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Brain and Cognition 57 (2005) 189–194

Influence of auditory–verbal, visual–verbal, visual,

and visual–visual processing speed on reading and spelling
at the end of Grade 1
Monique Plazaa,*, Henri Cohenb
Laboratoire Cognition et Développement, CNRS, Paris, France
Centre de Neuroscience de la Cognition, Université du Québec à Montréal, Canada

Accepted 12 August 2004


This study examined cognitive processing speed through four modalities (auditory–verbal, visual–verbal, visual, and visual–vi-
sual) at the end of Grade 1 and how it influences reading and spelling. The subjects were 124 French-speaking children, selected
for their contrasting performance on reading and spelling tasks. The children in the first group (N = 69) were average readers;
the second group of children (N = 55) performed worse or much worse on all reading and spelling tasks. The experimental design
consisted of a set of 10 tasks administered in two sessions. The major findings reveal that: (1) the children with reading difficulties
displayed low and slow performance on most cognitive tasks, whatever the modality; (2) auditory–verbal and visual–verbal process-
ing speed significantly predicted written language, which was not the case with the visual modalities; and (3) that visual problems did
not appear to be a potential cause of reading problems in most delayed readers. The findings also confirm the independence of pho-
nological and naming-speed skills in reading development and reading impairment.
Ó 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction recognizes the importance of phonological processing,

but focuses on cognitive processes that may account
It is widely accepted that phonological awareness is for non-linguistic correlates of reading impairment.
one of the best predictors of reading ability. Current The ‘‘temporal’’ hypothesis suggests that temporal
dyslexia research has provided evidence to the effect that resolution deficits manifested clinically in the language
phonological processing deficits play a critical role in impairments of dyslexic subjects will also be expressed
reading impairments (Bryant, Nunes, & Bindman, in their time-dependent non-linguistic behavior related
1998; Catts, 1993; Liberman & Shankweiler, 1991; Wag- to manual actions (Denckla, 1979; Wolff, Michel,
ner & Torgesen, 1993; Wagner, Torgesen, & Rashotte, Drake, & Ovrut, 1990), auditory and/or visual stimuli
1994). processing (Bakker, 1972; Tallal, 1980; Tallal, Miller,
However, the evident importance of phonological & Fitch, 1993; Watson & Miller, 1993). According to
skills for the acquisition of the alphabetic principle has Klein (2002) the temporal processing deficit could be re-
distracted attention from the fact that reading acquisi- lated to (a) rate of information processing, (b) increased
tion also involves non-linguistic skills. An alternative smudging of signals over time, or (c) increased jitters in
neuropsychological research strategy has emerged that the assignment of features to moments in time.
The ‘‘visual’’ hypothesis suggests that visual process-
Corresponding author. ing deficits occur in developmental dyslexia, involving a
E-mail address: (M. Plaza). disturbance of the magnocellular pathway (Lovegrove &

0278-2626/$ - see front matter Ó 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
190 M. Plaza, H. Cohen / Brain and Cognition 57 (2005) 189–194

Slaghuis, 1989; Slaghuis, Lovegrove, & Davidson, was conducted at the end of Grade 1, after one year
1993), decreased sensitivity to low contrast (Stein, Tal- of reading instruction, in a group of 124 children (55
cott, & Walsh, 2000), abnormal processing of visual mo- poor readers and 69 average readers). The auditory–ver-
tion (Demb, Bynton, & Heeger, 1998), and/or visual bal modality was assessed through a phoneme elision
attentional disorders. In fact the visual hypothesis was, task, the visual–verbal modality through three naming-
and remains, controversial (Hulme, 1988; Stein et al., speed tasks, the visual modality through a visual atten-
2000), and might apply to a restricted group of dyslexic tion task, and the visual–visual modality through a cod-
children with surface dyslexia (Valdois et al., 2003). ing visual-matching task. Each task was timed, and
The ‘‘cross-modal’’ hypothesis suggests that dyslexic scoring took into account both speed and accuracy.
children have difficulties associating verbal labels with To explore the influence of each modality on reading
visual stimuli (Mayringer & Wimmer, 2000; Windfuhr performance, comparative analyses between poor and
& Snowling, 2001). This paired associate learning defi- average readers were done, and hierarchical regression
cit could produce effects on learning to read that are analyses were conducted for the group of children as a
independent of those that follow from phonological whole.
awareness problems. Mayringer and Wimmer (2000)
suggest that visual–verbal paired associate learning
ability taps into the ability to establish word-specific 2. Method
orthographies for words. In turn, this learning difficulty
might prevent the development of automaticity in read- 2.1. Participants
ing. By contrast, data concerning visual–visual (e.g.,
non-verbal) paired associate learning show that dyslexic Two groups of French-speaking children were re-
children perform similarly to normal readers (Liber- cruited from the first-grade classrooms of eight schools.
man, Mann, Shankweiler, & Werfman, 1982; Nelson The criteria for selecting the sample were based on four
& Warrington, 1980; Rapala & Brady, 1990; Vellutino, reading and spelling tasks involving syllable, word, and
Steger, & Pruzek, 1973) and that they do not have sentence reading, and word and pseudoword spelling.
any problems with non-verbal learning (Vellutino, The mean age of the children was 82 months. The 69
Steger, Harding, & Phillips, 1975; Vellutino, Scanlon, children of the first group were average readers and
& Spearing, 1995). spellers; the second group of 55 children exhibited low
Other researchers link the temporal, visual–verbal, or very low performance on all tasks.
and cross-modal hypotheses. Breznitz (2002) claims that
the verbal and visual systems process information differ- 2.2. Instruments and procedure
ently. Discrimination and identification are achieved
faster through the visual than the auditory route. Suc- The children were tested in two sessions, at the end of
cessful word recognition may require the auditory and Grade 1, at school. The first assessment was done in a
visual aspects of printed words to be combined in the group setting, while the second session was individually
brain within a certain time frame. In that sense, reading administered.
disability is hypothesized to be based on speed of pro-
cessing deficits, which affect the connections between 2.2.1. Group session
the visual/orthographic and auditory/phonological The group session included four reading and spelling
routes (Breznitz, 2002). Wolf, Bowers, and Biddle tasks; two of them derived from a reading battery (Ini-
(2000), Wolf et al. (2002) propose the ‘‘double-deficit’’ zan, 2000) and two others were experimental. The tasks
hypothesis, which incorporates both phonology and were administered at school by the childrenÕs teachers.
naming-speed processes as sources of reading break-
down. The cognitive structure of naming speed is con- 1. Word discrimination. Children were asked to select 12
ceptualized as a temporally ordered ensemble of words uttered by the teacher, each word being
perceptual processes (visual detection, discrimination included in a set of four similar words (e.g., the child
and recognition), lexical processes (word retrieval) and had to select pocher from among the set cacher/
motor processes (articulation) (Wolf et al., 2000, 2002). cocher/pocher/rocher).
Our previous studies showed that in French, phono- 2. Syllable discrimination. Children were asked to select
logical awareness and naming speed account for a signif- nine syllables uttered by the teacher, from among a
icant proportion of independent variance in reading, at list of 20 items which included similar items (e.g.,
the end of Grade 1 (Plaza & Cohen, 2003) and from foul/flou or cra/car).
Grade 1 to Grade 2 (Plaza & Cohen, 2004). The present 3. Word spelling. Children were asked to spell 20 com-
study was conducted to explore the influence of audi- mon words dictated by the teacher.
tory–verbal, visual–verbal, visual, and visual–visual pro- 4. Pseudoword spelling. Children were asked to spell 12
cessing speed on reading acquisition. The assessment pseudowords dictated by the teacher.
M. Plaza, H. Cohen / Brain and Cognition 57 (2005) 189–194 191

2.2.2. Individual session discrimination [F (1, 123) = 64.3, p < .0001], syllable dis-
Eight tasks were administered, including assessment crimination [F (1, 123) = 118.12, p < .0001], word spell-
of reading, auditory–verbal, visual–verbal, visual–visu- ing [F (1, 123) = 323.35, p < .0001], and pseudoword
al, and visual modalities. All tasks were timed in order spelling [F (1, 123) = 323.2, p < .0001]. The most difficult
to assess both accuracy and processing speed. tasks were those involving spelling. With regard to read-
ing, syllable discrimination was more difficult than word Reading tasks. discrimination.

(a) Accuracy of single-word identification was assessed 3.1.2. Comparative performance of average and poor
using a ‘‘One-Minute Test’’ (Khomsi, 1999), which readers on individual reading tasks
requires the child to read as many words aloud as In comparison with average readers, poor readers
possible in one minute. exhibited significant difficulties with pseudoword read-
(b) Ability to use phonic skills to decode words was ing [F (1, 123) = 350.10, p < .0001] and word reading
assessed through an experimental pseudoword read- [F (1, 123) = 160.5, p < .0001].
ing test, used in previous studies, which requires the
child to read 12 pseudowords aloud. Reading time 3.1.3. Cognitive processing speed
was measured. Comparative performance of average and poor
readers in the auditory–verbal modality. In comparison Cognitive tasks
. with average readers, poor readers had significant
difficulties with the phoneme elision task. They per-
(a) Auditory–verbal processing: phonological awareness formed worse [F (1, 123) = 274.9, p < .0001] and
task. The child was asked to delete the initial phoneme more slowly [F (1, 123) = 31.1, p < .0001] than their
of orally presented pseudowords and to pronounce age-peers.
the resulting pseudowords (e.g., /pouk/without/p/be-
comes/ouk/). The list included six monosyllabic and Comparative performance of average and poor
six disyllabic pseudowords, with nine vowels and readers in the visual–verbal modality. In comparison with
three consonants in the initial position. The task average readers, poor readers exhibited impaired perfor-
was timed. mance on digit, letter, and color naming tasks. Although
(b) Visual–verbal processing: naming speed. The three their accuracy scores were significantly different from
tasks, involving digits, letters, and colors, derived those of average readers, they committed few qualitative
from the RAN Test (Denckla & Rudel, 1974). The errors. By contrast, their processing speed was slower
child was asked to quickly name a visual array of 48 for digit naming [F (1, 123) = 30.6], p = .0009], letter
stimuli, consisting of four items that are presented naming [F (1, 123) = 41.8, p < .0001], and color naming
12 times each in random order. The naming tasks [F (1, 123) = 25.2, p < .0001].
were timed.
(c) Visual–visual processing: matching coding task. The Comparative performance of average and poor
child was asked to visually match digits and visual readers in the visual–visual modality. In comparison with
graphic (non-alphabetic) stimuli, using a code. average readers, poor readers performed slower on the
The 32 stimuli consisted of five stimuli presented sev- visual-matching task [F (1, 123) = 12.5, p = .0006] and
eral times in random order. The coding task was timed. committed more qualitative errors [F (1, 123) = 9.3,
(d) Visual processing: visual attention task. The child p = .002].
was asked to search for a target (a letter-like sym-
bol) in a visual array of 100 stimuli which included Comparative performance of average and poor
20 targets and 80 distractors (which were visually readers in the visual modality. Average and poor readers
similar letter-like symbols). The task was timed. performed similarly on the visual attention task, with re-
gard to both accuracy [F (1, 123) = 1.9, NS] and process-
ing speed [F (1, 123) = 0.8, NS].

3. Results 3.2. Intercorrelations among reading accuracy and the

independent variables
3.1. Analyses of variance
Scores on the six reading and spelling tasks were
3.1.1. Comparative performance of average and poor averaged to yield a composite measure of written lan-
readers on group reading and spelling tasks guage skills. On the other hand, in order to take into ac-
In comparison with average readers, poor readers count both accuracy and processing speed for the
performed below 2 standard deviations on word independent variables, the scores which were used in
192 M. Plaza, H. Cohen / Brain and Cognition 57 (2005) 189–194

the following statistical analyses were calculated on the significantly predicts reading after the other variables
basis of an accuracy/time ratio. have been statistically controlled, each variable was,
The correlations among the variables are displayed in respectively, entered at Step 1, Step 2, Step 3, and Step
Table 1. 4. Letter naming speed was chosen to represent the vi-
Most of the correlations were sizable. Nevertheless, sual–verbal modality since it was the most significant
written language was highly correlated with phoneme variable.
elision (.80, p < .001), letter naming (.64, p < .001), digit Table 2 indicates that: (a) auditory–verbal and vi-
naming (.57, p < .001), and color naming (.49, p < .001). sual–verbal processing speed accounted for a significant
In order to determine whether the auditory–verbal, proportion of the variance in written language when
visual–verbal, visual–visual, or visual modalities could entered at any step, (b) visual attention processing
account for reading ability in Grade 1, several hierarchi- accounted for a significant proportion of the variance
cal multiple regression analyses were performed and are in written language only when entered at Step 1 or 2
shown in Table 2. To determine whether one variable before auditory–verbal and visual–verbal processing,

Table 1
Correlations among written language and processing speed measures
Written language Digit naming Letter naming Color naming Visual attention Phoneme elision Coding
Written language 1
Digit naming .57 1
Letter naming .64 .83 1
Color naming .49 .68 .17 1
Visual attention .32 .29 .33 .17 1
Phoneme elision .80 .54 .63 .49 .31 1
Coding .35 .42 .40 .46 .25 .28 1
Note. Correlations greater than .19 are significant at the .05 level, correlations greater than .25 are significant at the .01 level, and correlations greater
than .32 are significant at the .001 level.

Table 2
Hierarchical multiple regression analysis for experimental variables predicting written language
Step Variable entered R R2 change p Value
1 Auditory–verbal .79 .63 <.0001
2 Visual–verbal .81 .3 .001
3 Visual–visual .81 0 NS
4 Visual .82 .2 NS
2 Visual–visual .8 .1 .04
3 Visual .81 .2 NS
4 Visual–verbal .82 .4 .008
2 Visual .8 .1 .01
3 Visual–visual .81 .2 .01
4 Visual–verbal .82 .4 .008
1 Letter naming .66 .43 <.0001
2 Phoneme elision .81 .23 <.0001
3 Visual attention .82 .1 NS
4 Visual–visual .82 .1 NS
2 Visual–visual .66 .1 NS
3 Visual attention .67 .1 NS
4 Visual–verbal .82 .23 <.0001
2 Visual .67 .2 NS
3 Visual–verbal .67 .1 NS
4 Verbal–visual .82 .23 <.0001
1 Visual–visual .36 .13 <.0001
2 Visual .45 .7 <.0001
3 Auditory–verbal .81 .44 <.0001
4 Visual–verbal .82 .4 .008
1 Visual .31 .09 .0004
2 Visual–visual .45 .2 <.0001
3 Auditory–visual .81 .37 <.0001
4 Visual–verbal .82 .4 .008
M. Plaza, H. Cohen / Brain and Cognition 57 (2005) 189–194 193

(c) visual–visual processing accounted for a significant authors now claim that the processes underlying naming
proportion of the variance when entered at Step 1 or speed and phonological awareness are dramatically dif-
at Step 2 after visual or auditory–verbal processing, ferent. In naming-speed tasks, the child first becomes
but not when entered after visual–verbal processing. familiar with the visual and phonological features of
The results show that auditory–verbal and visual–verbal four items, which occur 12 times. Thus, the subject is
processing accounted for significant unique variance, not required to retrieve phonological codes for words
which was not the case for the visual and visual–visual from long-term memory, but only to refresh them in
modalities. working memory. Secondly, naming-speed tasks are
cross-modal; they require simultaneous visual and
verbal processing. Finally, naming-speed tasks require
4. Discussion rapid transitions from one item to another, with con-
stant processing of inhibition and activation. Naming
The aim of this paper was to determine whether writ- speed and reading share the second and third features
ten language at the end of Grade 1 was best predicted by listed.
auditory–verbal, visual–verbal, visual–visual, or visual The visual–visual task and the naming-speed tasks
processing speed. The auditory–verbal modality was share the same emphasis on working memory and visual
assessed through a phoneme elision timed task, which processing. This probably explains why the visual–visual
requires the ability to orally perceive, isolate and manip- modality (coding matching task) significantly correlated
ulate phonemic units, and to produce verbal units. The with reading when entered in the regression equation at
visual–verbal modality was assessed through three nam- Step 2, after the auditory–verbal modality, and was no
ing-speed tasks, involving digits, letters, and colors. The longer significant when entered after visual–verbal nam-
visual–visual ability was assessed through a coding ing-speed tasks.
timed task, which requires visual matching. The visual The pure visual modality did not differentiate be-
modality was assessed through a visual attentional task, tween average and poor readers. Although fine-grain vi-
which requires visual scanning and fine-grain visual sual analysis is required in the process of reading, this
analysis. variable did not appear in our sample as a significant
The subjects in the study were 124 children; 69 of variable for explaining individual differences between
them exhibited average reading and spelling perfor- average and poor readers. The absence of any influence
mance and 55 poor or very poor performance. by visual modalities is in accordance with data concern-
The correlation matrix supported the hypothesis that ing visual processing and visual–visual paired associate
written language implicates auditory–verbal, visual–ver- learning, which showed that poor readers perform simi-
bal, visual–visual, and visual processing speed. Never- larly to normal readers (Rapala & Brady, 1990; Vellu-
theless, comparative data between the two groups of tino et al., 1995).
children showed that, although poor readers performed These findings, which confirm the independence of
significantly worse and more slowly than average read- naming speed from phonological processing, also
ers in the auditory–verbal, visual–verbal, and visual–vi- emphasize the influence of visual–verbal and auditory–
sual modalities, the two groups performed similarly in verbal processing speed on reading. Cross-modal vi-
the visual modality. The multiple regression analysis re- sual–verbal processing speed seems to be of particular
stricted the area of hypothesis, demonstrating that writ- relevance for learning to read—as much as, or even
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