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JOURNAL OF MORPHOLOGY 189313-325(1986)

Soft-Tissue Bone Interface: How Do Attachments of Muscles,

Tendons, and Ligaments Change During Growth?
A Light Microscopic Study
DeDartment of Orthodontics. School of Dental Medicine, Washington
Urhersity, S i Louis, Missouri 63110'

ABSTRACT This study addressed the problem of how soft structures main-
tain approximately the same relative positional relationships during long bone
growth. Attachments of the popliteus muscle, semitendinosus tendon, medial
collateral knee ligament, and extensor retinaculum were examined histologi-
cally in rabbits, aged 2-60 days, to determine the manner in which soft
structures attached to long bones during growth. Soft structures inserted
principally into fibrous periosteum or perichondrium in the age range studied.
However, an extensive collagen fiber framework within the cellular perios-
teum and perichondrium, present by at least 2 days of age, linked the fibrous
periosteum or perichondrium to subjacent bone or cartilage. Maturation of soft
tissue-bone interfaces was viewed from two related perspectives. The first
stressed temporal patterning of cartilage and bone differentiation. The second
emphasized incorporation of attachments of soft structures into bone and
cartilage matrices during growth and remodeling. Differentiation and remod-
eling of bone and cartilage varied not only with age, but also between regions
of attachment of single muscles and ligaments. Insertion regions were charac-
terized by the presence of coarse-fibered periosteal bone and chondroid bone,
both morphologically intermediate between fibrocartilage and lamellar bone.
These results provide evidence that periosteal attachments, characterizing the
soft-tissue bone interface, are a necessary structural prerequisite for compen-
satory movement and invariance of the relative positions of muscles, tendons,
and ligaments during long bone growth.

During normal long bone growth in length, tional relationships of experimental hind-
muscles, tendons, and ligaments apparently limb muscles were compared to contralateral
maintain the same relative positions, both control muscles, the two sides were not sig-
with respect to each other and with respect nificantly different. Thus, it was concluded
to the ends of long bones (Grant et al., '78, that changing either the magnitude or direc-
'80). Compensatory movement of soft struc- tion of muscle force did not affect the final
tures occurs during growth; thus muscles at- positions of the attached structures; migra-
tached to the metaphysis of a long bone are tion was not dependent on the biological
not "left behind" near or at the middle of the function of the attached structures.
diaphysis following increases in bone length. When growth in length of the tibia and
Grant and co-workers conducted experi- fibula was disturbed in rabbits by proximal
ments designed to identify factors contribut- or distal epiphysiodesis (Grant et al., %l),
ing to the regulation of muscle translocation significant differences between control and
during long bone growth. Muscle function experimental hindlimb muscle positions did
was modified by: 1) repositioning tendons not occur. Compensatory growth of the intact
proximal and distal to their normal attach-
ments (Grant and Hawes, '77; Grant, '78)
Address reprint requests to Jack R. Hurov, PhD, Department
and 2) paralysis induced by nerve or muscle of Orthodontics, Washington University School of Dental Medi-
section (Grant et al., '81). When the posi- cine, 4559 Scott Avenue, St. Louis, MO 63110.
314 J.R. HUROV

epiphysis was sufficient to maintain the po- fied in 5% formic acid for up to 4 days. Tissue
sitional relationships of soft structures at- blocks were dehydrated in graded ethanol,
tached to the leg. Of importance, however, cleared, oriented, and embedded in paraffin.
was the fact that growth a t the proximal or Serial sections were cut transversely (popli-
distal end of the tibia was reduced (70% and teus and semitendinosus muscles and exten-
50%, respectively), rather than totally abol- sor retinaculum) and longitudinally (poplite-
ished following epiphysiodesis. us muscle and medial collateral knee liga-
Grant and co-workersreintroduced a model ment) at 7 pm and stained with Verhoeff’s
which could account for their observations of elastic tissue stain, Alcian-blue and periodic
muscle “migration”-the elastic sleeve model acid-Schiff for acid mucopolysaccharides (Lev
of the periosteum (Grant et al., ’80). This and Spicer, ’64), hematoxylin and eosin
model invoked interstitial periosteal growth (H&E), and with aldehyde fuchsin counter-
and diaphyseal elongation to explain both stained both with Weigert’s iron hematoxy-
compensatory movement and invariance of lin and Van Gieson’s picro-fuchsin.
the relative positions of soft structures at- Addison (‘73)recommended aldehyde fuch-
tached to long bones during ontogeny. sin counterstained with Van Gieson’s picro-
Periosteal expansion, together with dia- fuchsin to demonstrate cartilage and bone
physeal growth in length, had been recog- vividly and simultaneously. The characteris-
nized for more than a century to be the most tic purple of aldehyde fuchsin was evident in
reasonable mechanism to account for the mi- cartilage matrix and elastic fibers, while
gration of attached soft structures (Hum- bone matrix was stained red by picro-fuchsin.
phry, 1861;Warwick and Wiles, ’34;Lacroix, In this study, Weigert’s iron hematoxylin was
’51; Dorfl, ’80a,b). However, Grant and co- incorporated into Addison’s (‘73)protocol as
workers (‘80) initially formalized the elastic an additional stain, resulting in enhanced
sleeve model based on experimental studies. cellular detail.
Moreover, they proposed three testable hy- Stained sections were photographed
potheses consistent with the model: 1) soft through a Zeiss standard light microscope.
structures are attached to perwsteum rather Measurements of tissue thicknesses were
than to subjacent bone during growth; 2) the made directly from slides with the aid of an
periosteum is attached solely to the epi- ocular micrometer. Because apparent tissue
physes of long bones and must be capable of thicknesses depend on the plane of section,
sliding along the diaphysis; and 3) periosteal reported measurements are directly compa-
expansion is equal at all levels. rable within individual sections only.
A detailed description of the normal mor- RESULTS
phology of the soft tissue-bone interface is Gross anatomy
necessary to understand how soft structures
maintain their positional relationships dur- The popliteus muscle possessed a broad
ing growth. The purpose of the present study quadrilateral attachment on the posterior
is to determine the manner in which soft surface of the proximal tibial diaphysis. Mus-
structures-periosteum, epimysium, tendons, cle fibers converged onto a round tendon that
and ligaments-attach to long bones in grow- inserted into a shallow depression inferior to
ing rabbits. the lateral epicondyle of the femur.
The semitendinosus muscle arose in part
MATERIALS AND METHODS from the ischial tuberosity and in part from
New Zealand white rabbits (Oryctolagus the fascia of the biceps femoris muscle. In the
cuniculus), aged 2, 21,49,and 60 days (two thigh, muscle fibers converged onto a flat
at each age), were used for histologic exami- tendon that inserted into the anteromedial
nation. Left and right knees and distal tib- surface of the proximal tibial diaphysis.
iae, together with the popliteus (diffuse, The medial collateral ligament of the knee
diaphyseal attachment) and semitendinosus attached to the medial epicondyle of the fe-
muscles (restricted, diaphyseal attachment), mur. Fibers coursed inferiorly and somewhat
collateral knee ligaments (restricted diaphy- anteriorly, inserting on both the medial tib-
seal-epiphyseal attachments), and extensor ial condyle and posteromedial surface of the
retinacula (restricted diaphyseal attach- tibial diaphysis.
ments), were freed by dissection from anes- The extensor retinaculum (= anterior an-
thetized rabbits. nular or crural ligament) attached to the an-
Tissue blocks were fixed by immersion in teromedial surface of the distal tibial
10% neutral buffered formalin and decalci- diaphysis. Fibers coursed inferolaterally, in-

Fig. 1. Popliteus muscle insertion (aldehyde fuchsin). bone surface. Arrowhead indicates adjacent resorptive
A) Forty-nineday-oldrabbit, longitudinal section. Arrow surface lacking periosteal fiber connections. EF, elastic
indicates transperiosteal collagen fibers contacting la- fibers; EP, epimysium; LB, lamellar bone; M p , muscle
mellar bone. B)Sixty-day-oldrabbit, transverse section. fibers of popliteus muscle; P, periosteum.
Arrows indicate periosteal fibers embedded in resorptive

serting on the anterior surface of the distal periosteal collagen fibers, ranging in thick-
fibular diaphysis. ness from 1-5 pm, could be traced to their
terminations on the periosteal surface of la-
Histology mellar bone (Fig. 1A). Aldehyde fuchsin
General observations clearly demonstrated periosteal elastic fibers
A clear morphologic distinction between fi- arranged in layers (Fig. 1B).
brous and cellular periosteum (or perichon- In rabbits aged 60 days, compact lamellar
drium) was often lacking histologically and bone predominated in all cross-sections ex-
division was arbitrary. This was particularly amined (Fig. 1B). The periosteal surface of
evident in rabbits younger than 60 days of the tibia1 diaphysis was characterized by
age; both the fibrous periosteum and peri- shallow concavities and pale staining bone
chondrium were packed with cells. Similarly, matrix suggestive of bone resorption. None-
the subjacent cellular layers of perichon- theless, transperiosteal collagen fibers re-
drium and periosteum possessed a frame- mained intact and extended up to 25 pm
work of collagen and elastic fibers. within surface irregularities before inserting
into pale-staining bone matrix. Adjacent re-
M. popliteus sorptive diaphyseal surfaces lacked such fi-
At all ages examined, the characteristic brous connections.
cross-banding of multinucleated skeletal
muscle cells was visible. Epimysium of the Medial collateral ligament
popliteus muscle inserted into periosteum, In 2-day-old rabbits, the femoral portion of
ranging in thickness from 8 4 5 pm. Trans- the medial collateral ligament inserted into
316 J.R. HUROV

Fig. 2A-C. Medial collateral ligament insertion, longitudinal sections (aldehyde fuchsin).A)
Femoral attachment, 2-day-old rabbit. B) Tibia1 attachment, 2-day-old rabbit. C ) Femoral
attachment, 21day-old rabbit. FC, fibrocartilage;HC, hyaline cartilage; L, medial collateral
ligament; P, periosteum; P*, perichondrium.
Fig. 2D-H. Medial collateral ligament insertion, lon- gen fiber bundles inserting into coarse-fiberedperiosteal
gitudinal sections, 49-day-old rabbit. D) Femoral attach- bone. L, medial collateral ligament; LB, lamellar bone;
ment (Alcian-blue PAS). Arrowheads indicate matrix P, periosteum; PB, coarse-fiberedperiosteal bone. G, H)
spicules of hyaline cartilage. E) Femoral attachment (al- Medial collateral ligament insertion, longitudinal sec-
dehyde fuchsin). CB, chondroid bone; FCi, inner zone of tions, 60day-old rabbit. G ) Femoral attachment (alde-
fibrocartilage; FCo, outer zone of fibrocartilage; L, me- hyde fuchsin). H) Tibial attachment (H&E). CB,
dial collateral ligament; LB, lamellar bone; P, perichon- chondroid bone; L, medial collateral ligament; LB, la-
drium; VC, vascular canal. F) Tibial attachment mellar bone; P, periosteum.
(aIdehyde fuchsin). Arrowheads indicate oblique colla-
318 J.R. HUROV

perichondrium (Fig. 2A). Condylar cartilage bundles, ranging in thickness from 0.25-15
accumulated an extracellular matrix rich in pm, organized in both parallel arrays and in
acid mucopolysaccharides as evidenced by in- a woven manner; and 5) abundant vascular
tense aldehyde fuchsin staining. Peripheral channels.
chondrocyte aggregates, toward the liga- The tibial portion of the medial collateral
ment-perichondrium interface, were sepa- ligament maintained its periosteal attach-
rated by less intensely stained matrix sug- ment as observed in 21-day-old rabbits (Fig.
gesting a relative decrease in acid mucopo- 2F). Unlike the condition observed in younger
lysaccharide concentration. rabbits, however, coarse-fibered periosteal
The tibial portion of the medial collateral bone had differentiated subjacent to the at-
ligament inserted into periosteum; at the lig- tachment of the ligament. Parallel collagen
ament-periosteum interface, the periosteum fiber bundles, extending obliquely through
was approximately 75 pm thick (Fig. 2B). cellular periosteum, were continuous with
In 21-day-old rabbits, the femoral portion periosteal bone. Presumably, these fibers
of the medial collateral ligament penetrated united the ligament, by way of the fibrous
epiphyseal perichondrium and inserted into periosteum, to subjacent bone.
a layer of fibrocartilage, ranging in thickness Coarse-fibered periosteal bone, like chon-
from 150-175 pm (Fig. 2C). Fibrocartilage, droid bone, was intermediate morphologi-
continuous with subjacent hyaline cartilage, cally between fibrocartilage and lamellar
was characterized by coarse-textured (3-13 bone. Coarse-fibered periosteal bone was
pm thick) parallel fiber bundles, arranged in characterized by an irregular lattice of colla-
a penniform or basket-weave manner. Encap- gen fiber bundles. The long axes of cells were
sulated chondrocytes were organized in par- aligned parallel to major fiber axes within
allel rows between adjacent collagen fiber limited territories. In contrast to fibrocarti-
bundles. Both the non-collagen matrix and lage, vascular channels were commonly ob-
pericellular capsules accumulated aldehyde served. Moreover, neither the matrix nor cell
fuchsin indicative of acid mucopolysac- boundaries accumulated stains specific for
charides. acid mucopolysaccharides. Relative to lamel-
The mode of attachment of the medial col- lar bone, the matrix of coarse-fibered perios-
lateral ligament to the tibia did not differ teal bone was stained heterogeneously by
significantly from the condition observed in Van Gieson’s picro-fuchsin, presumably re-
2-day-old rabbits-the ligament inserted into flecting variable collagen fiber densities and
fibrous periosteum approximately 80 pm degree of mineralization of the extracellular
thick. matrix.
In 49-day-old rabbits, the femoral portion In 60-day-old rabbits, the medial collateral
of the medial collateral ligament blended ligament inserted into femoral and tibial
with fibrous perichondrium and penetrated periosteum. Fibro- and hyaline cartilage ob-
fibrocartilage ranging in thickness from 200- served at the femoral attachment of the lig-
300 pm (Fig. 2D,E). The outermost fibrocar- ament in rabbits less than 60 days of age,
tilage zone, continuous with the inserting had been replaced by chondroid and lamellar
ligament, was structurally indistinguishable bone (Fig. 2G). Moreover, coarse-fibered per-
from that observed in 21-day-old rabbits. iosteal bone, characteristic of the tibial at-
However, an inner zone was also observed in tachment in rabbits less than 60 days of age,
which chondrocyte capsules stained in- had been remodeled into compact lamellar
tensely for acid mucopolysaccharides, rela- bone (Fig. 2H).
tive to cells in the outer zone.
Chondroid bone was observed subjacent to M. semitendinosus
the inner fibrocartilage zone (Fig. 2D,E). In 2-day-old rabbits, parallel fibers of the
Chondroid bone was intermediate morpho- semitendinosus tendon inserted into tibial
logically between fibrocartilage and lamellar periosteum. Fibrous periosteum ranged from
bone and was characterized by: 1) a patchy 5-15 pm in thickness, while the cellular peri-
distribution of matrix stained for acid muco- osteum ranged from 8-20 pm in thickness.
polysaccharides; 2) cells similar to chondro- In rabbits older than 2 days of age, the
cytes in both size and shape, but irregular in semitendinosus tendon inserted into a local
arrangement, relative to the parallel arrays thickening of periosteum on the anterome-
characteristic of fibrocartilage; 3) epiphyseal dial surface of the proximal tibia (Fig. 3A).
cartilage matrix spicules; 4) collagen fiber The tendon-periosteum interface averaged

Fig. 3. Semitendinosus tendon insertion, transverse sections, (aldehyde fuchsin). A) Twenty-

one-day-old rabbit. Asterisk indicates endochondral bone; arrows indicate intramembranous
bone. B) Sixty-day-oldrabbit. Arrowheads indicate strip of chondroid bone interposed between
cartilage and lamellar bone. CB, chondroid bone; FC, fibrocartilage; FP, fibrous periosteum;
HC, hyaline cartilage; LB, lamellar bone; T, semitendinosus tendon.

0.75 mm in thickness and was characterized At 2 days of age, the tibial cortex was com-
by parallel and oblique arrangements of col-
posed of primary spongiosa, which extended
around the cartilaginous fibula as a peri-
lagen fibers. Toward the tibial cortex, colla-
gen fibers were arranged longitudinally. chondrial collar of intramembranous bone
Medullary cavities of the tibiae in both 21-
(Fig. 4A,B). By 21 days of age, however, cir-
and 49day-old rabbits were composed of tra-cumferential primary spongiosa had been re-
beculae formed by endochondral ossification;
sorbed subperiosteally opposite the tibial
osteoid had been deposited on cartilage ma-attachment of the retinaculum, thereby ex-
trix spicules and hypertrophied chondrocytes
posing trabeculae of endochondral bone (Fig.
(Fig. 3A). However, tibial cortices were com-
posed of primary spongiosa characteristic of In contrast to 21-day-oldrabbits, 49-day-old
intramembranous ossification. rabbits revealed coarse-fibered periosteal
In 60-day-old rabbits, both cartilage andbone opposite the tibial attachment of the
chondroid bone had differentiated subperios-
retinaculum (Fig. 4E). Transperiosteal colla-
teally, forming integral parts of the insertion
gen fiber bundles, presumably continuous
of the semitendinosus tendon (Fig. 3B). with the retinaculum, could be traced to their
insertions into coarse-fibered periosteal bone
Extensor retinaculum (Fig. 4G).
In rabbits aged 2, 21, and 49 days, the By 60 days of age, coarse-fibered periosteal
extensor retinaculum inserted into fibrous bone and primary spongiosa had been re-
periosteum, from 70-100 pm thick, on both placed by compact lamellar bone. At the tib-
the tibia and fibula (Fig. 4A-F). ial attachment of the extensor retinaculum,
320 J.R. HUROV

Fig. 4A-D. Extensor retinaculum, transverse sections. attachment of retinaculum in 4C. Arrowheads in 4D
A,B) Tibial (A) and fibular 03) attachment in 2-day-old indicate cortical primary spongiosa. HC, hyaline carti-
rabbit (aldehyde fuchsin). C,D) Tibial (C) and fibular @) lage; FP, fibrous periosteum; P, periosteum;PS, primary
attachment in 21-day-old rabbit (Alcian-bluePAS). Note spongiosa; R, extensor retinaculum.
absence of cortical primary spongiosa subjacent to tibial

Fig. 4E-G. Extensor retinaculum, transverse sec- cate demarcation between coarse-fiberedperiosteal bone
tions, 49day-old rabbit (aldehyde fuchsin). Tibia1 attach- and lamellar bone. F) Fibular attachment. CP, cellular
ment; rectangular area in 4E enlarged in 4G. Small periosteum; FP, fibrous periosteum; LB, lamellar bone;
. _ in G-.
arrows indicate collagen
~ . . .fiber bundles continuous
. .. PB, coarse-fibered periosteal bone; R, extensor reti-
322 J.R. HUROV

Fig. 4H, I. Extensor retinaculum, transverse sections, 60-day-old rabbit. H) Tibia1 attach-
ment (aldehyde fuchsin). Arrowheads indicate fiber tracts within lamellar bone. I) Fibular
attachment (Verhoeffs). Periosteum is absent; retinaculum inserts directly into cortical lamel-
lae (stained black by Verhoeff s). EF, elastic fibers; LB, lamellar bone; HS, Haversian system;
R, extensor retinaculum.

TABLE 1. Attachments of soft structures in rabbits aged 2-60 davs

Structure Mode of attachment bv age (davs)

(attachment site) 2 21 49 60
M. popliteus Periosteum Periosteum Periosteum Periosteum
(diffuse, diaphyseal)

M. semitendinosus Periosteum Periosteum Periosteum Periosteum,

(restricted, diaphyseal) fibrocartilage,
hyaline cartilage,
chondroid bone
Medial collateral ligament
Femur Perichondrium Perichondrium, Perichondrium, Periosteum,
(restricted, epiphyseal) fibrocartilage fibrocartilage, chondroid bone,
chondroid bone lamellar bone

Tibia Periosteum Periosteum Periosteum, Periosteum,

(restricted, diaphyseal) coarse-fibered lamellar bone
periosteal bone
Extensor retinaculum
Tibia Periosteum Periosteum Periosteum, Periosteum,
(restricted, diaphyseal) coarse-fibered lamellar bone
periosteal bone

Fibula Periosteum Periosteum Periosteum Lamellar bone

(restricted, diaphyseal)

collagen fiber bundles penetrated periosteum have been referred to as the “second relay of
and entered circumferential lamellar bone; collagenous fibers” by Moss and Moss-Salen-
fiber tracts extended 120-380 pm into bone tijn (‘78, p. 47). Oblique fiber bundles linking
(Fig. 4H). Randomly oriented periosteal elas- fibrous periosteum to subjacent bone were
tic fibers were abundant at the soft tissue- similarly observed in human femora and hu-
bone interface. The fibular portion of the ex- meri by Biermann (‘57), rat humeri by Hark-
tensor retinaculum inserted directly into cir- ness and Trotter (‘78), and in rabbit tibiae by
cumferential lamellar bone, and periosteum Dorfl (‘80a). Collagen fibers of epimysium,
was absent at this site only (Fig. 4I). tendons, and ligaments thus comprise a sys-
The manner in which soft structures in- tem both structurally and functionally inte-
serted and the types of bone and cartilage grated with collagen fibers of periosteum and
encountered at soft tissue-bone interfaces, subjacent bone and cartilage matrices.
as a function of growth, are summarized in Grant et al. (‘81) argued that epiphyseal
Table 1. elongation stretches the periosteum, thus
passively carrying attached soft structures
DISCUSSION during growth. Their suggestion gains sup-
Results of the present study confirmed that port from experimental work; when tibial
soft structures attached principally to fibrous elongation was completely arrested in grow-
periosteum or perichondrium from 2-60 days ing rabbits by epiphyseal stapling (Dorfl,
of age. The presence of an extensive soft tis- ’80b), periosteal expansion and migration of
sue-perwsteal interface in growing rabbits is tendons and ligaments were halted. Soft
consistent with the hypothesis proposed by structures anchored to fibrous periosteum,
Grant et al. (‘80) concerning the mode of at- therefore, “hitchhiked” during longitudinal
tachment of soft structures, and accords with bone growth and periosteal expansion, thus
observations made by Lacroix (‘511, Bier- maintaining constant positional relation-
mann (‘57), and Dorfl(‘80a). ships. This mode of soft tissue translocation
Grant and co-workers (‘80) hypothesized is significant because the rabbit tibia attains
that the periosteum was attached solely t o about 60% of its adult length .between 2-60
1the epiphyses of long bones; the present his- days of age (Heikel, ’60). The presence of an
tologic results do not support this hypothesis. extensive collagen framework linking fi-
A collagen framework within cellular peri- brous periosteum or perichondrium to subja-
osteum, established at least by 2 days of age, cent bone and cartilage matrices precludes
linked fibrous periosteum and perichon- periosteallperichondrial sliding directly along
drium to subjacent bone or cartilage matri- the tibial diaphysis, however. Further re-
ces. Fibers within the cellular periosteum search is needed to determine both perios-
324 J.R. HUROV

teallperichondrial growth sites and elon- versial (Videman, ’70; Beresford, ’81, p. 96),
gation planes. but is a subject inviting further research.
Periosteal elongation, in response to ten- Results of this histologic study showed that
sile loads engendered during epiphyseal car- fibrocartilage and coarse-fibered periosteal
tilage proliferation, presumably stimulates bone were similar morphologically. Collagen
local periosteal growth. Yeh and W a n (‘84) fibers were arranged in a parallel or penni-
showed that mechanical stretching of colla- form manner. The major axes of cells and
gen ribbons in vitro, on which fetal rat cal- collagen fibers were oriented in parallel.
varial cells were grown, promoted significant Moreover, fibrocartilage contains types I and
increases in prostaglandin synthesis; Raisz 11 collagen (Boyde and Jones, ’83). Coarse-
and Martin (‘83) proposed that prostaglandin fibered periosteal bone, characteristic of the
synthesis regulated bone metabolism. It is tibial attachments of the medical collateral
tempting to speculate that periosteal tension ligament and extensor retinaculum (Table l),
stimulates growth by a similar mechanism. differentiated within diaphyseal periosteum,
Moreover, periosteal elastic fibers may play rather than from fibrocartilage. Petersen (‘30)
a role in force transmission, in vivo. and Biermann (‘57) termed periosteally de-
The present histologic study showed that rived coarse-fibered bone “Einstrahlungs-
differentiation and remodeling of cartilage knochen.”
and bone at soft tissue-bone interfaces varied The simultaneous presence of cartilage,
not only with age, but also between attach- chondroid bone, and lamellar bone and, sim-
ment regions of single muscles and liga- ilarly, coarse-fibered periosteal bone, to-
ments according to: 1)attachment type, i.e., gether with lamellar bone at tendon and
diffuse (fleshy) or restricted (tendon or liga- ligament insertions, is not surprising (Table
ment); and 2) attachment site, i.e., epiphysis 1).These tissues had been repeatedly co-dem-
or diaphysis (Table 1).These data support onstrated in a variety of mammalian species
Hoyte and Enlow’s (‘66) suggestion that bone by Weidenreich (‘23a,b, ’301, Dolgo-Saburoff
differentiation and remodeling must be lo- (‘29), Petersen (‘30), Cooper and Misol (‘70),
cally regulated. Since the periosteum repre- and Becker (‘71). Temporal patterns of cell
sents a major source of osteoprogenitor cells differentiation and modulation of extracellu-
(Tonna and Cronkite, ’63), it follows that the lar matrix products depend, in part, on epi-
periosteum must also be locally regulated. genetic factors, such as prevalent mechanical
Temporal patterning of: 1)appearance, and conditions(Weidenreich, ’23b, p. 596) and cell
2) remodeling of cartilage and bone (Table 1) position (Knese and Biermann, ’58,pp. 179-
suggests that maturation of soft tissue-bone 182). Growth and remodeling will also dic-
interfaces may be viewed from two related tate spatial organization and volumes of co-
perspectives. The first stresses cartilage and existent cartilage and bone matrices. A strict
bone differentiation. The second emphasizes deterministic sequence of cartilage and bone
incorporation of soft structure attachments appearance, as a function of maturation of
into bone and cartilage matrices resulting soft tissue attachments, is therefore pre-
from growth and remodeling. cluded.
The presence of chondroid bone, interposed To better understand the roles of long bone
between fibrocartilage and lamellar bone at growth and periosteal expansion for main-
the femoral attachment of the medial collat- taining the relative positions of attached soft
eral ligament, suggested fibrocartilage was structures, the following questions should be
being converted directly to bone (Fig. 2D,E). addressed. Is the timing of cartilage and bone
Presumably, chondroyctes were responsible differentiation at soft tissue-bone interfaces
for: 1) altering the relative proportions of matched with long bone and periosteal
extracellular matrix components, and 2) me- growth rates? Do cartilage and bone differ-
diating ossification. Using immunofluo- entiation and remodeling coincide with de-
rescence techniques with collagen specific creased epiphyseal and periosteal growth
antibodies, von der Mark and von der Mark rates? Would premature arrest of epiphyseal
(‘77) showed that hypertrophic chondrocytes growth result in the accelerated appearance
in chick tibial epiphyses stained for type I of cartilage and bone at soft tissue-bone
collagen. This finding suggested that endo- interfaces?
chondral osteoid was initially synthesized,
and presumably secreted, by chondrocytes. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
Whether or not fibrocartilage cells possess I thank Pere Alberch, James Yaeger, and
osteogenic potential, in vivo, remains contro- two anonymous readers for careful reviews
and suggestions for improving this paper. tain bones of the rabbit; with comparison of the skele-
April Rahing’s expert technical assistance in tal age in the rabbit and man. Acta Orthop. Scand.
preparing the photomicrographs is gratefully Hoyte, D.A.N., and D.H. Enlow (1966) Wolffs Law and
acknowledged. The histology portion of this the problem of muscle attachment on resorptive sur-
study was done while the author was a re- faces of bone. Am. J. Phys. Anthropol. 24:205-214.
search assistant with Philip Grant at The Humphry, G.M. (1861) Observations of the growth of the
long bones and of stumps. Med-Chir. Trans. 44:117-
University of Texas In Austin. Research was 134.
supported by grants PHS AM19632 to Philip Knese, K-H., and H. Biermann (1958) Die Knochenbil-
Grant and NIDR 5T32 DE07047 to the De- dung an Sehnen- und Bandansatzen im Bereich ur-
partment of Orthodontics, University of Con- spriinglich chondraler Apophysen. Z. Zellforsch.
necticut Health Center, Farmington. Lacroix, P. (1951) The Organization of Bones. London:
Churchill, pp. 58-77.
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