1 — — — — —
blessing instead of a character feat or fighter bonus
6th 4th 5 3+1 2+1 — — — — — feat. The priest of war can infuse an ally with the
7 th
5 th
5 3+1 2+1 1+1 — — — — blessing of the gods of war by spending one turn
8th 5th 5 3+1 2+1 1+1 — — — — undead attempt. The ally gains a bonus to Armour
9 th
5 th
5 3+1 2+1 1+1 — — — — Class, attack and damage rolls equal to the priest
10th 6th 5 3+1 3+1 2+1 — — — — of war’s Wisdom modifier for one round per cleric
11th 7th 6 4+1 3+1 2+1 1+1 — — — level plus one round per two fighter levels.
12 th
7 th
6 4+1 3+1 2+1 1+1 — — —
13th 7th 6 4+1 3+1 2+1 1+1 — — —  Army of One (Su): Starting at character level
14th 8th 6 4+1 3+1 3+1 2+1 — — — 9th, the priest of war can choose Army of One as
a character feat or fighter bonus feat. When the
15 th
9 th
6 4+1 4+1 3+1 2+1 1+1 — —
character successfully deals damage to a target, he
16th 10th 6 4+1 4+1 3+1 3+1 2+1 — —
can spend one turn undead attempt to make his attack
17 th
11 th
6 5+1 4+1 4+1 3+1 2+1 1+1 — automatically hit and inflict damage to another
18th 12th 6 5+1 4+1 4+1 3+1 3+1 2+1 — target within 30 feet of the first. The character can
19th 13th 6 5+1 5+1 4+1 4+1 3+1 2+1 1+1 channel repeated turn undead attempts to strike at
20 th
14 th
6 5+1 5+1 4+1 4+1 3+1 3+1 2+1 multiple targets, up to a maximum number equal to
In addition to the stated number of spells per day for 1st his Wisdom modifier. All targets must be within 30
through 9th level spells, a cleric gets a domain spell for feet of each other and within 120 feet of the priest
each spell level, starting at 1st. The ‘+1’ in the entries of war. Only the normal weapon damage (Strength
on this table represents that spell. Domain spells are in bonus included) is copied onto the extra targets, not
addition to any bonus spells the cleric may receive for
having a high Wisdom score.
Multiclassed Dwarves 39 Quintessential Dwarf II: Advanced Tactics

any extra damage due to a magic weapon ability, warrior, reflecting an aspect of their culture that is
sneak attack, smite or other ability. A critical hit not frequently seen: their capacity for deep, rumbling
will be copied intact. anger. As a race attuned to the earth, dwarves are
stable and almost monolithic in stature, but just as the
 Spirit of Warfare (Su): Starting at character level earth shakes now and then with incredible destructive
17th, the priest of war can choose Spirit of Warfare power, so can the dwarves move themselves to such
as a character feat. He must sacrifice a 6th level extremes. Any group of dwarven skirmishers may
spell as if he were spontaneously replacing it with include a quakebringer who can break the formation
a cure or inflict spell and spend one turn undead of their enemies, charging and wreaking havoc in their
attempt as he raises his voice in prayer to the midst.
deities of war. The round after the priest of war
calls for this ability, the heavens split open and the
hosts of the war gods arrive to aid the priest. For
A quakebringer gains a number of benefits from mixing
one round per cleric level, the priest of war and
barbarian with fighter levels. This combination mixes
his allies are considered to be flanking any enemy
the barbarian’s sheer power with the fighter’s advanced
they turn against, as a spirit of war materialises to
tactics to produce a fearful fighting machine.
complement their manoeuvres, and all the allies’
weapons deal +1d6 holy damage as the spirit of war
 Hit Points: The barbarian enjoys the highest hit
helping them deals a strike of his own.
dice, and the fighter’s second-best does not dilute
the total amount of hit points that much, especially
Quakebringer considering that dwarves usually have a greater
Constitution bonus.
It is a credit to the dwarven way of life that even their  Ability Synergy: Both classes have Strength as
more savage warriors show a modicum of discipline their key ability, so the quakebringer only has to
and have the patience to learn a few advanced concentrate on a single skill for his combat focus.
combat manoeuvres to complement their unbridled
fury. Quakebringers are a special breed of dwarven

The Quakebringer
Base Attack Fort Ref Will
Level Class Bonus Save Save Save Special
1st Bbn 1 +1 +2 +0 +0 Fast movement, illiteracy, rage 1/day, (character feat)
2nd Bbn 2 +2 +3 +0 +0 Uncanny dodge
3rd Ftr 1 +3 +5 +0 +0 Bonus feat, (character feat)
4th Bbn 3 +4 +5 +1 +1 Trap sense +1, (ability increase)
5th Ftr 2 +5 +6 +1 +1 Bonus feat
6th Bbn 4 +6/+1 +7 +1 +1 Rage 2/day, (character feat)
7th Bbn 5 +7/+2 +7 +1 +1 Improved uncanny dodge
8th Ftr 3 +8/+3 +7 +2 +2 (ability increase)
9th Ftr 4 +9/+4 +8 +2 +2 Bonus feat, (character feat)
10th Bbn 6 +10/+5 +9 +3 +3 Trap sense +2
11th Bbn 7 +11/+6/+1 +9 +3 +3 Damage reduction 1/—
12th Ftr 5 +12/+7/+2 +9 +3 +3 (character feat), (ability increase)
13th Bbn 8 +13/+8/+3 +10 +3 +3 Rage 3/day
14th Ftr 6 +14/+9/+4 +11 +4 +4 Bonus feat
15th Bbn 9 +15/+10/+5 +11 +5 +5 Trap sense +3, (character feat)
16th Bbn 10 +16/+11/+6/+1 +12 +5 +5 Damage reduction 2/—, (ability increase)
17th Bbn 11 +17/+12/+7/+2 +12 +5 +5 Greater rage
18th Bbn 12 +18/+13/+8/+3 +13 +6 +6 Rage 4/day, trap sense +4, (character feat)
19th Bbn 13 +19/+14/+9/+4 +13 +6 +6 Damage reduction 3/—
20th Bbn 14 +20/+15/+10/+5 +14 +6 +6 Indomitable will, (ability increase)
Multiclassed Dwarves 40 Quintessential Dwarf II: Advanced Tactics

 Base Attack Bonus: Since both classes have Recommended Options

the same base attack bonus progression, the As the character combines barbarian and fighter
quakebringer advances at the same pace and does levels, there are some options he can take to optimise
not suffer at all from combining the classes. the mixture of both classes’ abilities.

 Saving Throws: Barbarian and fighter have the  The Power Attack tree gives the character greater
same saves, which means the character gets a damage potential, especially when raging. A Cleave
combined boost for Fortitude while retaining the bolstered by Power Attack can be devastating.
same Reflex and Will save he would have had as a
single-classed barbarian or fighter.  As indicated in the table, starting with a barbarian
level means the character gains the maximum
 Fast Movement: When wearing light armour or amount of hit points possible for a starting character,
medium armour and carrying a light load, the dwarf plus the slightly greater number of skill points per
is able to move at the same speed as any other level.
Medium creature.
 To alleviate the AC penalty from raging, the
 Rage: Barbarian rage increases the quakebringer’s character should take Dodge, as he cannot use the
abilities, even if it brings his AC down. other option, Combat Expertise, during a rage.

 Damage Reduction: At higher levels of barbarian,

the quakebringer gains damage reduction, further
improving his combat potential.

 Uncanny Dodge: The quakebringer is a very

effective close-quarters fighter as he eventually
denies his opponents the chance to flank him.

 Feats: The quakebringer gains four bonus feats

from the fighter levels he adds to his barbarian

The quakebringer dilutes his overall progress by
taking up levels in two classes, adding the following

 Saving Throws: Neither of the classes has

a good Reflex nor Will save bonus; while
in the end they are no worse than for a
single-classed character, this still leaves
the quakebringer vulnerable to attacks
he might have dodged, as well as to
mind-affecting abilities.

 Armour Impediment: Even if the

fighter class gives the quakebringer
proficiency with heavy armour,
the character must make a choice
between protection and speed, since his
fast movement does not work with heavy
armour, or with medium armour while
carrying a medium load.
Multiclassed Dwarves 41 Quintessential Dwarf II: Advanced Tactics

 Another way that the quakebringer melds the fury of The character can stomp his foot on the ground and
a barbarian with the training of a fighter is through spend one use of his rage for the day, creating a
two-weapon fighting. The penalty of fighting with shockwave that topples and hurts every creature
two weapons (provided the character has Two- around him. He makes a single attack roll as a
Weapon Fighting) is eliminated by the rage, leaving standard action. All enemies within 10 feet must
the character with an extra attack at his normal base make a Reflex save (DC 10 + half the character’s
attack bonus. level + Str modifier) to avoid falling prone to the
ground on their position. Even if they save, the
 Even if he cannot use it during a rage, Combat character deals damage to all targets whose AC
Expertise opens the way for other useful feats like is lower than his attack roll, dealing 1d6 points of
Improved Trip, which the quakebringer can use bludgeoning damage +1 per two character levels.
with his increased Strength and dwarven stability.

Variant Rules
 Quakestrike (Su): Starting at character level 5th, the (Rogue/Ranger)
quakebringer can choose Quakestrike as a fighter The wide halls and corridors of dwarven holds are but
bonus feat. The character must have the Power a fraction of the world that this race inhabits. Tight
Attack feat before choosing this variant rule. When caves, eternally dark corridors and impassable chasms
the character deals at least 20 points of damage with are obstacles that slow down the dwarves’ expansion,
a melee attack, his blow strikes with the strength of but it certainly does not stop them, as their spelunkers
an earthquake. The target must make a Fortitude brave the unexplored corners of the underground
save (DC equal to damage dealt +5) or begin realms, squeezing, climbing and swimming in search
trembling uncontrollably; he lets go of everything of valuable cavern space and mineral riches that the
he is holding and is unable to take standard actions rest of their brethren can exploit. Spelunkers are also
for 1d4 rounds. Even if he succeeds, the target the scouts in dwarven campaigns against their more
suffers a –1 circumstance penalty to attack and unsavoury neighbours like the infamous drow, amongst
damage rolls for 1d4+1 rounds as his hands cannot other enemies.
stop shaking.

 Rage of the Earth (Su): Starting at character level

A spelunker gains a number of benefits from
8th, the quakebringer can select Rage of the Earth
mixing ranger and rogue levels. This combination
instead of an ability increase and 2 skill points. When
complements the ranger’s puissance with the rogue’s
the character enters a rage, the ground beneath him
versatility to create a master of the underground.
rages too, trembling with each of the character’s
steps. All creatures within 10 feet of the raging
 Base Attack Bonus: The rogue has an average
quakebringer suffer a –2 circumstance penalty to
progression that, with the addition of a few ranger
attack rolls and Reflex saves, and spellcasters must
levels, increases significantly to make for a more
make a Concentration check (DC 15) to be able
effective spelunker concept.
to cast a spell despite the ground’s movements.
Creatures can make a Balance check (DC 10 + half
 Saving Throws: The ranger has good Fortitude and
the character’s level + Con modifier) each round
Reflex saves. The rogue’s good Reflex save bonus
to avoid the penalty, but if they fail they lose their
gives a boost to an already high save bonus.
actions for the remainder of their turn as they try to
balance themselves. Objects and furniture around
 Weapon Proficiency: As soon as he takes a level
the character are subject to toppling over, depending
of ranger, the character becomes proficient with a
on their stability, at the Games Master’s judgement.
wide array of weapons, broadening his options for
A character can choose to enter a normal rage
without the tremors effect.
 Skills: The rogue and the ranger have the two
 Earthen Fury (Ex): Starting at character level
highest numbers of skill points per level, allowing
13th, the quakebringer can select Earthen Fury as a
the character to excel in whatever task he wishes
fighter bonus feat. He must have the Power Attack
to master.
and Cleave feats before choosing this variant rule.
Multiclassed Dwarves 42 Quintessential Dwarf II: Advanced Tactics

 Evasion: The spelunker gains this ability early Weaknesses

on, gaining an additional defence over a regular The spelunker dilutes his overall progress by taking
fighter. up levels in two classes, adding the following
 Uncanny Dodge: Spelunkers would prefer not to
find themselves in close combat, but when they do,  Non-Favoured Classes: Neither the ranger nor the
the ability to retain their Dexterity bonus to AC and rogue is a dwarf’s favoured class, which compels
avoid being flanked comes as a great help. him to advance in levels at a balanced pace else he
incurs an XP penalty. This also forces the character
 Traps: Trapfinding and the increasing trap sense to limit both classes to their 10th level, forfeiting the
bonus are useful when the spelunker encounters advanced options of each class.
traps set by other underground dwellers.
 Hit Points: The ranger’s average hit die is diluted
 Bonus Feats: Throughout the ranger’s career and as by the rogue’s below-average one; it is advisable
part of his normal development, he gains a number that the character stay out of combat as much as
of free feats like Track and Endurance. These are possible.
in addition to the combat-style feats that he gains
without needing to meet their prerequisites as long  Ability Disparity: While the ranger makes do with
as he wears light or no armour, something that does Dexterity, the spelunker should also concentrate on
not bother the rogue half of the spelunker at all. developing his Strength, particularly for the Climb,
Jump and Swim checks based on it.
 Spells: The character learns to cast a minuscule
amount of divine spells, which he should treat  Will Save Bonus: Neither of the classes has a good
as a variable spell-like ability rather than a full Will save bonus; while in the end the spelunker’s is
spellcasting skill in order to appreciate its benefits no worse than a single-classed ranger’s or rogue’s,
more. this still leaves him vulnerable to mind-affecting

The Spelunker
Base Attack Fort Ref Will
Level Class Bonus Save Save Save Special
1st Rog 1 +0 +0 +2 +0 Sneak attack +1d6, trapfinding, (character feat)
2nd Rgr 1 +1 +2 +4 +0 1st favoured enemy, Track, wild empathy
3rd Rog 2 +2 +2 +5 +0 Evasion, (character feat)
4th Rgr 2 +3 +3 +6 +0 Combat style, (ability increase)
5th Rog 3 +4 +4 +6 +1 Sneak attack +2d6, trap sense +1
6th Rgr 3 +5 +4 +6 +2 Endurance, (character feat)
7th Rog 4 +6/+1 +4 +7 +2 Uncanny dodge
8th Rgr 4 +7/+2 +5 +8 +2 Animal companion, (ability increase)
9th Rog 5 +7/+2 +5 +8 +2 Sneak attack +3d6, (character feat)
10th Rgr 5 +8/+3 +5 +8 +2 2nd favoured enemy
11th Rog 6 +9/+4 +6 +9 +3 Trap sense +2
12th Rgr 6 +10/+5 +7 +10 +4 Improved combat style, (character feat), (ability
13th Rog 7 +11/+6/+1 +7 +10 +4 Sneak attack +4d6
14th Rgr 7 +12/+7/+2 +7 +10 +4 Woodland stride
15th Rog 8 +13/+8/+3 +7 +11 +4 Improved uncanny dodge, (character feat)
16th Rgr 8 +14/+9/+4 +8 +12 +4 Swift tracker, (ability increase)
17th Rog 9 +14/+9/+4 +9 +12 +5 Sneak attack +5d6, trap sense +3
18th Rgr 9 +15/+10/+5 +9 +12 +6 Evasion, (character feat)
19th Rog 10 +16/+11/+6/+1 +9 +13 +6 Special ability
20th Rgr 10 +17/+12/+7/+2 +10 +14 +6 3rd favoured enemy, (ability increase)
Multiclassed Dwarves 43 Quintessential Dwarf II: Advanced Tactics

 Armour: Both classes are only proficient in light  Dwarven spelunkers are excellent snipers during
armour, and most of their better abilities only work the night, because their darkvision allows them to
while wearing light or no armour, which means approach a target within 30 feet and have no penalty
the spelunker has to look for other options for his for stealth. If this sneak-attack target is also one
defence. of the character’s favoured enemies, so much the
Recommended Options  The character’s best option for combat is to find a
As the character combines ranger and rogue levels,
place behind cover to set it up as his firing position.
there are some options he can take to optimise the
Shot on the Run will help him maintain his cover
mixture of both classes’ abilities.
while keeping it from interfering with his own
shots, but he must devote all his character feats
 When selecting the character’s combat style from
towards gaining it by taking Dodge, Mobility and
the ranger class, opt for the archery style. The
Point Blank Shot.
spelunker should avoid combat because of his
below-average hit points and light armour, but his
 Equipment is the key to survival underground. The
high base attack bonus makes him an ideal ranged
spelunker should carry with him at least two lengths
of rope and a climbing kit. The Use Rope skill is a
must to help his less-skilled companions negotiate
 Crossbows are an alternative to the more traditional
the harder stretches.
bow, given the spelunker’s ability to use them while
prone and in tight spaces, a condition he is very
likely to find himself in as he explores alcoves and Variant Rules
other cavernous features.  Underground Master (Ex): Instead of taking a
new favoured enemy, the spelunker can instead take
Underground Master, focusing on dealing with the
cavernous terrain instead of studying the weaknesses
Spelunker Spells of an enemy. While travelling in underground
Caster Spells per Day terrain, artificial or natural, the character moves
Level Level 1st 2nd faster than normal, adding 10 feet per round to his
1st 0 — — speed. This speed bonus applies also when crossing
2nd 1st — — difficult terrain, where a character normally travels
3rd 1st — — 5 feet in a full round.
4th 2nd — —
5th 2nd — —  Ricochet (Ex): The spelunker is very familiar with
6th 3rd — — the physics of the underground and can use them
to improve his chances of hitting targets. Starting
7th 3rd — —
at character level 9th, the spelunker can choose
8th 4th 0 —
Ricochet instead of a character feat. By sacrificing
9th 4th 0 — one die of sneak attack damage, the character can
10th 5th 0 — extend the reach of his sneak attack from 30 feet to
11th 5th 0 — 60 feet by bouncing it off walls, ceilings and other
12th 6th 1 — features. Both the target and the spelunker must be
13th 6th 1 — within 10 feet of a wall or large feature.
14th 7th 1 —
15th 7th 1 —  Impossible Climb (Sp): Instead of woodland stride,
16th 8th 1 0 the spelunker can select Impossible Climb by also
17th 8th 1 0
sacrificing 4 skill points. Three times per day, the
character gains the benefits of the spider climb spell
18th 9th 1 0
as if he were a sorcerer of his character level.
19th 9th 1 0
20th 10th 1 1  Improved Evasion (Ex): The second time he gains
evasion, the character can instead gain Improved
Evasion. This ability works like evasion, except
Multiclassed Dwarves 44 Quintessential Dwarf II: Advanced Tactics

that while the spelunker still takes no damage on  Unarmed Combat: The character can deal a very
a successful Reflex saving throw against attacks decent amount of damage without weapons, which
henceforth, he takes only half damage on a failed is useful for the wrestler’s focus on extremely close
save. A helpless character cannot benefit from combat.
Improved Evasion.
 Evasion: The monk’s evasion ability is useful
when facing spellcasters and creatures with spell-
Wrestler like abilities.
(Fighter/Monk)  Self-Healing: With wholeness of body, the
Some dwarves prefer to fight up close and very
character can take greater risks; while it will never
personal, and sometimes they have no other choice as
be as useful as the ability of a straight monk, the
the tight confines of underground corridors make them
character can keep himself from dying.
prone to ambushes and surprise attacks. The wrestler
takes the concept of close combat to its extreme,
 Fast Movement: A dwarf can catch up with other
pulling opponents into his deadly embrace to choke
Medium size creatures and eventually overtake
the life out of them. The discipline of the wrestler’s
style meshes well with the values of dwarven culture,
making the wrestler a respected peer as well as a
 Feats: The wrestler gains a number of bonus feats
welcome addition to any skirmish party.
from adding levels as a fighter. This allows him to
develop a distinct fighting style that normal monks
Strengths are not able to create.
A wrestler gains a number of benefits from mixing
monk and fighter levels. This combination couples the
monk’s discipline with the fighter’s nimble strength to
The wrestler dilutes his overall progress by taking
create a fierce grappler.
up levels in two classes, adding the following
 Base Attack Bonus: The fighter has a good
progression that becomes only slightly diluted by
 Class Restriction: If a monk character takes a level
the monk’s average progression, so he can maintain
in another class, he can never again advance as a
his role as a frontline combatant.
monk, which means that he must decide when to
start taking fighter levels. This also means that
 Hit Points: The fighter’s good hit points do not
dwarves cannot multiclass the monk with any other
suffer much from the monk’s average hit dice,
class except their favoured one or incur an XP
with the loss balanced by a dwarf’s relatively high
 Abilities: A monk should have a good Wisdom
 Saving Throws: The monk has all saves set for
score to make the best use of his class, so the
the best progression. Not only does this boost the
character must allocate his ability increases between
character’s Fortitude save, but it also gives him a
his primary combat ability (Strength, Dexterity or
good defence in the areas of Reflex and Will as
Constitution) and Wisdom. The Combat Expertise
feat has an Intelligence prerequisite as well, so
the wrestler should have a minimum score of 13
 Weapon Proficiency: As soon as he takes a level
in at least five abilities to make the most of this
of fighter, the character becomes proficient with a
wide array of weapon, broadening his options for
combat, although he cannot use his flurry of blows
 Armour Restrictions: The monk cannot use
ability with weapons other than the monk’s.
armour and still enjoy his special features, which
poses a problem for the combat-oriented fighter.
 Skills: The monk gains a base 4 skill points per
level, which is double the fighter’s. The monk has
a slightly wider selection of class skills, but not so
many as to divert from the character’s focus.
Multiclassed Dwarves 45 Quintessential Dwarf II: Advanced Tactics

Recommended Options  The character’s fighting style should lean on

As the character combines ranger and rogue levels, Dexterity. Not only will this benefit his Armour
there are some options he can take to optimise the Class and initiative bonus, but also his unarmed
mixture of both classes’ abilities. attacks if he takes the Weapon Finesse feat.

 Given the monk’s inability to use armour, the  The character can gain Stunning Fist as a fighter
character should spend the fighter bonus feats bonus feat provided he meets the prerequisites, so
he will gain on defensive areas such as Combat he can take Improved Grapple at monk level 1st to
Expertise, Dodge and Mobility; he has two ability go with the character concept and take the variant
increases before starting to take fighter levels, so rules below.
he should invest them in the feats’ prerequisites,
Intelligence and Dexterity.

The Wrestler
Base Flurry of
Attack Fort Ref Will Blows Attack Unarmed AC Speed
Level Class Bonus Save Save Save Special Bonus Damage Bonus Bonus
1st Mnk 1 +0 +2 +2 +2 Bonus feat (Improved –2/–2 1d6 +0 +0 ft.
Grapple), flurry of blows,
unarmed strike, (character
2nd Mnk 2 +1 +3 +3 +3 Bonus feat, evasion –1/–1 1d6 +0 +0 ft.
3rd Mnk 3 +2 +3 +3 +3 Still mind, (character feat) +0/+0 1d6 +0 +10 ft.
4th Mnk 4 +3 +4 +4 +4 Ki strike (magic), slow fall +1/+1 1d8 +0 +10 ft.
20 ft., (ability increase)
5th Mnk 5 +3 +4 +4 +4 Purity of body +2/+2 1d8 +1 +10 ft.
6th Mnk 6 +4 +5 +5 +5 Bonus feat, slow fall 30 ft, +3/+3 1d8 +1 +20 ft.
(character feat)
7th Mnk 7 +5 +5 +5 +5 Wholeness of body +4/+4 1d8 +1 +20 ft.
8th Mnk 8 +6/+1 +6 +6 +6 Slow fall 40 ft., (ability +5/+5/+0 1d10 +1 +20 ft.
9th Mnk 9 +6/+1 +6 +6 +6 Improved evasion, +6/+6/+1 1d10 +1 +30 ft.
(character feat)
10th Ftr 1 +7/+2 +8 +6 +6 Bonus feat +7/+7/+2 1d10 +1 +30 ft.
11th Ftr 2 +8/+3 +9 +6 +6 Bonus feat (Stunning Fist) +8/+8/+3 1d10 +1 +30 ft.
12th Ftr 3 +9/+4 +9 +7 +7 (character feat), (ability +9/+9/+4 1d10 +1 +30 ft.
13th Ftr 4 +10/+5 +10 +7 +7 Bonus feat +10/+10/+5 1d10 +1 +30 ft.
14th Ftr 5 +11/+6/ +10 +7 +7 +11/+11/+6/ 1d10 +1 +30 ft.
+1 +1
15th Ftr 6 +12/+7/ +11 +8 +8 Bonus feat, (character +12/+12/+7/ 1d10 +1 +30 ft.
+2 feat) +2
16th Ftr 7 +13/+8/ +11 +8 +8 (ability increase) +13/+13/+8/ 1d10 +1 +30 ft.
+3 +3
17th Ftr 8 +14/+9/ +12 +8 +8 Bonus feat +14/+14/+9/ 1d10 +1 +30 ft.
+4 +4
18th Ftr 9 +15/+10/ +12 +9 +9 (character feat) +15/+15/+10/ 1d10 +1 +30 ft.
+5 +5
19th Ftr 10 +16/+11/ +13 +9 +9 Bonus feat +16/+16/+11/ 1d10 +1 +30 ft.
+6/+1 +6/+1
20th Ftr 11 +17/+12/ +13 +9 +9 (ability increase) +17/+17/+12/ 1d10 +1 +30 ft.
+7/+2 +7/+2
Multiclassed Dwarves 46 Quintessential Dwarf II: Advanced Tactics

 The options for the second and third monk bonus half his character level as bonus damage to the
feats should be Combat Reflexes and Improved grappling damage.
Trip. He can take Deflect Arrows later, and
Improved Disarm is up to his tastes.  Hold In Place (Ex): Starting at character level 8th,
the wrestler can take Hold In Place as a character or
 Two-Weapon Fighting only makes sense when fighter bonus feat. From that moment on, he can be
using monk weapons; the character can gain an incredibly stable during a grapple. Allies attacking
extra attack in addition to the flurry of blows’ extra the enemy the wrestler is grappling with have
attack. no chance of hitting the wrestler, while enemies
still have a 50% chance of hitting their ally when
 The character’s first fighter bonus feat should be targeting the wrestler while he is grappling.
Weapon Focus (unarmed); at fighter level 4th it
should be Weapon Specialisation (unarmed) and at  Grapple Anything (Ex): Starting at character level
fighter level 8th it should be Greater Weapon Focus 12th, the character is qualified for a 10-foot increase
(unarmed). His unarmed damage is equivalent to a in his speed due to the fast movement ability. He
bastard sword by the time he starts gaining fighter can opt out and instead count as a Large creature
levels, and he cannot be disarmed. for grappling checks, including the +4 size bonus as
well as the ability to grapple with larger creatures.
 As the name of this multiclass combination He may only take this variant rule once.
suggests, grappling is the wrestler’s manoeuvre of
choice. He can deal his unarmed damage with a
grapple check instead of an attack roll, and may use
his flurry of blows ability to gain multiple grapple
checks to do so.

Variant Rules
 Great Hold (Ex): Instead of the slow fall ability,
the wrestler becomes more proficient in holding
onto his target. He must have the Improved Grapple
feat in order to take this variant rule. He gains a
+2 bonus to grapple checks at monk level 4th, a +4
bonus at monk level 6th and a +6 bonus at monk
level 8th.

 Crushing Embrace (Ex): As a fighter

bonus feat, the wrestler may take
crushing embrace. He must already
have the Improved Grapple feat
in order to take this variant
rule. When the character
is grappling, he adds
The Legendary Dwarf 47 Quintessential Dwarf II: Advanced Tactics

The Legendary
he world only knows of a handful of dwarven paths, but other times they find him, leaving him little
heroes, mostly those who made their names by choice but to follow them and see what lies at the end.
travelling outside their kingdoms and joining Sometimes he does not even realise he is becoming a
adventuring parties. Dwarves have a rich history legend until he hears his praises sung in a bard’s song.
that lies hidden beneath layers of rock, obscured by
the darkness of twisting underground passages. This This chapter presents a number of prestige classes
history is full of dwarven champions who have reached suitable for dwarf characters of medium to high level;
heights of power and skill that would be described as members of other races who meet the prerequisites may
legendary – if only the bards on the surface ever learned start upon these paths, but the secrecy and lifestyle of
of them. the dwarves ensures that only those who prove their
valour and worth to this very demanding race can gain
By meeting certain criteria, a dwarf character may access to this specialised training.
divert his advancement towards a set of abilities that are
literally the stuff of legends. Sometimes he seeks these

Epic Levels  Core classes and prestige classes with 10 levels

Some of these classes may take a character beyond may continue advancing beyond their maximum,
20th level; indeed, many are actually designed to do so! using the progression information found in Core
When a character gains his 21st level, whether from Rulebook II 3.5 for core classes, and the epic
a single class or any combination of multiclassing progression text box in the description of each
and prestige classes, he becomes an epic character as prestige class in this book. Ten-level prestige
detailed in Core Rulebook II 3.5, at which point some classes may only be advanced beyond 10th level
of his characteristics change slightly. if the character’s total character level is 20th or
A character can reach 21st level while in the middle
of taking one of the prestige classes in this book, in  Character feats and ability increases are gained
which case he follows these rules: normally at every level divisible by 3 for feats and
any level divisible by 4 for ability increases.
 Ignore the prestige class’ base attack bonus and
all base save bonuses; follow the progression in Epic Advancement
the epic advancement table below using the total Character Epic Attack Epic Save
character level instead of any individual class level. Level Bonus Bonus
These are epic bonuses that do not grant additional 21st +1 +0
attacks (in the case of the base attack bonus).
22nd +1 +1
23rd +2 +1
 Continue to gain the class features of each level
attained in both the prestige class and any previous 24th +2 +2
core class until they reach their maximum (5th or 25th +3 +2
10th for prestige classes, 20th for core classes). 26th +3 +3
27th +4 +3
 Prestige classes with 5 levels stop there and the 28th +4 +4
character must gain new levels from other classes. 29th +5 +4
30th +5 +5
The Legendary Dwarf 48 Quintessential Dwarf II: Advanced Tactics

Demolisher Class Features

Demolishers are a breed of fighting dwarf born as Armour and Weapon Proficiency: Demolishers are
the result of a drunken dare. As dwarven storytellers proficient with all simple and martial weapons. They
narrate, a few dwarves were having a drink in are proficient with all types of armour and with shields.
celebration of a new mithral vein found, and got so Note that armour check penalties for armour heavier
tremendously inebriated that they started betting than leather apply to the skills Balance, Climb, Escape
impossible things – for one, that they could extract Artist, Hide, Jump, Move Silently and Tumble. Also,
mithral ore without the use of tools. One dwarf used his Swim checks suffer a –1 penalty for every 5 pounds of
hands; another tried to kick the wall. The third one used armour, equipment, or loot carried.
his head…literally. Demolishers are a rather suicidal
bunch who use their own bodies as wrecking balls, Superior Stability (Ex): Dwarves are very stable on
carelessly launching themselves at their enemies. It is their feet when somebody tries to tip them over, but
a testament to dwarven stubbornness that such reckless demolishers have taken this racial trait even further.
methods eventually grew into a very destructive combat The dwarf’s +4 stability bonus now counts towards
style, and now demolishers are recognised warriors making bull rush, trip and overrun attempts, not just to
who usually get sent in front of other, saner troops. resist them.

With their high hit points, fighters and barbarians are Strong Push (Ex): The character can exert incredible
the best candidates for dwarven demolishers, as they sudden force with his attacks. If the demolisher attempts
acquire a new set of techniques that will get them in a bull rush or an overrun as part of a charge, the distance
the midst of their enemies, where they can unleash the that he pushes his target is 10 feet per Strength modifier
rest of their deadly arsenal. Other classes tend to be too if he simply pushes. If the character decides to follow
weak and undisciplined to learn the techniques of the in the case of a bull rush, he pushes the target as far as
demolisher. his movement permits and then the 10 feet per Strength
Hit Die: d12.
Unstoppable Charge (Ex): The demolisher’s footing
grows sure and strong. He can attempt a charge even
Requirements through difficult terrain, through a square occupied by
Race: Dwarf.
an ally and even through a square occupied by an enemy,
Base Attack Bonus: +8 or higher.
in which case he gains a free overrun attempt. His
Abilities: Constitution 15+.
movement is slowed by difficult terrain as normal; the
Feats: Power Attack, Improved Bull Rush, Improved
only difference is that it does not impede his charge.
Overrun, Run.
Improved Charge (Ex): When the character attacks
Class Skills with a charge, he deals double damage with any melee
The demolisher’s class skills (and the key ability for weapon he is holding in addition to the +2 bonus to
each skill) are Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Intimidate (Cha), attack rolls. If he is charging with a lance or other
Jump (Str), Profession (Wis), Survival (Wis) and Swim weapon that specifically deals double damage on a
(Str). charge, its damage instead triples and so forth. When
attempting an improved charge, the character suffers
Skill Points At Each Level: 2 + Int modifier. a –4 to AC. The demolisher can decide whether to
initiate a normal or an improved charge.

The Demolisher
Class Level Base Attack Bonus Fort Save Ref Save Will Save Special
1st +1 +2 +0 +0 Superior stability, strong push
2nd +2 +3 +0 +0 Unstoppable charge
3rd +3 +3 +1 +1 Improved charge, crash 1/day
4th +4 +4 +1 +1 Inexorable charge
5th +5 +4 +1 +1 Greater charge, crash 2/day
The Legendary Dwarf 49 Quintessential Dwarf II: Advanced Tactics

Greater Charge (Ex): At 5th level, the demolisher

can execute a charge worthy of a siege engine. He
can attempt a greater charge instead of a normal or
improved charge. When he does, he gains a +4 bonus
to attack rolls and multiplies the damage he inflicts by
three (by four in case of a critical). In exchange he loses
his Dexterity bonus to AC in addition to a –3 penalty to
AC while doing a greater charge.

That dwarves have a close kinship with earth and
stone is undeniable, supported not only by the
way they live, but also by the Terran language
that uses the dwarven alphabet for its written
form. Dwarves and earth are closely linked,
and this relationship is as magical as that
between elves and forests. An earthcore is a
special initiate of earthen ways, a spellcaster
of either arcane or divine inclination who
seeks to align his spirit with that of the earth
and rock through his magic, whether it is by
understanding, inspiration or faith. Earthcores
are a tightly knit group who mingle with the normal
clergy and magical societies of the dwarves, offering
their insight and lending their power to their brethren.

Any dwarf who can wield earth magic can petition to

join the earthcores, who put him through a series of
Crash (Ex): The character can charge through almost spiritual ordeals to test his commitment to the earth.
any obstacle. When trying to break an object through Druids are more philosophically inclined to join this
sudden force instead of by attacking and reducing its hit group, and clerics also show proclivity, especially when
points, the demolisher can charge at it and gain a bonus worship of earth is part of their beliefs. Wizards and
to his Strength check equal to twice his demolisher many sorcerers also find their way into the earthcore’s
level. The demolisher can attempt an improved or rank if their studies or souls are directed towards
greater charge as part of his break attempt, in which understanding rock on a very intimate level.
case he increases his total Strength and crash bonus,
but he suffers damage in the process. When trying an Hit Die: d8.
improved charge, he doubles his total Strength plus
crash bonus (twice his demolisher level) and suffers Requirements
an amount of damage equal to one third the object’s Race: Dwarf.
break DC; when trying a greater charge (see below), he Ability: Constitution 15 or higher.
triples his total Strength plus crash bonus and suffers an Skills: Climb 5 ranks, Knowledge (nature) 8 ranks,
amount of damage equal to half the object’s break DC. Survival 5 ranks.
At 3rd level, the character can only try to crash through Feats: Empower Spell.
an obstacle once per day, but it increases to twice per Spellcasting: Must know or be able to cast at least five
day at 5th level. spells that manipulate earth or rock.
Special: The character spends one week buried up to
Inexorable Charge (Ex): Once the demolisher points at his neck in meditation. Other clerics or druids assisting
a target and charges towards it, there is almost no force in his initiation tend his basic needs, but he cannot do
in the world that can stop him. He does not provoke any anything else during that time.
attack of opportunity while charging past threatened
areas. This only works on a charge, not through normal
tactical movement or even during a run manoeuvre.
The Legendary Dwarf 50 Quintessential Dwarf II: Advanced Tactics

The Earthcore
Class Base Attack Fort Ref Will
Level Bonus Save Save Save Special Spells Per Day
1st +0 +2 +0 +2 Stone meld I +1 level of existing class
2nd +1 +3 +0 +3 Stone spike +1 level of existing class
3rd +2 +3 +1 +3 Stone to mud +1 level of existing class
4th +3 +4 +1 +4 Stone shield +1 level of existing class
5th +3 +4 +1 +4 Stone meld II +1 level of existing class
6th +4 +5 +2 +5 +1 level of existing class
7th +5 +5 +2 +5 Mud to stone +1 level of existing class
8th +6 +6 +2 +6 Raise/lower earth +1 level of existing class
9th +6 +6 +3 +6 +1 level of existing class
10th +7 +7 +3 +7 Stone meld III +1 level of existing class

Class Skills can actually see and hear what is going on outside
The earthcore’s class skills (and the key ability for each his earthen refuge; he sees the outside as if he were
skill) are Concentration (Con), Climb (Str), Craft (Int), submerged in water, with all outside his hiding place
Knowledge (arcana) (Int), Knowledge (religion) (Int), distorted but visible and audible. The character can
Knowledge (nature) (Int), Profession (Wis), Spellcraft remain hidden for 10 minutes per class level per day, and
(Int) and Survival (Wis). he can distribute this duration between multiple uses,
provided he does not exceed the maximum duration
Skill Points At Each Level: 2 + Int modifier. for the day. At 1st level, this ability does nothing else
but hide the character, but his affinity with the earth
increases to give him more flexibility, although the
Class Features maximum duration remains unchanged.
Armour and Weapon Proficiency: Earthcores are
proficient with all simple weapons. They are proficient Stone Spike (Su): The earthcore can command the
with light armour but not with shields. Note that armour ground to attack his foes, causing a sharp spike of solid
check penalties for armour heavier than leather apply to rock to shoot out at a target. While this most commonly
the skills Balance, Climb, Escape Artist, Hide, Jump, comes from the ground, the spike can also be caused
Move Silently and Tumble. Also, Swim checks suffer to shoot from cavern walls and ceilings. The character
a –1 penalty for every 5 pounds of armour, equipment, can create a spike at a range of 100 feet plus 10 feet per
or loot carried. class level, and he can create two spikes per day per
class level. A stone spike attacks with the earthcore’s
Spells per Day: At every level the earthcore gains attack bonus, but he adds his Wisdom modifier instead
additional spell slots as if he had gained a level in the of his Strength or Dexterity to the attack roll. A stone
spellcasting class he belonged to before adding the spike deals 1d8 points of damage +1 per class level +1
prestige class. However, he does not gain any other per Wisdom modifier, and the earthcore can create it as
benefit a character of that class would have gained with an attack action, meaning that if he has a base attack
level advancement (hit points, feats, special abilities, bonus that allows him multiple attacks as a full-round
etc.) beyond an effective level of spellcasting. If the action, he can create one spike with each of them. The
character had more than one spellcasting class before earthcore does not threaten any square with his stone
becoming an earthcore, he must decide to which class spikes, so he does not gain attacks of opportunity with
he adds the new level for purposes of determining spells them.
per day.
The earthcore can use this ability while melded into
Stone Meld I (Su): The character can literally make stone, but suffers a –2 penalty to attack rolls due to
himself one with the earth. This is the earthcores’ key the distortion with which he sees the world outside his
ability and the one they are most famous for, slowly hiding place. This penalty is removed when he gains
growing in power until they and the earth are truly one. stone meld II at 5th level.
The character can literally sink into stone as per the
meld into stone spell, except that it also works for earth Stone to Mud (Sp): The earthcore can liquefy stone
and any other kind of natural stone. Another difference as per the transmute rock to mud spell as if cast by a
between this ability and the spell is that the earthcore sorcerer with a caster level equal to the earthcore’s class
The Legendary Dwarf 51 Quintessential Dwarf II: Advanced Tactics

level. He can use this ability once per day per Wisdom a Reflex save (DC 10 + half the character’s level + Wis
modifier. He also can spend three daily uses of this modifier). If he fails, he is raised or lowered with the
ability to affect worked stone in addition to natural rock terrain below him. The earthcore can decide to smash
and ground formations. the target against the ceiling if he can raise the surface
to the sufficient height, in which case the target suffers
Stone Shield (Su): As the earthcore learns to use the 2d6 points of damage per 10 feet between the ground
earth itself to attack, he also learns to use it for defence. and ceiling. If the character decides to lower the target,
Instead of a sharp spike, the earthcore can make a rock there is no damaging effect, but the target is trapped
wall shoot between himself and an attack he is aware unless he succeeds at enough Climb checks (DC 25)
of. The stone shield provides the character with a cover to emerge.
bonus to AC equal to half his class level against a single
attack, after which it crumbles. The character can call Note that this ability can also be used to create
up as many stone shields in a round as he has attacks temporary walls, stairs or some other odd structures;
due to his base attack bonus, but they do not count the Games Master should adjudicate the use of this
as attacks themselves nor do they count against the ability in such creative ways. The ground returns to its
character’s actions in the turn. It is as if the earth itself normal state at the rate of 5 feet per 10 minutes.
were looking out for him. The earthcore can create up
to two shields per class level per day. Stone Meld III (Su): The earthcore’s unity with the
earth is now complete. Once per day, he can travel
Stone Meld II (Su): When reaching 5th level, the instantly between two points inside rock as per the
character’s stone meld ability increases in power. After teleport spell, except that he can only appear inside
he sinks into the stone or rock, the character can move natural rock. If there is no natural rock near the
inside it at half his base speed. He can see outside the designated point of arrival, this ability transports the
rock with crystal clarity, although he can listen only character to the nearest natural rock available (Games
if he is within 5 feet of the surface. To the earthcore, Master’s choice).
moving inside stone is similar to swimming, so he can
travel up and down with the same ease that he can move
horizontally. This is not exactly a burrowing speed, as
the character does not displace matter as he moves, nor
is he ethereal or incorporeal; he is simply allowed by
the rock to exist and move within it.

When attaining this level of mastery with stone meld,

the character can now sink into worked stone as per the
first version of this ability. He cannot travel through as
he can when sinking into natural formations.

Mud to Stone (Sp): The earthcore can harden mud as

per the transmute mud to rock spell as if cast by a
sorcerer with a caster level equal to the earthcore’s
class level. He can use this ability once per day per
Wisdom modifier. He also can spend three daily
uses of this ability to solidify mud into worked
stone in addition to natural rock and ground

Raise/Lower Earth (Su): Once per day, the

earthcore can make portions of the ground raise
or lower. He can alter the height of an area equal
to one 5-foot square per class level plus Wisdom
modifier by as much as 5 feet per character level.
He can raise or lower an area as small as a 5-foot
square so that he can affect a single target. He
can use this for utility purposes or as an attack.
When used as an attack, the target is allowed
The Legendary Dwarf 52 Quintessential Dwarf II: Advanced Tactics

barbarians also have the necessary endurance, although

Epic Earthcore they have to work harder in their mastery of the smith’s
Hit Die: d8. craft.
Skill points at each additional level: 4 + Int
modifier. Hit Die: d8.
Bonus Feats: The epic earthcore gains a bonus
feat every three levels higher than 10th.
Level-Dependent Benefits: As the earthcore
Race: Dwarf.
continues to advance beyond 10th level, all
Base Attack Bonus: +9 or higher.
abilities that depend in duration and effect on the
Skills: Craft (weaponsmithing) 8 ranks, Craft
character’s class level in this prestige class count
(armoursmithing) 8 ranks, Knowledge (arcana) 5
his epic earthcore level to determine their effects,
such as the number of stone spikes and shields he
Feats: Improved Unarmed Strike, Power Attack,
can create in a day or the time he can spend melded
into rock or stone.
Special: Upon gaining his 1st level as a forge hand, the
character must sacrifice a number of hit points equal
to half the hit die of his highest-level class. A fighter
In addition, his other stone meld abilities increase in would have to sacrifice 5 hit points (d10), a barbarian
power. He can now take others with him as he sinks sacrifices 6 (d12) and a monk would sacrifice 4 (d8).
and moves through rock. He can take one additional This represents the hardships the character endured to
person per class level, and they all move at half the master the forge hand’s training.
earthcore’s speed as long as they do not let go of each
other. He must grapple an unwilling target in order to
bring him inside living rock. The earthcore can decide Class Skills
to leave another stranded inside the rock. The rock The forge hand’s class skills (and the key ability for
slowly expels the stranded creature, pushing it towards each skill) are Concentration (Con), Climb (Str), Craft
the nearest open space at a speed of 5 feet per minute, (Int), Disable Device (Int), Knowledge (arcana) (Int),
but the creature suffers no harm as he emerges except Knowledge (religion) (Int), Profession (blacksmith)
the maddening experience of not seeing or hearing (Wis), Spellcraft (Int) and Use Magic Device (Cha).
anything for the duration of his imprisonment.
Skill Points At Each Level: 4 + Int modifier.
The earthcore can now move within worked stone, but
he cannot carry others through such material. Class Features
Armour and Weapon Proficiency: Forge hands are
Forge Hand proficient with all simple and martial weapons, all
types of armour and shields, including the tower shield.
Dwarves are renowned smiths and artisans, with their
Note that armour check penalties for armour heavier
patron deity always having something to do with
than leather apply to the skills Balance, Climb, Escape
forging and building things. Dwarven smiths toil and
Artist, Hide, Jump, Move Silently and Tumble. Also,
work to produce some of the sturdiest masterworks of
Swim checks suffer a –1 penalty for every 5 pounds of
their age, and it is not rare that they are treated with
armour, equipment or loot carried.
utmost respect, nor that several spiritual and religious
movements have been born between hammer and anvil.
Monk Abilities: If the character has levels of monk, his
One of these movements is the monastic order of the
forge hand levels count as monk levels for calculating
forge hands, who use their training in the forge to seek
unarmed damage, AC bonus and fast movement speed.
perfection not only in their craftsmanship, but also in
This characteristic of the forge hand class only applies
their body and spirit. One of the most extreme practices
if the monk has not interrupted his training by gaining
of this training is that disciples do not use hammers but
levels in another class; that is, if his last level before
their own fists to shape red-hot metal in the forge.
taking the forge hand class was in the monk class.
Ex-monks do not increase their monk-based abilities
The order of the forge hands is usually open to all
by taking the forge hand class after they become ex-
dwarves who brave the intense training. Although
it is usually monks who join this order, fighters and
The Legendary Dwarf 53 Quintessential Dwarf II: Advanced Tactics

Hammer Blow (Ex): The character’s fists become iron The forge hand can attempt a grapple to touch and heat
hard. The character’s unarmed attacks deal 1d8 points an opponent’s armour, and a disarm attempt to heat an
of damage; if the character already could deal higher opponent’s weapon. In this case, this ability works like
damage due to monk levels, his unarmed damage the heat metal spell. The forge hand must maintain a
remains unchanged. In addition, once per day per grapple for the duration of the armour’s heating. In the
Constitution modifier, the character can strike at an case of weapons, he must declare in his disarm attempt
inanimate object with great force, ignoring hardness that he is not taking the weapon from his target, but
and adding his forge hand level to his unarmed damage. rather holding it so that he can heat it; each round, the
At 5th level, the character does not need to use tools to weapon’s owner can attempt an opposed Strength check
work on a forge. to free his weapon from the forge hand’s grasp.

Smithy’s Flesh (Ex): The intense training that the Melt Metal (Sp): Once per day, the forge hand can
character undergoes at and around the forge toughens declare an unarmed attack as packing an intense amount
his skin to the heat and fire. He is considered to be of heat, sufficient to turn any piece of metal he strikes
constantly under the effect of endure elements but only into a molten scrap. The character must make a touch
in regards to heat. Additionally, he gains fire resistance attack to target armour worn, and a disarm attempt to
equal to his forge hand level. target a weapon. For other kinds of objects, use the rule
for striking an object worn. Unattended objects gain
Heat Touch (Su): Once per day per Constitution no saving throw, but objects carried or worn use their
modifier, the character can suffuse his body with the fire owner’s Fortitude save against a DC equal to 10 + half
from the forge. At 3rd level, his unarmed attacks deal the character’s total level + Con modifier. The character
+1d4 points of fire damage. He can maintain this fire can affect a metal object occupying a 5-foot square such
for one round per character level. Every three levels, as a section in a wall of iron, a suit of armour that fits
the fire damage from his unarmed attacks increase by a creature up to one size category larger than the forge
+1d4, for +2d4 at 6th level and +3d4 at 9th level. hands or a weapon intended for a creature up to two size
categories larger.
Channel Heat (Su): As he works his body in the forge,
the forge hand learns the kinship that exists between The affected object melts instantly in a flash of intense
fire and metal. Starting at 4th level, the character can heat. The creature wearing molten armour suffers
channel the fire damage he deals with the heat touch 1d6 points of fire damage per half the forge hand’s
ability through any metal weapon or armour he wields. class level, while a creature holding a melting weapon
In the case of weapons, they deal the additional amount suffers only 2d6 points of fire damage and lets go of
of fire damage that the character can generate. In the the weapon.
case of armour, the character automatically deals the
appropriate fire damage for his level to any creature Reshape (Su): The forge hand gains subtle control of
he is grappling. Shields are treated like weapons, the heat he can create with his hands, mastering his
inflicting the fire damage on a successful shield bash. strength in order to shape a piece of metal. He can
Any weapon or armour cools down the round after the use only his hands to craft any metal object with the
character stops touching it. Craft skill given the right raw materials. Instead of a
week, a Craft check using this ability takes only one
hour. The character can only work for eight hours per

The Forge Hand

Class Level Base Attack Bonus Fort Save Ref Save Will Save Special
1st +0 +2 +0 +2 Hammer blow, smithy’s flesh
2nd +1 +3 +0 +3
3rd +2 +3 +1 +3 Heat touch +1d4
4th +3 +4 +1 +4 Channel heat
5th +3 +4 +1 +4 Melt metal
6th +4 +5 +2 +5 Reshape, heat touch +2d4
7th +5 +5 +2 +5
8th +6 +6 +2 +6 Melt rock
9th +6 +6 +3 +6 Hone, heat touch +3d4
10th +7 +7 +3 +7 Soul forge
The Legendary Dwarf 54 Quintessential Dwarf II: Advanced Tactics

day before he must rest, and any interruption ruins the which burn down as he absorbs the spell energy when
work for that day. At the end of each period of work, he works on the weapon or suit of armour. He spends
the character is exhausted. the same amount of money and experience as any other
spellcaster creating the item.
The character can repair existing objects as per the
normal Craft rules (except for the time it takes him).
He can also alter the shape of existing metal objects. Hoard Seeker
The Games Master defines the exact effects this might Dwarves have a nose for gold and precious metals and
have on tasks like using it instead of a Disable Device stones, and although they mine and craft their own
or Open Locks check. jewellery, a few dwarves become rather too attached
to treasures not their own. Of these few dwarven
Melt Rock (Sp): The character can now generate a rogues, the most famous and halfway recognised by
touch so intense with his hands that he can melt rock mainstream society are the hoard seekers. They are
just as easily as he can melt metal. This ability allows mostly independent operators who hire their services
the character to melt a volume of rock occupying a 5- to adventuring and exploration parties, their larcenous
foot square in one minute, up to a maximum of five activities steered towards a more respectable practice.
squares per class level per day. The character needs Hoard seekers are a loose guild in dwarven society,
not melt all the volume in one sitting; he can space more a club of independent experts than a formal
the amount of rock molten provided that he does not organisation. Each seeker is responsible for taking in
surpass his maximum for the day. and training his own apprentices.

Hone (Sp): The forge hand gains great expertise Rogues are the most likely class to take the job of hoard
in shaping metal with his hands. Once per day per seeker, with bards coming a close second for the chance
Constitution modifier he can pass his fingers along the to find historically important relics. Rangers relish the
metal part of a weapon and increase its threat range as chances of exploration that the hoard seeker lifestyle
per the keen edge spell. This effect lasts for 10 minutes offers, and the rest of the classes only join the hoard
per forge hand level and, as per the spell, it does not seekers out of mutual necessity.
stack with any other effect that doubles a weapon’s
threat range. Hit Die: d6.

Soul Forge (Sp): At 10th level, the forge hand gains the
ability to craft magic arms and armour as if he possessed
Race: Dwarf.
the corresponding item creation feat. He gains a Abilities: Intelligence 13+.
virtual caster level equal to his forge hand level plus Skills: Appraise 8 ranks, Craft (trapmaking) 5 ranks,
half the levels of any previous non-spellcasting class Knowledge (history) 5 ranks, Knowledge (arcana) 5
plus the full level of any previous spellcasting class. ranks, Search 12 ranks, Spot 8 ranks.
This virtual caster level only applies towards meeting Feats: Stealthy.
the prerequisites to craft any magic weapon or suit of
armour, not to determine a spell’s duration or any other
effect that depends on caster level. The character can Class Skills
use scrolls to provide for any spell in the prerequisite, The hoard seeker’s class skills (and the key ability for
each skill) are Appraise (Int), Balance (Dex), Climb
(Str), Craft (Int), Decipher Script (Int), Disable Device
(Int), Escape Artist (Dex), Gather Information (Cha),
Epic Forge Hand Hide (Dex), Jump (Str), Knowledge (dungeoneering)
Hit Die: d8. (Int), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Open Lock
Skill Points at Each Additional Level: 4 + Int (Dex), Profession (Wis), Search (Int), Spot (Wis), Swim
modifier. (Str), Tumble (Dex) and Use Rope (Dex).
Bonus Feats: The epic forge hand gains a bonus
feat every two levels higher than 10th. Skill Points At Each Level: 6 + Int modifier.
Heat Touch (Su): The damage a forge hand deals
with his heat touch ability continues to increase by
+1d4 at every level divisible by three (12th, 15th, Class Features
18th and so forth) up to a maximum additional fire Armour and Weapon Proficiency: Hoard seekers are
damage of +10d4. proficient with all simple weapons and three martial
weapons of their choice. They are proficient with light
The Legendary Dwarf 55 Quintessential Dwarf II: Advanced Tactics

The Hoard Seeker

Class Level Base Attack Bonus Fort Save Ref Save Will Save Special
1st +0 +0 +2 +0 Trap sense +1, perfect appraisal
2nd +1 +0 +3 +0 Locate treasure
3rd +2 +1 +3 +1 Redirect attention
4th +3 +1 +4 +1 Trap sense +2
5th +3 +1 +4 +1 Timely fence
6th +4 +2 +5 +2 Utter stealth
7th +5 +2 +5 +2 Trap sense +3
8th +6 +2 +6 +2 Identify
9th +6 +3 +6 +3 Secret stash
10th +7 +3 +7 +3 Trap sense +4
and medium armour but not with shields. Note that Redirect Attention (Su): The character is a master
armour check penalties for armour heavier than leather sneak, even when he is found out. If a Spot or Listen
apply to the skills Balance, Climb, Escape Artist, Hide, check defeats his Hide or Move Silently checks, he
Jump, Move Silently and Tumble. Also, Swim checks reflexively tries harder and rolls again.
suffer a –1 penalty for every 5 pounds of armour,
equipment or loot carried. Timely Fence (Ex): The hoard seeker knows how
money and valuables move in any city or settlement,
Trap Sense (Ex): At 1st level, a hoard seeker gains an regardless of who built it and populates it. When he
intuitive sense that alerts him to danger from traps, enters a city, he can make a level check (d20 + full
giving him a +1 bonus on Reflex saves made to avoid
traps and a +1 dodge bonus to AC against attacks made
by traps. These bonuses rise to +2 when the hoard
seeker reaches 4th level, to +3 when he reaches 7th level,
to +4 when he reaches 10th level. Trap sense bonuses
gained from multiple classes stack.

Perfect Appraisal (Ex): When handling an object,

the hoard seeker can instantly know its true value.
Appraise checks only take one round and in the case
of a failed check, the Games Master only rolls 1d6+4
and multiplies it by 10% for the value that the character

Locate Treasure (Sp): Once per day, the character can

gain a supernatural insight on the location of anything
valuable within a range of 400 feet plus 40 feet per full
character level. He concentrates for a maximum time of
one minute per character level and immediately senses
the direction, distance and shortest route to anything
worth more than 300 gp, including a collection of
objects whose sum is equal to or greater than 300 gp.
The hoard seeker does not detect if there are traps
on the way, he just receives insight into the best and
shortest route between himself and the treasure. If
there are secret doors along the way, this ability does
not reveal them, although knowing that there should
be a way through a wall grants the character a +4
competence bonus on Search checks to find the
secret door. As with many divination effects,
a thin sheet of lead blocks the character from
sensing the presence of treasure.
The Legendary Dwarf 56 Quintessential Dwarf II: Advanced Tactics

Town Size DC Secret Stash (Sp): The character gains an

Thorp 30 extradimensional space in which to store things. He
can access this space once per week per half his
Hamlet 27
character level, either to stash things inside or to take
Village 24
them out and can move as many things as he wants
Small town 21 during each access. This space is big enough to fit 1
Large town 18 cubic feet of material per character level. The character
Small city 15 simply concentrates and, as a standard action, he thrusts
Large city 12 his arm into thin air, and it disappears into his personal
Metropolis 10 space. He can locate anything he has stashed inside in
1d4 rounds. The secret stash exists in the Astral Plane,
character level) with a DC depending on the size of the but it is invisible from there; see invisibility can locate
settlement. a faint chest-shaped shimmer next to the character at all
times, but there is no way to open it without the hoard
On a successful check, the character knows exactly seeker’s consent. In the case of the character’s death,
where to sell whatever loot he has and before the end of the contents of the secret stash spill out in the Material
the day, he can exchange all his sellable items for their Plane.
corresponding amount of money. If the value of any
particular item exceeds the community’s gp limit, the
character must make a Gather Information check (DC King under the
20) to locate an exceptional buyer with sufficient funds
to purchase that item. Mountain
A king of dwarvenkind is unlike any other king.
Utter Stealth (Sp): Once per day, the character can He is not expected to rule from his throne of stone,
enter a state where he becomes undetectable. This is controlling the life of clans and holds from his great
not a wildly successful Move Silently or Hide attempt hall. A dwarven king is expected to lead from the mine
nor is he invisible or inaudible; the character moves in shafts, the workshops and the battlefield. Dwarven
such a way that creatures simply do not perceive him kings rise from the position of chieftain and are already
and, if they do, they put the idea of perceiving him in respected before they wear the crown; it is up to them
the back of their heads. Every time the character would to never betray this respect with impractical decisions
be spotted or heard, the creature must make a Will or dishonourable actions. If the king earns not only
save (DC equal to 10 + the character’s level) or fail to the trust and respect of his subjects, but also their
notice him. He can maintain this state for 10 minutes admiration, he may yet earn the name of King under
per character level and he cannot make Hide or Move the Mountain, a title reserved only for the greatest of
Silently checks, for this betrays his confidence in his dwarven leaders.
power. This is a mind-affecting ability, so it does not
affect undead or constructs, but it does affect animals, While it is most often fighters who attain the title of
vermin, oozes or any other creature with sensory chieftain and then of king, dwarves do not turn away
organs. from capable leaders who have proven their bravery and
wisdom. Barbarians tend to lack the discipline valued
Identify (Sp): Once per day per Intelligence modifier, in the dwarven lifestyle and rangers are too solitary, but
the character can know the properties of a magic item paladins and clerics also make good candidates for the
as per the identify spell, except that it only takes him 10 dwarven throne of stone.
minutes per item.
Hit Die: d10.

Epic Hoard Seeker Requirements

Hit Die: d6.
Race: Dwarf.
Skill Points at Each Additional Level: 2 + Int
Skills: Diplomacy 8 ranks, Knowledge (history) 5
ranks, Knowledge (nobility and royalty) 5 ranks, Sense
Bonus Feats: The epic hoard seeker gains a bonus
feat every three levels higher than 10th.
Motive 8 ranks.
Trap Sense: The character’s bonus against traps Feats: Iron Will, Leadership.
increases every three levels after 10th level (13th, Leadership Score: 15 or higher.
16th, 19th, etc.). Special: The character must be the leader of a dwarven
The Legendary Dwarf 57 Quintessential Dwarf II: Advanced Tactics

Class Skills the case of spies and infiltrators, he must make a Sense
The king under the mountain’s class skills (and the Motive check opposed by the trespasser’s Bluff check.
key ability for each skill) are Bluff (Cha), Craft (Int), This check is performed every time the trespasser
Diplomacy (Cha), Gather Information (Cha), Handle crosses the perimeter. The character can sense this up
Animal (Cha), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (all skills, to a distance away from his hold equal to 10 miles per
taken individually) (Int), Listen (Wis), Profession (Wis), leadership score. Dwarven kings are no strangers to
Ride (Dex) and Sense Motive (Wis). going out to adventure and gain glory for themselves
and their people, leaving some matters of governance
Skill Points At Each Level: 2 + Int modifier. to their seneschals and clan elders.

Lead by Example (Su): The king under the mountain

Class Features is a paragon of the values of dwarvenkind and always
Armour and Weapon Proficiency: Kings under the leads his subjects and companions in battle. Whenever
mountain are proficient with all simple and martial he finds himself in battle, the character gains the ability
weapons. They are proficient with all types of armour to inspire his allies with his actions. Every time he deals
and with shields. Note that armour check penalties for more than 10 points of damage with a melee attack, he
armour heavier than leather apply to the skills Balance, grants a +1 morale bonus to attack rolls to all allies
Climb, Escape Artist, Hide, Jump, Move Silently and within 60 feet. Also, every time he receives damage
Tumble. Also, Swim checks suffer a –1 penalty for from any source that does not drop him, he grants a +1
every 5 pounds of armour, equipment or loot carried. morale bonus to damage rolls to all allies within 60 feet.
Both these bonuses are cumulative for every time the
Chieftain: The dwarf is a chieftain recognised by his character hits or is wounded up to a maximum of +10,
peers and followers, leader of his own hold and capable and they go away at the end of the encounter or when
of using this influence in his dealing of others. He the character drops below 0 hit points.
gains a bonus to Diplomacy and Intimidate equal to +1
for every 10 followers he commands. Impressive Leadership (Ex): Dwarven leaders
carry themselves with great poise and have a rather
Underground Kingdom (Su): The prospective king intimidating presence. Once per day per four character
under the mountain is a true lord of his domain, levels, the king under the mountain can impress one
however small it may be. In a ritual lasting at least one creature to his service. The target creature must have
day, he visits the six corners of his hold (one for each an Intelligence score of 6 or higher to be affected by the
direction, the topmost level and the bottom level) and character’s presence, and they must understand each
pours his blood onto a rune-carved stone. He suffers 1 other’s language. The character targets the creature and
point of Constitution damage every time he does this. gives a short series of command, and the target makes a
Depending on the size of the hold, this ritual may take Will save (DC equal to the character’s leadership score);
more than one day. if the target fails, it is affected by an effect similar to a
charm monster spell. The target considers itself to be
Once the ritual is complete, he becomes attuned to under the command of the king under the mountain
the hold’s borders; he knows immediately when the and, while it may not feel positively about him, it does
perimeter he marked is breached, and knows if the not think of disobeying a direct order. This state lasts
trespasser is friend or foe if his intentions are clear. In for one day per character level. The Games Master can

The King under the Mountain

Class Level Base Attack Bonus Fort Save Ref Save Will Save Special
1st +1 +0 +0 +2 Chieftain
2nd +2 +0 +0 +3 Underground kingdom
3rd +3 +1 +1 +3 Lead by example
4th +4 +1 +1 +4 Impressive leadership
5th +5 +1 +1 +4
6th +6 +2 +2 +5 Gatekeeper
7th +7 +2 +2 +5 Command stone
8th +8 +2 +2 +6
9th +9 +3 +3 +6 Stone mandate
10th +10 +3 +3 +7 Lord of the stone halls
The Legendary Dwarf 58 Quintessential Dwarf II: Advanced Tactics

Any attempt to open a door against the king under the

mountain’s will must first defeat him in an opposed roll.
The one attempting to break through rolls whatever is
needed for the kind of action he is attempting (Open
Locks, a knock spell, a Strength check to break the door,
etc.), and the king under the mountain opposes with a
d20 roll plus his full character level. The character is
immediately aware that someone is trying to open a
door he has ordered shut.

Command Stones (Su): The

character’s aura of command now
reaches supernatural levels as
even the elements recognise his
authority. Once per day, the
king under the mountain can
shout a command to stir rocks
and stones in an area within
60 feet of him. For one round
per combined Strength and
Charisma modifier, all stones,
pebbles, dust and any other rocky
residue tremble as if there were a
violent earthquake, jumping up and
down and purposefully targeting the
character’s opponents. All opponents
within the area must make a Reflex save
(DC equal to the character’s leadership
score) every round or fall prone, and they
must make another save to stand up as a
move action, or automatically stand up by
doing so as a full-round action. Spellcasting
is impossible amidst the dancing pebbles.
The area affected remains static and does not
move with the character.

Stone Mandate (Sp): Even the mountains recognise the

judge that if this new follower was treated kindly or was king under the mountain’s right to rule and obey his
otherwise impressed favourably by the character, it can wishes. Once per week, the character can use stone
remain a follower voluntarily. mandate as if it were the move earth spell cast by a
sorcerer of the same caster level as the king under the
Gatekeeper (Sp): The character is a true master of his mountain’s full character level. The difference is that
domain. By making a character check (DC 15) he can the stone mandate can affect rock formations and it can
open and close any door or gate inside the territory definitely be used for tunnelling.
marked by the underground kingdom ability. The
character can open or close any door within his sight,
but he can only control a door he cannot see if he has Epic King under the
previously attuned to it. The character attunes to a door
by praying in front of it for two hours, and he can attune Mountain
to a maximum number of doors equal to his combined Hit Die: d10.
Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma modifier. A king Skill Points at Each Additional Level: 2 + Int
under the mountain always attunes first to the main modifier.
gates of his hold. Bonus Feats: The epic king under the mountain
gains a bonus feat every two levels higher than
The Legendary Dwarf 59 Quintessential Dwarf II: Advanced Tactics

Lord of the Stone Halls (Su): The king under the It is hard for heroes focused on a single path to open
mountain is a true sovereign king of dwarvenkind, and their hearts to the storm; it is usually fighter/clerics who
has the power and authority to back his claims. He must can meet the prerequisites, but paladins also have the
have two crowns made for him, a ceremonial one and devotion necessary to marry their spiritual power with
one he can use for adventuring, forged into a helmet. their fighting arm.
Each crown must be worth at least 2,500 gp. Whenever
he is wearing the crown that symbolises his mandate, he Hit Die: d10.
is aware of the mood of his people (those who live the
hold marked by the underground kingdom ability). He
can concentrate and be able to see and hear through the Requirements
senses of any one of his subjects per day per character Race: Dwarf.
level, and communicate telepathically with them. Most Base Attack Bonus: +10 or higher.
dwarven kings use this ability to keep tabs on their Abilities: Wisdom 13+.
kingdom while they go adventuring. Skills: Knowledge (religion) 5 ranks, Knowledge
(nature) 5 ranks.
Through the crown, the character can also use the Feats: Two-Weapon Fighting, Weapon Focus
following spells once per day: command, stoneskin, (warhammer or dwarven warhammer), Weapon Focus
earthquake and summon monster VI (only earth (dwarven waraxe).
elementals). The spells are cast as if by a sorcerer of Spellcasting: Must be able to cast 2nd level divine
a caster level equal to the king under the mountain’s spells.
full character level. He can only use this ability while
wearing either of his crowns, and no one but him can Class Skills
use the crowns’ power. The storm warrior’s class skills (and the key ability for
each skill) are Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Intimidate (Cha),
Jump (Str), Knowledge (religion) (Int), Profession
Storm Warrior (Wis), Survival (Wis) and Swim (Str).
Dwarves are considered excellent fighters and have
developed many styles that test their discipline, their Skill Points At Each Level: 2 + Int modifier.
mettle and sometimes even their spiritual readiness. A
particular champion is the storm warrior, a combatant
who does not derive his power from the heart of Class Features
the dwarves’ traditional mountain home, but from Armour and Weapon Proficiency: Storm warriors are
its summit. The storm warrior brings the power of proficient with all simple and martial weapons. They
hurricanes, rain and lightning into his heart, learning a are proficient with all types of armour but not with
devastating fighting style that can level the battlefield shields. Note that armour check penalties for armour
just as the passing of a storm levels terrain. Storm heavier than leather apply to the skills Balance, Climb,
warriors must train in their spiritual development in Escape Artist, Hide, Jump, Move Silently and Tumble.
order to reach out to the skies, which is not exactly an Also, Swim checks suffer a –1 penalty for every 5
aspect of dwarven everyday life. pounds of armour, equipment or loot carried.

The Storm Warrior

Class Base Attack Fort Ref Will
Level Bonus Save Save Save Special Spells per day
1st +0 +2 +0 +2 Storm weapons
2nd +1 +3 +0 +3 Lightning axe +1
3rd +2 +3 +1 +3 Thunder hammer +1 +1 level of existing class
4th +3 +4 +1 +4 Improved Two-Weapon Fighting
5th +3 +4 +1 +4 Storm axe, lightning axe +2
6th +4 +5 +2 +5 Clapping hammer, thunder hammer +2 +1 level of existing class
7th +5 +5 +2 +5 Greater Two-Weapon Fighting
8th +6 +6 +2 +6 Hurricane, lightning axe +3
9th +6 +6 +3 +6 Thunder hammer +3 +1 level of existing class
10th +7 +7 +3 +7 Perfect storm
The Legendary Dwarf 60 Quintessential Dwarf II: Advanced Tactics

Spells per Day: At every level divisible by 3 the storm weapon is a non-magical masterwork, it becomes a +1
warrior gains additional spell slots as if he had gained dwarven waraxe. If the weapon is already magical, its
a level in the spellcasting class he belonged to before enhancement bonus increases by +1. At 5th and 8th levels,
adding the prestige class. However, he does not gain the enhancement bonus increases by an additional +1
any other benefit a character of that class would have (for +2 and +3 respectively), but the total enhancement
gained with level advancement (hit points, feats, special bonus of the weapon can never exceed +5.
abilities, etc.) beyond an effective level of spellcasting.
If the character had more than one spellcasting class Thunder Hammer (Sp): At 3rd level, the character can
before becoming a storm warrior, he must decide channel his soul into his consecrated warhammer and
to which class he adds the new level for purposes of add or increase its enhancement bonus by +1. If the
determining spells per day. weapon is a non-magical masterwork, it becomes a
+1 warhammer. If the weapon is already magical, its
Storm Weapons (Ex): The character joins his soul enhancement bonus increases by +1. At 6th and 9th levels,
to a pair of weapons, a masterwork (or magical) the enhancement bonus increases by an additional +1
warhammer (or dwarven warhammer; see the ‘Superior (for +2 and +3 respectively), but the total enhancement
Tools’ chapter) and a masterwork (or magical) bonus of the weapon can never exceed +5.
dwarven waraxe. When the character wields both
of these weapons at once he is considered to have a Improved Two-Weapon Fighting (Ex): At 4th level,
light weapon in his off-hand instead of a one-handed the storm warrior gains the Improved Two-Weapon
weapon. The rest of the storm warrior’s abilities can Fighting feat for free, even if he does not meet the
only be performed with these consecrated weapons. prerequisites.
If the storm warrior loses either weapon, he must
consecrate a replacement by spending experience Storm Axe (Sp): The degree of power the storm warrior
points. The amount of experience he must spend is the can channel through his consecrated waraxe increases,
same it would take a spellcaster to create a weapon with expressing the power of lightning. His consecrated
the same enhancement bonus his level will allow. If the waraxe gains the shock ability, adding +1d6 points of
weapons were already magical before he consecrated electrical damage to every strike. In addition, he can
them, he does not restore their original enchantment, channel the entire power of his weapon in a single
but the one defined in his class advancement table. burst, shooting an arc of lightning as per the lightning
bolt spell as if cast by a sorcerer of the storm warrior’s
Lightning Axe (Sp): At 2nd level, the character can prestige class level. If he uses this ability, the weapon
channel his soul into his consecrated dwarven waraxe loses both its shock ability as well as its enhancement
and increase its enhancement bonus by +1. If the bonus for 1 round per storm warrior’s class level.

Clapping Hammer (Sp): The degree of power the

‘Ambush!’ Erian wheeled around on his horse as storm warrior can channel through his consecrated
the great boulder thundered past, nearly crushing warhammer increases, expressing the power of thunder.
him. The mountain pass had seemed safe when His consecrated warhammer can now deal +1d4 points
they first approached it, and the force of the rock of sonic damage to every strike. In addition, he can
was not from a normal landslide. channel the entire power of his weapon in a single
burst, creating a clap of thunder that deals 1d8 points
‘Giants!’ Thaine nodded with a scowl and of sonic damage to all creatures (except the storm
dismounted from his pony. warrior) within 10 feet of the character. Creatures in
the area must make a Fortitude save (DC 10 + half the
‘Up there!’ Larael pointed at an overhead alcove, character’s level + Wis modifier) or be deafened by
where now everyone could see a pair of giants
1 round per storm warrior class level. If he uses this
picking up more ammunition.
ability, the weapon loses its enhancement bonus as
well as the extra sonic damage for 1 round per storm
‘Come down here, you cowards!’ Thaine roared
warrior’s class level.
as he unstrapped his waraxe. Arcs of electricity
danced across its great blade, and the giants’
Greater Two-Weapon Fighting (Ex): At 7th level, the
expressions of glee turned to alarm when the dwarf
storm warrior gains the Greater Two-Weapon Fighting
pointed his weapon at them, firing a great bolt of
feat for free, even if he does not meet the prerequisites.
lightning with deadly precision. ‘Fight me if you
The Legendary Dwarf 61 Quintessential Dwarf II: Advanced Tactics

the attack, including Strength and feat modifiers). The

Epic Storm Warrior damage inflicted by each electrical attack is equal to the
Hit Die: d10. damage dealt normally by the weapon corresponding to
Skill Points at Each Additional Level: 2 + Int each attack, halved if the target succeeds in his save.
Bonus Feats: The epic storm warrior gains a bonus
feat every two levels higher than 10th.
Dwarves have many theories about the origin of their
Lightning Axe: The storm warrior’s consecrated
dwarven waraxe increases its enhancement bonus race, but the most common one speaks of their birth in
by +1 at 11th and 14th level if its total enhancement the forge of a builder god, one of the strongest deities
bonus has not reached +5. in the heavens. Kin to this strength are the titans, elder
Thunder Hammer: The storm warrior’s beings who embody the most primordial aspects of
consecrated dwarven hammer increases its creation and, although open to debate, the servants
enhancement bonus by +1 at 12th and 15th level if of the builder god. A few dwarven heroes seek to
its total enhancement bonus has not reached +5. imitate the titanic strength of their mythological kin,
raising their minds and bodies to the heights of legends.
They look back inside themselves, tapping the most
Hurricane (Ex): At 8th level, the storm warrior can primordial aspect of their soul to awaken the strength of
unleash his power to every opponent around him; he the first forge and become the true brothers of titans.
gains the Whirlwind Attack feat for free, even if he does
not meet the prerequisites, but he can only use it once Dwarves who become titankin must show not only great
per day per Constitution modifier. fortitude in their body, but also great perception in their
minds. Paladins most often reflect all of these qualities,
Perfect Storm (Sp): The storm warrior reaches the peak but they do not hold a monopoly on enlightenment and
of his spiritual studies in the power of storms. Once physical prowess.
per day he can turn himself into a localised storm for
3 rounds plus one per Constitution modifier. While in Hit Die: d12.
this state, he becomes partly incorporeal so that physical
attacks have a 50% chance of missing; he adds 30 feet
to his base speed and moves by hovering one foot above Requirements
the ground. His storm form occupies an area 30 feet Race: Dwarf.
in diameter; all creatures within the area are subject Base Attack Bonus: +9 or higher.
to heavy winds as per the gust of wind spell and can Abilities: Strength 15+, Constitution 12+, Wisdom
be attacked by the character. He attacks all creatures 13+.
within the area with the attacks allowed him by his base Skills: Craft (armoursmithing, metalworking or
attack bonus and two-weapon fighting extra attacks; as weaponsmithing) 5 ranks, Knowledge (religion) 8
per the normal rules, he can only try multiple attacks as ranks.
a full-round action. Instead of making an attack roll, he Feats: Cleave, Endurance, Improved Unarmed Strike,
makes an electrical attack that the target can try to avoid Power Attack.
by making a Reflex save (DC 10 + total attack bonus of

The Titankin
Class Base Attack Fort Ref Will
Level Bonus Save Save Save Special
1st +1 +0 +0 +2 Strength increase +1, feat of strength 1/day
2nd +2 +0 +0 +3
3rd +3 +1 +1 +3 Feat of strength 2/day, stunning fist
4th +4 +1 +1 +4 Strength increase +2
5th +5 +1 +1 +4 Feat of strength 3/day
6th +6 +2 +2 +5 Greater stunning fist
7th +7 +2 +2 +5 Strength increase +3, feat of strength 4/day
8th +8 +2 +2 +6
9th +9 +3 +3 +6 Feat of strength 5/day, shatter
10th +10 +3 +3 +7 Strength increase +4
The Legendary Dwarf 62 Quintessential Dwarf II: Advanced Tactics

Stunning Fist (Ex): The character gains the Stunning

Epic Titankin Fist feat for free. He can use it once per day per titankin
Hit Die: d12. class level as if he were a monk, instead of once per
Skill Points at Each Additional Level: 2 + Int four levels.
Bonus Feats: The epic titankin gains a bonus feat Greater Stunning Fist (Ex): When using the Stunning
every two levels higher than 10th. Fist feat, if the target fails its save by 5 points or more it
Strength Increase: The epic titankin continues is thrown back 1 foot per Strength modifier (including
receiving a +1 increase to Strength every three any bonus from the feat of strength ability).
levels until the accumulated increase reaches +8
(at levels 13th, 16th, 19th and 21st). Shatter (Sp): Once per day per Constitution modifier,
Feat of Strength: The epic titankin gains an the character can target an object and completely
additional use of the feat of strength ability every destroy it. The character must touch the item normally,
two levels until it reaches 9 times per day (at levels as a touch attack or as a disarm attempt. The object can
11th, 13th, 15th and 17th). weigh up to 10 pounds per full character level and is not
allowed a saving throw unless it is attended, carried or
worn, in which case it uses its owner’s Fortitude save
Class Skills (DC 10 + half the character’s level + Str modifier).
The titankin’s class skills (and the key ability for each
skill) are Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Jump (Str), Intimidate
(Cha), Knowledge (religion) (Int), Profession (Wis),
Survival (Wis) and Swim (Str).

Skill Points At Each Level: 2 + Int modifier.

Class Features
Armour and Weapon Proficiency: Titankin are
proficient with all simple and martial weapons. They
are proficient with all types of armour but not with
shields. Note that armour check penalties for armour
heavier than leather apply to the skills Balance, Climb,
Escape Artist, Hide, Jump, Move Silently and Tumble.
Also, Swim checks suffer a –1 penalty for every 5
pounds of armour, equipment or loot carried.

Strength Increase: The titankin’s body inches

slowly towards reflecting his kinship with the
titans of legend, his Strength increasing by +1
at 1st level, and then again at every three levels
thereafter (4th, 7th and 10th). This is as effective
and permanent an ability increase as the one
every character gets every four levels.

Feat of Strength (Su): Once per day, the titankin can

perform a feat of great strength. He adds a bonus to
any Strength-based roll equal to his titankin class level.
Activating the power is a free action and it lasts for 1
round. This bonus is applicable both to ability and skill
checks as well as melee attack and damage rolls. Every
two levels, the titankin can perform a feat of strength
an additional time per day.
Superior Tools 63 Quintessential Dwarf II: Advanced Tactics

Superior Tools
warves are recognised far and wide as master (including the roll to avoid being disarmed if such an
craftsmen, for they are a people who appreciate attempt fails). He can use the Weapon Finesse feat to
discipline and hard work, values that combine apply his Dexterity modifier instead of his Strength
on the forge and work benches to create incredible modifier to attack rolls with a chainaxe sized for him,
pieces of art even when they are just making tools. even though it is not a light weapon for him.
As dwarves have much need of armour and weapons,
it is in this direction that many dwarven artisans lean, Gauntlet, Stinger: The four knuckles on this gauntlet
creating marvellous works for the dwarven warriors who each sport a tube that ends in a thick spike. The weapon
need an effective defence and offence against the many acts like a spiked gauntlet in all respects, but the owner
underground enemies of their hold. Most of the more can push a small latch that ‘releases’ the spikes, so that
ingenious pieces of dwarven equipment have never seen they are torn off on impact. On each successful hit, there
the light of day, except when carried out by a dwarven is a 30% chance that the spikes will remain embedded
adventurer. in the target and deal 1 automatic point of damage. The
tubes on the gauntlet each store four replacement spikes,
which are pushed forward when the originals are torn
Superior Weapons off, enabling the dwarf to make another attack. The
Many of these weapons are listed as simple, martial or automatic damage of multiple attacks that leave spikes
exotic for general purposes, but they belong to a different embedded on the target is cumulative, so if on the first
category for the dwarf characters who grew up knowing round the target suffers 1 automatic point of damage and
about them. Each weapon description will detail how a second attack leaves more spikes embedded, he will
a dwarf’s weapon familiarity affects the type of the suffer 2 automatic points of damage the next round and
weapon listed. Also, many weapons have dual uses, so on. The target can spend a move action to pry off
with capabilities available only to characters who invest enough spikes to reduce the automatic damage by 1. The
an Exotic Weapon Proficiency feat on them. gauntlet’s owner can replace torn spikes at the rate of
four per full-round action (one for each knuckle for 1
Broadsword, Dwarven: The blade of this sword is ‘charge’). The replacement spikes are sold separately in
slightly shorter than that of a longsword but is twice groups of four.
as wide, relying on weight and momentum to deal its
damage. It is a custom amongst unscrupulous dwarves to dip
the replacement spikes in poison, but this is done
Broadsword, Serrated Dwarven: As a normal dwarven independently and with the standard risks of handling
broadsword, but one of its edges is serrated. Serrated poison.
broadswords are always of masterwork quality, enjoying
the normal +1 to attack rolls, but the serrated edge also Gauntlet, Spraying: This is a gnomish-dwarven
adds the +1 masterwork bonus to damage rolls. If the collaboration, building upon the stinger gauntlet design.
weapon is given an enhancement bonus, it replaces the There is a small leather bag on one side of the gauntlet,
masterwork bonus on both attack and damage rolls; it secured to its surface so that it does not interfere with the
does not stack with either. wearer’s normal activities. When squeezed repeatedly
for one full round, the bag loads compressed air into the
Chainaxe: This weapon resembles a flail with an tubes with the spikes, and the wearer can shoot them
unusually long length of chain, and an axe head instead for a short distance. The wearer decides how many
of a heavy weight. A chainaxe has reach, so the character ‘charges’ he wants to release in the same shot, with each
can strike opponents 10 feet away with it. In addition, load adding its damage to the total. As with the stinger
unlike most other weapons with reach, it can be used gauntlet, the spikes can be coated with poison.
against an adjacent foe.
Grenade, Ricochet: This splash weapon is created
The character can make trip attacks with the chain. If inside a container designed to break after taking a couple
he is tripped during his own trip attempt, he can drop the of hits, so dwarves bounce it around corners to sow
chain to avoid being tripped. confusion amongst their enemies. The character throws
the weapon normally and upon a first strike it bounces
When using a chainaxe, the character gets a +2 bonus instead of breaking. The Games Master rolls 1d4 instead
on opposed attack rolls made to disarm an opponent of 1d8 to determine the direction the grenade bounces,
Superior Tools 64 Quintessential Dwarf II: Advanced Tactics

always defining the direction towards the thrower’s when pulling it out; this manoeuvre requires special
enemies. The first trajectory and the second after the training in the form of an Exotic Weapon Proficiency feat
bounce are added together to calculate range increments, or, in the case of dwarves, being able to use it as a martial
and the attack roll is made against the final target. weapon thanks to their weapon familiarity. When using
this mode of attack, the dwarven khatar deals 1 point of
Grenade, Tripwire: This weapon is not meant to be Constitution damage on a critical hit, in addition to the
used in the midst of combat and it can be considered as a hit’s double damage.
trap as well as a weapon. Dwarves use it when beating a
retreat around twisting underground corridors, setting the Maul: A maul is a two-handed warhammer made with
grenades behind them to damage or slow down pursuers a heavy steel head and an equally strong steel handle,
and discourage them from continuing. As a standard with several bolts and spikes securing the head to the
action, the character plants the grenade in the ground handle. The handle ends in a lead weight that provides
with its protruding spike and extends the tripwire cord. some balance to this huge weapon. A dwarf treats the
The cord is very thin and hard to see (Spot DC 20), but maul as a martial weapon.
easier to locate (Search DC 15), and can extend up to 20
feet from the grenade. If any creature passes through the Mortar, Dwarven: Gnomes are pioneers in interesting
line traced by the tripwire, it pulls a stopper that ignites a technology, but dwarves take the lead on warfare
dose of alchemist’s fire, which detonates the explosive in applications of it, and explosives are just one areas area
the grenade. The grenade explodes in a cone with a 30- on which the industrious dwarves focus their efforts.
foot range. Creatures inside the area can make a Reflex The dwarven mortar is meant to be used underground, so
save for half damage. it has a fairly low range and is not so reliant on parabolic

Grenade, Fuse: Alchemist’s fire is a Dwarven Dwarven Serrated

volatile substance and, by necessity, is kept Pike Broadsword Dwarven
in small doses in the normal containers used Broadsword
to deploy them. Dwarves are explosives Dwarven
experts and decided that they needed more Throwing
power, but they made the container stronger
so that it would not break accidentally, and
added a fuse so that they controlled when
it would blow up. Lighting a fuse requires Chainaxe
a fire source such as a torch, lamp or
tinderstick. It takes a move action to light the
fuse with a ready fire source and throwing Gauntlet
it is a standard action. A fuse burns up in
1d4 rounds, but the character can make a
Craft (engineering), a Craft (alchemy) or an
Intelligence check (DC 15) to cut the fuse
to a length he desires, so that the grenade Spraying
Grenade Gauntlet
blows up in the number of rounds he wishes.
This check takes a full-round action, but the
character can make it beforehand to have Wrecking
as many prepared grenades as he wants. Ball
Failure in the check means the grenade
detonates in 1d4–1 rounds (it may detonate
on the character’s hand!) A dwarf treats this Dwarven
weapon as a martial weapon. Khatar
Khatar, Dwarven: A masterwork punching Grenade
dagger with a complex blade. The dwarven
khatar’s blade is actually the joining of Ricochet
two serrated blades in a cross-point, one Grenade Maul
perpendicular to the other. Although in effect
it is a simple weapon, characters trained
can inflict gaping wounds by striking in a
twisting motion and reversing the direction
Superior Tools 65 Quintessential Dwarf II: Advanced Tactics

trajectory as it is on forward thrust. The dwarven mortar Orgrath, Dwarven: This masterwork crossbow is
takes one full round to reload, needing a charge of primer made from a collection of hard materials, including
plus its ammunition, but this time can be made into a spun mithral for the cord and an adamantine bow. Its
move action if the character is assisted by another. The extraordinary heaviness means that it cannot be reloaded
damage dealt by mortar ammunition is all splash damage without the heavy crank on its side and by setting it down
in a 15-foot radius; the character makes an attack roll on the ground, taking a full-round action and provoking
against the spot he wants to hit, and all targets in the attacks of opportunity. The hard materials also provide
damage area can make a Reflex save (DC equal to the an unplanned-for advantage, as the orgrath can be used as
character’s attack roll) for half damage. A character may a melee weapon by striking at foes with the adamantine
use his Intelligence modifier instead of his Dexterity bow. The bow acts like a pick, but despite being made
modifier for the attack roll. A dwarf treats the dwarven with adamantine, its relative thinness denies it the
mortar as a martial weapon. advantages of a normal adamantine weapon. A dwarf
treats the orgrath as a simple weapon.

Simple Weapons Cost Dmg (S) Dmg (M) Critical Increment Weight Type
Light Melee Weapons
Gauntlet, stinger 20 gp 1d3 1d4 x2 — 1 lb. Piercing
Khatar, dwarven 310 gp 1d4 1d6 x2 — 2 lb. Piercing
Martial Weapons Cost Dmg (S) Dmg (M) Critical Increment Weight Type
Light Melee Weapons
Gauntlet, spraying 60 gp 1d3 1d4 x2 — 1 lb. Piercing
One-Handed Melee Weapons
Broadsword, dwarven 12 gp 1d6 1d8 19–20/x2 — 4 lb. Slashing
Broadsword, serrated dwarven 312 gp 1d6 1d8 x3 — 4 lb. Slashing
Grenade, tripwire 25 gp – 3d6 – — 1 lb. Fire
Warhammer, dwarven 25 gp 1d8 1d10 x3 — 7 lb. Bludgeoning
Two-handed Melee Weapons
Pike, dwarven 10 gp 1d8 1d10 x3 — 8 lb. Piercing
Ranged Weapons
Grenade, ricochet 20 gp — 2d6 x2 10 ft. 1 lb. Fire
Orgrath, dwarven 350 gp 1d10 1d1219–20/x2 140 ft. 12 lb. Piercing
Tunnel ballista 150 gp 2d4 2d6 x2 120 ft. 18 lb. Piercing
Exotic Weapons Cost Dmg (S) Dmg (M) Critical Increment Weight Type
Light Melee Weapons
Axe, dwarven throwing 15 gp 1d6 1d8 19–20/x2 20 ft. 4 lb. Slashing
Piercing and
Uthgrin, dwarven 20 gp 1d4 1d6 19–20/x2 — 2 lb. slashing
One-handed Melee Weapons
Chainaxe 20 gp 1d6 1d8 x2 — 8 lb. Slashing
Two-handed Melee Weapons
Maul 15 gp 1d8 1d10 x3 — 10 lb. Bludgeoning
Power ram 120 gp 2d6 2d8 x3 15 lb. Bludgeoning
Wrecking ball 30 gp 1d8 1d10 x2 — 10 lb. Bludgeoning
Ranged Weapons
Mortar, dwarven 175 gp — 3d6 x2 30 ft. 20 lb. Fire
Primer (12 shots) 2 gp — — — — 5 lb. —
Mortar ammo (12 shots) 250 gp — — — — 8 lb. —
Grenade, fuse 22 gp — 2d4 x2 10 ft. 1 lb. Fire
Superior Tools 66 Quintessential Dwarf II: Advanced Tactics

Dwarven force, dealing its damage. When applied against

Mortar objects, the power ram ignores their hardness, but
the object must be large. A dwarf treats the power
ram as a martial weapon.

Throwing Axe, Dwarven: This exotic weapon is

composed of two blades with a curved edge extending
from a short, central shaft. The blades’ curvature is
practically a circle that covers the handle, making
this weapon very complicated to use in melee, and
requires a special grip for throwing. The weapon is
almost a foot in diameter, with the shaft extending
Phosphate a couple of inches outside the circumference. A
wielder throws this weapon horizontally, and it
traces a slightly curved trajectory. Characters trained
in the dwarven throwing axe’s use ignore 10% of a
target’s concealment and +1 cover bonus to its AC
due to the curved path. A dwarf treats a dwarven
Dwarven throwing axe as a martial weapon.
Driving Tunnel Ballista: Only unusually large characters
Smoke would dare call this weapon a crossbow. Too heavy
to be fired by holding it with the hands, the tunnel
ballista can still be carried by a single person and set
down on a folding two-legged support. Reloading
the weapon is done through a crank that pulls the
Safety heavy cable to its nock. Setting down or picking up
Dwarven the tunnel ballista is a move action, and reloading it
Warhammer is a full-round action.

Uthgrin, Dwarven: The uthgrin is part of a rather

bloody sport that has fallen into disuse due to its
Pike, Dwarven: Unlike the traditional pike, this weapon
unusual brutality. Worn in pairs, uthgrins are thick
is shorter and does not provide reach, for it is meant to be
bracers with a large curving blade attached to them,
used in the cramped tunnels of dwarven mines and other
extending 10 inches over the wearer’s hands. The blade
underground battlefields. The shaft is thicker and ends
is attached to a swivel and is controlled with the hand by a
with a broad, curved blade. Dwarves and non-dwarves
wooden handle, giving the weapon an unusual flexibility.
who devote an Exotic Weapon Proficiency to this weapon
The wielder can let go or recover the handle as a free
can use it more effectively in twisting corridors, able to
action so he can keep his hands free for any eventuality;
grasp it in one hand briefly to attack around corners and
he definitely cannot use a shield, though. When not in
negate the partial cover of their target.
use, the wielder can fold the blades backwards and cover
them with a leather sheath.
Power Ram: This is not exactly a weapon for combat; a
character can use it normally outside of combat to break
Warhammer, Dwarven: Resembling more a gigantic
down doors and walls, but requires the Exotic Weapon
meat tenderiser than a weapon of war, a dwarven
Proficiency feat to use it as a weapon. Dwarves devised
warhammer is too large to use in one hand without
the power ram so that individual miners (or skirmishers)
special training; thus, it is an exotic weapon. A Medium
could use it without needing a score of companions to
character can use a dwarven warhammer two-handed as
achieve results. The power ram is a 5-foot long tube with
a martial weapon, or a Large creature can use it one-
four handles, two per side. The head is usually shaped
handed in the same way. A dwarf treats a dwarven
with some mythical motif but is always made of a single
warhammer as a martial weapon even when using it in
piece of iron, usually pointed. The head is mounted on
one hand.
grooves that move it inside and out of the tube, with a
flask of alchemist’s fire stored on its bottom. When the
Wrecking Ball: The original design of this weapon was
head strikes a surface, it sinks and breaks the alchemist’s
a heavy flail, but the head grew so heavy that it became
fire flask, and the detonation pushes it ahead with great
a different weapon altogether. Of exotic use even for
Superior Tools 67 Quintessential Dwarf II: Advanced Tactics

Superior Armour
‘I had not noticed how unwieldy your hammer looks.’ Armour is almost like clothing to a dwarf. Not even
Larael nodded towards Thaine’s warhammer once the heaviest suit can slow him down, so dwarven
they had disposed of the ambushing giants. armoursmiths are not too concerned with comfort when
designing armour, although they do worry about its
‘It is certainly not for scrawny warriors,’ Thaine efficiency in the field of battle, in terms of both protection
quipped, but the elf archer was unruffled. ‘It is a and allowing its wearer to fight well. Dwarven armour is
dwarven warhammer. You won’t find one of these made for a dwarf’s stocky anatomy; all of the listed suits
in a regular human armoury, let alone with you cost 25% extra for fitting to other Medium humanoids.
Cavern Scout Suit: Dwarves live by going to and from
‘As if we would wield anything so ugly and light and darkness, so they know what works best when
barbaric!’ Larael retorted. hiding in either. The cavern scout suit is leather armour
with several cracks and scrapes that resemble natural
‘Ha!’ Thaine barked with mirth. ‘It may not be as stone. It offers the wearer a +2 bonus to Hide checks
fancy as that sissy sword hanging from your waist, in rocky terrain, but its real use comes when used while
but it can deal with my enemies with one well- exploring the territory of other underground races.
aimed smash.’ Against creatures with darkvision, the suit offers a +5
bonus to Hide checks, as it blends almost seamlessly
with surrounding rocks to the black-and-white sight of
dwarves, the wrecking ball is a heavy iron ball with underground creatures.
several thick spikes connected to a length of chain that
ends on a ring-like grip. A wielder can use the wrecking Dwarven Brigandine: The difference between regular
ball by spinning it or by throwing it forward and retrieving brigandine armour and that of dwarven make is that
it by pulling on the chain. A wrecking ball has reach, so it is not made from small steel plates, but from small
the wielder can strike opponents 10 feet away with it. In steel blocks. This particularly heavy coat offers more
addition, unlike most other weapons with reach, it can be protection in exchange for less mobility, but a dwarf is
used against an adjacent foe. not slowed down as with any other heavy armour.
A character can make trip attacks with the chain; if he Plated Cloak: A favourite of the arcane spellcasters
is tripped during his own trip attempt, he can drop the amongst dwarvenkind, the plated cloak is an addition to
chain to avoid being tripped. armour that can be donned and discarded rather quickly.
It is exactly what the name implies, a heavy leather
cloak with steel plates woven in different patterns on

Armour Armour
/ Shield Maximum Check Arcane Spell Speed1
Armour Cost Bonus Dex Bonus Penalty Failure Chance (30 ft.) (20 ft.) Weight
Light armour
Cavern scout 30 gp +2 +6 0 10% 30 ft. 20 ft. 12 lb.
Silent suit 32 gp +2 +6 0 10% 30 ft. 20 ft. 8 lb.
Medium armour
Plated cloak 25 gp +3 +3 –2 15% 20 ft. 15 ft. 18 lb.
Heavy armour
Dwarven 180 gp +6 +1 –6 40% 20 ft. 15 ft. 40 lb.
Slate armour 450 gp +7 +0 –6 35% 20 ft. 15 ft. 60 lb.
Interlocking 25 gp +2 — –2 10% — — 15 lb.
Sniper 70 gp +4 +1 –10 50% — — 50 lb.
Fortress 40 gp +4 +2 –10 50% — — 48 lb.
For non-dwarves only; a dwarf’s speed is not reduced by medium or heavy armour
Superior Tools 68 Quintessential Dwarf II: Advanced Tactics

Shield, Fortress: A variation of the tower shield,

this wooden surface is riveted with iron rails and
studs, and it has two horizontal rings on each side
through which an iron bar can be slid to secure
the shield to the ground, ceiling and walls. In its
Power unsecured mode, the fortress shield behaves as an
Cavern Scout Suit Ram ordinary tower shield, but when secured, it becomes
a virtual terrain feature. The securing rods can
extend up to 11 feet, enough distance to secure it
on a tunnel 10 feet wide. The squares where the
shield is secured are considered difficult terrain;
any creature passing through must slow down to 5
feet as a full-round action, and it provokes attacks
of opportunity from the people behind the shield.
Creatures can try to pass at normal speed through
the rods with a Tumble check (DC 20) or at half
movement with an Escape Artist check (DC 15).
Silent Suit Characters behind the shield can use it as a wall to
gain as much cover as they want to afford for their
attacks. If two fortress shields are locked together
and secured, the squares where they are located are
blocked as if the shields were a wall, and all skill
check DCs to bypass them increase by +5. They
do not lock perfectly, leaving a narrow slit between
them that acts as an arrow slit for purposes of cover
and concealment. Securing and releasing a fortress
shield takes 3 rounds.

Shield, Interlocking: This shield has no special

properties on its own, but when used in conjunction
Dwarven with other interlocking shields its real use is
apparent. The shield itself is a size between a large
and a tower shield, with a rectangular shape with
only slighter greater height than width. On the
back of the shield, a series of hooks and holes line
it. While most humanoids consider this addition bulky its vertical edges, so that the shield can lock with other
and uncomfortable, dwarves have no problem with it. A interlocking shields. The effect on the individual user
plated cloak can be worn over light and medium armour; is not as great as the power of the combined defence.
both its armour bonus and armour check penalties stack. The user enjoys a +2 cover bonus to his AC for each
For non-dwarves, a plated cloak reduces their movement shield interlocked with his (one at each side), and every
by 5 feet. For characters with a Strength or Constitution shieldbearer automatically gains a +2 synergy bonus
score of 13 or higher, donning and removing the plated to resist bull rush, overrun and trip attempts for every
cloak is a move action, while for weaker characters it is a character in the locked shield formation. Dwarves use
full-round action. In either case, the character provokes these shields with tactical advances and retreats when
an attack of opportunity. fighting in their underground corridors.
Silent Suit: Another leather armour with special Shield, Sniper: This hulking slab of metal requires the
properties, the silent suit has been treated in such a way Tower Shield Proficiency feat to be used, as it literally
that it absorbs sound. It is very angular in cut and slightly is a tower shield with a slight difference apparent when
spongy, granting its wearer a +2 bonus to Move Silently. looking at the shield’s inner side. The inner surface
Against creatures with the blindsight or blindsense ability is sustained by a framework with a slight curve and a
based upon hearing, the silent suit grants a +5 bonus to light crossbow hanging from its centre. The character
Move Silently or any other check necessary to oppose can plant himself on the ground using the shield’s total
the creature’s detection. A failure on the creature’s part cover, but as a move action he can trigger a mechanism
renders the character practically invisible to it until he that opens the tower shield as if it were a twin door and
moves or performs an action that would make noise. fire the crossbow as a normal standard action. Firing
Superior Tools 69 Quintessential Dwarf II: Advanced Tactics

Thaergrins were designed to aid dwarves in battling

Interlocking large creatures near to their territory, acting as a sort
Shield of dwarven cavalry to support normal warriors as they
circle and overwhelm large foes. Lesser thaergrin are
also used to conduct mining and excavation work thanks
to their leverage and the way they increases the wearer’s
There is nothing magical about a thaergrin, and anyone
with a smattering of knowledge about engineering would
understand how one works after a period of study. A
thaergrin does not move through any complicated
mechanism or with exotic power sources as if it were a
gnomish invention; it uses the wearer’s muscle power and
Sniper augments it through simple application of engineering
Shield principles.

Using a Thaergrin
A dwarf climbs into a thaergrin and moves as if he
normally would, the armour mimicking his every motion.
As easy as this may seem, it requires great strength and
stamina, not to mention training, to control this great
armour. A character wishing to use a thaergrin must
have the appropriate feat or suffer the armour’s check
Fortress penalty as if it were normal armour, but he must also
Shield have a minimum score in Strength and Constitution in
order to operate the armour’s great bulk.

If the character does not meet the minimum Strength

prerequisite, he suffers a penalty to all attack and
the crossbow releases the tension mechanism that snaps damage rolls as well as skill checks and saving throws;
the shield shut again, allowing the character to remain this penalty is the same as the difference between the
protected while able to fire away. armour’s minimum prerequisite and the character’s
actual score (a character with Str 14 would suffer a –3
Slate Armour: This suit of armour is made with a base penalty with a heavy thaergrin and a –1 with a medium
chainmail coat to which several curved slates are attached thaergrin). Failing to meet the Constitution prerequisite
at the shoulders, arms and waist, with layered slates means that the character tires out from using the armour
covering the shins and wrists. The slates are layered on after a certain period of time. After a number of minutes
top of each other, interlocking and covering their mutual equal to the character’s Constitution score multiplied by
chinks. The slates resemble roof tiles with a gentler 10, a character without the prerequisite Constitution score
curve and are shaped to fit over the wearer’s body. must make a Fortitude save (DC 15) or become fatigued.
If he succeeds, he can operate the armour for another
10 minutes, after which he makes another Fortitude save
Thaergrin – Great with a DC equal to the one for his previous save +1.
He continues making saving throws every 10 minutes
Armour until he fails a second one, at which point he becomes
The thaergrin is a piece of dwarven armoursmithing and exhausted and cannot operate the thaergrin at all.
engineering that seldom, if ever, sees the light of the sun
or the stars, for dwarves keep it a close secret, operating Characters who have the required Constitution can
only on the deepest reaches of their domains. On first operate a thaergrin armour for 4 hours, after which they
look, a thaergrin is either a very large statue or a full start making the same Fortitude saves every 10 minutes
plate suit for a troll; it is an armour suit of Large size, until they are exhausted.
except that no Large creature (and very few Medium
ones) would fit inside the chest cavity that includes a Thaergrin armour is built with the dwarven anatomy
complicated system of pulleys and levers from which a in mind; non-dwarves operating any of these great
dwarf controls the armour’s movements.
Superior Tools 70 Quintessential Dwarf II: Advanced Tactics

Thaergrin Ability Prerequisites Armour: A thaergrin operator cannot wear any sort of
Armour Min. Str Min. Con armour with an armour check penalty greater than 0.
However, he enjoys the thaergrin’s armour bonus to AC.
Light 13 12
Medium 15 13 Damage Reduction: A suit of thaergrin armour grants its
Heavy 17 14 wearer (as well as itself, see below) a damage reduction
armours suffer an additional –1 racial penalty to attack rating that varies according to the armour’s type. In all
and damage rolls as well as to skill checks and saving cases, this damage reduction can be circumvented by
throws. adamantine weapons as if the armour were a golem.
While inside the armour, the character is immune to
Climbing into a thaergrin armour takes 2 minutes. It can sneak attacks, but is still vulnerable to critical hits.
be donned hastily in 5 rounds and the character can get
out of it in 3 rounds. The character does not necessarily Hit Points and Combat: Thaergrin armour has its own
put the different pieces of armour on him, but rather hit points, which can be reduced to 0, destroying the
secures a number of straps and closes the armour’s armour completely. When the character is hit and receives
chest piece to conceal him. Unstrapping can be done damage inside the thaergrin, the armour receives the full
by simply wrenching off the straps and kicking the lid damage and the character receives ¼ of it. Apply the
open, which is why it takes less time to ‘remove’ than a thaergrin’s damage reduction to each damage separately,
complicated suit of full plate armour. but all successful attacks that do damage the armour deal
at least 1 point of damage to the character. For example,
a 9th level fighter (50 hit points) is operating a medium
Thaergrin Characteristics thaergrin armour (DR 8/adamantine, 50 hit points) and
Operating a thaergrin grants many benefits to the is struck by a blow dealing 20 points of damage. The
warrior who wears it, making him into a juggernaut that Thaergrin reduces this damage to 12 (20 hit points minus
is extremely difficult to put down and enhancing his 8DR) and will absorb 9 points. Its operator takes the
abilities in combat. Characters wearing thaergrin armour remaining 3 hit points.
move and act as if they were wearing normal armour,
with a few differences in how they handle combat and Critical hits are handled in a slightly different way; a
other operating situations. character takes half the damage of a critical hit instead
of only one fourth, on top of the critical hit’s normal
Size: The thaergrin is considered a Large (tall) creature. increased damage.
A character wearing a thaergrin has a greater reach but
also suffers a –1 size penalty to AC and attack rolls, If the character operating a thaergrin is hit with an
although both of these penalties are ultimately subsumed adamantine weapon, he takes the full damage as the
by the thaergrin’s armour and Strength bonuses (see weapon slices through the great armour’s protection.
Saving Throws: The character can make saving throws
Movement: Due to its greater stride, a thaergrin can with his normal bonuses while inside a thaergrin
increase a character’s walk speed, although medium and armour.
heavy thaergrins are just too massive, and their stride
only compensates for their weight when calculating Strength: While inside the armour, the character receives
a creature’s movement. This movement also affects an equipment bonus to his Strength score depending on
dwarves, who normally ignore the speed reductions of the armour type, as the system of pulleys, gears and
heavy armour. levers amplifies his efforts. Note that the armour’s check
penalty reduces the effectiveness of this bonus for some
Strength-related skill checks. A character cannot make
Swim checks while inside a thaergrin; the great armour

Thaergrin Great Armour

Hit Max. Dex Armour Check Speed
Armour Cost AC1 DR Points Str Bonus Penalty (30 ft.) (20 ft.)
Light thaergrin 2,500 gp +8 5 30 hp +5 +2 –8 40 ft. 30 ft.
Medium thaergrin 4,000 gp +10 8 50 hp +7 +1 –10 30 ft. 20 ft.
Heavy thaergrin 6,000 gp +12 10 70 hp +9 +0 –12 20 ft. 15 ft.
Includes –1 size penalty
Superior Tools 71 Quintessential Dwarf II: Advanced Tactics

the armour’s interior, and from that point onward, he has

New Feat: Armour Proficiency 1 hour of air. In an emergency, another lever funnels the
(Dwarven Thaergrin) air into floating bags that will carry the armour towards
You know how to move inside a dwarven great the surface and act as flotation devices for 5 minutes;
armour. this drains the thaergrin of 10 minutes of air. While in
Prerequisites: Armour Proficiency (light), Armour flotation mode, the character can make Swim checks
Proficiency (medium), Armour Proficiency without applying the armour check penalty. Aquatic
gear counts as two extra features.
Benefit: Armour Proficiency (light) - see Core
Arm Pistons: Innovative construction methods can
Rulebook I.
make the thaergrin stronger, adding +2 to its Strength
Normal: Armour Proficiency (light) - see Core
bonus. The thaergrin can take this feature more than
Rulebook I.
once; each time counts as one extra feature towards the
Special: A fighter may select this feat as part of his
armour’s limit.
bonus feats.
Cargo Hold: Thaergrins used for work often take this
sinks like a rock and is not airtight, so the character feature, as it allows them to carry goods, materials and
suffers the normal chances of drowning. other people on their backs. The cargo hold resembles
an iron backpack that is accessible from a lid at the top
Weapons and Attacks: Characters in a thaergrin can use and one at the bottom; it allows the thaergrin to carry a
weapons as if they were Large creatures, with custom- volume of cargo up to its carrying capacity calculated
made weapons sized for them. Use the table in Core as if its Strength score was 10 + its Strength bonus
Rulebook I to determine the damage of a weapon of (not counting the Strength of its operator). As a large
Large size, and double its normal cost. The character creature, a thaergrin’s carrying capacity is multiplied by
must be proficient with the weapon he wants to use; its 2 from the table in Core Rulebook I.
size has no bearing on the skills needed to handle it.
Climbing System: The bulk of a thaergrin makes
A character could attack with the armour’s great fists; climbing with it a very dangerous proposition, but
the thaergrin’s fists are considered simple weapons since the world of tunnels and caverns is seldom only
and deal 1d4 points of damage plus the total Strength horizontal, there must be a way for the armour to get
modifier. Monks cannot use their more favourable up or down shafts. The climbing system is a great
unarmed damage inside a thaergrin, nor can they use ballista mounted on the armour’s shoulder, but its only
their flurry of blows. ammunition is a single shaft with a grappling hook
connected to a length of chain, which in turn is connected
While inside a thaergrin, the character can use all of his to a winch on the armour’s back. The character can make
feats and combat manoeuvres such as grappling (with a an attack roll or a Use Rope check to fire the grappling
+4 size bonus), bull rushing, overrunning, tripping, etc. hook with a DC set by the Games Master depending on
the terrain and any possible protrusion or hold the hook
could be secured on. Alternatively, the character could
Thaergrin Equipment tie the hook and chain around an adjacent feature in order
In addition to large weapons (and tools), a thaergrin can
be equipped with additional features. A light thaergrin Thaergrin Equipment
can accommodate 4 extra features, a medium one can Feature Cost
fit 6 extra features and a heavy thaergrin has enough Aquatic Gear +1,800 gp
structural strength to sustain 10. Arm Pistons +800 gp
Cargo hold +1,000 gp
Aquatic Gear: Thaergrin armour is not airtight
Climbing System +1,500 gp
or watertight and tends to sink very fast. Because
sometimes dwarves need to get construction going in Energy Shielding +2,000 gp
underground lakes or enter a submerged corridor, it Extra Plating +800 gp
was not long before they thought of a way to seal the Insulation +600 gp
interiors of a thaergrin to allow it to walk on the bottom Leg Pistons +1,000 gp
of a body of water. Aquatic gear seals the junctures and Magic Item Mounting +3,000 gp
lid of the armour with proofed leather, and installs clear Reinforced Structure +1,200 gp
crystal windows in the armour’s view ports, plus extra
Shooting Fists +650 gp
space for air. The operator can throw a lever to seal off
Weapon Mounting +250 gp
Superior Tools 72 Quintessential Dwarf II: Advanced Tactics

to climb down. With the climbing system, the character both fists in the same round incurs the normal penalties
can ignore the thaergrin’s armour check penalty when for two-weapon fighting, but shooting them one at a time
making Climb checks. uses the character’s normal melee attack bonus. The
character does threaten the space around him with these
Energy Shielding: The armour’s plating can be treated weapons. Shooting fists count as two extra features.
so that it can resist energy attacks. The character selects
one of the following energy types: acid, cold, fire or Weapon Mounting: The thaergrin can equip its surface
electrical. In addition to its bonuses, the armour now with weapon slots to store a wider arsenal. Normally, a
counts as having energy resistance 5 against the energy thaergrin has no sheathes or hooks to keep its weapons,
type selected. The armour can equip this feature twice; but carries them in its hands. A weapon mounting is
the second instance must be for the same energy type and custom made to grant the operator easy access to each of
increases the energy resistance to 10. the thaergrin’s large weapons, allowing him to retrieve
them as a move action as if they were normal sheathes,
Extra Plating: Heavier forging and additional plates and to use the Quick Draw feat’s benefits if he has it.
give the armour a +2 bonus to AC. The thaergrin can
take this feature more than once; each time counts as one
extra feature towards the armour’s limit. Alchemical and
Insulation: The thaergrin can be sealed to protect the Mineral Materials
character from environmental effects. This is not perfect Dwarves are not as adept at alchemy as their gnomish
insulation like the aquatic gear, but it does provide a cousins, but they are unbeatable when it comes to
measure of protection. He gains a +4 bonus to saving mineralogy as it applies to alchemy and metalworking.
throws against inhaled poisons, gases and area effects.
Driving Smoke: Dwarves do not have the luxury of
Leg Pistons: Innovative construction methods can make open spaces through which to chase and rout opponents,
the thaergrin faster, adding 5 feet to its speed. The who can hole up in a cul-de-sac and cost dwarven forces
thaergrin can take this feature up to three times; each dearly in terms of casualties. For this reason dwarves
time counts as one extra feature towards the armour’s use driving smoke, an extremely pungent substance that
limit. evaporates in contact with air (usually when the flask
containing it breaks) to cover an area 40 feet per side
Magic Item Mounting: This is a container placed near with a noxious gas. If released inside a room of smaller
the operator’s seat, with enough room to accommodate dimensions, the gas expands to cover the total area. All
a magic item as large as a human torso. When an item creatures must make a Fortitude check (DC 15) every
is placed in this container, it enables the operator to use round they are inside the area. If they fail, they are
it as if he were wearing or holding it. He needs to speak gripped by severe coughing fits and have watery eyes.
any command word or comply with any other activation Victims suffer a –2 penalty to all attack rolls, AC and
prerequisites. The power of the magic item manifests skill checks, and their vision is impaired; all targets are
through one of the armour’s hands. If the item has a considered to have concealment when attacked by an
continuous effect, it affects the entire thaergrin as it affected creature, with the corresponding 20% chance to
would affect a character wearing any other type of miss. The smoke lasts for 1d4 rounds, but it dissipates
armour. under moderate or stronger winds in 1 round. Once
creatures leave the affected area they continue to suffer
Reinforced Structure: The thaergrin can be made with the penalties for an additional 1d4+1 rounds.
a heavier structure, increasing its damage reduction
score by 1. The thaergrin can take this feature more than Phosphate Flare: Dwarves do not need a light source to
once; each time counts as one extra feature towards the see in the dark, so they have no use for torches, lamps or
armour’s limit. sunrods in their explorations and adventuring, but light
is still a tool because it stands out so brightly in the dark.
Shooting Fists: This peculiar feature makes the When the 4-inch stick is lit, it emits a very powerful light
thaergrin’s fists into reach weapons similar to a wrecking that illuminates an area with a 60-foot radius centred on
ball. The operator can shoot either of the armour’s fists the stick. In conditions of darkness, the light can be seen
at a target up to 20 feet away, dealing 2d6 points of from 5 miles away. If the character makes a Sleight of
bludgeoning damage (plus any Strength modifiers) if Hand check (DC 15), he can light the flare as a standard
he strikes. The fists are connected to the armour’s arms action to attack; any sighted creature within 30 feet of
with a heavy chain that automatically retracts, pulling the character must make a Reflex save (DC is the result
the fist back into position in one full round. Shooting of the Sleight of Hand check) or be dazzled for 1 round.
The flare burns for 4 hours.
Superior Tools 73 Quintessential Dwarf II: Advanced Tactics

Safety Strip: The earth hides many secrets and dangers Ironcore: The process by which dwarves forge ironcore
in its bowels, and dwarves get to deal with them all. weapons results in extremely heavy weapons and
Miners are particularly concerned about gas and other armour. An ironcore weapon deals damage as if it was
toxic substances that float in the air. The safety strip is one size category larger (a short sword deals 1d6 points
a thin piece of paper coated with a reactive substance of damage, while an ironcore short sword deals 1d8).
that, when dipped in normal water, changes colour in the The problem is that, due to their weight, they impose
presence of gas, inhalation poison or other dangerous a –2 penalty to attack rolls unless the wielder takes an
substances floating in the air. The safety strip continues Exotic Weapon Proficiency feat to handle them, at which
to function for 6 hours, after which it dries up and point they become normal weapons of their type for that
becomes useless. A character or group of characters with character. Ranged weapons gain no benefits from being
an active safety strip gain a +4 bonus to saves against made from ironcore, but their ammunition does. Armour
gasses, inhalation poison or other dangerous airborne increases its armour bonus by +2, but its armour check
substances as the strip warns them of their presence penalty becomes 2 points worse and there is no way to
before they can cause any harm. circumvent this. In both cases, the weight of the item
increases by 25%. Ironcore has 40 hit points per inch of
Crystalweave: Through a closely guarded process, thickness and hardness 10.
dwarves can create strands of crystal that they use to
weave, rather than forge, armour. Crystalweave armour Type of Ironcore Item Item Cost Modifier
is slightly translucent and very light, and may be used as Ammunition +100 gp
a substitute for metal in the crafting of light and medium Light armour +1,000 gp
armour. Crystalweave armour has the same characteristics Medium armour +2,000 gp
of the armour it is emulating (such as a crystalweave Heavy armour +3,000 gp
chainmail or a crystalweave breastplate), but it can be
Light weapon +1,250 gp
used by druids as it is not metal. Crystalweave has 15 hit
points per inch of thickness and hardness 5. One-handed weapon, or one head +2,500 gp
of a double weapon
Type of Crystalweave Item Cost Modifier Weight Two-handed weapon, or both +5,000 gp
Item heads of a double weapon
Light armour +250 gp –1 lb.
Medium armour +300 gp –4 lb. Magma-Forged: The forge that produced this type
Heavy armour +350 gp –7 lb. of equipment is not a wood- or coal-fuelled furnace,
but a river of magma. Only the staunchest and most
experienced dwarven smiths can work magma-forged
Folded Steel: This is not a new material, but rather a metal, and their dedication finds its rewards in a more
method to work it. A dwarf makes a metal weapon with flexible raw material. Magma-forged items always have
steel sheets with different qualities so that the weapon a few smoky streaks that reflect light in multicoloured
has a flexible core but a hard and sharp edge. Weapons hues. In addition to taking half the time to complete,
made with folded steel increase their threat range by 1 magma forging somehow awakens a spiritual property of
(x2 becomes 19–20/x2, etc.). This is the weapon’s new the metal as it is taken out of its earthy womb. The smith
natural threat range; effects that increase it such as the chooses an elemental descriptor when creating a weapon
Improved Critical feat or the keen edge spell use this or armour (air, earth, fire or water); weapons always are
threat range as the base for their effect. Folded steel has considered the right type to defeat the damage reduction
the same characteristics as steel. of a creature aligned with the element the smith chose
during forging; for example a gargoyle has DR 10/magic
Type of Folded Steel Item Item Cost Modifier and the earth subtype, but a magma-forged sword with
Light weapon +1,500 gp the earth descriptor can damage it normally, even if it is
One-handed weapon, or one +3,000 gp not magical.
head of a double weapon
Two-handed weapon, or both +6,000 gp For armours, the process is very similar. The armour
heads of a double weapon provides its wearer with DR 5/- against creatures with
the chosen descriptor. For example, if that same gargoyle
attacked a character with a magma-forged chainmail
(earth), it would subtract 5 points of damage from its
attacks against the character wearing that armour.
Superior Tools 74 Quintessential Dwarf II: Advanced Tactics

Only metal weapons and armour can be magma forged, Mithral, True: Elves may presume to craft the most
including weapons made from normal steel, cold iron, exquisite items made from mithral, but it is dwarves who
adamantine and mithral. When multiplying the cost of make the sturdiest. True mithral undergoes a series of
the weapon or armour, first determine its base cost with rituals and secret forging procedures that eliminate most
the special material considered, and then multiply it by of the impurities in the ore. The high quality of this
the amount in the table. Magma-forged items have the material ensures that any weapon or armour forged with
same characteristics as the base metal they are forged it is most certainly a masterwork. True mithral items cost
from. one and a half times their normal value after adding the
price of normal mithral. Mithral weapons and armour
have double their hit points. True mithral has 50 hit
Type of Magma-Forged Item Item Cost Multiplier
points per inch of thickness and hardness 12.
Ammunition x1.2
Light armour x1.4 Steel, True: This alloy is also called ‘dwarven steel’ by
Medium armour x1.6 other races, for none other than they know the process
Heavy armour x1.8 to smelt it. True steel undergoes a series of rituals and
Light weapon x2.1 secret forging procedures that eliminate most of the
One-handed weapon, or one x2.2 impurities in the alloy. The high quality of this material
head of a double weapon ensures that any weapon or armour forged with it is most
certainly a masterwork. True steel items cost one and a
Two-handed weapon, or both x4.4
half times their normal value and are all of masterwork
heads of a double weapon
quality (+1 to attack rolls). Additionally, when used to
sunder or disarm weapons of common steel, a true steel
weapon grants a +2 bonus to the wielder’s attack roll.
Magnetite: Dwarves can use this part of iron ore
True steel has 30 hit points per inch of thickness and
independently from other materials, crafting weapons
hardness 12.
and armour with strange properties. Weapons made of
magnetite have a certain magnetic quality that affects the
way they are used. Only weapons that are mainly metal Alchemical and Mineral Materials
or have a metal head that deals damage can be made with
Material Cost Hardness Hit Points Craft
magnetite. A magnetite weapon grants a +2 alchemical
bonus to attack rolls against creatures made of metal or
Driving 35 gp — — 20
wearing metal armour as it is attracted to such targets.
Only metal armour can be made from magnetite, and the
smoke (vial)
forging process the dwarves use reverses its polarity so Phosphate 3 gp — — 15
that it grants a +2 deflection bonus to AC against attacks flare
by metallic creatures or metal weapons, as it pushes the Safety strip 5 gp — — 15
metal away from it. Magnetite has 25 hit points per inch Crystalweave varies 5 15/ inch of —
of thickness and hardness 8. thickness
Folded steel varies 10 30/inch of —
Type of Magnetite Item Item Cost
Modifier Ironcore varies 10 40/inch of —
Ammunition +40 gp
Magma- varies — — —
Light armour +1,500 gp forged
Medium armour +3,000 gp Magnetite varies 8 25/ inch of —
Heavy armour +4,500 gp thickness
Mithral, true x1.5 15 30/inch of —
Light weapon +2,000 gp
One-handed weapon, or one head +4,000 gp Steel, true x1.5 12 30/inch of —
of a double weapon thickness
Two-handed weapon, or both +8,000 gp
heads of a double weapon
The Magical Dwarf 75 Quintessential Dwarf II: Advanced Tactics

The Magical Dwarf

agic is not something that comes easily to the declares he is using the weapon at its full power before
dwarven race, as they put a higher value on making an attack roll; if it hits, the target receives extra
discipline and hard work than on taking the damage equal to three times its armour and natural
easy road of magical advancement. Nevertheless, they armour bonus (if the target has both, add them together),
are a deeply spiritual people with a canny ingenuity that at which point the weapon loses its clapping ability for
also applies to their magical works. They may have a the next 24 hours. If the attack misses, it counts towards
lower percentage of wizards amongst them, and their the ability’s one use per day, but the weapon does not
clerics and druids may be more specialised and bound lose its clapping ability.
by their traditions, but dwarven magic is like dwarven
society: strong and stalwart. Minor evocation; CL 4th; Craft Magic Arms and Armour,
shatter; Price +2.

Magic Arms and Double Impact: A character wielding a double impact

weapon seems to strike with the force of two blows
Armour basically because he does. This weapon remembers
With their focus on developing the fighting arts, it is a swing that rang through with particular force and
hardly surprising that most dwarven magical effort repeats it so that when the weapon scores a threat, it is
is steered towards enhancing the fighter’s role. The automatically confirmed as a critical hit.
following are abilities that dwarves developed to
enchant their favourite war accoutrements. Faint divination; CL 4th; Craft Magic Arms and Armour,
true strike; Price +2.
Weapon Abilities
Bouncing: This enchantment can only be placed on a Entangling: An entangling weapon has many carvings
melee weapon. It is similar to a throwing weapon in that resembling vines or a net covering its surface. When
the weapon gains a range increment of 10 feet, but it has striking its target, the wielder can speak a command
an additional effect: if the weapon successfully hits a word and the weapon will attempt a grapple, using its
target, it bounces towards another target of the owner’s owner’s grapple check plus a +4 bonus and also its
choosing. The new target must be within 30 feet; the enhancement bonus. This attack does not provoke an
character makes an attack roll to hit the new target at attack of opportunity. If the weapon wins the grapple
his highest base attack bonus. With every successful check, the character releases it as it sprouts dozens of
hit, the weapon bounces to another target, repeating tendrils and cords surrounding the target. The weapon
the procedure. The weapon continues bouncing until attempts to pin the target every round, making grapple
it successfully hits 5 targets or it fails to hit a target, checks as necessary using its owner’s grapple check
at which point the weapon returns to the character’s bonus, with as many attacks as those granted to its
hand. It is possible that the weapon bounces between owner by his base attack bonus. The weapon can release
the same targets if new targets are not available until it a target it has successfully grappled when the owner
fails or reaches its limit, and targets must be creatures, grasps it and speaks another command word, returning
not objects. Once the character recovers the weapon he it to its normal shape. If the target escapes the weapon’s
cannot use the bouncing ability for 1d4+1 rounds. grapple, it also returns to its original shape and falls to
the floor.
Moderate transmutation; CL 11th; Craft Magic Arms and
Armour, magic stone, animate objects; Price +4. Minor transmutation; CL 3rd Craft Magic Arms and
Armour, bull’s strength, entangle; Price +2.
Clapping: This ability can only be placed on
bludgeoning weapons. When a clapping weapon strikes Marking: This weapon is a favourite of hunters.
a target wearing metal armour or creatures with a natural Speaking a command word when the weapon strikes or
armour bonus higher than +5, it acts like the clapper on a touches a target causes the weapon to ‘tag’ it. If allowed
bell, sending waves of sound across the target’s surface. to escape, the target remains tagged and the weapon
The target must succeed in a Fortitude save (DC 13) or can follow it. The weapon glows in a very distinct
be stunned for 1 round. Non-magical armour with less colour when pointing in the direction where the tagged
than 15 hit points remaining is instantly shattered into target can be found, although it gives no clues as to the
pieces. Once per day, the owner of a clapping weapon distance or the path to follow to find it. The tagged
The Magical Dwarf 76 Quintessential Dwarf II: Advanced Tactics

target moves out of range when travelling farther than

1 mile per enhancement bonus away from the weapon.
The weapon can only maintain one tag, but the owner
can tag a new target simply by striking or touching it
with the weapon, at which point the former target’s tag
disappears. The tag is visible only with a see invisibility
spell; arcane sight and detect magic give their subject
the chance to see a tag upon a target with a Spot (DC
20) check.

Moderate divination; CL 7th; Craft Magic Arms and

Armour, locate creature; Price +1.

Projecting: A projecting weapon is attuned to the earth

and can be used to attack almost any target. This ability
can only be placed on melee weapons. The character
can strike a rocky or stone surface near him, and the
weapon will sink into it and project itself through
the ground, attacking any target within 60 feet that
the character can see. The character makes a normal
attack roll with a +2 circumstance bonus and, if he hits,
a stone spike shoots from the ground to hit the target.
The stone spike has all the characteristics of the weapon
used, including its damage, enhancement bonus, special
material properties and any other special ability. It is
possible for the character to strike at the ground when
facing an adjacent opponent and have the spike come
out from behind; this counts as flanking and gives the
character an additional +2 bonus to attack; it also allows
of the nearest viable target (an enemy); this part of the
a rogue to perform sneak attacks.
weapon’s ability reveals the location of targets that are
hidden, concealed, behind cover and even ethereal. After
Moderate transmutation; CL 7th; Craft Magic Arms and
locating the target, the character releases the weapon
Armour, spike stones; Price +2.
with a command word, and the weapon flies directly
at the located target, turning in midair and dodging
Reshaping: Although any kind of weapon can be
through cover. The character makes a normal attack
enchanted with this ability, dwarves prefer to place it
roll, counting range increments as the trajectory that the
upon warhammers. A reshaping weapon has a chance to
weapon follows, ignoring concealment chances to miss
ruin any crafted armour or shield that it strikes. Whenever
as well as cover bonuses. Thrown weapons return to
the weapon deals damage to a target wearing armour
the character’s hand whether the attack was successful
or using a shield, the item must make a Fortitude save
or not.
(DC 19) or have its armour bonus (not its enhancement
bonus) reduced by 1 permanently. The wielder decides
Faint divination; CL 4th; Craft Magic Arms and Armour,
whether he is striking the armour or shield, but this is
detect thoughts, true strike; Price +3.
not a sunder attempt. An item of armour or a shield that
has been reduced to +0 armour bonus is destroyed.
Transmuting: A weapon with this ability appears as a
dull specimen of its type, not particularly beautiful or
Moderate transmutation; CL 11th; Craft Magic Arms and
adorned except for a few runes across the hilt, handle
Armour, disintegrate; Price +2.
or shaft. The weapon has five command words, one for
each type of special material: adamantine, alchemical
Seeking: In the cramped and twisting corridors of
silver, cold iron, darkwood and mithral. Speaking the
dwarven holds, ranged and throwing weapons are
appropriate command word turns the weapon into a
not as useful as they offer a fraction of the advantage
weapon of the associated material, which is useful when
that they would if used in the open field. This ability
facing enemies with different types of damage reduction.
can only be placed upon ranged weapons, but not on
When sheathed or put away, the weapon returns to its
ammunition. The character concentrates for a full round
normal, ordinary material state.
on the weapon, and the weapon then reveals the location
The Magical Dwarf 77 Quintessential Dwarf II: Advanced Tactics

Major transmutation; CL 14th; Craft Magic Arms and elite marine corps in the rare dwarven navies because
Armour, polymorph any object; Price +3. it protects them from drowning. When the armour is in
contact with water, it floats instead of sinking, granting
Tunnelling: A weapon enchanted with this ability has the wearer a +5 bonus to Swim checks and negating the
spiralling grooves across the length of its blade, head or armour’s check penalty to Swim checks. The wearer
shaft. The weapon is not an excavation tool, but it has may stop struggling and perform any other action, and
the frightful effect of literally drilling holes in its target. he will remain afloat.
When a tunnelling weapon deals a critical hit, it shoots
a powerful spiralling spike of pure force towards its Faint transmutation and conjuration; CL 5th; Craft Magic
target, dealing 1d4 points of Constitution damage and Arms and Armour, feather fall; Price +1.
leaving a gaping wound in its wake. This wound deals
1 point of automatic damage every round until closed Longshanks: This ability can only be placed on armour.
with a successful Heal check (DC 15) as a full-round With their stout bodies, dwarves are slower than other
action or the application of any cure spell. The spike creatures in their size category, which sometimes puts
bypasses normal armour, but it can be blocked by other them at a disadvantage when it comes to manoeuvring,
force effects like mage armour. so they created longshanks armour to correct this. A
character wearing armour enchanted with this ability
Moderate necromancy; CL 7th; Craft Magic Arms and increases his base speed by 10 feet.
Armour, inflict critical wounds; Price +2.
Faint transmutation; CL 3rd; Craft Magic Arms and
Armour, longstrider; Price +1.
Armour and Shield Abilities
Countercharging: This ability can only be placed Repairing: A suit of armour or a shield with this ability
on shields. In addition to its enhancement bonus, a can keep itself and its user in top shape, or at least keep
countercharging shield grants a further +2 deflection either from meeting a messy end. Repairing equipment
bonus to AC against a charging enemy. If the charging can restore 1 hit point to itself or to its user each round,
enemy’s attack misses, the shield catches it and pushes but not to both. It can restore a maximum of 30 hit points
the attacker back. The attacker bounces back 5 feet and per day, distributed amongst itself and its user. The user
must make a Fortitude save (DC 14) to avoid falling must activate this ability as a free action and decides
prone. when to stop it, but it comes into effect automatically if
the user is reduced to 0 hit points or less, at which point
Faint abjuration; CL 5th; Craft Magic Arms and Armour, it begins curing him at the rate of 1 hit point per round
magic vestment; Price +1. until he is brought to 1 hit point. If the armour itself is
reduced to 0 hit points, it can put itself together in 24
Donning: One of the main disadvantages to being a hours although its maximum hit point capacity is reduced
warrior is that they may be caught without their armour, by 5 hit points. If this capacity is ever reduced to 0 hit
as they must take it off occasionally, not only for the points through constant destruction and regeneration,
sake of comfort, but also manners. A character can the armour is finally destroyed.
touch this armour and speak the command word, and the
armour’s pieces will animate suddenly and fly around Faint transmutation and conjuration; CL 7th; Craft Magic
the wearer, setting themselves in place and strapping Arms and Armour, cure serious wounds, make whole;
tightly on their own. The same goes for removing it, Price +3.
which sends the pieces flying to stack themselves neatly
for efficient storage. Donning and removing a suit of Repelling: Whenever the user of a repelling armour or
armour enchanted with this ability takes only one move shield is pinned, surrounded or otherwise immobilised
action. If the character is already wearing any type of by foes or circumstances, he can trust his equipment
armour, the donning armour does not move. to clear the way for him. With a command word, the
item releases a powerful shockwave that pushes back
Moderate transmutation; CL 11th; Craft Magic Arms and all foes within 10 feet of the character up to a maximum
Armour, animate objects; Price +3. distance of 20 feet per enhancement bonus, automatically
breaking pins and grapples in the process. This ability
Floating: Dwarf warriors tend to spend most of their is usable three times per day, and targets are entitled to
time in heavy armour, which may pose a danger if they a Fortitude save (DC 19) to avoid falling prone, but they
are near deep bodies of water such as underground lakes still move away.
and rivers, not to mention their surface equivalents along
with seas and oceans. Floating armour is meant for Strong abjuration; CL 12th; Craft Magic Arms and
Armour, repulsion; Price +3.
The Magical Dwarf 78 Quintessential Dwarf II: Advanced Tactics

Stone Circles Crafting a Dolmen

Dwarves are creatures of the earth, and their magic Any stoneworker can craft a dolmen, but in order to
reflects this. A few explorers of abandoned dwarven carve the runes that will give it power requires one
holds report the existence of strange cavern chambers knowledgeable in arcane matters.
with stalagmites smoothed and carved with runic
characters, forming a circle, and these formations Creating a dolmen requires the Craft Wondrous Item
have also been found in watch posts and a few surface feat, and since each dolmen is in itself a magical item,
settlements. Dwarves keep quiet about this, waving it has its own monetary and experience cost. Crafting a
these formations off as decorations, but the truth is that dolmen also requires a capable craftsman. All dolmens
they are an important part of dwarven magic. have a DC for Craft (sculpting) checks, which also
determines the duration of the construction when
Stone circles are as much tools as the dwarven forges; multiplied by the cost as per the normal Craft rules. It
they channel the power of the earth itself and distil it is a sculptor who makes these Craft checks and pays the
into a form that the dwarves put to use in several ways. monetary cost, but it is an enchanter who supplies the
Some stone circles are actually forges that dwarves use dolmen’s prerequisites in the form of caster level, spells,
to craft magical equipment, while others serve any other skill ranks or feats. The sculptor and the enchanter can,
purpose that dwarven priests and engineers design for of course, be the same person if he feels confident about
them. his craftsmanship as well as his power.

A stone circle is composed of several stone pillars called Dolmens are classified by their position within a stone
dolmens, and each dolmen has its own inner power and circle: outer dolmens, middle dolmens and centre
characteristic. The power of a stone circle depends on dolmens. Dolmens support each other from outside of
the number and kind of dolmens that compose it, as the stone circle working inwards, so that a circle with
well as the relationship between them. A stone circle a power or ability encoded in a centre dolmen needs
is built with a specific purpose in mind, but advanced middle and outer dolmens to support it.
crafters can build it in such a way that a savvy circle
user can reshape the relationship between the dolmens Outer Dolmens: Outer dolmens encode within
to improvise effects that the original builders did not themselves the spirit of an ability (Strength, Dexterity,
anticipate. Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom or Charisma). Outer
dolmens simulate an ability score. A crafter can encode
up to 4 ability points in a single dolmen so, if a crafter
wishes the circle to have a particular ability score at 16,
he needs to create at least four dolmens for that ability.
The cost of an outer dolmen is equal to its ability score
multiplied by 250 gp and by 40 XP. The Craft DC for an
outer dolmen is 15 plus twice its ability score.

 Dolmen of Might: This dolmen codifies the Strength


Faint transmutation; CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item,

bull’s strength.

 Dolmen of Grace: This dolmen codifies the Dexterity


Faint transmutation; CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item,

cat’s grace.

 Dolmen of Puissance: This dolmen codifies the

Constitution ability.

Faint transmutation; CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item,

bear’s endurance.
The Magical Dwarf 79 Quintessential Dwarf II: Advanced Tactics

 Dolmen of Intellect: This dolmen codifies the Faint enchantment; CL 5th; Craft Wondrous Item,
Intelligence ability. dolmen of magnetism (Bluff) and/or dolmen of
intellect (Forgery) (minimum 12 ranks), any 3rd level
Faint transmutation; CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, enchantment spell.
fox’s cunning.
 Dolmen of Deftness: This dolmen codifies ranks in
 Dolmen of Insight: This dolmen codifies the Wisdom the Sleight of Hand and Use Rope skills.
Faint transmutation; CL 5th; Craft Wondrous Item,
Faint transmutation; CL 3 ; Craft Wondrous Item,
dolmen of grace (minimum 12 ranks), any 3rd level
owl’s wisdom. transmutation spell.

 Dolmen of Magnetism: This dolmen codifies the  Dolmen of Guardianship: This dolmen codifies
Charisma ability. ranks in the Intimidate skill.

Faint transmutation; CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, Faint enchantment; CL 5th; Craft Wondrous Item,
eagle’s splendour. dolmen of magnetism (minimum 12 ranks), any 3rd
level enchantment spell.
Middle Dolmens: With the support of a ring of outer
dolmens, middle dolmens encode within themselves the  Dolmen of Lore: This dolmen codifies ranks in one
spirit of a skill. Middle dolmens simulate skill ranks in or more Knowledge skills.
one or more skills. A crafter can encode up to 5 skill
ranks in a single dolmen, so if a crafter wishes the circle Faint divination; CL 5th; Craft Wondrous Item,
to have a particular skill rank total of 10, he needs to dolmen of intellect (minimum 12 ranks), any 3rd level
create at least two dolmens for that skill. A middle divination spell.
dolmen can contain ranks in more than one skill, but
only on those skills allowed by the dolmen; the total  Dolmen of Magic: This dolmen codifies ranks in the
sum of the skill ranks cannot exceed the maximum limit Spellcraft and Use Magic Device skills.
of 5 per dolmen. The cost of a middle dolmen is equal
to its total skill bonus multiplied by 25 gp and 4 XP. The Faint divination; CL 5th; Craft Wondrous Item, dolmen
Craft DC for a middle dolmen is 15 plus its skill bonus. of intellect (Spellcraft) and/or dolmen of magnetism
(Use Magic Device) (minimum 12 ranks), any 3rd
 Dolmen of Agility: This dolmen codifies ranks in level divination spell.
the Balance and Jump skills.
 Dolmen of Meditation: This dolmen codifies ranks
Faint transmutation; CL 5th; Craft Wondrous in the Concentration skill.
Item, dolmen of grace (Balance) and/or dolmen of
might (Jump) (minimum 12 ranks), any 3rd level Faint conjuration; CL 5th; Craft Wondrous Item,
transmutation spell. dolmen of puissance (minimum 12 ranks), any 3rd
level conjuration spell.
 Dolmen of Artistry: This dolmen codifies ranks in
one or more Perform skills.  Dolmen of Negotiation: This dolmen codifies ranks
in the Diplomacy and Sense Motive skills.
Faint enchantment; CL 5th; Craft Wondrous Item,
dolmen of magnetism (minimum 12 ranks), any 3rd Faint enchantment; CL 5th; Craft Wondrous Item,
level enchantment spell. dolmen of magnetism (Diplomacy) and/or dolmen of
insight (Sense Motive) (minimum 12 ranks), any 3rd
 Dolmen of Athletics: This dolmen codifies ranks in level enchantment spell.
the Climb and Swim skills.
 Dolmen of Praxis: This dolmen codifies ranks in
Faint transmutation; CL 5th; Craft Wondrous Item, one or more Craft and Profession skills.
dolmen of might (minimum 12 ranks), any 3rd level
transmutation spell. Faint conjuration; CL 5th; Craft Wondrous Item,
dolmen of intellect (Craft) and/or dolmen of insight
 Dolmen of Deceit: This dolmen codifies ranks in the (Profession) (minimum 12 ranks), any 3rd level
Bluff and Forgery skills. conjuration spell.
The Magical Dwarf 80 Quintessential Dwarf II: Advanced Tactics

 Dolmen of Recuperation: This dolmen codifies Power Attack, Precise Shot, Quick Draw, Rapid
ranks in the Heal skill. Reload, Rapid Shot, Skill Focus, Snatch Arrows,
Stunning Fist, Toughness, Track, Trample, Two-
Faint conjuration; CL 5th; Craft Wondrous Item, Weapon Defence, Two-Weapon Fighting, Weapon
dolmen of insight (minimum 12 ranks), any 3rd level Finesse, Weapon Focus, Weapon Specialization,
conjuration spell. Whirlwind Attack.

 Dolmen of Sabotage: This dolmen codifies ranks in Requirements: CL 7th, Craft Wondrous Item, sufficient
the Disable Device and Open Locks skills. outer dolmens to meet a feat’s ability prerequisites,
sufficient middle dolmens to meet a feat’s skill rank
Faint transmutation; CL 5th; Craft Wondrous Item, prerequisites, sufficient inner dolmens to meet a
dolmen of grace (Open Locks) and/or dolmen of feat’s required feats; Craft DC 15; Cost: 1,200 gp,
intellect (Disable Device) (minimum 12 ranks), any 250 XP.
3rd level transmutation spell.
 Dolmen of Creation: This dolmen codifies a single
 Dolmen of Scrutiny: This dolmen codifies ranks in item creation feat.
the Appraise and Decipher Script skills.
Requirements: CL 7th, Craft Wondrous Item, sufficient
Faint divination; CL 5 ; Craft Wondrous Item,
outer dolmens to meet a feat’s ability prerequisites,
dolmen of intellect (minimum 12 ranks), any 3rd level sufficient middle dolmens to meet a feat’s skill rank
divination spell. prerequisites, sufficient inner dolmens to meet a
feat’s required feats, sufficient dolmens of wizardry
 Dolmen of Indoctrination: This dolmen codifies or dolmens of reverence to meet a feat’s spellcaster
ranks in the Handle Animal skill. level prerequisite; Craft DC 20; Cost: 1,000 gp, 250
Faint enchantment; CL 5th; Craft Wondrous Item,
dolmen of magnetism (minimum 12 ranks), any 3rd  Dolmen of Magical Might: This dolmen codifies a
level enchantment spell. single metamagic feat.

 Dolmen of Vigilance: This dolmen codifies ranks in Requirements: CL 7th, Craft Wondrous Item, sufficient
the Listen and Spot skills. outer dolmens to meet a feat’s ability prerequisites,
sufficient middle dolmens to meet a feat’s skill rank
Faint divination; CL 5th; Craft Wondrous Item, prerequisites, sufficient inner dolmens to meet a
dolmen of insight (minimum 12 ranks), any 3rd level feat’s required feats, sufficient dolmens of wizardry
divination spell. or dolmens of reverence to meet a feat’s spellcaster
level prerequisite; Craft DC 20; Cost: 1,500 gp, 250
Inner Dolmens: With the support of a ring of outer XP.
and middle dolmens, inner dolmens encode within
themselves the spirit of a particular ability or power.  Dolmen of Martial Training: This dolmen codifies
Inner dolmens simulate feats, caster levels, spells and a single general feat from the following list: Armour
abilities. A crafter can encode only one such ability, Proficiency (heavy), Armour Proficiency (light),
and each type of inner dolmen has its own costs and Armour Proficiency (medium), Simple Weapon
prerequisites. Proficiency, Martial Weapon Proficiency, Exotic
Weapon Proficiency, Shield Proficiency, Tower
 Dolmen of General Training: This dolmen codifies Shield Proficiency.
a single general feat from the following list: Blind-
Fight, Cleave, Combat Expertise, Combat Reflexes, Requirements: CL 7th, Craft Wondrous Item, sufficient
Deflect Arrows, Dodge, Far Shot, Great Cleave, inner dolmens to meet a feat’s required feats; Craft
Greater Two-Weapon Fighting, Greater Weapon DC 15; Cost: 1,200 gp, 250 XP.
Focus, Greater Weapon Specialization, Improved
Bull Rush, Improved Critical, Improved Disarm,  Dolmen of Mystical Training: This dolmen codifies
Improved Feint, Improved Grapple, Improved a single general feat from the following list: Augment
Initiative, Improved Precise Shot, Improved Shield Summoning, Combat Casting, Eschew Materials,
Bash, Improved Sunder, Improved Trip, Improved Extra Turning, Greater Spell Focus, Greater Spell
Two-Weapon Fighting, Improved Unarmed Strike, Penetration, Improved Counterspell, Improved
Leadership, Manyshot, Mobility, Point Blank Shot,
The Magical Dwarf 81 Quintessential Dwarf II: Advanced Tactics

Familiar, Improved Turning, Natural Spell, Spell Requirements: CL (see table), Craft Wondrous Item,
Focus, Spell Mastery, Spell Penetration. sufficient dolmens of insight to match the caster level
(see table), dolmen of magic (3 ranks); Craft DC 20;
Requirements: CL 7th, Craft Wondrous Item, sufficient Cost: 1,800 gp, 300 XP.
outer dolmens to meet a feat’s ability prerequisites,
sufficient middle dolmens to meet a feat’s skill rank  Dolmen of Magical School: There are nine types
prerequisites, sufficient inner dolmens to meet a of this dolmen, each corresponding to one of the
feat’s required feats; Craft DC 15; Cost: 1,200 gp, magic schools (including the universal school). This
250 XP. dolmen codifies a single spell of a single school or
part thereof. A single dolmen can contain up to 3
 Dolmen of Survival: This dolmen codifies a single spell levels so, if a crafter wishes the circle to have
general feat from the following list: Diehard, a 5th level abjuration spell, he needs to create at least
Endurance, Great Fortitude, Iron Will, Lightning two dolmens of abjuration. If the crafter wishes the
Reflexes. circle to have a 4th level divination spell and a 7th
level evocation spell, he must create two dolmens of
Requirements: CL 7th, Craft Wondrous Item, sufficient divination and three dolmens of evocation.
outer dolmens to meet a feat’s ability prerequisites,
sufficient middle dolmens to meet a feat’s skill rank Requirements: CL (see table), Craft Wondrous
prerequisites, sufficient inner dolmens to meet a Item, sufficient dolmens of wizardry or reverence to
feat’s required feats; Craft DC 15; Cost: 800 gp, 250 provide the minimum caster level needed to cast a
XP. spell of the codified level; must be able to cast the
spell to be encoded; Craft DC 20; Cost: 1,200 gp,
 Dolmen of Wizardry: This dolmen codifies the 300 XP.
power of arcane spellcasting. It can provide caster
levels just as middle dolmens can provide skill ranks
and outer dolmens ability scores. These caster levels Erecting a Stone Circle
may only be used for arcane applications. A dolmen A stone circle is made by erecting all the necessary
of wizardry can encode 3 caster levels per dolmen. dolmens for the effect the crafter wishes to create as
discussed below. He must build from the centre of the
Requirements: CL (see table), Craft Wondrous Item, circle outwards, always completing the inner dolmens
sufficient dolmens of intellect to match the caster before proceeding to the outer rings. Each dolmen
level (see table), dolmen of magic (3 ranks); Craft occupies one 5-foot square and must be separated from
DC 20; Cost: 1,800 gp, 300 XP. other dolmens by at least 5 feet, with at least 10 feet of
separation between each ring of dolmens. This means
 Dolmen of Reverence: This dolmen codifies the that the grander the effect, the larger the area needed to
power of divine spellcasting. It can provide caster build the circle. Each dolmen is crafted separately, and
levels just as middle dolmens can provide skill ranks several sculptors can work on various dolmens at the
and outer dolmens ability scores. These caster levels same time.
may only be used for divine applications. A dolmen
of wizardry can encode 3 caster levels per dolmen. The effect of a stone circle depends on the pathways and
relationships between its dolmens. There are two kinds
of way in which to create a stone circle effects: fixed or

Dolmen of Wizardry/Reverence Fixed construction has several grooves and canals

Caster Level Ability Score connecting the dolmens together in a complex pattern
1–2 11 that, when activated, call upon the combined power
3–4 12 of the circle’s dolmens to create one definite effect.
Variable construction has the dolmens in place, but
5–6 13
there is nothing to connect them; a circle user will trace
7–8 14 the connecting patterns on the ground, improvising the
9–10 15 effects using the circle’s dolmens spontaneously. There
11–12 16 is no difference in price and effort between creating
13–14 17 fixed or variable stone circles, but variable construction
15–16 18 requires that the builder has some foresight in the kinds
17–20 19 of effects that would be possible inside the circle.
The Magical Dwarf 82 Quintessential Dwarf II: Advanced Tactics

Creating Stone Circle

A stone circle effect comes into being
when the outer dolmens activate, powering
the middle and inner circles. Only one
person can activate a stone circle, although
many more can benefit from its effects.
To activate a stone circle with fixed
construction, a character makes a level
check (d20 + character level) with a DC
equal to 10 plus the number of dolmens in
the stone circle.

For a circle with variable construction, the

character must first trace lines between the
dolmens he wants for an effect, starting
from the centre outwards. He must
connect the inner dolmens for his effect to
its prerequisite middle and outer dolmens.
Since there is no easy set of instructions
indicating which dolmen does what, the
character must make a Spellcraft check
(DC 15 + number of dolmens in the circle);
it takes 1 minute per dolmen in the circle to
trace all the necessary relationships. After
that, he activates the circle normally.

The circle remains active for 1 hour, plus an

additional hour per the circle’s Constitution
score (as per dolmens of puissance) or a Constitution score of 7 (for an 8-hour duration). When
until closed by the activating character. A stone circle activated, the Games Master rolls d20 + 23 (20 ranks
cannot be activated again until the next day. The effects and 3 Int modifier) and comes up with a 31, granting
possible with a stone circle are: the activating character a +6 bonus he can distribute
amongst other characters working inside the circle.
Inspiration: People standing inside a stone circle can This bonus lasts for 8 hours, a standard working day.
receive inspiration from the encoded skills and abilities
in the outer and middle dolmens. Upon activating the Greater Inspiration: People standing inside a stone
circle, the Games Master rolls the appropriate skill circle can receive inspiration from the encoded feats.
check using the circle’s encoded skill ranks and ability The condition for this type of use is that, in order for
modifier (from the outer dolmens’ encoded score). For the circle to have an effect, the people inside the circle
every 5 points in the result, the circle generates a +1 must meet all the feat’s prerequisites even if they lack
bonus to the appropriate skill checks. The total bonus the feat in question; otherwise they cannot gain the
can be divided amongst all the creatures within the benefit of a circle’s greater inspiration. Since every
circle at the moment of activation, with the activating dolmen encoding a feat must have all the prerequisite
character dividing the bonus. Creatures enjoy the bonus feats, skills and abilities of said feat encoded into their
for as long as they remain in the circle and it is active, own dolmens, a circle user has the option to activate all
or for 5 rounds after leaving the circle or after it stops the required dolmens so that even people who do not
granting the bonus. Creatures entering the circle after it meet a feat’s prerequisites are assumed to do so. He
activates do not gain any bonus. can optionally activate any of the prerequisite feats
instead of the final feat in the prerequisite tree. The
For example, a stone circle devoted to aiding any character can only grant the benefit of one feat per use,
smith that works at the forge in the centre of the circle no matter how many dolmen-encoded feats are in the
has 4 middle dolmens with a total of 20 skill ranks in circle. Activating feat dolmens with prerequisites is a
Craft (metalworking), 4 dolmens of intellect for an little harder, increasing the DC of the level check by +2
Intelligence score of 16 and 3 dolmens of puissance for per prerequisite dolmen to be activated, including skill
and ability dolmens.
The Magical Dwarf 83 Quintessential Dwarf II: Advanced Tactics

Learning: Some dolmens are created to train young their known spells list and cast it as many times as they
apprentices in the secrets of some art or knowledge. A are able to. Divine spellcasters who learn a spell from a
character may put off gaining a level until he has the stone circle can cast it spontaneously – that is, they can
chance to complete his training inside a stone circle of replace one of their prepared spells of the appropriate
learning. This circle effect benefits only one person at level for the one learned from the stone circle. The
a time, who must sit in the circle’s centre and perform only limit to the power of the stone circle is the division
whatever activity is necessary to raise ranks in a skill. between arcane and divine magic: arcane spellcasters
While inside an active circle of learning, the character cannot learn a divine spell and vice versa, meaning that
can learn a cross-class skill encoded in the circle as a if a spell does not appear in the spell list of a caster of
class skill (1 skill point per rank) or learn a class skill the same type of magic, a character cannot learn it. A
at half the cost (1 skill point = 2 ranks). Normal limits further exception is all the cure spells available to the
for a skill remain in effect, so the character cannot have bard, which remain unavailable to wizards, sorcerers
more ranks in a class skill than his level plus three nor a and any other arcane spellcasting class. If the circle has
cross-class skill have more ranks than half that number. dolmens with an encoded metamagic feat, a character
The character must spend a number of days practicing can learn the spell with the metamagic effect, but the
or learning inside the circle equal to the new rank he circle activation DC increases by +2 and the character
wishes to achieve, and devotes a little of his own life must already be able to cast spells of the modified
force to accelerate the learning, spending a number of level. A character can leave the circle and still retain the
XP equal to the rank he wishes to achieve multiplied learned spell, but it fades away when he rests for the day
by 3. Note that the circle must have a high enough even if he did not cast it.
Constitution score (as per with dolmens of puissance) to
be active for at least 8 hours per day so that a character Activate Spell: One of the most impressive uses of a
can spend a full workday inside it. stone circle is its ability to be a spellcaster in its own
right, and many vital defence points in a dwarven hold
Craft Item: One of the most popular uses for stone are dotted with a stone circle or two for additional
circles is the fabrication of magical items. Any firepower. After activating the stone circle as normal,
craftsman can create a magical item inside a stone one character stands at its centre and may activate one
circle created for that purpose. The circle must encode of the encoded spells in the circle’s inner dolmens by
the appropriate item creation feat and provide enough making an additional level check (DC 10 + spell level)
caster levels for the item to be created, and must also to ‘cast’ the spell as a full-round action. The spell’s
have enough dolmens of puissance to activate the circle energy courses through all the dolmens and shoots out
for at least 8 hours per day so it remains active the entire at the target the circle user intended. The check is made
time the craftsman is creating the item. A craftsman at the beginning of a round, and if it fails, the character
does not need to possess the item creation feat nor be a realises it and has a single standard action remaining
spellcaster to create a magic item while working inside in his turn. The spell is cast at a caster level equal to
the stone circle, provided that the stone circle provides the maximum appropriate caster level encoded in inner
the benefit. He does need to provide any prerequisite dolmens, even if the circle user is a spellcaster of a
spell in one form or another, whether via another magic higher level. If the circle also contains dolmens with
item or a third-party spellcaster, or the spell could also Metamagic feats, the character can have the circle cast
be encoded in its own dolmen of magic school, which its spells with a metamagic effect, but the activation DC
does limit the type of magic items that can be created of each of the spell’s casting increases by +2 and it takes
without a spellcaster. The circle does not reduce the two full-round actions instead of one.
cost of raw materials, but does reduce the XP cost to
85% of its normal cost.
Ancestor Worship
Store Spell: The circle acts as a sort of public spellbook. With their focus on tradition and family, it is not
Any spell encoded in a dolmen of magic school can be strange for dwarves to practice ancestor worship. This
prepared by a spellcaster who meditates for 10 minutes particular aspect of their faith may coexist with the
inside the active circle as if he were reading it from a regular worship of the dwarven pantheon or substitute
spellbook. Wizards can prepare one of the encoded it altogether.
spells as if from their own spellbook, and it remains in
their mind until they cast it. They can try to write it to Gaining an Ancestor
their own spellbook with the normal Spellcraft check Any dwarf can gain an ancestor whom he particularly
and with all the normal costs. Sorcerers, bards and other admires and wishes to emulate in actions and words. This
classes with a list of spells known can imprint the spell ancestor may or may not be famous to all dwarvenkind,
in their memories for one day, as if the spell was part of
The Magical Dwarf 84 Quintessential Dwarf II: Advanced Tactics

The party was now in enemy territory and so they were proceeding with much more care than before, setting small
fires when they set one at all. Larael ranged ahead on foot to scout for enemy patrols and Broin occasionally cast
divination magic to screen for other sorts of menace.

Despite this distraction, Thaine could tell that something was bothering Salestra. She had been casting occasional
glances in his direction, but avoided his gaze when he turned. Thaine was old enough to know that a grudge could
become a problem if allowed to fester, so he approached the priestess when they were setting camp.

‘Something on your mind, lass?’ he asked quietly.

‘Well… now that you mention it…’ She looked at him intently. ‘We did not see each other for a while before
embarking on this adventure and… that thing you did with your axe against the giants… it was not your axe, was

‘Right you are, girl.’ The dwarf nodded. ‘It was the power of Olthar, god of lightning amongst my people.

‘Yet you are not a cleric.’ She pondered. ‘At least not one ordained in any religion that I know of.’

‘That is because I am not ordained.’ Thaine tried to find words to describe the faith that powered his abilities. ‘I
do not serve Olthar, nor Arregar, nor any other god. I deposit my faith in my ancestors, the founders of my clan
who rose to join our gods and watch over us… it is their power that I channel through my weapons.’

‘Is that not… heresy?’ Salestra raised an eyebrow. ‘I never heard of dwarves worshipping spirits or tolerating
heathen practices amongst their ranks.’

‘Hey, hey, lass!’ he chuckled. ‘I don’t go insulting your beliefs do I? Worshipping ancestors is perfectly normal
amongst us… it is simply not something that gets as much publicity as our main temples. Believe me, I still respect
the gods and their work, but I feel that my ancestors have more time and interest in dealing with my problems, and
the gods have greater things to worry about, do they not?’

but he is important at least for his clan or family. At any Focus: For every ancestor, the character must have
level at which the character gains a feat, he can instead a focus, a particular object of spiritual significance
select an ancestor. through which the ancestor channels his power to his
new protégée. This object can be anything; from a
The character must perform a small ritual by erecting a weapon to a simple trinket. If the character loses this
shrine to his cherished ancestor, praying for one entire focus, he cannot channel the power of his ancestor (nor
day so that the spirit of the ancestor awakens, takes channel its domain for clerics, see later).
notice of his descendant and agrees to watch over him.
Gender: The ancestor may be a male or a female; there
is no cost or particular benefit to either choice.
Building an Ancestor
The player must designate who the ancestor actually Outstanding Ability: The ancestor may be renowned
is. Upon selecting an ancestor in place of a feat, the for having a certain ability at a certain score. The player
character gains a number of ancestor points equal to his need not buy a score on all six abilities for an ancestor;
own character level (powerful characters attract powerful only on the ones for which the ancestor was renowned.
ancestor spirits). The player purchases the ancestor’s
characteristics with these points, and every time the
character gains a new level, he gains an extra ancestor Ability score Ancestor points
point with which to augment his characteristics. 12 1
14 2
Name: The ancestor’s name is mostly up to the player 16 3
or Games Master, but must sound suitably dwarvish. 18 4
20 5
+2 +1
The Magical Dwarf 85 Quintessential Dwarf II: Advanced Tactics

Class: The character chooses a character class that his channel the power of his ancestor in varying ways. The
ancestor belonged to. Non-player character classes cost ancestor’s benefit lasts for 1 minute per character level
nothing, and player character classes cost 1 point. A of the protégée or until used up in the case of some
multiclassed ancestor pays +1 for each additional class, quantifiable benefits. At the end of this duration, the
with the exception of a prestige class, which adds +2 character suffers 1 point of temporary Wisdom damage,
points to the cost. as contacting the ancestor taxes the character’s soul.
Resting overnight can restore this damage.
Level: All ancestors begin with a base character level of
6th, which the Player may distribute amongst his classes. There are other ways to pay for the ancestor’s favour
Every additional level costs 1 ancestor point. instead of suffering a point of ability damage:

Outstanding Skills: Just as he selects the abilities  1 use of barbarian rage

the ancestor distinguished himself for, the player also  2 uses of bardic music
selects particular skills at which the ancestor excelled.  1 turn undead attempt
Choose 3 skills, plus 1 for every 3 character levels of  1 spell
the ancestor; 1 ancestor point buys a +3 bonus in a  1 use of wild shape
class skill or a +1 in a cross-class skill. After choosing  2 uses of a ki power (stunning fist, quivering palm)
outstanding skills, the Player adds the modifier for any  1 smite evil
outstanding ability that applies. Note that the ancestor  3 hit points of lay on hands
may not have any skill with a bonus higher than his  3 charges of a magic item
character level plus three.
The favours the character can appeal to his ancestor for
Feats: The ancestor gains the number of feats he would are:
normally have accumulated for his character level (at 1st,
3rd, 6th and other levels divisible by 3). He must comply Vigour: The character gains a number of temporary hit
with the prerequisites of any feat he wants to purchase. points equal to the maximum hit points of the ancestor’s
highest hit die. These hit points last for the duration of
Class Features: The ancestor gains the class features of the benefit or until spent.
a character of his class level. Spellcasters, even arcane
spellcasters, are considered to have access to all the Combat Aid: The character gains a +2 bonus to AC for
spells on their list. one round or to the attack rolls of one round. Ancestors
with fighter levels grant a +3 bonus instead of +2.
Gaining Ancestor Points
Whenever a character gains a level, he gains an extra Synergy: The character gains a +2 bonus to the checks
ancestor point with which he can improve his ancestor of one skill the ancestor has an outstanding skill bonus
spirit, either spending it right away or saving it for for. This lasts for the duration of the benefit.
Guidance: The character replaces one of his own skill
One ancestor point can purchase a +1 to an ability score, bonuses with the ancestor’s for the duration of the
+1 class level, +3 bonus on a class skill or +1 bonus benefit.
in a cross-class skill. The ancestor spirit gains feats
according to his class level. Superior Guidance: The character gains the benefit of
one of the ancestor’s feats, even if he does not meet the
feat’s prerequisites.
Benefits of an Ancestor
When a character gains the attention of an ancestor Spellcasting: The character can cast one spell known to
spirit, he can count on advice, support and a measure of his ancestor. The ability damage (or equivalent) varies
comfort that reassures the dwarf that he is watched over depending on the spell’s level. The character suffers 1
by something otherworldly. point of Wisdom damage per 3 spell levels (1 for 0th to
3rd, 2 for 4th to 6th and 3 for 7th to 9th). The character
A character can call upon his ancestors’ help with must be of a level in which he would be able to cast the
varying methods and results. He can attempt to call an spell according to the sorcerer’s table. The spell chosen
ancestor once per day per four character levels, and the is subject to the Games Master’s approval, and he may
character must succeed at a Concentration check (DC10 even make a short list of spells available. Characters
+ ancestor’s character level). If he succeeds, he enters who already are spellcasters actually stand to lose from
a short, undisruptive trance as a free action, and he can
The Magical Dwarf 86 Quintessential Dwarf II: Advanced Tactics

this exchange unless they run out of spells and can afford interrupting the ceremony angers the ancestor, who
one of the alternative payments. withholds his protection for a year or until the character
atones (see the atonement spell) and performs the
Spell Preparation: A wizard character may prepare ceremony properly.
a spell known to his ancestor as if he were reading it
from his spellbook. Sorcerers and bards may add a spell
known to their ancestor to their list of spells known, but Multiple Ancestors
they must cast it within the duration of the benefit or they A character can have more than one ancestor he is
forget it. A cleric’s relationship with ancestor spirits is devoted to, sacrificing more than one feat to gain
detailed below, and druids, paladins and rangers do not additional ancestors. He must perform separate
benefit from this option. As per the spellcasting benefit, ceremonies to maintain each ancestor, but he can only
the Games Master has final say on whether the ancestor channel the power of an ancestor once per day per four
makes his spells available to the character. character levels, regardless of how many ancestors he
has watching over him. He simply has more benefits
Class Feature: The ancestor can ‘lend’ a use of a class from which to choose.
feature (for fighters, this is the same as the superior
guidance benefit). The character is considered to possess Clerics and Ancestors
that ability at the ancestor’s level of expertise through the As bridges between the world and the divine, clerics
duration of the benefit, but he suffers 2 points of Wisdom have a special relationship with ancestor spirits, for they
damage instead of just 1 (or the equivalent cost in the use have training in the spiritual discipline and worship.
of other abilities). If the character is channelling a class
feature that he possesses, the effects stack if possible Ancestor domains are available to clerics only. A cleric
(a rogue with a rogue ancestor can add a lot of dice gains access to an ancestor domain from the moment he
to his sneak attack, for example). For features with a gains an ancestor, at which time he adds the domain’s
limited use per day (such as rage, bardic music and turn granted power to the benefits he can channel a limited
undead), this counts as an additional use. For features number of times per day. The cleric does not gain more
with incremental benefits, the character gains the ability
as if he were two levels higher or as the next iteration
of the ability (such as trap sense’s bonus, ability to wild
shape into different creature sizes, etc.). The Games
Master is the final arbiter on how class features from
the ancestors stack with those the character possesses
and only one type of accumulation is possible (a bard
with a bard ancestor may inspire courage with a greater
bonus or gain an additional use of bardic music, but not
both). Permanent abilities such as a familiar, animal
companion or special mount are unavailable.

Dreams: The character can try to contact his ancestor

in dreams and ask questions as per the commune spell.
The ancestor can only answer questions whose answers
he could reasonably know, depending on the age in
which he was alive, his education and his interests. This
is mostly a roleplaying limitation that the Games Master
can enforce as he sees fit, basing his judgement on the
work the player invested in fleshing out the ancestor.

Maintaining an Ancestor
Every year on the date of the ancestor’s birth or death,
the character must perform a small ceremony in his
honour, erecting a small shrine with offerings worth
at least 10 gp per the ancestor’s character level. The
ceremony lasts one hour that the character must spend in
uninterrupted contemplation and gratefulness. Failing
to perform the rite, providing insufficient offerings or
The Magical Dwarf 87 Quintessential Dwarf II: Advanced Tactics

spells per day; he simply adds the spells for the ancestor’s Cleric Domain
domain to the choices he has for his daily domain spell. Granted Power: Gain the Improved Turning feat for
Even if the ancestor has more than one class, he only free. If you already have this feat, their effects stack.
provides the domain of his highest or favoured class.
1 Divine favour
A cleric can also replace one of his cleric domains from 2 Consecrate or Desecrate
his deity with one ancestor domain (or choose one at 3 Prayer
character creation). Deities who receive the souls of 4 Lesser planar ally
ancestors in their heavenly realms generally see nothing 5 Commune
wrong with this, although a few jealous deities may only 6 Planar ally
allow their clerics to replace one domain, or even none 7 Resurrection
at all. The cleric does not need to maintain an ancestor 8 Holy aura or unholy aura
chosen in this way, but he does not gain any other benefit 9 Miracle
unless he sacrifices a feat in order to gain the ancestor’s
more personal favours. Druid Domain
Granted Power: Speak with plants or animals as per
Barbarian Domain the spells speak with animals or speak with plants, once
Granted Power: Gain the rage barbarian class feature per day.
for two rounds, once per day. If you possess levels in the
barbarian class, you can rage one extra time per day. 1 Animal friendship
2 Tree shape
1 Cause fear 3 Dominate animal
2 Bear’s endurance 4 Control plants
3 Haste 5 Awaken
4 Death ward 6 Liveoak
5 Slay living 7 Control weather
6 Globe of invulnerability 8 Animal shapes
7 Destruction 9 Shapechange
8 Clenched fist
9 Earthquake Fighter Domain
Granted Power: Gain one feat from the fighter’s bonus
Bard Domain feats, ignoring one (and only one) prerequisite.
Granted Power: Inspire courage once per day, as per
the bardic music ability. If you possess levels in the 1 Shield
bard class, you can use bardic music one extra time per 2 Spiritual weapon
day. 3 Shatter
4 Magic vestment
1 Charm person 5 Righteous might
2 Enthral 6 Transformation
3 Sculpt sound 7 Mage’s sword
4 Legend lore 8 Iron body
5 Dream 9 Weird
6 Project image
7 Heal
8 Irresistible dance
9 Wail of the banshee
The Magical Dwarf 88 Quintessential Dwarf II: Advanced Tactics

Monk Domain Rogue Domain

Granted Power: Gain the Improved Unarmed Strike Granted Power: Gain sneak attack +1d6. If you
feat for free and increase your unarmed damage to 1d4. possess levels in the rogue class or another class with
sneak attack, the bonuses stack.
1 Entropic shield
2 Spider climb 1 Spider climb
3 Greater magic fang 2 Find traps
4 Haste 3 Silence
5 Spell resistance 4 Freedom of movement
6 Forceful hand 5 Passwall
7 Grasping hand 6 Plane shift
8 Clenched fist 7 Sequester
9 Crushing hand 8 Iron Body
9 Time Stop
Paladin Domain
Granted Power: Smite evil once per day, as per the Sorcerer Domain
paladin class feature. If you possess levels in the paladin Granted Power: You can spontaneously cast one spell
class, you can use smite evil one extra time per day. per day that is not a cure spell in place of a prepared
1 Shield of faith
2 Shield other 1 Mage armour
3 Keen edge 2 Alter self
4 Holy sword 3 Greater magic weapon
5 Dispel evil 4 Imbue with spell ability
6 Blade barrier 5 Greater shadow conjuration
7 Holy word 6 Greater shadow evocation
8 Shield of law 7 Limited wish
9 Storm of vengeance 8 Protection from spells
9 Mage’s disjunction
Ranger Domain
Granted Power: Gain the Track feat for free. Wizard Domain
Granted Power: You gain the Scribe Scroll feat for
1 Pass without trace free. If you possess levels in the wizard class, you can
2 Animal messenger select another item creation feat.
3 Water walk
4 Locate creature 1 Identify
5 Commune with nature 2 Magic weapon
6 Find the path 3 Dispel magic
7 Shadow walk 4 Scrying
8 Discern location 5 Permanency
9 Astral projection 6 Analyse dweomer
7 Summon monster VII
8 Polymorph any object
9 Wish
Tricks of the Trade 89 Quintessential Dwarf II: Advanced Tactics

Tricks of the Trade

W Tosstrom
hile not renowned for trickery, dwarves
nevertheless have developed time-honoured Dwarves are not renowned archers, and their slower
methods and shortcuts for the various activities speed does not make them particularly dangerous at long
they practice. Most of these, particularly dwarven, ways ranges, but they are deadly in close quarters both in melee
of doing things require certain discipline to learn and and ranged combat. Tosstrom has very humble origins,
practice. They are not talents members of the race are born having evolved from the tendency of dwarves to throw
with, but skills that they learn with time and dedication and anything and everything at each other during bar fights.
may even teach to worthy people from other races if they Enterprising fighters began to practice throwing anything
succeed in meeting the high standards that dwarves set for with greater accuracy and soon found that this had real
trusted allies as opposed to long-time acquaintances. combat applications, if they tossed axes and other lethal
fare instead of barstools.
Dwarven Fighting Tosstrom practitioners are expert skirmishers, softening
Styles the opposition from medium range and then closing in for
the kill. Because their ammunition is not as inexhaustible
As a primarily fighter race, dwarves develop their own
as bolts, bullets and arrows, tosstromers never lose focus
style that they teach only to their own, maximising
on their melee training, and many times their close-
their unique anatomy and other racial characteristics. A
quarters weapons become ammunition for their ranged
fighting style is a collection of techniques and special
abilities a fighting character can learn and focus on rather
than acquire a spread of feats.
Style Restrictions
The following fighting styles can only be learned from a Required Weapons: Thrown weapons, one-handed
dwarven master, and the character must meet the style’s weapons for which the character has the Weapon Focus
prerequisites before he can even consider applying. feat.
Once under a master’s wing, the character must train Required Armour: Medium, light or none.
continuously for the period shown under each style
to reach the level of Initiate. During this training, the Prerequisites
character must remain undisturbed and may perform no Ability: Strength 13 or higher.
other action aside from sleeping and eating. If he breaks Base Attack Bonus: +5 or higher.
off his practice for more than eight hours, the training is Equipment: Thrown weapon.
wasted and he must start again from scratch. Feats: Point Blank Shot.

After finishing his training, the character attains the Thrower: The first ability a tosstrom practitioner learns
first level of ability and uses the bonuses granted by the is to use anything at his disposal as something that he can
fighting style. By continuing his training in the same throw.
style, the character may reach even greater levels of ability
on his way to true mastery. Every new level of ability has Benefit: The character does not suffer a penalty when
its own prerequisites and period of training, both of which using improvised weapons for throwing.
must be met before the character is permitted to advance.
The character cannot skip a level of ability, even if he Improvised Thrower: As he learned the odd physics
meets the prerequisites of a higher level. All the bonuses of throwing things not suitable to even be weapons, the
of each level stack with those of the lower levels, and tosstrom practitioner now learns how to throw things that
along with it comes a title a dwarf can use to introduce are weapons but were just not meant to be thrown.
himself, although it will mean little to non-dwarves.

The bonuses gained from each level of ability may The Tosstrom Fighting Style
only be applied whilst the character obeys the Style
Level of Training
Restrictions listed under each fighting style. If he uses any
Ability Bonus Time
weapon, armour or equipment not listed within the Style
Restrictions when in combat, he does not benefit from the 1st Thrower 1 month
style’s bonuses. The character must be disciplined and 2nd Improvised thrower 2 months
focused, and he must have a Wisdom or Intelligence score 3rd Extended range 3 months
equal to 10 + the ability level in order to reach a higher 4th Shatter throw 3 months
level within the style. 5th Thrown storm 4 months
Tricks of the Trade 90 Quintessential Dwarf II: Advanced Tactics

Prerequisite: Weapon Focus (with

particular weapon), Precise Shot.

Benefit: The character can now throw

simple and one-handed melee weapons
with a range increment of 10 feet and
no penalty to the throw.

Extended Range: The range that

a tosstrom practitioner can throw
his unlikely weapons increases to
inexplicably long distances.

Prerequisite: Str 15+, Far Shot.

Benefit: In addition to doubling the

range of thrown weapons, the tosstrom
practitioner can aim his thrown
weapons at a maximum range of 8
range increments instead of only 5 for
normal thrown weapons.

Shatter Throw: The tosstrom

practitioner can throw weapons with
such force that they can literally
shatter anything they hit along with

Prerequisite: Str 17+, Cleave.

Benefit: The character decides to

throw a weapon with excessive force,
reducing its maximum range to 5 range
increments and taking a –2 penalty to
attack rolls. An improvised weapon
will shatter on impact, but normal
thrown weapons as well as non-
throwing melee weapons will sustain from the Rapid Shot feat and Two-Weapon Fighting.
half their maximum hit points in damage so that weapons He can throw any weapon on his person as well as any
that are already damaged still have a chance to break, and object within a 5-foot reach, grabbing it or unsheathing
they cannot be used in this manner too frequently. Magic it as unlimited free actions. Each throw is performed at
weapons only suffer one quarter their maximum hit points the character’s normal attack bonuses, including the –2
in damage. The thrown weapon deals +1d6 points of penalty for both Rapid Shot and Two-Weapon Fighting
damage, and the target must make a Fortitude save (DC 10 (and its derivative feats).
+ half the character’s level + Str modifier) or be stunned
for one round. If he fails his save by 5 points or more, he
falls prone to the ground, and if he fails by 10 points or
Twin Axe
The axe is one of the most traditional dwarven weapons, to
more, he falls unconscious for 1d4+1 rounds. the point that other races find strange a dwarf fighter who
uses anything else. Because of this cultural preference,
Thrown Storm: A veritable rain of weapons shower an dwarves developed a style that is difficult to master, but
area as the tosstrom practitioner projects anything within that earns a lot of respect for any dwarf who embarks upon
reach. it. The twin axe style is exactly what the name implies:
fighting with two axes. While the most impressive sight
Prerequisite: Quick Draw, Rapid Shot. is a twin axe practitioner with two dwarven waraxes, it
applies to any kind of axe, including the light throwing
Benefit: The character can throw a combination of thrown version, as the style focuses on chopping and slicing,
and improvised weapons for each of the attacks he has, regardless of the tool used.
thanks to a high base attack bonus as well as extra attacks
Tricks of the Trade 91 Quintessential Dwarf II: Advanced Tactics

Twin axe practitioners like to throw

themselves at their enemies, cleaving
a path open for their allies. They have
places of honour in dwarven armies,
becoming officers quickly even if they
refuse any posting that would take them
away from the front lines. Twin axe
warriors tend to be more effective when
they fight on their own, surrounded by
enemies, so their comrades give them
a wide berth, keeping close but not too

Style Restrictions
Required Weapons: Battleaxe,
handaxe or dwarven waraxe.
Required Armour: Medium, light or

Base Attack Bonus: +6 or higher.
Equipment: Battleaxe, handaxe or
dwarven waraxe.
Feats: Power Attack, Two-Weapon

Axeshield: Learning to fight with two

weapons while dispensing with heavy
armour and shield leaves a warrior
unprotected in comparison to heavily
armed dwarves, so the twin axe
practitioner learns to weave a defensive
pattern with his axes.

Benefit: The character gains a shield

bonus to AC depending on the weapon
he wields in his off hand. If he is Benefit: When the character connects with both his
wielding a handaxe he gains a +1 bonus, if he wields a weapons, he automatically deals +1d6 points of damage.
battleaxe he gains a +2 and if he wields a dwarven waraxe If he has more than one attack with his off-hand, he may
he gains a +3. get multiple bonus damage as long as he hits in pairs of
one main weapon and one off-hand weapon. This extra
Double Strike: The warrior can bring down his weapons damage is not multiplied if either hit is a critical, but it
with great force and coordination, dealing a blow that is does defeat the same damage reduction that either or both
much more than the sum of its parts. weapons could defeat.

Prerequisite: Cleave, Improved Sunder. Retribution: The dwarf fights in circular patterns, cutting
the air with sweeping movements from his axes, even
when hit.
The Twin Axe Fighting Style Prerequisite: Combat Expertise, Combat Reflexes, Two-
Level of Weapon Defence.
Ability Bonus Training Time
1st Axeshield 1 month Benefit: When the character is hit in combat, he can spin
2nd Double strike 2 months reflexively to bring one of his weapons bearing down on
his opponent. This is in effect an attack of opportunity and
3rd Retribution 2 months
follows the same rules, meaning that he cannot target the
4th Perimeter 3 months same creature a second time with a retribution attack in the
5th Dismember 5 months
Tricks of the Trade 92 Quintessential Dwarf II: Advanced Tactics

same round, and can attempt one only a limited number practitioners learn to redirect that inertia in order to deal
of times. surprising attacks and to literally crush whatever stands
before them.
Perimeter: The circular arcs traced by the character’s axes
are capable of keeping enemies at bay, in fear of losing Tremor maulers, as the practitioners are called, are rather
some piece of their bodies. solitary heroes of their people, earning their name as great
and unstoppable warriors. It is impossible to confuse
Prerequisite: Whirlwind Attack. tremor maul with any other style, not only because it uses
such an imposing weapon, but because the mauler seems
Benefit: As a full-round action, the character can trace a always to be off-balance, when in truth he is in perfect
series of spiralling patterns with his axes. All opponents equilibrium with his weapon.
within 10 feet of the character must make a Will save (DC
10 + half the character’s level + Dex modifier) or use Style Restrictions
their movement to retreat up to 10 feet away from him. Required Weapons: Maul (see Superior Tools).
Creatures more than 10 feet away must make the same Required Armour: Any armour.
Will save to approach. Even if opponents succeed in their
saving throw, they provoke attacks of opportunity as if the
character had a reach of 10 feet.
Ability: Strength 15 or higher, Dexterity 13 or higher.
Base Attack Bonus: +8 or higher.
Dismember: The twin axe practitioner can bring down
Equipment: Maul.
his axes in devastating blows that can cut through their
Feats: Improved Trip, Power Attack, Weapon Focus
target’s flesh as easily as utility axes cut through wood.
(maul), Weapon Specialisation (maul).
Prerequisite: Improved Critical, Weapon Specialisation.
Drop Strike: The tremor mauler swings his weapon in a
vertical arc that will bring down any foe.
Benefit: When the character scores a critical hit with
a weapon for which he has the Weapon Specialisation
Benefit: The character can take a –2 penalty to attack to
feat, the target must make a Fortitude save (DC 10 +
execute a drop strike; if his attack is successful, the target
damage inflicted) or suffer an incredibly grievous wound,
must make a Reflex save (DC 10 + damage dealt) or fall
suffering 1d4 points of Constitution damage and losing the
prone in his square.
use of one of his limbs. Select the injured limb by rolling
randomly on the following table. The effect after the slash
Reverse Set: When it lies head down, a maul can easily be
represents the second time the same limb is struck by a
confused with a large lever, and it is in this manner that a
dismembering attack.
tremor mauler learns to use it.

d8 Limb Effect Prerequisite: Combat Expertise, Improved Trip, Quick

1–3 Leg Move at half speed, Balance check (DC Draw.
15) or fall prone / fall prone, cannot
move Benefit: As a ready action, the tremor mauler can set his
4–6 Arm Drop object held, –2 to attack and cannot maul head down at an angle against a charge. The target
only suffers half damage from the weapon’s handle, but
manipulate objects with that arm / same
both the mauler and the target must make an opposed
effect, cumulative.
Strength check. If the target wins, his charge is stopped
7 Torso –2 to attacks and saves / same effect, and he backs up by 5 feet. If the mauler wins, he catches
cumulative the target and literally ‘pulls the lever,’ hoisting it up and
8 Head Fortitude save (DC 20) or death, stunned behind him. The target falls prone in the square behind the
for 1d6 minutes if successful mauler, and the mauler can attack it as per the Improved
Trip feat.

Carryall: The mauler’s attack has a monstrous momentum

Tremor Maul and is capable of taking enemies with it as it wades across
The maul is a fearsome weapon in the hands of one trained the battlefield.
to use it, but it becomes truly terrifying when in the hands
of someone trained to use it well. The tremor maul is a Prerequisite: Cleave, Improved Bull Rush.
combat style that is half brute force and half measured
calculation, for a practitioner needs to be strong enough Benefit: The tremor mauler can take a penalty to his attack
to put the studied manoeuvres to full use. Tremor maul roll from –1 and up to his base attack bonus. The character
depends on the sheer inertia of a maul in mid-swing, and
Tricks of the Trade 93 Quintessential Dwarf II: Advanced Tactics

must declare he is executing a carryall

attack before making the attack roll.
If he hits, in addition to the damage
inflicted, the character and the target
make opposed Strength checks, but
the character adds a bonus equal to the
penalty he took for the attack roll. If
the mauler wins, the inertia of his strike
lifts the target off its feet and pushes
it 5 feet to one side (player’s choice)
for every point by which the mauler’s
roll exceeded the target’s. If the target
wins, he remains where he is. If the
target hits a wall or other large, solid
object in his path, he falls prone on the
square just adjacent to the obstacle and
suffers 1d6 points of damage. A mauler
can only attempt to do this against
creatures up to one size category larger
than him.

Unbalance: The style derives its name

from this tactic, in which the mauler
smashes his maul into the ground,
making it tremble with its brutal force.

Prerequisite: Great Cleave, Improved


Benefit: The mauler strikes the ground

in front of his opponents, making
a normal attack roll. All creatures
adjacent to the mauler must make a
Reflex check (DC equal to the attack
roll) or suffer a –2 penalty to attack
and damage rolls as well as to saving
throws; this minor shockwave also Benefit: This level of ability works like drop strike, but
forces a spellcaster to roll a Concentration check (DC 15) the mauler takes a –5 penalty to his attack roll. The target
or be interrupted. If a creature fails its Reflex save by makes a Reflex check (DC 10 + half the character’s level +
more than 5 points, it falls prone in the square behind it. Str modifier). If the target fails, it is brought down by the
strength of the strike, falls prone and suffers 1d10 points of
Flatten: The force of a tremor maul attack can be so damage plus double the mauler’s Strength modifier.
potent as to leave smears on the ground where an opponent
used to be.
Special Combat
Prerequisite: Greater Weapon Specialisation (maul),
Improved Critical. Training
Dwarves gain many benefits from training together as
an efficient fighting machine. The more traditional
The Tremor Maul Fighting Style training that dwarves undergo from an early age relates
Level of to the combat tactics of goblinoids and orcs, manoeuvres
Ability Bonus Training Time that work particularly well against giants and the use of
weapons that other races consider exotic.
1st Drop Strike 1 month
2nd Reverse Set 3 months In the richness of dwarven tradition, there are additional
3rd Carryall 4 months training methods that dwarves can opt for instead of or in
4th Unbalance 6 months addition to the aforementioned tactics.
5th Flatten 1 year
Tricks of the Trade 94 Quintessential Dwarf II: Advanced Tactics

Acquiring Combat Training Armour Familiarity

The following tactics are available to all dwarves as Training Time: 6 months.
alternatives or additions to the exercises they already Ability Cost: Choose one type of armour (such as ‘leather,’
receive. The price for acquiring the following training ‘chainmail,’ etc.). For each type of armour chosen, the
must be paid in one of two ways: either the character dwarf loses familiarity with one weapon of choice from
abandons some of the racial advantages he already has and those listed as being familiar to the dwarf (counting as
replaces them with the new combat training, or he pays an simple or martial when they are martial or exotic for other
amount of experience points to reflect the time needed to races, respectively).
add the new training to his existing repertoire. This can be XP Cost: 250 XP multiplied by character level.
done at any point in a dwarf’s career, representing the new
focus of his routine training exercises. The character trains to become intimately familiar with
a particular type of armour. When wearing that chosen
In addition to the sacrifice of ability or XP, the character type of armour, the character reduces the armour’s check
must also spend some time absorbing the new teachings, penalty by –2, and he can sleep while wearing it without
devoting a number of weeks, months or even years to suffering from fatigue.
mastering the new techniques. This time must be spent in
complete dedication to learning, with each day consisting Cooperative Fighting
of 8 hours of training. A character may interrupt his Training Time: 2 months.
training for one week, after which he loses his focus and Ability Cost: Reduce +4 bonus against giants by –2.
must start the training all over again. All the requirements XP Cost: 100 XP multiplied by character level.
are listed in each training’s description.
The dwarf becomes adept at coordinating his strategy with
those of his companions, even if everybody is fighting on
Combat Training Descriptions their own. The character readies an action for the next
Burst of Speed turn by specifying ‘when an ally acts in the next round…’
Training Time: 1 year. This action is to move to a square adjacent to said ally.
Ability Cost: Lose +1 bonus against goblinoids and orcs, During that round, both the ally and the dwarf gain a +2
lose +4 bonus against giants, reduce stability bonus against bonus to either attack rolls or AC (each player’s choice) as
trips and bull rushes by –2. if they were aiding another action, but this counts as a free
XP Cost: 500 XP multiplied by character level. action for that round only. If the dwarf wishes to enjoy
this benefit another time, he must ready another action and
Dwarves are notoriously slow on their feet because of their either remain with the same ally or move towards another
bulky anatomy, but they can remedy this by undergoing one.
special training. A dwarf who takes the time and effort
to learn the burst of speed techniques is trained to move Racial Enemies
his legs with greater speed and achieve greater strides. Training Time: 2 years.
Once per day per 5 character levels plus the character’s Ability Cost: Lose +1 bonus against goblinoids and orcs or
Dexterity modifier, the character can give himself a burst reduce +4 dodge bonus against giants by the same amount
of speed for one round per Constitution modifier, although a bonus against another race is increased (see text).
he can end it sooner. The speed he gains depends on his XP Cost: 250 XP multiplied by character level.
burst score, which is his character level plus his Dexterity
modifier. Not all dwarves are at odds with goblinoids, orcs and
giants, or may not only be at odds with them. Many
Burst Score Speed Bonus dwarven communities have more common foes such as
less than 6 +5 ft. drow, their derro and duergar cousins or even stranger
7–12 +10 ft. creatures, and may have not seen a goblin in ages. In
13–17 +15 ft. this case, they can replace their +1 racial bonus to attack
rolls or their +4 dodge bonus to AC to other species. For
18–22 +20 ft.
the attack roll bonus, the dwarf can choose one or two
23+ +30 ft. different creature types instead of humanoid (goblinoid)
and humanoid (orc), and for the bonus to AC, he can
choose one other creature type or alternatively reduce the
After each burst of speed, the character must make a +4 bonus by any amount and assign that bonus to another
Fortitude save (DC 15 + number of rounds that the burst creature type. If acquiring additional training, the XP cost
lasted). If he fails, he becomes fatigued. grants either a +1 racial bonus to attack rolls against one
other creature type or a +2 dodge bonus to AC against one
creature type.
Tricks of the Trade 95 Quintessential Dwarf II: Advanced Tactics

Dwarven Sports and

When not wearing armour and wielding a really big axe, a
dwarf is a cantankerous tavern patron, lover of good times
and appreciator of a fine brew. Dwarves tend to unwind
far from the eyes of other races, and it is this that gives
them their fame as gruff and reserved fellows.

As in all cultures, dwarves train their young through

games, and even the adults take part to hone their skills
and relax. The following are but a few of the games that
dwarves play with each other and, if proven trustworthy,
with friends from other races; the games are no deep-
seated racial secret, but no one wants to play with someone
who would be no fun.

Hammer Tossing
This is a simple equivalent to human dart games, except
that it is played with hammers. The most basic expression
of the game is played with smithy hammers and, not
surprisingly, amongst smiths, but there are several versions
that involve warriors and their warhammers or even an
official tossing hammer. used in hammer tossing. For the purpose of throwing as a
sport, all hammers are considered simple weapons; those
that do not have a range increment in the table are poorly
Distance Tossing balanced for throwing, and are considered improvised
The crudest version of hammer tossing measures how far
ranged weapons that impose a –4 penalty to attack rolls
a dwarf can toss a hammer, and the person who throws
(which only affects the target practice version of this
farthest wins. Tossing a hammer in this way is a Strength
sport). Note that some prestige classes, feats or abilities
check, and the highest result wins. As a rule of thumb,
may allow the character to throw anything as a weapon
the hammer flies off a number of feet equal to the check
(like the tosstrom fighting style), in which case he does not
result multiplied by 4. A particular technique involves
suffer the –4 penalty.
spinning in place, which adds a +1d6 bonus to the check,
but everyone must agree to allow it before everyone starts
Forge Hammer: This hammer is common in all smithies
and is not a weapon, but a tool for forging items made
of metal. It has poor balance but is not heavy enough to
Target Practice impose a penalty, and thus it has a range increment of 10
A slightly more sophisticated version of hammer tossing feet.
integrates target practice, in which case the goal is to hit
a target at a certain distance. This is a simple ranged Sports Hammer: This hammer is specially made for
attack roll against a target with varying characteristics hammer tossing, with very good balance and usually a
and at distances from two to five range increments (the leaden counterbalance in the handle to give it a better spin.
maximum distance). It has the greatest range of all hammers, but it is not that
good as a weapon due to its smaller size.
There are a number of different hammers that dwarves use Hammer, Light: As improvised sports tools go, the light
for this particular sport, and some of them can even double hammer is the best choice, for it is as much a weapon as a
as weapons. The table shows the most common hammers tossing hammer.

New Hammers
Simple Weapons Cost Dmg (S) Dmg (M) Critical Increment Weight Type
Light Melee Weapons
Forge hammer 5 sp 1d3 1d4 x3 10 ft. 1 lb. Bludgeoning
Ranged Weapons
Sports hammer 5 gp 1d3 1d4 x2 30 ft. 2 lb. Bludgeoning
Tricks of the Trade 96 Quintessential Dwarf II: Advanced Tactics

Warhammer: This martial weapon doubles as a hammer- usually operated by another dwarf and therefore part of a
tossing tool amongst warriors in the field with nothing more formal competition. A moving target has a +3 to its
better to do. While it is an excellent weapon, it is a very Armour Class.
poor choice for a sport. A hammer tosser who uses a
warhammer for target practice is considered a virtuoso in Mobile: A mobile target is carried around in long
the sport. trajectories and usually greater speeds. Some dwarves
improvise a mobile target with a mining cart on its tracks,
Warhammer, dwarven: Described in the Superior Tools with the most common mode of competition having it
chapter, this heavy warhammer is an even worse choice move away from the participant instead of only side
for the sport of hammer tossing, but it also earns greater to side. A mobile target does not increase the AC, but
respect for anyone who manages to use it. penalises the attack roll by –2, –4 or –6, depending on
how fast it is going. Particularly difficult competitions
Maul: Also described in the Superior Tools chapter, mauls require that a hammer land inside the mobile target rather
are only used for distance tossing, and then again only than just hit it, which is a combination of a hoop and a
with the spinning technique. Tossing a maul imposes a –4 mobile target.
penalty on the distance tossing check, and a –6 penalty to
target practice tossing. Tossing a maul in battle provokes Points
an attack of opportunity. Hammer tossing is usually an all or nothing competition,
but in more organised events dwarves play for points when
Targets everyone gets more than one toss. A dwarf accumulates
Just as there are different hammers to use in hammer points in both distance- and target-based events.
tossing, there are different types of targets that require
different degrees of skill.  For distance tossing, the amount of points the character
gains is equal to his Strength check result.
Simple: A simple target is just something that the  For target practice, the amount of points the character
participants have to hit. The most common target is gains is equal to the AC of the target, plus the absolute
something metallic that will give a loud clang when struck range increment and mobile penalties (that is, without
successfully. Poorer dwarves use whatever piece of metal the minus sign). Naturally, the participant must hit the
is lying around, including their own armour, but more target in order to gain its points.
well-to-do members of dwarven society use brass bells
with a clear and pleasant sound. Participants get three tosses when playing for points.

Hoop: A hoop target is a little bit different: it is an area

that the hammer must pass through. A simple target will Labyrinths
usually be behind the hoop to make success more audible. This game can be played formally or informally, but
Hoop targets have a +4 to their Armour Class, because it is mostly the hallmark of accommodated dwarves,
hammers may snag on the hoop and not pass through it. for it definitely requires a labyrinth (see the Dwarven
Engineering chapter). Every large clan hold has at least
Moving: A moving target rests upon some sort of frame one public labyrinth, with rich or noble dwarves having
that allows it to move wildly from one side to the other, their own in their private estates.

Targets The point of a labyrinths game is to run through the maze.

Gaming labyrinths are nowhere near as complex as more
Target AC
serious versions, for people who enter are meant to get
Tiny (a helmet, a bell) 12 out… eventually.
Small (a breastplate, a board) 11
Medium (a mining cart, a practice 10 Race: A labyrinths race is, as it implies, a competition to
dummy) run the maze in the least amount of time. See the Dwarven
Large (a shed, a small barn; this is 9 Engineering chapter for the rolls required for running
hardly a competition) through a labyrinth and how much time it takes. The first
person to emerge from the labyrinth is the winner. In more
Simple +0
professional competition, participants enter in intervals of
Hoop +4 five minutes to prevent people from tagging along after
Moving +3 others who seem to have a clue. A timing device such
Mobile penalty to attack as an hourglass, water clock or even mechanical clock (if
roll available) is set for each participant, and a judge on the
Distance range increment other end announces loudly when a participant has crossed
penalty the exit so that the timekeepers record his time.
Tricks of the Trade 97 Quintessential Dwarf II: Advanced Tactics

The goal of tower is to grab random pieces from a bag

and stack them in order to build a tower. Square bases
are the most common, but masters of the game build their
towers in pentagonal, hexagonal or up to decagonal bases.
The gamer must stack the pieces so that their indentations
match, and he can move pieces about that do not have
another on top of them. The indentations are not random;
each tower set has the same number of pieces with the
same indentations on the side, so canny players may try to
predict which piece is more likely to come up next.

Tower can be played in solitary mode or amongst many

players. In solitary mode, the player stacks the pieces
until he cannot find a place for one, or the tower collapses.
Multiple players draw six pieces and take turns at placing
them on the tower, simultaneously trying to get rid of
all their pieces and block the possible moves of their
opponents. Whoever cannot find an adequate position for
his pieces must draw another from the bag and forfeit his
turn if he cannot place that one.

To play tower, a character first builds a base with two

pieces for a four-sided tower, three for a six-sided one
and so on. Once the base is built, the game truly begins.
Whether playing solitaire or with multiple players,
whomever wants to place a piece first makes a Knowledge
(architecture and engineering) check or defaults to an
Scavenger: A more complex game of labyrinths has the Intelligence check. The base DC of this check is 15, but
participants in search of something inside the labyrinth, every round it has a modifier equal to 1d6–3 (number
previously placed there by somebody else. This could be a may be negative). Success means that the character
single target for all, which means that the person who gets found a place for the piece. In multiple player mode, a
the target and finds the exit is the winner, or for a more fair character can wilfully raise the check’s DC by +3 in order
competition each participant must find a different target. to impose a –2 penalty to any other player, meaning that
This type of scavenger race increases the number of checks he has identified the pieces his opponent most likely has.
by two, three or four, depending on how convoluted the After the player finds a place for his piece, he must make
labyrinth is and how difficult the target’s hiding place. A a Sleight of Hand check (DC 10) to place the piece on the
more fun and engaging form of the scavenger race gives tower. Each round, the DCs of both checks increase by
the participants clues as to where the target is. These +1.
clues are found throughout the labyrinth and require that
the participant solve riddles (a DC 15 Intelligence check) The game ends when the character has successfully placed
or decipher codes (a DC 18 Decipher Script check). The all pieces on the tower in solitary mode, or when any
game’s organiser sets up the number of clues and often player is left without pieces in multiple player mode. A
their DC; for each successfully solved clue, the participant basic set has 20 pieces, but there are more complex sets
gains a +2 to his Wisdom or Survival checks to navigate available. If a character fails a Knowledge or Intelligence
through the labyrinth.
Tower Sets
Set Cost
Tower Wooden 1 gp
This is a game of both ingenuity and skill, and it is not
something that can be improvised. Tower is played with Steel 2 gp
carefully sculpted pieces, sometimes made of wood or Silver 5 gp
stone but with deluxe sets made of steel, silver, gold and Gold 15 gp
even mithral. All pieces are rectangular in shape, two Mithral (+1 to Sleight of Hand checks) 40 gp
inches long and half an inch thick, with indentations on Basic (20 pieces) x1
one or more sides. The indentations have three different
Intermediate (30 pieces) x1.2
shapes that only snap with others with the same shape,
and some of them allow the interlocking pieces certain Complex (40 pieces) x1.4
freedom of movement. Master (50 pieces) x1.5
Tricks of the Trade 98 Quintessential Dwarf II: Advanced Tactics

Pyramid Values
Combination Worth
Pair Sum of base values
Triple Sum of base values
Quartet Sum of base values
Quintet Sum of base values
Match (two pairs) (1st pair value + 2nd pair
value) x2
Tilt (one pair and one triple) (pair value + triple value)
Ladder (one of each figure + 30
War Ladder (one of each 32
figure + axe)
Royal Ladder (one of each 34
figure + sceptre)
High Ladder (one of each 36
figure + crown)
check by 5 or more points, he has blocked the game and Skilled Players
cannot place any more pieces. If a character fails a Sleight While luck plays a large hand in a game of pyramids,
of Hand check by 5 or more points, he misplaces the piece experienced players come to understand the way the dice
and the tower collapses. roll and learn how to throw them so they come up with a
winning combination. A character can make a Sleight of
Pyramid Hand check (DC 20); success means that the player can
take one die and position it as he sees fit. For every 5
Pyramid is a dice game popular amongst soldiers in the
field. The dice are four-sided, which gives the game its points above the original DC, the character can decide the
name, and a set consists of five dice. To play pyramid, result of one additional die.
a player tosses the dice and notes the figure on the die’s
upward-pointing edge; each die has its own value which, Cheating
when rolled together, provides a combination that compares Loaded dice are not uncommon in pyramid and require
to that of the other players to determine who won. some skill to throw. A set of dice can be loaded with a
core of lead or a core of quicksilver. Loaded dice allow
Each combination of die results is worth a different amount the player to make a Sleight of Hand check for each die
of points, and the player that has the most points in the in the throw instead of a single check as per a normal
round wins the table. All bets are placed before rolling the skilled throw. The DC is 18 for leaden dice and 22 for
dice, and then the players take turns in rolling and noting quicksilver dice. With each success, the character can
their score. Even if players have their own dice set, it is decide the result of the die for which he succeeded. If the
common courtesy to play a round with the same set of dice character fails his Sleight of Hand check, there is a chance
for all players, to avoid the use of loaded dice. that someone notices that the dice roll funny. Everyone
watching or playing makes a Spot check (DC 20 for leaden
To play pyramid, use either five d4 dice or roll as many dice, DC 30 for quicksilver dice), with success meaning
as necessary to complete a five-dice roll. Each result that the dice are suspected of being loaded. An Appraise
represents a figure and has a base value used to determine check (DC 15 for leaden dice, DC 20 for quicksilver dice)
the final value of each roll. confirms it.

Pyramid Dice Type

Set Cost
Pyramid Dice Wooden (cannot be loaded) 2 sp
d4 Figure Base Value Bone 5 sp
1 Hammer 1 Steel 2 gp
2 Axe 2 Mithral 5 gp
3 Sceptre 3 Loaded (lead) +10 gp
4 Crown 4 Loaded (quicksilver) +30 gp
Dwarven Engineering 99 Quintessential Dwarf II: Advanced Tactics

f there is one thing for which dwarves are famous to armour, for example, since he would need those
it is their craftsmanship and engineering prowess. ranks in Craft (armoursmithing). Otherwise, these new
The discipline with which they approach every characteristics obey all the rules for the Craft skill.
aspect of their life ensures that their work is always
top-notch, and it is a mark of great prestige and wealth Balanced
for members of any other race to have some structure or Craft DC: 20
machine of dwarven origin. Many adventuring dwarves Prerequisite Craft Ranks: 5
even start their careers as travelling engineers, curious Component Cost: 250 gp
about the outside world after they get a taste for it while Effect: The balanced template can only be applied
working with other races in any given construction. to weapons. A balanced weapon reduces the penalty
to attack rolls for two-weapon fighting by 1. This
Dwarven craftsmanship manifests in all scales of reduction only applies to the penalty for the hand in
construction, from the workshops of artisans and smiths which the balanced weapon is wielded, not for both
to the blueprints of engineers who design the defences hands. It is possible that the two-weapon fighting
of their mountain homes. penalty is reduced beyond 0, after which it becomes a
bonus; this bonus stacks with bonuses from any of the
masterwork templates as well as with the bonus from
Dwarven magic enhancement.
Dwarven craftsmanship is not made to be pretty Balanced, Superior
and fascinating, such as elves designs, nor are they Craft DC: 25
complicated pieces of minute engineering like those of Prerequisite Craft Ranks: 10
gnomes. Dwarven crafts are made to last a century or Component Cost: 500 gp
two with only a few dents and cracks due to heavy use. Effect: As a balanced weapon, but the penalty for two-
Dwarven craftsmanship is mainly utilitarian, built to weapon fighting is reduced by 2.
withstand the worst conditions to which an object can
be subjected. Balanced, Greater
Craft DC: 30
To a dwarf artisan, a masterwork item is simply Prerequisite Craft Ranks: 15
something that someone spent more time and money Component Cost: 800 gp
to make; a true work of art is something only a few Effect: As a balanced weapon, but the penalty for two-
people are capable of, for few can match the patience weapon fighting is reduced by 3.
of a dwarf craftsman as he toils for months to make an
item perfect. Honed
Craft DC: 20
Besides masterworking, dwarf artisans know of Prerequisite Craft Ranks: 5
different procedures to enhance an item: these superior Component Cost: 400 gp
techniques are treated as templates that can be added Effect: The honed template can only be applied to
to an item at the moment of its crafting but not at any weapons. A honed weapon has a +1 bonus to damage
later point. Each template has its own component cost rolls. This bonus does not stack with the bonus from
and DC, just as a masterwork has a component cost magic enhancement. A honed weapon cannot also be a
of 150 gp for armour and 300 gp for weapons and masterwork weapon.
a DC 20 Craft check. Access to the new technique
templates is available only to those artisans who devote Honed, Superior
all their effort to their craft, which is represented by a Craft DC: 25
prerequisite number of ranks in the appropriate Craft Prerequisite Craft Ranks: 10
skill. Having 10 ranks in Craft (weaponsmithing) Component Cost: 600 gp
does not enable a character to add the shock property
Dwarven Engineering 100 Quintessential Dwarf II: Advanced Tactics

Masterwork, Greater
Craft DC: 30
Prerequisite Craft Ranks: 15
Component Cost: 350 gp for armour, 700 gp for
weapons, x3.5 other items
Effect: As superior masterwork equipment, but
weapons have a +3 bonus to attack rolls, while armour
has a check penalty 3 points better. Other objects grant
a +3 bonus to a skill to which they are related.

Craft DC: 20
Prerequisite Craft Ranks: 5
Component Cost: 125 gp
Effect: The shock template can only be applied to
armour. Shock armour absorbs and redistributes the
impact of slashing attacks, giving the wearer damage
reduction 1/bludgeoning, piercing. This benefit stacks
with the damage reduction of adamantine armour. For
example, medium adamantine armour has DR 2/-; the
same armour made with the shock template would have
DR 2/- but DR 3 against slashing attacks.

Shock, Superior
Craft DC: 25
Effect: As a honed weapon, but the bonus is +2. A Prerequisite Craft Ranks: 10
superior honed weapon can be a masterwork weapon, Component Cost: 250 gp
but the masterwork component is added independently Effect: As shock, but the armour gains DR 2/
of the superior honed component, adding its own cost. bludgeoning, piercing.

Honed, Greater Shock, Greater

Craft DC: 30 Craft DC: 30
Prerequisite Craft Ranks: 15 Prerequisite Craft Ranks: 15
Component Cost: 800 gp Component Cost: 375 gp
Effect: As a honed weapon, but the bonus is +3. A Effect: As shock, but the armour gains DR 3/
greater honed weapon can be a masterwork or superior bludgeoning, piercing.
masterwork weapon, but the masterwork component is
added independently of the greater honed component, Slide
adding its own cost. Craft DC: 20
Prerequisite Craft Ranks: 5
Masterwork, Superior Component Cost: 125 gp
Craft DC: 25 Effect: The slide template can only be applied to
Prerequisite Craft Ranks: 10 armour. Slide armour deflects the impact of piercing
Component Cost: 250 gp for armour, 500 gp for attacks across its surface, giving the wearer damage
weapons, x2.5 other items reduction 1/bludgeoning, slashing. This benefit stacks
Effect: A weapon made as a superior masterwork item with the damage reduction of adamantine armour. For
has a +2 bonus to attack rolls, while armour has a check example, medium adamantine armour has DR 2/-;
penalty +2 points better. Other objects grant a +2 bonus the same armour made with the slide template would
to a skill to which they are related. As per the normal have DR 2/- but DR 3 against piercing attacks. If
masterwork item, a superior masterwork bonus does not the campaign has firearms with damage defined as
stack with magical enhancement bonuses, and the item ‘piercing’, slide armour does not protect against them
must be made as a superior masterwork item from the (see the weave template).
start. The superior masterwork component cannot be
added later.
Dwarven Engineering 101 Quintessential Dwarf II: Advanced Tactics

Slide, Superior Sturdiness, Superior

Craft DC: 25 Craft DC: 25
Prerequisite Craft Ranks: 10 Prerequisite Craft Ranks: 10
Component Cost: 250 gp Component Cost: 150 gp for armour, 200 gp for
Effect: As slide, but the armour gains DR 2/bludgeoning, weapons, x1.5 other items
slashing. Effect: As sturdiness, but the item’s normal hit points
are multiplied by 2.
Slide, Greater
Craft DC: 30 Sturdiness, Greater
Prerequisite Craft Ranks: 15 Craft DC: 30
Component Cost: 375 gp Prerequisite Craft Ranks: 15
Effect: As slide, but the armour gains DR 3/bludgeoning, Component Cost: 250 gp for armour, 350 gp for
slashing. weapons, x1.8 other items
Effect: As sturdiness, but the item’s normal hit points
Solidity are multiplied by 2.5.
Craft DC: 20
Prerequisite Craft Ranks: 5 Weave
Component Cost: 100 gp for armour, 150 gp for Craft DC: 20
weapons, x1.5 other items Prerequisite Craft Ranks: 5
Effect: An item made with solidity increases its Component Cost: 125 gp
hardness by 2 points. In the case of armour, this is not Effect: The weave template can only be applied to
a damage reduction increase that protects the wearer, it armour. Weave armour absorbs and redistributes the
is just a measure of how much more resistant to sunder impact of bludgeoning attacks, giving the wearer
attempts the armour is in relation to a normal version. damage reduction 1/piercing, slashing. This benefit
stacks with the damage reduction of adamantine armour.
Solidity, Superior For example, heavy adamantine armour has DR 3/-; the
Craft DC: 25 same armour made with the shock template would have
Prerequisite Craft Ranks: 10 DR 3/- but DR 4 against bludgeoning attacks. If the
Component Cost: 180 gp for armour, 300 gp for campaign has firearms, weave armour protects against
weapons, x1.8 other items their damage as well, whether it is damage defined as
Effect: As solidity, but the item’s hardness increases by ‘ballistic’ or ‘piercing’.
4 points.
Weave, Superior
Solidity, Greater Craft DC: 25
Craft DC: 30 Prerequisite Craft Ranks: 10
Prerequisite Craft Ranks: 15 Component Cost: 250 gp
Component Cost: 310 gp for armour, 600 gp for Effect: As weave, but the armour gains DR 2/piercing,
weapons, x2.2 other items slashing.
Effect: As solidity, but the item’s hardness increases by
6 points. Weave, Greater
Craft DC: 30
Sturdiness Prerequisite Craft Ranks: 15
Craft DC: 20 Component Cost: 375 gp
Prerequisite Craft Ranks: 5 Effect: As weave, but the armour gains DR 3/piercing,
Component Cost: 80 gp for armour, 100 gp for slashing.
weapons, x1.2 other items
Effect: An item made with sturdiness has its normal hit
points multiplied by 1.5, regardless of its nature. Items
that measure their hit points by inch of thickness gain
these bonus hit points per inch.
Dwarven Engineering 102 Quintessential Dwarf II: Advanced Tactics

Superstructures be carefully designed before the foundations are laid;

The most impressive exponent of dwarven construction this is a Knowledge (architecture and engineering)
is their superstructures, which allow them to build great check with a base DC of 13. This DC increases by +2
empires beneath the mountains. Most of these structures for every multiple that the height surpasses the width
are hidden under the ground, unseen by other races or, in beyond twice, so a structure that is three times as tall as
the case of their formidable defences, by their enemies. it is wide has a DC of 15, while one that is four times
as tall as it is wide has a DC of 17. Only if the check
Some dwarven clans make their resources available to fails with a natural 1 does the engineer not realise the
other races, hiring out their engineers for exorbitant structural flaws in the construction; any other failure
sums or as a gesture of extremely good will to allies. eventually becomes evident in the blueprints.
Humans are their most frequent clients, and dwarven
battlements are the pride of any human fortress. The
strained relationship between the mostly lawful dwarves
Dwarven superstructures are massive by definition,
and the free-spirited chaotic elves limits the architectural standing at impossible heights and with overwhelming
cooperation between both races, not to mention their thickness thanks to the patience and ingenuity of
radically different approaches to construction and dwarven engineers. Because of their great size and
habitat. Gnomes and dwarves cooperate to create resistance, dwarven structures are divided into sections,
marvellous pieces of machinery and engineering, which are basically building blocks measuring 10 feet in
but these joint projects are mostly limited to smaller length and height, and 5 feet in width. Each section has
buildings and machines, not the great buildings that are its own hardness and hit points, and anyone attacking
the trademark of dwarven engineering. a dwarven superstructure finds that ceaseless battering
only results in the destruction of one section, while the
Engineering rest of the structure still stands.
What other engineers define as ‘impossible,’ dwarven
builders see as merely ‘challenging.’ Generally a When designing a structure, a section can be halved in
structure must be no taller than twice its width, but the any of its dimensions, reducing the cost to 75% each
dwarf engineer laughs at this presumption, although it consecutive time.
comes at a price. Buildings that violate this rule must

‘Look at the size of that thing!’ Broin breathed as they came upon the great arches that extended for miles in both
directions. ‘What is this? A bridge? A road? I didn’t know that the Kesshen built things like this!’

‘They do not.’ Thaine cleared his throat and looked at Erian. This was part of the plan they had devised together
for rescuing his wife. ‘This is an aqueduct built by my people for the king of Daorin when this land was still part
of his territory. Look well, little wizard, for this road is as old as some dwarven clans.’

‘And what does it do?’ Broin’s curiosity was piqued. The whole party began dismounting and he was the first to
approach the great stone structure.

‘It carries water from the mountains to the city of Kesh,’ Thaine told the halfling, who was busy examining the
great columns. ‘And it will carry us.’

‘Excuse me?’ Both Larael and Salestra looked amazed, but it was the elf who continued. ‘Were we not going to
sneak along the river?’

‘There are patrols on the river,’ Erian answered. ‘We will still go that way if Thaine cannot find…’

‘Here!’ the dwarf exclaimed triumphantly. The brick beneath his fingers depressed with a sudden click and a small
door opened on the column’s face, revealing a ladder in its interior. ‘The engineers built these access shafts for
inspections and maintenance of the canal above. We will be able to sneak past all patrols, since I’m quite certain
the humans have forgotten that the aqueduct is also a waterway.’

‘So, we are going to get wet.’ Larael grimaced, but he was smiling at the prospect of walking such an unusual
Dwarven Engineering 103 Quintessential Dwarf II: Advanced Tactics

A section is not necessarily a monolithic block of stone; Structures

what gives dwarven constructions their great strength These are some of the better known types of dwarven
is the dwarves’ ability to combine materials. A section superstructures, described as follows:
of a large building is composed of stone, steel girders,
ventilation ducts, supports and other engineering Section: This describes a single section of the structure,
elements. defining an average of the whole, as some sections may
be more or less complex than surrounding sections. It
Spaces provides the section’s hardness and the amount of hit
A space is another building block of dwarven structures, points it has, as well as how much it costs and any
but instead of being a solid piece of construction, it is a special property it may have (whose cost is already
hollow space meant for habitation, work or other tactical included). Each section is 10 feet in length and height,
or strategic purposes. As per a section, a space is not and 5 feet in width.
completely hollow, but it may be full of tubing, columns,
trenches, ditches and other engineering elements, not to Space: This describes the cost of a single unit of space
mention furniture. A space is a measure of the structure’s in the structure. It is not an empty space per se, but one
capacity, and so it has no hardness or hit points. that contains equipment or is in itself essential to the
structure’s function. Each space is a cubic area 10 feet
per side.
Damage and Collapse
Destroying a single section in a dwarven structure is not Description: The structure’s purpose, general physical
necessarily a sign that an ongoing attack is successful. description as well as its most common dimensions,
Dwarven structures are incredibly resilient and can sections and spaces.
stand tall even after repeated assaults. A structure built
with dwarven methods can resist the destruction of half Construction time is one week per 1,000 gp of the total
the sections in its base before it starts showing signs cost of the structure, adding up the cost of all sections
of collapse. For every section destroyed after that, the and spaces. This time can be increased to one week
structure makes a Fortitude save (DC 15 + number of per 5,000 gp by increasing the cost per section by 50%.
sections destroyed after half the total sections in the Construction costs include payment for workers, which
base); the structure uses the average hardness of its include one engineer per 50,000 gp of the total cost.
sections as a save bonus.
If the destruction is not only targeting the base sections Section: Hardness 8; 600 hp, 550 gp
but is scattered through its different faces, the structure Space: 20 gp
can withstand the destruction of up to two-thirds of its Inside a dwarven hold, an aqueduct is a complement of
total sections and spaces before it begins to show signs water pumps, but it is one of those works of dwarven
of collapse. origin that may dot the surface landscape, built by
commission of a kingdom of another race. Great
Once the structure fails a saving throw, then and only dwarven aqueducts make ingenious use of inclinations,
then does it collapse. It is possible to create a breach water pressure and gravity to transport water across
in a dwarven great wall by destroying linear sections great distances, and their price represents not so much
across the wall’s width, but the rest of the wall will the sturdy construction materials, but the precision with
remain standing. which they are assembled. The largest aqueducts can
double as artificial waterways for small boats even,
Repairing a damaged structure means restoring the although it is recommended that they run with their own
destroyed sections and spaces; it takes half the time propulsion and do not rely on the aqueduct’s current
and costs half the money to restore a destroyed section
or space. When a structure collapses, things are a little
Elevator (and Shaft)
different. The Games Master makes one last Fortitude
Section: Hardness 8; 400 hp, 350 gp
save for the structure (DC 25); if the save succeeds,
Space: 250 gp (car, shaft and cables)
enough of the structure’s foundations and framework
Dwarven kingdoms, unlike those of other races, tend to
survived for a construction team to put the structure
have a vertical dimension. Several levels may act as
together once again at two-thirds the cost of the original
districts in more horizontal cities, with the largest of
structure. If the save fails, the structure is unsalvageable
realms having more levels than a surface kingdom has
and must be remade from scratch.
provinces. While the hardy nature of dwarves allows
them to use stairs without becoming too winded by the
Dwarven Engineering 104 Quintessential Dwarf II: Advanced Tactics

effort, quick transportation of both people and goods Great Gates

between levels is performed by elevators of varying Section: Hardness 10; 800 hp, 900 gp
complexity. An elevator can range from a simple Space: —
space that transports a few people up and down to great One of the few great works that other races see regularly
platforms capable of transporting whole regiments. is the entrance to the dwarves’ realm. Great gates are
The operation of these structures is a combination more resistant than most walls built by other races,
of workforce and weights, with the most important and since they are often mounted upon the very face
elevators operated by teams of animals, and the less of a mountain, unauthorized access to a dwarven hold
important by teams of dwarves of the lower castes in proves extremely difficult, if not impossible. The
a clan. The cost of sections and spaces includes the overall cost of great gates increases depending on their
mechanism of chains, weights, pulleys and rails, as well opening mechanism.
as the animals needed to operate it.
 Swinging: Twin swinging gates rest in great hinges
Great Bridge and rotate open and shut.
Section: Hardness 10; 500 hp, 200 gp  Sliding, Horizontal: A single gate that slides upon
Space: — rails or grooves from one side to the other, hiding
A great bridge is meant to cross huge chasms and inside rock when open.
surmount otherwise impassable obstacles. Each section  Sliding, Vertical: As the horizontal gate, but this
is composed of a web of support beams whose combined one hides in the space above the entrance; it can be
strength allows the bridge to have greater length. Great closed in a hurry, but it takes a stronger mechanism
bridges have a variety of optional construction methods, to open it and hold it open.
and each dwarf engineer selects the one he deems most  Workforce: The door is opened and closed by the
appropriate for the given obstacle. Since a bridge is ages-old method of pushing and pulling manually. A
secured at two ends to solid ground, it can be up to five total Strength modifier of +4 is required to move a
times as high as it is wide before requiring Knowledge one-section gate; this workforce is most often pack
(architecture and engineering) checks to perform its animals, but warriors and other dwarves step in
construction. during emergencies.
 Pulley: Through a system of chains and pulleys, a
Columns: A great bridge can be supported by great smaller force is needed to open and close the gate.
columns and arches. This is the preferred method for A pulley gate needs a combined Strength modifier of
long gaps with relatively shallow depths. A column +2 per section to open and close.
bridge does not collapse completely when destroyed,  Weights: A simple weight system ensures that a
giving it a +2 bonus to its Fortitude checks against great gate can open and close with the pulling of a
collapsing, and a +4 bonus for the final Fortitude save to lever.
see how easy it is to rebuild it.
Opening System
Hanging: A hanging bridge is a very ingenious piece of System Additional Cost per Section
dwarven work, designed to cross very deep chasms with Workforce 0 gp
a relatively short gap. Pulley +200 gp
Weights +500 gp
Collapsible: Any bridge can be built with a last-
measure defensive option, and that is the ability to
collapse its span at will. It takes a Strength check (DC
15) to liberate the mechanism that retracts support
Great Walls
Section: Hardness 8; 900 hp; 1,000 gp
beams and detonates placed charges across the bridge’s
Space: 150 gp
length. Creatures within 10 feet of either of the bridge’s
Next to a great gate, a great wall is the dwarves’ most
ends can make a Reflex check (DC 12) to leap to safety;
popular work and the one that is most often shared with
all others fall along great chunks of the bridge, usually
other races, especially humans, who are eager to have
to their deaths. A collapsible bridge costs +200 gp
a dwarven great wall protecting their city or keep. A
per section and actually includes narrow tunnels that
single section is enough to be a wall on its own, but
engineers use to place and give maintenance to the
many dwarves construct their walls as buildings in and
explosive charges. The advantage of this bridge is
of themselves, hollow inside to accommodate barracks,
that, since it is meant to collapse, it is easier to rebuild,
protected communication corridors and roads, and even
costing only half the original price if it collapses due to
traps for enemies who breach the outer wall. For every
the detonation mechanism.
10 sections of width, a great wall must have one tower,
Dwarven Engineering 105 Quintessential Dwarf II: Advanced Tactics

which is simply a sturdier and better-packed edifice that Labyrinth Complexity

fits seamlessly within the wall. A tower is costs 1,500 DC Cost per Section
gp per section of height.
12 100 gp
15 200 gp
Hidden Entrance
17 300 gp
Section: Hardness 8; 100 hp, 150 gp
Space: — 20 400 gp
The smallest of the dwarven structures, a secret entrance 25 550 gp
is usually a strategic backdoor to the dwarves’ realm.
Most of these entrances are used to break sieges, with Labyrinth Size
the dwarven army or a crack commando team emerging Size Sections/Spaces Time Between Checks
from an unsuspected spot in the mountain while enemy Tiny 40/20 5 rounds
armies are busy trying to break down a great gate. The Small 80/40 1 minute
hidden entrance is carved to look just like the rock it Medium 160/80 5 minutes
is embedded in, and is extremely hard to identify as Large 320/160 10 minutes
such (Spot DC 30, Search DC 25). A hidden entrance
Huge 650/325 30 minutes
is lighter than a great gate, requiring a total Strength
modifier of +2 per section to open and close, and may Gargantuan 1,500/800 1 hour
also use the pulley and weights opening system at the Multilevels: A labyrinth can be built with multiple levels
same costs as a great gate. that are part of solving the labyrinth, not merely stages
where a person solves one level after another, which
Labyrinth is already accounted for in the standard labyrinth’s
Section: Hardness 8; 300 hp, cost varies complexity. A true multilevel maze forces anyone
Space: 100 gp trapped inside to enter a different level in order to reach
A labyrinth is a maze, a collection of twisting corridors, another otherwise inaccessible part of the level he just
dead ends, crossroads and intersections that are meant left. A multilevel labyrinth increases the DC by +3 and
to confuse anyone who enters and to get him lost. multiplies the overall cost by 1.2.
Labyrinths are a special superstructure in that they have
many levels of design, which range from a very simple Traps: Truly vicious labyrinths have traps in some of
maze to a legendary labyrinth that none can escape. their spaces. Detailing each and every trap is more
the activity of dungeon building. To deal with traps
The two main factors in a labyrinth are its complexity in a labyrinth that is solved through checks instead of
and size. Complexity sets the difficulty for the checks minute-by-minute mapping, decide the density of traps
to navigate through the corridors; a simple maze has from the following table. Roll 1d20 with every one of
very straightforward intersections and few and short the character’s Wisdom/Survival checks, if it comes up a
false routes. number in the density, the character stumbled upon a trap
during that time. Roll 1d8 to determine the trap’s CR or
To navigate a labyrinth, the character makes Wisdom decide beforehand (the preferred option when gauging
checks or Survival checks if he has 5 or more ranks in the level of the characters solving the labyrinth), then
the skill. The DC of these checks determines the cost select a random trap from those listed in Core Rulebook
of the labyrinth as per the Labyrinth Complexity table. II. Multiply the total cost of the labyrinth by the density
A character makes one such check at different intervals multiplier.
depending on the size of the labyrinth.
Density Roll Multiplier
Escaping a labyrinth is a lot like using the Craft skill.
Light 1–2 x1.1
The target number is equal to the number of spaces in the
labyrinth multiplied by 20. The character multiplies his Moderate 1–4 x1.3
check result by the labyrinth’s DC and adds the results Dense 1–6 x1.5
together with each check until the total sum equals the Lethal 1–8 x2
target number. Large and complex labyrinths may take
a person even days to escape.
Dwarven Engineering 106 Quintessential Dwarf II: Advanced Tactics

Pump Communication Tube: The slope chamber can be

Section: Hardness 10; 500 hp, 1,200 gp equipped with a communication tube that bounces
Space: 1 gp voices from the chamber to a destination in the hold.
Water supply is one of the main problems in any sizeable The cost is 2 gp per feet of length.
dwarven community, since for them water is not as easy
to find as simply finding a river during exploration. Vacuum Tube: A more complex communication system
Underground rivers and lakes may be encased in stone that uses an air pump (see below) to send capsules back
and hidden from normal exploration, and once found, and forth between the chamber and the main hold. The
they are very hard to follow in order to locate the best capsule is large enough for a quiver of crossbow bolts.
spot to build a well. To solve part of this problem, The cost is 10 gp per feet of length.
dwarves use fairly advanced pumps to transport water
from its basin to all levels in a dwarven hold. Most Volcanic Furnace
pumps comprise a system of buckets that dip into the Section: Hardness 8; 600 hp, 500 gp
water and are hauled mechanically upwards, although Space: 200 gp
more advanced principles use a complementing air A volcanic furnace is a communal smithy that harnesses
pump to literally suck the water upwards. A section the power of a semi-dormant volcano. It uses magma
in a pump represents the mechanism used to transport flowing through specially treated canals that pour into
the water, while a space represents water deposits and vents, furnaces and forges to provide incredible heat
maintenance tunnels. to a variety of substructures within the building. Each
space of a volcanic forge allows one smith to ply his
Pump, Air trade, but larger smithies allow apprentices and group
Section: Hardness 8; 450 hp, 900 gp efforts. Volcanic furnaces are also used to smelt ores
Space: 2 gp and create alloys, with additional storage space for the
Members of other races hardly see the need for an air ingots of different minerals that get carted off towards
pump in their daily activities, but dwarves live in places individual smithies, ensuring a smooth flow of work. A
without wind currents, and their mining way of life volcanic furnace often incorporates a small temple to
exposes them to unusual dangers and conditions, such the dwarven deity of the forge to pray for productive
as tight passages where the flame from a lamp or torch days and also for the volcano not to erupt, although
consumes the air around it. Air pumps are used as safety the cost of the furnace includes safety valves and blast
devices for miners, clearing stale air and noxious fumes, doors that can block the conduits when detecting an
but also as complements to other technologies and as undue amount of pressure.
the foundations of primitive hydraulics systems, such as
missive tubes (see slope chambers) and complex water Watchtower
pumps. Fully dedicated air pumps have a vent to the Section: Hardness 8; 700 hp, 600 gp
outside world, secured heavily against intrusion and Space: 150 gp
hidden from normal view. These vents tend to be large Dwarves are not much into the practice of building
in order to supply copious amounts of air to the whole towers, but some dot the mountainside to watch over the
dwarven hold. The sections represent mechanisms such terrain below and above, and to indicate the presence of
as fans and compressors, while the spaces are the main a dwarven stronghold to any creature that might have
vents and maintenance corridors. the wrong idea about settling or attacking. Dwarven
watchtowers are literally fortresses on their own, nigh-
Slope Chamber unassailable and equipped to defend themselves against
Section: Hardness 12; 400 hp, 600 gp surface attacks. The largest towers are the homes of
Space: 200 gp dwarven warrior garrisons or even entire families tasked
Many foolish invaders think that sneaking up on the with the defence of the ancestral home. The cost does
dwarves is just a matter of walking carefully to the hold’s not include siege weaponry, but it does include all the
entrance, but dwarven security is much better than any necessary commodities for a standing army to live in
suspect, as witnessed by the undetectable sentry posts at comfortable vigilance.
the base, and many points in the slope, of a mountain.
Several viewports are cleverly camouflaged so that they
can only be found by someone standing 30 feet or closer War Machines
to them (Spot DC 25). Chambers closer to the main As imposing as dwarven superstructures are, the most
hold are only accessible from inside the mountain and terrifying aspect of their engineering prowess is their
are little more than outposts, while those closer to the war machines. These monstrosities are built not only
base have a secret entrance (Search DC 25) and are large for their devastating effectiveness, but also for their
enough for a small squadron or even a family.
Dwarven Engineering 107 Quintessential Dwarf II: Advanced Tactics

impact on the enemies’ morale when they see a large at a particular creature or group of creatures, with a
iron dragon rolling towards their city walls or the side of –2 penalty due to the vehicle’s handling. All creatures
a mountain hurtling down into the midst of their ranks. standing in the cart’s way have the chance to jump aside
with a Reflex save (DC equal to the Handle Animal
check) to avoid the damage of the blades. However,
War Machine Characteristics they are then vulnerable to the 2 crossbowmen on each
War machines are like equipment with their own side of the cart aiming at them once they are safe from
characteristics: the cart’s charge. The second crewman can grant an aid
another bonus to the Handle Animal checks, but he is
 AC: Some machines can move and participate actively usually too busy surveying the battlefield. If the driver
in battle, or can be themselves the target of siege has the Trample feat, targets suffer a –2 penalty to their
weaponry, and therefore have an Armour Class that Reflex save.
takes into account their size and manoeuvrability.

 Structure: Based on the body and the quality of its Assault Tower
construction, this characteristic defines the machine’s AC: 14 (–2 size, +6 armour)
hardness, which is basically damage reduction that Structure: Hardness 5; 180 hp
can be defeated by adamantine weapons, and the Operation: Strength checks, Int-based attack rolls
machine’s hit points. A machine reduced to half its (catapult), 11 crew
hit points suffers a –2 to all rolls and checks involved Attack: 1 ballista +0 ranged (3d6), 2 full-round actions
in its operation, and one that reaches 0 hit points is to reload
completely destroyed. Speed: 10 ft.
Cost: 3,000 gp
 Operation: The type of roll needed to operate the An iron-clad structure that offers total protection to
machine, such as a skill check or an attack roll, as assault. Outside of battle, the assault tower is transported
well as the size of the crew needed. A machine with by a team of pack animals, but once it approaches an
half the minimum required crew takes double the enemy wall, it is pushed by 10 warriors on the base. The
time to enact all actions it can take. tower’s height can be adjusted from 30 to 60 feet, and
even then it has additional ladders that can be thrown
 Attack: The type of attack the machine can inflict from the top to the wall. This height is adjusted before
upon its targets, as well as any bonus due to its approaching the wall. The top of the tower has a ballista
accuracy, its range increment and reload times with a and battlements for crossbowmen.
full crew and damage.
Greater Trebuchet
 Speed: The machine’s speed and type of movement, AC: 9 (–1 size)
if applicable. Structure: Hardness 5; 80 hp
Operation: Int-based attack roll (DC 15), 5 crew
 Cost: The cost in gold pieces. Attack: 1 boulder +1 ranged (8d10), 800 ft. range
increment (100 ft. minimum), 1 full-round reload, 4
Armoured Cart full-rounds to aim
AC: 15 (–1 size, +6 armour) Speed: 10 ft (pushed, cannot attack)
Structure: Hardness 8; 120 hp Cost: 1,000 gp
Operation: Handle Animal (DC 10, normal operation, The trebuchet is the king of siege weapons, capable
opposed to attack), 2 crew of launching overwhelming attacks against structures
Attack: 1 trample –2 melee (3d6), 5 crossbow slits and relatively immobile targets. Due to its arching fire
Speed: 40 ft. trajectory, the trebuchet can hit targets out of sight with a
Cost: 1,200 gp –6 penalty. The fixed DC of the attack roll (modified by
This frightful contraption is an armoured box with Intelligence instead of Strength or Dexterity) indicates
wheels, driven by two strong warponies tied to a that the trebuchet aims at a fixed spot, not a moving
harness at the centre of the cart, and therefore protected creature. The chief engineer gains a +2 competence
from outside attacks. The crew sits on a post higher bonus for every successive failed shot, as he is able to
in the cart, looking out through a turret built on top of adjust his calculations accordingly, if he can see where
the vehicle. The front and sides of the cart are fitted the shots are landing, or +1 if he cannot see them but has
with spinning sharp spikes and blades that mow down someone relaying the information. Once the trebuchet
the enemy as the cart moves through their ranks. To hits its target, the chief engineer stops aiming and every
attack, the driver makes a Handle Animal check to aim successive shot lands on the same place until he aims
Dwarven Engineering 108 Quintessential Dwarf II: Advanced Tactics

at another spot, or until the wind conditions change. that the catapult aims at a fixed spot, not a moving
Trebuchets ignore the hardness of any structure they creature. The chief engineer gains a +2 competence
hit. bonus for every successive failed shot, as he is able to
adjust his calculations accordingly, if he can see where
A trebuchet can move when dragged along in a cart, but the shots are landing, or +1 if he cannot see them but has
it must be disassembled. It takes a full crew 10 minutes someone relaying the information. Once the catapult
to assemble or take apart a trebuchet. While moving, the hits its target, the chief engineer stops aiming and every
trebuchet cannot be used to attack, and when attacking, successive shot lands on the same place until he aims at
it cannot move. another spot. Any creature in the way of the shot must
make a Reflex save with a DC equal to the attack roll to
Horizontal Catapult evade the boulder. Each successful impact on the way,
AC: 11 (–1 size, +2 armour) however, reduces the boulder’s strength, subtracting
Structure: Hardness 5; 60 hp one die of damage per impact; if the damage is ever
Operation: Int-based attack roll (DC 15), 2 crew reduced to 0 dice, the boulder stops with the last target.
Attack: 1 boulder +1 ranged (4d6), 150 ft. range Catapults ignore the hardness of any structure they hit.
increment, 1 full-round action to reload, 1 full round
to aim Reverse Tower
Speed: 20 ft. (dragged) AC: 14 (–2 size, +6 armour)
Cost: 800 gp Structure: Hardness 8; 100 hp
When besieging underground objectives, parabolic Operation: —
arcs strike a cavern ceiling more often than their actual Attack: —
objective, and so dwarves adapted the technology of the Speed: —
crossbow to catapults. The horizontal catapult looks like Cost: 1,200 gp
a ballista with a catapult on each arm. The arms winch Assault conditions underground may require an army
with the same mechanism, and when released, they of dwarves to climb down rather than climb up while
multiply their force with a simple pulley mechanism to subjected to missile fire from their enemies. A reverse
shoot a boulder along the central groove. As it fires in a tower resembles a giant multi-segmented worm; each
direct trajectory, it is slightly easier to aim than a normal section is semi-independent from the others, allowing
catapult, and it can be used to strike at targets right in this structure to take a variety of shapes and routes,
front of it. The fixed DC of the attack roll (modified by becoming a tunnel or a covered ladder that protects
Intelligence instead of Strength or Dexterity) indicates characters as they climb down. The reverse tower has
two ladders, and each section has a number of hooks to
secure ropes, which in turn are tied to spikes sunk in the
bare rock.

Shattering Vice
AC: 9 (–1 size)
Structure: Hardness 5; 120 hp
Operation: Knowledge (architecture and engineering)
(DC 15), Strength check, 2 crew
Attack: 1 vise +0 melee (see text)
Speed: As carriers
Cost: 1,200 gp
This special ram is used to defeat gates not with brute
force, but with applied mechanics. Because it requires
a much smaller crew than a battering ram, the shattering
vice is faster and easier to protect from defenders. The
shattering vice is a clamp that inserts in the juncture
between gates, or between a gate and a wall or floor.
This requires a Knowledge check (architecture and
engineering). Once secured, the crew turns a screw
that begins to open the vice with a Strength check. The
DC of this check is the gate’s DC to break, but the vice
provides a +10 equipment bonus.
The Clan 109 Quintessential Dwarf II: Advanced Tactics

The Clan
warves live for honour, family and tradition, the most savage being trial by combat, which ensures
and no institution reflects that better than their that the chieftain will be the best warrior, although not
clan. A dwarven clan is more than a political necessarily the best ruler.
affiliation like a kingdom; it is a network of support, an
unflinching ally… it is family. Dwarves take their ties Mystics: The dwarven mystic tradition holds a special
to their clan very seriously, placing that loyalty above place in the clan hierarchy. Mystics, be they mages or
that of king and country, and everything they do in their priests, occupy a place outside normal clan structure but
community is for the benefit of the clan. at the same time are granted a certain amount of respect.
Mystic organisations can have their own hierarchy that
Unlike elves they are not individualists, nor the fierce, exists outside the clan’s, and the lay members award a
independent spirits that humans represent; they are nebulous deference to their position. Only in theocracies
members of a greater whole, cogs in a perfect machine. or magocracies do mystic practitioners have a defined
For the average dwarf, the good of the many comes role in the clan’s structure.
before the good of the few, and even that comes before
the good of the one. Far from thinking of this as a Councils: Given the significance of family and
restriction, the dwarf sees it as an asset, because what is tradition in the dwarven lifestyle, elders occupy an
good for the clan is likewise good for him, and he can important position merely by having reached their age.
trust that all his clanmates are working for the common Advisory councils give the chieftain some guidance
good. in his decisions, and have different degrees of power
depending on the clan they belong to. A council has veto
power over the chieftain’s decisions, it can be in charge
Clan Structure of appointing his successor or it can simply be a forum
The simplest definition of ‘clan’ is a social unit where a chieftain listens to the matters that concern his
composed of many families tracing their origin back to people. Not any elder can join a council, only one who
a common ancestor. Respect for lineage and ancestry has gained prestige through a life of honest work and
backs the dwarven clan structure, with complicated achievement. There may be multiple councils within a
relations of heredity and parentage binding the clan, representing different guilds or occupations, aside
members together. The wheels of internal clan relations from a general elder council or a council of thanes (see
churn with different degrees of efficiency, with some below).
snags appearing as tempers are ignited and attitudes
rubbed the wrong way, but when it is time to deal with Thane: Thanes are the heads of a family within the
outsiders, all conflicts cease and everyone falls in line clan, and just as every clan has its way to select its
behind their common family name. chieftain, every family has its way to select a thane.
Given the smaller scope of a single family’s structure,
Castes choosing a thane is more straightforward. The eldest
Perhaps the term ‘caste’ is misleading, as dwarven of the family occupies the position until he surrenders
social strata are not rigid and allow for mobility. Most it to another relative, which may not necessarily be his
dwarven clans work as a meritocracy, where the best direct offspring. In other families the thane is awarded
worker gets the promotions and rewards, but there are authority thanks to his achievements, most of them in
some other clans that are very rigid when it comes to the military field, founding a family-like organisation
social advancement, fixing an individual’s role in the within the clan. Military orders receive this distinction
society at his birth. when they belong to the clan’s hierarchy, counting as a
family held together by bonds of comradeship instead
Chieftain: The chieftain is the undisputed leader of of blood.
the clan; his word is law when it does not contradict
established tradition. Each clan has its own way to Nobles: Dwarves have few titles of nobility, as they are
appoint a chieftain; the most common is the monarchic merely a way to distinguish which thane has a higher
model where a main family holds the reins of rulership, rank than another.
handing them down to direct or indirect heirs within
the same family. Other ways to appoint a chieftain Masters: Near in status to thanes, the masters of
include various tests of courage and aptitude, with dwarven crafts occupy a prominent position in clan
politics. They epitomise the dwarven way of life, each
The Clan 110 Quintessential Dwarf II: Advanced Tactics

one the best at his craft or

trade and responsible for
training new generations.
A master can be the head of
a guild or only the owner of
a workshop or smithy, but
the quality of his work is
recognised throughout the
clan and beyond.

Military Ranks: The

military lifestyle has
very close ties with clan
structure, but like the
mystics, professional
soldiers stand apart from
the main hierarchy. They
are protectors and servants
of the clan but at the same
time have authority over
non-military members
during times of crisis. Large
clans can afford to have a
standing army, with its own
barracks and organisational
structure; this army has a
other clans who most often win this title, but the
thane speaking for it at councils and meetings, answering
companions of dwarven adventurers will be treated with
to the chieftain only. Smaller, less bellicose clans breed
the same respect if their adventures benefit the clan.
warriors in each of their citizens, encouraging clan
Honorary clanmates have the same level of recognition
members to excel both at their craft and their martial
as freemen, but do not have the same weight in clan
training, in which case the rank they have achieved as
matters; non-dwarves also have a bit more leeway in
warriors seeps into their civilian life, garnering them
their behaviour, since dwarves do not expect them to
informal respect from their peers.
know and understand all aspects of their lifestyle.
Freemen: The greater part of the clan’s population,
Slaves: Only the direst of dwarven societies keep
freemen are the common workers – the miners,
slaves, and then they are most often from the ranks
craftsmen, traders, farmers and other common folk. A
of their enemies or criminals under punishment. The
freeman who garners sufficient wealth and power on
slaves of dwarves lead a very hard life, for they have
his own has authority over his employees, and his voice
all the obligations of their hardworking masters, but
is heard because of his achievements, rather than his
none of the benefits of belonging to the clan, since
wealth, but he remains a subordinate of masters and
they actually do not belong to the clan in the true and
thanes in the clan’s hierarchy. A freeman’s best chance
respected sense.
at social advancement is to become a master, growing
to be the best at his activities and earning promotions
Exiles: Beneath even slaves, exiles form the bottom
in his guildhouse, but he can also make his mark as
rung of the clan hierarchy, for the exile is a dwarf whom
a warrior. Freemen are the most common dwarven
the clan does not want as a member. When a dwarf
adventurers, as they have fewer clan obligations and
is exiled from his clan, he loses his clan name and,
their activities can be seen as working on behalf of the
depending on the reasons for his exile, might be treated
clan. Famous adventurers can earn distinction in their
as either a stranger or an enemy. One of the most tragic
clan through their deeds and may even earn thanehood.
situations in dwarven literature is that of the hero forced
to violate clan law and go into exile for the good of the
Honorary Clanmates: This title is given to outsiders
clan itself. Many dwarf exiles become adventurers as
who prove themselves worthy of recognition by
they have cut all ties with their clans, and sometimes
performing some good deed for the clan. Given the
their deeds earn them their return.
insularity of dwarven kingdoms, it is dwarves from
The Clan 111 Quintessential Dwarf II: Advanced Tactics

Families Noble Families: Nobility works differently in a dwarf

A clan is not merely a political group, but a collection clan than in human nations; a noble family is one that is
of relatives. At first, this sounds like a hotbed of charged with a particular responsibility within the clan,
inbreeding, but a clan’s numerous families ensure and its thane gains the due recognition that this duty
diversity and a healthy exchange of blood. A clan entails. All members of a noble family are beholden to
comprises several extended families with differing their familial duty, and their work is geared to uphold it.
names as well as bearing the name of the clan; one For example, a family whose traditional duty has been
family may not even be related to the rest except for the to defend the lower levels of the hold from invasions
most tenuous of bloodlines. It is not uncommon that a from below has a large number of dedicated warriors,
family will have no other bond to the clan except that its but even the fungus farmers work with the protection of
ancestor was named an honorary clan member decades the hold in mind, growing their foodstuffs for the benefit
or centuries ago, and he decided to stay. of the warriors holding the lines of defence. Nobility in
the dwarven way of life comes from duty and work, not
As a social unit below the clan, a family is not just two from some ephemeral claim to self-importance. It is
parents and their children, but an extended network of possible for a chieftain or council to strip a family of its
cousins, half-brothers, uncles, grand uncles, second- nobility if they are considered to have faltered in their
aunts, etc. A single family can have one or 200 appointed duty, but this is in very rare cases where most
members. of the family members are guilty of neglect, not just the
family’s leaders.
Clan politics involve a wrangling of influence and
power among its member families, whether codified Common Families: Some families exist as the
in law and tradition or as an informal tug-of-war foundation of the clan, without any particular duty in
happening behind the scenes. life but to be the general support of the whole structure.
Any common family can be raised in status towards
Ruling Family: Most dwarven clans have one or two nobility thanks to the efforts of its members, which is
families considered to be the clan’s traditional rulers; why dwarves are so enthusiastic about bringing honour
they are the families that can trace their lineage directly to their names. With sufficient merits garnered by
back to the clan’s ancestor and founder. Chieftains family members, a chieftain cannot avoid recognising a
draw their heirs from the ruling families, and in any family’s achievements and granting it a noble title and
dispute about succession they are the main contenders. an appointed duty.
A member of a ruling family is treated with implicit
respect regardless of his actual position, but this New Families
deference is informal; a master craftsman of a lesser Clan structure seems convoluted to outsiders, full of
family will have every right to scold and punish a rules and traditions that stifle more free-minded spirits
petulant apprentice, even if he comes from a ruling who do not feel the need to belong to a greater whole.
family. In truth, however, dwarven society can be dynamic in

Travel on the aqueduct had proven more comfortable than any of them had anticipated. They had left the
horses to wander near the base, awaiting their return while grazing on the rich grassland around the dwarven

‘This is it,’ Erian said as he shouldered his shield. The city of Kesh lay ahead within a few hours walk. ‘I would
like to go over our escape plan.’

‘Easy,’ Broin interrupted. ‘You grab your lady. While she walks alone in the noble’s garden will be best time. I
will summon us a couple of mounts that can travel on the aqueduct while Salestra protects us from any magic
attacks. We run fast, reach our flesh-and-blood horses and go back towards the pass! Simple, eh?’

Thaine nodded at the wizard’s childlike enthusiasm. Despite his years and many adventures under his belt, Broin
had obviously refused to grow old. The old dwarf nodded with satisfaction. They were all here because they were
friends. He could not ask for better company, even amongst his own blood relatives. These people, the human,
the halfling, the half-elf and even the elf were his brothers, sister, cousins. There were no ties of blood, but there
was no doubt in his heart that they were family.
The Clan 112 Quintessential Dwarf II: Advanced Tactics

its own way, growing and dividing organically. One weapons to the children of his wife, but to the children
of the ways a clan can evolve is through the creation of his sister, because he can be sure that they are of his
or addition of new families. It is a great honour for same blood.
a dwarf to be given the title of Founder and allowed
to ‘start’ his own family; he earns a recognised family
name based on his deeds and achievements, and he Marriage
bestows that name to his immediate relatives and all Dwarves frown upon unions between members of the
who want to be part of the fledgling family. same family, but make exceptions when the two spouses
are sufficiently apart in the family tree. Marriage more
New families also splinter off when an old one grows often involves the union of two different families,
too large to sustain itself, with the name recognition creating alliances and ties between them that can be
being only the catalyst in a process that may have brought to bear in clan politics.
been underway for decades. A new family has the
duty to prove useful to the clan, confirming that it has The status of each family as well as the heredity
something to contribute as an independent social unit. tradition determines what name the new couple will
adopt. In paternal societies, it is the wife who takes the
Despite the upstart nature of a new family, dwarves husband’s name upon marrying, becoming a member of
consider gaining the new name an honour. A new his family. The opposite is true in maternal societies,
family is never created out of routine, so the first couple with husbands adopting the wife’s name.
of generations have the badge of pride inherent to the
gaining of family status. It is not until the family is In both heredity models there are always exceptions; a
better established that its worth becomes apparent and new couple has the right to choose which family they
it gains its proper place in the clan. will be part of, and this is often decided by the status of
each family. An upwardly mobile husband will have no
In unusual circumstances, a ‘family’ may be formed qualms about adopting his wife’s name if her family has
among members who are not really related at all, as greater status than his.
in the case of martial orders whose leader is granted
thanehood. The members of the order or organisation
gather their immediate relatives, and they all adopt the
family name, abandoning their old families for the
honour of serving the newly formed one.

The backbone of dwarven society is the inheritance
of property and power. The lines of heredity are very
important, as they not only solve disputes amongst
relatives over who gets what when an elder leaves the
world, but also allow them to trace their lineage back to
the clan’s ancestors and claim the honour of being the
descendant of a hero.

There are two main ways to trace heredity: paternal and

maternal. In paternal heredity, lineage is transmitted
through the father. This is the most commonly
recognised heredity in dwarven clans, as it bestows
an implicit trust in the sanctity of marriage vows; the
dwarf father knows and trusts that the children borne by
his wife are of his blood. Maternal heredity does not
necessarily mean a matriarchal society, although they
tend to go together. In maternal societies, the ties of
blood flow through the mother, and it is the mother’s
family name that her children will inherit. In this
model, a dwarf warrior will not pass on his high-quality
The Clan 113 Quintessential Dwarf II: Advanced Tactics

Clan Membership
All dwarves belong to a clan by default, unless they are
exiles. Even a loner who has spent his life on the road
can get a nod of acknowledgement from other dwarves
when he mentions his name, indicating that he belongs
to a clan and a family.

Through his membership to his clan, a dwarf can reap

various benefits, but only through special devotion can
he mine the clan’s resources to a greater extent. These
are some of the effects of holding one’s clan name

Name Recognition: A dwarf character’s clan can be

known well beyond the borders of his hold, especially
if the dwarves engage in trading with outsiders.
The Games Master should determine whether the
character’s clan name is known in the lands he visits,
adjudicating Knowledge (local), Knowledge (nobility
and royalty) and bardic knowledge checks from
Non-Player Characters to recognise the name. After
recognition comes association; a person’s previous
experience or knowledge of the character’s clan can
colour his current dealings.

Shared Glory/Shame: At the same time a benefit and Family Feuds: A never-ending source of trouble
a handicap, the character is related to the exploits and for a dwarf character can be the fact that families do
misdeeds of other members of his clan, just as his own not always get along. The character’s family can be
adventures contribute to the clan’s name. A dwarf embroiled in a feud with another family within the
character can suddenly find himself unwelcome by clan, and perhaps this enmity has existed from times
other dwarves once they learn his name, just because immemorial. Sometimes feuds lead to contrived
another member of his clan insulted them previously. alliances between families, creating a complex network
This shared glory or shame weighs heavier amongst of tensions and collaborations that a character can find
other dwarves than with other races who do not place himself embroiled in whenever he returns home or
such an importance on an individual’s blood relations. happens to meet someone from his clan. It is considered
A dwarf can have an impressive pedigree of heroic extremely bad form to ask assistance from allies outside
ancestors, but while this will predispose favourably the the clan to resolve a family feud, and it may sometimes
attitude of dwarves who know and respect this lineage, degenerate into outright treason.
he will meet blank stares when he visits an elven
community and expects to be received like royalty by
virtue of his clan and family.
Clan Loyalty
A character can be particularly devoted to his clan,
receiving greater rewards than if he just fulfilled his
Call of Duty: The character never truly leaves the clan,
basic obligations. This commitment is represented in
and he may receive summons at any time to assist the
the Clan Loyalty feat.
clan in times of need, or to undertake particular tasks
on behalf of his chieftain. This is a perfect tool for the
Games Master for dropping a new adventure in the Clan Loyalty
character’s lap. The sword cuts both ways, of course, You can derive more benefits from your clan affiliation
and the character is entitled to ask for support from his Prerequisites: Dwarf, Leadership
clan if a particular adventure could prove beneficial. Benefit: Having this benefit allows the character to
He can also ask for assistance from his family, if the extract different favours from his clan
larger clan does not see an advantage in helping the
character out. Characters with a greater status within Clan Score: The character gains an overall clan score
the clan can expect to be heard more sympathetically equal to his level plus his Charisma modifier, which he
(see the Clan Loyalty feat below). can divide as he wishes between his clan status and the
The Clan 114 Quintessential Dwarf II: Advanced Tactics

clan size scores. The higher one score is, the lower the  Manpower: The character can ask for the resources
other becomes. of the clan. He gains an additional number of
temporary followers as if his normal leadership score
 Clan Status: This measures the esteem in which added his clan status ranks (stacks with the standard
the character is held within his clan. The character benefit of clan status). These additional followers
adds his clan status to his leadership score when remain in the character’s service for 1 week per clan
recruiting followers from his own clan. He uses his status score.
unmodified leadership score for recruiting a cohort.
 Magic: The character is awarded the services of a
 Clan Size: This measures how much resources the spellcaster beholden to the clan. This mystic can
clan can put at the character’s disposal through provide the free use of spells of a maximum spell
support checks (see below). level equal to half the character’s clan status score.
For spells of higher level than this maximum, the
Support: The character can ask for support from his mystic charges 50% of the normal amount. The
clan; he makes a support check by rolling d20 + Cha spellcaster casts a number of free or discounted
modifier against a DC equal to 30 – clan size score. spells equal to the character’s clan status.
The kind of support he can ask for depends on his clan
status. The character can make a support check once Alternatively, the character may request the service
per month per one-third his clan status. of a mystic to enchant a magic weapon, in which
case the support check’s DC increases by half
the caster level required by the item creation feat
needed. The mystic contacted will provide one spell
Clan Status Support of a maximum spell level equal to two-thirds of the
Less than 5 Advice character’s clan status, including the experience
6–7 Craftsmanship point cost, but the character must pay for the magic
item’s raw materials.
8–9 Money
10–11 Manpower
 Treasure: As asking for money, but the maximum
12–13 Magic amount the character can ask for is equal to 500 gp
14 Treasure per clan status.
15 Army
16+ Artefact  Army: As manpower, but multiply the number of
followers of each level by 10.
 Advice: The character can ask for advice relating to
his current situation from a clan elder. The Games  Artefact: The character asks the clan to lend him
Master provides clues to the character’s current one of the magic items it has in store. The support
adventure in the case of a successful support check. check’s success means that the clan actually does
This favour can only be asked for at the clan’s hold. have the item the character requires, but he must
convince the clan that he needs it and must have
 Craftsmanship: The clan offers the work of its it. He makes a Diplomacy check (DC 20 + magic
artisans to the character. The character can gain item’s caster level), and success means that the clan
a +10 synergy bonus to any Craft check, or may releases the item for one week per clan status, after
alternatively ask one artisan to craft or fix an item which the character must return it
with a cost no higher than 500 gp, free of charge.

 Money: The character asks for a loan from the clan’s

coffers. The maximum amount of money a character
can ask for is 100 gp multiplied by his clan status.
He must return the money within the year or suffer a
–5 on all further support checks. If the support check
was successful by 10 points or more, the money is a
gift, not a loan.
Survival Tactics 115 Quintessential Dwarf II: Advanced Tactics

Survival Tactics
warves are a race with many resources at their normal Medium creature. The dwarf’s racial bonuses
disposal. They are hardy and disciplined with a combine well with the monk’s, with resistance to poison
rich culture that provides them with training and eventually replaced by immunity.
education in the most important aspects of their lives. A
dwarf is not necessarily a gruff isolationist with a heart Paladin: Despite the dwarf’s devotion and discipline,
of gold; dwarven society produces its share of idealists the way of the paladin is not an ideal one for him,
and madmen, making it unfair to classify them all under as many of the abilities and advantages depend on
the same banner. Playing a dwarf entails understanding Charisma.
the race’s abilities, advantages and disadvantages, and
using them to their utmost. Ranger: The ranger is another good option for the
dwarf, except for the required use of lighter armour.
The dwarf’s endurance helps him to survive the
Classes ranger’s lifestyle, not to mention that he is a master
A dwarf character can belong to any class or combination of underground travel. Favoured enemy can be used
of classes. With the exception of the sorcerer and bard, to stack the deck against the dwarf’s traditional racial
his racial modifiers to ability scores do not limit the kind enemies, or to cover other creature types.
of class that the dwarf is best suited for.
Rogue: Though not the likeliest of choices, the rogue is
Barbarian: With their high Constitution and racial an interesting class for a dwarf. His various resistance
bonuses to saving throws, dwarves only add insult to bonuses contribute to the slippery characteristics of
injury with a barbarian rage. Dwarves benefit greatly the rogue, while darkvision is a great asset to one who
from the barbarian’s fast movement, although it clashes should be hiding in the dark. Stonecunning and other
with their racial ability to use heavy armour without stone-related and metal-related bonuses enhance the
speed restrictions. rogue’s work in dungeons and other places that are
predominantly made of stone.
Bard: Dwarves are ill suited to become bards because
of their racial penalty to Charisma, but also because
none of their abilities are particularly beneficial to this

Cleric: As spellcasters go, clerics are the best option for

a dwarf since they are not impeded in their magic by
heavy armour, just as dwarves are not impeded in their
movement. The only drawback would be the effect of a
low Charisma on turn undead checks.

Druid: This class is very similar to the cleric in terms of

adequacy to the dwarf, except for the fact that he would
not be able to use metal armour. Dealing with animals
also requires Charisma, which dwarves do not have in
great stores.

Fighter: There is a reason that the fighter is the dwarf’s

favoured class. Not only can he use armour, but also his
high Constitution gives the character an edge in combat.
Added to this are the combat bonuses against certain
enemy species and racial bonuses to saving throws.

Monk: The monk’s disadvantages from wearing armour

waste the dwarf’s talents in using it, but it is a very
good trade-off with the monk’s abilities, which include
increasing the dwarf’s slow speed well beyond that of a
Survival Tactics 116 Quintessential Dwarf II: Advanced Tactics

Search is another skill where a little

investment yields greater results; a
dwarf character can automatically
search for secret doors if they are built
from stone, so having a few ranks to
stack odds in one’s favour is never a
bad idea. Stonecunning also allows
dwarves to find their way underground,
so they can make Survival checks to
orientate themselves even if they have
no traditional reference point.

For dwarves with a deep interest in their

clan’s history, Knowledge (history) or
Knowledge (nobility and royalty) are a
good way to recite their whole lineage
and impress other dwarves and provide
the game with an extra flavour that
comes from the dwarf’s fondness for
tradition and history.

As for all characters, skill selection

must reflect the character’s inclinations
and background; use them to give the
dwarf a more rounded personality and
history by coming up with why and how
he learned each skill.

As a fighter, the dwarf gains many feats
Sorcerer: An even worse class than the bard for a dwarf, in his career, but choosing other classes
for everything that the sorcerer embodies depends on his limits his options. In a general sense, a dwarf character
Charisma attribute. has two options when it comes to feats: enhancing
his existing abilities or covering other areas of his
Wizard: Even though the dwarf can use heavy armour development.
without decreasing his speed, arcane spell failure
remains unchanged. A dwarf can become a wizard For example, the dwarf already has a effective +1 to
without particular problems or benefits for being a his Fortitude saves by virtue of his +2 racial increase to
dwarf. Constitution, so the player might opt to pass over feats
indicating robustness, such as Endurance, Diehard,
Great Fortitude and Toughness, or choose them to
General Options increase the dwarf’s resistances. Add to this the +2
The player must follow the dictates of his dwarf bonus against poison. Iron Will is in a similar (yet not
character’s class when rounding out his characteristics, equal) position, given that the dwarf already has a +2
but a few options present themselves by virtue of the racial bonus against spells, which are a very frequent
dwarf’s racial characteristics. source of mind-affecting problems.

The skill booster feats like Alertness, Diligent and Skill

Skills Focus can be used to cover a deficiency in the case of
The stereotypical dwarf should have a couple of ranks Charisma-based skills and also to strengthen a skill that
in a Craft related to stone or metal. Playing against the dwarf already is good at, such as those that can be
stereotype is perfectly fine, but considering that the used with stone and metal works. The Investigator feat
dwarf already has a +2 bonus for actions related to is an example of a feat that both covers up a deficiency
metal or stone, even a couple of ranks will make the for Gather Information and boosts a strong aspect like
character a decent craftsman who does not need to pay Search.
an armoursmith to repair the damage to his equipment.
Survival Tactics 117 Quintessential Dwarf II: Advanced Tactics

Blind-Fight is an attractive feat on its own, but it is colours the way a dwarf was brought up and what things
slightly less useful for dwarves who can see perfectly in he considers sacred. Even a chaotic dwarf will have
utter darkness, although they are not protected against grown up in a lawful society, being the rebel and the
magical darkness or invisible opponents. misfit, but with a clearer appreciation and knowledge
of the other side of the ethical fence. A lawful society
means rules and tradition, a codified system and a
Roleplaying Dwarves stratified social hierarchy.
A dwarf character can be anything that the player
imagines him to be. One of the advantages of playing A dwarf has many racial advantages that contribute
a dwarf is that the player can suddenly come up with to the way he interacts with elements in the game,
an idiosyncrasy and attribute it to some obscure aspect but each of those advantages must have some sort of
of dwarven culture, playing to or against other people’s influence on the dwarf’s personality and mannerisms.
expectations of how a dwarf is supposed to behave. The Darkvision, for example, creates a character who has
player can simply shrug and say that ‘it is a dwarf thing’ never in his life been afraid of the dark, as he has never
that others would not understand. been exposed to visual deprivation due to lack of light.
So how would such a character react when subjected
One important thing to consider when playing a dwarf to magical darkness and the inability to see for the first
is that the race is predominantly lawful. This definitely time in his life? The racial enmity that dwarves harbour
against goblinoids, orcs and giants also reveals a little
of their personality, since every single dwarf, regardless
‘Run! Run, damn it!’ Thaine shouted at Larael, of class, is taught such methods and tactics. A wizard
who was looking over his shoulder and noticeably does not have much use for a +1 bonus to attack rolls,
slowing down his pace. but the fact that he knows how to hit an orc where it
hurts speaks volumes on the dedication dwarves devote
Thaine was not the best runner and he was to this enmity.
lagging behind as the party fled the armies of the
noble. Who could have known that he was much
more powerful than his position of ambassador Deadly at Short
suggested? And who could have known he had
a squad of demons at his disposal in addition to Distances
Kesh’s sizeable army? One of the main disadvantages of being a dwarf is
speed. Despite being Medium creatures, dwarves move
‘Hurry up, you damned steel bucket!’ Larael only at 20 feet per move action. This forces the dwarf
stopped and shot a quick arrow at a pursuer who to adopt certain tactics, which he shares with other races
was getting dangerously close. They both could wearing heavy armour.
see their friends running and looking back to them,
carrying Erian’s wife along. Charging is a good opener in any battle if the dwarf is a
melee combatant; at the price of a –2 to AC, the dwarf
‘I cannot hurry up, you cursed sapling!’ Thaine gets to move slightly faster than a normal Medium
grunted and turned around, giving his warhammer character and deliver an attack with a +2 bonus. Even
and waraxe a ferocious spin. ‘Go! Take Arine to a high-level combatant with multiple attacks benefits
the aqueduct and go! I will slow them down for as from the speed of a charge as normally he would not be
long as I can!’ able to move that distance and attack.

‘Idiot! You cannot hold them on your own!’ The Another option is to make the opponents go to the dwarf
elf grabbed the dwarf’s shoulder, but Thaine shot instead of the other way around. By declaring full
him a ferocious look that ended the argument. He defence and foregoing the ability to charge or make a
would stay and cover their escape. double move, the dwarf can force opponents to close in
on him while he enjoys a higher AC. The logic behind
Larael swallowed hard and nodded. this approach is that, if the character is not going to
reach his target anyway, better to enjoy extra protection
‘Take care, my friend.’ while the target reaches him.

‘Go already.’ Thaine nodded back and braced Of course, classes like the barbarian and the monk do
himself for the onslaught. not suffer from this disadvantage but for their beginning
Survival Tactics 118 Quintessential Dwarf II: Advanced Tactics

levels, as long as they are willing to forego the protection Tank With Legs
of medium and heavy armour. If the dwarf opts for one of the combatant classes
(barbarian, fighter or paladin with cleric, monk or
For ranged combatants, speed is not so much a problem, ranger as second choices), he is in the prime position
but dwarves gain no particular racial advantage to of being the party’s tank, the foundation of a combat
ranged attacks, so they must explore this option as formation and the anchor of the party.
regular characters would. Nevertheless, a ranged
combatant who eventually takes Shot on the Run also As the tank, the dwarf’s duties involve protecting weaker
has to cope with his slow movement, using this feat characters and standing in harm’s way if that is what it
mostly to emerge and duck behind cover. takes to achieve this. Dwarves are particularly suited
to the tank role because their increase to Constitution
Spellcasters only have to worry about their speed when can give them a slightly better number of hit points than
their location is important in the scheme of battle; a an average character, but also because of their various
cleric must be able to reach fallen allies in order to racial bonuses. A dwarf is in a much better position to
save them from death or to put them back on their feet, withstand a bull rush, and even more so if he is trained
and a wizard might wish to get away from the melee in that form of attack. He is also better prepared to face
area as soon as possible in order to cast his spells an opponent’s poison attack, since he has his resistance
unthreatened. to poison in addition to his higher Constitution to add to
the Fortitude save.
Where every class converges in matters of speed is
when prudence wins over courage and it is time to run The only problem with being the tank is, once again,
away. Dwarves will eventually be left behind all other speed. A tank should know where to position himself
characters in heavy armour, and they will be easy prey so that he does not need to move much during combat
for faster pursuers. The Run feat somewhat alleviates and can still reach his allies when they are in danger.
this, but it mostly postpones the inevitable; a dwarf will Good mobility allows the tank to run to the aid of an
inevitably be caught, but unlike a gnome or halfling, ally besieged by multiple opponents, serving not only
he is not easy to pick up and sling over the shoulder. as an additional sword to fend them off, but also as
Because of this, a dwarf must always be ready to make an additional, and often preferred, target. His higher
last stands and cover his allies’ retreat. hit points will give the dwarf tank better chances of

An option for a tank with higher Dexterity is the Combat

Reflexes feat. This allows him to stand his ground and
block the way between the enemy and one or more of
his allies, so that opponents wanting to run past him will
provoke an attack of opportunity, making the prospect
of going around him just as unsavoury as going through
him. Needless to say, a reach weapon doubles this
tactic’s effectiveness, more so if the weapon – the spiked
chain, for example – can also strike at adjacent targets.

Turn Off the Lights

Darkvision is a huge boon in many situations, and the
dwarf should seek to exploit it every chance he gets. In
a party composed solely of dwarves, this is an easy task,
but in a mixed party things can get a little complicated,
as other characters need light to navigate through
dungeon corridors.

The first task a dwarf can apply his visual acuity to

is scouting. Obviously, warriors in heavy armour are
unfit for this task, but a dwarf in lighter armour can
walk ahead of his fellows without any source of light to
reveal his position. Under the cover of total darkness,
only other creatures with darkvision or other means of
Survival Tactics 119 Quintessential Dwarf II: Advanced Tactics

detection have a chance to spot the dwarven scout, and

he gains bonuses to his own Spot checks if he comes
upon any group of creatures relying on artificial sources
of light.

An all-dwarf party can be devastating in darkness

against other creatures not used to it, for they can act
unimpeded while their opponents struggle with their
inability to see. In a mixed party, this sort of attack
requires coordination.

The dwarf and his companions must have an

understanding of how the dwarf’s darkvision can
enhance any battle plan. If the dwarf is a combatant, the
party should seek to gain a surprise round in complete
darkness, quenching all sources of light, even their own.
Magical means such as darkness are a problem for both
the party and their opponents, but casting it on a source
of light can leave the effect’s surroundings covered in
natural shadows that a dwarf can see through. Once the
lights are out, the dwarf fighter charges in and lands a
few blows before the rest of the party joins him with a
source of light of their own, which can be either a light
spell or a simple shuttered lamp.

If the dwarf in the party is not a combatant, darkness can

telling some tale about the crafts he saw back home at
help him get into a better position before the battle starts,
dwarven shops.
with his first action being the signal for his companions
to begin executing their plan.
Such scare tactics are likely to affect a canny shopkeeper,
which is when negotiation skills (a rather abandoned
Combining tank and darkness tactics can provide an
field for most dwarven adventurers) come to the fore.
excellent chance for the party to get away or to set up
Even if it is not the dwarf who is doing the haggling,
ambushes for opponents who lack alternative senses to
he can still make his Appraise checks and advise the
sight. One character should act as bait, carrying the
negotiating ally as to how good any deal on the table is.
light source with him and taunting the target opponents,
getting them to go after him. The bait must be either a
fairly fast character or the dwarf himself, albeit with his Exploration
ambushing post not too far behind him. Turning around As suggested previously, a dwarf is perfectly suited
a corner or rendering himself momentarily unseen, the for exploration in underground environments. His
bait snuffs out the light and dives for cover behind the stonecunning ability and his darkvision are a perfect
tank character, who is already waiting, readying an combination of talents for exploring the underground.
action to set for charge or intercept the first enemy that Even if the character is the main combatant, having him
happens by him. In complete darkness, the ambushing ‘take point’ a little ahead of the rest of the party is also
dwarf has the pursuers at his mercy, combining his a good idea. He would not only be the most apt to see
immovability and resistance with his ability to see what was ahead without betraying the party’s position,
perfectly in the dark. he also is the one with the best chance of surviving a
trap or ambush.
A Day At The Market
Dwarves are canny hagglers when it comes to fencing
loot. As most treasure comes in the form of jewellery,
the dwarf enjoys his racial bonus to know how much
every piece of loot is worth. If he has not invested much
in Appraise and other negotiating skills, he can also use
his Intimidate skill and the reputation of his race as
expert metalworkers, feigning to evaluate an item and
Survival Tactics 120 Quintessential Dwarf II: Advanced Tactics

The trail of bodies was hard to miss. Amidst scorched walls and cracked cobblestones, the remains of the city’s
army tried to approach the dwarf holding his ground at the great fountain that led to the aqueduct.

Thaine stood, blood caking his face and beard – it was not his blood but that of his enemies. He was staring
down the lines of soldiers, who were trying to decide who would charge first and end up with a broken skull or a
severed torso.

‘Bravo, bravo, master dwarf,’ came a voice came from behind the lines. The soldiers parted to let a thin man
through. Behind him, there was a noxious cloud taking the shape of something humanoid. ‘You have managed to
hold my army at bay, nobly sacrificing yourself for the sake of what? A woman? A human woman?’

Thaine spat and grinned savagely. He was done for. He had exhausted his divine magic to heal himself and had
no protection against whatever demonic force this man was trailing behind him.

‘Sister-in-law, sister-in-arms… you can call her anything, but that was my friend’s woman whom you took – a
bad decision if I say so myself. Before she retired from the adventuring life, she was our party’s rogue. Missing
anything from your mansion?’

‘Indeed I am.’ The man scowled slightly. ‘Which is why I now offer to spare your life. I would use you as a
hostage in exchange for that heirloom she took with her when you stormed my house.’

‘Not bloody likely.’ Thaine knocked his weapons together, causing more than a few soldiers to take a step back.
‘Once they get back home, you can start preparing for war.’

‘Oh, dear.’ The man sighed and nodded, and the dark cloud behind him advanced. Thaine could distinguish some
features in its shifting shape and none were pretty. ‘I guess my demon will have to tear your limbs off. I only need
you alive, you see, not in one piece.’

‘Come and get it,’ the dwarf grunted, ready for the last battle of his rich and exciting life. He trusted his ancestors
to carry his name to the heavens for the glory of his clan.

The cloud-thing continued its approach, claws extending from wispy arms. From inside it, more demons began
appearing, ready to fulfil their master’s gruesome promise.

Thaine’s war cry was cut short as a light fell upon him and he felt his spirits soar and his strength replenish. His
heart filled with renewed courage and it was not just because of the bolt of lightning that was shot from behind
him at the demons. He turned around to see Erian, in full battle garb, step down from the aqueduct, followed by
Larael, Salestra, Broin and even Arine, Erian’s wife.

‘Damnation, woman!’ he shouted. ‘We came here to rescue you!’

‘And I’m returning the favour, old friend.’ Arine raised Larael’s bow as her shadow separated from her body and
stood next to her protectively.

‘You thought we would leave you here?’ Erian said, his sword glowing with holy power.

‘I was certainly hoping you would!’ Thaine roared and turned to face their enemies, who were looking much less
secure. Even the demons looked hesitant at the assembled sacred magic about them.

‘You said it yourself.’ Erian raised his sword. ‘To the end, my brother.’

‘To the end!’ Thaine shouted with great joy in his heart as they both charged.
Designer's Notes 121 Quintessential Dwarf II: Advanced Tactics

Designer’s Notes
will confess that I have never roleplayed a dwarf. harder and harder. Instead of considering what each
It is not because I do not like the race, but more class could do, I began by imagining what it could be.
because I have not had the opportunity. However, As this book is intended for characters of higher levels,
there has always been something about them that I the abilities and requirements had to be more over the
admired ever since I read The Hobbit, which gives a top, rather than a collection of free feats and bonuses. I
better look at how dwarves behave than The Lord of the hope I came up with interesting ones.
Superior Tools and Tricks of the Trade get harder to
Sure, dwarves are somewhat greedy, stubborn and write with every published book; there are only so
temperamental, but nothing compared to their true many weapons that can be plausibly created. Again,
mythological roots, which were decidedly nasty. The I went over the top in coming up with weapons that a
dwarves of fantasy are a noble race that deserves more dwarf would create and wield, drawing inspiration from
time in the spotlight, which tends to be hogged by wargaming miniatures as well as from videogames.
elves. Tricks were at the same time easier and harder to write.
The easy part was coming up with things that had not
I was not sure what I wanted to do when I started been covered in the original Quintessential Dwarf;
planning this book, but I examined all the things that the hard part was fleshing out the ideas with meaty
I liked about dwarves. Their no-nonsense approach to substance. The section on sports and games was fun
life was one; their honour and strong sense of duty and to do, as I kept picturing dour warriors betting on who
tradition were others. The deep and passionate heart could throw his hammer farther and hitting someone by
burning inside their pragmatic and impassive facades accident.
was the last one. While I did not set out to write the
complete guide to dwarven society, I wanted to infuse The next two chapters were meant to cover two aspects
every chapter with this image of dwarves as the noble that are much written about but seldom treated as a
pragmatists, capable of great sacrifice without asking subject on their own. Dwarves are mentioned to be
for anything in return, all in the name of duty. great builders and engineers, but there is little written
about what they actually do besides digging really big
Starting with the racial paths, I wanted to portray caves and tunnelling demons out of their prisons. The
the dwarves’ elemental bias towards, and spiritual clan is another very important aspect of dwarven culture
connection with, all things earthen. Unlike the career and another that is seldom addressed outside setting
paths of the class-oriented Quintessentials, racial paths books, but there are precious few guidelines for players
are not something a dwarf trains for, but something to imagine a dwarven culture without tying it down to
he becomes. These spiritual ties to earth and its the setting’s history.
subordinates, as well as their defiant personality, gave
me the ideas for each of the paths. All in all, the book was inspiring and a breeze to write,
despite a few snags encountered here and there. Now I
Multiclassing is always a bit of a chore to write; it was want to play a dwarf, but I must find a Games Master to
easy for the class books, as the combinations were run a game for me first…
obvious, but I had to account for the dwarf’s favoured
class when combining classes, which is why there are Alejandro Melchor
more combinations for fighter than for any other class.
Given that I also worked on The Quintessential Fighter,
I strived to build combinations that did not repeat
themselves from my work on that book, but instead
reflected how a dwarf would tackle such a combination,
focusing on certain aspects of training rather than
aiming for a balanced number of levels.

For the prestige classes I had to think hard for concepts.

I sometimes fear that there are more prestige classes
than character concepts in the world of d20 publishing,
and coming up with new and fresh ideas is becoming
Index 122 Quintessential Dwarf II: Advanced Tactics

Alchemical and Mineral Materials 72 Solidity 101
Crystalweave 73 Solidity, Greater 101
Driving Smoke 72 Solidity, Superior 101
Folded Steel 73 Sturdiness 101
Ironcore 73 Sturdiness, Greater 101
Magma-Forged 73 Sturdiness, Superior 101
Magnetite 74 Weave 101
Mithral, True 74 Weave, Greater 101
Phosphate Flare 72 Weave, Superior 101
Steel, True 74 Creating Stone Circle Effects 82
Ancestor Worship 83
Armour 67 D
Dwarven Brigandine 67
Dwarven Fighting Styles 89
Plated Cloak 67
Tosstrom 89
Shield, Fortress 68
Tremor Maul 92
Shield, Interlocking 68
Twin Axe 90
Shield, Sniper 68
Silent Suit 68
Slate Armour 69
Thaergrin 69 Erecting a Stone Circle 81
Armour and Shield Abilities 77 Exiles 110
Countercharging 77
Donning 77 F
Floating 77
Longshanks 77 Families 111
Repairing 77 Freemen 110
Repelling 77
C Heredity 112
Castes 109 Honorary Clanmates 110
Chieftain 109
Clan Loyalty 113 I
Clan Membership 113 Inner Dolmens 80
Clan Structure 109
Councils 109 M
Crafting a Dolmen 78
Craftsmanship 99 Marriage 112
Balanced 99 Masters 109
Balanced, Greater 99 Middle Dolmens 79
Balanced, Superior 99 Military Ranks 110
Honed 99 Multiclassing 21
Honed, Greater 100 Artillerist 22
Honed, Superior 99 Cavern Singer 25
Masterwork, Greater 100 Forge Warrior 27
Masterwork, Superior 100 Mountain Speaker 31
Shock 100 Offspring of Volcanoes 33
Shock, Greater 100 Priest of War 36
Shock, Superior 100 Quakebringer 39
Slide 100 Spelunker 41
Slide, Greater 101 Wrestler 44
Slide, Superior 101 Mystics 109
Index 123 Quintessential Dwarf II: Advanced Tactics

N Labyrinth 105
Pump 106
Nobles 109
Pump, Air 106
Slope Chamber 106
O Volcanic Furnace 106
Outer Dolmens 78 Watchtower 106
Superstructures 102
Prestige classes 47
Demolisher 48 Thane 109
Earthcore 49
Forge Hand 52 W
Hoard Seeker 54
War Machines 106
King under the Mountain 56
Armoured Cart 107
Storm Warrior 59
Assault Tower 107
Titankin 61
Greater Trebuchet 107
Horizontal Catapult 108
R Reverse Tower 108
Racial Path 4 Shattering Vice 108
Path of Defiance 5 Weapons 63
Path of Delving 6 Broadsword, Dwarven 63
Path of Diamond 8 Broadsword, Serrated Dwarven 63
Path of Family 9 Chainaxe 63
Path of Granite 11 Gauntlet, Spraying 63
Path of Magma 12 Gauntlet, Stinger 63
Path of Mountains 14 Grenade, Fuse 64
Path of Protection 16 Grenade, Ricochet 63
Path of Shade 18 Grenade, Tripwire 64
Path of the Mundane 15 Khatar, Dwarven 64
Path of Tradition 19 Maul 64
Mortar, Dwarven 64
S Orgrath, Dwarven 65
Pike, Dwarven 66
Slaves 110 Power Ram 66
Special Combat Training 93 Throwing Axe, Dwarven 66
Armour Familiarity 94 Tunnel Ballista 66
Burst of Speed 94 Uthgrin, Dwarven 66
Cooperative Fighting 94 Warhammer, Dwarven 66
Racial Enemies 94 Wrecking Ball 66
Sports and Games 95 Weapon Abilities 75
Hammer Tossing 95 Bouncing 75
Labyrinths 96 Clapping 75
Pyramid 98 Double Impact 75
Tower 97 Entangling 75
Stone Circles 78 Marking 75
Structures 103 Projecting 76
Aqueduct 103 Reshaping 76
Elevator (and Shaft) 103 Seeking 76
Great Bridge 104 Transmuting 76
Great Gates 104 Tunnelling 77
Great Walls 104
Hidden Entrance 105
The Advanced Quintessential Dwarf
CHARACTER ________________________________________________ PLAYER _________________________________
CLASS ______________________________________________________ LEVEL __________________________________
CHARACTER CONCEPT _______________________________________ CAREER PATH____________________________
HOMELAND _________________________________________________ ALIGNMENT _____________________________
PATRON DEITY / RELIGION ____________________________________ FIGHTING STYLE_________________________
= 10 +





CRAFT  ( ) Y / N INT
CRAFT  ( ) Y / N INT
CRAFT  ( ) Y / N INT
------------- MODIFIERS -----------








































Movement Rate Movement Rate
CP -
Walk (= Base) Hour Walk

Hustle Hour Hustle SP -

Run (x 3) Day Walk
GP -
Run (x4) Special

Load Weight Carried Max Dex Chk Pen Run PP -

Light - - -
Medium +3 –3 x4

Heavy +1 –6 x3


































License 128 Quintessential Dwarf II: Advanced Tactics

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Material of Open Game Content. (h) “You” or “Your” means the
licensee in terms of this agreement. 13 Termination: This License will terminate automatically if You fail
to comply with all terms herein and fail to cure such breach within
2. The License: This License applies to any Open Game Content 30 days of becoming aware of the breach. All sublicenses shall
that contains a notice indicating that the Open Game Content may survive the termination of this License.
only be Used under and in terms of this License. You must affix such
a notice to any Open Game Content that you Use. No terms may be 14 Reformation: If any provision of this License is held to be
added to or subtracted from this License except as described by the unenforceable, such provision shall be reformed only to the extent
License itself. No other terms or conditions may be applied to any necessary to make it enforceable.
Open Game Content distributed using this License.
3.Offer and Acceptance: By Using the Open Game Content You Open Game License v 1.0 Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast,
indicate Your acceptance of the terms of this License. Inc.

4. Grant and Consideration: In consideration for agreeing to use this D20 System Rules & Content Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast,
License, the Contributors grant You a perpetual, worldwide, royalty- Inc.; Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, based
free, non-exclusive license with the exact terms of this License to on original material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.
Use, the Open Game Content.
Open game content from The Quintessential Dwarf II: Advanced
5.Representation of Authority to Contribute: If You are contributing Tactics copyright 2004, Mongoose Publishing Ltd.
original material as Open Game Content, You represent that Your
Contributions are Your original creation and/or You have sufficient
rights to grant the rights conveyed by this License.

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