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isbn: 978 0 19 490884 9 Teacher’s Guide

Back cover photograph: Oxford University Press building/David Fisher
Cover illustrations by: Anja Boretzki/Good Illustration
Classroom Resource Pack flashcards
Illustrations by: Dylan Gibson (course characters), A Corazon Abierto/Sylvie
Poggio (all other artwork)
Classroom Resource Pack Classroom Language Poster
Illustrations by: Gary Swift
Commissioned photography by: Course characters (Graham Alder/MM Studios);
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Studios), section 3: student with hands up (OUP/MM Studios), section 4: girl
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7: student displaying art to teacher (OUP/Corbis) section 8: student raising his hand
(OUP/Corbis), section 9: students in class (OUP/MM Studios)
Classroom Resource Pack Birthdays Poster
Background illustration by: Dylan Gibson (September calendar), Jen Naalchigar
(background & birthday calendar)
Commissioned photography by: Gareth Boden

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Teacher’s Guide 4

Syllabus 4 3 I’m buying a present 85

Components overview 10 4 I’m at the street party 97

Concept and characters 12 R Review 2 109

Introduction to Learn with Us 13 5 I’m at the canteen 112

Learning with Learn with Us 14 6 I’m at the holiday park 124

All about accessibility 20 R Review 3 136

Classroom language 25 F Festivals 138

Tour of unit and How to section 26 Classroom Presentation Tool

(CPT) games information 145
Further resources 49
Ideas bank 150
S All about my birthday 51
Flashcards 156
1 I’m helping Mum 57
Wordlist 157
2 My day 70
Letter to parents 159
R Review 1 82

© Copyright Oxford University Press

Words Grammar Pronunciation

Core Present simple: Hello. I’m Lily. It’s my

S Ordinal numbers 1st–31st tenth birthday today.
Dates Present simple: When’s your
All Revised birthday?
It’s on (the) thirty-first (of ) March.
about my
Personal information Present simple (personal
birthday Family members
information): My name’s … I’m …
years old. How are you? I’m fine, thank
Other you. How old are you? Let’s meet my
page 2
Lily, Dad, Mum, Charlie, Ash, Mina, family. These are my friends.
Pedro, brother, Grandad, Granny,
cousin, cousin, Aunt, Uncle
Happy Birthday
Core Present simple: Have you got Sounds:
1 Ailments: a cold, a cough, a cut, (toothache)? Yes, I have. /k/
earache, a headache, a stomach-ache, No, I haven’t. cake, carrots, chicken,
I’m helping a temperature, toothache
Adjectives of appearance: dark
Presents simple: What’s the matter
with you / him / her?
Chris, stomach-ache
Mum hair, fair hair, good-looking, red hair, I’ve / He’s / She’s got (a cold). chair, cheese, chicken,
tall, thin All about speaking: How are you? chocolate, kitchen
page 4 Other I’m fine, thank you.
Revision & extension: body, a bruise, I’m not very well.
feet, fingers, a nose-bleed, a sore throat Present simple: What does he / she
CLIL: bar chart, count, results, tally look like? He’s / She’s got short, (dark)
chart, tally mark, total hair and (blue) eyes. He’s / She’s (tall).

Core Present simple: I (get up) at (half Sounds:

2 Daily routines: brush my teeth, come past seven). /s/
home, eat breakfast, eat dinner, get up, Present simple: What time does Sally, school, seven,
My day go to bed, go to school, watch TV
Time phrases: at night, in the
he / she (eat breakfast)?
He / She eats breakfast at (half-past
six, skirt
page 14 afternoon, in the morning, quarter seven). She, brushes, shirt
past, quarter to, tonight He / She doesn’t (eat breakfast).
Other All about speaking: Excuse me,
Revision & extension: brush my hair, what time is it?
eat lunch, get dressed, have a bath, It’s (half past seven).
play computer games, play football Present simple: Does he / she
CLIL: active, diurnal, hide, hunt, (watch TV) (at night)?
nocturnal, senses Yes, he / she does.
No, he / she doesn’t.

4 Syllabus
© Copyright Oxford University Press
Skills Values Culture and Project
Reading: reading a calendar to find characters’ birthdays
Listening: listening for specific information (identifying family
members and friends and dates to identify them)
Speaking: asking and answering questions about people’s
birthdays; asking and answering about personal information.
Writing: ordinal numbers as digits and words; completing
sentences using the present simple, writing friends’ names, and
dates of their birthday

Reading: reading and understanding a text about playground Be yourself. Playground helpers in Making and
helpers, a story about a prince and princess; reading and using the UK presenting a
instructions to create a bar chart; reading a school magazine Maths and Science: description
article for specific information and gist; reading and understanding Making charts of a friend in
instructions to carry out a project costume
Listening: listening for specific information about ailments, story
characters, opinions about a story; listening to and singing a song
about ailments; listening to and understanding a story
Speaking: asking and answering questions about ailments, how
you feel and what people look like; saying what your favourite
activities are; giving opinions about a story and a project; saying
a pronunciation rhyme to practise the target sounds /k/ and /ʧ/;
presenting a project about a friend in costume to an audience
Writing: core language at word and sentence level (questions
and answers); writing about ailments and physical descriptions at
paragraph level
Reading: reading and understanding a text about emergency Always do a Emergency Making and
services jobs, nocturnal animals and a story about a museum good job. services jobs presenting a
robbery; reading a school magazine article for specific information Natural Science: clock spinner
and gist; reading and understanding instructions to carry out a Nocturnal animals about a
project friend’s day
Listening: listening for specific information about daily routines,
story characters and opinions about a story; listening to and
singing a song about daily routines and times; listening to and
understanding a story
Speaking: describing your day and making statements about
routines and times; asking and answering about someone else’s
daily routines; asking and answering about what time it is; giving
opinions about a story and a project; saying a pronunciation rhyme
to practise the target sounds /s/ and /ʃ/; presenting a project about
a friend’s day to an audience
Writing: core language at word and sentence level (questions and
answers); writing about daily routines and times at paragraph level

Syllabus 5
© Copyright Oxford University Press
Words Grammar Pronunciation

Core Prepositions: Sounds:

3 Accessories: belts, bracelets, earrings, Where are the watches? They’re /ɪz/
necklaces, rings, umbrellas, wallets, between / near / next to the necklaces brooches, necklaces,
I’m buying watches
Adjectives: checked, colourful,
and the wallets.
this / that / these / those
sunglasses, watches
a present flowery, knitting, spotty, stripy Do you like these / those (umbrellas)? gloves, rings, scarves,
Other Do you like this / that (watch)? umbrellas
page 26
Revision & extension: cap, gloves, Yes, I do.
hat, key ring, rucksack, sunglasses No, I don’t.
CLIL: cloak, gold, silver, toga, tunic, All about speaking: How much is
wax this / that (postcard), please?
It’s 50p.
How much are these / those (earrings),
please? They’re £1.25.
Possessive pronouns:
Whose is this / that (scarf )?
Whose are these / those hats?
It’s / They’re mine / yours / his / hers /
ours / theirs.

Core Present continuous: Are you Sounds:

4 Household activities: cooking, (watering the flowers)? /ɪŋ/
drying up, gardening, laying the table, Yes, I am. cooking, eating,
I’m at the painting, sweeping, washing up,
watering the flowers
No, I’m not. gardening, having
Present continuous: Is he / she /n/
street Adjectives of personality: hard- (washing up)? Yes, he / she is. chicken, kitchen, fun,
party working, lazy, strong, tidy, untidy,
No, he / she isn’t. sun, sweetcorn
All about speaking: Are you good
Other at (gardening)?
page 36 Revision & extension: sausages, Yes, I am.
chicken, juice, pouring drinks
No, I’m not.
mowing the lawn, playing music
Present simple: He / She wants to
CLIL: eco-friendly, electricity, energy, (wash up).
solar panels, water butt, wind turbine
He / She doesn’t want to (water the

6 Syllabus
© Copyright Oxford University Press
Skills Values Culture and Project
Reading: reading and understanding a text about a school trip We can all A school trip to Bath Designing
to Bath in the UK, Ancient Roman accessories, and a story about make the in the UK and
making winter colourful and fun; reading a school magazine world look Social Science presenting
article for specific information and gist; reading and understanding nice. (History): Ancient an advert for
instructions to carry out a project Rome a shop
Listening: listening for specific information about accessories
and opinions about a story; listening to and singing a song about
favourite accessories; listening to and understanding a story
Speaking: describing the placement and look of accessories;
asking and answering about accessories you like / don’t like, how
much accessories cost and who things belong to; giving opinions
about a story and a project; saying a pronunciation rhyme to
practise the target sounds /ɪz/ and /z/; presenting a project about a
shop advert to an audience
Writing: core language at word and sentence level (questions and
answers); writing about accessories at paragraph level

Reading: reading and understanding a text about living in rural Work hard Living in rural Writing and
Scotland, eco-friendly houses and a story about a Chinese legend, and you can Scotland presenting
Mulan; reading a school magazine article for specific information achieve your Social science: a rap about
and gist; reading and understanding instructions to carry out a goals. Eco-friendly houses a favourite
project story
Listening: listening for specific information about household character
activities, things people want to do and opinions about a story;
listening to and singing a song about household activities;
listening to and understanding a story
Speaking: asking and answering questions about activities people
are doing and activities people want to do; talking about people’s
personality and what things you are good at; giving opinions
about a story and a project; saying a pronunciation rhyme to
practise the target sounds /ɪŋ/ and /n/; presenting a rap about a
favourite story character to an audience
Writing: core language at word and sentence level (questions and
answers); writing about household activities at paragraph level,
writing a rap

Syllabus 7
© Copyright Oxford University Press
Words Grammar Pronunciation

Core Present simple: Have you got any Sounds:

5 Food (1): bread rolls, fish, fruit, meat, (fish)? /ʃ/
puddings, rice, salad, vegetables Yes, I have. fish, milkshake,
I’m at the Food (2) & Quantifiers: a few, a
little, a lot of, nuts, raisins, seeds
No, I haven’t. mushrooms, Shane,
Present simple: Is there any (salad)?
canteen Other Yes, there is. No, there isn’t. /ʧ/
Revision & extension: forks, knives, Are there any (vegetables)? chair, cheese, Cherry,
page 48 milk, spoons, water, yoghurt Yes, there are. No, there aren’t. chicken, chips,
CLIL: calcium, carbohydrates, fat, fibre, chocolate, kitchen
All about speaking: Please can I
protein, vitamins have (a banana)?
Yes, of course. Here you are.
No, sorry. There aren’t any.
Countable & uncountable nouns:
There are a few / some / a lot of (raisins).
There is a little / some / a lot of (sugar).
There aren’t any (eggs).
There isn’t any (bread).
Core Present continuous: What are you Sounds:
6 Outdoor activities: canoeing, hiking, doing? /ɒ/
horse riding, mountain biking, rowing, I’m / He’s / She’s (horse riding). comics, hopping, office,
I’m at the sailing, snorkelling, windsurfing
Adverbs of manner: carefully,
Present continuous: What are you
doing? We’re (mountain biking).
Oliver, Tom
holiday dangerously, loudly, quickly, quietly, What are they doing? They’re cold, home, ocean,
park slowly
(snorkelling). Owen, piano, post,
All about speaking: Shall we go rowing, slowly, Willow
Revision & extension: climbing, (mountain biking)?
page 58 fishing, jogging, kayaking, playing Yes, that’s a great idea.
catch, swimming No, thanks. I don’t feel like it.
CLIL: destroy, forests, local people, Present continuous with adverbs:
paths, spend money, tourists
I’m / You’re / He’s / She’s / We’re /
They’re (climbing) (carefully).

Review 1 Review: Ailments, Descriptions, Daily routines, Times of the day; What’s the matter with her? She’s got a
Animaltrons … headache. Does she go to school at nine o’clock? No, she doesn’t. She goes to school at quarter to nine. What does
visit Anna! she look like? She’s got short, dark hair.
Read a story about the Animaltrons visiting Anna to review the vocabulary and grammar from the Starter
Unit and Units 1 and 2. Speaking in groups to act out the story. Working in groups to make a revision game.
Review 2 Review: Accessories, Adjectives, Household activities, this / that / these / those, mine / yours / his / hers / ours
Animaltrons … / theirs; Whose is this / that colourful present? It’s … Whose are these / those things? They’re … Is she washing
at a birthday up? No, she isn’t. He doesn’t want to go home.
party! Read a story about the Animaltrons at a birthday party to review the vocabulary and grammar from Units
3 and 4. Speaking in groups to act out the story. Working in groups to act out a role-play.
Review 3 Review: Food, Quantities, Outdoor activities, Adverbs of manner; Is there any fruit? Yes, there is. There are a
Animaltrons … lot of apples. There’s a little cheese. What are they doing? They’re horse riding. She’s walking quickly.
on holiday! Read a story about the animaltrons on holiday to review the vocabulary and grammar from Units 5 and 6.
Speaking in groups to act out the story. Working in groups to plan a perfect day out.

8 Syllabus
© Copyright Oxford University Press
Skills Values Culture and Project
Reading: reading and understanding a text about food at school, Animals At the school canteen Designing
a healthy lunch and a story about making a special cake for birds; need healthy in the UK and
reading a school magazine article for specific information and gist; food, too. Natural Science: A presenting
reading and understanding instructions to carry out a project healthy lunch a project
Listening: listening for specific information about healthy and about a
unhealthy food, quantities of food and opinions about a story; healthy
listening to and singing a song about food; listening to and lunch
understanding a story
Speaking: asking and answering questions about what food there
is or isn’t and the health benefits of foods; making polite requests;
giving opinions about a story and a project; saying a pronunciation
rhyme to practise the target sounds /ʃ/ and /ʧ/; presenting a
project about a healthy lunch to an audience
Writing: core language at word and sentence level (questions and
answers); writing about food (quantities and health benefits) at
paragraph level

Reading: reading and understanding a text about camping in It isn’t weak Camping in the UK Designing
the UK, the good and bad things about tourism and an adventure to ask for Social Science: and
story about Machu Picchu; reading a school magazine article help. Tourism presenting
for specific information and gist; reading and understanding a project
instructions to carry out a project about a
Listening: listening for specific information about outdoor triathlon
activities on holiday and opinions about a story; listening to and
singing a song about activities at a holiday camp; listening to and
understanding a story
Speaking: asking and answering questions about what outdoor
activities you and other people are doing, and how you are
doing them; giving opinions about a story and a project; saying a
pronunciation rhyme to practise the target sounds /ɒ/ and /əʊ/;
presenting a project about a triathlon to an audience
Writing: core language at word and sentence level (questions and
answers); writing about outdoor activities using adverbs of manner
at paragraph level

Festival: Core: bonfire, fireworks, guy, jacket potatoes, Other: 5th November, toasted
Bonfire Night marshmallows, soup, sparklers, toffee apples
Review: Do you like soup? Yes, I do. No, I don’t.
Festival: Core: advent calendar, angel, decorations, elf, gingerbread Other: behind, door, counting down
Christmas man, holly, mistletoe, snowflakes
Review: Ordinal numbers; There’s a / an … There are
some …
Festival: Core: butter, flour, ham, jam, ice cream, lemon, topping, Other: fry, mix, toss
Pancake Day sugar
Review: banana, cheese, chocolate, eggs, milk, mix,
strawberries; What’s your favourite pancake topping? Is it
(jam)? My favourite topping is … I’ve got …

Syllabus 9
© Copyright Oxford University Press
Components overview
Classroom Presentation Tool (CPT) • six units of nine lessons providing the core teaching
Classroom Presentation Tool (CPT) with on-screen Class • three Review Units, including a reading-for-pleasure story as
Book, Activity Book, video and animations, interactive games well as a project to engage and assess various competences
and embedded audio to facilitate dynamic classes. and to practically apply linguistic knowledge
• three Festival Units (Bonfire Night, Christmas and
The Classroom Presentation Tool contains:
Pancake Day)
• an opening video featuring the main character
introducing the setting for the unit Activity Book with Online Practice
• animated song videos
• a culture film introduced by the main character,
showing British children in their own environment, with
comprehension task
• An All about speaking video presenting the functional
language in Lesson 3
• a slideshow introducing the cross-curricular topic
• a fully animated story with real-action video introduction
• a video showing the main course character or her friend
presenting their version of the unit project
• vocabulary games in Lessons 1 and 5
• vocabulary and grammar games in Lessons 2 and 6
• a pronunciation game in Lesson 7 • eight pages of practice activities for each unit, with a focus
• a grammar and vocabulary review game in Lesson 8 • follow-up practice to the Review Units
• Class Book and Activity Book pages with answer • All about grammar additional practice pages for the
key-reveal function, for easy reference and navigational grammar presented in Lessons 2 and 6
support in the classroom • follow-up practice and cut-out activities for the Festival
• all audio tracks Units (also provided in the Teacher’s Resource Material in
the Teacher’s Resource Centre)
It also includes:
• a Starter Unit video introducing the main character and • six cut-out activities for the grammar speaking activity in
her friends and family Lesson 6 of each unit
• follow-up cut-out activities for the projects in Lesson 9
Class Book • a digital version of the Activity Book is also available

Online Practice
Online practice offers a blended approach to learning where
students can use online interactive activities to further
practise language and ideas taught in the Class Book.

• a clear syllabus summary showing the language learnt in

each unit
• a Starter Unit introducing the course character, Lily, and
her family and friends, as well as presenting and practising
ordinal numbers and dates, family members and asking
and answering about personal information

10 Components overview
© Copyright Oxford University Press
Teacher’s Pack
A comprehensive Teacher’s Guide containing:
• a full syllabus overview
• an introductory section including a components
overview, a summary of the course concept and
characters, an introduction to the course, a breakdown
of the methodology behind the course, and notes on
current issues around accessibility in the classroom, such
as Competences for 21st century
learning, SEN, mixed-ability
classes and multiple intelligences
• a Tour of a unit section, presenting Culture worksheets, song worksheets, mini picture cards,
an overview of the function of wordcards and Extra vocabulary worksheets
each lesson with a ‘How to’ section • Standard and Challenge level tests: six unit tests and three
outlining the standard teaching term tests
steps and sequence of resources • transcripts, answer keys and teaching notes for all
for each of the nine lessons worksheets and tests
• suggestions for what to do if the • notes on evaluation and grids for assessing Competences
CPT is not available for 21st century learning and speaking
• a rapid route with suggestions for how to save time
• notes on further resources Classroom Resource Pack
• transcripts for each lesson
• full answer keys for Class Book and Activity Book activities,
• flashcards for presenting
as well as explanatory teaching notes where appropriate
the core unit vocabulary –
• suggestions for optional starter and finisher activities see page 156 for a full list
• culture notes of flashcards
• references to Competences for 21st century learning
• references to worksheets and tests in the Teacher’s
Resource Material in the Teacher’s Resource Centre
• an Ideas bank with games, activities and ideas for how to
• dates and months of
exploit the extra resources (flashcards, mini wordcards,
the year for recording
posters, etc.). These include ideas for action and settling
and marking
games, pronunciation practice games, as well as ideas to
exploit the animations, videos and posters.
birthdays and
• a list of the unit flashcards practising
• useful classroom language and a wordlist ordinal
• a letter to parents, outlining what Learn with Us offers numbers,
presented on
Further resources a large poster
• Class Book and Activity Book Classroom Presentation format, with
Tools (CPT) audio
• access to the Teacher’s Resource Centre and a range • a large, easy-to-
of resources, including Standard and Challenge tests, read poster featuring key classroom language, with audio
editable tests, Reinforcement and Extension worksheets,
and Culture and Festival worksheets E-books
• Digital versions of the Class Book and Activity Book are
Class Audio available for Levels 1–6
All tracks are provided on the Class Audio CDs and the CPT:
• recordings of all the songs, stories and listening activities,
as well as the listening tracks for the tests
• includes karaoke versions of the songs

Teacher’s Resource Centre:

• complete access to students’ online practice
Downloadable Teacher’s Resource Material:
• mixed-ability vocabulary and grammar worksheets at
reinforcement and extension level for each of the core units,
Components overview 11
© Copyright Oxford University Press
Concept and characters
As every child grows up, his or her year is punctuated by • helping organize a street party (Unit 4)
routines, events and occasions – some are ordinary and • lunch in the school canteen (Unit 5)
everyday, such as eating at school or cooking, while others
• activities at a holiday park (Unit 6)
are more momentous, such as a birthday or a holiday. It is
these real-life situations and events, as experienced by real Lily accompanies the children throughout the unit,
children, that are at the heart of Learn with Us. grounding their learning in the real-life context and
encouraging them to immerse themselves in the language
All about Lily situation alongside our character.

All about Lily’s family and friends

Mum Dad

In Learn with Us 4, children follow the real-life experiences of

Lily, a ten-year-old British schoolchild. Lily and her family and
friends inhabit a world the children can easily relate to – at
home, at school or doing activities on holiday. In this way,
children are motivated to learn and use the language of
real-life situations that are relevant to them, while also being
invited to draw comparisons between the main character’s
and their own experiences. Learning alongside a real child
in the UK will also raise their curiosity about English, provide Charlie Pedro
opportunities to learn about other cultures and encourage
them to develop the skills and competences shown by Lily In exploring Lily’s world, we also become familiar with her
and her friends. family and friends, who often accompany her in different
situations in the Class Book pictures and videos.
The children are first introduced to Lily in the Starter Unit as
she celebrates her tenth birthday. Through this they learn We meet Lily’s mum and dad, as well as her older brother,
about her family and friends – before her life is explored Charlie, and her cousin Pedro who lives in Peru.
further through each unit. Each unit opens to a different
event or a day in the life of Lily and her family and friends.
Lily, along with her friends and family, are introduced first on
video as real people before we enter their world on the page
and see the same character in illustrated form.
The context for the unit is always introduced via a short
video of Lily. This scene is then visualized in the large picture
shown on the opening Class Book pages. This integration
of video and pictures not only turns the ordinary, everyday
situations into the extraordinary, but is also stimulating for
the children, reflecting their own multimedia interests and
experience. Mina Ash
The real-life contexts for each unit in Learn with Us 4 are:
• Lily’s birthday, and an introduction to Lily and her family We also come to know Mina and Ash, Lily’s friends from
and friends (Starter Unit) school, who are in the same class as her. Lily and Ash
contribute to the end-of-unit project, providing a realistic
• helping Mum at work (Unit 1)
and relatable video model for this important final outcome
• Lily and her cousin Pedro’s daily routines (Unit 2) of the unit.
• buying a birthday present for Dad (Unit 3)

12 Concept and characters

© Copyright Oxford University Press
Introduction to Learn with Us
Learn with Us is a six-level course for children learning English projects, bringing each to life. In addition to these character-
from Primary 1 to Primary 6. It is a child-centred course that led videos, there are animated songs, as well as attractive
enables children of ALL abilities to learn by doing, to learn colour animations of all the unit stories, and a selection of
together, and to learn from each other. interactive games and other types of games.
Learn with Us provides an unprecedented amount of real-life The stories form an important feature of the course, with
video as part of the exciting digital and print resources that a rich variety across all six levels. They not only provide a
are designed to work independently and in combination, meaningful context for the language, but bring creativity
allowing for maximum learner engagement and classroom and imagination to the classroom, captivating and inspiring
efficiency, whether your classroom has an interactive young minds. The stories also provide a useful springboard
whiteboard or not. into linked activities, such as the values focus. In this way,
At the heart of Learn with Us is real life. In each level of the children form important connections between the values
course, the children follow the experiences of a British they see played out in the story and their own social
schoolchild, and share experiences and learning. This approach development.
marks an important shift towards language for communication Learn with Us is underpinned by a sound competence-based
by structuring language learning around real children in real learning methodology, ensuring that the Competences
situations. In this way, language presentation can be focused for 21st century learning are developed. Activity rubrics
on real-life situations and social interaction. are often competence-based, and include thinking-skills
A new child is introduced at each level of the course to activities and challenges that require the children to work
reflect the children’s own changing life experiences and collaboratively and stretch themselves cognitively. Likewise,
interests. As the learners progress through the levels, they a variety of activities which appeal to multiple intelligences,
can share and compare ideas about themselves and their such as individual and collaborative project work, quizzes
lives to those of the characters, achieving a real sense of and games, ensure every child remains challenged and
growing up together. active in their learning. Drawing on the real-world content of
the course, critical-thinking and self-evaluation skills are also
The course is situation-based, with an event in the life of the
developed by encouraging the children to be curious about
child forming the starting point for each unit, e.g. a birthday,
and question the world around them, while also reflecting
eating lunch in the school canteen or going on holiday.
on their own interactions.
The situation is introduced by the central character via an
accompanying video, and further enhanced by a bright and Studying English with Learn with Us also naturally activates
engaging opening scene in the Class Book which showcases curiosity about other cultures. By focusing on a day in the life
the core vocabulary. of a British child, the opening context for each unit is overtly
cultural, and is also enriched by video clips rooted in British
The central character then accompanies the children as
culture. The children are invited to explore and think about
they progress through each unit, using more videos to
the world presented to them, comparing the character’s life
introduce stories, documentary-style culture videos and unit
to their own.
The specific Culture lessons in each unit also vividly bring a
part of British culture to life. The children follow this lesson
Learn with Us with a cross-curricular topic linked to the theme of the unit,
Bring learning together. Bring learning to life. allowing them to continually review and build on their
language-learning. Making links to other subject areas in
this way extends the meaning and
perspective of what the children have
learnt, and broadens their horizons.
Learn with Us offers a wide range
of activities and materials that
acknowledge individual learning
styles and allow you to cater for mixed-
abilities within your class. Children are
encouraged to work at their own ability
level, with reinforcement and extension
resources and two levels of tests to
provide additional flexibility.

Introduction to Learn with Us 13

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Learning with Learn with Us
Classroom Presentation Tool (CPT) Activity Book with Online Practice
The CPT presentation materials for Learn with Us are The Activity Book with Online Practice has been designed to
engaging and varied. They include unit-introduction videos bring together all that the children have learnt in the lesson
with Lily, song animations, culture films, cross-curricular beforehand, consolidating and reinforcing content and
slideshow presentations, story animations, pronunciation language from the Class Book and CPT presentations and
games, review games, and videos showing Lily and her practice, and practising listening, reading and writing skills.
friends presenting the unit projects. There are also interactive In lessons which aim to practise core vocabulary and
practice games designed to be played during Lessons 1, 2, grammar, the Activity Book serves to provide independent
5 and 6, providing further exposure to core language and reading practice as well as listening practice and written
allowing for well-timed comprehension checking. There is a production. In lessons which centre on other types of
pronunciation game in Lesson 7 and a useful review game in content, e.g. the unit story, culture and cross-curricular
Lesson 8. content, the Activity Book is an effective means of checking
The CPT also offers all the pages of the Class Book and concepts and understanding, and consolidating what the
Activity Book on screen, for easy reference and to aid children have learnt in the previous stages of the lesson.
classroom management, e.g. for helping the children to The Activity Book also affords the children the chance to
navigate to the correct page in their own printed Class cumulatively review the vocabulary they have been learning
Books / Activity Books, and for quick and easy access to and to input creatively and imaginatively themselves, by
audio tracks or answer keys. personalizing the content they have learnt. For example, in
The CPT is easy to navigate with the material clearly divided into Lesson 3, the culture lessons combine language review with
units and lessons. the practice of everyday language in the All about speaking
feature. In Lesson 5, children are asked to choose statements
Class Book that apply the story value to their own lives. In Lessons 7, the
The Class Book lessons have been carefully staged to allow writing activities allow the children to personalize the unit
smooth and natural progression: from the presentation language creatively in a way most meaningful to each child.
stage provided by the CPT material, flashcards or Class Finally and importantly, it provides scaffolding to ensure
Audio, to simple activities demonstrating active recognition a successful and motivating outcome for the end-of-unit
of the language, then finally to practise of the language via project in Lesson 9.
engaging activities such as games, role plays, or listening
and speaking activities, supported by further practice games
on the CPT.
The rubrics in the Class Book are addressed to the child,
rather than the teacher, and include critical-thinking
challenges that allow the children to personally invest in
the material, as well as scaffolded communication games
and tasks that require the children to work cooperatively.
Likewise, at the end of each unit in the Class Book the
children create a project, which allows them not only to
consolidate their learning, but also to work independently
and personalize the language they have encountered in the
unit in a way that is meaningful for them. In this way their
enthusiasm for speaking English is heightened.

14 Learning with Learn with Us

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Skills On the CPT, new language is always presented alongside
images, so that meaning is clarified first. The option to turn
Listening and speaking off text on the CPT allows the children to focus on the oral
The high-quality audio-visual material supplied on the CPT and aural before they focus on the written form. The ‘text off’
affords the children plenty of aural recognition before they and ‘text on’ option, available for many of the CPT materials,
are required to produce the language. The ideal combination allows the teacher to choose the most suitable version
of clear listening models of spoken English with strong visual according to the point at which the material is being used
support means that the children are able to develop notable and the progress the children have made.
confidence as they hear words and phrases for the first time The Class Book provides plenty of general reading skills
and understand them without ambiguity. Equally, the clear practice from which the children gain exposure to a variety
and easy-to-follow models provided on the Class Audio of different text types; in the culture and cross-curricular
allow for quick and accessible models that stimulate the lessons, the All about speaking dialogues, the unit stories and
children’s accurate recognition of the language before they Lily’s articles for the school magazine. Furthermore, the three
are expected to produce it themselves. Listening skills and end-of-term review stories in the Class Book bring together
aural confidence are further developed through listening the language that the children have learnt over two units in
to a range of motivating texts and stories with varied a fun, comic book-style story.
comprehension tasks in both the Class Book and the Activity The printed flashcards in the Classroom Resource Pack and
Book. These also help develop learner independence and to the mini wordcards in the Teacher’s Resource Material in the
prepare the children for practical everyday tasks in English. Teacher’s Resource Centre can be used for optional review or
In Learn with Us 4, speaking practice is integrated into every further practice at word level, at any point during a unit.
lesson and builds children’s ability to produce language at After exposure to new language in the Class Book, the
sentence level by integrating new vocabulary with revised children move on to more independent reading and writing
structures in speaking tasks. Spoken accuracy of new in the Activity Book. The approach to reading and writing
language is developed through activities which encourage in the Activity Book is carefully staged through the unit to
repetition following a model, provided by the CPT and on move from word level to sentence level, and on to short
the Class Audio CDs, as well as through songs, chants, oral paragraphs. As a unit develops, the amount of guidance and
comprehension questions, All about speaking dialogues scaffolding for writing tasks is graded to encourage learner
that practise functional language exchanges, controlled independence, for example, moving from using words from
practice games and personalization activities. Learn with Us a selection provided, or copying and completing phrases, to
4 also includes activities designed to actively encourage the freer and more personalized writing production in Lessons 7
children to formulate and express their opinion in English, and 9.
which systematically build throughout the year. Previously
The project preparation and writing tasks in Lessons 8 and 9
learnt language is actively recycled in oral activities and the
are staged carefully to support all learners, challenging the
children are encouraged to use this language as they set up
more confident to stretch themselves, while supporting the
and carry out various tasks. This wide range of motivating
less confident to a successful writing outcome. The project
oral activities allows for extensive opportunity for repetition
is the culmination of all the language learning and skills
of core language within a clearly defined framework in order
practice the children have had during the unit. The mix of
to help children build their confidence in speaking.
reading comprehension and writing activities include tasks
In addition, phonetic awareness and confidence is to help children plan and generate ideas, order and structure
developed in pronunciation activities designed to raise their writing, and successfully tie their ideas together raising
awareness of and practise production of key sounds and awareness of the cohesion of texts. Once the children have
familiarity with the phonetic script. completed these stages, they are ready to produce their
By the end of a unit, the wide range of graded speaking own personalized written text at paragraph level, based on
practice should support all learners to successfully present the model, with the ultimate aim of presenting their work
their end-of-unit project with confidence and to the best of in project form to an audience. The writing tasks include
their ability, and talk about their performance in the unit. several motivating text types (describing a friend in costume,
Further optional pronunciation and communication games an advert for items in a shop, a rap about a story character, a
are detailed in the Ideas bank on pages 150–155 of this healthy lunch plan, designing a triathlon). The performance
Teacher’s Guide. outcome is also a motivating factor in helping the children
write more independently whilst bringing together all that
Reading and writing they have learnt over the course of the unit.
Learn with Us takes a systematic approach to both reading Learner training is seen as an important part of developing
and writing throughout the course. In Level 4 children are writing skills and the unit Picture Dictionary encourages the
introduced to reading the written form as they hear and say development of referencing skills and spelling, particular
new words or structures. Once the children are familiar with tools to help with writing.
reading and saying new core language, they move on to
writing it.

Learning with Learn with Us 15

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Stories accompanying audio. A variety of activities in the Class Book
and Activity Book support consolidation of new vocabulary
and core concepts. The children also further develop learner
independence by being encouraged to evaluate the story
and say what they think about it. The children, as with
previous levels, have the opportunity to act out the story
to recycle the language of the unit in a fun and memorable
way, while allowing learners of all levels to join in with the
Revision stories are also available in the form of a running
cartoon in the Review Units and are also available as a scroll-
The stories are central to each unit in Learn with Us 4. They through storybook on the CPT.
depart from the real-life context and narrative as presented
by Lily and instead immerse the children in a fun and Values
entertaining story that, while still linked to the theme of
the unit, is also a completely new and exciting adventure,
with a different storyline and set of new characters in each
unit. A rich variety of different story genres are explored:
from traditional fables and fairy tales to true life stories and
adventure. All the stories have been specially chosen to
appeal to the children’s imagination and diverse interests.
The unit stories in Lesson 5 play an important role with
regard to language development, as they not only present
the second vocabulary set and target grammar in context,
but they also revise previously learnt language (both core
and incidental). Hearing this recycled language in a rich
story narrative provides the children with an important
opportunity to practise recognizing larger language outputs,
i.e. the lexical ‘chunks’ that form the building blocks of
English that they will encounter time and time again. There is a strong emphasis in Learn with Us on values and
developing the whole child. In Learn with Us 4, the values
The stories also provide the opportunity to develop listening
focus is presented in Lesson 5 through the story, with
skills (via the CPT or the Class Audio CDs) and reading skills.
a focused ‘All about values’ feature clearly linked to the
All story text is provided on the page, allowing the children
content of the story. The children are encouraged to discuss
to follow while they listen and thereby boosting their
and relate the value to their own lives, raising awareness
confidence and ability to recognize known words.
of the children’s own social growth as well as promoting
The children’s first experience of the unit stories is via the self-esteem, positive attitudes, and tolerance and respect
CPT, where they can enjoy a beautiful, fully animated version towards others.
of the story, maximizing the story’s motivational potential as
In the Activity Book follow-up task in Lesson 5, the children
well its function as a learning tool. Each story is first chosen
consolidate the value by doing a personalization task which
for us by our central character, Lily, smoothly embedding
helps internalize the value and make it more relevant to their
the imaginary in the real-world context so central to Learn
real-life experience.
with Us, while also helping the children to transition into and
build excitement about the new content.
Following the CPT presentation materials, the children are
invited to open their Class Book for a re-telling of the story,
this time in closer view, with full-colour story frames and

16 Learning with Learn with Us

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Songs and chants conventions of British everyday culture are brought to life in
Songs and chants form a natural part of childhood and supporting video clips at the start of each unit, helping to
are therefore something immediately familiar to primary- make British culture relevant and interesting to the children’s
aged children. They are also an invaluable way of practising own lives. The mix of documentary and drama footage
and assimilating new language, as they naturally include which make up the unit culture films provide a motivating
repetition, provide clear models for correct pronunciation insight into British culture, and the follow up pages in the
and greatly aid memory through their use of rhythm. The Class Book and Activity Book all provide interest and the
children will naturally participate in the rhythm and actions, opportunity for cross-cultural comparison.
meaning they will be active and having fun while at the The children are encouraged to understand and reflect on
same time gaining valuable exposure to the language, the differences and similarities between their own and other
increasing the likelihood of retention. For this reason, songs cultures in order to develop Competences for 21st century
and chants are an integral part of Learn with Us, with the learning, in particular Social and civic competences and
CPT providing an extra audio-visual dimension through an Cultural awareness and expression.
animated song for the Lesson 2 songs. The culture lesson also helps the children take a step
Each unit of Learn with Us 4 contains one song. They present towards integration into the culture of the language they
and practise the new language of the lessons, and the songs are learning by giving them useful expressions, in the form
cover a variety of musical genres specifically designed to of common everyday language, in the All about speaking
encompass the diverse range of musical styles children activity. A simple, high-frequency social exchange is
enjoy in the real world. modelled by Lily and her friends in the All about speaking
The song in Lesson 2 of each unit is supported with an video clip, so that the children can listen and repeat it
animation available on the CPT. This song introduces the easily. These exchanges have also been chosen taking into
target grammar as well as recycling the first core vocabulary consideration the language syllabi of the GESE Trinity and
set. In Learn with Us 4, actions to accompany the language Cambridge English: Young Learners external exams, in which
in the songs are optional and have not been prescribed. This social English plays a key role.
allows the class to invent their own actions if they so choose, A karaoke version of Happy Birthday can also be found on the
depending on the maturity and interest of the children. Class Audio (CD4 track 28) to be used at any time to herald a
Song worksheets are available in the Teacher’s Resource classmate’s birthday.
Material in the Teacher’s Resource Centre and provide
additional practice of the core vocabulary and target Evaluation
grammar presented in the Evaluation in Primary should be an integral part of the
Lesson 2 song. teaching and learning process, and, above all, formative.
Evaluation material is therefore provided as part of the Learn
Culture with Us 4 course. The evaluation programme is carefully
Authentic British designed to support continuous and systematic evaluation
culture has been of the children using a variety of tools.
brought to the The Learn with Us 4 tests can be found in the Teacher’s
forefront in Learn with Resource Material in the Teacher’s Resource Centre. They
Us and is regarded as cover all the target language from the level and are divided
an essential part of into six unit and three term tests. Importantly, the term tests
language learning. are cumulative, with the language from Units 1 and 2 tested
From the very in the Term 1 test, Units 1–4 in the Term 2 test, and Units
beginning of each 1–6 in the Term 3 test. In this way, long-term retention of
unit, the content is the language the children have encountered throughout
grounded in the real world, immersing and inviting the the duration of the course can be tested, aiming towards
children to participate in the life of a British child. This longer-term learning. Moreover, the activity types in the
approach to structuring language learning around day-to- term tests have all been carefully designed to echo the latest
day situations naturally inspires the children to compare Cambridge Young Learners English test (Starters level). This
the character’s world with their own. The details and can help the children start to familiarize themselves with the
test in a non-intimidating way, enhancing their confidence
with regard to sitting external exams.

Learning with Learn with Us 17

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There are two levels of each of the unit and term tests: Cross-curricular focus
‘Standard’ and ‘Challenge’, allowing you to select the level One core lesson in each
appropriate to the ability of the different children in the class. unit of Learn with Us covers
At both levels, all four skills are systematically tested across content from other subjects
both the unit and term tests. To provide more flexibility in across the curriculum,
administration, speaking skills are assessed continuously and providing the opportunity
after every two units in the term tests. Grids are provided to transfer useful, practical
in the Evaluation section in the Teacher’s Resource Material English language to a range of different areas of the
to help with the continuous assessment of speaking using curriculum, including Social and Natural Science and Maths.
various unit activities and appropriate criteria for evaluation. These lessons are linked to the theme of the unit and
Clear and practical notes are provided to help with complement the culture lesson that has come before. This
administering the speaking sections of the term tests. The tests allows vital links to be formed in the children’s language-
are available as printable PDFs or editable documents on the learning, as well as providing a meaningful context for the
Teacher’s Resource Centre, so you can choose to adapt the topic area via a ‘learning through meaning’ approach.
material to suit your class. Audio for the tests is available on the The content ranges from creating bar and tally charts, to
Class Audio CDs. Roman clothing and nocturnal animals, and the concept is
An additional opportunity for evaluation in Learn with always consolidated with clear illustrations and activities in the
Us 4 comes in the Lesson 9 unit projects and the Review Class Book, with further practice in the Activity Book. Lily’s tips
Unit projects, establishing a more holistic approach to the in the Activity Book also provide guidance on where to find
assessment of the children. The criteria for assessment of information and resources to complete the tasks. Within these
the projects is matched to learning standards for this level lessons, the children will encounter new vocabulary specific
and Competences for 21st century learning. Opportunities to each topic, but the focus is on understanding the concept
for evaluation in these project lessons are identified in the rather than retaining new language.
Class Book with a key symbol. Guidance notes and grids for Exciting visual and auditory presentation tools are used to
assessment of the projects can be found in the Teacher’s introduce and exploit the concept in every unit. An engaging
Resource Material and allow you to continuously assess the slideshow-style presentation introducing the subject matter is
children’s progress and provide them and their parents / available on the CPT for easy-to-use, effective presentation of
carers with feedback. the cross-curricular concept and new cross-curricular words,
Allowing your children to evaluate and reflect on the and this is reinforced in the Class Book with tasks developing
work that they have done is also an integral part of the reading, listening and speaking skills.
learning process, and links directly to the Learning to learn
competence. Studies have shown that children who are Collaborative learning
given opportunities to reflect on their work tend to be better
engaged, have a more positive attitude towards learning,
and therefore absorb much more. For this reason, Learn
with Us 4 provides opportunities for reflection and self-
evaluation, allowing the children to think about what they
are learning, check what they know and record how they are
progressing. Children are encouraged to evaluate their own
projects, and the unit tests each contain an ‘All about my test’
feature, allowing for self-reflection on how well the child has
performed at the end of the unit.

Language-learning is a pre-eminently collaborative activity,

and it is for this reason that Learn with Us offers a wide range of
activities and materials that inspire the children to experience
English together by working collaboratively and build their
communication skills. Children are encouraged to work
together in a variety of communicative speaking activities,
grammar practice activities and craft activities, helping to
develop the children’s social and civic competence.

18 Learning with Learn with Us

© Copyright Oxford University Press
In Lesson 6 of each unit, the children are prompted to
make a craft using the cut-outs at the back of the Activity
Book. They then use this craft to play a game in pairs which
practises the story language and target grammar.

Learn with Us encourages the development of thinking
and communication skills through engaging collaborative
activities which promote truly meaningful communication.
The Think icon in the Class Book and Activity Book denotes
activities which encourage children to formulate and express
their own opinion. The language they need to do this is
clearly modelled and they are encouraged to share their
opinions with others. They are encouraged to respect each
other’s opinions, and are reminded of the need to take turns
in a conversation and appreciate that there is more than
one perspective on most things. As this features regularly, all
children will gain in confidence as the year progresses and
increase their ability to communicate effectively.
Likewise, the projects that appear in each of the Class
Book Review Units are a particularly clear example of how
collaborative work not only facilitates appreciation of each
other’s ideas but also develops personal initiative. In these
social tasks, which are designed to allow participation at
all levels of ability, the children use the language they have
learnt to work collaboratively and communicate creatively
with their peers, their parents / carers and indeed with the
wider community or school.
While the unit projects in Learn with Us 4 are more individual,
there is plenty of opportunity for children to collaborate in
the setting up stages, including pairwork to check they have
everything they need and in sharing ideas and information.

Parental involvement

English at home
The support and involvement of parents and family
members is a key motivating factor for children across all
subjects. The children will enjoy sharing what they have
learnt with their parents or carers, and for this reason, Learn
with Us uses a variety of approaches to help establish a vital
home–school link for the children.
The ‘English at home’ icon appears in several places
throughout the Class Book and Activity Book, clearly
signposting opportunities for children to share their learning
with their parents or carers.
Establishing clear and transparent communication with
parents is also essential in developing a cooperative
relationship between home and school. It’s important to keep
parents informed about what their children are learning.

Learning with Learn with Us 19

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All about accessibility
Competences for 21st century learning The methodology of the course ensures that the competences are
The Competences for 21st century learning describe a range developed methodically, and that they are clearly highlighted and
of skills, knowledge, attitudes and behaviours that will serve explained throughout the teacher’s notes.
children for life and learning outside the classroom.Social
Theyand civic competences
The lesson notes in this Teacher’s Guide provide information in
go beyond the classroom, as they are essential for personal how the syllabus maps to the Competences for 21st century
development, social inclusion, active citizenship and learning, enabling you to track the children’s development through
successful employment. the course. A more detailed explanation of how learning a foreign
Cultural awareness and expression

There are seven Competences for 21st century learning, language can develop the Competences for 21st century learning
defined as follows: can also be found in the Learn with Us 4 Teacher’s Resource Material
Learning to learn in the Teacher’s Resource Centre, along with ideas and material for
further exploitation of Competences for 21st century learning.
Linguistic communication
Linguistic competence
Social and civic competence
Social and civic competences
The children will use and develop their linguistic
competence in all the activities in Learn with Us. Digital competence

This encompasses effective communication and This describes the range of social, interpersonal
Social and civic competences

expression across the four skills of reading,Mathematical and

writing,competence and basic competencesintercultural skills and behaviours that equip Cultural awareness and expression
listening and speaking. in science and technology individuals to participate effectively in society. The
Social and civic competences
children practise this competence when Culturalthey
awareness do
and expression
Learning to learn
activities that require participation, cooperation,
Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship
Cultural awareness and expression and respect for themselves and others, both in the
Social and civic competences
classroom and in society, such as theLearning to learn
collaborative Linguistic communication
speaking tasks.
Learning to learn
Learning to learn
Cultural awareness and expression
Linguistic communication
Digital competence
This encompasses the development of a positive
attitude towards learning, both inside andcommunication
Linguistic outside
Learning to learn
Digital competence
of the classroom, as well as the study skills to Digital competence Mathematical competence and basic
in science and technology
help learners do this. The children also use this
This involves the confident use of ICT and develops
competence when they are asked toDigital competence
reflect on and
Linguistic communication Mathematical competence and basic competences
the skills to use IT safely and responsibly. The
in science and children
evaluate their progress. Sense of initiative and entrepreneurs
use this competence whenever they employ digital
Mathematical competence and basic competences
in science and technology
Digital competence
tools, such as when they use the interactive IWB
Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship
games, when they carry out searches online or use
technology to communicate in English.
Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship
Mathematical competence and basic competences
in science and technology

Social and civic

Sense of initiative and Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship

entrepreneurship Social and civic competences Cultural aware

Like ‘Learning to learn’, this competence encourages a Cultural awareness and expression
positive attitude towards problem-solving and develops This encourages the creative expression of ideas,
values such as perseverance and self-esteem. The experiences andCultural awareness and expression
emotions in different ways; for Learning to lear

children use this competence in activities that involve example, through music, performance and craft. The
teamwork or individual initiative, for example, decision- children also develop this competence when they learn
Learning to learn Linguistic comm
making skills, cooperating and negotiation, planning, about the culture of English-speaking communities and
organizing, and when completing the projects. reflect on their own culture, as they are encouraged to
do throughout the whole
Linguistic course.
communication Digital competen

Digital competence Mathematical c

in science and te

Mathematical competence and basic Mathematical competence and basic competences

competences in science and technology

in science and technology Sense of initiativ

This is the ability to apply mathematical, scientific and

technological thinking in order to identify questions and solve Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship

problems. The children practise this competence when they

do tasks that require them to interpret numbers or engage
with scientific content, such as in the Cross-curricular lessons.

20 All about accessibility

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Special Educational Needs in the ELT classroom children also need positive feedback on behaviour, so make
sure that you notice when they are behaving appropriately.
What is SEN?
Many children with SEN and behavioural difficulties only get
Special Educational Needs (SEN) is the term we use to noticed negatively by the teacher.
refer to the requirements of a child who has a difficulty
Tip 4: Celebrate difference and diversity
or disability which makes learning harder for them than
for other children their age. Note that gifted and talented The classroom and the world would be a boring place
children are also considered to have special needs as they if everyone was the same. You can use the differences
require specialized, more challenging materials. between children to learn from and about each other.
Strengths, not just weaknesses Tip 5: Teach in a multi-sensory way
Children make progress at different rates and vary widely Children all learn in different ways. Some like to see
in how they learn most effectively. Although children with information, some like to hear it and some like to get up,
special needs may have difficulties in some areas, there do and touch things. Children with SEN particularly need
will also be areas of strength. Recognizing and utilizing practice in all the senses because they find it difficult to learn
these strengths is important to the children’s academic in traditional ways. Use a multi-sensory approach to present
development as well as their self-esteem. Your daily contact and practise information in your lessons.
with these children will help you understand what works
Tip 6: Plan ways to adapt your lesson plan
best for each individual and choose the most appropriate
techniques. You will sometimes need to adapt your lesson plans. This is
called ‘differentiation’. Differentiation means planning and
You can do it! teaching to take account of all children in the class, whatever
You might be worried about trying to include children their level. The children can make progress in their learning
with SEN in your class. It can feel like it requires specialist wherever they start from. All children should achieve the same
knowledge and extra work for you, the teacher. This does main aim, but they may do this in different ways.
not have to be the case. As a teacher you are used to dealing
Tip 7: Work on classroom management
with different personalities and abilities in your class – you are
probably always adapting to widely differing needs from the Clear, consistent classroom management is very important for
children each day. Children with SEN are simply part of this children with SEN. They often have problems understanding
variety and challenge. In addition, the teaching techniques and following rules and instructions, so it is important to think
which help to support children with SEN are good, practical about the best way to do this. It is a good idea, for example, to
techniques which will benefit all children. give careful thought to your seating plan.

Top tips for creating an inclusive classroom Tip 8: Work cooperatively with adults and children
You do not need to be an expert on SEN to teach children Teamwork is the best approach to teaching children with
with SEN. You do need to want to work with these children SEN. It is particularly important to work with parents /
and to be prepared to learn from them. carers, as they know their child best and will often have
helpful strategies to suggest. Other people who can help
Tip 1: Be a role model you include school psychologists, counsellors, speech
Children will take their lead from their teacher. It is important and language therapists, occupational therapists, SEN
to show that you respect and celebrate differences between organizations and charities. Try to find out what’s available in
people. For example, if you notice some children do not your local area and keep a list of useful contacts.
want to work with a child, make sure you talk to those
Tip 9: Work with children’s strengths
children privately about their behaviour and give praise and
rewards to the children who are working well in teams. Try to find out what your child’s strengths and interests
are and include these in your teaching. Children who have
Tip 2: See the person not the label problems reading can sometimes be good at drawing and
It is very important to get to know each child individually acting instead. Children who find it hard to sit still might be
and to not label them according to their SEN. If you have very good at organizing teams and roleplay. Children who
children who wear glasses in your classes, you do not are struggling academically might be very kind and helpful.
assume that they have all got the same personality. In the
same way, you should not assume every child with SEN Dyslexia: an example of SEN
is the same. Find out their interests and their strengths. Dyslexia affects approximately 10% of the population, so
Remember also that the range of SEN is wide so take time each classroom may have two or three children with this
to find out the level of a child’s difficulty. Do not assume, learning difficulty. Dyslexia is a neurological condition
for example, that a visually impaired person cannot see that causes the brain to process and interpret information
anything – they may have some sight. differently, which makes language learning challenging. It
Tip 3: Avoid judgements of behaviour is not a sign of low intelligence or laziness, or the result of
impaired hearing or vision.
Do not label a child as lazy or not trying. Children with SEN
are often trying hard and get criticized unfairly by teachers.
They might seem to be daydreaming in class but their
brains might be overloaded with information which they
cannot process and they need a short brain break. These

All about accessibility 21

© Copyright Oxford University Press
What problems do dyslexic children have? • Children with dyslexia do not need an entirely different
Dyslexia can manifest itself in a variety of ways, through set of materials from the rest of the class. Focus their
linguistic problems such as: attention on particular sections instead, or select from the
Activity Book, or from the mixed-ability worksheets in the
• slow reading speed
Teacher’s Resource Material.
• difficulties with word recognition and spelling
• Children with dyslexia may benefit from a more structured
• a smaller range of vocabulary in the mother tongue approach to learning, with controlled oral practice, plenty
Dyslexia is also apparent in non-linguistic problems, such as: of examples, and opportunities to plan their work. The
• a more limited memory span structured approach to lessons in Learn with Us and the
models and examples on the CPT videos and the Class
• difficulties with handwriting and motor skills
Audio CDs, for example, will support dyslexic children’s
• difficulties with time management and organization communication skills.
of work
• Allow children who need longer to process information to
• slowness in automating new skills do what they can in class, and encourage them to finish at
These difficulties will vary in their severity or seriousness in home if possible.
different individuals, and some people will experience some, • Children with learning difficulties tend to respond well to
but not all, of these problems. extensive practice and explicit explanation. You may find
Children with dyslexia can become competent and skilled that doing language drills in class, focusing on a small set of
second-language users, especially when a supportive core vocabulary or one grammatical feature at a time, will
school with a warm and positive classroom environment be helpful. Remember that similar-sounding words or words
fosters their confidence. Even small steps, such as ensuring with a similar meaning may cause confusion, so present
that a child is sitting comfortably at their desk with a well- them separately.
positioned writing surface, can have a positive impact. • Encourage children to create mind maps or visual
English: some areas of difficulty representations of vocabulary in their vocabulary
notebooks, so they can review language regularly.
• Children with dyslexia may struggle with the spelling of
words in English since the spelling rules and conventions
can appear unpredictable; specific sounds are spelt
Mixed-ability and multiple intelligences
in many different ways, and certain letters can be No two children in any class are the same. Children learn
pronounced differently. at different speeds and have different styles of learning.
In every class, there will be a variety of interests, likes and
• Children with dyslexia may find it more difficult to learn
dislikes. In addition, some children may have different
abstract words than concrete nouns, and may find it easier
cultural backgrounds from the rest of the group. Whatever
to learn nouns than verbs and adjectives. They may find it
the extent of the diversity within a class, it is important to
hard to distinguish between words with similar sounds or
help all the children feel part of the group during the English
that are close in meaning.
lesson. For this reason, Learn with Us offers strategies and
• Speaking and listening skills seem to be affected less than materials to help teachers adapt their lessons to meet the
the literacy-based skills of reading and writing. needs of individual children.
• Questions which require open-ended answers and
pronunciation activities may be difficult for children with Mixed-ability and Learn with Us
dyslexia or other special educational needs. Naturally, in classes where there is a wide range of abilities,
• Children with dyslexia may struggle with the organization there will be times when children’s needs will be different.
of their work and their classroom equipment, and this Some children will require extra support for even the basics
may impact on their learning. and others will require reinforcement of what they have
Simple tips for helping a dyslexic child learnt, while the most able will benefit from extension and
further practice. In a mixed-ability class, it is very important
• Children with dyslexia learn better if vocabulary is taught that everyone can take part in activities, whatever their
in context, or anchored to an image. The anchoring of ability, which can present a challenge for the teacher. This
language in the real-world context in Learn with Us will is why Learn with Us is carefully designed to offer graded
help with this. and structured activities to support all children’s language
• Children with dyslexia often engage well with electronic learning.
or interactive devices, so the CPT games will help them Learn with Us caters for mixed-ability children in a number of
with learning and reviewing vocabulary at their own pace. different ways:
• Multi-sensory and multi-channel formats, such as the • The CPT, with its wealth of visual support, allows children
animations, games and videos on the CPT and reading to benefit from the many non-linguistic aspects of the
with audio in the Class Book, are well suited to children video presentations. Practically, it also provides one clear
with dyslexia. focus in the classroom, allowing the class to work together
• Give children short instructions, perhaps one step but at a different pace.
at a time. Set realistic targets, so they gain a sense of • The receptive nature of many of the CPT games at this
accomplishment. level mean that they allow even children with the lowest
level of English to participate without feeling under
pressure, because everyone joins in.

22 All about accessibility

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• Systematic revision of all core language has been carefully • Also in the Teacher’s Resource Material are two levels of
built into the course, with continual revision opportunities each of the unit and term tests: ‘Standard’, which matches
provided within each unit, as well as opportunities for the the reading and writing development of the Class Book,
recycling of language from previous units. For example, and ‘Challenge’, which follows the approach in the Activity
the Culture and Cross-curricular lessons regularly reinforce Book and tests more reading and writing. This allows all
previously presented vocabulary and structures in a new children to participate in testing to the best of their ability.
context, and the songs and chants which punctuate each
unit offer the chance for fun and meaningful revision of Multiple intelligences and Learn with Us
the unit vocabulary. The theory of multiple intelligences, as first developed by
• In addition to the continual recycling within the main American psychologist Howard Gardner, views intelligence as
units, an end-of-term review is provided through the being multi-dimensional. Instead of thinking of intelligence
dedicated Review Units. These lessons draw together all as something connected to cognitive or academic skills that
the core vocabulary and target grammar from two units you have more or less of, Gardner believes that it is more
in a new setting, with a practical and tangible outcome in useful to think of humans as having a range of eight different
the form of the project. ‘intelligences’, and that we all have these intelligences in
• The recycling and revision of language from previous different strengths and combinations.
years is also given great importance throughout Learn These eight intelligences are:
with Us. For example, in Learn with Us 4, the review activity • Verbal-linguistic: Being good with words and language,
in Lesson 3 of every core unit revises vocabulary from reading and writing
previous levels and units, making important links in the
• Logical-mathematical: Being good with numbers,
children’s language-learning journey.
Maths, logical processes, patterns, relationships between
• The optional extension and revision vocabulary activity things and abstract concepts
in Lesson 1 of each main unit provides an opportunity for
• Visual-spatial: Being good with pictures, diagrams, maps
more able children to expand on what they have learnt.
and visual representations
In this lesson, additional vocabulary items related to the
unit have been included in the opening scene picture for • Musical-rhythmic: Being good with music, noticing
optional extra input, and are supported by a worksheet in sounds and recognizing tunes
the Teacher’s Resource Material. • Bodily-kinaesthetic: Being good with physical skills,
• The high frequency of collaborative tasks throughout the sports, activities and tangible objects, dance, mime and
Class Book and Activity Book encourages cooperation acting
amongst children: if you put a stronger child with a less • Interpersonal: Being good with other people; being
able child, he / she can support this child. The child who good at communication and social skills
needs more support also feels less under pressure in this • Intrapersonal: Being reflective and insightful about your
way. Similarly in group games and activities, every child own psychology and internal life; being intuitive and
can feel supported by the group and can participate as self-confident
much as he / she is able. • Naturalistic: Being good at recognizing and
• In Learn with Us, many activities in the units and others understanding aspects of the natural world around us, e.g.
in the Ideas bank of the Teacher’s Guide encourage animals, birds, plants
communication and cooperation, which in turn involve In the context of the ELT primary classroom, this clearly
everyone in the group. The teaching notes include many acknowledges that every child has different kinds of mental
activities to help you create a relaxed atmosphere so abilities, and responds in their own way to different stimuli. As
children of different abilities can integrate more easily. teachers, we know that children each have their own natural
• The Activity Book with Online Practice provides practice talents and multiple ways of learning. For example, some
of the language introduced in the Class Book. Moreover, children may respond well to artistic or musical activities,
it contains slightly higher-level reading and writing tasks such as painting or singing, while others may be more
than those presented in the Class Book. There is also a engaged when movement or logic are involved, such as
special Extra feature at the bottom of the Activity Book during dancing activities or number games.
pages, which suggests a further activity to allow for It follows, then, that in order to keep our children engaged
extension of the lesson content. and involved during language learning, we need to include a
• The Teacher’s Resource Material offers mixed-ability variety of tasks that activate different intelligences. Although
worksheets at extension and reinforcement level, which we cannot teach directly to each individual child in our
can be used when required with the children who classes all the time, we can provide opportunities for diversity.
need them. The reinforcement activities can be used to When we allow for this diverse range of language activities
consolidate learning, while the extension activities allow that match our children’s intelligence strengths, we multiply
more able children to expand on what they have learnt. the opportunities for a ‘hook’ through which English can
Children should be grouped together with others of a be acquired.
similar ability to work on worksheets that suit their level.

All about accessibility 23

© Copyright Oxford University Press
Likewise, it is clear that learning a foreign language at an Lesson 4 Put the class into small mixed-ability groups. Ask one
early age can positively help to develop and stimulate all of child from each group to come to the front of the class and
a child’s intelligences. In the ELT primary classroom, all eight show them one of the new cross-curricular words. They return
of Gardner’s intelligences can be quite clearly activated in to their group and draw a picture representing that word. Give
a number of ways through the language-learning process, them a time-limit. The rest of the group guess which word it is.
allowing our children to build on their natural talents, while Repeat with another child and the other words.
also encouraging the development of their other abilities. Lesson 5 Ask two or three confident children to come to
Simply put, all intelligences can be learnt, and that is why the front of the class and mime one of the story frames. The
we must help our children to develop all their intelligences rest of the class guess which frame they were miming.
through creating an attractive, encouraging and motivating
Lesson 6 Ask one or two confident children to mime one of
atmosphere in the ELT primary classroom.
the pictures from the story at the top of the Class Book page.
This is why Learn with Us contains activities, tools and Encourage the rest of the class to say a sentence from the All
different types of input carefully designed to serve all about grammar table that matches what they have mimed.
children by reaching out to their multiple ways of learning.
Lesson 7 Divide the class into two groups to ask and
Each lesson in Learn with Us 4 has been deliberately set out
answer the questions in Lily’s article. Play the audio for
to appeal to a wider range of intelligences, offering a variety
Group A to read the questions and Group B to read or say
of activities which cater at different times for children with
the answers, depending on the type of article. In a more
different learning styles or intelligences.
confident class, ask and answer without the audio and
For example, a typical lesson may start with a warm-up Group B can invent new answers.
matching game (verbal-linguistic and bodily-kinaesthetic),
To have fun with pronunciation, put the children into three
followed by an introductory video on the digital CPT (visual-
groups to read the pronunciation rhyme. Group A only
spatial), followed by singing a song (musical-rhythmic)
says words with a highlighted sound in red. Group B only
and finally a pairwork speaking activity (interpersonal and
says words with a highlighted sound in blue. Group C says
verbal-linguistic). Follow-up tasks are provided in the Activity
everything else. Swap the groups round and repeat.
Book with Online Practice and in worksheets in the Teacher’s
Resource Material, allowing children to reflect on their Lesson 8 After doing the ‘listen and match’ opinions
learning (intrapersonal) in a variety of ways. In this way, the activity in the Class Book, make the activity interactive by
inherent diversity of the classroom is purposefully catered for designating areas of the classroom as the ‘three opinions’.
in each lesson. Children walk to the area which reflects their opinion and
say their opinion out loud.
Learn with Us taps into children’s natural talents, thus
allowing you to provide motivating educational experiences Lesson 9 When the children prepare, practise and present
which help develop the confidence and language skills your their project to each other, put them into mixed-ability
children need to communicate both with their classmates groups so that they bring out each other’s strengths and
and with the English-speaking world. support each other, but do consider how well they work
together and get along outside the classroom. They need to
Mixed-ability extra ideas feel comfortable working together to make the most of their
English and have fun.
The following is a list of optional extra activities that can be
used in each lesson of every core unit to cater for mixed-
ability children.
Lesson 1 Place the Vocabulary Set 1 flashcards around
the room. Play the audio from the lesson again and ask the
children to point to the correct flashcard as they say the
Lesson 2 Divide the class into two groups. Group A sings
all of the song apart from the highlighted words, which only
group B sings. Give each group instructions to sing quietly
or loudly, or to gradually get louder or quieter as the song
progresses. Then swap roles.
Lesson 3 Put the children into mixed-ability groups to do
the reading tasks. After reading and matching the texts and
photos, put the class into two groups. Show them one of the
photos and elicit any information each group can remember
about the text, without looking at their Class Books. See
if together the two groups can remember all the main
information in each text.

24 All about accessibility

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Classroom language
Using English for classroom routines is an excellent way to Whose turn is it?
introduce and recycle important natural language. If English It’s your turn.
is used for organizing activities, giving instructions, playing Ready, steady, go!
games and for giving support and praise, children will
You’re out.
develop a passive understanding of the expressions, and be
able to produce many of them by the end of the year. Here Never mind. Better luck next time!
are some useful phrases. It’s a draw.
X is the winner.
Organizing in the classroom Shuffle the cards.
Choose a card.
Sit down.
Turn the card over.
Stand up.
No cheating.
Open your book at page …
Look at the pictures / words on page …
Doing arts & crafts activities
Close your book, please.
Come here, please. Draw a …
Give / Bring it to me. Colour the …
Hands up. Cut out the …
Point to the / a … Stick the …
Put it here / there. Fold the paper / card like this.
Wait. Take out your scissors / glue / crayons.
Just a minute. Let’s put the posters / work on the wall.
Say it with me. Write your names on your posters / work.
Repeat. Watch what I’m doing.
Listen to me.
Stop now. Ending an activity / lesson
Tell me. Finish your turn.
Hold up / Show me a … Stop and look at me, please.
All together. It’s time to stop now.
Let’s sing a song / read a story / play a game. Put your things away, please.
We’ve got five more minutes.
Giving support and praise Line up by the door.
Well done. Put your pencils down now, please.
Yes, that’s right. Goodbye everyone / children.
Not quite. Try again! See you tomorrow.
That’s very good.
That’s a lovely picture! Classroom phrases for children
Good try. Can I have the scissors / glue, please?
That’s nice / lovely. Here you are.
I like your drawing. I don’t know.
Give yourselves a clap. It’s my / your turn.
That’s fantastic. Sorry.
Thank you.
Carrying out activities Yes / No.
Guess. / Can you guess? Finished.
Get into pairs / groups / teams. Can I go to the toilet, please?
Work alone.
Is that right?
Stand in a circle / line.
Take turns.

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Tour of a unit

Lesson 1 Vocabulary
Teaching tip
Select an additional flashcard and / or wordcard
Become familiar with Lily’s everyday context for the unit. Listen to and repeat a dialogue using the new
game to supplement the presentation of the
Listen, identify and say Vocabulary Set 1 and a revised vocabulary and the revised structure.
vocabulary set and activities on the page, if you
structure. Do a speaking activity with the new vocabulary and the
feel the class needs more practice. See the Ideas
Listen and say the new vocabulary and a second revised revised structure.
bank on pages 150–155.
structure. Read and write the new vocabulary and the revised

Core vocabulary is CPT Class Book

contextualized in the main
character’s world.

Flashcards are found as printed cards in the

Classroom Resource Pack, as an optional way of
presenting and practising the new vocabulary.
The main character, Lily,
introduces the unit theme in Have you got a cough?

a short, live-action film. Lily’s question

encourages the children
The children explore the to talk about themselves
main image to find the and personalize the topic
Set 1 vocabulary items. of the unit.

Audio can be launched from the The star learner question supports your
CPT or the Class Audio CDs. mixed-ability class by highlighting optional
extra revision and extension vocabulary. Extra
practice activities can be found in the Teacher’s
Resource Material in the Teacher’s Resource
Activity 2 provides an opportunity Activities 4 and 5 provide supported Centre.
to hear and say the vocabulary Activity 3 provides an opportunity speaking practice of the vocabulary On the CPT a game practises the
set and a revised structure. The to hear and say the vocabulary set and the revised structure. vocabulary set.
review language is highlighted in in the context of a revised
the review tab. structure.
Mixed-ability See extra ideas on pages 22–24.
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Activity Book Other useful resources
In the Classroom Resource Pack:
Set 1 flashcards
Activity 1 provides
In the Teacher’s Resource Material:
reading and writing
Set 1 mini picture cards and wordcards
practice of the
Extra vocabulary worksheet
vocabulary set at
word level.

Answer keys are included

on the CPT.

Activity 2 provides Completing the Picture Dictionary builds

writing practice of the Learning to learn competence by
the vocabulary set encouraging children’s referencing and
at sentence level. spelling skills and learner autonomy.

How to teach Lesson 1

Optional CPT ➜ Class Book ➜ CPT ➜ Activity Book Optional

Starting the lesson 1 Play the unit introduction 3 Play the audio for children to listen, point 8 Play the vocabulary 9 Ask the children Ending the lesson
Follow the suggestions film. to and repeat the vocabulary and revised practice game. to complete Follow the suggestions
in the lesson notes for structure. Activities 1 and in the lesson notes for
each unit. Classroom Resource Pack 4 Play the Class Audio for children to listen and No CPT today? 2 to practise each unit.
say the missing words in context. Play a game from reading and
2 Use the flashcards from the 5 Listen to and say the model dialogue; then the Ideas bank on writing the core
Classroom Resource Pack to set up the speaking game and monitor while pages 150–155. vocabulary
present the vocabulary. children play. and revised
6 Ask the children Lily’s question to personalize structure.
the topic of the unit. 10 Ask the children
7 Optional: Ask the children the star learner to complete
question and encourage them to look at the the first section
two pages to locate the extra vocabulary of the Picture
words. Dictionary.
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Lesson 2 Song, Grammar & Communication

Objectives Teaching tip

Participate in and understand a song with a new grammar structure and the Set 1 vocabulary. Work through the All about grammar
Review the Set 1 vocabulary by matching words and pictures. box and elicit or give children lots of
Listen to and say the new grammar and play a speaking game using a simple grammar table and model dialogue. additional examples to illustrate the
Understand the new grammar structure and the Lesson 1 vocabulary in a listening activity to identify specific information. grammar point. Use the language in
Listen to and identify, read and write the new grammar structure and the Set 1 vocabulary. the song for additional examples.

CPT Class Book

The grammar table highlights the new

target grammar. The LOOK! feature reminds
the class of additional points, such as
contractions and use of pronouns.
The animated song reviews
the vocabulary from Lesson 1
and presents the grammar
for this lesson.

Singing the song and On the CPT a game practises the

pointing to the pictures Lesson 2 target grammar with the
helps children internalize the Lesson 1 vocabulary.
vocabulary and grammar.

Activity 3 is a matching activity that allows Activities 4 and 5 provide fun speaking
children to interact with the text of the practice of the target grammar and core
song and the pictures on the page and vocabulary. Mixed-ability See extra ideas on pages 22–24.
accommodates different learner styles.

© Copyright Oxford University Press
Activity Book
Other useful resources
In the Teacher’s Resource Material:
A variety of listening, Lesson 2 Reinforcement and Extension
reading and writing activities worksheets
provide practice of the Song worksheet
new grammar with the Speaking assessment grid
vocabulary from Lesson 1.

Grammar pages at
the back of the Activity
Book provide extra
consolidation activities.

How to teach Lesson 2

Optional CPT ➜ Class Book ➜ CPT ➜ Activity Book Optional

Starting the 1 Play the song animation. 2 Play the song again and encourage the 5 Play the vocabulary 6 Ask the children to Ending the
lesson children to point to the items on the page. and grammar complete the Activity lesson
No CPT today? 3 Ask the children to match the highlighted practice game. Book activities to
Follow the Follow the
Play the song, holding up words to the pictures on the Class Book practise listening,
suggestions in suggestions in
the flashcards from the page. No CPT today? reading and writing of
the lesson notes the lesson notes
Classroom Resource Pack 4 Focus on the All about grammar box. Play Play a flashcard the core grammar.
for each unit. for each unit.
and encourage children the Class Audio to practise the model game from the 7 Ask the children to
to join in using the Class language. Ask children to ask and answer Ideas bank on pages complete the first
Audio. in pairs using the model as a guide. 150–155 to practise section of the All about
the target grammar. grammar page.

© Copyright Oxford University Press
Lesson 3 Culture & Communication

Objectives Teaching tip

Understand the main ideas in a video and reading text about an aspect of British culture, Encourage the children to look for key words in the reading texts
practising integrated skills in a real-life context. that help identify the relationship with the photos. When feeding
Listen and understand the All about speaking conversation using useful, everyday language. back answers, elicit the words that helped children match the
Exchange personal opinions and act out the All about speaking conversation. photos to the texts. Remind the class that they don’t have to
Reflect on the differences and similarities on the topic in their country. understand every single word.

CPT Class Book

The culture film is introduced by

Lily and recycles and extends In Activities 4 and 5, children watch and
language from Lessons 1 and 2 listen to Lily and her friends having a
in a real-world context. conversation and then practice the useful
everyday language exchange with their
Each film presents a friends and personalize it, providing
motivating glimpse into an an opportunity for real and meaningful
element of British culture, communication.
chosen to be of interest to
your students.
The target everyday language
Activity 2 activates the children’s is highlighted on the page for
language and raises interest before children to refer to if needed.
they read and match in Activity 3.
These activities cater to mixed
ability by allowing interaction with
the page at the child’s own level The culture question encourages children
whilst recycling language from to make comparisons between their own
previous lessons. culture and the UK. Mixed-ability See extra ideas on pages 22–24.

© Copyright Oxford University Press
Activity Book
Activities 1 and 2 provide
integrated skills practice Other useful resources
as children listen to, read In the Teacher’s Resource Material:
and write language revised Culture worksheet
from previous units and Speaking assessment grid
levels in the context of the
culture lesson.

Activity 3 consolidates This Extra feature

the All about speaking suggests a further
exchange. activity for fast

How to teach Lesson 3

Optional CPT ➜ Class Book ➜ CPT ➜ Class Book ➜ Activity Book

Starting the lesson 1 Set the gist task and watch the film. 3 Ask the children 5 Play the All about 6 Ask the 8 Ask the children to do Activities
Follow the suggestions 2 Watch the film again and ask children to say what speaking video children to 1 and 2 for further listening,
in the lesson notes for to answer the comprehension they can see in conversation for act out the reading and writing practice of
each unit. questions at the end of the film. the photos and children to listen conversation. previously learnt language.
then listen to and repeat. 7 Discuss the 9 Ask the children to do the
No CPT today? the sentences cross-cultural reading and writing activity
Use the photos on the Class Book and match No CPT today? question with to consolidate the All about
page to present the culture topic. Ask them to the Play the Class the class. speaking language.
the children what they can see using photos. Audio track for
language they know from earlier 4 Ask the children children to listen
lessons. Ask them questions about to read the and repeat the
the photos, where the people are, texts silently dialogue. Optional
what they have got, etc. Encourage and match the
them to compare the photos of the photos and Ending the lesson
UK with life in their own country. texts. Follow the suggestions in the lesson
31 notes for each unit.
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Lesson 4 Cross-curricular

Objectives Teaching tip

Learn about another area of the curriculum. Get children really enthusiastic about
Review known vocabulary related to the topic. the topic by bringing in pictures linked
Listen, identify and say the new cross-curricular vocabulary. to the topic and talking about what they
Read, listen to and understand a text. already know before you watch and read.
Read and write the new cross-curricular vocabulary.
Research and write about an aspect linked to the topic.

CPT Class Book

Activities 2 and 3 in the Class

Book consolidate the CPT
presentation and develop
listening and reading skills.

The cross-curricular
slideshow on the CPT
presents the concept of the
cross-curricular lesson and
presents six new words.

The star learner question here

offers an optional extension activity
using the cross-curricular language
in a meaningful context.

A follow-up activity checks A practical activity allows children

comprehension of the main to personalize the topic and do
concepts of the cross-curricular further research.
Mixed-ability See extra ideas on pages 22–24.
theme and the new vocabulary set.

© Copyright Oxford University Press
Activity Book
Teaching tip
Cross-curricular lessons suit mixed-ability classes as the
Activities 1 and 2 check concepts are accessible to all children whatever their ability in
comprehension of the English. They also provide a rich and varied context for learning
concepts and provide English which is motivating to children. Encourage them to
reading and writing explore areas they are interested in and consider using the
practice of the cross- cross-curricular themes as a basis for project work.
curricular language.

Activity 3 allows the children to

personalize the cross-curricular
content and carry out further
Lily highlights ways to research.
find information that This Extra feature
will further develop suggests a further
children’s writing skills and activity for fast
knowledge of the topic. finishers.

How to teach Lesson 4

Optional CPT ➜ Class Book ➜ Activity Book Optional

Starting the lesson 1 Play the cross-curricular 2 Ask the children to look at the 7 Ask the children to complete Ending the lesson
Follow the suggestions slideshow. pictures and answer the question. the Activity Book activities. Follow the suggestions
in the lesson notes for 3 Play the audio and ask the 8 Ask any fast finishers to in the lesson notes for
No CPT today?
each unit. children to read the text. Check complete the Extra activity. each unit.
Use the photos or pictures on
their understanding of the target
the Class Book page to present
the cross-curricular topic and
4 Do the comprehension questions.
introduce the vocabulary set.
5 Do the personalization task.
Use the slideshow transcript
6 Optional: Ask the children the
in the teaching notes to talk
star learner question.
through the visuals.

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Lesson 5 Story & Vocabulary

Objectives Teaching tip

Listen to and understand a story presenting Read and do a story comprehension task. Put the class into groups to act out the
Vocabulary Set 2 and a new grammar structure. Discuss a value related to the story. story. This provides a means to internalize
Listen, identify and say the new vocabulary. Listen to and give an opinion about the story. the language in a fun, memorable and
Review the vocabulary and grammar from Read and write the new vocabulary. inclusive way.
Lessons 1 and 2.

CPT Class Book In Activity 3, the children listen

to the story audio and follow the
pictures in their Class Book. The
story consolidates the language
from previous lessons and presents
Vocabulary Set 2 and grammar 2.
On the CPT the story is brought to life in an
animation with a real-action video introduction. In Activity 4, the children answer
a post-story activity to check
comprehension and review
vocabulary from previous lessons.

In Activity 5, the children evaluate the

story for themselves in this speaking
activity designed to practise the
Learning to learn competence. They
learn functional expressions, while
Flashcards in the Classroom Resource Pack can be developing thinking, speaking and
used to present and practise the new vocabulary set. listening skills.
The animated story presents the new vocabulary in a
clear context, allowing presentation with the flashcards The value of the story relates to the
after watching. children’s own social growth and is
inspired by the theme of the story.

Activity 2 provides an opportunity to hear and

say the new vocabulary set and presents the The option to act out the story can provide On the CPT a
written form. a means to internalize the language in a fun, game practises the
Mixed-ability See extra ideas on pages 22–24.
memorable and inclusive way. vocabulary set.

© Copyright Oxford University Press
Activity Book
Other useful resources
This activity provides In the Classroom Resource Pack:
a general summary Set 2 flashcards
of the story, checking In the Teacher’s Resource Material:
comprehension and Set 2 mini picture cards and wordcards
providing practise of the
written form of the new
and revised language.
Children further internalize
the value by identifying how it
Children express relates to their lives. An optional spelling chant
their opinion on the reinforces the alphabet over
story, building on their the course of the year, and
Learning to learn a vocabulary and spelling
competence. Children complete the activity reinforces study
Picture Dictionary for skills and builds the Learning
Vocabulary Set 2. to learn competence.

How to teach Lesson 5

Optional CPT ➜ Class Book ➜ CPT ➜ Activity Book

Starting the lesson 1 Play the story animation and 3 Play the audio for children to listen, point to and 9 Play the 10 Ask the children to complete the
Follow the suggestions ask the children questions repeat the vocabulary. vocabulary Activity Book activities to practise
in the lesson notes for about the story in their 4 Play the story audio for the children to listen. Ask practice game. listening, reading and writing of
each unit. own language. them to look at the pictures in the Class Book. the new and revised vocabulary
5 Focus on the value. Discuss with the class why the No CPT today? and to consolidate the story value.
Classroom Resource Pack value is important. Play a flashcard 11 Ask the children to complete the
6 Ask the children to complete the post-story activity. game from the second section of the Picture
2 Play the Class Audio and Ideas bank on
7 Ask the children to rate the story from 1–3 stars and Dictionary.
use the Class Book. Use the pages 150–155
to think about why they give it that rating.
flashcards from the Classroom to practise
8 Ask the children to listen and repeat the phrases.
Resource Pack to present the target
the vocabulary.
Ask them to tell their friends how many stars they
gave the story and to explain why, using the models
for support. Ending the lesson
Follow the suggestions in the lesson notes
35 for each unit.
© Copyright Oxford University Press
Lesson 6 Story, Grammar & Communication

Objectives Teaching tip

Review the story and vocabulary from the unit. Make a cut-out and play a game to practise the new It is very motivating for children to
Listen to and understand the new grammar in the grammar and vocabulary. practise the grammar through a game
context of the story and a new context. Read and write the new grammar. with material that they have made
Say the new grammar using a simple grammar table. themselves. Create folders where the
children can keep their cut-outs. Re-play
the games in class whenever you want to
review the language.

CPT Class Book

This activity provides a clear model of

Matching pictures to audio
the new grammar in the grammar table
helps children internalize
and enables children to internalize its
the new vocabulary and
structure and meaning.
grammar and checks
comprehension before
children move on to using A speaking activity provides
the grammar. controlled and meaningful
personalized speaking practice of
the target grammar.

Cut-outs in the Activity Book provide

a kinaesthetic activity with controlled
practice of the new grammar and a On the CPT, a game practises the
collaborative game. The activity further Lesson 6 target grammar with the
encourages the children to develop their Lesson 5 vocabulary.
communication skills and social and civic
competence by working together, and also
makes their learning more memorable.

Mixed-ability See extra ideas on pages 22–24.

© Copyright Oxford University Press
Activity Book
Other useful resources
A variety of listening, In the Classroom Resource Pack:
reading and writing Set 2 flashcards
activities provide practice In the Teacher’s Resource Material:
of the new grammar Lesson 6 Reinforcement and Extension worksheets
with the vocabulary from Speaking assessment grid
Lesson 5.

A personalization activity
makes the grammar
more memorable. Grammar pages at
the back of the Activity
Book provide extra
consolidation activities.

How to teach Lesson 6

Optional CPT ➜ Class Book ➜ CPT ➜ Class Book ➜ Activity Book

Starting the 1 Watch the story animation 2 Review the story using the Class 5 Play the vocabulary 6 Ask children to complete 7 Ask the children
lesson again to review the story. Book and Class Audio. and grammar the cut-out, and play the to complete the
Follow the 3 Play the audio for the children to practice game. Class Audio to practise Activity Book
No CPT today? number the pictures. the language needed activities.
suggestions in
Review the story using the 4 Focus on the All about grammar No CPT today? for the collaborative
the lesson notes
Class Book and Class Audio. box. Read through the sentences Play a flashcard communication activity.
for each unit.
Use the flashcards from the and check understanding of the game from the They then play the game
Classroom Resource Pack to structure. Ask the children to make Ideas bank on pages with a friend using the Optional
present the vocabulary. them true according to the story. 150–155 to practise model language as a Follow the suggestions
Play the audio to check answers the new target guide. in the lesson notes for
and repeat the sentences. Then grammar. each unit.
ask the children to ask and answer
or make true sentences about
© Copyright Oxford University Press
Lesson 7 Integrated skills & Communication
Teaching tip
Lily’s articles she has written for the school magazine
Review the unit language and develop reading, Develop pronunciation awareness by identifying provide a fresh context in which to read and hear the
writing, listening and speaking skills through and practising two similar sounds by listening to language the children have already learnt. They also
the following: and reading a short pronunciation rhyme. provide an achievable model for the children’s own
Read and understand an article. Review and personalize the language from the writing. Encourage the children to compile pieces
Act out the interview or ask and answer. unit in a reading and a writing activity. that they write to create their own school magazine.

The article consolidates both the

vocabulary and the grammar from CPT Class Book
the unit. In Activity 1, there are
always three follow-up questions
asking for specific information
as well as the children’s opinion,
further developing children’s
reading skills.
On the CPT, the children practise
listening to and identifying two target
In Activity 2, children act out sounds in a controlled way via an
the interview or ask and answer interactive pronunciation game.
questions to further consolidate
the language.

Activity 3 provides opportunities

for active production of the
target sounds using previously
taught vocabulary. A fun The ‘English at home’
rhyme allows the children to icon suggests ways for
practise the target sounds children to share their
in a meaningful context. The learning at home.
written form of the sound
and the phonemes are clearly

Mixed-ability See extra ideas on pages 22–24.

© Copyright Oxford University Press
Activity 1 reviews the key Activity Book
language of the unit and
checks comprehension
of the article. Other useful resources
In the Teacher’s Resource Material:
Speaking assessment grid
Activities 2 and 3 encourage
the children to use their
creativity and imagination
to review the language they
have learnt and to have fun
with it. Reading and writing
skills are incorporated with
a fun, personalized writing
A listening activity focusing
on the target sounds allows
This Extra feature children to further identify
suggests a further them.
activity for fast

How to teach Lesson 7

Optional Class Book ➜ CPT ➜ Activity Book Optional

Starting the 1 Read the three questions and 5 Practise the target sound with 6 Ask the children to complete the Ending the lesson
lesson then read and listen to Lily’s the pronunciation game. Activity Book activities. Follow the suggestions
Follow the article. in the lesson notes for
2 Act out the interview or ask and No CPT today?
suggestions in each unit.
answer questions. Ask the children to say the rhyme
the lesson notes
3 Focus on the pronunciation box. quietly, loudly, slowly, quickly.
for each unit.
Play the rhyme for the children Use the Class Book and the Class
to listen to. Then play it again for Audio.
them to repeat. Play a pronunciation game
from the Ideas bank on pages

© Copyright Oxford University Press
Lesson 8 Language review & Communication
Teaching tip
Objectives Speaking is a challenging skill because it is difficult to produce
Review the unit language and develop reading, writing, listening and language on the spot and children can worry about making mistakes.
speaking skills through the following: Word prompts with the target vocabulary and grammar help give
Listen to, understand and talk about a project presentation. children support and guidance when talking. Before talking about
Listen to and identify opinion language and use it to evaluate a project. the project in pairs or groups, make sure all the children are familiar
Prepare and plan a unit project. enough with the project to be able to use the words; watch the video
as well as playing the Class Audio if needed. Encourage children to
look back at these word prompts when they come to prepare their
project presentation. It will help them to think about key information
and guide them in structuring their presentation.
CPT Class Book

In Activity 1, Lily or her In Activity 2, the children are given

friend Ash presents his / her vocabulary and grammar prompts to help
project, providing a realistic them talk about the project Lily or Ash
and relatable model for the have shown them, allowing them to use
children’s own project and the unit language in context. Children can
encouraging children to review communicate at their own level of ability
the language they have learnt in whilst reviewing the unit language.
the unit. Watch the live-action
film on the CPT or listen to the
Class Audio. Activity 3 gives children clear models
of the functional language they have
learnt to enable them to express their
opinion and listen to others’ opinions
in Activity 4.

On the CPT, children further consolidate their

learning after the Class Book activities by practising
all the core vocabulary and target grammar of the Mixed-ability See extra ideas on pages 22–24.
unit in a fun and interactive review game.

© Copyright Oxford University Press
Activity Book
These activities prepare
children to create a unit Teaching tip
project and focus on
The Lesson 8 and 9 project is an opportunity for children of all
reading and writing skills.
abilities to showcase what they know. Encourage more confident
By looking at how Lily and
children to do independent research for their project using the
Ash have prepared and
internet or other reference material. All children will benefit from
planned for their project,
the structured thinking and planning tasks and the opportunities to
children have a clear model
share ideas and information.
and structure to follow,
from thinking about ideas You could also consider recording the projects to show parents,
to gathering information other classes, and the children themselves, to give the children an
and planning and structuring even greater sense of achievement.
their writing. Remember that the unit projects offer a way to evaluate the
Competences for 21st century learning, too.
This reading and writing
practice supports the
spoken output of the
project in Lesson 9.

How to teach Lesson 8

Optional CPT ➜ Class Book ➜ CPT ➜ Activity Book Optional

Starting the lesson 1 Play the project 2 Play the Class Audio of the 5 Play the grammar and 6 Ask the children Ending the lesson
Follow the suggestions video. project and answer the vocabulary review game. to complete the Follow the suggestions
in the lesson notes for question. Activity Book in the lesson notes for
No CPT today? No CPT today?
each unit. 3 Read the language prompts. activities to each unit.
Play the Class Play a flashcard game
Audio CD. Ask the children to use them from the Ideas bank prepare for their
to talk about the project. on pages 150–155 to unit project.
4 Ask the children to listen practise the vocabulary
and match the expressions and grammar.
to the children and then use
them to give their opinion
of the project.

© Copyright Oxford University Press
Lesson 9 Think, do & review

Objectives Teaching tip

Review the vocabulary and grammar from the unit by producing a personalized unit project. In this lesson, take the opportunity to go back
Practise listening, writing and speaking skills in creating the project and presenting it to the class. through the unit with the class, identifying
some of the different kinds of activities they
have done and what they have learnt. Ask
them to say which activities they liked best
and to evaluate their performance in them.
Thinking about what they liked and how they
did will help them to develop the Learning to
The materials learn competence.
CPT Class Book children will need are
clearly listed in a
visual form here.
The first stage of the lesson
prepares the children for
completing their own personalized
projects by focusing on what
materials they need. The questions
are modelled on the audio. The children are encouraged to practise
presenting their project either individually
or in small groups and to memorize it
The children read and follow the before presenting it to the whole class.
written and visual instructions,
which are split up into four clear
stages. The project in each unit The final stage of the project is the spoken
encourages the children to work both presentation to the class / group, giving
collaboratively and autonomously as each child a real sense of achievement.
they work towards the various unit
project presentations. They refer to
the planning stage in their Activity
Books from Lesson 8.

This Learning check activity

provides an opportunity to
evaluate children against the
learning standards for this level
and the Competences for Mixed-ability See extra ideas on pages 22–24.
21st century learning.

© Copyright Oxford University Press
Other useful resources
In the Teacher’s Resource Material:
Unit test (Standard or Challenge)
Competences for 21st century
learning project assessment grids

How to teach Lesson 9

Optional Class Book Optional

Starting the lesson 1 Play the audio for the children to listen and answer, and then ask and Ending the lesson
Follow the suggestions answer about the materials. Follow the suggestions
in the lesson notes for 2 Read the instructions for the project and work through the stages, in the lesson notes for
each unit. encouraging the children to refer to the planning stage in Lesson 8. each unit.
3 Present the projects formally and ask the children to rate their project.

© Copyright Oxford University Press
Classroom language poster
The children will already be familiar with a lot of classroom language by this stage, but it is
Learn with Us 4 posters still important to encourage its use at every opportunity.
The Classroom language poster provides a clear display of key classroom vocabulary and
phrases for the children, encouraging their efforts in speaking and their reading skills.
There are two posters provided with Learn with Us 4, intended to be hung up in the Children can refer to the poster to remind them of the language they need and the
class and referred to whenever you wish to review the language, or as general support teacher can use it to prompt and encourage the class to speak in English.
for the class. Audio tracks to accompany both posters can be found on the Class Audio
CDs. Additional ideas for using the posters in the class can be found in the Ideas bank on
pages 150–155.

Birthdays poster

An audio track accompanies the poster, providing a model for how to say the phrases.
Place the poster at the front of the classroom where everyone can see and refer to it
during class. At the start of the year, go through the language as a class and check that the
children understand the phrases and when to use them.
The Learn with Us Birthdays poster is designed to be hung up in the classroom to remind Play the audio so they can listen to and repeat the phrases.
the class of, and review, dates and birthdays.
Play Simon says to reinforce the phrases (see Ideas bank pages 150–155).
It lists the months of the year and ordinal numbers 1st–30th. There is space to stick children’s
names and birthdays so you can refer to the poster every month, or throughout the year As a class, choose some of the phrases to illustrate and create your own flashcards.
as necessary, and mark each child’s birthday. At appropriate moments during class, remind the children to use the relevant classroom
Three audio tracks accompany the poster and can be found on the Class Audio CDs. They language, using the poster or the flashcards if you have made any to support this. Praise
can be used to introduce or review the months of the year and ordinal numbers. Refer the children when they use classroom language, even if they don’t get everything correct.
children to the poster in the Starter Unit when ordinal numbers are introduced or use it as And use the language yourself whenever possible!
part of the Starting the lesson routines if you like. Say and write the date on the board at If you like, choose particular phrases to focus on at the beginning of the year and build up
the beginning of each lesson and acknowledge if anyone has a birthday. Sing the Happy towards a bank of all the phrases by the end of the year. During those lessons, encourage
Birthday song (CD4 track 23). children to use the particular phrases you have chosen to focus on.
The poster and song can also be used whenever you want to review months, dates and The Lesson 9 projects are a very good context for children to use the classroom language.
ordinal numbers in English or celebrate a birthday. It can be used alongside games from As you monitor group work during the project preparation, praise children who are using
44 the Ideas bank and as an aid for mixed-ability classes and children who may need support. English. If you like, set up a reward system for the group who tries the hardest to use English.
© Copyright Oxford University Press
Review lessons

Other useful resources
Review and practise vocabulary and grammar from
In the Teacher’s Resource Material:
the term.
Term test 1, 2 or 3 (Standard or Challenge)
Develop listening, speaking, reading and writing skills.
Produce a group project that relies on prior knowledge Competences for 21st century learning
of the previous two units’ language. collaborative project assessment grids

CPT Class Book Activity Book

The reading-for-
pleasure story
reviews the core
vocabulary and
target grammar
from the previous
two units in a new

The children are

encouraged to act
out the story to
provide further
speaking practice
of the language
from the previous
two units.
The communicative group project This Learning check activity The children practise reading, writing and listening
requires the children to recycle their provides an opportunity to skills to review the core grammar and vocabulary
Two games on the CPT understanding of the language from the evaluate against the learning from preceding units in their Activity Books.
cosolidate learning from previous units in a practical way, as well standards for this level and
the previous two units. as engaging various competences. Competences for 21st century

© Copyright Oxford University Press
Festival lessons
Other useful resources
In the Teacher’s Resource Material:
Festival Revision and Extension worksheets
Listen, identify and say the festival vocabulary. Do a speaking activity with the new vocabulary.
Song worksheets
Develop an awareness of British culture and traditions. Read and write the new vocabulary.
Sing a song. Make a festival cut-out On the Class Audio CDs:
Listen to and repeat a dialogue using the new Recording of Happy Birthday to be played in any lesson

Class Book
The festival is always brought to Bonfire Night Christmas Pancake Day
life through Lily’s eyes as we join
her and her friends and family Class Book Class Book Class Book The children practise the new
while they celebrate the festival. festival vocabulary in a fun and
memorable song. Singing the
The Class Book presents the song helps children internalize
written and spoken festival words the language.
in a text for children to listen to,
repeat and match. A speaking activity activates
and consolidates the festival

Activity Book
The Activity Book activities provide Activity Book Activity Book Activity Book
reading and writing practice of the
festival vocabulary.

There is also a follow-up cut-out

activity to help consolidate the
festival language and theme.
The children use the cut-outs to
participate in a communication
activity practising the festival
vocabulary or to create a special
festival-related item they can Mini picture cards are
share at home. available in the Teacher’s
Resource Material in
the Teacher’s Resource
© Copyright Oxford University Press
Rapid route

Outlined here is advice for teachers with reduced timetables as well as reduce the length of a unit by omitting one lesson
and teachers who may sometimes need to shorten lessons. entirely, whilst still ensuring plenty of practice of the unit
You will find suggested reduced lesson structures in the ‘Tour language and a suitable balance of activities.
of a unit’ below, as well as lots of useful time-saving tips.
Use the guidance provided here and your Teacher’s Guide to
These have been carefully considered to ensure your class
plan your reduced lessons. And remember that if you ever
gets the most out of Learn with Us, even with limited time.
feel your class requires a bit more practice, you can easily
The reduced lesson structure applies to the main units in add some of the omitted lesson stages back into your unit
the Class Book only; it is recommended that you teach the structure or take advantage of the CPT games and resources
Starter Unit in full, and that the Activity Book is assigned for to reinforce the content when needed.
the children to complete at home. The suggestions listed
here will show you how to reduce the content of each lesson
The plan below outlines the stages for each of the existing lessons, but with a
Tour of a unit few suggested omissions and time-saving recommendations ( ✔ ). Note that the
original Lesson 4 (cross-curricular) can be omitted completely.

Lesson 1: Vocabulary Starting the lesson routine ✔ In all lessons you can cut down the amount of time spent on this
CPT, Classroom Resource Pack routine by doing the Starting the lesson routines, but omitting
1 Unit introduction film the warmer that is also suggested in the teaching notes.
2 Flashcards
Class Book To save time, do Activity 2 only.
3 Listening activity
4 Dialogue listening As with the Starting the lesson routine, cut down the amount of
and pairwork game time spent on this routine in all lessons by doing the Goodbye
5 Lily’s question routine only.
6 Optional: Star learner question
7 Vocabulary game
Ending the lesson routine ✔

Lesson 2: Song, Grammar Starting the lesson routine ✔

& Communication
CPT To save time, you can omit the song animation and just sing the
1 Song animation ✔ song using the Class Audio CD and Class Book pages (or vice versa).
Class Book
2 Song activity To save time, do this activity as you sing the song. Encourage
3 Match the words and pictures ✔ the children to point to each word and then the picture on the
4 All about grammar activities page as they sing the song.
5 Vocabulary and grammar game
Ending the lesson routine ✔

Lesson 3: Culture Starting the lesson routine ✔

& Communication To save time, you can omit the video and listen using the Class
CPT Audio CD and Class Book pages (or vice versa).
1 Culture film
Class Book Lesson 4: Cross-curricular
2 Speaking activity To save time, you can omit this lesson from each
3 Reading and matching activity unit entirely. If you wish, you could try to integrate
4 All about speaking conversation video ✔ some of the content into your other classes in the
5 Acting out the conversation relevant curriculum area; for example, you could
6 Let’s compare culture question use content from the Unit 1 lesson about making
Ending the lesson routine ✔ charts in one of your Maths lessons.

Lesson 5: Story & Starting the lesson routine ✔

Vocabulary CPT, Classroom Resource Pack To save time, choose before class whether you would like
1 Story animation ✔ your class to watch the story animation on the CPT or listen
[CB1 pp10-11] 2 Flashcards to the story using the Class Audio CD. Have the CPT loaded
Class Book or the correct track selected before the lesson to maximize
3 Listen, point and repeat activity teaching time in class.
4 Story activity
5 ‘All about values’ activity You could save this optional activity for a rainy day or for
6 Story follow-up activity another lesson when you have more time. You can even
7 Story evaluation activity bring in some props and take the class to another area
8 Act out the story activity ✔ in the school which has more space to act out the story,
allowing the children a greater sense of involvement.
Ending the lesson routine ✔ 47
© Copyright Oxford University Press
Time-saving tips

Routines Your class will soon pick up on the routine and, once it is
Even if you have less time for English, in 2nd cycle it is still familiar to them, you will quickly be able to make the most of
important to have a set routine for your lessons, and to your English time together.
establish this routine with your class from the start. A well- Maximizing your time
conducted routine helps you organize your lessons and
There are lots of other things you can do before, during and
makes the children aware of what you want them to do
after your lessons to maximize teaching time in class.
and how you expect them to behave.
Cut-outs Prepare the cut-outs in advance of Lessons 6
In Learn with Us 4, the lessons in each unit are designed and 9, as outlined in the timesaver suggestion.
to follow a familiar structure and set of routines. It is Multimedia At the start of each lesson, ensure the CPT
recommended, therefore, that any time-saving amends or Class Audio CD is ready to use, and the resource or
made to a lesson structure in Unit 1 are also carried track you need for the lesson is loaded and ready to play.
through to the lessons in the units that follow. The starting CPT Remember that you can use the CPT for quick and
and ending the lesson routines for Learn with Us 4 have easy-to-follow navigational support in the classroom
also been designed to be flexible, and so timesaver by displaying the Class Book pages on your IWB, as well
suggestions have been provided in this reduced lesson as using it as a way to quickly check answers as a whole
planner for how these can be shortened when needed. class using the answer-key reveal function.

Lesson 6: Story, Grammar Starting the lesson routine ✔

& Communication
CPT, Classroom Resource Pack
1 Story animation Review the story using the Class Book only.
2 Flashcards
Class Book
3 Listening activity Prepare the cut-outs before class so that the children
4 All about grammar activities have more time in the lesson to complete the activity.
5 Cut-out activity ✔ Preparing one unit for the whole class should take you
6 Listening and speaking activity about 15–20 minutes.
7 Vocabulary and grammar game
Ending the lesson routine ✔

Lesson 7: Integrated Starting the lesson routine ✔

skills & Communication Class Book
1 Article audio activity You could save this activity for a rainy day or for another
2 Act out the interview / Ask and answer lesson when you have more time.
3 Pronunciation activities
CPT As the pronunciation lesson in each unit focuses on key
5 Pronunciation game sounds which relate to the vocabulary of the unit, to save
time, you can focus on these sounds as and when they
Ending the lesson routine ✔
appear throughout the unit. You can then choose to omit
all of the activities that follow.

Lesson 8: Language Starting the lesson routine ✔

review & Communication
You can choose to use the video or audio for the
1 Project video ✔
project presentation. Have the CPT loaded or the
Class Book
correct track selected before the lesson to maximize
2 Project audio ✔
teaching time in class.
3 Speaking activities
4 Project evaluation activities Do these activities as a class or omit these altogether.
5 Prepare your project
6 Grammar and vocabulary review game
Ending the lesson routine ✔

Lesson 9: Think, Starting the lesson routine ✔

do & review Class Book
Do the ask and answer project preparation activity as a
1 Listening and speaking activity
class, or omit this activity completely and do the project.
2 Project activity
Ending the lesson routine ✔

© Copyright Oxford University Press
Using Graded Readers
Using graded Readers in the Primary classroom is an effective way to engage children of all abilities and learning needs.
By motivating children to read for pleasure, you give them the opportunity to learn without the fear of failure.

Our graded Readers are available at a number of different levels and across a broad range of topics, both fiction and
non-fiction, so each child will be able to find a book suitable for them from our award-winning collections:

• Dolphin Readers
• Classic Tales
• Oxford Read and Discover
• Oxford Read and Imagine
• Dominoes

Convenient bookmark shaped Reading Guides, offer a simple way to select titles that correspond
to each unit of Learn with Us.

Download the full set of Reading Guides from

Reading Guides Reading Guides Reading Guides Reading Guides Reading Guides Reading Guides

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Supplementary Material
The most trusted materials for learners of English
Oxford Children’s Picture Dictionary Get Ready for … 2nd edition
Motivating and
A first dictionary for young comprehensive preparation
learners, this beautifully for the Cambridge English
illustrated topic-based Qualifications Young
dictionary contains over Learners exams.
850 words and 40 topics.
Available in print and This series supplements any
interactive e-Book. coursebook and is ideal for
use in class or self-study
at home.


Oxford Skills World Oxford Grammar

for Schools
A six-level, paired skills series for lower primary and
upper primary that focuses on developing students’ A five-level series with
receptive and productive skills. clear explanations and
communicative activities
that helps young learners
and teenagers understand
and practise grammar.

Each level in the series LEVEL 1-5 AVAILABLE

covers all the grammar
students need to know
for the Cambridge English

Level 1 - Pre A1 Starters

Level 2 - A1 Movers
Level 3 - A2 Flyers
Level 4 - B1 Preliminary for Schools
Level 5 - B1 Preliminary for Schools

Oxford Professional Development

Oxford Teachers’ A range of professional
development titles to support

Academy: your teaching.

Into the Classroom is a series of
Teaching English short, practical guides focused on
a methodology or technique with
to Young Learners ideas to help you introduce it into
your classes.

Teaching English to Young Learners is a course for all teachers

of primary age students. It aims to provide teachers with
the knowledge and skills needed to support young learners
through the delivery of engaging and motivating lessons.

© Copyright Oxford University Press
Starter All about my birthday
Lesson 1: Vocabulary • Lesson objectives: Tell the class the objectives for the
lesson and write them on the top left of the board (e.g.
Language months of the year, questions about me, etc.). At the
Core: Ordinal numbers (1st–31st); What’s the date today? end of the lesson go through and tick off the objectives
It’s the (twenty-fifth) of (September). you have achieved and congratulate the class.
Revised: Months of the year; Hello, What’s your name? • Classroom activities: Ask the class what types of
I’m … How are you? I’m fine, thank you. activities they think they will do today (e.g. reading,
Other: Happy birthday to you! speaking, listening, writing). Take 4–5 ideas and write
them on the top left of the board. At the end of the
lesson, look at them again as a class and tick those
Starting the lesson (optional) w 4.23 4.25
they did.
• Introduce yourself to the class saying Hello, everyone!
I’m … It’s good to see you! Ask 2–3 confident children
What’s your name? Encourage them to reply saying Learn with Us Classroom language poster
Hello! I’m … Continue and ask every child their name. • Use the Learn with Us Classroom language poster to
• Ask children to turn to the child next to them, shake review classroom language and practise useful classroom
hands and ask and answer What’s your name? I’m … phrases in English.
Then turn to the child on their other side and repeat. • Read the phrases in the panel on the right-hand side of
the poster, and check the children’s understanding.
Learning the children’s names early on will help you get to Listen and repeat. w 4.24
know them and to manage the class. • Play the audio for the children to listen and repeat the
classroom phrases. Check their understanding, and
Starting the lesson routines encourage them to use the relevant classroom language
• Hello song w 4.23: Play the Hello song and encourage at appropriate times in their English lessons.
the children to join in. Ask How are you today? around
the class. Encourage the children to reply I’m fine /
Girl I’ve finished.
great / OK, thank you.
Boy How do you spell ‘fish’?
Transcript Girl ‘f-i-s-h’
Hi. Hello. Boy What does ‘ten’ mean?
How are you? Girl How do you say this in English?
It’s good to see you. Girl It’s a bag.
Hi. Hello. Girl It’s lunchtime!
I’m fine, thank you. Boy What’s the answer to number 1?
It’s good to see you, too. Girl I’m not sure.
Girl Is this right?
• Weather routine w 4.25: Put the children into
Teacher Yes, well done.
groups of 5–6. Ask each group to make an A4 poster
Boy Can I go to the toilet, please?
for a different type of weather, e.g. sunny, windy, rainy,
Teacher Yes, of course!
cloudy, snowy, cold, hot, warm. Place these on the walls
Boy Can I borrow a pencil, please?
of the classroom. At the start of the lesson, play the
Girl Yes, here you are.
Weather song. Ask the class What’s the weather like
today? Place the correct weather poster(s) on the top
right of the board. CPT, Classroom Resource Pack
Transcript Unit introduction: 1 Watch.
What’s the weather, what’s the weather, • Tell the class that they are going to watch a video and
What’s the weather like today? meet the characters in Learn with Us 4. Ask them What
Is it windy? Is it sunny? Is it cloudy today? are their names? Who do you think you will meet? Accept
What’s the weather like today? any ideas from the class. Watch the video and check their
Is it cold? Is it snowy? predictions.
Or it is rainy and grey? • Watch the video again. Ask the children questions about
What’s the weather, what’s the weather, the video, in the children’s own language: Where does
What’s the weather like today? Lily live? (13 Victoria Road.) What day is it today? (The
• What’s the date today?: Ask the class, What’s the date twenty-fifth of September, Lily’s birthday.) How old is Lily?
today? Write the date on the top right of the board. See (Ten years old) Is Lily having a party? (Yes, it’s a surprise
Starter Unit Lesson 1 page 52 for presentation of ordinal party.) What’s her brother’s name? (Charlie) Who are her
numbers and dates. friends? (Mina and Ash) What does she get for her birthday?

Starter 51
© Copyright Oxford University Press
(New pens and a notebook and a new bike and helmet.) Class Book page 2
Who is Pedro? (Her cousin) Where does he live? (He lives in
Peru.) 2 Listen and sing. w 1.01
• Ask the children if they know the Happy Birthday song in
Transcript English. Play the song for children to listen and sing along.
Lily Hello! My name’s Lily. What’s your name? This is my
house. I live at 13 Victoria Road. Come in. Let’s meet my OPTION:
family. Watch out – they’re very noisy! You might also like to sing the Happy birthday song when
Hello! Hello? It’s very quiet. Where is everyone? children in the class have their birthday. Karaoke version
Mum, Dad, Charlie, Ash, Mina: Surprise! Happy birthday, Lily! available on CD4 track 28.
Lily Wow – a surprise birthday party! It’s the 25th September,
my birthday. I’m ten years old today! How old are you?
Charlie Happy birthday, little sister!
3 Listen, point and repeat. w 1.02
Lily This is my brother, Charlie. • Refer the children to the calendar on page 2 of the Class
Charlie I’ve got a birthday present for you, Lily. Here. Book and ask What month is it? (September). Explain to the
Lily What is it? A new notebook and pens! Thank you, class that in English we use ordinal numbers when we talk
Charlie. I love them. I write for our school newspaper. about dates.
It’s called The Woodgreen Weekly. I like writing interviews • Play the audio and tell children to listen and point to the
because I love talking to people! numbers on the calendar.
Mina and Ash Happy birthday, Lily! • Refer the class to the different endings we use with
Lily Thank you! These are my friends, Ash and Mina. We go ordinal numbers (st, nd, rd, th). We use st with 1, nd with 2
to Woodgreen Primary School together. We’re in Year 5 now. and rd with 3. With 4–9 we use th. However, in the teens
What year are you in? we use th throughout – that is 11th, 12th, 13th, 14th, etc.
Mina Here’s a birthday card. Point out that these letters after the numbers are usually
Ash And here’s a birthday balloon. written in small letters next to the number when we write
Lily Thank you. I love them! them in a date, e.g. 25th September
Dad Lily, come outside. • Play the audio again for children to point and repeat.
Dad Here’s your birthday present.
Lily Wow! A new bike! Thank you! Transcript
Mum Wear your helmet, Lily. first, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth,
Lily Don’t worry, Mum! My mum’s a doctor. Sometimes tenth, eleventh, twelfth, thirteenth, fourteenth, fifteenth,
she worries! sixteenth, seventeenth, eighteenth, nineteenth, twentieth,
Mum Be careful! twenty-first, twenty-second, twenty-third, twenty-fourth,
Mum Here’s a birthday card for you. twenty-fifth, twenty-sixth, twenty-seventh, twenty-eight,
Lily It’s from my cousin, Pedro. He lives in Peru! He says twenty-ninth, thirtieth
‘Happy Birthday, Lily! Please call me on your birthday.
Love Pedro.’ 4 Listen and say the missing numbers. w 1.03
Lily Mum, I’m going upstairs. I want to call Pedro. • Children listen to the list of ordinal numbers and say the
Mum OK, Lily. missing numbers where indicated by the sound.
Lily Hi, Pedro!
Pedro Happy birthday, Lily! Are you having fun? Transcript
Lily Yes, I am. I’ve got a new bike! And some new pens first, second, [pause],
and paper. fourth, fifth, sixth, [pause],
Pedro Wow, that’s great! eighth, ninth, [pause],
Lily How are you? Is it hot in Peru now? eleventh, twelfth, [pause],
Dad Let’s all sing Happy Birthday to Lily. fourteenth, fifteenth, sixteenth, seventeenth, [pause],
Everyone Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, nineteenth, twentieth, twenty-first, [pause],
Happy Birthday, dear Lily! Happy Birthday to you! twenty-third, twenty-fourth, [pause],
Mum Make a wish! twenty-sixth, twenty-seventh, twenty-eighth, [pause],
Lily Thanks, everyone! thirtieth
COMPETENCES FOR 21ST CENTURY LEARNING: third, seventh, tenth, thirteenth, eighteenth,
Linguistic competence twenty-second, twenty-fifth, twenty-ninth
Presenting key language in context, in a video, not only
gives the language meaning but it engages children Star question (optional)
in the topic and the language they are learning, while • Ask the class the question at the bottom of page 2, What’s
presenting a clear model for pronunciation. This will the date today? Elicit the correct ordinal number from the
develop both their listening and speaking skills. class and explain that we say ‘the (fourth) of (September)’.
Write the date on the top right of the board. Do this at
Vocabulary presentation: flashcards (optional) the start of every lesson as part of the Starting the
• Show the flashcards from the Classroom Resource Pack lesson routines.
one by one to introduce the new vocabulary. Repeat
several times, encouraging the children to remember
the words.
52 Starter
© Copyright Oxford University Press
OPTION: Lesson 2: Song, Grammar &
Revise the months of the year by playing Missing letters or Communication
Sharkman (see Ideas bank pages 150–155). Ask children to
write 2–3 ordinal numbers on a piece of paper or in their Language
notebooks. Put children into pairs. They take turns to ask Core: Ordinal numbers (1st–31st); When’s your birthday? It’s
and answer, What’s the date today? They answer using their on (the) thirty-first (of ) March.
first number, It’s the (ninth) of (September). Continue until
Revised: Family members; Months of the year; What’s
children have answered with all of their ordinal numbers.
your name? My name’s … How old are you? I’m … years old.
Other: calendar; What’s the date today?
Grammar and vocabulary review: game
• See instructions for Picture race on page 148. Starting the lesson (optional) w 4.23 4.25
Activity Book page 2
• Do the Starting the lesson routines on page 51.
• Play What’s missing? to revise ordinal numbers and months
1 Look and write the numbers. (see Ideas bank page 152).
• Point out to the class that we can write ordinal OPTION:
numbers in words (first, second, third, etc) but in dates
we usually use the abbreviated form with the number Use the flashcards to reintroduce the course characters.
and shortened ending. Place each card on the board and ask the class to tell
you their names and who they are. Encourage them to
• Children complete the table with the missing ordinal
describe the characters with the English they know.
3rd, 5th, 7th, 10th, 12th, 13th, 15th, 17th, 20th, 22nd, 24th, Classroom Presentation Tool (CPT)
26th, 28th, 30th
Video review
2 Write. What’s the secret word? • Ask the children what they remember about Lily and her
• Ask the class What’s the fourth month? (April) What’s the family and friends: Who’s in Lily’s family? (Lily, Charlie her
sixth month? (June) brother, Mum and Dad). When’s Lily’s birthday? (The 25th
• Children read and complete the puzzle with the ordinal of September.) How old is she? (Ten years old) What does
number for each month. Refer them to Activity 1 for Lily do for her birthday? (A surprise party.) What has Lily got
spellings. They find the missing ordinal number and for her birthday? (a notebook and pens and a bike and
complete the sentence below with the month and number. helmet.) What are Lily’s friends’ names? (Ash and Mina)
What’s Lily’s cousin called? (Pedro) Where’s he from? (Peru)
ANSWERS What does Lily write? (The school magazine.)
sixth, second, eleventh, eighth, tenth, first, third • Watch the video again to confirm answers. Discuss with
Secret word: seventh. July is the seventh month. the class in their own language what they do for their
Picture Dictionary page 61 (optional) birthday.
• Ask children to turn to page 61 of their Activity Books and
complete the Starter Unit Picture Dictionary using the
Class Book page 3

word bank. 1 Listen and chant. w 1.04

• Tell children that they will complete their Picture • Refer children to the birthday calendar on page 3. Ask
Dictionary throughout the course. They can complete the children who they can see on each month (Granny,
it independently or work in pairs and then check their Charlie, Ash, etc.)
answers in the Class Book or on the CPT.
• Play the chant for children to listen and point to the months.
Ending the lesson (optional) w 4.26 • Play the chant again for children to listen and say
• Play What’s next? to review ordinal numbers and the the chant.
months. Play in two teams, each team taking a turn to
2 Look at the calendar. Listen and say the
complete the sequence (see Ideas bank page 153).
date. w 1.05
• Goodbye routine w 4.26: Play the Goodbye song.
• Play the audio, pausing before each response. Children
Encourage the children to join in.
listen, look at the calendar and complete the response
Transcript to the question by saying the correct date. Continue the
Goodbye. Bye. Bye. audio to check.
I have to run.
Goodbye. Bye. Bye.
1 Adult When’s your birthday, Mina?
I hope you had fun.
Mina It’s on … the second of October.
Further practice 2 Adult When’s your birthday, Ash?
Teacher’s Resource Material: Starter Unit Set 1 mini picture cards Ash It’s on … the thirty-first of March.
and wordcards. Notes and answers in Teacher’s Resource Material.
Karaoke version of song available on CD4 track 28.

Starter 53
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3 Adult When’s your birthday, Lily? Adult Hi, Jake. Is it your birthday today?
Lily It’s on … the twenty-fifth of September. Jake No, it isn’t. My birthday’s on the third of June.
4 Adult When’s your birthday, Pedro? ANSWERS
Pedro It’s on … the eighteenth of July. 1 25th  2 1st  3 14th  4 30th  5 3rd
3 Listen and repeat. w 1.06 2 Answer the question.
• Point to the two children at the bottom of the page and • Children answer the question by writing their own
explain that they are talking about the birthdays in the birthday. (It’s on the …)
calendar. Play the audio for the children to listen and
repeat. Ask the class whose birthday they are talking Lily’s tip
about (Ash). • Read Lily’s tip. Point out the difference in how we say and
• Play the audio again for children to listen and repeat. write dates.
• Refer children to the All about me box. Check their
understanding of the statements and elicit the questions 3 Ask and answer with your friends. Write their
for each (What’s your name? How old are you? When’s names and birthdays.
your birthday?) Drill the sentence stems to show the • Tell the class they are going to find out about each other’s
pronunciation of contracted forms and connected birthdays. Elicit the question (When’s your birthday?) and
speech. remind children how we say the answer.
• Make sure children have got a notebook and pen. Tell
them to stand up and walk around the room. When you
Linguistic competence say ‘Stop’ they ask and answer the question with the
Providing children with meaningful chunks of language person nearest them. They write the person’s name, the
helps them to recall it more easily and use it more ordinal number and the month (Ollie: 5th October). Repeat
competently. It also improves pronunciation. five times. Monitor, help and praise throughout.
• Children sit back down and complete the sentences
4 Play Who am I? in their Activity Books with the information from their
• Tell the children they are going to ask and answer notebooks. Remind them again how we write dates. Put
questions about the people in the birthday calendar. them into pairs to read their sentences.
• Put children into pairs. Ask them to take turns asking and
answering questions about birthdays and dates using the Learn with Us Birthdays poster
dialogue in Activity 3 as a model. Monitor, help and praise • Use the Learn with Us 4 Birthdays poster to review the
throughout. differences between saying and writing dates, and to find
out when children in the class have their birthday (see
Classroom Presentation Tool (CPT) Ideas bank pages 150–155).
• Read the sentences about Lily on the poster.
Vocabulary and grammar practice: game
• See instructions for Picture reveal on page 146. 1 Listen and repeat. w 4.21
• See instructions for Chase the cheese on page 147. • Point to the calendar. Ask What month is this? (September)
Play the audio for children to listen and repeat. Point to
the ordinal numbers on the calendar as they say each one.
Activity Book page 3

1 Listen and complete the birthdays. w 1.07 Transcript

first, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth,
• Look at the pictures and say the names of the children. tenth, eleventh, twelfth, thirteenth, fourteenth, fifteenth,
• Children listen and write the correct ordinal number sixteenth, seventeenth, eighteenth, nineteenth, twentieth,
below each child’s picture. Ask children to check their twenty-first, twenty-second, twenty-third, twenty-fourth,
answers in pairs before you feed back. twenty-fifth, twenty-sixth, twenty-seventh, twenty-eight,
twenty-ninth, thirtieth
Adult It’s the twenty-fifth of September. 2 Listen and chant. w 4.22
Lily Yes, it is. It’s my birthday! • Refer children to the birthday calendar on the poster. Play
Adult Happy birthday, Lily! the chant for them to listen and say the chant. Point to
the characters on the birthday calendar as the children
Adult When’s your birthday, Tim? say them.
Tim It’s on the first of May.
Adult What’s the date today, Ben? When’s your birthday, Granny?
Ben It’s the fourteenth of December. It’s my birthday! It’s on the eleventh of January.
Adult Happy birthday! When’s your birthday, Charlie?
It’s on the sixth of February.
Adult When’s your birthday, Olivia? When’s your birthday, Aunt Kay?
Olivia It’s on the thirtieth of April. It’s on the third of May.

54 Starter
© Copyright Oxford University Press
3 Listen and sing. w 4.23 All about grammar page 68
• Point to the heading ‘Birthdays this month’ and ask if any
children have a birthday this month. If any children have 1 Write and say the numbers.
their birthday this month, ask them to write their name • Use the grammar box to review with the class how
and the date of their birthday on a Post-it note. we write and spell the ordinal numbers in both their
• Check the dates are written correctly. Then invite the abbreviated form and full words.
children to stick their Post-it notes onto the poster. ANSWERS
• Play the karaoke version of the Happy Birthday song for the 1 2nd, 3rd   2 fourth, fifth   3 21st, 22nd   ​
children to sing along and insert the correct name(s) of 4 twelfth  5 29th, 31st   6 eighth, ninth
children with a birthday this month.
2 Look, write and say.
Picture Dictionary page 61 (optional): Spelling and • Review how we write and say birthdays, pointing out the
alphabet differences in spoken and written English and point out
the possessive ‘s’ in the question.
• Look at the children’s names and birthdays and check
Use the Learn with Us 3 Alphabet poster to review the understanding of the two numbers given (day, then
letters of the alphabet and introduce the Spelling and month).
alphabet section if you like. • Children complete the questions and answers writing the
correct names and numbers. Put them in pairs to ask and
1 Listen and chant. w 4.13 answer the questions.
• Play the Spelling and alphabet chant. Encourage the ANSWERS
children to join in. Over the course of the year this will 1 When is Ellie’s birthday? It’s on 20th June.
become a familiar part of their classroom spelling routine. 2 When is Dylan’s birthday? It’s on 8th January.
Tell children they will work on the alphabet and their 3 When is Sophie’s birthday? It’s on 23rd November.
spelling throughout the course. 4 When is Will’s birthday? It’s on 5th August.
5 When is Holly’s birthday? It’s on 31st May.
How do you spell it? How do you spell it? NOTE: For presentation and practice of ordinal numbers,
La, la, la, la. La, la, la, la. dates and birthdays, the following resources are available:
Spell it for me! Spell it, please!
In the Teacher’s Resource Material in the Teacher’s
La, la, la, la. La, la, la, la.
Resource Centre:
Let’s spell together. Let’s choose the right letter.
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z. • Reinforcement and extension section, Starter Unit;
Chant worksheet, Starter Unit
2 Listen and spell. w 4.14 In the Classroom Resource Pack:
• Practise reviewing the spelling of the words: in pairs, • Flashcards 1st–10th; Birthdays poster
children look at the word, cover it and then say it to
their partner. Further practice
• Explain to the children they are going to do a short Teacher’s Resource Material: Starter Unit Lesson 2 Reinforcement
spelling quiz. Ask How do you spell (first)? Encourage all and Extension worksheets; Lesson 2 Chant worksheet. Notes and
attempts. answers in Teacher’s Resource Material. Karaoke version of chant
• Play the audio, pausing before the answer to allow available on CD4 track 29.
children to write the word in their notebooks. Then play
the answers. You can choose to do as many words as
you wish.
• Put children into pairs to practise spelling, asking How do
you spell (first)?

1 How do you spell first? F-i-r-s-t
2 How do you spell fifth? F-i-f-t-h
3 How do you spell eighth? E-i-g-h-t-h
4 How do you spell twelfth? T-w-e-l-f-t-h
5 How do you spell fifteenth? F-i-f-t-e-e-n-t-h
6 How do you spell thirtieth? T-h-i-r-t-i-e-t-h

3 Write the words in your language.

• Ask children to write the translation of the words in their
own language. Encourage the class to do this in their
notebooks and keep a record of the words in English and
their own language. Alternatively, create a Vocabulary
notebook where children can record the vocabulary
they learn.

Starter 55
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56 Starter
© Copyright Oxford University Press
Unit 1 I’m helping Mum
Lesson 1: Vocabulary OPTION:
Place the flashcards on the board or around the room.
Language Play the audio and tell the children to listen and point to
Core: a cold, a cough, a cut, earache, a headache, a them, repeating the words.
stomach-ache, a temperature, a toothache
Revised: Have you got …? Yes, I have. No, I haven’t. I’ve 3 Listen and say. w 1.09
got a …
• Play the audio, pausing before each response. Children
Other: body, a bruise, feet, fingers, a nose-bleed, a sore listen, look at that person in the picture and complete the
throat response to the question by saying the correct ailment.
Continue the audio to check.
Starting the lesson (optional) w 4.23 4.25
• Do the Starting the lesson routines on page 51. Transcript
1 Have you got a sore throat? No, I haven’t. I’ve got …
• Play Ladders to revise parts of the body (see Ideas bank a cough.
page 154).
2 Have you got a headache? No, I haven’t. I’ve got … a cold.
• Talk about going to the doctor’s in the children’s own 3 Have you got a stomach-ache? No, I haven’t. I’ve got …
language. Ask the children why they need to go to a cut.
the doctor’s. 4 Have you got a cough? No, I haven’t. I’ve got … a
CPT, Classroom Resource Pack 5 Have you got toothache? No, I haven’t. I’ve got … earache.
Unit introduction: 1 Watch. COMPETENCES FOR 21ST CENTURY LEARNING:
• Watch the video. Ask the children questions about the Linguistic competence
clip, in the children’s own language: Who’s this? (Lily) Where Learning new language as functional expressions helps
is she going? (To Mum’s work – at the doctor’s.) Who is she the children to give it meaning and to speak naturally.
going with? (Charlie and Mum) What are they taking? (Old These activities also review grammar from previous levels.
toys and books for the children to play with.)

Transcript 4 Listen and repeat. w 1.10

Lily Hi, everyone. I’m helping my mum at her work today. • Point to the activity and explain that the boy and girl are
She’s a doctor. Charlie’s coming, too. asking and answering questions about ailments.
Charlie Hey, Lily. Here are some old toys and books. • Play the audio for children to listen and repeat.
Lily Thanks, Charlie. The children at the doctor’s can play Note: This dialogue contains review language to support
with them. children to play the game in Activity 5.
Mum Hello, you two. Are you ready? It’s time to go.
Charlie & Lily OK! 5 Mime. Ask and answer.
• Tell the class they are going to play a miming game. Mime
Vocabulary presentation: flashcards (optional) an ailment. Encourage the class to ask you questions
• Show the flashcards one by one to introduce the new using the dialogue in Activity 4, to find out which ailment
vocabulary. Repeat several times, encouraging the you are suffering from.
children to remember the words. • In pairs, children take turns miming an ailment for their
partner to guess.
Class Book page 4
2 Listen, point and repeat. w 1.08 Play Doctor’s! Put children into groups of 5–6. One child is
• Focus the children on the Class Book page and the picture the doctor and the others are patients waiting in a queue.
of the doctor’s waiting room. They act out an ailment for the doctor to guess, e.g. Have
• Play the audio for children to listen, point and repeat. you got (a temperature)? No, I haven’t. I’ve got a headache.
Play again with a new doctor.
1 I’ve got a cough.
Lily’s question
2 I’ve got a cold.
3 I’ve got a cut. • Point to Lily’s question and read it aloud. Say No, I haven’t.
4 I’ve got a temperature. Ask the question around the class encouraging children
5 I’ve got earache. to answer Yes, I have or No, I haven’t. If you have time, ask
6 I’ve got toothache. again about a different ailment, e.g. Have you got a cut?
7 I’ve got a headache.
8 I’ve got a stomach-ache.

Unit 1 57
© Copyright Oxford University Press
Star question (optional) Lesson 2: Song, Grammar &
• Ask the children the question at the bottom of page 4.
Tell them to look at pages 4 and 5 and find the hidden Communication
revision and extension words (parts of the body and other
ailments). If the children know the revision and extension
words, play a guessing game: choose one of the items Core: Ailments; What’s the matter with you / him / her?
and ask the class to guess which item you are thinking of. I’ve / He’s / She’s got (a cold).
If they don’t know the words, say the words and ask the Revised: Is it (a) …? Yes, it is. No, it isn’t.
children to repeat. Other: Numbers 1–8; boy, doctor, girl; Get well soon!
body, feet, fingers, a nose-bleed, a sore throat Starting the lesson (optional) w 4.23 4.25
• Do the Starting the lesson routines on page 51.
CULTURE NOTE: Doctors in the UK • Play Mime it! in teams (see Ideas bank page 153).
In the UK, to become a doctor you need to study at
university for 5–6 years, depending on what type of Classroom Presentation Tool (CPT)
doctor you want to become. Some people choose to
specialise in a particular area of medicine. Others become Grammar presentation and vocabulary
GPs, or General Practitioners, who work in clinics, or consolidation: song animation 1 Watch.
surgeries, in the community treating everyday complaints. • Watch the song animation and ask the class what
In the UK, nurses often visit schools to check children’s it’s about.
development and their hearing and eyesight. Nurses also
• Watch again and play Spot it! (see Ideas bank
give injections to stop children getting illnesses.
page 155).

Classroom Presentation Tool (CPT) Class Book page 5

Vocabulary practice: game 2 Listen, point and sing. w 1.11

• See instructions for Conveyor belt on page 145. • Play the song. Children point to the people on the page as
they are mentioned.
Activity Book page 4 • Play the song again. Encourage the children to join in with
the words and to act out the ailments if they like.
1 Order and write. Number the pictures.
3 Match the words and pictures.
1 E cough   ​2 D stomach-ache   ​3 A temperature   ​ • Children match the highlighted words from the song to
4 G toothache   ​5 F cold   ​6 H earache   ​7 C cut   ​ the pictures on pages 4–5 by saying the ailment and the
8 B headache correct number. Do this as a whole class or in pairs.
2 Look at the pictures in Activity 1. Write. a headache 7, a cut 3, toothache 6, earache 5,
• Children look and write sentences about each person’s a stomach-ache 8, a temperature 4, a cough 1, a cold 2
Learning to learn
A I’ve got a temperature.   ​B I’ve got a headache.  
Using a variety of activity types in the classroom will help
C I’ve got a cut.   ​D I’ve got a stomach-ache.  
children to find ways of learning which suit their own
E I’ve got a cough.   ​F I’ve got a cold.   G​ I’ve got a
learning styles. This activity will particularly appeal to
toothache.  ​H I’ve got earache.
children who learn in a visual and kinaesthetic way.
Picture Dictionary page 62 (optional)
• See notes on page 53. 4 Listen and repeat. w 1.12
• Point to the two children at the bottom of the page and
Ending the lesson (optional) w 4.26 play the audio for the class to listen. Ask the class which
• Play Simon says to review parts of the body and ailments person they were talking about (number 5). Ask What’s the
(see Ideas bank page 152). matter with her? She’s got earache.
• Do the Goodbye routine on page 53. • Refer children to the All about grammar box. Check their
Further practice understanding of the questions and answers using object
Teacher’s Resource Material: Unit 1 Set 1 mini picture cards and and subject pronouns. Ask When do we use ‘him’? (with a
wordcards; Unit 1 Lesson 1 Extra vocabulary worksheet. Notes and boy) When do we use ‘her’? (with a girl) Point to the boy in
answers in Teacher’s Resource Material. picture number 8. Elicit if he’s a boy or a girl (a boy) and
elicit the correct question and answer (using ‘him’ and
‘He’s’). Focus on the LOOK! box and remind the class how
we use contractions.
• Play the audio again for children to listen and repeat.

58 Unit 1
© Copyright Oxford University Press
5 Play Guess. Ask and answer. Ending the lesson (optional) w 1.11 4.26
• Tell the children they are going to play a guessing game • Close the lesson by singing the song again.
like the two children at the bottom of the page. Put • Do the Goodbye routine on page 53.
children into pairs. Ask them to take turns asking and
answering questions to guess the person and their Further practice
ailment from pages 4–5. Monitor and help throughout. Teacher’s Resource Material: Unit 1 Lesson 2 Reinforcement and
Extension worksheets; Unit 1 Lesson 2 song worksheet. Notes and
answers in Teacher’s Resource Material. Karaoke version of song
Classroom Presentation Tool (CPT) available on CD4 track 30.
Vocabulary and Grammar practice: game
• See instructions for Multiple choice on page 148. The Lesson 2 pairwork activity (Activity 5) is an
opportunity to assess the children’s speaking
Activity Book page 5
development. Assessment grid and notes in the Teacher’s
Resource Material.
1 Listen and tick f the correct
picture. w 1.13
Transcript Lesson 3: Culture & Communication
1 A Look at Charlie. What’s the matter with him?
B He’s got a headache. Language
2 A Oh, look. There’s Lily. What’s the matter with her? Core: How are you? I’m fine, thank you. I’m not very well.
B She’s got toothache. Revised: badge, clean, friend, help, hide and seek,
3 A What’s the matter with Ash? hopscotch, kind, knee, playtime, reflective vest, sad, tag,
B He’s not very well. He’s got a cold. teacher, worried; He’s / She’s got…
4 A What’s the matter with Mina? Has she got a headache? Other: playground helper, look after, think about others
B No, she hasn’t. She’s got earache.
A Poor Mina!
Starting the lesson (optional) w 4.23 4.25 1.11
• Do the Starting the lesson routines on page 51.
1 a headache   2 toothache 3 a cold   4 earache
• Sing the song from Lesson 2 again.
2 Look at the pictures in Activity 1. Complete the
questions and answers. Classroom Presentation Tool (CPT)
ANSWERS Culture presentation: 1 Watch.
1 What’s the matter with him? He’s got a headache. • First viewing: Watch Lily’s introduction to the culture film
2 What’s the matter with her? She’s got toothache. and ask the children to tell you what the video is about
3 What’s the matter with him? He’s got a cold. (School break time) and to make some predictions about
4 What’s the matter with her? She’s got earache. Lily’s question How do the teachers help?
3 Write two questions and answers. Mime, ask and • Watch the culture film, stopping before the
answer with your friend. comprehension questions, for children to check their
• Children write two questions and two answers. For predictions. Ask the class what playtime activities they saw
the second question and answer they use him / he or (hide and seek, tag, catch, hopscotch) and to tell you what
her / she. other things teachers do to help and think about others.
• Put children into pairs to ask and answer with their • Second viewing: Watch the video again and do the
partner. The person asking the questions mimes the comprehension task at the end of the film.
ailment for their partner to guess and answer using the Transcript
correct pronouns. Lily Hello, everyone. I’m a playground helper. This is a film
about school break time in the UK. Let’s watch it together.
All about grammar page 69
How do the teachers help?
Culture film This is our school playground. We play here at
1 Look, match and write.
break time in the morning and after lunch. We run. We play
• Review with the class how we form questions and tag. We play catch. And we play hopscotch. There are no
answers using subject and object pronouns. Clarify in the playground helpers at our school, but the teachers look after
children’s own language if necessary. the children who are not very well, or who feel sad.
• Children look at the pictures and match the questions to Look! A boy isn’t feeling very well. He’s got a cut on his finger.
the responses, then complete them. Check answers in A teacher talks to him and is kind. They go to the classroom.
pairs before feeding back as a class. The teacher helps the boy.
ANSWERS This girl can’t find her coat. She’s a bit worried. We look for
1 What’s the matter with her? She’s got a temperature. the coat all over the school. It isn’t in the classroom or in
2 What’s the matter with him? He’s got a stomach-ache. the gym. It isn’t in the library. Look! There it is. It’s in the
3 What’s the matter with him? He’s got a headache. cloakroom. The girl is happy now.
4 What’s the matter with her? She’s got earache. The teachers at our school think about others and they are
kind. It’s a very important job.
Unit 1 59
© Copyright Oxford University Press
CULTURE NOTE: Helping at school in the UK Transcript
Lily How are you?
In the UK, children are encouraged to take responsibility Ash I’m fine, thank you. How are you?
for their school and the other children in it. The school Lily I’m not very well.
is a community and, in order for everyone to achieve,
children work together and look after each other. This 5 Act out the conversation.
is done in many ways. For example, younger or new • When children are using the language confidently, put
children have ‘buddies’ who look after and help them, them into pairs or small groups. They take turns asking
older children lead younger children from one part of the and answering the question. Refer them to the All about
school to another, pupils help teachers deliver registers speaking box for support.
or ring the bell for break time. In the playground, children
Note: All about speaking introduces functional language and
are encouraged to look after one another and report
helps the children practise it in a meaningful, natural and
problems they see to a teacher. Playground helpers make
communicative way.
sure children are happy, or help injured children and take
them to the medical room. COMPETENCES FOR 21ST CENTURY LEARNING:
Cultural awareness and expression
Learning about the way schools work in the UK develops
Class Book page 6
the children’s awareness of a different culture and also
2 Listen and say the number. w 1.14 allows them to compare and contrast it with their own
• Ask the children to look at the photos on the page and culture.
say any words they know to describe them (She’s got a
reflective vest, He’s got a cut, etc.). Accept any ideas or one Let’s compare culture
word answers. • Discuss the culture question in English and in the
• Play the audio for children to listen and say the number of children’s own language if necessary. How do you help at
the photo being described. school? How do other children and teachers help? What do
we do if someone isn’t nice to us? Do you think playground
Transcript helpers are a good idea? Would you like to be a playground
He’s got a cut on his knee. helper?
He’s sad.
I’m a playground helper. Activity Book page 6
She’s got a cold.
ANSWERS 1 Listen and draw lines. w 1.16
2, 4, 1, 3 • Read the names of the children and review the
playground activities and what the children are wearing.
3 Read and match. Say the number and the letter. • Play the audio for children to listen and match.
• Encourage the class to read texts A–D silently, or read
them together as a class. Then match them to photos 1–4. Transcript
• Ask the class about each text as you feed back answers 1 A What’s the matter with that girl?
What words does it include that describe the photo? (cut, B She’s not very well. She’s got a cold. That’s my friend Evie.
knee, worried) 2 A Look, there’s Sally.
B What’s she doing?
ANSWERS A She’s playing tag.
1 A  2 D  3 C  4 B B Is she wearing glasses?
A Yes, she is.
CPT / Class Book page 6 3 A Look, there’s Jack. He’s a playground helper.
B I can’t see him.
4 Watch. Listen and repeat. w 1.15 A He’s wearing a reflective vest.
• Explain to the class that they are going to watch Lily and B Oh, yes, I can see him now.
Ash talking about how they feel today. Make predictions 4 A What’s the matter with that boy?
as a class about what they will hear. B That’s Fred. He’s got a cut on his leg.
• Watch the video and check their predictions. A What’s he doing?
B He’s going to the school office.
Transcript 5 A Can you see my friend Mary?
Ash Hi, Lily! B What’s she doing?
Lily Hi, Ash. How are you? A She’s playing football. She loves football!
Ash I’m fine, thank you. And you?
Lily I’m not very well. ANSWERS
Ash Oh, dear. What’s the matter? Sally, Evie, Fred, Jack, Mary
Lily I’ve got a headache.
2 Review. Look at the picture in Activity 1.
• Play the audio track for the children to listen. Play it again Complete.
and pause for children to repeat the conversation.
• Children look at the picture in Activity 1 to complete the
descriptions using the words in the word banks.

60 Unit 1
© Copyright Oxford University Press
ANSWERS Classroom Presentation Tool (CPT)
1 Sally is playing tag.   2 Mary is playing
football.  3 Fred has got a cut.   4 Evie has got a Cross-curricular presentation: slideshow 1 Watch.
cold.  5 Jack is a playground helper. • Tell the children they are going to learn about two ways
Note: The language in the Review activities is revised from pr we can collect information and present it in charts.
evious units or levels. • Pause after each slide to discuss what types of chart they
see (tally chart, bar chart). Discuss the meaning of these
3 Complete the dialogue. Listen and check. w 1.17 words in the children’s own language.
• Children complete the dialogue with the words above.
Listen and check. Transcript
• Put children into pairs to act out the dialogue. Narrator: Making charts
What’s the favourite activity in your class?
Transcript Let’s find out.
Lily How are you? Ask everyone in your class about their favourite activity.
Charlie I’m fine, thank you. How are you? Girl: What’s your favourite activity?
Lily I’m not very well. Boy: I like playing tag.
Charlie What’s the matter with you? Narrator: Record your results in a tally chart. Write a list of
Lily I’ve got a cough and a cold. activities. Write a tally mark on the chart every time someone
Charlie Oh, dear! says they like an activity. The fifth tally mark crosses the first
ANSWERS four tally marks.
1 How are you?   2 thank you   3 not very well   Count the tally marks in fives and write the totals.
4 What’s the matter   5 I’ve got Draw a bar chart. Use the totals from your tally chart to
colour in the correct number of squares. Use a different
Extra colour for each activity.
• Fast finishers draw a picture of their friends in the school Write numbers along this line.
playground and write sentences. Write the activities along this line.

Ending the lesson (optional) w 4.26 Class Book page 7

• Play Sharkman to review ailments and playground
activities (see Ideas bank page 153). 2 Look at the charts. What’s the favourite activity?
• Do the Goodbye routine on page 53. • Children look at the tally chart and say which activity is
the class favourite (Play football).
Further practice • Point to the bar chart and ask the class which bar
Teacher’s Resource Material: Unit 1 Culture worksheet. Notes and represents play football (the green bar).
answers in Teacher’s Resource Material.
3 Read and listen. w 1.18
• Play the audio for children to follow the words in their
The All about speaking activity (Activity 5) is an
books. Ask the children to read the text again silently.
opportunity to assess the children’s speaking
development. Assessment grid and notes in the Teacher’s • Check children’s comprehension of the key words by
Resource Material. saying a word and asking children to point to it in the
pictures on the page.

Lesson 4: Cross-curricular (Maths See Class Book page 7 for transcript.
and Science) 4 Look at the charts. How many children like …
Language • Read options 1–5. Ask the children to look at the charts
and find the number of children.
Core: bar chart, count, results, tally chart, tally mark, total
Revised: line, play basketball, play football, play hide and
• Feed back answers together as a class.
seek, play tag, square, talk to friends; What’s your favourite ANSWERS
activity? I like (playing football). 1 playing tag (3)   2 playing basketball (4)  
3 talking to friends (7)   4 playing football (8)  
Starting the lesson (optional) w 4.23 4.25 5 playing hide and seek (5)
• Do the Starting the lesson routines on page 51. 5 What’s the favourite activity in your class? Make
• Draw a simple tally chart or bar chart on the board. Ask a tally chart.
the class What’s this? What different types of charts do • Decide as a class on 5–6 activities to ask and answer about
you know? Why do we use charts? (To record, present and and write them on the board. Children create a tally chart
organise data) in their notebooks.
• Talk about using charts in the children’s own language – • Remind the class of the question What’s your favourite
which they have used, when they use them and why. activity? and how we answer with I like + –ing.

Unit 1 61
© Copyright Oxford University Press
• Children ask and answer the question to everyone in the Lesson 5: Story & Vocabulary
class and record their results.
Mathematical competence and basic competences in Core: dark hair, fair hair, good-looking, red hair, tall, thin
science and technology Revised: curly, friendly, funny, kind, long, short, straight, wig;
Using English to develop the children’s Maths skills I’m … I’ve got … What’s the matter? How are you? I’m fine. /
helps them to see how different curricular aspects work I’m not very well.
together. It also helps children who feel more confident Other: castle, party, ponytail, prince, princess; What do you
with Maths than English, enjoy and remember their look like? I’m sorry.
language lesson.
Starting the lesson (optional) w 4.23 4.25
Star question (optional) • Do the Starting the lesson routines on page 51.
• Review with the class how to draw a bar chart. Ask Which • Place the Level 4 character flashcards on the board. Ask
information is on the vertical? (Numbers of people) Which the class to describe them (Has he got short / long / curly
information is on the horizontal? (The different activities) hair / blue eyes / glasses? Yes, he has / No, he hasn’t, etc.).
Ask children to draw a bar chart in their notebooks to
present the results of their survey. CPT, Classroom Resource Pack
Activity Book page 7 Vocabulary and grammar review and presentation:
story animation
1 Read and number the pictures.
1 Watch.
1 B  2 D  3 A  4 C • Tell the children they’re going to watch a story animation
with Lily. Pause after Lily’s introduction and ask what the
2 Write the totals in the tally chart. Compete the story is about (a prince and a princess at a party).
bar chart. • With books closed, watch the story. Ask What happens in
• Children count the number of tally marks and write the the story? (A prince tries to be different so the princess will
correct number in the Total column. Then they complete like him. But she likes him for who he is.)
the bar chart using a different colour for each animal.
Children may work in pairs for support. Transcript
Lily Hi, everyone. Do you like stories? I love stories. Here’s a
ANSWERS story called The Perfect Prince. This is a story about a princess
panda (8) dolphin (5) gorilla (4) tiger (6) hippo (1) who meets a prince at a party. Let’s see what happens.
3 Choose a question to ask your friends. Make a • See Class Book pages 8–9 for story transcript.
tally chart and a bar chart. Vocabulary presentation: flashcards (optional)
• In a less confident class choose the question the class • Show the flashcards one by one to introduce the new
asks and elicit 4–5 possible answer options together vocabulary. Repeat several times, encouraging the
(e.g. Who’s your favourite sports person? Lionel Messi, children to remember the words.
Serena Williams, Usain Bolt, etc.) In a more confident class,
encourage children to work independently and decide
on the question and answer options. Monitor and help
Class Book pages 8–9

where needed. 2 Listen, point and repeat. w 1.19

Lily’s tip • Ask the children to look at the six adjectives in the box.
Read each one and ask the class to find it in the story
• Read Lily’s tip. Encourage children to use the tally and bar artwork.
charts in Activity 2 to help them in Activity 3.
• Play the audio for the children to listen, point and repeat.
• Fast finishers show their bar graph to a partner and
Call out the words again in a random order for the class to
explain their results, e.g. Four people like Lionel Messi.
listen, point to and repeat. Go slower, then faster.
Ending the lesson (optional) w 4.26
Note: the adjective good-looking can be used to describe
• Play Memory chain (see Ideas bank page 152). both males and females.
• Do the Goodbye routine on page 53.
3 Listen and read. w 1.20
• Play the story audio for the children to read and follow in
their Class Books.
• Check comprehension: What’s the prince called? (Prince
Fred) What’s the princess called? (Princess Zara) When and
where is the party? (Today at the castle.) Does the prince
have curly, dark hair? (No) Is the princess good-looking? (Yes)

62 Unit 1
© Copyright Oxford University Press
Why does the prince change the way he looks? (He’s scared Classroom Presentation Tool (CPT)
she won’t like him.) How does he change? (He puts on a
curly, dark wig.) What happens? (He sneezes and it falls off.) Vocabulary practice: game
Is the prince perfect? (Yes) Why does Princess Zara like the • See instructions for Picture reveal on page 146.
prince? (He’s friendly, kind and funny.)
ALL ABOUT VALUES: Be yourself. Activity Book page 8

Remind the children of who tries to be different and hide 1 Read the story again. Complete.
their true self in the story. What does he try to hide? Why
• Children read the story again and complete the
does he do it? Does he need to change who he is? How
descriptions of the story characters using the words
does he feel when he is being himself? Talk to the children
in the word bank.
in their own language about being themselves and why
it’s important. ANSWER
1 He’s tall and thin. He’s got curly, dark hair.
COMPETENCES FOR 21ST CENTURY LEARNING: 2 She’s short. She’s got long, fair hair.
Social and civic competence 3 She’s good-looking. She’s got curly, red hair.
Discussing values through a story helps the children
develop empathy for characters and one another. In this 2 Think. What do you think about the story? Colour
story children learn about building self-confidence and and complete. Learn to learn.
appreciating each other’s differences. When children are • Ask children to think about the story and rate it by
themselves, it helps them to find friends who they can colouring in the appropriate stars and writing the number.
have fun with and trust. Ask children to tell a partner.
Note: The story evaluation activity forms part of the Self
4 Read and say. Who in the story … Evaluation strand of Learn with Us 4. Asking children to think
• Children read each question and read the story again about their own opinions, explain them and listen to others
to find the answers. Children may work in pairs, or work helps them to become better learners by building self-
through it as a whole class if children need more support. awareness and thinking skills.
ANSWERS 3 Read, think and tick f.
1 Prince Fred   ​2 Prince Fred   ​3 Princess Zara   • Ask the class to look at the picture of the prince and
4 Princess Zara   5 Princess Zara princess and to tell you the value from the story Be
5 Think. What do you think about the story? How
many stars do you give it? • Read the list in the box and check children’s
understanding. Ask children to think about and tick the
• Ask children to rate the story from 1–3 stars (3 stars = very things that are important to them. Remind the class to
good to 1 star = not good). Ask them to think about why
respect each other’s opinions.
they give it that rating.
Picture Dictionary page 62 (optional)
6 Listen and repeat. Tell your friends. w 1.21
• See notes on page 53.
• Play the audio for children to listen and repeat.
• Put children into pairs. They tell their partner how many Spelling and alphabet page 62 (optional)
stars they gave the story and explain why using the w 4.13 4.15
models for support. • See notes on page 55.
In a more confident class, help children adapt the model 1 How do you spell cold? C-o-l-d
language if they want to say something different. 2 How do you spell cough? C-o-u-g-h
3 How do you spell toothache? T-o-o-t-h-a-c-h-e
OPTION: 4 How do you spell fair hair? F-a-i-r h-a-i-r
Act out the story 5 How do you spell tall? T-a-l-l
To extend this lesson and allow children to use the 6 How do you spell thin? T-h-i-n
language, act out the story. Put children into groups of
3–4 children. They each have one role or one child can Ending the lesson (optional) w 4.26
take two roles. • Play What are the words? (see Ideas bank page 154).
Play the audio for children to read and act out at their • Do the Goodbye routine on page 53.
desks in groups as they listen. Then, ask children to stand
up and find a space in the room to act out the story again Further practice
in their groups using their Class Books to help them. Ask Teacher’s Resource Material: Unit 1 Set 2 mini picture cards
2–3 confident groups of children to act out the story for and wordcards.
the whole class.

Unit 1 63
© Copyright Oxford University Press
Lesson 6: Story, Grammar & • Point to the prince and princess in Activity 1 and ask What
does he / she look like? Elicit the correct description from
Communication the grammar box.
• Put children into pairs. Ask them to look at the sentences
in the grammar box and to take turns asking and
Core: What does he / she look like? He’s got long, dark, hair. answering about the four story characters.
He’s tall. She’s got straight, red hair. She’s short.
• Play the audio for the children to listen, check and repeat.
Revised: curly, dark hair, fair hair, good-looking, long, red
hair, straight, tall, thin Transcript
He’s got straight, fair hair. He’s short.
Starting the lesson (optional) w 4.23 4.25 She’s got curly, red hair. She’s tall.
• Do the Starting the lesson routines on page 51. 3 Make true sentences about you and your friends.
• Play Describe it using the character flashcards (see Ideas • Ask children to write down the names of two of their
bank page 153). friends from class or out of class. They ask and answer
about their friends to their partner, e.g. What does Anna
CPT, Classroom Resource Pack look like? She’s got long, dark hair. She’s short. Monitor, help
and praise throughout.
Story review and grammar presentation w 1.20
• Ask the children what they remember from the story: COMPETENCES FOR 21ST CENTURY LEARNING:
Who’s in the story? Where do they meet? Why does the prince Linguistic competence
try to be different? What does he do? Do they like each other Allowing the children to use the new language in a
when the Prince is himself? personalized context will help them give it meaning. This
• Watch (or listen to) the story again to confirm answers. will help them to recall the language in later lessons as
well as outside the classroom, and ultimately to use it in a
Vocabulary review: flashcards (optional) natural way.
• Show the flashcards one by one to remind children of the
new vocabulary. Repeat several times, encouraging the OPTION:
children to say the words. Ask children to draw their two friends first. In a less
confident class, children write 2–3 sentences about each
Class Book page 10 friend before they speak. In a more confident class, they
can write about them after they speak.
1 Listen and say the number. w 1.22
• Ask the class to look at the pictures and see if they can
remember the characters and describe them using Classroom Presentation Tool (CPT)
appearance adjectives.
Vocabulary and grammar practice: game
• Children listen and say the number of the picture being
• See instructions for Chase the cheese on page 147.
4 Make the game cards. AB page 95
1 What does he look like? He’s got short, red hair. He’s short • Show the class a completed set of game cards and tell
and thin. them they will make their own cards to play a game.
2 What does she look like? She’s got long, fair hair. She’s • Ask children to turn to page 95 in their Activity Books and
short. to cut out the game cards along the dashed lines. Ask
3 What does she look like? She’s got curly, red hair. She’s tall the class what they will need (scissors). Monitor and help
and good-looking. where needed.
4 What does he look like? He’s got curly, dark hair. He’s tall
5 Listen and repeat. Play the game. w 1.24
and thin.
• Point to the two children playing with their cards. Play the
ANSWERS audio. Ask Which person is she describing? (Daniel). What
3, 4, 2, 1 does he look like? (He’s got short, dark hair. He’s tall.) Play
the audio again and ask the class to repeat the lines.
2 Read and make true sentences about the prince
and princess. Listen, check and repeat. w 1.23 • Put the children into pairs or small groups of 3–4. Ask
them to place their cards face up in front of them. They
• Look at the All about grammar box as a class. Remind take turns describing a person for the rest of the group to
children when we use he and she using the pictures in
guess. Monitor, help and praise throughout.
Activity 1 as examples. Point out that we use He’s / She’s
got for hair, but He’s / She’s for height.
Activity Book page 9
• Refer children to the LOOK! box and point out the order
of the adjectives – we say the length or style, then the 1 Listen and number the people. w 1.25
colour. Point out, if necessary, that length comes before • Children listen and write the numbers 1–4 next to the
style if we use both, e.g. long, curly hair or short, straight, correct pictures.
fair hair.

64 Unit 1
© Copyright Oxford University Press
Transcript Further practice
1 A Oh, look. Can you see Prince Jim? Teacher’s Resource Material: Unit 1 Lesson 6 Reinforcement and
B What does he look like? Extension worksheets. Notes and answers in Teacher’s Resource
A He’s tall and thin, and he’s got curly, fair hair. Material.
2 A Can you see Princess Katie?
B What does she look like? Has she got long, red hair? ASSESSMENT OPPORTUNITIES:
A Yes, she has. And she’s short and thin. The Lesson 6 pairwork activity (Activity 5) is an
B Yes, I can see her. opportunity to assess the children’s speaking
3 A There’s Princess Emily! development. Assessment grid and notes in the Teacher’s
B Where? What does she look like? Resource Material.
A She’s got straight, dark hair.
B Is she tall?
A Yes, she is. And she’s good-looking. Lesson 7: Integrated skills &
4 A And that’s Prince Oliver.
B Where? What does he look like? Communication
A He’s short.
B Has he got curly hair?
A No, he hasn’t. He’s got long, straight hair. Revised: Ailments; Adjectives of appearance; costume,
play; What’s the matter (with him)? He’s got (a cold). What
ANSWERS does he / she look like? He’s / She’s got (short, fair hair).
1, 2, 3, 4 He’s / She’s (thin).
2 Look at Activity 1. Write. Core sound: /k/ cake, carrots, chicken, Chris, stomach-
ache; /ʧ/ chair, cheese, chicken, chocolate, kitchen
• Children look again at the pictures in Activity 1 and
complete the descriptions of each person. Other: actor, moustache, silly, show, theatre

1 What does he look like? He’s tall and thin. He’s got curly, Starting the lesson (optional) w 4.23 4.25
fair hair. • Do the Starting the lesson routines on page 51.
2 What does she look like? She’s tall and thin. She’s got • Play What’s missing? (see Ideas bank page 152).
long, red/curly hair.
3 What does she look like? She’s tall and good-looking. Class Book page 11
She’s got straight, dark hair.
4 What does he look like? He’s short. He’s got long, 1 Listen and read Lily’s interview in the school
straight/dark hair. magazine. Answer. w 1.26
• Remind the children that Lily writes articles for the school
3 Read and complete. magazine, The Woodgreen Weekly. They will read one of
• Children write sentences to describe their height and hair. her articles in each unit of the course. Today they will read
an interview.
4 Ask and answer with two friends. Write their
• Ask the children to look at the photo say who they think it
is. Take ideas from the class. Ask the class to describe him.
• Put children into pairs. They take turns asking and • Read the three questions as a class and confirm who
answering about themselves. The children listen and write
it is (Ash’s dad). Check children’s understanding of the
the description. Put the children into new pairs and repeat.
questions and identify the key words in each question to
help them find the answers (a where, b look like and c you
All about grammar page 69
think / real moustache).
2 Look, number and write. • Children listen and read the interview and answer the
• Review how we ask and answer questions about questions. Check in pairs before feeding back as a class.
appearance and the adjective order in the LOOK! box. ANSWERS
• Children look at the pictures and match them to the a The theatre   ​b He’s got short, fair hair. He’s short and
sentences by writing the number in the box. Then they thin.  ​c No – in the show he wears a moustache.
complete the sentences.
2 Act out the interview.
• Put children into pairs to act out the interview. They take
What does he look like? He’s got short, curly, red hair. 3 it in turns to be Lily and Ash. In a more confident class,
What does she look like? She’s got long, straight, dark close books and elicit the three interview questions
hair. 1 from the class. Put children into pairs to ask and answer
What does he look like? He’s got short, straight, dark hair. 2 remembering what they’ve read. In a less confident class,
Ending the lesson (optional) w 1.11 4.26 use the Class Book for support so children can refer to
the photo, the questions and answers. Monitor, help and
• Close the lesson by singing the song from Lesson 2 again. praise throughout.
• Do the Goodbye routine on page 53.

Unit 1 65
© Copyright Oxford University Press
3 Listen and read. Listen and repeat. w 1.27 3 Imagine someone in your family is ill. Draw
• Look at the picture and ask the children to say what and write.
they can see. Ask What’s the matter with him? (He’s got a • Children draw a picture of a family member and write
stomach-ache.) their name. They write a description of the person’s
• Write the letters ch on the board and tell the class that in appearance and what’s the matter with them. Tell children
English this combination of letters can be pronounced /k/ to refer to the model text in Activity 2 and to use their
or /ʧ/. Write the sounds on the board. Class Book for ideas and support.
• Refer children to the rhyme in the pronunciation box and
4 Circle the /k/ sounds in blue and the /ʧ/ sounds
play the audio for children to listen and read. Ask How do
in red. Listen, check and repeat. w 1.28
we say the letters in blue? (/k/) How do we say the letters in
red? (/ʧ/). • Children circle the /k/ and /ʧ/ sounds in the words before
they listen. Check in pairs.
• Play the audio again for children to repeat the rhyme.
• Ask the class to say the words with the highlighted letters
• Play the audio for children to listen and check. Then play it
again for children to listen and repeat.
OPTION: blue: toothache, Christmas, school, stomach-ache
Ask the children to say the words that have a /k/ sound red: chair, spinach, cheese, lunch
and write them on the board. Repeat with the words with
the /ʧ/ sound. Drill the sounds. Then point to words in Extra
a random order for children to say. Start slowly and get • Ask fast finishers to write other words they know in
faster and faster. English with the /k/ or /ʧ/ sounds in their notebooks. They
can look back in their Class Book for ideas.
Learning to Learn Ending the lesson (optional) w 4.26
Raising awareness of the phonemic symbols will not only • Play Sound it out (see Ideas bank page 155).
help the children feel comfortable with them, but it will • Do the Goodbye routine on page 53.
help them to differentiate between different sounds in
English. This provides them with a solid base on which to ASSESSMENT OPPORTUNITIES:
learn and develop their pronunciation in the future. Acting out the interview and reciting the rhyme
are opportunities to assess the children’s speaking
development. Assessment grid and notes in the Teacher’s
Classroom Presentation Tool (CPT) Resource Material.
Pronunciation: game
• See instructions for Phonics matching on page 146.
Lesson 8: Language review &
English at home Communication
• Encourage the children to say the rhyme to their family.
Activity Book page 10 Revised: Adjectives of appearance; beard, costume, funny,
moustache, sunglasses, wig; He’s / She’s got (a red nose).
1 Remember and write.
Other: difficult, fancy dress, fun
• Children write answers to the questions about Lily’s
interview. Ask them to answer the questions without
referring to their Class Books, then check their ideas after. Starting the lesson (optional) w 4.23 4.25
In a less confident class, allow children to refer to the • Do the Starting the lesson routines on page 51.
Class Book. • Play Describe and draw (see Ideas bank page 154).
1 He’s got a cold, a headache, a toothache, earache, a CPT / Class Book page 12

stomach-ache and a cough.   2 He’s got short, fair hair.

1 Watch Ash’s project. What’s it about? w 1.29
He’s short and thin.   3 He’s got long, curly black hair /
a long, curly black wig. He’s got a black moustache. He • Tell the children they are going to watch a video or listen
wears a big, red hat. He isn’t good looking. He looks very to the audio about Ash’s project on a friend’s costume.
funny. Ask Which friend do you think his project is about? Take ideas
from the class.
2 Read the description and answer. • Children watch or listen to find out.
• Children read the question, then look at the picture and
read the description to answer it. Transcript
Ash Hello, everyone! This is my project about my friend in
ANSWER costume. She’s a clown. She’s got curly, green hair. She’s got
She’s got a stomach-ache and a temperature. big, blue eyes and a red nose. She’s got funny sunglasses.
Look! It’s Lily!

66 Unit 1
© Copyright Oxford University Press
ANSWER • Children use the information in the project plan to
The project is about Lily’s costume. complete the sentences on the right. Check first in pairs,
and then play the audio to check answers.
2 Talk about Ash’s project. Use these words.
• Put children into pairs. Tell them to think about Ash’s Transcript
project in Activity 1 and talk about it using the words. Adult What does she look like normally?
Monitor and help throughout. 1 She’s got long, brown hair.
2 She’s got big, brown eyes.
OPTION Adult What does she look like in costume?
To provide support for less confident children, ask 3 She’s got curly, green hair.
questions and describe Ash’s project in the photo 4 She’s got big, blue eyes.
together as a class using the words. Then ask children to 5 She’s got a red nose.
talk about the project again in pairs. 6 She’s got funny sunglasses.

2 Choose a friend. Plan and write.

3 Listen and match. Say the letter and the
name. w 1.30 • Talk as a class about when the children wear fancy dress
(for a party, a festival, etc.). Ask children to choose a friend
• Point to the children in the photo and read their names. to draw and write about. They create a project plan and
Read the three comments about Ash’s project on the left. then draw a picture of their friend in costume and / or
Tell the children to listen and match the descriptions A–C normally. In a less confident class, put children into pairs
to the children. to plan and write about each other.
Transcript • Encourage children to look back at Unit 1 to help them
Aiden My name is Aiden. I think Lily looks funny. She’s find words and information they need to complete
a clown! their plan.
Lucas I’m called Lucas. I think drawing is difficult. • Once you have checked their project plans, ask children to
Ruth I’m called Ruth. I think the project is fun. complete the questions and write sentences about their
friend on the right. Monitor and help throughout.
A Ruth B Aiden  C Lucas Ending the lesson (optional) w 4.26
4 Think. What do you think about Ash’s project? • Play Mystery card using the Unit 1 and course character
Tell your friends. flashcards. Children ask Have you got …? (see Ideas bank
page 152).
• Ask the class the question. Elicit answers from 2–3
confident children using the expressions in Activity 3. Put • Do the Goodbye routine on page 53.
children into pairs. They take turns asking and answering
to give their own opinion. Lesson 9: Think, do & review
Social and civic competence
Encouraging children to think about their own opinion Revised: Adjectives of appearance; Ailments; What does
and listen to, and respect, one another’s opinion is an he / she look like? He’s / She’s got (short, red hair). He’s / She’s
important social skill. (tall). What’s the matter with him / her? He’s / She’s got (a

5 Prepare your project. AB page 11

Starting the lesson (optional) w 4.23 4.25 1.29
• See Activity Book notes below.
• Do the Starting the lesson routines on page 51.
Classroom Presentation Tool (CPT) • Play Kim’s game to review the language from Unit 1
(see Ideas bank page 152).
Grammar and vocabulary review: game • Watch or listen to Ash’s project again for children to
• See instructions for Three in a row on page 147. familiarize themselves with the project.

Activity Book page 11 AB Class Book page 13

1 Look at Ash’s project plan. Read and complete. 1 Have you got everything? Listen and answer.
Listen and check. w 1.31 Ask and answer. w 1.32
• Refer the children to Ash’s project plan. Point out the • Tell the class that today they will complete their project
different sections – the headings and descriptions. Look using their plan from Lesson 8.
at each heading and ask questions about the information • Look at the materials in the pictures at the top of page 13
listed What does Lily normally look like? Elicit answers, She’s and ask the class What do we need to make our project? The
got long, brown hair, etc. What does she look like in costume? children say what they see.
She’s got curly, green hair, etc. • Play the audio for children to listen and answer the
questions with Yes, I have or No, I haven’t.

Unit 1 67
© Copyright Oxford University Press
• Put children into pairs to ask and answer again, referring ASSESSMENT OPPORTUNITIES:
to the pictures at the top of the page.
The children are now ready to do the Unit 1 test. See the
Transcript Teacher’s Resource Material evaluation section.
Have you got some paper?
Have you got a pencil? The unit project is an opportunity to assess the
Have you got some coloured pencils? Competences for 21st century learning. Assessment grid
Have you got some scissors? and notes in the Teacher’s Resource Material.
Have you got a stapler?

2 Draw a friend in costume. Read and do.

• Children work individually to create their own project.
Make sure each child has the materials they need. Read
and look at the photos and use a completed project to
demonstrate the task. Work through the stages together
as a class:
• Stage 1: Make sure each child has got two pieces of paper.
They make two folds horizontally to create three sections.
Ask children to draw a picture of their friend, as they
normally are, on one piece of paper. They should draw
them so that the head, body and legs sit in one of the
three sections created by the folds. They then write 3–4
sentences about what their friend normally looks like.
• Stage 2: On the other piece of paper, children do the
same thing, but this time with their friend in costume.
Encourage them to use their imaginations as much as
possible for the costume.
• Stage 3: Children staple the two pieces of paper, one on
top of the other. They can choose which picture goes on
top. Then they cut along the two horizontal fold lines on
the top piece of paper only, so they can lift the sections
and reveal the bottom pictures. Demonstrate to the class
if needed.
• Stage 4: Children should practise presenting their projects
within small groups or in pairs. Remind the class to
respect one another’s ideas and to use English. Monitor,
praise and help throughout.
• Invite children to the front to present to the whole class.
Remember who presented their project this time, so
different children can present the next time.


Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship
Working through the stages of a project clearly helps the
children to see what can be achieved. Creating something
based on the children’s own ideas is a motivational
task which also recycles the language of the unit in a
meaningful way.

3 Rate your project. Tell your friends.

• Remind the class of the three expressions of opinion in
Lesson 8. Put children into groups of 3–4 to share their
opinions about their projects.

English at home
• Children take their projects home to show and tell to
their family.

Ending the lesson (optional) w 4.26

• Play a game (see Ideas bank pages 150–155).
• Do the Goodbye routine on page 53.

68 Unit 1
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Unit 1 69
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Unit 2 My day
Lesson 1: Vocabulary • Play the audio for children to listen, point and repeat.

Language Transcript
Core: brush my teeth, come home, eat breakfast, eat dinner, 1 I brush my teeth at half past eight.
get up, go to bed, go to school, watch TV 2 I go to school at nine o’clock.
Revised: at (four) o’clock, at half past (seven), eat lunch, 3 I come home at half past three.
play computer games, play football 4 I eat dinner at half past seven.
Other: brush my hair, eat lunch, get dressed, have a bath, Pedro
play computer games, play football 5 I get up at half past six.
6 I eat breakfast at seven o’clock.
Starting the lesson (optional) w 4.23 4.25 7 I watch TV at three o’clock.
8 I go to bed at eight o’clock.
• Do the Starting the lesson routines on page 51.
• Play 2-minute race in pairs writing verbs and / or nouns of 3 Listen and say. w 1.34
things the children see and do every day (see Ideas bank • Play the audio, pausing before each response. Children
page 154). listen and look at the pictures of Pedro and Lily’s daily
• Talk about daily routines in the children’s own language. routines to find the times. Then they complete the
Ask the children what time they wake up, go to school, sentence by saying the correct routine and time. Continue
and eat lunch. the audio to check.

CPT, Classroom Resource Pack Transcript

1 Pedro It’s seven o’clock. I … eat breakfast at seven o’clock.
Unit introduction: 1 Watch. 2 Lily It’s half past eight. I … brush my teeth at half
• Watch the video. Ask the children questions about the past eight.
clip, in the children’s own language: Who is Lily talking to? 3 Pedro It’s eight o’clock. I … go to bed at eight o’clock.
(Pedro, her cousin) Where does he live? (In Peru) Is Pedro 4 Lily It’s nine o’clock. I … go to school at nine o’clock.
going to school? (No, it’s the holidays) What time is it in 5 Lily It’s half past three. I … come home at half past three.
Peru? (7 o’clock) 6 Pedro It’s three o’clock. I … watch TV at three o’clock.
7 Lily It’s half past seven. I … eat dinner at half past seven.
Transcript 8 Pedro It’s half past six. I … get up at half past six.
Lily Hi, everyone! I’m talking to my cousin Pedro. He lives in
Peru. Good afternoon, Pedro! 4 Listen and repeat. w 1.35
Pedro Good morning, Lily! It’s the morning here in Peru. • Point to the activity and explain that the boy and girl are
Lily Oh, yes! What time do you go to school? talking about Pedro and Lily’s daily routines.
Pedro It’s the holidays now. We don’t go to school! • Play the audio for children to listen and repeat.
Lily Lucky you!
Pedro’s mum Pedro! It’s seven o’clock. 5 Play Who am I?
Pedro Sorry, Lily. It’s time for breakfast. Bye! • Tell the class they are going to play the guessing game
Lily Bye, Pedro! like the two children. Say a routine and time for either
Lily or Pedro. Encourage the class to answer using the
Vocabulary presentation: flashcards (optional) structure, You’re (Lily)!
• Show the flashcards one by one to introduce the new • In pairs, children take turns saying a routine and a time for
vocabulary. Repeat several times, encouraging the their partner to guess.
children to remember the words.
Divide the class into two teams. Say a time for Team A and
Linguistic competence
they say a routine they do at that time, e.g. Nine o’clock.
Introducing new language using a video allows the
I go to school at nine o’clock. Award them a point for
children to see the language in context. This will help
correct possible activities. Repeat with Team B. Play until
them give meaning to it and enable them to use it when
each team has 5 points.
speaking in future lessons.

Lily’s question
Class Book page 14
• Point to Lily’s question and read it aloud. Say I eat breakfast
at (half past seven). I eat lunch at (twelve o’clock). I eat
2 Listen, point and repeat. w 1.33
dinner at (eight o’clock). Ask the question around the class
• Focus the children on the Class Book page and the encouraging children to use the structure.
pictures of Lily and Pedro’s days.

70 Unit 2
© Copyright Oxford University Press
• If you have more time use this as an opportunity to do Lesson 2: Song, Grammar &
a class survey, getting the children to ask the question
and record answers in groups. This work can be further Communication
exploited by displaying the answers in graph or
diagram form. Language
Core: Daily routines; What time does he / she brush his / her
Star question (optional) teeth? He / She brushes his / her teeth at (seven o’clock).
• Ask the children the question at the bottom of page 14. He / She doesn’t brush his / her teeth.
Tell them to look at pages 14 and 15 and find the hidden Other: peas, play tag, socks, so much to do, swimming pool
revision and extension words (other daily routines). If the
children know the revision and extension words, play a
Starting the lesson (optional) w 4.23 4.25
miming game: choose one of the items to mime and ask
the class to guess which item you are thinking of. If they • Do the Starting the lesson routines on page 51.
don’t know the words, say the words and ask the children • Play Bend down, stand up (see Ideas bank page 151).
to repeat. Play in teams.
brush my hair, eat lunch, get dressed, have a bath, play
Classroom Presentation Tool (CPT)
computer games, play football Grammar presentation and vocabulary
consolidation: song animation 1 Watch.
Classroom Presentation Tool (CPT) • Watch the song animation and ask the class what
Vocabulary practice: game it’s about.
• See instructions for Snap! on page 146. • Watch again and play Missing words (see Ideas bank
page 153).
Activity Book page 12
Class Book page 15
1 Write. What’s the secret action?
2 Listen, point and sing. w 1.36
• Children look at the pictures and write the correct
routines in the puzzle to find the secret word highlighted • Play the song. Children point to the daily routines on the
in green. page as they are mentioned.
• Play the song again. Encourage the children to join in with
ANSWERS the words and to act out the routines if they like.
1 get up   2 go to school   3 watch TV   4 come home  
5 eat breakfast   6 brush my teeth   7 eat dinner COMPETENCES FOR 21ST CENTURY LEARNING:
The secret action is go to bed. Linguistic competence
Listening to new language in a song enables the children
2 Think about your day. Draw the times and write. to hear the natural pronunciation of each collocation
• Children draw times on the clock faces for their daily without directly focusing on issues such as intonation and
routines. They then write sentences about the activity connected speech. This will develop both their speaking
and the time. and listening skills.
Picture Dictionary page 63 (optional)
• See notes on page 53. 3 Match the words and pictures.
• Children match the highlighted words from the song to
Ending the lesson (optional) w 4.26 the pictures on pages 14–15 by saying the routine and
• Play True or false? (see Ideas bank page 154). Draw a clock the correct number. Do this as a whole class or in pairs.
face on the board with numbers. Invite a child to come ANSWERS
up, choose a flashcard, stick it on the clock and say a brush her teeth 1, goes to school 2, eat breakfast 6, watch
sentence with that card and a time, e.g. I (eat lunch) at TV 7, come home 3, eats dinner 4, go to bed 8, gets up 5
(12 o’clock). The class decides if it’s true or false.
• Do the Goodbye routine on page 53. 4 Listen and repeat. w 1.37
Further practice • Point to the two children at the bottom of the page and
play the audio for the class to listen. Ask the class which
Teacher’s Resource Material: Unit 2 Set 1 mini picture cards and
picture they were talking about (number 5). Elicit which
wordcards; Unit 2 Lesson 1 Extra vocabulary worksheet. Notes and
routine and time it is.
answers in Teacher’s Resource Material.
• Refer children to the All about grammar box. Check their
understanding of how we form questions and answers
when we talk about time. Remind them that when we
talk about he / she, we use does and the infinitive in the
question, and the verb with s in the affirmative answer (but
the verbs brush, go and watch take es). We answer in the
negative using doesn’t and the infinitive. Point out the use
of the different possessive pronouns with brush my teeth.
• Play the audio again for children to listen and repeat.
Unit 2 71
© Copyright Oxford University Press
5 Ask and answer about Lily and Pedro’s days. All about grammar page 70
• Tell the children they are going to take turns asking and
answering about Lily and Pedro’s days using What time 1 Look and write.
does …? Put children into pairs. Ask them to take turns • Review how we form questions and short answers about
asking and answering about Pedro and Lily. Encourage daily routines. Clarify in the children’s own language if
them to ask questions with affirmative and negative necessary.
answers. Monitor and help throughout. • Children look at the pictures and write the question and
answer for each activity. Check answers in pairs before
Classroom Presentation Tool (CPT) feeding back as a class.
Vocabulary and grammar practice: game
1 What time does she eat breakfast? She east breakfast at
• See instructions for Chase the cheese on page 147. seven o’clock.
2 What time does he go to school? He doesn’t go to
Activity Book page 13
3 What time does she brush her teeth? She brushes her
1 Listen and write the times. w 1.38
teeth at half past seven.
• Tell children they will hear Lily talking about Ash and 4 What time does he eat dinner? He eats dinner at quarter
Mina’s typical Sunday. Play the audio for children to write past six.
the correct times for their routines.
Ending the lesson (optional) w 1.36 4.26
Lily This is my friend, Ash.
• Close the lesson by singing the song again.
Adult What time does Ash get up on Sundays? • Do the Goodbye routine on page 53.
Lily He gets up at eight o’clock. Further practice
Adult What time does he brush his teeth? Teacher’s Resource Material: Unit 2 Lesson 2 Reinforcement and
Lily He brushes his teeth at nine o’clock. Extension worksheets; Unit 2 Lesson 2 song worksheet. Notes and
Adult What time does he eat breakfast? answers in Teacher’s Resource Material. Karaoke version of song
Lily Er … at half past nine. available on CD4 track 31.
Adult And what time does he go to school?
Lily He doesn’t go to school on Sundays! ASSESSMENT OPPORTUNITIES:
Adult And who’s this? The Lesson 2 pairwork activity (Activity 5) is an
Lily This is my friend Mina. She gets up at seven o’clock on opportunity to assess the children’s speaking
Sundays. development. Assessment grid and notes in the Teacher’s
Adult That’s early! What time does she brush her teeth? Resource Material.
Lily She brushes her teeth at half past seven.
Adult What time does she eat breakfast?
Lily At half past eight. And she doesn’t go to school! Lesson 3: Culture & Communication
1 eight o’clock   2 nine o’clock   3 half past nine   Language
4 seven o’clock   5 half past seven   6 half past eight Core: Excuse me, what time is it? It’s (half past seven).
Revised: Colours; Daily routines; big, drive, fast, gloves,
2 Complete the questions and answers. helmet, jobs, noisy, uniform
• Children complete the questions and answers using the Other: drive, emergency services, fire engine, firefighter,
information in Activity 1. police car, police officer, put on my pyjamas, work
1 What time does Mina eat breakfast? She eats breakfast Starting the lesson (optional) w 4.23 4.25 1.36
at half past eight. • Do the Starting the lesson routines on page 51.
2 What time does Ash go to school? He doesn’t go to
• Sing the song from Lesson 2 again.
school (on Sundays).
3 What time does Ash get up? He gets up at eight o’clock.
4 What time does Mina go to school? She doesn’t go to Classroom Presentation Tool (CPT)
school (on Sundays). Culture presentation: 1 Watch.
3 Write two more questions and answers about • First viewing: Watch Lily’s introduction to the culture film
Ash and Mina. Ask and answer with your friend. and ask the children to tell you what the video is about
(Emergency services) and to make some predictions about
• Elicit an example question the children could ask about
Lily’s question What does he wear to work?
Mina or Ash. Children write two more questions, one
about Mina’s day and one about Ash’s day, and invent • Watch the culture film, stopping before the
the answers. comprehension questions, for children to check their
predictions. Ask the class what clothes they saw (a green
t-shirt, trousers, a uniform, a helmet, a mask, gloves).

72 Unit 2
© Copyright Oxford University Press
• Second viewing: Watch the video again and do the • Ask the class about each text as you feed back answers
comprehension task at the end of the film. What words does it use to describe the picture? (police car,
yellow, etc.)
Lily Hello, everyone! My friend’s dad is a firefighter. It’s a very ANSWERS
important job. What does your parent or carer do? This is a 1 B  2 C  3 A  4 D
film about a firefighter’s day. Let’s watch it together. What COMPETENCES FOR 21ST CENTURY LEARNING:
does he wear to work? Learning to learn
Culture film This is my dad. He’s sleeping. My dad gets up at Teaching children to find answers from reading texts
half past seven. Good morning, Dad! He has a shower. Then using words they know develops their ability to learn
he gets dressed. He’s wearing a green T-shirt and trousers. He more efficiently. This will also help them to become
eats breakfast at eight o’clock. He likes eggs and sausages. confident and effective readers.
Would you like some milk? Yes, please. Thank you.
After breakfast, he brushes his teeth. My dad goes to work at
half past eight. He goes to work by car. He works at the fire CPT / Class Book page 16
station. He’s a firefighter. He wears a uniform. He’s wearing
black trousers, yellow gloves, a black jacket and a yellow 4 Watch. Listen and repeat. w 1.40
helmet, too. Dad checks the firefighter equipment. He • Explain to the class that they are going to watch Lily and
checks his mask and torch. He practises firefighting. Charlie talking about the time. Make predictions as a class
It’s half past ten. He drinks a cup of tea and he eats some about which time they will hear.
toast with the other fire fighters. The fire engine is red and • Watch the video and check their predictions.
yellow. It’s very big. Dad cleans the fire engine. It’s hard
work! Then dad has lunch at half past one. Sometimes dad Transcript
goes to a fire. The fire engine has got a blue light. It’s very Charlie Lily! It’s time to go to school.
noisy. It’s five o’clock. It’s time to come home. Lily What time is it?
Charlie It’s quarter past eight!
CULTURE NOTE: Emergency services in the UK Lily Oh, dear. I’m late!
The police, fire and ambulance services help us when • Play the audio track for the children to listen. Play it again
there is an emergency. In the UK there are two numbers and pause for children to repeat the conversation.
you can call in an emergency – 111 for lesser emergencies
and 999 for greater emergencies. Policemen are Transcript
sometimes called ‘bobbies’ after Robert Peel who set Lily Excuse me, what time is it?
up the first organized police service in London, in 1829. Charlie It’s half past seven.
Bobby is short for Robert. You can join the police force
from the age of 18 in the UK. Did you know that only 5 Act out the conversation.
about 4% of firefighters in the UK are women? Firefighters • When children are using the language confidently, put
in the UK are paid, rather than working on a voluntary them into pairs or small groups. They take turns asking
basis. and answering the question. Refer them to the All about
speaking box for support.

Class Book page 16 Let’s compare culture

• Discuss the culture question in English and in the
2 Listen and say the number. w 1.39 children’s own language if necessary What do police
• Ask the children to look at the photos and say any words officers and firefighters wear in your town? How is that
they know to describe them (She’s got a black uniform, It’s a different to the UK? When do police officers and firefighters
red fire engine, etc.). Accept all ideas. help us? Is anyone in your family an emergency services
• Play the audio for children to listen and say the number of worker? What other emergency services jobs are there?
the photo being described. Would you like to be an emergency services worker when you
grow up?
1 The police car is yellow and blue. Activity Book page 14
2 The fire engine is red and yellow.
3 My dad is a firefighter. He wears gloves and a yellow 1 Listen and number. w 1.41
helmet. • Play the audio for children to listen and number the
4 My mum is a police officer. She wears a uniform. photos.
1, 4, 2, 3
1 Boy Let’s look at these photos… Who’s that?
3 Read and match. Say the number and the letter. Girl That’s my dad. He’s a firefighter. He’s wearing his
• Encourage the class to read texts A–D silently, or read uniform. He wears a yellow helmet and big gloves, too.
them together as a class. Then match them to photos 1–4. Boy Does he work at night?
Girl Yes, he sometimes works at night.
2 Girl Here’s a photo of a fire engine.
Boy Does your dad drive this fire engine?
Girl Yes, he does.
Unit 2 73
© Copyright Oxford University Press
3 Boy Is this your mum? • Talk about nocturnal animals in the children’s own
Girl Yes, it is. She’s a police officer. She’s wearing her language. Ask the class What is a nocturnal animal? What
uniform. other nocturnal animals do you know? How can these
Boy Does she work at night? animals see in the dark?
Girl Yes, she often works at night.
4 Boy Does your mum drive a police car? Classroom Presentation Tool (CPT)
Girl Yes, she does. Look! Here’s a photo.
Boy Oh, yes. Cross-curricular presentation: slideshow 1 Watch.
ANSWERS • Pause after each slide to discuss what nocturnal animals
1 C  2 A  3 D  4 B they see (a bat, a fox, an owl and a mouse). Discuss the
meaning of the words hunt, diurnal, active, hide and senses
2 Review. Look at the pictures in Activity 1. Read in the children’s own language.
and complete.
ANSWERS Narrator: Nocturnal animals
1 police officer   2 black and white   3 police car   Nocturnal animals are active at night. Diurnal animals are
4 firefighter  5 gloves  6 fire engine   7 red and yellow active in the day. Animals use their senses to hunt or hide.
A bat can’t see well, but it can hear very well. It listens to
3 Listen and draw the times. Complete the insects and hunts them.
dialogues. w 1.42 An owl can see in the dark, and it is very quiet. It hunts mice
Transcript and other small animals at night.
1 A Excuse me, what time is it? A mouse can’t see very well. It can hear and smell well, so it
B It’s three o’clock. can hide from owls and other hunters. It eats fruit and plants.
A Thank you! A fox can hear very well, and it can run fast. It hunts small
2 A Excuse me, what time is it? animals like mice, but it eats fruit, plants and a lot of other
B It’s half past ten. things, too.
A Thank you!
Class Book page 17
• Fast finishers draw a picture of a police car and / or a 2 Look at the animals. Is it day or night?
fire engine in their country. Encourage more confident • Children look at the animals in the photos. They say if it is
children to write sentences (The fire engine is red and day or night in the picture.
yellow). ANSWER
All: night
Ending the lesson (optional) w 4.26
• Play Board pelmanism (see Ideas bank page 152). 3 Read and listen. w 1.43
• Do the Goodbye routine on page 53. • Play the audio for children to follow the words in their
books. Ask the children to read the text again silently.
Further practice
Teacher’s Resource Material: Unit 2 Culture worksheet. Notes and • Check children’s comprehension by asking questions, e.g.
answers in Teacher’s Resource Material. Which animal can be (very quiet)?


The All about speaking activity (Activity 5) is an opportunity See Class Book page 17 for transcript.
to assess the children’s speaking development.
4 Read and say the animal.
Assessment grid and notes in the Teacher’s Resource
Material. • Read sentences 1–4. Ask the children to read the text
again and find the animal described in each sentence.
• Feed back answers together as a class.
Lesson 4: Cross-curricular (Natural ANSWERS
1 an owl   2 a bat  3 a fox  4 a mouse
5 Choose an animal from the photos. Draw and
Language label it.
Core: active, diurnal, hide, hunt, nocturnal, senses • Children choose an animal from page 17. They draw a
Revised: big, day, fast, fruit, hear, night, plants, quiet, run, picture of it in their notebooks and label it with its name
see, smell; It can / can’t (see); It eats … and characteristics, e.g. A fox. Big ears. Red and white body.
Other: bat, dark, fox, insects, mouse, owl, well Fast legs, etc.

Starting the lesson (optional) w 4.23 4.25

• Do the Starting the lesson routines on page 51.
• Draw a bat on the board line by line and ask the class to
guess what animal it is. Tell the class that a bat is nocturnal
and write the word on the board.
74 Unit 2
© Copyright Oxford University Press
Mathematical competence and basic competences in
science and technology Language
Learning about natural science in another language Core: at night, in the afternoon, in the morning, quarter
enables the children to learn difficult, but useful language. past, quarter to, tonight
Animal vocabulary is revised language from previous Revised: Daily routines; bathroom, boring, exciting; Where’s
units, so the children will be able to talk about the topic the …? It’s in the (museum). It’s near the (café). Let’s go! I’m
confidently and naturally in English. (watching). There’s a / There are …
Other: diamond, guard, museum, prison, robbers
Star question (optional)
• Ask the children what other nocturnal animals they know. Starting the lesson (optional) w 4.23 4.25
Write a list of them on the board (badgers, hedgehogs, • Do the Starting the lesson routines on page 51.
spiders, wolves, leopards, possums). Talk about them as
• Ask children to draw 5–6 simple clock faces. Call out different
a class How does a spider hunt in the dark? (It feels when
times (o’clock or half past) for the children to draw. Children
there is a creature in its web.)
check their answers in pairs and tell their partner what they
do at each time (I eat breakfast at half past seven).
Activity Book page 15
• Talk about jobs at night in English or the children’s own
1 Look, read and write the animal words. language, if necessary (e.g. security guard, doctor, nurse,
factory worker, cleaners, chefs, etc.) Is their day different
ANSWER to ours?
1 fox  2 bat  3 owl  4 mouse

2 Read the questions and tick f. CPT, Classroom Resource Pack

• Read the two questions as a class. Ask children to tick Vocabulary and grammar review and presentation:
the box if it is true for that animal. Check answers in pairs story animation
before feeding back as a class.
ANSWER 1 Watch.
Which nocturnal animals hunt other animals? foxes, • Tell the children they’re going to watch a story animation
bats, owls with Lily. Pause after Lily’s introduction and ask what the
Which nocturnal animals can fly? bats, owls story is about (a museum guard and his work).
• With books closed, watch the story. Ask What happens in
3 Find out about a different nocturnal animal. the story? (Some diamond robbers try to steal a diamond
Draw and write. from the Museum. Boring Bill, the museum guard, catches
• Ask the children to choose a nocturnal animal to draw them.)
and complete the sentences about. In a less confident
class, choose an animal to write about together. Transcript
Lily Hi, everyone! Do you like stories? I love stories. Here’s a
Lily’s tip story called Boring Bill and the Diamond Robbers. This is
• Read Lily’s tip. Encourage children to use the internet to a story about a museum guard and his work. Let’s see what
find out interesting information about nocturnal animals. happens.
• See Class Book pages 18–19 for story transcript.
Digital competence Vocabulary presentation: flashcards (optional)
Using the internet to find out more about a topic • Show the flashcards one by one to introduce the new
develops children’s ICT skills and knowledge. It helps them vocabulary. Repeat several times, encouraging the
to become familiar with using the internet effectively to children to remember the words.
find specific information.
Class Book pages 18–19
• Ask children to make a list in their notebooks of other 2 Listen, point and repeat. w 1.44
nocturnal animals that live in their country. • Ask the children to look at the six time phrases in the box.
Read each one and ask the class to find it in the story.
Ending the lesson (optional) w 4.26 • Play the audio for the children to listen, point and repeat.
• Play Describe it! to review nocturnal animals (see Ideas
bank page 153). Revise words children will know (beak, OPTION
feathers, tail, wings, etc.) Call out the time phrases again in a random order for the
• Do the Goodbye routine on page 53. class to listen, point to and repeat. Go slower, then faster
and faster.

Unit 2 75
© Copyright Oxford University Press
3 Listen and read. w 1.45 ANSWER
• Play the story audio for the children to read and follow in 1 in the afternoon   2 tonight  3 at night   4 quarter to  
their Class Books. 5 quarter past   6 in the morning
• Check comprehension: Where is the diamond? (In the 2 Think. What do you think about the story? Colour
museum, near the café.) Why can’t the robbers steal the and complete. Learn to learn.
diamond at quarter past three? (There are a lot of people in the
museum.) When do they decide to go? (Tonight) Why isn’t the
• See notes on page 63.
guard a problem? (They think he is boring and he does the 3 Read, think and give yourself marks out of 10.
same thing every night.) What time does Boring Bill got to work? Answer the question.
(At quarter to six) Does he eat dinner at the museum? (Yes,
• Review the value. Ask the children Do you always do a
he does.) Does he go to bed at the museum? (No, he doesn’t.)
good job? Read the list in the box and check children’s
Why does Bill go to the bathroom? (To brush his teeth.) Does he
understanding. Ask children to think about and rate their
catch the robbers? (Yes, he does.) Does he like his job? (Yes. It’s
own effort in class from 1–10.
ALL ABOUT VALUES: Always do a good job. Picture Dictionary page 63 (optional)
Remind the children of who does a good job in the story. • See notes on page 53.
What does he do that is good? How does he feel when
he catches the robbers? Talk to the children in their own Spelling and alphabet page 63 (optional) w 4.13 4.16
language about why it’s important to do a good job and try • See notes on page 55.
their best, no matter what it is.
COMPETENCES FOR 21ST CENTURY LEARNING: 1 How do you spell brush my teeth? B-r-u-s-h m-y t-e-e-t-h
Social and civic competence 2 How do you spell get up? G-e-t u-p
Doing a good job in any situation is an important life 3 How do you spell go to bed? G-o t-o b-e-d
skill. It helps our children grow up to see that when they 4 How do you spell at night? A-t n-i-g-h-t
work hard, we all benefit. Working hard helps us achieve 5 How do you spell in the morning? I-n t-h-e m-o-r-n-i-n-g
our goals which makes us feel proud and motivates us to 6 How do you spell quarter to? Q-u-a-r-t-e-r t-o
want to do better.
Ending the lesson (optional) w 4.26
• Play Remember the film (see Ideas bank page 154).
4 Read and correct the sentences.
• Do the Goodbye routine on page 53.
• Children read sentences 1–5. Encourage them to focus on
the time phrases and routines in each sentence. Further practice
• They read the story again and write correct sentences. Teacher’s Resource Material: Unit 2 Set 2 mini picture cards and
Children may work in pairs for support. wordcards.

1 Bill goes to work at quarter to six. Lesson 6: Story, Grammar &
He eats dinner at quarter past eight.
He goes to bed in the morning.
4 There are a lot of people in the museum in the afternoon. Language
5 Bill’s job is exciting.
Core: Does he / she get up at (quarter to eight)? Yes, he / she
5 Think. What do you think about the story? How does. No, he / she doesn’t.
many stars do you give it? Revised: Daily routines, Time phrases
• See notes on page 63.
Starting the lesson (optional) w 4.23 4.25
6 Listen and repeat. Tell your friends. w 1.46 • Do the Starting the lesson routines on page 51.
• See notes on page 63. • Play Teacher’s mistake to review daily routines (see Ideas
OPTION: bank page 151).
Act out the story
See notes on page 63. CPT, Classroom Resource Pack
Story review and grammar presentation w 1.45
Classroom Presentation Tool (CPT) • Ask the children what they remember from the story:
Who’s in the story? What do the robbers want? Why do they
Vocabulary practice: game go to the museum at night? What does Boring Bill do at the
• See instructions for Pelmanism on page 146. museum? Does he do a good job?
• Watch (or listen to) the story again to confirm answers.
Activity Book page 16

1 Read the story again. Complete.

• Children read the story again and complete the summary
of the story using the words in the word bank.
76 Unit 2
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Vocabulary review: flashcards (optional) 4 Make the game cards. AB page 93
• Show the flashcards one by one to remind children of the • Show the class the cut-out and tell them they will cut out
new vocabulary. Repeat several times, encouraging the and play a game.
children to say the words. • Ask children to turn to page 93 in their Activity Books and
to cut out around sections A and B along the dashed lines
Class Book page 20 and then fold along the dotted line. Monitor and help
where needed.
1 Listen and say Yes, he does or No, he doesn’t.
• Ask the class to look at the pictures and tell you the Linguistic competence
activities they can see and the times. Using a kinaesthetic and visual activity, such as cut-out
• Children listen and answer Yes, he does or No, he doesn’t cards, to retell a story will help the children recycle the
for each picture. In a less confident class, drill the answers language of the unit in a meaningful and memorable way.
before you listen.
5 Listen and repeat. Play the game. w 1.49
Transcript • Point to the two children playing with their cards. Play
1 Does Bill go to work at quarter to six?
the audio. Ask Who are they talking about? (Lucy). Does she
2 Does Bill eat his dinner at quarter past nine?
eat breakfast at quarter to eight? (No, she doesn’t.) Play the
3 Does Bill go to bed in the morning?
audio again and ask the class to repeat the lines.
4 Does Bill brush his teeth at quarter to ten?
• Put the children into pairs. One of them is A and the other
ANSWERS is B. Ask them to place their piece of paper in front of
1 Yes, he does.   2 No, he doesn’t.   3 Yes, he does.   them with section A or B face up but so their partner can’t
4 No, he doesn’t. see. They take turns asking and answering a question to
complete the missing information on their sheet. Monitor,
2 Read and answer the questions about Boss and help and praise throughout.
Bill. Listen, check and repeat. w 1.48
• When they have completed their sheet, put them into
• Look at the All about grammar box as a class and read new pairs to ask and answer about the other section.
the questions and affirmative and negative statements.
Remind the class when we use he and she. Point out that
we use does and doesn’t for he / she.
Activity Book page 17

• Refer children to the times in the LOOK! box, and say them 1 Listen and circle the word or clock. w 1.50
as a class to drill the pronunciation.
• Use the pictures at the top of the page and remind the Transcript
class who is Boss (girl robber) and who is Bill (boy robber). 1 A Does she get up at seven o’clock?
Then put children into pairs. Ask them to look at the B No, she doesn’t. She gets up at quarter to six!
questions and answers in the grammar box and to take 2 A Does she go to work in the morning?
turns asking and answering, choosing the correct answers. B Yes, she does. She works in the kitchen in the prison.
3 A Does she watch TV in the afternoon?
• Play the audio for the children to listen, check and repeat.
B No, she doesn’t. She watches TV in the evening.
Transcript 4 A Does she go to bed at ten o’clock?
A Does she go to the museum at night? B Yes, she does. You’re right!
B: Yes, she does. ANSWERS
A Does he eat his dinner at quarter to eight? 1 quarter to six   2 morning  3 evening  4 ten o’clock
B: No, he doesn’t.
2 Look at Activity 1. Complete the questions and
3 Ask and answer. answers.
• In their pairs, tell the class to ask and answer more • Children complete the questions and write answers about
questions about Boss and Bill. Refer them to the daily Boss using the information in Activity 1.
routines in Activity 1, e.g. Does he / she go to the museum at
quarter to six? Encourage them to ask and answer as many
questions as they can using the daily routines and time 1 Does she get up at seven o’clock? No, she doesn’t.
phrases. Place the flashcards on the board and remind 2 Does she go to work in the morning? Yes, she does.
them to refer to the All about grammar box for support. 3 Does she watch TV in the afternoon? No, she doesn’t.
Monitor throughout. 4 Does she go to bed at ten o’clock? Yes, she does.
• Feed back questions and answers as a class. 3 Write two questions and answers about your
Classroom Presentation Tool (CPT) • Ask children to choose a friend from class or out of class.
They write two questions and short answers about two
Vocabulary and grammar practice: game
different routines with two different times. Ask children
• See instructions for Multiple choice on page 148. to check their questions and answers in pairs if you
have time.

Unit 2 77
© Copyright Oxford University Press
All about grammar page 70 ANSWERS
a He goes to ballet school.   b He does dance lessons in
2 Look, read and circle. Write. the afternoon.   c He goes to a boarding school, so he
• Review how we ask and answer questions about routines sleeps at the school and eats breakfast there.
and times using Does he / she …?
2 Act out the interview.
• Children look at the pictures and complete the questions
and short answers with the correct daily routine and time. • Put children into pairs to act out the interview. In a more
confident class, close books and elicit the three interview
ANSWERS questions from the class. Put children into pairs to ask
1 Does he get up at quarter to seven? Yes, he does. and answer remembering what they’ve read. In a less
2 Does she go to school at quarter past nine? No, she confident class, use the Class Book for support so children
doesn’t. can refer to the photo, the questions and answers.
Monitor, help and praise throughout.
Ending the lesson (optional) w 1.36 4.26
• Close the lesson by singing the song from Lesson 2 again. COMPETENCES FOR 21ST CENTURY LEARNING:
• Do the Goodbye routine on page 53. Linguistic competence
After looking at the form of do with She and He, the
Further practice
children now look at the form of do with the pronoun I.
Teacher’s Resource Material: Unit 2 Lesson 6 Reinforcement and
This will consolidate their understanding of the language
Extension worksheets. Notes and answers in Teacher’s Resource
and allow them to use it in a meaningful way.
ASSESSMENT OPPORTUNITIES: 3 Listen and read. Listen and repeat. w 1.52
The Lesson 6 pairwork activity (Activity 5) is an • Look at the picture and ask the children to say what they
opportunity to assess the children’s speaking can see. Ask What time is it? What does she do at …?
development. Assessment grid and notes in the Teacher’s • Write the letters s and sh on the board and drill the two
Resource Material. sounds as a class. Write the sounds /s/ and /ʃ/ on the
board next to the letters.
• Refer children to the rhyme in the pronunciation box. Tell
Lesson 7: Integrated skills & them that the /s/ sound is highlighted in blue and the /ʃ/
Communication sound is highlighted in red.
• Play the audio for children to listen and read the rhyme
Language silently. Then play it again for children to repeat.
Revised: Daily routines; Time phrases; What time does • Ask the class to say the words with the highlighted
he / she (go to school)? What time do you (go to school)? letters again.
Where do you (go to school)? I go … He / She goes …
Core sound: /s/ Sally, school, seven, six, skirt; /∫/ She,
brushes, shirt Ask the children to say the words that have a /s/ sound
Other: boarding school, hard work, term-time and write them on the board. Repeat with the /∫/ sounds.
Drill the sounds. Then point to words in a random order
for children to say. Start slowly and get faster and faster.
Starting the lesson (optional) w 4.23 4.25
• Do the Starting the lesson routines on pages 51.
• Play Kim’s game (see Ideas bank page 152). Classroom Presentation Tool (CPT)
Pronunciation: game
Class Book page 21
• See instructions for Phonics matching on page 146.
1 Listen and read Lily’s interview in the school English at home
magazine. Answer. w 1.51
• Encourage the children to say the rhyme to their family.
• Tell the children they will read another article by Lily for
the school magazine. This is an interview with Sam Tate.
Ask the children to look at the photo and ask What school
Activity Book page 18

do you think Sam goes to? Take ideas from the class. 1 Order the questions and write answers.
• Read the three questions as a class and check children’s
understanding. Identify the key words in each question to
1 What time does Sam get up? He gets up at seven
help children find the answers (a What school, b lessons,
afternoon and c why, eat breakfast, with friends)
2 What time does he go to dance lessons? He goes to
• Children listen and read the interview and answer the dance lessons at quarter to two.
questions. Encourage them to give their own opinions
about question c. Check in pairs before feeding back as 2 Read the blog post and answer.
a class. • Children read the question, then look at the pictures and
read the blog to answer it.
She goes to bed at quarter to ten.
78 Unit 2
© Copyright Oxford University Press
3 Imagine, draw and write. ANSWER
• Children think about sleeping over at a friend’s house. The project is about Pedro’s day.
They draw themselves in the small box and write their
2 Talk about Lily’s project. Use these words.
name. They draw a picture of their friend in the larger box.
They complete the first sentence with their friend’s name • Put children into pairs. Tell them to think about Lily’s
and write a description of their friend’s daily routines. Tell project in Activity 1 and talk about it using the words in
children to refer to the model text in Activity 2 and to use the Class Book. Monitor and help throughout.
their Class Book for ideas and support. OPTION:
4 Circle the /s/ sounds in blue and the /∫/ sounds in To provide support for less confident children, ask
red. Listen, check and repeat. w 1.53 questions and describe Lily’s project in the photo and
picture together as a class using the words. Then ask
• Ask children to check their ideas in pairs, then play the
children to talk about the project again in pairs.
audio for them to listen and check. Play the audio again
for them to listen and repeat.
ANSWERS Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship
blue: sock, stripy, skirt, silver Asking the children to talk about a project before they
red: shirt, short, shop, shell start their own, helps them to think about their own
ideas for the project later in the lesson. Giving them clear,
Extra structured language to use also develops their learner
• Ask fast finishers to write other words they know in autonomy.
English with the /s/ or /∫/ sounds in their notebooks. They
can look back in their Class Book for ideas.
3 Listen and match. Say the letter and the
Ending the lesson (optional) w 4.26 name. w 1.55
• Play The first letter to review the pronunciation sounds • Point to the children in the photo and read their names.
from Unit 1 and 2 (see Ideas bank page 152). Read the three comments about Lily’s project on the left.
• Do the Goodbye routine on page 53. Tell the children to listen and match the descriptions A–C
to the children.
Acting out the interview and reciting the rhyme
Ruth I’m called Ruth. I think Pedro’s day is great fun!
are opportunities to assess the children’s speaking
Aiden I’m Aiden. I think the project is interesting.
development. Assessment grid and notes in the Teacher’s
Claire I’m called Claire. I think telling the time is difficult.
Resource Material.
A Aiden  B Claire  C Ruth
Lesson 8: Language review & 4 Think. What do you think about Lily’s project?
Communication Tell your friends.
• Ask the class the question. Elicit answers from 2–3
Language confident children using the expressions in Activity 3. Put
Revised: Daily routines; Time phrases; What time does he / children into pairs. They take turns asking and answering
she …? He / She (goes to bed) at (eight o’clock). Does he / she to give their own opinion.
(get up) at (ten o’clock)? Yes, he / she does. No, he / she doesn’t.
Other: Do you (get up) at (seven o’clock)? 5 Prepare your project. AB page 19
• See Activity Book notes below.
Starting the lesson (optional) w 4.23 4.25
• Do the Starting the lesson routines on page 51.
Classroom Presentation Tool (CPT)
• Play Missing letters to review the unit vocabulary (see Ideas Grammar and vocabulary review: game
bank page 152). • See instructions for Gap-fill on page 148.
CPT / Class Book page 22 Activity Book page 19

1 Watch Lily’s project. What’s it about? w 1.54 1 Look at Lily’s project plan. Read and complete.
• Tell the children they are going to watch a video or listen Listen and check. w 1.56
to the audio about Lily’s project. Ask What do you think it’s • Refer the children to the daily schedule Lily has written
about? Take ideas from the class. about Pedro. Ask questions about the information
• Children watch or listen to find out. listed What time does he get up? Does he go to bed at nine
o’clock?, etc.
Lily Hi, everyone! This is my project about Pedro’s day. He
• Children use the information in the schedule to complete
the sentences on the right. Check first in pairs, and then
gets up at half past six. He eats breakfast at seven o’clock. He
play the audio.
watches TV at three o’clock. He doesn’t go to school because
he’s on holiday. He goes to bed at eight o’clock.
Unit 2 79
© Copyright Oxford University Press
Transcript 2 Make a clock spinner. Read and do.
1 Pedro gets up at half past six. • Children work individually to create their own clock
2 He eats breakfast at seven o’clock. spinner. Make sure each child has the materials they need.
3 He brushes his teeth at quarter past seven. Read and look at the photos and use a completed clock to
4 He eats lunch at quarter to twelve. demonstrate the task. Work through the stages together
5 He watches TV at three o’clock. as a class:
6 He eats dinner at quarter past seven. • Stage 1: Ask children to cut out the four parts of the clock
7 He goes to bed at eight o’clock. spinner on page 91 of their Activity Books.
2 Choose a friend. Plan and write. • Stage 2: The children write a sentence about their friend
from their project plan in Lesson 8 along the outer edge
• Children choose a friend to write about. They write the
of each quarter of the big circle, e.g. She gets up at half past
times their friend normally does the daily routines in the
space on the schedule.
• In a more confident class, put the children into pairs to
• Stage 3: Children put their clock spinner together using a
paper fastener. Monitor and help if necessary.
write about their partner. They interview each other first
asking What time do you …? • Stage 4: Children should practise presenting their projects
within small groups or in pairs. Remind the class to
• Once you have checked their daily schedule, ask children
respect one another’s ideas and to use English. Monitor,
to write sentences about their friend on the right. Monitor
praise and help throughout.
and help throughout.
• Invite children to the front to present to the whole class.
Ending the lesson (optional) w 4.26 Remember who presented their project this time, so
• Play Freeze frame using the story from Lesson 5 (see Ideas different children can present the next time.
bank page 156).
• Do the Goodbye routine on page 54. Mathematical competence and basic competences in
science and technology
Lesson 9: Think, do & review Creating a clock and using it to tell children the time helps
them develop this mathematical skill in a meaningful and
Language natural way.
Revised: Daily routines; Time phrases; What time does
he / she …? He / She (goes to bed) at (eight o’clock). He / She 3 Rate your project. Tell your friends.
doesn’t (go to bed) at (nine o’clock). Does he / she (get up) at • Remind the class of the three expressions of opinion in
(ten o’clock)? Yes, he / she does. No, he / she doesn’t. Lesson 8. Put children into groups of 3–4 to share their
opinions about their projects.
Starting the lesson (optional) w 4.23 4.25 1.54
English at home
• Do the Starting the lesson routines on page 51.
• Play Find the answer to review the language from Unit 2 • Children take their projects home to show and tell to their
(see Ideas bank page 152).
• Watch or listen to Lily’s project again for children to Ending the lesson (optional) w 4.26
familiarize themselves with the project. • Play a game (see Ideas bank pages 150–155).
• Do the Goodbye routine on page 53.
Class Book page 23
1 Have you got everything? Listen and answer. Ask
The children are now ready to do the Unit 2 test and Term
and answer. w 1.57 test 1. See the Teacher’s Resource Material evaluation
• Tell the class that today they will make a clock spinner like section. If you would like your class to have more practice
Lily’s, to practise telling the time. before doing the Term test, consider doing it after the
• Look at the materials in the pictures at the top of page 23 Review unit.
and ask the class What do we need to make our project? The
children say what they see.
The unit project is an opportunity to assess the
• Play the audio for children to listen and answer the Competences for 21st century learning Assessment grid
questions. and notes in the Teacher’s Resource Material.
• Put children into pairs to ask and answer again referring to
the pictures at the top of the page.

Have you got your project template?
Have you got some scissors?
Have you got a pencil?
Have you got a paper fastener?

80 Unit 2
© Copyright Oxford University Press
Unit 2 81
© Copyright Oxford University Press
Review 1 Animaltrons … visit Anna!
they play? (A mime game.) What’s the matter with Panda?
Learning outcomes
(She’s got a stomach ache.) How does Anna feel now? (She
To revise and practise language from the Starter Unit and feels ok.) Can she go to school tomorrow? (Yes, she can.)
Units 1–2 What information do the animaltrons tell Seal Master? (Earth
To work together to make and play a revision game children go to bed when they are ill and eat grapes.)

Language 2 Act out the story.

Core review language: Language from Starter and • Put children into groups of 6–8, one for each character in
Units 1 and 2 the story. Mix more confident and less confident children
together, consider friendship groups and those who work
Competences for 21st century learning well together.
Cultural awareness and expression • Ask the class what characters they need for the story.
Social and civic competence (Animaltrons, Anna, and her dad.) Then allow them to
choose which character(s) they will play. If the class does
NOTE: It is recommended that this unit is taught over two not divide exactly, some children can take two roles.
lessons, depending on your timetable. It can be taught • Ask the children to stand up and find a space in the room
before or after the Term 1 test. to practise acting out the story in their groups. Set a time
limit of ten minutes.
Lesson 1 • Go around the class and encourage them to add
actions and facial expressions. Monitor, help and praise
Starting the lesson (optional) w 4.23 4.25 throughout.
• Do the Starting the lesson routines on page 51. • Ask some of the groups to act out the story for the whole
• Play a flashcard game to review the vocabulary from the class.
Starter Unit and Units 1–2 (see Ideas bank pages 150–155). COMPETENCES FOR 21ST CENTURY LEARNING:
Cultural awareness and expression
Classroom Presentation Tool (CPT) Acting out the story allows children to express themselves
artistically. The vocabulary and grammar of the previous
Storybook presentation: Animaltrons … visit Anna!
units is activated more easily in the context of the story,
• Tell the class that they are going to read a story about making it fun and memorable.
the animal aliens, the Animaltrons. If the class know the
Animaltrons from Level 3, ask them if they can remember OPTION: Pronunciation race:
their names (Seal Master, Panda, Tortoise, Tiger and
Put children into pairs. Write a sound on the board for the
Gorilla). Ask Where do they come from? Take all answers.
children to find in the story. /s/ is reviewed here. Set a time
• Choose the ‘Listen only’ option in the Review 1 storybook. limit of one minute. Children find as many words with the
Click through the story, frame by frame, asking the /s/ sound in them as they can. They can write them on a
children What can you see? Check their answers about the piece of paper or simply point to them in their Class Book.
animals in the story. (/s/ seven, school, yes, what’s, see, so, Let’s, grapes, stomach-
• Ask the children in their own language what they think ache, Seal Master). Feed back ideas from the class. See how
happens in the story. many they got correct.

Class Book page 24

Classroom Presentation Tool (CPT)
1 Listen and read. w 1.58
• Tell children to look at the pictures and say the names Review game
of the Animaltrons, and anything they can see in the • See instructions for Picture race on page 148.
pictures. Describe what Anna and her dad look like. Ask
What does he / she look like? (He’s got short hair. etc.) Activity Book page 20

• Play the story audio for children to read and follow in their
1 Read the story again. Tick f True or False.
Class Books.
• Ask children to read the sentences first and check
• Play the story audio again. Check comprehension: What
understanding. Children read the animaltron story
do the Animaltrons want to find out? (What children do
again and tick true or false for each sentence. In a more
when they’re ill) What time does Anna get up? (Quarter past
confident class, ask children to correct the false answers.
seven.) Does she go to school at nine o’clock? (No. She goes
to school at quarter to nine.) Is she at school today? (No, ANSWERS
she isn’t.) What can Anna do? (She can watch TV.) What’s 1 False  2 True  3 True  4 False  5 True
the matter with Anna? (She’s got a cough and a cold.) Can
the animaltrons see Anna? (Yes, they can.) What game do

82 Review 1
© Copyright Oxford University Press
2 Listen and match. w 1.59 Class Book page 25
• Children listen and match the animaltrons to the ailments.
NOTE: The revision projects provide an opportunity
Transcript for children to work collaboratively to fulfil a task with a
1 A There’s Tiger. What’s the matter with her? communicative outcome, whilst revising language learnt
B She’s got a temperature. over the term. They also provide the opportunity for the
2 A Can you see Panda? She doesn’t look very well. teacher to evaluate the Competences for 21st century
B Yes, she’s got earache. learning.
3 A And here’s Gorilla. Has he got a headache?
B No, he’s got toothache. Project: Make and play a card game
4 A There’s Tortoise. What’s the matter with him?
• Explain to the children that they are going to make and
B He’s got a cut.
play a card game to help them review English words. Read
ANSWERS and look at the photos and use a completed game to
1 D  2 A  3 C  4 B demonstrate the task. Work through the stages together
as a class:
3 Look and write.
• Stage 1: Divide children into groups of 4–6. Look at the
• Children read the questions about Tiger and Gorilla and materials they will need and make sure each group has
use the information in the timetable to answer. Children everything.
can work in pairs or independently.
• Stage 2: Encourage each child in the group to think of
ANSWERS eight words from Unit 1 and eight words from Unit 2. They
1 Yes, she does.   2 He gets up at quarter past eleven.   ​ can look at their Picture Dictionaries or the Class Book, or
3 Yes, she does.   4 He eats dinner at six o’clock. place the flashcards and wordcards on the board or IWB
for support. They tell the group their words and as a group
Ending the lesson (optional) w 4.26 choose the best eight from Unit 1 and eight from Unit 2.
• Play What’s missing? to review the Starter–Unit 2 They write the eight words in a list on a piece of paper.
vocabulary. Play in teams and award points (see Ideas • Stage 3: Show children how to divide their piece of paper
bank page 152). and cut it into 16 pieces. Children share the cards out in
• Do the Goodbye routine on page 53. the group (four each). Remind them to try and use the
English they know to do this.
Lesson 2 • Stage 4: The children choose four of the words from their
list to draw and write. Set a time limit for this. Encourage
Language the class to use English as much as possible throughout
Core review language: Starter, Units 1 and 2 language the project, Let’s write (toothache), I know! How do you
spell / say…? I like your (go to bed picture!), etc. Monitor,
Materials: card, coloured pencils, an envelope, scissors
praise and help throughout.
• Stage 5: Groups place their 16 cards in an envelope and
Starting the lesson (optional) w 4.23 4.25 play the game in their groups. They take turns picking a
• Do the Starting the lesson routines on page 51. card and miming an action or ailment for their group to
• Play Alphabet race to review vocabulary from Starter– guess.
Unit 2 (see Ideas bank page 154).
Classroom Presentation Tool (CPT) In a more confident class, children pass their envelopes to
another group for them to take out, mime and guess as
Revision game an extra challenge.
• See instructions for Basketball on page 149.
Story review: Animaltrons … visit Anna! (optional) Social and civic competence
• Scroll through the review storybook. Choose the ‘Listen Working as a group to share ideas and create a project
and read’ option. helps develop the children social, interactive skills. It
• Go through the frames one by one and ask the children encourages them to respect one another’s ideas and work
what they remember from the story: Who’s this? (Tiger, together to achieve a final, useful project.
Seal Master, etc.) Who’s she? (She’s Anna.) What does she
look like? (She’s got short, dark hair.) Activity Book page 21
• Watch the story again to confirm answers. Ask children to
say what they can see as they watch. 1 Order and write.
• To provide a game element, play Spot it! (see Ideas bank • Children complete the descriptions and solve the
page 155.) anagrams using the pictures.
1 good looking   2 tall  3 thin  4 red hair

Review 1 83
© Copyright Oxford University Press
2 Listen and complete. Draw. w 1.60
• Ask children to read the sentences before they listen.
• Play the audio for children to listen and complete the
• Children then draw a picture to represent each sentence.

1 A What does he look like?
B He’s got short, curly hair.
2 A What does she look like?
B She’s got long, straight hair.
3 A What does he look like?
B He’s got long, dark hair.

3 Match the questions to the pictures. Complete

the answers.
• Children read the questions and match them to the
pictures by writing the number in the box next to the
• Children complete the sentences using the information in
the picture.
1 He’s got toothache.
2 She’s got a cough.
3 He eats breakfast at nine o’clock.
4 She comes home at half past four.

Ending the lesson (optional) w 1.11 1.36 4.26

• Close the lesson by singing a song from Units 1 or 2.
• Do the Goodbye routine on page 53.
The review project is an opportunity to assess the
Competences for 21st century learning. Assessment grid
and notes in the Teacher’s Resource Material.

84 Review 1
© Copyright Oxford University Press
Unit 3 I’m buying a present
Lesson 1: Vocabulary Transcript
1 There are rings.
Language 2 There are earrings.
Core: belts, bracelets, earrings, necklaces, rings, umbrellas, 3 There are bracelets.
wallets, watches 4 There are necklaces.
5 There are watches.
Revised: Where are (the watches)? They’re between / next
6 There are wallets.
to / near the (bracelets and the rings). I like (the bracelets).
7 There are umbrellas.
Other: cap, gloves, hat, key ring, rucksack, sunglasses; 8 There are belts.
Which presents do you like?
Starting the lesson (optional) w 4.23 4.25 Linguistic competence
• Do the Starting the lesson routines on page 51. Teaching new language within a structure helps the
children internalize the grammar. It also enables them to
• Bring some fashion magazines to class. Play 2-minute listen to the pronunciation of the language in a chunk,
race using clothes words (see Ideas bank page 154).
which will develop their speaking skill.
Give children two minutes to look at the pictures in the
magazines and write as many items as can in English.
• Talk about clothes and accessories you might buy for 3 Listen and say. w 2.02
your friends and family in the children’s own language. • Revise the propositions between, near and next to using
Ask the children what their family members like to get the flashcards on the board.
for presents. • See notes on page 70.

CPT, Classroom Resource Pack Transcript

1 Where are the rings? They’re next to the … earrings.
Unit introduction: 1 Watch. 2 Where are the earrings? They’re between the bracelets
• Watch the video. Ask the children questions about the and the … rings.
clip, in the children’s own language: Whose birthday is 3 Where are the umbrellas? They’re near the … belts.
it? (Lily’s Dad) What present does Lily want to buy him? (A 4 Where are the bracelets? They’re between the earrings
wallet) When is his birthday? (On Saturday) Who’s she going and the … necklaces.
shopping with? (Charlie) How are they travelling? (By bus) 5 Where are the wallets? They’re next to the … watches.

Transcript 4 Listen and repeat. w 2.03

Lily Hi, everyone! Charlie and I are going shopping today. • Point to the activity and explain that the boy and girl are
We’re buying a birthday present for Dad. I want to buy him talking about the accessories in the picture.
a new wallet. It’s his birthday on Saturday. When’s your • Play the audio for children to listen and repeat.
Charlie Come on, Lily! The bus leaves in five minutes! 5 Ask and answer.
Lily I’m ready. Let’s go! • Ask about an accessory Where are the rings? Encourage the
class to answer using one of the prepositions of place.
• In pairs, children take turns asking an answering about an
Answer Lily’s question When’s your birthday? Ask a accessory for their partner to say where it is.
confident child the question and elicit their answer.
They then ask the person next to them and so on until OPTION:
everyone has asked and answered the question. Divide the class into two teams. Say an accessory for Team
A and they say where it is, e.g. Where are the necklaces?
Vocabulary presentation: flashcards (optional) They’re between the bracelets and the watches. Award
• Show the flashcards one by one to introduce the new them a point if they answer correctly. Repeat with Team B.
vocabulary. Repeat several times, encouraging the Play until each team has 5 points.
children to remember the words.
Lily’s question
Class Book page 26 • Point to Lily’s question and read it aloud. Say I like
(necklaces). Ask the question around the class encouraging
2 Listen, point and repeat. w 2.01 children to answer.
• Focus the children on the Class Book page and the picture • If you have more time use this as an opportunity to do a
of Lily and Charlie at the shop. class survey, getting the children to ask the question and
• Play the audio for children to listen, point and repeat. record answers in groups.

Unit 3 85
© Copyright Oxford University Press
Star question (optional) Lesson 2: Song, Grammar &
• Ask the children the question at the bottom of page 26.
Tell them to look at pages 26 and 27 and find the hidden Communication
revision and extension words (other accessories). If the
children know the revision and extension words, play a
guessing game: choose one of the items and say where Core: Accessories; Prepositions of place; this / that / these
the item is using the prepositions, It’s next to the … . The / those;
class guess which item you are describing. If they don’t Revised: Do you like …? Yes, I do. No, I don’t.
know the words, say the words and ask the children to
repeat. Starting the lesson (optional) w 4.23 4.25
ANSWERS • Do the Starting the lesson routines on page 51.
cap, gloves, hat, key ring, rucksack, sunglasses • Play Line by line (see Ideas bank page 153). Leave each
accessory on the board as you draw it then ask questions,
CULTURE NOTE: Shopping in the UK e.g. Where’s the watch? Next to the bracelet.
Britain has several famous clothing stores that have been
around for over 100 years. Marks and Spencer is one of the Classroom Presentation Tool (CPT)
oldest companies, founded in 1884. You can buy anything
in their shops from food and drink, to shoes, swimsuits Grammar presentation and vocabulary
and wallets. They also sell homeware, such as beds and consolidation: song animation 1 Watch.
tea cups. They often have a café in their stores where you • Watch the song animation.
can have lunch or a coffee. Although many people like to • Watch again and play Spot it! (see Ideas bank page 155).
shop online for clothes and accessories, people still like to
visit shops. They can see the clothes and try them on.
Class Book page 27

2 Listen, point and sing. w 2.04

Classroom Presentation Tool (CPT)
• Play the song. Children point to the different accessories
Vocabulary practice: game on the page.
• See instructions for Small image matching on page 145. • Play the song again. Encourage the children to join in with
the words and to act out putting on the accessories.
Activity Book page 22
3 Match the words and pictures.
1 Count and write. • See notes on page 71.
• Children look at the pictures and count the number of ANSWERS
each accessory. They complete the sentences with the bracelets 3, necklaces 4, watches 5, rings 1, wallets 6,
correct accessories. umbrellas 7, belts 8, earrings 2
ten earrings, seven watches, six bracelets, four umbrellas,
4 Listen and repeat. w 2.05
nine rings, five wallets, three belts, eight necklaces • Point to the two children at the bottom of the page and
play the audio for the class to listen. Ask the class which
2 Look at the picture in Activity 1. Write. number accessories they were talking about (numbers
• Children look at the picture in Activity 1 again. They write 7 and 5).
the answers to the questions using the accessories given • Refer children to the All about grammar box. Check
in brackets and a preposition from the word bank. their understanding of the difference in meaning of
this and that and the use for the plural these and those.
Refer children to the LOOK! box to explain singular and
1 They’re between the watches and the belts.
plural. Demonstrate a few times with objects around the
2 They’re next to the wallets.
3 They’re near the watches.
4 They’re between the bracelets and the rings. • Play the audio again for children to listen and repeat.

Picture Dictionary page 64 (optional) COMPETENCES FOR 21ST CENTURY LEARNING:

Linguistic competence
• See notes on page 53.
Asking children to analyse the language using grammar
Ending the lesson (optional) w 4.26 analysis boxes will enable them to think about language
• Play Flashcard sequence (see Ideas bank page 152). independently in the future. It also provides them with
support for the following speaking task.
• Do the Goodbye routine on page 53.
Further practice
Teacher’s Resource Material: Unit 3 Set 1 mini picture cards and
wordcards; Unit 3 Lesson 1 Extra vocabulary worksheet. Notes and
answers in Teacher’s Resource Material.

86 Unit 3
© Copyright Oxford University Press
5 Ask and answer about the things in the shop. All About Grammar page 71
• Put children into pairs. Ask them to take turns asking and
answering questions about the accessories from pages 1 Match and complete.
26–27. Encourage children to ask using this / that / these / • Review with the class how we use this, that, these and
those and to answer with affirmative and negative short those. Clarify in the children’s own language if necessary.
answers. Refer them to the conversation in Activity 4 for • Children look at the pictures and match the accessory to
support. the correct question. They complete each question using
the structure and this, that, these or those. Check answers
in pairs before feeding back as a class.
Bring in some accessories or other items and create your
own shop in the classroom. Ask and answer questions
1 Do you like this ring?
using this / that / these / those as a class. Invite pairs to
2 Do you like those earrings?
come up and ask and answer about items in the shop.
3 Do you like these bracelets?
They choose to stand close to or far away from the item
4 Do you like that necklace?
before they ask the question.
Ending the lesson (optional) w 2.04 4.26
Classroom Presentation Tool (CPT) • Close the lesson by singing the song again.
• Do the Goodbye routine on page 53.
Vocabulary and grammar practice: game
• See instructions for Cloudburst on page 147. Further practice
Teacher’s Resource Material: Unit 3 Lesson 2 Reinforcement and
Extension worksheets; Unit 3 Lesson 2 song worksheet. Notes and
Activity Book page 23
answers in Teacher’s Resource Material. Karaoke version of song
1 Write this, that, these or those. Listen and available on CD4 track 32.
• Children look at the pictures and write this, that, these or The Lesson 2 pairwork activity (Activity 5) is an
those below each picture. Listen and check. opportunity to assess the children’s speaking
development. Assessment grid and notes in the Teacher’s
Resource Material.
1 A Do you like those umbrellas?
B No, I don’t!
2 A Do you like this wallet?
B Yes, I do. It’s nice! Lesson 3: Culture & Communication
3 A Do you like these earrings?
B Yes, I do. Language
4 A Do you like those necklaces? Core: How much is this (postcard), please? It’s 50p. How
B Er … no, I don’t. They’re horrible! much are these (earrings), please? They’re £1.25.
5 A Do you like that belt? Revised: Accessories; Clothes; Money; museum; Do you
B: Where? Oh, there. Yes, I do. like this (book)?
ANSWERS Other: ancient, dress up, interesting, Roman baths,
1 those  2 this 3 these  4 those  5 that school trip

2 Listen again and draw h or k. w 2.07 Starting the lesson (optional) w 4.23 4.25 2.04
ANSWERS • Do the Starting the lesson routines on page 51.
1 k  2 h  3 h  4 k  5 h • Sing the song from Lesson 2 again.
3 Look at the pictures in Activity 1. Write questions
and answers. Classroom Presentation Tool (CPT)
• Children write questions for each of the accessories in Culture presentation: 1 Watch.
Activity 1 and answer for themselves. • First viewing: Watch Lily’s introduction to the culture film
ANSWERS and ask the children to tell you what the video is about
See Transcript in Activity 1. (Museums in the UK) and to make some predictions about
Lily’s question What can you buy in the museum shop?
4 Join the dots. Write two questions and answers. • Watch the culture film, stopping before the
Ask and answer with your friend. comprehension questions, for children to check their
• Children join the dots to draw the two accessories. They predictions. Ask the class what things they saw in the
write a question for each picture then ask their partner. shop (Model car, books, postcards, marbles, hats, stickers).
They write their partner’s answer. • Second viewing: Watch the video again and do the
comprehension task at the end of the film.

Unit 3 87
© Copyright Oxford University Press
Transcript 3 Read and match. Say the number and the letter.
Lily Hello, everyone! Do you like visiting museums? I love • Encourage the class to read texts A–D independently and
visiting museums. This is a film about a museum in the UK. silently. Then match them to photos 1–4.
Let’s watch it together. What can you buy in the museum • Ask the class about each text as you feed back answers
shop? What words does it include that describe the photo? (baths,
Culture film I’m William. I’m visiting a museum with my dad clothes, shop, book, etc.)
and my sister, Lauren.
I’m learning about the history of the town. There are a lot of ANSWERS
very old things here. These are old shoes. They are made of 1 C  2 D  3 B  4 A
leather. These are old coins. This is a lamp. These are things
from a fire station. This is an old firefighter’s helmet and this CPT / Class Book page 28
is an old bucket. This is an old bell. It’s very big! This car is
from 1980. It’s from an old factory in the town. I don’t like the 4 Watch. Listen and repeat. w 2.09
colour! That’s a picture. It’s a coat of arms for King Charles II. • Explain to the class that they are going to watch Lily, Ash
Look at these old clothes. Let’s dress up! Do you like my and Mina talking about things in a shop. Make predictions
moustache? I’m wearing a long, black wig and a big, black as a class about which accessories they will hear talked
hat. I’m King Charles II! about.
Now we’re in the museum shop. Dad gives us £5.00 each. It’s • Watch the video and check their predictions.
our pocket money for this month. I like this model car. These
marbles are all different colours. These hats are funny. Transcript
‘Dad, look at this hat.’ Lily How much are these earrings? I really like them.
‘How much is it?’ Mina They’re only £3.00.
‘It’s £8.00.’ Lily Great.
‘But you’ve only got £5.00, and it’s too big.’ Charlie How much is this stripy belt?
‘And look at these stickers.’ Mina It’s £20.00.
‘How much are they?’ Charlie Oh. I’ve only got £10.00!
‘They’re £1.50.’ • Play the audio track for the children to listen. Play it again
‘That’s OK then.’ and pause for children to repeat the conversation.
I’m buying my stickers. Lauren is buying the marbles. It’s time
to go home now. I love museums! Transcript
Lily How much is this postcard, please?
CULTURE NOTE: Museums in the UK Assistant: It’s 50p.
A lot of museums in the UK are free to visit. In London you Lily How much are these earrings, please?
can visit the Natural History Museum to see the dinosaur Assistant: They’re £1.25.
bones, fossils and extinct creatures. In the Science 5 Act out the conversation.
Museum you can recreate experiments and find out
about the world around us. All around the country there
• When children are using the language confidently, put
them into pairs or small groups. They take turns asking
are many different types of museum. Cultural museums
questions using the structure and answering with a price
look at the history of Britain and the world. Art and design
of their choosing. Refer them to the All about speaking box
museums are filled with paintings and fashion exhibitions.
for support.
Train and technology museums let you ride in old steam
trains and dress up so you feel like you are living hundreds OPTION:
of years ago. Before acting out the conversation, review prices in
English if necessary. Write 50p and £1.50 on the board and
Class Book page 28 elicit the words pence and pound. Point out how we say
one pound fifty. Write a few more prices on the board and
2 Listen and say the number. w 2.08 elicit how we say them.
• Ask the children to look at the photos on the page and
say any words they know to describe them (costumes, a COMPETENCES FOR 21ST CENTURY LEARNING:
shop She’s wearing a white dress, It’s a book, etc.). Accept any Social and civic competence
ideas from the class and one word answers. Using functional English helps the children internalize
new grammar and vocabulary and use it in a meaningful
• Play the audio for children to listen and say the number of
way. This develops their ability to interact in a social
the photo being described.
English environment.
We’re wearing Ancient Roman clothes. Let’s compare culture
This is the museum shop. • Discuss the culture question in English and in the
This book is about Ancient Rome. children’s own language if necessary Which historical
These are the Roman Baths in Bath, England. places do you know? What is it famous for? What can you see
ANSWERS there? Is there a shop? What types of historical places do you
3, 1, 2, 4 like visiting?

88 Unit 3
© Copyright Oxford University Press
Activity Book page 24 Lesson 4: Cross-curricular (Social
1 Listen and circle. w 2.10 Science)
• Children listen and circle the correct picture.
Transcript Core: cloak, gold, silver, toga, tunic, wax
Ash I love the museum shop. Revised: Accessories; Clothes; She goes to school, She
Lily Me, too. There are a lot of nice things here! doesn’t go to school, What’s it made of? It’s made of (metal)
Ash Do you like this wallet, Lily? Other: bone, leather, metal, wool
Lily No, I don’t. But I like these earrings!
Ash Do you like that postcard?
Lily Which one? Starting the lesson (optional) w 4.23 4.25
Ash The one with a picture of Ancient Rome. • Do the Starting the lesson routines on page 51.
Lily Yes, I do. How much is it? • Bring in some pictures of Romans and ancient Roman
Ash It’s twenty-five pence. buildings to class. Ask the class what they know about
them in English or in their own language. Ask Which
1 b museum shop   2 a earrings 3 b 25p countries did they travel to? What did they wear? (Across
Europe, North Africa and the Middle East – Britain, Spain,
2 Review. Look at the pictures in Activity 1. Write. France, Italy, Egypt, Jordan, etc.)
• Children write full sentences about the pictures in
Activity 1. Classroom Presentation Tool (CPT)
ANSWERS Cross-curricular presentation: slideshow 1 Watch.
1 Lily and Ash are in a museum shop.   2 Lily likes the • Tell the children they are going to learn about Romans
earrings.  3 The postcard is 25 pence/25p. living in Britain.
3 Look and complete. Listen and write the • Pause after each slide to discuss what objects they see
prices. w 2.11 and what they are made of (a tunic, a cloak, a toga, a
bracelet, a ring, a tablet and a pen, a belt and sandals).
• Children look at the pictures to complete the questions.
Discuss the meaning of these words in the children’s own
Then listen and write the correct prices.
A How much is that umbrella, please?
Narrator: Ancient Rome
B: It’s four pounds fifty.
It’s 212 AD. This Roman family lives in Aquae Sulis. Today it’s
A How much are these rings, please?
called Bath, in England.
B: They’re 90 pence.
Claudia doesn’t go to school. She helps her mother at home.
A How much is this belt, please?
She wears a tunic and a belt made of wool. Her sandals are
B: It’s six pounds ninety-nine.
made of leather. Her doll is made of bone.
ANSWERS Claudia’s brother Aurelius goes to school. He is learning to
1 £4.50  2 90p  3 £6.99 read and write in Latin. He writes on a tablet made of wax.
His pen is made of metal.
Extra Claudia’s mum wears a long tunic and a cloak made of wool.
• Fast finishers draw 3–4 things to sell in a museum shop Her bracelet is made of silver.
with prices. Put children into pairs to ask and answer, How Claudia’s dad wears a toga. He uses his gold ring to mark his
much is that book? It’s three pounds. name on important papers.
Ending the lesson (optional) w 4.26
Class Book page 29
• Play The washing line game. Write prices instead of
numbers with each flashcard (see Ideas bank page 153). 2 Look at this Roman family. What are they
• Do the Goodbye routine on page 53. wearing?
Further practice • Elicit what the family are wearing and check children
Teacher’s Resource Material: Unit 3 Culture worksheet. Notes and understand the difference between a toga, a tunic and
answers in Teacher’s Resource Material. a cloak.
• Discuss how their clothes compare to what the children
ASSESSMENT OPPORTUNITIES: and their families wear.
The All about speaking activity (Activity 5) is an
opportunity to assess the children’s speaking
a toga, a tunic, a cloak, sandals, a ring, a bracelet, a
development. Assessment grid and notes in the Teacher’s
Resource Material.
3 Read and listen. w 2.12
• Play the audio for children to follow the words in their
books. Ask the children to read the text again silently.

Unit 3 89
© Copyright Oxford University Press
• Check children’s comprehension of the key words by 3 Find a picture of people from a different period
saying a word and asking children to point to it in the of history. Write what they are wearing.
pictures on the page. • In a less confident class, choose a picture of a person
to write about together. Place the picture on the board
for the class to see. Brainstorm ideas together and write
See Class Book page 29 for transcript.
clothes, accessories and materials on the board for the
4 Read and answer. children to form sentences about.
• Read questions 1–5. Ask the children to read the text • In a more confident class, place a selection of pictures of
again and find the material each object is made of. In people from different times in history for the children to
a more confident class, encourage children to use It’s choose from. Monitor and help where needed.
made of …
Lily’s tip
• Feed back answers together as a class.
• Encourage children to use the internet to find a picture of
ANSWERS a person from a different time in history and to read about
1 gold 2 wool 3 wax  4 silver  5 wool them to find the materials their clothes and accessories
were made of. You can also tell the children to use an
5 Draw and label a Roman person. online dictionary to look up unfamiliar words.
• Tell the children to draw and label a picture of a Roman
person in their notebooks. They may choose to copy one COMPETENCES FOR 21ST CENTURY LEARNING:
from the picture or create their own person from their Digital competence
imagination. Encourage them to draw accessories as well Using the internet to find specific information encourages
as clothes. In a more confident class, encourage children the confident and safe use of digital tools.
to write full sentences. Stick to word labels in a less
confident class. Extra
COMPETENCES FOR 21ST CENTURY LEARNING: • Fast finishers draw or print a picture of their person from
Cultural awareness and expression history and label it.
Learning about another civilisation from the past helps
Ending the lesson (optional) w 4.26
the children look at their culture today and the similarities
and the differences. Asking the children to draw and label • Play Dictadraw to review clothes and accessories (see
an historic person helps to consolidate this information in Ideas bank page 154).
an artistic way. • Do the Goodbye routine on page 53.

Star question (optional) Lesson 5: Story & Vocabulary

• Ask the children what Roman materials are in the text and
any others that they may know. Write a list on the board Language
as a class (e.g. wool, silver, gold, metal, wax, wood, clay, Core: checked, colourful, flowery, knitting, spotty, stripy
cotton, marble, stone). Talk about them as a class. Which of Revised: Accessories; Clothes; cold, boring, dark, sad; this,
these materials do we use today? Do we use them in the same that, these, those, I like (winter). I don’t like (walking). Do you
way? What materials do we use more than we did in the past? like that (tree)?
(Steel, concrete, glass and plastic.) Other: wonderful, fun, beautiful; Don’t be silly!

Activity Book page 25

Starting the lesson (optional) w 4.23 4.25
1 Label the picture. • Do the Starting the lesson routines on page 51.
ANSWERS • Play Alphabet race to brainstorm descriptive adjectives the
1 silver bracelet   ​2 tunic  ​3 wool cloak  ​ children know (see Ideas bank page 154).
4 toga  ​5 gold ring   ​6 wax tablet • Talk about winter and which adjectives the class would
use to describe it (Winter is cold, dark, fun, snowy, windy,
2 Imagine you are the boy or girl in the picture. etc.) Do this in English or the children’s own language.
• Children complete the sentences about the adults CPT, Classroom Resource Pack
and then choose to be the boy or the girl and write
accordingly about their clothes. Vocabulary and grammar review and presentation:
story animation
Today my mother is wearing a tunic, a cloak and a silver 1 Watch.
bracelet. My father is wearing a toga and a gold ring. • Tell the children they’re going to watch a story animation
Children’s own answers. with Lily. Pause after Lily’s Introduction and ask what the
story is about (A winter walk through town).
• With books closed, watch the story. Ask What happens in
the story? (George and his Granny take the dog, Rex, for

90 Unit 3
© Copyright Oxford University Press
a walk in winter. George doesn’t like winter, but Granny 5 Think. What do you think about the story? How
does. They see many colourful things on the way made of many stars do you give it?
wool. Granny and her friends made them. George thinks • See notes on page 63.
they are beautiful. Now he likes winter too!)
6 Listen and repeat. Tell your friends. w 2.15
Transcript • See notes on page 63.
Lily Hi, everyone! Do you like stories? I love stories. Here’s
a story called A Colourful Winter. This is a story about OPTION:
a surprising winter walk through town. Let’s see what Act out the story
happens. See notes on page 63.
• See Class Book pages 30–31 for story transcript.
Vocabulary presentation: flashcards (optional) Classroom Presentation Tool (CPT)
• Show the flashcards one by one to introduce the new
vocabulary. Repeat several times, encouraging the Vocabulary practice: game
children to remember the words. • See instructions for Snap! on page 146.
Linguistic competence
Looking at new language in the context of a story and 1 Read the story again. Complete.
relating it to images will help the children understand the ANSWERS
meaning of those words. They will be able to recall and 1 colouful  ​2 flowery  ​3 checked  ​
use the language in later lessons. 4 stripy  ​5 spotty  ​6 knitting

2 Write the numbers.

Class Book pages 30–31
• Children write the numbers from the sentences in Activity
2 Listen, point and repeat. w 2.13 1 next to the correct picture.
• Ask the children to look at the six words in the box. Read ANSWER
each one and ask the class to find it in the story artwork. A 4 B 3 C 6  D 2  E 5  F 1
• Play the audio for the children to listen, point and repeat.
2 Think. What do you think about the story? Colour
OPTION: and complete. Learn to learn.
Hold up the flashcards as you play the audio, then hand • See notes on page 63.
them out to children around the room and play the audio
again for them to hold up their card when they hear it. 3 Read, think and tick f. Answer the question.
Repeat several times. • Review the value. Read the list in the box and check
children’s understanding. Ask children to think about and
3 Listen and read. w 2.14 tick the things they do to make the world look nice, then
answer the question at the bottom.
• Play the story audio for the children to read and follow in
their Class Books. Picture Dictionary page 64 (optional)
• Check comprehension: Why doesn’t George like winter? (It’s • See notes on page 53.
cold and dark and he feels sad.) Does Granny like winter?
(Yes) What does Rex like doing? (Walking in the park.) What’s Spelling and alphabet page 64 (optional)
in the tree? (Birds made of wool.) What’s around the tree? (A w 4.13 4.17
scarf made of wool.) What’s in the bus stop? (Balls made of • See notes on page 55.
wool.) Who made the colourful knitting? (Granny and her
friends.) Does George like winter now? (Yes, he does.) Transcript
1 How do you spell belts? B-e-l-t-s
ALL ABOUT VALUES: We can all make the world look nice.
2 How do you spell rings? R-i-n-g-s
Remind the children who makes the world look nice in the
3 How do you spell wallets? W-a-l-l-e-t-s
story. What do Granny and her friends do to make it look
4 How do you spell flowery? F-l-o-w-e-r-y
nice? How does this make George and other people feel?
5 How do you spell spotty? S-p-o-t-t-y
Talk to the children in their own language about community
6 How do you spell stripy? S-t-r-i-p-y
art projects in their area, other ways of making the world
look nice and why it’s important. Ending the lesson (optional) w 4.26
4 Read and say. What is … • Play Who is it? (see Ideas bank page 154).
• Children read each adjective and read the story again to • Do the Goodbye routine on page 53.
find the objects that match. Do this in pairs and feed back Further practice
answers as a class, or work through it as a whole class if Teacher’s Resource Material: Unit 3 Set 2 mini picture cards and
children need more support. wordcards.
1 scarf  ​2 birds  ​3 bikes  ​4 balls  ​
5 the park / the knitting
Unit 3 91
© Copyright Oxford University Press
Lesson 6: Story, Grammar & Transcript
Girl: Whose is this dog?
Communication Granny and George: It’s ours.
Boy: Whose is that scarf?
Language George: It’s mine.
Core: Whose is this / that (scarf )? It’s mine / yours / his / hers Girl: Whose are these earrings?
/ ours / theirs. Whose are these / those (earrings)? They’re George: They’re hers.
mine / yours / his / hers / ours / theirs. Boy: Whose are those birds?
Revised: Accessories; Animals Granny: They’re theirs.


Starting the lesson (optional) w 4.23 4.25
Learning to learn
• Do the Starting the lesson routines on page 51. Analysing language and using it in a meaningful way will
• Play Remember the film (see Ideas bank page 154). help the children to give meaning to grammar words.
They will start to see and understand their use and form in
CPT, Classroom Resource Pack questions and answers.

Story review and grammar presentation w 2.14

3 Ask and answer.
• Ask the children what they remember from the story:
Who’s in the story? What do George and Granny see? Who did • Put children into pairs. Ask them to read the questions
the knitting? Does George like winter now? and answers in the grammar box again and to take turns
asking and giving true answers about the story. In a more
• Watch (or listen to) the story again to confirm answers.
confident class, encourage pairs to look at the story on
Vocabulary review: flashcards (optional) pages 30–31 and invent more questions.
• Show the flashcards one by one to remind children of the
new vocabulary. Repeat several times, encouraging the Classroom Presentation Tool (CPT)
children to say the words. Vocabulary and grammar practice: game
• See instructions for Chase the cheese on page 147.
Class Book page 32
4 Cut out the pictures. AB pages 89–90
1 Listen and say the number. w 2.16
• Ask children to turn to pages 89–90 in their Activity Books
• Ask the class to look at the pictures from the story and and to cut out the pictures along the dashed lines.
talk about the things and people they can see (A checked
bike, a boy, a girl spotty birds, etc.). 5 Listen and repeat. Play the game. w 2.18
• Children listen and say the number of the picture being • Point to the two children in the photo in the Class Book
described. playing the game. Play the audio. Ask What are they asking
about? (flowery rings and a stripy belt). Play the audio
Transcript again and ask the class to repeat the lines. Remind the
A Whose is this scarf? Is it yours?
children of the difference between plural and singular
B No, it isn’t mine. It’s his.
with this / that / these / and those and It’s / They’re.
A Excuse me, are these checked bikes yours?
B No, they aren’t ours. • Put the children into pairs. One of them is A and the other
A Whose are those spotty birds? is B. B looks at their top picture and asks questions to
B They’re theirs. find out who the items in the picture belong to. A looks
at their top picture of the people to answer. Remind the
ANSWERS class to use Whose … is it / are they? and answer using
3, 1, 2 possessive pronouns. They point to the person / people
in the picture to clarify when they answer. If B asks about
2 Read and make questions and true answers an item that A can't find in their picture, A can guess who
about the story. Listen, check and repeat. w 2.17 the item belongs to. They then swap roles so A asks B the
• Look at the All about grammar box as a class and read questions. Monitor, help and praise throughout.
the questions and answers. Tell the children that we
use Whose in questions to ask about possession. We use Activity Book page 27
Whose is …? for singular items and Whose are …? for
plurals. We answer using It’s + pronoun for singular items 1 Listen and match. w 2.19
and They’re + pronoun for plural items.
• Refer children to the LOOK! box, and check they understand Transcript
the determiners on the left using an example, e.g. my pen, 1 George Whose are those birds, Granny? Are they yours?
your pen, etc. Elicit the possessive pronouns on the right Granny No, they aren’t. They’re theirs.
from the class to drill the pronunciation. Then ask Whose is 2 George Whose are those balls?
this (pen)? It’s … Whose are these (pencils)? They’re … Granny Those flowery balls? Oh, they’re hers.
George They’re beautiful!
• Ask the questions about pictures 1–3 in Activity 1 and
3 George Whose is this bike?
elicit the correct answers from the grammar box.
Granny It’s mine. Do you like it?
• Play the audio for the children to listen, check and repeat. George Yes, I love it!
92 Unit 3
© Copyright Oxford University Press
4 George Whose are these scarves? • Play Listen and find. Ask Where’s the (spotty) (watch)?
Granny They’re ours. (see Ideas bank page 151).
George They’re very colourful!
5 George Whose is that hat? Class Book page 33
Granny It’s yours! It’s a present!
George Thank you, Granny! 1 Listen and read Lily’s article in the school
magazine. Answer. w 2.21
1 c 2 b 3 e 4 a  5 d • Tell the children they will read another article from Lily for
the school magazine. This is about lost property at school.
2 Look at the pictures in Activity 1. Complete the Clarify the meaning of lost property. Ask the children to
questions and answers. Listen and check. w 2.20 look at the photos and say what they can see.
ANSWERS • Read the three questions as a class and check
1 Whose are those birds? They’re theirs.   ​2 Whose are understanding. Identify the key words in each questions
those balls? They’re hers.   ​3 Whose is this bike? It’s mine.  ​ to help children find the answers (a spotty, b stripy and
4 Whose are these scarves? They’re ours.   ​5 Whose is c why, children lose).
that hat? It’s yours. • Children listen and read the article and answer the
questions. Encourage them to give their own opinions
3 Write questions and answers. about question c. Check in pairs before feeding back as
• Ask children to match the objects and people as they like. a class.
They write questions and answers for their choices. Ask ANSWERS
children to check their questions and answers in pairs. a shoes b gloves c children’s own answers

All about grammar page 71 2 Ask and answer about things in your classroom.
• Ask the children to find the questions in the article with
2 Look and complete. Whose …? and review when we use this / these and that /
• Review how we ask and answer questions about objects those. Write them on the board for support.
using Whose and possessive pronouns. • Put children into pairs to ask and answer about objects
• Children look at the pictures and complete the questions they can see in the classroom. Put children into new pairs
and short answers using the correct objects and to ask and answer, remembering what they’ve talked
pronouns. about. (There’s a bag. Whose is this bag? It’s Anna’s, etc.)
ANSWERS Monitor, help and praise throughout.
1 theirs, ours   2 Whose, hers
Ending the lesson (optional) w 2.04 4.26 Linguistic competence
• Close the lesson by singing the song from Lesson 2 again. The children are encouraged to use the language of the
unit in a meaningful way as they relate it to the world
• Do the Goodbye routine on page 53. around them. This will enable them to use the language in
Further practice later lessons.
Teacher’s Resource Material: Unit 3 Lesson 6 Reinforcement and
Extension worksheets. Notes and answers in Teacher’s Resource 3 Listen and read. Listen and repeat. w 2.22
• Look at the picture and ask the children to say what they
ASSESSMENT OPPORTUNITIES: can see. Ask How many umbrellas has he got? What has she
The Lesson 6 pairwork activity (Activity 5) is an got? (Two umbrellas. Watches and scarves.)
opportunity to assess the children’s speaking • Write the words umbrellas and watches on the board,
development. Assessment grid and notes in the Teacher’s highlighting the letters s and es and write the sounds
Resource Material. on the board next to the letters. Drill the two different
• Refer children to the rhyme in the pronunciation box. Play
Lesson 7: Integrated skills & the audio for children to listen and read the rhyme silently.
Communication Ask the class which sound is highlighted in blue (the /ɪz/
sound) and which is highlighted in red (the /z/ sound).
Language Play the audio again for children to repeat the rhyme.
Revised: Accessories; Clothes; Toys; checked, colourful, • Ask the class to say the words with the highlighted letters
flowery, knitting, spotty, stripy; Whose is this / that? Whose again as a class.
are those / these?
Core sound: /ɪz/ brooches, necklaces, sunglasses,
watches /z/ gloves, rings, scarves, umbrellas Tell children the /ɪz/ sound usually follows the sounds
/ʧ/, /s/, /z/ or /ʃ/ sound at the end of a noun. Think of
Other: advert, bike shed, cloakroom, lost property
some more examples as a class (catches, churches, nurses,
buses, prizes, quizzes, brushes, sandwiches). Write them
Starting the lesson (optional) w 4.23 4.25 on the board and point to them in a random order to drill
• Do the Starting the lesson routines on page 51. the sound.

Unit 3 93
© Copyright Oxford University Press
Classroom Presentation Tool (CPT) Lesson 8: Language review &
Pronunciation: game Communication
• See instructions for Phonics matching on page 146.
English at home Revised: Accessories; Prices; checked, colourful, flowery,
• Encourage the children to say the rhyme to their family. knitting, spotty, stripy; this / that / these / those
Other: advert; Do you like this / these …? I like … / I don’t like
Activity Book page 28 … This flowery bag is £5.00. These stripy wallets are £4.00.

1 Look and write.

Starting the lesson (optional) w 4.23 4.25
• Children look at the pictures and use the words in the • Do the Starting the lesson routines on page 51.
boxes to write questions about the items.
• Play Find your partner to review the unit vocabulary (see
ANSWERS Ideas bank page 151).
1 Whose is this spotty bike?
2 Whose is this red and blue scooter? CPT / Class Book page 34
3 Whose are these flowery sandals?
4 Whose are these stripy shoes? 1 Watch Ash’s project. What’s it about? w 2.24
2 Read the advert and answer.
• Tell the children they are going to watch a video or listen
to the audio about Ash’s project. Ask What do you think it’s
• Children read the question, then look at the pictures and about? Take ideas from the class.
read the descriptions to answer it. Tell them to answer
the questions in the descriptions too using Yes, I do or No,
• Children watch or listen to find out.
I don’t. Transcript
ANSWERS Ash Hi, everyone! This is my project about making an advert.
50p Do you like these colourful umbrellas? They’re £5.00. These
flowery earrings are only £2.00. Do you like these spotty
3 Make an advert. Draw and write. watches? They’re £6.00. This checked wallet is £5.25.
• Children draw two pictures of objects to sell in a shop. ANSWER
They complete the sentences about the object asking The project is about making an advert.
Do you like…? and describing what it is and how much it
costs. Tell children to refer to the model text in Activity 2 2 Talk about Ash’s project. Use these words.
and to use their Class Book for ideas and support. • Put children into pairs. Tell them to think about Ash’s
project in Activity 1 and talk about it using the words.
4 Circle the /ɪz/ sounds in blue and the /z/ sounds
Monitor and help throughout.
in red. Listen, check and repeat. w 2.23
• Children circle the /ɪz/ and /z/ sounds before they listen. 3 Listen and match. Say the letter and the
Check in pairs. name. w 2.25
• Play the audio for children to listen and check. Then play it • Point to the children in the photo and read their names.
again for children to listen and repeat. Read the three comments about Ash’s project on the left.
ANSWERS Tell the children to listen and match the descriptions A–C
blue: sunglasses, watches, horses, sausages to the children.
red: gloves, rings, chickens, scarves
Extra Aiden My name’s Aiden. I think the advert is very colourful,
but I don’t like the colours. I prefer dark colours.
• Ask fast finishers to write other words they know in
Lucas I’m called Lucas. I like the checked wallet, but I don’t
English with the /ɪz/ or /z/ sounds in their notebooks. They
like the flowery earrings.
can look back in their Class Book for ideas.
Claire My name’s Claire. I really like the flowery earrings.
Ending the lesson (optional) w 4.26 ANSWERS
• Play Make a rhyme to review the pronunciation sounds A Claire  B Lucas  C Aiden
from Units 1, 2 and 3 (see Ideas bank page 155).
• Do the Goodbye routine on page 53. 4 Think. What do you think about Ash’s project?
Tell your friends.
ASSESSMENT OPPORTUNITIES: • Ask the class the question. Elicit answers from 2–3
Reciting the rhyme is an opportunity to assess the confident children using the expressions in Activity 3. Put
children’s speaking development. Assessment grid and children into pairs. They take turns asking and answering
notes in the Teacher’s Resource Material. to give their own opinion.

94 Unit 3
© Copyright Oxford University Press
• Play What’s missing? to review the language from Unit 3
(see Ideas bank page 152).
Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship
Encouraging the children to give their own opinion helps • Watch or listen to Ash’s project again for children to
them to respect one another's ideas and confidently give familiarize themselves with the project.
their own.
Class Book page 35

5 Prepare your project. AB page 29

1 Have you got everything? Listen and answer. Ask
• See Activity Book notes below. and answer. w 2.27
• Tell the class that today they will make their advert, like
Classroom Presentation Tool (CPT) Ash’s in the video / photo.
Grammar and vocabulary review: game • Look at the materials in the pictures at the top of page 35
and ask the class What do we need to make our project? The
• See instructions for Three in a row on page 147. children say what they see.
• Play the audio for children to listen and answer the
Activity Book page 29
1 Look at Ash’s project plan. Read and complete. • Put children into pairs to ask and answer again, referring
Listen and check. w 2.26 to the pictures at the top of the page.
• Refer the children to Ash’s project plan and the list he has Transcript
made. Ask questions about the information listed What do
Have you got your project template?
the umbrellas look like? How much are they?, etc.
Have you got a pencil?
• Children use the information in the plan to complete the Have you got coloured pencils?
sentences on the right. Check first in pairs, and then play Have you got some glue?
the audio to check answers. Have you got some scissors?
Transcript 2 Design an advert for your shop.
1 These colourful umbrellas are five pounds.
• Children work individually to create their own project.
2 These spotty watches are six pounds.
Make sure each child has the materials they need. Read
3 This stripy belt is four pounds fifty.
and look at the photos and use a completed advert to
4 These flowery earrings are two pounds.
demonstrate the task. Work through the stages together
5 This checked wallet is five pounds twenty-five.
as a class:
6 These colourful bracelets are two pounds forty.
• Stage 1: Ask children to cut out their advert template on
2 Choose things for your shop. Plan and write. page 87 of their Activity Books. They draw or stick pictures
• Children choose six accessories to sell in their shop. of things they want to sell in their shop. Refer them to
They write them in the spaces on the list, along with an their project plan in Lesson 8.
adjective describing them and a price. In a less confident • Stage 2: The children label each item to describe it
class, put children into pairs to plan and write together. (A silver necklace, Spotty gloves).
• Encourage children to look back at Unit 3 to help them • Stage 3: Children write a price next to each item.
find words and information they need to complete • Stage 4: Children should practise presenting their projects
their plan. within small groups or in pairs. Remind the class to
• Once you have checked their plan, ask children to write respect one another’s ideas and to use English. Monitor,
their advert using full sentences on the right. Monitor and praise and help throughout.
help throughout. • Invite children to the front to present to the whole class.
Remember who presented their project this time, so
Ending the lesson (optional) w 4.26 different children can present the next time.
• Play Mime it with the accessories (see Ideas bank
• Do the Goodbye routine on page 53. Mathematical competence and basic competences in
science and technology
Recycling numbers with prices will help the children see
Lesson 9: Think, do & review the importance of maths in different contexts.

3 Rate your project. Tell your friends.
Revised: Accessories; Prices; checked, colourful, flowery,
knitting, spotty, stripy; this / that / these / those
• Remind the class of the three expressions of opinion in
Lesson 8. Put children into groups of 3–4 to share their
Other: Do you like this / these …? I like … / I don’t like … opinions about their projects.
This flowery bag is £5.00. These stripy wallets are £4.00.
English at home
Starting the lesson (optional) w 4.23 4.25 2.24 • Children take their projects home to show and tell to
• Do the Starting the lesson routines on page 51. their family.

Unit 3 95
© Copyright Oxford University Press
Ending the lesson (optional) w 4.26
• Play a game (see Ideas bank pages 150–155).
• Do the Goodbye routine on page 55.
The children are now ready to do the Unit 3 test. See the
Teacher’s Resource Material evaluation section.

The unit project is an opportunity to assess the

Competences for 21st century learning. Assessment grid
and notes in the Teacher’s Resource Material.

96 Unit 3
© Copyright Oxford University Press
Unit 4 I’m at the street party
Lesson 1: Vocabulary Transcript
1 Lily’s Dad I’m cooking.
Language 2 Charlie I’m washing up.
Core: cooking, drying up, gardening, laying the table, 3 Lily’s mum I’m drying up.
painting, sweeping, washing up, watering the flowers 4 Lily I’m sweeping.
Revised: Helping at home; Are you (watering the flowers)? 5 Elderly gentleman I’m laying the table.
Yes, I am. No, I’m not. 6 Girl I’m painting.
7 Mina I’m watering the flowers.
Other: chicken, juice, mowing the lawn, playing music,
8 Ash I’m gardening.
pouring drinks, sausages
3 Listen and say. w 2.29
Starting the lesson (optional) w 4.23 4.25 • See notes on page 70.
• Do the Starting the lesson routines on page 51.
• Play Mime it (see Ideas bank page 153). Review language
1 Adult What are you doing?
from previous levels (e.g. feed my pet, make my bed, tidy
Dad I’m … cooking.
up) and include today’s vocabulary if you like.
2 Adult What are you doing?
• Talk about household activities the children and their Charlie I’m … washing up.
families do to prepare for a celebration or party. Ask the 3 Adult What are you doing?
children what jobs they do and which jobs they like and Mum I’m … drying up.
don’t like doing. What different types of parties do they 4 Adult What are you doing?
celebrate with their families? Lily I’m … sweeping.
5 Adult What are you doing?
CPT, Classroom Resource Pack Elderly gentleman I’m … laying the table.
6 Adult What are you doing?
Unit introduction: 1 Watch.
Girl I’m … painting.
• Watch the video. Ask the children questions about the 7 Adult What are you doing?
clip, in the children’s own language: What’s happening Mina I’m … watering the flowers.
today? (A street party) What’s Lily doing? (Washing up) 8 Adult What are you doing?
What’s Dad doing? (Cooking sausages) What’s Mum Ash I’m … gardening.
doing? (Drying up) Is Charlie watering the flowers? (No, he’s
sleeping!) 4 Listen and repeat. w 2.30
• Point to the activity and explain that the boy and girl
are talking about the activities in the picture.
Lily Hi, everyone! It’s the street party today! We’re getting
ready for the party now. I’m washing up. • Play the audio for children to listen and repeat.
Lily What are you doing, Dad?
5 Mime. Ask and answer.
Dad I’m cooking sausages for the party.
Lily Yum! • Mime one of the street party activities. Encourage the
Mum And I’m drying up. class to ask you questions using the dialogue in Activity
Lily Where’s Charlie? Is he watering the flowers? 4, to find out which activity you are doing.
Mum No, he isn’t. • In pairs, children take turns miming an activity for their
Dad He’s sleeping! Wake up, Charlie! We’re getting ready for partner to guess.
the party. OPTION:
Charlie: Oh, sorry!
Divide the class into two teams. Place the household
Vocabulary presentation: flashcards (optional) activity flashcards in a pile at the front of the class.
• Show the flashcards one by one to introduce the new Teams take turns to come to the front, select a card and
vocabulary. Repeat several times, encouraging the mime the activity for their team. If they guess the chore
children to remember the words. correctly, they win 1 point. If they ask the question, reply
accurately and guess the activity correctly, they win
Class Book page 36 2 points. Play until the cards are finished.

2 Listen, point and repeat. w 2.28 Lily’s question

• See notes on page 70. • Point to Lily’s questions and read them aloud. Respond
Yes, I do. I like gardening and watering the flowers. Ask the
question around the class encouraging children to use
the structure.

Unit 4 97
© Copyright Oxford University Press
COMPETENCES FOR 21ST CENTURY LEARNING: Picture Dictionary page 65 (optional)
Linguistic competence • See notes on page 53.
Personalizing the language after the children have been
Ending the lesson (optional) w 4.26
introduced to it will help them give the new language
meaning. This activity also invites the children to contrast • Play Memory chain saying I’m (cooking) … etc. (see Ideas
a British street party with one in their own country. bank page 152).
• Do the Goodbye routine on page 53.
Star question (optional) Further practice
• Ask the children the question at the bottom of Teacher's Resource Material: Unit 4 Set 1 mini picture cards and
page 36. Tell them to look at pages 36 and 37 and find the wordcards; Unit 4 Lesson 1 Extra vocabulary worksheet. Notes and
hidden revision words (food and drink items). Then ask answers in Teacher’s Resource Material.
the children if they can find the hidden extension words
(activities). If the children know the revision and extension
words, play a guessing game: choose one of the items
Lesson 2: Song, Grammar &
and ask the class to guess which item you are thinking of. Communication
If they don’t know the words, say the words and ask the
children to repeat. Language
Core: Household activities; Is he / she (sweeping)? Yes, he /
sausages, chicken, juice, mowing the lawn, playing music, she is. No, he / she isn’t.
pouring drinks Revised: What’s he doing? He’s (washing up).

CULTURE NOTE: Street parties in the UK Starting the lesson (optional) w 4.23 4.25
Street parties have been a part of British culture since • Do the Starting the lesson routines on page 51.
the First World War. In 1919, to celebrate peace time after
• Play Simon says to revise the household activities (see
the war, people organized street parties with long tables
Ideas bank page 152).
and tea and treats. Today, people organize street parties
for national holidays, a local or national celebration, such
as the Queen’s birthday or Jubilee, or simply as a way of
Classroom Presentation Tool (CPT)
getting to know their neighbours. Street parties today Grammar presentation and vocabulary
are more casual affairs than in the past. People often have consolidation: song animation 1 Watch.
BBQs, play games, play music and everyone brings a plate
of food and some drinks to share.
• Watch the song animation and ask the class what
it’s about.
• Watch again and play Spot it! (see Ideas bank
Classroom Presentation Tool (CPT) page 155).

Vocabulary practice: game Class Book page 37

• See instructions for Conveyor belt on page 145.
2 Listen, point and sing. w 2.31
Activity Book page 30 • See notes on page 86.
• Children look at the picture and complete the spellings of Linguistic competence
the words. Recycling the language using a song helps those
children with stronger audio learning abilities to recall the
language. Encouraging children to act out the activities
1 watering the flowers   ​2 gardening  ​3 painting  ​
also provides a kinaesthetic element which will help all
4 sweeping  ​5 cooking  ​6 laying the table   ​
7 washing up   ​8 drying up

2 Look and write the questions. Find the people in 3 Match the words and pictures.
Activity 1 and write their answers. • Children match the highlighted words from the song to
• Children look at the pictures and write the questions. They the pictures on pages 36–37 by saying the chore and the
look at Activity 1 to find the person and write the correct correct number. Do this as a whole class or in pairs.
answer. ANSWERS
ANSWERS sweeping 4, cooking 1, painting 6, gardening 8, laying the
1 Are you laying the table? Yes, I am. table 5, watering the plants 7, washing up 2, drying up 3
2 Are you painting? No, I’m not. I’m washing up.
3 Are you sweeping? No, I’m not. I’m watering the flowers.
4 Are you cooking? Yes, I am.

98 Unit 4
© Copyright Oxford University Press
4 Listen and repeat. w 2.32 3 Look and complete the questions and answers.
• Point to the two children at the bottom of the page and Ask and answer with your friend.
play the audio for the class to listen. Ask the class which • Children look at the pictures and write questions to
person they were talking about (Charlie). Ask What’s he correspond with the Yes / No response. Then they
doing? and elicit He’s washing up. complete the short answers. Put children into pairs to ask
• Refer children to the All about grammar box. Remind them and answer with their partner.
that they already know how to say He’s / She’s + verb +
–ing. Point out that to form a question, we invert the verb All About Grammar page 72
and pronoun. Check their understanding of the use of is
and isn’t in the short answers and remind them to use he/ 1 Look and write.
she correctly. • Review with the class how we form the questions and
• Refer children to the LOOK! box to explain how we add short answers. Clarify in the children’s own language if
–ing to the infinitive of verbs in the present continuous. necessary.
• Play the audio again for children to listen and repeat. • Children look at the pictures and complete each question
and answer. Check answers in pairs before feeding back as
5 Play Guess. Ask and answer. a class.
• Put children into pairs. Ask them to take turns asking and ANSWERS
answering questions about a person from the picture on 1 Is he cooking? Yes, he is.
pages 36–37. Monitor and help throughout. 2 Is she laying the table? No, she isn’t.
3 Is she watering the flowers? Yes, she is.
Classroom Presentation Tool (CPT) 4 Is he sweeping? No, he isn’t.
Vocabulary and grammar practice: game Ending the lesson (optional) w 2.31 4.26
• See instructions for Multiple choice on page 148. • Close the lesson by singing the song again.
• Do the Goodbye routine on page 53.
Activity Book page 31
Further practice
1 Listen and number. w 2.33 Teacher’s Resource Material: Unit 4 Lesson 2 Reinforcement and
• Children listen and number the pictures according to Extension worksheets; Unit 4 Lesson 2 song worksheet. Notes and
what they hear. answers in Teacher’s Resource Material. Karaoke version of song
available on CD4 track 33.
1 A Look, there’s Charlie. ASSESSMENT OPPORTUNITIES:
B Is he washing up? The Lesson 2 pairwork activity (Activity 5) is an
A Yes, he is. opportunity to assess the children’s speaking
2 A Can you see Lily and Charlie’s mum? development. Assessment grid and notes in the Teacher’s
B Is she laying the table? Resource Material.
A No, she isn’t. She’s cooking.
3 A There’s Lily.
B Where? Is she painting? Lesson 3: Culture & Communication
A Yes, she is.
4 A Can you see Ash? Language
B No, I can’t. Is he gardening? Core: Are you good at (gardening)? Yes, I am. No, I’m not.
A No, he isn’t. He’s watering the flowers. Revised: Animals; Household activities; collect the (eggs),
B Oh yes! climb, farmer, feed the (chickens), mountains, near, north,
5 A There’s Mina. play computer games, ride a bike, road, Scotland, watch
B Is she cooking? television; I go to school by … I like … I play / don’t play …
A No, she isn’t. She’s drying up. I’m (gardening).
B I can see her! Other: electricity, grow food, rural, sea
6 A That’s Lily and Charlie’s dad.
B Is he sweeping?
A Yes, he is. Starting the lesson (optional) w 4.23 4.25 2.31
• Do the Starting the lesson routines on page 51.
1 E  2 B  3 F  4 A  5 C  6 D
• Sing the song from Lesson 2 again.

2 Look at the pictures in Activity 1. Write questions Classroom Presentation Tool (CPT)
and answers.
Culture presentation: 1 Watch.
• First viewing: Watch Lily’s introduction to the culture film
A Is he laying the table? No, he isn’t   ​B Is she cooking? and ask the children to tell you what the video is about
Yes, she is.   ​C Is she painting? No, she isn’t.   ​D Is he (Rural Scotland) and to make some predictions about Lily’s
sweeping? Yes, he is.   ​E Is he washing up? Yes, he is.   ​ question What places do you see?
F Is she gardening? No, she isn’t.

Unit 4 99
© Copyright Oxford University Press
• Watch the culture film, stopping before the ANSWERS
comprehension questions, for children to check their 2, 4, 3, 1
predictions. Ask the class what places and objects they
saw (an island, boats, shops, sports centre, library, houses, 3 Read and match. Say the number and the letter.
mountains, a river, cows, sheep, a beach, a bridge, etc.). • Encourage the class to read texts A–D independently and
• Second viewing: Watch the video again and do the silently. Then match them to photos 1–4.
comprehension task at the end of the film. • Ask the class about each text as you feed back answers
What words does it use to describe the photo? (children,
Transcript mountains, chickens, gardening, etc.)
Lily Hello, everyone! Do you like the countryside? I like the
countryside. This is a film about rural Scotland. Let’s watch it
1 D  2 A  3 C  4 B
together. What places do you see?
Culture film My grandad lives on an island in Scotland. The
name of the island is Lewis and Harris. I visit my grandad CPT / Class Book page 38

in the summer. I go to the island by boat. This is the town. 4 Watch. Listen and repeat w 2.35
There are a lot of boats. There are some shops, too. This
shop makes jewellery like silver bracelets, gold rings and
• Explain to the class that they are going to watch Lily,
Mina and Ash talking about a household activity. Make
necklaces. Today I’m shopping for a leather belt for my
predictions as a class about which activity they will hear.
grandad. There is a sports centre and a library in the town,
too. Some people don’t live in the town. This is a very big • Watch the video and check their predictions.
house in the countryside. These houses are small. They
are near a village. This is grandad’s house. It’s very old. He
Mina Hi, Lily. Hi, Ash. What are you doing?
doesn’t live in a village. There are mountains and a stream on
Lily and Ash Hi, Mina!
the island. There are fish farms, too. We eat a lot of fish on the
Ash We're making cakes for the school party.
island. Grandad is a farmer. Those are his cows. They are brown
Mina Are you good at making cakes?
and black. These are Grandad’s sheep. I like looking after the
Ash Yes, I am.
animals. I like feeding the lambs the best. I like walking in the
Lily No, I’m not.
countryside. Sometimes I ride my bike and take photos of the
mountains with my tablet. It’s very beautiful on the island, but • Play the audio track for the children to listen. Play it again
it’s not very sunny! I like going to the beach with my grandad. and pause for children to repeat the conversation.
I don’t go in the sea because the water is too cold! Sometimes Transcript
you can see whales and dolphins in the sea, but not today. Lily Are you good at gardening?
Look! Can you see the bridge? Ash Yes, I am.
Mina No, I’m not.
CULTURE NOTE: Rural Scotland
Scotland is a country in Great Britain, bordering the north 5 Act out the conversation.
of England. It has a population of 4 million people. A lot of • When children are using the language confidently, put
land in Scotland is made up of mountains, deep lakes and them into pairs or small groups. They take turns asking
distant islands. In fact, there are more than 700 islands! It and answering the question. Refer them to the All about
is colder than England and Wales, being further north and speaking box for support.
close to Scandinavia. In rural parts of Scotland, schools are
Note: All about speaking introduces functional language and
very small and sometimes children of all ages are taught
helps the children practise it in a meaningful, natural and
in the same class by one teacher. Some children live so
communicative way.
far away that they study at home instead of school. Many
rural island communities speak Scottish Gaelic as well as Let’s compare culture
English. Farming and fishing are the largest industries in • Discuss the culture question in English and in the
rural Scotland, with beautiful wool products, salmon and children’s own language if necessary What outside
mussels fresh from the lakes. activities do you do? Are they different to the child in rural
Scotland? What would you like to do in rural Scotland?
Class Book page 38
2 Listen and say the number. w 2.34 Cultural awareness and expression
Encouraging the children to learn about new and different
• Ask the children to look at the photos on the page and
cultures where people live and are happy is an important
say any words they know to describe them. Accept any
way of developing their knowledge and understanding
ideas from the class and one word answers.
of others.
• Play the audio for children to listen and say the number of
the picture being described.
Activity Book page 32
I live in Scotland, near the mountains and the sea. 1 Listen and match. w 2.36
Today I’m gardening. • Children listen and match the correct time to the correct
I’m feeding the chickens. picture.
There are only five children at my school!

100 Unit 4
© Copyright Oxford University Press
Transcript Further practice
1 It’s six o’clock in the morning. Teacher’s Resource Material: Unit 4 Culture worksheet. Notes and
A What are you doing, Jenny? answers in Teacher’s Resource Material.
B I’m cooking breakfast. I’m very hungry!
2 Now it’s quarter to seven. ASSESSMENT OPPORTUNITIES:
A What are you doing now? The All about speaking activity (Activity 5) is an
B I’m collecting the eggs. Look, there are a lot of opportunity to assess the children's speaking
eggs today! development. Assessment grid and notes in the Teacher’s
3 It’s eight o’clock in the morning. Jenny is on a boat. Resource Material.
A Where are you going, Jenny?
B I’m going to school. I’m with my friends. We love
the boat! Lesson 4: Cross-curricular (Social
4 Now it’s quarter past five in the afternoon. Jenny’s in the
A Are you gardening? Language
B Yes, I am. I’m watering the vegetables. We grow a lot of
Core: eco-friendly, electricity, energy, solar panels, water
vegetables. Look – carrots, potatoes, lettuce…
butt, wind turbine
5 It’s half past seven in the evening.
A Where are you, Jenny? What are you doing? Revised: Household activities; hot, sun, sunny, rain,
B I’m climbing a tree. Look! I’m up here! I haven’t got a wind, windy
television. Climbing trees is my favourite activity! Other: community, the environment, modern, technology
1 B  ​2 D  ​3 E  ​4 A  ​5 C Starting the lesson (optional) w 4.23 4.25
• Do the Starting the lesson routines on page 51.
2 Review. Look at the pictures in Activity 1. Write. • Bring 4–5 pictures of houses in your country from
• Children look at the pictures and times in Activity 1 to different eras to class. Ask the children what has changed.
complete the descriptions using the language from the Ask around the class What do you think an eco-friendly
word bank. house is? Take ideas from the class.
1 It’s six o’clock. She’s cooking breakfast.   2 It’s quarter Classroom Presentation Tool (CPT)
to seven. She’s collecting the eggs.   3 It’s eight o’clock.
She’s going to school.   4 It’s quarter past five. She’s Cross-curricular presentation: slideshow 1 Watch.
watering the vegetables.   5 It’s half past seven. She’s • Tell the children they are going to learn about eco-friendly
climbing a tree. houses in the UK.
• Pause after each slide to discuss what they see.
3 Order the dialogues. Listen and check. w 2.37
• Children read and order the dialogues by numbering Transcript
them 1–4. Listen and check. Narrator: Eco-friendly houses
This is an eco-friendly house. Eco-friendly houses are good
Transcript for the environment.
A What are you doing? A lot of activities use electricity, for example watching
B I’m sweeping. television and playing computer games. We need electricity
A Are you good at sweeping? for hot water and for cooking, too.
B Yes, I am. Some eco-friendly houses make electricity. In sunny places,
A What are you doing? solar panels use energy from the sun to make electricity. In
B I’m washing up. windy places, wind turbines use energy from the wind to
A Are you good at washing up? make electricity.
B No, I’m not! We need water for watering flowers and plants. Water butts
ANSWERS collect rain. We can use this water in our gardens.
A 2, 4, 1, 3   ​B 4, 1, 3, 2 In some rural communities, houses haven’t got electricity
or water. Modern rural communities use solar panels,
Extra wind turbines and water butts. These technologies help
• Fast finishers write what they are doing at each of the communities across the world.
times in Activity 1 on a usual school day. Put children into
pairs to tell their partner. Class Book page 39

Ending the lesson (optional) w 4.26 2 Look at the house. What’s the weather like?
• Review times using the children’s clocks from Unit 2. Put ANSWER
children into pairs to say a time for their partner to set on It’s sunny.
their clock (It’s eight o clock).
• Do the Goodbye routine on page 53. 3 Read and listen. w 2.38
• Play the audio for children to follow the words in their
books. Ask the children to read the text again silently.
Unit 4 101
© Copyright Oxford University Press
• Ask the children to find the words labelled in the photos activity. Monitor and help where needed. Children write
in the text and discuss how each item works. their results (Having a shower – 65 litres, etc.).

Transcript Lily’s tip

See Class Book page 39 for transcript. • Read Lily’s tip. Put children into groups to use the internet
to find the information about water usage for daily
4 What do you need? Read and say solar panels, activities.
wind turbine or water butt.
• Read sentences 1–4. Ask the children to read the text COMPETENCES FOR 21ST CENTURY LEARNING:
again and in pairs say the eco-friendly solution for each Digital competence
situation. Using the internet to research a topic develops children’s
• Feed back answers together as a class. ICT skills at searching for information and filtering the
results. It encourages them to use the technology safely
and responsibly.
1 water butt   ​2 solar panels   ​3 wind turbine  
4​ solar panels
5 Draw and label your own eco-friendly house. • Ask children to think about how we can use less water at
• Tell children to draw and label a picture of their own eco- home or at school each day (e.g. Don’t shower every day,
friendly house in their notebooks. Ask them to consider turn the tap off when you’re brushing your teeth, etc.) and
what eco-friendly devices they will use and where they write their ideas in their notebooks.
will put them. You may like to think of other ideas as
a class. In a more confident class, encourage children Ending the lesson (optional) w 4.26
to write full sentences. Stick to word labels in a less • Play Match to review verb / noun collocations (see Ideas
confident class. bank page 153).
• Do the Goodbye routine on page 53.
Social and civic competence
Looking at eco-friendly devices for the 21st century and Lesson 5: Story & Vocabulary
coming up with other innovative ideas and ways to use
them is important for the next generation. Thinking about Language
how the children can help and protect the environment Core: hard-working, lazy, strong, tidy, untidy, weak
will make them better citizens as they grow. Revised: Household activities; dangerous, old, short hair; Is
she (sweeping)? Yes, she is. No, she isn’t. She’s (doing kung fu).
Star question (optional) She wants / doesn’t want to … What’s the matter?
• Ask the children what devices they use every day that use Other: clever, fight, in danger, peace, polite, rude, worried;
electricity. Write a list on the board as a class (TV, radio, Welcome home! Well done!
smart phone, computer games, tablet, etc.). Talk about
them as a class How do we get energy for these things today? Starting the lesson (optional) w 4.23 4.25
Do you think it will be the same in the future? • Do the Starting the lesson routines on page 51.
• Play Secret word (see Ideas bank page 153). Children write
Activity Book page 33
household activities they like doing or don’t like doing.
1 Look, read and match. They tell the class which when the class guess correctly.
• Bring a globe or world map to class and ask children to
find China. Talk about China in English or in the children’s
1 This house has got a wind turbine. Wind turbines use own language. What do the children know about it? Do they
energy from the wind to make electricity. know any stories that come from China? What activities do
2 This house has got a water butt. Water butts collect the Chinese do? What food do they eat?
rainwater. You can use it to water your plants.
3 This house has got solar panels. Solar panels use energy
from the sun to make electricity.
CPT, Classroom Resource Pack
Vocabulary and grammar review and presentation:
2 Write how you use water and electricity in
story animation
one day.
• Children write activities they do in their lives that use 1 Watch.
water and electricity. Children may work in pairs for • Tell the children they’re going to watch a story animation
support. with Lily. Pause after Lily’s introduction and ask what the
ANSWERS story is about (A girl in China).
Children’s own answers. • With books closed, watch the story. Ask What happens in
the story? (Mulan wants to do Kung Fu. She doesn’t like
3 How much water do we use each day? Find out household activities. She dresses up like a boy and goes to
about four activities. fight for 12 years to help China. She comes home and is a
• Put children into pairs or small groups. They choose four famous soldier.)
activities and research how much water is used for each
102 Unit 4
© Copyright Oxford University Press
Transcript ANSWERS
Lily Hi, everyone! Do you like stories? I love stories. Here’s a 1 At home, Mulan is untidy.   ​2 Mulan doesn’t like
story called Mulan. This is a traditional Chinese story about a cooking.  ​3 Mulan is strong.   ​4 Mulan is hard-working.   ​
girl who wants to help China. Let’s see what happens. 5 Mulan is a girl.
• See Class Book pages 40–41 for story transcript. 5 Think. What do you think about the story? How
Vocabulary presentation: flashcards (optional) many stars do you give it?
• Show the flashcards one by one to introduce the new • See notes on page 63.
vocabulary. Repeat several times, encouraging the
6 Listen and repeat. Tell your friends. w 2.41
children to remember the words.
• See notes on page 63.
Cultural awareness and expression
Reading stories from other cultures will help the children Act out the story
to draw similarities and differences with their own culture. See notes on page 63.
Looking at this well-known Chinese tale will help them
understand a place of great history and help them to see
we all have similar obstacles to overcome.
Classroom Presentation Tool (CPT)
Vocabulary practice: game
Class Book pages 40–41 • See instructions for Picture reveal on page 146.

2 Listen, point and repeat. w 2.39 Activity Book page 34

• Ask the children to look at the six adjectives in the box.
Read each one and ask the class to find it in the story 1 Read the story again. Complete.
artwork. ANSWERS
• Play the audio for the children to listen, point and repeat. 1 Mulan is strong.
2 Mulan is untidy. Mulan isn’t lazy. She’s hard-working.
Hold up the flashcards in a random order as you play the 2 Think. What do you think about the story? Colour
audio. Ask the children to say Yes or No if the card matches and complete. Learn to learn.
the word they hear. Repeat several times. • See notes on page 63.
3 Read, think and give yourself marks out of 10.
3 Listen and read. w 2.40 Answer the question.
• Play the story audio for the children to read and follow in • Review the value. Ask the children What things do you
their Class Books.
work hard at? Read the sentences in the box and check
• Check comprehension: Who are the two women in the first children’s understanding. Ask them to think about and
picture? (Mulan’s mum and granny.) Why does her mum give themselves a mark out of ten for their effort, then
think she’s lazy? (Because she doesn’t want to do her answer the question at the bottom.
jobs.) What does Mulan want to do? (Kung fu) Is her mother
happy? (No) Why? (She thinks Mulan is lazy and untidy.) Picture Dictionary page 65 (optional)
Why doesn’t Mulan want her father to go to fight? (Because
he’s old and weak.) What does she do to help him? (She
• See notes on page 53.
takes the horse and goes to fight in his place.) Is she a
good fighter? (Yes, she is.) Is she successful? (Yes, she fights Spelling and alphabet page 65 (optional)
for 12 years and helps win the war. She is famous all over w 4.13 4.18
China.) Are her parents happy? (Yes, they are. They think • See notes on page 55.
she’s hard-working now.)
ALL ABOUT VALUES: Work hard and you can achieve 1 How do you spell cooking? C-o-o-k-i-n-g
your goals. 2 How do you spell gardening? G-a-r-d-e-n-i-n-g
Remind the children of who works hard in the story and 3 How do you spell painting? P-a-i-n-t-i-n-g
who achieves her goals. What does she do that is hard? 4 How do you spell lazy? L-a-z-y
What goal does she achieve? How does it make her 5 How do you spell untidy? U-n-t-i-d-y
family feel? Talk to the children in their own language 6 How do you spell weak? W-e-a-k
about goals they would like to achieve and how they can
achieve them. Talk about why it’s important to try hard. Ending the lesson (optional) w 4.26
• Play Story guesses (see Ideas bank page 153).
4 Read and correct the sentences. • Do the Goodbye routine on page 53.
• Children read sentences 1–5. Encourage them to focus on Further practice
the key word in each sentence (an adjective, noun Teacher’s Resource Material: Unit 4 Set 2 mini picture cards and
or verb). wordcards.
• Children read the story again and write correct sentences.
Children may work in pairs for support.
Unit 4 103
© Copyright Oxford University Press
Lesson 6: Story, Grammar & • Refer children to the LOOK! box, and point out that we
follow wants and doesn’t want with the infinitive with to,
Communication e.g. to work.
• Put children into pairs. Ask them to look at the grammar
box and make an affirmative sentence about Mulan’s
Core: He / She wants to (do Kung Fu). He / She doesn’t want father and then about Mulan (He wants to get his horse.
to (water the flowers). She wants to do kung fu.) Then ask them to make a
Revised: Adjectives; Household activities negative sentence about Mulan’s father and then about
Other: today, tonight Mulan (He doesn’t want to fight. She doesn’t want to
water the flowers.)
Starting the lesson (optional) w 4.23 4.25 • Play the audio for the children to listen, check and repeat.
• Do the Starting the lesson routines on page 51. Transcript
• Play What are the words? to review the story (see Ideas He wants to get his horse.
bank page 154). He doesn’t want to fight.
She wants to do kung fu.
CPT, Classroom Resource Pack She doesn’t want to water the flowers.
Story review and grammar presentation w 2.40 3 Make true sentences about your friends.
• Ask the children what they remember from the story: • Ask the children to choose one or two friends from class
Who’s in the story? What does Mulan like? What doesn’t she or out of class (or a family member). Tell them to look at
like? What does she do to help her dad / China? How do her the household activities on pages 36–37 and to make
parents feel? Is she lazy or hard-working? Does she achieve sentences about what they think that person wants /
her goals? doesn’t want to do. In a more confident class, encourage
• Watch (or listen to) the story again to confirm answers. children to use other verbs they know. Remind them to
refer to the All about grammar box for support. Monitor,
Vocabulary review: flashcards (optional) help and praise throughout.
• Show the flashcards one by one to remind children of the • Put children into pairs to tell each other.
new vocabulary. Repeat several times, encouraging the
children to say the words. Classroom Presentation Tool (CPT)
Class Book page 42 Vocabulary and grammar practice: game
• See instructions for Sentence spin on page 148.
1 Listen and say the number. w 2.42
• Ask the class to look at the pictures from the story and talk 4 Make the game cards. AB page 85
about the activities and people they can see. • Show the class a completed set of game cards and tell
• Children listen and say the number of the picture being them they will make their own cards to play Snap! with.
described. • Ask children to turn to page 85 in their Activity Books and
to cut out the cards along the dashed lines.
She wants to do kung fu. 5 Listen and repeat. Play the game. w 2.44
She wants to water the flowers. • Point to the photo of the two children playing the game.
He doesn’t want to fight. Play the audio. Ask What does he want to do? (He wants to
She doesn’t want to cook. cook.) What doesn’t she want to do? (She doesn’t want to lay
ANSWERS the table.) Play the audio again and ask the class to repeat
4, 2, 3, 1 the lines.
• Ask the children to look at the pictures on their game
COMPETENCES FOR 21ST CENTURY LEARNING: cards. Elicit the household activities and explain that there
Linguistic competence are two cards for each chore, one with a tick and one with
Hearing language to be taught in context and used in a a cross. Children must try to match the pairs.
meaningful way will help the children to analyse it in the
• Put the children into pairs. Ask them to put their own
following activity. This will help them to use the language
cards in a pile face down in front of them. They turn over
appropriately in later lessons.
one card at a time together in front of them. When they
get two cards that match they say Snap! and the correct
2 Read and make true sentences about Mulan and sentences using wants to and doesn’t want to. Monitor,
her father. Listen, check and repeat. w 2.43 help and praise throughout.
• Look at the All about grammar box as a class. Ask the class
how we make an affirmative sentence using want with Activity Book page 35
He. Repeat with She. Ask the class how we form negative
sentences. Point out that we use want and don’t want after 1 What does Mulan want to do? Listen and tick f
the pronouns I, they, you and we, but we use wants and or cross g. w 2.45
doesn’t want with he and she. • Children listen and tick for want or cross for doesn’t want.

104 Unit 4
© Copyright Oxford University Press
Transcript Lesson 7: Integrated skills &
A What does Mulan want to do today?
B She wants to ride a horse! Communication
A Yes, she likes horse riding.
B She doesn’t want to cook dinner! Language
A You’re right. She doesn’t like cooking! Core: Food and drink; Household activities; party, pick up
B What does she want to do now? litter, playground; Are you good at …? Can you …? Do you
A She wants to climb a tree! like …?
B She doesn’t want to water the flowers. Revised: /ɪŋ/ cooking, eating, gardening, having /n/
A And what does she want to do now? chicken, kitchen, fun, sun, sweetcorn
B She wants to do kung fu! Other: bike shed, end-of-term, head teacher, school office
1 f  ​2 g  ​3 f  ​4 f  ​5 g Starting the lesson (optional) w 4.23 4.25
• Do the Starting the lesson routines on page 51.
2 Look at the pictures in Activity 1. Write. Listen
again and check. w 2.46 • Play Find the card (see Ideas bank page 152).
• Children complete the sentences about Mulan from the
pictures in activity 1. Children listen again and check
Class Book page 43

their answers. They need to listen carefully because their 1 Listen and read Lily’s advert in the school
sentences will be in a different order to the audio track. magazine. Answer. w 2.47
ANSWERS • Elicit the name of the magazine that Lily writes for (The
1 She wants to climb a tree.   ​2 She doesn’t want to cook Woodgreen Weekly). Tell the children today they will read
dinner.  ​3 She wants to ride a horse.   4​ She wants to do an advert by Lily.
kung fu.   ​5 She doesn’t want to water the flowers. • Ask the children to look at the pictures and title and say
what the advert is for. Take ideas from the class.
3 Write about a friend. What does he / she want to
do tonight? • Read the three questions as a class and check
understanding. Identify the key words in each question to
• Put children into pairs. They tell their partner two help children find the answers (a when, b what food and
household activities they want to do and two they
drink and c their opinion).
don’t want to do tonight. Children listen and write four
sentences about their partner. • Children listen and read the advert and answer the
questions. Encourage them to give their own opinions
about question c. Check in pairs before feeding back as
All about grammar page 72
a class.
2 Look and write. ANSWERS
• Review how we make affirmative and negative sentences a end-of-term  ​b pizza and milkshakes  
using want / doesn’t want with He and She. c​ So the playground looks nice for the party
• Children look at the pictures and write sentences.
2 Ask and answer the questions in the advert.
• Put children into pairs to take turns asking and answering
1 She wants to paint. He doesn’t want to paint.   ​2 He the questions in the advert. In a less confident class, do an
wants to cook. She doesn’t want to cook. example question and answer with one or two confident
Ending the lesson (optional) w 2.31 4.26 children to show the correct form of the answer (Yes,
I am. I’m good at sweeping.) Monitor, help and praise
• Close the lesson by singing the song from Lesson 2 again. throughout.
• Do the Goodbye routine on page 53.
Further practice 3 Listen and read. Listen and repeat. w 2.48
Teacher’s Resource Material: Unit 4 Lesson 6 Reinforcement and • Look at the pictures as a class and ask the children to say
Extension worksheets. Notes and answers in Teacher’s Resource what they can see (A boy. He’s eating. He’s gardening. He’s
Material. cooking.)
• Write the sounds /n/ and /ɪŋ/ on the board and drill the
ASSESSMENT OPPORTUNITIES: differing sounds as a class.
The Lesson 6 pairwork activity (Activity 5) is an • Refer children to the rhyme in the pronunciation box. Tell
opportunity to assess the children’s speaking the class that the /ɪŋ/ sound is highlighted in blue and the
development. Assessment grid and notes in the Teacher’s /n/ sound is highlighted in red.
Resource Material.
• Play the audio for children to listen and read the rhyme
silently. Then play it again for children to repeat.
• Ask the class to say the words with the highlighted letters
again as a class.
• Ask the class when we usually hear the sound /ɪŋ/ (When
a word ends in –ing.)

Unit 4 105
© Copyright Oxford University Press
OPTION: Ask children to write /n/ and /ɪŋ/ in their Ending the lesson (optional) w 4.26
notebooks. Say a word for them to listen, repeat and write • Play What’s the word? with vocabulary from Units 1–4 (see
under the correct heading. Children check in pairs and Ideas bank page 155).
drill their lists together. • Do the Goodbye routine on page 53.
Linguistic competence Reciting the rhyme is an opportunity to assess the
Focusing on sounds which only have a slight difference children’s speaking development. Assessment grid and
will help the children to differentiate and say the sounds notes in the Teacher’s Resource Material.
fluently as they learn English. This develops their speaking
and listening skills.
Lesson 8: Language review &
Classroom Presentation Tool (CPT) Communication
Pronunciation: game Language
• See instructions for Phonics matching on page 146. Revised: Adjectives; Household activities; He / She wants
to (be strong). He / She doesn’t want to (be lazy).
English at home Other: character; Who is this? Who is he / she? This is who
• Encourage the children to say the rhyme to their family. he / she wants to be.

Activity Book page 36

Starting the lesson (optional) w 4.23 4.25
1 Order the questions and write answers. • Do the Starting the lesson routines on page 51.
• Children order the words to write questions and answer • Play Bingo! to review the unit vocabulary (see Ideas bank
for themselves (Yes, I am. No, I’m not.) page 154).
1 Are you good at sweeping?   ​2 Are you good at
CPT / Class Book page 44

cooking pizza?   ​3 Are you good at making milkshakes? 1 Watch Lily’s project. What’s it about? w 2.50
2 Read the messenger chat and answer. • Tell the children they are going to watch a video or listen
to the audio about Lily’s project today. Ask What do you
• Children read the question, then read the messenger chat think it’s about? Take ideas from the class.
to answer it.
• Children watch or listen to find out.
Yes, she is. Transcript
Lily Hi, everyone! This is my project about writing a rap. My
3 Make a messenger chat. Draw and write. rap is about Mulan. Listen! Who is this? Who is she? She’s
• Children create their own messenger chat. They draw a Mulan. Now listen to me. She doesn’t want to be lazy. One,
picture of themselves in the first box and a friend in the two three. She wants to be hard-working. This is who she
second box. They complete the questions and answers wants to be! She doesn’t want to be weak. Can you see? She
using different activities. Tell children to refer to the model wants to be strong. This is who she wants to be!
text in Activity 2 and to use their Class Book for ideas and
The project is about writing a rap about Mulan.
4 Circle the /ɪŋ/ sounds in blue and the /n/ sounds COMPETENCES FOR 21ST CENTURY LEARNING:
in red. Listen, check and repeat. w 2.49 Cultural awareness and expression
• Children circle the /ɪŋ/ and /n/ sounds in the words Encouraging the children to listen to and write their
before they listen. Check in pairs. own rap helps them identify a use for the language they
• Play the audio for children to listen and check. Then play it have learnt in the unit. It allows children to play with the
again for children to listen and repeat. language in a musical way.
blue: cooking, sing, wearing, spring 2 Talk about Lily’s project. Use these words.
red: sweetcorn, sun, kitchen, dolphin • Put children into pairs. Tell them to think about Lily’s
project in Activity 1 and talk about it using the words.
Monitor and help throughout.
• Ask fast finishers to write other words they know in
English with the /ɪŋ/ or /n/ sounds in their notebooks. 3 Listen and match. Say the letter and the
They can look back in their Class Book for ideas. name. w 2.51
• Point to the children in the photo and read their names.
Read the three comments about Lily’s project on the left.
Tell the children to listen and match the descriptions A–C
to the children.

106 Unit 4
© Copyright Oxford University Press
Transcript Lesson 9: Think, do & review
Ruth My name’s Ruth. I think writing a rap is really good fun.
Claire I’m Claire. I don’t want to write about Mulan. I want to Language
write about a different character. Revised: Adjectives; Household activities; Is he / she
Lucas I’m Lucas. I think the project looks interesting. (watering the flowers)? Yes, he / she is. No, he / She isn’t. He /
ANSWERS She wants to (be strong). He / She doesn’t want to (be lazy).
A Claire  ​B Lucas  ​C Ruth Other: character; Who is this? Who is he / she? This is who
he / she wants to be.
4 Think. What do you think about Lily’s project?
Tell your friends.
Starting the lesson (optional) w 4.23 4.25 2.50
• Ask the class the question. Elicit answers from 2–3
confident children using the expressions in Activity 3. Put • Do the Starting the lesson routines on page 51.
children into pairs. They take turns asking and answering • Play Sharkman to review the language from Unit 4 (see
to give their own opinion. Ideas bank page 153).
• Watch or listen to Lily’s project again for children to
5 Prepare your project. AB page 37 familiarize themselves with the project.
• See Activity Book notes below.
Class Book page 45
Classroom Presentation Tool (CPT)
1 Have you got everything? Listen and answer. Ask
Grammar and vocabulary review: game and answer. w 2.53
• See instructions for Three in a row on page 147. • Tell the class that today they will complete their project by
writing their rap and decorating it. Remind them of Lily’s
Activity Book page 37 project in Lesson 8.
• Look at the materials in the picture at the top of page 45
1 Look at Lily’s project plan. Read and complete. and ask the class What do we need to make our project? The
Listen and check. w 2.52 children say what they see.
• Refer the children to Lily’s mind map and ask questions • Play the audio for children to listen and answer the
about the information she has included What does Mulan questions.
want to be? What doesn’t she want to be?
• Put children into pairs to ask and answer again, referring
• Children use the information in the mind map to to the pictures at the top of the page.
complete Lily’s rap on the right. Check first in pairs, and
then play the audio to check answers. Transcript
ANSWERS Have you got some paper?
Mulan, hard-working, weak, strong. Have you got a pencil?
Have you got some coloured pencils?
2 Choose a character. Plan and write.
2 Write a rap. Read and do.
• Remind the class of the stories they have read in the Class
Book and the characters in them (the perfect Prince, Bill • Children work individually to create their own rap. Make
and Boss, George and Granny, Mulan’s family). Ask children sure each child has the materials they need. Read and
to choose a character from any of the stories to write look at the photos and use a completed project to
about. Alternatively, they could choose a character from demonstrate the task. Work through the stages together
any story they like. as a class:
• They think about what their character wants and doesn’t • Stage 1: Ask children to refer to their project plan from
want to be and complete the mind map. Refer them to Lesson 8 and the words they wrote in their mind map to
the adjectives in the word bank for ideas. They could also describe their character. Children can use this character or
write about things their character does / doesn’t want to choose another character to describe.
do. In a less confident class, put children into pairs to plan • Stage 2: Children write their rap on a new piece of paper.
and write about a character together. They may use coloured pencils or a pencil.
• Once you have checked their mind map, ask children • Stage 3: Children draw or stick a picture of their character
to complete the rap on the right. Monitor and help with their text.
throughout. • Stage 4: Children should practise presenting their projects
within small groups or in pairs. Remind the class to
Ending the lesson (optional) w 4.26 respect one another’s ideas and to use English. Monitor,
• Play Word race (see Ideas bank page 154). praise and help throughout.
• Do the Goodbye routine on page 53. • Invite children to the front to present to the whole class.
Remember who presented their project this time, so
different children can present the next time.

Unit 4 107
© Copyright Oxford University Press
Linguistic competence
Re-writing their rap enables the children to recycle the
grammar and vocabulary in a personalized way as they
describe a character of their choice. They also need to
consider punctuation, further developing their written

3 Rate your project. Tell your friends.

• Remind the class of the three expressions of opinion in
Lesson 8. Put children into groups of 3–4 to share their
opinions about their projects.

English at home
• Children take their projects home to show and tell to their

Ending the lesson (optional) w 4.26

• Play a game (see Ideas bank pages 150–155).
• Do the Goodbye routine on page 53.
English at home
The children are now ready to do the Unit 4 test and Term
test 2. See the Teacher’s Resource Material evaluation
section. If you would like your class to have more practice
before doing the Term test, consider doing it after the
Review unit.

The unit project is an opportunity to assess the

Competences for 21st century learning. Assessment grid
and notes in the Teacher’s Resource Material.

108 Unit 4
© Copyright Oxford University Press
Review 2 Animaltrons … at a birthday party!
sad.) Why? (He doesn’t want to go home) Is Panda kind
Learning outcomes
about Tiger’s hat? (No, he isn’t.) Does Oscar like his colourful
To revise and practise language from Units 3–4 hat? (Yes, he does.)
To work together to act out a shopping role-play
Language Linguistic competence
Core review language: Language from Units 3 and 4 Checking comprehension of the story allows children
of all abilities to keep up with the information, review
Competences for 21st century learning language and interact with the story. This develops their
reading skill along with the communicative skills of
Linguistic communication
listening and speaking.
Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship

NOTE: It is recommended that this unit is taught over two 2 Act out the story.
lessons, depending on your timetable. It can be taught • Put children into groups of 6–8, one for each character in
before or after the Term 2 test. the story. Mix more confident and less confident children
together, consider friendship groups and those who work
well together.
Lesson 1 • Ask the class what characters they need for the story.
Starting the lesson (optional) w 4.23 4.25 (Animaltrons, Oscar, his sister, mum and dad). Then allow
• Do the Starting the lesson routines on page 51. them to choose which character(s) they will play. If the
class does not divide exactly, some children can take
• Play a flashcard game to review vocabulary from Units 3–4
two roles.
(see Ideas bank pages 150–155).
• Then ask children to stand up and find a space in the
room to practise acting out the story in their groups. Set
Classroom Presentation Tool (CPT)
a time limit of ten minutes. Play the audio for children to
Review game act out as they listen. Then they act out using their Class
• See instructions for revision Picture race on page 148. Book only.
• Go around the class and encourage them to add
Storybook presentation: Animaltrons … at a actions and facial expressions. Monitor, help and praise
birthday party! throughout.
• Tell the class that they are going to read another story • Ask some of the groups to act out the story for the whole
about the animaltrons. Ask Who are the Animaltrons? (Seal class. Choose different groups to the last review lesson.
Master, Panda, Tortoise, Tiger and Gorilla.) Where do they
live? (Space.) Where do you think go in this story? What do OPTION: Vocabulary race:
you think they do? Take all ideas. Put children into pairs. Set a time limit of one minute.
• Choose the ‘Listen only’ option in the Review 2 storybook. Children find as many words connected with a topic you
Click through the story, frame by frame, asking the give them in the story as they can. They can write them
children Where are they? What are they doing? Check their on a piece of paper or simply point to them in their Class
predictions about where the animaltrons go and do. Book. Write your chosen topic on the board and say Go!
• Ask the children in their own language what they think (e.g. accessories, chores, colours, adjectives, etc.) Say Stop!
happens in the story. after one minute. Feed back ideas from the class. See how
many they got correct.
Class Book page 46
Activity Book page 38
1 Listen and read. w 2.54
• Tell children to look at the pictures and say the animals, 1 Read the story again. Answer the questions.
objects and activities they can see. • Ask children to read the questions before they read the
• Play the story audio for children to read and follow in their story again to find the answers. Children write answers in
Class Books. Ask What do the animaltrons want to find out? sentences and check their ideas in pairs before feedback.
(About birthday parties on Earth).
• Play the story audio again. Check comprehension: Whose 1 No, he isn’t. He’s drying up.
birthday party is it? (Oscar’s.) How old will Oscar be? (Ten.) 2 No, she isn’t. She’s washing up.
Who is cooking? (Mum.) Is Oscar washing up? (No, he isn’t) 3 No, he isn’t. He’s painting a picture.
What presents has Oscar got? (A wallet and an umbrella.) 4 Yes, she is.
What do they make a present out of? (Oscar’s dad’s old
things.) Who is knitting a colourful hat? (Tiger.) How does
Oscar feel? (He’s happy.) What’s the matter with Gorilla? (He’s

Review 2 109
© Copyright Oxford University Press
2 Look and complete. Use a word from box A and a • Go through the frames one by one and ask the children
word from box B. what they remember from the story: Who’s this? (Panda,
• Children complete the sentences describing the pictures Tiger, etc.) Is he cooking? (No, he isn’t. He’s laying the table.)
using a word from box A and B. Children check in pairs • Watch the story again to confirm answers. Ask children to
before feeding back. say what they can see as they watch.
ANSWERS • To provide a game element, play Remember the film (see
1 Look at these earrings. Ideas bank page 154).
2 Look at that watch.
3 Look at those rings. Class Book page 47
4 Look at these bracelets.
Project: Act out a shopping role-play
3 Listen and number. Listen again and match. Then • Explain to the children that they are going to create
write. w 2.55 a shop and act out a shopping role-play. Read and
• Play the audio for children to listen and write the look at the photos and use some completed cards to
numbers 1–4 next to the correct items in the order they demonstrate the task. Work through the stages together
hear them. They listen again to match the people to the as a class:
items. • Stage 1: Divide children into groups of 4–6. Look at the
• Children then write the pronouns from the box below the materials they will need and make sure each group has
correct picture. They check their answers in pairs. everything.
• Stage 2: Encourage children to work in their groups to
Transcript choose eight things from Unit 3 that they can sell in their
1 A: Whose is this spotty umbrella? shop. They decide together and one child writes them in a
B: It’s hers. list. They can look in their Class Books for ideas. Encourage
2 A: Whose are these checked wallets? Are they yours? them to use English as much as possible to discuss ideas
B: No, they’re theirs. What do you think we can sell? I like… , Me, too! I don’t like … ,
3 A: Whose are these colourful rings? Let’s write … next, etc.
B: They’re ours. • Stage 3: Show children how to divide their piece of paper
4 A: Whose is this stripy umbrella? Is it yours? and cut it into eight pieces. Children share the cards out in
B: Yes, it’s mine. the group (two each). Set a time limit for children to talk
5 A: Whose are those flowery wallets? about their ideas, draw pictures and write a description on
B: They’re his. the cards. Monitor, praise and help throughout. Encourage
ANSWERS the class to use English as much as possible throughout
A hers  B theirs  C ours  D mine  E his the project.
• Stage 4: Children discuss how much each object in their
Ending the lesson (optional) w 4.26 shop will cost. They write the price on each card.
• Play Mystery card to review the Unit 3–4 vocabulary (see • Stage 5: Children set up their shop. Each group can
Ideas bank page 152). use a desk and lay out the objects in an order they like.
• Do the Goodbye routine on page 53. Encourage them to use prepositions to say where they
should go.
Lesson 2 • Stage 6: Children take turns being the shop assistant
and shoppers. They ask how much products are and buy
Language one thing each. Play until each child in the group has
Core review language: Units 3 and 4 language had a turn as the shop keeper. Monitor, hep and praise
Materials: card, coloured pencils, a pencil, scissors
Starting the lesson (optional) w 4.23 4.25 Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship
• Do the Starting the lesson routines on page 51. Project work helps children to express their opinion
• Play True or False? to review the Units 3–4 vocabulary (see and consider others ideas to create something. The
Ideas bank page 153). input of the lesson comes from them developing their
independence and creativity.
Classroom Presentation Tool (CPT)
Activity Book page 39
Review game
• See instructions for Basketball on page 149. 1 Look at the picture. Write the questions and
Story review: Animaltrons … at a birthday party!
• Scroll through the review storybook. Choose the ‘Listen
1 Is she washing up? No, she isn’t. She’s sweeping.
and read’ option.
2 Is he gardening? Yes, he is.
3 Is she drying up? No, she isn’t. She’s cooking.
4 Is he sweeping? No, he isn’t. He’s painting.

110 Review 2
© Copyright Oxford University Press
2 Order and write.
• Children use the anagrams to complete the sentences.
1 hardworking  2 strong  3 untidy

3 Listen and draw h or k. Complete. w 2.56

• Play the audio for children to listen and draw a h for want
to and a k for doesn’t want to.
• Children use the information to complete sentences

1 Tiger doesn’t want to dry up and she doesn’t want to lay
the table. She wants to wash up and water the flowers.
2 Gorilla doesn’t want to wash up. He doesn’t want to water
the flowers and he doesn’t want to lay the table. He wants
to dry up.
Tiger: k k h h
Gorilla: h k k k
1 doesn’t want to   2 wants to   3 wants to  
4 doesn’t want to   5 wants to

Ending the lesson (optional) w 2.04 2.31 4.26

• Close the lesson by singing a song from Units 3 or 4.
• Do the Goodbye routine on page 53.
The review project is an opportunity to assess the
Competences for 21st century learning. Assessment grid
and notes in the Teacher’s Resource Material.

Review 2 111
© Copyright Oxford University Press
Unit 5 I’m at the canteen
Lesson 1: Vocabulary Transcript
1 Adult Have you got any meat, Lily?
Language Lily Yes, I have. I’ve got … meat, salad, bread rolls and
Core: bread rolls, fish, fruit, meat, puddings, rice, salad, pudding.
vegetables 2 Adult Have you got any meat, Mina?
Mina No, I haven’t. I’ve got … fish, vegetables, bread rolls
Revised: Have you got any (fish)? Yes, I have / No, I haven’t.
and fruit.
I’ve got … There’s … / There are …
3 Adult Have you got any rice, Ash?
Other: forks, knives, milk, spoons, water, yoghurt Ash Yes, I have. I’ve got … meat, rice and fruit.
4 Adult Have you got any pudding, Charlie?
Starting the lesson (optional) w 4.23 4.25 Charlie Yes, I have. I’ve got … fish, rice, bread rolls and
• Do the Starting the lesson routines on page 51. pudding.
• Play Line by line with foods (see Ideas bank page 153). 4 Listen and repeat. w 3.03
Review language from previous levels and include today’s
vocabulary. • Point to the activity and explain that the boy and girl are
talking about the trays of food in the picture.
• Talk about the food the children eat at school. Ask the
children which foods they eat are healthy or unhealthy. • Play the audio for children to listen and repeat.
What types of food do they like eating during school 5 Play Who am I?
time? Do they eat at home, have a packed lunch, or eat in
the school canteen?
• Tell the class they are going to play a guessing game.
Secretly choose a character carrying a plate of food for the
children to ask about and guess. Encourage the class to
CPT, Classroom Resource Pack ask you questions (Have you got any fruit? Yes, I have., etc.)
Unit introduction: 1 Watch. to find out which character you are.
• Watch the video. Ask the children questions about the • In pairs, children take turns choosing a character for their
clip, in the children’s own language: What day is it? (Friday) partner to ask about the food and guess who it is.
Where does Lily eat lunch? (In the school canteen.) What’s COMPETENCES FOR 21ST CENTURY LEARNING:
for lunch? (Fish and vegetables, pasta, and chocolate
Linguistic competence
pudding.) Does Lily like fish? (Yes, she does.) What does
The guessing game format enables the children to
Charlie like? (Chocolate pudding!)
internalize the structure and confidently start asking
Transcript questions about certain foods using the quantifier ‘any’.
Lily Hi, everyone! It’s Friday. I love Fridays! There’s always fish This will help them to consolidate the meaning and use it
for lunch at the school canteen on Fridays. at a later time.
Lily Look! Friday: Fish and vegetables. Yum!
Charlie Good morning, Lily. What’s for lunch today at school? OPTION:
Lily Morning! Fish, of course! And pasta. And look, there’s Write healthy and unhealthy on the left and right of
chocolate pudding, too. the board respectively. Hand out the food flashcards
Charlie Yes! Chocolate pudding is my favourite food! to random children and ask them to place them in the
Vocabulary presentation: flashcards (optional) correct category. Ask the rest of the class to watch and
change any they disagree with. Check the ideas as a class.
• Show the flashcards one by one to introduce the new Add to the list by writing additional foods the children
vocabulary. Repeat several times, encouraging the
know. Point out the posters in the picture in the Class
children to remember the words.
Book to help them.

Class Book page 48

Lily’s question
2 Listen, point and repeat. w 3.01 • Point to Lily’s question and read it aloud. Say I eat (rice,
• See notes on page 70. vegetables and chicken) for lunch. Ask the question around
the class encouraging children to answer.
1 There’s salad.   ​2 There are bread rolls.  ​3 There’s meat.  ​ Star question (optional)
4 There’s fish.  ​5 There are vegetables.  ​6 There’s rice.  ​ • Ask the children the question at the bottom of page 48.
7 There’s fruit.  ​​8 There are puddings. Tell them to look at pages 48 and 49 and find the hidden
revision words (food and drink items). Then ask the
3 Listen and say. w 3.02 children if they can find the hidden extension words
• See notes on page 70. (utensils). If the children know the revision and extension
words, play a guessing game: choose one of the items

112 Unit 5
© Copyright Oxford University Press
and ask the class to guess which item you are thinking of.
If they don’t know the words, say the words and ask the
Lesson 2: Song, Grammar &
children to repeat. Communication
ANSWERS Language
milk, water, yoghurt, fork, knife, spoon
Core: Food; Is there any (salad)? Yes, there is. No, there isn’t.
CULTURE NOTE: School lunches In the UK Are there any (vegetables)? Yes, there are. No, there aren’t.
School lunches, or school ‘dinners’ as they are known, have Other: shopping; I’m a (canteen) superstar!
been offered in schools in the UK since 1907 when they
were first introduced as a way of improving children’s Starting the lesson (optional) w 4.23 4.25
health. Nowadays, children eat either a packed lunch • Do the Starting the lesson routines on page 51.
which they bring from home (with sandwiches and • Play Hit the card (see Ideas bank page 150).
fruit), or a cooked, hot meal. But they always eat lunch at
school. A school dinner consists of meat, vegetables and
Classroom Presentation Tool (CPT)
a pudding (dessert). Schools across the country often
serve fish on Fridays and vegetarian options are provided. Grammar presentation and vocabulary
Children eat together in a school hall or canteen with consolidation: song animation 1 Watch.
older children helping younger children. • Watch the song animation. Explain that the song is about
food in the canteen.
Classroom Presentation Tool (CPT) • Watch again and play Missing words (see Ideas bank
page 153).
Vocabulary practice: game
• See instructions for Small image matching on page 145. Class Book page 49

Activity Book page 40 2 Listen, point and sing. w 3.04

• See notes on page 86.
1 Write.
• Children use the pictures to help them complete the 3 Match the words and pictures.
crossword. • See notes on page 86.
Across: 1 fish 3 puddings 4 vegetables 7 bread rolls salad 1, bread rolls 2, meat 3, fish 4, vegetables 5,
Down: 1 fruit 2 rice 5 salad 6 meat puddings 8, fruit 7, rice 6

2 Look and complete the questions. Write the COMPETENCES FOR 21ST CENTURY LEARNING:
answers. Linguistic competence
• Children look at the picture and write questions and Singing the language from the unit in a meaningful song
answers about the food. helps the children to improve their pronunciation, as it
focuses on aspects of connected speech. This will help
ANSWERS them to communicate more effectively.
1 Have you got any puddings? Yes, I have.
2 Have you got any fruit? No, I haven’t.
3 Have you got any rice? No, I haven’t. 4 Listen and repeat. w 3.05
4 Have you got any bread rolls? Yes, I have. • Point to the two children at the bottom of the page and
play the audio for the class to listen. Ask the class which
Picture Dictionary page 66 (optional) foods they are asking about (salad and mushrooms). Ask
• See notes on page 53. which food the class can see in the canteen (salad) and
which they can’t see (mushrooms).
Ending the lesson (optional) w 4.26 • Refer children to the All about grammar box. Read the
• Play Noughts and crosses (see Ideas bank page 150). questions and short answers. Point out the use of Is, Are
• Do the Goodbye routine on page 53. and any in the questions and is / isn’t and are / aren’t in the
Further practice
Teacher’s Resource Material: Unit 5 Set 1 mini picture cards and • Refer children to the LOOK! box to explain we use of Is
wordcards; Unit 5 Lesson 1 Extra vocabulary worksheet. Notes and with singular foods and Are with plural foods. Go through
answers in Teacher’s Resource Material. the food words and elicit which are singular and which
are plural.
• Play the audio again for children to listen and repeat.

5 Ask and answer about food.

• Put children into pairs. Ask them to take turns asking
and answering questions about different foods. They
should ask about foods they can see in the canteen on
pages 48–49 and food they can’t see. Monitor and help
throughout, checking children are using plural and
singular foods correctly. Unit 5 113
© Copyright Oxford University Press
Classroom Presentation Tool (CPT) Ending the lesson (optional) w 3.04 4.26
• Close the lesson by singing the song again.
Vocabulary and Grammar practice: game • Do the Goodbye routine on page 53.
• See instructions for Chase the cheese on page 147.
Further practice
Activity Book page 41 Teacher’s Resource Material: Unit 5 Lesson 2 Reinforcement and
Extension worksheets; Unit 5 Lesson 2 song worksheet. Notes and
1 Listen and write A or B. w 3.06 answers in Teacher’s Resource Material. Karaoke version of song
• Look at pictures A and B and elicit the foods. Children available on CD4 track 4.34.
listen to six conversations and write A or B next to ASSESSMENT OPPORTUNITIES:
numbers 1–6, depending on which picture the people are
talking about. The Lesson 2 pairwork activity (Activity 5) is an
opportunity to assess the children’s speaking
Transcript development. Assessment grid and notes in the Teacher’s
1 A Here’s the shopping. Resource Material.
B Is there any meat?
A Yes, there is.
2 A Are there any olives on the table? Lesson 3: Culture & Communication
B Er ... No, there aren’t.
3 A I want to make a sandwich! Is there any bread? Language
B Yes, there is. Core: Please can I have (a banana)? Yes, of course. Here you
4 A I’m hungry! Are there any eggs? are. No, sorry. There aren’t any.
B Yes, there are. Revision: Activities; Food and drink; Times; I’ve got …
5 A I want some fruit. Are there any apples? There is / are …
B Sorry. No, there aren’t.
Other: canteen, dessert, dinner lady, healthy, packed lunch,
6 A It’s lunchtime! Is there any cheese?
vegetarian food
B Er ... No, there isn’t.
ANSWERS Starting the lesson (optional) w 4.23 4.25 3.04
1 B  ​2 A  ​3 A  ​4 B  ​5 B  ​6 A
• Do the Starting the lesson routines on page 51.
2 Look at the pictures in Activity 1. Complete the • Sing the song from Lesson 2 again.
questions and answers.
Classroom Presentation Tool (CPT)
1 Are there any apples in picture A? Yes, there are.   ​2 Is Culture presentation: 1 Watch.
there any bread in picture B? No, there isn’t.   ​3 Are there
any olives in picture A? No, there aren’t.   ​4 Is there any
• First viewing: Watch Lily’s introduction to the culture film
and ask the children to tell you what the video is about
meat in picture B? Yes, there is.   ​5 Is there any cheese in
(A school canteen in the UK) and to make some predictions
picture A? No, there isn’t.   ​6 Are there any eggs in
about Lily’s question What do the children have for lunch?
picture B? Yes, there are.
• Watch the culture film, stopping before the
3 Draw three foods in the bag. Write two questions comprehension questions, for children to check their
and answers. Ask and answer with your friend. predictions. Ask the class what food and drink they saw
• Children draw three foods of their choice in the bag. (meat, rice, vegetables, etc.).
Ask them to draw both singular and plural foods. They • Second viewing: Watch the video again and do the
complete the two questions and answer according to comprehension task at the end of the film.
their drawing.
• Put children into pairs to ask and answer about their
Lily Hello, everyone! Do you like eating lunch in the school
partner’s bag of food.
canteen? The lunch at our school is delicious! This is a film
about a school canteen in the UK. Let’s watch it together.
All about grammar page 73
What do the children have for lunch?
1 Look and write. Culture film Every day I eat lunch in the school canteen.
It’s next to the library. It’s nine o’clock. Mrs Baker and Miss
• Review how we form questions and short answers for Williams are cooking in the kitchen. Mrs Baker is wearing a
singular and plural foods using Is and Are.
special hat. We eat lunch at half past twelve in the school
• Children complete each question and answer yes or no canteen. I can smell lunch. I’m hungry! Sometimes we
according to the ticks and crosses next to the pictures. have fish for lunch, but not today. Today, there is meat and
ANSWERS vegetables. I like vegetables! There is vegetarian food, too.
1 Is there any meat? Yes, there is.   ​2 Are there any bread Sometimes it’s pasta. Today it’s rice and vegetables. Every
rolls? Yes, there are.   ​3 Are there any puddings? No, there day there are bread rolls, vegetables and there is salad.
aren’t.  ​4 Is there any fish? No, there isn’t. For pudding there is fruit. There are apples and oranges.
Sometimes we have bananas and grapes, too. There is water
on every table. Look! My friends are sitting on that table.
They are eating their lunch. Today I’ve got meat, potatoes,
114 Unit 5
© Copyright Oxford University Press
carrots and sweetcorn. For pudding I’ve got a banana. Some • Play the audio track for the children to listen. Play it again
children eat a packed lunch. They bring their food from and pause for children to repeat the conversation.
home. These children have sandwiches, fruit and yoghurt in
their packed lunches. It’s one o’clock. Lunchtime is finished. Transcript
The children go to the playground. They play football and Mina Please can I have a banana?
tag. I like playing after lunch! Lily Yes, of course. Here you are.
Mina Thank you.
CULTURE NOTE: Healthy eating in the UK Ash Please can I have an orange?
All school dinners in the UK follow certain guidelines Lily No, sorry. There aren’t any.
to keep children healthy. They must have one or more
portions of vegetables or salad every day and no more
than two portions of fried food per week. Although Point out to the children how we use a with singular
canteens serve meat, children are welcome to have a words and some with plural words (a banana, some
vegetarian option if they prefer. All schools are required to apples).
consider the cultural, religious and special dietary needs
of the children in their school. Parents are encouraged not 5 Act out the conversation.
to give their children sweets, crisps or chocolate in their • When children are using the language confidently, put
packed lunches because they are not healthy. them into pairs or small groups. They take turns asking
and answering the question. Refer them to the All about
speaking box for support.
Class Book page 50
Note: All about speaking introduces functional language and
2 Listen and say the number. w 3.07 helps the children practise it in a meaningful, natural and
• Ask children to look at the photos on the page and say any communicative way.
words they know to describe them (There are carrots, peas
Let’s compare culture
and broccoli. It’s a packed lunch. She’s got salad. That’s pasta,
etc.). Accept any ideas from the class and one word answers. • Discuss the culture question in English and in the
children’s own language if necessary. Which foods do we
• Play the audio for children to listen and say the number of
eat in the school canteen? Which foods don’t we eat? Do
the photo being described.
you think school lunch in the UK is healthy or unhealthy?
Transcript And here?
We’re eating lunch in the canteen. COMPETENCES FOR 21ST CENTURY LEARNING:
There are a lot of vegetables.
Cultural awareness and expression
There are sandwiches, fruit and orange juice in this packed
Learning about the eating habits of children their own age
in another country helps the children to see and respect
I’ve got a bread roll, pasta, salad, meat and fruit.
the similarities and differences.
2, 1, 3, 4
Activity Book page 42
3 Read and match. Say the number and the letter.
• Encourage the class to read texts A–D independently and 1 Listen and draw h or k. w 3.09
silently. Then match them to photos 1–4. Transcript
• Ask the class about each text as you feed back answers 1 Adult Hello, Anna. What have you got for lunch?
What words does it use to describe the photo? (They’re eating, Anna I’ve got some fish, salad and potatoes.
vegetables, sandwiches, pasta, etc.) Adult And you’ve got a cake and an orange.
ANSWERS Anna That’s right.
1 C  ​2 A  ​3 D  ​4 B Adult Do you like fish?
Anna No, I don’t.
CPT / Class Book page 50 Adult Oh, dear!
2 Adult Hello, Jack. Oh, you’ve got a packed lunch.
4 Watch. Listen and repeat. w 3.08 Jack Yes, I’ve got sandwiches, a yoghurt and some grapes.
• Explain to the class that they are going to watch Lily, Mina Adult Do you like yoghurt?
and Ash talking about food. Make predictions as a class Jack Yes, I do. And I like grapes, too. They’re my favourite
about what food they will hear. fruit.
3 Adult Have you got pasta, Emily?
• Watch the video and check their predictions.
Emily Yes, I have. It’s vegetarian. And I’ve got some
Transcript carrots, too.
Lily Would you like some fruit? Adult Oh! And you’ve got a biscuit and an apple.
Mina Please can I have a banana? Emily Yes, and some milk to drink.
Lily Yes, of course. Here you are. Adult Do you like pasta?
Mina Thank you. Emily Yes, I do.
Ash Please can I have an orange? ANSWERS
Lily No, sorry. There aren’t any. 1 k  ​2 h  ​3 h

Unit 5 115
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2 Review. Look at the pictures in Activity 1. Classroom Presentation Tool (CPT)
Cross-curricular presentation: slideshow 1 Watch.
1 She’s got fish, salad, potatoes, a cake and an orange. • Tell the children they are going to learn about what makes
2 He’s got sandwiches, a yoghurt and grapes. a healthy lunch.
3 She’s got pasta, carrots, a biscuit, an apple and milk. • Pause after each slide to discuss what they see.

3 Look at the pictures and circle. Listen and Transcript

check. w 3.10 Narrator: A healthy lunch
This is a very healthy lunch.
• Children look at the picture and circle the correct
There is calcium in yoghurt. Calcium keeps our bones and
question. They refer to the ticks and crosses to circle the
teeth strong.
correct answer. Listen and check.
It is important to drink a lot of water, too. Our bodies can’t
Transcript work properly without water.
1 A Please can I have a banana? There is protein in fish. Protein helps us to grow strong.
B No, sorry. There aren’t any. There are vitamins and fibre in fruit and vegetables. Vitamins
2 A Please can I have some pasta? keep us healthy. Fibre helps digestion.
B Yes, of course. Here you are. There are carbohydrates in rice. Carbohydrates give us
3 A Please can I have some fish? energy.
B No, sorry. There isn’t any. Cakes and biscuits have a lot of sugar. Sugar is bad for your
teeth and your health.
Extra There is fat in meat and dairy products. Fat can give us
• Fast finishers draw their favourite school lunch and write a energy, but don’t eat a lot of food with fat in it.
sentence about it (I’ve got … and …).
Class Book page 51
Ending the lesson (optional) w 4.26
• Play High five (see Ideas bank page 151). 2 Look at the healthy lunch. What food can
• Do the Goodbye routine on page 53. you see?
• Children look at the healthy lunch in the picture and say
Further practice what they can see. Ask them if the foods are healthy or
Teacher’s Resource Material: Unit 5 Culture worksheet. Notes and unhealthy.
answers in Teacher’s Resource Material.
ASSESSMENT OPPORTUNITIES: rice, vegetables, fish, yoghurt, water
The All about speaking activity (Activity 5) is an opportunity
to assess the children’s speaking development. 3 Read and listen. w 3.11
Assessment grid and notes in the Teacher’s Resource • Play the audio for children to follow the words in their
Material. books. Ask the children to read the text again silently.
• Check pronunciation of the new words. Name a
component, e.g. carbohydrates and ask children to find the
Lesson 4: Cross-curricular (Natural word in the text. Encourage them to repeat the word.

Science) Transcript
See Class Book page 51 for transcript.
Core: calcium, carbohydrates, fat, fibre, protein, vitamins 4 Name foods that have . . .
Revised: Food; drink water, strong • Read options 1–6. Ask the children to read the text again
Other: bones, dairy, digestion, energy, grow, sugar, teeth, and find foods that contain each component.
vitamins; Our bodies can’t work properly • Feed back answers together as a class. Encourage the
class to name other items of food they know.
Starting the lesson (optional) w 4.23 4.25 ANSWERS
• Do the Starting the lesson routines on page 51. 1 rice  ​2 fish  ​3 yoghurt  ​4 fruit and vegetables   ​
5 meat and dairy   ​6 cakes and biscuits
• Write Healthy and Unhealthy on the board. Use the food
and drink flashcards from Level 4 and previous levels. 5 Draw and label a healthy lunch.
Hand them out to children and ask them to stick them in
• Tell the children to draw a picture of a healthy lunch that
the correct category. Ask the class why each of the foods
they would like to eat in their notebooks. Ask them to use
is healthy or unhealthy and discuss what foods are good
a range of foods so they cover all the food groups. They
for us.
label their lunch. In a more confident class, encourage
children to write full sentences. Stick to word labels in a
less confident class.

116 Unit 5
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Competence in Science and Technology
The nutritional make up of food is an important Language
consideration in the modern world. Giving children Core: a few, a little, a lot of, nuts, raisins, seeds
this knowledge in English will help reinforce their Revised: Food; Free time activities; I want to (play
understanding of what makes a balanced daily diet. It will football). Do you want to (read a comic)? There are (raisins).
also enable them to make informed decisions about the Are there any (eggs)? Yes, there are. No, there aren’t.
foods they choose to eat as they grow. Other: again, disgusting, mix; What’s in the cake? Good
idea! I’m bored. Yuck! Yum!
Star question (optional)
• Ask the children to call out different fruits and vegetables. Starting the lesson (optional) w 4.23 4.25
Write them in two lists on the board. Ask How do you spell • Do the Starting the lesson routines on page 51.
that? and encourage children to spell the foods to you.
• Play Guess (see Ideas bank page 153). Use the words from
Talk about them as a class. Do you like strawberries? Which
Lesson 4 to describe the foods (It’s got protein. It’s white –
fruit do you eat every day? Which vegetable do you never eat?
Fish! etc.).
Which fruit or vegetables do we grow in our country? Which
do we get from other countries? • Talk about what the children like doing at the weekend.
What do they do when it is raining outside?
Activity Book page 43
CPT, Classroom Resource Pack
1 Complete the labels on the picture.
Vocabulary and grammar review and presentation:
ANSWERS story animation
1 vegetables  ​2 meat  ​3 pasta  ​4 rice  ​5 yoghurt  ​
6 cheese  ​7 sweets 1 Watch.
• Tell the children they’re going to watch a story animation
2 Read and match. with Lily. Pause after Lily’s introduction and ask what the
ANSWERS story is about? (A special cake). If necessary, explain the
1 Vitamins keep us healthy.   ​2 Calcium keeps our word unusual that Lily uses to describe the cake.
bones and teeth strong.   ​3 Fibre helps digestion.   ​ • With books closed, watch the story. Ask What happens in
4 Carbohydrates give us energy.   ​5 Protein helps us the story? (It’s raining. Danny and his dad make a special
to grow. cake. It’s not healthy because it has a lot of fat in it. It’s not
for people to eat; it’s for the birds!)
3 Write the foods you eat in a day. Write the foods
in the correct box. Transcript
• In a less confident class, complete the categories together Lily Hi, everyone! Do you like stories? I love stories. Here’s a
on the board or tell children to work in pairs. In a more story called A special cake. This is a story about making
confident class, elicit a random list of food ideas and write an unusual cake. Let’s see what happens.
them on the board and ask children to write them in the • See Class Book pages 52–53 for story transcript.
correct categories in their Activity Books.
Vocabulary presentation: flashcards (optional)
Lily’s tip • Show the flashcards one by one to introduce the new
• Read Lily’s tip. Encourage children to use the picture in vocabulary. Repeat several times, encouraging the
Activity 1 to help them think of different foods. children to remember the words.
Class Book pages 52–53
• Fast finishers create a healthy menu for their dinner in
their notebooks. They draw a picture and label it, and 2 Listen, point and repeat. w 3.12
compare their menu with a partner. • Ask the children to look at the six words in the box. Read
each one and ask the class to find it in the story.
Ending the lesson (optional) w 4.26
• Play the audio for the children to listen, point and repeat.
• Play Flashing a card in teams (see Ideas bank page 151).
• Do the Goodbye routine on page 53. OPTION:
Hold up the flashcards as you play the audio. Then hand
them out to children around the room and play the audio
again for them to hold up their card when they hear it.
Repeat several times.

Unit 5 117
© Copyright Oxford University Press
COMPETENCES FOR 21ST CENTURY LEARNING: 2 Think. What do you think about the story? Colour
Linguistic competence and complete. Learn to learn.
Learning to talk about ‘quantities’ in chunks allows the • See notes on page 63.
children to recall the language more easily. It also helps
them pronounce the words accurately, improving their
3 Read, think and answer the questions.
spoken communication. • Review the value. Read the two questions in the box and
ask the class. Ask the children to write their answers to the
3 Listen and read. w 3.13
• Play the story audio for the children to read and follow in Picture Dictionary page 66 (optional)
their Class Books. • See notes on page 53.
• Check comprehension: Why can’t Danny play football in the
garden? (It’s raining.) Does he want to read a comic or listen Spelling and alphabet page 66 (optional)
to music? (No, he doesn’t.) Does he want to make a cake? w 4.13 4.19
(Yes, he does.) What’s in the cake? (Nuts, raisins, biscuits, • See notes on page 55.
fat, cheese and bread.) Does Danny like the cake? (No, he
doesn’t.) Who is the cake for? (The birds in the garden!) Transcript
Does Danny like the cake in the end? (Yes, he does.) 1 How do you spell fish? F-i-s-h
2 How do you spell fruit? F-r-u-i-t
ALL ABOUT VALUES: Animals needs healthy food, too. 3 How do you spell salad? S-a-l-a-d
Remind the children of what foods are in the cake in the 4 How do you spell a few? A f-e-w
story. Are they healthy for the birds? Does Danny like the 5 How do you spell nuts? N-u-t-s
food? Is it healthy for him? How do the birds feel when 6 How do you spell seeds? S-e-e-d-s
they get some healthy food? Talk to the children in their
own language about what foods are healthy for animals. Ending the lesson (optional) w 4.26
Talk about why it’s important to feed animals healthy food. • Play Lightening flashcards (see Ideas bank page 152).
• Do the Goodbye routine on page 53.
4 What’s in the cake? Read and correct the Further practice
sentences. Teacher’s Resource Material: Unit 5 Set 2, mini picture cards and
• Children read sentences 1–5. Encourage them to focus on wordcards.
the key word in each sentence (affirmatives, negatives and
• Children read the story again and write the correct
Lesson 6: Story, Grammar &
sentences. Children may work in pairs for support. Communication
1 There are a few nuts.   ​2 There are a lot of raisins.   ​
3 There’s a lot of fat.   ​4 There is a little cheese.   ​5 There Core: There are a few / some / a lot of (nuts). There aren’t
are a lot of seeds. any (eggs). There is a little / some / a lot of (sugar). There isn’t
any (cheese).
5 Think. What do you think about the story? How Revised: Food; a few, a little, a lot of
many stars do you give it?
• See notes on page 63. Starting the lesson (optional) w 4.23 4.25
6 Listen and repeat. Tell your friends. w 3.14 • Do the Starting the lesson routines on page 51.
• See notes on page 63. • Play What’s next? to review food and drink in categories:
healthy, unhealthy, dairy, meats, fruit, etc. (see Ideas bank
OPTION: page 153).
Act out the story
See notes on page 63. CPT, Classroom Resource Pack
Story review and grammar presentation w 3.13
Classroom Presentation Tool (CPT) • Ask the children what they remember from the story:
Who’s in the story? Why can’t Danny play in the garden? What
Vocabulary practice: game does his dad suggest they do? What do they make? Who is it
• See instructions for Pelmanism on page 146. for? What’s in it?
• Watch (or listen to) the story again to confirm answers.
Activity Book page 44
Vocabulary review: flashcards (optional)
1 Read the story again. Complete. • Show the flashcards one by one to remind children of the
ANSWERS new vocabulary. Repeat several times, encouraging the
1 raisins  ​2 seeds  ​3 A few   ​4 A lot of   ​5 A little children to say the words.

118 Unit 5
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Class Book page 54 3 Make true sentences about your lunch.
• Ask children to think about their lunch today. Put children
1 Listen and say the number. w 3.15 into pairs to tell their partner about their lunch (There
• Ask the class to look at the pictures and talk about the is some bread. There aren’t any eggs. There are some
foods they can see (cheese, eggs, raisins, nuts) and how vegetables. There is some fruit, etc.). In a less confident
much there are (a little, a few, a lot of ). class, allow children time to think about and write a list of
• Children listen and say the number of the picture being foods in their notebooks first for support.
Classroom Presentation Tool (CPT)
There aren’t any eggs. Vocabulary and grammar practice: game
There are a few nuts. • See instructions for Cloudburst on page 147.
There’s a little cheese.
There are a lot of raisins. 4 Cut out the pictures. AB pages 83–84

ANSWERS • Ask children to turn to pages 83–84 in their Activity Books

2, 4, 1, 3 and to cut out the pictures along the dashed lines.

2 Read and make true sentences about the story. 5 Listen and repeat. Play the game. w 3.17
Listen, check and repeat. w 3.16 • Point to the two children playing the game. Play the
• Look at the All about grammar box as a class and point out audio. Ask What is there in his picture? (A little cheese.)
the two categories (countable and uncountable nouns). What is there in her picture? (A lot of cheese.) Do they have
Go through the foods listed and identify if you can count the same? (No.) Play the audio again and ask the class to
them or not (e.g. One raisin, two raisins. One bread, two repeat the lines.
breads). Refer the children to the LOOK! box. • Put the children into pairs. One is A, the other is B. They
• Point out that we use There are / aren’t with countable take turns describing the quantity of each food they have
nouns (plurals), but we use There is / isn’t with uncountable in their picture for their partner. They find what is different
nouns. and circle it. Monitor, help and praise throughout.
• Focus children on the quantifiers and explain that in
affirmative sentences, we use a few with countable nouns Activity Book page 45

but a little with uncountable nouns. We can use some and 1 Listen and circle the correct picture. w 3.18
a lot of with both. In negative sentences we use any for
both countable and uncountable nouns. Transcript
• Put children into pairs. Ask them to look at the countable 1 Danny Is there any bread, Dad?
nouns section in the grammar box and make true Dad Yes, there is. There’s a lot of bread.
sentences about the food in the story. Then ask them to Danny Great.
look at the uncountable nouns in the grammar box and 2 Danny Can I have some nuts please, Dad?
make true sentences about the story. In a less confident Dad Sorry. There aren’t any nuts.
class, do this together as a class. 3 Danny What about fruit?
• Play the audio for the children to listen, check and repeat. Dad Er … there’s a little fruit.
Note: Remind children that we often use the contraction Danny Oh, yes. We’ve got an apple and a banana.
There’s as well as There is. 4 Dad And are there any olives?
Danny Yes, look. There are a few olives.
Transcript 5 Dad What about milk?
There are a lot of raisins. Danny Oh, there isn’t any milk!
There are a few nuts. Dad That’s OK. We can buy some.
There are some biscuits. ANSWERS
There aren’t any eggs. 1 B  ​2 C  ​3 A  ​4 A  ​5 C
There are a lot of seeds.
There isn’t any sugar. 2 Look at the pictures in Activity 1. Write.
There is a lot of fat.
There is a little cheese.
1 There’s a lot of bread.
There is some bread.
2 There aren’t any nuts.
COMPETENCES FOR 21ST CENTURY LEARNING: 3 There’s a little fruit.
Learning to learn 4 There are a few olives.
Enabling the children to analyse the grammar allows 5 There isn’t any milk.
them to apply rules to other areas of language. This helps
3 Write about food in your kitchen at home. Tell
them to become better learners.
your friends.
• Ask children to think about food they have in their kitchen
at home. They write an example of a countable affirmative

Unit 5 119
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and negative sentence and an example of an uncountable vegetarian food, b dessert and c their opinion about whether
affirmative and negative sentence. the lunches are healthy or unhealthy).
• Put children into pairs to tell their partner. They listen and • Children listen and read the interview and answer the
help each other to check the sentences are accurate. questions. Check in pairs before feeding back as a class.
All about grammar page 73
a pizza, salad   b biscuits, chocolate pudding  
c The food is mostly healthy because there are a lot of
2 Circle three differences. Write.
fruit, vegetables and nuts. Chocolate pudding and biscuits
• Review how we use countable and uncountable nouns are unhealthy because they contain sugar and fat.
and the quantifiers.
• Children look at pictures A and B, circle three differences 2 Act out the interview.
and write sentences. • Put children into pairs to ask and answer the questions in
ANSWERS the interview. See notes on page 78.
1 (A) There’s a lot of meat. (B) There isn’t any meat.
2 (A) There are a few bread rolls. (B) There are a lot of
Linguistic competence
bread rolls.
Encouraging the children to recycle the language from
3 (A) There is a lot of cake. (B) There is some cake.
the unit in an interview style will help them to feel
Ending the lesson (optional) w 3.04 4.26 confident with it and enable them to use it outside the
• Close the lesson by singing the song from Lesson 2 again.
• Do the Goodbye routine on page 53.
3 Listen and read. Listen and repeat. w 3.20
Further practice • Look at the picture of Shane and Cherry and ask the
Teacher’s Resource Material: Unit 5 Reinforcement and Extension
children to say what food they can see (A milkshake, fish,
worksheets. Notes and answers in Teacher’s Resource Material.
chips, cheese, chicken, mushrooms).
ASSESSMENT OPPORTUNITIES: • Write the sounds /ʃ/ and /ʧ/ on the board and drill the
The Lesson 6 pairwork activity (Activity 5) is an two sounds as a class. Ask the children how we usually
opportunity to assess the children’s speaking spell these sounds (sh and ch) and write the letters on the
development. Assessment grid and notes in the Teacher’s board.
Resource Material. • Refer children to the rhyme in the pronunciation box.
Ask the class which sound is highlighted in blue (/ʃ/) and
which sound is highlighted in red (/ʧ/).
Lesson 7: Integrated skills & • Play the audio for children to listen and read. Play it again
for children to repeat the rhyme.
Communication • Ask the class to say the words with the highlighted letters
Language again as a class.
Revised: Food; Quantifiers; Are you good at (cooking)? I’m OPTION:
(making a salad.) Is there any (cheese)? There’s (a little) (cheese). Ask children to write /ʃ/ and /ʧ/ in their notebooks.
There are (some) (nuts). Is there any (rice)? Yes, there is. No, there Say a word for them to listen, repeat and write in the
isn’t. Are there any (eggs)? Yes, there are. No, there aren’t. correct column. Children check in pairs and drill their lists
Core sound: /ʃ/ fish, milkshake, mushrooms, Shane, She’s together.
/ʧ/ chair, cheese, Cherry, chicken, chips, chocolate, kitchen
Other: competition, dessert, vegetarian
Classroom Presentation Tool (CPT)
Starting the lesson (optional) w 4.23 4.25 Pronunciation: game
• Do the Starting the lesson routines on page 51. • See instructions for Phonics matching on page 146.
• Play Listen and find (see Ideas bank page 151). Say the food
words in a sentence (There are some raisins.). English at home
• Encourage the children to say the rhyme to their family.
Class Book page 55
Activity Book page 46
1 Listen and read Lily’s interview in the school
magazine. Answer. w 3.19 1 Remember and write.
• Tell the children that today they will read another • Children recall the information from Lily’s interview
interview by Lily for the school magazine. Look at the title with Mina and Ash from the Class Book to complete the
and pictures together and ask the class to tell you what it questions and answers.
is about (A cooking competition at school). Ask the class ANSWERS
who Lily is interviewing (Mina and Ash). 1 Is there any meat on Mina’s pizza? No, there isn’t.
• Check children’s understanding of the three questions and 2 Are there any tomatoes in Ash’s salad? Yes, there are.
identify the key words to help them find the answers (a

120 Unit 5
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3 There are a few nuts and raisins in Mina’s biscuits. Transcript
4 There aren’t any strawberries in Ash’s dessert. Ash Hi, everyone! This is my project about planning a healthy
lunch. There’s some fish. There are a lot of vegetables. There’s
2 Read the description and answer. a little rice. There are a few strawberries. There isn’t any
• Children read the question, then look at the picture and chocolate pudding.
read the description to answer it.
ANSWERS The project is about planning a healthy lunch.
Lily’s favourite dessert is chocolate cake with strawberries.
3 Draw your favourite meal and write. Mathematical competence and basic competences in
• Children draw a picture of their favourite meal (the main science and technology
course, a dessert and a drink) and write a description. Tell Looking at, and thinking about, what makes a healthy
children to use Lily’s description and their Class Book for lunch allows the children to put into practice what they
ideas and support. have learnt about human biology, nutrition and health
in English.
4 Circle the /ʃ/ sounds in blue and the /ʧ/ sounds in
red. Listen, check and repeat. w 3.21
2 Talk about Ash’s project. Use these words.
• Children circle the /ʃ/ and /ʧ/ sounds before they listen.
Check in pairs.
• Put children into pairs. Tell them to think about Ash’s
project in Activity 1 and talk about it using the words.
• Play the audio for children to listen and check. Then play it Monitor and help throughout.
again for children to listen and repeat.
ANSWERS 3 Listen and match. Say the letter and the
blue: fish, mushrooms, brush, shower name. w 3.23
red: chips, kitchen, cheese, chocolate • Point to the children in the photo and read their names.
Read the three comments about Ash’s project on the left.
Extra Tell the children to listen and match the descriptions A–C
• Ask fast finishers to write other words they know in to the children.
English with the two sounds in their notebooks.
Ending the lesson (optional) w 4.26 Aiden My name’s Aiden. This project looks great! I love fish.
• Play Silent words (see Ideas bank page 153). Lucas I’m Lucas. I think the lunch is healthy. There are a lot of
• Do the Goodbye routine on page 53. vegetables.
Ruth I’m Ruth. I like fruit, too. Strawberries are my favourite.
Acting out the interview and reciting the rhyme A Aiden  B Lucas  C Ruth
are opportunities to assess the children’s speaking
development. Assessment grid and notes in the Teacher’s 4 Think. What do you think about Ash’s project?
Resource Material. Tell your friends.
• Ask the class the question. Elicit answers from 2–3
Lesson 8: Language review & confident children using the expressions in Activity 3. Put
children into pairs. They take turns asking and answering
Communication to give their own opinion.
Language 5 Prepare your project. AB page 47
Revised: Food; Quantifiers; There is a little / some / a lot of • See Activity Book notes below.
(sugar). There are a few / some / a lot of (strawberries). There
isn’t any (pudding). Is there any (rice)? Yes, there is. No, there Classroom Presentation Tool (CPT)
isn’t. Are there any (eggs)? Yes, there are. No, there aren’t.
Grammar and vocabulary review: game
Starting the lesson (optional) w 4.23 4.25 • See instructions for Three in a row on page 147.
• Do the Starting the lesson routines on page 51.
• Play What’s missing? to review the unit vocabulary (see Activity Book page 47

Ideas bank page 152).

1 Look at Ash’s project plan. Read and complete.
Listen and check. w 3.24
CPT / Class Book page 56
• Refer the children to Ash’s project plan. Explain that he has
1 Watch Ash’s project. What’s it about? w 3.22 drawn a picture and written a list about the food. Look at
• Tell the children they are going to watch a video or listen the picture and ask questions about the food he’s drawn
to the audio about Ash’s project. Ask What do you think it’s What food can you see? Is there any fish?
about? Take ideas from the class. • Children complete the sentences using the words in the
• Children watch or listen to find out. word bank. Check first in pairs, and then play the audio.

Unit 5 121
© Copyright Oxford University Press
Transcript • Stage 1: Ask children to use their project plan from Lesson
Ash My healthy lunch 8 to draw their healthy lunch on a paper plate.
1 There’s some fish. • Stage 2: The children label their healthy lunch writing the
2 There are a lot of vegetables. correct food and drink words next to the pictures.
3 There’s a little rice. • Stage 3: Children write a description of their healthy lunch
4 There are a few strawberries. using full sentences. They may refer to their project plan
5 There aren’t any bread rolls. from Lesson 8 for support.
6 There isn’t any chocolate pudding.
• Stage 4: Children should practise presenting their projects
2 Choose food and drink for a healthy lunch. Plan, within small groups or in pairs. Remind the class to
write and draw. respect one another’s ideas and to use English. Monitor,
praise and help throughout.
• Children read and tick the things they would like to
include in their healthy lunch. • Invite children to the front to present to the whole class.
Remember who presented their project this time, so
• They write a list of six sentences about these foods and
different children can present the next time.
draw a picture to show the food and quantities.
Ending the lesson (optional) w 4.26
Cultural awareness and expression
• Play Ladders (see Ideas bank page 154). Drawing and decorating a project allows the children to
• Do the Goodbye routine on page 53. express themselves artistically, enabling them to engage
fully with the topic.
Lesson 9: Think, do & review
Language 3 Rate your project. Tell your friends.
Revised: Food; Quantifiers; There is a little / some / a lot of
• Remind the class of the three expressions of opinion in
Lesson 8. Put children into groups of 3–4 to share their
(sugar). There are a few / some / a lot of (strawberries). There
opinions about their projects.
isn’t any (pudding). Is there any (rice)? Yes, there is. No, there
isn’t. Are there any (eggs)? Yes, there are. No, there aren’t. English at home
• Children take their projects home to show and tell to their
Starting the lesson (optional) w 4.23 4.25 3.22 family.
• Do the Starting the lesson routines on page 51.
• Play Kim’s game to review language from Unit 5 (see Ideas Ending the lesson (optional) 4.26
bank page 152). • Play a game (see Ideas bank pages 150–155).
• Watch or listen to Ash’s project again for children to • Do the Goodbye routine on page 53.
familiarize themselves with the project. ASSESSMENT OPPORTUNITIES:
The children are now ready to do the Unit 5 test. See the
Class Book page 57
Teacher’s Resource Material evaluation section.
1 Have you got everything? Listen and answer. Ask
and answer. w 3.25 The unit project is an opportunity to assess the
• Tell the class that today they are going to complete their Competences for 21st century learning. Assessment grid
own healthy lunch project and decorate it. They are going and notes in the Teacher’s Resource Material.
to use their plan from Lesson 8.
• Look at the materials in the pictures at the top of page 57.
Ask the class What do we need to make our project? The
children say what they see.
• Play the audio for children to listen and answer the
• Put children into pairs to ask and answer again, referring
to the pictures at the top of the page.

Have you got some paper?
Have you got a pencil?
Have you got some coloured pencils?
Have you got a paper plate?

2 Draw a healthy lunch. Read and do.

• Children work individually to create their own healthy
lunch plate. Make sure each child has the materials they
need. Read and look at the photos and use a completed
project to demonstrate the task. Work through the stages
together as a class:

122 Unit 5
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Unit 5 123
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Unit 6 I’m at the holiday park
Lesson 1: Vocabulary 6 He’s horse riding.
7 She’s hiking.
Language 8 He’s mountain biking.
Core: canoeing, hiking, horse riding, mountain biking, COMPETENCES FOR 21ST CENTURY LEARNING:
rowing, sailing, snorkelling, windsurfing Linguistic competence
Revised: What are you doing? I’m (hiking). He’s / She’s Learning new vocabulary in context through pictures will
(snorkelling). I like (canoeing). enable the children to internalize the new language and
Other: climbing, fishing, jogging, kayaking, playing catch, use it more effectively in later lessons.
3 Listen and say. w 3.27
Starting the lesson (optional) w 4.23 4.25 • See notes on page 70.
• Do the Starting the lesson routines on page 51.
• Play Mime it! acting out any free time activities the Transcript
children already know (see Ideas bank page 153). 1 Lily What are you doing, Mina?
Mina: I’m … canoeing.
• Talk about activities the children do when they are on
2 Mina What are you doing, Lily?
holiday in the children’s own language. Ask the children
Lily: I’m … rowing.
what their favourite activities are. Do they like the same
3 Lily What are you doing, Ash?
activities as the other members of their family? Do they
Ash: I’m … mountain biking.
go to holiday parks in the summer? Do they do sporty
4 Ash What are you doing Charlie?
activities or do they prefer relaxing activities?
Charlie: I’m … horse riding.
CPT, Classroom Resource Pack 4 Listen and repeat. w 3.28
Unit introduction: 1 Watch.
• Point to the activity and explain that the boy and girl are
playing a game describing the activities for their partner
• Watch the video. Ask the children questions about the to guess the correct child in the picture.
clip, in the children’s own language: Where is Lily going
in the summer holidays? (A holiday park) Who is she going
• Play the audio for children to listen and repeat.
with? (Ash and Mina) What activities is Lily doing? (Horse 5 Play Guess.
riding and rowing) Is Mina hose riding? (Yes) What activities
• Tell the class they are going to play the guessing game
is Ash doing? (Windsurfing and mountain biking.)
like the two children. Choose a person from the picture
Transcript and encourage the class to ask questions (Are you
Lily Hi, everyone! It’s nearly the summer holidays. Soon we’re rowing? No, I’m not. Are you sailing? Yes, I am. You’re
going to the holiday park. Ash and Mina are coming, too. number 2!).
Mina Thanks. What are you doing at the holiday park, Lily? • In pairs, children take turns choosing a person for their
Lily I’m horse riding and rowing. What about you, Mina? partner to guess.
Mina I’m horse riding, too. And I’m canoeing.
Ash I’m windsurfing and I’m mountain biking.
Lily I can’t wait! Write land and sea on the left and right of the board
respectively. Hand out the flashcards to random children
Vocabulary presentation: flashcards (optional) and ask them to place them in the correct category.
• Show the flashcards one by one to introduce the new Ask the rest of the class to watch and change any they
vocabulary. Repeat several times, encouraging the disagree with. Check the ideas as a class.
children to remember the words.
Lily’s question
Class Book page 58 • Point to Lily’s question and read it aloud. Say I like snorkelling
and canoeing on holiday. Ask the question around the class
2 Listen, point and repeat. w 3.26 encouraging children to use the structure.
• See notes on page 70. • If you have more time use this as an opportunity to do a
Transcript class survey, getting the children to ask the question and
1 He’s sailing. record answers in groups. This work can be further exploited
2 He’s windsurfing. by displaying the answers in graph or diagram form.
3 She’s canoeing.
4 She’s rowing.
5 She’s snorkelling.

124 Unit 6
© Copyright Oxford University Press
Star question (optional) Lesson 2: Song, Grammar &
• Ask the children the question at the bottom of page 58.
Tell them to look at pages 58 and 59 and find the hidden Communication
revision and extension words (free time activities). If the
children know the revision and extension words, play a
guessing game: choose one of the activities and ask the Core: Outdoor activities; What are you doing? We’re
class to guess which activity you are thinking of. If they (hiking). What are they doing? They’re (sailing).
don’t know the words, say the words and ask the children Other: We’re having a lot of fun!
to repeat.
ANSWERS Starting the lesson (optional) w 4.23 4.25
climbing, fishing, jogging, kayaking, playing catch, • Do the Starting the lesson routines on page 51.
swimming • Play Sharkman (see Ideas bank page 153).
CULTURE NOTE: Holiday parks in the UK Classroom Presentation Tool (CPT)
Holiday parks are very popular destinations for families in
the UK. There are different types of holiday park that you Grammar presentation and vocabulary
can stay at. There are parks in the forest where you can consolidation: song animation 1 Watch.
go horse riding, mountain biking and hiking. There are • Watch the song animation. Explain that the song is about
parks on the coast which focus on water sports and may the activities we are doing at a holiday park.
include surfing and windsailing. Some parks even have • Watch again and play Spot it! (see Ideas bank page 155).
heated swimming pools, gyms and saunas to relax in after
all the exercise! Families sleep in cabins or caravans. There
Class Book page 59
are usually cafés and restaurants there, too. At night, there
is often entertainment for families like shows, karaoke 2 Listen, point and sing. w 3.29
competitions or dancing. • See notes on page 86.
3 Match the words and pictures.
Classroom Presentation Tool (CPT)
• See notes on page 86.
Vocabulary practice: game ANSWERS
• See instructions for Conveyor belt on page 145. windsurfing 2, hiking 7, sailing 1, mountain biking 8,
snorkelling 5, canoeing 3, horse riding 6, rowing 4
Activity Book page 48
4 Listen and repeat. w 3.30
1 Look and write. Number the pictures. • Point to the two children at the bottom of the page and
• Children use the key to decipher and write the words. play the audio for the class to listen. Ask the class which
Then they number the pictures. activity they were talking about (rowing).
ANSWERS • Refer children to the All about grammar box. Check their
1 windsurfing (F)  2 horse riding (C)   3 sailing (A) understanding of the use of plural you in the question and
4 snorkelling (G)   5 canoeing (E)   6 hiking (B)   the use of are with the pronouns we and they in questions
7 mountain biking (H)   8 rowing (D) and answers. Remind them how we invert the verb and
pronoun in questions.
2 Circle four pictures in Activity 1. Write questions • Refer children to the LOOK! box and point out the
and answers. contractions. Drill the pronunciation of the contracted
• Children choose four pictures in Activity 1, circle them forms.
and write a question and answer for each (What are you • Play the audio again for children to listen and repeat.
doing? I’m hiking., etc.)
Learning to learn
Children’s own answers.
Analysing the form of language helps children make
Picture Dictionary page 67 (optional) informed guesses about language at later stages in their
language learning process, making them better learners.
• See notes on page 53.
Ending the lesson (optional) w 4.26 5 Mime. Ask and answer.
• Play Jumping the line (see Ideas bank page 150). • Put children into groups of three. Ask them to take turns
• Do the Goodbye routine on page 53. miming and asking and answering about the activities
from pages 58–59. Two children mine, the third child asks
Further practice the question. Monitor and help throughout.
Teacher’s Resource Material: Unit 6 Set 1 mini picture cards and
wordcards; Unit 6 Lesson 1 Extra vocabulary worksheet. Notes and • Invite a few groups up to the front of the class to mime.
answers in Teacher’s Resource Material. Ask What are they doing? for the class to answer, They’re
(horse riding).

Unit 6 125
© Copyright Oxford University Press
Classroom Presentation Tool (CPT) All about grammar page 74

Vocabulary and grammar practice: game 1 Look and write.

• See instructions for Chase the cheese on page 147. • Review how we use are with they and how we contract
them. Clarify in the children’s own language if necessary.
Activity Book page 49 • Children look at the pictures and write four more
sentences about the picture. Check answers in pairs
1 Listen and number the groups of people. w 3.31 before feeding back as a class.
• Look at picture and ask the class what activities they can
see. Children will hear six different conversations about
1 They’re mountain biking.   2 They’re rowing.  
the activities. They listen and write the numbers 1–6 next
3 They’re sailing.   4 They’re hiking.  
to the correct pictures. Check answers in pairs before
5 They’re horse riding.
feeding back as a class.
Ending the lesson (optional) w 3.29 4.26
1 A Look! I can see Lily and her dad in a boat. • Close the lesson by singing the song again.
B What are they doing? • Do the Goodbye routine on page 53.
A They’re sailing. Further practice
2 A Hello, what are you doing? Teacher’s Resource Material: Unit 6 Lesson 2 Reinforcement and
B We’re mountain biking! It’s fun! Extension worksheets; Unit 6 Lesson 2 song worksheet. Notes and
3 A Look! Mina’s windsurfing. answers in Teacher’s Resource Material. Karaoke version of song
B Ash is windsurfing, too. available on CD4 track 35.
A Oh, yes!
4 A Look at Charlie and his mum. What are they doing? ASSESSMENT OPPORTUNITIES:
B They’re canoeing. The Lesson 2 pairwork activity (Activity 5) is an
5 A Can you see the horses? opportunity to assess the children's speaking
B Oh, yes. There are two people horse riding. development. Assessment grid and notes in the Teacher’s
A I love horse riding! Resource Material.
6 A I can see four people over there. What are they doing?
B They’re hiking.
ANSWERS Lesson 3: Culture & Communication
sailing 1, mountain biking 2, windsurfing 3, canoeing 4,
horse riding 5, hiking 6 Language
Core: Shall we (go mountain biking)? Yes, that’s a great idea.
2 Find the people in Activity 1. Complete the No, thanks. I don’t feel like it.
questions and answers. Revised: Daily routines; Food; Outdoor activities; near,
ANSWERS night time; I love (camping). I like (taking photos). We’re
1 What are they doing? They’re sailing. (horse riding).
2 What are they doing? They’re mountain biking. Other: breakfast, camping, countryside, moon, national
3 What are they doing? They’re windsurfing. park, stars, Wales
4 What are they doing? They’re canoeing.
5 What are they doing? They’re horse riding.
Starting the lesson (optional) w 4.23 4.25 3.29
6 What are they doing? They’re hiking.
• Do the Starting the lesson routines on page 51.
3 Look and complete. Draw yourself with a friend • Sing the song from Lesson 2 again.
and write. Ask and answer.
• Children complete the sentence about the picture. Then Classroom Presentation Tool (CPT)
they draw themselves and a friend doing an activity
together and write a question (What are you doing?) and Culture presentation: 1 Watch.
the answer (e.g. We’re sailing.). • First viewing: Watch Lily’s introduction to the culture film
• Put children into pairs to ask and answer about their and ask the children to tell you what the video is about
partner’s activity. (What are you doing? We’re sailing.) (Camping in the UK) and to make some predictions about
Lily’s question What food can you see?
• Watch the culture film, stopping before the
We’re rowing.
comprehension questions, for children to check their
What are you doing? Children’s own answers.
predictions. Ask the class what food and drink they saw
(Oranges, plums, tomatoes, pasta, etc.).
• Second viewing: Watch the video again and do the
comprehension task at the end of the film.

126 Unit 6
© Copyright Oxford University Press
Transcript ANSWERS
Lily Hello, everyone! Do you like camping? I love camping! 3, 2, 4, 1
This is a film about camping in the UK. Let’s watch it
together. What food can you see? 3 Read and match. Say the number and the letter.
Culture film It’s the summer holidays! I’m camping with my • Encourage the class to read texts A–D independently and
family. This is my mum and my dad, my brother and me. We silently. Then match them to photos 1–4.
love camping in the countryside. • Ask the class about each text as you feed back answers
It’s quarter to one. It’s lunchtime! Dad is cooking lunch. He’s What words does it use to describe the photo? (Breakfast,
cooking pasta. We’re hungry and thirsty. We’ve got some countryside, hot chocolate, horse riding, etc.)
water and some olives. There are some oranges. There are a ANSWERS
lot of plums, too. We love healthy food! We eat a lot of fruit 1 B  2 A  3 D  4 C
and vegetables every day. Dad likes cooking.
‘What’s for lunch, Dad?’
CPT / Class Book page 60

‘Yum!’ 4 Watch. Listen and repeat. w 3.33

We’re eating pasta with tomatoes. My favourite! • Explain to the class that they are going to watch Lily, Mina
Now we're walking along the river. It’s very beautiful. My and Ash talking about outdoor activities. Make predictions
brother is riding his bike. I’ve got a map. Look! I can see the as a class about what they will hear.
river on the map. There are some ducks on the river. Mum’s
got some apples in her bag.
• Watch the video and check their predictions.
‘Who wants an apple?’ Transcript:
‘Yes, please’. Lily What shall we do today? Shall we go mountain biking?
‘Look! A boat’. Ash Yes, that’s a great idea!
‘Hello’. Mina No, thanks. I don’t feel like it.
It’s half past seven. It’s dinner time. I’m hungry again. Ash Shall we go hiking then?
‘What’s for dinner, Dad?’ Mina Yes, that’s a good idea.
‘You can’t be hungry again, Grace!’ Lily OK. Let’s go!
Dad's cooking sausages. I really like sausages and bread.
• Play the audio track for the children to listen. Play it again
Yum! Thank you, Dad. Now we’re playing games. We're
and pause for children to repeat the conversation.
playing snap. Well done, Mum! I go to bed at quarter to nine.
I’m tired! Transcript
‘What’s for breakfast, Dad?’ Lily Shall we go mountain biking?
‘Go to sleep, Grace!’ Ash Yes, that’s a great idea.
Mina No, thanks. I don’t feel like it.
CULTURE NOTE: Camping in the UK
A cheap way to get outdoors and explore the countryside 5 Act out the conversation.
is to stay at a campsite in a tent, a caravan or a campervan. • When children are using the language confidently, put
This is very popular in the UK and there are hundreds them into pairs or small groups. They take turns asking
of campsites around the country. You can camp in a and answering the question. Refer them to the All about
field and make your own fire to cook on. Camp grounds speaking box for support.
usually have toilets, and showers to keep you clean. Some Note: All about speaking introduces functional language and
campsites are a little more luxurious, and you can stay helps the children practise it in a meaningful, natural and
in yurts or teepees. These are very warm and often have communicative way.
beds and even a fireplace inside! This is called ‘glamping’
(short for ‘glamorous camping’). Let’s compare culture
• Discuss the culture question in English and in the
children’s own language if necessary What do you do in the
Class Book   page 60
holidays? Where do you go? What food do you eat? Do you
2 Listen and say the number. w 3.32 go camping? Does it look fun?
• Ask the children if they have ever been camping. Then COMPETENCES FOR 21ST CENTURY LEARNING:
ask them to look at the photos on the page and say any Cultural awareness and expression
words they know to describe them (Eggs, sausages, tents, Learning about other people’s holiday experiences helps
They’re drinking, riding a horse. etc.). the children to see that there are differences not just
• Play the audio for children to listen and say the number of in other countries but in their own country as well. We
the photo being described. all like to get away and enjoy family time but in many
different ways.
We’re drinking hot chocolate.
We’re camping near a river.
We’re horse riding.
We’re cooking breakfast.

Unit 6 127
© Copyright Oxford University Press
The All about speaking activity (Activity 5) is an
1 Listen and tick f A, B or C. w 3.34
opportunity to assess the children's speaking
• Read questions 1–4. Children listen and tick the picture development. Assessment grid and notes in the Teacher’s
being described for each conversation. Resource Material.
1 Adult Do you like camping, Dan?
Dan Yes, I love it! Lesson 4: Cross-curricular
Adult What time do you get up?
Dan We get up at ... er ... quarter to eight.
(Social Science)
2 Adult What do you have for breakfast? Language
Dan Well, my sister has eggs and bread, but I don’t Core: destroy, forests, local people, paths, spend money,
like eggs. tourists
Adult What do you eat?
Revised: Outdoor activities; drop litter
Dan I eat sausages and tomatoes.
3 Adult Do you like hiking? Other: area, economy, local government, Snowdonia
Dan Yes, I do. But my sister doesn’t like it! National Park, tourism; Tourism is good / bad for … because
Adult What does she like doing?
Dan She likes horse riding. It’s her favourite activity. Starting the lesson (optional) w 4.23 4.25
4 Adult What’s your favourite activity, Dan? • Do the Starting the lesson routines on page 51.
Dan Well, I like canoeing and rowing … • Bring pictures of Snowdonia National Park in the UK from
Adult Oh, yes? the internet to class. Ask the class which activities they
Dan … but my favourite activity is mountain biking. think you can do there in the children’s own language and
It’s fun! English. Take ideas from the class. Alternatively, bring in
ANSWERS pictures from a national park in your country.
1 A  2 C  3 B  4 B
Classroom Presentation Tool (CPT)
2 Review. Look at the pictures in Activity 1. Read
and complete. Cross-curricular presentation: slideshow 1 Watch.
ANSWERS • Tell the children they are going to learn about Snowdonia
1 quarter to eight   2 sausages and tomatoes   National Park in Wales. Clarify the meaning of tourism
3 horse riding   4 mountain biking before you watch.
• Pause after each slide to discuss what they see.
3 Look and complete the dialogues. Listen and
check. w 3.35 Transcript
• Children look at the pictures to complete the questions Narrator: Tourism
and answers. Play the audio for them to listen and check. About four million tourists visit the Snowdonia National Park
in Wales every year. Tourism is a very important part of the
Transcript economy here.
A A Shall we go camping? Tourists can do a lot of different activities. Some tourists go
B Yes, that’s a great idea. And let’s go hiking, too! windsurfing, canoeing or sailing. Other tourists go hiking or
A OK! mountain biking on paths in the mountains and forests.
B A Shall we go mountain biking? Tourism is good for Snowdonia because:
B No, thanks. I don’t feel like it. Let’s go windsurfing. – tourists spend money on hotels, activities, food and
A Good idea! presents.
– local people can work in hotels, cafés and shops.
Extra – local government spends money on the area.
• Fast finishers think about a perfect day on holiday and Tourism is bad for Snowdonia because:
write about it in their notebooks. What time do they wake – some tourists destroy paths and drop litter.
up, have breakfast and what activities do they like doing? – there are a lot of cars on the roads.
– there are a lot of people.
Ending the lesson (optional) w 4.26
• Play Describe it! to review language from the lesson using Class Book page 61
pictures in the Activity Book (see Ideas bank page 153).
• Do the Goodbye routine on page 53. 2 Look at the photos. What can you see?
Further practice • Children look at the photos of Snowdonia National Park
and say what they can see.
Teacher’s Resource Material: Unit 6 Culture worksheet. Notes and
answers in Teacher’s Resource Material. 3 Read and listen. w 3.36
• Play the audio for children to follow the words in their
books. Ask the children to read the text again silently.
• Check children’s comprehension of the key words.

128 Unit 6
© Copyright Oxford University Press
Transcript 3 Make a list of activities that tourists can do in
See Class Book page 61 for transcript. your area. Tick f or cross g the activities.
• In a less confident class, brainstorm ideas as a class before
4 Read and say True or False. Correct the false children write them in their notebooks. They then decide
sentences. if they are good or bad for the area and write a tick or
• Read sentences 1–5. Ask the children to read the text cross.
again and decide if each sentence is true or false. Tell
them to correct the false sentences. Lily’s tip
• Feed back answers together as a class. • Read Lily’s tip. Encourage children to use the internet to
find things tourists can do in the area.
1 True  2 True  3 False – Tourists spend money on COMPETENCES FOR 21ST CENTURY LEARNING:
hotels.  4 False – Local people can work in hotels, cafés Mathematical competence and basic competences in
and shops.   5 True science and technology
5 Make a list of good things and bad things about Encouraging children to use the internet to find activities
develops their ICT skills and confidence, and it will help
tourism in your area.
them to complete the activity.
• Children write a T-chart in their notebooks with Good on
the left and Bad on the right. You may want to brainstorm
ideas together as a class before the children write. Ask Extra
children to write three good things and three bad things • Put children into small groups to make a poster of things
about tourism in your area. In a more confident class, tourists can do in their local area. They can draw or
encourage children to write full sentences. Stick to words stick pictures and label them. Encourage them to write
in a less confident class. sentences and to make it as bold and interesting as
Social and civic competence Ending the lesson (optional) w 4.26
Considering the benefits and drawbacks of the tourist • Play Simon says in teams (see Ideas bank page 152).
industry in the children’s own area helps them to consider • Do the Goodbye routine on page 53.
arguments and also possible solutions to issues.

Star question (optional) Lesson 5: Story & Vocabulary

• Talk about other ways in which tourism may be good or Language
bad in English or in the children’s own language. Write Core: carefully, dangerously, loudly, quickly, quietly, slowly
them in two lists on the board as a class. Talk about them
Revised: Outdoor activities; brave, hungry, lazy, mountain,
as a class Do you like having tourists in the area? How do they
old, rude, thirsty, tired, weak; These / Those are (my friends).
help us? What negatives are there? How can we solve these
This is (my sister). Are you good at (canoeing)? They’re
problems? Are you a good tourist when you travel abroad?
(swimming). We’re (crossing the river). I like (climbing).
What do you do?
Other: jungle, Lost city of Incas, Machu Picchu; I’m not
Activity Book page 51 worried about monkeys! Don’t worry.

1 Complete the sentences and write good or bad. Starting the lesson (optional) w 4.23 4.25
• Children complete the sentences using words from the • Do the Starting the lesson routines on page 51.
word bank. They write good or bad for each effect. Refer • Play Slow reveal (see Ideas bank page 150).
children to the Class Book page for support if necessary.
• Talk about going on an adventure with the children, in
ANSWERS English or in their own language. Have they ever been on
1 spends money – good   ​2 forests – good   ​ an adventure or an exciting trip? Where did they go? What
3 local people – good   ​4 paths – bad   ​ did they do and see? Have they ever read an adventure
5 a lot of – bad   ​6 tourists – good story or watched an adventure film? Where did the
characters go?
2 Do a survey. Ask and answer and complete the
tally chart. CPT, Classroom Resource Pack
• Read the question with the class and look at the
responses in the table. Ask children to think about their Vocabulary and grammar review and presentation:
response. Remind children of what a tally chart is and how story animation
to complete it.
• Ask children to stand up, walk around the room and ask 1 Watch.
ten children the question and note their responses. • Tell the children they’re going to watch a story animation
• At their desks, tell children to add up their totals. Feed with Lily. Pause after Lily’s introduction and ask what the
back answers from the class, e.g. (Nine people) think story is about? (The Lost City of the Incas). Clarify the
tourism is good. (One person) doesn’t know. meaning in the children’s own language and talk about
where it might be.

Unit 6 129
• With books closed, watch the story. Ask What happens in 4 Read and correct the sentences about
the story? (Some men use the help of some local children Mr Bingham and his friends.
to find the Lost City of Incas. It’s a very difficult journey • Children read sentences 1–5. Encourage them to focus on
for them, but not for the local children who know how to the key words in each sentence (the activity and adverb).
travel there safely.)
• Children read the story again and write correct sentences.
Transcript Children may work in pairs for support.
Lily Hi, everyone! Do you like stories? I love stories. Here’s ANSWERS
a story called The Lost City of the Incas. This is a true story 1 They talk loudly.
about the discovery of Machu Picchu in Peru. Let’s see what 2 They cross the river carefully.​
happens. 3 They swim quickly in the river.
• See Class Book pages 62–63 for story transcript. 4 They like canoeing slowly.
5 They climb the mountain slowly.
Vocabulary presentation: flashcards (optional)
• Show the flashcards one by one to introduce the new 5 Think. What do you think about the story? How
vocabulary. Repeat several times, encouraging the many stars do you give it?
children to remember the words. • See notes on page 63.

Class Book pages 62–63 6 Listen and repeat. Tell your friends. w 3.39
• See notes on page 63.
2 Listen, point and repeat. w 3.37
• Ask the children to look at the six words in the box. Read
each one and ask the class to find it in the story. Act out the story
See notes on page 63.
• Play the audio for the children to listen, point and repeat.
Classroom Presentation Tool (CPT)
Stick the flashcards around the room. Play the audio again
and tell the children to point to the correct card. Vocabulary practice: game
• See instructions for Snap! on page 146.
Cultural awareness and expression
Activity Book page 52
Reading fact-based stories about real life adventures
helps the children to learn about different cultures and 1 Read the story again. Complete.
civilisations. Because they are fun and interesting to read,
they are also motivational and help give meaning to new
language. 1 loudly  ​2 quietly  ​3 carefully  ​4 dangerously  ​
5 quickly  ​6 slowly

3 Listen and read. w 3.38 2 Think. What do you think about the story? Colour
• Play the story audio for the children to read and follow in and complete. Learn to learn.
their Class Books. • See notes on page 63.
• Check comprehension: Are Mr Bingham and his friends from
Peru? (No, they aren’t.) Are Apo and Inti from Peru? (Yes, they 3 Read, think and tick f.
are.) Do the men think they are good at hiking, climbing and • Read the list in the box and check children’s
canoeing? (Yes.) Why do they have to be quiet in the jungle? understanding. Ask children to think about and tick the
(Because there are monkeys and they throw fruit.) Why answers that are true for them.
are they crossing the bridge carefully? (Because it is weak
and moving.) Why are they swimming quickly? (Because
Picture Dictionary page 67 (optional)
there are big snakes in the river.) Is it safe to canoe slowly • See notes on page 53.
on the river? (No. There are crocodiles in the river.) Why
Spelling and alphabet page 67 (optional) 4.13 4.20
are the men climbing slowly? (They’re hungry, thirsty and
tired.) Are Apo and Inti tired and hungry? (No, they aren’t.) • See notes on page 55.
What does Machu Picchu mean in the Inca language? (the Transcript
Old Mountain.) Are the men happy when they get to Machu 1 How do you spell canoeing? C-a-n-o-e-i-n-g
Picchu? (Yes, it’s beautiful!) 2 How do you spell hiking? H-i-k-i-n-g
ALL ABOUT VALUES: It isn’t weak to ask for help. 3 How do you spell rowing? R-o-w-i-n-g
Remind the children of who offers their help in the story. Do 4 How do you spell sailing? S-a-i-l-i-n-g
the men think they need help at the start of the adventure? 5 How do you spell carefully? C-a-r-e-f-u-l-l-y
Why do they need help? Why are Apo and Inti so good at 6 How do you spell loudly? L-o-u-d-l-y
helping them? Talk to the children in their own language 7 How do you spell quickly? Q-u-i-c-k-l-y
about when they have asked for help and why it was useful. 8 How do you spell slowly? S-l-o-w-l-y
Talk about why it’s important to ask for help all through
your life.

130 Unit 6
Ending the lesson (optional) w 4.26 2 Read and make true sentences about the story.
• Play Musical cards (see Ideas bank page 151). When the Listen, check and repeat. w 3.41
children are next to card ask them to do that activity in • Look at the All about grammar box as a class. Ask the class
the manner of a particular adverb. what the words in bold are and what information they tell
• Do the Goodbye routine on page 53. us (adverbs, how we do something). Point out the order
Pronoun + activity + adverb.
Further practice
Teacher’s Resource Material: Unit 6 Set 2 mini picture cards and
• Refer children to the LOOK! box and point out how we
make an adverb from an adjective by adding -ly. Ask the
class to tell you the adjectives for the other adverbs in the
All about grammar box (loud, quiet, slow, dangerous).
Lesson 6: Story, Grammar & • Put children into pairs. Ask them to look at the grammar
Communication box and make true sentences about the people in the
Language • Play the audio for the children to listen, check and repeat.
Core: I’m / You’re / He’s / She’s / We’re / They’re (climbing)
He’s climbing slowly.
Revised: Outdoor activities; Adverbs of manner She’s talking quietly.
Other: What am I doing? We’re swimming quickly.
They’re crossing carefully.
Starting the lesson (optional) w 4.23 4.25
3 Make true sentences about you and your friends.
• Do the Starting the lesson routines on page 51.
• Put children into pairs. Ask them to take turns acting out
• Play Adverb game to review activities and adverbs (see an activity from Unit 6 in a manner of an adverb. Their
Ideas bank page 152). partner says a sentence about what they are doing (He’s
hiking slowly.)
CPT, Classroom Resource Pack
Story review and grammar presentation w 3.38 Linguistic competence
• Ask the children what they remember from the story: Giving children the opportunity to personalize the
Who’s in the story? Why do the men need help? Who helps language in meaningful chunks will enable them to
them? What can Apo and Inti do very well? How do the men remember and use that language. It will develop all of
feel at the end of the journey? their communicative language skills.
• Watch (or listen to) the story again to confirm answers.

Vocabulary review: flashcards (optional) Classroom Presentation Tool (CPT)

• Show the flashcards one by one to remind children of the Vocabulary and grammar practice: game
new vocabulary. Repeat several times, encouraging the
children to say the words. • See instructions for Sentence spin on page 148.
4 Make the game cards. AB page 81
Class Book page 64
• Ask children to turn to page 81 in their Activity Books
1 Listen and say the number. w 3.40 and to cut out the cards along the dashed lines. Elicit the
outdoor activities and read the adverbs.
• Ask the class to look at the pictures and talk about the
activities they can see (swimming, crossing / walking, 5 Listen and repeat. Play the game. w 3.42
canoeing, talking) and how the people are doing them
• Point to the two children playing with their cards. Play
(quickly, carefully, slowly, quietly)
the audio. Ask What’s she doing? (She’s swimming quickly.)
• Children listen and say the number of the picture being What cards has she got? (Swimming and quickly.) Play the
described. audio again and ask the class to repeat the lines.
Transcript • Put the children into pairs. Ask each child to place their
They’re canoeing slowly. activity cards in one pile and their adverb cards in another
They’re swimming quickly. pile, face down. One child picks up an activity card and an
They’re talking quietly. adverb secretly. They act out the activity in the manner of
They’re walking carefully. the adverb and ask What am I doing? for the other child
to guess, e.g You’re rowing loudly! Continue with children
ANSWERS taking turns acting and guessing. Monitor, help and praise
3, 1, 4, 2 throughout.

Unit 6 131
The Lesson 6 pairwork activity (Activity 5) is an
1 Listen and tick f the correct picture. w 3.43
opportunity to assess the children’s speaking
• Children listen and tick the correct picture being development. Assessment grid and notes in the
described in each dialogue. Teacher’s Resource Material.
1 A Oh, look! That boy’s walking over the bridge.
B Oh, dear. It’s broken! Lesson 7: Integrated skills &
2 A
It’s OK. He’s walking carefully.
Look at those children running.
B They’re running very quickly! Language
3 A Who’s that girl? Revised: Outdoor activities; Adverbs of manner;
B I don’t know. She’s singing very loudly! Adjectives; first, next, then
4 A Look at that girl.
Core sound: /ɒ/ comics, hopping, office, Oliver, Tom /əʊ/
B Where?
cold, home, ocean, Owen, piano, post, rowing, slowly,
A She’s canoeing in the river.
B Oh, yes. She’s canoeing slowly.
Other: cycle, cycling, favourite part, sometimes, triathlon;
ANSWERS Good luck!
1 walking carefully   ​2 running quickly   ​
3 singing loudly   ​4 canoeing slowly
Starting the lesson (optional) w 4.23 4.25
2 Look at the pictures in Activity 1. Write. Listen • Do the Starting the lesson routines on page 51.
again and check. w 3.44 • Play Silent words (see Ideas bank page 153).
1 He’s walking carefully. Class Book page 65
2 They’re running (very) quickly.
3 She’s singing (very) loudly. 1 Listen and read Lily’s interview in the school
4 She’s canoeing slowly. magazine. Answer. w 3.45
• Tell the children it’s time to read another interview by Lily
3 Draw yourself and two friends doing different for the school magazine. This time it’s about a triathlon.
activities. Write. Ask the children what they think a triathlon is. Take ideas
• Children draw a picture of themselves and two friends from the class.
doing activities and write three sentences using I’m and • Check children’s understanding of the three questions
He’s / She’s and the adverbs in the word bank. and identify the key words to help them find the answers
(a activities, b Tina’s favourite and c their opinion about why
All about grammar page 74 triathlons are called that).
• Children listen and read the interview and answer the
2 Look and complete the sentences. questions. Check in pairs before feeding back as a class.
• Review how we make present continuous sentences with
adverbs. Refer to the LOOK! box to remind children how
a swimming, running and cycling   b running  
we create adverbs from adjectives.
c because there are three sports and tri means three
• Children look at the pictures and complete the sentences.
ANSWERS 2 Act out the interview.
1 We’re crossing the river carefully. • Put children into pairs to ask and answer the questions in
2 We’re climbing the tree quickly. the interview. See notes on page 78.
3 We’re talking loudly.
4 We’re running slowly. 3 Listen and read. Listen and repeat. w 3.46
• Look at the pictures and tell the class these are Oliver,
Ending the lesson (optional) w 3.29 4.26 Tom, Owen and Willow. Ask the children what activities
• Close the lesson by singing the song from Lesson 2 again. the children are doing (rowing, playing the piano, posting
• Do the Goodbye routine on page 53. a letter, reading a comic). Refer children to the rhyme in
the pronunciation box and play the audio for children to
Further practice listen and read the rhyme silently.
Teacher’s Resource Material: Unit 6 Reinforcement and Extension
• Write the sounds /ɒ/ and /əʊ/ on the board and drill the
worksheets. Notes and answers in Teacher’s Resource Material.
different sounds as a class. Ask the class which sound is
highlighted in blue (/ɒ/) and which sound is highlighted
in red (/əʊ/).
• Tell the children to look at the highlighted words in the
rhyme and tell you which letter we pronounce in these

132 Unit 6
two ways (the letter o). Point out that in some words we Extra
spell the sound /əʊ/ with the letters ow (rowing). • Ask fast finishers to write other words they know in
• Play the rhyme again for children to repeat. Ask the class English with the /ɒ/ or /əʊ/ sounds in their notebooks.
to say the words with the highlighted letters again as
a class. Ending the lesson (optional) w 4.26
• Play I hear with my little ear to review the sounds from the
OPTION lesson (see Ideas bank page 155). Use cards which have
Ask children to write /ɒ/ and /əʊ/ in their notebooks. pictures of words containing /ɒ/ and /əʊ/.
Say a word for them to listen, repeat and write in the • Do the Goodbye routine on page 53.
correct column. Children check in pairs and drill their lists
Acting out the interview and reciting the rhyme
are opportunities to assess the children’s speaking
Classroom Presentation Tool (CPT) development. Assessment grid and notes in the Teacher’s
Pronunciation: game Resource Material.
• See instructions for Phonics matching on page 146.
English at home Lesson 8: Language review &
• Encourage the children to say the rhyme to their family. Communication
Learning to learn
Revised: Holiday activities; Adverbs of manner; finally,
Asking the children to use the language from the
first, then; He’s / She’s / We’re / They’re (running) (quickly).
classroom in their homes helps them to see that it is not
only the language of the class. It helps them to internalize Other: favourite part, triathlon
language, teaching them that the more they use it and
practise it, the easier it will be. Starting the lesson (optional) w 4.23 4.25
• Do the Starting the lesson routines on page 51.
Activity Book page 54 • Play Bingo! to review the unit vocabulary (see Ideas bank
page 154).
1 Look and write.
• Children look at the pictures to complete the questions CPT / Class Book page 66
and answers.
1 Watch Lily’s project. What’s it about? w 3.48
ANSWERS • Tell the children they are going to watch a video or listen
1 What are they doing? They’re cycling. to the audio about Lily’s project. Ask What do you think it’s
2 What’s she doing? She’s running. about? Take ideas from the class.
3 What are they doing? They’re swimming.
• Children watch or listen to find out.
2 Read the email and answer.
• Children read the question, then read the email to Lily Hi, everyone! This is my project about designing a
answer it. triathlon. This is a picture of my triathlon. We’re canoeing
ANSWERS slowly on the river. We’re mountain biking quickly in the
They’re mountain biking. forest. We’re hiking carefully in the mountains.
3 Imagine you are on holiday. Write an email.
The project is about designing a triathlon.
• Children choose a friend to write an email to about their
holiday. They write sentences using the correct form of
the present continuous and adverbs about the activities
Class Book page 66

they are doing. Tell children to use Lily’s email and their 2 Talk about Lily’s project. Use these words.
Class Book for ideas and support.
• Put children into pairs. Tell them to think about Lily’s
4 Circle the /ɒ/ sounds in blue and the /əʊ/ sounds project in Activity 1 and talk about it using the words.
in red. Listen, check and repeat. w 3.47 Monitor and help throughout.
• Children circle the /ɒ/ and /əʊ/ sounds before they listen. 3 Listen and match. Say the letter and the
Check in pairs. name. w 3.49
• Play the audio for children to listen and check. Then play it • Point to the children in the photo and read their names.
again for children to listen and repeat. Read the three comments about Lily’s project on the left.
ANSWERS Tell the children to listen and match the descriptions A–C
blue: hopping, dolphin, dog, comic to the children.
red: slowly, rowing, home, hippo

Unit 6 133
Transcript Lesson 9: Think, do & review
Aiden I’m Aiden. I don’t like sport. I prefer singing.
Claire I’m Claire. I like mountain biking, too, because I love Language
forests. Revised: Outdoor activities; Adverbs of manner; He’s /
Ruth My name’s Ruth. I love mountain biking and hiking, but She’s / We’re / They’re (running) (quickly).
I don’t like canoeing.
ANSWERS Starting the lesson (optional) w 4.23 4.25 3.48
A Claire  B Aiden  C Ruth • Do the Starting the lesson routines on page 51.
COMPETENCES FOR 21ST CENTURY LEARNING: • Play What’s missing? to review language from Unit 6
Linguistic competence (see Ideas bank page 152).
Teaching functional language helps the children to use • Watch or listen to Lily’s project again for children to
large chunks of language in a meaningful and useful way. familiarize themselves with the project.
It naturally develops their pronunciation as connected
speech is considered. Class Book page 67

1 Have you got everything? Listen and answer. Ask

4 Think. What do you think about Lily’s project?
and answer. w 3.51
Tell your friends.
• Ask the class the question. Elicit answers from 2–3 • Tell the class that today they will complete their triathlon
project using their plan from Lesson 8.
confident children using the expressions in Activity 3. Put
children into pairs. They take turns asking and answering • Look at the materials in the picture at the top of page 67.
to give their own opinion. Ask the class What do we need to make our project? The
children say what they see.
5 Prepare your project. AB page 55 • Play the audio for children to listen and answer the
• See Activity Book notes below. questions.
• Put children into pairs to ask and answer again, referring
Classroom Presentation Tool (CPT) to the pictures at the top of the page.

Grammar and vocabulary review: game Transcript

• See instructions for Cloudburst on page 147. Have you got some paper?
Have you got a pencil?
Activity Book page 55 Have you got some coloured pencils?

1 Look at Lily’s project plan. Read and complete. 2 Draw your own triathlon. Read and do.
Listen and check. w 3.50 • Children work individually to design their own triathlon.
• Refer the children to Lily’s project plan. Look at the picture Make sure each child has the materials they need. Read
and ask questions about the activities she’s drawn What and look at the photos and use a completed project to
sports does she include? How does she do them? Which part demonstrate the task. Work through the stages together
is her favourite? as a class:
• Children use the information in the picture to complete • Stage 1: Ask children to use their project plan from Lesson
Lily’s sentences on the right. 8 to draw the three activities they have chosen for their
• Play the audio for children to check their answers.
• Stage 2: The children label their triathlon, writing the
Transcript correct activity next to the pictures. (e.g. hiking, mountain
My triathlon biking.)
My three activities are canoeing, mountain biking and hiking. • Stage 3: Children write a description of their triathlon
1 We’re canoeing slowly on the river. using full sentences. They may refer to their project plan
2 We’re mountain biking quickly in the forest. from Lesson 8 for support.
3 We’re hiking carefully in the mountains. My favourite part • Stage 4: Children should practise presenting their projects
of the triathlon is mountain biking in the forest. within small groups or in pairs. Remind the class to
respect one another’s ideas and to use English. Monitor,
2 Choose three activities for your triathlon. Plan
praise and help throughout.
and write.
• Invite children to the front to present to the whole class,
• Children read and tick the activities they would like to as they have practised above.
include in their triathlon.
• They write a list of five sentences about these activities, COMPETENCES FOR 21ST CENTURY LEARNING:
saying how they do them. Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship
Designing their own triathlon allows the children to
Ending the lesson (optional) w 4.26 use their initiative and think outside the box. It also
• Play Basketball (see Ideas bank page 149). encourages them to work independently, showing they
• Do the Goodbye routine on page 53. have valid ideas. This is very motivational.

134 Unit 6
3 Rate your project. Tell your friends.
• Remind the class of the three expressions of opinion in
Lesson 8. Put children into groups of 3–4 to share their
opinions about their projects.

English at home
• Children take their projects home to show and tell to their

Ending the lesson (optional) w 4.26

• Play a game (see Ideas bank pages 150–155).
• Do the Goodbye routine on page 53.
The children are now ready to do the Unit 6 test and Term
test 3. See the Teacher’s Resource Material evaluation
section. If you would like your class to have more practice
before doing the Term test, consider doing it after the
Review unit.

The unit project is an opportunity to assess the

Competences for 21st century learning. Assessment grid
and notes in the Teacher’s Resource Material.

Unit 6 135
Review 3 Animaltrons … go on holiday!
cheese, a lot of tomatoes.) Why do the animaltrons like the
Learning outcomes
holiday park? (There are lots of things to do!)
To revise and practise language from Units 5–6
To work together to plan a perfect day out COMPETENCES FOR 21ST CENTURY LEARNING:
Linguistic competence
Language Recycling grammar and vocabulary in a meaningful
Core review language: Language from Units 5 and 6 context, such as a story, enables confident children to
consolidate their learning, and less confident children to
Competences for 21st century learning repeat and learn that language again. This develops the
language of students of all levels in a mixed ability class.
Linguistic competence
Cultural awareness and expression
2 Act out the story.
NOTE: It is recommended that this unit is taught over two • Put children into groups of 6–8, one for each character in
lessons, depending on your timetable. It can be taught the story. Mix more confident and less confident children
before or after the Term 3 test. together, consider friendship groups and those who work
well together.
Lesson 1 • Ask the class what characters they need for the story.
(Animaltrons, Paul and 2–3 other children.) Allow them to
Starting the lesson (optional) w 4.23 4.25 choose which character(s) they will play. Encourage them
• Do the Starting the lesson routines on page 51. to choose a different character than last time. If the class
does not divide exactly, some children can take two roles.
• Play a flashcards game to review the vocabulary from
Units 5–6 (see Ideas bank pages 150–152). • Then ask children to stand up and find a space in the
room to practise acting out the story in their groups. Set
a time limit of ten minutes. Play the audio for children to
Classroom Presentation Tool (CPT)
act out as they listen. Then they act out using their Class
Review game Book only.
• See instructions for Picture race on page 148. • Go around the class and encourage them to add
actions and facial expressions. Monitor, help and praise
Storybook presentation: Animaltrons … go on throughout.
holiday! • Ask some of the groups to act out the story for the whole
• Tell the class that they are going to read another story class. Choose different groups to the last review lesson.
about the animaltrons. Ask What do they want to find out
about? What activities do you think you will see? Take all OPTION:
ideas. Put children into pairs. Set a time limit of one minute.
• Choose the ‘Listen only’ option in the Review 3 storybook. Children find as many action verbs in the story as they can
Click through the story, frame by frame, asking the (check understanding of action verbs). They write them
children What can you see? Check their predictions about on a piece of paper or simply point to them in their Class
what they thought the story was about (Holidays). Book. Say Go! then Stop! after one minute. Feed back ideas
from the class. See how many they got correct.
• Ask the children in their own language what they think
happens in the story.
Activity Book page 56
Class Book page 68
1 Read the story again. Circle the correct words.
1 Listen and read. w 3.52 • Children read the sentences before they read the story
• Tell children to look at the pictures and say the activities again to find the answers.
and food they can see.
• Play the story audio for children to read and follow in 1 sailing  2 is some   3 aren’t any   4 quickly  5 isn’t
their Class Books. Ask Do the Animaltrons like holiday parks? good at   6 a little
• Play the story audio again. Check comprehension: Who 2 Look and answer the questions.
do they meet at the holiday park? (Paul.) What activities ANSWERS
are the children doing? (Sailing and canoeing.) What are 1 Yes, there is.   2 No, there aren’t.  
the children making? (Lunch.) What have they got for 3 No, there isn’t.   4 Yes, there are.   5 Yes, there is.
lunch? (Fruit. Lots of oranges and apples.) Is Tiger walking
slowly? (No, she isn’t.) Which activity does Tiger want to do? 3 Listen and number. Write. w 3.53
(Windsurfing.) Can Tiger windsurf? (No, she can’t.) What’s • Play the audio for children to listen and write the
she doing? (She’s swimming!) What is in the salad? (A little numbers 1–4 next to the correct pictures in the order that
they hear them.
136 Review 3
• Children then write a sentence to describe each picture good idea! Shall we go in the morning or afternoon? In the
using the food and the correct quantifier. morning, at nine o’clock. Remind children to listen to and
respect one another’s ideas. Monitor and help throughout.
Transcript • Stage 3: Children draw a picture of each activity on
1 There isn’t any fish. separate pieces of paper. Encourage the groups to work
2 There are a few bread rolls. together to choose who draws what.
3 There are a lot of vegetables.
4 There’s a little meat.
• Stage 4: Groups plan their meals for the day. They discuss
the food they will have for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
ANSWERS They write their ideas on a piece of paper.
1 D  2 A  3 C  4 B • Stage 5: The children use the activities, times and meal
Ending the lesson (optional) w 4.26 information to create a poster about their perfect day out.
They decide on a title and how to organise their pictures.
• Play Kim’s game to review the Unit 5–6 vocabulary They may decide to add more decoration to the poster
(see Ideas bank page 152).
and the names of the people in their group.
• Do the Goodbye routine on page 53.
• Stage 6: Groups present their posters to the rest of the
class. They each take turns to tell the class about the
Lesson 2 activities and times and the food they will have for each
meal. Encourage the class to listen to one another and
Language applaud at the end of each presentation.
Core review language: Units 5 and 6 language
Materials: coloured pencils, glue, paper and card (for Cultural awareness and expression
drawing and to make a poster), a pencil, scissors Planning, creating and presenting a perfect day on
a poster enables the children to express themselves
Starting the lesson (optional) w 4.23 4.25 artistically. It also encourages them to plan meals based
• Do the Starting the lesson routines on page 51. on other cultures as well as their own.
• Play Sharkman to review the Unit 5–6 vocabulary
(see Ideas bank page 153). Activity Book page 57

Classroom Presentation Tool (CPT) 1 Look and write the questions and answers.
Review game 1 What are you doing? We’re hiking.
• See instructions for Basketball on page 149. 2 What are they doing? They’re snorkelling.
3 What are you doing? We’re rowing.
Story review: Animaltrons … go on holiday! 4 What are they doing? They’re mountain biking.
• Scroll through the review storybook. Choose the ‘Listen
and read’ option. 2 Colour the matching pieces the same.
• Go through the frames one by one and ask the children • Ask children to get six different coloured pencils. They
what they remember from the story: Who’s this? (Seal colour the start and end of each adverb the same colour.
Master, Tortoise, Gorilla, etc.) What are they doing? (They’re ANSWERS
canoeing.) Is she walking quickly? (Yes, she is.) carefully, slowly, quickly, loudly, quietly, dangerously
• Watch the story again to confirm answers. Ask children to 3 Look and complete. Use words from Activity 2.
say what they can see as they watch.
• Children use the picture and adverbs from activity 2 to
• To provide a game element, play What happens next? (see complete the sentences. Children check their answers in
Ideas bank page 155) pairs before feedback.

Class Book page 69 ANSWERS

1 Panda is talking quietly.
Project: Plan a perfect day out 2 Tortoise is singing loudly.
• Explain to the children that they are going to plan their 3 Gorilla is canoeing slowly.
perfect day out and make a poster. Read and look at the 4 Tiger is walking/crossing the river carefully.
photos. Work through the stages together as a class: 5 Seal Master is horse riding quickly/dangerously.
• Stage 1: Divide children into groups of 4–6. Look at the Ending the lesson (optional) w 3.04 3.29 4.26
materials they will need and make sure each group has
• Close the lesson by singing a song from Units 5 or 6.
• Do the Goodbye routine on page 53.
• Stage 2: Put children into groups of four. They talk
together to discuss six activities they would like to do ASSESSMENT OPPORTUNITIES:
on their day out. One student writes them down on a The review project is an opportunity to assess the
piece of paper. Then they decide in which order and at Competences for 21st century learning. Assessment grid
what time they should do the activities. Encourage them and notes in the Teacher's Resource Material.
to use English when they can, Shall we go canoeing? Yes,

Review 3 137
Bonfire Night
Cultural awareness and expression
Language Bonfire Night is a particularly British celebration that is
Core: bonfire, fireworks, guy, jacket potatoes, only celebrated in countries with links to the UK, such as
marshmallows, soup, sparklers, toffee apples New Zealand and Australia. Learning about such a specific
Revised: Do you like (soup)? Yes, I do. No, I don’t. cultural celebration allows the children to consider if they
Other: toasted have anything familiar in their own culture and consider
the history of Britain. It shows them how this historic
event has impacted British culture.
Starting the lesson (optional) w 4.23 4.25
• Do the Starting the lesson routines on page 51.
3 Match the words and pictures.
• Write the words Bonfire Night on the board. Talk about
Bonfire Night in the children’s own language. Do you
• Children match the highlighted words in the text with the
items in the picture by saying the word and the number.
know what Bonfire Night is? Do we have a celebration with a
Do this as a whole class or in pairs.
bonfire and fireworks in our country? When is it? What are we
celebrating? ANSWERS
fireworks 1, sparklers 2, guy 4, bonfire 3, jacket potatoes 8,
CULTURE NOTE: Bonfire Night in the UK marshmallows 6, soup 5, toffee apples 7
Bonfire Night is primarily a British celebration. It is marked
on the 5th of November every year. It commemorates the 4 Listen and sing. w 4.03
day in 1605 that Guy Fawkes tried to blow up the Houses • Play the song for children to listen and point to the
of Parliament in London in an attack on King Charles I. items in the picture at the top of the page as they are
Guy Fawkes was caught before he could set off the mentioned.
explosion and the people of London were asked to light • Play the song again. Encourage the children to join in with
bonfires and show support for their king to celebrate. The the words as they read the lyrics.
celebration has changed a lot since then as families and
communities come together to set off fireworks, burn an 5 Listen and repeat. w 4.04
effigy of Guy Fawkes on bonfires, drink hot chocolate, eat • Point to the two children and explain that they are asking
marshmallows and toffee apples and jacket potatoes and and answering questions about Bonfire Night.
talk together. It’s a chance to see friends as winter comes • Play the audio for children to listen and repeat.
in. Most towns put on fireworks and burn a big bonfire
for everyone to attend. Children remember this day by 6 Ask and answer about Bonfire Night.
chanting, Remember, Remember the 5th of November. • Put children into pairs. They take turns asking and
answering about the food and things we see on
Bonfire Night.
Teacher's Resource Material
Vocabulary presentation: mini picture cards Activity Book page 58

(optional) 1 Find, circle and write.

• Print and show the mini picture cards one by one to • Children find and circle the Bonfire Night words in the
introduce the new vocabulary. Repeat several times,
word snake. They write the words next to numbers 1–8.
encouraging the children to remember the words.
Class Book page 70 1 toffee apples   2 jacket potatoes  
3 toasted marshmallows   4 tomato soup  
1 Listen, point and repeat. w 4.01 5 sparklers  6 fireworks  7 bonfire  8 guy
• Focus the children on the Class Book page and the picture
of Bonfire Night. Play the audio for children to listen, point
2 Read and match.
and repeat. • Children look at pictures A–D and read and match them
to sentences 1–4 by writing the number in the box.
2 Listen and read. w 4.02 ANSWERS
• Children read and listen to the Lily’s description of Bonfire 1 D  2 B  3 A  4 C
Night. Check comprehension: When is Bonfire night? (The
5th of November.) Where is there a bonfire? (At school). What 3 Complete the poster for the bonfire party.
do they see? (Fireworks) What have they got? (Sparklers.) ANSWERS
Where is the guy? (On the bonfire.) What do they eat? potatoes, marshmallows, bonfire, apples, soup
(Jacket potatoes, tomato soup, marshmallows and toffee

138 Bonfire Night

English at home.
• Encourage the children to sing the Bonfire Night song to
their family.

Ending the lesson (optional) w 4.03 4.26

• Close the lesson by singing the song again.
• Do the Goodbye routine on page 53.

Lesson 2
Core: bonfire, fireworks, guy, jacket potatoes,
marshmallows, soup, sparklers, toffee apples
Revised: Do you like (soup)? Yes, I do. No, I don’t.

Starting the lesson (optional) w 4.23 4.25 4.03

• Do the Starting the lesson routines on page 51.
• Play Hit the card to review the Bonfire Night words (see
Ideas bank page 150).
• Sing the Bonfire Night song again.

Teacher's Resource Material

Vocabulary practice: mini picture cards (optional)
• Print and show the mini picture cards one by one
to review the new vocabulary. Repeat several times,
encouraging the children to say the words from Lesson 1.

Classroom Presentation Tool (CPT)

Vocabulary practice: game
• See instructions for Jigsaw on page 146.

Activity Book page 75

Play the Bonfire Night game. AB page 75

• Tell the class that today they will make and play a Bonfire
Night game. Show the children a completed game.
• Ask children to turn to page 75 in their Activity Books. Ask
them what they will need to make it (scissors, coloured
pencils, a coin). Ask the children to cut out the game
along the dashed line and then cut out their rocket.
• Put children into pairs. Tell each child to colour their rocket
a different colour. This will be their counter.
• Give each pair a coin. Instruct the class which side of the
coin will be side A and which will be side B and how many
squares they move.
• Children take turns flipping the coin, moving their counter
and following the instructions on the board game. They
play until a child lands on the Finish! square. If you have
time, change pairs and play again. Monitor, help and
praise throughout.

Ending the lesson (optional) w 4.03 4.26

• Close the lesson by singing the song again.
• Do the Goodbye routine on page 53.
Further practice
Teacher’s Resource Material: Bonfire Night Revision and Extension
worksheets; Bonfire Night Song worksheet. Karaoke version of song
available on CD4 track 36.

Bonfire Night 139

Lesson 1 3 Match the words and pictures.
• Children match the highlighted words in the text with
Language the items in the picture by saying the word and the date/
Core: advent calendar, angel, decorations, elf, gingerbread ordinal number. Do this as a whole class or in pairs. The
man, holly, mistletoe, snowflakes first item (advent calendar) doesn't have a corresponding
Revised: Ordinal numbers; There’s a / an … There are ordinal number, so students should just point to the
some … corresponding picture.
Other: behind, door; We’re counting down ANSWERS
snowflakes 1st, gingerbread man 9th, mistletoe 11th,
Starting the lesson (optional) w 4.23 4.25 holly 15th, decorations 18th, elf 20th, angel 24th
• Do the Starting the lesson routines on page 51. 4 Listen and sing. w 4.07
• Talk to the children about Christmas in the children’s own • Play the song for children to listen and point to the
language When do we celebrate Christmas in our country? items in the picture at the top of the page as they are
Is it the same as in the UK? What decorations do we have at mentioned.
Christmas? What games do we play? What songs do we sing? • Play the song again. Encourage the children to join in with
the words as they read the lyrics.
CULTURE NOTE: Christmas in the UK
Christmas is arguably the biggest celebration and holiday 5 Listen and repeat. w 4.08
in the UK. Children in the UK have two weeks off school • Point to the two children and explain that they are asking
over the Christmas holiday period. The time leading up and answering questions about Lily’s advent calendar.
to Christmas is spent buying and wrapping presents for
• Play the audio for children to listen and repeat.
friends and family, going to parties, making decorations,
and planning the Christmas dinner. Decorating the 6 Ask and answer about the advent calendar.
Christmas tree and home is a large part of the festivities. • Put children into pairs. They take turns asking and
Decorations such as tinsel and baubles adorn the tree and answering about the pictures in the advent calendar.
walls. People often hang wreath of holly on the front door
of their house. Children count down the days to Christmas COMPETENCES FOR 21ST CENTURY LEARNING:
on an advent calendar. They open numbered doors on Mathematical competence and basic competences in
the calendar each day from 1st to 24th December. Behind science and technology
each door is a picture related to Christmas. Some advent Asking and answering questions about the advent
calendars have a chocolate behind each door! calendar enables children to recycle ordinal numbers from
the Starter Unit. This will consolidate learning and develop
their Maths skills.
Teacher's Resource Material
Vocabulary presentation: mini picture cards Activity Book page 59
• Print and show the mini picture cards one by one to 1 Read and write the numbers.
introduce the new vocabulary. Repeat several times, • Check understanding of the preposition behind.
encouraging the children to remember the words. • Children read the sentences about the advent calendar
and write the correct number next to the pictures.
Class Book page 71
1 Listen, point and repeat. w 4.05 angel 1, elf 4, snowflakes 5, decorations 6, holly 2,
• Focus the children on the Class Book page and the picture gingerbread man 3
of Lily and her advent calendar. Play the audio for children 2 Draw pictures on the advent calendar. Write.
to listen, point and repeat.
• Children draw pictures on their advent calendar and then
2 Listen and read. w 4.06 write a description using There’s a / There are some. Refer
• Children read and listen to Lily’s description of her advent them to the sentences in Activity 1 for support.
calendar. Check comprehension: How many pictures are ANSWERS
there on an advent calendar? (24) Which day is the last day Children's own answers.
children open a picture on the advent calendar? (Christmas
Eve.) What pictures are on the advent calendar? (Mistletoe, English at home.
snowflakes, gingerbread man, holly, decorations, an elf • Encourage the children to sing the Christmas song to their
and an angel.) family.

140 Christmas
Ending the lesson (optional) w 4.07 4.26 COMPETENCES FOR 21ST CENTURY LEARNING:
• Close the lesson by singing the song again. Cultural awareness and expression
• Do the Goodbye routine on page 53. Making and decorating an advent calendar is a fun
seasonal activity that engages children’s creativity. It also
provides a wonderful opportunity to immerse children in
Lesson 2 a typical Christmas tradition of opening advent calendars
over the festive season.
Core: advent calendar, angel, decorations, elf, gingerbread
man, holly, mistletoe, snowflakes Ending the lesson (optional) w 4.07 4.26
Revised: Ordinal numbers; There’s a / an … There are • Close the lesson by singing the Christmas song again.
some … • Do the Goodbye routine on page 53.
Further practice
Starting the lesson (optional) w 4.23 4.25 4.07 Teacher’s Resource Material: Christmas Revision and Extension
• Do the Starting the lesson routines on page 51. worksheets; Christmas song worksheet. Karaoke version of song
• Play What’s missing? to review the Christmas words (see available on CD4 track 37.
Ideas bank page 152).
• Sing the Christmas song again.

Teacher's Resource Material

Vocabulary practice: mini picture cards (optional)
• Print and show the mini picture cards one by one to review
the new vocabulary. Repeat several times, encouraging the
children to remember the words.

Classroom Presentation Tool (CPT)

Vocabulary practice: game
• See instructions for Jigsaw on page 146.

Activity Book page 77

Make the advent calendar. AB page 77

• Tell the class that today they will make an advent calendar.
Show the children a completed advent calendar.
• Ask the children to turn to page 77 in their Activity Books
and cut out their advent calendar. Ask them what they will
need to make it (extra paper, scissors, coloured pencils,
glue and pens). Discuss what pictures they can decorate
their advent calendar with.
• Children cut out the advent calendar and stick it on
a cardboard backing. They colour in the border and
heading. They then draw a different Christmas picture in
each of the 24 spaces. Ask them to find the English word
for each of their Christmas pictures, using a dictionary to
help them, and to write the words in their notebook.
• Give each child some Post-it™ notes and ask them to cut
them down to size, so each one is small enough to cover
a picture in the advent calendar. They then write ordinal
numbers 1st to 24th on each small Post-it™ note. Children
then cover each picture with a Post-it™ note. The Post-it™
notes should not be placed in numerical order – they
should be placed randomly. Then, through the month of
December, children find and remove the Post-it™ note
for each day, until Christmas Eve. This could be done at
the same time each day, e.g. at the start of the day, and
children could show their picture to their partner, and tell
them the English word for their picture.

Christmas 141
Pancake Day
Lesson 1 What toppings can we put on pancakes? (Jam, honey,
lemon, sugar, fruits, ice cream, etc.)
Core: butter, flour, ham, ice cream, jam, lemon, topping, Linguistic competence
sugar Using the new words as instructions helps the children
Revised: banana, cheese, chocolate, eggs, milk, to see the language in context and provides them with
strawberries; What’s your favourite pancake topping? Is it a meaningful chunk of language. It also shows the
(jam)? My favourite topping is … I’ve got … children the imperative form. This develops their grammar
Other: fry, mix, toss knowledge and communicative language skills.

Starting the lesson (optional) w 4.23 4.25 3 Read and match. Say the number and the letter.
• Do the Starting the lesson routines on page 51. • Children read the instructions 1–4 about how to make a
• Play Ladders to review food words (see Ideas bank pancake and match them to pictures A–D.
page 154). ANSWERS
• Talk to the children in their own language about how they 1 B  2 D  3 A  4 C
celebrate Lent, or the time leading up to Easter, in their
country How do we celebrate Lent / before Easter? What food 4 Listen and sing. w 4.11
do you eat at this time? Then talk about Pancake Day. Ask • Play the song for children to listen and point to the
the children if they know the celebration. When is it? Do we items in the picture at the top of the page as they are
celebrate the same thing here? mentioned.
• Play the song again. Encourage the children to join in with
CULTURE NOTE: Pancake Day the words as they read the lyrics.
Pancake Day is celebrated on Shrove Tuesday, the day
before Ash Wednesday, or the start of Lent leading up to 5 Listen and repeat. w 4.12
Easter. It is celebrated in many countries as Carnival or • Point to the two children and explain that they are asking
Mardi Gras. It is a celebration of food before a period of and answering questions about pancake toppings.
restricted eating before Easter. In the UK, they celebrate • Play the audio for children to listen and repeat.
by making and eating pancakes. That is because they are
made from eggs, flour and milk, and you cover them in 6 Ask and answer about pancake toppings.
delicious sweet treats. These are all fatty delicious things! • Put children into pairs. They take turns asking and
It’s fun to try and toss the pancake in the pan. In Olney, a answering about their favourite toppings. Put children
town in England, ladies make a pancake and race with it in into new pairs to ask and answer again.
the pan. It’s a fun day of celebration and food.
Activity Book page 60

Teacher's Resource Material 1 Order the pictures.

Vocabulary presentation: mini picture cards • Children read the stages of the recipe and order them by
(optional) writing numbers 1–4 next to the correct pictures.
• Print and show the mini picture cards one by one to ANSWERS
introduce the new vocabulary. Repeat several times, 1 First, …   2 Then, fry…   3 Next, toss…   4 Finally, …
encouraging the children to remember the words.
2 Read and complete.
Class Book page 72 • Children use the words in the word bank to complete
the recipe.
1 Listen, point and repeat. w 4.09 ANSWERS
• Focus the children on the Class Book page and the recipe. First: flour; Then: butter; Next: pancake; Finally: topping,
Play the audio for children to listen, point to and repeat sugar, lemon
the words.
3 Read and match.
2 Listen and read. w 4.10 • Children read the descriptions of the pancake toppings
• Children read and listen to the recipe for pancakes on and match them to the pictures by writing the number in
Pancake Day. Check comprehension: When is Pancake the box.
Day? (February or March.) What do we make on Pancake
Day? (Pancakes) What do we need to make pancakes? (Flour, ANSWERS
eggs, milk and butter.) How do we make pancakes? (Mix 1 C  2 D  3 B  4 A
the flour, eggs and milk together; then fry them in butter.)

142 Pancake Day

4 Draw toppings on your pancake. Write. If they need help with the spelling of words, ask them to
• Children draw toppings on the pancake. They write a ask you or a classmate using How do you spell …?
description of their pancake saying what they have got. • Put children into pairs to show and tell their partner.
Children can take their recipe books home to give to their
English at home family.
• Encourage children to sing the Pancake Day song to their
family. Ending the lesson (optional) w 4.11 4.26
• Close the lesson by singing the Pancake Day song again.
Ending the lesson (optional) w 4.11 4.26 • Do the Goodbye routine on page 53.
• Close the lesson by singing the song again.
Further practice
• Do the Goodbye routine on page 53. Teacher’s Resource Material: Pancake Day Revision and Extension
worksheets; Pancake Day Song worksheet. Karaoke version of song
Lesson 2 available on CD4 track 38.

Core: butter, flour, ham, ice cream, jam, lemon,
topping, sugar
Revised: banana, cheese, chocolate, eggs, milk,
strawberries; What’s your favourite pancake topping? Is it
(jam)? My favourite topping is … I’ve got …
Other: fry, mix, toss

Starting the lesson (optional) w 4.23 4.25 4.11

• Do the Starting the lesson routines on page 51.
• Play Memory chain to review the Pancake Day words (see
Ideas bank page 152).
• Sing the Pancake Day song again.

Teacher's Resource Material

Vocabulary practice: mini picture cards (optional)
• Print and show the mini picture cards one by one to review
the new vocabulary. Repeat several times, encouraging the
children to remember the words.

Classroom Presentation Tool (CPT)

Vocabulary practice: game
• See instructions for Jigsaw on page 146.

Activity Book page 79

Make the pancake recipe book. AB page 79

• Tell the class that today they will make a pancake recipe
book. Show the children a completed book. Ask them
what they will need to make it (scissors, coloured pencils
and pens, a pencil).
• Ask children to turn to page 79 in their Activity Books
and cut out the mini-book from the page. Show children
how to cut along the outside of the book, fold the mini-
book along the dotted lines and cut along the central
dashed line. See diagram on page 144. Monitor and help
throughout. Ask questions about each picture What’s this?
What do you do? What’s your favourite pancake topping?
Encourage children to tell you using Some milk. Mix the
flour, milk and eggs. Jam!
• They complete their recipe book by writing the correct
words under each picture and colouring in the title page.

Pancake Day 143

How to make an 8-page book
from an A4 sheet
• Take a sheet of A4 paper.
• Fold it in half to make it A5.

• Fold it in half again.

• Fold in half once more.

• Open out the last two folds (to A5 again) and cut from
centre fold to the middle.

• Now open out the sheet to A4, and fold it lengthways.

• Stand it up so that the cut section forms a 'box'. A B

• Push together points A and B, then fold in half again to

make a little 8-page book!

144 Pancake Day

CPT games information
Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 4 Unit 5 Unit 6
Lesson 1 Conveyor belt Snap Small image Conveyor belt Small image Conveyor belt
matching matching
Lesson 2 Multiple choice Chase the Cloudburst Multiple choice Chase the Chase the
cheese cheese cheese
Lesson 3
Lesson 4
Lesson 5 Picture reveal Pelmanism Snap Picture reveal Pelmanism Snap
Lesson 6 Chase the Multiple choice Chase the Sentence spin Cloudburst Sentence spin
cheese cheese
Lesson 7 Phonics Phonics Phonics Phonics Phonics Phonics
matching matching matching matching matching matching
Lesson 8 Three in a row Gap-fill Three in a row Three in a row Three in a row Cloudburst
Lesson 9

Starter Review 1 Review 2 Review 3 Bonfire Night Christmas Pancake Day

Picture race Storybook Storybook Storybook Jigsaw Jigsaw Jigsaw
Picture race Picture race Picture race
Picture reveal Basketball Basketball Basketball
Chase the

Conveyor belt • After a correct match, a player presses the Start button
• This is a two-player game to practise listening to, again for the game to continue. The game continues as
identifying and saying new vocabulary (as well as to above until all the audio words have been matched with
provide exposure to the written form of the words). an image or until one team has lost all their stars.
• Divide the class into an even number of teams to play Small image matching
the game. Two teams can play the game at a time. Ask a
member of each of the first two teams to delete the text
• This game provides listening and speaking practice of
core vocabulary.
‘Player 1’ and ‘Player 2’ and type in their names or team
names, or type them for the children. • When the game opens, the children will see small colour
pictures on the left and words for the same objects on
• When the game begins, the children see a scene which
the right. The aim is for the children to match each object
includes a ‘window’ or space where the core items of
with the correct word when they hear the audio.
vocabulary will appear one by one in random order.
• To begin the game, ask one of the players to press the
• Play the audio. When the name of the object is played,
encourage the children to repeat it chorally. Then point to
Start button. Items will begin to appear in the ‘window’
the pictures one by one saying, This one? for the children
or gap, one at a time. At the same time, the children hear
to tell you Yes or No according to the matching image.
an item of vocabulary from the core set on the audio.
Click the image they tell you to click. Then point to the
The players must race to try and press their Match button
words one by one for the children to tell you which word
when the item that matches the word on the audio
matches the image. Click on the square for the word they
• If the player does not match the audio and the picture
correctly, the incorrect sound effect is heard and the
• On correct selection, the word will be heard again. On
incorrect selection, the incorrect sound effect will be
game pauses for a moment before continuing. The player
heard and another attempt can be made.
that pressed Match incorrectly also loses a star.
• If a player matches the audio and the picture correctly, a
• As an alternative, make the game into a team game,
encouraging one member of each team to come to the
correct sound effect is heard, the audio replays the word for
front at a time. Tell the team member to play the audio
the child to repeat, and the written word appears on the
and select the corresponding picture. If they select
screen. As a reward, he / she also gains a star for the team.
the right picture, they can go on to match it with the
corresponding word. If they select the wrong picture, they

Classroom Presentation Tool (CPT) games information 145

return to their seat and a member of the other team must Picture reveal
identify the correct picture and then find the matching • This game practises core vocabulary and provides
word. If the wrong word is selected, no points are scored exposure to the written form.
and the next team member comes out to make the next • When the game opens, the children see a timer bar and a
match. Award points for correct answers. blurred picture.
• Repeat until all the colour pictures have been matched • Choose a child to come to the front of the class and play
with their words. the game.
Snap! • Ask the child to select the Start button. A number of
• This is a two-player game to practise vocabulary and mixed up letter tiles will appear on screen and empty
grammar. letter boxes are seen underneath the picture. The timer
will also start and the blurred effect on the picture slowly
• Choose two children, or two teams, to play the game. Ask
begins to clear.
the children to type in their names, or team names, over
‘Player 1’ and ‘Player 2’, or type them in for the children. • The player must try to order the letters to make the word
before the timer runs out. The image, which little by little
• Two piles of cards will be shown on the left and right
comes into focus, provides a clue to the word.
of the screen and a space between them where two
cards – one from each pile – will appear face up. Below • The player clicks a letter tile and then an empty box to
these are two player areas, each with a coloured button place letters in the word.
reading Snap!, the player / team names and scores. The • If a letter is incorrectly placed, an audio sound effect to
two players, or teams, compete to be the first to select the indicate that the action was incorrect is heard, and the
Snap! button when the cards on the left and right match. letter stays in its original position.
• Select the Start button to start the game and the timer • If a letter is correctly placed, an audio sound effect to
will start. indicate that the action was correct is heard. The letter
• If playing in teams, line up the teams and explain that they then appears in place in the word and the letter tile
get one turn each and then they must go to the back of disappears from its original position.
the line, so the next team mate can have a turn. • The player continues as above until all the letters have
been placed to make the word. The word is then heard
Pelmanism on the audio and the full image revealed in focus. If the
• This is a one or two-player game to practise new player runs out of time, the word and picture are revealed,
vocabulary and grammar. Choose ‘One player’ or ‘Two and the then the game continues.
player’ when you open the game. You may find the one- • Ask another child to come to the front to select the Next
player format useful for demonstrating the game, but button and order the new word as described above. The
in most classroom situations, the two-player format will game continues until all the words have been found.
probably be preferred.
• Choose two children, or two teams, to play the game. Ask Jigsaw
the children to type in their names, or team names, over • This game introduces a festival and gives the children
‘Player 1’ and ‘Player 2’, or type them in for the children. an opportunity to make predictions about it before they
• Various cards, face down, will be shown on the screen. listen for the first time.
Above these are two player areas, each with the team • When the game opens, an empty frame for a jigsaw will
names and scores. The two teams compete to match pairs appear in the middle of the screen, with jigsaw pieces
of cards. around it.
• Line up the teams and explain that they get one turn each • Invite individual children to come up to the board to
and then they must go to the back of the line, so the next click on a jigsaw piece and then the section in the jigsaw
team mate can have a turn. frame where they think it belongs. If the child matches
• The first team player chooses any card and clicks it. The the correct jigsaw piece to the correct section it will stay
card will turn over to reveal a picture or text. The phrase in place.
matching the card is played on the audio. The same player • The finished jigsaw presents an introductory picture for
then chooses another card. The selected card turns over festival. Ask the children questions about the picture, e.g.
to reveal a picture or text. The phrase matching the card is which characters they can see, where the characters are,
played on the audio. If the two cards match (either picture what the characters have got.
to picture or picture to text), the correct sound effect
will be heard, and the correct audio will be heard. The
Phonics matching
successful team wins a point. • This game revises the sounds from each unit.
• If the two cards don’t match, the incorrect sound effect • When the game opens, small images representing words
will be heard and both cards will turn back face down. with different sounds appear on the left-hand side of
the screen. A letter with a drop zone for matching also
• Each team should take one turn at a time to turn over
appears on the right.
pairs of cards. Continue until all the matching pairs have
been found. Check the scores and say Well done! to the • Click on the audio icon and encourage the whole class
winning and losing teams. to repeat the sound they hear. Ask individual children to
come up to the board one at a time. Encourage them
to find all the images of words which contain the sound
(there may only be one).

146 Classroom Presentation Tool (CPT) games information

• If the child decides a word contains the sound, they the timer runs out. The phrases are prompted by the
should select the image and then click one of the empty image shown in the image box.
drop zones on the right. If they select the word correctly, • If the player selects a word in the wrong order, an
the item will appear in the drop zone. If it is incorrect, then incorrect sound effect is heard and a balloon pops to
the item will remain on the left and the incorrect sound show that the player has lost a life. The word cloud
effect will be heard. Children can then try again. remains on the screen.
• Continue until all the words that contain the sound have • If the player selects a word in the correct order, a sound
been found. The Next button will then become active. effect to indicate that the action was correct is heard.
Invite another child to the front and play the game again. The word cloud disappears and the word appears in the
text box.
Three in a row
• Encourage the child to continue or ask another child to
• This is a two-player game to practise the core vocabulary come and take his / her place. The game continues as
and grammar from the unit. above until all the words appear in the correct order in the
• Divide the class into an even number of teams to play the text box. A sound effect is then heard to indicate that the
game. Two teams can play the game at one time. full phrase is correct. If the player loses all of their balloon
• Ask one child from each team to come to the front and lives before the end of the game, a Game over pop-up
type in their names, or team names, over ‘Player 1’ and appears.
‘Player 2’, or type them in for the children. • When the correct answer has been found, it is played on
• When the game opens a grid with nine spaces will appear the audio for the player to repeat.
in the middle of the screen. On either side of the grid, • The player can then continue the game with a new image
there are two player areas, each with the team name and and phrase to find by selecting the Next button.
a coloured icon. The two teams compete to place three • The game can be easily adapted to a team game, with
of their icons in the grid in a row (horizontally, vertically or one member of a team at a time coming to the front
diagonally). The teams must answer a question correctly to select words with the help of his / her team mates.
to place an icon. Encourage the team mates to suggest the next word.
• Line up the teams and explain that they get one turn each
and then they must go to the back of the line, so the next Chase the cheese
team mate can have a turn. Select the Start button to start • This is a game to practise core grammar from the unit. The
the game. game focuses particularly on the word order of structures
• The first team select a square in the grid. An audio or text in preparation for the children's own writing.
clue and pictorial or text answers appear in the question • Choose a child to come to the front of the class to play
area on the screen. The team should listen to the audio the game.
clue or read the text clue. They then select the picture • When the game opens, the children see an empty maze
or text that matches the clue or answers the question. and a mouse. Next to this is an empty picture frame with
Encourage the team members to talk together to check a space below it for text to appear in. Below this are some
their answer before making their selection. arrow buttons.
• If the answer is incorrect, then the team cannot place an • Ask the child to press the Start button. When the game
icon in the grid and the second team has a turn. If the starts, a picture will appear in the picture frame and a
answer is correct, the team’s icon appears in the selected number of words (within pieces of cheese) and obstacles
square in the grid. The game continues until one team has (unfriendly cats) appear positioned within the maze. The
placed three icons in a row, and therefore won, or until timer will also start.
each square in the grid contains an icon and neither team
• The player must use the arrow buttons to move the
can win.
mouse around the maze, one square at a time. The
Cloudburst mouse must 'eat' the pieces of cheese in order, i.e. in
the order that the words shown on the pieces of cheese
• This is a game to practise core grammar from each unit.
form correct phrases (often questions and answers). This
The game focuses on the word order of structures in
must be done before the timer runs out. The phrases are
preparation for the children's own writing.
prompted by the image shown in the image box next to
• When the game opens, the children see a mainly blank the maze.
screen with some small balloons to signify lives. Next to
this is an empty picture frame with a space below it for
• If the player moves the mouse onto a word in the wrong
order, an incorrect sound effect is heard and the word
text to appear in.
remains on the cheese in the maze.
• Choose a child to come to the front of the class to play
the game.
• If the player moves the mouse onto a word in the correct
order, an audio sound effect to indicate that the action
• Ask the child to press the Start button. When the game was correct is heard. The mouse then eats the cheese and
starts, a picture will appear in the picture frame and a the word disappears from the maze and appears in the
number of clouds containing words will appear on screen. text box.
The timer will also start.
• The player must avoid moving the mouse onto a square
• The player must select the words in the clouds in the with a cat, as this will cause the cat to hiss and time to
correct order to make phrases. This must be done before be lost.

Classroom Presentation Tool (CPT) games information 147

• The game continues as above until all the words appear • Continue in this way until all the questions have been
in the correct order in the text box. A sound effect is answered.
then heard to indicate that the full phrase is correct. If
the player runs out of time before the end of the game, a Sentence spin
Game over pop-up appears. • This is a two-player game to practise the core vocabulary
• When all the words in a question have been found, the and grammar from the unit.
player is prompted to press the Start button and play the • Divide the class into an even number of teams to play the
game again in the same way, this time to find the answer. game. Two teams can play the game at one time.
• When both a question and an answer have been found, • Ask one child from each team to come to the front and
they are played on the audio for the player to repeat. type in their names, or team names, over ‘Player 1’ and
• The game then continues with a new image and phrase ‘Player 2’, or type them in for the children.
to find, once the Next button is selected. • When the game opens a picture will appear with
• The game can be easily adapted to a team game, with sentence slots below it. On either side of the picture, there
one member of a team at a time coming to the front are two player areas, each with the team name. The two
to select words with the help of his / her team mates. teams compete to correctly complete the sentence based
Encourage the team mates to suggest the next word, and on the picture.
give instructions, e.g. Up!, Down!, Left!, Right! • Line up the teams and explain that they get one turn each
and then they must go to the back of the line, so the next
Gap-fill team mate can have a turn. Select the Start button to start
• This is a game to practise the core vocabulary and the game.
grammar from the unit. • The choices rotate at random and then slow to a stop.
• When the game opens, the children see an image on the The first team then clicks the up / down arrows to scroll
left and text with gaps on the right. Below these are five through the options to select parts of the sentence for
balloons to signify lives and a word pool. The children each slot. Once all sentence parts have been selected,
must choose the correct word to fill each gap without the team selects the Check button to check their answers.
losing all their lives. Encourage the team members to talk together before
• Ask a child to come to the front to choose and select making their selections.
the word which is missing from the first gap followed by • If the answer is incorrect, then the team cannot complete
the gap. the sentence and the second team has a turn. If the
• If the word is incorrect, an audio sound effect to indicate answer is correct, the corresponding audio plays and the
that the word is incorrect is heard and the gap remains team gets a star. The game continues until all screens have
empty. A balloon also pops to signify that a life has been completed.
been lost. If the word is correct, an audio sound effect to
indicate that the action was correct is heard. Storybook
• Ask different children to come up to the front to select • This is a review of the grammar and vocabulary for the
words until all the gaps are filled. Once the text is preceding units presented as a story.
complete, an audio button will appear which will allow • The story can be read in three ways: with both audio and
you to play the whole text on the audio. Encourage the text (‘Listen and read’), audio only (‘Listen only’) or text
children to listen and follow the text. only (‘Read only’).
• Select the Next button to bring up the next image and Picture race
paragraph with gaps and continue as described above
until all of the gaps in the text have been successfully
• This game reviews the vocabulary for the unit or units.
When the game opens, a frame with a number of small,
jumbled images will appear in the middle of the screen.
Multiple choice Children must race against the clock to find all instances
• This is a two-player game to practise the core vocabulary of a given image in the frame.
and grammar from the unit. • The number of stars next to the clue reveals how many
• Divide the class into an even number of teams to play the times the image appears in the frame. Every time the
game. Two teams can play the game at one time. children successfully find an image, one of the stars will
light up.
• When the game starts, the children see an image on the
left and a question with possible answers on the right. • The game can be played in two versions; one with text
Boxes for ‘Player 1’ and ‘Player 2’ appear at the top of the and one with audio. In the audio version, the children
screen. Ask the class which answer they think is correct listen to a word and then find all instances of it in the
based on the picture and select the corresponding main frame. In the text version, the children read a word
button. and then find all instances of it in the main frame.
• If the answer is incorrect, a sound effect to indicate an • Divide the class into two teams and line them up at the
incorrect choice is heard. Ask the children to guess again board. The first team plays to complete game first, taking
and select the corresponding button. it in turns to find the examples of each word. Award the
team points if they complete the game against the timer.
• If the answer is correct, a sound effect to indicate a correct
The second team then has their turn. Congratulate the
choice is heard and the next question will appear.
winning team at the end.

148 Classroom Presentation Tool (CPT) games information

• Alternatively, you could divide the class into small teams
of two or three children. One child from a team selects the
Start button and the audio button (if the audio version
is being played). Then the whole team race to find all
instances of the item on the screen. Once the team has
found all instances, they sit back down and another team
plays the game. Continue until all the items have been

• This is a two-player game to review core vocabulary from
the preceding units.
• Divide the class into an even number of teams to play
the game. Two teams can play the game at a time. Ask a
member of each of the first two teams to delete the text
‘Player 1' and ‘Player 2' and type in their names or team
names, or type them for the children.
• When the game opens, the children see an image of a
basketball court with basketballs. Above this is an empty
image box, as well as two player areas for each team and
a timer bar.
• Ask the first player to select the Start button. An image will
then appear in the image box, words will appear on the
basketballs and the timer will start. The player must select
the basketball with the word which matches the image
• If the answer is incorrect, an audio sound effect to indicate
that the action was incorrect is heard. An animation of a
basketball being thrown at a hoop and missing the shot
is also played. Another image and new words then appear,
and the same player has to try to select the correct match
• If the answer is correct, an audio sound effect to indicate
that the action was correct is heard, followed by the
word on the audio. An animation of the basketball being
thrown through the hoop is shown and the player also
receives a star for his/ her team.
• The player continues to try and find as many correct
matches as possible before the timer runs out on their
turn. When the timer runs out, it is the other team's turn.
• The team with the most stars at the end of the game is
the winner.

Classroom Presentation Tool (CPT) games information 149

Mini picture card and wordcard games Hit the card
• All the ideas marked with a * below are great games that • You will need a small ball or a soft toy to throw for this
the children can play in pairs or small groups with their game. Place the flashcards / wordcards you want to
mini picture cards or wordcards in Lessons 1 and 5. review on the board so the class can see them. Ask 4–5
children to come out to the front of the class. Hand the
Flashcard and mini wordcard activities first child the ball or soft toy. Call out a word. The child
• Mini wordcards are supplied in the Teacher's Resource throws the ball and tries to hit the correct word. Repeat
Material in the Teacher's Resource Centre. These can be with the other children.
printed, and enlarged if necessary, for use with these
Flashlight flashcards
• As above but play in two teams using two flashlights.
Basketball Cover each flashlight with a different coloured cellophane
• Use an empty wastepaper bin as a ‘basket’ for this game. so you know which team finds it first. Children from each
You will also need a soft ball or a bean bag. team take turns to point the flashlight on the card you say.
• Divide the class into two teams. Show a flashcard to a Jumping the line
child from one team. If they answer with the correct word
• Draw an imaginary line dividing the room and place a
then they can take a shot at the basket. If the ball lands
chair to show the boundary of the line. Designate one side
in the basket then that team wins 2 points. If the ball hits
as ‘true’ and the other side as ‘false’. Line up the children
the basket but doesn’t go inside then the team wins 1
along the line. Now hold up a flashcard and say a word.
point. The other team then take a turn to name a flashcard
If the children think you said the word that matches the
and shoot a basket. The team with the most points is the
flashcard, they should jump to the ‘true’ side, otherwise
they should jump to the ‘false’ side. If any children jump to
Catch me if you can the wrong side of the line, just quickly correct them saying
the word and getting everyone to repeat.
• Sit the children in a circle. After reviewing one set or
multiple sets of flashcards such as ailments or food, place Lucky dip
the cards in a pile in the middle of the circle. Take the
• Sit the children in a circle. Put enough flashcards in a bag
top card and show it to everyone. This card becomes the
or box so that there is one per child. Let the children come
‘magic’ card. Have one child walk around the outside of
out one by one and take a flashcard. Once all the children
the circle saying the words from the set(s) of flashcards
have a flashcard, see if they can say the word on it. When
while touching each child in the circle on the head. When
all the children are sure of their word, start in one part of
the magic word is said, the child whose head is touched
the circle and encourage them to lift up their flashcard
at that time, stand ups and races around the circle chasing
and say what’s on it. The children do this all the way
the child who touched them. The first one to get back and
around the circle, back to the beginning.
sit in the empty space in the circle remains seated and
chooses the next magic word. The child standing begins Noughts and crosses *
again; ‘A headache, toothache ...’ until they say the magic • Draw a noughts and crosses grid with three columns
word and are chased around the circle. across and three rows down on the board. Make the
Cross the river squares big enough to fit a flashcard. Choose nine
flashcards of words you want to review and attach them
• Place flashcards spaced out on the floor in a winding face down, one in each of the squares. Number each
pattern. Tell the children that each flashcard represents a
square or give each square a letter of the alphabet to
stepping stone along the river. The children must say the
make it easier for the children to choose a square. Divide
word on the flashcard in order to step over it and move
the children into two teams, Noughts (O) and Crosses (X).
forward along the river!
The teams take it in turns to choose one of the squares.
Easy or hard Turn over the flashcard and see if the team can say what’s
on the flashcard. If they can, they win the square and write
• You need at least 20 cards to play. Divide the cards into
a O or a X depending on which team were playing. The
two piles, one Easy and one Hard pile, face down. Divide
winning team is the one that gets three in a row.
the class into two or four teams. Ask the first team if they
would like an easy or a hard card. Tell them they will win Slow reveal
2 points for an easy card or 5 points for a hard one. The
• Hold a piece of A4 paper over a flashcard or a wordcard
game continues with the teams choosing whether they
so it is completely hidden from the class. Slowly move the
want to name an easy or a hard card.
paper, revealing the card. Children shout out guesses until
one guesses correctly. The child, or their team, are the

150 Ideas bank

Over-under Find your partner
• Line up the children in two teams. Give the two children • Hand out a set of flashcards and wordcards to individuals
at the front a flashcard each. When you say Go, the child or pairs of children. Ask children to go around the
in front says the word and passes the flashcard over their classroom looking for the child or pair that has the
head, the next child says the word and passes the card corresponding wordcard or flashcard.
under their legs, the next child over, then under, etc.
The last child in the line races to the front, gives you the Bend down, stand up
flashcard and says the word. The first team to do so gets • Choose eight children to come out to the front and stand
a point. them in a line facing the board. Place a flashcard above
each child’s head. Say Bend down! Stand up! encouraging
Question chain the children to bend down and then stand up quickly.
• Sit the children in a circle. Choose a lexical set, e.g. Say Can you see … ? and the child in front of that flashcard
ailments / food / outdoor activities. Start by showing must bend down and stand up very quickly. Repeat,
the children a flashcard and asking the child on your saying the words in a random order. Play with another
right a question about the flashcard, e.g. Have you got a eight children. You could challenge the children face away
headache? That child must answer the question and ask from the cards as they listen and bend down, stand up.
the next child the same question. Go round the circle, and
then change the flashcard and the question. Great!
• Play as above, but say Great! instead of Bend down, stand
Roll the dice up. Show the eight what to do, encouraging them to hold
• Split the class into two to four teams. Show a flashcard both hands in the air and do a ‘thumbs up’ with both.
of one of the words you are working on to a child in one
of the groups. If the child can say the word, they throw High five *
a dice. If they throw a 1 they get 10 points, 2 – 20 points, • Choose a flashcard from a set and hold it to your chest.
3 – 30 points, and so on up to 60 points. If the child needs Say, e.g. I’ve got a … but don’t name the item. Children
help from their group, the group just gets 5 points. Repeat guess by saying or acting out the possible word. When
the procedure, showing another flashcard to a child from a child guesses correctly, give them a ‘high-five’ and that
a different group and so on. child comes out to be teacher. Play again.

TV quiz show Listen and find

• Tell the children that in this game they have to say as • Place flashcards on the walls around the room or on the
many words as they can in one minute. Choose a topic, floor. Call out a word for the children to point to, or walk to
e.g. food (Unit 5). Ask for two or three volunteers. One of and touch. Ask confident children to take turns being the
them stays in the room and the others go outside and teacher and calling out words for their classmates.
stand just outside the door where they cannot hear what
is going on inside the classroom. Ask a child to be the Stop! *
timekeeper. The child in the classroom must say as many • Select a set of flashcards or wordcards. Tell the children
words as possible for foods. The rest of the class counts to look out for a particular word. When they see it they
aloud how many words the child says, and you make a list. should shout Stop! Flick through the cards until they stop
If the child repeats a word, they are out. Then one by one, you at the correct word.
the other volunteers come into the room and name foods
in the same way. The winner is the child who says the Flashing a card *
most words in a minute. • Hold a flashcard or wordcard facing you so that the
children can’t see it. Turn the card quickly so the children
Sticky note reveal see it for a second. The first person to tell you what was on
• Completely cover a flashcard or a wordcard with a it is the winner.
number of sticky-notes. Children ask questions to guess
what it is. If you answer Yes, take off a sticky note. If you Hidden pictures
answer No, then leave it as is. The child or team who • Hide a set of flashcards around the class. Hand out the
guesses what it is, is the winner. corresponding wordcards to groups or pairs of children.
They must find the corresponding flashcard. When they
Snap! * find the matching pair, they say the word.
• Divide the class into two teams. One team has flashcards
and the other has wordcards. Each team deals a card. Teacher’s mistake
If they match, they say Snap! You can turn this into a • Show the children a flashcard and describe it in a
competition by saying that the first team to say Snap! gets sentence or say a word, incorrectly. The children correct
a point. you as a class. Play as a class or divide the class into
teams. As an alternative, you could try this game with
Musical cards the wordcards to encourage children’s reading skills and
• Place the flashcards or wordcards around the classroom develop their listening skills.
and play some music. Tell the children to walk around the
room. When you stop the music and name a card they
must go to the card you named.

Ideas bank 151

Find the card Missing letters
• Hide a set of flashcards around the class. Children walk • Write a word from the vocabulary set on the board
around the classroom and find the cards. When they find replacing some of the letters with dashes. Ask the class
one they hold it up and call out the word and place it on if anyone can remember the word. If so, invite them
the board. to come to the board and complete the word using
the correct letters. Repeat with another word from the
Action games vocabulary set.

Please! Racing lists

• Explain to the children that you are going to give them • Choose six topics you want to revise from Level 4 or from
some instructions, but they must only do what you say other levels, e.g. dates, daily routines, food, accessories,
if you say please. For example, say Stand up! The children activities and adjectives. Write the topics on the board
should not stand up. Then say Stand up, please! The and number them from 1 to 6. Put the children into pairs.
children must stand up. Once the children are confident Roll a dice and tell them the number. They have two or
with the game they can take turns giving orders. three minutes to write a list of words from the topic that
corresponds to the number you rolled on the dice. Once
Simon says they have finished, tell the children to check their lists for
• As above, but the children only copy the action when you any spelling mistakes and count the number of words in
say Simon says. their list. The pair with the most words writes their list on
the board and the others tick them off their list. Ask the
Flashcard sequence class if they have any more words that were not in this
• Hand out the flashcards (either one unit or a mixture of pair’s list.
units) to various children. Call out a sequence and ask
the children to stand in the correct order. The children Find the answer
not holding flashcards can direct the other children. • Ask the children questions about the unit they have just
Alternatively, play the game with wordcards. covered in their Class Book. Questions could be about
course / story characters, CLIL, Culture, grammar …
Lightening flashcards anything! Children look through their Class Book to find
• Divide the class into two teams. Ask one child from each the answers.
team to stand up with their backs to you. Choose a
flashcard and show the class. Count back, 3, 2, 1! The two Memory games
children turn around and the first child to say what they
see wins their group a point. Kim’s game *
• Display a set of flashcards or wordcards on the board. Ask
Adverb game the children to close their eyes. Remove one card. When
• Ask children to call out an action, e.g. an outdoor activity. the children open their eyes again, ask them to guess
Tell them to mime it. Then call out different adverbs for which card isn’t there. Place it back on the board.
the children to do that activity in the manner of, e.g.
Walking – quickly…slowly…loudly…angrily, etc. What’s missing? *
• As Kim’s game, but do not replace the card when the
Mystery card children have guessed it, so the cards are slowly removed
• Put children into small groups. Hand one child in each from the board.
group a flashcard. They look at it but keep it a secret. The
children in the group ask questions to guess the card. Board pelmanism *
Have you got a cloak? Are you running?, etc. Repeat with a • Mix up the flashcards and wordcards. Spread them
new card and child in each group. face down on the board or floor. Take turns to pick up
two cards. If they are the same, keep them face up and
Settling games children say the word. If they are different, place them face
down again. Continue until all the pairs are found.
• Say Hello, I’m (your name), then throw or roll a soft ball Memory chain
to a child. The child introduces themselves in the same • One child says a word in a sentence, e.g. I like (playing
way, then passes the ball to another child. Continue until football). The next child repeats that word and adds
everyone has had a turn. You can also play this game to another e.g. I like (playing football and talking to friends).
talk about birthdays, physical appearance or daily routines. Use flashcards on the board to help the children
remember the chain.
Let’s count
• You can use this activity when you want to draw children’s The first letter
attention back to you. Say a number. The children count • Say or write a letter on the board for children to shout out
up to that number and then turn to the person next to words that start with that letter.
them and say Hello!

152 Ideas bank

Guessing games Story guesses
• Describe a picture or a character from the Lesson 5 story.
Anagram game Ask the class to guess which story frame or character you
• Write the unit vocabulary on the board but in anagram are describing. Do this with books open or books closed.
form. Write a number next to each word. Put children into Invite children to take turns describing a picture or a
pairs or threes. Ask them to read the anagrams and work character.
out which words they are. Tell them the topic you are
reviewing to provide support. Groups then come to the Sharkman
front and write one of the words next to the anagram on • Choose a word for the children to spell and draw the
the board, or call out answers from their desks. correct number of lines for each letter. Draw a five-step
staircase toward a wobbly line sea. Draw a triangle in it to
Mime it! represent a shark fin. Draw a stickman at the top of the
• Explain to the children that you are going to mime stairs. The children call out letters to guess the word. If it
something – an action / activity / a feeling or a state – and is correct, write it in the correct place. If it is not, write the
they must guess what it is. Mime first for the class; then letter on the side of the board and move the stickman
ask confident children to mime for the class, or play the down one step towards the shark. They must try to guess
game in small groups. The first child to guess correctly is before they fall in the sea!
the winner.
The washing line game
Secret word • Play this game with any vocabulary set you want to revise.
• Give each child a small piece of paper. They choose a Draw a simple washing line on the board. Show the
word in secret and write it down on their paper. Choose a children the flashcards and elicit the words. Shuffle the
child to come to the front of the class and the remaining flashcards, stick them face down on the washing line and
children try to guess which word they wrote down. At number each one from 1 to 8. The children take it in turns
the end, the child shows their piece of paper with the to guess what each card is, saying a number and a word.
secret word.
True or False? • One child in a pair, small group or at the front of the
• Choose a flashcard and either name it, describe it, or say class secretly chooses an object. The other children ask
something about it that is either true or false. The children questions to guess which object they have chosen. Is it
guess if it’s True or False. If it’s false, encourage them to gold? Yes, it is. Is it on your neck? No, it isn’t. Is it on your arm?
correct it or say what is true. Invite children to take a turn. Yes, it is. The first group or child to guess wins a point.
What’s next? Match
• Select three flashcards which create a series, for example • Practise collocations by writing one word on the left of
numbers, food or animals and what they can do. Place the board and the other on the right, e.g. eat dinner, get up
two of the cards on the board and ask the class What’s Write them in a jumbled order. Children come to the front
next? The first child to guess correctly is the winner. and draw a line to match the two parts.
Silent words
Games using audio
• Choose a flashcard or wordcard in secret, making sure
the class can’t see. Mouth a word to the children in a very Missing words
exaggerated way, without saying the word out loud. Use • Sing a verse of a song or chant the children know well,
gestures to help if necessary. Once the children have but leave a key word out. The children try to remember
guessed the word correctly, reveal the card. the missing word. You can also play this game with
vocabulary, a story or song animation and mute the
Describe it!
sound at appropriate points, asking the children to tell
• Describe an item without saying what it is. The children you the missing word.
must listen and identify the item or person. If it is an item
they are likely to have, e.g. earrings, dark hair they can Join the song
point to or hold up the item as well. • Divide the class into groups and choose a song. Give each
group a section of the song to remember. Play the song.
Line by line
When a group hears their part, they should join in and
• Draw an object one line at a time. Ask the class to guess stand up. Continue until everyone is singing and standing.
what it is after each line. The first child to guess is the
winner. Intros round
• Play the first few bars of a song the children are familiar
Word shapes
with and they must guess which song it is. They can
• Draw the outline of a word on the board to clearly show continue singing it. Play the song and check.
the general shape the letters of the word make, without
actually drawing the letters. Ask the class to guess what
the word is. The class may shout out letters they think are
in the word to help them.

Ideas bank 153

What are the words? topic as they can. Set a timer on your IWB, phone or clock.
• Write the words from a frame of a story on the board. Give the children the topic and start! The children win
Delete a word and replace it with a blank line. Ask the a point for each word connected with the topic. Teams
class to read the sentence putting in the deleted word. switch their paper with another group to check their
Continue until the sentence has been erased and children words. In a more confident class, groups award points
are chanting the line. if the words are spelt correctly. To make this game extra
challenging, award points only for words that no other
Pencil games team has.

Bingo! Alphabet race

• Children each draw a 3 x 3 grid of nine squares. They • Put children into small groups and hand them a piece of
write one word in each square connected with the unit paper and a pencil. They write the letters A–Z on the left
vocabulary you want to review. Call out more than nine of the paper. Set a time limit of 2 minutes for teams to
words. When the children hear their word, they cross it write words connected to a topic for each letter. If they
out. The first child to cross out all nine words shouts Bingo! don’t know a word for that letter, they can skip it. The
winning team has the most correct words.
Collocations race
• Draw two or three pictures before class, for example a boy
wearing accessories or doing an activity in the garden. • Write a verb on the board for children to call out or write
Describe the image to the class. The children listen and as many words that collocate with it as possible. Repeat
draw what they hear. Is their picture the same as the with another verb, e.g. do, play, go.
original picture?
Poster activities
Word race
• Divide the class into teams. Show teams a flashcard and Birthdays
say Go! One child from each team races to the board and • At the start of every month, add the names and dates
writes the word. The first child to get to the board and of children’s birthdays that month. You could do this
correctly write the word wins a point for their team. together as a class. Ask When’s your birthday? and invite a
few children to answer and then come up and add their
Describe and draw birthday to the poster. Decide as a class what you would
• Put children into pairs. They draw a picture of something like to do when it is a child’s birthday.
you’d like them to draw, e.g. a prince, focusing on his
appearance, e.g. long, fair hair, big ears, blue eyes, a red hat, I’m thinking of a phrase
etc. They then describe their picture to their partner who • Think of a classroom language phrase the children know.
listens and draws what they hear. They compare their It may be one you are working on or a word you want to
pictures when finished to check that they are the same. review. Point to the Classroom language poster and say,
I’m thinking of a phrase. It starts with ‘l’. Elicit words or whole
Word searches phrases until one of the children guesses the correct
• The children create word searches with known words one. Then ask this child to come to the front. Get them to
for another child to do. Tell them to choose 8 words, e.g. choose a phrase and tell you.
the words from a unit. Give the children a grid to write
the words across and down. They then fill in the other Animation and film activities
squares in the grid with other letters.
Flashcard story guess
Ladders • Ask the children to guess which characters and which
• Divide the class into two teams and line each team up items of vocabulary are in the story animation. Put their
facing the board. Give the child at the front of each team ideas on the board, or stick the corresponding flashcards
a board pen. Draw two simple ladders in front of each or wordcards on the board. Then watch the story together
team and number each rung 10–1 down the board. Call and see if they were correct.
out a topic for the children to write words connected
to that topic. The first child runs forward, writes a word Remember the film
next to number 1, runs back to their team and hands the • After the film or animation, put a selection of flashcards
whiteboard marker to the second child. The second child or wordcards on the board. Ask the children to remember
runs forward and writes the next word, and so on until which of these items or characters were in the film. Make
their team finishes at number 10. The team that finishes a note of their answers, and then watch the film again to
first wins 1 point. Both teams then get a point for every check their ideas.
word that is spelt correctly, connected to the topic and
different from the other team (so no cheating!) Who is it?
• Say a line from the story. The children must try to
2-minute race remember who said it and say the character’s name.
• Put children into small groups of two or three. Give each Check the answers by watching the film.
group a piece of paper and a pencil. Tell the children they
have 2 minutes to write as many words connected with a

154 Ideas bank

What happens next? Make a rhyme
• Play a film to your class, pausing it occasionally. Ask the • Write an initial sound on the board, e.g. b. Ask the class to
children to guess what happens next, or what word call out words that start with the sound, e.g. bear, big, ball,
comes next. bounce. Make a rhyme with the words as a class, e.g. The
bear bounces the big ball!
Spot it!
• Divide the class into groups. Give each group a flashcard Sound it out
of an item that is in the film. Tell them to stand up with • Mouth a word to the class that starts with or contains a
the flashcard when they see it in the film. particular letter or sound. Children guess what the word
is. Repeat with another word with the same sound for
Freeze frame children to guess. Finally, ask the class what sound all the
• Play the story animation. Pause the film on one particular words have in common.
frame. Elicit the conversation that the people in the frame
are having from the class. Quick class surveys
• To find out what children think or to gather their
Pronunciation games responses when time is limited, e.g. Lily’s question or
predicting the order items are heard in an audio, do a
I hear with my little ear quick class survey. Ask the question and ask the children
• Display flashcards. Then say I hear with my little ear, to put up their hands. Count and make a record of the
something with /ɪŋ/. The children must guess which responses and come back to the same question another
flashcard you are referring to. time to review the language.

First sounds
• Say an initial sound, e.g. /s/. The children say words that
start with that sound.

What’s the word?

• Hand out wordcards to the children. Put the
corresponding flashcards in a pile at the front of the
class. Choose one flashcard in secret and write the initial
letter on the board, but without saying what the word is.
Anyone whose wordcard starts with the same letter calls
out his or her word. Write the second letter. Continue
until it is clear which word you are writing. Get the class to
say the word and the child with the matching wordcard
comes to the front of the class.

Silent sounds behind you

• Draw a letter on a child’s back with your finger. They guess
which letter it is and say the sound. Put the children into
pairs to play.

Air writing
• Trace the shape of a letter in the air with your finger. Make
sure you’re standing the same way as the class so the
letter is the correct way around. The children guess which
letter it is and say the sound.

Blending circle
• Sit the children in a circle. Give the first child a wordcard or
a flashcard. The child says the first sound of the word, e.g.
r. The second child must add the next sound, e.g. r-e. The
last child completes the word, e.g. r-e-d, red! Repeat with
more words.

Post boxes
• Write phonemes on the front of three or four A4
envelopes, e.g. /k/, /s/ and /ʧ/. Hand out a wordcard and
a flashcard to pairs of children. They walk around the
room and post the flashcards into the correct envelope
according to the sound the words start with. Once
finished, open the envelopes and show the cards. Say the
words as a class. Are they all correct?

Ideas bank 155

Starter Unit Unit 3 (Set 1) Unit 5 (Set 2)
first belts a few
second bracelets a little
third earrings a lot of
fourth necklaces nuts
fifth rings raisins
sixth umbrellas seeds
seventh wallets
Unit 6 (Set 1)
eighth watches
Unit 3 (Set 2) hiking
checked horse riding
colourful mountain biking
flowery rowing
knitting sailing
Unit 1 (Set 1) spotty snorkelling
a cold stripy windsurfing
a cough
Unit 4 (Set 1) Unit 6 (Set 2)
a cut
cooking carefully
drying up dangerously
a headache
gardening loudly
a stomach-ache
laying the table quickly
a temp
painting quietly
sweeping slowly
a toothache
washing up
Unit 1 (Set 2) watering the flowers
dark hair
Unit 4 (Set 2)
fair hair
red hair
Unit 2 (Set 1) weak
brush my teeth
Unit 5 (Set 1)
come home
bread rolls
eat breakfast
eat dinner
get up
go to bed
go to school
watch TV
Unit 2 (Set 2) vegetables
at night
in the afternoon
in the morning
quarter past
quarter to

156 Flashcards
Words in bold highlight main course vocabulary. The number or letters after each word denotes the unit
in which it is first encountered.

active (2) December (SU) headache (1)

advent calendar (F) decorations (F) healthy (5)
a few (5) dessert (5) help (1)
a little (5) destroy (6) hide (2)
a lot of (5) digestion (5) hiking (6)
ancient (3) diurnal (2) holiday (2, 6)
angel (F) doctor (1) holly (F)
at night (2) dress up (3) horse riding (6)
August (SU) drying up (4) hunt (2)
April (SU) earache (1) ice cream (F)
bar chart (1) earrings (3) in the afternoon (2)
bat (2) eat breakfast (2) in the morning (2)
beard (1) eat dinner (2) jacket potatoes (F)
belts (3) eco-friendly (4) jam (F)
between (3) eighth (SU) January (SU)
birthday (SU) electricity (4) July (SU)
boarding school (2) elf (F) June (SU)
bonfire (F) emergency (2) knitting (3)
bracelets (3) energy (4) laying the table (4)
bread rolls (5) fair (hair) (1) lazy (4)
brooches (3) fat (5) lemon (F)
brush my teeth (2) February (SU) local people (6)
butter (F) fibre (5) loudly (6)
calcium (5) fifth (SU) magazine (1)
calendar (SU) fire engine (2) March (SU)
camping (6) firefighter (2) marshmallows (F)
canoeing (6) fireworks (F) May (SU)
canteen (5) first (SU) meat (5)
carbohydrates (5) fish (5) mistletoe (F)
carefully (6) flour (F) month (SU)
checked (3) flowery (3) mountain biking (6)
cloak (3) forests (6) mouse (2)
cold (1) fourth (SU) moustache (1)
colourful (3) fox (2) museum (2)
come home (2) fruit (5) near (3)
cooking (4) gardening (4) necklaces (3)
costume (1) get up (2) next to (3)
cough (1) gingerbread man (F) ninth (SU)
count (1) gold (3) nocturnal (2)
cousin (SU) good-looking (1) November (SU)
curly (hair) (1) go to bed (2) nuts (5)
cut (1) go to school (2) October (SU)
daily routine (2) guard (2) owl (2)
dangerously (6) guy (F) packed lunch (5)
dark (hair) (1) ham (F) painting (4)
date (SU) hard-working (4) party (1, 4)

Wordlist 157
paths (6) toffee apples (F)
pence (3) toga (3)
playground (1) tonight (2)
police officer (2) toothache (1)
pounds (3) topping (F)
present (3) total (1)
prison (2) tourism (6)
protein (5) tourists (6)
puddings (5) tunic (3)
quarter past (2) umbrellas (3)
quarter to (2) unhealthy (5)
quickly (6) uniform (2)
quietly (6) untidy (4)
raisins (5) vegetables (5)
red hair (1) vegetarian (5)
results (1) vitamins (5)
rice (5) wallets (3)
rings (3) washing up (4)
robbers (2) watches (3)
rowing (6) watch TV (2)
sailing (6) water butt (4)
salad (5) watering the flowers (4)
second (SU) wax (3)
seeds (5) weak (4)
senses (2) windsurfing (6)
September (SU) wind turbine (4)
seventh (SU)
short (1)
silver (3)
sixth (SU)
slowly (6)
snorkelling (6)
snowflakes (F)
solar panels (4)
soup (F)
sparklers (F)
spend money (6)
spotty (3)
stomach-ache (1)
straight (hair) (1)
stripy (3)
strong (4)
sugar (F)
sweeping (4)
tall (1)
tally chart (1)
tally mark (1)
temperature (1)
tenth (SU)
thin (1)
third (SU)
tidy (4)

158 Wordlist
Dear parents and carers,

This year your child will be learning English using Learn with Us 4, where he or she will be able to
delve into the life of our main character, Lily, with her family, her school friends Mina and Ash and
her cousin Pedro in Peru.
We celebrate Lily’s birthday, follow her helping at her mum’s work (the doctor’s) and buying a
present for her dad. We join her as she and her family help organize a street party. We see her
doing her everyday routines, eating in the school canteen and doing activities at a holiday park
with her friends. Following a real child’s life creates a motivating and meaningful context for
learning essential words, structures and skills in English.
Learn with Us 4 offers stories and interesting real-life culture films and charming animated stories,
introduced by Lily, which will enrich your child’s learning and his or her understanding of British
culture, values and citizenship, and the wider world. Learn with Us 4 also provides a wealth of extra
material such as videos, songs, cut-outs, projects and interactive games.
Learn with Us 4 has a strong focus on developing your child’s communication skills and confidence
in speaking English through frequent collaborative speaking activities. Children are regularly
encouraged to give their opinion in English and nine projects over the year give them lots of
opportunity to use English in a personalized and meaningful way. Literacy skills continue to be
developed through fun unit and revision stories and other interesting reading texts, for example in
the culture pages. Get involved by reading or watching them together. Encourage your child to tell
you about their learning and compare similarities and differences in culture.
Learn with Us 4 recognizes that your support and encouragement are important to your child’s
success and provides plenty of ways for you to join in actively with your child’s learning, even if you
don’t speak English. Encourage your child to sing you the songs he or she learns in class, ask him
or her to tell you about the children they have met in Learn with Us 4 in the real-life and animated
films and stories, and share his or her experiences. Try to look at his or her work regularly and ask
about favourite activities in each unit. Always give lots of praise for your child’s efforts. Encourage
your child to look back at his or her work and see what has been done well, what he or she is
proud of and also what can be improved.
Please do not hesitate to ask me anything about your child’s progress this year.
Welcome to Learn with Us!

Yours sincerely,

English teacher

PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press Letter to parents 159

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