CHCECE045 Portfolio

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CHCECE045 Foster positive and respectful interactions and behaviour in children


Foster positive and

respectful interactions and
behaviour in children
Portfolio – student version

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Overview 3
Completing your Portfolio 5

Section 1: Reflective Journal 6

Section 2: Supervisor Report 54

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This document is to be used as a Portfolio to collect evidence for the unit CHCECE045 Foster
positive and respectful interactions and behaviour in children

Student details section

Fill in the table below:

Student name: ___________________________________________________________________

Name of RTO: ___________________________________________________________________

Trainer/assessor name: ____________________________________________________________

If this Portfolio is found, please contact me using the details below:

Work placement information

Work placement provides you with an opportunity to learn and be assessed in a hands-on real-life
industry environment. Learning in the classroom is important, and you will engage in lots of classroom
discussion, practice and be involved in demonstrations and simulations before you are ready for your
work placement – but gaining practical experience during your work placement hours provides you
with the opportunity to put your new-found knowledge into practice and provides you with an
appropriate environment to be assessed in. It also provides you with opportunities to observe
qualified and experienced educators and allows you to learn while under the close supervision and
guidance of a qualified and approved early childhood educator.

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You are always expected to comply with all your work placement’s policies and procedures for their
staff members and follow your supervisor’s instructions. You will receive the required information
about working hours, dress requirements and specific guidelines from your work placement before
you begin and will sign a work placement agreement prior to starting. If you’re unsure of anything,
then speak to your trainer/assessor and ask questions when the placement arrangements are being
made. You may undertake more than one placement at a different centre – this will all be arranged
with your trainer/assessor and made clear to you during this time.
Your work placement supervisor will arrange an induction for you where the expectations will be
outlined and the limitations of what you are able to do while you are at your work placement will be

Refer to the information in your Early Childhood Education and Care Student User
Guide before undertaking your work placement. In particular, you must follow the
guidance of your workplace.
All interactions with babies and toddlers must be supervised by an approved early
childhood educator.

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Completing your Portfolio

In this section, the details of the evidence you need to collect are outlined along with instructions about what you need to do.

Make sure you have read through your Student Assessment Tasks document – Task 2 so you know what you are required to do for this assessment.

Note to work placement supervisor: Please read the student’s account of events and make a comment in each section to confirm the truthfulness and
accuracy as a form of evidence collection for the assessor. Please make sure the student is suitably supervised during their work placement by a qualified and
approved early childhood educator at all times.

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Section 1: Reflective Journal

This section of your Portfolio requires you to gather, document and analyse information about children and how they interact and behave towards one another and
their educator to support them.
As you complete your portfolio, make sure that you write clearly and fluently.

Complete this section to provide an overview of the service and its approach to supporting children and educational practices.

Question What happened? Provide detailed information.

Check the boxes to confirm you have ☐ Educational program information

read the following:
☐ Curriculum
• program and curriculum information
☐ Policy and procedures related to documenting challenging behaviour
• policies and procedures.
☐ Policy and procedures related to liaison with professionals and the authorities
You must follow the service procedures
as you complete the Portfolio. ☐ Policy and procedures related to documenting support plans for children
Attach the documents as proof to your
portfolio (if you have permission to do so).

Describe the learning framework used at Which learning framework is used?

the service.
You will use this information when you
analyse the information you gather.

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Question What happened? Provide detailed information.

What are the outcomes of the framework?

Provide an overview of the curriculum

being used in the group you will observe
and support for this assessment.

Summarise the service’s policy and How will you document challenging behaviour? (Include template requirements).
procedural requirements.

What are the requirements of the service as you communicate with other professionals about a child?

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Question What happened? Provide detailed information.

What are the requirements as you communicate with the authorities about a child?

How will you document support plans you develop for a child? (Include template requirements).

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Complete this section to provide evidence of how you collaborated with children and colleagues to develop guidelines that support positive
interactions and behaviour in children.

Question What happened? Provide detailed information.

Provide an example of how you Who did you collaborate with?

collaborated with colleagues about
expectations for positive and respectful
interactions and behaviour.

How did you collaborate?

What are their expectations for positive and respectful interactions and behaviour?

Provide an example of a closed question you asked during the discussion.

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Question What happened? Provide detailed information.

Provide an example of an open question you asked during the discussion.

Provide an example of how you coached a colleague regarding positive interactions.

Provide an example of how you mentored a colleague regarding positive interactions.

Provide an example of how you Who did you collaborate with?

collaborated with children about their
expectations for positive and respectful
interactions and behaviour.

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Question What happened? Provide detailed information.

How did you collaborate?

What are their expectations for positive and respectful interactions and behaviour?

Provide an example of a closed question you asked during the discussion.

Provide an example of an open question you asked during the discussion.

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Question What happened? Provide detailed information.

What did you do to build rapport with the children?

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Complete this section to provide evidence of the three different occasions you observed the social interactions of a group of children interacting
with each other and an educator.
Remove any reference to the child’s identify from any evidence you attach to your portfolio.

Occasion 1:

Question What happened? Provide detailed information.

Supervisor to complete:
The student observed the social interactions between a group of children and educator.

☐ Yes ☐ No


Describe the occasion.

Provide an example of how you modelled

a consistent approach to positive
interaction and behaviour as you
observed the children and educators.

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Occasion 1:

Question What happened? Provide detailed information.

Describe the social interactions and Interactions and behaviour between children:
behaviour you observed.

Interactions and behaviour between educator and children:

Identify a strategy used by the educator to Describe the strategy:

support the development of pro-social
skills in the children.

How does the strategy consider the individual needs, cultures and backgrounds of the children?

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Occasion 1:

Question What happened? Provide detailed information.

Identify a strategy used by the educator to Describe the strategy:

support the development of self-regulation
skills in the children.

How does the strategy consider the individual needs, cultures and backgrounds of the children?

What was the impact of the physical

environment on the children’s behaviour?

What was the impact of the social

environment on the children’s behaviour?

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Occasion 1:

Question What happened? Provide detailed information.

What was the impact of the curriculum on

the children’s behaviour?

Identify three emerging pro-social skills Skill 1:

you observed in the children.

Skill 2:

Skill 3:

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Occasion 1:

Question What happened? Provide detailed information.

Provide an example of how you provided What did you do?

clear and consistent support to the
children to encourage positive behaviour
and interactions.

How was your support consistent with the expectations for positive and respectful interactions and behaviour you

Provide an example of how you assisted What did you do?

children to resolve conflicts and develop
alternative responses appropriate for their
age and stage of development.

How did you collaborate with the children to develop alternative responses and behaviours to future conflict?

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Occasion 1:

Question What happened? Provide detailed information.

What alternative responses did you develop together?

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Occasion 2:

Question What happened? Provide detailed information.

Supervisor to complete:
The student observed the social interactions between a group of children and educator.

☐ Yes ☐ No


Describe the occasion.

Provide an example of how you modelled

a consistent approach to positive
interaction and behaviour as you
observed the children and educators.

Describe the social interactions and Interactions and behaviour between children:
behaviour you observed.

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Occasion 2:

Question What happened? Provide detailed information.

Interactions and behaviour between educator and children:

Identify a strategy used by the educator to Describe the strategy:

support the development of pro-social
skills in the children.

How does the strategy consider the individual needs, cultures and backgrounds of the children?

Identify a strategy used by the educator to Describe the strategy:

support the development of self-regulation
skills in the children.

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Occasion 2:

Question What happened? Provide detailed information.

How does the strategy consider the individual needs, cultures and backgrounds of the children?

What was the impact of the physical

environment on the children’s behaviour?

What was the impact of the social

environment on the children’s behaviour?

What was the impact of the curriculum on

the children’s behaviour?

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Occasion 2:

Question What happened? Provide detailed information.

Identify three emerging pro-social skills Skill 1:

you observed in the children.

Skill 2:

Skill 3:

Provide an example of how you provided What did you do?

clear and consistent support to the
children to encourage positive behaviour
and interactions.

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Occasion 2:

Question What happened? Provide detailed information.

How was your support consistent with the expectations for positive and respectful interactions and behaviour you

Provide an example of how you assisted What did you do?

children to resolve conflicts and develop
alternative responses appropriate for their
age and stage of development.

How did you collaborate with the children to develop alternative responses and behaviours to future conflict?

What alternative responses did you develop together?

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Occasion 3:

Question What happened? Provide detailed information.

Supervisor to complete:
The student observed the social interactions between a group of children and educator.

☐ Yes ☐ No


Describe the occasion.

Provide an example of how you modelled

a consistent approach to positive
interaction and behaviour as you
observed the children and educators.

Describe the social interactions and Interactions and behaviour between children:
behaviour you observed.

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Occasion 3:

Question What happened? Provide detailed information.

Interactions and behaviour between educator and children:

Identify a strategy used by the educator to Describe the strategy:

support the development of pro-social
skills in the children.

How does the strategy consider the individual needs, cultures and backgrounds of the children?

Identify a strategy used by the educator to Describe the strategy:

support the development of self-regulation
skills in the children.

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Occasion 3:

Question What happened? Provide detailed information.

How does the strategy consider the individual needs, cultures and backgrounds of the children?

What was the impact of the physical

environment on the children’s behaviour?

What was the impact of the social

environment on the children’s behaviour?

What was the impact of the curriculum on

the children’s behaviour?

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Occasion 3:

Question What happened? Provide detailed information.

Identify three emerging pro-social skills Skill 1:

you observed in the children.

Skill 2:

Skill 3:

Provide an example of how you provided What did you do?

clear and consistent support to the
children to encourage positive behaviour
and interactions.

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Occasion 3:

Question What happened? Provide detailed information.

How was your support consistent with the expectations for positive and respectful interactions and behaviour you

Provide an example of how you assisted What did you do?

children to resolve conflicts and develop
alternative responses appropriate for their
age and stage of development.

How did you collaborate with the children to develop alternative responses and behaviours to future conflict?

What alternative responses did you develop together?

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Complete this section to provide evidence of how you worked with two different children who exhibit challenging behaviour to develop and
implement support plans.
Remove any reference to the child’s identify from any evidence you attach to your portfolio.

Child 1:

Question What happened? Provide detailed information.

Supervisor to complete:
The student observed the child over a period of time to develop a support plan.

☐ Yes ☐ No


Summarise information that is already List the sources of information:

available about the child’s behaviour and
If you do not have permission to view the
information, ask your supervisor to
provide you with simulated information.
Summarise the available information:
Attach proof of the information to your

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Child 1:

Question What happened? Provide detailed information.

What challenging behaviour did you

observe over a period of time?

Attach proof of how you documented

patterns of challenging behaviours
according to the service’s policies and

How does the child’s behaviour impact

the other children in the group?

List at least two needs of other children as Need 1:

a result of the child’s challenging

Need 2:

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Child 1:

Question What happened? Provide detailed information.

Provide two examples of how you Need 1:

responded to the needs listed above.

Need 2:

Identify two factors that may impact the Factor 1:

child’s ability to interact positively with
others and explain how you will consider it
as you plan to support the child.

How will this factor inform your support response?

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Child 1:

Question What happened? Provide detailed information.

Factor 2:

How will this factor inform your support response?

Identify two factors that may impact the Factor 1:

child’s ability to engage in the curriculum
and explain how you will consider it as
you plan to support the child.

How will this factor inform your support response?

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Child 1:

Question What happened? Provide detailed information.

Factor 2:

How will this factor inform your support response?

Summarise two collaborative discussions Question: Discussion 1 Discussion 2

you had with colleagues about the child’s
behaviours. Who did you meet with?

When did you meet?

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Child 1:

Question What happened? Provide detailed information.

What information did

your colleagues provide
about the child’s
behaviour and

Provide an example of how you used

active listening to seek information from

Provide an example of how you used

active listening to confirm that you
understood what the child said to you.

Identify one situation related to the child’s

behaviour and interactions where the
advice from other professionals or the
authorities would be necessary.
Attach proof of how you took action for
the identified situation according to the
service’s policies and procedures.

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Child 1:

Question What happened? Provide detailed information.

If the situation is a potential situation (and

has not actually occurred, take action in a
role play scenario with your supervisor).

Based on the information you’ve obtained,

what is your view on the child’s strengths?

Based on the information, what is your

view on the child’s interests?

Based on the information, what is your

view on the child’s social interactions?

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Child 1:

Question What happened? Provide detailed information.

Based on the information, what is your

view on the child’s reactions to the play

Based on the information, how can you

practically support for the child to display
positive behaviour as they interact in the

Develop objectives for improvement to the Long term objectives:

child’s behaviour.

Include long term and short term

objectives that are consistent with the
child’s cultural practice, abilities, age and
developmental stage.
Short term objectives:

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Child 1:

Question What happened? Provide detailed information.

Summarise a discussion you had with the Who did you meet with?
child’s family about a plan to assist
positive behaviour and interaction.

If you are unable to mee the child’s family,

ask your supervisor to participate in a
simulated discussion with you with the
supervisor playing the role of a family What did you do to build rapport?

What input did the family provide regarding a plan to improve the child’s behaviour and interactions?

Explain how you adhere to relevant

policies and procedures to develop and
document a support plan for the child.
Attach your support plan to your portfolio.
Make sure you use digital technology to
document the plan.

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Child 1:

Question What happened? Provide detailed information.

Provide an example of how you

collaborated with the child to implement
the plan.

Provide examples of how you coached Example 1:

and mentored colleagues to implement
the plan effectively and consistently.

Example 2:

Document your review of the child’s Question Review 1 Review 2

progress at two different times after the
plan was implemented. Summarise the child’s progress
against the objectives
Attach your modified plan to your

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Child 1:

Question What happened? Provide detailed information.

Is any further support required?

What input did colleagues and/or

family members provide?

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Child 2:

Question What happened? Provide detailed information.

Supervisor to complete:
The student observed the child over a period of time to develop a support plan.

☐ Yes ☐ No


Summarise information that is already List the sources of information:

available about the child’s behaviour and
If you do not have permission to view the
information, ask your supervisor to
provide you with simulated information.
Summarise the available information:
Attach proof of the information to your

What challenging behaviour did you

observe over a period of time?
Attach proof of how you documented
patterns of challenging behaviours
according to the service’s policies and

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Child 2:

Question What happened? Provide detailed information.

How does the child’s behaviour impact

the other children in the group?

List at least two needs of other children as Need 1:

a result of the child’s challenging

Need 2:

Provide two examples of how you Need 1:

responded to the needs listed above.

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Child 2:

Question What happened? Provide detailed information.

Need 2:

Identify two factors that may impact the Factor 1:

child’s ability to interact positively with
others and explain how you will consider it
as you plan to support the child.

How will this factor inform your support response?

Factor 2:

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Child 2:

Question What happened? Provide detailed information.

How will this factor inform your support response?

Identify two factors that may impact the Factor 1:

child’s ability to engage in the curriculum
and explain how you will consider it as
you plan to support the child.

How will this factor inform your support response?

Factor 2:

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Child 2:

Question What happened? Provide detailed information.

How will this factor inform your support response?

Summarise two collaborative discussions Question: Discussion 1 Discussion 2

you had with colleagues about the child’s
behaviours. Who did you meet with?

When did you meet?

What information did

your colleagues provide
about the child’s
behaviour and

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Child 2:

Question What happened? Provide detailed information.

Provide an example of how you used

active listening to seek information from

Provide an example of how you used

active listening to confirm that you
understood what the child said to you.

Identify one situation related to the child’s

behaviour and interactions where the
advice from other professionals or the
authorities would be necessary.
Attach proof of how you took action for
the identified situation according to the
service’s policies and procedures.
If the situation is a potential situation (and
has not actually occurred, take action in a
role play scenario with your supervisor).

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Child 2:

Question What happened? Provide detailed information.

Based on the information you’ve obtained,

what is your view on the child’s strengths?

Based on the information, what is your

view on the child’s interests?

Based on the information, what is your

view on the child’s social interactions?

Based on the information, what is your

view on the child’s reactions to the play

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Child 2:

Question What happened? Provide detailed information.

Based on the information, how can you

practically support for the child to display
positive behaviour as they interact in the

Develop objectives for improvement to the Long term objectives:

child’s behaviour.
Include long term and short term
objectives that are consistent with the
child’s cultural practice, abilities, age and
developmental stage.
Short term objectives:

Summarise a discussion you had with the Who did you meet with?
child’s family about a plan to assist
positive behaviour and interaction.
If you are unable to mee the child’s family,
ask your supervisor to participate in a

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Child 2:

Question What happened? Provide detailed information.

simulated discussion with you with the

What did you do to build rapport?
supervisor playing the role of a family

What input did the family provide regarding a plan to improve the child’s behaviour and interactions?

Explain how you adhere to relevant

policies and procedures to develop and
document a support plan for the child.
Attach your support plan to your portfolio.
Make sure you use digital technology to
document the plan.

Provide an example of how you

collaborated with the child to implement
the plan.

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Child 2:

Question What happened? Provide detailed information.

Provide examples of how you coached Example 1:

and mentored colleagues to implement
the plan effectively and consistently.

Example 2:

Document your review of the child’s Question Review 1 Review 2

progress at two different times after the
plan was implemented. Summarise the child’s progress
against the objectives
Attach your modified plan to your

Is any further support required?

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Child 2:

Question What happened? Provide detailed information.

What input did colleagues and/or

family members provide?

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Complete this section to provide evidence of how you used critical reflection to reflect on your own approach to your work and positive interactions
and behaviours.

Question What happened? Provide detailed information.

What critical reflection technique did you


Summarise the outcomes of your critical What did you do well?


What can you do to improve your practices?

Would you do anything differently next time?

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Attach: Policies and procedures ☐

Information about educational practices and curriculum ☐

Proof of information available about two children displaying challenging behaviours ☐

Proof of how you documented patterns of challenging behaviours according to the service’s policies and procedures (for two


Proof of how you took action for the identified situation according to the service’s policies and procedures ☐

Support plan ☐

Modified support plan ☐

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Supervisor confirmation

The information provided by the student in their reflective journal is an accurate reflection of their actions. ☐ Yes ☐ No

Please provide comments and feedback for the student here:

The student has permission to submit the information contained within the Portfolio for the purposes of assessment. ☐ Yes ☐ No

Tick one only:

The student has permission to submit workplace documentation to support their Portfolio. ☐ Yes

The student does not have permission to submit workplace documentation – the assessor can view these files on site. ☐ Yes

Full name:


Contact details:



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Section 2: Supervisor Report

The supervisor needs to complete this section once all of the tasks have been completed and they have endorsed section 1.

Supervisor report

The information provided by the student in their reflective journal is an accurate reflection of their actions. ☐ Yes ☐ No

During the activities described in their reflective journal, the student:

• read information to understand the service’s approach to supporting children and educational practices. ☐ Yes ☐ No

• collaborated with children and colleagues to develop guidelines that support positive and respectful interactions and behaviour in
☐ Yes ☐ No

• observed the social interactions of a group of children interacting with each other and an educator on three occasions. ☐ Yes ☐ No

• developed support plans for two different children who exhibit challenging behaviour(s) through collaboration with colleagues. ☐ Yes ☐ No

• asked open and closed questions and used actively listen to seek information and confirm understanding. ☐ Yes ☐ No

• interacted with children and their families to build rapport and collaborate to implement and review support plans. ☐ Yes ☐ No

• coached and mentored colleagues on positive behaviour and interaction guidelines and to implement support plans for two children. ☐ Yes ☐ No

• modelled consistent approaches to positive behaviour and interaction in children. ☐ Yes ☐ No

• reviewed and modified the support plans based on the child’s progress at different times. ☐ Yes ☐ No

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Supervisor report

• used critical reflection to reflect on their own approach to their work and positive interactions and behaviours. ☐ Yes ☐ No

• always worked in line with the centre’s policies and procedures. ☐ Yes ☐ No

Please comment on the student’s abilities related to the above skills here.

Full name:


Contact details:



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