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Doing this project had made me realize how difficult it is to find a place to live and how hard it is to

grocery shop nowadays with everything being inflated. Most of the groceries I ended up having to get
were generic and not name stuff because I couldn’t afford to spend 13 dollars on potatoes when great
value or some other brand has them for less or on sale. I got annoyed with the prices and had to go look
up like coupons and sales different stores were having because without it I would have starved.

I had a higher monthly salary than most of my classmates with a monthly salary of 4,081.4 cents and a
withstanding student loan of 16,165 and still barely find a place that wasn’t either too expensive or had
everything that I was looking for. Which wasn’t even a lot by the way. Just free or paid parking spaces,
and the apartment come with a washing machine and a working dryer.

I spent some much time looking at apartments and I could only find one that wasn’t insanely expensive
had one of what I was looking for and was in the neighborhood that we were given to use for the
address. Not to mention a lot of apartments require deposits plus paying the rent up front so I had to
include that into my budget like on the excel but not everyone was willing to disclose that so I spent so
much time on the phone trying to figure out what how much it would cost for me just to move in.

I don't know what it was, but a lot of apartment complexes didn't want to tell me how much money I'd
have to pay up front like for the application fees plus the deposits plus the like plus the move in date and
all that was really annoying, and I feel like that's something you should have on a website but it's not so.
My apartment did end up being a little big but that’s because the smaller apartment that had like a
washing machine and dryer ended up being like 200 dollars more in rent than my current apartment. I
thought it’d be better to have a bigger space than pay the same for like a 550 sq foot room. Now I did
have to cut some costs with my hair care as I realized it was either eat or rock a new a hairstyle. But at
the end of the day you’re gonna have to make some pretty important choices. You can’t have everything
you want when you’re broke you know?

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