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‫ِبْس ِم ِهّللا الَّرْح َمِن الَّرِح ْي‬

‫َالَّس اَل ُم َع َلْيُك ْم َو َر ْح َم ُة اللهَو َبَر َك ا ُتُه‬

‫ َو الَّص اَل ُة َو الَّس اَل ُم َع َلى َأْش َر ِف اَألْنِبَياِء َو الُم ْر َسِلْيَنَو َع َلى آِلِه َو َصْح ِبِه َأْج َم ِع ْيَن‬، ‫الَح ْم ُد ِهلل َر ِّب الَعاَلِم ْيَن‬

‫َأَّم ا َبْعُد‬

Hello,I'm Mohammad Hafizh Furqon,I'm from MTsN 10 Blitar

The honorable juries of speech contest, the honorable all participants and my beloved
Muslim Brothers and Sisters.

First of all, let's thank to our God Allah SWT,who has been giving us mercies and blessings
until we can attend this competition without any trouble and obstacles in this happy time.

Secondly,may sholawat and salam always be presented to our prophet Muhammad SAW,
who has been guiding us from the darkness to the lightness in this world as well as in the next

Standing in front of you all, I would like to present my speech by the title "The importance
of vaccination to fight against a pandemic?"

Ladies and gentlemen

Now that effective vaccines for COVID-19 have been developed and are being distributed
to members of the public, it is key for folks to understand the benefits of the COVID-19
vaccines. COVID-19 vaccine may help keep you from getting seriously ill, even if you do get
the virus. It also may protect people around you. Stopping a pandemic requires using all the
tools we have available. Wearing masks and social distancing help reduce your chance of
being exposed to the virus or spreading it to others, but these measures are not enough.
Vaccines work with your immune system, so it will be ready to fight the virus if you are

We can understand that participating in a vaccination program is an act that is justified in


Allah Subhanahu Wata'ala forbids us not to fall into destruction. According to (QS Al-
Baqarah [2]: 195)


‫َو اَل ُتْلُقْو ا ِبَاْيِد ْيُك ْم ِاَلى الَّتْهُلَك ِة‬

It means :"And don't throw yourself into destruction"

So that the importance of maintaining health from pandemic attacks can be done by

maintaining health, in practice it can be done through preventive efforts (al-Wiqoyah), where

one of the efforts can be done by vaccination.

My moslem brother and sister

That's all my short speech that I can say, I hope this can useful for us, I wish we can meet
again someday, please forgive me if I have many mistakes on my speech.

‫ِاْهِد َنا الِّص َر اَط اْلُم ْسَتِقْيَم‬

‫اَو لَّساَل ُم َع َلْيُك ْم َو َر ْح َم ُة هللا َو َبَر َك ا ُته‬

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